#maybe even mostly pre-lightning thief......
mediumgayitalian · 6 months
crying from ur baby will fic thank u for my life…… they’re so cute and sweet and tragic and what if i walk into the ocean what then huh
NO NO I GET YOU I HAVE BEEN SO SO WEEPY.....would you like to see the info charts i have made for the rest of his siblings
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chichariann · 8 months
It's weird to read people's post about how they hate this episode cuz
The lack of a zebra
Already knowing what the lotus casino is a trap
Grover being the only one who got trapped
The gang being "too smart"
Luke's mom's expositioh
Lack of action
The deadline passing
4 pearls
Episode is mostly dialogue
Idk. Honestly but heres what I thought as the episode went on...
Very long post. Read the red text if u just want points
Okay, they suspect the wrong person to be the thief (typical detective trope - still fits)
Cute grover and percabeth banter
They already know about the lotus flowers. Makes sense as there are 3 greek myth knowledgeable kids there. At least on of them should know.
They split up. Bad idea
The pair are being cautious
Grover is gone now
Percy and annabeth are searching for hermes so makes sense they'd be at the casino area. I dont see how they could be trapped—nop they already were the moment they stepped in
May Castellan exposition. Okay, revealing the premise of being a seer but not telling us what happened to her as a result is good. Without context from the books, we now know that something's happened to his mom and we do not know except for Luke blaming Hermes for it
Hermes parenting talk - this happens in Sea of Monsters but its nice to at least see a contrast of how he's gonna feel pre-betrayal vs post-betrayal.
Poseidon was the one who warned hermes about trying to be close to luke. Contrasting Poseidon, now, wanting to meet Percy
They past the deadline - what does this mean???
They almost forgot Grover but eventually finding him
Grover started this episode saying that his friends would never understand his personal quest to one day save the natural world, and here he is now, memories wiped except for what he wants to do with his life. And percy understands and is hopeful for him
Hermes taxi scene was hilarious
Percabeth moment
Teleport to Santa Monica
Percy meets the Nereid who tells him that theyd passed the deadline
Percy still wants to finish the quest 1) to save his mom 2) get the bolt 3) stop a war
What I'm taking from this:
There were A LOT of changes to how this scene played out in the books. I like that the kids are smart. I like that Grover got to tell Percy about his personal quest even if it was just a glimpse of it.
Should there have been a Zebra? MAYBE. I wouldve loved to see Percy talk to em but its not exactly plot relevant. Do I wish they had gotten trapped by just playing games? Yeah, but then how would they get to talk to Hermes. They would've just forgotten why they were there in the first place. Do I wish there was more action? No, not really. Do I wish the kids had flaws? THEY ALREADY DO. Grover got trapped by his own desires and personal goal over the quest he was on. Percy and Annabeth may not have shown their flaws this episode but... They already had in the past episodes. Maybe they shouldve but Im not mad that they're just... There.
I actually love that they're past the deadline and Percy has 4 pearls. Cuz it makes us wonder what would happen next. I think as book fans, we pride ourselves of knowing what happens next. Immune to any surprise. But when we do, there are 2 reactions: 1) intrigue and worry and unfortunately common, 2) despising the changes. I fall under number 1. I like that I dont know what could happen next. I know how it SHOULD go but I like that Rick is still surprising us despite knowing what could happen.
I like that we get Hermes parenting moments in this episode. Because instead of learning a sliver of why Luke betrays Percy at the end of the season at the last episode, we get a bit of exposition into his early life.
Annabeth says not to talk to Luke about his dad
Something happened to his mom and Luke hates Hermes for it
Hermes is keeping his distance because he knows that whatever he does, he's gonna end up hurting Luke
All of this sets up what will happen not just later in the books, but LATER IN THE SERIES. Rick wrote The Lightning Thief without any concrete idea of how the later books will play out. NOW HE DOES. So it makes sense to give us a way to understand Luke. To know why he makes the final decision in the book.
I would have found it weird if the gang went on the quest, got back to camp, got a sliver of Luke's opinion of the gods, then betrayal. NONE OF US WOULD UNDERSTAND. We get that he hates the gods but we won't know why. Now we do. By giving us all this material to work with, it gives its viewers the opportunity to really think, if you were in his shoes, would you have done it too? Would you be like Ethan or Chris, and joined him in that rebellion? I definitely could.
Because I for one would know that when I first read the books then reread it after, I would never even think about joining him given the context of the first book. We really only understand why he betrays the gods at like... The 5th book. When we finally get his backstory. Throughout the series, it has just been Percy hating Luke and being annoyed that Annabeth was so forgiving of him. Then on the last book, we finally get the backstory. Because, when you write in first person perspective, you cant give backstory IF the narrator is not talking to the character or is at the place where it happens. Throughout the whole series, Percy never thinks about what pushed Luke to make his decisions until, Nico had to bring Percy to where it all started. IN THE LAST BOOK. IN THE 5TH SEASON. THATS WHEN WE FINALLY GET TO UNDERSTAND WHAT MAKES LUKE CLICK.
It brings Luke out of the characterization of being someone who hates the gods and wants to overthrow them cuz they dont care about his kids. To someone who was abandoned and ignored by his father. To someone who is a victim to the gods' rules and their world (his mom). I kinda understand why he is the one leading the war here. Its cuz he's experienced one of the worst things that could happen to a demigod. Losing his mom. Getting ignored by his dad. Undervalued by the gods.
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my opinion on a pjo adaptation
as in i saw a thread of questions about a pjo adaptation on twitter but since i dont have an account, i decided to put my thoughts and what i would rather for them to do here. again, my thoughts, my opinion. if you don't agree with what im saying, please politely explain your opinion or just ignore this
if disney adapts pjo into a movie series, i'd rather it to be animated
- either moana or a mix of tangled tv series and viria art style for the graphics (don't know how to explain this, the mix is clear in my mind tho)
- it'd be easier to make them same age and appearance as in the books
- however everything would be rushed since disney's animated movies can barely surpass two hours of duration
- and disney's a coward and would probably take the chance of social criticism out of the adaptation
- even if it was live action, this isn't my favorite option
if disney adapts pjo into a disney+ series, i'd rather it to be live action
- i wouldn't bother if they changed percy's age up to 14 (nothing higher than that) on lightning thief, making his age in the prophecy 18. it'd make me way more comfortable? i think. reading and watching them fighting at age 12 hits differently to me
- i also wouldn't bother if they changed their appearances, only with white characters tho. poc stay poc. my only requirement is a green eyed percy. i think my hatred for brunette annabeth was cause i hated how they wrote her in the movies instead of hating specifically the change in her hair color. this change of mind is mostly based on the fact i keep dreaming of olivia rodrigo as her and xolo mariduena as jason tho
- just cause i want a live action series does not mean i want a darker adaptation. keep the lightness the book had to attract pre teens and teens to the series. this is the most important factor for me
- an adaptation in today's scenarios for me would be amazing. even if they don't interact with the mortal world that much, hints to it would be great, mainly if their target public is growing kids
- this is becoming more like my dream adaptation than what i hope disney would do, but i want them to approach subjects as anxiety and ptsd better than the books never tried to in a light and simple way. i would love to have a tv series talking about this when i was younger. maybe bring part of the andi mack production idk just saying
- taika waititi as the director i mean- i can dream
- either short animated films or a short animated series telling the stories from the side books (dont know if this is the term). also some of the stories from the side books included in the live action series. it's cheaper to produce and i just wanted to include them too
- necessary changes to what actually happened in the books. i feel extremely uncomfortable reading the way annabeth treated rachel on TBOL. nini and gina's relationship on hsmtmts seems like too big of a step for them to back down and make annabeth say all that stuff. show that she's upset, more closed off when rachel tries to talk to her but skip all the annabeth treating rachel bad just cause they like the same dude. this is just one example. the books aren't perfect and rereading them makes me notice some things that could positively change. the adaptation is the chance to change
for now, that's it. clearly i prefer a live action disney+ series but I'll add more of my thoughts as they come to me. also i need to finish reading kane chronicles, toa and magnus chase to talk about them
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born-inastorm · 5 years
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ALIAS: “Storm”
AGE: 34
FAMILY: N’Daré (mother - deceased), David Munroe (father - deceased). Her parents died when she was 5 years old; a plane crash destroyed their home in Cairo.
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: Thunderstorms, teaching and teamwork.
EDUCATION: College-level courses at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters / Qualified teacher.
Master Thief: Ororo was, in her youth, one of the most skillful thieves in the entire city of Cairo. Expert Combatant: Ororo is a gifted and formidable hand-to-hand combatant with years of close quarter combat experience. Weapon Proficiency: She is an excellent marksman with handguns and is experienced in the use of various firearms. Ororo is also highly skilled with wielding knives, experienced in the use of the bo staff, and trained in sword fighting. Expert Tactician: Storm has strong natural leadership skills and has lead teams of X-Men for years. She is a highly accomplished and skilled strategist, tactician, and field commander. Expert Gardener: Ororo is also an excellent gardener owing to her supernatural abilities and has her own botanical gardens at the Xavier Mansion. (um hi i love this) Multilingual: Storm is fluent in English, Arabic, Swahili, Russian, Japanese, Wakandan, Yoruba and more. Aviation: Storm has skill in piloting advanced aircrafts. Indomitable Will: Ororo has an exceptionally strong will, thanks to years of practice to control the weather.
WEAPONS: she is the weapon...
Atmokinesis: Storm is a powerful mutant who is able to control the weather and all of its forms with ease. She can control meteorological tempests, such as lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, mist, and typhoons. She can even siphon electricity, causing her to shoot it out as lightning of any intensity. Atmospheric Resistance: Storm is immune to extreme weather conditions like extreme heat or cold, storms and is capable creating a small atmosphere around her, thus this allows her possibly survive in areas where there is a lack of oxygen such as areas of high altitudes. Electricity Manipulation: The ability to manipulate, control, and create pure electrical energy; such as lightning. She’s capable of discharging lightning bolts from her hands, while also summoning a lightning bolt from the sky. Earth Link: Storm is psychically linked to her immediate surroundings, as she can detect the position of fighter jets whilst creating tornadoes to keep them at bay. She was capable of avoiding unintentional causalities when the pilots ejected from their jets. She can also detect if a nearby animal or plant has died or if the weather is about change. Enhanced Senses: When Storm's eyes go white, she can see her surroundings in the form of energy. She uses this ability to see through harsh weather conditions like fog, darkness or clouds. Flight/Levitation: With the power of wind, Storm is even able to fly by making the wind lift her up in the air. She could fly at great speed, allowing her to smash through a wood fence while spinning towards attacking mutants.
Mourning the loss of mutant life especially, finding her faith and hope in a better world again and rebuilding. Storm's first priority for a long time has been the safety of her students and all mutants out there who feel like they don't have a place in the world. Making sure they knew that Xavier's school was still a safe place for them and more so, actively seeking out and offering help and a home directly to them. Staying busy, being proactive and strengthening the community within her own found family has taken up her time. More than hoping a threat like Thanos never came around again, she wanted to make sure it didn't. If it did, at least, she wanted to be ready. Be stronger. So she trained more, pushed herself further and peddled the idea that together, anything could be achieved. Failure is just another lesson to learn and she was sure that they wouldn't falter so devastatingly again, even in the face of that new threat: Galactus.
As always, Storm was ready and willing to help along with the other X-Men who she had missed dearly during the tragedy Thanos had previously brought. She spoke up, gave inspirational speeches, argued and pleaded for everyone to come together. They couldn't bend in the face of hatred. There was a bigger picture now just like there should have been with Thanos. They had to save the world; she had to save the world. And yet.
That she should have done more. Should have held tighter to her loved ones, should have inspired her students more and above all, she should have protected them. Since coming to Xavier's school, since becoming a member of the X-Men, Storm had held tightly to the rage she was capable of feeling towards humans. She never let it cloud her judgment or control her decisions. Anger was a fuel and at times it knocked hope and faith off the shelf. "Normal people" scared her but she learned to conquer that fear, to not let fear influence her like that at all. She never wanted to lash out at non-mutants although she sympathized with her students who did, who came from experiences that had taught them that same fear she'd known but it wasn't an easy thing to get over. To grow from. And then the slaughter on Genosha happened. Rage suddenly felt like the only option and if it weren't for what little remained of her loved ones (Jean) then she might have done something that she would have regretted.
Living in a broken world was hard but as always, Xavier's remained open and Storm stayed put mostly. She of course would have given anything to turn back the clock and bring everyone back but that just wasn't plausible. Right? Until it happened. A part of her really thought that it might have given the world a new perspective on what was important- truly important. That the protestors and politicians in this world of superheroes and mutants and aliens would progress. With everything, it wasn't all good and it wasn't all bad but still, there were the 'protestors' outside the gates of Xavier's while Charles tried to calm the masses. Galactus was breathing down their necks and they still couldn't get it together. So yeah, Storm learned and re-learned that having hope is hard.
Well, at least half the entire population of living things didn't dust again, right? Ororo is adaptable, she's a leader and a teacher, and not above frying whatever lurks in the long grass if it's gonna threaten to eat someone. She's probably had a cautious fly around, noting the fact that literal buildings from home have been transported wherever the hell they are; including a makeshift Genosha's Castle that has been offering sheltered. Storm is fine, she's more concerned about finding her fellow X-Men and students. Keeping them safe is her top priority.
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Storm's past before the X-Men isn't really public knowledge. She's a mystery (which really means I'm taking some inspiration from the comics and mostly following the movies. Her parents death- and the rubble she was stuck under before being rescued- then growing up an orphaned thief in Cairo before Xavier found her in is the bulk of her backstory. Oh, hailed as a goddess? Maybe she’ll tell you about it sometime, maybe not. So if there are any plots you're into that involve her from the comics, let me know!). For her, who she is now began when she found her calling at the school. She could accept herself as a mutant and help others to do the same. Ororo found her purpose, love and family. Plus, she became a badass superhero.
Definitely the Mom™ friend and coolest teacher you ever had. Has a soft, understanding way about her that makes you feel as if you can confide without being met by any judgement (you can). Her capacity for love is boundless. The first to tell any mutant that they are not something to be cured or changed; they're perfect the way they are. Very passionate about that for both mutants and anyone else really. Self-love and care should be a priority for everyone even if she doesn't quite follow that thinking for herself.
Didn't dust during the Snap. Stayed with Jean and Charles at the school keeping things together and leaning on her best friend more than ever. Basically the number one Jean Grey stan in town and she's ready to fight about it.
A loyal friend who doesn't take anyone's crap. An aspiring beam of goddamn light! But finds it difficult sometimes to keep on shining for the sake of everyone else when the weight of the world feels so inclined to come down on her shoulders. Absolutely doing her best. A soft badass. A kickass cinnamon roll.
#white hair don’t care
Let me know if you want to have any pre-established connections with her!!
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diotesyus-blog · 5 years
The Lightning Thief: Chapter 1: I Accidentally Vaporize my Pre-Algebra Teacher
So, here’s where we begin. I should probably explain a few ground rules before I begin. As I said in my introduction blog, I’ll be reviewing the Rick Riordan Percy Jackson universe books chapter-by-chapter. I’ll be scoring them on a scale from 1 to 10, and, though it would likely be rare, 0 is in fact a possibility, depending on how much it strains credulity or messes with mythology too much. When I finish each book, I’ll average out the scores, and see if the score fits the quality of the book.
I’ll do my best not to be too spoilery with my reviews for the uninitiated, but I may occasionally reference something that comes later, though I’ll try to make sure that such a reference would be for something not completely plot-essential.
The introduction is actually pretty good,  given that it’s from a first-person perspective. “Look, I never asked to be a half-blood. If you think you might be one, my advice is, put this book down, believe whatever lie your parents told you about your birth, and live a normal life.” Going on to the end, “My name is Percy Jackson. I’m 12 years old.” 
That’s a pretty solid setup, and a good hook for potential readers. It raises a question for me that honestly would be better suited for asking later, but I do have to wonder if it’s a little weird that he’s only 12, but I do have to remember the audience, which, starting out with this book, was in fact mostly readers about that age. I’ll put a pin in that for now, but nonetheless, it’s a really solid setup paragraph.
Immediately following that, however, it goes deep into the troubles Percy has dealt with, even stating, “Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. I guess you could say that.” That’s an understandable comment to make. It’s honestly something that Harry Potter (get ready for more comparisons to that franchise, because we’re far from over) could easily have said about himself. It doesn’t help with his whole, “We could start at any point of my short, miserable life” line. Dude, seriously. It’s fine to go into how your life has been tough, but that’s veering deep into self-pity territory.
We do get a examples of how he can’t seem to make it through a school year without getting expelled or told he can’t come back. A school trip to the Saratoga battlefield, where he somehow blasted his school bus with a Revolutionary War cannon, which begs the question, why the hell was that cannon both functional AND loaded with live ammunition? I know that sounds like a nitpick, but seriously, I think Riordan could have just left half the stories to the imagination. Hell, Another character does that later, in way that really works.
Another mention that’s little funnier is the one where he somehow dumped himself and his entire class into a shark tank on another field trip. Though it does beg the question of why his mother would keep signing permission slips for him to go on field trips. Maybe I’m thinking too much, and this won’t keep that pattern going. As Percy himself put it, “Boy, was I wrong.”
Apparently he goes to Yancy Academy, a boarding school for misfits, outcasts, and delinquents. And Percy couldn’t possibly describe the place in less flattering language if he used the “wretched hive of scum and villainy” line from Star Wars.
He goes on a field trip to a museum for a field trip, dealing with Nancy Boba Fett-I’m sorry, I mean Nancy Bobofit. So anyway, Nancy Boba Fett is picking on Percy’s best-and only-friend Grover Underwood, pelting him with the most disgusting sandwich I’ve ever heard of. Seriously, peanut butter and ketchup? 
However, it’s kind of a dead giveaway who is going to be more significant in the story, since she’s only described to the extent of how ugly and unpleasant she is, while Grover is described as both kind and wussy. And crippled. With a weird gate in his walk, though apparently super fast on enchilada day. I guess he likes those. I hope that’s an interesting quirk for people, because that’s not going anywhere. SPOILERS!
Grover keeps Percy for getting into trouble, as he’s on probation, and if his opening line of dialogue of, “I’m going to kill her” didn’t tell you that he has a bit of a temper, well, he kind of does. Luckily they make it to the museum before Percy could pick a fight with a girl and lose some likability points, so he can go on a tour with Mr. Brunner, his wheelchair-bound Latin teacher. He’s supposed to be a really cool teacher, who apparently was allowed to take live weapons to class. Taking a cool-liking sword, yelling “What ho!”
Wait. Percy’s HOW old? Oh yeah. 12 I totally remember when I took Latin when I was that age. Wait. No I don’t. 
Brunner, like Grover, is given a lot of description, which seems to be a hint that both of them are more than they seem. Both have handicaps that they seem to transcend in one way or another. Also, I can’t help but think that Riordan is kind of using that to express that he likes to think of himself as the cool teacher Percy thinks of Brunner as.
He’s not the only teacher there. Ms. Dodds, Percy’s pre-algebra teacher, is also there. Hmm, can’t help but think that there’s just maybe a spoiler in the chapter title, but I digress. She wears a leather jacket “even though she was 50 years old”. Not sure why his assumption of her age matters, but whatever. She seems to have it out for Percy, and likes Nancy, even though, Nancy is apparently a bully, and a kleptomaniac, and I’m sure if there were more books about her she’d be an arsonist as well at some point.
Brunner leads them through a tour, and calls on Percy to describe a stele of Kronos eating his children, which fortunately he was able to remember. Brunner weirdly asks Percy to much further into the story to the point where he gets disappointed when Percy can’t answer how that story applies to him in real life, as if he’d know that at this point. 
Also, and I hate to be THAT guy with this , but Brunner’s description of Kronos’ defeat was flat out wrong. He was never cut to pieces. He was merely imprisoned in Tartarus, along with most of the other Titans.
But Brunner chides Percy, telling him that he needs to think about how that applies to him. Unless Percy intends to be a classist, that’s a more difficult answer than they’re making look.
As Percy expresses his frustration at a teacher actually expecting him not to be stump stupid, Nancy Boba Fett decides to dump the rest of her sandwich on Grover.
That’s just wasteful.
Percy’s mind goes blank and Nancy gets pulled into the fountain. She screams that Percy did it, while other students claim that water pulled her in. It’s a good moment. It really reminds me of the moment when Harry Potter made the glass disappear at the snake exhibit and made Dudley fall in. A hint at what Percy might in fact be. Though, I do feel the need to point out that this the first of many hints that aren’t terribly subtle as to what Percy truly is.
Ms. Dodds calls Percy out, which prompts Grover to try to take the blame for him. Dodds isn’t convinced, and takes Percy back inside, seemingly teleporting back. Hmm, I wonder if there’s a reason for that. 
Inside she tells him that she’s not a fool, and to confess under threat, and then, turns into a horrifying beast with bat wings. She has glowing eyes, and razor-sharp claws. This is a deadly monster. Attacking him with murderous intent, Percy then gets surprised to see that Mr. Brunner shows up and throws a pen to him, yelling “What ho!” At this point, that’s his catch phrase apparently. Suddenly the pen turns into the sword he’d seen in class. He swings it at Ms. Dodds, and she explodes into powder, leaving only the fresh scent of pine.
Okay, umm, Percy should be dead. Without reading ahead, there are two things Dodds could be, and the less dangerous kind would be a harpy, which should be able to easily kill a 12 year old. And killing them? Not that easy. In fact, the only times weapons killed monsters that easily in mythology was when they were dipped in poison. 
Confused as a person could possibly be, Percy goes back outside only to find out that no one else remembers Ms. Dodds, though Grover acts weirdly hesitant about it. So yeah, apparently, on top of all of this, they end the chapter with Percy either having a psychotic episode, or his favorite teacher and best friend gas lighting him.
Honestly, I think that was a bit early for Percy to actually have a fight in this story. He doesn’t even know what he was up against, or how he could do it even. It might have been less of a problem had he not bested his foe, but since he did, it means that there’s going to have to a lot of information relayed to him, and this kind of makes it a bit of a disjointed way to do that, and that’s in spite of the fact that it definitely was guilty of some monster nerfing. 
The chapter started pretty strongly, even if it did telegraph who’s going to be supernatural in nature with the level of description. The hint at Percy’s power is also a good thing to see. Unfortunately, the fight with Ms. Dodds seemed way too easy and too early for this story, and I can’t let that go. It’s kind of split down the middle. There’s a lot of ground to cover, and plenty to work with. I just think that they rushed a scene too early. 
Score: 5:10 The start was strong, but the finish was rushed and confusing.
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kaialone · 7 years
Some Yokai Watch Spoilers (Busters 2 and Movie 4) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Movie 4 information.
Mastertag for pre-release Busters 2 information.
Basically, Corocoro has been leaking again, but I am unsure know if I would have the time to translate all of it anytime soon. Adding to that, from just going over it, it seems a lot of it is just going over old things again, (or stuff that I admittedly dont understand well) so what I decided to do is this:
I’ll just do the small parts that I can translate that I think count as “new information”, though of course there could be stuff I missed, and summarize the rest.
Sorry if doing it this way bothers any of you, I just thought it was better than posting nothing at all.
So first of all, here are the only two pages I did new translations on this time around:
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(image source)
The stuff on the upper right of the first page is too blurry to read, sadly.
The stuff in the lower left on the second page with Cat King Enma Matatabi and Fudō Myōō just talks about how other pages in this magazine will go over how they can be obtained, which is information we know already.
Aside from that, the following are things I consider new
First is this bit talking about “Banbarayah”:
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伝説の秘宝 バンバラヤーを 手にするのはどっち!? Who will be the ones to get the Legendary Hidden Treasure, Banbarayah!?
バスターズとブンドリー一家が ともに狙う伝説の秘宝。 それがバンバラヤー!! ブンドリー一家は、 全員が見事な連携を見せ、 バスターズを圧倒!? A Legendary Hidden Treasure that both the Busters and the Bundory Family aim for. It is Banbarayah!! The Bundory Family, each member showing excellent teamwork, end up overwhelming the Busters!?
バンバラヤー 正体は不明だが、 手に入れた者の願いをかなえるらしい…。 Banbarayah It's true nature is unknown, but it seems that it will grant the wish of the one who obtains it...
Technically, this is mostly information we’ve been told before, however, this part confirms that this object itself is indeed “Banbarayah”, which the website previously only hinted at, and reveals that it will grant wishes, which I don’t think was stated before?
This pre-release magazine does seem to indicate that this object is Banbarayā (Banbarayah), putting that label right next to its image and everything. However, In the actual game this turns out to be NOT true! And this isn’t a spoiler, either, it’s never assumed or anything.
Next is this bit, talking about newly introduced “G Yōkai”:
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バスターズは G妖怪で対抗!! The Busters Strike Back as G Yōkai!!
おなじみのバスターズメンバーが、 ゴルドなオーラをまとい登場!! Sランクにパワーアップしているので、 バトルでも大活躍だ。 コイツらがいれば、 ブンドリー一家にも勝てる!? The Busters members we're familiar with appear, clad in a golden aura!! Powered up to S-Rank, they're hugely successful in battles, too. If these guys are here, could even the Bundory Family be beaten!?
So, these are basically the guys we already now, just with a form that makes them S-Rank? I can’t tell if there is any other difference.
And now we have a few information on each member of the Bundory Family, including their names:
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ダンドリー 斬り込み隊長を務める長男。 切れ者だが、父ゴーウィンを恐れている。 Dandory The eldest son, who acts as the attack leader. He's a sharp one, but fears his father, Gowin.
Name Origin: Likely from 段取り/dandori, which translates to “plan”, “design”, “set-up”, and the like.
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スパット 華麗な怪盗に憧れるナルシストな 次男。ダンドリー対立することも。 Supatto (could also be romanized as Spatto or Spat) The narcissistic second-born son, longing to be a splendid thief. (1) Clashes with Dandory sometimes, too.
Name Origin: Possibly from スパッと/supatto, which translates to "quick and clean", "thouroughly", "without hesitation".
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グスタフ 一家に仕える執事。 目にも止まらぬ 素早い動くで一家をお世話する!! Gustaf (literally: Gusutafu) The butler who serves the family. With his lightning speed movements, he takes care of the family!
Name Origin: Possibly from スタフ/sutafu ("staff")
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��レーネ お宝とコスメが大好きなワガママ長女。 キレると手がつけられない!! Kirene The selfish eldest daughter, who loves treasures and cosmetics. When she snaps, she's out of control!!
Name Origin: Likely taken from キレる/kireru, which is slang for “to snap”, “to get angry”, and the like.
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ゴーウィン 豪快な父。 いつもダジャレを いって笑っているが、本気になると…!? Gowin The lively father. He is always making puns and laughing, but when he gets serious...!?
Name Origin: Likely taken from 強引/gōin, which can translate to “brute force”, and by extension 強引な/gōinna, which can translate to “aggressive” or “overbearing” and the like.
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タント 身体が大きくてパワーは抜群!! でも、 心は優しくてドジな末っ子。 Tanto (could also be romanized as Tant) His body is huge and his power is outstanding!! But, at heart he's the kind, ditzy, youngest child.
Name Origin: Possibly taken from たんと/tanto, which can translate to “a lot".
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トランカ どんなピンチに遭遇しても動じない、 ロックで破天荒な婆ちゃん!! Toranka The unprecedentedly rocking granny, who is unfazed no matter what kind of trouble she faces!! (2)
Name Origin: Unsure, but トラ/tora does translate to "tiger".
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キャトリーヌ 謎に包まれた母親。他の家族とは いっしょに行動していないよう…!? Catleen (could also be romanized as Catrine or the like. Literally, her name is spelled Kyatorīnu) The mysterious mother. It seems that she is not acting alongside the other family members...?!
Name Origin: Possibly taken from names like “Cathleen“ or “Catherine”, combined with "cat".
I am unsure if the second part of this first line translates to “longing to be a splendid thief” or “admires a splendid thief“, but with the current context I feel the former is more likely.
I am unsure if I got the first part of the line right.
Technically Punipuni already had information on half of the Bundory Family, but still, here’s them all together for the first time.
So with that, let me summarize the pages I didn’t do any full translations for.
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These pages talk about how to get Matatabi aka Enmanyan in Busters 2. From what I understand, there is a QR code in this issue of Corocoro that can be used, but you can also use QR codes from Shadowside medals that are tied to the 4th movie. (If I am understanding this right, that is. Again, merchandise is always a weak point of mine.)
Corocoro’s official channel has uploaded a video recently that shows off trying to befriend Matatabi using the QR code from this issue, too.
With these stones that allow you to enter certain dungeons, I believe those that have the infinity symbol in them can be used well, infinitely? And usually these can only be obtained with certain QR codes. But I am not 100% sure.
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This page shows off some more merchandise. With the medals, it points out how you can get an Infinite Stone to challenge the Underworld King Enma Maka if you have his medal, and how his and Awakened Enma’s medal can give you rare yōki.
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The upper half of this page shows off something called “Yokai Watch Tomodachi Fun Pak 9”, which will come with an Enmanyan Treasure Medal, and a DVD (though i dont know whats on that one, I’d guess episodes of the anime, maybe) and QR codes for Crank-a-kai coins.
The lower half talks about what, if I’m getting this correctly, is a little manga story that will act as a small side-story to the movie. And seems it will come with a Shadowside movie version Treasure Medal of Jibanyan.
(Either that or this is the manga adaptation of the movie that will ALSO feature a little side story that’s not in the movie.)
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Aside from talking about how to get Fudō Myōō and showing off new punis that will soon be added to Punipuni,
This page shows off the Shadowsides of yokai, talks about how they work, and talks about the two Yokai Watches (Eruda and Ogre) that will be in the movie, but all this text is just information that was in previous issues.
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Visually, it does show us new things, which is little icons of the Lightside versions of various yokai that will appear in the movie.
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This page talks about plot details of the movie that were talked about before, nothing new as far as I can tell.
Most notable is that it shows off Dark Enma’s signature weapon, a fusion of Enma’s and Kaira’s swords. (Or rather the toy version of it)
It’s called the “DX Dark Enma Agito” and you can check out it’s bandai page here.
And lasty, we got this:
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A small part that talks about a newly revealed Yokai Sangokushi game.
It’s called “Yokai Sangokushi Kunitori Wars” and it’s a mobile game that is set to be released in 2018.
It’s official website is up if you’re interested, I personally haven’t had time to look through it in detail.
And that’s it for now, sorry for it being so minimal this time around, I hope you still found it helpful!
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