#maybe i will actually talk to my dad about this because truly worst he can say is no.
lovelaceisntdead · 4 months
very annoyingly cannot stop thinking about girli tickets.
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hi!! i have a platonic req for miguel x chaotic teen reader who has a bad relationship with her dad, just a man who lost his daughter and a girl who never had a proper father.. what could go wrong..(im a slut for found family)
𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Platonic!Reader
Summary: After a really bad fight with your father, you escape to HQ, the one place you can find solace. To take your mind off things, you go on a mission with Miguel, but it seems you're a little too in your head.
Warnings: Arguments, swearing, and violence in the beginning so be cautious.
A/N: Finally back with some good ol' hurt/comfort, and found family :3
“I’m sick and tired of having the same argument with you over and over again!” you say, the anger rising in your veins as your frustration bubbles over. You blink harshly as you try to force the angry tears down, your father seething angrily in front of you.
“Ever since Mom died, you’ve been unbearable. I’m an adult, you can’t control my life anymore pretending like it's love when I know damn well you don’t give a flying fuck about me,” you say, pointing an angry finger at him.
“WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO,” he shouts, stomping over and grasping your hair harshly as you let out a yelp.
“I give you a roof to live under, food to eat. I raised you, I am your father, and you think you can back talk me you brat?” he spits in your face, and your recoil in disgust.
It was always like this. He justified giving you the bare minimum as being a father, when the house you lived in was never really a home. Not after your Mom died, when everything fell apart.
When you became your world’s Spiderman.
“You were a spectator in my life, you were never truly my father,” you whisper harshly as his grip tightens on your hair. His eyes narrow at yours before he throws you to the ground harshly.
“Get out,” he says.
“W-what?” you ask, your body radiating with pain from the impact.
“GET OUT!” he shouts, leaning over you menacingly. “You think you’re so grown, then get the fuck out of my house because I am sick and tired of you. You don’t think I’m your father? Then I won’t be. You’re lucky your whore of a mother wanted to keep you around because in my eyes you were always my one worst mistake,” he says, and his words hit you like a freight train.
You knew he never loved you. Even before your Mom died he never truly seemed to like you around, only tolerated you because of how much your Mom adored you.
When she died, the substance abuse began. You practically raised yourself and learned how cold the world truly was. You never knew the love of your father, but even still, it hurt to hear him say what you always understood deep down.
“Fine,” you say softly, standing up and opening a portal to HQ. His eyes widen as he watches, but you don’t even give a damn anymore if he sees.
You were never going to see him again anyway.
In an instant, you were gone.
You emerge on the other side, right into the lobby of the Spider Society. A few familiar faces recognize you, waving in greeting. You wave back with a smile that doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
“Hey Lyla?” you call out, and she appears hovering over your shoulder with a grin.
“What’s poppin', buttercup?” she says cheerfully, and the corner of your mouth quirks up a bit.
“I was just wondering if Miguel was around,” you say, and she reappears in front of your face.
“He was actually about to leave for a mission, want me to tell him to wait up?” she asks, and you nod.
“That would be great, thanks,” you say, letting out a soft sigh of relief.
“Already done, you know where to find him,” she says, before throwing up a peace sign and disappearing.
Miguel was…you didn’t exactly know what to call him. A mentor? A friend? Guardian maybe?
All you knew was that (despite a rocky start), he was one of the few people across the multiverse that you truly trusted. He was harsh at times, rough around the edges and gruff…but he was like a light you’ve never known.
You both had your baggage, and you have both lost a lot in your lives, but maybe that’s why it worked. Whatever it was.
“Miguel?” you call out, looking around the monitoring room. He wasn’t on his usual platform which was odd. All of a sudden you get that familiar tingle on the back of your neck, and you whip around.
“HOLY GODS,” you exclaim as you see him hovering in the shadows like a wraith ready to leap out for the attack. “What are you doing?!”
He only chuckles at your expense, walking out with an amused grin on his face.
“Just making sure your reflexes are working properly,” he states simply.
“By giving me a heart attack in the process?” you say with an exaggerated frown, and he snorts.
“Don’t be dramatic, besides, you make stupid faces when you get scared,” he says, and you gasp offendedly.
“Well, you always look stupid so beat that,” you retort, and his hand grasps his chest dramatically.
“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, you think I look stupid?” he says, and you can’t help the breathy laughter that escapes. But before long the smile is replaced by a frown.
You could never really hide your emotions around him, he could always read you too well.
“You alright, kiddo?” he asks. He tried to mask his concern, but his eyes never lied.
“Never better!” you say, your tone overly sarcastic. Miguel eyes you with an expression that says ‘That’s a load of shit’, but you just brush him off with a nervous chuckle.
“You were about to go on a mission right? Can I come along? Cool, great, awesome,” you say, not even waiting for his reply. You press a button on the back of your neck that replaces your clothes with your Spider Suit and turn to look at him expectantly.
“Let’s just pack this guy up, in and out right?” you say, and he sighs.
“Fine, you can come along,” he relents, opening up a portal.
“You do realize I was going to come along either way, right?” you say, and he shakes his head knowingly.
“I know, you have the stubbornness of a bull but it helps me feel at least somewhat like the leader of the Society if I get the final say,” he says, his voice almost small which makes you laugh out loud.
“There, there,” you say, patting his shoulder as the two of your approach the portal together. “Everyone around here respects your authority,” you say with a grin before your mask covers your face.
“Except you,” he scoffs.
“Except me,” you say in turn.
“So what’s the deal with this anomaly?” you ask as the two of you emerge on the other side, not wanting to go in completely blind if you didn’t have to. You were reckless, but you weren’t completely stupid.
“Came in through a tear from Earth-848710. Has the power to manipulate metal to his advantage. At the height of his powers he has the ability to control even the iron in our blood so watch out,” he instructs.
“Ooh, freaky. What, like blood bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender?” you ask, and a confused expression washes over Miguel’s face which makes you giggle a bit.
“Like what?”
“Oh Miguel, don’t worry, we’ll binge watch it later, just you wait,” you reply before the back of your neck tingles, and you sling a web up onto the ceiling, yanking you up off the ground.
Just in time, because in the place that you once were stood a beam of metal impaled into the ground.
“Holy shit!” you yelp, and Miguel is swinging right up beside you.
“That’s our cue then. On your toes, spiderling,” he says, and you grin. You don’t exactly remember when he started saying that phrase to you, but it was standard procedure before every fight for him to say it now.
“You got it, old man,” you snicker, and he rolls his eyes before swinging away, allowing you to analyze the villain down below.
His pillars were optimal at a range, so close combat was likely your best bet at beating the guy.
“You gonna hang up there all day, little thing? C’mon, give me a real fight,” the villain calls up to you tauntingly, and you scoff. Of course, he was going to be annoying, just what you needed.
“I’m just trying to find the quickest way to take your annoying ass down and believe me, it will happen,” you retort, swinging down before levelling him with a kick into his gut before he could react. He groans out in pain as you see Miguel send out his webbing from the corner of your eye.
But the villain seemed to notice it as well, using a shard of metal to slice it away before it could reach him.
“You think it’d be that easy, I’ve spent my whole life fighting so-called ‘heroes’ like you,” he scoffs.
“All that says to me is that you’re old,” you snicker, and he scoffs before sending a beam of metal toward you again. You leap out of the way just in time, but the villain picks up the pace.
Ear-scrapingly loud screeches of metal can be heard from all around as he pulls support beam after support beam out of the building to throw at you and Miguel.
“Where’s all that confidence from earlier, little hero?” he calls out toward you. “I thought you were going to take me down, yet here I stand. Maybe you’re weaker than you thought,” he laughs, and you narrow your eyes in annoyance.
You know you shouldn’t lead with your emotions, it was a recipe for disaster in a job like this but you couldn’t help it.
“Enough of this-” you seethe before you’re interrupted.
“THE BUILDING IS FALLING APART,” you hear Miguel shout, and it was true. With each support beam that the villain ripped from the frame, the more unstable the place became. You had to get this guy packed up and pronto, before you all were crushed.
“I’m tired of your games, anomaly,” you huff, levelling him with a glare.
“Why so serious? Your parents never hug you enough as a kid?” the villain says mockingly. You knew it was only to get a rise out of you, every comment of his was, but with your emotions already on high, you immediately saw red.
Everything you had bottled up and shoved down bubbled over like lava, and you lunged for the villain with a snarl.
You threw punch after punch as he cried out in pain, unable to do anything with your webs trapping him in place.
That’s when you feel webs that weren’t your own wrapping around your shoulders, yanking you off of the villain. You yank at the bonds, desperately trying to escape the fluorescent red webbing.
“Let me go, let me go! Let me finish him, Miguel,” you cry out, but he ignores you for a moment.
He shoves the villain through the newly opened portal without a second thought, knowing Jess would handle it on the other side before turning back to you.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” he says as he grabs your shoulders, holding you in place as he retracts the webbing. You wriggle around in his grasp, chest heaving with each breath as tears brim over in your eyes. He looks at you with concern, just scanning over you to make sure you were alright before truly looking at you. It made you feel small as you struggled to hold back your sobs.
His eyes only softened, clicking your mask off before brushing his hand gently over your hair, and it only made you want to cry even more.
“C’mere kid,” he says, pulling you into a hug. You exhale shakily before hugging him back tightly, the tears you had been holding back all day finally falling down.
He was so warm…his arms embracing you gently in the way your real father never could.
You stood there in his arms for a few minutes, sobbing into his chest while he just held you gently. After a little while your sobs subsided, replaced with the occasional sniffle before you pull away, looking off to the side sheepishly.
“Do you want to tell me what’s really bothering you now, mi tesoro,” he asks gently, not wanting to push you to say something you didn’t want to.
You only sigh softly, glancing back only to see the worry in his eyes before relenting.
“I don’t have a good relationship with my father…you know this,” you smile sadly, and he only nods, waiting for you to continue.
“We got into a really bad argument before I came here, and well, I don’t really have a father anymore. He kicked me out,” you sniffle. “And I know it shouldn’t bother me as much as it does, because he never cared for me like a parent should but it still hurts Miguel,” you say, your eyes tearing up again. He smiles sadly at you, brushing away a tear gently.
“I’m sorry, mi ángel,” he says, not really knowing what else to say. “But don't blame yourself for feeling what you feel. You can't help it, and besides, losing all that you knew, even if it hurt you is still difficult," he says, and you nod knowing that what he said was true. It wasn't easy to accept though, so you don't say anything in response.
"...You do know you always have a home here, don’t you?” he says, and you laugh softly to yourself, not really knowing why.
“I do?” you ask, and he chuckles fondly.
“Always,” he says before his eyes grow distant for a moment. “…I lost Gabriella a long time ago, I never really recovered from that loss…I don’t think I ever will. But I do believe that the universe sent me you in turn. You won’t ever be her, I know that. But you don’t have to be, because I care for you like a child of my own regardless. You know that, don’t you?” he says, the genuineness of his words evident.
“Thank you,” you whisper, hugging him tightly once more. “I have never felt more safe in my life than when I’m with you," you admit.
He only smiles, and for a moment you think you can see the glimmer of tears in his red eyes but figured it must have been a trick of the light.
“Let’s head back to HQ, kiddo. We can figure out some place for you to stay, alright?” he says, and you nod before pausing for a moment.
“Could I…stay with you?” you ask hesitantly, and his eyes widen for a moment.
“If that’s what you’d like, it can be arranged,” he says before laughing softly. “My house has always been too big for just one person anyway.” Immediately your expression brightens as you skip toward the open portal, a large grin on your face.
“I would like that very much.”
A/N: Good gods it has literally been almost 2 weeks since I last posted. I'm so sorry, life has been kicking my ass but I'm back!! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading <33
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin, @ohworm-writes, @ishii03, @snowywhiterose, @leftcupcakedefendor
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f1amboyant · 2 months
Babe you didn’t even have to mention it.
Hi, babe 🧡 I should have known this one would interest you 🤭
Okay, okay, let me explain this TP!Carlos x driver!Oscar 🧡 (it's driving me absolutely crazy, btw)
So. Somewhere along the timeline, Carlos stops racing and gets into engineering and he is damn good at it. He definitely gots the brain for it and if he can't race (because he's too soft on the track), he definitely can get behind the scenes. He is so goddamn good at it that he becomes the youngest team principal at McLaren. He is so so very good but also, he gets into that position at the worst moment. The team is at its lowest, they have to start over basically. Also, all eyes are on him because no one truly believes he can do a good job (he is so young) and does he really deserve to be there (maybe his dad bought that job for him). So there's a loooooooot of pressure but Carlos keeps his head down and does his job and he is good.
And then comes Oscar. Rookie, extra talented Oscar. Carlos was the one who wanted to recruit him. And here he is. And they... They clash (they collide). They are both extremely hard working and very talented but they don't seem to agree on anything. Oscar isn't afraid to speak his mind when he thinks Carlos is wrong, and vice versa. And people around (in the team, in the paddock, in the media) thinks they are going implode, that something bad is going to happen, that they are going to ruin all the efforts from the team to go back on top. Except. Except they actually work extremely well together. They clash and they bite, but they actually push each other to do better. They catch mistakes for the other that others around never realize. And so it's very tense but it actually works.
Oscar quickly develops a huge crush on Carlos (because that man is too handsome and Oscar has eyes, he's not blind, thank you very much). And he could turn shy, or flirty or something with Carlos but no. He resents that man for being too beautiful and to give him thoughts. How dare he! He can't keep thinking about him but he's not gonna do anything. That's his boss!
Carlos isn't doing much better. He probably has a competency kink. And well. Oscar is very very competent. So yeah, he would very quickly fall for him too. But there's already so much pressure on his shoulders, he's not gonna add "dating an employee" to that.
So mutual pining. Threat of forbidden relationship. All that.
One bad bad race weekend (thanks @curiousthyme for the wonderful idea), Oscar is defeated and frustrated and refusing to talk to anyone and especially to Carlos. Carlos calls him into his office to talk but Oscar refuses to talk about it. "You could do better things with your mouth," he taunts. And Carlos is so so tempted, but no. Nothing is going to happen. And Oscar is angry, it's not real, he doesn't really want it, right?
After that incident, Carlos looks even more at Oscar, looking for clues that maybe, just maybe, Oscar wants this too. And maybe they could... But no. Even if they both want it, this is not something that can happen.
Until they win. They win!! Carlos gets on the podium with Oscar, drenching him in champagne. Smiling, hugging, screaming their joy because they fucking won! And at the after party, drunk and delirious with joy from the win, Carlos kisses Oscar. And Oscar kisses him back. Bites him. They fall into bed together. They don't care anymore.
They're gonna care very much the morning after, when it's all gonna down on them. What they've done. Angst! Pining! All that jazz 🫠
What's gonna happen next, I'm still gonna have to think about it 🤭
But yeah. This is my carcar au idea 🧡
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suncaptor · 1 year
hi! i hope you don't mind me asking, but i need a certified opinion on sam winchester and you seemed like the person to go to :D
could you rec me some good sam-centric fic & character studies? preferably for early seasons or pre-series?
i'm showing spn to a friend and they like sam a lot, but we are both. somewhat afraid to go into the tag lol. so I figured you could have something nice bookmarked or there's maybe a rec list i dont know about.
Okay I actually mostly read later seasons Sam stuff (or at least s5+) because the more trauma the better <3 but here are some that are either sam studies that include earlier stuff or earlier/preseries (like kripke era)
DO check trigger warnings! since these are (mostly) pre hell (and I would not read w*) they aren't as bad as some of the sam & lucifer fics I'd share, but some still have different potentially triggering themes (like addiction, suicide, etc, so please just be careful! I'm assuming you can check the tags on ao3 <3)
also some are 18+, not sure your age but I don't personally want my followers talking to me about nsfw content if they are minors. so be wary around that too, but they're all outer links so ao3 will have them rated/stop you etc.
Sam w/ OCD rec list & my old Sam rec list
Sunlight by sp8ce, samjess
The first time Sam tastes blood it's human blood, and it feels like shame and the closest he has been to truly human wrapped up in one. He's never been so safe and in love. The second time it's electric and consuming. He has nothing left, but the desire to chase the power and hold on to the objective of revenge, only still connected at her touch. The third time, he's pretty sure it will kill him, burn him like purifying light from the inside out. --- An exploration of Sam and consuming blood. This work is the first time: with Jessica Moore.
also if you like samjess sp8ce has later seasons ghost samjess too&lt;3
sam & john
the type who doesn't burn by patrocluus
On a late October afternoon in 1997, John Winchester takes his son out into the woods and puts a bullet between his eyes.
make a mirror out of you by sp8ce - john kills jess (it's john pov though)
The thing about Jessica's death is that it makes Sa,m understand John more than anything else ever could and choose everything John's ever wanted Sam to choose. Azazel always seems to have John's silhouette.
sam / gen or multi
This Is the Way (The World Ends) by Lise
In Georgia hunting a skinwalker, Dean saw Sam. AU. Like, really.
Weblike Causality by sp8ce
Which came first? The fear or the inevitability?
instrument by sp8ce
Sam Winchester grasps with his own personhood.
Polaroid Sun Picture by sp8ce
Sam has been stalked his whole life in order to be manipulated into an instrument of his worst fears. He has no privacy to himself. He has no defence.
therefore I react by sp8ce
for a while, in the cage, all Sam sees is a tree.
(okay so I've tried to not give you any lucifer stuff but this one is a sam & learnt helplessness thesis for connecting past & present)
This Kid's Not Alright by safiyabat
What exactly did Sam get up to at Bobby's while Dean was at Sonny's? When John makes a very odd request of the older hunter, Bobby takes the boy into his home for a few months. It isn't an easy time for either of them.
the easy way out and the hardest part by queenbaskerville
Sam would rather die than be Lucifer's vessel. Lucifer will just resurrect him now, but there was a time before the seals were broken—a time before Sam broke the seals. To save the world, to save Dean—Sam knows what he has to do.
The Special Children by TheMightiestPen
After Dean reveals his Dad’s last words, he asks Sam to lay low for a while. This time, Sam says no. This time, Sam goes all in in his search for the other kids like him. S2 AU, for spnhiatuscreations on tumblr for week 5: favorite season.
sam & dean
Dear Abel by lowkey_existential_despair (it has samjess/early sam&dean basis okay)
It wasn’t always like this, is the thing. There used to be a time when caring about Dean was more than just a habit. There was a time, once, when seeing Dean with demon-black eyes would’ve been the worst thing in the world. But that was a long time ago. Now, he looks at this black-eyed version of Dean—wrapped in layers of chains, in pain, sobbing quietly—and he feels nothing. Nothing at all.
Purify by cenotaphy
"We know what happens when Sam drinks demon blood.
…but what happens when Sam drinks angel blood?"
Set at the end of season 4, before Sam gets out of the panic room.
Hell Fractal by sp8ce
Sam's last real memory is of Dean stabbing him after he let Lucifer out. Sam keeps, with varying levels of memory and awareness, waking up in the panic room. With Dean needing to kill him.
Man-in-the-middle by ambersock (who has some lovely fics <3)
Sam hears the driver’s side door open, hears footsteps approaching. He remembers that Dean still has Ruby’s demon-killing blade. Yet another voicemail fix-it.
The Choice by authoressnebula (authoressjean)
(this author has other early seasons sam&dean stuff)
One gun. One bullet. It's up to Sam and Dean to decide who will shoot the bullet…and who will die.
it’s not that i think i’m good, i know i’m evil by redskyatmorning
(author has good later seasons Sam stuff as well)
The conversation that leads up to Sam ending up in the panic room, again, to detox from demon blood.
Fade Far Away, Dissolve, and Quite Forget by Lise
You've seen isolation before, but not like this. It's not quite another hemisphere, but it's close enough.
Catharsis by BlueIris08
Sam copes with learning of Dean's promise to John in the classic Winchester way--with alcohol. Or, the drunken, angsty post-Croatoan/Hunted scene that didn't happen.
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right by WilsonTheMoose
In which Sam gets beaten up (rookie), Dean mentions the voicemail (idiot), and nothing really changes (figures). Fits into the first episode of season 5. For an anonymous prompt on tumblr asking for Dean hitting Sam in the earlier seasons. This is not quite what you wanted anon, sorry.
yeah, well, i don't want to by AreYouReady
He didn't do it on purpose. / Dean sabotages Jess's warding in pilot
Comets, Stars, Haunted Houses, and Other Things Best Observed from a Hundred Million Miles Away by occasionallyalways
See also: violent deaths; apologies; lightning. Or; Something happened in the panic room. Something went wrong. Dean finds out six years later.
One to Save You by sp8ce
If Brady needs Sam, he'll be there immediately.
The Piece You're Missing by sp8ce
Brady can't seem to figure out why Sam won't give up on him. They have a conversation where he tries to dissect and understand why.
Out by TheMightiestPen (also sam&dean)
A god-possessed witch reveals a secret that Sam’s been keeping for a long time. The brothers handle it like mature, well-adjusted adults, for once.
Grace (made perfect in weakness) by Sidewoundcore (CherryHollow)
After he is freed from the panic room, Castiel, rather than Ruby, is the first person to find Sam. In the end, it changes nothing at all.
atrophy & other stories by saintsurvivor
early seasons sastiel that is sam centric
Monster by Ginipig (voicemail fic so mostly sam&dean)
After everything that happened between him and Dean with the breaking of the final seal, Sam is having trouble moving on. Dean's weird, sort-of helpful angel friend wants to know why.
Not that it's any of his damned business.
Comfort by Never_x_Better
Sam's being tormented by Lucifer and Castiel just wants to help him. Nightmares, blood addiction, hallucinations, and fluff ends up leading the two friends down an interesting path.
Wishing Is Cold This Year by Lise
Dean has his head rather determinedly up his ass, so it falls to Castiel to take this one. Post 5.03ish.
what did you bury / before those hands pulled me from the earth? by starlightswait
It’s the strangest thing. Sam’s in the Cage. And then he’s not.
(technically post kripke but it's my favourite sastiel &lt;;3)
Ruby Red by sp8ce (also samruby but I don't read or write a lot of samruby)
An exploration of Sam and consuming blood. This work has Sam reminiscing on Ruby. He then has more blood forced upon him by some hunters who think they can purify him. (can be read standalone or in series)
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tiredbonbon · 2 years
Pairing: William Afton x reader
Summary: (sort of a pt. 2 to my first post) After your initial encounter with Mr. Afton fate just has to leave you alone once again, and things only escalate from there.
Warnings!: age gap (reader is an adult), innappropriate relationships, making out, afab reader with gn! Prns, light mr. Kink (??)
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Picture creds: Noisx
Your first ‚real’ encounter with the aftons was... an interesting one at the least, events of it plaguing you for days over days. And worst was from it now even your harmless crush on their father, William, that was more something you'd giggle at occasionally than actually have on your mind, just had to blossom into something much worse on your psych...
God, the way he had called you 'luv' had replayed in your mind at least 1000 times, always making you touch your face in embarrassment, remembering how your name rolled off his tongue just a tad too smoothly made your chest ache every time it crossed your mind and worst was you couldn't even stop yourself from thinking about it, it had some kind of spell on your mind.
But who were you truly kidding here? Not only was the man divorced, but he was as old as your father, you really, really doubted he'd ever feel any kind of attraction towards you. No matter how honey smooth his british accent made your name sound. Still it could’nt forbid you from dreaming, right?
You made your best effort focusing on things that were not dilfy friends of your parents, which kinda resulted in a lot of productivity because well, you needed a lot of distraction to take your mind off of shit.
Most days you sat in the corner of your soldering hot room that the AC never reached, uncomfortably crooked over your desk as you scribbled down words in your notebook or listened to whatever angsty music you found in the best seller section of your local mega store. You found yourself avoiding going outside as well, maybe it was the horrible heat, laziness or the hidden anxiety you might accidentally run into your guilty pleasure firsthand.
*Drrrng, Drrrrrrng*
Your head perked up as you heard the muffled sound of your doorbell that was always just barely loud enough to hear when you didn’t have music on, you got up from your desk, sighing, you didn’t know who it was but it may just be some mail, and with how many teenagers were around the block you knew your dad would be pissed if any packages were stolen by some filthy porch pirates.
You went and walked downstairs, lazily making your way over to the door, only to nearly have your soul leave your body when you opened it.
Towering well over you a good 6‘1, you were jumpscared by the exact figure circulating your mind for the past week. „Ah, nice seeing you luv. Excuse me for the disturbance is your fatha‘ home?“
Fuck, there it was again, that god damn pet name. He leaned himself against the doorframe as you quickly remembered that you did in fact have to talk.
„O-OH- Mr. Afton- im so sorry, my dad isn’t at home right now, is there anything I can help you with.?“ you fixed your stance, crossing your hands in front of your lap.
„Ah, I actually just needed some tools I didn’t have at my place, didn’t want to fuss Henry about it.” He replied, “Oh well I can take you to the garage if you wanna take a look for it, why don’t you come inside?” You laughed awkwardly, gesturing behind you.
“That’d be very sweet of you hon, thank you.” He stepped past you inside as you felt your stomach twist, trying to hide your awkwardly curled face and quickly closing the door behind him. “Uh I quickly got to get the keys to the garage, make yourself comfortable.” You gestured to the kitchen table. He obliged, pulling out one of the chairs, “Can I get you anything?” You offered, fidgeting your fingers.
He chuckled, “Your too good to me luv, theres no need.” You laughed along with him, nervously, you felt so awkward and embarrassed at once, you sure as hell still couldn’t handle being alone with him in a room.
You turned back to the cabinets and fished out the key that opened the garage, turning back around to William, he was very obviously eyeing the original chica plushy placed at the side of the stovetop. He probably thought of it as unusual, chica plushies never really seemed popular, with the animatronic herself always standing in the shadow of the others, it always felt a bit sexist to you for some reason but at the same time chica probably also looked the creepiest out of the bunch.
“Hm, you got one of the plushes?” He met your eyes, “Uh yeah, Henry gave me one of those for my birthday.”
“Heh, you like em? I always thought they looked kinda dodgy.” He smirked, picking it up from the counter, “ts, the eyes are way too far apart, is this the kinda stuff kids are into these days?”
He snickered, still looking at the simple toy, “god these are hideous.”
You felt a bit shocked at his nonchalant attitude towards talking down to his own brand, sure he didn’t seem like the guy to actually be interested in the children’s entertainment genre, but that was unexpected.
He looked up to meet your eyes again, “Forgive me, I’m not insulting your taste luv.” He handed you back the plush, “no, no of course not-“ you laughed putting it back onto the counter, “they do look a bit derpy I suppose…”
You pulled the garage keys out, fondling them between your hands, “well I got the keys, right this way.” You gestured towards the hallway where the door to the garage was, you weren’t exactly sure why your dad kept it locked, but it was probably so you couldn’t get in when you were younger and now it was just force of habit.
You unlocked the door, letting him step down the small staircase to the inside before following behind, “what tools do you need either way?” You asked, trying to avoid any awkward silence. He leaned over the workbench, “just a kind of oil, I ran out at home.”
“Oil? I thought the animatronics fur covers could be worn as costumes, wouldn’t that soak in?” You asked, feeling a bit of genuine intrigue. “Costumes? No, that was a long time ago, back at Fredbears Family Diner. Its only a myth nowadays, the animatronics are there to be robots and robots only.”
“Well, if they were functional as both robots and costumes why not do that again nowadays? Seems useful if they ever go defect.” You followed up.
He snickered to himself, “Well, first off, me and Henry are too busy nowadays to entertain guests ourselves, its better to rely on technology to fill that job.”
He suddenly stood back up straight, walking over to you …uncomfortably close, so close you even had to stumble back a bit yourself to keep a little personal space, “Secondly,” You almost choked on the air in your lungs as he popped open a few buttons at the top of his shirt, making you think in all kinds of wrong directions for a moment, before pulling the fabric to the side, revealing an assortment or strangely shaped, noticeable scars. “Springlocks aren’t the safest thing out there.”
Internally, you slapped yourself, but also wondered if …that kind of demonstration was really necessary, “I can tell you, springlock failures ain’t pretty, I’d know it.” He pulled his shirt back into place, you meet his eyes for a moment, then looked away feeling how he loomed over you.
It took you a moment of complete silence to realize that you were indeed blushing, and that William was observing all of that.
“Heh.” His lips twitched up before he turned back to the workbench, looking around the tools messily scattered around.
‘Heh?’ FUCKING ‘HEH’??
"Since those costumes served as both costumes and animatronics with minimal prep' time, even if a human was in it there would still be a lot of metal round' the body." He explained carefreely, scanning across the objects around, "Its supposed to be held back by the springlocks but, if those things came loose at any point the metal springs right back into place and it'd be lights out."
You felt yourself heat up all around your body, staying frozen not knowing what to do, you weren't truly listening in to his explanation anymore, your mind too fixed on previous events. “Shame, seems like you don’t have it here…” he sighed standing back up, “hm? Y/n?”
You pulled yourself back to reality, “oh apologies I uh..." you fingernails scratched the side of your neck, trying to find some way to either end your sentence. “Hm, are you okay luv?” He raised an eyebrow at you, resting his hands on his sides, “you have been looking a little dazed for a while now…” he inched closer.
You stepped back, not stopping him from approaching you further , like a wild animal inching at its prey. Now it was getting strange, seriously strange. Yet you still didn’t know what to say or do in the slightest.
You pressed air into your lungs, trying to build confidence to speak, though right as your lips parted, you felt the stone wall slam into your back, knocking all air from your chest.
He cornered you.
You flickered your eyes up, his face now dangerously close to you. The entire feeling of his aura washed down on your body, making you shrink together. His breath barely brushed your skin as his eyes wandered up and down your face.
What was he doing, what the fuck was even happening right now.
“Your too adorable…” he breathed, the chairs on your neck standing up at his tone of voice, “M- Mr. Afton you-“
He cut you off, “whats the low voice for hon? You don’t think I’d hurt you, right?” You shivered, feeling his fingers brush up your neck, as if they were imitating a blade, “Would I?”
You felt dizzy, he was touching you, even if it was so slight, it was like you fell into euphoria. “Please…” your voice whined quietly, even if you didn’t fully see it, you knew he was grinning, it was unspoken, but he saw right trough you, he, a man twice your age, and an entire head taller than you, had you cornered and pressed up against a wall, and you were loving it.
“Your too sweet for me…” he sighed, his lips barely speaking above yours as a high squirms escaped you , his hand making its way around your waist, “Knew it, you dirty dog…” his eyes narrowed, before he closed the near to desperate gap between you, his lips pressing down against yours.
Your eyes widened, as it took a moment for you to realize what was happening wasn't just your fantasy.
Your hand clung to the side of his shirt, trying to keep up with the sudden, extreme friction he forced on your lips without warning. God fuck, he was close, he was fucking kissing you, it felt unreal. He ripped your hand from his side, pinning it above your head before subtly pulling his lips from yours, only to slam them right back into each other, this time forcing your mouth open along with it.
“Mh-“ you moaned, his hand gripping yours as you let him fully push you back against the wall. You struggled back against his hand keeping you pinned for a moment, just to test it, but were quickly humbled feeling how firm his grip on you was.
He finally parted from you, leaving only a small string of your own saliva hanging from your lips. You let your head hang, knowing he was staring right ahead at you.
"Look at me luv." He commanded low toned, his hand moving from your waist and grabbing your face.
He pulled you up to face him, leaning in so close you could feel the bridge of your nose lean against his. "Yes, thats it." He smirked, "look at me with those eyes."
He rucked you against the wall again, this time pushing his body right into yours.
'holy shit...' you thought you imagined it for a second, but there was no mistaken, you were actually getting him hard.
You inhaled sharply feeling kisses pressed to your neck, okay so, this was now gradually evolving into full on making out… „ah…“ you moaned under your breath, feeling his lips run along your skin.
„You should get something to remember me by luv, here let me help…“ he cooed in an obvious teasing fashion, his hands suddenly let go of your arm and face before tightly grabbing your waist, pulling you in.
„Mr. Aft- AH-„ you moaned probably a decibel too highly as his teeth pressed down into the soft flesh of your neck. Your latched onto his back as your head slowly let your head fall into his neck, it felt like a bit of an overstep in terms of body contact but damn, he had kissed you so what else could there be?
You felt an obvious, sore hickey forming on your neck, just low enough so it could be covered with a loose fitting shirt, but still placed in a way you knew it was there if you looked in the mirror, in a way that would probably make him stick in your mind for a lot longer.
„Mr. Afton..~“ his name rolled of your tongue as you basically whispered right against his ear, his grip on you tightened for a moment before he slammed you back into the wall behind you, almost a little too roughly.
His hand wrapped around your thigh, nearly pushing it up far enough to almost reach his shoulder, „keep calling me by that and I might just have to fuck you right here and now…“ he huffed, looking straight into your eyes. You face reddened dramatically, and you couldn’t help but fall into instant lust thinking about him pounding you raw, not leaving room for breath…
His lips twitched up, „would you want that?“
You felt like your breath got caught in your throat, no you couldn’t just say that, but you did… you bit your lip.
God how you wished to feel him, at this point, you had forgotten your morals, you wanted him to loom over you and to rip every slither of innocence from your body, no matter how harsh. He chuckled as you felt his body grind against yours, breathing heavily from the feeling.
„Fuck… please-„
„Y/n?! Are you around?“
You froze. That was undoubtedly your dearest mother‘s voice. Your eyes hesitantly met William‘s, who seemed equally confused, having stopped all movement as well.
„Oh, shit“
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callalillywrites · 2 months
First Birthdays as a Pack - Omega!Reader
I thought it only fitting to share Omega's first birthday with her pack on my actual birthday. I will apologize because hers is also the most angsty of the group, and I'm not even sure how or why that happened. Maybe I channeled some of my more disappointing birthdays into hers. I don't know. It ends happily however, so it's not all bad, I promise.
Series Masterlist / Jake’s Birthday / Steve's Birthday
Relationship: Alpha!Jake Jensen / Beta!Pre-serum Steve Rogers / Omega!Reader
Word Count: ~1500
Summary: We're finishing this mini-series off with Omega herself. Steve and Jake want to make her day the best it can be, but they unfortunately bungle it a little bit without realizing it. Not only do they make up for it, Omega has another hero in her corner, Ransom, to make sure she has the best day
Warnings: some angst for Omega, insecurities and doubts on Omega's part, sad but brief history of Omega's birthdays with Dad (he's the worst and we'll learn more later about that), fluff ending, Ransom is really the best of best friends here
A/N: It’s proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Omega has a love-hate relationship with her birthday.
She’s fine with her birthday if she can spend it with those who truly love her, but she hates spending it alone. It reminds her too much of the birthdays her father had custody of her. He was a cruel Alpha who despised her for being an Omega. (More details about this coming soon.)
Ransom, her best childhood friend, is the only reason the birthdays with her father weren’t ruined after the first one. He’s the one who picked her up and spent the day with her.
Other birthdays she spent with her Omega mother and maternal Alpha grandmother who cherished her and even spoiled her where they could.
When it comes to her first birthday with her pack, she’s excited to spend the day with them. She doesn’t care what they do so long as she spends it with them.
Unfortunately, they don’t know her history with her birthday through no fault of their own. She just doesn’t like talking about her father if she can help it. Plus, they’ve just moved in. She really hasn’t had an opportunity between the short timeframe of moving in and her birthday to say anything about that love-hate for her special day.  
During a party to celebrate her moving in, Jake learns from Ransom about a special spa that Omega likes and books her a full package. She’s just finished up a large order, and she deserves the pampering.
What he fails to do is book a pack package, purchasing only a single one for her. It’s set for the morning to early afternoon of her birthday, meaning she’ll be away from them for a few hours.
The only reason for not buying the pack package is because he and Steve are going to be busy with her small party and setting her rather large gift up. They want their surprise in place when she gets back.
On the morning of her birthday, they surprise her with an amazing breakfast of her favorite pancakes. It’s as she’s eating that they present her with the spa package they bought her.
She’s excited until she realizes it’s only for her. She asks if she really has to go, and they ‘insist’ she does because she works so hard and deserves to have some time being pampered especially on her birthday.
Their sheer happiness and matching excitement to send her to her favorite spa is rather endearing if only a small bit of doubt hadn’t crept into her mind.
She masks her disappointment expertly from the years with her father until she leaves the house. It’s in her car where she calls Ransom and tells him about the gift, tears in her eyes and fear clutching her heart.
“Idiots,” Ransom mumbles before adding, “Don’t worry, kitten. They forgot to mention they got me one, too. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. No more tears, okay?”
He’s already contacting the spa and pulling all the strings he has to get his reservation set at the same time as hers.
She knows he’s lying to make her feel better, and she accepts it, all too happy to not be alone even for a few hours. It’s enough to perk her back up though the small, niggling doubt remains.
The spa gives her all the relaxation she can want though she never fully loses the idea her Alpha and Beta don’t want her as much as she thought they did. Maybe they’re regretting attaching themselves to her though they’ve never said anything like that outright to her.
“Stop overthinking, kitten. Those two bozos adore you,” Ransom assures her as they enjoy facials. “It’s rather disgusting how much they care.”
Omega smiles then.
 As much as Ransom might grumble about their open affection, she knows he’s happy for her. He’s always wanted her to be happy, and she wants the same for him.
When their facials are complete and they’ve enjoyed their massages, they finally head out of the spa. Ransom promises to see her soon, not mentioning he’s following her back to her home where her party awaits.
He checks his phone and curses. Jake and Steve have both texted him about his whereabouts since he’s responsible for bringing some things for the party. With a quick kiss to her cheek and a whispered ‘happy birthday’, he heads out to get what he promised them.
It’s only as another text dings on her phone that she pulls it out of her purse. She sees the number of missed texts from both Jake and Steve in a group chat they’ve created with her.
They range from hoping she’s having a fun time to telling her how much they’re looking forward to her getting home. There are few mixed in where Jake’s cracking some silly pun or double entendre that either has Steve quipping right back or possibly blushing while ‘reprimanding’ their Alpha.
“Oh, these two,” she whispers aloud as she nears the last of the exchange.
It’s as she’s reading how much they miss her and telling her they can’t wait for her to see the surprise they have waiting for her that she starts her car. She shoots them a text that she’s on her way.
Both quickly send back texts. Jake asks she be careful coming home. Steve tells her he loves her and also to be careful. That sets off another brief exchange between them arguing who might love her more, which only has her shaking her head at their antics.  
That slight dread she’d been feeling has all but disappeared when she pulls into the drive of their shared home a little bit later.
“I’m home,” she calls out after stepping into the house.
Making her way into the living room, she bites back a yelp when several people hop out of their hiding places and shout, “Surprise.”
Tears immediately flood her eyes as she takes in all her friends and her family (minus her father after the scene he created upon meeting her Alpha and Beta). Steve and Jake approach her and kiss her cheeks, wishing her a happy birthday.
Unable to hold themselves back, they turn her so she can check out the mantle. A quick tug pulls away the covering they put up, so she can see what’s underneath.
It’s a portrait Steve painted of them from one of her favorite photos from a shoot they did together not long after she moved in. They tell her Ari made the frame and helped hide the portrait until they could put it up that morning.
She stares at the portrait and how Steve managed to capture their sheer happiness and love for one another. It’s enough to have her crying and laughing at the same time. She hugs them fiercely and thanks them for the best gift ever.
The party ends up being a huge success as she mingles with their friends and family.
At one point, Ransom manages to pull Jake and Steve aside to let them know of their goof up. (He shows up after Omega gets to the house, so he can’t pull them aside before the party as he wanted to.)
It’s enough to send them both spiraling a bit. Ransom sees this and forgives them for their gaff, seeing how much hurting Omega hurts them. He’s certain they’ll be making it up to her before the night is out.
He’s not wrong, either.
As soon as their last guest leaves, they pull Omega onto the sofa between them. They ask her to never keep her disappointment and upset secret from them. How can they make it right if they don’t know something’s wrong?
They assure her the spa was meant to be exactly what they said it was, never dreaming she’d take it to mean something else. It’s the furthest thing from the truth. The idea they don’t want her in their lives has never and will never be something that enters their minds. They can’t imagine her not being with them after their fateful meeting and everything else that followed. They promise they’ll spend the rest of their lives proving it to her if that’s what it takes.
She forgives them then and asks their forgiveness for not saying anything. That’s easily given by them both.
Yet, they aren’t near done earning her forgiveness. With little persuasion, they pull her into the bedroom where they proceed to worship her until she forgets all about feeling unloved or unwanted. If asked, she forgets about everything during this time beyond the sweet, sinful things they’re doing to her.
The next spa package they buy her (not long after her birthday) is the pack package, and it’s loaded with everything that even seems remotely like something she’d like done. They soon learn why the spa is one of her favorite places to go and even set up regular days at the spa to spend with her and unwind from life’s stresses.
Her subsequent birthdays are never spent without her Alpha and Beta at her side for the entire day. After all, Jake and Steve learn from their mistakes.
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Tag List: @thezombieprostitute
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mytalemyworld · 5 months
A little ranting and some of my thoughts about Yabani Episode 31...
Since finally I have time, I'm going to get some things off my chest. It'll be a long post, so here we go.
After having seen the writing of episode 28, I said to myself I shouldn't expect anything from this show, especially with the rating pressure it wouldn't get any better. Because the writers show they aren't competent enough to deal with that. I also said as long as it didn't affect my couple, I could ignore the rest and skip the other parts.
However I learned my lesson, if the show is going downhill, probably your couple is not safe either.
In some parts of ep 31 I rolled my eyes, in some parts I didn't understand the motives of some characters. They were trying so hard but it was neither logical nor touching. Especially some lines and some scenes didn't make any sense.
A conflict was needed between Alaz and Yaman, I can see that and of course it would be delicious if it was written well. So no problem for me. But what's this nonsense, excuse me? Serhan may be cruel, evil and a bastard, (and that's why Alaz still doesn't talk to him or expect anything from him and he's okay with going like this) however wanting your father out of your life is one thing, being okay with him dying is another thing.
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Alaz: He's my dad, unfortunately and I can't change that, Mom. But is this what he should get in return? Did he deserve this? What are we supposed to do? Should we be happy? What do you want to hear from us?
I mean, if we're talking about the worst traumas, then Elif should get her punishment too, because the girl literally tortured Yaman & Asi and Alaz even though it was for "the greater good".
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And these people who went to the hospital to be by their side, to give them comfort and support acted like Soysalan siblings shouldn't get angry because their father was a bad person. Then Yaman got involed in their argument and asked Alaz what his problem was.
I mean, what? How did all of these make sense? This was just plain stupid.
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Poor girl found herself in the middle of their conflict.
I knew he wouldn't listen to reason. Not even Asi could calm him down, I was expecting this and wrote it before. He already fought his mom and his brother so when he came to the worst conclusion I didn't think it was out of character.
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Alaz: So you're on his (Yaman's) side.
I could have understood this as well. Because even back then, while they were waiting for any good news about Çağla, Asi's first instinct was to prevent him from blaming himself although he was a bad brother to his twin sister. So I guessed he waited to see an unconditional support again, like her getting angry like himself and stopping the other people, not the other way around.
She actually wasn't on Yaman's side but he misunderstood her words.
So, yeah, even though he was acting irrational, I could understand that.
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However this…was truly unacceptable.
I think there's a line that shouldn't be crossed while trying to prove you're right about something, especially the other party is someone you deeply care about.
To me, no matter how much angry he was, he would never say that line. Especially after Zafer plot. This guy was ready to die and kill for her, cared about her traumas and pain. You may say he was also behaving like this towards his twin at the beginning of the series, so he can do anything but I beg to differ. First of all I hated him for that matter as well and that happened at the beginning, a very long time ago. He's been through a lot. If he continues acting like he has no empathy, why are we watching this show?
And I know Asi didn't have bad intentions but in order to make him to say those words, they wrote illogical lines for her too.
So why did they write it anyway? Maybe it was for this scene to happen:
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To show that she is compassionate and loves him so much despite how much he's fucked up.
Was it worth it? No. Because we already know that.
I think the director couldn't get rid of that line because of the messaging scene, however he could have shown Alaz regretted it later. But he did not.
So some directing and writing choices were really unnecessesary and disappointing.
You can especially tell this is true because after the hospital scene, Yaman said to Alaz how he wished he could have changed everything. I mean, from the beginning he could have seen what Alaz needed but no, he waited for an hour because the show should last 120 minutes.
What did the show benefit from this? Nothing. I mean, if it happened after he had learnt the truth, we could have said he did it because he tried to make her break up with him. But they didn't choose that way.
There were many good scenes but the rooftop scene literally killed my desire to talk about them.
Like this is probably one of my favorite scenes in the whole series.
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Alaz: I hate being your son. You're like a nightmare. One can't get rid of you. No matter what I do, you somehow ruin my life again. I'm tired of listening you, your making up excuses, blaming others. I went crazy thinking that something would happen to you today. I forgot all of your crap. I said he was my father no matter what. I forgot everything you did. Don't worry, I will keep silent, I will stomach it again, because I have to. I have to because of your health state, because of your daughter who is scared that something may happen to you, because of Ece. I have to because I have no choice. But you know what the most painful thing is? I will never be able to look at Yaman's face again. I know you won't like hearing this but I really loved being Yaman's brother. But as usual you forcefully took away another thing I love from me. How can I look at my mom's face now? How can I look at Asi's face now? Serhan: If you keep talking like this to me, it will be my face you can never look at. Son- Alaz: Son…Yes, I am your son. This is what's the worst. I am the devil's son. This is my curse. You took away my last hope that I could be a good person. Endless thanks to you.
And this was good too.
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Because you can literally pinpoint the moment he started dying inside. For the first time he wanted her to let him go and she said she couldn't do that.
He was always the one who couldn't let her go but this time she said his trademark lines. *fml*
The whole scene was written just like how I imagined. This was not ooc either. But it could have been more impactful if the rooftop scene hadn't happened.
I don't have any expectations right now, if they give me more beautiful scenes that make it look like they were in a delirious state while writing that scene I can try to forget it. However the first 30 episodes will always have a different place in my heart.
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padawansuggest · 7 months
You know the most annoying thing (btw this isn’t the WORST issue it’s just that it’s mine and I am the writer of this post) about being 90%+ non-verbal????
It’s that I also have a stutter. Why does that matter??? Because the longer I go without talking the worse/weirder/newer issues it gives me.
Lately I’ve been repeating full phrases without being able to stop myself and sometimes I worry that dad (the person I live with and therefore talk to the most) thinks that im repeating things like… angrily or like I don’t think he’s listening??? One time I accidentally (because I rarely speak it means that sometimes automatic words come out instead of truly what you mean) used she for a friend of mine instead of they. I immediately caught it and corrected ‘they, sorry’ and normally, that would be that. Like i mispronounced my own GFs name because I knew someone with it pronounced another way first, so it took me a hot minute to actually consistently get it correct out loud. But. Instead of just saying ‘they, sorry’ I accidentally repeated the word ‘they’ in a stutter like 5 times, which then made me nervous because now it seemed like I was sorta mocking them.
So. It’s kinda scary when you start stuttering whole words instead of just syllables cause you get mix ups like that.
And then sometimes I stutter so hard that it straight up triggers an annoyance reaction and I become 50% less verbal in that exact moment because it annoyed me so much that now I’m having issues figuring out how to speak at all.
I used to ramble the stutter out of myself as a teen because I spoke well enough in school if I had something to say, but even then I barely spoke. But now. I’m like. Really, I have nothing to say. And I know you can say ‘just read out loud’ or something like that.
Great idea. Except sometimes the sound of my own voice scares me and I end up going non-verbal again.
Maybe I’m just. Not meant to talk very much????? Idk man.
I’m not even asking for help I just sometimes put an issue I have out there to hope that others can relate to it and help them feel better too.
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ladysomething · 2 months
I know I said I wanted it to be bigger than I love you but I also said I trusted you even if it was and as always you delivered because my heart was absolutely broken with how raw his confession was and how it was answered and I think maybe because just like Charles I didn't fully understand how bad it was, it's like I could see why he was scared for Charles but I couldn't fully understand it but this chapter it finally clicked.
I feel like Charles will be pushed into retirement after this season wether he wins it or not and what happened this chapter will be used against him.
Also I think Jean luc is on Max's side but he can also understand Charles that's why everytime he does one of his stupid plans he doesn't yell at him, sure he tells him Max is good but he doesn't show much anger towards him because he can see the fear Charles is dealing with, but I think this time he's gonna be upset with Charles because of what he said to Max.
It would be nice if once Sophi is talking about being an omega with Charles, she also mentions the part that Max is conflicted to show Charles, the part that despite showing it in the past and revealing the reason behind it Charles through his anger and fear completely ignored it and I don't think he's gonna get this part of Max back easily, he absolutely shattered his heart into pieces and destroyed his trust, worst than that he compared him to his dad. Max have had all these insecurities about wether he turns into a monster like Jos or not and despite working hard and believing in himself for all he's done what Charles said it's gonna break him.
I kinda wanna smack Charles because of what he said to Max after Max pour his heart out for him but at the same time I can see why he acted the way he did, he's already confuse and scared and suddenly everything he knew was wrong, he has been taking care of himself on his own for too long that he only believes in what he thinks is right and having Max of all people caring for him, loving him is far from a truth he used to believe in. And everyone constantly keeps everything from him to protect him in their words which makes the truth more unbelievable for him.
And Max, god the way you wrote him and his confession made me almost crying for him I mean I did cry a bit cause the way he knows Charles won't love him back,the way accepted that and then Charles once again accuses him of being someone, something he hates the most in the world and that's where it breaks him and we see the look of betrayal he felt in that moment.
I just want to hug them and give them a happy moment like I don't even know if Max will be in Charles dream this time or if Charles can finally try to understand Max, if he will try to reach him this time. And it's just so heartbreaking seeing their pain being mostly cause by the world around them but consciously and unconsciously they are the ones who twist the knife more and hurt each other more.
And omg the team with that contract,like wtf I wrong with you all,I kinda wish Max would have told him despite Charles believing it or not, he deserved to know what was happening to him and his life especially after Max realized Charles is gonna doe everything to be out of that contract,I know he wanted Charles to want this himself and believed him when he was sweet to him even if a part was actually the truth,and completely understand why he kept it secret but the way Charles realized how far everything about his life was out of him hands now god that was hurtful almost as much as his cruel words towards Max...
This was such a beautiful Chapter that I'm at awe. I don't what to say to show much I loved it I don't think if I can find enough words for, I just know that I'm gonna start the next Chapter with watery eyes while feeling anxious for what would be the next step fro them. Thank you so much for this beautiful chapter the way each part of can make me feel emotional is truly an art. Your writing style is also beautiful💛
I've been waiting for you anon!!! I was desperate to know what you thought, and whether I'd earned your trust!!
I can't say anything re retirement the season obvs, but you would be right in assuming that the stakes are that high.
JL has kind of become the meat in the sandwich tbh. I feel for the poor guy. justice for jean-luc!
and Charles definitely went too far, but then again, Max certainly didn't give him any reasons to pull his punches. he said "you have all these terrible qualities but its ok I still love you :)" and then expected Charles to be nice about it??? come on now.
but then again, Max is just trying his best. he's a fucked up little dude, and doesn't really understand what Charles' problem is - refuses to understand what Charles' problem is - so if he doesn't want to meet Charles halfway, then why should Charles be the one who has to do it?
but!! they're getting there. at least now Charles actually knows some stuff, and he has space to think about it a bit more.
and thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them very much.
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malewifesband · 5 months
trying to go back and actually write this scene w kabru and rin. my stupid illness is worse again so im struggling but id like thoughts if anyone has them. on like any aspect
to establish: i feel like kabru takes rin for granted like by far the person he seems to treat worst is her. hes not a terrible person for this no way but like the way he teases her about liking him despite having no feelings for her ... idk i feel like he counts on rin always being there. like nothing could push her away so he feels he can be a bit cruel and hell be forgiven--not like she doesnt rag on him all time, right?
but i think things change when he falls in love. like it finally hits rin that man, its never going to be her. shes watched him date around for years, and never truly fall for someone, so there was always that hope that one day hed just realize how he really felt about her. and now she cant delude herself thats true, she can just fuckin tell how bad he has it for laios after spending two years living between the castle and her apothecary. she starts trying to breakaway from him, because every time she talks to him theres a reminder that he loves someone who isnt her.
feeling especially pathetic one night, she sees marcille, who is also feeling especially pathetic bc falin is still over a year away from her and enjoying their open relationship, but marcille doesnt. she cant bring herself to want anyone but falin. rins like ok bet. we are the same kind of pathetic and i dont like you but youve also been nothing but nice to me and im not reconciling these feelings. lets have sex
the scene im struggling with comes after
like rin is in the garden again, hoping that marcille will come. she didnt feel lonely when she was with marcille. she felt... special. more seen. she didnt think about how she misses kabru even when hes with her.
but ofc kabru is seeking her out bc he just really fucked up with laios.
she tells him, yeah man, super your fault for pressing the bruise after fuckin kissing him and then refusing to talk about it. everybody knows the dude does not want to get married and have heirs why did u like agree with his dads letter that he has a duty to sire children
she really doesnt want to talk to him about this. she wants him to need her like she needs him--she doesnt want to need him like she does. and she doesnt want to help him fall in love with someone else, but its like he doesnt even realize whats happening.
kabru insists the kiss was nothing, and he shouldnt talk about it with laios bc he was just drunk its just... he wants laios' full trust. and its weird, but sometimes he pictures laios as girl and something about that works. but its a weird wishful thinking bc kabru wants to get thru this barrier they have where (kabru feels) laios feels like he cant trust him bc kabru is good liar and laios cant read ppl. like maybe if they shared something that intimate, them both being trans, theyd understand each other completely
rin doesnt really know what to make of any of that. it feels like further rejection. like it just feels obvious to her that no matter what, he loves laios. and that thorny feeling of jealousy is spiraling around her heart. maybe she says something cruel, gives terrible advice bc she feels so hurt that he cant see how sincere her jealousy is, that he cant see how it hurts her to hear him in love with someone else?
im not super sure where to take the scene from there. i know i want it to end with kabru feeling worse about laios and deciding to avoid him, but without him realizing that rin is purposefully pulling away yet. (he'll realize that later, when laios is the one to tell him she and marcille and seeing each other and he didnt even know. and he'll have to address then that hes taken her friendship for granted)
any thoughts on the kinds of things she might say? or might tell him? i feel like theres an obvious solution im just missing
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x02 Rewatch
Hope's love for Shakespeare should've been a common thread through the seasons
Missing Emma hours. They all needed therapy so bad.
Lizzie getting so enthusiastic about game day 😭😭😭 Protect her at all costs
No because the way Josie's black magic had negative effects on Lizzie but Josie not being affected when Lizzie did black magic was never explained will always be one of the worst Legacies mysteries. I'm just gonna have to assume it's because Lizzie always handled hers better.
"Maybe you're pregnant" is an ironic insult to use on a lesbian virigin
"Bounce MG" 😭😭😭 She's the definition of unserious
The way Hope was sharing memories left and right in the first few episodes and then never again. It's such a cheap special effect too???
Hafael's chemistry was off the charts and I can't believe they never shared more than a dream kiss
"I have ACTUAL magic powers" Is this wolf on wolf violence??
"Put a shirt on." I see where Lizzie gets it from
"Dad loves Hope more than us." "You're being melodramatic." "You really want Dad to stop loving us? Keep it up." Mm hmm. Nasty.
The way Alaric probably will miss Lizzie's wedding too ...
Just not for the reason she thinks
Hope mocking Landon for running like she didn't just get called out for being a runner last episode. I'm gonna need you to tone down the soulmatism here.
The Connor-Dana-Josie trio truly is something else
"I was being recruited by D1 schools before I got here" TELL US MORE. GIVE US YOUR WHOLE BACKSTORY. I CAN'T BELIEVE WE NEVER GOT IT.
"I've been at the school for two days and I've already heard all about Hope Mikaelson and her sunny disposition." #People need to keep Hope's name out of their mouth at that school
Really can't believe we didn't get another football episode ever
I can't prove it but Connor shoving Kaleb to the ground from behind was racially motivated, I just know it
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Sorry but Lizzie talking about "perky little boobs" unprovoked is gay. Why are you looking at other girls' boobs and why are you obsessing over how perky they are. That's gay.
"When someone other than Lizzie takes a shot at Josie, they tend to wake up with scabies." Big sister energy for sure. Everyone else is wrong, sorry, not sorry.
"If Lizzie Saltzman is what you want, I can help you get her." SHE'S NOT A PRIZE.
"Does a girl have to have a motive to do charity work?" Cruel but iconic
"I just want to take a minute to let you know how proud I am. You're all doing a great job." How did anyone think she was a bitch?? Just because she came up with some funny nicknames???
No because do you ever think how Lizzie was literally trained to lose games for other people's benefits her whole life and then that's exactly what she did for the Merge? Oh I'm gonna be sick.
MG the second someone bullies Lizzie:
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No but Penelope, Dana, Josie, Alyssa ... there's a clear pattern there ...
Hope is such a bitch 😭😭😭 I love her
"If he says there is a fire breathing woman running through the woods, then there's a -" "THERE'S A FIRE BREATHING WOMAN RUNNING THROUGH THE WOODS." This show is comedy gold
"Maybe she wants the knife you said you don't have." Get him again Hope
The fact that Lizzie just let Dana walk all over her but the second Dana insulted Josie, the gloves were off
"Maybe I just get a thrill from tormenting all the crazies." ABSOLUTELY NASTY.
MaYbE yOu'Re FeElInG a LiTtLe DeLuSiOnAl BeCaUsE yOu'Re OfF yOuR mEdS
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No ThIs IsN't WhAt We TaLkEd AbOuT And???
"Can you prioritize your rage?" 😭😭😭 No, Rafael, it's how she flirts
"Not if SHE has anything to say about it"
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"MY dAd bUiLt ThIs ScHoOl" Okay, first of all, Alaric is father to like 90 kids so I need you to calm down and secondly, I forgot how self-centered and entitled Josie was in S1. I know it only gets worse from here.
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"It's like she appears out of smoke." She's been there the whole time. Just because you've been pretending to ignore her because your crush is not gone, doesn't mean she's not there.
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"My immortal soul." Well wait until your body's immortal too Lizzie
I love how Penelope was willing to find a compromise between the twins and Lizzie was immediately down
So YoU cAn ThRoW mE uP LaTeR
God I love this show but I truly hate the shot inconsistency. Tell me why Josie tackled Dana and bounced back to her feet but somehow six seconds later was back on the ground to screw the team with her spell.
What exactly was on the clipboard Penelope was holding the whole time
Real answer: She was just holding it to look like a boss bitch and it worked
Lizzie throws literal PUNCHES to defend her sister
"Earth magic" implies the existence of air magic, fire magic, water magic ... Imagine if Legacies embraced the whole elements thing ...
"This hatred, this vengeance, this isn't you. It can't be you. I won't allow it." And yet he said nothing when his daughter went around ACTUALLY killing other students ... no wait, he made one of her victims play her bodyguard.
Us never getting to see the insides of those ritzy Salvatore School bathrooms is a crime
"You're my sister. My best friend. She spent the last ten years making us feel like we don't matter." I wish I could go back in time and tell Lizzie the whole truth
"I don't like that feeling that way. Not from Hope. Not from girls like Dana. Not from Dad. And not from you." "I promise."
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"You had my back today." When? No, like genuinely, when? Lizzie was out there defending Josie against Dana left and right but when did Josie have her back??
"What are we gonna do about Dad?" "More like what is he gonna do to us?" Give you a hug. Literally.
Hayley missing from the photos gets me every time 😥😥😥
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my driver hotness rankings
besties and behateds of the jury, this is maybe the most unhinged thing i will ever post but it is my sistine chapel it is my mona lisa. this is to me what citizen kane was to orson welles. i will prove to you today that my driver hotness rankings are objectively correct. i have assembled the evidence i have constructed my argument. (love you ell this one's for you.)
nyck (i’m so sorry). look someone has to go last. i am not prejudiced against short kings but it must be acknowledged that in combination with the face he is giving gnome. also i have seen the shirtless pics, and he is more ripped than george for christ’s sake there are so many ridges on his torso. he looks, to steal a phrase from patton oswald, “painful to fuck.” and i don’t have a vibe check on him yet so there is nothing else to compel me (benoit blanc voice) also i am not yet convinced he’s fast, which would increase his standing, because, say it with me, being good at things is hot. check back in after a few races. the thing where they tied him to a wheel rack was funny but not enough.
pierre. he’s fooled so many people into thinking he’s attractive with his beard contour and his donald trump ass haircut covering a truly atrocious hairline but there is no force on earth that can cover being a crypto bro. i have known so many and they are, without exception, the worst and more irritating people on the planet. if you own an nft you are not hot. if you TALK about it you are less hot. he has abs or whatever but i honestly think he is too ripped, similar to nyck. and i haven’t even mentioned the fact he’s a pedophile! his narrative used to be compelling to me because he got kicked out of red bull and i love redemption but he is a mid driver and a bitch and christian was right to fire him.
lando. this one may be controversial but i’m right and i can prove it: he looks like he’s twelve years old. who am i, pierre? i think the fuck not. admittedly he has nice eyes but he has a very oddly-shaped head. i could snap him like a twig, which looking at my dating history is not necessarily a deal breaker, but it is if he’d whine like a little bitch the whole time. he has never known the touch of a woman and he never will. the vibes are also atrocious: he’s a spoiled brat, and his interests are twitch and golf?????? he might not say racial slurs but he definitely crosses the street if he sees a black man. says he feels “uncomfortable” being around gay men with his shit off. bitch. i must clarify that i don't actually hate him but he has committed the worst crime to me: being a little irritating.
checo. people say he looks like tom cruise with a double chin but i just watched top gun and no he fucking does not. he looks more grizzled than fernando but in a haggard way not in a rugged cowboy way and he’s got a dad bod but not in a hot way. and the vibes are fucking off, absolutely swagless. fucking come on he’s had two seasons of getting his ass HANDED to him by max every week. i know it’s hard to be max’s teammate or whatever but i am pointing to him and saying MID. i don’t know anything about him personally except he’s got rich sponsors, he probably cheated on his wife, and he’s a homophobe. however he will move up if he goes full rosberg in 2023 and ruins christian’s life i do not pretend to be unbiased. the thesis of this one is that it is not hot to be boring. but if he becomes interesting i will change my mind.
oscar. see lando. he looks like a child! i do not believe he is 21 they are LYING because he's actually 14 and it should be illegal to let him drive. i do not believe he remembers obama’s first election. he’s up higher because i believe he is considerably more attractive than lando he has a sweet honest face i would kiss his little cheeks. but is he hot? ask again in five years. the narrative is also compelling to me because he did said “fuck the french” and that is hot that is HOT, but again, as of yet no vibe check. i see something in his eyes that indicates to me he may win the twink war but until first blood is spilled that is only hypothetical. sorry oscar nothing against you honey.
kmag. ok look. maybe i just don’t remember what kmag actually looks like but the picture on the f1 website is not flattering he looks like the stock photo wincing old man. i don’t think he’s unattractive really but i cannot put him above the rest of this list i fear! when he got pole that was really hot but what else is he giving? talking about balls? that wasn’t hot when dan did it and it’s not hot for kmag either. the vibe check should have enough data to produce something but it is coming up empty!!! i just do not know i’m sorry kevin. you do not have the x factor. you are not irritating, but to me, you are boring.
estie! you know he was below kmag but today i saw that gifset of him with long hair…. i could fix him (get him a hair stylist) he’s uncomfortably lanky. rat man may be affectionate, but rat man nevertheless. also i played myself by comparing himself to the flushed away rat because now i cannot see him without thinking about that. he’s got a really hot girlfriend which means he’s probably a feminist (will go down on a woman) and i know he doesn’t come from money. both of these things compel me tis true! but they are not enough to overcome the tragic truth that he looks like a cartoon character
hulkenberg. look ell i know i said he was conventionally attractive and i stand by that. he IS. but he also looks like a fucking ken doll. he has the GR wax doll disease. he went into the uncanny valley and he fucking founded a city-state there he’s building fucking governance structures and supporting a small private army to defend trade routes. his skin is so like….. tight. uncomfortable. and he is not redeemed by the vibe check. a million fucking races and no podium? and he wasn't only in shit cars! he was supposed to be a world champion coming up through the feeder series and he fell short of his potential. falling short of your potential is narratively compelling, but not in a hot way. i am pressing the big buzzer that says MID. boring.
lance. literally forgot about him until i got to number seven and then i was like….. wait a minute wait a fucking minute. he and nando are mirror opposites lance is here purely by virtue of his conventionally attractive little face. i can hear the ghosts of my jewish ancestors telling me to settle down with the nice billionaire jewish boy. but you know what? his voice is fucking irritating as shit and he has the least interesting variety of daddy issues. he’s got no fucking personality and he’s a nepo baby and he’s a mid ass driver and lawrence will not convince me otherwise by holding a gun to nando’s head and making him say shit about how good his stupid little failson is. 
NANDOOOOOOO ok i know this one is controversial but i don’t give a shit it’s my list. i know he’s fucking eighty do you think i care? no. i couldn’t give less of a shit what he looks like. all that matters to me is that he wakes up every single day and chooses to be a mischievous little bastard who foments….. something. el plan etc etc. yes he fucking blackmailed mclaren yes he has committed war crimes yes he is a misogynist. what is this twitter? i do not have to be morally correct here. and lest we forget he is in fact a fantastic fucking driver (hot). let the slow dismantling of the stroll dynasty begin. and he has the most important variable in my calculations: he is interesting.
guanyu. my problem here is vibe check coming up empty. he’s reasonably good looking, he’s nice, he seems to be in love with val (good taste! see the coffee video) he’s the second most stylish man in the paddock mostly by virtue of the competition being fucking pathetic. he’s a little short but i am not prejudiced against short kings! but personality wise i fear there is not much there although probably this is on me for being a dumb american and not speaking chinese. also he’s like. ungodly rich. like richer than stroll. and the CCP of it all is not beautiful. perhaps most damningly: is he a good driver? i do not know! give him another year, but the jury remains undecided. he is right in the middle but i reserve the right to move him up pending developments
logan. you don’t know how much it pains me to put this motherfucker in the top ten. he looks like he was recruited into the us military directly out of high school because he was failing english and knew he couldn’t get into college, but unfortunately he is also objectively very handsome. he’s not higher for obvious reasons (florida. donald trump.) but i cannot put him lower purely off the virtue of his captain america fucking face. fuck him i hope alex makes him cry real tears on track by lapping him in every single race. but he is hot. maybe he'll prove me wrong and he can stay here! but if he brings fucking..... jd vance or whatever as a guest to a gp it's straight to 20 i shit you not.
alex. out of all the men on this list alex is probably the one i would most like to date. he’s nice, he’s reasonably charming, he’s a feminist, he’s got the angst of losing that red bull seat without the pierre of it all, he’s got the compelling homoerotic friendship with george but you know what this is not sash’s list of dateable men it is driver hotness and we must acknowledge the fact that he is not particularly good looking! like estie he has a fucking banana nuts hot girlfriend, but facially he is not always giving. he’s cute; he’s not necessarily hot. he’s this high only because i kept bumping him up because i was like “well i can’t put him below fucking LOGAN”. also, while i believe he’s a good driver, is he REALLY good, or just good? beating the shit out of latifi does not convince me of anything! like mick beating the shit out of mazepin it’s pretty much guaranteed to happen.
max. ok ell hear me out. right now he is not looking too hot but it's because of the bad haircut and he’s not racing. being good at things, say it with me, is hot and the only thing, the ONLY THING in max’s life is being good at racing. he’s fucking fast. also, he seems like he’s actually kind of a fun guy. when he laughs at his own jokes that is very cute i think. the little eye crinkles. the cheeks. when he’s got his hair grown out a little and a five o’clock shadow going… he can fool me into thinking he’s actually good looking and doesn't a little bit resemble sid the sloth from the ice age movies (sorry. but it's true) and the version of him i have made up in my head and convinced myself is real is extremely fucking compelling!!!! admittedly the kelly dynamic almost knocked him down but it takes two people to make a dynamic and i guarantee you i would not be giving any maternal energy at all. i think i could fix him (introduce him to pegging)
yuki. that’s right fuck you. he’s funny as fuck and we could do karaoke together. i would carry him around in my tote bag and he could eat off the children’s menu at restaurants (cost of living is high you save where you can.) he’s giving face and he’s giving body he’s actually so fucking handsome and the reason people are sleeping on how beautiful he is is because of the particularities of anti-asian racism, where “western” people read traditionally east-asian features as unmasculine, and therefore they are either fetishized or dismissed as romantic/sexual partners entirely. well i’m anti-racism bitch! yuki is HOT! also i know he’s not that good at driving or whatever but do you know what’s even hotter than being good at things? not giving a SHIT!!!! yuki is the spiritual successor to kimi raikonnen on this grid i’m fucking right and i’m the only one brave enough to say it. f1 is a hobby for him and he treats the sport exactly as it should be treated (with disdain, like it’s a mild inconvenience or errand on par with vacuuming) maybe this is inconsistent with my "being good at things is hot theory" but you know what? fuck you. it's my list i do what i want. if i contradict myself than i contradict myself
george. yeah…… i’m quite frankly a little shocked and upset he’s this high. i know i made this list myself but i’m not keeping track very well in all honesty and i’m about four drinks in. but you know what? i’m not blaming alcohol. this is accurate for my hotness rankings. i’m a bit of a george girl at the moment. every new fact i learn about him makes him more compelling to me. he's the george bit of alex's homoerotic relationship with george! really i only need one story about him to compel me: getting himself into the merc driver program with the power of microsoft powerpoint. he’s the most “he’s just like me fr” driver on the grid for me and i’m a big enough woman to admit that. the version of him i’ve made up inside my head has a personality and you know what? unfortunately for the haters he has proved them all wrong and he’s an excellent fucking driver. i don’t think he’s better than lewis but he stood up to the pressure of that second merc seat fucking fantastically even with his biological father there judging his performance the whole time! and i know he looks a little bit like a robot but it must be admitted! he is attractive! he’s got a great body! idk i’m gaslighting myself i guess it’s my deep-seated american desire to infiltrate the upper classes of england and bring it all down from the inside. but i’m keeping him in spot number five. and fuck anyone who disagrees.
valtteri. i mean. other than yuki the closest to kimi we can get on the current grid. lost his merc seat and immediately said “my ass will be fully out for the rest of my life and there is nothing you can do about it” can you imagine the amount of time toto wasted just saying “no valtteri you cannot post hole on instagram”. he’s a feminist he’s an icon! he’s not an outstanding driver but he’s solid! by number of wins currently fourth best cunt on the grid i believe! the mustache! he has alex albon energy in that i would actually date him but i think he’s more attractive. he is the only blond-haired blue-eyed man on the list who does not even a little bit activate the “nazi detector” in my brain which is admittedly a little overactive in the current political climate. i don’t know love isn’t rational. but i love him. i love him, your honor. and you will not convince me otherwise with facts (he's not really objectively all that physically attractive)
carlos. look the ferrari boys were pretty close together and ell i know you disagree with me here but ultimately it comes down to one thing i will discuss in the charles ranking and a couple things i will discuss here. yes he’s hot. fucking obviously. it’s barely worth pointing it out he’s outrageously attractive. but as i have said many times hotness is about more than the physical! and the vibe check is mixed. he does have the most compelling flavor of daddy issues (father is loving and supportive but still an unattainable ideal. the closest thing to god on earth for carlos sainz jr is carlos sainz sr and what a terrible legacy that is to bear) but on the other hand golf! and he has a weird and not very sexy voice! and he’s probably violently catholic! and there’s stories about him being kind of a dick to fans! i did not verify either of those things but fuck you this isn't journalism. and, most damningly, i believe that when it comes to driving he is…… FUCKING MID. there i said it. he got lucky his first year with and he’s still in denial about being the second driver to charles leclerc. have you seen the fucking instagram? girl fred vasseur may say he'll let it be decided on track but charles is coming to family dinners in the vasseur household. delusion is not hot unless it’s in a funny way (see: fernando, el plan). and i swear to christ if he messes up even a single race for charles this season because he thinks he’s better i will knock him down to the bottom of his list without remorse.
charles. it’s my list fuck you. other than george, charles (the version of him i have made up inside my head) is the most like me on the grid. he is— pause for dramatic effect— fucking COMPELLING. (benoit blanc voice) you know i love a narrative and he’s got a fucking narrative. he plays the piano (hot) he’s got the sexiness of the french language without the lameness of being french (yes i believe monaco is a historical mistake and a geopolitical aberration and should be incorporated into france and all those cunts should pay taxes but objectively monaco is very sexy!!! walt whitman i contain multitudes) and he’s got the catholic guilt of driving for ferrari without the lameness of actual catholicism (looking at you carlos) is he the most interesting bitch in the world? no. but he can hold a conversation, he has more interests than just racing and video games, and he’s much funnier in french, and as these boring ass guys go he’s pretty funny even in english. also, again, takes two to make a dynamic and i am funny enough for any two people on the planet. also, and this must be said, he’s a fucking excellent driver. BEING GOOD AT THINGS IS HOT! AND we have not even mentioned the fact that physically speaking he is what we call a Specimen. he’s got body, he’s got face. i know you don’t think he does ell but with respect you are wrong. he’s got the cheekbones he’s got the nose he’s got the fucking ridiculous shoulder to hip ratio, he’s got the hand porn. he has literal protagonist eye syndrome (they appear to be different colors depending on the lighting) he’s fucking insanely hot.
Lewis. I mean it’s just quite literally the only correct answer. he’s giving face, he’s giving body. the tattoos! dan thinks he has cool tattoos but he has pete davidson disease lewis actually has really cool tattoos. but his hotness is literally the least compelling thing about him. he’s multi-talented (music??? so hot) he’s not just a racer, but like, let’s not discount the fact he is the best f1 driver of all time. like i’ve established it’s hot when people are good at things (except golf). he’s not a businessman he’s a business, man. he’s got mad fucking drip. his politics are.............. of mixed quality really but by comparison he's practically bernie sanders. of all the drivers he’s the one i think i could make a socialist if i had a twenty minute conversation with him. i could get him to read marx i could get him to read zizek. not even to mention the compelling fucking narrative of his life. the karting years the brocedes of it all the mclaren civil war he is producing CONTENT. yes he speaks like a motivational poster and the dog account is cringe but the flaws make him human. if he were too perfect he would be less hot. 
this is the judgement of the court
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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Kyvir: Think of Bhaal, think of blood. Narrator: *Your soul opens to their divine power.* Narrator: *Father claws into your heart and stops it for a single moment. As you begin to fear for your life, you know his love is close.* [...] Kyvir: Make an offering to Bhaal. (1000) Narrator: *You offer your paltry gold to the void, like a child at the sweet shop.* Narrator: *There is no response, and you know why - Bhaal will accept the world from you, and nothing less.*
I would like to kill Bhaal please. 0/10 worst father.
To start with the slightly less horrible bit, 1000 gold being referred to as paltry is bad enough to begin with (that's. that's quite a lot of money actually. Dad's so greedy) but the way he gives you nothing in return because nothing short of the whole world will ever be good enough for him is... y'know, awful. There's also an element where... okay, I'm getting this dialogue before the fight with Orin (which. I'm going to have to come back here after that whole situation has played out just to see what happens) and Kyvir did kill Isobel so he's Father's favourite little fantasy Antichrist. He's going into this fight at a pretty severe disadvantage what with the serious brain damage! You'd think Bhaal might want to give the child he wants to win a leg up, at least enough to put the two of them on a more equal level! But Bhaal offers nothing. Durge is expected to end the bloody world, and Bhaal won't even give them something to help counteract the damage Orin did to them or some shit? Bhaal demands Durge end the world and all they get is the promise of dying on his altar at the end of everything. And the worst part is that before Orin broke their brain Bhaal managed to get Durge into a headspace where they seem to have genuinely wanted that. Either that or they got really good at faking enthusiasm for kick-starting the apocalypse... Honestly both options are upsetting, either Durge was in a state where they actually wanted to kill everyone in Faer��n and then slit their own throat in their father's name—and whether that was out of them being "put them all out of my misery" suicidal or them being conditioned to believe that this truly is the "right" course of action or whatever else it's. bad—or they had to follow a path they really didn't want to knowing it would end in their death and the deaths of everyone currently alive. Such a light and cheery story, the Durge origin.
And Durge views Bhaal stopping their heart until they genuinely fear for their life as a sign of love. Or possibly given his love is "close" when he stops their heart maybe he'll only truly love them when they're dead? God, the way love is talked about with Durge is so much. It's very much tied to fear and pain for them! Which I suspect has something to do with the implication that Bhaal may have made something of a habit of forcing them to kill anyone they grew to genuinely care about, or at least saw that as an excellent punishment when they slipped up. I'm really looking forward to actually talking to Bhaal, I'm sure it'll be deeply upsetting. From the moment they remember who they are at least part of them is longing for their father's love and they remember him as being devoted, and then it turns out they actually feel closest to his love when he's killing them. That says... absolutely nothing good about what their time in Bhaal's temple serving him directly was like. Also the fact that he can just stop and start their heart at will, at least when they're actively reaching out to him, is... concerning. I don't think that's normal...? I suspect this will come up again.
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caassette · 7 months
here's my ranking of every corvette model purely on aesthetics, from C1 to C8
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Obviously, it's old. It looks old. There's essentially zero hard lines, as every piece of it is curved and connects smoothly without any angles. You can see the front-engine design that pushes the cabin towards the rear, which would be the defining visual feature imo for the corvette line as time goes on. Kind of timeless tho.
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This thing looks space age as fuck. I don't think I would fit in that cabin at 6'2", but they've leaned even harder on pushing the seats back about as far as they could go and giving what looks like fully half of the body, the front half, over to the engine. They've also kept a lot of the swoopiness and smoothness in the design, but you can start to see some hard lines on the side panel towards the front wheel, and an actual honest-to-god angle on the A pillar. I feel like this aged worse than the C1, but that's mostly my personal preference.
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Now we're fuckin talking !!! To me, this is some top shelf corvette design. The cabin is pushed back and the swoops are still present over top of the wheel wells, but they've gone for a more aggressive and angular front bumper design and some choice chrome.
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Flopp....to me, this is like the catfish camaro; it's kind of neat, but it looks nothing like the rest of the generations. This is like, there's no swoops. Or there is, but it's in the wrong places. They've taken out that gorgeous grille up front and hidden the vents on the side. I don't like it very much.
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LETS GOOOOOOO i love this one. Maybe I'm biased cuz this is the model I grew up seeing, but they brought back the smooth flowing curves and reimagined that side panel line from the C2. I wish it was just a touch more angular on the front bumper, maybe even borrowing elements from the C4 design (but ideally C3), but to me this is a huge return to form after the C4 flop. I know it looks kind of weird honestly and it's probably not for everyone, but I like it.
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This is textbook, truly stunning, a masterclass in modern corvette design. They dialed it back a bit from the frankly offensive curvature (even though...I love it...I know it's too much for most people) of the C5, and re-incorporated a bigass intake to the front. They've kept the C2, C3, and C4 elements I love and combined them with an evolved C5 chassis to create what is, in my opinion, the greatest 'vette look since the iconic C3.
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Ok so bad take maybe but to me the C7 is where we're starting to slip. It looks good, don't get me wrong -- it's angular, it's sharp, it looks mean and fast and all the things you want from an expensive car. But it's starting to look less like a Corvette, to me. There's still the front engine position, but look how much the cabin has crawled forward since the C2. Since even the C5. And where's the swoopies? The curves? This looks kind of like if a Camaro and a Ferrari had a baby -- which is kind of distinctly far from what a Corvette should look like. To me.
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And there is it...the C8.
Let me tell you a story. My grandfather, may he rest in peace, owned a C3. It was in brown, which is kind of the worst color, but a beautiful machine nonetheless. And my father, his son, drove it with startling regularity. Can you blame him? If I'd had access to a Corvette in my teen years I would have driven it just to drive it! He loved it so much that he totaled it, and I never got to see it in my own lifetime.
I say all this to say: my dad knows what a Corvette looks like. He spent a huge chunk of time in his formative years driving one. Through my childhood he would often tell me stories, mostly the one of him totaling it, of him driving it. And the first time he saw this car, he asked me what it was.
The swoops; the long nose; the engine in front of the driver -- even the side vents have been repurposed as additional air intake and shoved way back! If you squint, it kind of resembles the C7. But that's cuz they're lying: that classic bubble cockpit doesn't cover just the seats, but also the engine. This isn't an FR car. This thing looks practically indistinguishable from anything coming out of Maranello.
They've said the C9 is going to be built on the same base as the C8, which is pretty disheartening. I hope once the line switches over to being electric, they're able to make it look more like it's supposed to.
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whatyourusherthinks · 8 months
The Zone Of Interest Review
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I was surprised my theater got this. The only thing I knew about it before it arrived was that it was nominated for best picture. When we finally got it in, I learned what it was about and I got worried. I thought the movie was gonna ask us to sympathize with the Nazis because they felt really really bad about all the genocide.
What's The Movie About?
The movie follows the director of Auschwitz and his family as they live next to the worst of the crimes against humanity ever committed.
What I Like.
The cinematography was slick. It had a very stark staging that leaves the audience detached from the characters and kind of reminded me of a Paranormal Activity movie. There were a couple sequences as well that looked neat because they inverted the colors. And they didn't ask me to sympathize with a Nazi, that's good.
What I Didn't Like.
NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS IN THIS MOVIE. Seriously. It's pretty much just simple mundanity from back to front. It's supposed to show the detachment from reality all the characters have, specifically from Auschwitz, but you can do that in so much more entertaining ways. This movie is just following boring German small talk which could have a creepy double meaning to it, but the filmmakers do nothing to make the conversations interesting. Also, I kinda hate the production design. It might just be because of the time period, but both the parents have the dumbest haircuts ever and the house they lived in looked weirdly modern to me. There's some implications of horrible things happening but it barely distracts from the fact that the most dramatic thing that happens is the dad moves away for like a month. Also, I don't care about anything that happens to these people because they are unrepentant Nazis.
Final Summation.
Oh my god this movie is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGG. If this wins best picture I'm taking it as a sign that the Academy is truly beyond help and needs to be excised from society with a red-hot knife.
Y'know what would've been a really cool idea? If they made a typical family drama. Like imagine if it went typical all American (Well, German in this case) family. Dad's strict because his work stresses him out, Mom is caring but neglected, there's a teenager working through puberty, one precocious child and one mischievous one. The plot can be something about the Mom thinking the Dad is cheating on her (I mean, he is in the actual movie. I didn't mention it because it is random and doesn't connect to anything. And it's boring.) and is trying to catch him or maybe one of the kids is sneaking out at night and the parents try to figure out why. An obnoxious relative needs to stay over and the family has to deal. Just any average life plot that could be entertaining, and still keep the house next to Auschwitz and all the background details that entails. That would really drive the point home, and leave the audience with some complex feelings about characters if you get them invested in their struggles. That'd be a movie to win best picture.
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japanifornication · 1 year
8, 9, and 10!
hi ash!!
8. common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about.
the "grape juice" just being grape juice. i'm in the "it's wine" camp for a few reasons (relating to the history of video-game development and ratings in relation to alcohol, the context in-game, what we know about shu takumi himself and phoenix's character, etc.) and i will die on this hill. but i also am not going to get into it with people, because i understand it's a sensitive subject.
9. worst part of canon
the 7 year gap?! i honestly truly believe that it only is 7 years because capcom and/or the game directors/writers wanted the delay between aa4 & aa5 to make sense and to have a reason to make the characters older. i think there is reason to have there be a few years of phoenix being disbarred there but 7 is an insane amount actually.
10. worst part of fanon
i could name so many things here. honestly. i started writing fic before i started engaging in the fandom and was so surprised by what i found lol. i don't like to be a little hater, i like to let people have their hcs and all that but it's wild to me how many have been adopted by the larger fandom no questions asked. so i'm going to name a few.
phoenix with heterochromia. i just don't like this one personally, i know they changed his eye color in the games and that's why people do it but like... so just pick one?
"uncle miles," especially in nrmt fics??? maybe this is just my own experience talking here, but my parents both had partners that i met growing up and none of them were referred to by aunt or uncle. you would think with how much issue people in this fandom take with shipping characters who aren't related but have a relationship that are like family (i am not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, i am pretty much with you) that this would automatically be something they wouldn't do, but then they have trucy call miles "uncle" when he's sleeping with her dad. i promise you trucy can handle knowing her dad has a boyfriend or a maybe-boyfriend or a complicated relationship with his best friend or however you want to write it.
and regarding the above, just all of the forced family roles that get given to characters. i don't mind some of it, i think that maya and phoenix might as well be siblings and refer to each other as such, and same with edgeworth and franziska. but i don't think found family needs to actually be forced into rigid labeled boxes like aunt and uncle and daughter and dad. i don't think franziska needs to be trucy's aunt or pearl needs to be edgeworth's niece or edgeworth needs to be kay's dad or stuff like that, i think they can all just be close and can be family for each other and fill in roles like that without needing to be called that. you know. like how we often do it in real life. and how do people who do have an issue with shipping people who are like family to each other not also see the issue with forcing characters into those boxes but then shipping the niece and the daughter...? i just don't get it i'm sorry 💀 just throw the whole box out. let people be close without making them conform to an Actual Family Hierarchy and your life will be better for it i promise.
steps down from my soapbox.
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