#maybe i’ll just ruin it with gold leafing like i do all my other stuff i dont know what to do with LOL
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brimstone-rose · 8 months ago
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idk how i’m feeling about the colours and my hand shook while i was outlining the face with ink which narrowed it more than i wanted so now i’m trying very hard to convince myself not to just scrap the whole thing 😭
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crystalas · 4 years ago
Blazing Blue part 1
Red Son runs away from home after overhearing his father call him a worthless excuse of a demon, agreeing to a truce with MK he ends up with the Monkie crew unaware that someone wants to steal a power that was sealed away long ago.
Chapter one: Truce buddies
Demon Bull King stood amongst the ruins of his old hidden stronghold, his robot clones busy digging out the remains and salvaging anything of use. He took a weary sigh and he surveyed all of what he had built since his revival and growled at how quickly it was destroyed…annoyingly at his own hand! Only then to be enslaved by Spider Queen while trying to raise enough funds to rebuild it. Needless to say, it had a been a few rough months for the Demon Bull Family.
“Man, I had heard your family had fallen on hard times but this is embarrassing!” a voice chuckled and Demon Bull King felt himself bristle with anger, he spun around to smash whoever thought it wise to mock a ten-foot-tall bull demon only to find the black monkey warrior Macaque lounging leisurely on top of a pile of rubble.
“Begone, you annoying simian shadow, I have no time for you” Demon Bull King snarled.
“Aw and I came all the way down here to chat, how rude. I mean I’ll excuse you not getting out the fine China for me on account of well…” he gestures to the crumbling ruin as a chunk of wall collapsed behind him. “Your recent string of humiliating defeats and the fact you had to team up with Monkey King…just wow…how low can you go?”
Macaque quickly sprung to his feet and nimbly dodged a lump of molten metal that flew right past him and buried itself into the ceiling behind him.
“If you have come here just to mock me then I will make you pay for every word you speak tenfold!” he roared.
“You’re right I’m sorry, I actually wanted to see if you were interested in an alliance of sorts?” Macaque exclaimed as he hopped lightly down the rubble pile without so much as disturbing a brick and looked up at Demon Bull King with a smile.
“You come to my home…Mock me and my family and rub salt in my wounds and you ASK FOR AN ALLIENCE!!??”
“What if I told you, it’s a plan to destroy the Monkey King? And his little fan club?” Macaque offered, Demon Bull King glared at him said not a word and then with speed not many would associate with a creature of his size and bulk snatched Macaque with his hand and brought him up to his face to look him in the eye.
“Know this Six Ears Macaque just because I have been buried under a mountain for the last few centuries does not mean I am ignorant of current events! You tried to best Monkey King with his protégé’s own power and you still lost!” Demon Bull King snarled as Macaque squirmed in his tight grip before erupting into shadowy mist and escaping. Demon Bull King glanced around trying to find the real one only for what he hoped was the real one to appear perched nearby on what remained of his furnace.
“See that’s why I’m here, Monkey King knows I like to… “borrow” power from other people, and he probably think I’ll go for powers of say his fanboy or someone just as good but what if I blindsided him with powers of say… The Demon Bull King? Or Lady Iron Fan? Or maybe say the power of demon fire?”
“No. Begone.”
“Com’on I’m not even asking you to do anything just let me borrow some power and I’ll do the butt kicking!”
“Begone.” Demon Bull King replied even harsher than last time.
“Fine, I get it.” Macaque grumbled “Best shot you have of getting your revenge and you’re going to turn it down!”
“I am not as foolish as to become a mere power source to another being, that is not an alliance that is servitude at best!” Demon Bull King declared standing to his full height with his fist clench ready for battle. “And do not think me as foolish to let you even try!”
“Fine. Fine I’ll just try Red Son, he’s more open minded about these things. Plus, I’ve heard the rumours of his… hidden inheritance” Macaque smirked as he spun on his heels and walked away casually only for a fist to slammed into the wall blocking his path.
“You will stay away from my family!” Demon Bull King hissed.
“So, it is true? I mean I’ve heard stories about it but given what I’ve seen of him in action I’d begun to doubt any of them!”
Demon Bull King thought quickly but to be fair his wife was more the brains of the operation, if Macaque was beginning to doubt the stories better to confirmed it than deny them.
“Red Son is a pathetic whelp, who is an embarrassment to us and unworthy of being called my son, he only brings shame and defeat to whatever he does. Whatever rumours you had heard are merely that; rumours. If he did have any power worthy of the Demon Bull King family name, don’t you think I would have used it by now?” Demon Bull King declared coldly, “You have clearly wasted your time and mine. You have your answer. Now go!”
“I guess they must be wrong if even you say Red Son is a worthless excuse of a demon. My mistake, you know how stories get hyped up over the years…I’ll be on my way” Macaque said sadly as he hopped down and walked away arms crossed behind his back. As he did, he glanced over at one of the corridors that snaked through Demon Bull King’s hide out to see a quiet and pale faced Red Son…
Red Son had managed to find his room amongst the rubble and save some clothes, books and tools. Sadly, an iron girder had broken through the roof of his room and destroyed his computer set up and mechanics bench, in a way he was ok with that. Rebuilding his computer would give him something to do while the reconstruction was underway. Now he was heading to the main chamber as he was getting peckish and fancied going up top to grab some food, might as well see if Father didn’t want anything before, he headed out.
As he walked down the corridor, he heard his father shouting and the muffled voices of him talking to another. Who could that be? Red Son wondered as he started to walk faster, Mother shouldn’t be back just yet. She had left the city to find spell ingredients for her magics, [it is kind of hard to locate stuff like dragon scales and tree spirit sap in a dense city metropolis.]
As he came to the opening to the main chambre he heard something that made his heart stop.
“Red Son is a pathetic whelp, who is an embarrassment us and unworthy of being called my son…” his father said, as he tried to listen everything else but it just to swim in and out of his focus as his head spun. “…Only brings shame and defeat…Worthless excuse of a demon…waste of…my time…”
Why? Why would his father say that? Red Son thought they had made progress in their relationship, okay fine he had only called him son that one time but…but that was still a better than nothing? He saved him when the Spider Queen caught him in her webs, they fought her together.
Was he really back to square one? No. it was apparently worse than that he wasn’t back at square one he was off the game board entirely as far as his father was concerned. Heavens knows how his mother must see him give she has called him useless to his face! He had tried no end of times to prove himself only to come home with nothing to show for it.
He didn’t even register Macaque walk by as he spun on his heels and went back to what remains of his room; stuffing what he had salvaged into a backpack and swallowing back a painful lump in his throat as he quickly wrote a note leaving it on the metal girder for whoever to find. He took a deep breath trying to steady his emotions before disappearing in a swirl of flames.
 Monkey Kid or MK was feeling down of late; his Master the Monkey King had given him the task of catching a red leaf with a gold dot on it. That didn’t sound too hard right? Not when Monkey King is making it rain hundreds of other leaves all of different colours and hues as well and expects him to find it in minutes!
MK sighed, he knew what the lesson was about he was supposed to focus on that one leaf and avoid all other distractions. If he pulled it off and mastered it, he knew he’s probably be able to find a grain of rice on a beach or something as pointless but somehow totally cool sounding. Problem was he couldn’t pull it off, he kept getting distracted or just overwhelmed by the leaves getting dumped on him from above.
So now he sat on a ledge of Flower Fruit Mountain overlooking the sunset on the city, he liked to come here when he wanted to clear his head. On one hand it was freaking awesome he was the protégé of The Monkey King a warrior of renowned legendary might and skill…on the other hand sometimes it would dawn on him on just how daunting it was to live up to the expectations of an immortal warrior who seems to have seen everything the world has to offer and then some.
He sighed as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants before grabbing his staff. He began to walk he saw that he wasn’t the only one taking in the view with a sense of melancholy. As he got closer, he squawked in alarm as he saw the familiar flaming red hair and ragged jacket.
“RED SON??!!” this outburst caused Red Son to leap out of his skin and jump to his feet. “What are you doing here?!”
“Oh, push off Noodle Boy, last time I checked you don’t own this mountain!” Red Son snapped grabbing his stuff and storming off “But if you’re here that means Monkey King isn’t far behind and I rather not have to deal with him on top of everything else!”
“Huh? Hey wait!” MK shouted as he noticed the backpack. “What’s in there?!”
“None of your concern!” Red Son barked back.
“It is my concern when you show up on Monkey King’s Mountain with a suspicious bag! What’s in it?”
“It’s not a bomb or anything!”
“You got a BOMB??!!”
“Oh, for the love of…NO! I have not got a bomb or anything of the sort! I mean for pity’s sake I can literally throw fire balls why would I need to carry an explosive weapon??!!”
MK dashed forward and tried to grab the backpack and Red Son tried to pulled it away from him leading to a very childish game of tug of war.
“Lemme see what’s in it!”
“If you’ve got nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about!”
Sadly, a backpack that had endured many scorches from its owner and grounded by rubble could only bear so much and with one last pull from both sides the backpack’s fabric tore open and Red Son’s stuff poured onto the floor. Red Son dived down to grab what he could as MK took in the sights of clothes, food, and other mundane stuff.
“Dude…are you camping or something?” MK asked as he saw one of the items that had skidded out of Red Son’s reach, he knelt down to pick it up and saw it was a hand sized family portrait of Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King…before he could get a good look it was snatched from his hands.
“Just leave me alone!” Red Son growled “You can clearly see that I am not a threat!”
“Red …are you ok?”
Red Son was trying to figure out how to keep his stuff in a backpack with a massive hole in it, but he was also trying desperately to ignore the look of concern that was coming from his enemy.
“Are you running away from home?”
Red Son didn’t respond to that and he had stopped fiddling with his backpack as he was now staring sadly at the photo.
“Why?” MK asked softly.
“Why do you care?”
“I mean…I dunno…you and your dad seem to be getting on when I last saw you, seems strange that you’re running away!”
“I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY!” Red Son roared his hair flaring up in flames, gripping the photo tightly as he did. The flames died quickly as did Red Son’s anger as he then whispered “I’m…I’m…just making things easier for my parents…”
MK tilted his head in confusion, he looked at Red Son for a moment. This was a guy who was always so confident, loud and proud of his name and heritage he literally introduces himself in full name whenever he’s about to do something dastardly or anything for that matter. Now he was sitting there with a backpack full of his possessions, on a mountain far from home, staring at a family picture like he’s never going to see them again.
MK sat down next to Red Son, putting the staff away to show he meant no harm.
“Want to talk about it?”
Red Son looked away angrily.
“Ok how about I go first? You know how cool it is to have someone like the freaking Monkey King show up and say that’ll they teach you? It is don’t get me wrong but then you begin to see how big of a shadow you’re stuck under? We’re talking about a guy who literally stole from the heavens and got away with it and has beaten up who knows how many monsters and demons? I sometimes wonder if I’m ever gonna be good enough for this, it’s just feels like the whole universe is just waiting for me to screw up, just to prove that I can’t do it… y’know what I mean?” there a few moments of silence and MK was about to try again when he heard a small voice.
“At least he believes in you, it must be nice to have a someone like that.”
“Your parents don’t?”
“… …no…” Red Son muttered, “I overheard my father today telling someone that he considers me an embarrassment to the family name, along with a few other choice words…”
“So, you…left?”
“I don’t know I wasn’t thinking at the time!” Red Son cried out angrily tugging at his head in frustration, “I want prove to my father that I am worthy of being his son but how? How do I show him that I’m not a …a…pathetic whelp?”
There was a heavy tense silence between them as they both looked at each other and then at the city, the sun nearing finished setting and the in the twilight the city lights began to shine.
“You know what?” MK declared as he got up. “We both need a break!”
“A break from all this living up to people’s expectations and ideals! A chance to recharge the batteries and get some of that well-being self-care stuff!”
“What exactly are you proposing?” Red Son inquired nervously.
“We can just hang out; you know play games and chill? Also, you can stay at mine till you get this all sorted out!”
Red Son looked at MK like he had just announced that the moon was made of cream cheese and was inhabited by flying guinea pigs.
“So…a truce?” he ventured nervously
“Yeah! My friends and I don’t fight you, and you don’t fight us!”
Red Son looked down at his destroyed backpack, then glanced at the mountain side he was on and realised that maybe coming up here to hide was a dumb idea.
“It not like I’ve got anything better to do!” he grumbled.
“AWESOME!” MK beamed “Let’s go! We’re gonna be Truce Buddies!”
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bang-to-the-tan · 5 years ago
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Stray Cat Strut
Chapter 3
Reader x OT7
► Faerie!AU
Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: Mention of Death, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Faerie Mischevious Bullshit
↳ Summary: When your grandmother passes away, she leaves her countryside house in your name. The longer you stay, the harder and harder it becomes to explain away the odd happenings. What kind of secrets does this sleepy town hold? And why do the local animals act so strangely around you?…
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You aren’t awakened by the sun, or by the sound of your alarm clock—set to wake you up just in time to get ready, have some breakfast, and then go and help Jin with the pond. Instead, this morning, you’re pulled from your strange dreams to the sound of birdsong. Not just any bird song, you realize groggily as you come to. The melody from the woods, specifically. You sit up in bed, rubbing at your eyes and yawning, casting a glance out your window. Sure enough, there it sits, perched upon a branch just beside the window. A tiny, pink bird. When it sees you arise, it shuffles, and repeats its song. You stare at it. There’s no way the bird followed you all the way here from the forest. There’s no reason for this one particular bird to be following you at all. As you stare, the song trails off and eventually the bird flutters its wings, head cocking. It droops comically, its whole, round body visibly shrinking. You repeat the song hastily, whistling the tune back, struck by the sudden fear you’ll hurt its feelings if you don’t. It almost immediately brightens and continues, chirping louder as you get up from the bed and move towards the kitchen. You hear it throughout the house as you get ready for the day and, not that it’s a bad song or an annoying one, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious how not normal it is to be so thoroughly serenaded by a bird. You aren’t sure you’re fully convinced by the strange librarian yet, with his ‘Keprys’ and such, but maybe he’s right about one thing—there are definitely things going on in this town that are beyond the pale. Clutching your purse, a handful of money shoved into it to try and pay for the book, you make your way outside. Maybe you can hit the library before you go to see Jin.
As you pass by the lavender, you pause, blinking at it. It’s…begun to wilt. Is it maybe not the season for it anymore? You reach out a hand to caress the fading purple flowers, feeling guilty for the dried pieces that come away with your fingers. It still smells lovely, though, and at an afterthought, you reach to the bag around your neck, taking a moment just to inhale the combination of cinnamon, autumn, and now lavender. Heavenly. A gentle smile curves your lips and you allow it, pressing on. When you come back, you’ll do something about it, you decide resolutely. The beauty of Granny’s beloved garden will not fade on your watch.
The second you get close to the fence, there’s an excited snuffle and you spot a tiny snout appearing around the bushes to the front. You can also see the fur waving in the air as the small dog from yesterday wags its tail like a thing possessed. Does it think it’s hiding?.. As you go to open the gate, you can hear it making small noises like it just can’t contain how terribly happy it is to see you again. It almost bowls you over in desperation when you finally unlatch the door and step out. You try to console it and walk past it in turn, but the way it weaves and bounces between your legs is making that very difficult. Eventually it settles for jittering impatiently by your side as you walk, occasionally yipping when your hand finds itself anywhere else but stroking through its warm fur. A strange way to spend your morning, for sure, but you don’t mind the company while you trek to the library.
The dog follows you, of course, tail bouncing congenially with every step. On the steps of the library you stop and turn towards it.
“Listen,” you warn, as it looks adoringly up at you with eyes slightly crossed from focusing too hard on you. “You can’t come in the library.”
Perhaps sensing that you’re going to abandon it again, it snuffles and whines.
“But,” you add quickly, “I’ll be right back out and we can spend time together then. I’m sure Jin won’t mind you at his pond.”
It snorts, and the force of it makes it take a step backwards, small paws dancing, but it’s still looking at you rather doubtfully. It huffs a quiet bark and you chuckle at the way it searches your eyes. Just like an argumentative child.
“I promise. I swear. Please don’t scream.”
It blinks, licks its chops and leaves its tongue hanging out the side of its mouth. When it moves to sit, it’s with a weary sigh and additional whine, throwing all of its 10 pounds to the cobbles like the world is just too heavy on its shoulders. You giggle, turning up the stairs and peeking back at the door to see if its followed. But no, still sitting. Ears down, whimpering under its breath to itself. You’re left wondering once again whether there’s something wrong with the animals in this town as you push open the front doors and step inside.
 The library is just as quiet, just as empty as it was the last time you were in it.
“Hello.” You almost shout, but manage to choke off the end of it, whirling about to glare at the librarian. Once again, he’d somehow managed to move with all the noise of a phantom, appearing behind you out of nowhere. He smirks at your scandalized expression and chuckles when you point at him accusingly.
“You. You have got to stop doing that.”
“No way,” his eyebrows rise, lips curving into a pout. “You need to start paying better attention to your surroundings.”
“I could pay better attention to you if you were wearing a bell or something.” You huff, beginning to dig through your purse to retrieve the handful of money you’d stuffed in there, pulling it out as a handful.
“…And ruin the fun?” He glances down at the cash in your hand, but makes no move to acknowledge it.
“For the book,” you clarify after an awkward second, holding it out to him. “About faeries and stuff.”
“Did I convince you already?”
“No…but I’ve noticed some real weird stuff going on in this town and I want to cover my bases. Just in case you aren’t totally nuts.”
 He hums non-committedly. He meets your gaze and doesn’t look back down, even as you wiggle your outstretched arm to try and catch his attention again.
“That’s not going to cut it,” he says finally.
You balk. “What do you mean ‘that’s not going to cut it’—what is it, covered in gold leaf??”
“I mean what I said. I don’t want a bunch of paper.”
“Look, mister—“
“I said something of value.” “Money has value.”
“Only the value you give it.”
You drop your arm with an exasperated groan, rolling your eyes ceiling-ward. “Are you going to tell me the real book is the friends I made along the way? Because I really could be doing something better with my time.”
“I’m going to tell you the real book is very valuable to me,” He says instead. His tone is surprisingly sharp and you’re actually spellbound at the intense look he’s serving you. His eyes are so dark, so deep, you can almost see yourself in them. “If you want it, you have to barter something of equal value.”
After a moment, he speaks again, but softer, his hypnotic hold on you slipping away. “I can’t afford to replace it. I just don’t want anything happening to it.”
You hesitate.
“Okay. Something of equal value. Something that means a lot to me.”
Your head lolls so you can peer at him in disbelief. He’s fighting a small smile that’s growing in the corners of his mouth, but there’s still something unreadable in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
He shrugs. “I’ve read it several times. If you have any questions about Keprys, you can always ask me.”
“Well…okay, so…So, there’s some weird stuff happening to me lately. Weird animals.”
“Right.” You try to gauge whether or not he believes you, but his mild expression tells you only that he’s listening.
“There’s a bird that followed me from the forest. I woke up to it singing to me, like this one little song. It got…disappointed when I didn’t whistle it back? And-and there’s a dog. It looks like it’s taken care of, but it’s following me around too now and always wants attention. I guess that doesn’t really sound all that odd,” you add hastily, interpreting the stony look on his face as him getting bored with you already. “I’m not phrasing it right, but it, I mean, it just feels odd. Like they shouldn’t be acting like that. Oh! There also was—um,” You pull at the bag around your neck, taking out the fragrant stick from inside and holding it out in the middle of your palm. His gaze flicks down to it, but he doesn’t move otherwise, seemingly frozen in place as he stares. “There was a cat. And I, uh, I fed it and let it stay the night and in the morning it was gone—even though I locked everything up. And it left this stick behind. I don’t know. It sounds crazy, but I swear—“
“It’s a totem.”
“A what.”
He moves like he’s going to take it from you, but his hand retreats with a jerk and he slides both of them into his pockets, taking a step back instead, eyeing your hand as warily as if you were holding a knife. “A totem. It’s the reason you keep having these run-ins. The cat was a Kepry. You did him a favor, so he left you a totem.”
“What’s the point of that…? What does it do?”
The librarian blinks, briefly looking away. “You break it, and they show up to accomplish whatever task you need help with. It’s a summoning. But it’s also why the others keep coming to you. They’re drawn to it.”
You frown. “Oh.”
“You should get rid of it.”
“What, like throw it away?? Seems kind of rude…I like the smell of it.”
“Just summon him for something small. If you keep it for much longer, weird things will keep happening to you.”
“I mean…nothing bad has happened.” You argue for reasons you aren’t sure of.
“They wouldn’t hurt me, would they?”
He blinks, studying you past his glasses. There’s something in his expression, some old hurt, lurking behind his eyes. “You should get rid of it.” He repeats, slowly.
 You think of the small bird. Of the fluffy dog. The stray cat. Not exactly the most threatening creatures you’ve come across. A summoning totem could be really useful, if that’s what is. Besides, all of this hinges on this random guy telling the truth. The only real way to find out if he is or not is to get your hands on that book. If it even really exists. But, you’ll admit, this all feels very intriguing. And you don’t mind having something to do when you aren’t cleaning. A little quest. Mysterious book, mysterious librarian, weird animals. You feel like a YA novel.
“Something of value to me.”
“Okay. Fine. I’ll be back tomorrow, then. Again. I’ve got a bargain to keep today.” You say resolutely, stuffing the money back into your purse and turning. You miss the faint look of alarm on his face as you do.
“…A bargain to keep?” he echoes quietly, his voice drifting away from you as you make your way to the front door.
“Yeah, I’m helping a guy clean the pond down the road.” You reply, already trying to think of something you could trade. Something of value? It feels skeevy to consider trading something of Granny’s, but maybe you can scrounge up something small and convincing as collateral. You’ll look through your suitcase later.
You’re already out the door, making your way down the stairs. Halfway down, you look over your shoulder, up at the building, but whatever it was that required your attention must not have been that important because the librarian hasn’t followed you out. You purse your lips and shrug.
The small dog out in the front is still sitting there, but the minute you come back into view, it’s popped up animatedly, tail wagging, tongue lolling, panting and yipping breathlessly. It won’t allow you more than a few paces before you have to pet it to stop it from weaving around your feet.
 You’re struck by disappointment when you reach the pond and don’t see the man from yesterday. Immediately followed by frustration when you realize that you’re so disappointed in not seeing him again. He’s probably busy doing something else. Not like he owes you his appearance. Besides, he said ‘tomorrow’—didn’t specify when. Maybe you’re just early. Overeager. As you muse on this, the small dog by your legs falls silent. It keeps walking in front of you, laying its body against your shins as if to herd you back home. It dodges your attempts to pet its head, intent on keeping a strict eye on the smooth surface of the pond. You see why a few seconds later. Underneath the bridge, gliding across the water with a gentle motion like it was floating on air, a swan passes by through the pond. It doesn’t look directly at you, but the way its wings flutter as you watch gives you the impression it’s not any less aware of your presence.
Now, if there was anything in this town that could convince you of magic and otherworldly creatures, this would be it. You feel like you shouldn’t even be looking at it, it’s so beautiful. Even with the disrepair of the pond and the bridge around it, it’s the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen. The light catches its pristine feathers, its delicate neck, the impenetrable coal of its eyes. It looks like a painting. As it drifts past, the fur on the dog’s back rises slowly, and a deep sound echoes within its small body. It’s growling at the swan, stiffly standing between you as firmly as though it were made of stone. It only gets worse when the swan curves towards you and comes closer. You try petting the dog more, coax it into relaxing, but it won’t be moved, and it doesn’t stop the constant, low rumbling in its throat until the swan has begun to float peacefully, if reproachfully, to the other side of the pond instead of approaching you.
“Aw, come on, puppy,” you chastise. “It didn’t mean any harm. If it was angry, it would hiss. Swans hiss when they’re angry,” you add, unsure of why you feel the need to explain swan behavior to a dog. “Or afraid. It didn’t look scared of me, though. Probably been here for a long time. Used to people. Maybe it’s used to being fed.”
You pause, watching the swan glide towards the opposite bank, barely even pulling any ripples from the water.
“Maybe I could bring some food for it. Do you think Jin would mind?”
The dog whines, sneezes, and bounces once, still glaring out over the water at the retreating water fowl. Finally satisfied with the distance between you and the bird, it spins and offers you a snuffle and a quiet yap, tail picking up a proud wag once more. You sigh, but reward it with a few gentle strokes anyways. For whatever reason, it was trying to protect you from something unfamiliar and you can’t really fault it for that.
You stand and cast another look about, but still you don’t see the man from yesterday. He probably isn’t even up yet. What time is it? You’re shocked to realize that you aren’t even sure. Time seems to have less meaning in this town, you’ve noticed.
You decide after a beat to visit back here after you’ve tended the garden. You aren’t one to go back on your word, after all, but you can’t just sit here all morning either. Maybe you’ll bring lunch. Sneak in a slice of bread or two for the swan? The dog will have to stay somewhere else. You aren’t sure how you’re going to manage that.
You cast it a sideways glance as you go to walk back down the path, but it’s just as happy to meet your gaze as ever, panting and jittering in mounting excitement when it realizes you’re looking back. You stifle a laugh at the adoration in its slightly crossed eyes.
As you turn the corner to make your way up to the cottage, you realize that there’s someone standing inside of the fence. You can’t see their face, but catch glimpses of faded pink and purple-ish hair as it bobs about your garden. You blink, confused and a little wary, stepping to the gate. The dog at your feet immediately bristles, growling again, louder. Strangely enough, you feel a little grateful for its’ protective company now as you stare at the stranger yanking at your granny’s flower bushes. It’s a man. Long-limbed and lithe, he reaches thin fingers towards a rose and snaps the head off, discarding the blossom to the ground.
“Hey!” you start, suddenly indignant, throwing the gate open and stepping inside. The dog immediately melts into a cacophony of shrieking barks, and you have to raise your voice to be heard. “Excuse me!”
The stranger pauses, swivels to rise to his full height and casts you a perfunctory glance. “You’re excused?” he offers, brows rising. His features are so finely chiseled, high cheekbones, delicate lips, and soft eyes that glitter in the sun.
“Who do you think you are?”
The dog continues to bark loudly in the background, occasionally stopping to gather its breath.
The man blinks, as though surprised by the question. It takes him a moment to reply. “I’m the gardener. Or, I was.” He looks back to the flowers and sniffs once, shaking his head. “The contract is over, I guess.” He mumbles.
“You didn’t hear? She…she’s dead. My grandmother.” He doesn’t react, so you quickly reiterate, “The owner of the house.”
He hesitates again and looks at you, something stirring in his eyes that you can’t quite understand. “…I’m sorry…for your loss.” He adds after a beat, as if unsure it’s the right thing to say.
“Yeah. Me, too.”
The uncomfortable quiet that attempts to settle between you is broken when the pup begins howling. You have to stifle an exasperated laugh.
“I’m gonna guess he found you, then.” The stranger puts in, inclining his head towards the gate.
“What do you mean?”
“Is that his name?” You throw a glance over your shoulder. ‘Taehyung’ wheezes, trying to yap pointedly at you but seemingly going hoarse. He bounces forward, head nodding towards the ground passionately, and that’s when you notice that the gate isn’t even closed properly. Probably best that he doesn’t seem to realize, or else he might do something to the ‘gardener’. At present, you aren’t sure you’d stop him.  
You turn back to the man in question, folding your arms over your chest.
“Um, so. Like I was going to say, she passed away. The house is mine, now, I guess, for as long as I want it.” “Is that right?” He doesn’t seem particularly interested.
“I don’t have a lot of money. To keep your services, I mean. For the garden.”
He only watches you as you attempt to stammer your way through a halfway decent explanation, growing steadily less and less coherent under his gaze.
“Just, please don’t…destroy it? I don’t really understand why you would do that.”
“I don’t appreciate being conned.” Is his terse reply.
“I’m sorry?” You’re a little taken aback by his coldness. “I mean, like I said, she…my grandmother died. If you think got the short end of the stick, I…I’d like to know if I can make it up to you maybe? If that’s how you feel?”
He pulls a thoughtful expression, lips pursing, eyes flicking skyward. By the gate, Taehyung sneezes and hacks once, then resumes his tirade with renewed energy.
“If you can make my time up to me, then I’ll work for you.” The gardener says finally. “If you still want my services. If not, the contract needs to be dissolved and I’m taking the plants with me.”
“Uh, alright.” You blink. It seems a solid enough argument, coming as it is from a man that waltzed into your yard and started ripping the heads off roses. “That…I guess that’s fair. Honestly, I’d prefer if granny’s garden stayed as beautiful as I’ve always remembered it, and well…I don’t exactly know what I’m doing with flowers.”
His face breaks out into a smile at that, eyes glittering. “You liked it?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s always been so gorgeous, even as a kid, I loved playing in it.”
“You don’t remember Taehyung, but you remember my garden?”
“…I’m sorry?” You peer at him curiously.
His grin grows wider, and he breaks into a laugh that squishes his cheeks, shoulders quaking, hand coming to hide his mouth behind his knuckles. “He won’t forgive you, you know. But I’ll take it. I’m glad you remember my garden so fondly. Just for that, I’ll give you a day to decide what you want to do with the contract.”
“That’s…nice of you.” There’s some weird energy going on with this guy. You aren’t sure what it is, or what it means for you. He moves to turn away and you start, straightening.
“W-wait! You didn’t give me your name.”
“I didn’t.” He cocks his head, still grinning absently.
“…What is it?”
He smiles at you, and it’s like he’s trapped the sun behind his teeth, lighting up his entire face. “Hoseok. You can call me Hoseok.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to see you again.”
 You’re so busy trying to unpack that statement that you don’t even react, really, when he goes to step towards the gate, until you realize that Taehyung is visibly bristling and snarling over by the door. You rush forward quickly, mind spinning with visions of ankle mauling, gathering the small dog in your arms and stepping out of the garden, to the side to allow Hoseok to pass. He’s heavier than he looks; solid, warm, and softer than you could imagine. He smells…oddly sweet. Clean, fresh, warm. Like honey. He struggles, yipping in a high pitch, but suddenly goes completely limp in your grasp. You look away from the gardener to stare at Taehyung, shifting his weight to turn him around. Did you…did you hurt him? He has his eyes closed, paws in a resting position in front of his chest. Part of you panics. Did you pick him up too fast? Are little dogs really that delicate? But no…no, he’s breathing. He’s just…sleeping? Or maybe just content? You can see him blinking underneath his eyelids. Under your incredulous gaze, a tear rolls out from his eye and his entire body shudders with a weary sigh. He’s not hurt. He seems to be basking in the sheer amount of contact you’re affording him. You snort. Typical. You should have guessed.
When you look up, Hoseok is gone. He must have better things to do than hang around and get threatened by small animals.
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wereallsaloonaticshere · 5 years ago
Fight blackmail with blackmail
Summery: Eduardo blackmails Edward and Thompson to steal money for them, but Juan feels bad about it so he gives Edward and Thompson blackmail to use against Eduardo. 
Tw internalized homophobia, blackmail
Fandom: Eddsworld, Saloonatics
Word count: 3144
This was a collaboration I did with @aubdawgdrawz, they made a drawing for the story and I wrote it basically.
It’s quite a lovely night. Twinkling silver lights glow above them, highlighted by the pitch black a lack of sun causes. These nights are a constant for everyone in the town of Spit bucket, including a certain detective and sheriff.
“I quite liked that one.” Edward says, walking side by side with Thompson, “I felt it had a nice flow from scene to scene, and the character’s romance wasn’t forced at all.”
“I liked the horse.” The two men paused and looked at each other. Then chuckled and continued walking up the steps to their house. 
“I liked him too.” Edward takes out the keys and fumbles, looking for the right one, “I was surprised he turned out to be the killer in the end. Even I didn’t find any signs for that.” 
“I think they just wanted ta shock the audience. The people who made it aren’t ‘xactly what I’d call geniuses.” 
“Oh, and I am?”
“Nope.” Thompson says, then directly after Edward breaks out in giggles. 
“Oh, how sweet. My eternal love.” Edward places his hand on Thompson’s shoulder and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Make it a real one.” Thompson teases, and pulls Edward down by the collar, kissing him on the lips. 
“Oi, Thompson!” Edward says, after they’ve pulled apart, “Someone might see us!” He smiles as he opens the door, and the two walk into their home. 
It would’ve been a perfect night, had Juan not overheard it from the other side of the house. Had Juan not taken pictures of their kiss with his new camera.
A fist slams onto the counter, and Eduardo smirks as Thompson turns to face him in his chair. Thompson tackles him, pinning him to the floor. 
“Lotta nerve ya got, ta come back here.” Thompson stretches his arm toward his desk, trying to reach the handcuffs. “Why are ya smilin’, anywho? What’re ya planning?”
“I know about you.” Eduardo said
“What’re you-”
“I know about you and Edward.” Eduardo says, and with that, Thompson freezes. “Disgusting.” He adds for unneeded clarity. 
Gritting his teeth, Thompson lets go, and they both stand up. He leans against his desk, trying to stay cool. 
“What do ya mean?” 
“My partner in crime took photos of it.” Eduardo takes a few out of his pocket and shows them to him. Thompson bolts to grab it but Eduardo holds it high above his head, and grabs Thompson’s arm. 
“Give ‘em ta me. I’ll do...I’ll do anything.” Thompson says, with his eye wide open. Eduardo’s lips curls. He crosses his arms.
“Anything? Is that so?” 
“Man, I sure do love being a bandit!” Eduardo says, lying on top of a literal pile of gold coins and paper money. 
“Yo también.” Marco says, cleaning a mirror with his shirt, angling the reflective part away from him to avoid seeing his reflection. 
“What?” Eduardo asks. As Eduardo complains about Marco only knowing Spanish, Juan tinkers with his camera on the other side of the room.
Recently, when a professional cameraman moved to town, wanting, “...a breath a fresh, countryside air...”, he left his door unlocked. The three bandits saw their chance and ransacked the place, taking everything they could see. The cameraman was devastated, obviously, but for Juan it was one of the best things to ever happen to him. He got his very own camera! And a good one at that; the latest model. 
“Pose!” Juan says, taking the camera in both hands and pointing it at his partners. 
“Juan, you don’t need to take pictures of everything!” Eduardo says, sitting up and crossing his arms.
“Lucky I do though! ‘Else we wouldn’t have all this stuff!” Juan takes the photo. Eduardo runs a hand through his hair, and turns to Marco, continuing his mildly racist one-sided conversation. “I’ma head out and take more-”
“Bye.” Eduardo says, still looking at Marco.
Juan rolls his eyes and walks out. He wanders here and there, without a real destination in mind. 
A blue butterfly in the corner, just about to land on a leaf. A cactus with pink flowers dotted across it. A house with two men talking through the window, which probably wouldn’t turn out too good, considering the time of night. Time had flown by, apparently. You wouldn’t really be able to see anything other than a clouded swirl against a black backdrop. 
Wait. The two men were the British man and the Sheriff! And they were talking...Juan could just about make out what they were saying.
“I just feel so guilty.” Edward says, running a hand through his hair, voice tainted by exhaustion. 
“Don’t be. They’re savages, the lot of ‘em.” Juan frowns as Thompson says it. 
“Maybe we should just...let them tell the public.” A pause as Thompson stares with wide, judgmental eyes. “I just think-”
“What? You think ruinin’ our lives is the right answer? How?”
“How could it not be? I know it’ll be rough-”
“Rough? We’ll get killed! You already know how harshly people treat people like us! Or were the bandits ruining our lives not enough evidence for you?” 
“Well, my apologies if I don’t like stealing from the bank!” 
“And I do?!” 
As they continued arguing, Juan started to break into a cold sweat. 
Cops don’t like stealing. This is information he already knew, of course, but...they were doing it anyways. To keep each other safe, even though they hated it. 
Juan had told Eduardo and given him the picture because he knew that would get the gang more money. But seeing how it affected them, how it broke apart something special and private...Juan didn’t need all that gold, and neither did the others. 
But Juan isn’t as stupid as he looked. He knows just asking them wouldn’t work at all. His mind wandered a tad, as it tended to do, and he thought of the phrase ‘fight fire with fire’. The thing to fight blackmail with was more blackmail, clearly. But what would convince Eduardo to give the pictures back?
Juan’s blood ran slightly cooler. The sketches. Juan, of course, still had them all. He knew what the right thing to do was. He ran back to base.
Back at base, Eduardo and Marco were already asleep. Juan doesn’t bother walking on his tip-toes, since both men are heavy sleepers. He uncovers two floorboards in the corner where he slept, and gingerly pulls out the box, opening it. 
Eduardo used to be an artist, until he stopped, along with other things, drawing. He’d draw whatever he wanted to remember. And boy, did Eduardo want to remember Juan exactly. The slope of his jawline, his crooked smile, his soft yet calloused skin. 
So he drew him, filled entire sketchbooks with Juan and him. Holding hands, kissing, other things. Anything he could think of. At first they were drawn few and far between, but when Juan thumbed through one of the books and said he loved them, it seemed like Eduardo had a dip pen attached to his hand.
But it didn’t last. Eduardo’s dad found the books, and he wasn’t exactly okay with what was in them. The two were just younger than 18 when that happened. A few years later, after Juan decided to become a bandit, they met again. Juan went to hug him but got shoved away. Eduardo acted like he had never met him before. It hit Juan in a soft spot, but he went along with it, knowing whatever Eduardo’s dad did to him wasn’t the greatest. But Eduardo was a different person, harsher, meaner. There were still times when his old self would come out, but it would so quickly be stifled Juan would wonder if he imagined it.
Juan looks in the box and pulls out a thin pad of paper, about 20 or so pieces. Juan, throughout the years, had probably seen these a million times, but that didn’t stop him from looking again, blushing at his past, at the feelings he used to know. At the boy he once loved, and the man he wasn’t sure he knew. Each drawing, each stroke of the pen, was carefully done, the signature in the corner of every one.
He put the pad in his coat pocket, closed the box and put it back in the floor, as if nothing has been or ever was there. He looked across the room at Eduardo. He hadn’t been the nicest, or least hypocritical person lately. He deserved this. 
On his walk back to the sheriff’s house, he thought about their time together, all those years ago. The jokes, the spats, the love. Juan had loved Eduardo, and these drawings had love written all over them. 
He wondered if Eduardo even remembers making them, or if he forced himself to forget.
There’s a knocking on the door, and Edward gets up first to answer it.
“Hel-” Juan shoves past him and walks over to their dinner table, placing the sketchpad on it, face down. 
“I’m really sorry, I am. So, so here,” Juan points at the pad, his other hand clenched in his pocket, and walks back towards the still opened door, “tell Eduardo that if he puts the film out you’ll put the drawings out. I really didn’t, I really didn’t mean to, to hurt you guys.” Why were tears flooding his eyes? 
Thompson, a little taller than him, blocks the exit.
“What’re you sorry for, boy?” Thompson says, balling his hands into fists.
“I...I told Eduardo about you guys.” Juan added quickly, “But I’m making it right! I gave you fire to use against his fire!”
“He’s going to burn our house down?” Edward asks, with more disbelief than fear.
“No, no, I-I just meant...” 
“You’re helping us get back at him?” Thompson says and squints.
“Yeah, ‘xactly!”
“Pardon, but I find it hard to believe you’d help us when you’re the one who got us here in the first place.” Edward glared. 
“Yeah, and how’d we even use these? It has his signature, but he could just say he didn’t draw them and that it’s another Eduardo. He ain’t famous or nothin’, no one’s gonna recognize it.” Thompson says, walking over to the table and inspecting them. He raises his eyebrows. “Though, if he did make ‘em...”
“Then...I could vouch for you, ‘cause I saw him draw them. Eye witness, right?” Juan tries to bargain.
“...The man in these drawin’s is you, bandit.” Thompson says, slowly. “Ya know that’d-”
“Put me in danger. I’m okay with it.” Juan stands straighter. “I just feel...guilty. I shouldn’t’ve let this go so far.”
“You shouldn’t have done it in the first place.” Edward says, and crosses his arms.
“Yeah, I know, but...I dunno. I guess I just did it because it’s us against the world, and I wanted to win.”
“That’s incredibly childish.” Edward rolled his eyes.
“So ya try an’ ruin our lives? We could lose our jobs, or get murdered over this!” 
“I’m sorry.” Juan says, and inches toward the door. “But just...when ya show Eduardo that, don’t tell him I gave it ta you guys.” 
“Hey! We ain’t done yet here-!” Thompson started, but Juan had already started running out the door. 
Edward began looking over the drawings . 
“These are actually...we could use these.” Edward says.
“I think it’d be kinda-”
“We would never actually publish them, of course.” Edward says, closing the door. “But we could simply bluff. I mean, they held it over our heads, why not return the favor?” 
“I like the way you think, Ed.” 
“Thank you dear.” He kisses him on the forehead. “Do you want to go fuck up that bastard’s life now, or shall we wait ‘till sunrise?” Thompson, slightly taken aback by Edward’s swearing, smiles.
“Hmm...I reckon we should wait until the next time we meet up for demands. Then spring it on him.” Thompson grins. 
“Swell idea, love.”
A knock on the door.
“Oh?” Edward asks, “Who is it?”
“It’s me.” Eduardo says from behind the door.
“Oh, right!” Edward opens the door, “Come in! Come in!” 
“...Why are you being so pleasant?” Eduardo glares, crossing his arms, “Ya know what? I don’t even care. So, what I want you two-”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary.” Edward slams the door shut. 
“Oh?” Eduardo laughs, “Then, I guess I’ll just have to-” Edward whips out a certain drawing pad. 
“What?” Eduardo’s eyes suddenly widen, and he takes a step back. Just as he’s about to pounce, Thompson jumps on him, pinning him to the floor again. “What’s-”
“Hand over the pictures, or we release these,” He waves the book just above Eduardo’s head, “to the press,” Edward states, standing over him.
“What do I care what the public thinks of me?! They already hate me!” Eduardo thrashed against the man, but Thompson had a strong grip.
“Maybe they do, but will fellow criminals? What’ll they think of ya then?” Thompson spits, “No more help from fellow gangs.”
“...How did you even-”
“Juan.” Edward and Thompson say at the same time. He might’ve helped them in the end, but he did start this whole thing, after all. Some anger was still harbored for the short man.
“Ugh!” Eduardo yelled. “...Fine. I’ll give you the pictures by sundown. But destroy those in front of me first.”
“That’s not how things work around here.” Edward crouches down, “You give us the pictures first. We wouldn’t lie to you - we’re cops after all. You’re more likely to con us then vice-versa.” 
“...Fine. I’ll do it.” Eduardo says, “Just don’t tell anyone. I’m not like that anymore.”
“...Go.” Thompson lets go of Eduardo and he walks out of the house, frazzled and angry. Betrayed.
“Hey, Juan?” Eduardo says through gritted teeth. Marco knew this tone; he walks out of the base and goes for a quick - or long - stroll. 
“Uh, yeah?” Juan focuses his eyes intently on his book, not looking up from it. He swallows.
“May I have a word?” Fists shaking with white knuckles, Eduardo glares with all that’s left in him at the man across the room, staring at his book in the corner. 
“Sh-sure. Just, um...just…” Juan’s hands start shaking. His eyes scan for Marco. He isn’t here. No one to help him if things get out of hand.
“JUST WHAT?!” Eduardo stomps his foot on the ground and storms over to Juan. Juan stands up, but it’s too late to move. On second thought, perhaps the corner of the room wasn’t the smartest place to hide. Eduardo lifts him by the collar and slams him against the corner. Juan’s trapped. He cowers, pressing himself further into the wall. “YOU...” 
Tears prick Eduardo’s eyes. Oh, how he hates it. He squeezes his eyes shut, his teeth grind together. 
“You ruined everything.” Eduardo seethes, “You’ve always ruined everything. You ruined. My. LIFE!”
“Hey! I didn’t - I didn’t ruin your life!” Juan defends himself, “Your dad did!” 
At that, Eduardo’s blood turns to freezing cold slush. He drops Juan and takes a step back.
“You...” Eduardo begins visibly shaking now, and crosses his arms as a short-hand to hugging himself. He shakes his head, “I-”
“We could’a ran away together, just you ‘n me! I swear, ‘Duardo, you were the best thing that’d ever happen ta’ me.” Juan gripped his arms, “But then you had to leave, and when we met again, it was like you were a different person!” He took a step forward and gestured that he wanted to hold Eduardo’s hands. Eduardo puts his hands in his pockets, then crosses his arms again, taking a step back. “You were - we were so happy back then. I guess I kept them because I wanted to remember that for a while.”
“Maybe you were happy,” Eduardo paused for a second, “but I wasn’t! Maybe I never wanted you, maybe you just heard what you wanted to hear!”
Juan narrowed his eyes at him. “I know what I heard. I know all those times we’d talk for hours about our future, about anything, about each other.” He clenched his fists, “You didn’t say platonic things to me, bunny.” 
“...Whatever I did when I was a punk-ass kid means nothing,” He tried to keep his voice from shaking, “you betrayed me, and went behind my back to the cops! What we said to each other years ago is worthless, so get out of my face about it.” 
“No, I won’t, because I refuse to believe those dozens of books filled with drawin’s don’t mean nothing to you, because throughout the years, they’ve always meant somethin’ to me, whenever I’ve looked at ‘em.”
“...what?” Eduardo asks. 
“Uh...the drawin’s?” Juan squints. “I still look at ‘em all the time.”
Eduardo sucked in a breath at the realization. He couldn’t believe he had kept them. All of them. And still cared to look.
“Did ya really think I’d just throw ‘em out?” Juan says to fill to gap in conversation. “They really are pretty-”
“Just, shut up.” Eduardo runs a hand through his hair. He’s blushing, slightly. Then, in a much softer voice that resembled defeat more than gentleness, “...Please.”
Juan opens his mouth to say something, but cuts himself off. He almost offered a hug, but stopped himself there, to. He hears Eduardo mumble something about his habit of drawing biting him in the ass twice, and he pauses, and decides to sail into uncharted territory.
“What your dad did ta you must’a been awful. I…” Juan can’t quite find the right words, “I don’t know how to make it better, but...can I try?” He stepped forward and again held out his hands for Eduardo to take. Eduardo just stared at them with a fixed gaze. “You-you don’t have to if you, if you don’t-”
Eduardo pulls Juan into a hug, and before either of them really have time to process it, Eduardo pulls out. 
“...Sorry for, uh, hurting your head.” Eduardo looks at his feet. He adds softly, “I’ll...try to not get so angry in the future.” 
“It’s fine -”
“No, it’s not.” Eduardo massages the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry.”
“...I accept. I just want you ta be happy.” Juan says, and smiles, “Like when we were kids.”
“I don’t think I can ever be that person again.” Tears fall from his eyes just as fast as he can wipe them up, “I just can’t. Not after everything.” 
“Well…” Juan says, “then I’ll settle for happier.”
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dzamie-oc · 5 years ago
14: Tree
Oliver walked through his yard, listening to the grass swishing under his shoes. Atop his head was perched Flint, a small dragoness; the spring sun danced brilliantly off of her iridescent, silvery scales. Around the middle of the grassy area, the man crouched to set down what he was carrying: a gildenbark sapling, a shovel, a few long, wooden stakes, some twine, and a rubber mallet. Flint hopped off as well, then picked up one of the stakes in her mouth and swung it around like a sword. Oliver laughed and picked up the shovel, planting its tip in the ground.
"Ah, it's not even planted, and already our little tree has a little guardian!" he said, digging out a shovelful of dirt and grass, "though I bet it'll be hard to dig with a stick in your mouth."
Oliver lifted the shovel, and by the time he was almost about to push it back into the dirt, there was a little ball of scales in the way, devoid of stick. "Why didn't you say so?" Flint demanded, "leave the digging to me! I'm gonna make a hole for for the biggest and bestest tree!"
While tiny clawfuls of dirt flew out of the slowly growing hole, Oliver set about hammering the stakes into the ground around it. He watched the little dragon ruin the luster of her scales with enthusiastic abandon for a short bit after, then reached in and scooped her up in his hands, her little forelegs still kicking in the air. "Alright, that's enough. We don't want to bury all of the tree, just the roots." He set her back down in the grass, and she immediately locked her jaws around the mallet, dragging it around to defend the shiny tree. The human watched her take a lap or two, then stood the gildenbark up in the hole, filling it in after and tying it to the supporting stakes. While he stood back to admire his work, Flint bumped into him.
"Alright little lady, time to head in for a bath."
In retaliation to this dastardly threat, the dragoness turned, flared her wings out, and stared at him as hard as she could. "You don't want to give me a bath," Flint insisted, "I actually have a whole nother hour to run and play."
It was relaxing, staring into her shining, golden eyes. Concerningly so, even. "Flint, what did I say about that?"
Flint sighed and rolled her eyes as they dimmed back to yellow. "People's minds are their own, and only change them with their permission or my life is in danger,” she droned. She pouted all the way to the tub, and later denied allegations of purring while Oliver scrubbed her scales.
On a warm summer day, Oliver and Flint relaxed in the yard behind their building. Over the years, they had expanded their home upwards, and dedicated much of the lower floor to their family business. Flint’s wings were coming in nicely, and the multicolored sheen on her scales was proving to be more than just hatchling coloration. As he sat in his chair, Oliver pointed that out about her, and Flint happily shimmied back and forth, causing the near-illusory colors to ripple and pulse along her body. A little carefree and reckless, the growing dragoness let out a yelp when she nearly shimmied herself into the young gildenbark tree. She glared at it in mock anger for daring to impede her strutting her stuff, then peered closer.
“Hey Dad, how come our tree’s bark looks like this?” She tilted her head to the side. “It’s flakier than most others, even aside from its weird color. Pretty, though...”
Oliver slipped a bookmark into his book and stood up to walk over to her. Some light scratching by her horns drew a smile to her face. “It’s a gildenbark tree, Flint. It’s how they got their name.” He reached out to the tree and snapped off a bit of the bark, a thin, golden flake, as though he’d pried some gold leaf off of some rich guy’s outfit, and handed it to his adoptive daughter. “They actually used to be outlawed around here, until a few decades ago when the current set of coins really took off. Too many times someone had passed off some gildenbark bark as real gold and made off with a bunch of valuable stuff in trade.”
Flint turned the bark in her paw, watching it shimmer in the sunlight. “I think it’d look pretty good on me. Like, little golden sparkles on my scales, or maybe something around my eyes.” She snorted and accidentally blew the bark right out of her grip. After a series of missed swipes and one dive that was as unsuccessful as it was ungraceful, the dragoness picked it up again and traced a mask shape around her eyes. “Y’know, to help customers know where to look, so we don’t get any more who think my tail or around there is what puts them under. Plus, I’d look super cute.”
“You already look super cute.”
Flint rolled her yellow eyes. “Yeah, but you’re my dad. I think that makes you, like, contractually obligated by Ancient Dad Law to say stuff like that.” She reached out and snapped off some more of the looser bits of bark, holding them in her paw and dropping down to balance on three.
“Ah yes, that law. It has a rider that makes me keep a subscription to that parenting magazine that never really helped with a little thoughtwyrm hatchling,” Oliver said, walking back to his chair to fold it and retrieve his book, “but more importantly, you know what else it says?”
“No, what?” Flint mentally braced herself against the inevitable pun.
“It says that it’s nearly sundown on a school night, which means it’s bathtime for a growing young dragoness.” He beckoned her onward, back indoors.
His daughter stopped and stared at him, her golden eyes glowing softly in the evening light. “Actually, it would be a better idea to give me the leftover chicken instead, and not have that bath.”
Oliver glanced her way, saw her eyes, and turned back to the house. “Flint, don’t make me say it...” he warned.
Flint groaned. “Yeah, yeah, minds and consent. Still, the chicken?”
“That’s tomorrow’s lunch, as a soup. Now come on, before it gets dark,” he said, and on hearing the dragon groan, “look, unless you want me to pick you up and dunk you like a hatchling, and I think neither of us really want you thrashing all over the place like you used to.”
The next day, Flint surprised her friends by not only being the sole dragon at school - that was rather usual for her - but also having some golden specks in patterns around her eyes and along her muzzle.
Flint swept her tail along the ground, dutifully pushing the red-orange leaves into a pile. With her height, she had taken to sleeping outside most of the year, but the autumn chill would soon chase her back indoors. Her favorite homemade scale polish decorated her white claws with gold that caught and danced in the light. She reached for another bag, only to find the box empty; in two steps, she was by the rear porch, carefully taking the bag offered by the man wrapped in a blanket and reclining in a chair.
“Really, Dad, you didn’t have to come out for this,” she insisted, scooping a paw full of leaves into the bag, “I don’t want you catching a cold because of me.”
“Nonsense, Flint, this is practically a tradition,” Oliver called back in a much weaker voice - not only was age straining him, but as she grew, so did her voice. “You do all the work gathering up the leaves, and I stand around pretending to be useful. I mean, providing moral support.”
Oliver laughed, slowly, then looked up at the mostly barren branches, a few stubborn leaves still hanging on. “Do you remember way back when we first planted this tree? You’ve always been its little defender.”
The dragoness tied off the last bag, then walked over to lay around her father in a half-circle of iridescent, white scales. “Only what you’ve told me of it. A sword of one of those little stakes to keep it upright, digging the hole all by myself...”
“Tell you the truth, my little ball of scales, I’m not sure you understood what a tree was back then.”
“I probably did. Just not how long it would take to make.” Flint pricked her head up, then peered through a window inside. “Oh, Dad, Nurse Chai is calling for you. I think your bath is ready.”
With a smile and a defiant laugh, Oliver crossed his arms. “Now? I think I’ll spend some more time with my favorite daughter, thank you very much.”
“Only daughter. And c’mon, you know you’ve gotta get it done before we go to sleep.”
“You’ll have to force me to depart.”
A mischievous smirk stretched across the dragoness’s muzzle. She winked, and the one open eye soon blazed a brilliant gold. “Why, father, is that permission?” Flint closed her eyes, poked her tongue out just a bit, and giggled. “Come on, you can admire the tree you’ve grown any day. You’ve gotta keep clean, especially after last June.”
After a bit more lighthearted back-and-forth, Oliver finally got up and shuffled in, leaving Flint to curl up in the yard. She wrapped her long body around the trunk of the tree, encircling gold in silver, and rested her head on a pillow Oliver had had made for her years before, with a cartoon image of her hypnotizing a client. She shut her eyes, and soon began to dream. She purred in her sleep while her mind showed her visions of her and Oliver resting in its shade, of kissing a cute human girl, hidden by the leaves around them, and of a small dragoness valiantly defending her big human while he constructed a brilliant, gold tree.
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wannawrite · 7 years ago
In Your Area
who?: Yuehua’s / Idol Producer’s Zhu Zhengting genre: 🌸 type: bullet point - I’m sorry I promise scenarios soon
blog navigator.
neighbours! AU 
• you aren’t quite sure what to make of your new neighbour but hey, he’s nice and pretty cute
Zhengting is so boyfriend material no one understands how I feel :”) I thought Justin was immortalised as my YH baby but Zhengting popped off ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ Thanks for requesting fluff anon!! I really needed it
- Admin L
a/n: sorry this took like two decades and can y’all vote if you want us to start writing for IP in 2018. drop us a message/ask!!! 
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to be and credit goes to their original owners.
everything written is purely fictional 
ZT’s diary: (/^▽^)/ moving day
what. the. hell. is. happening.
the dream that played out like a perfect movie scene in your head was VERY rudely interrupted and ruined by the ‘clings’ and ‘clongs’ scarring your ears
wrapping your stuffed pillow around your ears weren’t providing much help either 
‘you’ve got to be joking...’
you groaned, realising there was, in fact, a new neighbour moving into that empty apartment next door
eyes closed, paradise fought to overpower your current reality
it was drifting in the distance, just out of reach, beckoning you to immerse yourself in the paradigm once again
but a loud crash resounded through the atmosphere and shattered whatever serenity there was
muttering complaints under your breath, you peeled your eyes open and slowly clambered out of bed 
sickening...who moves in at this unholy hour 
it was 9am 
I found out that sleeping until 9am isn’t a hard task I thought it to be  
do these people have a conscience? are they not aware that weekends are time for people to sleep in? 
while complaints and rants ran through your mind, your cousin and flatmate, Wenjun, threw the door open and barged into the room 
his face displayed an enthusiastic puppy-like smile. ‘WE HAVE NEW NEIGHBOURS!’ 
‘wonderful, I can tell. Now, go give them some gifts and greet them,’ you tell Wenjun before flipping over and pulling your blanket over your head 
‘NO! You come with me! Aren’t you supposed to be the older cousin?’ he complains. ‘It’s rude if I go alone.’ 
saying hi isn’t exactly the first thing I want to do 
you sigh. ‘Okay, okay but later. We should give them some time to settle in. Besides, we need time to get a proper gift.’ 
I just really need a couple more hours of sleep why can’t you get any hints Wenjun :((((
huh maybe this is why you’re still single even though all of the college kids are in love with you 
I follow the confessions page on ig, you don’t even know 
oblivious, really 
‘just go get something appropriate from the mall nearby.’ you shove Wenjun, eyes still shut and head still resting on your pillow 
‘we have to choose it together so it’s more meaningful,’ he says. ‘sleep can wait.’ 
this child knows nothing about junior year in college 
lucky sophomore 
sunlight begins to gently flitter in from the curtains, you almost enjoy the warm sensation as it lulls you back to sleep 
that is before Wenjun decides to be a little pest and yanks the material apart, bathing your room in ample sunlight 
it tickles your face and burns into your eyes, effectively driving you out of bed 
‘OKAY! Just let me get ready first,’ you huff grumpily. ‘Wait till your mother hears about this.’ 
Wenjun just sticks his tongue out and prances off 
hastily and half asleep, you pull on a random college camp shirt and walk out in your sleeping shorts 
‘get me my sunglasses like qinfen’s and car keys,’ you order Wenjun since it is HIS fault for making me arise so early 
I can’t let Mrs Lau on the 8th floor see me like this...geez that nosy auntie 
she’ll tell this whole block for sure 
I know she secretly tracks our movement to arrive at the lift and the exact time when the gossip is fresh 
she really has too much time on her hands being the newest third wife of her current sugar daddy of a husband 
I hope our new neighbours aren’t like her...I also pray they know what they’re getting themselves into by moving into this condominium 
if we get just ONE more snobby, rich, gossip digger neighbour, I’ll gladly pay for that 11.2 million mansion Wenjun was looking at 
there’s no denying the estate you and your cousin resided in was a rich one, flourishing with the younger generation of old-money families
it didn’t help that prestigious universities were planted nearby 
okay fine, you and Wenjun lived big because of your family 
but y’all weren’t stuck up, gossipy or as gold-digging, as the majority of the neighbours you had encountered 
the new ones next door better not be any of the above 
click click click 
Wenjen pops his head over your shoulder to stare at your phone. ‘Why are you searching up that mansion? Are we moving house?’ 
your eyes swivel to check if anyone was lurking in the corridor before whispering in a hushed tone, ‘No but we will be if our new neighbours are anything like the existing ones.’ 
Wenjun sighs and shakes his head dramatically but his lips quirk up playfully 
‘I’m sure they aren’t that terrible. C’mon, let me get my new Gucci sneakers.’ 
remind me why my kid cousin wants to wear his 2K shoes to the mall smh 
no one is going to see them 
besides, isn’t Gucci a little overexposed nowadays? 
yes, I went to the local Gucci store to check it was like 1.9K? but round it up
pushing the gate open, you manoeuvre your way around the piles of cardboard boxes 
simple cardboard boxes 
nothing at all like the usual sleek black boxes embellished with the family name in silver calligraphy font 
all of which ended up in the trash bin afterwards 
flip flop flip flop 
‘...could you at least get a new pair of...marketing slippers?’ Wenjun pointed out, blinking in horror at your worn out slippers, the left side’s sole was loose and threatening to fall  
‘oh stuff it rich kid. These were from Rubi and there was a sale!’ 
that led to a family bicker over slippers right outside your front door 
the two of you were so engrossed that you didn’t hear the pairs of footsteps drawing closer 
‘um hi?’ 
you froze 
Wenjun had a faster reaction time. He beamed brightly and cleared his throat. ‘Hi! Welcome to the neighbourhood! Have you guys eaten yet?’ 
your eyes scanned over the two boys who would now occupy the last flat at the end of the corridor 
they both had dyed hair just in differing colours, one blonde and the other jet black 
both were tall 
one seemed older and more athletic than the other 
‘I’m Bi Wenjun and this,’ Wenjun paused to shove you the in ribs. ‘Is my cousin, Y/N.’ 
the boy with the blonde hair spoke first, smiling to reveal pearly whites. ‘I’m Zhu Zhengting and he’s my brother, Justin.’ 
not related but YH are so close they’re all fam 
at least there are Coach sunglasses perched on my head,,,not so bad not so bad 
Wenjun had already started making small talk. Just smile and wave! 
i need new shorts and slippers pronto!
• UGH 
‘oh! China School of Fine Arts! I go to the same college,’ Zhengting suddenly spoke up. 
at which Justin rolled his eyes at. ‘Pfp, not for a term. Don’t worry if you don’t recognise him, he never actually attends classes.’ 
Zhengting blushed and elbowed Justin away 
hm cute 
‘oh cool,’ your tone was clipped and you feigned disinterest, trying to get your burning face to cool off. ‘I suppose I’ll see you around.’ 
m o v e  you tried to send a telepathic message to Wenjun 
times Wenjun has been oblivious today: 2 
the wait seemed excruciating and when Wenjun finally bid them goodbye, you took of in the direction of the lift with a carelessly wave 
it was good that your neighbours were people around your age 
just so happened that Zhengting was incredibly good looking and currently the only dateable candidate available 
all drive long, Wenjun kept teasing you about your appearance or gushing about how well he and Justin got along 
he insisted on gifting them the most expensive hamper from Tangs 
you didn’t see a need for two young adults to have bone strengthening essences meant for elderly 
but they were complementary in the particular hamper so...
supermarket was particularly quiet that morning 
and it seemed to be offering an alarming amount of samples and candy promotions 
candy was more suitable for a high schooler and college student but you weren’t up to argue with Wenjun
he seemed too whipped for Zhengting and Justin 
‘I need ice cream to get over this,’ you moaned. ‘There’s no way I can ever look our neighbours in the eye again!’ 
call me overdramatic but you would have done the same 
I haven’t even had breakfast yet 
stupid Wenjun 
I think it’s low blood sugar that’s causing me to be like this 
‘sweetie, it’s 10.30am in the morning and you are on a strict diet. Remember that detox tea you ordered a week ago?’ Wenjun reminded, shovelling free samples of chocolate chip cookies into his mouth 
why does my kid cousin always have a point...but my day was absolutely terrible! 
‘whatever, f*ck it. I’ll just pass those to Cheng Cheng.’ It was your turn to sample those cookies 
don’t you just love supermarkets? 
you didn’t think the back seat of your car would be stocked with boxes of biscuits 
morning supermarket runs are interesting in the Bi household 
luckily, there were no snooping neighbours in the lift lobby to witness the Bi cousins haul about a dozen plastic bags filled with questionable groceries 
such as croutons without a leaf of a lettuce 
lift buttons were nearly hidden from view by white plastic 
bring your own bags to shop! 
there were no longer any boxes lining the corridors when you guys arrived home 
thank god
imagine going all American Ninja Warrior with arms full of grocery bags 
there was a lot of packing going on in the kitchen 
and ripping open almost all of the cookie boxes by the time y’all were done 
Wenjun went over to lend a helping hand while you hibernated in your room, reflecting over your outfit choice and eat more 
it was just sheet embarrassment that plagued your mind and influenced your actions 
might as well be all comfortable and sappy around them because they’ve seen me in my pyjamas 
i hope he doesn’t follow the school’s confession page 
those thoughts made you crunch down on the biscuit with unnecessary strength 
ding dong 
the melodious - rather generic - chime of your doorbell broke your train of miserable thoughts 
‘hamper delivery!’ 
as you were still clad in your wonderful get up, you opened the door wide enough for only your head to be seen 
‘send it next door,’ you hissed quietly. ‘Say it’s from your new neighbours with love. Thanks!’ 
oh my god 
you slammed the door faster than the delivery man’s reply and raced to your bedroom 
‘i’m ruined.’ 
*cue dramatic Disney princess sob fest on bed* 
a few heart-pounding minutes passed, you strained your ears for any sign of reaction 
unfortunately, people paid for soundproofed walls around here 
yet, there seemed to be a sound coming from outside 
out of curiosity, you peeled away your balcony door to take a look 
lo and behold 
Zhengting was standing on the balcony, tossing small pebbles onto yours 
visual reference: Songyi and Minjoon’s apartment balconies from Kdrama ‘My Love From The Star’ 
is...he really wasting the decorative pebbles...
battling a blush of complete mortification, you gestured for him to say something 
‘Thanks for the hamper!’ Zhengting yelled with a bright smile. ‘We appreciate it!’ 
on impulse, your lips stretched into a grin. ‘No problem! Welcome to the neighbourhood!’ 
he looked at the small trench of bamboo and pebbles separating the two balconies and then back at you 
please please please stop judging my outfit 
‘hopefully, we’ll see each other a lot.’ 
he shot one last smile, maybe a soft chuckle before stepping back into his room 
his words confused you
maybe he meant to spite your outfit choice 
or maybe he genuinely felt like seeing you more often 
that’s because he’s new and probably needs someone to show him around the estate and would rather have a friendly next-door neighbour do it than the security guard 
get your head out of your ass he doesn’t mean it like that 
ZT’s diary: one 1/2 months of living with Justin╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯
over the course of a month, you learnt that Zhengting and Justin were very inconsiderate neighbours 
there was always some loud music playing from their flat at every time of the day 
fortunately for them, you and Wenjun were the only neighbours on the right side of the 12th floor and you didn’t really care much to complain
the resident care committee was rather useless anyway
regardless, their music still annoyed and distracted you to an extent
according to Wenjun their apartment was larger and thus, they had extra rooms to build a dance studio in
that was how you found out Zheng Ting was a dance major in CSFA
he just had to be under Professor Zhou or Professor Cheng
Cheng xiao’s real name is so cute omg
at least he was in a different major
you wondered if he knew Professor Wang
Professor Wang knew everybody and Zhengting looked like a popular kind of guy
+ the guy who actually liked his major
while it was touching to see how hard he worked, you wished ‘I am the sheep’ wasn’t stuck in your head while you were studying for a quiz
the clock read 2am, that was the time you finally snapped
popping panadol pills wasn’t going to take a headache away
the soundproofing here sucks! it only works whenever it wants to
shockingly, Wenjun was tucked away in his dreamland, wrapped up in a cocoon of his blankets and oblivious to the world that surrounded him
you grabbed your phone and stormed to your neighbour’s apartment, pounding furiously on the front door
it took a while but the music stopped playing and a few clicks of locks could be heard
‘hi,’Zheng Ting panted out, wiping the sweat that was beading on his forehead. ‘It’s about the noise level isn’t it?’
suddenly, the want to yell at him was gone
he! was! just! too! knowing!
it made you feel a bit ashamed
not to mention that his white shirt was slowly becoming see-through
you clasped your hands together, grinning.
‘No! Not at all! I-I j-just wanted to find out the song you’re dancing to.’
lie lie lie? 
Zhengting seemed to ponder about that for a moment before beckoning you to enter his apartment
not shady at all
let’s go
be sure to take off your flip flops before entering houses
each room was slightly larger than the ones in your home
surprisingly, the house was kept neat and tidy, minus the odd one or two boxes that had yet to be unpacked
‘where’s Justin?’
the lack of the younger boy’s presence in the flat noticeable
Zhengting revealed that Justin was away for a week visiting his family
no wonder Wenjun seemed a bit sulkier
Zhengting pushed open the door to his cosy little dance studio
honestly, it was spacious enough to have a group of dancers practice
very well lit by the fluorescent spotlights and outfitted with a panel of mirrors
there was even a ballet bar on the other side
and Zhengting had hidden this treasure how?
his personal studio was comparable to the ones at school
suddenly, you came face to face with an iPad, an iTunes tab open
‘these are all the songs I’ve been choreographing to recently, and uh...loudly as well,’ Zhengting said, handing you the device
all of his fancy music equipment was organised in a small shelf
he’s so damn invested into his dancing career
‘why are you working so hard for?’ you wondered out loud
even during finals, Professor Wang never gave your class so many assignments to work on
this is so inaccurate ^ btw, don’t take my word for anything
Zhengting nibbled on his bottom lip and nervously readjusted his headband. Pink flushed his cheeks as he took a step closer to you
with his lips so close to your face, you could feel the ba-bumps of your heart quickening
if I tell you, will you promise not to reveal it to anyone else?’
so secretive
you nodded, eager to find out what Zhengting was hiding
‘all these are for the school’s dance showcase. this year is more exclusive and getting a seat in the audience is invite-only,’ he disclosed. ‘Scouts from all the prestigious academies are coming to take a look.’
a small gasp of astonishment left your mouth, hands flying into a congratulatory clap
*iPad falls from your grip and your reflexes aren’t quick enough*
forget the iPad
rip screen  
ZT has a million more in some boxes anyway
showcases were a MAJOR event for CSFA students, this had to be out of the world spectacular!
discovery: praise only caused your neighbour to turn redder than a tomato
‘will I receive an invitation any time soon?’ you teased, gently nudging his side with your elbow 
please say I didn’t smash his iPad screen
hey, I placed it on the floor G E N T L Y
a mischievous glint twinkled in Zhengting’s brown orbs
you guys KNOW that look
he let out a huff and pretended to be in deep thought, weighing out the pros and cons
arms akimbo, you willed for him to stop teasing and provide an answer
he genuinely has no idea if Professor Zhou will grant him so many passes, stop being so pushy😫😔
Zhengting clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth triumphantly, finally able to decide on his answer
‘okay, IF you help me fine tune my choreography a bit more, I’ll beg Professor Cheng to save you a seat,’he offered
‘sure, of course! I am a composer and rap study though,’ you quipped in reply, hoping he would still go through with the proposal
ZT shrugged nonchalantly, ‘the more diverse an opinion the better. And please, you’re all Prof Jin and Prof Jackson brag about to our classes.’
now was your turn to blush and deny his claims
who cared if his iPad was broken
at least his heart wasn’t
ZT’s diary: month two of living with Justin\(・ω・)/
yet again 
and it was early in the morning 
history does repeat itself 
thank goodness it wasn’t the sacred hour of 9am but 11am 
still early on in the new day 
however, havoc seemed to be wrecking your neighbours flat 
• one moment, the sharp charring of a vacuum cleaner could be heard and the next, shattering items or dropping of boxes boomed through the flat 
basically, just huge chaos 
not wanting to seem too nosy, you kept yourself from going over 
however, the level of pandemonium was getting so out of hand that Wenjun put down his gaming control and asked if he should check it out 
what could be so wrong on a Saturday morning? 
you opened your mouth to answer but was abruptly cut off by two urgent knocks on the front door 
the door creaked open to reveal a panicky, oddly-dressed Zhengting holding onto handles of pet crates 
‘hi,’ you quickly greeted, unable to stand the awkward silence. ‘Is everything alright?’ 
‘just peachy,’ he replied, tongue slipping over his chapped lips
my most fashionable neighbour is clad in a shirt that cost more than my life from some new streetwear brand and lounge pants - probably from the market - with yellow butterflies on them
what a fit, a fashion statement
such fittingly random sense of style today
something obviously wasn’t right
yes, I’m referring to his pyjamas featured on idol xinfan
YH sprouts rlly wear questionable clothes to sleep no offence
...at least they don’t sleep nude right?
like that’s living life on the edge imagine getting your period while sleeping that’ll be awful
turning your gaze on the pet carriers, you spot a pretty white kitten and a caramel coloured puppy
in separate carriers
‘I’ll explain later but um our parents are coming for a surprise visit and they don’t know about my babies yet so could you please look after them for an hour or so?’Zhengting begs, desperation creeping into his voice
an ear-splitting crash echoes from their apartment before Justin yells, ‘ge! I can’t get the cat fur off our clothes!’
this is an emergency!!!
you take the pets from his hands gleefully and throw out your lint roller in exchange
‘try this!’
in no way am I advertising lint rollers I don’t even think I have one
Zhengting shoots you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen and hurriedly dashes over to Justin
Wenjun joins in a few moments later, leaving you alone to bond with your neighbours’ pets
a puppy and a kitten? sign me the f*ck up
sorry, couldn’t find if he was more a dog or cat person so you get the best of both worlds
the snow white kitten cautiously pads onto your ottoman while the more adventurous puppy bounces happily onto your bed
I think your heart just melted into a puddle of goo
just imagine Zhengting playing with these two cuties
ba bump, ba bump, babump, babumpbabump
since you’re worried the young animals might pee on your bed, you take them out to the balcony to play
an animal approved balcony
they mess with a collection of small potted
after which, grow tired and begin snuggling up to you for comfort
without caring you’re attempting conversation with pets - that are not even yours, you pose shy of a billion questions
like ‘is ZT treating you well?’, ‘does he look better with his hair up or down?’,‘isn’t he so cute?’
‘Zhengting’s so attractive,’ you muse wistfully not realising the man standing on the neighbouring balcony
ZT chuckles, feeling red tint his cheeks
he only emerged from his room to inhale a breath of fresh air before the intense grilling by his parents could pepper him
yet he felt his heart grow warmer than ever, prior to your heartfelt confession
the front door clicked shut behind Justin and the brothers flopped onto the living room carpet, finally able to breathe normally
we pulled it off, we did it,’ Justin gasped in disbelief, wondering if all the cleaning he had done was a lucid dream
but the realness of Zhengting’s high-five and sparkling counters proved him wrong
ah ha! whatever ge’s parents said to him also proved it happened!
‘soooo,’ he drawled out teasingly. ‘pa and ma think you’re attracted to our neighbour.’
Justin’s hand reached to pinch Zhengting’s steadily crimsoning cheeks
He only snickered when his ge swatted his fingers away as if they were pesky flies
puppy love
speaking of puppies, Justin insisted that Zhengting collect their babies back
knocking at your door, Zhengting had no idea why he felt more anxious than usual
his throbbing heart seemed to want to jump out of his chest
at least he was momentarily distracted by your endless gushing of love for his pets
compliment after compliment, love confession after love confession
shhh...he kind of wished you were referring to him
‘they’re such great listeners too!’
they admitted that I’m handsome!
Zhengting raised a smug eyebrow, mouth curling upwards. ‘So, you think I’m attractive huh?’
*sweats nervously*
thankfully, he doesn’t prompt for a reply as he takes the pet carriers from your grasp
with a wink, Zhengting walks off
leaving you in a frantic yet charmed mess
you: ZZT, you did NOT hear that
the text is fast, your fingers flurry over the keyboard  
his answer isn’t delayed either
zhengting: hear what? your Romeo&Julietesque confession of your love for me?
you: pft just bc we both have balconies doesn’t mean we’re Romeo and Juliet
you: it didn’t happen
you: I take my words back
zhengting: mhm and you definitely did not talk to my pets as if they were humans
you: SHUSH
zhengting: no :)
zhengting: come to the balcony
zhengting: please
zhengting: where are you
zhengting: :(
zhengting: come out or I’m calling Wenjun and exposing you
you rolled off your bed and onto your balcony faster than Usain Bolt
Zhengting had already propped his arms on the dividing decoration, awaiting your arrival
‘hey, secret lover,’ he poked. ‘Missed me?’
your orbs rolled in perfect circles,
‘please, I saw you a couple of minutes ago. If anything, I miss your puppy more.’
‘come over tonight.’
what? excuse me?
‘I really need help with my choreography. Please? You promised!’
Zhengting looked needy enough for you to say yes...plus, you wanted tickets to the showcase...and it couldn’t hurt to spend more time with help him right?
also because you wanted to see his pets again
you told him you would come over after dinner
the temptation would be too great to arrive on an empty stomach when a full-course meal awaits
Justin was clad in his baby blue onesie and carrying the small white kitten when he opened the door 
how childlike 
I should get matching pjs for Wenjun too 
with a knowing smirk, he mentioned that Zhengting was in his room 
in return, you filled him in on the new video game that Wenjun bought 
and then let him into your apartment to bug Wenjun 
family goals 
you ventured further into the flat, a tad bit more familiar with your surroundings 
Zhengting must be playing with his puppy as excited barks were coming from the inside 
you rapped your knuckles on the door then entered 
bc you’re a cultured person who knocks the door before entering! 
you learnt you to knock after walking in on many...unpleasant things 
such as wang ziyi and cai xukun proclaiming their eternal love 
then catching xukun on a date with zhang yixing a few days later 
not the kind of things you want to recall 
as you expected, Zhengting is on his bed, playing with his puppy 
oh wow can I just say 
bedhead ZZT with his shirt sliding off one shoulder to reveal a defined collarbone 
his grey sweatpants have loosened around the waist to reveal his Calvins and the very tip of his waist tattoo peeking out 
so sexy 
but no, in reality, he’s just cradling his puppy and cooing sweet nothings into his ear 
‘what’s his name?’ the puppy pads over to greet you, flicking his small tongue over your hands 
‘Justin and I decided to name him Ry, taken from the end of Jeffery,’ Zhengting replies while casually fixing his top 
...as in Jeffery from school? 
oh goodness, of course, these boys had connections 
they must be popular 
even though ZZT never attends class???
what sorcery 
an awkward silence passes 
you both communicate without opening your mouths 
eventually, you’re seated on the floor of ZZT’s dance studio, cuddling Ry - not exactly paying attention to his dance 
honestly, I think Zhengting’s focus is unbreakable 
but when it breaks...it shatters 
you go from trying to explain that his left arm needs to be at the same height as his right arm 
to ‘oh my god I really like your new phone case.’ 
and then he’ll pick up the conversation from ‘thanks my phone case is from bare bears official.’ 
he loves being cute deep down and we all know it shh 
then it goes back to ‘one two...three...stop! pose. Wow, you’re a great choreographer.’ 
not even dance counts ^ 
blame Professor Wang for influencing my class with dance 
I’ve been dragged to deep down 
eventually, the night wears on and the two of you simply sprawl out on the dance floor 
Ry cheers you up by licking your face though, cutie 
you’re curious to find out more about zhengting, now seems like the perfect opportunity to pose questions 
‘what other animals would you want as a pet?’ Though, you can’t picture Ry and the kitten having TOO many friends yet.
you watch as Zhengting pouts, thinking hard 
‘maybe a pet piglet. My friend, Mubo has one and I played with it once at his place. It was so adorable that all my friends were in love with it.’ Zhengting laughs fondly at the memory. 
‘my mother would kill me though,’ he adds quickly
idk man we could like share a pet so we both gain from it and become piglet parents 
wh00ps did I say that out loud? Why is he giggling at me? 
‘yes, yes you did,’ Zhengting speaks between his chuckles. ‘I already am a Zhu so might as well be a piglet parent.’ 
朱 (last name) and 猪 (pig) are both ‘zhu’ 
jokingly, you say, ‘I’ll choreograph a celebratory dance if you take up my offer.’ 
that’s when Zhengting gets all excited and seriously considers buying a pig 
one hour passes just researching on pigs
how to care for one 
what to feed it 
where to buy one 
is it legal 
how much does one piglet cost
not that the cost affects his decision ^ 
‘let’s do it,’ Zhengting decides surely, the determination in his tone. ‘Let’s be piglet parents.’ 
‘you’re kidding...’ your voice trails off when you see he is COMPLETELY on board with the idea 
what :) have :)) I :))) done :))) 
yet I really like the idea of Zhengting as a pet dad 
with me
it’ll be a small family 
‘we’ll work out the custody issues later,’ he jests. ‘Are you ready to sign some adoption papers? I found a reputable place.’ 
there’s this look of certainty and assurance in his eyes that only read ‘with me, everything’s going to be fine.’ 
maybe that was when you realised you were SO ready to admit you wanted to be with him
maybe confession could come later but for now
piglet parenting? 
hell yeah 
‘I’m in on it.’ 
I’m so glad you moved in next door 
I’m so happy Justin chose the right apartment complex
worked on this for one whole week oh my god and this lowkey became crack 
rlly wanted to get this up for his birthday!!!
so happiest 22nd/23rd to the gorgeous Zhu Zhengting!!
can’t believe he’s joining the old men club on Idol Producer I’m so proud :)
I fell for him on Pd 101 but unfortunately, his incredible talents weren’t recognised
he and Justin were my Chinese kings and now they’ve both come back to claim their kingdoms
Zhengting is just so talented, hardworking, kind-hearted and humorous
I love
tbh idk what lies ahead for his future bc YH’s plans look a bit scattered for the SKR and CH side
but whatever happens, I only wish the best for him and I hope that he would achieve his dream
literally, I would marry this man if the age gap wasn’t so big and if we shared the same religion
God bless him and his household, they deserve love and grace too
@ zhu family, thanks for raising such a wonderful man
pls don’t bash me for my errors, my ancestors are disappointed enough already :”)
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otherpeoplesheartachept-2 · 7 years ago
On A Trip
(Carry On CountDown Day 20)
(SnowBaz) (Normals AU)
Length: 1103
Genre: I honestly could not tell you 
Trigger Warnings: None
Baz has to ruin everything. I was so looking forward to this field trip but now I’m counting the agonizing seconds until it’s over. We’re on a hike to collect samples of plants... or something. I honestly don’t understand what we’re doing. I asked Penny, but she went into a lecture about how the trip was a waste of time and plant life. I didn’t really care why we were going, I just enjoy being outside instead of being stuck in a stuffy classroom.
That was until I found out we had partners and Baz was mine. He’s such a prick all the time and I don’t know why. Ok sure, when we were like eight, I called him Vampy. But I was a kid!!! And to be fair he looked like a vampire! He has dark long hair, widows peaks, his teeth are even extra sharp, I swear, and one day he spilled cranberry juice so it looked like blood all over him. The only thing he was missing was the pale skin. He’s Egyptian actually, his skin’s a glorious dark red/gold.
Anyways, we’re in high school now and he still hates me.
Right now he’s staring at some leaves, ignoring me. He’s tied his hair up in a bun, I’d call it ridiculous but honestly he can pull it off. Prick. I would ask for help but Baz’ll scoff and tell me I’m an idiot. He’s always good at everything, unlike me.
I look around hoping Penny will save me some how. She’s busy actually working with Trixie (that’s surprising).
Baz stretches after putting a leaf in a bag. “Are you planning on standing there brain dead all day or are you capable of actually doing some work in this, partnership.” He says the last word like it’s poison on his lips.
“Yeah uh...” I scratch the back of my neck. He’s going to be so pissed. “I do- well see I don’t re-really… uh.”
“Spit it out Snow.” He acts as if it’s exhausting to be in my presence, “I haven’t got all day!”
“I don’t really know what exactly it is that we’re doing???” I stare at my shoes.
“I’m not surprised, yet somehow still disappointed, Snow.” Is all he says before turning his back on me, continuing to work.
Awkward is the nicest way I can think to describe the silence that follows. After what seems like a millennia, our professor spots me just standing around and tell me to get to work. Reluctantly I kneel by Baz.
He doesn’t even try to hide his contempt. “What.”
“Do you think, maybe you could help me out? I wouldn’t even be asking but- well except I, I just got yelled at for not doing anything, so…”
“Fine, Snow. What do you remember about botany class and what lessons did you space out for?”
“You actually don’t know anything do you?”
I blush. “No.”
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply. “Okay then. This-” he picks at a leaf “-is the invasive species-” blah blah blah, he went on forever about plants and science but who cares. When he finished, I tried processing all the information, I didn’t get most of it thought.
“Ok, sure, seems… simple.”
“You’re completely lost.” He states matter-of-factly.
“Well sorry we can’t all be Mr. A+ over here!” I throw my hands up.  
“No, S-Snow, calm down, it’s fine, I just want to make sure you understand before I try telling you more.”
“Fine, can you go back to the sunlight part?”
I have no idea how long he spent basically catching me up on an entire semester of botany. Eventually, I got it. Then I started asking him about all the different plants on the forest floor. For some reason Baz has a vast knowledge of plant life, then again what doesn’t Baz have a vast knowledge of.
Gradually we trail further and further away from the rest of the class, neither of us noticed for a while though. I was too busy actually not hating spending time with Basilton Pitch. Who’d ‘ve thought, eh?
“What’s the scientific name for a daisy?” I ask as I see a patch of them.
“Bellis Perennis.”
“Bell-is Pear-en-is. Cool.” I smile at him. Casually I pick a few and stick one behind his ear. I think Baz blushes but he moves away too quickly.
“Well Snow,” He clears his throat, “I think we’ve got enough- Shit.”
“What?” I turn.
“We’ve lost everyone. Great, now I’m stuck in a bloody forest with Simon bloody Snow, just how I wanted to die.” He seems to be thinking out loud. I’m fully aware of the fact that he hates me and I didn’t think one day on truce would change that; but I’m still hurt by his words.
“Right, ‘cause I’m the absolute worst.” I let out before thinking. Baz’s furls his brows, his lips turn down.
Another silence passes until Baz speaks up. Quietly, unsurely he says, “That, that’s not what I meant I mean-” He’s adamantly starring at the leaf covered ground “-It’s not, shit I’m bad at this, uh sorry…? I- You’re not a bad person to spend time with.” His dark cheeks have undertones of pink now.
“Is that the great Basilton Pitch, apologizing, to me?”
“Shut up,” He bashfully smiles. It’s glorious. “Or I’ll take it back.”
“But you stuttered! Were you nervous?” I poke fun at him.
“Stop. I’m serious.” His blush intensifies.
“Sorry, apology accepted.” I stick out my hand. He stares confused for a second before shaking it.
“Okay, now let’s figure out how to get out of here.” I nod.
We trace our steps back on the fallen leaves. Sun filters through the trees. Basilton voice speaks to me about nature, his skin glows wonderful warm colors. At some point we start holding hands, I’m afraid that pointing it out will cause it to stop. I don’t want to stop holding Baz’s hand.
We make it back to the flock of kids with no damage (besides a 15 minute lecture about wondering off and getting lost and forest safety from our teacher). The trip is basically over after that.
On the bus ride back I sit with Baz. We don’t talk, but he offers me an earbud so we listen to some indie music, watch the sun through the window, and lean on each other. I don’t really know what this means but I know it’s different. A good different. So I don’t think about it. I just enjoy the sounds I hear and the warmth I feel.
(Can you tell I’ve never taken a botany class and bullshitted my way thought this??)
I’ve been “gone” for almost a week because the writing juices just weren’t flowing. But I’m back! Who knew some obscure indie music at a friends birthday party would get me to write about Snowbaz? Anyway, I’m gonna post the fics that I wrote (even though they’re all super late) So I hope you don’t mind reading my stuff days behind everyone else!
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