#maybe im on a rarepair mission
vrieseasees · 11 months
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Uh... haters with benefits Shimatori propaganda anyone? Where everyone is tired of them fighting at Claw?
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quillkiller · 8 days
Jen!! I need all your lunarry thoughts pls I'm so captivated already
ok so… lunarry was my first ever rarepair before i even knew that rarepairs were a thing…
so like. what made me so compelled with them is the scene with the thestrals. they’re the only two people who can see them, because they both watched their mothers die.. and then they just form this very sweet and unlikely friendship. ’i’ll ask someone i like, someone cool’ <- harry about asking luna to the slug club thing. he’s just so charmed by her <3
she’s the only one who treats him as just a Regular Guy. he’s never just a regular guy with anyone, not even his two best friends because the three of them are always roped into quests and boy who lived-missions. i love the golden trio more than anything, and harry loves his best friends more than anything, but luna is the only one who treats him as just some guy and he’s constantly drawn to her because of it … they’re so autistic4autistic social weirdos <3
here are some hc’s i have for them post war:
harry becomes a recluse after the war, hiding himself away at grimmauld place and avoiding everyone. his best friends can’t get through to him either because they’re just too close and he’s too traumatized. he’s not going to weasley sunday brunches, not talking to anyone, nearly becomes agoraphobic because whenever he does leave the house there’s always someone there who wants to personally thank him OR someone who blames him
but eventually luna finds him, whether she tracks him down with purpose or just because she felt like spending time with him, and he lets her in. she doesn’t talk about the war, doesn’t treat him like he’s breakable or traumatized, doesn’t treat him like she owes him anything. just continues to treat him like any other guy, talking to him about magical creatures and looking around for nargles, doing silly magic together and drinking tea and watching films and slowly but surely harry starts becoming himself again, starts smiling again, starts respondint to his friends letters, starts actively inviting luna over, starts visiting her instead, coming with her on the avdentures she goes on
i always see them stumbling into a relationship rather than actively asking each other out. harry asks luna if she’s seeing someone and she says ’yeah, im seeing you?’ and that’s that. it’s such a gradual thing, months or maybe a few years of slowburn. neither of them in a hurry to get anywhere because they’re always been friends first. they’ll always be friends first . the foundation of their relationship will always be FRIENDSHIP !!
they move somewhere together, some cottage somewhere away from the wizarding world. just the two of them in a house and lots of land. harry keeps grimmauld place, stays thete sometimes when he needs to, and because he doesn’t want people to know where he actually lives. the only two people he tells is ron and hermione obviously, but other than that no one knows where he is or where he lives. his letters gets sent to grimmauld, etc
’WHERES THE BOY WHO LIVED ?????’ the daily prophet says <- no one has seen him in YEARS. wel!!!!! he’s out counting stars with his dreamer girlfriend and tending to the thestrals they own together. they’re domestic and love working with their hands, growing their own foods, taking care of magical creatures, doing magical experiments, painting and repainting their walls, cooking, etc etc etc. they love their solitude and can be quiet with each other, but they also make each other laugh <3
they’re so deeply special to me…. 🤍
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
Rarepairs mentioned - I HAD to ask for my beloved Abigail x Maru 🖤
I feel like these lesbians could pursue world domination if they wanted. Good thing we have video games and anime to distract them with.
RIP Abigail you would've loved Baldur's Gate 3
Genuinely they would get along so well? Like.. really straightforward friends to lovers. Maybe not even technically lovers because one of them is AroAce and they just have a lovely queerplatonic thing going on.
SOME AO3 RESEARCH LATER (because I don't know what to do with this)
Okay actually yeah they need a cool AU. A Scooby-Doo AU, murder mystery AU, zombie AU, fantasy AU, something where they have to put their minds and muscle together, that's where they would shine. WHAT ABOUT A SPY AU AAAHHH
Sorry I'm about to just get crazy with this one I know you won't mind Crispy
It's too perfect! Maru is like the Q, the gadgets, the control center, the medic, etc. But its a two-woman vigilante operation and they have like a will-they-wont-they thing throughout their missions. Maru is always worried about losing Abigail when she puts herself in danger.
Lmao I feel like this post is the most authentic look into my process as a writer it's just all out there in this post rn.
And then when she finally saves her and she's covered in blood (some of it hers) she makes some inside joke and they both laugh and cry and Abigail finally admits that she doesn't know what she'd do without her and loves her so much and Maru just smiles past the tears and says
"I know"
roll credits
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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littencloud9 · 5 months
If you're still taking requests for the dialogue prompt ask game, then could you please do "What are the odds, my dear?"+ Sasaki × Dazai. Context is up to you.
I need more content for these two, but if you're busy/unable to take requests/uninterested in the ship, then please don't mind. I want to make it clear that it's alright if you don't take the request.
we should all assume im always taking drabble requests. im not the biggest dazasaki shipper but i understand the pain of shipping a rarepair AND I WILL WRITE IT FOR YOU <3
“What are the odds, my dear?” Dazai grins as he opens the door to his dorm, letting Sasaki in with a bow. “I say it’s fate that we’re together right now. I’m blessed to be in your beautiful presence.” Sasaki cannot help but smile in amusement. “Perhaps it is,” she plays along as she observes the environment around her, searching for anything that could be used to trick her. When she finds nothing, she turns back to Dazai. “Thanks for letting me stay. I appreciate your generosity.” There’s something off about Dazai, but she can’t quite place it. Nothing about him screams dangerous, and he has been anything but unfriendly. His smiles are charming and he has a handsome face. If Sasaki didn’t have a mission to complete, maybe she’d consider entertaining his whims. Besides, as much as Dazai is a smooth-talker, Sasaki finds that he’s hiding something behind that fair facade. She’s always been good at reading between the lines, and the way Dazai is behaving is simply not natural. She’s going to find out, even if it costs her her life. But for now… “Do you have clothes I could borrow?” she asks, watching as Dazai’s grin widens. “Of course, Princess. Follow me.”
send me a sentence + pairing!
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aiyexayen · 3 months
you NEED to tell me all your thoughts and the bts process of Everything You‘re Not Supposed To Do. and i know youre dabbling in a sequel so probably more like tell me Everything that has to do with this verse!!!! i NEED to know!!! the idea of this fic is so unique, i havent seen it anywhere else before! and its ingredients are so precisely and carefully mixed (as all your rarepairs are!) that im astonished its not ,, canon ,,
its such a cool set-up! lqq joining tianchuang, lqq seeking out siji manor years after qin huaizhang teaches her his disguise skills but finding an abandoned estate, han ying going from wariness to desire and affection for lqq! everything thats going on with zzs in the background and that we dont get to see!!!!!!! there are two moments of this AU that are burned into my mind—one is lqq reflecting on her own disappointment at finding what she hoped to maybe become her new home abandoned, the other is zzs realizing he has been outsmarted and giving in to his fate. idk why but these two moments moved me very deeply. the image of lqq taking qhz up on his invitation, but too late. finding only withered grounds, empty houses, dust. and then zzs surrendering to the fact that he has been outsmarted. that his two disciples turned what he taught them against him, that he lost because he, too, is human. the only reason they could outsmart him in the first place being that he let them so close to him, that he underestimated what he means to them, what they are ready to do for him. eugh!!!!! so good!!!
please ramble! i loved reading your thoughts re: The Only Place You Wanna Be! <3
ooouhoohoohooheehee i love this fic (Everything That You're Not Supposed To Do) and thinking about it and talking about it.
starting by dragging a point over from ao3 about having a difficult time believing zhou zishu would go that far in some of the scenes! because i actually had such a fascinating time myself playing with just how far i thought zhou zishu would go. how far would he push liu qianqiao and han ying? how hard would he make them work? as his lovers? as his subordinates? as the sole occupants of the venn diagram where those two circles overlap in such a complicated way. they're so *entangled.*
zhou zishu, of the infamously soft heart. zhou zishu, who knows this about himself and becomes colder and harder to compensate. zhou zishu, who murdered an innocent family down to the servants, down to a little girl he *knew* and cared about. zhou zishu, who drugged his san-shidi to keep him out of the way during that mission--to keep him safe from it--to keep him safe from the worst of tian chuang--to keep him safe from zhou zishu himself.
and i feel like the zishu in this story does a lot to keep both his family and his lovers out of the depths of his business, but while his family/sect he'll do more to protect, he *needs* his lovers to be able to protect themselves.
he'll go harder on them than anyone else because he needs them to be *the best*--no mistakes. no way they can be his weakness and vice versa.
or, at least, that's what liu qianqiao would tell you.
but a very delightful bit of ambiguity i have in this particular fic is pov. we never get zhou zishu's pov. *is* he so ruthless? how many backup plans on backup plans does he have? is he in the shadows after all, waiting to swoop in if they need him? does he retain much awareness and empathy for their humanity? has his own human fallibility projected inhuman standards on them to make himself feel safe, and it simply hasn't backfired yet? is it some jumbled mix of the above?
and! i love that we will never know. that, truthfully, we don't even need to.
anyway! all that was a big part of the bts process, sitting with zishu's character and his headspace in tian chuang, sitting with my pov characters and how i wanted to play with this perspective on it all.
and of course, as always, thinking about liu qianqiao. the idea that a choice that in another au might have been kinder to her than gui gu--to study further under qin huaizhang among the blossoms of siji shanzhuang--ends up merely being complicated in a different way.
something that still requires her to become the best at what she does, rise in the ranks, thrive in danger, make a home only out of the people she can trust.
going to gui gu ought to have her letting go of her obsessions and hurts, but it was never really good at what it wanted to be good at, this concept of second chances missing the mark with its meng po tang, and so it only let her steep in her hurts longer and let her grudges fester. meanwhile this other path both took her further away from the jianghu and required her to actually deal with her shit besides. there was enough of qin huaizhang's legacy, especially in some of the older members of siji shanzhuang that were definitely still around when she joined, to make that true.
i also like to think that in essence liu qianqiao's original choice set her up for more success, too.
in canon, in choosing to become a ghost, she chose to die in a sense, to stop living, but to become a ghost--a permanently frozen echo of the life she had lived up to that point, of the things that killed her.
because humans be human, she went on to still form relationships and find new purpose to an extent. but she didn't necessarily actively expect or want to, and her very identity as a ghost required her to always have the clinging cobwebs of her past laid over everything she did and planned and wanted.
but in choosing to go after qin huaizhang, she was *choosing* to live. she decided that she still had the capacity to be a person, to heal, to find meaning in living. and even if that road took her first to disappointment and then to tian chuang of all places, it still took her somewhere. and she was ready to embrace whatever it was she found.
i have a fondness for canon liu qianqiao and her role as yan gui and her relationship with luo fumeng and xie-wang and her tortuous journey through the weeds with yu qiufeng, trying to sort out and settle these matters that weighed on her too long in her state of self-imposed death.
but i'm also *so* compelled by a liu qianqiao, with all her passion and ambition and cleverness and *care*, who chose to live in that one crucial moment instead. and i just wanted very badly to see her reaction to and influence on a zhou zishu who was rapidly approaching his own choice on that matter.
anyhow! i am indeed working on a sequel to this fic. i haven't fully decided if i want to try another 5+1 things format for it, or if i want to explore zhou zishu's pov as well, or what.
but it will pick up right where the first one leaves off, with all the dramatic fallout of liu qianqiao's plan.
here's hoping it doesn't take too long to actually write 😅
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foilfreak · 4 years
Headcannons for my favorite One Punch Man rarepair: Golden Ball x Spring Mustachio
Both joined the Hero Association around the same time and knew of each other in passing, due to living in the same city, but didn’t officially meet until about 8 months in, and as a result of that, these two did NOT like each other at all during those first 8 months. Spring Mustachio thought Golden Ball was just another crass and reckless delinquent using heroism as a legal outlet for violence, and Golden Ball thought Spring Mustachio was an entitled rich boy who was probably paying his way up the hero ranks. When the two heroes were finally forced to formally introduce themselves to one another at the first annual Hero Association banquet, or some other equivalently pointless publicity stunt the Associacion probably put on at some point or another, they were shocked to find just how wrong their initial judgments of one another actually were.
Despite Golden Ball’s appearance, what with the bleach-blonde hair, slightly baggy clothes, tall, muscular frame, and the lollipops that Spring Mustachio correctly guesses are a substitute for cigarettes, Golden Ball is actually incredibly intelligent, having earned a master’s degree in chemical engineering (this particular headcanon is inspired by @batneko) from a highly prestigious university (currently considering going back for his PhD if he can save up the money), and all of his signature weapons are his own personal inventions. Likewise, Spring Mustachio, despite having the appearance and persona of someone who grew up having everything handed to him on a silver platter, had long ago rejected the escalator to success his parents had offered him in the form of taking over as head of their family business, in favor of going out on his own to explore the world and everything it had to offer, mastering the art of swordsmanship and opening his own restaurant (where even after hiring a decent sized staff, he still took up menial tasks such as washing dishes and serving guests) along the way.
After getting to know each other at that first meeting, the two heroes became surprisingly fast friends, their personalities mixing rather well together on top of having many shared interested, and even began hanging out outside of their hero duties, where they already spent a considerable amount of time together considering how frequently the Association paired them together for missions. Most of their time outside of work was spent at Spring Mustachio’s restaurant, engaging in casual, slightly teasing conversation over onion rings and a couple rounds of beer after a long day of hero work. Later on into their friendship however, it became much more common for Golden Ball to also come into the restaurant during the day to bother the older man during his shift, not that Spring Mustachio minded the company one bit, especially if it meant having a couple of extra hands available to dry the dishes he’d just washed. It eventually got to the point where it was pretty much common knowledge throughout the city that if Golden Ball wasn’t out on a patrol or sent away on a mission for the Association, the first place you ought to check if you’re looking for him would be Spring Mustachio’s. Likewise if it’s Spring Mustachio you’re looking for and the restaurant is a no-go, try your hand at getting ahold of Golden Ball, cuz wherever he is, chances are that Spring Mustachio is standing right next to him. Its a wonder how the whole city doesn’t start assuming the two are dating when they begin referring to each other as ‘Gold’ and ‘Spring’, during hero work, and exclusively by their first names when off the clock.
The two heroes remain nothing more than close friends for full year after their first meeting, and while both had developed more-than-friendly feelings for one another over that time, neither were planning on doing anything about it, not wanting unrequited feelings to potentially ruin the incredible friendship they’d formed, among the other internal struggles that come with accepting that you’re attracted to other men in a society that, although no longer criminalizes homosexuality, definitely still doesn’t view it in a positive light by any means. Spring Mustachio has been in the closet his whole life and plans to keep it that way to avoid the potential social backlash. Golden Ball on the other hand didn’t realize he was bisexual until grad school and has since only managed to work up the courage to come out to his (thankfully incredibly supportive) family and closest childhood friends. Needless to say neither of them were in the headspace to even think about confessing, especially when they had so much to lose should it not go well, and both heroes were content to simply let their feelings die out over time if it meant that their friendship would remain intact.
Things change however, when Golden Ball’s place gets totally trashed in a monster attack, and the younger man finds himself staying with Spring Mustachio at his house until it can be repaired. Now not only do both men have to deal with their budding feelings for one another, but they also have to deal with their budding feelings for one another while also figuring out how to coexist in the same space, made even more interesting by the fact that Golden Ball has two pitbulls, Gizmo and Tonka, and Spring Mustachio isn’t the biggest fan of dogs (spoiler: Spring Mustachio falls in love with the sweet little puppers and spoils them absolutely rotten, much to Golden Ball’s amusement). Over the couple of months it takes for Golden Ball’s apartment to be fixed the men learn several things about each other that never would have come to light in any other context, including, but not limited to: Spring Mustachio’s extensive collection of alcohol bottles from all the drink’s he’s tried over the years (and of course all the stories that come with those bottles), Golden Ball’s horrific nicotine addiction being the result of an undiagnosed anxiety disorder that got BAD toward the end of undergrad and was forced to come to an end when he had a heart attack at 25, the tumultuous relationship Spring Mustachio has had with his family (specifically his parents) since breaking away from the plan they had created for him, the fact that Golden Ball is easily the biggest nerd that Spring Mustachio has ever met (and probably the smartest too), the brief run Spring Mustachio had as a competitive fencer in his early 30s that Golden Ball thinks he should get back into, the adorable way Golden Ball talks to his dogs when he thinks no one is listening, and so much more.
These things of course only cause their feelings to worsen and the situation just continues to spiral out of control from there. Im torn over whether I want them to actually get together in like a nice, mature way, like they ultimately end up talking abou their feelings to just get them off their chests, you know like adults, or if i want them to confess after getting into a huge fight, like maybe one of them got really hurt and some things they didnt actually mean were said and so they didn’t talk for a bit but then they end up tracking each other down and confessing after the tension finally snaps or something like that. I’ll leave that up for you all to decide but what i will say is that they get together just as Golden Ball’s apartment is finished being rebuilt, but with his lease being up at the end of the month and having already settled rather comfortably at Spring Mustachio’s place, he decides not to renew the lease and just stay where he is, much to Spring Mustachio’s delight.
As for their families, Spring Mustachio tells only his older sister and younger brother, who are confused, but ultimately supportive and happy that their brother found someone he truly loved and wanted to be with. His parents end up finding out somehow and while they aren’t exactly thrilled about it when they first learn that their eldest son is dating another man nearly 20 years his junior, they are, to their credit, polite and avoid making any inappropriate comments on the rare occasions he and Golden Ball do agree to visit the estate for dinner. Golden Ball initially only tells his parents, but things rarely stay secret for very long in his family, and not even a week goes by before his grandparents are calling asking if he’ll be bringing his new boyfriend to the cookout at the end of the month. Spring Mustachio has a fantastic time meeting the plethora of grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and close family friends that make up Golden Ball’s wonderfully lively family, though he does end up getting thrown into the pool by Golden Ball’s older brothers at some point, as is custom treatment for “new members” of the family. He doesn’t seem to mind all that much, especially when Golden Ball’s mother finally breaks out the baby pictures and he gets to coo over how adorably plump his boyfriend was as an infant, much to said boyfriend’s growing embarrassment.
For professionalism’s sake they decide to keep the relationship on the dl and though the two are rarely seen apart, they save the more intimate moments and actions for behind closed doors. No need to give the press an excuse to start shit.
Let me know what you think of my headcanons and what your headcanons are for this rarepair if you have any!!!
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vldkatt · 4 years
we were the dumb, the wild, the free
by eli_writes
{this is taken from my tumblr bc i needed something to post lmao} anon asked: Can you write something for katt (keith x matt)? Some fluff, maybe from their Garrison days.
this is loosely based off the chorus of Little League by Conan Gray:
When we were younger We didn't know how it would be We were the dumb, the wild, the free Little League And when we were younger We wore our hearts proud on our sleeve Why did we ever have to leave? Little League
Words: 478, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Matt Holt, Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Matt Holt/Keith
Additional Tags: Pre-Kerberos Mission, Pre-Canon, Fluff, just boys havin fun, also hi im not dead, i finally remembered the password to this account, so we vibin, also hi my name is el now, i havent posted on here since 2018, and now ive finished high school, and im almost 16, babie bois, im the ceo of rarepairs, Katt - Freeform, katt vld, Rebelfire, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Matt Holt, galaxy garrison era, vld katt - Freeform
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ckHw7t
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bakuqou · 6 years
Bkdk tododeku bktodo kirideku krbk kiritodo
this is a lot :o
heres tododeku, and bktodo
when i started shipping: 
bkdk - since s1, especially after their fight at ground beta! definitely after kacchan v deku 2! 
kirideku - hmm this isnt one i shipped while watching/reading bnha, but found out about the rarepair online maybe a couple months ago?
krbk - i thought they were cute as a brotp in s1, but i saw people online shipping them alot (before i read the manga). i liked em, and really liked their friendship in s2! the kiribaku in my heart LAUNCHED after i read the rescue arc though!
kiritodo - idk much about em? i normally ship them in poly ships like kiribakutodo! i wont include them in the rest bc i actually am not too sure about them
my thoughts:
bkdk - controversial ship but i like them! they have so many complicated feelings about each other in canon and theyre true rivals. they mirror + parallel each other pretty well, and grow with each other!
kirideku - theyre cute! i dont actually remember many of their interactions but i theyre both SUNSHINES who deserve the world and more!!
krbk - UGH WE LOVE CANON KINGS! hori puts so many implications about them.. im shaking. their relationship is the most amazing thing in the entire show 
ill put the rest under a read more since its so long
what makes me happy:  
bkdk - their healing relationship! they started really horribly, but as they grow older, they mature and learn to accept each other!
kirideku - all their cute interactions and fanon! theyre uber fluffy and sweet
krbk - a long list.. them saving each other so many times… kiri literally saved bakugou’s LIFE twice (rescue arc, bnha movie) and he didnt hesitate to do so! BAKUGOUS WORDS being what motivates kirishima, and helps him survive and win a mission? BAKUGOU REASSURING KIRI THAT HES A GOOD HERO? them fighting together in the USJ attack? just all their interactions aare so good??? the way they unconditionally and so obviously love + care about each other!
what makes me sad:
bkdk - how controversial the ship is.. i agree they make not have the healthiest relationship since they have so many complicated feelings, but their relationship is mending and maturing!
krdk and krbk - n/a
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
bkdk - anything with toxicity or unhealthy relationships.. bakugou being too mean or arrogant, deku being a doormat
kirideku - i dont read kirideku owo
krbk - their characterization is generally really good but when they treat bakugou as horrible mean character that kirishima has to “fix” 😷
things i look for in a fanfic:
bkdk - future fics! them being top heroes together, after they mature and get over their feelings. hurt/comfort is huge with them, and anything to do with them and how they know each other so well since childhood.
kirideku - n/a
krbk - honestly i read basically all kiribaku!! i love canon compliant ones, and hurt/comfort + trauma after the rescue arc! them building each other up, being an unexpected but totally obvious ship to the rest of 1A!
who i’d be comfortable then ending up with, if not each other: kiribaku is my otp of all otps, but here are my other ship for em all
deku - tododeku, dekuiida, izuocha, shindeku, alot of people tbh
kirishima - kirikami, kirisero, kirimina, kiritetsu
bakugou - todobaku, bakukami, bakusero, bakumina, bakucamie, and like every bakugou ship
my happily ever after for them:
bkdk - being the #1 pro heroes together, power couple of the century
kirideku - uh no idea?? i see them being really popular with kids! theyd be good teachers at UA together
krbk - heroes together, they open a hero agency together, they adopt kids and are super domestic. they never lose their spark and theyre always the ultimate partnership.
big spoon / little spoon:
bkdk - little spoon deku big spoon baku
kirideku - little spoon deku big spoon kiri
krbk - switch! but mainly little spoon baku n big spoon kiri
favourite non-sexual activity:
bkdk - theyve known each other so long, they love slow casual domestic stuff. cute things they missed in their childhood + while being teens because they were too busy having a rivalry and stuff
kirideku - no idea
krbk - ughhhhh they love doing everything together :( but they like hiking together and studying together (kiri doesnt like studying though, he just likes spending time with bakugou)
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
grifnut for the ship ask meme :3
ur new icon is terrifying
and I GOTCHU since u didnt pick specific Qs ill just find my faves that will fit for it
hmmmmm i guess ill start with why i like it and when i started? idk when i really started, it was probs one of those times i was just like “i bet donut would be good with anyone in bgc” but also bc i really liked a lot of the scenes they had together in blood gulch, like when they went on a mission together and donut was bothering grif about being super spies
and i love that quote where donuts like something something “theres a flower on my lapel that shoots out a secret spy liquid” and simmons and sarge are like NO but grif goes “MAYBE.... imean no!!!” like i dont fuckin know what that means but it resonates with me
and theres some psa in the depths of youtube that’s not on an rt channel that had the two of them having to share like a motorcycle thing and just. there were innuendos.
grif and donut are just really funny and i think donut could help grif get in touch with his feelings. donut also might still be a little repressed so it’s a team effort at times...
and also i reeeeaaaalllyyyyy like simmons/donut, so simmons/donut/grif is like, ot3. i fuckin love those losers. 
uhhh lessee do i prefer it as otp or brotp? i mean most ships i’ll go either way. i could see them more likely being brotp but i ship them both romantically or platonically
why dont i think it’s popular? cause grif/simmons is so big [love that too] and donut hardly ever gets screen time, let alone full conversations with other characters, so people dont often consider his chemistry with others :( 
i’d rate them a 7-8 bc i adore them but they need more interactions both in canon and fanon, and i want grif to express fondness for donut even if it’s barely there and he tries to pretend he doesnt care ;p
fave headcanon: i think they’d be lazy together a lot. sure, donut probably still wants to do things more often than grif does, but like, remember that one sceen during bgc when someone (i think sarge /caboose?maybe simmons was still there? idk) was listening to a transmission but couldnt really hear who was talking, and all they heard was “man, this sucks.” “is that church??” “i just wanna lay around and do NOTHING” “no way it’s definitely grif” “right after i take a nice warm bubble bath :D” “Donut.”, like u could even use this as grurchnut (cause im also a grif/church fan lowkey kdfjds) donut’s lazy and cranky, he could vibe w/lazy cranky boys.and ALSO donut had that one weird diet fad where he only ate foods that started w/vowels and he was like “for breakfast i had eggs and oreos. for lunch i had asparagus... and oreos!” and grif said that’s what he does too except minus eggs and he doesnt know what asparagus ismy point is they’d laze around and eat snacks together. donut probably has him do wine and cheese... and oreos...
hmm i already talked about some fave canon moments.. lazing around and having wine and snacks would probably count as a kind of date theyd go on but donut would probs wanna go do fun things sometimes too. maybe they’d stargaze and grif would just fall asleep lol
theyd probs go out to dinner bc Good Food, donut would fuss at grif to dress fancy and grif would do it bc it’s a small price to pay for a happy bf and GGGGGood FFFFood, but he’d still make a show of complaining
i dont think they’d ever be canon lol, it’s a v small rarepair and im p sure if any red team pairing is canon it’ll be grif/simmons (they more or less are?? im still confused on that lol) but cough couch im still into poly grimmnut soooo lol
and finally,, i dont think ive ever written for them but ive maybe drawn for them and not posted it? probs just scribbly doodles if anything. i Should try to draw them cause i Love Them A Lot
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diverdowns · 7 years
narciso anasui - 1 am character analysis
so, anasui — one of my favorite jjba characters, he’s probably somewhere around third or fourth on my list. i’ll do a quick rundown of his background and personality before i go in-depth into some of the arcs he’s in as well as some of his quotes, notably from the heavy weather arc and the made in heaven arc.
(as you might expect, major spoilers for all of part 6.)
i’ve tried to go easy on the headcanons and focus more on actual character analysis / meta stuff, so here we go.
anasui probably has some serious abandonment issues — we see in canon that it’s mentioned anasui had some major issues connecting with other people growing up, and so he developed a stilted sense of empathy + an obsession with dismantling / disassembling things. this presumably carried over to people — perhaps an underlying subconscious desire to understand people’s motivations that he couldn’t read on the surface through social cues that had, until that point, gone over his head. (or maybe he just really liked tinkering. who knows.)
judging at least from his obsession being allowed to grow unrestricted and out of hand as he continued to suffer socially as a result of it, we can probably assume that anasui’s parents probably didn’t care about him too much — at worst, they may have been neglectful or abusive. still, everything abt his parents is just speculation. notably mentioned in canon though: as a child, he disassembled his neighbor’s car, and was institutionalized for six months. being placed in a place like that for that long of a time does shit to you, and it’s def nothing pretty. add likely parental neglect to the equation, and you have abandonment issues just waiting to erupt.
(as a side note, psychologically, this is an obsessive ritual that can be seen in a number of conditions from asperger’s to alzheimer’s, so honestly any kind of mental illness speculation is fair game for anasui, but this isn’t the post for that.)
whatever the case, he seems to assimilate back into society once his awkward phase ended, though his strange upbringing probably left some lifelong habits / scars there, who knows. he doesn’t do anything to warrant serious attention until he’s 21. at this point, he has a (presumably) long-term, monogamous girlfriend — if it’s anything like the way he treated jolyne, we know that anasui is… overbearing, to say the least. in any case, he walks in on his girlfriend cheating on him when he makes a surprise visit to his girlfriend’s house, and murdered both of them, dismembering them so that “they would never come together again.”
it’s never mentioned if anasui was a stand user since birth, so we can assume he either used diver down to do all this disassembling or he was just…really good at taking things (and people) apart, but it’s likely that he’d had diver down from a young age — up until he’s imprisoned, it doesn’t seem like he was doing anything in particular that would’ve caused him to be normally strong enough to kill two grown adults on the spot, without the help of a stand. (then again, anasui’s capable of some pretty fucked up things either way, so this is just my speculation / hc.)
after his imprisonment, he has a full psychiatric analysis and — nobody can find anything technically wrong with him. besides his obsessive ritual and explosive temper, he’s…just a regular guy, albeit somewhat of an asshole. emporio mentions that his original obsession’s cause was never really discovered, as well. the murder of his girlfriend and girlfriend’s lover was highly publicized, his name being spread through news both on tv and in newspapers, so presumably the details of the crime were sufficiently brutal.
anasui shows a stunning lack of regard for most people’s wellbeing — for the most part, he ignores F.F. and offers little help as she fights kenzo and his dragon dream — though jolyne (and by extension, jotaro) is a notable exception. anasui claims to have fallen in love at first sight, attracted to jolyne by her iron will and strong determination to do the right thing and save her father, and expresses a strong desire to marry her. actually, when jolyne’s involved, he has an almost humorous lack of self-preservation — eg. during the green birth arc, when jolyne’s infected with a presumably fatal plant…infection…disease….thing, anasui not only touches the flowers growing across jolyne’s skin (trying to use his stand to destroy them from inside of jolyne’s body, to no avail) but also puts the flowers in his mouth, which while being played for laughs is also ridiculously foolish. (in general, though anasui ricochets heavily from being the comic relief character to being the stoic yet brash character in the main ensemble, mostly after weather’s death) there’s kind of an explanation for his reckless behavior, coming up later.
(keeping all of this in mind, and despite anasui’s willingness to use his stand to protect the main cast to the point of taking fatal blows for them, he is definitely not a good person. i just want to get that out of the way before someone accuses me of being like, an apologist lmao)
ok, so let’s go thru anasui’s main appearances, from his introduction onward.
emporio goes on to mention that “if weather report wasn’t here to keep [anasui] calm, there’s no telling what anasui’d do.” seeing as anasui is imprisoned when he’s 21, as mentioned in his introductory chapter, and he’s 25 when SO takes place, four years have passed since he’s landed in green dolphin street jail. (for reference, his sentence is for 12 years — relatively light for a double homicide, all things considered — so he’s served a third of that.) presumably, he’s known weather report for at least a majority of that time, as they at least have enough of a rapport for weather to keep anasui out of serious trouble. (weather is 39 during the events of SO. weather, for reference, has been in prison for around 20 years, since pucci took his memories from him when he was 16. also, at the beginning of the BR arc, weather has trouble using a sink that anasui with his impressive sink knowledge notes has been around in modern plumbing for at least 20 years. as a quick side note, anasui seems to have a ridiculous knowledge, in general, of a lot of mechanical things in general — during the yo-yo-ma arc, he spouts off the specifications of a random machine gun after just glancing at it.)
at the end of ch 697 we also just see a scene of weather and anasui hanging out in what appears to be some random ass hallway in the male ward of the prison with no guards around, so take that as you will lol. the two have presumably been hanging around each other for a while like this, so that’s interesting, at least.
the BR arc is where i really got into anasui, so let’s go a little in-depth on those chapters. anasui seems to know a whole bunch of random facts about disney world (though he holds a theme park guide in his hands while he spouts a bunch of random disney world facts, he doesn’t seem to look at it / open it until after he finishes talking, which draws out the legendary “where the fuck is mickey” line). he also mentions manhattan and rome, and how he’s been to neither of those places. it’s probably safe to assume that anasui is floridian — but maybe he’s just really passionate about orlando, who knows. he seems pretty passionate about sinks, too. other than that, not much real information is released here besides things like “anasui’s very passionate about mickey” and “weather report is a fan of post-impressionism”
so, on to the Fun Arc. heavy weather. when weather first gets his memories back, the first things he does, in order, are shove a injured person out of a chair, take said chair, and then force water into a doctor’s body to make him into a chair.
anasui, despite being a literal murderer and honestly doing plenty of fucked up things over the course of the series, flips his shit. he’s legitimately horrified, probably less so from what weather’s doing and more so that it’s weather that’s doing it. actually, weather kinda acts like anasui, honestly, so maybe this is also just anasui being a giant hypocrite, but hey. he’s literally described between chapters as having no idea what’s going on and being pretty freaked out — he’s just following weather at this point because he still has no idea where jolyne is.
(im going to note for my own self-satisfaction that despite weather’s whole “you’re only useful to me now cause you can kill me, anasui” line and all that, when pucci grabs anasui during weather’s fight against him, weather visibly reacts and gets worried regardless, so hey, my rarepair)
okay, after weather’s death, anasui makes a mini speech. (arguably, weather’s death is the turning point for anasui to take more of a serious and less of a comedic role.) here’s what he says:
“listen, jolyne. people have called me a ‘murderer.’ the papers have called me that, and i can’t say that i disagree with them. when people asked me if i would sacrifice myself for the sake of my family, i answered ‘no.’ i’d probably answer that way, now. my heart was never moved by them.”
(more evidence to suggest that anasui’s relationship with his family wasn’t necessarily the best.)
“but i know that i’d be willing to risk my life for something that was able to revive me. i used to be dead.”
interjection here: whether he’s talking about his betrayal (when his girlfriend cheated) or maybe just a general feeling of aimlessness towards life in general, this is pretty dark for anasui, actually. it’s one of the only times he even talks abt his crimes, and this is an interesting concept that araki explores a few times with multiple characters. (eg. anasui risks his life to revive himself with “love,” or what he thinks is love, in any case, to follow jolyne. abbacchio does something similar to follow buccellati, in p5. weather “revives himself” for revenge, and johnny in p7 for the hope of walking again.)
prior to giving himself a mission (jolyne), anasui thinks of himself as functionally dead. this also explains, for example, his nonchalance towards risking his own life and wellbeing for the others.
“weather was that way, too. weather came back to life when he left that prison. i can tell. so don’t think too deeply about what happened to him. these past few days, weather was happy. weather was already saved.”
— okay, in my mind, most of this is just shit anasui says to make jolyne and hermes feel better about weather’s sudden death. to an extent, it’s true: weather prior to getting his memories back was enraptured with the world outside the prison, helping innocent people, messing with sinks, reading fairy tales, but that’s not really the truth. after getting his memories back, weather admits to wanting to die, admitting that he took a cruel sense of pleasure in watching heavy weather run its course and telling anasui that in a twisted way, he’s glad anasui’s there so that he’d kill him. weather’s not happy.
(but who knows? in the end, the character that actually knew weather for the longest was anasui — maybe he’s right and that there was something that revived in weather that we didn’t get to see as the readers.)
but what’s interesting is that he doesn’t mention weather’s sudden transformation after getting his memories back, he lets jolyne and hermes carry on the weather they knew in their thoughts, instead of telling them the truth of weather’s personality. on my second read-through, i noticed that (besides pucci, i guess, and versace by proxy) anasui is the only one who sees weather’s true personality.
and maybe, dying for the sake of his goal (ie. weather’s attempted revenge) was close enough to redemption, in anasui’s eyes. if we pick apart weather’s final goals, he’s living only so that he can 1. take revenge on pucci and 2. die. honestly, in a sad, fucked up anasui-logic kind of way, weather dying in his attempt to kill pucci at least fulfills half of those goals, so it’s not a stretch that anasui could shrug and say “close enough i guess.” but imo, he still says what he does mostly to ease jolyne and hermes’ consciences. it’s one of his kinder moments.
in the actual final fight against pucci, anasui’s probably just behind jotaro in terms of fully grasping and understanding pucci’s abilities — and their implications in battle. his final plan is the only one they really have: because diver down is able to phase through and protect all of the others, he will take the first hit from pucci, and at that exact moment jotaro will stop time and presumably ora pucci into oblivion.
it doesn’t work, but the plan had merit and was surprisingly well thought-out, showing quite a few of his personality traits — while he’s angry and headstrong most of the time, he’s relatively good at thinking on his feet and is always quick to come up with plans, especially in battle. now let’s look at his last lines.
“don’t stop [pucci’s blow] before he hits me. do it after…”
while all the other characters pause and stare at him in shock after he says this, he’s relatively calm about it. he knows it’s the only chance they have, regardless of the danger it poses to himself. dying, to anasui, is not the worst that can happen — it’s having to live again with no purpose (which he’s established, atm, as jolyne).
“ever since i got out of prison, i’ve managed to stay alive… if i can just stay alive, keep this trend… then maybe i’ll ask jolyne to marry me. …or, you know, something like that.”
a lot of people do make light of this (and it’s somewhat comedic, for sure) but it’s interesting again to see how much this drives him. before i really get into it, let’s take a look at jolyne’s (infamous) response.
(jolyne:) “anasui… all right, ask me. […] your plan… it still as hope. it’s not darkness that drives you… even if there’s only one path that we can take, if there’s a hint of hope, then that’s the right path.
holy shit do i love this quote. in the end, anasui’s not… redeemed, not really. he’s still a murderer. he still feels no remorse over killing those people. but he’s not evil, either. his motivation is that he wants to live for real: he is driven by hope. and through all the morally grey protagonists of parts 5 on, this is what they all have in common: a hope or dream that gives someone who’d thought themselves dead something to live for. jolyne doesn’t say this because she’s suddenly in love with anasui, or because she wants to marry them, she says it because she’s realizing this — she’s realizing that anasui’s hope, his resolve, might be enough for this plan to work.
actually, in the end, in an ironic twist of fate, he does die for — and by — jolyne’s hand. (hah.) pucci redirects stone free’s punch into anasui’s torso, piercing through his chest and killing him near instantly. rip. and that, in any case, draws an end to this wall of text.
also i think one random fic i read mentioned a throwaway line that anasui apparently had about him having been married once in prison? i dont recall anything like that, but someone else has confirmed it (i’d love to find the source, if anyone has it!)
i’d love to get into the whole thing about his motivation in the first place: why anasui “falls in love” with jolyne and why that matters, as well as possible subconscious motivations for his obsessions/his stand ability but that’s falling solidly into the territory of hc’s, and not so much analysis/meta. 
i’ll write it up some other time, maybe, if there’s interest.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
a voltron rarepair or oc roleplay! <3
ALRIGHT!! What’s up, I’m Vennev, 18+, looking for a fun partner (also 18+) to roleplay with me! I RP in paragraph form, third person, and my limits are essentially the general ones (like abuse, toilet play, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, mpreg; things like that), with the addition of large aquatic creatures/animals. Yeah, weird and an outlier, I know, but I can’t help it haha. And, yo, maybe we can chat OOC too, because I love making new friends and talking about our characters and rp and exchanging music and silly videos that remind us of the characters! My length varies, but I stick to around two paragraphs minimum at the very least. I also really, really love to explore characters and their emotions - romance is a given, ofc, but I’m talking about the nitty gritty details that make a character who they are. I’m also really uninterested in M/F pairings, so hit me up with all the M/M and F/F you’ve got and we’re golden✰ I only play switch, btw! And I loooove doubling/tripling/playing many characters, it’s super much fun. SO IF I’VE CAUGHT YOUR INTEREST SO FAR, STICK AROUND DUDE and let me fill you in on what I’m shooting for! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Things I’m game for RPing are listed here below, with a star level of how much I’m craving it - the more stars, the more I’m into it, as is the way meters go. Voltron: Keith/Hunk✰✰✰✰ Listen…listen, okay, don’t even get me started on these two, I just. Really love their dynamic, someone I follow mentioned heith and I was suddenly struck by how much I actually really adore them. It was very much an eye opening experience, ha! So, that being said, I’m really craving someone to RP them with me. I’d really like to explore their dynamic, toss in some confusing emotions and pining for them - pining especially, oh, man. Give me the back of Keith’s throat tasting like acid for some inexplicably when an alien gets too friendly with Hunk and his stomach curling and his chest going warm when Hunk throws an arm around his shoulders after a mission and Hunk being struck with the way the corners of Keith’s eyes crinkle up when he laughs at something Lance and Pidge said to him and I’ll sign my life over right then and there. listen im gay and so are they As a sidenote, I’m also game for playing out OCs in Voltron’s universe - our own paladins and everything like that. What can I say, season three’s left me with some Voltron cravings lmao. Tokyo Mew Mew: OCs✰✰ Okay, so I’ve been a long-time fan of TMM, and have admittedly never come across anyone who’s a fan as well. So I might as well try my luck, right? I’d loove to do something with a new mew team, maybe tossing in some boys as well; at the very least, I’d love to explore our characters interacting and adjusting to being magical girls/boys and the whole animal-like aspect of them that TMM didn’t shoot for all the way (like ur telling me Ichigo didn’t have the most unnerving unblinking cat eyes and uncomfortably sharp teeth as a mew in a way that made her look slightly inhuman/unnerving?? please). I’m also game for either making alien OCs as well or go for a new villain! (TMM A La Mode didn’t quite do it for me as far as the villain team went, with the exception of Duke) Steven Universe: Gemsonas and/or human OCs✰ I’d love to do something with gems with their own agenda separate from Homeworld and earth, or gems finding refuge on earth or another planet entirely, starcrossed lovers from different social standings running away together (sort of Ruby/Sapphire-y, but doesn’t have to be!), gems set during or after the war - anything really, haha. The idea of a gem and a human is interesting, too! I have a couple gem ocs, but I would kind of like to do something with a Lapis Lazuli gem I have. Haikyuu!!: OCs THROWBACK TO MY SPORTS ANIME ROOTS…Admittedly, I love a lot of sports anime (oofuri being my favorite), but this one just really gets to you, y'know? That, and I have a few OC characters for HQ, haha. Whether it be us playing out a team of our own or focusing on characters from rival teams, hit me with anything you’ve got! Magical girls/boys: OCs✰✰ Alright, so. Magical girls/boys. I was thinking more along the lines of a team of boys and girls, with them being magical protectors - as the genre goes! I’d really love to go into how being a magical boy/girl isn’t everything they thought it would be: you can’t save everyone, you and your teammates get injured, you fail missions, the people you love get hurt. I guess this is a little bit more like a superhero thing, in a way? Adjusting to new abilities/discovering new abilities, bonding with teammates. I'm all for that! But I do have a confession, which is I don’t…exactly have the most set plot/setting for this. It’s more of an inspiration from numerous things! Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Yuki Yuna Is A Hero, Power Rangers, Voltron - you get the main idea, at least. The last two would be interesting in a form of a different inspiration, though, that one being more super hero-y with a tie to space themes! Maybe something like Pacific Rim, as well? The idea of a team or characters making a strong magical/otherworldly connection with each other is cool… I have a small example (ft an oc wowie) of what I was shooting for in the general magical boy/girl genre with costumes and the like, so I’ll tack that on here too! ANYWAYS YES THAT IS MAINLY ALL I HAVE TO SAY… if ur interested, hit me up! I’m admittedly mainly looking for a heith partner, but I’m game for anything! My email is [email protected] (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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ao3feed-dazatsu · 4 years
by rouseria
Far off in a distant galaxy, Atsushi is working his best to complete his training to become a Jedi Knight but his and his master’s peaceful existence is crushed as the Imperial Army had found their hideout.
Atsushi is left alone with the Force and a new mission to find a young pilot, Dazai Osamu, to take him to the New Jedi Order’s hideout with a promise he wouldn’t dare to break.
Words: 720, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Star Wars AU, atsushi is a jedi, akutagawa is also a jedi, jedis are forbidden from love do u see what im doing, add a sprinkle of dazatsu, a little chuuaku for cait, dazai han solo kinnie, im so sorry odasaku, lightsabers go stabby stab, nothing written by me ends good, im not a star wars nerd i just love it haha, probably the worst thing u'll read im sorry, inserts star wars intro theme, do NOT judge my rarepairs or else, maybe ill add some akulucy as well maybe, dedicated to dor ess richa and evan :]
0 notes
we were the dumb, the wild, the free
read it on the AO3 at we were the dumb, the wild, the free
by eli_writes
{this is taken from my tumblr bc i needed something to post lmao} anon asked: Can you write something for katt (keith x matt)? Some fluff, maybe from their Garrison days.
this is loosely based off the chorus of Little League by Conan Gray:
When we were younger We didn't know how it would be We were the dumb, the wild, the free Little League And when we were younger We wore our hearts proud on our sleeve Why did we ever have to leave? Little League
Words: 478, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Matt Holt, Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Matt Holt/Keith
Additional Tags: Pre-Kerberos Mission, Pre-Canon, Fluff, just boys havin fun, also hi im not dead, i finally remembered the password to this account, so we vibin, also hi my name is el now, i havent posted on here since 2018, and now ive finished high school, and im almost 16, babie bois, im the ceo of rarepairs, Katt - Freeform, katt vld, Rebelfire, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Matt Holt, galaxy garrison era, vld katt - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at we were the dumb, the wild, the free
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