#maybe even a fun 70s disco theme
appley-bapples · 2 years
Thinking about Harry du bois meeting drag queens in the underground. Thinking about Harry du bois getting a drag makeover. Thinking about Harry du bois done up in a lovely sequin gown that’s been passed down for years and years and (perhaps foolishly) he’s getting to wear it for the night. Thinking about drag queens explaining how “green concealer will help cancel out the redness in your face” and “some contouring around the beard will really help bring out those cheekbones” and “when’s the last time you picked your eyebrows??” Thinking about how he’d request the most eccentric eyeshadows and glitters in the most colorful combinations. Thinking about him feeling beautiful when they finish up and give him the mirror. Thinking about how he’s surprisingly good at walking in heels after all the running he’s done in those crocodile shoes. Thinking about him getting the Biggest Wig Ever and looking amazing. Thinking
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interlockingpatches · 2 months
Im gonna ramble in your inbox for a bit lmao, I have a few ideas!
What about music themed?? Like music notes, treble clef, etc (idk a lot about musical notation honestly but ik theres a lot of symbols). My next thought was instruments but usually those are super detailed, like string and brass? A Harp?? The simplest i can think is like, some piano keys would make a cute design, or maybe just the headstock of a guitar! God, brass instruments would be so intense to make, i just looked at a saxaphone and I'm freaking out thinking of the detail and how impressive that would be. Or maybe physical media like a vinyl record or a little cassette tape? A little boombox, record player, or radio?
Going off of that, I think people really like decade themed/nostalgic stuff. I love 70s things personally so i may just be projecting, but i think 80s and 90s vibes are super popular! You could look at toys, technology, icons, and popular colors of an era, things like that and that might be inspiring!
Also thinking about summer themed designs since summer is coming up! Seasonal stuff is so cute and I notice people are always looking for little seasonal projects! Surfboards, beach umbrella, a fruity lil drink, are things that come to mind for me!
The more i write the more ideas i think of but this ask is already huge lmaooo so ill leave with these and hopefully its not overwhelming
First of all I will not be out-rambled in my own house lets gooo
These are all so good and sensible and fun! Thank you so much! I spent a day and a half sketching out just some of them (and going off an a few tangents), and there are a few already that I can't wait to actually pattern up and make <3
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Musical instruments and notation are both perfect and super hard for the format. They're so detailed, like you said, and their design is so specific; it's hard to know what can be fudged or elided without getting the whole thing irredeemably wrong. (I've had the same problem with birds and arthropods). Like, how many of the saxophone's fourteen-hundred eldritch appendages *do* I need to show? I could include them all, and the motif would be the size of a bedspread and take a month and a half to crochet, and I perversely want to do that now so thanks also for that.
Even in that keyboard motif (which, you'll have to trust me, is a very good likeness of Casio keyboard whose demo song was the soundtrack to my early childhood) is already over twice width of my largest typical designs, and it would have to be twice as big still for me to space the keys accurately.
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Decades are a great organizing conceit! They lend themselves to a kind of idiosyncratic hodgepodge that really appeals to me, and "random collection of old things that you remember" is a trope people don't seem to ever get sick of—and new things are getting old every day. They're also a way to ease into pop culture references, which I haven't really done, and which might offset some of my Debbie-Downer tendencies (when you suggested "70s things" my actual first thought was "what do quaaludes even look like?" My first idea for the 80s was "Margaret Thatcher demolishing a council house," and my thought process for the 90s went "Monica Lewinsky's dress, OJ Simpson's gloves, Tonya Harding's crowbar… NAFTA?" Terrible patches, all. What people want as a little picture of a sofa at a jaunty angle with a caption that says "PIVOT!").
Anyway. I'm especially excited to try the disco ball, the record and the off-brand Tamagotchi (I preferred Gigapets, personally). Those all have double-length diagonals that I've freehanded a few times and know to work at least okay, but which I haven't figured out how to notate. Oh! and I haven't got a beach umbrella that I like just yet, but the hurricane cocktail seems like a good way to kick off a summer collection—as long as I don't follow it up with, like a graph of yearly average temperatures, which is something I would absolutely do.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
Finally saw Grease (1978) today. I know, I know, but I've only been gay for a couple of years, I probably skipped it to watch more Orange County Choppers or something.
As a movie it is good. The cast is great, especially Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, apart or together. Travolta feels like the jock playing theater, which fits Danny exactly. And ONJ was a ray of goddamn sunlight her entire life, and she certainly is here. Together they are just electric. Everyone else is good, even if none of them really get time to do much with what they're given.
As a musical...it is okay. The story is unfocused and the songs feel more like a revue. Danny and Sandy are supposed to be the focus of the story but they just sort of bounce around until getting together at the end. Their relationship doesn't have an arc and no one seems to learn anything, except maybe "if you are a jerk, people won't like you." The rest of the time is padded with odd vignettes about side characters that are fine for what they are, but are just aimless diversions. Which is a shame, because the things that happen to Rizzo and Frenchy are more emotionally compelling than Danny and Sandy being brats off and on.
I faintly remember hearing this movie was a mess to put together and the original musical has a bunch of different versions with songs swapped in and out at different times. It feels like that. The songs are good, but again, like a revue, sprinkled in almost at random. Well choreographed and shot, though. Especially the weird Frankie Avalon surrealist number out of nowhere. That is probably the best part of the movie (aside from the Frankie Valli disco theme song). I'd rate the musical higher if more of the numbers were like this. As in, like BOTH of these songs. Maybe it is just because both are sung by industry veterans, but they have so much more kick than everything else.
This serves mostly as a primary source for what people in the late 70s thought the 50s were like, and that is tuner gangs of 30 year old "teenagers" causing drunken chaos and taking relationships way too seriously while the handful of adults laugh and egg them on. Which isn't accurate or terribly interesting in the context of a story. But I'm sure it was nostalgic as shit for the 40 year olds of 1978, and it is a fun, good movie, so long as you don't attempt to take it as seriously as it seems to hope it is taken.
I don't want to say it is overrated because I understand why people like it. But I also don't know if it will remain a beloved movie musical for much longer. If you aren't a Boomer or Boomer-adjacent, you probably won't be drawn to the nostalgia or style it relies on to sell itself. Because the story and pacing would need a serious overhaul to do justice to the songs. If you aren't into the pretend 50s or 70s movies, there just isn't much here.
Oh and the opening animation is crap. I realize the standards for most Western animation in 1978 were generally lazier and slap-dash, and there is a dated charm to this. But this is the opening of your movie, guys. The song is fire. But look at this stupid shit:
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sepanbanquet · 6 months
Sepan Banquet Hall’s Guide to Extraordinary Birthdays
When it comes to celebrating birthdays, why settle for the same old song and dance? It’s time to think outside the box and add a dash of extraordinary to your special day. And guess what? Sepan Banquet Hall is just the place to make that happen. Picture this: a venue that’s not just a space, but a canvas ready to be painted with your unique celebration ideas. From whimsical themes to gourmet extravaganzas, Sepan is where your birthday dreams take flight! So, are you ready to dream up some birthday bash that’s anything but ordinary? Let’s get some ideas flowing.
Retro Rewind Party Imagine stepping back in time. The music, the fashion, the whole vibe of your favorite era, all wrapped up in one epic birthday bash. Whether it’s the groovy ’60s, disco ’70s, or neon ’80s, Sepan Banquet Hall can transform into a time capsule. We’re talking themed decor, classic tunes spinning all night, and even a costume contest. It’s not just a party; it’s a time-traveling adventure.
Gourmet Food Festival Foodies, this one’s for you! Picture a culinary journey around the world, right in the heart of Sepan. From street-food stalls to gourmet tasting stations, we can create a food festival that’s as unique as you are. It’s an opportunity to indulge in flavors from different corners of the globe, all while celebrating another year of you.
Ever thought about a High-Tea or Coffee Party? This concept is perfect for those who fancy a touch of elegance and a dash of whimsy. Imagine Sepan Banquet Hall’s chiavari chairs,  one of our elegant halls transformed into a beautiful garden setting, complete with vintage teacups, delicate pastries, and an assortment of teas. It’s a sophisticated yet relaxed way to celebrate, ideal for afternoon gatherings. Add some soft, live acoustic music, and you’ve got a birthday party that feels like a delightful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Tailoring the Experience Now, let’s talk about making these ideas a reality. At Sepan Banquet Hall, customization isn’t just a word; it’s what we do best.
Decor and Ambiance Every theme comes with its own vibe, and we’re here to capture it. Whether it’s retro, gourmet, or starry night, our team works tirelessly to create the perfect setting. We’re talking about decor that transports you and your guests straight into your birthday fantasy.
Catering to Your Tastes What’s a party without some lip-smacking food, right? Our chefs are culinary wizards, ready to whip up a feast that aligns with your theme. From retro snacks to an international buffet, our catering options are as diverse as your imagination.
Entertainment That Wows We know that the right entertainment can make your party go from good to unforgettable. That’s why at Sepan, we help you select the best – be it a live band, a DJ spinning retro hits, or slide show projectors that add that extra sparkle to your night.
What about activities and fun? At Sepan, we believe a great party should engage and entertain. How about a mixology class for the adults, where guests learn to create their signature cocktails? Or maybe a magician for the kids, turning their laughter into the day’s soundtrack? We can also set up interactive stations like a photo booth with fun props matching your theme, ensuring everyone has a keepsake to remember your special day. It’s these little details that make your birthday at Sepan not just a party, but a collection of happy moments.
Space and Flexibility Choosing Sepan Banquet Hall means you’re not just picking a venue; you’re opting for an experience.
Our halls are like chameleons, adaptable to any theme you can dream of. With spacious interiors and flexible layouts, we can accommodate both intimate gatherings and grand celebrations. At Sepan, we pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art facilities. From sound systems that make music come alive to lighting that sets the perfect mood, we’ve got the tech to make your party pop.
Service with a Smile Our team is the heart of Sepan. Friendly, professional, and always ready to help, we ensure your party planning is smooth and stress-free. We’re here to take care of the nitty-gritty so you can focus on having the time of your life.
Also, don’t forget the convenience factor. Located in the heart of Los Angeles, Sepan Banquet Hall is easily accessible, making it hassle-free for your guests to join in the celebration. Plus, with ample parking and top-notch security, everyone can relax and enjoy the party. It’s not just about having a great location; it’s about ensuring every aspect of your celebration is taken care of, so you and your guests can focus on making memories.”
Turning Dreams Into An Unforgettable Reality So, are you ready to ditch the ordinary and dive into a birthday celebration that’s uniquely yours? At Sepan Banquet Hall, your dream party isn’t just a possibility; it’s a promise. We’re here to turn your birthday visions into vivid realities. Remember, life’s too short to not celebrate. Let’s make your next birthday the talk of the town. Come celebrate with us at Sepan – where extraordinary is the norm. Let’s party!
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16mmtoodeep · 2 years
toxic positivity... but only sometimes
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On the 20th, I met up with my friend Marcella to go to a Studio Ghibli Art Show at a bar in Bayshore. Sadly, it was less art show and more art-hanging-on-the-wall-during-normal-bar-hours-with-themed-music, which was unfortunate for two under-age Ghibli fanatics. We were only out 30 minutes and had nothing to do. We both remembered that The Backrooms almost always has a concert on Thursdays, so we went there, bought tickets at the door, and prayed the act was something good. 
Holy shit, was it good. 
It was Planet Booty, an EDM Funk band, and they honestly blew my mind. They brought out a mannequin butt bejeweled like a disco ball, and before the show started the lead singer lead the audience in a "prayer to the booty". We spent the next five minutes expressing mental, sexual, and body positivity for their sacred show that evening, promising ourselves to be kind and sexy no matter what. It was fun, refreshing, and I immediately knew that Marcella and I had made the best choice to come here sight unseen.  
The music itself was right up my alley: upbeat, positive, and super funky. They really mix almost ten genres together and make it work so well. It was pop, funk, 70s, 80s, hip pop, EDM, house, all of it at the same time. How did they do that?!?!?! It was incredible! I couldn't help but feel it all through every nerve in my body and dance. 
Maybe it was my love of live music or the cute date-night dress that was useless for a few weeks finally finding a purpose, but I felt ecstatic. I've never danced like that before in my life and it felt so freeing and beautiful. Cliché as it is, It felt like no one was watching and I could close my eyes, whip my head around and do whatever my soul felt. It was healing in a way, as if being cleansed by the booty gods themselves.  
It made me think of a battle I was having in my own daily music choice. I created a breakup playlist and was blasting it almost constantly. It's full of Arianna Grande, Doja Cat, Halsey, and Rhianna all screaming at me that I'm a bad bitch, a girl boss, and I don't need a man. But after a while, it felt like an act. Tuning out my own emotions with positive music wasn't making me feel better, it made me feel worse. Especially recently, I feel like there's an urgency to move on after a relationship and drop your feelings immediately, and doing so makes you an iconic, self-loving feminist. People can do that, that's not my problem. My problem is that all this forced positivity made it difficult for me to process my own feelings properly. It made me feel like I was taking too long and the longevity of my feelings made me a selfish person. 
The weird thing is, that's not how I felt at the concert. All the positive music and energy made me feel empowered in a way the other music didn't. Was it because it wasn't a girl group singing? Or that the energy of everyone around me made me feel unstoppable? I can't tell you why because I still don't know. But whatever it was, the positivity wasn't toxic. It was empowering in a truthful way. Not about putting yourself above others, but about putting yourself above your own insecurities and doubts.
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pulsdmedia · 2 years
The Week Ahead 7/3-7/9
Now that’s you’ve celebrated America’s b-day, let’s get back to our usual programming, because this week is looking perfect! There’s an open bar rosé and food soirée happening in The Hamptons this weekend, a disco dreamland sure to make you feel groovy, not to mention a waterfront relaxation session and some networking opportunities - this is why we love this city...
The 2022 Rosé Soirée
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If you thought you loved rosé, think again - The 2022 Rosé Soirée gathers rosé wines from the best wineries throughout the South Fork, North Fork and the world, adding in delicious cuisine and an all-inclusive twist so you can indulge. You’ll enjoy a 3 Hour Open Bar featuring Rosé Wines, as well as a Selection of Cocktails, Beers and Spirits. Plus, expect Tastings of Foods from the Regions Top Chefs. Think Maison Marcel, La Fête Du Rosé, Maison Mirabeau, Wolffer Estate, and so much more, in addition to cocktails, beers & spirits the likes of Blue Moon, Corona, Tito's Vodka, & White Claw Hard Seltzer, just to name a few. While you're sipping in bliss & dancing to the sounds of a live DJ, devour tasty fare from some of the most coveted chefs & restaurants, namely Calissa (Mediterranean), Southampton Cheese Shoppe, William Greenberg Desserts, Union Sushi & Steak, 3-time Chopped Champion Chef Marc Bynum - the list goes on and on!
Live Music From Mostly Modern's Fabulous Five at Chelsea Market
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Chelsea Market is your one-stop-shop for everything from unique gifts to gourmet ingredients, tasty treats, and more! After you're through perusing the various vendors, enjoy some live tunes from Mostly Modern's Fabulous Five-string Quartet & Cajon to brighten your day and add a pep in your step!
$35: 3.5 Hours Of Hard Seltzers, Canned Cocktails, Horse Racing & More
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And they're off - to drink! Get yourself ready for Spiked Festival - a walk-around tasting spectacular showcasing what's new & fresh in the world of booze. Expect 3.5 Hours to Enjoy Unlimited Tastings of Hard Seltzers, Canned Cocktails, Ciders, Boozy Coffee & Tea, and more, plus Admission to Belmont Park, Grandstand Viewing of Live Races, and a Racing Program. The sun will shine while you cool off, sipping on tastings of beloved & newly-minted varietals - we're talking Truly Hard Seltzer, Ciderboys, Montauk Brewing Co, Babe Sparkling Wines, Cutwater and so much more. While you're at it, place some bets on valiant steeds, watching from the Grandstand Viewing area so you can get a great view. And when hunger comes into play, there'll be plenty of eats for purchase on site. If it's spiked, if it's twisted, if it's sparkling, you'll find it here...
New York City's Best Networking Mixer in the Startup Space
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Calling all tech founders, entrepreneurs, professionals, recruiters, freelancers, startup mentors, coaches, and more! Stop by The Bowery Beer Garden to connect with professionals, network, share some tips, or even practice your elevator pitch. A place for conversations and meaningful connections, this is a no pressure event that brings in a lot of talent in tech and startup space!
$19 VIP Ticket: 2 Hour Open Bar Studio 54 Summer Fridays Party
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Dubbed "the best Disco Dance Party in NYC" by the New York Post, Casa 51's Studio 54 Summer Fridays being the past back to life. Find inspiration from disco-era icons like John Travolta, Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, Liza Minelli, Donna Summer, ABBA and the like, working the dance floor as live DJ's fuel the fun - not to mention live performances by the Studio 54 Aerialist and groovy Roller Girls gliding throughout the scene. Fill up on endless pours of '70s-themed cocktails, take a break to snap selfies in the Boogie Wonderland and the Mirrored Wall areas, catch some fresh air on the outdoor ParaDisco patio, watch the fashion shows, partake in the hustle dance competition, maybe even snap up some sassy sunnies from the Disco Sis pop-up shop. Forget your work-week woes - everybody get down tonight!
Release Your Stresses and Learn Techniques to Relax
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Hudson River Park, in partnership with lululemon, has teamed up with some of the best in fitness to bring you a dynamic lineup of Healthy on the Hudson classes this summer. On Fridays, join in a Relaxation Class to explore low-impact, meditative forms of exercise that will have you heading into the weekend rejuvenated and restored.
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bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
as someone who has a themed wardrobe, it makes me so happy when I see someone else in public who also clearly has A Thing they love to dress as. today there was a woman in her 50s at the grocery store who I can only describe as being Cowboy Barbie. like cowboy but the cute Dolly Parton spin on it yknow? and it was head to toe; fringe and the pink boots and titty crop top with the sparkly cowboy hat. last week I saw a young woman maybe 20 at the mall in full Lolita. so much time and care put into the full outfit and hair and makeup! I myself at 29 wear exclusively 70s disco clothes all from the era from the boots and platforms to the dagger collars to the big earrings!
I think if you have something you have been wanting to do with your wardrobe I personally think you should just go for it even if it takes a little bit to accumulate. you would be shocked at the amount of thrift shops that cater to all kinds of niche styles! do what I did- shop thrift and deadstock and sell your old pieces as you swap so youre basically just even exchanging.
you should customize yourself however you see fit to. you're never too old or too young to go wild with your wardrobe. if you wanna be that vampire who looks like they belong in a gothic castle DO IT! if you wanna do gogo dancer DO IT! if you wanna do spiffy businessman from the 40s DO IT! lean into that style you've always wanted to embrace but were too scared of being made fun of to do. your happiness is more important than one person being a joyless prick. and trust me, the confidence you feel when seeing yourself how you've always wanted to be shines to others and can have an amazingly positive impact on everything you do. be unashamedly you friend💕
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beybaldes · 2 years
The Prying Hands Of Choice
detective abe x gn!reader
summary : "y/n and Abe reunite at Wilford's roller rink disco and fate does not seem to care."
Word count : 2.9k
Part 1 - The Prying Hands Of Choice
Part 2 - A Love Never Flourished
Part 3 - Somewhere, Somehow
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Pushing past the pink haired man, despite his insistence that you shouldn't, you slipped through the rainbow of streamers and out into a dance floor. Not the most unusual place you had been dropped off at so far, but definitely the most fun: the bright, strobe lights and the funky 70s themed outfits all were a welcome change.
The broad shoulders entrenched in a suave leather jacket was an even more welcome one.
"Stop stalling! You're under arrest for the deaths of way too many people to even count." Abe. You hadn't heard that voice in what felt like eons - not since the manor, and however many years you had spent falling through wormhole after wormhole.
Your eyes filtered over to the other William, or Wilford as he had referred to himself as, that stood before him - near identical to the one who stood next to you now, bar the cocktail that he sipped from occasionally- boring down the barrel of his gun.
"Well that's just ridiculous I would never kill anybody." Wilford drawled, his speaking slurred as he tried to get the straw of his drink into his mouth; struggling severely besides the simplicity of the task.
Turning to ask the Wilford that stood beside you what was going on, you found him to have disappeared - like magic. Maybe there had only been one Will after all.
Were all those wormholes making you lose your mind?
Probably. You were seeing Abe after all. Abe who you'd watched die at the hands of the Colonel, shortly followed by yourself, after he'd spent so long, and tried so hard to solve Marks murder.
Although, if this is what losing your mind allowed you'd gladly embrace every twist of your imagination and echo of your past.
"Is that right?" Abe asked the pink haired man who stood in front of him, slowly lowering his gun with a twinge of anger in his voice. How long had he been so bitter?
Gently lifting your heavy helmet from your head, you lowered it to your side, holding it loosely between your fingers. You suddenly felt underdressed in your Captains coveralls - as though you'd have ever had time to change - that the outfit was too odd, too unlike the you Abe knew.
That wasn't you anymore.
The District Attorney who had worked hard in Damien's office, who tried to help solve their friends murder, who died trying to protect the people they loved, was long gone. Yet, was your new role of Captain much different from that?
How many times had you jumped into the wormhole? Jumped out of the airlock? Let yourself be consumed by the vastness of space? - to try and save your crew? To try and save Mark? Too many to count.
Perhaps Abe would love you, and your silly, little beret, all the same. Besides, you deserved to be a little selfish for once.
"Well..." Abe pulled a small, grey taser out of his holster, slowly stepping closer and closer to Wilford: who was still entirely focused on the straw in his Martini. "Whatever you say buddy."
The way Abe had spat out the words - as though they had soured on his tongue - did not befall you. Had he been through so much hurt since you saw him last? More than you knew.
Abe's heart ached for you; longed for you to still be by his side, be his partner (in every sense of the word). He kept himself awake at night in anguish, thinking and thinking about what he could've done to save you. After all, he had survived a bullet to the heart hadn't he? Yet, like always, he couldn't save the one who mattered most, his partner - you.
Was it his fault? Probably. Every partner he'd ever had at his side had left, been left behind, died - and he supposed by giving you the title, he had doomed you to such a fate.
He often wished he'd told you to run far away from that goddamn manor at the first sight of danger - but he hadn't, and he would have to live with that.
As Abe stalked towards Wilford, taser in hand, you let out a ghost of a sound - something between gasp and a whine - hoping to stop Abe before he took it too far, but not knowing the words to say, where to begin.
"Abe." You mustered out, hushed words coming out barely above a whisper, though it halted the detective in his tracks all the same.
Lowering the taser, Abe looked to the floor, tears welling in his eyes at the sound. Many times he had heard you calling his name, usually a whisper in the night - a comforting presence when he struggled to sleep - but this time felt too real. As though you were actually stood mere feet behind him and not 6ft below him.
He knew he shouldn't look - knew he would just be getting his hopes up over nothing. You were long, long gone. And a voice in his head is all you would be: yet like every other time he turned his head.
Though this time you were there. Standing, living, breathing mere feet away from him. At least he thought. He'd never seen the ghost of you before, only heard the echos of his past - but if this was him finally going crazy from your haunting presence, then crazy he would be.
"Abe." You chocked out, tears beginning to well in your eyes at the sight of the man before you. A hand came up to clamp over your mouth, to keep the pathetic whimpers in, letting your helmet clatter to the floor - the sound resounding around the near-empty roller rink.
Now Abe turned to fully face you, his eyebrows creasing together as he attempted to keep up his stoic appearance - this wasn't real, and he knew it. You were but a figment of his imagination; his own little secret only he had the joy of being privy too.
"You're not meant to be here!" Wilford slurred, his straw now loosely held between his lips and his martini almost gone. "I thought I told you to stay put y/n."
Will could see you too. Fuck.
Tears begin to rapidly fill Abes waterline as his eye raked up and down your figure - clad in a beige coverall, a little red beret resting disheveled atop your head and a discarded, cracked helmet on the floor. He doubted that it was in such condition minutes ago.
"I just couldn't help myself." You whisper breathlessly, your gaze never breaking away from Abes as you spoke. Finally getting to see him again, you doubted you'd ever be able to look away - not that you'd want to in the first place.
"Well, I guess I can it allow it for the mean time." William huffed folding his arms tightly across his chest, a sulk forming on his face. With a snap of his finger his martini began to refill. "But don't take too long, we've got to get back to our regularly scheduled programming soon."
You let out a teary laugh at Wilford's outlandish wording - ever the dramatic - a trait he and the him you knew seemed to share. Taking a few, small steps closer to Abe, you didn't speak, not wanting to get too close, or say the wrong thing, and startle him into disbelief.
This whole thing felt unreal enough to you, you couldn't imagine how it felt for him. Not only to see you now: but to wake up after being shot and finding you dead, and to spend years dedicating his life to finding your killer only to have you standing before him now.
"Partner?" Abe finally asked, his taser slowly being sheafed into his pocket as he finally took a step in your direction, not moving too fast as though that would make you disappear from his vision - gone like a wisp of smoke.
"Partner." You repeated, somewhat confirming his notion and somewhat using the term of endearment on him too. Talking larger and larger steps across the roller rinks wooden floor, you met each other in the middle, neither touching the other and both heaving in air.
"Are you- are you real?" Abe chocked out, his eyes flickering over every part of you he had been blessed with seeing again - free of blood and injury, filled with life and soul.
"I hope." Not the reply he has wanted, but it suited well enough. It was true, honest at the least - after falling through a myriad of wormholes you didn't quite know yourself, though you hoped now more then ever you were.
Taking another step forward, you were now chest to chest - close enough to feel the other breathe but far enough it could still be a dream.
A twisted dream at that.
Abe raised his hand to ghost above your cheek; almost too scared to touch you, to have you melt away under his finger tips. Though you didn't give him long to worry, leaning into the heat of his palm - skin meeting skin. Abe stilled at the contact, unnerved by the warmth that pooled in his fingertips and sent shivers up his arm and down his spine. You were once again in his arms - or were you?
Abe wasn't going to allow the prying hands of choice to drag you away from him again - in his arms, you would be safe this time. So, his hand swiftly moved to the back of your neck, pulling you against him and tucking your head into the crook of his neck; his free hand snaking around your waist and keeping you tight against him. Twisting his fingers into the fabric of your coveralls, he pressed you as tight against himself as he could.
You couldn't feel the beating of Abe's heart, but you hoped he could feel yours, assure himself you were real. He couldn't. Whatever resemblance of a heartbeat either of you had, had left you as you hit the floor of the manor many moons ago.
"Oh God, I missed you Partner." Abe's voice cracked as he spoke, the flood of emotion overtaking each of his senses. He pulled away slightly from you, enough that he could now clearly see your face - meet your eyes. Slowly, his hand moved from the back of your neck, coming to caress the side of your face. "But what's with the outfit?"
The two of you let out bittersweet, teary laughs, neither surprised by the capability to find such humour in the moment of upset and turmoil. It felt right to laugh in the others arms after all you'd been through.
You gently rested your forehead against Abe's, relishing in the moment and committing every detail of his face to memory - not knowing when you'd get to see it next. Though you hoped you'd see it today and tomorrow, and every day for the rest of your life - you couldn't exactly trust that would be the case.
Not when the crystal in your palm could start burning against you and whisk you away down another wormhole at any moment.
"I have so much I want to say." You spluttered, leaning into Abe's hand as you hiccuped out a sob. Abe's thumb brushed gently across your cheek, wiping away the escaped tears, hushing you soothingly. "I don't even know where to begin."
"Take your time gorgeous, we've got worlds of time." You didn't. Abe didn't know, you couldn't blame him for the way his words made you sob harder then before. Dropping your head into the crook of his neck, you grabbed fistfuls of his leather jacket, hoping a tight hold on him would keep him there with you.
"A captain doesn't leave their ship when it's sinking; now do they?" Wilford asked, his Martini once again empty and the straw still evading his tongue. "I believe our little y/n's time here is up. No?"
The warm-burning sensation in your palm only confirmed Williams words. Fate was not on your side; though when had it ever been?
"No." You commanded, though Will was right: you couldn't leave your crew to die by your lack of attention, because you were selfish enough to let the wormhole fester for your own peace of mind. "It's not fair."
"When is life ever fair?" William near spat - anger of a life he had once lived consuming him and leaving him just as quick. "When has life ever been fair to any of us? You're not special! You need to do what's right."
"Don't listen to him partner." Abe pleaded, his hands holding onto the fabric of the our coveralls tighter then he had previously; as though you'd slip through his fingers at the mention of going anywhere but with him. "I just got you back, I- I can't lose you again."
It was selfish of you, to want to heed to his words. To stay in his arms now you'd found them. And in all your lifetimes you'd never put yourself first, at least that you could remember. You'd given up your life, your body, your soul for the sake of your friends, for the sake of making things right - why couldn't you be selfish for once?
You had a job to do.
"He's right." You sombrely answered, removing yourself from Abe's hold with little struggle. His arms didn't chase after you, hold you close to him so you couldn't go - be taken away by things out of your control. He didn't fight this, didn't fight for you. "I have no choice in the matter."
"Life is ours to choose." Abe spat, the words bitter on his tongue. How many time a had you heard that phrase? In how many bodies? Tears welled in your eyes once more at the wave of grief that washed over you; grieving the life you'd never get to live with Abe, a life long taken from you. "Choose to stay."
Choose me.
"I would, if I could. I would over and over again." Your voice trembled as you spoke, leaning down to pick up your discarded helmet, not breaking eye contact as you did.
"Don't make them leave." Abe begged, turning towards Wilford - William, the colonel - pleading with the man he had spent the last decade, decades, chasing after. As though he had any control over the matter. "It's the least you could do."
Wilford didn't answer the man, instead he fiddled with the straw inside of his drink, idly sipping the liquid.
"Abe, it's okay." You soothed, taking a step closer to your lover, in some lifetime or other, though not daring to touch him. You'd already let go of him twice, and to do so again might kill you. "I'll find you. Somehow, somewhere."
"You promise?" You couldn't promise, that would be cruel. To have him lead his life in hope, in wait. You loved the detective far too much to subject him to such heartbreak.
"No. But I'll try my hardest." A bitter laugh left your sore and scratched throat, tired of the crying. "It's the best I can give you."
A hot white burn flooded your senses, the crystal that was buried deep into your palm glowing brightly.
"Ive seen so much more than you know, and it's means I know things. Like somewhere out there I've already found you; I can do it again. I will do it again." You reassured, wincing as the pain in your palm became unbearable, fighting against leaving becoming harder and harder. It was futile to resist.
"I hope you know I don't like this, not one bit." Abe seethed through his teeth, his eyes red and raw from both the tears he'd let flow and the ones he was trying to keep within.
Taking a step back from you, Abe stood closer to Wilford, giving you one last look over - relishing in the sight of you alive and breathing for what well could be the last time.
"Be safe, partner."
"I will, partner." A swirl of blue and white began to form behind you, the wind picking up inside the roller rink despite all the windows being closed. This was goodbye. Turning to face it, you had just about accepted your fate: but you knew you needed to be selfish for once. To have some peace of mind to get you through whatever mayhem was to come.
"Wait, Abe, I-" With a flash of bright light you were gone. Gone from Abe's grasp once again, slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
"I know," Abe whispered, his glazed-over expression fixed on the spot where you had just stood. "I know."
"Well, better get back to our 'regularly scheduled programming.'" Abe sardonically spat, turning to Wilford and slipping the taser out of his pocket. "I have a job to do after all."
Abe would return to the roller rink before he knew, before he was ready to really. Though this time he wouldn't feel the heartbreak, dazed by the flashing lights and groovy music, he'd become entranced by the disco-loving Warfstache's antics and join in.
He'd dance to the upbeat music, moving in  slow circles with Wilford and his mask-covered friends; deluded by the knowledge that you couldn't survive a bullet to the heart.
And he'd constantly find himself looking over his shoulder, a whisper in the wind calling his name, and a strange feeling that one day, he'd turn around and a person would be waiting at the other end of the call.
a/n : There's not enough Abe content so I decided to make my own.
If one single person wants a part 2 I'll make one because I already have ideas lol.
I hope you enjoyed! <3
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Boogie Shoes (baon)
Summary: Andy Jeff really isn't one to celebrate his birthday, but when you have someone like Stretch for a best friend, what's a guy supposed to do?
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Found Family, Friendship
Notes:  I like to write a short for my birthday as sort of a present for all my readers, but this year there is Stuff going on so I'm posting a couple days early. 😁
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Jeff was concentrating so hard on the spreadsheet in front of him that the knock on his office door made him jump, banging his knee on his desk.
“Come in,” he called, rubbing his wounded leg. The door opened to reveal not Catty with more work, as expected, but Stretch, carrying what Jeff sincerely hoped was an iced mocha latte with his name on it.
“heya, handy andy,” Stretch set the cup down carefully away from the laptop and Jeff took it gratefully. He seriously loved his job, but everyone could use a quick coffee break from time to time. “i came up to pester my shorter half and thought i’d stop and say hi.”
“If you come bearing caffeine, you can visit any day of the week.” Jeff took a sip and couldn’t hold back an appreciative groan. The Beanery knew its coffee, for sure, and they made their own mocha syrup in house. Perfection in a recyclable cup.
Stretch plopped down in the only other chair in the office, propping his untied sneakers on the corner of Jeff’s desk and Jeff let him, payment for the tasty goodness. “so. right to brass tacks…tacts? who the hell came up with that phrase…anyway, a little bird told me your birthday was coming up.”
“A little bird?” Jeff said dryly. He saved his spreadsheet and pushed his laptop aside; this conversation might require actual attention before he got swept away in some kind of crazy scheme. Been there, done that, lost an eyebrow to prove it. “More like the cat who should’ve gotten your tongue.” Catty was a gossip of astonishing breadth and commitment.
“could be,” Stretch grinned, “but hey, birthdays only happen once in a blue moon, didn’t wanna miss the boat, you’re the apple of my eye, don’t wanna be a fair-weather friend—”
“Enough,” Jeff laughed. “Before I run out of here like a bat out of hell. What did you have in mind?”
Stretch dropped his feet back to the floor and sat up so straight Jeff could hear the joints in his spine pop in protest. “as your best bud, i’m pretty sure i’m supposed to throw you a party or something. didn’t want to go the surprise route, ‘cause as fun as that sounds to me, i kinda think you need to feel out that sort of thing before you plan it. don’t have a bladder, but it doesn’t take a crystal ball to figure out that making someone piss their pants in front of friends and family is kinda the opposite of fun.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” Jeff shuddered. “To be honest, I’d rather not have a party at all.”
“oh. okay, if that’s what you want.” Stretch didn’t sound put out, only a little disappointed as he slumped back into the chair. He wouldn’t pry, Jeff knew, but it was okay. A lot of his old hurts stung less these days.
“It’s just…my parents used to throw me a party every year, but they didn’t invite my friends.” What few he had, but that didn’t seem worth mentioning. “They invited theirs and kids from our church who didn’t even like me. I’d spend the whole time being ignored at a party that was supposed to be about me, unless it was to blow out the candles for the photo op.” The memory of sitting miserably alone, waiting for his father to scold him in a low whisper through clenched teeth to stop embarrassing him…Jeff shook it away. He was done letting his dad hurt him, thanks. “After I moved in with Julia, we just had a little cake and dinner together with some presents.”
He could practically see Stretch eagerly latch onto that idea. “we could do that, if you want! edge could make dinner, you and antwan could come over. have some cake, play some games—”
“Play games? I thought you wanted me to have a nice, quiet night,” Jeff teased. Their game nights hadn’t reached the level of the legendary (and fiery) last game of Monopoly before it was permanently banned, but not for lack of trying.
Stretch’s grin was unashamed, but then, he didn’t usually start the gaming fires, he only fanned the flames. “yeah, okay, maybe a movie. how about it?”
“I’d like that.” One of Edge’s delicious dinners, followed by one of his luscious desserts? He could do things with chocolate that would make angels swear and devils weep, Jeff’s mouth was already watering.
Stretch was nodding thoughtfully, probably already plotting at least something unusual and whatever it was, Jeff knew it would make him laugh. He started to climb to his feet and Jeff hastened to stop his escape. He was starting to get the hang of all this, figuring out the steps to Stretch’s internal dance, and he knew the best time to probe for his own info was when Stretch just dug up his own.
“What about for your birthday,” Jeff asked, lightly, “party animal or homeboy?”
Either way, Jeff figured he could rope Edge into helping and they could have some real fun with it, come up with some sort of crazy party theme. Mad scientist was probably off the table, unless they stuck with classroom experiments, but Stretch would think rubber chickens were hilarious, or wearing anything but clothes or even a 70’s disco bash, Jeff had a cute pair of go-go boots that he was dying to wear.
Of all the answers Stretch might give, from actual honesty (unlikely) to some kind of sly pun (far higher on the list), Jeff was not expecting his friend to only shrug his narrow shoulders. “dunno, i’ve never had a birthday party.”
“What? Seriously?” Jeff said, startled. He’d honestly expected that if nothing else, Edge would make sure Stretch got a little celebration, not to mention Blue.
Stretch only rolled to his feet and lived up to his namesake with a joint-popping groan, tall enough that his fingers brushed the ceiling as he stretched. “don’t even know when my birthday is, none of us do. it was always just me and blue until we got here.”
He didn’t seem bothered by it, which, yeah, it wasn’t like he knew any different. But knowing that Stretch never had any kind of parent…sure, his own parents were kind of shit, but he’d at least had Julia. Stretch was the older brother, had anyone ever taken care of him, made sure he had presents and hugs and treats when he needed them, made him feel any kind of special, before Edge stepped up?
Jeff was afraid he knew the answer to that one. No wonder the whole Skeleton family went all out on Gyftmas.
“anyway, i better let you get back to work.” Stretch waggled his fingers in a lazy little wave. “i’ll talk to edge, makes some plans for this weekend, yeah?”
“Sure, sounds great,” Jeff said, but he already had a plan of his own forming and knew just the accomplice to help.
It was how he ended up crouched behind a sofa a few days later with the entire skeleton clan, plus extras, waiting for a door to open and the lights to turn on before jumping out with the rest of them to a loud chorus of, “Surprise!”
Surprise was probably an understatement, Stretch nearly jumped out of his non-existent skin and he dropped the bag of books he was carrying, a quick call from Thomas at ‘Classic Books’ the perfect ruse to get him out of the house for a couple of hours.
Jeff really hoped someone recorded that shriek, it deserved a place of honor on Twitter.
“what the hell?” Stretch didn’t seem happy, only bewildered, looking around the room at the streamers, the balloons, the haphazard pile of presents with the rubber chicken in a white leisure suit standing guard, and the banner that declared, ‘happy birthday!’. There was an entire buffet table full of mouthwatering treats, more than enough for the hungry guests, and eh, maybe the huge disco ball was a bit much, but when you had a theme, you had to run with it.
“It’s a party for you, Papy!” Blue chirped out, like maybe somehow his brother missed the clue. His cheery smile dimmed a little, the party hat on his head almost drooping when Stretch only stood there in confusion with his bag at his feet. Edge started towards him in obvious concern and Jeff held out a hand to stop him. This was his idea, he’d take the heat.
He walked over to Stretch and picked up the bag, heavy books shifting within it. The shiny white leather of his go-go boots reflected the light of the disco ball, but Jeff forced himself not to stare at them. Instead, he pulled off one of the wide gold chains around his neck, the one with a medallion on it that had ‘Let’s Boogie’ engraved in it. He held it out, looking into his friend’s pale eye lights as he admitted, a little nervously, “I figured since I didn’t want my birthday, I’d give it to you.”
The confusion on Stretch’s face faded into something more complicated, harder to interpret, but there was no mistaking the strength of the hug Jeff abruptly found himself pulled into, the books thumping back to the floor.
“thanks.” A single word, maybe a little too soft and thick. Tears pricked Jeff’s eyes as he hugged Stretch back, the best friend he’d never even thought to wish for, much less imagined he’d have. Then he was biting back a laugh as Stretch murmured, “we’re still doing dinner and a movie, you shit.”
Stretch let go after a minute and his grin was enough to rouse the rest of the guests who were starting murmur apprehensively. He snatched the necklace still dangling from Jeff’s hand and looped it around his neck with a loud, “c’mon, let’s party!”
It was one of the best ideas Jeff thought he’d heard all year.
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1977
Under the cut.
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. – “You Don’t Have To Be A Star (To Be In My Show)” -- January 8, 1977
They will be happy with each other as they are, not needing a "star." It sounds literal, like they think most people only want to have relationships with celebrities. It's got some bounce and a beat, but it's very light and not poetic at all. Meh.
Leo Sayer – “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing” -- January 15, 1977
Shouty falsetto. It might be disco if it were faster. I am not listening to this whole thing, because it will give me a headache.
Stevie Wonder – “I Wish” -- January 22, 1977
One of the greatest musical intros. It's a funk song about nostalgia, wishing for childhood again, and I normally hate that. But the music is amazing.
Rose Royce – “Car Wash” -- January 29, 1977
This was an intro song for a movie of the same name. I had no idea. I just thought someone decided to sing about working at a car wash randomly. The song is a little bit Motown, a little bit disco. It's fun.
Mary MacGregor – “Torn Between Two Lovers” -- February 5, 1977
It's slow, it's soppy, and it's about how she's cheating on "you" with someone else. She truly loves you, but she's not gonna stop seeing the other guy, whom she loves too. It sounds like she wants to try this whole poly thing she's heard about. But is the guy she's singing to gonna be okay with that? Probably not. Most people aren't. Maybe though. I don't care. For being about a subject that should be heartrending, this song sure is boring.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band – “Blinded By The Light” -- February 19, 1977
This version made it to #1. Bruce Springsteen's original didn't even make it to the charts. This version is really bad -- it sounds like a recitation surrounded by goop, not a song. Bruce Springsteen's version is one of my favorite songs. I am going to sulk now.
Eagles – “New Kid In Town” -- February 26, 1977
Huh, an Eagles hit I've never heard before. This is about fame, how everyone loves you at first, then forgets you when the next big thing comes along. They try to shoehorn some stuff about romance in -- "Will she still love you when you're not around?" -- but it doesn't really flow. Also the song sounds like it should be playing in the background of a cabana. Fittingly for a song worried people will forget them, I have already forgotten this song.
Barbra Streisand – “Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)” -- March 5, 1977
I listened to this song for 30 seconds. No more. I cannot stand Barbra Streisand. I don't think I'd like this song anyway, as it's glop, but maybe a different singer could have made it tolerable.
Daryl Hall & John Oates – “Rich Girl” -- March 26, 1977
Rich girls get picked on while rich boys are the ones who usually get away with everything. This song was actually originally about a rich guy, too. It would have been better. It's still good musically, but it misses the mark. Not that rich girls don't also get away with plenty, but compare and contrast what happened to Paris Hilton for her venial sins, versus the entire existence of Donald Trump.
ABBA – “Dancing Queen” -- April 9, 1977
ABBA was a good group. They were hated on, and now they're more likely to be exalted. They didn't deserve the hate (save it for the Bee Gees), but they're not the second coming or anything either. They were just a good, fun group. This song can be danced to, but it's a song more about dance than a dancing song. It's a rare song observing a young woman dancing while identifying with her, rather than lusting after her. "You can dance/ You can jive/ Having the time of your life." It's good.
David Soul – “Don’t Give Up On Us” -- April 16, 1977
The narrator did something really bad last night. Cheating? Worse? Now he's telling his lover not to "give up on us." As soft as the song is, "tell" is the word, not "ask." And he doesn't apologize once. Also, David Soul was a professional actor, but there's no worry in his voice; he's nothing but smooth and assured here. Blech.
Thelma Houston – “Don’t Leave Me This Way” -- April 23, 1977
It's disco with a large dose of Motown, or Motown with a large dose of disco. Either way, it works. Everything lines up with precision, and then Thelma Houston comes in over all of it with huge emotion. The contrast is sort of fascinating. Oh, and her huge emotion is that she wants sex. "Then come on, satisfy the need in me/ 'Cause only your good loving can set me free." She's not begging, but she's not exactly commanding either. It's really good.
Glen Campbell – “Southern Nights” -- April 30, 1977
It's Kidz Bop honky tonk. That's probably not fair; Glen Campbell grew up in a family of poor sharecroppers in Arkansas. But it's what I hear. It's happy clappy, and scrubbed clean of anything real.
Eagles – “Hotel California” -- May 7, 1977
Whatever you think this song is about, it's not about that. The Eagles wrote it with a mish-mash of stuff in mind, but mostly trying to be ambiguous. What that means is that whatever you think this song is about, it is about that. It's a choose your own adventure psychological horror song. I love it. It makes me happy in that way that good poetry and good music do -- and this is both.
Leo Sayer – “When I Need You” -- May 14, 1977
This song is cheese. Absolute, unadulterated cheese. But it's not bad cheese. It's a good solid cheddar. It's slow but not too slow, soft but not too soft, and it manages some interesting percussion. And Sayer sings like he means it. It's about missing his lover while he's on the road, and he imagines she's with him to get by. "When I need you/ I just close my eyes and I'm with you." It sounds kind of like a Broadway ballad. It's enjoyable.
Stevie Wonder – “Sir Duke” -- May 21, 1977
A song about Duke Ellington, which is a subject I approve of. Stevie Wonder also lists a few more legends, including one of my favorites: "And with a voice like Ella's ringing out/ There's no way the band can lose." It's a love song to music itself. It's sort of big band, sort of funk, and sort of Motown, and it works. The lyrics do get too repetitive for me near the end, though.
KC & The Sunshine Band – “I’m Your Boogie Man” -- June 11, 1977
It's a wordplay on the "bogie man" monster. But the boogie man wants to show up and give you whatever you want whenever you want however you want. Sexually. The song actually has more lyrics than most KC & The Sunshine Band songs, but it's still a song to dance to. Not to have sex to. But for dancing? Yep, it's good.
Fleetwood Mac – “Dreams” -- June 18, 1977
YAY! Okay so I have no interest in Fleetwood Mac without Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. But when they joined in 1975, Fleetwood Mac became truly great. And this song is from Rumours, which is their best album (forged out of a hell of a lot of intragroup pain), and written and sung by Stevie Nicks, who was their best artist. My parents played this record and their previous self-titled one all the time. I didn't fully understand the songs when I was a kid, but I loved them. As I grew old enough to understand them, I loved them more. And now I love them more than that. I can't analyze this song. I love it too much.
Marvin Gaye – “Got To Give It Up (Part 1)” -- June 25, 1977
At first, he was uncomfortable at parties and didn't want to dance. But then he loosened up enough to dance, pretty obviously as a way to pick up chicks. There's the horrible line "Let me step into your erotic zone." The music is experimental. Marvin Gaye's falsetto is fine, but it's still a falsetto the whole damn song. And there are people making party noises in the background the whole time. I find this song painful.
Bill Conti – “Gonna Fly Now (Theme From Rocky) -- July 2, 1977
You know this instrumental, you've heard it tons. It's a good movie theme -- I think. It's hard to say, when it's something that's been so often present in so many different contexts in my life.
Alan O’Day – “Undercover Angel” -- July 9, 1977
The undercover angel is a make believe woman from a sex dream. At the end of the song, he's telling "you" that you remind him of the undercover angel, so you must be meant to be with him. It's an extended "I've seen you in my dreams" pickup line. It's so dumb.
Shaun Cassidy – “Da Doo Ron Ron” -- July 16, 1977
This is an excruciatingly boring cover of The Crystals' classic 60s girl group song.
Barry Manilow – “Looks Like We Made It” -- July 23, 1977
He's singing to an ex. They both "made it" because they found other people. Until "Looks like we made it/ Or I thought so till today/ Until you were there everywhere." If they get back together it's not going to be easy, because they'll be leaving relationships that seem happy. I don't think they'll get back together -- besides, she may not feel anything for him any more. It's a more complex song than it sounds. And Barry Manilow sure can sing. I wish he'd gone with the jazz songs he preferred, but then he wouldn't have been hugely successful. He decided to pull the rhinestone cowboy trick, and I can't blame him. He did make the soppy 70s charts more tolerable than they would have otherwise been.
Andy Gibb – “I Just Want To Be Your Everything” -- July 30, 1977
For instance, without Barry Manilow, Andy Gibb would probably have had more hits. Gibb's voice is thin. If you're going to sing a line like "Oh, if I, if I stay here without you darlin' I will die," you need some power and drama behind it. This guy sounds like he's trying to sell kitchen tile. It's a relatively fast song, but the beat is somehow irritating too. Blech.
The Emotions – “Best Of My Love” -- August 20, 1977
It starts with a blast of horns, and then a blast of singing. Then the chorus is quieter than the rest, which is weird to me. I can't put my finger on why this song bores me, but it does.
Meco – “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” -- October 1, 1977
A disco mashup of the Star Wars theme with the cantina band theme. That happened. I love John Williams' music and I think he deserves credit for at least half of Star Wars' success. But I think this remix sounds extremely dumb. Someone slowed down the cantina band theme a couple years ago and that sounds very noir and cool. This doesn't.
Debby Boone – “You Light Up My Life” -- October 15, 1977
The person who wrote this song was completely and absolutely terrible. But Debby Boone isn't. She's a Christian singer, but seems to be one of the nice ones, not the wingnut fundie ones. Anyway, she wasn't a Christian singer in 1977 (though she was Christian). And she had a good voice. But she sings this song painfully slowly. It sounds like she comes in after where she's supposed to come in and then draws out the notes longer than she's supposed to. I don't know if that's her or the song itself. I sped up the song to 1.25 and it's a little more palatable, but it's still bad. It's a trudge. I don't feel lit up after this.
The Bee Gees – “How Deep Is Your Love” -- December 24, 1977
It's not falsetto, though Barry Gibb does go uncomfortably high some. But it's still very bad. It's a string of bland cliches over bland music. And the weird 70s male romance song entitlement: "And it's me you need to show/ How deep is your love?" Shut up.
BEST OF 1977 -- "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac  WORST OF 1977 -- "Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band" by Meco. People really would disco to anything, huh?
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1dffchallenges · 4 years
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I Hear A Rhapsody
Written By: @sunsetter96​
Characters: Anne/Niall
Summary: Anne is a struggling actress trying to advance her career in Los Angeles while making ends meet financially. When she meets Niall, he introduces her to his love and world of music, but they struggle to create a balance between their relationship and their desire for success.
Author’s Note: This is the first chapter to the first story I am writing. Please let me know what you think :)
Warnings: alcohol
2014 — 
It was June, and I'd never felt anything like it before.
Weeks before, I had been driving to an audition for a role in a movie my friend had told me about just a few days prior, and I was in my car, in the middle of possibly the worst Los Angeles traffic I'd ever experienced.
"Please don't tell me it's true," I said to my phone. "Please don't let this be real," I continued, practicing my lines over and over again into the receiver, speaking as if there really was someone else on the line, as if there really was someone there to connect with.
I hadn't had much time to practice in the past few days, only because I'd been so busy with moving into my new apartment. There was that, — and then there was having to start work at the new bookstore location. They had made me acting manager for the first few weeks. I had a long list of things that I had to do in order to help set up the new location, and I think the worst part of it was accounting and payroll. I'm just terrible with numbers.
"Fuck," I said, realizing I had come to a stop in the middle of traffic while rehearsing my lines. Cars were honking like crazy, as if that would somehow make the line move faster, and the man in the car behind me was going wild over the fact that I had come to a stop. I guess it was my fault for being distracted, but at the same time, those 20 feet that were between me and the next car really couldn't have saved us even a marginal length of time with the amount of traffic there was.
When there was enough of a gap to cut through the left lane, he merged and cut me off aggressively before pulling off at the next exit after a few minutes. I was so fucking late, and this guy was pissing me off. 
I got there just minutes before my audition time and almost ran to the door of the building. I think my audition was one of the last ones of the day, so I was lucky they'd even let me in to go through with it. But I went in and made my audition, albeit without enough time to mentally prepare beforehand.
It went well enough, but I could sense right away that I wouldn't be getting a call back from them. I guess it's true that I didn't fit the role as well as I could have. The listing had called for a girl between ages 18-24, for a supporting role in a movie about a group of girls that went to summer camp and did all of that teen stuff, like fall in love and drink and smoke. I did look like a teen, but I suppose I was already on the back end of that age range considering I was 23. I also didn't look like many of the girls that were there for the audition, too — blonde, tan, and skinny — and maybe that's what they were looking for. I was a thin person but not nearly as skinny and fit as some of the girls there, and I had brown hair and brown eyes.
I guess it didn't matter, because I'd find a role that would suit me eventually. At least I hoped so.
Later that day I came home feeling like shit, and I didn't even feel like eating or working out. Thankfully I had the day off the next day, so I just laid in bed looking at social media and watched Netflix until I fell asleep.
My roommate woke me up the next day with the sound of her using the blender. I turned around in bed and saw the time. 7:00 a.m. It was too early for this, but I figured it would be worse for me to be depressed and lay in bed all day.
"Cecilia?" I called out after coming out of the bathroom. "Why are you using the blender so early?"
"Sorry dude," she responded. "I'm going out for a run at 8:00, but I wanted to eat something light beforehand, so I made myself a smoothie."
"Oh, that sounds good," I told her. A run actually sounded good despite my tiredness. "Can I come with?"
"Sure," she said. "Let me make you a smoothie, too."
I went back to my room and washed my face and teeth before putting on some workout clothes. Cecilia had made me an icy blueberry smoothie with greek yogurt, and it was absolutely delicious. I think I've always been in love with liquid food (like smoothies or margaritas), because they're so easy. I have a sensitive stomach, but somehow her smoothies have always soothed me, physically and emotionally. 
Maybe I'm just a little bit intense, but I think that's also what drove me to want to act. All of the things that I feel — that emotion and the intensity I seek with others and in simple, everyday tasks — that's what engrosses each line that I act and every character I play. And I hoped in that moment that I could transfer that intense energy to my acting, and maybe one day be recognized for it.
Cecilia and I drank our smoothies and talked about our plans for next weekend. We had been invited to 70s themed party where there would be a live band and an open bar. It was pretty exciting, especially for her, because the guy she had been sort of dating invited her to come and bring a friend.
"His name is Louis," she smiled. "He's a producer, and his company has themed parties sometimes, kind of to help artists network and to celebrate a new release."
"Oh, I see," I said. "Well, I'm just happy that you're enjoying yourself with him. Let's see how this party goes. I'm so excited to get our outfits together and dress 70s style," I laughed.
"I knew you would love that idea! You've always loved 70s rock, so that's right up your alley," she says.
We left the house and ended up running to the park near our neighborhood. I'm actually glad she woke up early that morning, because it forced me to get out of the depressed mood I was in. 
We talked more about what outfits we would wear to the party as we ran, and she decided that she would dress disco themed, while I wanted to wear something more hippie style. My hair was long enough to do the hair style, but I thought it might look nice if I straightened it and wore a flower crown.
"Anne," she said. "I think we should use this opportunity, this party, this experience — to have a lot of fun. It's been so long since we've done something crazy. So yes, we will be drinking margaritas and we will be taking shots this time."
"Okay," I laughed with her. "I'll try to keep up, but it's been a while since I've drank."
We came to a stop at the end of the trail going around the park, and leaned against the rails, looking back at the playground, across the grassy field. In the distance, I could see a couple walking their dog together, holding hands and laughing together. I looked over at Cecilia and she was looking at them, too.
My mind took me back to our past relationships in that moment, and I remembered how it felt to hold someone else's hand like that couple. I remembered that feeling of warmth and security when you held the hand of someone you knew well but also that clamminess you felt when you would first hold hands with someone because you were nervous. I missed that feeling, and I could tell Cecilia felt the same.
We were like that when we were together sometimes. We thought so alike that I felt like she was my other half, and even my soulmate in some sense. I had never felt that for another man, but I did for her, even though I wasn't romantically attracted to her. 
Last year both of us had broken up with our boyfriends within months of each other, and we had decided to move in together after our leases ended. It was interesting how we had both started dating our exes at the same time, when we were just 19, and how we had both spent those three years spiraling in abusive relationships. 
It was sad to think, but somehow I felt that our respective heartbreaks had brought us closer together. We had drifted apart when we got into those relationships, the first long-term relationship we both had ever had, but their ending is what helped our friendship grow even more. She was always there for me when I was grieving, and perhaps it had been destiny that led us to this very moment in time.
You could argue that this moment wasn't anything special, but it was small moments like these that I would always remember.
"I'm so happy you're coming with me to this party," she smiled. "And maybe we'll be able to meet some cute guys there."
"That's true," I laughed at her comment.
We were both looking forward to the party, not just to have fun but to use it as an opportunity to let go of our past, including the pain we had felt for so many years. While Cecilia had dated on and off in the past few months, I couldn't bring myself to open up to anyone yet, especially not to any stranger at a party. It had been months since I had talked to a guy more than casually or as a friend.
"Honestly, I'm just ready to get drunk and forget everything, my inhibitions, all of it," I breathed out.
"Okay, Anne," she laughs. "I'll make sure to be the drink police for you all night. If I don't see a drink in your hand, you'll have to take a shot with me. It's the law — no fighting me and no questions asked!" she points at me.
We both started laughing and talked for a few more minutes, allowing our heartbeats to slow down as we relaxed from our run. When we got home, I spent the rest of the morning relaxing and cleaning up my room and around the house. Cecilia had left for work at 11, so I looked online for more auditions and recorded one video to send to a casting agent for review. 
While I was settling down that evening to eat my dinner, I got a notification from Cecilia on instagram — it was a picture of some guys standing together.
Hey dude, this is the band that's going to play at the party. Louis told me that they're really good.
Thank you <3 I'll check them out, I told her.
I looked up their profile, and they were called "The Breakers." From the picture, I could see that guy Louis had been tagged, and he was posing next to a couple of guys, one of which I guess was the main songwriter who had worked with him. The picture was of them at their studio, celebrating the completion of their debut album.
I ended up looking them up on Spotify and listened to a few of their songs — they were definitely my type of music. I could hear various elements of classic rock and psychedelic music in their melodies, mixed with a bit of pop and even jazz. 
That night, I went to bed listening to a few of their songs through my headphones, letting myself get lost in the melodies, just as I would do when in character sometimes. It was interesting how music informed a lot of my life, and I think if I hadn't gone into acting, I probably would have tried to be an artist.
If there was one thing I was sure about, it's that I needed to start taking my acting career seriously. I had already been in Los Angeles for four years, with nothing coming to fruition, and I just hoped that destiny would take me where I needed to be, soon.
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anywhozits · 4 years
All I Really Want
Rating: M
Pairing: Kristanna (eventually hah)
Verse: 90s High School AU
Notes: chapter one of my first frozen multichap! yayyy but warning it’s an emotional roller coaster (naturally, because teen angst and all)
Read on Ao3, too!  
Champagne popped, fireworks cracked, loud screams of excitement echoed throughout the large Mediterranean style-mansion in Newport Coast, California. Everyone in the house counted down the seconds until 1997 and celebrated the victory—the host’s software company had ended the year with the most fiscal prowess of any software company in the country.
Right—The Company that Agnarr Larsen had founded and owned had hit a milestone. 10 billion dollars in sales worldwide in 1996.
They’d opened some international subsidiaries. Most recently one in Oslo, Norway.
Within the last month it was finally acknowledged that The Company had the first fully developed Internet Strategy of all the tech companies.
Whatever “Internet Strategy” meant.
Agnarr Larsen had thus gone all out. He and his wife, Iduna, spent a sickeningly large sum of money on this party.
The theme—70s Disco / Studio 54 because 1997 had one number in common with that decade.
At least 35 Cirque-employed go-go dancers served drinks, danced on tables, and strutted their stuff throughout the house.
They had exactly five separate disco balls, an indoor and an outdoor dance floor, properly themed food, and an incredibly well-stocked open bar that left the guests in awe.
And in the corner sat a girl with striking red hair, alone, again… as always, sipping on some champagne she thought her parents would care she swiped from the open bar.
They didn’t.
More fireworks went off, bursting into sparks of gold, blue, red, and white right on top of the hill behind the house.
The girl—Anna—didn’t look up. She remained seated on the couch, crossing and uncrossing her legs, taking sip after sip of champagne. It was damn good champagne. Despite having no actual knowledge about the quality of sparkling wine after only 14 years on this earth, she could tell this was some quality shit. Cristal. It even sounded fancy.  
God was she bored.
Her blue eyes scanned the crowds. Everyone was yelling, throwing their hands in the air, hugging and kissing each other.
She had no idea where her parents were. Agnarr and Iduna Larsen. The very hosts of this party. This was their house. This was her house, too, then, she supposed. The cold walls, the empty halls, the wide-open spaces that most of the time housed one or two or three people only. It was a nice house, though.
And all of that—well, everything in her life—was owed to the success of her father’s company. The Company. She knew nothing of the specifics other than it being some kind of tech software situation that clearly allowed them such a large sum of money that they were comfortable at the very least. Comfortable was Agnarr’s favorite word to describe their unnatural and disgustingly wealthy lifestyle.
Looking around again, Anna saw no trace of them anywhere.
Well—classically her mother was nowhere to be found, blessed with the uncanny ability to seamlessly blend in with the furniture at these types of parties. Well. Actually… with Iduna, it always went one of two ways. Either 1) she hid out somewhere using her stealthy camouflage skills as the night progressed or 2) she took on the role of belle of the ball, effortlessly engaged in radiant conversations with every partygoer. The difference between those two perfectly outlined by one simple distinction—whether it was a Bad Day or a Good Day.
Today was a Bad Day. Anna could feel it. Her mother’s absence more-than confirmed that blatant fact.
But still no sign of her father.
Anna rolled her eyes and gulped down more champagne. Her stomach dropped. Worst New Year’s ever. She was always required to attend these stupid Company parties because it looked good for her dad to have such a supportive youngest daughter.
And she loved parties. But.
But she wished she had somebody, anybody even remotely close to her age to share this with.
Because even though their house was filled with people, filled with people having the time of their life, she still felt so... lonely. Maybe even the loneliest she had felt in a long time.
She knew she’d feel this way. Anna had really tried her best to preemptively remedy the situation, asking her dad if she could invite her best friend, Kristoff, to the party. But of course, Agnarr had grumbled something under his breath about how that would be a bad look.
Shaking off all of that frustration, Anna slowly rose from the couch, making her way past a few scantily clad go-go dancers, trying her best to push away the cocktail meatballs and the fondue skewers they kept trying to shove into her face.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of her father, finally, standing next to a couple of his business school buddies, all of them wearing custom tailored suits with bowties and sunglasses even though they were indoors. They carelessly swung their glasses of Cristal and laughed hearty belly laughs.
Anna thought maybe she could join this conversation. Seemed fun enough.
But when she made it close enough to hear their conversation, she stopped in her tracks. They hadn’t noticed her approaching, of course. They never did. Being invisible to her father and his cronies was one of her biggest talents.
Even still, she backtracked a bit, allowing herself to hide behind the series of potted plants that lined their living room.
“I kept telling her we already had the perfect kid—why would we risk the second one? But she didn’t buy it. She wanted Elsa to have a sibling. And look where we are now.” A series of masculine laughter—guffaws more than anything else—broke out.
Anna gulped. This wasn’t new. She’d even heard it all before. Her father’s go-to party story.
But then he said it. The punchline. Stated in such a light-hearted manner with a characteristic shake of his head. “We should’ve stopped after one.”
Anna stumbled backward. It always hit her. It always hurt her. Her fourth time hearing this dumb story and it still felt like being punched in the gut.
And yet… here she was at this party alone and bored and miserable trying to please him. Hoping maybe one day he would change this story. Maybe one day he would stop telling it altogether. Because she was here. She tried. She made the effort.
It didn’t seem like it was too much to ask. Things used to be good. They used to spend time together as a family.
Tears stung her eyes. She totally should’ve just said fuck you to her dad and gone to Kristoff’s house like she wanted.
Whatever. Right now, all she needed was an escape. Anna desperately wanted to get the hell away from him.
Thus, she took off in a jog toward the kitchen, the echoes of her father’s continued laughter taunting her remorselessly.
On the way, she caught her reflection in a golden floor length mirror. Her jog slowed to a halt.
She sighed, staring deeply at her reflection. Poofy but also flawlessly curled, her usually chest-length red hair now only fell to her shoulders. Anna gave it a quick toss, adding even more body to the curls.
She stared harder, looked closer.
Both frosted pink lips and electric blue eyeshadow brought out every single feature of her face—her piercing blue eyes, her soft yet diffuse freckles, and the eternal flush of her cheeks no doubt heightened by the Cristal. She sighed, carefully biting her lip so as to not mess up her lipstick and touched the thin silver choker around her neck. One of her Christmas gifts from Santa. From her parents, duh. She knew that. But… it still felt like it came from Santa.
Anna sighed again.
She thought she looked okay. Just okay.
Now she wished she’d worn something different. Sure, the aqua sequined dress framed her body well. The straight neckline and spaghetti straps were cute. And naturally she did love that the dress fell to her upper thighs, something she figured her parents would take issue with. But again, that was exactly the reason why she’d chosen the dress in the first place.
She wanted a response. She craved a response…
But she only looked okay.
One more sigh and she decided it was time to move on.
Thankfully it didn’t really matter how she looked while she did the thing she really wanted to do next.
Anna took one last moment to look at herself. To psych herself up for what was to come.
You got this, Anna. You’ve done this loads of times before. Tonight is no different.
There was somebody she wanted to talk to. Somebody she needed to talk to. It was a new year now. 1997. Maybe 1997 was their year, maybe in 1997 they’d be close again.
Her heart beat heavily and quickly within her chest. Faster yet when she reached the kitchen… when she picked up the clunky gray cordless phone.
She had the number memorized. Duh. Anna called her sister, Elsa, at the minimum once a day.
Elsa very rarely picked up. Elsa very rarely called her back. But every so often, like a glimmer of hope, she did.
It was like 3:06am for Elsa and Anna knew that she was probably asleep. She knew, logically, that the chances Elsa would actually answer the phone were about 0.2 out of 10, but… there was that glimmer. Because Anna needed it. Because it was a new year and…
Anna couldn’t help it as the thought crossed her mind again. It now played on repeat almost like a chant. Or… a cheer.
A prayer, honestly. It was a desperate prayer.
Maybe 1997 was their year. Maybe 1997 was their year. Maybemaybemaybe.
God did she hope 1997 would be their year.
After Elsa got shipped off to boarding school in the 6th grade because of her super human intelligence level that apparently could only be properly nourished by snooty institutions on the East Coast, the two sisters had largely lost touch. Elsa was busy with academics and the consistent string of pressure her parents put on her as their successful and perfect first-born daughter.
But lucky for Anna, Elsa had a shiny new Nokia phone that she got for her 18th birthday.
Anna dialed the number and held her breath. The sounds of more fireworks and more chatter and more people being beyond obnoxious filled the background and Anna decided it best to lock herself in their massive pantry. It was quieter there. She could drown out the sounds of everybody to the point that she only heard the phone ringing, her heartbeat, and that same nervous and hopeful mantra.
Maybe 1997 was their year.
The ringing stopped cold. And then one aggressive beep later and Anna thought she might start sobbing.
She couldn’t hide the quivering in her voice. “Um, Elsa. Hi. Happy New Year!” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Um. It’s dad’s dumb disco party right now and everybody’s being so loud and boring, and I have nobody to hang out with, so I thought maybe…” Her voice cracked. “I thought maybe you’d be free, but. I guess you’re not. You’re probably, like, sleeping or something. Which makes sense, um, because. Time difference or whatever. But. I thought, maybe, since it’s New Year’s and all that you’d be free or still awake or something. Um.” Maybe 1997 was their year. A sob caught in her throat. “I miss you, Els. I really miss you. I know we don’t talk that much, and I know you have so much going on and school is stressful and I’m just your annoying little sister. But. I love you. I feel…” Anna took a deep breath in. Tears rolled at a steady pace down her cheeks. “Um. Never mind. Can you just—can you give me a call when you get this? I’d love to talk to you.” She couldn’t hold in the sobs anymore. Instead of a singular crack she broke down fully, her voice quaking with frantic cries. “I miss you, Elsa. I love you.” She had to take a minute to catch her breath. “Um—bye.”
The second Anna pressed end on the phone she collapsed onto the floor. She hadn’t bothered turning the light on in the pantry and now she was thankful for the darkness. It somehow comforted her. Like she was in an entirely different dimension. She needed that escape. Shit did she need that escape.
She didn’t know what to feel. She didn’t know how to feel. Her entire body was numb.
Why did she ever let herself get her hopes up again? It always ended the same way.
This wasn’t their year. It was never going to be their year.
She was stuck in this endless cycle of loneliness and rejection and abandonment and she would never break free. Never.
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floralelu · 4 years
Le Fleuriste Episode 1:
Word Count: 4,126
Summary: The plan was to take his mom out for Mother’s Day. Lunch, a little shopping, something casual. That is until Lucas spots the boy outside the flower shop.
[A/N:] Hello!! Welcome to the first chapter of Le Fleuriste (The Florist) co-written by Kenzie and I (Emmy), this is our first time collaborating on a fic and we are very excited to share it with you. Thank you for reading!!
“Oh come on, Arthur. You’re just jealous that I have a girlfriend and you don’t.” Basile exclaimed.
“I’m not jealous, just pissed because now you’re just going to spend all your time with her and not the gang.” Arthur sighed.
“Are you saying you’re gonna miss me when I’m away?” Basile approached Arthur and pinched his cheeks. Arthur smiled and rolled his eyes. Yann and Lucas both looked at each other.
“Uh, guys? Do you have something to tell us?” Yann chuckled under his breath.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m the only gay one in this group right?” Lucas and Yann both leaned back into the couch while laughing their asses off.
The apartment was quite small, only 2 bedrooms, but they made it work. Lucas didn’t mind not having a bedroom, unlike the other 3 guys who shared the rooms. Arthur and Basile shared one bedroom, each of them having separate beds of course. Yann made his statement about how sharing a room would disrupt his “sex life”, as if he has one ever since breaking up with his co-worker, Emma. Lucas moved in after the guys rented the apartment. Lucas would never forget that night.
Lucas was freezing, and his clothes were soggy with both his tears and the rain that had started earlier that afternoon. His brain felt cloudy, just like the sky. He could see it in his line of sight, the light at the end of the tunnel, the apartment. He sprinted up the steps as fast as his legs carried him, maybe he should exercise more often, but that didn’t matter now.
Lucas walked up to the door and knocked, it was late but he was sure they would be up. However, they hadn’t answered the door yet, maybe they were at a party?
Lucas knocked again, louder this time, even calling out Yann’s name.
“Yann? Yann, please open the door! It’s bad, my dad left and my mom...just please open up!” Lucas kept banging on the door.
“Lucas?” It was Basile.
Finally, a familiar face after seeing only strangers among him for the past few hours. He was thrilled to see Basile in his blue and white striped boxers and a baggy t-shirt.
“Do you know how loud you’re being-” Lucas cut him off with a bone-crushing hug. He needed this. Baz returned the embrace and wrapped his arms around him.
“Lucas, I’m sorry to ruin the moment, but you’re getting me wet.” Both of them laughed.
Lucas was grateful, he could never repay the gang for taking him in without question. They were his everything and he loved them, and they loved him back. The gang has been together since the beginning of high school, they’ve been through everything together. Yann was by Lucas’ side when he came out to him, the guys supported his sexuality and they thought nothing less of him. He couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends.
“Lucas? Lucas?! Lucas!” Yann shouted, swinging Lucas’ phone in his face.
“Okay! Okay! I got it.” Lucas snatched his phone from Yann’s grip. It was his mother. “Hey, Mom! What’s up?”
“Lucas! Do you have any idea what day it is?!” Lucas pulled the phone away from his ear. Damn, she was angry.
“Uh, Sunday?”
“It’s Mother’s Day! You know, the holiday where you spend time with the person who gave birth to you? Do you know how hard it was pushing your abnormally large head out of my-” Lucas cut her off.
“Okay, Ma, I get it. Do you wanna meet up somewhere then? Lemme pick you up in ten, okay? How about lunch and some shopping? Sound good?” Lucas could charm his way out of any argument. After all, what mother couldn’t love her son?
“Oh, honey! That’d be lovely. I’ll see you soon! Love you most!”
“Alright, Mom. See you in ten and I love you more than most.” He had won her over.
The taxi pulled up in front of Lucas’ childhood home, he hadn’t seen it since the day he left. He shuddered just thinking about it.
“I can’t stand you anymore!” Lucas’ dad screamed. He slapped Lucas’ mother across the face. “You no good schizophrenic bitch!” He repeatedly kept slapping her.
“Dad, stop! You’re hurting her! She can’t help herself, you know that!” Lucas raised his voice over the wails coming from his mother.
“You stay out of this, Lucas! You don’t know the shit I’ve been through with this woman. You don’t know how hard it is to take care of her, you don’t even help with it. You’re so selfish, Lucas. Thinking you can get by with partying with your friends every night? The world revolves around everyone, Lucas, not just you.” Lucas’ heart was even more shattered than before.
“You get out of here. You have no right to talk to my son that way.” His mother stood up, her face bloody and bruised from the countless beatings.
“Your son? He’s our son, not just yours.” His dad gripped his mother’s arm to the point where his knuckles turned white. A tremor went down Lucas’ spine.
“Not anymore.” His mother broke free from the tight grip encasing her arm. “You need to leave.”
“Lulu! How are you, sweetie?” Lucas’ mother rejoiced as she stepped into the taxi.
“I’m doing alright, Mom. The real question is, how are you? I know it’s been almost a year, but I wanna be sure you’re okay.”
“I’m okay, Lulu. Today is going to be fun. I’m looking forward to it, speaking of, where are we going for lunch?”
“Disco Danish Cafe! Manon has been dying to try out some new sandwich combinations on us and Alexia will have her spring cookies out. I know how much you love her cookies.” Lucas can recall many times when he and his mom would go to Alexia and Manon’s cafe to escape Lucas’ abusive dad. They were memories he would cherish forever.
“Just like we used to! That sounds lovely, dear. You’re so thoughtful.” She put her hand on top of his, which was resting on the seat between them.
“I love you, Mom.” Lucas looked over at his mother, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Oh, honey, no time to be so emotional. I love you most.”
“More than most.”
King’s Grove was the hub for life in Annecy, a town outside of Paris. It had cobblestone streets and picturesque storefronts. The Disco Danish Cafe was located at the corner of King’s Grove and Queen’s Avenue. The Cafe wasn’t necessarily a 70’s disco theme that you’d expect from the name, but the interior decor was like an American diner straight out of the 1950s with checkered floors, teal booths, neon lights, and a disco ball hanging from the ceiling that spun and sparkled when it caught the light coming from the storefront windows. Baked goods lined the display front windows, but as well as in the cases at the front counter of the bakery.
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The masterminds behind the most popular bakery in town are Alexia and Manon. They had started the bakery once they graduated from high school and to say it wasn’t a life-changer would be an understatement.
Manon is head chef and baker. She’s not as artistic as her talented best friend and co-worker, Alexia, is. Manon is one for flavors and tastes rather than decor. Manon loves the cafe with all her heart and loves putting smiles on all of her customer’s faces when they take the first bite of her delectable dishes and baked goods.
Alexia is the decorator behind all of the cookies and cakes in the display cases and was the one behind the interior decor. Although Manon wasn’t crazy about the whole idea at first, once she saw the Pinterest boards that Alexia created, she was in. Alexia has an artistic eye that no one could change. She’s the one who always decorates and writes the eye-catching specials on the blackboard that sits outside of the cafe. Alexia even screams artistic with the constant change in her hair color.
“My girls!” Lucas shouted when he waltzed into the cafe. People glanced up and stared at Lucas, but he didn’t care, he got to see his best girls!
“Lulu!” Manon and Alexia looked up and said in unison, they ran from behind the camera and hugged him tightly.
“It’s been a while, Lucas. Where have you been?” Alexia questioned.
“Yeah, it’s almost been a year,” Manon agreed. “What have you been up to?”
“Well, um, I’ve been dealing with family issues,” Lucas looked at his mom who was standing next to him. “I’m living with Arthur, Yann, and Basile now.”
“Oh my god, I can’t imagine how that must be,” Alexia chuckled.
“Yeah, fuck, those boys can be a mess sometimes, ” Manon shook her head and laughed.
“You don’t even know the half of it, but I’m not here to talk about them. I’m here to try out your new recipes! I know we’re looking forward to it.” Lucas gestured to his mother.
“You got it!” Alexia and Manon hurried back into the kitchen to prepare the food.
“Oh! Manon, Alexia you did an amazing job you two! This looks delicious!” Ms. Lallemant studied the food with her mouth practically watering. “You two are just so talented.”
“Thank you, Ms. Lallemant,” Manon bowed.
“Alexia, these sugar cookies! Gosh, how do you even come up with this stuff? Thank you so much for making them,” Even though this was Ms. Lallemant’s hundredth time here, she was still just as astonished as if it was the first.
“My pleasure.” Alexia smiled and curtsied.
“Talk to you guys later?” Lucas asked.
“Of course! You better stop by more, our business is just suffering without you,” Alexia joked and Lucas rolled his eyes.
Lucas was thrilled that he got to spend this time with his mom, even though he forgot it was Mother’s Day. He even got to see a couple of friends. He didn’t know he needed this kind of time out away from the stress of finding a job and his own place. He had countless nights of restlessness and no sleep whatsoever. He was glad he could finally relax with his mom just like the good ol’ days.
After lunch, Lucas settled that they would visit the bookshop after his mother had spoken about a book that her friend at one of their book club meetings mentioned. Lucas figured the least he could do for her was buy her something, especially after all of the trouble they’ve been through in the past year.
The Book Nook was across from Disco Danish Cafe. It was a small shop that Emmy and Kenzie had rented out for a couple of years now, and it was the hangout for all of the bibliophiles. It had quite a cozy feel. There were brown vintage leather couches throughout the store among the endless shelves of novels that traveled up the spiral staircase to the second floor, the walls were painted a creamy caramel color, and the place was dimly lit with the storefront windows supplying most of the lighting among the building beside a few key lamps here and there and the large antique chandelier that hung above the counter. The rectangular-shaped counter was in the center of the bookstore where Emmy and Kenzie were most of the time. In the back was Nookie’s Coffee, where Arthur and Basile worked. Nookie’s Coffee had the most delicious croissants and tea, even though their specialty was supposed to be coffee.
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Outside, Ouba, a once stray pomeranian, greeted Lucas on the porch steps of the store. Kenzie and Emmy took in Ouba and made her the mascot of The Book Nook, plus she kept the kids entertained while their parents went in to take a look around. Basile would call Ouba his dog because he found her first, but it seemed that she took a liking to everyone except him. Ouba liked Lucas especially since he snuck her treats.
“Sorry, girl. I came unprepared today.” Lucas frowned at her and scratched her behind the ears.
The doors to the shop were open which brought in a nice breeze. Emmy and Kenzie spotted Lucas.
“Hey, Lu!” They both called. Lucas adverted his gaze from the oh so adorable pomeranian at his feet. They both raced to him and wrapped him in a group hug.
“Oh my goodness, it’s been so long, Lucas,” Kenzie hugged him tightly.
“Okay, guys. I kinda can’t breathe here.” Lucas choked out. Immediately they pulled away from him.
“Lu, we wouldn’t get so carried away with our tight group hugs if you just come by more often,” Emmy remarked. “What have you been up to?”
“It’s a long story, maybe another time.”
Kenzie and Emmy both frowned.
“Well, we have lots of hot new releases on our shelves, and I know Basile and Arthur are off today, but if you want a coffee just say the words and I’m on it,” Kenzie mentioned as she returned to the counter, picking up her copy of Carry On.
“Yeah! Just let us know if you need anything, also it’s nice to see you back here Ms. Lallemant.” Emmy smiled at her.
“Even better to see you two.” Ms. Lallemant smiled back.
Lucas, after wandering the store for twenty minutes, finally found the book his mother was looking for. Lucas purchased it and handed it to his mom.
“Oh wow, Lucas! You really shouldn’t have!” His mother gasped in surprise. Lucas rolled his eyes as they made their way out of the shop.
“Come again!” Kenzie called out, waving to the two.
“And soon!” Emmy added.
They made their way next door to Frizzies, a brand new record shop that had just hit King’s Grove. It was really different from the other pristine and neat shops along the street, this one had a hippie style that somehow complemented the other shops quite nicely. Yann, and Alexia’s friend Emma, worked there together. Even though they broke up 6 months ago, they’re still best friends and make a pretty good team.
The smell of incense poured out of the shop’s doorway, Ms. Lallemant turned her nose up at it, but that didn’t matter once she saw the shop’s decor.
The brick walls were lined with different records, all from bands Lucas had never heard of. Fairy lights suspended from the ceiling and added a sense of calmness to the atmosphere. Tapestry displaying the store’s logo hung behind the counter which was located right as you entered. Emma was in the back of the shop reorganizing records.
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“Hey, Emma!” Lucas called out once they entered.
Emma glanced up from the crate of records that were resting in her arms.
“Hey, Lucas. Welcome to Frizzies! This is your first time visiting, yes?”
“Yup, my mom’s too.”
“Two newcomers? Well, let me give you a tour!”
Emma came and stood between Lucas and Ms. Lallemant and hooked her arms with theirs, guiding them through the shop.
“I know it may look small, but there’s a lot to see. Here we have the 80’s rock section, oh and there’s the 90’s pop section over there,” Emma pointed here and there. “Here’s our stage, we have live music on Fridays and Saturdays, and on Sunday’s we have Poetry Night.”
Lucas and Ms. Lallemant oohed and awed at each aspect and detail Emma pointed out to them. She was right about there being a lot to see.
“And here’s the counter, and the cash register, and the...oh goodness I’m dragging this on aren’t I? Well, I’m sure you can find your way around, everything is labeled pretty well.”
Emma wasn’t wrong about that.
“This is just a splendid little shop isn’t it, Lu?” Ms. Lallement continued to gaze and study around the shop.
“Is it ever!”
Lucas walked over to the window, where the 90’s rap section was located. Lucas started flipping through when something caught his eye outside the window.
Across the street sat a flower shop, Barney’s. There was a boy outside of the shop rearranging the flower displays, shifting pots and pulling out bundles of one flower and replacing them with another. His back was towards Lucas, so he wasn’t able to see his face, but there was something about him that kept Lucas from looking away.
Lucas could see an older woman coming down the sidewalk. He saw her mouth move, but couldn’t make out what she had said. It wasn’t until the guy looked up and turned towards the woman’s direction that Lucas realized she had called out a name.
His name.
Moving towards her, the guy wrapped the woman in a hug. Though the angle looked awkward because of the guy’s height, she was quick to place her arms around him.
The woman was the first to pull away, moving around and standing with her back towards the record shop. Lucas sucked in a breath. From this angle, he was able to see the guy’s face.
Even while wearing an apron that was covered in what Lucas assumed was dirt, the boy looked like something Lucas had never seen before. His hair, which Lucas had decided at that moment, was the most beautiful golden brown he’d ever seen. The boy ran a hand through it and Lucas wished he could be the one to do that. The boy was nodding as the woman said something. Even from this distance, Lucas could see the crinkle’s around the boy’s eyes as he grinned at the woman. Within seconds, the happy look that was on the boy’s face disappeared and was replaced with a frown. Lucas watched the boy’s eyes find interest in the ground as the woman put a hand on his shoulder. She pulled him in for another hug just as Ms. Lallemant called Lucas’ name.
“Lu, did you find anything?” Lucas’ attention was pulled away from the window.
“Uh,” Lucas looked down to see he had stopped on a NAS vinyl, “I think I’m gonna get this one.” He held it up for her to see.
“Perfect,” she smiled at him, “I’ll meet you up at the register, okay”
Lucas nodded his head, “Sure.”
His mom smiled at him and turned, walking towards the register. Once he turned back towards the window, he looked in the direction of Barney’s but the boy was gone. Getting closer to the window so he could see better, he saw the woman walking back down the sidewalk.
Maybe he’s in the shop.
Lucas turned around and quickly walked to the register, setting the record on the counter.
“Just this one,” Lucas pulled his wallet out of his pocket and quickly handed Emma his money, “keep the change.”
“Woah,” she laughed, “are you in a hurry or something?”
“Uh… something like that” Lucas grabbed the bag that Emma put his record in.
“Bye, Ms. Lallemant. It was nice seeing you!” Emma smiled at the older woman.
“You too. I’ll have to come by more often, it’s nice seeing you kids”
Lucas, who was waiting very impatiently, looped his arm with his mother’s.
“What do you say we stop at the flower shop across the street? Maybe see if they have your favorite?” Lucas opened the door and they stepped outside.
“Oh, Lu, that would be nice.”
Barney’s Floral and More had been a staple of King’s Grove for as long as Lucas could remember. When things weren’t as bad with his parents, Lucas remembers his dad taking him so they could pick flowers out for his mom. Barney’s was to the left of the Cafe. There were two tables on either side of the door that were filled with plants and flowers of all kinds. Smaller tables and shelves held the same things around the bigger tables as well. Lucas could see that the boy had put most of the flowers on the left table and smaller plants on the right. There were bunches of lavender in a bucket next to the chalkboard that read their mother’s day special. Since the front of the store was all glass, Lucas was able to see inside of the store, but he couldn’t see the boy from before. The signature green and white striped awning that stuck out from the roof made the shop look like something from the movies.
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They walked across the street and sitting right inside the window was a bouquet of red, white, and pink roses.
“Look,” Lucas pointed so his mom could see, “right there in the window like they were waiting for you.”
Lucas’s mom smiled, “It’s perfect.”
Lucas tugged her towards the shop’s door. When the door opened, a bell rang and somewhere in the shop, Lucas heard a “Welcome in!”
Maybe it’s him. Lucas felt his heart rate pick up.
“Hello?” Lucas called out
“Just a second, Woah!”
Lucas and Ms. Lallemant jumped as something clattered to the floor, the echoes of glass shattering made its way around the shop.
Lucas walked towards the noise. He peeked his head around a slightly large display of daisies. There was a boy staring at the mess on the floor, but it wasn’t the boy from before. Lucas shoved the disappointment he felt to the back of his mind.
“Are you alright, hon?” Ms. Lallemant asked from behind Lucas.
The boy jumped, “Oh, yes! Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you waiting. This is the second vase I’ve dropped this week. Give me two minutes to clean this up and then I’ll help you.”
Ms. Lallemant nodded, “Take your time, um?”
The boy stepped forward, sticking his hand out so Lucas’ mom could shake it, “Idriss.”
Ms. Lallement shook his hand, “No need to rush, Idriss.”
His earring moved as he nodded his head. Lucas’s mother pulled him towards a shelf of painted pots, pointing out one that had a raccoon painted along the side. After a few minutes, Idriss came back to where they were standing.
“So, what can I help you with today?”
“There’s a bouquet of roses in the window,” Lucas pointed so Idriss knew which ones he was talking about, “I’d like to buy them.”
“Oh,” Idriss’ eyes grew wide, “well, those are in the window for display. We’re not supposed to sell them.”
Lucas looked back towards his mom who was still occupied with the pots. She pulled one off of the shelf, turning around to show Lucas when she caught him looking.
“What? Is there something wrong?”
Lucas let out a sigh, “Idriss says they can’t sell the display in the window. Sorry, Mom.”
“Oh, don’t apologize, Lu. They’re just flowers. I’m just glad I got to spend today with you.”
Idriss cleared his throat and Lucas turned his head towards him,
“Let me see what I can do, yeah?”
Lucas beamed at him, “That would be great, thanks, man.”
Idriss took off to talk to the boss, so Lucas and his mom were left alone again.
“Lucas, I promise it’s not that big of a deal, I don’t need them.”
“Mom, it’s mother’s day, I’m getting you flowers.”
She shook her head, “So stubborn.”
Lucas grinned, “And you love me-”
A voice cut Lucas off, “Hi.”
Lucas whipped around. There, standing a few feet in front of Lucas, was the boy from outside. Lucas had thought he was beautiful while standing inside of Frizzies, but he was even more beautiful up close.
Ms. Lallemant spoke, “Hi, my son here keeps bothering Idriss about the flowers in the window, and I understand that they’re a display piece, which is why I told Lu that I don’t need them.”
The boy thought for a minute, “Well, it is mother’s day,” he smiled, “You can have them. Let me get them down. Idriss, will you ring them out?”
“Sure,” Idriss looked at Lucas and his mom, “If you’ll follow me.”
The three weaved their way through the tables of flowers, finally making it to the counter. Idriss hit a few buttons on the register and told Lucas the total. Lucas pulled out his wallet and paid Idriss. Just as Lucas was turning around, the boy came towards them with not just one but two bouquets of flowers.
Lucas stared, “Oh, uh, I only paid for the one?”
The boy nodded, “I know.”
Ms. Lallemant took the lead, “That’s so kind of you.”
A small smile made its way onto the boy’s face, “It’s no problem.”
The boy started to hand Lucas the flowers when Ms. Lallemant spoke again,
“And what was your name?”
The boy slid the flowers into Lucas’ arms, his hand brushing Lucas’ own. As he spoke his eyes connected with Lucas’
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14 notes · View notes
eijiroukiriot · 5 years
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After Months of saying i would i’m finally posting about my Kiribaku playlist! I’ve linked it before but I’ve never really gone into what the songs mean to me and how I see them in relation to the boys, and I think the explanations puts things into perspective, so I typed it all out!
This is my main krbk playlist - I also have playlists for Bakugou and Kirishima separately - and this focuses mostly on happier songs (and a few that are so ingrained into how I see them that I had to put them in anyway). I also have an angst-themed krbk playlist and post-breakup playlists for each of them! Really I just. love music and love seeing characters I like in it so this is fun for me 
Spotify Link
song descriptions under the cut!
i typed up all of this after 1 a.m. last night so not only is it very long it’s also somewhat incoherent but these songs mean a lot to me so if you’re down to read it then thank you!!
note: a few of these songs aren’t available on spotify at the moment but they’re so crucial to the Vibe that i’ve still included them here!
i. I Always Knew - The Vaccines
“So let’s go to bed, before we say something real - 
Let’s go to bed, before we say how we feel” 
-this is my Ultimate krbk song, man. the first time i heard it i was walking to class and i just had to stop on the sidewalk and take a Big deep breath. everything abt the lyrics fits them so well - i’ve talked about this before but the verses and prechoruses really capture that “being young and stupid and tiptoeing around your emotions” feeling, then the chorus hits and it just SOARS, and really, has there ever been a sentiment that fits them more than “it’s always been you” 
ii. Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky - Rick Hale
“Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore - 
Tell me I’m the lucky one you worship and adore” 
-I have an extreme soft spot for these boys and love songs. and this has been a part of my fic writing playlists for so long that it always makes me think of them. I don’t even have a lot to say by way of lyrics, this is a full atmosphere pick 
iii. If My Heart Was A House - Owl City
“Circle me and the needle moves gracefully back and forth -
If my heart was a compass, you’d be north” 
-boy if this song doesn’t make me think of bkg every time!! it’s the transition from the prechorus into the chorus that gets me - it starts so quiet, like there’s so much love inside of you that you’re still trying to keep down, and then the “bombs away” is the moment when you decide to stop running and just embrace it, and the chorus comes in so loud and strong and so thoroughly in love. call me a sap (spoilers: i do that myself multiple times here) but it really does remind me of what it must be like when bkg just...decides to let himself have this. and then i feel dumb bc this is about anime boys who are like not in love in canon at all but inside the intricate Kiribaku Canon i have built in my head oh yeah this is how bkg falls in love
iv. Knock Three Times - Tony Orlando
“One floor below me, you don’t even know me - I love you” 
-this is just the prime soundtrack for a college AU where kirishima’s dorm is right above bkg’s and he’s in Love with him. And Also, something about the bold retro vibe makes me think of kirishima, but that almost certainly a me thing! still a big bop though 
v. Intergalactic Disco - Interlunium
“So, with stars in our eyes, let’s fly through the glowing galaxies” 
-again, a big sappy atmosphere pick! i really do love the imagery in this one and the storyline of playing things off as just having a good time until it turns out the other person is as deeply in love as you are. it really is just That Song! please stan interlunium
vi. Animal - Neon Trees
“Here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friends” 
-the ENERGY in this song!! the loud, highkey, driving beat! the vibes of being young and stupid and stumbling through having feelings for someone equally as inexperienced with love as you are! and yet the fact that we KNOW both of them would run full-force with it once they realize they both want it! the lyrics to this one do get a bit spicy but it’s really the high school crush energy in this one that gets me 
vii. If You Wanna - The Vaccines
“I don't want to do things independently, but I can't make you stay -
That's what all the friends I do not like as much as you say...but if you wanna come back it's alright”
-the ENERGY in this SONG!!!! the electric guitar and the chorus so long you think he’ll run out of breath! bkg getting so fed up with being so close to kirishima’s face and not being able to kiss it that he takes the dive and goes for it and then goes to run away until kirishima yells WAIT- IF YOU WANNA COME BACK IT’S ALRIGHT!!!
viii. No One Like You - Best Coast
“Been around this crazy world, but I still wanna be your girl - 
Cause there’s no one like you.” 
-I feel like...if krbk had a cheesy high school romcom, and everything led up to a big dance at the end, and at the very end the camera panned out as they finally caved into each other and went onto the floor to do that slow dance, this would be the song. This is their slow dance 
-seriously like 70% of the lyrics to this song are “there’s no one like you” which is really, once again, just the Pinnacle of krbk 
ix. Idfc - Blackbear
“'Cause I have hella feelings for you -
I act like I don't fucking care, 'cause I'm so fucking scared” 
-the bkg energy in this song...the self doubt and the pining but the deep-seated belief that you don’t deserve this, even though you’re so close, even though he keeps telling you he loves you- but how could he, he has to be lying, and why would you even care, you don’t care about people like this- you never have, until now...oh this song is just DRIPPING in it
x. My Best Friend’s Hot - The Dollyrots
“Won’t you apologize to me, to me, to me? For being such a tease, a tease, a tease” 
-it’s a song about being pissed at your oblivious hot best friend who you have a huge crush on! they might as well have credited the lyrics to bakugou katsuki 
xi. Stay by My Side - Twice
“I can’t hold it back anymore - 
I can’t even believe how much I love you” 
-it’s Cheesy Romance! it’s cheesy romance that’s all this is!!! this one is pure michigan cheese!!!!! 
xii. Love Line - Twice
“With you by my side, I wanna take a shot, take a walk on the love line” 
-again this is a very me pick! this one’s been sitting around on my writing playlists for a long time and i’ve come to really associate it w these Boys. the member who wrote the lyrics has said it was about her first crush and it’s generally about just. being So enamored with someone you can’t stop thinking about them. and i’m a big sap so you know where that goes 
xiii. Maybe (Luck of the Draw) - The Vaccines
“There’s nobody else like you, there’s nobody else like you -
And if there’s nobody else like you, then maybe I want to spend my life with you” 
-this one always sounds to me like krbk growing up, spending late nights both awake in the dimly-lit kitchen of their second apartment, watching the hours tick by on the microwave clock as they just talk and argue and make each other laugh and slowly realizing that this is by no means perfect but there’s no one else they’d rather keep getting old with...i feel like this is another end credits song for them, you know? 
xiv. I’m Totally Obsessed with Him - Matt Fishel
“He’s in my heart, he’s in my lungs - he’s in everything that I touch” 
-matt fishel deserves SO much more than he gets i mean LISTEN to this huge campy gay anthem about being just extremely an unapologetically in love with your big gay boyfriend!!!! i feel bad making pride anthems like this about anime boys but i’m also gay and i’m here to say that the absolute SCALE of this - the explosion of electricity and infatuation and campy guitar in the chorus - this one has BIG kirishima energy. words can’t do it justice just please please listen to this one 
xv. Slayers - Matt Fishel (again lol) 
“We’re in this together, you and I -
Hand in hand, side by side, unbreakable” 
-It’s a song about being in love with someone who you see as your total partner, you rely on each other and protect each other and you’re with each other through everything, and it’s written through the lens of a fantasy story - this one always, always makes me think of the two of them in the fantasy AU, sworn partners for life, able to rise above any challenges in their path, flying into the sunset together after a long day of adventures, so happy that it seems to make the world spin 
-this really may be the most krbk song i’ve ever heard so please listen to it, 
-i played it for my krbk friend once and when he said unbreakable they started screaming
xvi. Hooked On a Feeling - Blue Swede
“I’m high on believing you’re in love with me -
I said, I’m hooked on a FEELING!!!!!”
-picture this: class A crammed into a karaoke room for a party, kirishima standing up in front of the scream and screaming “THIS ONE’S FOR YOU BKG” and belting out the entire thing, slightly off pitch but FULL of spirit, every time ‘girl’ comes up in the lyrics he sings ‘bakugou’ really really fast (‘I CAN’T STOP THIS FEELING, deep inSIIIde of me, bakugouyoujust don’t reallize!!! what you do to me!!!!”) and everyone is whooping and hollering along except bkg who gets so red that nobody can tell if it’s angry embarrassment or in love god just so in love embarrassment 
-it’s hooked on a feeling it has such loud kirishima energy do i have to explain myself here
xvii. Everyday I Love You - ViVi (Loona) 
“If only you liked me - if only you loved me
Like a fool, I think only of you” 
-note 1: stan loona
-note 2: this song is just such a sweet picture of pining!! imagining the stolen glances and ‘hopeless’ crush feeling when (in some AU where they both have. less emotional hangups the first time they meet) they first meet,, i can’t explain it for this one even it just makes me so soft 
xviii. Crush - Weki Meki
“This feeling- like I’m losing, it’s hurting my pride
But I can’t help it, I’m so curious that I’m going crazy” 
-i’m sure you can tell by now that i. Really like kpop but the first time i read the lyrics to this one i lost it! there are really too many lyrics than i can fit here that remind me of how bkg sees kirishima when he first realizes it’s really a crush that’s making him act like this - i really recommend that you take a look at the translation for this one!! it really has it all - being mad at your crush for how they make your heart pound, feeling like it’s hurting your pride, “it’s not like me to be circling around you like this, i’m gonna make a move”, the line about how “i’ll be better to you than anyone else” - seriously, i cannot exaggerate the bkg energy in these lyrics 
xix. Kimi Janakya Dame Mitai - Masayoshi Ohishi
“I want to get to know you more and more - but that kind of line doesn’t really fit me” 
-aaaand here’s a song that radiates EXTREME Kirishima Energy!! everything from the vibrant guitar to the big belted chorus to the lyrics about being, like, confused but absolutely buzzing and just wanting to be with them - it’s loud and bright and awkward but THRILLED about every part of it!!
-it, of course, helps that the title essentially means “it’s gotta be you” 
xx. I Do Adore - Mindy Gledhill
“Everything you do - it sends me higher than the moon” 
-like….is there a more classic song to associate with your favorite stupid pining high schoolers ship 
-don’t get me wrong i KNOW this one is cliche and i KNOW there’s other ships this fits better but i’m soft don’t @ me 
xxi. Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You - Frankie Valli
-legally this song is only Half in the playlist bc spotify likes taking it down and putting it back up at random but after writing fly me i can’t NOT think abt krbk when i hear it. i have no further justification 
-also imagine kirishima being loud and embarrassing and singing this song to bkg all the time
xxii. Television/So Far So Good - Rex Orange County 
“I don't know, no, I don't know what you like,
But if you're looking for something new, I know somebody that you could choose: 
What about me?” 
-what about MEEEEEEEEeeeeeEEEe 
-i think it’s that driving guitar rhythm that makes this one for me. it just sounds so...ready to take on this weird new feeling of knowing how perfectly things could go with someone if you both just took the jump. it sounds very kirishima. 
-the content does start changing as it keeps going but those first few minutes and the RAP VERSE really have such bubbly dumb teenage ‘it’s our first time feeling like this and it might be a little too serious for us but why don’t we take the leap i’m sure it’ll be worth it’ vibes. it really feels like the first “what about me???” in the chorus should be accompanied by kirishima sprinting up to bkg and lifting him up and kissing him because he’s so caught up in this feeling
xxiii. Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
“When you laugh, I forget that it’s about me 
But it’s alright - cause being your punchline still is something” 
-we all know this is a krbk song, everyone knows it’s a krbk song, my non-bnha friend who I annoy constantly w krbk stuff knows this is a krbk song, honestly do I even have to explain why? it contains the line “you could yell ‘piss off, won’t you stay away’ - it’d still be sweet talk to my ears” and we All know how whipped kirishima already is 
xxiv. Into The Storm - Banners
“Through night and dark, through fantasies that fall apart,
Know you're always in my heart, anywhere you go” 
-Unconditional love! Working through the hard times together! and knowing these two, there have been & will be no shortage of hard times to work through. it’s that loyalty and devotion that makes this one. 
xxv. Talk Too Much - COIN
“Stay cool, it’s just a kiss - so, why you gotta be so talkative?” 
-when it comes down to it bkg and kirishima are two idiot 16 year olds who have never been in love before so you know they’re gonna stumble a lot when they first get together. i don’t know how to explain it but i think this really captures that
-also i feel like this is a pretty staple krbk song! i see it on so many playlists
xxvi. If I Tremble - Front Porch Step
“And if I tremble at the sight of you, it’s not because I’m cold -
It’s because I’m staring at the girl I want to love me when I’m old” 
-that idea of the kind of love you want to last forever, knowing the person you want to grow old with...I honestly don’t like this one for them that much anymore but it Did make me cry the first time I thought about it so it gets to stay. tbh when I’m soft enough it still gets me 
xxvii. Cold Cold Man - Saint Motel
“You’re the only one worth seeing, the only place worth being -
The only bed worth sleeping is the one right next to you” 
-Saint Motel is just krbk culture at this point, this is another staple krbk song. I mean, the core theme is “I know I’m an asshole but I love you more than anyone” - come ON
xxviii. Wonderful Things - Ryan Corn
“So you say you wanna grab hold - well to hold, you’ve gotta let go
Of the only way you may have ever known” 
-is this song about god? maybe. is it about krbk? Oh absolutely 
-the themes of not knowing what you’d do without the other person in your life, and looking back on the person you were able to become because of them, and that lyric up there always makes me think of Kamino - it’s just all around got the themes and I’m very soft about that
xxix. Bad Enough For You - All Time Low 
“You love to hate me when I'm chasing you, 
And I hate to say this, but I'm stuck on loving you” 
-Okay this is totally 12-year-old me talking here but hear me out: Bakugou being convinced Kirishima could never like him more than this weird half-flirting thing they’ve come to and also being scared that he’d never be good enough for him, but him as he is now is letting them HAVE this half-flirting thing, so...he keeps it up, even though he wishes he could be the one to treat him how he deserves to be treated, but there’s no way he could be Kirishima’s boyfriend anyway so what’s the point in caring (but kirishima loved him the WHOLE TIME!!! they sort things out before long lol)
-also they’re both 16 and emo so. 
xxx. Instead of My Room - Charlie Burg 
“Can't we just put on Ramones? And we'll drive
And I'll kiss you, in my car, instead of my room” 
-if kirishima wrote songs with kaminari and sero during high school, i think they’d sound like this
-the lyrics to this one are just so Fun! it’s goofy and jokey and just having a good time! i can’t make the lyrics line up as much as i’d like them to but it really just sounds like them to me 
xxxi. I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith 
“I don’t wanna close my eyes -
I don’t wanna fall asleep, cause I’d miss you, babe” 
-i have exactly 2 krbk moods and one is “they are stupid. 16 and loud and just so dumb” and the other is “this is Love love, they’re gonna live off this forever” 
-kirishima looking over at bkg fast asleep the night after their wedding and feeling so wholly in love that he cries 
xxxii. Stutter - Marianas Trench
“So here I am - you can take or leave me,
But I won't ever be anywhere but here” 
-If krbk starred in a mid-2000s battle of the bands romcom with a car chase scene this is the song that would play in the trailer (I KNOW that’s crazy specific but that’s the image I always get when I hear this) 
xxxiii. Must Have Done Something Right - Reliant K 
“If anyone could make me a better person, you could -
All I gotta say is I must have done something good” 
-i feel like i’m 13 when i hear this song but it’s really really Them
-really i think the thing that keeps me so invested in krbk is that they’re so involved with each other’s character arcs - they’re constantly making each other better people, each of them is like a missing piece for the other, and they’re both so wrapped up in their own shortcomings that they barely even realize how big of an impact they’re having on the other. but really they would never be the same if they hadn’t met. and that’s the entirety of this song’s content
xxxiv. Deer in the Headlights - Owl City 
“Tell me again, was it love at first sight
When I walked by and you caught my eye?” 
-there is literally nothing in the lyrics that makes me think of them. this one is 100% for the vibe. and also kinda the lyrics in the chorus. like, being taken aback by how suddenly everything is happening but in a very excited and enthusiastic way. things don’t go Smoothly when they confess, persay, but oh man is it memorable (and loud and sweaty and hoarse-throated but never, ever sad) 
xxxv. On and On (About You) - Bowling For Soup 
“Now you can scream about the little things, slap me twice across the face,
Man it would be great if I could buy you flowers every day” 
-this is really middle school me speaking here BUT: 
-krbk don’t exactly work out in high school and end with some big fight but with time they both realize they were wrong and when they finally meet again at a class reunion they both wanna get back together but they’re still arguing and shooting quick remarks at each other but the whole time they’re thinking “man, if i could, i’d buy you flowers every day” 
xxxvi. Mamma Mia - ABBA
-it’s mamma mia. it’s just mamma mia
-it’s also kirishima’s inner monologue every time he thinks he’s finally kicked his crush on bkg and then he sees him for 0.1 seconds and falls right back in 
xxxvii. I Dare You - The Regrettes
“I can't seem to sleep, and I feel my pulse beating
I wanna keep all my control, but you're the one that brings the sun” 
-maybe it just reminds me of the music video song in quote love unquote but the second i heard this song i was like oh yeah that’s kiribaku
-the idea of trying to catch yourself as you feel yourself falling but also choosing to make the jump in the first place! the idea that you’re taking a big chance but things are so much better together that you’re not scared! you’re even pushing yourself forward! it’s truly for them 
xxxviii. I Want to Hold Your Hand - the version from Yesterday
-like, fuck the beatles but it’s a song about hand holding. come on 
xxxix. Love At First Sight - The Brobecks
“Turn the lights off, I’m in love” 
-that lyric has happened in canon. that lyric is the context of why bkg went to bed at 8:32 pm that one time 
-it’s such a sweet mix of being scared about falling in love but also...feeling like the world just got a little brighter, and kinda letting yourself sink into it in reluctant acceptance because it just feels so good? kinda hitting the same notes as If My Heart Was A House. idk the first time i heard this i thought abt the girl i have a crush on so i was like “nope. nope. refocus this to krbk” 
xxxx. Holliday - The Weekend Run Club 
“I'd never been so soaked before
I was drenched in your arms, dancing in your downpour” 
-this was on my discover weekly last week and I put it on here without thinking about it and now I”m really listening to it for the first time and. wow. Wow. 
-you know the scenario i’ve been bringing up this whole time of taking a leap into something awkward and electric that makes you happier than you could imagine? that’s the energy i’m getting from this
-just imagining krbk being out on their first date and it starts pouring so they duck inside and they’re like “well...should we just go back?” and then realize it’s so much more like them to run out into the downpour and get soaked and kirishima’s losing his mind laughing and bkg’s like “what are you so happy about idiot” and kirishima’s just like “i don’t know. i just really like this. i just really like you” and then they’re both kinda floating on air
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daily-rayless · 5 years
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And then I thought, why not sketch even more Red?
This lil project was partially inspired by a lovely steampunk Red design. Given that Transistor’s aesthetic borrows from a number of different decades, I thought it would be fun to filter Red’s performance gown and jacket through the past twelve decades. Because... that’s the sort of thing that strikes me as fun.
Thoughts and justifications below the cut. Click for larger images. And curious to know people’s favorites.
No decade has just one defining look, but here are some thoughts on why I went with whatever.
1900s: Red’s performance gown has a lot of Edwardian references, from the loose shape of the bodice to the small waist to the fluted skirt. During this time, evening gowns were all about S-bend corsets, flowing hourglass lines, sweeping skirts, and of course flowy art nouveau everything. I sort of designed Red as I’d imagine a touring singer would look at the time, plume, boa and all.
1910s: People tend to think of classy flowing evening gowns like you see in Titanic or Downtown Abbey, but the teens had a theatrical side with copious embellishments, competing layers, and fashionable asymmetry. So under Red’s big minimalist coat her gown gathers on the ribs, floops down in big folds, has a marabou trim, and yet a second sheer hem falling around her ankles, much more loose and eccentric than the previous decade.
1920s: The flapper ideal, with its loose straight lines and relatively high hem, is the opposite of Red’s original design, but I think it shifted nicely. Big feather collar, bobbed hair, artificially shaped mouth, bold graphic gown, and of course heels.
1930s: In this decade, embellished collars, sleeves, and bodices were emphasized, meaning I could’ve preserved a lot of her original design, including that feather collar. But I decided to take things in a different direction by giving her a feather-print bolero, a favorite evening accessory of the time. Her hair is sleek, her skirt is long and relaxed and minimalist. The ideal of the 30s was to create an impression of tall, sinuous elegance instead of an obvious hourglass.
1940s: WW2-era gowns were edgier and took cues from men’s fashion, like shoulder pads. So I put Red in one of those short, square, shouldery fur coats you see from this time, but of course for her it has to be feathers. Her gown, however, has a proper torch singer vibe with its gathered hip wrap and showy slit. There’s a strange color-themed foursome following her around, and after tonight’s show, she’s going to take her peep-toe platform heels down to the nearest detective’s office and hire him to be her bodyguard.
1950s: I veered away from Marilyn hair and a big New Look skirt and instead went with an “Italian” cut and a hostess skirt. Granted, I don’t think her shorts would’ve been that short yet, but Red’s an artist; she can be daring and eccentric. As in the 1900s, clothing was used to create curves that were exaggerated for many women. Some of the hallmarks of an elegantly dressed woman included her heels, her coral lipstick, and of course her pearls.
1960s: When it comes to clothes, the two halves of the 60s are wildly different, so I went with the latter half. In the mod era, figured stockings ruled, peacoats abounded, flats reveled in their flatness, and minidresses were acceptable evening wear. Like the 20s before them, the 60s loved their eye-catching graphic designs and experimental shapes. Red’s original boots show up, but with mod cutouts, and her layered skirt now runs down the sides of her dress. The feathers are shorter and downier so as not to mess with the blocky silhouette of her outfit. And of course nude lips and super heavy eyeliner.
1970s: I decided on a glam late-70s disco look (though in retrospect, maybe Red would’ve been an earnest folksinger?) So we have a long feather-lined trench coat, a simple low-cut disco gown, big pendant, hoop earrings, and strappy high-heeled sandals. And of course some swoopy hair. 70s Red frequents a disco where the floor is covered in flashing triangles and the mirror ball is shaped like Sybil’s hat.
1980s: Of all the decades, Red’s canonical ripped-gown outfit is probably closest to the 80s. I made her a little punk here (maybe she tours with Pat Benatar) with her leather motorcycle jacket (bedazzled with big silver feather charms) and a tight minidress. I also did a version of this with opaque black stockings, but in the end I like the bare legs better.
1990s: So I could’ve just drawn her as Surfacing-era Sarah McLachlan, but I decided not to be lazy. This sort of flat-lined, side-slitted slipdress was everywhere. Her duster has a fluffy collar and cuffs, her lipstick is named Aubergine, and she is unironically wearing platform high-heeled Mary Janes. In the 90s, Red didn’t actually tour with Lilith Fair, but everyone always remembers her as having done so.
2000s: Sparkles, pointy boots, and asymmetry ruled the early to mid-2000s. That specific triangular neckline was everywhere and fits so thematically with Red that I had to go with it. Loose decorated belts went with every outfit. Her bell-sleeved shrug is embellished with shiny feather appliques. And her hem is torn and uneven, except that unlike in the game, it’s supposed to be like that. And she hasn’t forgotten her ultra-shiny nude lipgloss.
2010s: I was a little stumped, because it’s hard to know what the definitive looks of your current decade are, even when it’s almost over. So I went with one of those high-necked, long-sleeved, highly ornamented gowns that were big in the mid 2010s. We also have this decade’s love of sheer skirts and long bobs. Her gold beaded heels are based on a Valentino design, and her collar has rings of painted feathers for a somewhat Egyptian vibe. This time, she’s ditched the jacket, letting the black design elements come through in her ombre skirt.
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vinylexams · 5 years
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A very special fireside interview with XUXA SANTAMARIA
Check Insta for our thoughts on this landmark album from Oakland duo XUXA SANTAMARIA. Stay right where you are to read a really fun interview I scored with the band this week. They’ve just released Chancletas D’Oro on Ratskin Records out of Oakland and Michael blessed me with my very own copy. It was so good I knew I needed to tell you all about it and I wanted to pick their brains a little bit, too. Without further ado, please enjoy:
You’re still breaking into indie world at large, but you’ve already got a huge following back in California and your home-base in Oakland. What has it been like to be featured in major outlets like The Fader?
SC: We are a funny project; we ebb and flow from being total hermits to having periods of relatively high visibility (relative to aforementioned hermit state). I wouldn’t say we have a huuuge following in CA but I do think that the ‘fandom’ we’ve developed here is really genuine because we don’t play shows out of an obligation to remain visible but instead do so because we feel super passionate about the work and the audience and I think people respond to that energy. I for one, and perhaps this is because of my background in performance, have a hard time performing the same stuff over and over without change which accounts for us being selective with our playing live. That’s also why videos are such an important part of what we’re about. The piece in The Fader was important to the launch of this album because it established some of the themes and, to an extent, the aesthetics of this album in a way that can be experienced outside of a live setting. None of this is to say we don’t like playing live, in fact we love it, we just like to make our sets pleasurable to ourselves and to our audience by constantly reworking it. We strike a weird balance for sure but we’ve made peace with it. If we ever ‘make it’ (lol) it’ll be on these terms.
Chancletas D'Oro is a pretty incredible record and while it reminds me of a few bands here or there, it’s got a really fresh and unique style that merges dance with all sorts of flavors. How would you describe your music to someone who is curious to listen?
MGK: Haha, we generally struggle to describe our music in a short, neat way (not because we make some kind of impossible-to-categorize music, but just because it’s the synthesis of a ton of different influences and it’s hard for US to perceive clearly). But with that caveat in mind - IDK, bilingual art-punk influenced dance/electronic music?
SC: Thank you for saying so, we’re pretty into it :) Like Matt says, we struggle to pin it down which I think is in part to what he says – our particular taste being all over the place, from Drexciya to The Kinks to Hector Lavoe- but I think this slipperiness has a relationship to our concept making and world building. As creative people we make and intake culture like sharks, always moving, never staying in one place too long. Maybe it’s because we’re both so severely ADHD (a boon in this instance tbh) that we don’t sit still in terms of what we consume and I think naturally that results in an output that is similarly traveling. Point is, the instance a set of words - ‘electronic’, ‘dance’, ‘punk’- feel right for the music is the same instance they are not sufficient. I propose something like: the sound of a rainforest on the edge of a city, breathy but bombastic, music made by machines to dance to, pleasurably, while also feeling some of the sensual pathos of late capitalism as seen from the bottom of the hill.
The internet tells me you’ve been making music as Xuxa Santamaria for a decade now. What has the evolution and development of your songwriting been like over those ten years?
MGK: Well, when we first started out as a band we were so new to making electronic music (Sofia’s background was in the art world and mine was in more guitar-based ‘indie rock’ I guess - lots of smoking weed and making 4 track tapes haha), so we legit forgot to put bass parts on like half the songs on our first album LOL. We’ve learned a lot since then! But in seriousness, we’ve definitely gotten better at bouncing ideas back and forth, at putting in a ton of different parts and then pulling stuff back, and the process is really dynamic and entertaining for both of us.
SC: This project started out somewhat unusually: I was in graduate school and beginning what would become a performance practice. I had hit a creative roadblock working with photography - the medium I was in school to develop- and after reading Frank Kogan’s Real Punks Don’t Wear Black felt this urge to make music as a document of experience following Kogan’s excellent essay on how punk and disco served as spatial receptacles for a wealth of experiences not present in the mainstream of the time. I extrapolated from this notion the idea that popular dance genres like Salsa, early Hip Hop, and Latin Freestyle among many others, had served a similar purpose for protagonists of a myriad Caribbean diasporas. These genres in turn served as sonic spaces to record, even if indirectly, the lived experiences of the coming and going from one’s native island to the mainland US wherein new colonial identities are placed upon you. From this I decided to create an alter ego (ChuCha Santamaria, where our band name originally stems from) to narrate a fantastical version of the history of Puerto Rico post 1492 via dance music. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing but I look back on that album (ChuCha Santamaria y Usted - on vinyl from Young Cubs Records) fondly. It’s rough and strange and we’ve come so far from that sound but it’s a key part of our trajectory. Though my songwriting has evolved to move beyond the subjective scope of this first album - I want to be more inclusive of other marginalized spaces- , it was key that we cut our teeth making it. We are proud to be in the grand tradition of making an album with limited resources and no experience :P
We’re a big community of vinyl enthusiasts and record collectors so first and foremost, thanks for making this available on vinyl. What does the vinyl medium mean to you as individuals and/or as a band?
MGK: I think for us, it’s the combination of the following: A. The experience of listening in a more considered way, a side at a time. B. Tons of real estate for graphics and design and details. C. The sound, duh!
SC: In addition to Matt’s list, I would just say that I approach making an album that will exist in record form as though we were honing a talisman. Its objecthood is very important. It contains a lot of possibility and energy meant to zap you the moment you see it/ hold it. I imagine the encounter with it as having a sequence: first, the graphics - given ample space unlike any other musical medium/substrate- begin to tell a story, vaguely at first. Then, the experience of the music being segmented into Side A and Side B dictate a use of time that is impervious to - at the risk of sounding like an oldie - our contemporary habit of hitting ‘shuffle’ or ‘skip’. Sequencing is thus super important to us (this album has very distinct dynamics at play between sides a/b ). We rarely work outside of a concept so while I take no issue with the current mode of music dissemination, that of prioritizing singles, it doesn’t really work for how we write music.
MGK: We definitely both remain in love with the ‘album as art object/cohesive work’ ideal, so I would say definitely - we care a lot about track sequencing, always think in terms of “Side A/Side B” (each one should be a distinct experience), and details like album art/inserts/LP labels etc matter a lot to us.
What records or albums were most important to you growing up? Which ones do you feel influenced your music the most?
SC: I know they’re canceled cus of that one guy but I listened to Ace of Base’s The Sign a lot as a kid and I think that sorta stuff has a way of sticking with you. I always point to the slippery role language plays in them being a Swedish band singing in English being consumed by a not-yet-English speaking Sofía in Puerto Rico in the mid 90s. Other influences from childhood include Garbage, Spice Girls, Brandy + Monica’s The Boy is Mine, Aaliyah, Gloria Trevi, Olga Tañon etc etc. In terms of who influences me now, that’s a moving target but I’d say for this album I thought a lot about the sound and style of Kate Bush, Technotronic, Black Box, Steely Dan, ‘Ray of Light’-era Madonna plus a million things I’m forgetting.
MGK: Idk, probably a mix of 70-80s art rock/punk/postpunk (Stooges, Roxy Music, John Cale, Eno, Kate Bush, Talking Heads, Wire, Buzzcocks, etc etc), disco/post-disco R&B and dance music (Prince, George Clinton, Chic, Kid Creole), 90s pop + R&B + hip hop (Missy & Timbaland, Outkast/Dungeon Family production-wise are obviously awe-inspiring, So So Def comps, Jock Jams comps, Garbage & Hole & Massive Attack & so on), and unloved pop trash of all eras and styles.
Do you have any “white whale” records that you’ve yet to find?
MGK: Ha - the truth is that we’re both much more of a “what weird shit that we’ve never heard of can we find in the bargain bin” type of record buyer than “I have a custom list of $50 plus records on my discogs account that I lust over”.
SC: Not really, I’m wary of collectorship. That sort of ownership might have an appeal in the hunt, once you have it do you really use it, enjoy it? Funnily, I have a massive collection of salsa records that has entries a lot of music nerds would cry over (though they’re far from good condition, the spines were destroyed by my Abuela’s cat, Misita lol, but some are first pressings in small runs). For me its value however, comes from its link to family, as documents from another time and as an amazing capsule of some of the best music out of the Caribbean. I’m glad I am their guardian (a lot of this stuff is hard to find elsewhere, even digitally) but I live with those records, they’re not hidden away in archival sleeves, in fact, I use some of that music in my other work. Other than that, the records I covet are either those of friends or copies of albums that hold significance but which are likely readily available, Kate Bush’s The Dreaming or Love’s Forever Changes, or The Byrds Sweetheart of The Rodeo as random examples
Finally, is there a piece of interesting band trivia you’ve never shared in another interview?
SC: haha, not really? Maybe that we just had a baby together?
Congrats on your new baby, and also for this wonderful new album. It was a pleasure chatting with you and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you and your music!
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