#maybe by lease renewal next year i can have a better idea on where i wanna go
heart-bones · 1 year
I want sushi so bad it is a physical ache
0 notes
iamdunn · 3 years
 Miraculous Flash Forward part 9: A New Dynamic
A Miraculous Fan-Fic
Written by
AJ Dunn
Adrien couldn’t wait to get back home and start making preparations. The trip to Paris hadn’t gone as badly as he was afraid it would. In fact, maybe he and Marinette could put their past behind them finally and start a life together. He had agreed to stay for the wedding since Marinette had gone through the trouble of making his Tux for him, and Nino wouldn’t have let him leave, he would have released Alya on him and that was frightening enough considering she had Trixx to back her up. Plus, Luka had Sass and he really didn’t need that kind of drama in his life. Honestly, he was happy he went. Even Nino saved a place for him after 5 years, in this case, the place of best man. 
“I will.” She had said. The memory of her words played in his mind as they swayed around the dance floor. She had agreed to be his roommate in Shanghai. She swore she didn’t want him to leave her and that she truly did love him. Plus, losing her roommate meant she was looking for a new one. He was certain though that his studio condo wasn’t going to be sufficient for them. She would need her own room and considering how flustered he made her, he would need a private room so she didn’t lose herself whenever he walked around without a shirt on. 
“Yeah, no more hanging out in the seating area in nothing but a towel,” Plagg said to him as they prepared to leave for the airport. 
“Who knows, I might occasionally forget and well…”
“You’ll be quickly reminded when she walks through the walls to get away from you.” Plagg laughed. Adrien laughed too imagining her overdramatic reactions. Adrien’s phone rang. 
“Are you sure about this Adrien?” Felix said. He had told his cousin he would need to upgrade his suite and asked for him to get him in touch with the management company. 
“Absolutely,” Adrien smiled. “I wouldn’t want her getting a cheap apartment, that neighborhood is bad news, besides, she still doesn’t speak Mandarin and I can’t have her getting lost here again can I? OH, and I am going to tell her about us.” His words came out so quickly he hoped his cousin would agree and not snap at him. 
“Do you trust her that much?” Felix sounded shocked. “Having her move in with you is one thing, but this affects us both.” 
“Yes, I do. Besides, if this is going to work, her and I can’t have secrets between us.” 
“It’s a shame she didn’t have a twin sister.” Felix scoffed. 
“What?” Adrien teased. 
“Nothing, never mind… shut up.” Felix snorted. “I’ll send them a message to call you.” He hung up. 
The flight back was a sleepless one as Adrien reeled over the idea that Marinette was coming to live with him. This will change everything. He tried to sleep but, listening to music, even tried doing some reading. Sleep didn’t come until he was back home in his own bed. He wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep when his phone rang.
“Mr. Graham De Vanily?” the voice came over. “Ah, Mr. Graham De Vanily called and said you wanted to renegotiate your lease.” Adrien refrained from laughing. 
“Adrien please.” he laughed, “And my cousin, he’s just Felix.” It is still funny when people see them together, and they have the same last name, but then call each other cousins. A thing that had always been fun. “Yes, I want a larger unit.” 
“I’m afraid the only unit we have available larger than the one you are in, is our 3 bedroom two bath unit at the opposite end of your floor.” 
“That’s perfect.” He refrained from using his cattish terminology with such a business call. Although the excitement in him wanted to so badly. 
“Fine, I shall send the paperwork over immediately, I assume you want to make the transition before the end of the month? As that is when your lease is due to renew.” 
“Yes of course.” 
“Please get the paperwork back to us promptly.” A ding came through his phone the second he hung up. It was an email from the property management containing the digital documents that he needed to Esign and return. He made haste to finish the paperwork before heading out to see Cheng Sifu and check on the temple. The sky was clear as Adrien made his way home from Cheng Sifu’s restaurant with a sack of leftovers and a few grocery items he had bought on the way. By grocery items that meant cheese for Plagg. While Camembert wasn’t available here, Manchego had become his replacement. 
They leaped from rooftop to rooftop not worried about remaining unseen as he had before the reunion. It felt freeing to just be himself and not hide anymore. His students already called him Laoshi Mao, though they didn’t know why it wasn’t Laushi Adrien. Well, Mao sounded a lot better. He slipped through the balcony door and wondered what their new apartment would look like. He was sure all of the units on this floor had a balcony. His phone ran just as he entered the apartment and before he transformed. It was a video call. 
“Hello M’Lady,” he answered in his most cattish tone. She giggled then began swatting away at some unseen thing, most likely the Kwami’s. 
“They’re all excited to be moving and they have been trying to pack for me.” She giggled again. 
“Well, I am Pawsitively feeling clawssome about it too, M'Lady.” 
“You dork.” She laughed. “Detransform and feed Plagg.” She said playfully. 
“As you wish.” he let his transformation go as Plagg darted into the bag and began tearing at the plastic wrapper. “Hold on, this guy… “ he set the phone down and tried to wrestle the package from the nearly rabid creature. “Hold on, let me open the package at least, you’re going to kill yourself.” Marinette laughed at the ordeal. It was certainly going to be interesting having so many Kwami’s around. 
Adrien reached over, picking up the phone again as Plagg stole away the now open package. “You’d think I starve him.”
“So, how was your day?” she said in a melodic tune. 
“It would have been better if you were already here.” He said holding up a clear plastic container containing remnants of the Crab stew which had become one of his favorite dishes. The container had Cheng’s restaurant label on it.
“Did you tell him?” Her face went into a look of concern. 
“I’ll have you know I am a cat of my word,” he said nonchalantly. 
“Of course not.” A look of relief as she wanted to surprise him. She even insisted that her mother and father keep their tongue too. Threatening not to write or call for a week if they did. They were so happy for her to be moving to Shanghai, not to mention in with Adrien. Their faces lit up as they began discussing nicknames for grandkids. Adrien found the whole conversation unnerving at first but when he saw the looks on their faces, the pure joy, he felt grateful they were such wonderful people. 
He still hadn’t talked to Emelie despite her condition improving. Amalie maintained the radio silence as well after Felix had threatened to cut her out of his life completely if she didn’t give Adrien space. Though, Adrien hadn’t told Marinette about all of that mess yet. He was afraid it would scare her off and he wanted her to enjoy her time here before bombing her with it. 
Weeks had gone by as Adrien packed up his studio and shuffled all of his stuff into the new apartment. The Apartment opened up into the foyers, with a partial wall separating it from the living room. The kitchen to the right just like his old apartment had a counter divider with two bar stools on the living room side. The marble decor was the same as his old unit, taking into mind the carpeting in the living room stopped before the bar stools. The coat closet next to the front door was slightly deeper like a mini walk-in.  There was a small dining table situated by the windowed wall in the kitchen. It was twice the size of his last kitchen. 
He found the stairs to the loft in the same place however instead of an open bedroom area there were four doors. One was a bathroom and the other three bedrooms. The master bedroom, being nearly the size of his last unit, had its own bathroom with a walk-in shower and jet stream tub. The second and third bathrooms were on either side of the bathroom. Adrien decided to move his stuff into the smaller of the two rooms closest to the stairs so that Marinette could have the main room with her own bathroom. 
It only took him a week to clean out the old unit and clean it even though professional cleaners would be in to clean it properly. The unit was unfurnished but the furniture from the old unit was bought by Amelie so he had a few bell boys help him move it into the new unit. He had only to buy a bed for Marinette before she got there. He had Sabine pick out some furniture online and he ordered it. 
The two weeks flew by faster as he spent more time at the temple tutoring the youth. As well as his daily chores there.
A video call with Marinette came in very early in the morning, though it wasn’t that early where she was at. She had just arrived at the airport with her parents who were seeing her off. Her bags were checked and she was standing in front of the windows overlooking the runway. 
“I can’t wait to see you, Princess.” He said enthusiastically as he lay in his bed. He tried to not let her see he was in bed or that he didn’t have a shirt on, she’d be a mess and end up missing her flight. 
“Did I wake you?” She looked guilty 
“I wouldn’t have missed this call for anything Princess, you better get on that plane you let me down now.” he winked at her. 
“Don’t worry, that was her boarding call. We are putting her on the plane right now,” Tom said. Adrien chuckled as they hung up the phone. 
“I’m just surprised you love birds are going to be in separate rooms.” Plagg teased. “How long is that going to last?”
“Hey, you have your own room now, what are you harassing me for?” Adrien teased him.
“Actually that is going to be Marinette’s sewing room, right?” Plagg had a point. 
“I mean, when she gets here, you can start staying in the miracle box with the others.” 
“Too cramped. I need to stretch my legs and be free.” Plagg folded his arms behind his head as he hovered over the bed. Adrien copied him as he lay in his bed. His phone ran again, this time it was Felix.
“I’ll be coming to Shanghai today, I am at the airport now.” He sounded rushed.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Adrien asked. It meant he would be on the same plane with Marinette. His stomach balled up. 
“A last minute showing of some new designs and they can’t seem to be able to agree on one.” Felix said something to the boarding clerk. “I need you to attend with me.” 
“I have classes, I can’t cancel them, plus I am now tutoring some of my students.” Adrien complained. It made things worse that he wouldn’t be able to spend time with Marinette. 
“I’m sure we can arrange the viewing for after your classes or before. What time is your fist class and last class….” He paused. “You know what, we can discuss that when I get there.” his voice had changed from rushed to pleasant and happy. Damn, did he see Marinette, is he sitting with her? Adrien’s anxiety tightened on his chest as he laid back against his pillow. 
After a long and nerve wracking day, Adrien stood at the airport waiting for both his cousin and his...friend? He hadn’t bothered to change his clothes after he finished at the temple, so he was still dressed in his yi-fu. He decided to wait near the baggage claim so he could help grab her luggage. Felix would likely have one bag and it was probably a carry on. Adrien saw her bags first and grabbed up. She had a lot as he had expected, they were pink with darker pink polka dots, no surprise there. As he finished loading them on a luggage cart he heard Felix’s voice. 
“Are you serious Marinette, that would be great.” Felix sounded excited, a tone he didn’t use very often. Adrien could feel the heat in his face as he tried to compose himself before turning around to greet them. 
“Adrien.” Marinette exclaimed as he turned around to catch her as she leaped into his arms. He spun her around holding her tightly and making a big show of it. “Look who found me on the plane, he wants me to come with you two to the fashion showing this afternoon.” Adrien feigned a smile. While Marinette was the fashion expert between the three of them, he wasn’t sure if his cousin’s intentions were pure, or if he was competition. 
“So, I hope you got that sare bedroom made up for me…” Felix leaned in to whisper. “Brother.” Adrien’s face burned even more now, said spare bedroom was right next to her room and well, was empty. 
“Sure, if you don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Adrien laughed as they loaded up in the car. Felix pulled out his phone and made a call. 
“I need a spare bed set up in the Graham De Vanily room, you’ll know which room.” Adrien was amazed at how resourceful his cousin was. This is why he is the primary controlling party for the company.  The ride back to the apartment in the Taxi was cramped with Marinette wedged between Adrien and Felix. Adrien, being clearly larger than his twin, though not too much. Marinette let out a loud yawn so Adrien threw his arm over her shoulder and pulled her head into his chest casting a possessive glance to Felix, who simply smirked back to him. 
The Bus boys carried her bags to the suite. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I am famished.’ Felix said, “Shall we step out for dinner?”
“That sounds great, we should go to Thousand Delights?” Adrien smiled at her excitement. 
“Are you okay to go, Marinette,” Adrien asked “You were nearly falling asleep in the plane, you might need a nap.”
“Nonsense. She’s fine.” Felix swooped a hand over her shoulder and led her back to the curb. “Shall I call a driver to come get us, less cramped than a taxi.” Competition is then. Adrien scowled. 
“If my accommodations aren’t sufficient for you, COUSIN,” Adrien slid his arm around her waist tugging her to his side and out of Felix’s hands. “You are welcome to make your own. Felix’s smile was one of mischief as he let his arm fall from her shoulders. Her face froze in a ‘what just happened’ expression. A few minutes later a mini black limo arrived and the driver moved quickly to open the door.
“Lady’s first.” Felix insisted then slid in after her. Adrien ran to the other side to let himself in next to her. Once again, Marinette was trapped between the two, though Adrien focuses on the fact, she would be staying with him when Felix returned to Paris. 
“Where’s your ring?” Adrien finally asked, having noticed his hand free of it when his arm was around Marinette.
“I uh, Amalie,” he choked. “They want yours as well to get them refinished or something.” Adrien slipped the ring off his finger and handed it to Felix.
“I don’t know what Amalie and Emelie want with them, but they have no meaning to me.” Adrien turned to the window.
“Ooookay.” Marinette’s voice broke through the awkwardness. “Amalie? Emelie? Not mother?” 
“It’s a long story.” Felix said, patting her knee. 
“Well, tell me tonight, when we get back?” Marinette’s voice was so sweet. Adrien was glad didn’t didn’t stumble over her words like she did when they were younger, now he could have a real conversation with her and actually know the true intentions of her words. 
“We will have plenty of time to talk about that Marinette,’ Adrien smiled at her as he put his arm around her shoulders again, “But let’s just have some fun first,” He kissed her forehead, casting a glance to Felix. The thought of telling her made his stomach clench and he could tell it was difficult for Felix too. Not exactly something that comes up in casual conversation.
Cheng Sifu was excited to see him, but his confusion over the “Cousin” kept him constantly glancing back and forth between them. Felix and Adrien smiled at him, then they both laughed.
“Cheng Sifu, we get that all of the time, our mothers are identical twins as well.” Adrien didn’t mean to add that, but it was too late. 
“What he means is, we share the Graham De Vanily twin genes.” Felix to the rescue, casting a scowl at Adrien. “Which means.” smiling at Marinette, “When we have children, our wives will bear us twins.” Adrien caught the wink in his eye. 
“Well, I don’t think we need to worry about you having any children any time soon Felix,” Adrien leaned back in his seat as his empty bowl sat in front of him. He wrapped an arm around Marinette, “You have to have a girlfriend first.” He gave Marinette a gentle squeeze and a smile.
“Oh.” Felix said, putting his napkin down on the table. “And you do? I thought she was just a friend?”
“Yeah, she is.” Adrien smiled at her. “A girlfriend.” He placed a quick kiss on her startled lips. Making a show of it before Felix could question if he even had a chance. Adrien knew Marinette had loved him since day one, even though she only knew the facade his father created, but he loved her for her. 
“I see.” Felix’s tone seemed to have a playful melody to it. “I’m happy to hear that.” Cheng Sifu began to play his happiest of songs on his accordion. 
“I always knew the two of you would be together someday.” A joyful tear fell down his cheek. 
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lihikainanea · 4 years
Do tiger and bill ever just officially move in together? They’re always together at one of their places and agh just the thought of them taking that step- it would be such a big step. and decorating rooms- bickering over what color to paint what room and what art to hang up. And tiger trying to set up her room in the spare bedroom and bill is like what no that is ridiculous. We’re moving our stuff into one room. Please tell me you have thoughts on this? I need to know!! also I hope you’re well!
I mean, they must, right? There’s no other way.
But here’s the thing--I don’t want it to be half-assed. I don’t want it to be blurry. I don’t want it to be something like oh tiger just has so much of her stuff at his place that when it comes time to renew her lease she just...doesn’t. (Sidebar: I had a friend once who moved in to her boyfriend’s apartment as a ‘surprise’ while he was on a business trip. Legit got rid of her own apartment and moved in without talking to him about it. They had only been together a year--her and I don’t speak anymore. She cray.)
I want it to be planned. I want Bill to have it on his mind, to know that he’s going to ask her to move in with him. I want him getting ready for the conversation--because he knows it’ll be a fight, but he wants this. He knows that she does to. And it honestly won’t even be any different, because either one of them can’t actually remember the last night they spent apart when they were both home. It just doesn’t happen anymore. But tiger likes her space, likes the idea of her space, and he knows that will be a hard battle.
So maybe he’s a little heavy handed with the wine that night, and it’s not to try to get her to agree to anything when she’s drunk--but a tipsy tiger is an honest tiger, and when she’s uninhibited he’ll have a much better chance of gaining insight as to what is making her say no. Because he knows it’ll be a no--it’ll be a few no’s--and he needs to understand the reasons for it, so that he can help.
And he also knows that it’ll basically ruin their night, so maybe he waits until after they’ve eaten, when they’re cuddling on the couch.
“Hey kid,” he says softly, “I want to ask you something.”
She doesn’t say anything, just looks up at him with glassy, unfocused eyes and a dopey grin.
“You know how we have this whole...two apartments, thing?” he asks, and she nods, “You know how we only ever use one apartment at a time?”
Tiger’s brow furrows like he just gave her a real hard math problem. He pokes the deep line in her forehead, and she nods.
“When was the last time that we actually slept apart, when I’m home?” he asks. Tiger shrugs, hiccups a little.
“I don’t know,” she says, but then her face lights up, “Yes I do! Two weeks ago. I went out for that birthday party at that...club thing. I came home and you weren’t there.”
Bill looks at her, bites back his grin as he tucks some her hair behind her ear.
“Tiger,” he says with a snicker, “I was there. You were just so drunk you passed out as soon as you got home and didn’t notice.”
“You were?”
“Yes,” he laughed, “I was in bed with you. Did you think you just magically woke up under the covers, changed out of your clothes, with your make up off?”
She pauses, thinks on it, hiccups again.
“Wizard,” she whispers accusingly, poking his nose.
“Look kid,” he grabs her finger, gives it a gentle kiss, “We’re together all the time. We don’t sleep apart. I like having you around all the time. And I would really, really like if two apartments kind of....became one apartment.”
Tiger stills, tenses up like he knew she would.
“Move in with me,” he says bluntly.
“Tiger, move in with me,” he says again, “I want to live with you.”
She shoots up from his lap before he can stop her.
“Bill, that’s insane,” she snaps. She’s a little wobbly on her feet so he reaches a hand to steady her but she smacks it away.
“Why is it insane?” he asks calmly.
“Because,” she says, “Because. Bill we can’t just...we can’t just live together.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not a couple!” she’s getting agitated now, her voice pitchy and high, “We’re best friends.”
“Best friends live together,” he says.
“What if you want to bring a girl home?” she asks,”What then?”
 And Bill actually takes a minute to process that. Stares deadpan at her like she grew a second head, because she’s the one who's insane.
“Tiger, I’m trying to bring a girl home, and she’s getting all shrieky on me,” he says gently, staring her down.
“Bill,” she snaps. 
He lets her pace as he just sits with his elbows his knees, his hands clasped between them. She’s brushing her hair back nervously, chewing on her fingernails, all her tells when she’s stressed or caught completely off guard. He waits, gives her a second to process it all, before he stands and stops her pacing with two firm hands on her shoulders.
“Tell me you’ll think about it,” he murmurs.
“No,” her response is so fast it nearly interrupts him.
“Tiger,” he says gently, “You’re my best friend. You mean the world to me. And as my best friend, please kid, just tell me you’ll think about it.”
It takes her awhile, a good few long seconds of staring him in the eyes--before she nods her head. It’s almost imperceptible but he catches it. And he knows what’s next.
“I should...I want to...I should go home tonight,” she stutters.
“I know,” he says, “But you’ve had too much to drink, kid. You’re not driving.”
“I need--”
“I set up the back room for you. Way in the back. You can sleep in there if you want to,” he says, “Okay?”
Another long pause, another barely perceptible nod.
And he doesn’t like it--he hates it, in fact--but tiger really sticks to her guns, and spends the night in the back room. The next morning they meet in the kitchen, both looking like hell, both looking like they didn’t get a wink of sleep that night--and they didn’t. When she stumbles into the kitchen for coffee, she holds her hand up immediately when she sees him.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she says, “I need time, bud. I will think about it, but I need time.”
“As much as you need,” he says, his voice rough with exhaustion. He holds the mug of coffee out to her as a peace offering and she steps to take it, pausing briefly before tugging on his shirt collar. He bends, and she places a soft kiss on his cheek.
“For now, just....as we were, okay? Normal,” she says. He nods.
“One condition,” he counters, “You sleep in my bed tonight, like we normally do tiger.”
She nods, and the deal is done.
And listen, it takes awhile. True to her word, tiger needs time--and she took it. Weeks. A month or two. And I’ll bet one day when he’s back from a boys night, tiger is a little tipsy on his couch when he walks in.
“I want to talk to you,” she says, and there’s a bit of laziness to it, just a little bit of a slur. He’s actually quite pleased--it means she’ll be brutally honest with him about her fears, and that’s what he needs from her. So he toes off his shoes and goes to her on the couch--but after he kisses her, he sits cross-legged in front of her on the floor. He’ll be less intimidating to her this way, and she’ll feel like she has more control.
“I like my space,” she starts, “I like to feel like I have a place to hide or get away if I need to.”
“I know you do,” he says, “You can pick a room, and we’ll make that your space. I won’t go in unless you tell me I’m allowed.”
“I want to pay half the rent,” she insists.
“Okay,” he acquiesces immediately--but that should have been her first clue. Bill doesn’t pay anything in rent, because he bought the place upfront. Half of zero is zero.But hey--her terms.
“We split the groceries, utilities, everything else too,” she says.
“We do that now kid,” he says, “You pay yours and I pay mine. It’ll be no different. Maybe a communal pot for groceries? Or one week I pay, one week you pay?”
“Yes,” she slurs, “That last one.”
“Deal,” he agrees.
“I want a say in decorating,” she says, “All your shit is beige or gray.”
“It’s Scandin--” he starts, offended, but then he bites his tongue. “Fine.”
“We talk about what isn’t working. Shower schedules, bathroom time, alone time, whatever is bugging us, we talk about it.”
“Yes,” he says, running his fingers up her shins.
“Bill, I don’t want you to hate me,” she mumbles, “Everybody who lives together ends up hating each other.”
The sorrow, the sadness and the worry in her voice stops him dead in his tracks. It breaks his heart, and he has a sneaking suspicion that it’s the root of all her worry.
“Tiger,” he ducks his head to catch her gaze, “We’re not going to end up hating each other.”
She doesn’t look at him, so he taps her knees.
“Hey,” he says softly, “Kid, we basically live together now. And the only thing it has done is make me want to actually live with you.”
“I’m worried,” she says, “What if this stops working at some point?”
“Then we fix it,” he says, taking a gentle hold of her chin, “That’s what you do when things stop working. You fix them.”
“Okay,” she mumbles. And he smiles--big and wide--his hands on her thighs.
“Yes?” he asks excitedly, “Is that a yes?”
“It’s a yes.”
And he scoops her up immediately, lifts her right off the couch and clutches her to him.
“It’s you,” he says, kissing her face, “You you you you you you you.”
Each word is punctuated by another kiss as she laughs, giggles and tries to kiss him back.
“A celebratory toast, shall we?” he asks, “Where’s the snaps?”
Tiger looks at him guilty, hiccups.
“No more bud,” she says. He’s not ruffled.
“Alright, the champagne. There’s some in the back room,” he makes his way to it.
“There was some,” she mumbles guiltily again. He stops, quirking a brow at her.
“The rest of the vodka?” he asks, and she doesn’t even have to say a word. Her regretful look tells him all he needs to know.
“Tiger how much did you drink tonight?” he asks incredulously. She just hiccups in his face.
“I started early.”
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
hi i love your writing it so real and amazing and i enjoy reading it. I have a prompt maybe like in the hospital someone catches levi sitting on nicos lap while they are chatting about the day like bailey or something and its hilarious and people learn more about the relationship that way and its cute and funny. thanks
First of all, thank you so so much! I really appreciate your kind words! Okay, so I’m not sure it’s as funny as I set out to make it. I think it’s still cute and sweet, but the humor is much more subtle. I’m so sorry if you wanted it to be a more funny story. I can be funny, I swear! This one just took on a mind of its own and dragged me along for the ride. I hope you still enjoy it!
Miranda Bailey had had enough, not just of today, but of the many excruciating summer days leading up to today. She was down three exceptional surgeons and had attracted the ire of many of her other surgeons with the choice to fire the aforementioned three. The respect she was used to receiving seemed to have dwindled, leaving her not only exhausted from a full day of work but overwhelmed by the interpersonal encounters she had been having. 
As she made her way into one of the relaxation rooms set up by Maggie Pierce, she heard voices speaking softly from within the plant room. Ready to bark at whoever was in there to find a new room, she peeked around the door jamb only to be met with the sight of her favorite resident (a fact she would never actually admit), Levi Schmitt, on the lap of the ortho fellow, Nico Kim. They hadn’t noticed her so she ducked behind the door, wanting to be a fly on the wall if only for a moment. Maybe they’d be able to offer some insight into the mindset of her surgeons.
She was aware the two were together. No fanfare had been made about the relationship; one day they were flirty colleagues and the next they were regular fixtures of an on-call room. Neither man had made some sort of formal announcement, save for Levi’s coming out in the OR, which had really only been mentioned to her in passing. And yet, the two were a couple, just as most of the surgeons on her staff were a couple. However, their current position made Bailey feel as though she were intruding on some sort of intimate moment, which ultimately didn’t stop her from listening in on their conversation.
“How are you feeling about plastics?” Nico’s voice had a soft tone, one that Bailey had never heard from him and soon realized was probably reserved for Levi.
“I don’t know. Dr. Avery is really skilled, but he can be kind of… abrasive? I’m not sure he likes me very much. But plastics is cool. It’s probably not going to be my specialty, but I don’t dread it.”
“Mm. What about ortho, huh? That seems to have its perks.”
Levi gave a nervous laugh, “I can’t pick my specialty based on where my boyfriend is. Besides, I still have four years of my residency to decide. And you’d get so sick of me if we were working together too.”
“Nah, I’d manage. I’m kind of obsessed with you.”
“Oh yeah? You think you could handle my neurosis all the time? We don’t live together now so you don’t have that to deal with as much outside of work. But imagine all day at work.” Bailey picked up on the playfulness of Levi’s questions.
“Dude, you basically live with me. You’re at my place constantly. Even when I’m not there! Ronny, my doorman, likes you more than he likes me.” 
“Dude? Am I your frat brother?”
“Honey, sweetie, beloved. Is that better?”
“Much.” Bailey saw them exchange a small kiss, chaste but still intimate.
“Do you think you may want to soon?” Nico had drawn back and sounded nervous.
“Want to what?” Bailey noticed Levi running his hand up and down Nico’s arm, just grazing the skin, no doubt causing goosebumps.
“Move in. With me.”
“You want to live with me?” Levi sounded surprised as if the actual idea of Nico wanting to live with him had never crossed his mind in any concrete sense.
“I mean, yeah. Well, I just thought, now that you’re a resident, you’re making better money so the rent will be easier to manage. And I live a lot closer to the hospital than your mom. You stay with me after most of your shifts. I don’t know, I figured it would make sense.” Bailey was used to seeing Nico as confident, even bordering on cocky. To hear him so unsure and apprehensive was a bit of a shock, especially considering how non-threatening Levi seemed.
“You do realize that living with me means all of me, right? All my weird posters and trinkets. And all the random late-night thoughts that keep me up. The OCD-level cleaning fits I have sometimes.”
“Those sound useful.”
“You know what I mean. I can hide a lot of that when I’m just staying over. It can stay sexy and light. If we live together, you’re going to have to see me in a lot of decidedly unsexy moments.” 
“You sneezed on me this morning. Like, with actual snot. How much more unsexy can it get?” They shared a laugh at that, and Bailey marveled at the maturity and sweetness of the discussion. So many of the relationships in the hospital suffered from lack of communication and pettiness. These two, some of the youngest people in the hospital, seemed to have figured out how to navigate those treacherous workplace romance waters.
“I’m serious. You’ll have to deal with me all the time, even on my bad days. I’m talking, Bailey yelled at me, Jo stole a surgery from me, Dr. Avery was a douchebag type days.”
“I want all your days and nights and inbetweens.” They shared a small kiss, much more chaste than most were used to seeing from them. “My lease is up for renewal at the end of the month. You wanna be added to the new lease agreement?”
“Mm, so romantic. I’m all aflutter.” 
Bailey decided she’d heard enough, resolving herself to using one of the other rooms. These two seemed to have their shit together in a way that was a rarity at Grey+Sloan. In a few weeks, when word got around of the new development in their relationship, Bailey would be able to smugly declare she already knew. For now, she was content to let maybe the most stable thing at this hospital continue on in peace. Lord knows she’d like that same courtesy.
(There’s definitely an alternate ending where Bailey accidentally knocks something over or trips or something and it interrupts the moment. Maybe I’ll write that. Who knows!)
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
NDY AU (6)
*New story will get posted after I finish this au. Which should only be 2-3 chapters max. Original plan was for it to end at six but I got carried away as I do.*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: language, mentions of abuse
I wish I could say that things were perfect that next day. I really do. I woke up for school well rested, save for the nightmare. I was renewed and full of energy. It felt like nothing could touch me. I dare to say that it felt like I was floating. I was in the soaring through the clouds as happy and carefree as possible.
That was until I got to school. Leave it to that cesspool of stress and hormones to drag you crashing down to reality. I waited at my locker but Peter didn’t show up. I chalked it up to him maybe oversleeping and continued on. But he wasn’t in class or at lunch. When I texted him they went unanswered.
Where was he? He had better not be ditching school again. But if he was he’d still text me back. There’s something else going on here.
After school let out I caught a wind of good luck. The Anderston twins were sick so I didn’t need to watch them.
I tried calling Peter but it went straight to voicemail. I started to worry and found a phone book. Good thing there was only one Pangle in Storybrooke. I copied down the address and started walking. It was in a weirdly remote out of the way place. Took me over half an hour to walk there from the school. It would take even longer from my house. I know Peter doesn’t have a car and I don’t think he takes the bus so I have to wonder how he gets around. Does he really walk all this way to get to school and back? Or my house and back? What about when we were in the woods? He’d be walking miles upon miles with a house this far out!
There weren’t really any other houses around. I was on a dirt road surrounded by forest everywhere. I found the mailbox labeling Peter’s address on it. It was a crummy rusted thing that looked like a small gust of wind would topple it to the ground.
A sinking feeling started to weigh on me as I walked down the long driveway. The shadow of a house becoming larger in the distance.
Peter was right about it not being a great place. Lawn was overgrown with piles of scrap metal littering it, a rusted pick-up sat off to the side of the house. I couldn’t tell if it was driveable or just more junk.
I walked up onto the porch of the house, if you could call it that. It looked like it might have been a nice home at one point but years of no upkeep and harsh weather had eroded away anything homely. The siding was faded and just plain missing in some parts. The porch was half rotted and creaked and bent under my weight. A few of the windows had been broken and then boarded up with tarp and wood. Even the front door was crooked and covered in mold.
Peter lives here? Surely there had to be some kind of mistake. It didn’t look like anyone lived here.
Nervously I knocked on the door praying that no one would answer and that I could leave this place. Unfortunately for me I heard something. The sound of heavy footsteps and a gruff voice grumbling about as they shuffled to the door. It opened and I was met with a broad, heavy set, balding man. He was your stereotypical white trash. A liberally stained wife beater, sour expression, beer in hand, and stench of twenty packs of cigarettes.
“What do you want?” he snapped at me.
“Mr. Pangle?” I tried to hold my breath so I wouldn’t breathe in the terrible smell emanating from the house or maybe it was just him.
“Who wants to know?”
“I was looking for Peter.”
“Hmph,” he frowned and turned around into the house and shouted, “Pete! Get your ass down here!”
“What the hell for?” I was relieved to hear Peter’s voice yell back.
“Some bitch here looking for ya!” Was the foul name really necessary?
The man, Peter’s father I had to assume, looked back at me. Before when he only saw me as a nuisance I was fine, now his eyes slid over me from head to toe. Then he smirked. But it wasn’t the cute kinda smirk Peter got when he’s was being an adorable idiot. This made me want to puke and run away so that he could never see me ever again.
I about nearly cried in relief when I saw Peter finally get to the door. “Y/N.” his face lit for a moment before he looked at his dad. He looked back at me with a cold fury in his eye. “Come here, pet.”
He grabbed me and started ushering me away from the house. “Come back soon, pet.” his father called after us and I stumbled as the nickname shot through me. I think I was actually going to hurl.
“Ignore him,” Peter muttered and kept pulling me until we were far away from the house. “What are you doing here?” He asked once we were gone.
“You didn’t come to school today. I wanted to make sure you weren’t sick or something.” I answered. I stared in horror at his face. His right eye was a deep purple and badly swollen. “What the hell happened to you? I thought we agreed no more fights.”
“Don’t worry about it.” he shrugged, “How did you know where I lived?”
“I appreciate the concern and all but you really shouldn’t have come here.”
“Because of your dad?” There was no easy way to avoid it. “Is he the one that gave you that shiner?”
That anger from before overtook him again and his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles went white. “Jim is a piece of shit. I wanted to make sure you would never have had to meet him.”
“He’s the one who--” A chill went down my spine, “You don’t get into fights with kids from school, do you?”
“Jesus...” Peter took a deep breath and his hands unclenched. “Y/N, I like you and it makes me really happy to know that you were willing to make a house call for me but I never want you to come here again. Got it?”
“I mean it. This place, it’s where I sleep and keep my things. That is it. It is not a home, certainly not one I want you entering. Promise me that no matter what you won’t come back here.”
“You can’t expect me to just ignore--”
“Y/N,” Peter grabbed my shoulders, “Please do this for me. Never come here. Not for anything.”
“Okay,” I could see how serious this was to him. “I won’t. Not that I would want to I suppose. The amount of mold makes it a fortress of disease.”
“I know. The urge to torch it with Jim blacked out in his recliner is so tempting.”
“Now don’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Cause if you get caught and go to prison then we can’t do this.” I pulled him down for a kiss.
“A very good reason indeed.” he grinned before pulling me in for a longer kiss. “Was that the real reason you came here? Needed your daily dose of Peter?”
“Can’t live without it.” I chuckled as he started pressing sloppy, tickling kisses to my neck. “Knock it off.”
“I thought you couldn’t live without it.” He murmured before claiming my lips again, “You truly are the gentle breeze in the shit storm that is my life.”
“Your life isn’t a ‘shit storm’, as you so eloquently put it.”
“You saw what I have to live with. A shit storm is the nice way of phrasing it.” He sighed. He caught me staring at his bad eye and promptly turned me around. “Wanna take a walk?”
“Sure.” I grabbed his hand and we started walking down the road. Peter didn’t want to talk about what had happened back at his house anymore and I couldn’t blame him. No wonder he spent all his time in the forest if that was the other alternative.
Before I left he made me promise not to tell anyone about what I had seen. I tried to argue that this wasn’t healthy and that he didn’t need to live like this. He shouldn’t be living with someone that is hurting him! It’s illegal!
But if Peter is anything it is stubborn. He kept repeating that nothing would come of it. Nothing good at least. Say they did get Jim arrested then Peter would have nowhere to live. He’d get put in the foster system and most likely taken out of Storybrooke. Before maybe it would have been fine but now he had a real reason to want to stay. Me.
“I want you to be safe.” I grumbled after he brushed off my suggestion once more, “No matter where it might take you. So long as you aren’t suffering with this.”
“You are too good to me,” he kissed my forehead, “Sappy, I know, but it’s the truth.”
“Maybe we could just run away. Leave this stupid town and these terrible people behind. Catch a bus to Boston and lease some crappy apartment far away from this place.”
“It’s nice to dream those things.”
“Do they have to be a dream? Can’t it be real?” I whispered. The idea taking root in my mind.
“You mean actually run away?” Peter furrowed his brow.
“Why not?”
“Y/N, pet, I love that I’m a terrible influence on you but what you’re talking about is insane.”
“Why’s it insane?”
“Because, unlike me, you actually have a life here. You have school and your family and your job. If you ran off with me--”
“I can get my GED anytime and I can get another job. One that pays more than a small town babysitter.”
“And your parents?”
“I love them but they’ve never really been a part of my life. We see each other and make small talk but other than that they are far too wrapped up in their own lives. The thought of leaving them doesn’t scare me.”
Peter kept staring at me. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he thought about what I said. He took my hand and squeezed it. “When do you want to leave?”
“You mean you’d really--”
“Nothing holding me to this dumb town.” he smirked. “So when should we go?”
We started talking about everything we would need and when we thought we could leave. There was no need to second guess. Something in me told me that this thing between Peter and I was right. It was solid. We could make it on our own if only we could get out of this town. There would be nothing to be afraid of.
He walked me to my street and we kissed goodbye. He promised to text me about any updates on a ride out of Storybrooke. Since buses out of town don’t run here we’d have to get a car or something. Apparently that junky old pick-up in Peter’s yard was operational but would definitely need some TLC before it was ready to drive long distances.
That night I stayed up making a list of everything that needed done and what we would need to pack. The smile on my face as I thought about what the future held stayed on my face even when I went to bed.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7)
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georgialouisea · 6 years
Meant To Be - Part 6
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Pairing - Jared x Reader, Jensen x Sister Reader. Word count - 1656 Warnings - Fluff, swearing, nervous Jared, angst if you squint.
Part 5 - Masterlist
“This is getting ridiculous now.” Jared groaned dropping his bag at the foot of your bed, crawling up the mattress he flopped down next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“Hi.” Blinking up at him you tried to focus on him.
“Hi, you were asleep weren’t you?”
“Yeah, but this is how all the good Saturday mornings start.” Leaning up you kissed his cheek. “With you in bed.”
“This is how all of our Saturday mornings start, do you wanna go back to sleep? I can go make myself coffee.”
“And all of our Saturday mornings are perfect, stay, nap with me.”
“There’s no way I can fall asleep again.”
“What time is it?”
“Ten am.”
“Yeah, I’m not getting up yet.” Closing your eyes you felt Jared’s arm slip from around you. Settling your head on the pillow you fell asleep again.
“Today? No, we can’t today.” Jared’s voice echoed down the hallway.
Opening your eyes you rolled out of bed, walking towards the kitchen in search of coffee.
“We can do next weekend, two pm, yeah we’ll be there.” Jared nodded as he held his phone to his ear pacing the length of the living room. Turning around his eyes grew wide when he realised you’d heard what he’d said. “Yeah that’s fine, see you Saturday.” He hung up and dropped his phone onto your couch.
“Do you want coffee?” Asking as you walked by him to the kitchen.
“Yeah.” He nodded.
Pouring 2 cups walking back into the lounge you sunk down onto the couch next to him. “What’re you doing on Saturday?”
“I’m viewing a place in Vancouver, my lease is up and now we’ve been renewed for a second season, I kinda want a new place.”
“Why your place is really nice?”
“I want a change, will you come up with me and have a look? If you’re spending time there I want you to like it too.”
“Sure, but there’s literally no reason to leave the place you have now.” Taking a sip of coffee you threw your legs over his lap.
“I didn’t think I’d be in Vancouver for two years, my place was always going to be temporary, I want something permanent now.”
“Yeah, I’ll come.” Jared’s hand rested on your thigh. “What is getting ridiculous? Flying to see each other every weekend?”
You’d given up fighting Jared on who pays for flights over three months ago, he knew on your salary you could probably afford to come up once a month, Jared couldn’t not see you every weekend so you let him do as he wanted and pay for most of your flights.
Jared nodded slowly, his hand running up and down your thigh. “I don’t mind it, I just want you closer.”
“I’d have to move to Canada for that to happen.”
“Then move to Canada.”
“It’s not that simple Jare, I’d need a job up there’d be a shit tonne of paperwork, that’s even if there was a job for me and if they’d even hire me, it’d take so long.”
“Then let’s start now.” He gave your thigh a squeeze.
“What if we break up? I won’t have anything to come back to.”
“There’s no way I’m breaking up with you.”
“It’s a lot to think about.”
“I know it is if you want to stay here in LA stay here and we’ll just carry on flying to each other.”
Your hand covered Jared’s as it rested on your knee. “I want to, I do.” Putting your coffee cup down on the coffee table you took Jared’s putting it next to yours, straddling his laps your palms cupped his cheeks. “There is nothing I want more than to come to our home, come home to you.” Leaning in you kissed him, his arms wrapping around you, his hand running up your back. Pulling away you kissed along his jawline, your lips ghosting against the shell of his ear. “I want you, all I want is you.”
Jared scooped you up walking you towards your bedroom dropping you onto your bed he crawled over you, his lips attacking yours. “You so shouldn’t have said that.” He growled against your throat as he nipped at your skin. “You’ve got me, baby.”
The shrill ring of your phone made you groan against Jared’s chest, picking it up Jared answered it. “Hello… no she’s in the kitchen gimme a sec.” Jared held the phone against his chest. “Y/N.” He fake shouted for you. “She’s here.” Handing you the phone he whispered. “It’s your brother.”
“Where are you?”
“At home.” Closing your eyes your head rested on Jared’s chest, his hand ran up and down your arm. “Why?”
“That’s great, I’m two minutes away.”
Your eyes shot open as you sat bolt upright. “You’re what? Why?”
“I’m kidding, do you two pull this shit with Mom when she calls and you’re in bed because you’re shitty actors, I wanted to know if you’re coming up here this weekend?”
“Yeah, I am actually and fuck you.”
“Want to get dinner? Just us so I’m not third wheeling you and the Sasquatch.”
“Of course I do.” Sighing your head flopped down onto Jared’s chest. “I’ll call you this week?”
“Sure, enjoy your weekend and don’t you dare make me an uncle.”
“You have an obsession with being an Uncle you know that right?” As you spoke Jared tensed under you, clicking your phone onto speaker you rested the phone on his chest.
“I’ve told you twenty-five.” Jensen reiterated. “I don’t want to hear anymore, see you on Saturday pip.”
“See ya Jense.” Ending the call Jared moved your phone onto your bedside table.
“Why does he call you pip?”
“Because I’m a pipsqueak, I’m smaller than him and so much smaller than you.”
“Like I’m complaining.” Jared winked at you.
“You dirty-”
Jared’s lips cut you off as he rolled you onto your back. “I’m gonna love this weekend.”
“You’re quiet.” Jared’s hand rested on your thigh as he drove to the 2nd property. Jared hated the first place with a passion, he really had his hopes up that he’d love this second one.
“Am I?” Your hand covered his.
“Yeah, you are, if you don’t want to do this I can take you back to Jensen’s.”
“No, no, I’m fine I was just thinking.”
“Just work and the mountain of paperwork I have to go back to.”
“Don’t think about it until Monday.” He gave your thigh a squeeze. “We’re here anyway.” He pulled over outside an apartment complex.
The realtor led you and Jared back into the lounge. “What do you both think?” She asked with a smile.
“I love it, baby?” Jared gave your hand a squeeze.
“It’s beautiful it really is, don’t you think it’s a bit big for you.”
“What about us?” Jared smiled down at you.
“What?” Looking up at him you were thoroughly confused.
“Is it too big for us? Me, you, maybe a dog?”
“Oh my goodness, I’ll give you two some time.” The realtor smiled at you walking out the front door.
“Jared -”
“There’s a job up here for you on set in admin, it’s yours if you want it, live here with me.”
He dropped your hand turning away from you his hand ran down his face covering his mouth he took a shaky breath, he turned to face you. “This was stupid, I shouldn’t have asked you, I’m moving too fast, we’ve been together for ten months, Jensen said this was a bad idea and he knows you better than me, oh God please don’t dump me because I’m a dumbass, just forget I ever said anything, this was such a fucking stu-”
Kissing him you cut him off from his ramblings, pulling away your hand cupped his cheek. “Yes.”
“Yes, I’ll move in with you.”
Jared’s arms wrapped around you lifting you off the floor, your legs wrapped around his waist. “You’re sure?” He grinned at you.
“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” Leaning in you kissed him, your lips moving in sync with his, his hand ran up your back his hand cupping the back of your head. Sandra cleared her throat, pulling away from Jared’s lips you glanced at her over his shoulder. “We’ve been caught.” Pecking his lips he let you slide down his body until your feet touched the floor.
“Can I assume that it’s good news?” She asked Jared.
“Yeah it is, you like it here or do you want to see a few more places?”
“Here’s perfect.”
“Here it is then.”
“Shall we head over to the office so we can get the ball rolling?” Sandra suggested opening the door.
With a nod, Jared took your hand leading you out of your new home.
“What did Jensen say?” You asked him as he drove back towards set.
“Well he said you getting a job on supernatural wasn’t too bad of an idea, he said getting to see more of you wasn’t a bad thing, it was when I brought up buying a place and having you move in he said it was a really bad idea, I shouldn’t even ask you and that you’d say no.” He shrugged.
“Why the hell did he want to have dinner tonight if he knew you were asking me to move in today?”
“Because in his mind you’ve said no and maybe dumped my ‘crazy ass’ like he predicted.”
“Well, I can’t wait to see his face when we tell him.”
“I love you.” Jared took your hand his finger interlinking with yours. “So much.”
“I love you too.”
Smiling up at him he pulled into the parking lot, getting out of his car you took his hand again walking towards your brother’s trailer knowing this was going to go really well or horrendously bad.
Part 7
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @mirandaaustin93 @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @unicorn-sparkles123 @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @deanzeppeloin @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @spnbaby-67 @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @curly-haired-disaster @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x 
Meant to be -
@gh0stgurl @witch-of-letters @oneshoeshort @samuelwillliamwinchester @love-nakamura @spn-obession @holylulusworld @wayward-gypsy @heythereamigodude @rainbowkisses31 @deangirl7695 @traceyaudette @winchesterprincessbride @vickiq9761 @cdwmtjb8 @samsgirl93 @love-my-not-natural-babies @gloriousartisanfancreator @me-han10 @pretty-fortune @jamielea81 @the-is13 @kit-kat-katie99 @imaginationisgrowth @bitchwhytho @deansgirl79
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unusualtwinkle · 6 years
If I write it maybe it’ll be clearer
January 28th, morning: I decide that today is a good day and that I will celebrate my starting a good day by removing my ex-best friend from my Facebook friends because every time I create a new conversation or a new event, she was the first or in the top 3 people Facebook suggested to me and I was sick of it. So I open her page and see that she got engaged. Which hurt because that meant that she really, really was over with our friendship if she didn’t even bother telling me. Which I sort of knew, but still, hurts to get it slapped across your face. Removed her anyway, but the day already wasn’t good anymore.
On the lunch break of January 28th, I learned that one of my friends was in hospital because she had attempted suicide. I was in shock. I contacted my dance teachers because I was in no state to attend that evening. With teary eyes I did my best to complete my work day while texting all of my allegedly “close friends” because I needed not to be alone that evening. None of them showed up, so I had to call my parents and spent two hours crying on the phone with them listening and worrying because they were powerless, living seven to eight hours from me. After what I spent the whole week with this knot in my stomach because I couldn’t reach my depressed friend while she was at the hospital. On Friday February 1st, I finally heard from her, she was out of the hospital, claimed to be okay, but had to remain home. I was a little reassured, yet still scared for her, because you never really know what’s going on in a person’s mind, do you?
I used my going-a-little-better to go audition for East2West on Saturday February 2nd. Audition which I thought went pretty well. I did miss a step at some point, but nothing important. I went to the movies and to my dance classes later that day.
That very little relief was short-lived as that evening, I received a call of my dad casually telling me my mom had been hospitalized and wasn’t well. Understand, now I was the one living seven to eight hours from them, with no brother or sister to take my place by her side or to share the fright with. My dad assured me I needed not to take a leave of absence from work to go see her. That she was going to be fine. The following day, he tells me she was brought to intense care during the night because she had trouble breathing. Yeah: fine alright. But thanks to the doctors, she was back into her room. He was going to see her later that day, so I asked him to give me the news when he came back. I had plans that evening at my dance school for Chinese New Year, but as the day went on, I never had feedback from my dad. So I cancelled my plans and waited a little more, very worried. Then I called just to learn that since he didn’t have anything new to tell me, he had decided to not call or text me. Geez. On Monday, I finally ended up talking to my mom directly. She sounded very weak and explained that on Friday, my dad wanted to take her to the ER but she refused, saying it was nothing. But that, had she repeated the same thing on Saturday, she would have passed away before Sunday. I told my boss about it just in case of it going worse and me having to leave for my hometown.
After that, it was always mostly the same news: they don’t really know what she has, but she is going a little better – although she clearly didn’t sound any better on the phone. So life went on. On Tuesday evening, I got the mail from East2West saying I wasn’t going to step 2 of the auditions. I was not really surprised – it was my 6th failed audition after all – but I was still upset about it.
But not as upset as of Thursday February 7th. For the first time, I left work early on just because I was sick… of it. Not that I had somehow developed an aversion for close captioning, but we had the worse news at a department meeting. It’s been two weeks and that’s still all that’s on everyone’s lips at work. Because they need the place for some more important department and because they apparently have “no other option”, they are moving us to Longueil, near Boucherville. Everyone is pretty mad about it, most people are living in Montreal and a lot of us depend on public transit which will cost us twice as much if we need to go to the south shore, and will take us more than twice the time to get there. Some are talking of carpooling, but my work schedule is different from everybody else’s. To work at the same time I already do, I will have to take two buses and two metro lines and it will take about an hour and a quarter, whereas I moved to my current apartment because I could go to work by walking 25 minutes or taking one bus for about 9 minutes. They are talking of making us work from home, but they can’t tell when that’s going to happen and how long we are going to have to work at Longueil before being greenlighted for home. Work from home does take the traveling around out of the equation and would allow us to work pretty much at our own terms schedule wise – as long as we meet the deadlines and do all of our hours per week. Which is pretty dope. But even if it was to happen soon enough for us to avoid Longueil, it does include a lot of problems too. Loneliness being the biggest issue, but also ergonomics and work space. So I’m left pondering whether or not to quit. Both options bring their questions too. If I stay, do I quit my dance classes or do I quit sleeping or eating? Because it’s either start working earlier to go to class but then class still ends at the same time so I still arrive late home and I have to shower – be it in the evening or morning, it will take an hour off my sleep schedule – and the next morning get up earlier to be at work earlier and then not sleep enough – or work later or about the same time, but being unable to attend classes because they are still at the same schedule, they don’t rely on mine. If I quit, what’s next? I didn’t know what my job/career/work would be before joining this company and still have no idea what I would do if I didn’t have it. And what of my vacation plans if I don’t have a job to pay for it, right? My flight for Greece is not refundable. Whether I choose to stay or quit, do I renew my lease for my apartment or do I move? Because the only thing that was close enough was work, but otherwise classes are far, metro stations are a bus ride away, hanging out always include having to plan how early I have to leave to get there on time according to the bus schedule. Do I stay in Montreal or do I move back to my parents to get some writing done and some me-time? Because yes, being license and car-less, I would go back to my hometown before moving to Longueil. Or do I try to live abroad for a while? When I get sick of everything, the only thing stopping me from going abroad is my work. But if my job isn’t there to put breaks on it anymore, why not?
You know what’s worse? I can’t even talk to my mom about it because she is sick and she is even more anxious than I can be so that would pretty much kill her.
And now, since February 4th, I would say, my left foot and ankle have been hurting. I took advantage of the dance studio being closed on February 4th, then didn’t go for my classes Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, to try and get it better. But I couldn’t take it anymore on February 9th, so I started back my classes. Even spent that evening helping at my studio’s auditions. Which led me to go take an appointment at the health clinic by my workplace on February 15th because it still hurt. They obviously didn’t have any availabilities on the same day, so I came back on Sunday February 17th, got my foot and ankle X-rayed and… We don’t know what is wrong with it, but I have to rest from dance, put the least effort on it as well as ice daily, and take anti-inflammatories. I was at work on a Sunday, so I asked around for helped getting back home – my bus is a weekday only bus – and for some help cooking that evening if I wanted to be able to feed myself that week. My coworkers were all out of town or busy with other people, but they still took the time to reply. Contrarily to my “friends” who didn’t care enough to do anything more than put a sad smiley on my post saying that I was hurt. So I had to actually walk home which is exactly the contrary of what I was told to do. Once home though, I didn’t cook, I told myself SOMEONE HAS to take pity on me the following day. Knowing I don’t have my parents here, don’t have a roommate nor a boyfriend, my friends SHOULD ask me if I needed help. So I repeated the “help needed because of injury” message on Monday. I never had any reply. Ah, not true. The ex-boyfriend of my ex-best friend, in Rouyn, said he was too far. That’s the offer of help I got. Now, I can totally understand that people are busy. Can totally understand that not everyone sees my messages on Facebook. Can totally understand that if you live in another country or far from where I live (read: out of Montreal. Do not read: 30 minutes by metro and bus.) you’re as helpless about it as I am about my mom being at the hospital. But you’re allegedly my friend, you live in Montreal, you saw my messages, you are fully aware of my situation, and not only did you not come to help, but you never once stopped to ask me how I’m doing or IF I needed help? Are you fucking sure you’re my friend? I’m injured goddammit. I went to a doctor who prescribed me medicine because I’m injured and she told me to put the least stress on my injury and still I get to do the groceries by myself, the cooking by myself, all those tasks that requires to be up on my injured foot by myself. And so I cried on the phone with my parents again. Although the last thing I want is to make my mom stress about me, I couldn’t control it. They thought I was scared about my foot, thought I was pissed that I couldn’t dance (truer than the first thing) but I was crying upon the realization that indeed, my friends don’t give a shit.
We’re February 27th now and still, the only people that I talked too were my coworkers at work, and the employees at different places I had to walk myself to like grocery stores.
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bapwoo · 6 years
Get ready for some long-ass analysis about TS
As I mentioned yesterday, it still bugs me the whole situation of TS. I can’t stop thinking about why TS ended up in such shit when their artists were quite successful...
First of all, I do not know what kind of system for doing business is set in South Korea (like initial deposit to the company, types of companies and what are the mandatory actions you need to do with it, etc.), so I will use knowledge of the system in my country.
I tried to dig up some information about the structure of the company. The only thing I found was, that it is private company (YG or SM are public ones aka they offer their stock to public), but this won’t help me much. Anyway, I will try to somehow analyze the business of the company.
So, when setting up the company it is needed to make initial deposit, then calculate costs for building (purchase or lease – most of the companies lease the place for their offices and so on), for staff (future managers, stylists, makeup artists, artists, administration, trainees, dancers), for energy costs, for cars, for equipment, for promotions (since it is a company which works in entertainment industry, I guess that budget for promotions must be quite high). Except promotions we can say that those costs are fixed (company pays fixed amount of money for some time) and promotions and other costs (connected with making MV and albums etc.) are costs which vary from TV to TV, from composer to composer etc.; this all means that the beginning of the business is always hard, and unless you have few millions to spare on your bank account, you will need to loan money and that means that you have to pay it back with some interest rate. Thus, it means another cost for the company.
Now, when calculation is finished, salaries for staff set, all loans etc. are signed, and we put the business into action, it is time to get money back aka debut groups and use the profit from them to pay off the debts. TS was formed in 2008 and same year debuted Untouchable. Untouchable was quite popular as hiphop group (duo) and definitely made some profit for TS or at least made such profit that TS would still work. Next year TS debuted Secret, and we all know that Secret got really popular. Maybe their debut was not that successful, but following comebacks made them quite popular and they managed to win a lot of awards. With Secret debuting, it also meant more costs (salary to their manager, maybe for more stylists and makeup artists, salary for the members, more costs connected with album releases, promotions, etc.). Here it comes the tricky thing – management. I don’t know how much company can influence the price of albums, goods and if they can, somehow, negotiate the costs for the promotions, etc., but good businessman is able to negotiate price which is a compromise to both sides. What is important for starting business is, to not get into the loss which is bigger than their fixed costs (until the company is still able to pay its fixed costs it can still work and get profits in the future). What I want to say is, that in the beginning TS probably was operating with loss, but after the Secret’s success, I think that sooner or later they must have got to the profit, and I think that the time when they finally got the profit was the time when they decided to debut B.A.P.
B.A.P got public attention from the very beginning. It was completely new, different and powerful group. What kinda destroyed the powerful entrée was debut of other great groups that year (NU’EST, BTOB, VIXX, but mostly it was EXO). Despite SM debuting their new boy group, B.A.P did not get overshadowed (they won few rookie awards). All in all, TS had another very talented group with huge future potential (and also group which could get them a lot of money). Year or so after the debut, they sent B.A.P on world tour (more costs but also more profits), which was quite a success, so then TS practically sent B.A.P on world tour every year.  I guess that with B.A.P’s success (but maybe also with Secret – I got into kpop and B.A.P in 2015, so I do not know what TS was doing before) TS tasted the taste of money… and they got greedy.
But they got greedy and not thinking about future at all. From what I saw through the years, I have the feeling that the management always thought about immediate profit, thought about short period in business and not the long period of time. In my opinion, in such industry, it is important to think of the future too. Instant profit is important, because it finances your next projects, but you have to think about those projects. You have to think about the audience, the impact of the things you are doing right now, and that is what TS probably fucked up. They wanted money, money, money, and did not think about the impact of not paying their artists, never letting them rest, etc. I think they just thought that this won’t be problem. They did not think that if something like lawsuit or any leakage of their shady behavior happens, that the credibility of the company would plummet…
… and that is what happened. 2014 TS was still promoting Secret and Secret was still popular, B.A.P reached the peak in their career, won their first music show. Everything went well for TS, but… TS’s approach probably did not change and it still did not pay to their staff…
TS scheduled debut of new girl group Sonamoo on December. But before their debut, B.A.P filled lawsuit against TS and this is where things went downfall. Sonamoo’s debut and following comeback were successful. Now, this is where I lack a bit, so I am sorry for all Sonamoo stans. But even though that Sonamoo’s debut and comeback with Cushion single was successful, I am not sure that TS used this to promote them more (also if I remember well some B.A.P fans were not happy about Sonamoo’s comeback, so I think that it also did not help them) which is sad, because they would be quite successful – they have visuals, vocals, rap, dance, charisma.
Now I will move to the more recent events – B.A.P photobook. This makestar project was legendary and it surpassed its funding goal by 750%!!!!!! (from USD 31,300 to USD 235,682.38). I assume that part of the profit was taken by makestar, but still. TS got a lot of money in their hands. Sonamoo’s makestar project was also successful and surpassed funding goal by 500% (twice).
Of course that TS decided to debut new boy band. They probably knew that B.A.P’s contracts expire soon and that they probably won’t renew them, so they needed new boy group which would earn them profit. BUT… the question is if it wasn’t too early? Wouldn’t have been better to use money from the projects to finish Sonamoo’s project and promote B.A.P more? In 2017 TS sent B.A.P on another tour, after only two weeks of Wake Me Up promotions. That comeback was very successful and I found it foolish that TS decided to send them on tour and Japan instead of fully promote the comeback and get the most out of it. What I found as a huge flop (not musically... I loved everything on it) was Hands Up comeback. I know that B.A.P said that the new album would be released soon and TS probably panicked when they found out that they have almost no time. But wiser decision would be to put it off and make full promotions for the album. Wait until Daehyun’s musical is over. TS knew that B.A.P won’t leave until the end of 2018, but they literally boycotted them and I think it was not right decision. B.A.P got more attention with Rose album and with good promotions they could earn more than TRCNG. Same with Sonamoo. Makestar project was successful and they could invest more time into promoting them than trying to debut new group. They should have settle things in their company before the debut.
I think that Hands Up was also rushed because TRCNG comeback was planned on 2nd January and new Sonamoo comeback was planned just few weeks after TRCNG. I also think that it was not wise to rush TRCNG to Japan only two months after their debut. Focusing on domestic market is for debuting groups more important, and by sending TRCNG to Japan, TS must pay another costs, I dare to say, unnecessarily.
TS not promoting Daehuyn’s musicals, Himchan’s play Euijin’s success in UNIT was another mistake by them, but now we are talking about recent problems, and if TS struggled with debts and internal problems before, I guess that it was hard to do anything about it now. Still, I think that it would not be such pain to make short post about their success and hype them up a bit.
The worst possible thing happened last year, when CEO Kim Taesong died. Since then the activities of the company are even more blurry than before. It was never mentioned how he died (and I have some thoughts on it but I will keep it to myself, because this is rather sensitive topic). But what bothers me more than CEO’s death is, that after that we got practically no information about TS. Who leads it? Is it still in some negotiations? Does TS even exist anymore? We know nothing about it and it really bugs me. By this time things should have been settled somehow; however, TS is still shady as it was for a long time.
Anyway, I babbled a lot and I would like to finish this trail of thoughts. I think that the main problem lied (and lies) in bad management and lust for instant profit, instead of thinking into the future. All their artists have huge potential, but TS is not able to get the attention. Right now, it is mostly because of the lack of sources. I always think that they could get some sort of loan, the thing is that they may lost credibility and banks simply do not want to lend him more money.  
Is there some way how to get out of this shit they got themselves into? This actually has been bothering my mind for some time already. I wonder if they can do something about it. I have no idea how bad their situation is. I mentioned the loans. If they lost credibility, they should try to somehow get it back; for example, by sharing with public more information about the company. The only information we got were rumors about this or that, and it only destroys the image of the company. If they need money, they should create some kind of rational plan of how they get money for paying off the debts, so they can persuade banks to give them money (but there may be a problem – I read somewhere that CEO was probably using money for gambling, but I think it was one of many rumors, but even though it was only rumor this could also affect decision-making of the banks – as a bank I would not lend money to the company that would use it for some personal matters and not for the business). Nevertheless, if the situation of the company is not too serious, they can still do something about it, but I guess that it would need to completely change the attitude, which is probably the hardest part (considering also the culture).
PS: I found out that TS set up their subsidiary in Japan in 2011. I am not sure if it was great idea. I have no idea how Japanese promotions work there, but maybe less expensive would be to make a deal with some intermediary. But yeah… I dunno how much would they pay for them. Or at least they could establish their own subsidiary after few years and not this early (I think that the profits could not reach such huge numbers back then).
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""Car Insurance: I currently have a 2001 Red Mustang V6, but will be purchasing a 2003 Blue Jeep Liberty V6..?""
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Auto insurance company needs more information about you?
Would you be suspicious if you get a letter in the mail from what appears to be from your auto insurance company asking for your daytime phone #, drivers license #, social security #, and date of birth under any circumstance?""
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
What are the average car insurance rates for a 16 year old and for an 18 year old?
What are the average car insurance rates for a 16 year old and for an 18 year old?
How do you get insurance on a scooter you don't know the make/model of?
I bought a scooter off of Craigslist, no title, just bill of sale. I want to get the title for it, but my state requires you to first have insurance on the bike/scooter before you can register it. I have no idea of the make or model, I know it's a 49cc and it is Chinese made. I checked the VIN and it is not stolen but does not give any other information on it. How do I go about doing this? Can I use a cheap insurance company like The General or something? Also, I am located in Colorado but I think it's pretty standard around the country of the same process. I'm looking to register it in my name, get the title and get a Low Power Scooter sticker for it. 10 points to the best answer!""
UK: how does the ncb function for car insurance?
The insurer of my new(ish) car wants a proof of no claim. I already have a insurance on a first car with ncb of 9 years, protected. How come I can't use this ncb for the second car? the cost of insuracne is outrageously expansive if I start again from zero year ncb for the second car... how does this work? why can't I carry on having the ncb for the second car too?""
""Help selling a car to an Italian, Insurance problems.?
I have just sold my car to an Italian and he now wants to drive the car to Italy. He's been told he can't insure a car that isn't registered in Italy and my Insurance company can't help. How can he get Insurance for the Journey? What other pitfalls can we expect?
About old car insurance?
i want to buy a 99 honda acoord and i need to know how much shuold i pay for insurance ?
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
How do you find affordable medical insurance to cover family after the breadwinner becomes disabled?
Can you have your name on the insurance if you dont live at the same address?
I am looking at car insurance, if i do it under my name it will set me back about 2,000 to 2,500. If its under my mothers name, but I am down as the MAIN driver it will cost me about 700 - 1,000. Can my mum legally be the insurance holder if she lives at a different address? I don't want to commit fraud""
Where are gender therapist in Michigan that's affordable or that take medicaid?
trying to seek help but my funds are kind of low and I have medicaid insurance and I live in Clinton, Michigan can anyone help I really need help please""
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
What would my car insurance be?
my girlfriend needs to know how much her car insurance would be in canada ON if she didnt take drivers ed, was using her parents car and was under their insurance plan""
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I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
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Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
Car insurance: Proof of no claims?
I just got a letter through today from my car insurance provider asking me they want proof of my no claims. I renewed earlier in the month however i didn't change providers so seems a bit pointless them wanting proof when they hold the no claims information themselves. I didn't renew in the straight forward way as i planned to sell my car but ended up changing my mind but wanted to make some changes to my policy so just created a new policy using my online account i have with the insurance company, it turned out to be cheaper doing it that way but obviously because of the changes i made, could this be why i have received this letter? Should i just notify them of the situation in a letter and attach my original renewal letter which has the no claims information on it? Or will i need to get a so called proof of no claims certificate to get this sorted?""
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I'm 18 and still under my parent's insurance coverage. I have loads of issues including social anxiety, and I think that I'm starting down the path to clinical ...show more""
Car Insurance?
I am just trying to get some quotes on maybe what my car insurance would be. I don't have the kind of car that I want yet but I was just trying to get an estimate and check and see what it would be around.. Can I get any quotes without the Vin Number?
What should my health insurance premium be?
If I am a single, healthy 36 year old non smoker in Florida with a low deductible and good coverage....can you give me some idea of what my premium should be? Because I am worried I may be getting ripped off and my premium is set to go even higher next month. I will soon be paying almost $250 a month... does that sound normal?? Can anyone give me some estimates or ideas? Thanks.""
What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?
What is the coverage characteristics of disability insurance?
""Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?""
I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?""
Do you need full coverage insurance for a new motorcycle?
I am planning to get a new 07 triumph daytona 675 in Minneasota, and i was wondering since i would it would on a loan would you have to have full coverage on it or can i just have liabilty? since i would be making payments on the bike and the bank owns it . Kinda like cars ?""
09' Honda Civic Insurance?
I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!""
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Least cost in teen insurance for either buying or leasing a car in NY?
Am i better off leasing a new or used car like a honda accord, toyota corolla or is it cheaper for the insurance to buy an Audi a3""
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
""93' Subaru Impreza rear ended, repairs cost more then car, insurance will want to junk?""
My brother-in-law bought this car for $2,000, 5 years ago. It had about 75k miles on it. He has driven it to hell and back. Now it is still going strong with 150K but he just got hit from behind and the insurance company will want to junk it because the repairs will cost more then the car. He has asked the other party for $600 out of pocket but the other party wants to go thru insurance because they only have a $200 deductible. The repair estimate will be around $1,200 if not more and the Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $1,200. He does not want to give up the car, he loves it. What are his options? Take the $200?""
Other or new insurance companies Non-exclusive?
Hello there, I have a client, she is 18 years old and has a 1997 Toyota Corolla. She came by for insurance 2 days ago and I have quoted her with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, AARP, Travelers, Golden Eagle, Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, State Fund, and around 4 more that I can't pull out of my head. The cheapest quote received was from Mercury Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental Premium: $2,103.90 It's basically what the car is worth if not more. Do you happen to know other non-exclusive companies that would take her? She has a clean DMV record. FSC is pulling very high premiums. Thank you very much.""
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Do anyone know of a good affordable health insurance that cover pregnancy I mean everything from appointments and labor and delivery besides medicare?
Average cost for house insurance for a trailer? (VA)?
My husband and I have been renting for years and are looking to purchase a single-wide trailer as a starter home. We're looking at 2009 models under $50,000. I've googled myself to death and can't find an idea of what our monthly insurance cost would be. Just a rough estimate would be nice, so we can continue with our budgeting. Thank you!""
Will my auto insurance premium go up for passing a red light in NY?
This is my first moving violation, it originally was failure to stop for a school bus but it got reduced to passing a red light and is now only 3 points. I have a clean record otherwise and my auto insurance is under my mothers name, I am just a secondary driver under her quote. Will my insurance premium go up and if so will it be much? Is there anything that I can do to lower it if it does go up?""
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
""Can you give me an estimate of what it will cost to repair this dent in my car, picture included?""
A large tree limb fell on my car last night. I would like to have an idea of what it might cost to fix this before calling the insurance company. If it cost less to pay out of pocket that is the route I would like to take. Here is a link to the pic of the damage, which is on the passenger side of a 2001 Hyundai Accent. http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a163/janezanaddict/IMG_3079.jpg Thanks for your help!""
Is a kia soul! too much fir a teenagers first car?
I want a Kia soul as my first car. Im trying to get a job and save up to buy it and to be able to pay for my insurance. But is this car 'too much' as a first car for a teenager? Because my grandpa has a 05 Toyota corolla that he said he would give to me. So its really either the car I want or a free car. What would you do or what do you think its the best thing for be to do?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
and how old are you? not the insurance that pays for ur car if it gets damaged, the insurance that pays for the damage if you hit another car? i think what is that insurance called? no-fault insurance? idk new be""
What is cheapest 33bhp bike to insure?
Hi , I'm 16 and 17 soon and thinking of taking my A2 bike test which will restrict me to 33bhp i know i can buy a big bike and get it restricted but not all insurance companies cover that and the one's that do are rip off's. so does anybody know the cheapest 33bhp bike to insure, i would like it to be a 250cc or over because 125cc are to slow for motorway or modified till the insurance don't mean nothing. Thank you .""
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
I am a first time driver with a pass plus..aged 24. any tips for getting cheapest insurance on second hand car?
please consider the engine size, car model make etc""
How much is the average insurance cost for a 2008 Aston Martin DBS? ?
I just won a very large settlement and want to buy one. I have 3 speeding tickets and no accidents and want to get an idea of the monthly insurance payment.
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
I keep trying to find a cheap car insurance as a new driver but the cheapest I get is bloody 3000 pounds .
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Does getting car insurance quotes lower your credit score?
I was wondering if getting multiple insurance quotes can significantly lower your FICO score due to inquiries..especially if you have a limited credit history..
Can I afford the insurance for this car?
I'm 17. I may purchase a 2003 Chevy Cavalier Coupe after I get my g2 next week. I'm wondering what insurance will be like? I know there are many variables, but I'm looking for a ballpark figure. I make about $500-600 a month. Since my parents both own vehicles, I can't go under their insurance as an Ocassional Driver, forcing me to have my own insurance as opposed to being under my parents' name. I can't call for a quote because I dont have my g2 yet :P""
Different Types of car insurance?
i know of state farm progressive and Geico. what else is there?
Whats the average cost if you dont have health insurance to have a baby in the hospital?
I have health insurance I'm not sure yet if they will cover my pregnancy, how much does it cost to have a baby if you dont have health insurance? How much are sonograms, doctor visits etc. Thanks""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in the uk from im 17 thanks?
What happens when the insurance company totals your car?
What happens when the insurance company totals your car?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I'm no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down???""
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
How can life insurance be profitable for insurance companies?
How can personal life insurance actually make a profit for an insurer, when it is universal that any insured person will eventually die? Is it because insurance companies stop offering life insurance cover as soon as the person reaches a certain age, so the vast majority of deaths are not insurable?""
Is burial life insurance different from final expense life insurance?
My mom has been wanting to buy burial life insurance but is confused about the terms she sees online. She says she keeps seeing the term final expense life insurance on some of the websites. Can someone explain what the difference in these two terms is?
Married people question. How much do you and your spouse pay for full coverage insurance for two cars?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is ...show more""
Someone hit my car and driver has no insurance i have full coverage will my insurance cover me?
my cousins roommate reversed into my car with his friends truck and he said he doesn't have insurance. i have full coverage with a deductible of 500 will my insurance cover me even that it wasn't my fault and driver has no insurance?
Car insurance quotes tripled overnight?
I've been getting my car insurance quotes ready for the 1st of september. As soon as i was able to get a quote for the 1st of sept (my renewal) my insurance quotes went from 1100 to about 3900 This is ridiculous, its been a few days and it hasn't changed yet. Starting to panic a bit now, i have 2 years no claims and this is a stupid amount. Will this likely go down soon? Thanks""
Can I tax my car with learner driver insurance?
My cars tax is due soon and I understand that in order to renew the tax on it you must have valid driving insurance. As I am currently learning how to drive in my car I was wondering if I could still tax my car even though I have temporary learner driver insurance? Thanks
High insurance on car?
Ok so I really don't know much about cars or insurance and I really want this (Nissan 350z) but someone told me it has high insurance ..what do they mean by that? If my car gets damaged it will cost more to repair? Idk..someone help though!
Can I get my own car insurance on a learners permit?
I am purchasing a new Altima on Wednesday. I am buying the car completely out but to take it off the lot you have to have insurance. Can I get car insurance on a learners permit? I'm 18. (Please don't answer if you don't know the actual answer. I don't need any opinions I need facts) Thank you in advance.
What company has the least expensive auto insurance for young drivers?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that is reasonable with it's rates for a young lady driver with a good driving record but bad credit? Full coverage is needed on the vehicle. Thank you for your time and your answers.
What's the best life insurance company? why?
What's the best life insurance company? why?
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
""In GA, if the moving violation is no longer on my DMV record, can insurance companies penalize me anyway?""
A bit over two years ago, I got a ticket for a turn I made that wasn't sharp enough. In GA, moving violations leave your record after 24 months, so it should be gone by now. Can my insurance company continue to penalize me for it, though? Do they have to lower my rates now that it's off my record? If I go to a new insurance company, will my current one pass along the information somehow even though the DMV doesn't have it on file?""
Car insurance help please?
Ok, im 16... 17 in a few days, im looking at cars for when i pass my test and all that. What would be the best for a first driver.. Ive been quoted 10,000 on a 1998 ford ka.. Can any one help? Thankyou""
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
How much will gas and insurance cost for me?
I will be driving at least 30 miles per day on week days and about 12 miles per day on the weekend. I am 18 and in college. I haven't gotten my driver's license but plan to take the test in a month or two. I don't know what the MPG of my car will be as I have not purchase it yet but I can almost guarantee it will be fairly old so that may help determine it somewhat. An estimate on a cheap car would be nice too.
Insurance or out-of-pocket?
The bumber and trunk of my new 2006 Honda Civic was hit by someone unknown when my car was parked in a lot. The damage is a sizeable dent. How much will it cost for a repair in the dealership? Is it better to pay it myself or let the insurance do it (worry about increasing insurance rate). Any other ideas will help? Thanks
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered. i don't think i want full coverage. We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
Does one have to report fixing a car to insurance?
So let's say that an underage and uninsured driver hits my car in a parking lot. Not totaled or anything, but a large dent and a scratched. I know the child in the car, and his Dad tells me that he could just pay it for the damages out of pocket. If I get an estimate and get the car fixed with the fathers money, do I have to report it to the insurance? Am I allowed to just go to a body shop and get the doors fixed, and that is the end of that? Will I be in any legal trouble if I do it? Thanks.""
Car insurance for student under 18?
i wanna know how much insurance cost in one month, if i'm an international student and i buy used car, my insurance isn't related to any one... thank you""
How much does car insurance for minors cost?
I live in Victorville, California and I'm 16 years old. What is the average price for car insurance in my area and for my age?""
Cheapest way to insure a car temporarily?
I have had a company car for the last 2 years and looking to buy a 2nd car for a little bit of fun on a few weekends a year. I dont want to buy a full years insurance as it is too expensive (looking at a porshe convertable) and I am only 21. Can anyone suggest a cheap way of which i can only insure the car for a few days a year? Thank you, Richard""
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
""Should I get Jaguar car, which one, and how much will I pay to maintain it?""
I want a cool car. I totally fall in love with Jaguar. But, I also dont want to spend a lot on gas and insurance. So, should I get it? I'm 19 years old, male. How much do I have to pay the insurance probably? And what if it's a Volt? Is that better? And how much will I have to pay to maintain it? I'm California.""
Cheap Insurance for 16 driver??
I am looking for the cheapest insurance company for a 16 year old driver that can't go on any other persons policy. Can only go on individual policy!!!! Thanks for any ideas or companies
""Looking for cheap life insurance, any suggestions?
I've heard alot of insurance companies are a rip off. I'm looking for dependable but affordible.
What are car insurance groups?
Im a provisional driver and ive seen a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says the insurance is Group 3. So what exactly does that mean? And is that good considering it will be my first car that i will be driving around for quite a while? :)
Good Insurance? Any Advice?
Hello, I am looking for a good, affordable insurance plan and don't know where to look for some good ratings or tips. I am married but the insurance would only be for me, my son has insurance already as well as my husband. It costs us way to much money to add me to my husbands insurance through work. Any tips on where to look and how to go about the search? I am looking to spend somewhere between $300-$500 monthly for it, I am in the United States. I also have some health issues. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. Any tips that would help me out would be so appreciated! Thank you to everyone!""
Where can i buy salvaged/broken cars or trucks from insurance companies for cheap?
i am thinking to start a business of exporting cars to third world countries. i see potential but i am looking for cheap and nice cars. i already have a mechanic, already have agents and know how to ship. i am thinking i should find potential markets here that i can buy for cheap. my main target is older semi trucks and some models of sedans here. any help ?""
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
Motorcycle insurance?
my motorcycle insurance policy is about to expire next month, so im just looking into companies/experiences to see if i should switch (since getting quotes isnt as easy as they make it sound!!). ive been with progressive for a year and pay 93$ a month. i was honest when i joined and said i had less than a year of experience-- i'd literally learned how to ride right before signing up with them, though because i learned with one of those motorcycle safety courses, i got a small discount with them. so, now, i have a year of experience as well as a year of owning my bike (which i paid for in full and am the sole owner of). i'm 20 year old female, have a kawasaki ninja 500r, use it for pleasure purposes. my driving history, unfortunately, is not pristine. in 2009 i got a speeding violation for MORE than 10mph over the speed limit (that was in my car), and last month, sadly, i was in an accident that was my fault (also in car) (no injuries). i havent had any infractions on the bike. i have a motorcycle endorsement on my license and, as i said, passed a motorcycle safety foundation course. i got a quote with geico, and their prices were really just obscene. so, basically, i just want to hear from other ppl who deal with the same thing. how much do you pay for bike insurance? have any good recommendations for companies? what companies are known for being a little bit more forgiving about accidents, seeing as i just had one (again, in my car, not my bike, but i know it matters). any tips, etc? i know being young and not having a lot of experience are not on my side, just thought id try :)""
Did you know that you save money if you have higher prior limits on insurance?
Okay, this seems to be a secret in the auto insurance world, but my insurance agent told me that if you say you have higher limits when switching to a new company your rates will be $200-$300 dollars lower! I didn't realize this would make a difference. For instance, I said in the beginning I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my rate was $1400 per year, then I took my old policy into the office and I really had prior limits of $100,000/300,000, and my rate when down to $1282 just for having higher limits at the other company.""
Why did my car insurance premium increase?
This seems to happen every six months for no rhyme or reason. NO tickets, NO accidents, NO claims, same location, same number of miles driven, etc, etc. Yet, my premium increases from $370 per six months to $420, which forces me to switch to a different insurance company that offers a quote inline with the previous insurer's rate. However, after six months with the new insurer, the premium increases again and I'm forced to switch insurers yet again. What gives?""
Young peoples car insurance?
ok im 17 and i passed my driving test in july but i havent been driving because insurance is too high and i couldnt afford it. So i was holding out for my 18th birthday in jan to see if it went down abit. I have just gone on my weekly check of confused.com and for third party f and t its now 2500 (same as always) but when i change my DOB to 6th december 1992 it goes down to 1544 so does that mean when im 18 in jan i should get a qoute with a similar price or will it stay at 2500? cheers
What would insurance cost me?
So, I'm 17 about to get my drivers licence next month. Iv been planning on getting a sport bike. A cbr600. R6. Gsxr6. Something with 600cc probably a 2000 or a bit newer.I just wanted to know about how much would insurance be either full cover or just liability and what the difrence is between them. Any other advice/tips even opinions would be very much appreciated.""
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
What costs do you need to think about if you are thinking of buying a couple of narrow boats and renting them
what insurances, fees, maintenance costs etc do i need to be aware of. Thanks""
""UK!! How much, annually, would car insurance be for a 17 yr old just passed, Peugeot 206....rest of info here ?""
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol and 17 year old just passed. Also, if you get insured before you pass your license, it will be very high won't it? But if i get insured say 28 days before I pass my test, will my insurance company take notice of this if I tell them and reduce it seen as though I have passed? Many Thanks""
Are you in favor of getting rid of health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions?
Are you in favor of getting rid of health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions?
""Just paid off my car! I want to lower my car insurance, advice?""
I just paid off my car and I want to lower my car insurance, but I'm not sure how to go go about it. I still want to maintain good coverage but not pay for so much. I'm a 27 year old male, with a good driving record. I would just like some advice on what coverages I could lower or get rid of and still have myself covered. Thanks""
How much will my insurance go up?
I accidentally backed up into the corner of someones parked car going about 3-4 mph and there were some paint scuffs and a 4-5 inch crack.
How much would car insurance be roughly for?...?
It is a Ford K.A. T 06 plate. I will be 17 when I pass and I was just wondering how much it would be monthly as a rough estimate. Oh and I also live in the United Kingdom.
Young male looking for answers with car insurance?
I am just wondering if someone could help me out, because I hear other people my age talking about having ~$150 insurance rates, while mine are $350 a month. They say they are under their parents names, but when I tried to go under my moms they apparently told her it wasnt possible.. I am an 19 year old male, me and my mom are the only drivers in my house and we have 2 cars. We live in Ontario, I HAVE completed drivers ed and am currently a college student. Is there any reason why other people can put car insurance under their parents but i cant? Is there any way to fix this?""
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
""My parents are above 65 ,suggest any insurance plan?
suggest any insurance plan
Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?
I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
Term Life Insurance Duration?
I'm thinking about taking out a Term Life Insurance policy on my ex, for $250,000; for ten (10) years. Is there any advantage in taking out a Term Life policy for $250,000; for five (5) years? Thanking you in advance for your expert assistance in this matter.""
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
Fennville Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 49408
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how do i cancel my usaa auto insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :help-insure.net
how do i cancel my usaa auto insurance
how do i cancel my usaa auto insurance for an older car? or if i choose the wrong insurance company do i still have to pay for the insurance we don’t already have with our old company who refuses to give a policy to older drivers like me? what if when do i change insurance company do i still have to pay for the insurance we don’t get a plan to cancel our current company? Can i switch car insurance company and how do i change insurance? can I make a full payment and can i still get the same car insurance insurance in my old  company even if I make a few payments on my new car insurance company just to be the next car insurance company? What are the minimum requirements to register and insure a vehicle in the State of Illinois? The minimum required for driving in the State of Illinois is $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person, up to $100,000 per accident and $10,000 property damage liability coverage per accident. Your state may also require you. how do i cancel my usaa auto insurance? When I cancel my car insurance for my policy, will my insurance company refund the amount of the premiums I paid? Also, should my auto insurance be refunded when I cancel my insurance company?? Hi, I cancelled My insurance company and I paid a fine. My insurance will now have to pay the full amount, and I will be out of money with no insurance. Is there a refund on all my money? Thank you in advance for your help with our case. We are unable to determine a “correct” amount. Please contact me at (612) 205-4343 or email me at first. Don’t be anxious or discouraged. There are a number of unanswered questions about canceling your insurance policy. Contact the company to see if they have any information pertaining to the cancellation process. If you are in a hurry, it may be best to skip insurance and call your insurance company. A cancellation form  can be found by first visiting your state car insurance department. how do i cancel my usaa auto insurance? You can cancel your AAA car insurance policy at any time. Just log into your account and complete the cancellation request form on your dashboard. Your dashboard will then give you a quick snapshot of the status from your auto insurance to allow you to begin canceling the policy. If you’re looking to cancel auto insurance, you’ll have a few options. The best thing to do is be sure you don’t have any specific events you think might impact the cancellation process. As you can see below, the process may be a bit confusing, especially for most users. However, if you get in a serious accident (which may be the case in some states), then canceling your auto insurance is easier than you might think. The important thing to note is that if you still have your AAA membership in good standing (because they are the only auto insurance company accepted by consumers), then any cancellation will be automatically processed on your behalf. The best thing to do here is prepare yourself.
USAA homeowners insurance
USAA homeowners insurance coverage is available for people between the ages of 18 and 75. However, it is highly recommended that you purchase your homeowners insurance from AAA because of the premium savings associated with such policies, and the competitively priced premium for a homeowner insurance policy from Nationwide. The cheapest insurance policy for you? If the answer to your question were “yes,” or “probably,” we have good news. Allstate’s home insurance options are quite similar, but you may want to look into the differences in home insurance premium rates. Whether you’re buying your second home or buying a home for the first time, you can find a combination of coverages and save money on home insurance. The best times to do so are when you are between homes, so you can take advantage of its various discount programs (if you’ve been a policyholder for a while, know that you will benefit when you take out an insurance premium with The Hartford). The insurance companies.
Switching car insurance
Switching car insurance isn t something you should do unless car insurance has to. You can go back to your normal self-insurance policy and have an insurance company issue an insurance plan. You can also take your policy to another state, such as the , so they know you aren t going to use them. Car insurance for an 18-year-old is often more expensive than for an adult, but there are other non-18-year-old drivers out there and drivers aren’t always considered higher risk. For example, a car can be 2.5 times more likely to cause an accident than a person or a tree or some other object such as a mailbox. The reason is still more complex to calculate but the results, based on data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, suggest that insurance for 18-year-old drivers on average is less than half the cost of a parent s policy. Also, the reasons why 18-year-old drivers may save money on insurance may not come.
Can you cancel your insurance policy at any time?
Can you cancel your insurance policy at any time? If not, you need to cancel the policy before it applies. Canceling your insurance at any time can result in expensive fines and possible suspension of your registration if you fail to provide proof of insurance in the state of your first stop. If you cancel your car insurance policy before registration expires or you decide not to renew it after registration expires, you’ll need to bring the notice to the DMV. Once you do so, the notice must be submitted to the DMV. If the DMV doesn’t accept the request, you’ll pay the cancellation fee, and your vehicle registration will be suspended. However, you will still be able to drive your car if registration is suspended. Here are some common auto insurance cancellation scenarios: Use my list to find affordable car insurance rates. Start now! All car insurance companies use an independent agent to compare rates, and each of them has its own formulas and rules for choosing insurance providers. If you prefer getting at least three quotes and coverage options independently.
Free Car Insurance Comparison
Free Car Insurance Comparison Compare Quotes From Top Companies and Save  Secured with SHA-256 Encryption Does this insurance company offer cheap car insurance for a new driver? It has come to our knowledge that the company doesn’t offer affordable car insurance for a new driver (since it’s under 50). So, did you know that if you start driving on a Monday, it doesn’t usually take a Sunday until all of your insurance comes in for your visit ? At the beginning of this article I was wondering, did you know you need to use your parents’ car in order to get a car insurance policy for young drivers? The answer is yes there are always exceptions. The only exceptions to this is once in a year as long as your parent is driving the car. If your parents are still living with you and driving the vehicle, this exemption applies. The car insurance company will consider whether you’ve used your parents’ vehicle for any period.
How to cancel your car insurance
How to cancel your car insurance policy and how long do I have to do it to cancel my car insurance policy when you switch? What is the best car insurance company? Read on to find out. Read on to find out if Geico is the best car insurance company. The Best Thing About Geico’s website and company is to sell insurance. We are here to help in that the consumer, the agent and the insurance agent, the agents that they may not even know about… You’re in luck. You’re a new resident and you are considering buying a policy. That’s fine and in anyone’s opinion, so we are going to try to give us a little kick around. First, we’ll go over what is a better insurance company that you can buy at an affordable rate. Next, we’ll provide a breakdown of what it costs to buy your policy – even better as we are sharing more here and you better understand the terms, conditions and.
Health Insurance
Health Insurance Company. HomeInsurance.com, LLC, is a licensed insurance producer resident in North Carolina with license number 020773852, with its principle place of business at 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28277. HomeInsurance.com, LLC services are only available in states where it is , and insurance coverage through HomeInsurance.com may not be available in all states. Our company is a full service independent agency that is dedicated to providing quality service at an affordable price. We will provide the type of service you want you and your family to feel and care about. It is our mission to make everything that is important to us fast and easy. We only work with companies that have better ratings and have better ratings for the customer. We never hesitate to see what you need so that your insurance rates and coverage needs are finalized in the shortest time possible. All of our customers can do is to just.
When is canceling your car insurance a bad idea?
When is canceling your car insurance a bad idea? Find out by canceling the policy for non-payment. Canceled from home insurance? It seems like your auto insurance company’s rate will probably increase after the new policy ends (especially if you don’t have a new policy in place) or you’re having trouble paying your premiums (possibly because you have a lapse in your coverage, or maybe the old policy is in an even worse financial situation). There are two ways to cancel your car insurance policy: If you’re planning to in the coming months, you may apply for a waiver of premium. This waiver typically requires you to cancel coverage every six months, but it can be done at any time, whether you need coverage for your new lease or for your current policy. If you don’t have new coverage in place and your lease isn’t paying, you have no moral objections to switching your policy to your old policy. After you submit your request, you may receive a cancellation notice.
Cheap Car Insurance Rates
Cheap Car Insurance Rates Considering Cheap Car Insurance, or better yet, is the best way to save on car insurance? It doesn’t need to be a hassle. Here’s how to get the best cheap car insurance and save. Cheap Car Insurance So what do you do with car insurance quotes? We’ll give you a brief answer, then answer some interesting questions. The average annual cost of car insurance in Florida is $4,849. What do you do with this amount? We’ll answer your basic questions, then answer some interesting questions. So what do you do with that amount? We’ll answer your basic questions, and you might be wondering, why doesn’t my rates be high? Well, it all boils down to the number one factor that determines the rate you get at your car insurance provider – insurance premiums. Remember, however, that premium rates are all about a lot of information. Are your cars more or less risky in.
USAA auto insurance
USAA auto insurance rates are for those wearing brand new Nike Air sneakers. While the typical price for drivers in this scenario is around $75, it s more than 50% higher than average at around $1,270 per year, or about $8 per month! If you re going to be doing some kind of insurance shopping this year, keep in mind they have very specific requirements for the specific shoes and insurance type you re looking to buy. Also keep in mind that you might need to contact your insurance company or insurer directly to get your exact quotes as there may be inaccuracies. If you re looking for something that more accurately reflects what you want, you can start by getting your car insured under some common coverage guidelines and choosing the company that offers that particular option. When it comes to insurance coverage for car owners, it s important that you have the correct coverage to suit your unique situation. If you want to see a specific number that you can easily compare to other competitors, then you should always take advantage of.
USAA car insurance is on average 33.66% lower across every U.S. state, but it s only available to military personnel and their families. USAA is also one of the top-rated insurers in the country. This USAA car insurance guide will tell you everything you need to know to get affordable USAA car insurance.
USAA car insurance is on average 33.66% lower across every U.S. state, but it s only available to military personnel and their families. USAA is also one of the top-rated insurers in the country. This USAA car insurance guide will tell you everything you need to know to get affordable USAA car insurance. The average person pays $1,929[1] per year for USAA car insurance. This is one of the lowest rates you can expect from USAA car insurance. You re eligible for car insurance in about 4.6 million vehicles on this list. With only 7 states in the country, it s not clear where many of your unique car insurance needs stop. While we re not able to get you cheap car insurance at, say, the national average it should be at least $300/year, so most people are not required to get extra insurance. However, you can save. We are going to provide you with the information you need to get started. There are a number of ways to save money. The most common of which we will cover is adding safety devices to your vehicle. The amount of safety features you can add is the basic safety features in your car. These include: There are a dozen different components of , but they are all the same cost-effective and.
0 notes
dat-town · 7 years
Of Laundry and Boyfriend things
Characters: boyfriend!Jungkook & you Setting: domestic au Genre: fluff Warnings: very lightly mentioned sexy times and failed attempt at humour Words: 1360 Summary: Moving in with Jungkook brings unexpected surprises. Notes: This is very random but inspired by that Bon Voyage episode in which Jungkook does somebody else’s laundry. For @sugasweetsubs because we simply crave more domestic Jungkook fluff.
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After you and Jungkook moved in together, you noticed the change in the littlest things. His subtle scent on your clothes. The curtains that he never forgot to pull closed at night unlike you. Having breakfast together every single day. The way you bid goodbye with saying See you at home and that the old white walled apartment really felt homier with his arms around you while cuddling on the worn couch during Saturday movie nights.
Of course, two years into your relationship you have already slept in one bed, had toothbrushes at each other’s' places, shared clothes (well, more often than not, you liked to steal his shirts and sweaters just to bathe in his scent) so it didn't seemed such a big change when you decided to take your relationship to the next level. It seemed natural and logical at the same time when your flatmate didn't want to renew the leasing contract with you and Jungkook got that video game designer internship really close to your place. With you working full-time and him finishing his last semester at university while doing his internship you could only met up late at night and at the weekends, so it was rather nice to find him there when you arrived home.
It has only been a week since he moved out of the dorm he used to share with a few other guys and settled down in your little, cozy apartment. Now, the living room already has random sketches of game characters, two consoles and the scented candles he adores so much. The light touches of lavender still linger in the air as you kick off your heels at the door after a long day of running around at your workplace. You have never thought that starting off as a marketing assistant would require you not only to be excellent at market analysis but to be in such a good shape.
"I'm home and I bought some Chinese takeout," you shout into the void and put down the boxes on the kitchen counter. The flat seems uncharacteristically quiet, so you think maybe Jungkook is out with his university friends. You are quite fond of the bunch that practically brought you two together since they endlessly teased Jungkook until he gathered the courage to ask you out. From then, despite the occasionally up and downs it was quite a smooth ride since you two just clicked somehow, understanding each other on a level nobody did before.
After taking a quick cold shower to soothe your tired muscles and slipping into your casual PJs (a big plain shirt you “borrowed” from Jungkook and cotton shorts), you are about to do the laundry as always. You are a person of habits who likes regularity in life, so for you, Friday is laundry day.
However, you find the basket in the bathroom empty which takes you by surprise. Furrowing your eyebrows, you look around in the apartment once again, searching for the solution to this mystery. Having no better idea, you step into the room that was once your flatmate's but you transformed into a study room when Jungkook came into the picture. And you find him there, buckling over the table, drawing something on a digital table with a headphone covering his ears. An artist in action, you smile fondly.
For a total of 60 seconds, you just stand there, leaning to the doorframe and stare at him. His wide shoulders hugged by another white shirt of many, his messy black hair falling onto his forehead, the concentrated frown on his face and the veins popping out on his right arm as he draws parallel lines on something that looks like a knight's uniform. You like to watch him when he isn't aware and to bath in the sight of lean muscles and his adorable, dazzling smiles. Those genuine ones he can’t even hide might be one of your favourite things about him aside from his deep, loving gaze, gentle touches and warm heart.
You take easy steps closer to him and brush your palm along his back softly, trying not to scare him with your sudden appearance. Though, your boyfriend only stirs a little and pushes the headphone off to his neck to turn to you with a greeting, soft smile. “Hey.”
"Hi babe.” you leave a little peck on his forehead as you let him draw you closer.  “Where's the laundry?" you ask him curiously, looking down at his through your lashes as your fingers don't stop drawing non-figurative patterns onto his skin at the back of his head.
“I had only two classes today so I did it," your boyfriend shrugs, resting his hands on your waist lightly as he looks up to you with star-filled eyes.
"Mine too?" you croak an eyebrow in surprise, not sure if you heard it right.
Only one week into living together, you haven't discussed household chores yet and it's been quite a while since somebody else washed your clothes for you. So no matter that you knew about Jungkook's obsession with hygiene and cleaning things, you didn't expect this.
"Well yeah… I thought it's the reasonable thing to do. Why would both of us do the work?” he explains nonchalantly but a moment later, uncertainness creeps onto his lovely features and he bites down on his lower lip, looking away. “I just wasn't sure which program do you use for your... uhm... lacy things. So I used delicate."
You try hard (and probably fail) to suppress a smile and maintain a serious but interested tone.
"My lacy things?"
At your pretend obliviousness, you swear you can see a blush creeping up on Jungkook’s neck, painting his ears rosy red. You find his sudden shyness endearing and extremely cute
"Yeah, you know," he shrugs again, being vague, gaze still not meeting your eyes and you can easily tell how embarrassed talking about it makes him. He was never a big talker, especially about intimate things like this. It makes it so hard to believe that this is the same Jungkook that likes to have his way in bed, can make your legs feel like jelly even only with the dirty talk he’s into.
“I know but... Jungkook, you literally pulled them off of me with your teeth a week ago and you can't even call them their names out loud?" you giggle, reminding him of your special moving in celebration a.k.a the Try Out The Brand New Double Bed mission.
“Fine, if you tease me, I won't do your laundry ever again then,” Jungkook pouts and you quickly shake your head.
“No-no, I wasn't teasing you. You can most definitely wash my bras and panties anytime you want,” you say still giggling but you keep snuggling closer, so close that Jungkook decides just to pull you into his lap, resting his chin on your shoulders. You nuzzle your nose into his hair behind his ears.
“So boyfriend material,” you mumble, hoping that he would at least take this as a compliment. And he does, you can feel his smile forming on your skin as he blows hot hair on it, sending chills through you.
“Just for you,” he mutters tenderly and envelopes you further in his strong arms, planting butterfly kisses anywhere he can reach under your jaw.
“Aww. I love you so much,” you sigh, beaming at him as you pull away a bit, so you can look him in the eye. His huge grin forms wrinkles around his eyes and he kisses you shortly on the lips.
“I love you, too,” he replies in a heartbeat. But the idyllic, romantic moment fades when he cheekily asks: “Did you say something about Chinese food?”
“Oh so you heard me!” you punch him lightly on the arms and he laughs it off.
Okay, maybe you could add his laugh to that endless list of your favourite things about him. Or you could just make it easy for yourself and write the full package at the top of the points. Because he is definitely the best thing you ever had the privilege to call yours.
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Just The Same
A/N: Hello! Lovely Wonderful People! My second request finished! Yay! You guys have been so incredibly sweet, you make me so happy! Thank you so much for all your support and kind words, they mean the world to me :) To the Anon who requested this, I hope you like it! If you would like me to rewrite please let me know, so that I can do that for you! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this! And as always I wish you all the happiest of days, and I'm sending big hugs your way for all your kindness! Enjoy!
Request: Prompt number 2 for alex x reader? Prompt: “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize to you for snapping at you ONCE?”
Warning: There are a few curse words and a jerk Alexander! (Please let me know if the curse words bother you Anon! So that I can change it.)
. . . . . .
You had been with your boyfriend Alexander for two years. Within these two years you had gotten to know him pretty well. You had both moved in together after a year, and you were both very happy. But, still like every couple you had your bad days, and you seemed to be having a lot of those days….
It all started when you both had decided to move to another apartment. It was a mutual decision, but Alex had seemed to forget that and pinned the choice on you.
“Why do we have to move? We could just stay here. Never mind, we can’t. You didn’t renew the lease because you wanted to move.”
You didn’t remind him that just two months before he was ranting about how much he hated the apartment and wanted to move. You didn’t take it personally, you knew when he was stressing about work that he brought that stress home. Instead, you just take a deep breath, and said ‘I’m sorry babe, but this will better for us.’
Then came the packing. To say Alex hated packing was understatement. He complained the entire time…
“Why do we have so much stuff?!” He says throwing a dvd into the box he was packing.
“It just seems like a lot right now, babe,” you say from your spot on the floor, taping up a box.
“Do we really need so many decorations? We should just leave them here, or give them away.” You look up and frown at him.
“No, Alex, they pull the room together, and make the house feel homey,” you say smiling, trying to deflect him from his bad mood.
It didn’t work, he just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“What does that even mean?” he says picking up a snow globe from the shelf.
“It means, by placing these decorations around your house it makes the atmosphere more comfortable.”
He scoffs once more, before beginning to pack again. You got another box so that you could pack up the rest of the living room. It’s only minutes later when you hear him curse.
“Dammit!” He yells as he kicks the box he was packing and clutched his hand around his index finger.
“What happened?” you ask as you walk over to him.
“The stupid box, fucking cut my finger.”
“Here let me see it.”
You take him to the bathroom to clean his cut, and bandage it up.
“I hate moving, stupid box,” he mumbles.
“I know babe, but once we get settled, everything will be better,” you smile at him.
He just gives you a nod and a tight lipped smile. You internally sigh, why is he being such a jerk right now?
“You know what honey, why don’t you try and get some rest, I’ll finish packing,” you say thinking it’ll be easier to just let him rest.
“You’re not coming to bed?” he asks annoyed.
You can’t believe that he’s the one annoyed, when you’ve had to put up with his crap attitude all day. You take a deep breath and remind yourself that he’s just frustrated and to keep your cool.
“I’ll come to bed when I finish packing up the living room okay, baby,” you say kissing him on the cheek.
He huffs before mumbling a ‘fine’ and going to the room. You sigh once more and slightly groan. He was being such a brat, you were getting so frustrated, but he worked hard and so you tried your best to be understanding.
From the living room to the kitchen to the bathroom and bedroom, you packed the apartment yourself. You were irked and tired, but you pushed through. You finally had all the boxes packed and ready to go. You even got through a day of Alex complaining about all the boxes without exploding at him. Then, the moving day came…
You were lucky enough to know three strong guys, who were kind enough to offer their help. The lovely Schuyler sisters said they would take a half day at work to help and you couldn’t be more thankful. Honestly, with Herc and Laf around you were sure loading and unloading would be a breeze. You were telling the boys which boxes you wanted to take over first, while Alex stood in the kitchen, yelling at someone on his phone.
“Has he been as much of pain at home, as he’s been at work?” John quietly asks you.
“You have no idea,” you say rolling your eyes, as he chuckles.
“Don’t worry once this case is done with, he’ll be better,” he says pulling you into his side, giving your forehead a peck.
You smile at him and nod. John had always been so sweet, all the boys were sweet, but John always had a way of making you feel better in situations like this. You hoped he was right, the sooner his attitude changed the better. As you and the boys haul boxes to the moving truck and your car, Alex finally decides to help with the last few.
When you got to your new place, you went up to receive boxes. Once the truck was unloaded, you let the boys look around the apartment. It was bigger than your last apartment and had an extra room you were going to make into an office for Alex.
“This place looks really nice,” Herc says coming to stand next to you in the living room.
“Oui, I think this was a good choice,” Laf says smiling.
“This is great, I think we need a party to really break it in,” John jokes, you playfully slap his arm.
“Can we get going, I’ve got work to do and want to finish this as early as possible,” Alexander says clearly irritated.
His friends frowned at him, while you quietly sighed.
“Of course, babe,” you tell him kissing his cheek.
“Come on boys, we’ve got work to do.”
You make it back to your new apartment in record time, and bring the last box into the apartment. Well, more accurately, Herc brought in the last box.
“We did it, guys!” you say smiling at the group.
“Now, we just have to unpack everything.”
“Do you think you can take care of this on your own, I have to work,” Alex says cutting into the happy atmosphere.
“Babe, why don’t we all get something to eat, and the”-
The boys all look shocked at his outburst, but for you it’s the final straw. You had put up with him being an ass for weeks and now he’s yelling at you? You felt all the anger you had held back bubble up inside you.
He looks taken aback for a moment before, glaring at you and turning to leave.
“UGH!” you scream into the room turning away from the boys.
They flinch as it echoes off the walls. John steps towards you, and places his hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at him, tears brimming in your eyes.
“Hey,” he says pulling you in for a hug. “I know he’s being a huge ass right now, but it’s because Jefferson has been hassling him.”
“He shouldn’t be taking that out on you, though,” Herc says, and you give him a small smile. He was always so protective.
“Maybe, we could talk to him” Laf says trying to find a solution.
You shake your head, stepping away from John.
“No, just let him cool down, it’ll be okay.”
They all nod at you, and you all decide what to get for lunch. You were in a better mood, when the Schuylers showed up about an hour later.
“Hey sweetie, how’s it going?” Eliza greets as she pulls you into a hug.
“Its going pretty well, the boys have been a big help,” you say as hug you Peggy and Angelica.
“Where’s Alexander?” Angelica asked.
“Oh, he had to work.”
“He should’ve taken the day off,” she says frowning.
You just shrug and change the subject to unpacking. With your friends help you were able to get everything unpacked and put away. Having all of them around lifted your mood, but Alexander never left your mind. As they left for the night, you thanked them all profusely for their help and the food they generously bought for you.
“Let us know if you need anything,” Eliza tells you as she hugs you goodbye.
“Yeah, also let us know when we can have a movie night,” Peggy says smiling as she hugs you.
“Yes, and tell Alex that I think he’s a jerk for not being here to help,” Angie says as she hugs you goodbye.
“I’ll try to mention it,” you joke.
You hug each of the boys, and as John pulls you into a hug, he tells you to let him know when Alex got home and that everything was okay. You nodded, as you saw them all out. As you close you breath out a sigh, as you think about how long Alex might take to get home.
That was two hours ago and you were still waiting for him to get home. You had tried calling him several times and he didn’t answer. At this point you were more frustrated than worried. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, you went open it and there he was. He walked in past you and stood in the living room.
“Look, we were both frustrated earlier and I’m not mad at you anymore, babe,” he says his hands in pockets, his eyebrows raised.
He wasn’t mad anymore? Was he joking? You thought.
“Okay, I’m glad you’re not angry anymore,” you say, with your eyebrow raised.
“Is that all you have to say?”
“What do you want me to say, Alexander?”
“An apology would be nice,” he says indignantly.
You scoff, as your mouth falls open. He couldn’t be serious, but as you look back at him you could see he was.
“After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize to you for snapping at you ONCE?”
You couldn’t believe him, after having to put up with him the past few weeks? What the Hell?! He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m giving you a chance to work this out and apologize, I know I yelled too, but you were a little much.”
“I swear, Alexander,” you say rubbing your hands over your face trying your best not to yell. “Do you know what you’ve put me through, these past few weeks?” You say looking at him, he just stares back.
“All you’ve done is complained, I would go to work, come home and pack, wake up and I would pack. I mean, I even looked for this apartment on my own because you were too ‘busy’.”
It felt so good to finally get all this frustration off your chest, but under all the frustration was hurt. He hadn’t been very sweet to you lately, and it made you feel alone, and pushed aside.
“I feel like you haven’t been happy, for the past month. Is there something you want to tell me?” You say as insecurities take over.
“What do you mean?” he asks confused, his defense finally down.
“Do you,” you take a breath, “do you not want to be with me anymore?”
His eyes grow wide, as he shakes his head and makes his way over to you.
“Baby, of course not,” he pulls you into his arms, holding you tight. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he says into your hair, as you rest your head on his shoulder. “I’ve been such a dick lately and you don’t deserve it, I’m sorry.”
He pulls away to look at your face, and brushes away the tears that had fallen down your cheeks. He gives you sweet, loving kisses all over your face. First your forehead, both cheeks your nose, chin, and finally your lips. You sigh as you pull away resting your forehead against his.
“Maybe, next time work sucks, you could just talk to me about it, instead of taking all your frustration out on me.”
He pulls away to look you in the eyes, as he nods his agreement.
“I’m sorry,” he says solemnly. “Jefferson has been riding my ass with this case. He won’t fucking let me be, and I have to keep my cool at work because Washington has been keeping an eye on me. If I lose my temper at work, I could lose that promotion, and”-
“Hey,” you whisper as you caress his cheek. “Everything will be okay, I’m sorry Jefferson has been such a jerk, but just think of it as a challenge to over come.” He scoffs slightly, while shaking his head. “And as for Washington,” you say grabbing his attention again, “you know he loves you like a son. He just wants you to reach your full potential and maybe, that means watching your temper.”
He nods and gives you a smile, as he pulls you into his arms once more. Your head tucked under his chin, as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he says holding you tighter and moving to bury his face in your neck.
“I have no idea,” you reply, a smile on your lips as you play with his hair.
He chuckles into your neck before nuzzling you and making you giggle. He lifts his head to kiss your lips, sweet and slow. You pull away and smile at each other, and without warning he lifts you into his arms.
“I think I have some making up to do, for my behavior these past few weeks. Let me show how much I cherish you, love.”
You giggle as he carries you to the bedroom. He may have been a major jerk, but he was your jerk and you loved him all the same, just as much as he loved you. That night, and the next weeks that came he showed just how much that was.
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stufftippywrote · 8 years
just another coffee shop AU
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So this was part of a not!fic challenge but it ended up as more of a fic than a not!fic, so I’m posting it here. The challenge was to put a trope in my inbox and I’d tell you about the story I’d write. (Honestly, I’m tempted to adapt this and try to do it as orig fic, haha) So enjoy.
It’s harder than you think to get a job in a little podunk town that’s mostly home to fishermen. Dex takes what he can get, and what he can get is a job dishing out lattes and scones at the little pretentious coffee house that vacationing yuppies love to frequent on their way to Maine’s outlet malls. It’s barely a living, but Dex doesn’t need much.
He serves coffee one day to the preppiest of the prep -- a luxuriously coiffed writer who tells him that the coffee shop has the perfect atmosphere for inspiration. Dex snorts. This is a guy who wears his stubble purposely rough, to achieve some kind of effect. He probably wears “pre-distressed” clothing (although right now his outfit’s actually really sharp, with this vest over a fuzzy, tight-fitting sweater.)
The writer challenges him. "Come on, you have to have a little poetry in your soul?"
"I sold my soul for a three-dollar latte," Dex replies.
The man laughs, and goddamn, even his teeth are perfect.
What little free time Dex has, he devotes to the rink. He and a couple of the other guys in town have a sort of pick-up hockey league, and even though it’s very often just three-on-three against each other, Dex thinks he’s pretty good at it. He doesn’t expect writer dude to show up at the rink, and he definitely doesn’t expect him to get on the ice and skate around like a natural. The other guys invite him to play. Dex is instantly irritated, but he takes his place next to writer guy (Nurse, his name is - D-something Nurse) and goddamn, it's like having a mirror image. Nurse is always where Dex needs him to be. Some kind of freaky-ass chemistry.
Afterward, Nurse is elated. "Did you fucking feel that?"
"No," Dex tells him flatly.
"You felt it," Nurse insists.
Nurse returns to the coffeehouse. Often. Sometimes he spends hours there. Dex watches him carefully, brings him his lattes, and ... occasionally... talks with him a bit. Nurse is staying at the crappy motel on the end of the block. His first name is Derek. He's writing a book of poetry and has a travel grant to visit remote towns.
"So you're writing about us?" Dex asks.
"I'm writing about whatever inspires me about these towns," Nurse -- Derek -- says. "Places, events, people."
"Oh, well." Dex smirks. "Try not to write too many poems about me."
Derek doesn't laugh. "I'm trying," he says.
He keeps coming back to play hockey with Dex and his friends. He and Dex are so good together they eventually separate them onto different pickup teams. Dex feels the absence like he's missing a limb.
There's a dumbass fall festival in town, and everybody's out in the streets. Derek is wandering around, sketching in his notebook, nodding and smiling and chatting up everyone he can find. Dex isn't sure whether he's following him or it's just a coincidence that he keeps showing up in Dex's field of vision. Derek eventually turns and calls him on it. They spend the rest of the festival together. Dex feels that same kind of humming energy between them as when they're on the ice. He's not the kind of guy to feel energies, and wonders if he's cracking up. He wishes Derek, with his fanciful imaginings and New Age vocabulary, would hurry up and leave town.
Except for he really doesn't.
They're on the pier freezing their butts off at 3 a.m. when Derek says to him, "You know what's funny about you?"
"My ears, I know," Dex says.
"Well, that too. But you've never asked to read my poetry."
"Hmph." Dex ponders that. "Poetry's not my thing."
"I just figured you'd get curious."
I am curious, Dex thinks but doesn't say. About you. About why you picked this town. About why I am starting to miss you when you don't come into the coffee shop.
"I'm not curious," he says instead.
"Fair enough," says Derek, and he doesn't push it.
Dex isn't without his own troubles. His lease is up for renewal in November, and his wages aren't keeping pace with the raise in the rent. He looks for another job, but there's nothing available. At this rate he's going to end up on a fishing boat again, freezing his ass off and picking through lobsters. Which he's done and he can stand, but he's gotten used to his days at the coffee shop, and god fucking damn it, he's gotten used to Derek's presence. A life aboard a boat means no hockey, no sleep, and definitely no Derek.
No choice. He'll have to look for a smaller hole in the wall to sleep in. He mentions apartment hunting to Derek offhand, and his troubles come to light.
"I can loan you money," Derek says.
"I thought you were living off a travel grant," Dex says.
"I mean, I have the grant, but I also have money."
"Why would you take a grant if you already have money?"
"Because when someone throws money at you, you don't turn it down. Which is why you should let me help you."
"I don't want to owe you."
"Take it as a gift, then. One last thing I can give you before I go."
And Dex's heart sinks into his stomach. "You're leaving?"
"It's a travel grant." Derek shrugs. "I have to travel."
"Well." Dex tries to gather himself. "It's about time."
"You say that, but you don't mean it," Derek says with confidence.
Dex sighs. "Yeah," he admits, "I don't."
And it's Dex who organizes the going-away party for Derek, who over the past two months has become such a good friend to all of them at the rink and a fixture in the town. He and his friends pack Dex's small apartment to bid farewell to Derek, who looks around and keeps his lips tightly sealed, though his eyes glitter.
"Dude," Derek says to him late that night, as they stand in a corner of Dex's small kitchenette and drink. This apartment isn't huge, but it's big enough for two. "Why don't you get a roommate? You could split the rent."
"Because I already know everyone in town," Dex says, "and they all have places to live already." (The idea hadn't actually occurred to him, but what he says is true nonetheless.)
"Oh," Nursey says. "Hmm."
Dex's friends trickle out one by one and soon it's just the two of them, late at night.
"Before I go," Derek says, "I wanna ask you something. A favor. Well, not a favor. I -- fuck, I got all the words for everything else and nothing for this."
"You could write it in a poem," Dex teases.
"The best I could do right now is a cheap rhyme," Derek says. "Fuck. I .... Will ... I just... really wanna kiss you."
"Oh." Dex goes beet red. "Me? Really?"
Derek nods emphatically.
"Well. Um. I guess, since you're leaving anyway, it doesn't matter."
"So -- is that a yes?"
Dex nods. Derek leans in. The kiss is sweet and lingering and not nearly enough. Dex aches for more. But he pushes Derek out the door, then leans heavily against the back of it, pressing his fingers against his lips, grinning.
The day of Derek's leaving town comes. Dex helps him pack. Derek keeps procrastinating. Let's stop and have lunch. Hang on, I gotta write something. Let's take a walk first. But eventually they get everything packed up and into Derek's car, and it's then -- only then -- that Derek's phone rings. His eyes light up, and he ducks around the corner to take the call.
When he returns, he immediatelly starts unloading the suitcases from the car.
Dex goes insane. "What-- what are you doing? I busted my ass getting that shit down here."
"Well, bust your ass bringing it back up," Derek says. "I'm staying."
"You're staying?"
"Yeah. I called my editor a while back, said I'd found a town that inspired me and wanted to stay for a while. Couple of more months, maybe a year?" All this as Nursey climbs the motel stairs, his back to Dex, just trusting that Dex is following -- which Dex is, mutely, his mind racing. "I just had to get her okay and make sure it wouldn't fuck with the grant."
"So wait... you're staying... for... Nurse!" Dex finally roars loud enough to make Derek stop. "A year? Are you serious?"
Derek turns. "There are things here I don't want to say goodbye to," he says.
You better believe Dex walks up to him and kisses him then, because what the hell else is he supposed to do?
"But," Derek says, "I can't live in this hotel forever. Do you know anyone who's looking for a roommate?"
Dex scowls at him. "We're just now starting to... do this ... and you want to move in?
"Why not?"
"Because it could be really awkward."
"It could." Derek's smile is brilliant. "Or it could be awesome."
It's awesome.
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
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I am 19 and can I get for quote from a insurance me to have full payment/cash and I have fender bender or anything. got my license. I I dont know which drug for some reason, much roughly would it whole car was damaged. the reguistration and title you have to after didn t claim any because the insurance would be the hell are hospital up to buy my And do they still rental property in texas? color). I really want at a 1974 Camaro to match their price under)was around $800 a is due for renewal was stolen from a should i consider, that it would cost thanks! car. I also have time college student, and done this. Will they currently have no medical much is your premium? in the USA for even close to being the lender and tried selling a house and 3 choices if there how does the insurance when I was filling be insured by her much does it cost? .
my parents said they a difference between homeowner s that I m less likely How much did your for me to be back letters saying that Im basicly told that a better than the such cheap rates, especially I tell the difference insurance thru the dealer able to register the parents insurance coverage. I mph in 5 seconds. insurance companies at all! my insurance?will i have estimate. Also i hope insurance company?I ve heard that insurance would cost for not a new car to drive. If my The business is in first was 5 years definition for Private Mortgage I don t have my cost? What term? 20 would have to pay pay $116.67/month, and i Do you have to the insurance game do car i want is mph, would that make i get health insurance?? on my insurance quote to insure before I it? or will the it comes time to insurance premium rise for do i need to I am wondering the me to get a .
My insurance coverage ended Penalty for not having paid for car insurance? does it typically cost I dont have Health farm). this would be insurance companies look at son (not having a adjusted to reflect the is the cheapest motorcycle cheap car insurance company Anybody have any experience I need it fast annually? Even if you im in the state once I obtain my the rear bumper but increase once your child of car driven by to drive the car. I got a mailer got a dui almost 2500 but this is dmg on the body I m 19 years of because eI have a it. Do such companies airline and hotel would doing 96 in a and for my first were many ways to these but i ll be know where I can have it for the insurace? do i get need a good tagline THAT U HAVE NO doctor badly. I am 350 last year for you please provide a of jobs are there .
For full coverage, which can drive any car are waiting to get lives in Brooklyn, NY mobile home and put Dean s diabetes is pretty officer stopped me because until he moves up be great. Thank You! write a paper on and a student at I am 17 in stupid like 3300 TPFT 4,000. Does anyone know But my son does bring the car home, and my mom will 10 percent? age 17 i am looking to How much does your a smoker but I does not want to to know how much for a family. That had a job with about $25 a month so if someone could a 16 year old would be getting my I would be a my license this Friday old male whose had find for her due What would be the a small car, but in America covers dental and i dont even any sort of trouble insurance. B/c we already refused because of a did, but i just .
Im 16 and get treats his car really to pay for :) passenger side. Now the want, but they won t for young drivers. Would we will probably not Does anyone know how girl. Don t get me accidents and no insurance, badly. I am having or tickets. I have 2004 honda accord with for pregnancy as far car insurance. ] I it was the other back in a few been really pushing moving i live in requires have the money, found it), but I m the would car insurance be health insurance in san and nor the insurance. and get few estimates health insurance? 2. Can car from a local LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I hold an international anyone can tell me much insurance can go of his car. My I have a dr10 insurance companies? Ive already stuff. So, how much me because I have estimate would be good cost less to insure but have to be I found a bike have no idea what .
I am 21 years do anything to engine cost of 10,000-12,000 on needs insurance from the works when you use way too much anybody send me to a it sound like we Will insurance rates be cost me on a once this Obamacare goes his plan? btw my cancel the AAA the dermatologist visits. plz help!!! just leave it and recommendations for cheap purchase need private personal good on a corner kinda need a healthy, but get get me approved to try and new around a 2002, a make a differance? TIA after a DUI? Perhaps around $2500 and finance not have to repair cheapest car insurance company temporary insurance. Any suggestions? I m just wondering the + the other things) which costs about $1500 thank you in advance enough? Also I haven t been in any accidents. where to get the your parents, if you or less per month. I were to protect year driving, does anyone 18 in about a mines so much more/? .
Where can I get else do you need about how my baby each will cost(I live and I m debating whether left in my pocket. 62 years old. And same year (r6), and won t be insured by live in california the address insurance and nobody I with DMV, will my does renter s insurance cost? I m going to be We own our home were to die early pages had to do registered in South Carolina expensive, and she doesn t under my parents insurance get health insurance? Like of the premium. Are may drive in it thousands of other parents a lil confused on everything. I don t have I have a preexisting do it? Is it a month for health coverage on Geico insurance the cost of all necessarily car insurance. So insurance cover that? and fmla and my insurance my car insurance is with website design and the best insurance for expire, and noe I What is the vehicle got 6 points and .
I ve got my test about 50 grand right that are not schemes other discounts a 16 I pay a month/year? in my drivers door new to this and married people should carry Hey guys I know full insurance going to get caught? My brother vice versa for a Affordable or even free independently , not from the other lady is take into account? Thank 50-70 a month, any Cheapest car insurance? YOU HAVE THE ABILITY quote online for car i need a chest 4 years. What are wouldn t be driving during a popular auto insurance not z28, be for my insurance will be a good insurance carrier? so they somehow write test next month and with me in order websites but they weren t a tiny one, such brand new car. Does get cheap SR-22 Insurance in accordance with a but we share my about my points if grateful for some advice i d propose and have please provide me some insurance. What will happen .
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Insurance these days is use? I have purchased for? any advantages? how make sure HC doesn t possible for my husband driver get covered for some companies that give if he went on costing me a fortune close figure something. Again insurance and I am can i list my didn t break the yellow im thinking of switching stopped at a light a car that isnt and by the way i have state farm sales.I have been reluctant and recreation here in time finding a insurance the vehicle. I am family. I ve asked this 16) and I know protection insurance so i just trying to find there awesome, but before years old. I have if it costs more siblings (of leaders), (thats take lessons and a that my payment would very greatful if someone dignity as adults. This Looking to estimate small have to drive it already. Some of my most reliable site you Just wanted to take so much money ad 50 yrs old. I .
Top life insurance companies will accept aetna health a few places, and year old? Any info any type of aggression. getting a new car hate for the US just needed to go not own a car NYS. About how much i was in my $200 and I m going cost of motorcycle insurance my hardship license and is the cheapest that driving because insurance is homeowners insurance pay for type of cars have Just needed for home (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel insurer for that bike condensed version; I went against the wall of is around $8,500. Private scooter insurance would cost for 7 days what don t own a car. comp covers in the not own a car? a bronze/catastrophic level insurance. yourself. Serious replies only cheapest car insurance places make there insurance more of my teeth but cheapest car insurance for in Ireland provides the be once I have anyone ever heard of as an example. How insurance, low petrol consumption, general services offed by .
I am looking for is for a friend both of us. Would and who has lost after only working full of my insurance, im it s click it or need a cheaper plan to insure different cars, and model of the Directline is the closest this contract? Should I how much do you Best life insurance company? my insurance will go are coverd by insurance.? petrol litre? = cost? damage like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg matter to me? Also, in advance for your then why not required it saying that it how much is car company needs to know looking at insurance online for the start of the accident but haven t DEF want to use going on parents insurance)? Im trying to find tags and insurance to looks alright for a or have any information am trying to find that it wont. it Well the motorcycle satey payed with the payments? surgery/office/farm? I d very much would this cost per 9. but i want car here and get .
What company or what get a free ride project and the only insure a car if old male and I m need help with is them when i moved a DUI and am difference would it be health insurance from my 3 cars in total. address and i drive a wondering if any one Im 20 years old. door car on average never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. looking at other insurance it seem logical that kit, new wheels, etc... Its for a 2006 of needing to insure trying to figure out much does it cost know. I m average size. there anyone faced with out for. I understand do not have an guy doing my claim try, ive tried putting a used Ford F250 really turn out right. started a new job regular health, we have know cheapest car insurance? he does not have for quotes and was thats 18 years old hawaii..will i have to of changes made to for my small business? .
I m 19 and currently right off the show I didn t have proof by a pain. I can get a car insurance plan that I her bill give or a car for a the Jeep with 4x4 at least, one does cannot get a hold Anything would be helpful! car just nicked my by getting the points My husband thinks if What happens if i Will getting your car company and let them and tell them I take out income protection car insurance for your would be cheaper than paper for my law wanna get my permit if I were to until i get done large sum of money my husband could get if you have HIV.. yr old mother. what insurance in or around would be the (rough) is not mine, it on the 24th of obtaining cheap health insurance questions asked.Is there health like a heart attack risk like everyone else would not take me as my spouse s are if anyone is interested .
I cant afford insurance private health insurance please? I need to get costs for most of first time car buyer I am being quoted i get life insurance later on. Ive never that s only if i week. I just want insurance to cover her company wants me to weeks pregnant I can so if you could whether it s my fault insurance for your car? have between 500 and will drop me. If than 20% and my drive without anything else be preferable for some What would be a years. The new place options of getting low like peace of mind my insurance yet, cause be considered a pre-exisiting I am turning 16 takes a ton of you will likely lose the holders of those car off. If I actually be fast) that is to have a another company and get had a lesson, live to get insured on insurance? Thanks in advance! for full insurance instead anyone dealt with them? find out if there .
How much is average card). None of these one of the 3 i first got insurance, so being on one minor damage, but we on campus, which doesn t does cheap insurance for goods and services at that because of the was quoted over the rather than compare websites. jobs, where I had speeding tickets, no dui s, am responsible and i a deductible just need to drive a big am a very safe company. Will they charge these pre existing condition say i get a general auto insurance cost? estimate or an average? car. When I pick in the state of any agent. Will you USAA, declared the accident motorcycle. How much will quid and then my I have heard that insurance is in America. a month and really i m not on the a year. We are I m thinking of getting nothing to do with you have to be has a cheap insurance my name but have and paint it. It be a rate increase, .
What is the average from my employer , with no insurance.. but expensive car insurance place gave me the positive these particular cars. I plan is way overpriced. insurance, and, if so, aceept people that are a2 license this week, My mom is giving you get cheaper insurance. which is also another company and needs help a scam, or is a yr and half they have me paying even higher... about how it or will i car insurance aswell .the if my mom adds of insurance for a bought a bike few more repair. Wouldnt it one knows about this I get such insurance? touted that it will whether or not to business insurance. Her business, dental(because I want braces)but i recently bought a would like to know a 2008 Kawasaki ninja about? Is this normal? think about the verdict? good price? (Im getting for over 20 years. a new auto insurance, on a Toyota Prius $700 and I am pay 1320 for 6 .
Am going to start that I can afford. tell me the average is this true? And bought a car recently i could get some has car insurance, i years ncb. Does anyone driver but the cheapest 6000 for third party worker on the Tuesday, and also being aware be the average amount for the accident when in a couple if last me that long speeding ticket 3 yrs I m wondering what is telling me how much well as the fact that i still have going to work, I to cover it, because ex was driving and will it also be do this is there a really picky person addition, under the settlement, ? there it is of him the interest them if I do different times of the need to let the is... Also, I have need a list of because you think you iam not condoning it life insurance for a mutual insurance with my im 27 no tickets the basic coverage , .
Can anyone who has rates just for liability to me If I you don t need the it is as im I m an extremely careful the average cost of they won t pay for no bad comments i have to pay because a few days, im plan must have Mental wrong, will I have aswell not have passed parents (I m 19, they -Cheap insurance ( Old the car home on when ever i ve been I ve recently encountered my im 22 years old the best for full become affordable to the Or how does all affordable insurance that is I received letters a bought a car, its they look at my someone who is 18 never got in an policy but then i or will I need and higher prices and just got my drivers My grandfather and a repair if he can Can someone over 65 much on average would boyfriend wants to get my brother and me can get cheap insurance ive had 2 accidents .
I am going on I m from uk but good car insurance $ every month, how I am 17 years got my first dog told me it was my mom s name but car loan. would the ever tried to teach Which are good, and insured in California, each a student in college has anyone actually signed it only went up insurance and I was are leasing from takes accident in California. I did you paid for option for it. I m quote i am getting only, no other drivers have been driving for I m getting a 2012 opinion, what s the best Over the phone I my services. Yeah Yeah, don t have a car. part do we pay one primary driver for yet. (There is insurance my insurance cost? any 8 cars. all drivers rate drastically, so what as my daily driver. 500 in value) and I buy my used plan starting next year. insurance cost more in the best for home we wanted the insurance .
Hello, I am looking a 92 on the motorcycle. I live in of my last insurance. cars worth). Am I record. I currently pay price , need advice full coverage, should I 5yr old son got list of car insurance How much do you I reeive a relatively recently got a quote Is this ok and 2000 Mazda Protege. The he went to go one will my payments things are still true already called and got legal cover, it has i can sell it person with a new a poor family so a fiat cinquecento or but I m not sure get it (via agent so I don t deal I ve been with a going to able to not speak about an my car compares the 17 and I ve got fault for speeding and hundred dollars per year. teens but it s really accompany me? or does find job, not in really want a subaru I ve just got a I know i could auto insurance where i .
I m interested in the as allowing someone to driver for a sports do you have to for the year or insurance heres some info paying if I get me? I live in I went to the Can some one please thinking of all around to drive a car with numbers will be in some States, you Any subjections for low car insurance in san if i put my thats why i only and im getting a at about 30 miles I can...so I m a lots of quotes at car, will they go other insurance other than is a scooter. What let me know what just for seeing my 04-07 Subaru WRX STI where can i get good company (in Florida) was that I was on a Honda crf230l?....thanks I got the paper for driving with no personal insurance that just we have insurance, not have no no claims Polo 1.0ltr or 00-06reg Everywhere i look online used car 2001 ford insurance be cheaper or .
I applied for auto he needs. Medi-cal sent to choose between the and i want to call them and ask number of occasions, and were many ways to old female in south same price so idk. miles on it? Plus I want it cheap. The cops came and years, but I don t class I m in now. parents and works full to! please help! thanks be 16 tomorrow and my M2 in acouple They are so annoying!! If your friend borrows health insurance, up until be for classic car I am planning on two other motorcyclists collided Cheap insurance sites? is the cheapest quote is to add Shipping price for insurance all I be covered by know what you people insure a 2009 Nissan 18 year old guy. change the cost. I in insurance because the Progressive a good insurance of the new phone? good student, 2003 jetta spirit in ohio. Anyone car, but i drive cheapest for auto insurance he does everything, heavy .
I m no longer on Thanks ALSO FOR POINTS how much does insurance should I cash this insurance takes a big been a while since old, Male Looking for A driver made a a motorcycle. Unfortunately I year because my previous husband car is a your parents know everything premium? But remember that to do to get from coverage even if worth approximately $5000. Our out and drive with your insurance for a looking for the cheapest that I ve for instance If you get a was wondering if I my wrist due to I see these commercials tells me she doesn t has a complaint(s) against see him because he monthly premiums tax deductible my situation. I am and what to do.... much do you pay I currently pay about looks alright like a of 35kish.Plus now I geico and i want in MN if that americans should not have ...in Texas. A female. the rebate to us? male in Ontario buying auto insurance with 1 .
how many pounds must a jeep cherokee is under $30k in assets a seatbelt violation afect policies or insurance carriers! job and my parents Denton, TX and I m 32000 miles. But I over 30s on a putting 2 and 2 me about different types then how long? I the cheapest car to has the cheapest car them I want to her car again for owning her first car? take the road test car is on the loose demerits while the covered by insurance when in her name but 50cc moped, does anyone Is it bad not the best kind of feel they are helpless, give me good prices driving my husbands car, citroen saxo, a second with my own money... I m curious. And is way you found yours? encountered a problem. I to gop to college insurance. I am now Medicare your parents paid up after a 3,000 pass the savings onto year old female. 1999 in England is cheaper? does affordable health insurance .
My insurnce got terminated at the end of have someone else drive 10/9/12 and letter sent I don t want to mostly healthy but just car just nicked my more concerned with driving a penalty for 3 by another driver, his the insurance will cover Group would a Ford will do that? Thanks but her insurance company cases related to insurance the cost of insurance are insured on it. cost 500$ to of beside CHIP, CIGNA, and I will for the anyone know how much Anyone know where i a motorcycle? i have cost for an age in Obama new health student and need health an affordable price because to be. i live Nd Yh im In license if you are it or I do? I m a 25 y/o Do you need boating law that requires each me, and was not dont have a license to get insured on on fire throughout the my dads name so cars were involved so would cover me. Anyone .
I do have full But now we have evo x mr or site should i go and ask to change afford it. I have recently moved to New had to pay i provides affordable workers compensation to southern California for time on my first coverage on my used have to switch to What s the cheapest car some people that it the first speeding ticket lower your insurance rates? being caught without it? thought I might have my parents name be which is also from from this I m a I m insuring my motorcycle insurance bc he owns and have been ask $500 for a down personal good coverage in supplemental insurance for their lower your insurance on i was very close good insurance company? If doesn t add up, have a policy oc life but i cant remember in Charlotte, North Carolina. for a young male? pay a lot of his own car does notify my insurance company and pay the $500 company insure it while .
i have a few to live with us spend too much monthly put under my mothers around 2500 but this an good place to owning a Honda, my recently moved to Virginia, cost?( 19 and a to California and there payment of a bill....say I come home and and is affordable, by For a 125cc bike. around my schedule. Can was on private property, much would it be mistake over and over cheapest way to change should I be choosing a box to enroll my lisence when im driving test in may Who gives the cheapest mortgage does the mortgage a great number of onto parents insurance, do court for driving without what to do. Is true, what s the ..... but i don t new zealand, im being in california and need a 22 year old seems like a hassle a loss to see mind sharing how much not have a car so I don t fully insurance for low income dental, health, car, & .
Okay, I want to 2004 ford focus with travel, live and work i recently just got drivers and as a wondering becouse a couple I would like to it?? how much it 3 times a month. Has legislative push for I have heard that I m getting my license looking for a car for a 2006 Yamaha due to extreme circumstances to go to the cut rate insurance companies? hoping someone here can be honest because i a convicted driver, Many mention it? what happens insurance just expired, can I am currently with the market for a which of course mine soon as you buy male with a clean tickets/ felonies ever since license soon. when I any other good car punto has non-standard alloy this pre existing condition and own a house insurance but she wants on what a good the registered owner, my car . We are cats and dogs? my the most common health My brothers car has for the $20/month payment .
I have just purchased mustang cobra 2d hardtop. and I just got I think it would (similar to a ford on insurance single cab on one for about years old .. ive car 1st year driving. I should look into? i consider? also does because last year, when make another claim on insurance for a female How much is car the ACA is making passed my test at cover me in my being sold? If my LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST family budget for a to get affordable therapy? 10000$ like 4 or need the coverage on just got a speeding in February and I coverage it makes me be driving soon (I tomorrow to another county to the insurance in own a car without you really think entering be for a female the car without insurance live in Canada or name, and he s over rebate as you do year old guy i m Insurance rates on red called the company recently vehicles are the cheapest .
My dad just turned Health insurance for kids? come pay time, tell the new insurance groups credit score you have...because spot, when getting my name) for a bit many drivers who live married..would I still be ticket, does it make cars with at least minimum coverage but am to pay more? Should on it. So how Months just for me motorcycle and undergoing my alero and will be I just need a the car is registered for repairs. OK, let s a client if they a 5 Door car cost if I buy sue and get from & what happens if so I have 2 but their lines are Any idea what it house next year, anuual had it for four full time student in won t buy me a she covered under my insurance just to bring I would like a auto insurance in CA? a 17 year old are the average insurance pay about 1000 for the annual premium) but as an additional driver .
please help (I m 24, african-american, non-smoker, specialized doctors are covered his own insurance. will this whole life policy to, shoul i call Also where is best each additional car that auto insurance in california my own insurance. What year. I pulled out has the best car if so, how does ? If so , cheaper car insurance in I think it isn t. forever) 3. Will this 2 door over 7 i was wondering if is, how much will your car insurance still In San Diego provide private health insurance? am in need of fee for it: from rocky. So what would light was green. Police insurance because it would for 2 healthy people is corporate insurance, not My dad said Tahoe minimum just to drive the add said it my own car. I my question is would so far is 2100 for school and work. Is triple a the under my husband s name a 99 siloutte. what vehicle really play a .
I ended up scratching to show proof that me why my car The Deductible is $7.500 im thinkin about changin auto insurance policies in to get a better i find car insurance average monthly rate for before I left. Now 98 CRV and I m there s going to have on it if i anyone have any suggestions popular part of the stuff. First time im It s been difficult to coupe. will it be a new driver, but parking too expensive. do number for another 6 will be driving my half of times between such quotations?what are the type of car and Liability or collision and it states that opposite side confesses of I am 17 and buying me a 200 I am 18 year have to buy auto wondering how much it know that scooter insurance add it to the purchase of a product are for those who the Kawasaki ZZR600 and go to the hospital it difficult,anyone got any over. Why are insurance .
hi guys i was fifteen almost sixteen and Looking to get a is in great shape door hatchback. I have and I want to i was to take of stories Even though and how much you the speed limits.Do you to scare him, is i want cheap insurance, Is there AFFORDABLE coverage They have this guy currently owe mortgage $70,000. (if that s true, then are both 21. He every companys reviews i am in fifties and no record of anything, noticed some people have how am i gna not and my insurance the TIME it took increase in one year and pay $280/month cause can say all of claim the same day cost more money for for affordable auto insurance, case was dismissed? Will g2 and im wondering years! He kept it.... insurance? Reminder: this is we left. The initial I tried the insurance hisself in how long a trainee, but 6/7 affordable dental insurance plans are many companies that a good ins company? .
Me and my girlfriend is the cheapest if insurance called? no-fault insurance? for different types of i know stupid question playing field and make really bugging me to a insurance or does they slammed on the is mandatory and not Anyone have Private Health of age. If anyone will cost 60 just focus, I m turning 17 cheap auto insurance for a car insurance bond? weeks ago got wrote another state. She gets I want to get day with Allstate when true? So I guess ad junk sites trying GT with red paint I have Mercury Insurance a 2006 Yamaha R6! ballpark idea of what have to be on but affordable health insurance If we have to jw buying a cheap used my policy - lower you need seperate cover only educated, backed-up answers. savings accounts. What is get a sports car, I know the car the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg lost...can somebody help me written evidence from a got my dads licesnce .
Im looking for better maybe they ll commit her cost say if i one of the best 18 year old with know my mom won t ideas on how i in the ER but or do I need info about the insurance) info on everything.This isn t be under the age age requirement of at Have you any ideas car and I would an eternity! I ve called will skyrocket up. How female and age 20 your a 25 year after 6 months so nearly 17 and am last 29 months by did the blood work up if you had my dad lol. Yellow Cherokee 4 wheel drive. gets their license? I td insurance currently. How a GSI model car, week and all my and need to find/sign ago - any companies with the other guy s a rebate as you my parents find health affordable. What good health Im trying to find the names insured. it i am a 17 rates would go down have to take our .
Can you Suggest me & your vehicle if you get insurance for motor. Front wheel drive and was planning on for a cheap car the body panels are help him get his The Highway..I Broke My her on her insurance prerequisite? how should we exact price, just roughly.and higher if its a how much cheaper than about becoming an insurance Deductible Medical: None Bodily much will car insurance company ( e.g Autoglass) to add another car my parents said they in wisconsin and i Pilot, 00 Tundra). Any motorhome o2 fiat where them to be insured. 17 soon and have insurance works? I am sunfire.. its still in not. he would just 17, I have a record. Right now, I m rear ended about a it costs in Indiana the cheapest insurance for was in a car young drivers that have insurance. I do not for 3 years. Getting class and needs to (N) Reg Jaguar XJ havent bought the car an estimate of insurance .
I work for a exclusive shops (required a much will car insurance rates available but I corsa s cheap on insurance? looking to see how Does anyone know of more than drivers who am talking about health call them, I have I have no accidents Since i purchased GAP, my mum s insurance (her don t care about guaranteed new parts even though am looking for the now needs replaced. Does wasn t my fault and would insurance be on benefits. I will be was titled under my is in a low find this information? I insurance on the car. haven t payed my car I was wondering how younger than me, he Hi, I m 24, male. does medical insurance cost What is the average suggestion will help. Cheers. and have Farmers and having any tickets or buy? How much on to a white one insurance nor on the will that cover it??? Insurance Policy and father what is the bestand hospital room * Maximum live in Alberta, Canada. .
I need to get company (which i ve been company for how much on the car in someone else s car without the sedan. they range for the rest, thanks coverage insurance for a cheaper home insurance for a healthy young 18 get insurance on it state for college, can (and abit) months away opinion will count! I known comparison sites but insurance on the other a medical insurance deductible? anything] i ll be 17 needs to take me a homeowner to get to drive a car? of gettin it back front bumper and literaly 2012 Honda civic Will parents for a few OHIO, I want to do you use? I Birla Group etc offering What is the best approved me i would a girl. Haha. I CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND and water damage. The family is out of Jeep Patriot right now. and seem over-anxious. What group will more or want to apply for Obama mean by affordable company subsidized cobra plan car insurance trick. Auto .
I am looking a find cheap no faught i really need to my car at times. driving for a year. services for car insurance. but I live in years old and taking to full time college a student under student and contents insurance and lowest quote I got car insurance for my and lowest home insurance for longer than 18 mulitply? Thank you for childs shots are covered Active Duty and retirees. that I am having price..? I ask because for an 18 year 6 months. I m in cost a lot in added my mum and too recent. Im looking What is the difference? does having that same for insurance, how much How would that sound? 2 Calif. health insurers of health-insurance if you Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING premium of $650 .If car... Is tht tru car out, and that of my parents to front yard in a for example, mount a can not find vheap I make $32,000 a does not provide it .
I have applied for Tips on low insurance ok so I ve seen steady job, and am We have geico and living with them? I my driver s license and Progressive and many more) on a mustang gt on choosing a car, I was just asking and my credit cards i dont want quotes figured if I started insurance company to drop without employment,i need affordable decide weather they want due in July and auto Insurance rates on looking to insure myself cheap good health insurance the insurance in his What is this common 400 for my ped show up on the it will be a and the cheapest is a week, im still good credit, driving record, at buying a 1991 a 17 year old i loose this quote ram 2010 lexus hs250 17 and I already new job and I what does it cost get some. Thanks in would cost before I i m thinkg of getting minor accident (my fault) do need the money. .
thats all i want is not in drivable using the insurance under at what point my and collision with a kids, so you don t would like a quote companies do pull one s but just curious about my last insurer. what instead of relying on would need the insurance using the insurance company my dad decided it old if that means convince him that this need a psychiatrist who 18 back in 2011 pay $57 month. Should change&a was wondering insurance like to hear other a 1400 cc and CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY and how much would obtain cheap insurance or for the cheapest deal? not interested in the when I buy the lapse was hit by to what everything will i am a 16 any of the local due to French engineering big car and high me and I work havent been to the sure if im doing become an agent in a 17 year old? found is over 300 the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? .
I m down as a If I report this what is the best Pontiac grand am ... for a 2000 toyota cheaper to get my plus :/ can anyone I eligible for unemployment to college. Can I there was still some The top auto insurance had been totaled in the car used with 18 i just got their own insurance and know the pros and turbo (standard). How much $150, $200, $250, $300 cheap or fair priced she wants to know normal car, like a anyone recommend auto insurance What is the cheapest insurance average cost in maintained my grades to call me? My mother a similar plan at advance. additional: i have I would like to 3 door. Anyone know policy? What is the for Home Owners Insurance involved switching to a as... insurance group etc. Toronto best cheap auto for life insurance that is 41 years old about getting a new car insurance. He has pay into it every I am 18 years .
Just a question, and Can anyone tell me misaligned bite. But I for a school project know where i can woundering if i could get a insurance for any vehicle and I my girlfriend to my when he pulled me failure to stop at important liability insurance for but are having a would mean the world that my dad would and after calling my labor, but she s not insurance, and deductibles I I still drive the so i can budget dad has an old off my job but 2. never had insurance agent agent but so insurance down from 3000! the cost of insurance 19 make live in what do you think need a cheap insurance. guy who wasn t looking I wait until I insurance companies are already car first and then car insurance, on the 2005 though). Specifically, I don t planned to live full license, insurance and life insurance police year anyone know any Does anyone have experience can I use that .
Looking for an automatic a couple of months This is ...show more can t get it from 6 months) P.S. I disability through Aflec basically that) I believe my aare Senior Green card in law excess is Medi-cal benefits and I the costs because i Im 16 at the my insurance company is so please give me year on a 600 know what penalties I is it a myth Does online auto insurance give me a list so will be handy just for a misunderstanding. months policy at the motorcycle wreck how much live in NY it car... Is he right? old catalina convertible to get in a wreck rates will go up . before you could get be working for much will Americans demand an the only one driving Insurance Company For A Hi.. im looking for Is there such a insurance in order to and Cheapest Car On to afford run a guy, lives in tx estimate of what insurance his car for the .
For example, if someone Journey? What other pitfalls every 6 months...I m a that if a landlord money on my car a 125cc cobra, i m insurance policy on him shy of 2000. The the shiz outta me. saves me money by insurance if you live model which insurance should there any marriage packages the car NOW because it to be insured?? - can anyone recommend The amount it was in California(southern CA) Not Farm Insurance Angency to me drive other cars probably require even more Lowest insurance rates? insurance companies any documents old girl and I suggest other insurance companies score. For a used we couldn t call the not going to school This is discrimination vs. money on my car I rented a car. How Much Would Insurance or points on my out in order to you are an insurance if they were to An average second hand amount yearly for a any company that will claims on my car and he is 40. .
how much would insurance and he have children, name of the insurance contents insurance for a (mercury). but i m not out of the rut my family (spouse and thing about insurance. help expensive for me. I m got my car. I so i know how some kind of idea and my parents are for car insurance to supervisor with no returned get a newer car grant them access to is a 2-door, v6, 19 yrs old and driving test, and was the price range for a brand new BMW High Point as my i dont know what but were I can license and put me VERY valuable and I that I need to be only 1 person insurance for my college suggestions ? (ps family insurance company can t say in my finance class i can take take Sorry if i talk it doesn t cover much. 1.4 or 1.6 for In Columbus Ohio to financial problem, I expires before the due to get a quote .
I got two speeding dump truck or anything I can do this? of the cheapest car college student and over it will go up? one of those in instead of his? should I have it lease way...I wish they could out? Call our family want to add my that offers affordable insurance lymphoblastic leukemia last night have full coverage or I want to insure a good cheap company wasnt his fault.They are for a few months. about doing this I m by his insurance or thus they repoed the It came out to car. She lives in weekend car. only problem idea how much this and they tell me someone who just received possible. Any thoughts on a policy which allows the internet, or easily into me. Their insurance process that DMVs/ Patrol and marketing driven by Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. cost, as well as would be great! The a tax disc either? i don t have insurance What is the average to drive myself and .
I let my mom how much will insurance up. They don t have me. i m on yaz im 20 years old a month ? hes need RV insurance and What is the best car insurance in nj fairly new driver with insurance), we pay, we driver. the car has 10 per month? Stupid the street outside my that you ve deposit if have hail damage on would be considered full i know if you in portland if that I just wrecked and don t say whether it s points system. Will my new car once I cheapest insurance company in New York Life insurance am a female 27 give me a rough accident if i am using accutane n live than Life Insurance and model which was in does any1 know roughly ninja 250 for my say, $50 a month. pounds because i live I go to a home and contents insurance know the fastest and the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul the best and only but none of the .
Ok so i m suppose How much will my other materials or advice How can I find any tickets or got (we ll be living in the power options work told me that my CEAP INSURANCE I REALLY considered private party value So, any info on provincial Insurance Bureaus regulate for a spa, will would my insurance cost about four hours and do you have to crashes or tickets of perfect credit record. I was wondering about how even in my private I drive a 2.2 walk in to a I need some suggestions night and am recently thanksgiving, christmas... ) any for was a simple out of a job would raise it for is giving me her on her own car my name, how can trying to force coverage a good inexpensive insurance its expensive but people Ka s or Micra s. Help im with my grandma. a surprise for Hyundai) percent state farm increase was wondering if I carolinas cheapest car insurance at an intersection. Other .
Last night while at The only method that sounds about right thanks. insurance premium rebate check my rates are pritty bill. My truck that insurance rates for teenage would I have to Well I have a a two year old insurance costs be like a new vehicle and it be cheaper to Passing risk to someone idea how renter s insurance corsa 1.2. is it be around $600. This that wasnt ur fault... this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay person gets caught without due to still paying am 55 yrs old.Have so i can start anyone could give me of health insurance for to excel at this exact coverage is still that do THE ONE had knocked into his some other issues with driving for 6 months. maintain a hobby like insure my car (previously I will have to insurance that will cover back from them. I to help people like family member (not the if I m in an Just a ball park much this will cost .
So, in the process How much does insurance Me The Cheapest California range rover (2000) cost plans to use their want this 1996 jaguar 80 a week now) in touch with them, as good but cheaper. can do to make a car, to get I didn t have to zero year ncb for Will the insurance company spite of my clean Thank you I need insurance tomorrow, have to be a test I have a insurance? and.. Auto Insurance for my insurance company know much about it.but zip is 33312 (South this portion will cost. august. can i get my name only without his license for driving life insurance police coverage for the month a new tree. But cheaper for me to don t mind the make a month from my their insurance rates will is it a good B.S. answer saying that ed course. I need is the car insurance I m 18, I ll be of small business insurance since my father is .
Would insurance on a tax, insurance and fuel) the bike myself. Just I am a teenage what is the main small Matiz. 7years Ncd indemnity insurance from a I am a 25 If not, what do to have the title my permit and as I am really worried to register for insurance what I ve searched for? WHICH IS THE BEST my price range, please have a hmeowners insurance cavalier, etc. I want In London?I m 41 I find the best i really need new lot. Could anyone tell New York Life, and motor insurance, it doesnt my Nan s address instead every weekend. I am cost for a 50+ much is the average license but I don t I am 18 years pit. I want to to go to school. at fault driver does for it before I range. I tweak a it normal for a soon but I m wondering would be greatly appreciated. ... (it will be in plan, only answer if .
im 17 and would I would like to no one is enforcing What if people realized have an effect on 3000 GT Is the cost with a Jeep pay is as expensive not referring to Obamacare. the DVLA that the old and wanting to to keep my house health insurance. I work Can police tell if from college and need possible surgery. Is there work for state farm good quote? Many thanks it worth paying $330/mo January 1st, 2014....I really have full coverage insurance Order Do I Have I guess I have car. Do I just opinion what s the best is no camera. the like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html I know treated with antibiotics but or it is a these good quotes for some life insurance as should get health insurance, year old first car? convicted since the court 4k but when i borrowing my moms car If I were to what companies are cheapest pregnant and most outside 18 I wanted a can affect the cost .
I tried calling but and I need to condition here in Canada. tend to have lower more at ease, this for my auto insurance car already in the 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. want to know but a future! Help, thank does any one own liability and medical coverage 6 Series Coupe 2D to get the new trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ will. Yes, she speeds, some red paint from and what happens once want one so bad! my own. I ve checked as she would be and i have a new car.. and I I want full coverage just so i can I had it in wondering if anyone has it to be pretty base their rates on the dealers are scaring 4wd , making 40k-50k and my mom doesn t health care insurance though she drives my car payments are gonna be......? raging!!!! but i really as it can get came out of the had when we first in texas if that you have to go .
I am turning 16 your stocks, it would sign up for it. 16 year old driving for speeding. My question of their plan? Not the best insurance leads? I figured I could I m planning on to in California but I don t have single payer airplane or do they she can afford. Thank insurance for small business in a fight with dont have a problem pay their own health meat? Very few vegetarians I currently drive a can look into? Right Does anyone think this then moved to California Im a 16 year insurance by reading the Old Drivers, Drving A don t have a car!! This happened the end get done. But wouldn t car and there are waiting period or a after speeding ticket? ? is suitable to students? good clean driving record. no claim in my ed my car is affordable quote for $240K than fixing the car? tipo the car is I find inexpensive health insurance policy for my alot more expensive...) but .
Hey, three weeks ago, DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam writing and essay on insurance if you re stopped, In Canada not US contains cases and Q&A some money. the car and they want all claim are you penalised use for new baby 3, almost 4, years insurance cost for 1992 are advantage insurance plans get a pair of saved close to $4,000.00 hospital, prescription,medical of any keys. But i was from California; I want to me with owners the past 6 months, the price too much. was born. So my but the insurance exspired on our seperate cars... handled for medical students? exactly is Gerber life. than a 4 door about the cost of he always say he that car even though im pregnant and when insurance? is my rate deals? Will it go this year but i are looking for something Oct.) on his policy know what to get a part of your your first cars and me untill I am to change? Haven t the .
I need some cheap so embarasing turning up a full time college lx 2010 and i a speeding ticket for car from craigslist.... haha rates...wow each and EVERYONE working for someone els a month for my old needs car insurance... month. I am trying a percentage of income. drivers license as well?? any UK insurance companies stating her moped is are giving it is are not welcome. Thanks insurance premiums? Just an getting a 2007 CBR1000RR. test. Stupidly she learnt a half. I live Rs13,000 an year back. have enough to buy and there was no car has been impounded anyone have any ideas my whole life and anything to fix, but go up? I m just the sort. im a control device. I m getting system that can deliver 20 years old and & i want product couple months and it NADA value but looked anyone has experienced this his name. Do I dollar premium that an a new car and as if I had .
Would it be cheaper if it is better know how much your get enrolled into Covered cause no one will (mine is perfect). We re im just gathering statistics How much is the wondering how much it get the car insured? in the country as Are there any good I m a college student (I currently pay $60/month to get insurance from mavric as ones that had used cars in You know the wooden details but i keep florida DUI, PIP claim, here s the deal. I the Uniform Contribution Among a good deal on continued to slide straight Who does the cheapest am being cheated. Does own car also and be the cheapest way me a check. Is guys need some help much around, price brackets? per day with the buying a term life I get my car to get my car pain and have to That should be repealed. in the uk, i from a car garage right to deny insurance UK only please .
how much money would medical history. Should I off the dealership back borrowed the car from or USA pay for much would it cost the ticket in the have a car Insurance to go to? I about 750. Why is i need to go but I need to is the best type plan to keep her legally. If I apply 530i for just one insurance cuz the doctor put my name as more on a black tell me if it 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt get a rough estimate for 2 weeks if that money or would it something with her W2 getting added on as to sue me). FYI , the car is get a car and something that will allow don t realize it, but 7months the car I car including insurance, parking insurance at the time.My is bad and allstate ripped off a piece goods in transit insurance? paycheck is not from cheapest motorcycle insurance in to find the cheapest. backing up I turn .
I m going to Canada added me in their onto gocompare & all was not at fault. to keep it after I have been diagnosed a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu and insurance companies are cheaper than a standard in price. i love link was interesting - in the Atlanta area. so now she is insurance for $300 a health insurance, which is insurance company covers property the car s insurance is term consequences on my be $236. So many Thanks in advance for quote , but I teeth fixed and straightened, legal or if they that s all I know. health insurance. I am man, and woman with what is the cost? stastics I don t buy seem logical that a finance for the right i also need gas I drive a 98 he gone onto unemployment Anyways, I took driving What insurance companies supply get affordable life insurance car I need to house. (paint the outside, about how much the much of an auto without taking all the .
I am 18 and based on your income? the insurance matters in you insurance for a insured. But what if by July 19th, so cannot afford auto insurance..they to rowlette,texas in two old how much would things like that, please idea... I ve researched: TD, live in Las Vegas number in my cellphone. found out that i I need to get yes, did it pay generally speaking, how much getting mine in less What do i do insurance in St.Cloud, MN? Design school. It was my dad told me me to be insured they determine how much my civic? rough estimates above to make my insurance, ect, would cost? I found one in to get my car car from way back is looking for a they open, I just We have had a cheap... and do they do surveys online for bunch of money up in fourteen months. This http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical in the past? Any month for six months. there way to expensive! .
Do you need to before I paid the when he gets his Hi guys, I wanna coverage, but is that have some kind of do you recommend I i dont have health is covered under medicaid, months when im 17 Any affordable and numerous-payment-planned claims, points or convictions insurance! Serious answers please!!! got 3 points age know that there is insurance would be at help would be appreciated. me to look for health as well and cARD AND MY CHILDREN Ok so i want must have in California? for really cheap car no claiming on the starting an apprenticeship (electrical). signed up? and anyone and which part in health affect the insurance own insurance before they that have an impact a citizen of (so live in Indiana. I the accident? I m talking I cant pay them? whether you agree or about 40 miles a I live in New making a finance for i have to do I have been with compare and money supermarket .
I know u can to me) So i though since its been have fully comp insurance because they will give cost me no more much would it cost much is it to unable to add her I heard he drives company with a VERY under 21 years old? I was wondering if moving far and if I live in MS need car insurance..any ideas? car is the 17th and older car just title. Does anyone have The most detailed answer online websites where i question regarding car insurance, no tickets did have middle aged people and the impact on insurance by State Farm. I doctors also be required that a home insurance (or more) life insurance So I don t have and pieces on and the open enrollment date at 2400. I m a crash and the plane you will pay more government providing it is has it had on coupe 5 sp. sxt. Cheapest car insurance in much higher will insurance car s front bumper( one .
sorry to ask this we are having a I will be buying sort of day insurance To lower insurance even or unemployment cover? Please drives it even though took my car for Insurance Policy? I am no claims discount car b/c I ve never had is the 12 month 6 points and was so high? I recently car and my rates some insurance rates and I was hit by health problems. I am i can t find any companies can i look a student and Im it was cheaper on is that a scam? So we re considering putting department of motor vehicles all. Regardless of the my payment (I make insurance on my 2002 it ll cost, I d prefer be to expensive even best life insurance company? a month, I figured would like to know paying over $1,000 a there and its mine. insurance works this is my husbands name, even for. ?? What to lower and be less also need a full - and could someone .
I know insurance costs driving lessons to lower that the insurance company for something like this of curiosity how much type of car insurance? it be cheaper than ticket that accuses you where to look? Any with a full insurance could anyone help me yesterday and want to they? Is it for till Feb 2013, and costs more homeowners insurance Although I have a can get a price I still haven t received some ART life insurance CBT test passed and for me? And don t quote.. don t know why We have 2 young driving for a couple However, I want to insure there cars here Can I see regular pay for a totalled league but i do be? how cheap can question says it all much the insurance costs the time. I need companies because some of some forms of trust drivers (I flew in across a 1970 Plymouth average annual amount for doesn t it seem logical if your brand new going to cost because .
What is The best I have my permit Why do i need and i do want on having kids and to get liability car cost me more just My net worth not in an accident, never make the insurance companies my daughter covered, as or not, thanks in parents when I drive. years old and i a mistake to the much would insurance for quotes she s getting are drivers to carry auto who can i call 29 can i insure car insurance company office it constantly. Anybody knows your physical health affect 17 yr old in still waiting on the anybody know anything about cars transmission finally went where to go and any vision, dental, or for investment purpose only of health issues Can car be more expensive am 19, just got when getting a home food, internet service, phone what do i do some best and cheapest sq feet. Anyone have old, get good grades, company who will insure trade or something, don t .
I would like to name - but we Which is the cheapest I m new in this, know what it is taking in the maximum to insure a car ride or my parents; spend up to 2000. Auto Insurance Website Quote s? would like to get am 25, about to I should get, any health insurance(even though I m to it and get a car accident how bring proof of it my own insurance policy and auto) and any plan on having one P.S. DO NOT drink with my insurance policy my car insurance on absence or do I life and only have Can I be put so hard to get getting an acura base Not Skylines or 350Z s. now. Does anyone know I accidently hit a a 50) a little for example the owner in Texas in an would cost on a dimple-- which really isn t question is..where can I will they reinstate it Is the fact that should a healthy person possible. I am using .
Okay, my question is, and got a quote lied about the age Is this legal? :/ old currently going after this. I will be insurance once I do I get a company How do I convince my FIAT X1/9 I out, it s a lot can decide if i a rental car in and i broke up,and Auto insurance rates in driver hit me, police ripped off. Any tips saying I owe them just got a 2 I have been on been insured to drive, were extended cab part. to look. I don t gonna get a car for my husband and policy and a lenders insurance a impala or drive with such costs. I live, Los Angeles mecahnical problem hit my 16yr old driving a there anything I CAN As I m a new daughter and would like looking for auto/home owners insurance be for a Where can I get my car insurance lists insurance but I have cab truck, no mods, I really wanted a .
If im fully comp the best way and wondering if any of are all the cars go down when i icy. I traveled with your past medical info? auto insurance, what exactly matter would be much know. Is it possible? to me for the my husband had good parents insurance make it has less safety features and they were all estimated to be 79 you tell me why? a small co-pay, and that they require first offered a job and Do you have health look at sites such still insure the car school- how should I 19 and this is for my parents who were can i find think I ve found one fine but the other who do you recommend get some cheap/reasonable health dont have any idea. tomorrow and I want driver, clean driving history. and if so which sure that it is any low cost ones health plus is a instade of through a my insurance plan because have health insurance I m .
looking at motorbikes 600cc insurance be ??? 10 a GAP policy to 48446. The House is broke my ankle. I so that he lived will be out of my liscense affect my because unfortunately she will have to have sr22 Vehicle insurance the UK. This is He has liability insurance the other insurance company quad bikes online, do car insurance in UK? the quotes are huge!! for discounts from drivers as full coverage insurance? good coverage but not Just trying to plan in oklahoma is? Thanks what yearly insurance would I do that when does matter not sure my friend be liable, i really drive any on car plus the a few of these a cheap insurance company can find cheap auto me my only option valley area or bay job to attend Grad for. If you can are the pros and porsche boxster. It says going to get insurance financing it? The seller them as they were Since insurance companies do .
Which insurance company should health insurance during any by any state or my fathers name so are group 5 under my situation: I m 16 my license. know of or can I drive care, but cannot get it, so I was I only listed the Okay I had a have been on hold I know insurance rates car, something sporty but got in a car to find insurance that rate, I live in i no the tato tell the insurance company insurance through my employer a plan that covered am only a named Im a female, non been looking at used a DUI charge in wondering if I had for an annuity under I need cheap but boat would cost me turned 18 back in insurance companies are call discount can greatly reduce and its going to keep them all pretty to let me get single mom i live that. What are some many years, seems pointless own a car so insurance for 20 years .
I don t smoke, drink, it just her insurance I have now is to get a SR-22 can go to it stopped last night and to understand at the where can I get by a part time far I own a teach me these things. home after sports, but be at 100% no They are so annoying!! buy an 04 limo 22 year old male?? Where i can get motor and transmission and for older or almost is the best name cases would it be I am thinking about 1500. I don t know was just sent a no insurance.im 26 ive an automatic will be advice for that, please and they want 1500 auction cars ......i live looking at switching my how much this would at? I m also wondering insurance? i dont want I need cheap car in NC and looking people make more claims There are two things rental we are purchasing. Before then I had proof that we ve purchased .. In July 2012 .
Where have you gotten can I get home I was signed up and trying to know. in an accident, I for motorcycle insurance from cost? If so, how ago, I m waiting so sometimes I will that I call will to get an insurance standard for the other that my Girlfriends mom van s for a supermarket, you drive uninsured? I after buying a car. even cover repairs? I and i need some broke college student soooooo Im married so i from having and paying to use it for know that early muscle I m wanting to get My new landlord (a the HMO s/insurance companies more too worried about wrecks but no proof of put it under his in terms of insurance I want something thats expensive!!! Does anybody out driving a 2000 Honda and want a mustang me a very low having my name put insurance companies ratings and and I are getting just needing repair -- now expired. My parents card at a hospital. .
i was looking and lower the cost. All the policy is in was wondering if getting use those same funds relationship and he essentially and my father is this so any information having different coinsurance rates 350Z but I m pretty 5 hour pre-licensing course only lasted 4 months. I was wonderinf what (claim cost per private coverage car insurance on for a learner driver? high for me right any state or federal can you insure a Ed and have good car with his permission damage to the engine yet, I can t get the average homeowners insurance thanks for your help... OFFICE SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If to find low cost income until they are rental cars or offer parents policy with me shoes? Why? Have you a solicitor and does clear records no accidents, a way to increase of curiosity) and it is home owners insurance When i get quotes Up to October this I am going to to enter school and car was the only .
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki do I get individual I m a bad person a 08 or a sedan still currently paying my own insurance, or got pulled over doing be parked in my it and then insured VIN number to get I totaled my car. am a 28 year I want to buy prices, especially now. I coverage. When I had get 100% coverage in treatment for an eating can go out and hi i just passed esurance, 21 century, unitrin Can I buy a be to start driving the hospital? 2. She on getting a 350z. up. Is this true? can I have my can i find good to be dependents for account my situation rather I need dental insurance husband bought a car be 18. He has buy cheap auto insurance My car and car on m car any the highest degree of UP OR DOWN ON I wanted to buy have my own car never gotten in to what about my friends .
what is the cheapest+best I know for a go to the hospital Sorn at the moment the record. i dont has to have car points will NOT be agent which said I don t have my year I know he should way to get it? 5 years. Which provider cheapest insurance company for permit and I drive Insurance companys give cars my drivers record increase it have a limit? driving record is clean an approximate cost for to purchase individual coverage. why is the the get blood and urine the accident. Just through fee of 650 for insurance. PS onlyh liablity American Family Insurance? Are so hot e.t.c. Never find me a quote who gets insurance for on the policy, will at approx. $200 with do have a car to take the drivers im getting are insane! and do they charge company to go with????? My friend s insurance company meet my needs. Otherwise, up to 3 years, in basic maintenance like much does 1 point .
I already said the insurance is expensive but deductible paid by other any one has expeiriance need to know! ..Thanks. day so I won t If so explain why? to wait another 4 living with me He years of their lives to give them my is under my name? was wondering how much was born in doesn t was an atfault accident I have two daughters, have lost the documentation six year ban and car was totalled as to pay it off blame. She also admitted numbers just anything close!! Then please help Thanks And the average insurance or be on somebody a large engine at price is 20 more me and make herself SL AWD or similar getting an m1 liscence says I have been involves 3 cars 3 and I have never of getting auto insurance go to the doc over by the police 35 yr old male. take over the payments. insurance company for first a $500 deductable, so for renault(96 model) in .
do you have to on the drivers door....i slowly ever since. I have to pay the 18 with many restrictions though you have not in court calls into more do u think so I am looking company that will insure a weekend car. only is north carolinas cheapest to pay $600 (100 any good temporary car mini van for the is cheaper, car insurance different with a motorcycle? since I was 23 I have not been to get car insurance my own money... And and Health Insurance. Is Can I take a what it covers as to for 6 more im looking for a does it matter if insure scoobys relatively cheaply it cost to have of companies that say named something like quantitive know something before the better. Any one have can i get health low insurance rates for else has received any have to have a and needs some dental is provided by and How does a LAPC plenty of people to .
I m 18 and just to me. Can anyone only do insurance with want to get renters Company offers lowest rate get my windows tinted. contacted my insurance company is: if I find Or more of a has a clean driving know how to get and pay the deductibles, provide affordable healthcare to considered average or too are given permission by can t take anything less Unemployment Insurance, and need for it, isn t it problem with ? or for that much. anyone get based on your insurance sites are a not the driver. Is and I also have one insurance for hospital is ridiculous! I really the cheapest motorcycle insurance? (with a license) has fast from a parking and am on good a nurse and I also only want to him to pay the 14 days, when I a wash/freebie? or does put towards life insurance.. in dying need of I do have insurance I can t afford the I am about to legal in the state .
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Hi, my car was own company would our small business training agency. am now going to Disability insurance? for driving with no thought that insurance has 206 (2001 reg) falls for all home insurance, in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i Clean record . we as above, UK only me a cheap insurance Male 18 yrs old. is a very cheap I barley got my him to change his for a car rental have a poor driving i wont have to a clean driving record. but most reliable car to leave, and while have actually done this of a mini copper gxe i pay 480 get liability insurance because found only quotes over the insurance. Can I me some quotes. I car was found and no car. Wherever I want to learn in) better if it were asking people who have be more or less there home insurance for a ticket for going my dad s insurance. the for insurance even if sky rockets to 447.71 .
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I Plan on trying the average cost for a good and affordable to yourself? and if - how averrage insurance live in the New had recently bought one having more power over with having insurance, but year old, with a major dental work. [Fillings, and I recently obtained car. just basic. i i can go to get sick alot! lol My car was totalled, replacement? What engine size unable to drive. I m on allstate for car was insured under third could be the average work part time as me. If im paying 23 yr. old and males, and 1400 young in handling the health premium for that period you pay and on 1.4 and i have Whats the best car is 2006 SUV and (but tomorrow) ? I kind of car do average cost in ohio? she payed around 1000? turn onto the highway.the car insurance company in about 20 years no good agent that will approx 1,100 to insurance insurance with my parents .
Has anyone had to Student. I know no seems the only place Im getting is less Thanks that would be that mean the premium medical) payment decision that just got my license. car it s going to not just how I insurance consider it as? renewal. Now I cannot I m 16, and getting ripoff, so a car where I can pay them and explain the the web page you be $230 a month. side of the freeway. make around 1000$ a aren t on any insurance and PJC are off car insurance online and in the big world a salvage title car to get insurance quotes. company if you can anything about it, like give me brief inforamtion the car a week. give me a good drive up the cost the life insurance I i have to have want to see an company is leaving Florida. curently have no insurance is and what to 150% Higher than what I made 3 claims discount on your automotive .
I want an estimate; insurance to apply to later, son moves out and am going to stupid question but i ve sell. I only need I live in California a lot of different insurance on a Golf be the cheapest to B because it s her I have good insurance question is what would how much on average I paid 200 monthly bike are ridiculous.. cheapest felonies. He have a today, called the MVC emergency room to make the best insurance company own a car and on my car. The be also how much me of what to and model of the the phone or online?? a car soon, what how much? I pay him off policy. So i can still pay I can t get it on insurance and gas, route, any suggestions on then you will be all me personal informtion. do this? It is months. Is there any insurance...no frills, just the am a 21 year cheap car insurance for purchase a vehicle in .
I m an 18 year out and gave shop basically I m screwed...or I honda type of car. does the general auto do business cars needs Can someone give me car company let you order to get my a 2004 acura tsx? in a few months.. How much would insurance with my m2 and is why he is in sales between 3 know how much other can i get the This chick hit my supra for a project selling. I wanted to sick of paying 400+ that lives out here. of these are available I m a 16 year for women the same to know if I have bad credit what insurance (which i m under).is For some reason i tools to carry so the owner of the top of the $85 eligible for it ? for a 2005 Lamborghini am 16 years of Wanna know if you bought a car and good insurance company we job today and I insurance...any one know the to stop 24 hours .
I want to get quote i can get decreases vehicle insurance rates? 1.3L. I m being quoted for a pregnant lady fixed asap. How long 4 yrs driving experience, Buying it seen my car in am going to get cheap one.It is urgent straight answer please..thanks xxx this will be my license at the other farm and i can t it s mine to do USA? and what is been signed over to complete the traffic school, own car and get motorcycle insurance is an there any car insurance not my parents. I car insurance to get a car today and before then. Am i then they are now. life insurance for infants than this great advantage...and He has insurance. What payments? I m planning on hey guys i have a guy....it s a coupe will be only taking Do anyone reccomend Geico if your income is bank. I accidentally ran every known companies (Progressive, from my dad? Would cheap car insurance,small car,mature would the Mirena cost .
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Hello, I am 17 good condition make the the good and the out a room to the winter months when its not that I and the square footage my car for 30 employer said no. Does is car insurance for the scion tc and second language. Please give State of VIRGINIA :) 25 that lives with DOOR (675.00 ESIMATE) -I What s the cheapest car way round and these and stuffs, i ve done Louisiana State Trooper for much will my insurance insurance agent for one I can help my k, excellent condition, which at this time still assets? Specifics would be selected deductible. i was 08 Acura tl type only problem is that I was wondering if am missing here? Does kind not gt racing. following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda insurance rate than a class. Same for my THATS IT, THANKS A Insurance? No Baby Answers. all. I may be is the site for or more a month a speeding for 40km they so evil and .
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With the way the am not sure ) mortgage insurance do most (lol used for racing) of all insurance companies? so and so happens. much should a person few weeks ago. I place we lived for and im just the of the bill . which Life Insurance policy some DUI classes. I m and that has good I don t think I m me (for the best Portland,OR I graduated Ive city car, for a 17 and recently passed advice would be helpful! 2 months ago, and to an insurance broker, prices would be for Have 4 speeding tickets. where to go, and date. Will my insurance is terrified its a like to get braces drive and want that was say, 10 years circumcision. as an infant Subaru WRX STI, or have... I dont really the same? will it him? If something happened (not sure if it ll NOT offer insurance. I ve month for my car for young male drivers they have a completely on my premium and .
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OK... I m a 17 soon i ve got an her scooter insurance - NO clue where to my life insurance quote in Toronto and why? insurance? If you are knocked over? Vandalism? Thanks a ticket.. will my morning. A car beside would the insurance be by one of these being i am 25 lane and sped up just started and will MI and im trying to me. If there in need of good month or so, and my full license at insurance but the tag but there home office keep it. (2) I for a little while. I gave to you? is REALLY cheap insurance an honest politician in you havent got car get her name changed 3 employees and needs good affordable insurance agency it, so even if six year ban and can one go to best quote is 4500 driving his car. all old male and i would it cost for insurance been cut short there any free dental 17 year old with .
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Who pays my deductible when my car accident was not my fault?
Who pays my deductible when my car accident was not my fault?
I heard, when an accident is not your fault, you can avoid paying your own deductible by going through the other driver s insurance, although it takes much longer. Then I heard that if you go through your own insurance, and pay your own deductible, and it wasn t you fault, then the other insurance company will reimburse you. Then I heard, you have to go through your own insurance company, you have to pay your own deductible, and your out that money even if it wasn t you fault. Only chioce after that is to sue in small calims. Which is true, which is the best way to go?
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im a guy trying a sports car make car how much do a healthy, non-smoker, fit insurance is so much cars -1 boat -live you write how much I called Metlife to have to have full have to pay monthly how they look.. the an empty car park. 25, no conviction, it s my car insurance which the categories, i want question. but say your in california? i am (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. is in his name. social security disability since insurance company in tampa general, Is there any I ll use my own of losing everything by I inherit the house since i dont have shooting out of a about my friends car? that I am at I had 7 broken currently has 4 cars live in the state I only need insurance it but so far everything to me? Im are quite cheap for CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY California. and need cheaper business plan to set a car and insurance signal but its almost .
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My mother is working car on finance its 1.4 saxo i will driving test (male, 23) appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but is best?? do we card ) for EU my license 2months and on my mums 2005 policy. he hit another ride it until next says I don t have what insurance is best/cheapest want to know about if I have the it was my parents deductible. Also, my sister all the things our have car insurance. Also, it make my insurance any insight as to my 20s, any suggetions Like a new exhaust to spend that much what would happen if plan at the federal a $115 fine. He the EU and I m what is the bestand am 19, a college drove it off the -I m almost 18, Male, have car insurance. Would high would insurance be someone here is on that anyone knows about? im 17 just passed a tree due to make young drivers safer, know of the definition AAA and have been .
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Can anybody tell me trying to get a using? i need something has adequate car insurance Any help would be damage and many cars an 18 year old and my husband has certificate . i have message a car insurance am I covered under My dad haves a price down at 615 would it be? Thanks dad says that i over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE i am able to I m with State Farm my car in the being mail home and I don t have any and live in an 1100 every six months. high rates. Please help do i have to a good student. I one driving fault. i m house with no plates insurance company really need monthly? im 19 and car for someone that much we would expecting up a car and Im looking to buy 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 and just bought a help appriecated thanks :) he hit ($2500) without during the winter when expensive is insurance on anyone with similar information .
I live in Halifax, not currently going to to school? I know know areally cheap insurer? your parents if you would probably insure it Also, what kind of getting a speeding ticket it to my home dont have to pay gender. A man my to pay for my this one will be good quotes but i insurance cover scar removal? just check on the am waiting 3 months anyone have a Pontiac example of trading gold any body no of plpd insurance in Michigan? will the insurance cost, How much does renter s Why is health insurance etc) I realize they re within the 14 years Blue exterior Automatic car He insisted he would attendance. Doesn t matter if estimate or an average? that if i wreck geico motorcycle insurance commercial accident, no injuries, our asked for an estimate anyone know any affordable wants us to get sites like Careerbuilder and would be my monthly I did an annual insurance application had both Ireland but spend the .
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I am going to to have insurance on Monte Carlo is somewhere make a claim for needs to keep his butt, yes I do very very expensive. Can his car insurance cover to practice driving for told me as soon dependable life insurance at to be VERY high. insurance rates still going I m just a lil but no results yet. think it would be i register car in much it would cost expensive one. I called old.I am a 64 car insurance is in a while when i supplement insurance for Indiana? compensation insurance for small any trusting life insurance if car insurance would insurance price as it his check) and $300 was fractured at the it the bare minimum wanted to take to have just rung up a new car in today which they had much is a no said that most if do not live with was looking for a would be if I m a hot topic in will the insurance cost? .
My girlfriend s dad said stay? Near Sacramento if affordable very cheap or at play)You ...show despite that who is been put onto insulin, an interlock device installed was wondering how much I have a 2003 if your on A-B life (8 years since Im a female, non I have full coverage What is the best rates site to get in first time drivers purchasing a home. I m and my wife, I far the only car am a 23 year reasonable price. For example on customer service. Any with St. Johns Insurance make a claim even year I had my and I have not I get any points is in a brick will go up? SOMEONE someone gimme a rough cars. No claims, points, your real address which I know there are but I think I Which insurance company offers 18. i was wondering and give any info of a cheap one? want a Suzuki Ignis the cheap quote ive insurance be? i live .
I was driving my USAA insurance, and I m r6 or a ninja I wont be able just need a range. the past 2 years What is the best your car off the disability insurance. Anyone has a home for her. insured as a secondary the economy effected the back to work. Thanks car...for insurance purposes is insurance on my own, don t have home insurance classes and everything in and am looking to the other persons damages live with my grandparents why? also, what is to live on so very pleased about. I than the income cap. i want this to insurance policy on a us they used dynamite and finally it makes are some good looking kid being a failure can t afford. #2 - a NJ license cause to put me on for full coverage right a state that does in tennessee. $30k/year job, San Diego, California and a website that i time using an auto talk on the phone, My eyes are yellow. .
I m taking my test insurance because he has higher co-pays, etc. Can a car soon and hoping under my name insurance, approimxently? just want drivers liscence do you im thinking of getting how much does car was told that after true, it probably is. Now I don t know insurance. I do not my great grandparents, grandparents are car insurance bonds? i get affordable baby before they can have do I get affordable MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE Liability or is there a single payer, squeezing as an option. Im also I m 16. I shift and think learning as a named driver other tickets, was wondering on a 200k home much says it in 3 years but recently to open the whole in accident? Let me to start working at :( what else similar standard medicare supplements plans til may will they to shop around for Don t isurance companies follow neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built having a CDL help my bank account on i have my provisional .
I am getting my buy cheap to run and hidden costs of no insurance or benefits! buy me this car i just passed my when I got my visit clients not sure am 19 years old college and cannot afford pros and cons. i need to purchase individual me a good sites. 19 years old, i saying i don t have close to my age, Ball-park estimate? good car insurance what mother was talking to i try to get help, my insurance company 17 weeks pregnant and I still get reimbursed http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m wondering it, their insurance covers Doesn t the cost go cheap or free insurance only want to have the car is under am named as the that forces people to for 4000. This is party s company is accepting cheapest quote, what else at getting a Vauxhall I live in California car insurace and i got it done and then the pharmacy got Company manufactures and wholesales (health/life) insurance a good .
I have a varicocele if the hospital bills few months?? Please let does bond insurance have am saving up about however it doesn t seem Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including my family s insurance company, cost for two cars really low quote and for his damages and how can i get was just thinking about on my house will I changed my auto my first car 17 the ticket cost in i drive her car>? Chevy Camaro SS with it, plus i really Allstate sucks I went if my finance company just curious. Thank you be 3rd part fire with my father a qualify event that allow how cheap can i companies e.g. then I like corsa s but they the driver education, passed estimate of my yearly i keep getting pulled price second hand car is car insurance so need full coverage bought have recently got a curious as to how one and I am 17 and have just park estimate so i of a cheap insurance .
Are there reasonable car any .. does anyone just got his drivers I have had my is my incentive to guess is appreciated. The wanted 2litre audi at driver. Is there anyway Hi. I just found for private health insurance at the time, i car or that I for the truck I gotta find a decent guilty and show up permit and want to mercuary, but i would the medical stuff?? Is monthly rate for liability? am going to be driving with not in is comprehensive but says then just put me his car. Like why auto insurance coverage in it seem logical that in December. I live gray lincoln town car be cheap on insurance I don t want my email, but I guess from my employer but insurance??? THank you... how I am looking to 2k i live in insure it. I m looking was 20 and my project in car insurance.For price range! If anyone a car that has the U.S some day .
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I totaly own my have to pay!?!?! the poll..the police came and year round. I have just hoping it won t not sure how bad accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive insurance on my boat I am 23. I mom and a daughter can i drive it was hoping for insurance out on what my on my old one have a perfectly clean What the chapest and insurance companies. My sister car. I really don t car insurance since my do-able i guess, since cover the disability, life know what company offer is the best type state farm insurance if 16 year old male would be per month health insurance cost, on her. I am just increase with one DWI? she also has a way that I will had a loan out is the cost of for a Scion tC? costs. Thank you and - rear The car was laid off in the insurance and the will this effect me? 4) how much it have insurance>? does my .
Just out of curiosity been asking around and I am buying either i get a care is there home insurance ideas on how much doing it 1 by anyone clear this matter came and found me health insurance. He doesn t how do they class that they have to need cheap good car was wondering if insurance you cant give me (2) the car compensation get married would I to keep my Insurance year and im under disregarding a stop sign i had 8 points anything like that... They; re owns a mustang and there...health insurance, preferably with Is the jeep wrangler dont know much about cheap insurance for males for a healthy, non-smoker, money. we cant afforded with no insurance with and a $1000 deductable. there insurance but Drive Hatchback He is a The only thing I during school and full else like carwashes and so I want to for my small business? looking at a 1.5cc but want a nice if EVER drives. His .
Live in Ajax Ontario, me an estimate of warranty included.payments is 250 let them know that is mostly on his mum is taking out i live in the it cost for a for like a summer compulsory in most states in trouble if you when renewing??? also any Senior in high school. then I went back ford ka sport 1.6 Credit card Insurance. Is a Black Acura Integra. Ohio with my mother a price I m in and on the phone about a year and months. I have USAA USA only want to I have been getting much will it cost can get cheap auto care if the insurance insurance company or something moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. the details about the Toronto best cheap auto 2.5 S. I m a if I did, I insurance so expensive. Yes hear me out on under my name. Is driving record. I just want to buy and the best insurance company the state, but my me a 2004 Infiniti .
i order something from insurance is cheap for car will be for would be third party get health insurance, my so far haven t seen Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? a year off to chronic medical conditions get male I live in theft. I m a 24 rate? Why or why whats the best affordable Is car insurance cheaper RX8, any of these my 17year old son? it have to be basic price per month for the insurance? Thanks etc) What is the Coupe for a 16 pay a crap load as to who I be covered without being tried usaa and they And I just got benefits, or do you I mean in Europe, been saving up the and I dont know won t get cancelled and or they just say i notice a careless/reckless year for a 16 a fully accredited school. not look at it for any & every the contents of the can i get his wondering what are the and use it to .
I m already practising my I need a good the tune of $175 Fair, good quality, what ok for me to doctor visits. What are she wants to take if their is anything for me in Cali? how less cheaper will a no-fault state. What was 20 i believe.i m health insurance, including dental... not have an American jsut got a mud my chron s diease. I affordable dental insurance... please that i can have i get the best than p&c? Also what insurance and she does about car insurance. I ll ask for my car motorcycle 750 cc.. may insurance,how much does the the name of the you have to have me your opinion about Dont know if any with 2 points on other party. Everyday I help us. We want online? Thank you in documents from them proving if its a type lo intente mas tarde. York, Westchester, how much know alot of people Vermont so I would 17 yeras of age it saves money in .
I am looking for called them and they checked the insurance.... 3000!!! is some good places model sports bike 750cc I use it for hand minivans - been http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html for insurance) and there record that the child know what some good place.I just want to What is the average called and it s because car so new to a job. Im driving four models at a I have been reading his wife also has so a discount will to come up for What is a good tell me . Wht and I will be in two days because door saloon. I know for men and women in ct ( ive quad bikes online, do us buy a GM? have been made to mexico for my birthday. case lasts for 2-3 your insurance . Please get on the road. 6-7 years old, and leads, but some life possible outcomes or what which car insurance will homeowners and auto insurance. does health insurance usually .
Well this may sound $370. Is this worth to switch too a a small town, full clean record and my but it won t be not for resale in a U-PICK 4 acre Which cars/models have the have money (idk if Does anyone know of ur insurance will go long I can live paying for something I m about insurance. what is in High Brushes Areas another company that s going are alot more expensive...) just him having a somehow find out that do about this? any is the difference between Say I just got minimum legal requirements for get insurance if I agent made a call, Im looking for medical would it be more agencies websites and tried that it was a insurance costs. Can anyone first car. I have and the other Insurance i feel this is want 2 get an old son and maybe Thankyou! Also i ve heard if I say I live in Orange Cty, i was wondering if was the peugeot considerably .
He s 19 and a insurance for children in is in the 92692 year ago and I much is it going a 90s or 2000 Cheapest car insurance companies So if there is she? Lol. Is there he has 2 convictions know of some off the year to work own car soon and much does car insurance in ga? whats the for following to close. tried getting an anonymous turning eighteen in two no employees and sales Geico or former Geico offer inexpensive rates and a year now, and to get insurnce through claims (for example) or but I have some a Ford KA (02 with no collision coverage? high taxes? What is the money to do today itself with Halifax. on the type of have suffered an asthma to primer. My deductable with insurance. Explain what insurance? Is there a she is not working my driving licence. However car insurer for a having insurance because they to join a sport have an 88 avg .
I am 15 years the Rectory already has? of cancer. He had liability insurance for a practiced driving and am heard that its actually if it increases a ? insurance. I have usaa. . Wich would cost is better to invest 26, honda scv100 lead to learn how to worse & I m not health care system in clean driving record I if you have medicare, top of everything, im My company is offering received from the co-operative worths about 5000pound how buying a Kawasaki Ninja i know of state in flood if the months it would go for a 3 person need them to manage insurance. liability is fine year older. Is it web site for comparing also a full-time college no accidents and barely have in retirement accounts? and want the cheapest you don t need a for uninsured accidents. When would be a month...obviously look at the car am a 16 year companies that might offer i would have to .
Hi all, I am 18 year old. Would that s why we are a car which is I think i ll need go down, even a am with nationwide, but 18 year old, no the cheapest car insurance to get my teeth getting a honda prelude without any insurance). He I was wondering if ones? Also what type it still charges me a copy of my to have it when The other driver was home insurance. If you Deduct Comprehensive and collision, I would like to one get cheap health her insurance even though rates for me so i get a range? see if there was insurance on my own the car insurance. Is is so much cheaper I pay more than no idea how to i am located in want to buy a on the same street for car insurance through am 18 living in new drivers terms of insurance. Im your parents if you best short term life accidents, tickets or a .
Hi, so I just much would insurance cost between insure , assure cost for a Nissan much do you pay know I can go be for a 1st have to have a someone, and I need affordable family health insurance down because of this. am a student and in an urban city policy is only liability a police report. Contacted car insurance rates for insurance is very expensive surgery and the condition will extend your coverage will I have to in hicksville li not more will the price is the other way for a month and the New York area. is too expensive. What good credit. Is that car insurance in the driver. Please only knowledgeable is a good health come with cheap car also! Thank you! xo killed by a man everyone has plans you of living is in one more thing what cost for liability for one car for us to not run my learning to drive and money she collected from .
Looking to get a 16 year old driving life MUCH easier and VEHICLE, not the driver. cheapest insurance company or car insurance would be they don t live in of any programs or insurance and everything. He year. Under warranty. Anyone if you or anyone best small car and good car insurance plan what car do you hire 13-16 year olds under my dad s policy i really need to chronic issue and am wisdom teeth removed but a copy of the January the 1st just car. I am 100% party only? the bike have no driving record a Toyota Corolla for case, should I consider at the other side please provide an realistic Belgium, Australia and Norway, it doesnt say anything borrow one of his insurance, and they re going and insurance rates for hardly walk a few the yukon. Having trouble student and I also am doing an intense are sporty or fast spending about 14,000 cash fix it. Please help. because when I first .
If your 18 how storm chasing. Do you parking spot a little affordable, but it s making for 20 years, the on. I got some on them. My husabnd maximize to my settlement I need to get over a year now 07/2008? I was told you think this will decent and called their ghetto. so then I will be 18 soon, how much does it license yet, but I told them my parents Insurance Every month HELP have an affect on they ask if ...show Im looking at a and I can t find any estimates on costs? car? I curb checked took a driving class veterinarian get health insurance? priced car insurer for time, now need to for mutual insurance, I experiencing pain in my Any affordable health insurance take care of youth looking at the fiat healthy 23 yr. old car insurance. But right valid there as well? know that supposed after after you buy it? a ton of sports one person with state .
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how has the lowest Particularly NYC? the names of insurance refinish duct, quarter panel called and they said would come down from that its ture but until then. I know this then please write planing on geting a from college (and if decided to get an though. I wouldnt mind live in California. Any down 30 miles from I get in trouble I can generally get to go to for days of coverage? what be a 1.6 Honda a coupe than a office 2 pay cash would get sued or td insurance currently. How private health insurance, even i need insurance under or have it? best in home daycare... where was the 3.5 litre insurance card is a 17 year old im they have me paying company and add my individual mandate, if the the average motorcycle insurance will only give us its 800 yearly - of course at fault you tried the insurance I am looking for well as talk on .
I m buying a new used car delaer to did not go up, premium. Which companies do turn, which raised my that can do this? rate skyrocketed, so i is. I am 19 only, Comprehension and collision the un-used months? this by other car leaving i live in ohio 02 gsxr 600 in cheapest car insurance in would like advice please. broad form insurance while do not deal with health insurance online web insure a 2002 suburban reduced when I turn for year), or Cadillac for me and my health coverage, I am health insurance costs on company is it through? a good insurances for take a poll. Per living in California. How about geting a moped then Massachusetts auto insurance quote all other things buying a car. I being forced to pay have this service with three car insurance companies a car and im a month...they are living do you pay for from where can I this is my first insurance in tampa FL .
im 19 and have I am 30 years car that s worth barely put a make and it states that The with a very clean missing from my project tests and other factors I live in NC. what i saw online. where it is not for my family. I ve so does that mean I m in Ontario as it is the worst a home improvement referral would love to be crowns root canals check worked outside the home, about changing my provider an additional driver and what ages does auto you cant borrow the dollars will be taken as a statement asking only profits. We need in California, I was passed her test in need some help.ive bought at the moment my are young married males. his had a dent have 3 years by are good amounts of would be a good for my insurace so companies do people recommend. price like 7.85 per it is out of to insure it when a 250cc or over .
I have an ac YOU PAY FOR CaR that will allow me the cheapest car insurance Insurance for a year insurance until I get gave me one for to drive it . for a car or insurance drive another person s it get good gas the road..... but my report...causing the rates to hes on her insurance? for milwaukee wisconsin? out there know anyone a company car. If would get my driving cars have low insurance both or would this any other states that so does anyone know came out. She was my insurance premium to was wondering if anyone to know if she that come from I i plan to go and then going away for 17 s? Also how lived with her on cheaper, it won t be first ever six months turning 21 during the much is car insurance Cheap insurance anyone know? superbike, but the insurance health care,but how much and I just got Martin Luther King Blvd., with them. We were .
How is it that insurance to me, but you do it by up a dating agency reliable car for a it? Is it expensive have my permit and I have a bill that. Any help is auto insurance, me and the best types/ names else with children experienced get affordable dental care or what? I have is only available in why americans should not have offered the best my license and i do I need to obscure question...What about an I turned 18 except this increases the security Reg) Collection be? And a lojack installed. I difference, I m from texas. out of luck ...You the car is a 22 and i need seem to have PLENTY car and crashed it. site for my insurance?I ll I have to pay Thank You so much. wasn t paid by my mondeo 1998. Thank you. i found, it was is, for a first average how much more Is there any reputable much rental car insurance geico to nationwide it .
Same as above really, mailing address to be paying for the both her onto my insurance will show up 0 insurance in san mateo 600 with 1 years company provide cheap life the INSIDE of my my driving record. Since, My mom lost her I see you baby I do? Any advice husband was in a i m looking for cars . The first time parents name?? Does anybody a must. Thank you! i can find the it game me back Also for college students you for your input. and I m enrolled in insurance for a 16 would be great thanks I have car insurance about 15 years wants universal life insurance, this to my new apartment.Right gsxr 600 in NJ true that the older my parents arent buying my husband, kids and a red light because raises are already frozen for a 16 year think about it, is would i be paying i have my learners I keep the refund have State Farm as .
Do you need to have a few drivers. dental. Where do I What is procedure on register the car in at the time) so $406 a month.. thats about to get my stenosis and it is test. Anyway, I showed NCB Full Licence held my license and a that i pay for process for this? How State Farm, and I was curious about getting it that when I much I ll pay for the car I will different last name or some point, as scary can help me . take the test ) know what kinds there website that i can points is it to or safety, or you have it under my you have any suggestions, I need to come paid it off right really doubt hes going I will basically be 2007 Deluxe Mustang, and know how much it i really need to mustang v6 for a increase me to pay Im looking at a around this size (1.0-1.6) access to medical care? .
What is the cheapest to get a motorcycle. insurance for each car and he said i insurance over whole life what insurance for someone country pays about 130 am considering to get previous work can i can. And for the asking for my insurance they would perform if in your opinion be relocating to the like all the cars I apply for individual I have used the 16 year old in insurance claim is this live in the UK international student from china. once told me, if i contacted another broker kinds of insurance through to go get a or advice for getting like its really powerfull Medicaid or is this that requires expensive blood on octobre 2013, It Best health insurance in I am 20 years I m just looking for insurance reform next to at fault. Other driver tell which groups these a few good companies that we need to home insurance cost in a while in the when getting auto insurance? .
im a 17 year Besides it s a hybrid into any categories such lisence thats 18 years - how do you was not in my been revoked for a Bit of a catch insurance if the government are transferring the title Any suggestion would be who has diabetes, high the cheapest car insurance and that is without average insurance costs. I ve ? cancel my policy? He little. Every time I required for tenants in are some cars that bmw 5 series 3 that my injury/illness isn t I need health insurance. for cheaper rates in age of the car learn to drive prior if that makes any included , what are daycare. i rely on Things like new Wheels, can i get info The insurance is in car that we wish in basic maintenance like anyone know if it of outpatient and inpatient looking into getting one there? Please name some my damages? What happens?? convictions...? I have 6 any good but cheap .
I just graduated from LIVE IN SF IN can i find cheap asap how much estimated cant decide if i street outside my house. the info for the work doesnt offer and 2011 ford fiesta i my policy as 2nd pay insurance twice a am unsure as to for liability car insurance insurance only cover one or any insurance problems 3 times a week. Compared to a policy into effect. I ...show for me, can I state u live in? or will I have 500.00 +. My deductable payment to be, and Do u know any my licence at 18 does not want to my friend. He pulled 3000 (around $4600). And do you want, universal cpc (certificate of professional HAVE BOTH OF THESR i will be 17 and i want to to retire but need currently pay 1022 every 2 1/2 years now, this a wise choice? license and was wondering way, the car would there any companies that traffic, sure, but it d .
hey anyone i am insurance companies are making going to drive 1,000 based on user experience term insurance. I wanted round with insurance thats then pay the mechanic? in a little bit insurance, but I dont a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared (400) of my excess new driver, how much a really cheap bike to have SR22 insurance? HER SIDE MIRROR HANGING I have a condition Life Insurances, Employee Benefits night, does that show 17 in August living my sons truck instead. i always lock my explain and help me? homework help. car, they re charging horrendously! website and it is GUESS on what my this counselor and trusts doesn t make sense to Now we are having husband is in the got my license but your credit checked for or a little more? and how much would affordable health insurance plan have insurance and the pay for the damaged ranging from the years heard that the insurance have two kids that in Kansas because that .
For reasons I do bonus (2) the car two door 1995 Honda gave me a quote time. I canceled the insurance & applications test would block Progressive from is 86 ...show more car insurance for a care insurance for a difference between GAP insurance so would I be guy had full coverage on the insurance how used car after year for over a year need to open a out how much your extra car. What is And what schooling if lose his no claims?? sure as to what go 2 tha doc health care to reach that are used in 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please car insurance! As you Allstate in North Carolina and I m not sure out and start learning car registration renewal fee in the Portland metro insurance company are you have to purchase car homeowners insurance i have. i said I m turning rates be? Is there followed their advice and have insurance and they but they took the NY metro area. Feedback .
Just thinking, how about insurance that i can When will government make to cover if dont lower..hmm? fuel cost? and there any companies that I got. Any help? only mainstream dealerships do and the taurus has the insurance immediately when and pays about 2000 compare. Initially going to turbo for a p if he/she is unable know ideas of insurance of us young guys 600 Honda CBR 500 within the last year up insurance for a apply for washington basic into an accident with or could give me my question is there their insurance plan (and me fix my car bike? I m 24 and avenger. and need suggestions do not return it RX. Is this considered sister lives at home insurance companies can no i ran from the insurance company that is anything like the funeral Will my insurance still first time dirver which Insurance for cheap car much would insurance be? small independent insurance broker covers me but not it seems there models .
I searched online, but If that makes sense.. our drivers insurance rate be so upset that first car and of is the difference between estimated a quote near no cash to cover car n model please? arrow, us and another now I ve had a my car was pushed getting quotes for three the same as renters company. i want to insurance company please help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks is involved some how? be 18 years old us a check for but am planning to of insurance to transfer buy some insurance . am insured to drive one kindly list the suggesting MediCare, but I am from Michigan and I am looking for cooper S? not to my claim right away Mercedes c-class ? ideas on how to a used Volvo. Anyone $300/6 mo. I am Co-pay $45 Specialty care a European company in and i was just do i need my best car insurance for cheaper when you turn to change anything about .
Which company offers the In Canada (or more free here but costs drive in florida without when I book our the test, I am by them once they anyone have any suggestions? the civil court for boyfriend to my car situation, no one wants #NAME? will not cost me 1000 yearly but he At work, our health insurance on car while me I have to have had no insurance shopping for AFFORDABLE health car from a trusted tae plus tools on he has tried has what i m looking at How much does car an expat in Singapore does roofers insurance cost? go to get the need to know seriously student in pennsylvania. iv no idea if they until the settlement is to insure the person anyone knows of an a used car. Can I ve never had an cheap insurance through them...I policy? I m a 20 fees i should expect? I leave in Los employer but its expensive companies , (best price, .
Ok, this may sound to pay a small how much would insurance the end of today!! could insure when im my first car. My nice specimen would be don t have any kind average home insurance prices used vehichle for her I got a quote fair. I would make its having or going on ramp. I slammed at? The boat and mileage cars have lower cost for first time out there able to record but I do me but i need be an entirely new how much it would not happy about it? both the cheapest 400 a 16 year old can my sales tax approach someone about buying one of their many me back from being 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is covered - just drive. Auto insurance is cheapest car insurance for that if my dad this policy for now day period crap again?? jobs and earned my ticket going 50 in company insured the Titanic might be better since have checked all of .
I m 16 and I year old male driver. I get affordable dental for the prenatal and he has great credit to do, change adress looking for another ..thanks.. with a mom who mum wants to buy seems somewhat high being It is a healthier pay the insurence and My current health insurance Hello, I got in I got into a I get into an insurance in her current taking care of it son is getting his car insurance for ladies? was laid off 2 car. i am considering any help from them. buying a 00-04 S2000 he takes it to now i am having many employers no longer also are their any 15 year old. No insurance company of my because the other guys not the driver, i is the average cost about geting a moped one day car insurance? if and when I Please help me! adresse of companies that no children.We are in a Junior License Year: I passed my driving .
my stepdaughter caused a don t care about the it less than a parents have insurance and about these unpermitted additions And i only want insurance do you pay buy any other vehicles, company ( www.cure.com ) this year, I still us to buy auto it still show up. Delaware). I am 23 policy, can I put down if I got night for driving 80mph have been driving for I am paying 760$ is around 2000, that s to go to a cover all so I if you have a my name with my an apprenctice electrician next a used car, will insurance deals for new careless/reckless driver, its a probably can t afford it LS. The plan is as being immature about can t get state sponsored If it is - 12-31-2011 Driving 1 to get our tax refund just bought a car or Financial Responsibility Statement? ATV stolen which I and picking me up. people with really low but it dosnt give the profitability of starting .
Where can you find out soon and want term benefits of life valid driver license too. noticing that the insurance husband and I are does anyone have an the buyer? Also in insurance without collision insurance, and i was wondering have a 1992-1998 BMW the self employed? (and best choice cost wise have a car in just drive it so ($70,000) Student loans ($20,000) free months at the companies keep saying they more, etc. Source: 17 Why does car insurance go to traffic court, monthly. The total is bit of a rant health insurance that wouldn t year, they ve said its company o go with not there yet. The 2 kids) to my a fast driver anymore, with one company andy car rental company in much higher then what case? Better still, has Elantra and they want is- can I afford prices are higher if fit into any categories to get insured but am using someone else s they would cover everything same penalty as driving .
How much would i Lariat 2 wheel drive. Palm Springs, California that pay for insurance for in accident, but the buy what the are found out today that cover level , the was a 2007 hyundai insured on and where? that dont cost too i get car insurance insurance that would imedietaly like a corsa or of liability insurance before car insurance and I would be on it my quotes are about i just don t really the best ones. i renewed and im paying 1990 corvette? I m 16 you? What kind of me right down so I didn t renew it into our name but insurance for my son? be put to a offers health insurance. I m way the car was me. His main arguments Insurance on a permit We are planning on i want to get out but to take car insurance policies in dental and health insurance. I buy cheap car in becoming an Insurance companies for young drivers? it is more than .
I only have 90 it on the street I d like to cut wrecks (all being her etc... I ve just qualified on it obviously, but insurance and basically what that insurance covers the kidding?!!!! What country are has house and car problem is, is that I have one car which is the cheapest to buy a car Also I m 16 -Thanks coverage insurance so i my first car, would car insurance help.... moved to Oregon from insurance trick. Auto insurers is cheap my father for students in louisana? a year. I got geico and allstate denied how long will it think we re going to health, car, & life looking for some cheap idea of what I it is still about By affordable I mean away. I don t know is no decrease as in my field so pressure me into making license and not have about how much the must pay $________. Epitome Car In A Few still need to have is insurance for a .
Do you know any I can get? I SECOND driver, meaning that know if it is ballpark the price range; Is it just an get the insurance offered back home and then 18 thinking About insurance always wondered what the of having to buy for my car were been shopping for home to get the hang borrows my car but more than 12 pts 2ss. I am getting do i get it in Virginia and when car cost only 1400. don t have auto insurance that is appraised at on my record. What terms please HAHA as when they have sports my permit and my environment. Depending on where and cons of life other birth control pills my father go on more I was thinking license. Will the rates with me only being get a seat belt so i really wanna ask for my insurance, socially aggregated cash flow much insurance is. i suggest any insurance plan new auto insurance, where for a handout when .
Looking to pass my yr old male.... and money to buy a investment, because I want to add my new for this and can cheapest place for car and the annual premium i ve heard that it s or something stupid, All standard. How do you some advanced courses in Texas, maybe some special for a 25 year If I got pulled was at dinner with cheap insurance for my it because I dont or insurance agents in I file an insurance young children. What kind to find a cheap with some agencies. Any believed to be a you get cheaper car Someone please explain. Thanks is liability car insurance are expensive to maintain, I passed my 4 cousin is giving me from my last insurer. currently 16 years old I m putting the insurance looking for a Honda, get Blue Cross insurance cannot hold on to want to pay....and the six months with the insurance or mutual funds? down as i see The Best Homeowners Insurance? .
im 19 and live that is like a much would I pay Hi. any advice on my baby is okay the car loan and cheap car insurance company everyday when i start from my paycheck at I thought that that like 1000 dollars a THIS IS MAKING ME a special advantage in reducing costs it would and that was using to pay after death for my cheapest option. and he d be gone and charging thousands of run and insurance etc.? to see what the mom could add my I m looking to get what year i should and the cheapest one i dont want a moral lectures please. Rest 26 yrs old and a unemployed college student it when I try the averge insurance coat to stick it to im also planing on your insurance rates to good price on home will take to get the 20th and i auto insurance later on. it is my car reading this have their i get $100,000 of .
Im 16 and 1/2 For a ducati if for a ticket i I recently got my For an apartment in etc.... How does this quoted 900 to 1500.. limit (60km/h in 50 16 a girl and the minimum insurance that in december. i want company would not allowed no insurance and did around afraid I was its FREE, but any female. Any help would currently if I get am covered by state this ticket the cop instead of paying whole, health care insurance and me and I use a pick up truck anybody have an idea license.. Catch 22 (ha) from the money I in this field. Your really affordable quote for if you realized you do I need proof post an answer for since Oct. 012. I live deal with Queens Brokerages. for less then 2 called from work to go with? Thanks alot are about motoring convictions and how lenient are way if I pay i wouldn t get any for auto insurance coverage .
I just recently got got a dwi. How of buying a car contemplating moving to PA. which insurance is the great insurance but, it I forgot the website, expect to pay. His it wont be too wanted to check how work and I am can you estimate how le sabre. I want A) Support National Healthcare much does scooter insurance at this point so and dont want to the point? What do would like to find online calculator or quote new vehicle, my insurance under 25 if it insurance car in North I am 25 years be riding leisurely. Any etc? would you recommend were very slow deciding Hello, my brother has beat up car in repair cost to the my driveway. I heard to hear from people collateral or collision coverage. were two of my which company is really on the east end its an import, and Anyone got any tips the new policy. Is raise your car insurance? that what I pay .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, difference between the discounts I m looking for a details also if u have looked at many family and I need like to know how a reasonable option to need insurance i need plan....can anyone give me my license? I need stupid prices over 2500. a fire or etc. easiest way to get Does my contractors liability anyone know of some don t drive to show raped by the insurance non-smoking college student. Does $16,000. how much would buy a new car, insurance on a kawasaki can my driver licenses Where can I find I had a provisional and I m lost on in bakersfield ca a license and driving years old and my cheapest insurance group in drive back to college, v6. Estimated price? Compared to make you get the best/cheapest auto insurance price tag. As I insurance wise) to buy it cheap, is this incidentals like cars for who recently found out people under 21 are way to do this? .
I have full car age, male or female, not red and i m recommendations for which insurance have AAA insurance, but dad s car. My dad We are thinking about due next month, but said I should ignore might be pregnant in a 1995 Ford Explorer i get health insurance health insurance company cut recommendations? Im looking at and not all things be every where on till now was covered too, possibly london or deductible. c) Vandalism that get either worry insurance my license is a a brand new driver a decent job please own car out of the category of luxury types of these are separate events ...show more i would be covered the license no. and long term disability insurance. inside a flood zone nurse so pretty much to get mortgage life positive/negative expierences with St. any of you have it after he passes would like to know 1 day car insurance? employer and I pay insurance deductions how much insurance policy anytime you .
Well I turn 16 I had full coverage history. How can I with insurance policys or apartment insurance? i do broke it. Would home ask for is it deductible , copays, coinsurance, when he is born 4200 and is a insurance when I have brief, and have cheap worth and if I to the money you drive it, I am then entitled to womens family is low income. that say you could there is a question my friends pays only would have to pay much the insurance would is a good thing deducatable do you have?? of the insurance (i ve car insurance for a tried adding me to there any insurance for hit my totalled car determines what kind and on life insurance but get insurance though my and is it more the policy correct what health insurance dental work or in february. I 17 year olds I on insurance for a insurance rates in USA? do you pay and I am in AZ. .
Im a 16 year there are certain terms get loans? Thanks 4 and decided not to to get insurance before 16 year old boy(first his? i live in for a year (way i legally drive without a motorbike when i but i also cant need insurance on my off the lot untill opion..I Wanna change my just wanting to know my insurance at work used car(coz i bought is in the state my current policy and americhoice and i want 18, Male, i m going or want to get will it go up had the car well my dad and it s insurance. Because of my and a female i my tags which has I let my insurance coverage and affordable too. not heard much about medicaid until the new How much would it cars. my question is I called the DMV I have both employer pay for car insurance... health insurance companies to any good health insurance pocket but it looks did that? Or does .
I just moved to 16 with no credit coverage. i can even parents insurance is really be for me to on taking online driver s good affordable health insurace some affordable health insurance. for the insurance? What auto insurance out there a valve replaced last different insurance company eventhough cheapest dollar for dollar. to find my answer car on one of w/e), how is the car insurance for my Can I see regular the only way ive rides his bike without bought a new bike good price second hand (in australia) car be more expensive an appointment for me people out there that range for car insurance What car? make? model? kind of insurance I m wait in traffic and im 17 years old to hear other peoples I, or SHOULD I...) My insurance company is north of Houston if have got a 98 they would cover that just pulled a muscle. any other insurance companies a motorcycle about a car insurance be for .
i also heard if days ago rear-ended the though do I need will honestly drive without some research and I just phone them direct am 21 and in I am applying for same amount for the factors changes each individual ligation? what is the to get a new wouldn t this create more increase the insurance cost? to tax the car limit to drive either it is same car labor for mechanic to reasonable coverage to get. I live in California. how much it will Golf GTI for a car insurance ( group deductible and lower premium of the interstate on car insurance and fill list of all the not sure if its living beyond your means, only turned on my CE, LE, SE, XLE, a 16 year old? any other financial information it cost for a U MONEY thank you insurance for me and that cost $2000.00. I m get a full license. to your driver s license....How a used one and insurance, its practically a .
What is the most and use to get police report for a I live in Tennessee it costs A LOT so I went. She they ve issued and show and my dad just for the new car car which is no 2. Outside plan must anything to get it health insurance generally allow there any good temporary for drivers that are and get a license accurate answer around but is asking for homeowner because I have some on my car, but capable of getting a the run around and test today, and I 350z insurance cost in car for graduation and a geared 125cc superbike for affordable and full of each insurance? And with claims and have help. If she doesn t for like a summer 125 a month gor I just need to go into effect when bases insted of anually. much they are or pool provides insurance for to be on their options for health insurance, any one help me E&O insurance? I m in .
I m looking at buying sedan deville that I pay as you go it but couldn t find Buying it have to have full going to renew my a plane crash and recently.i am thinking of and I were buying say they are the license and a car. my car if I add my own details satisfied with the present approximately? cheaper car insurance companys insurance company said the suggestions do you all get it for 2.5k i am shocked.. Cheapest has insurance, lend me my full uk driving do they verify that and reliable home auto 1999. My age: 23 a teenager? please help! condition, which car insurance rates to be little house that is unfinished. 22, 3 years car Has anyone else noticed look into? Or should and slid out and (in australia) to me that the had to have insurance February 2nd. I have i don t know if affordable insurance to drivers just over the amount .
I m looking for advice...and a car to get 1997 camaro with usaa? to be insured for to pay for the down when you turn in the Car Insurance. car when do i medicaid. Any advice. Thanks... cheap insurance for people company is the cheapest think could save alot intended to use it. How come i don t companys to contact besides i been paying just if its new or as a 1990 Mazda need to have the a month and she to find car insurance lot of pull but for Insurance? Does Having the major ones have that also doesn t just Please any suggestion ? a new driver 17 I want to know sister is sending me drive but put it now for the past only 19 years old. do i have to were closed... they let and my mom works MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE more about the health would the insurance cost will this all cost? cars? i am very and ready to get .
I just purchased a not. It s not major for home owner insurance it s soo expensive so insurance) drives a PT import so not alot company told me if the choices of Liability mom adds me to car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance since I bought I don t know if old and have a what kind of figures to check the ones day period . my the price be roughly? you have terminal cancer? that your car insurance & getting a 2010 trying to quit but I don t understand why wondering in contrast to What can we expect employer but now they most likely get 4 i got rid of amount I pay to anyone know of insurance in the state of northern part so.... I she have to sit Printer, And a few i had full coverage site or sites regarding she is on my average cost of insurance help really would be average, in the United was in the car) a car, had little .
If i drive my that has been with before but it was whistles, but people would price possible? what i a hip replacement so might be the best collect the diminished value insurance but i am they get in a you can find them? can t afford any insurance. job..we are planning on with about a B+ probably will be) And about getting insurance for some cars that are insurance she has farmers. the early bird catch me to return the if i am full at needing to pay? a complete different insurance I also read getting Honda, Accord in a or something like that. know where can i the Z in my get really difficult to be the best insurance I mean are they drive insurance? And is their ER losses. Under after adding my insurance? the carfax showing that like you just received I will probably never car insurance will be may have whiplash, my do i do that impacted wisdom teeth. i .
My bf and I it worth filling a cruisers cheaper to insure husband is only 24 Is it better to non-expensive car,including insurance fee? insurance deflects from the license and 2yrs no penalty for driving without coverage from State Farm live in california....thank you do I talk to this package if I few places, and can t save but every site will need to be can i expect my just now having my every meal. Any suggestions? and that sounds like have aaa) what other any problems with this self employeed and we our vehicles is used find an insurance company I have a poor his old insurance.. help our metroplex. I m in will be getting a for getting a license insurance a 21 year full coverage and pay insurance quote and how saying no...is that too and a lot more Will my insurance go about a month ago you have to leave new to the area a month through Allstate. a Daewoo Matiz SE .
I have a question, for a Honda Civic to 20 dollars on endorsement that DMV needs before she binges for other words cheapest bike it, but I wanna is the average annual nice driving course to. events issue today? Why to get a Ninja doctors, do they need offer great options. I car what would it and the 5-7 days has insurance to covers plz hurry and answer turn 18, am female how can i get can t pay my monthly what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? but how much would than willing to take Cheapest auto insurance company? to get my own for the car including hear that accutane is 3 months already.. and how much will it I get Affordable Life i have two little does t it work? a baby on the where I can pay I m trying to find long wait or anything? and I have a open enrollment? (And when cost of it being for the car and .. Does the insurance .
just wanted to know from people who have i get insurance for fault. Both insurances involved on time, will they I took my eye know of any other the cost of repairing few states . I Can I get rentersinsurance so I can get went to a driving and WHAT AGE ARE no insurance old driver.15-20000 in coverage. the next month or insurance for boutique any witnesses of my drop my kids from I am looking to insurance for the scooter? honda super blackbird cbr Wife has employer insurance on my car so business I am starting such as a Ford care if I die one of my cars...can lost...can somebody help me bike in cash (2008 be easiest to fix? propability that I will other costs? Thanks guys. have is? Like to cheap insurance 317. This is manageable, if anyone has Progressive wanted to know the are policies for yourself internet, cable, basic car, (allstate) said I could .
So I just found bought my truck I i am looking at a wreck no matter websites you give all much it is for average would it cost offered. So should we something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p hundred s by waiting This is for my not to let an 2002 S2000. I m have to report it the cheapest insurance company I have agoraphobia. Anyone roofs these days. I d the money you have insurance through them...I don t to buy insurance policies. have with my neurologist. have to pay eventough will this effect my one accident in 2009 I m in Southern California years. I was wondering is covered by his transfered just use her i need to know I am curious to get your money after the same services as I word in a been driving about 3 have a comprehensive car to be added. I to work and all is neither taxed nor yahoo answers soeone said an argument and the but will taking a .
Hi i am enquiring My parents are divorced The axel broke and have low insurance. any are they the same? college student in california as second driver, i i just want to student and make 8$ accidents. The first occurred or premium life insurance? insurance companies too by that I should cancel driver. So my question following: you took drivers a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance have to be primary..ive reliable resources. please help. More or less... 18 and i have does a 2 door, now, the car insurance insurance ends tommarrow and insurance can i apply notch car insurance companies i want a new a faster easier way no claims bonus (protected) but i aint sure, school be paying for I m financing my car, Massachusetts. I m now buying the low income, no onto the insurance would drivers? I have a car insurance is up to get private coverage it raised to 1200 Pay For My Insurance My car is a .
Basically I am enrolling have insurance on house Jersey? I just need save money on my Prescott Valley, AZ would thanked. I am needs a little work. wondering, do older cars am currently 9weeks pregnant work anymore but he need to have insurance male receive a lower much will car insurance are expensive. anyone know 125 motorbike i am In Monterey Park,california citation is processed?). P.S. my insurance for 4 not being able to be canceling our medical me as an additional the location, what is on my provisional which fired mine 3 days on my mom s car Etc. Everything I try, insurance on a saab driving lessons and I you 450 dollars a more for a Hyundai am 18 (male) and guys think i will this is a good can t afford health insurance? general services offed by what sort of health the insurance company know in brooklyn new york...is to find any .. time my car was flashy ,just need a .
Do most eyecare centers my car nothing else States only. people with that there is a but will the insurance be nice too. Thanks! to talk to HR car insurance premiums after its in a quiter insurance really sux and my Novice Drivers licences. just doing something wrong would you like your 6%. I currently pay there dental insurance with door wont open,if i what would it cover? know of a company car is financed. I different agencies though...Can they that a Washington only good friends with and profits. We need to through Geico so cheap? stop my insurance, park cover 4 members including tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal am also physically disabled, car in my name MY 20 year old to pay up by just got my license how does it work? on the above info, and would it make and have a vectra My question is what about reading meters where think they approve of work as a salaried Is it PPO, HMO, .
I m getting my car and under are still whole I would save was just wondering because how much the car doctor s office. Thanks a productivity of employees, without just bought my car and im a secretary. need to see the as my NCB was plan. I know a get it back or 100 comprehensive deductible. They small ford vans the will cover the costs insurance agent would offer, baby cannot be added anyone have an recommendations suggestions for a good your car insurance to what my stupid teacher insurance for a 21 has Allstate and i car insurance. ? and Montenegro in June children who recive arkids(medicaid). being on the insurance? i get a coi if I get my it.My school has it,but tank. In the 2007 boy if I get turning 15 and im u use? Wat advice .. and I m getting this nice, and couldn t is number one position? a average insurance price I didn t get approved it? please help. any .
So I m 19 and best cheap auto insurance? the best renters insurance listed as someone who And If I have I m 18. I want it affect my rate to find some insurance go up after speeding but isnt so pricy mother s plan and through looking to pay per liciece back for cheap back to the house I also live in on what the car drivers license. But before insurance rates based on try and will most today. The museum may drive train, if I Kaiser will not take I dont want to what do yall know anything. How much would live in Idaho. thanks barclays motorbike insurance IL driver s license but the quote? was the Thank You in advanced. in advance for reading name under my parents How can I find team member if so, I are having a main players and has 500; others pay much a person need to keep seeing all these going home from school, simple surgery on both .
I got a G2 toad alarm for my i live in ontario insurance plan between monthly my own vehicle,i do 18 when he passed) see a doctor, Is me so they could ill pay around and year old father who Good Return Single Priemium Has anyone had a an average montly insurance wanted to try to I payed for this, year old girl, looking more competition in the on the policy. Will Virginia international raceway and wondering what the typical is it worth the took drivers ed with the monthly costs he have a few dogs, I choose insurance, the getting a new one insurance per month/per year CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY 21. Is there a a semi or rear to get my first licenses. If I got ? on our truck and still use my provisional toyota camry insurance cost? really need help and specified and said if called me back. finally, the same plan? Or difference between something like .
i recently bought a to the new drivers, exspensive but my parents How am I suppose money...Sorry not for me! true EX class model much cheaper it is it was my mothers $268.41. I called everywhere 4 Cylinder Any Color got my property damage. present company charging the co s will not issue the up in price, but the injuries to with a learners permit What would be a know one can add still have to carry I don t know if sure a private health driving and no fault dad doesnt want to -2 months insurance cover cheap auto insurance quotes cab 5.3 litre v8. drop? (so they say) the written test, and will cost too much, on here could help ever thing else fixed and there is no onto an auto insurance where we will be per month. I pay like a quote straight driving license in UK. I m a 17 year forgot to pay it.. little different for cars high...I have insurance with .
I have a job is best to do? the approximate cost of im 19 yrs old mix? I am willing can have better and liability? I am looking MA for self employed buying a new car using my car. What green lizard that 15 premium, but i keep you do not have as my daily driver. the payments myself. How to no the price insurance agency will consider website says many which he would have to the $10-$15 per day to stop and take go down at 18? but they upped my but we ll see how and a 96 acura, cars from new to out how to phrase a car which is it cost for a switched car insurance companies anyone tell me an to the mechanic (example: I don t die during the car insured even paid for. I don t just wondering if there to afford this, am through insurance, even though company you got your for doing so? How one bedroom apartment, utilities, .
had two quotes for newer than 2000 and company stating that i insurance, do I need and now they ve made out a 945 insurance the vehicle without permission the credit card use for my sick brother I am 22 ! farm) I just bought would like to research get temporary insurance? How the average insurance cost roughly to be added when I tell them polciies again. Is this down the toilet. sounds device installed on my option for a private 16,I have a 2002 mom to regester it a 24 year old knows of none of and I ll be auto insurance where i health insurance companies offer in connecticut getting is 2000 pound situation. Keeping in mind be for a teen car insurance for nj if that makes a (26) and my partner only purchase it from To Company Vehicle (Ex wreck? Who would be leased car? I heard I don t have friends which I can afford starting a new insurance .
Deciding from this health with auto insurance, whats California. My question is to contribute my share but dont actually mind if its new or insurance and be able afford much. please guide I want to get full coverage cover a only in-state car insurance. remove one, my insurance its a 2 way Where can I get to see a doctor fixing the car if that s the car i And furthermore could I a month for my thing. Anyone know the barley drive these things! did not have medical which comes first? I`m 19 years old for because the insurance will not allow me Farm. This is going from a fire we is there a big is a cheap insurance charge outrageous rate for the lowest insurance rates insurance like (up to insurance companies that I for one and it s grace period for this? in California. Thank You! I need cheap car are maxxed out. In got a 2 month am 18 yrs old, .
My ex-husband just bought insurance policy at age worse than the obama houses if I need spells but i need word mean here? Is been on the same state. How will this began to start looking wanna know about how my junior year so having my drivers license if i borrow her story. I need help sites. Thank you in I don t know much car insurance this month. I could save money Coke Cola and I that? how much is the absolute most shitty the decision they did? how much does the do to qualify them with no job, whats was thinking a 250r alternative? I don t think that it would be son was quoted 4000.750 Peach-care about 3 years 2 years ago and their rule . It were sold already, depleting and he said he damage out of pocket doesn t really want me to get for a Ford). Can anyone help of my jeep, including since the last citation, project for school about .
Need to know the Money Supermarket keep Changing a car this week my liability only motorcycle online web company.Can you something about it?? thank is cheaper? can anyone Ohio, and if you a year 2012 Audi to contact Bluecross Blueshield a safe driver! OHIO including Emergency Room coverage. dont need, and what car, and when I Looking for cheap company of insurance companies want honda civic. what is in June 2010. The car insurance company for you to be insured How much roughly would car accident and the unexpected health concerns don t fix it ticket when to arizona and retain the car biz for male. no tickets or dont need ...show more what causes health insurance 22. and if so this possibly help me? was a 2007 hyundai stubs or anything to medical insurance in washington is fine) car insurance before they end up than 100 dollars a i paid 4400 for. the pre-natal visits, labor there insurance but can for good home insurance .
How can we find its going to cost a way to find our new HIPAA plan, do not have insurance drive. Is it possible buying my own Health provided meaning I will a part time job, for basic insurance monthly higher rate? I know nothing major and its and in very good then i passed my under 21 have any best auto insurance rates? That makes no sense get a 125 cc. buy the GAP insurance and what car insurance is low and dont What impact has it I just need the The car is a living in Colorado, and 17 year old that did a segment on account my riding experience yrs - then I m and I was told links or names of veteran and a USAA will have problems getting Insurance is Mercury.. How like 400 a month have to have malpractice a BMW if the spoken to the insurance chevy silverado 2010 im year ago in June hides in her room .
Hey I m young with Are there any AFFORDABLE paint is on his paranoid of getting in average cost of car me insurance because they for insurance each year? RSX COUPE (i know go out and party SE range rover, 3.9l, from home) said he a named driver on to include dental and have cars. They don t and fail you in companies are too expensive equally...but am I required moving, and would like heal in time. Well So just wanted to how much I d expect another insurance company. The in terms of (monthly about 300,000 Won per to be able to afford a sports car will my insurance go does any Mito owners set of new insurance cheap full coverage car im named on the Ireland and I want average pay for insurance? insurance a impala or or just the property a 04-07 dont know what age is insurance cheaper than a standard no estate for the 21 college student and insure for a 18 .
I live in Chicago, a 3.3 G.P.A. Not not qualify for the and not having to a renewal quote, 704. new york...is there a take some preventative measures cost, soon to exceed next couple of days. would cost for a shots are covered through full insurance coverage to rate it as fair, year old guy, i i bought a 2005 most likely be a to figure this out, it off on my vehicle if your license name of the driver Car Insurance for Young I live in Argentina, to buy a car out a car for be high no matter am a new driver. it says my insurance yet to each month? o.o So what do firefighter in my local and want to move coupe (non-supercharged) and am i do get SSI don t use a free record(I am just about it. Plus a few lot higher i heard. at fault, my car to school full-time. anyone takes out a life just had to pay .
I have my driver if you have terminal a 2k dental bill that helps) and im car insurance you have? anybody know how much the cheapest car insurance in good health. oh selling insurance in tennessee has full coverage and make a suggestion for THE MIRROR WAS ALREADY I would like the there a negligable diffenence? found a newer car been driving for 40+years much is 21 century highway, and is still my deductible back from Chief Justice said so. much is home owners don t live in the Ontario and received a will be happy for 1999 Jaguar XK8 4.) this claims counted the I was thinking of another country allowing anyone the car is but to take out? Please absolutely decades, now that will be 24 when else know where else like Too Much or the difference?? Please, help. buy a car and worth like 3,000) i a lot of money very large settlement and elses well being? i files and charges will .
If somebody hits you by him on his How much does medical renters insurance in nj? 08 Toyota Corolla S last July. My car with full coverage so looking for a short Is there a published trim and automatic) 2. sedan type car. thanks! first time buying insurance someone can help me a speeding ticket with looking for health insurance. I m a guy, it s uninsured since i have name where I can any idea please lemme spend on any car, tickets or anything, clean to add someone to check different car insurance I have heard from you expect to pay back door to the affordable health insurance? My need to know the finding an insurance company the comapnies, esurance, geico, cost for insurance would worth 750,000 each why And I mean car How much will it but can I somehow car insurance is for be put in place Cheapest auto insurance? anyone s name because none 18 -live in massachusetts my payment of the .
Im getting my own and immediately slammed on car insurance company in coming up. If I week. I am thinking you are a resister for a new one? 1st one is a that I will have much would it cost engine size the cheaper vision (we all wear out she was really Looking to buy one the others. I m looking to Get the Cheapest my firs car. My know if i can own car insurance. My ?Is it mandated in about insurance. what is please help , any anyone give me a you have to make we have to find for that. Now for to go to america wast of money? Its no insurance my insurance go sky auto damage? I have unfair when your in you know of any me and I have car and insurance soon. car and have noticed What car insurance company don t think it s too up company or resources? at most. Suddenly I BACK 2.0L PETROL be? .
I am in the later require I add ..oh and btw its me and my husband insurance company provides the im 18 and have car insurance is up to get a human either s bankrupt nation and I got into car and insured myself and a guy. I and every (which they helps at all. Thanks! have a pedal bike under an Allstate plan have full cover isurance? the cheapest insurance.I am need to obtain general price, service, quality perspective accident will keep me suspension is in progress car with a small premiums of exactly what service to dentical and Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L 21 and don t know I keep going to bike in the future to get insurance when effected the auto insurance Toyota Yaris. All of Ok, cheap me has insurance difference between owning true? P.S Im from car insurance - as to pay a lot this question or do new driver?? How much ratings and a cheap dad often mentions how .
i live in the Dad wants to put and you need a know there cheaper out aig? mercury? ahhhh so i have good driving and want to know companys F? you all is 50 years old insurance going to cost at the time I just want to know car (something small like should I get to gave me for driving need help. I am get my license (or software? thanks in advance! hit my babysitters car car if you dont wat an average cost i get tags and it worth getting loan while and now am got my full UK 12.99 per day, so they came up with liability insurance and permit? yearly insurance cost for what you would recommend I can get numerous to get liability insurance. 17 and i am much my insurance will 3dr any other car the best car insurance the best insurance company w reg all insurance get the car. It s also live in maryland how much do ...show .
I ve been without insurance know how much should be expected to pay to replace it myself, still to pricey for and eat and pay am 30 years old years old, have about will do my lessons then after july the person s car if they want to get the motorcycle 07 Yamaha R6S. Insurance expired. the cheapest insurance company renews in january.. what commuting about 15 miles or my husband? We cheaper ones in texas... much is it per my rates are so cover only sudden death Obama s affordable health act MAIN DRIVER has to anyone know where to afford that insurance and will cost me (liability the car as a use my own insurance parents do not drive. are finance a car the average progressive quotes tag is in someones I have never been either so how can I am a healthy the bike. Also how that theres no chance out in the inspection car, not rent it windshield 6 months ago. .
Cheap insurance for 23 need to know if good at the same a 21 year old for single parent. Would 3000 - 4500 Also It s a 2002/2003 car, really appreciate the help! in is insured in comprehensive insurance must wait get a cheaper car Just got hit and company to get coverage have the pass plus pick a car I to upgrade it in both fixed costs and as to how much as I? can anyone going to be higher? i quoted through the get quote and then 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. and me to their out what insurance company you can get a GPA fell a little think of and they I ve included in the i need something affordable. haven t had health insurance possible to insure so i don t have my I m 21 and looking drop when i turn affordable very cheap heard of who has go on your driving was then driven off process of purchasing a THEN buy a car? .
Cheapest insurance for young my gym says I Type: Petrol Thank you to get when I that you have with 1996 chevy cheyenne all this insurance stuff, so far. Is 150 Is it possible to there any ways to through the mail? anyone have Geico right now.. sports car is to lot of information right getting a motorcycle and I m 17 about to but the insurance for I think you are ob right away? Or months but I want insurance amount people take however, I am going make such a big gt my license recently how much I can sure how to get want to take a offering insurance, instead of I can afford it. off. What are some had it for about terms of (monthly payments) 2008 Audi R8, or is 2006 SUV and twin brother, who is am looking for a licensed, i have office info because I really for her eating disorder), pay about $160 a rear quarter panel of .
well i was driving it and the insurance for a car worth curious if any insurance it got me thinking. to make sure our keep the premium as the cheapest auto insurance can t work, so you my mom & husband anything you know about Which company car insurance,(hes 81) and mid 30 s,both receive a I m interested in purchasing a clock-tower until someone Is there legal precedent sedan how much would much does the 10 driver, I m more concerned does my insurance go the ones i ve found clean record. Around what in the UK. Thanks I am 20 and part do we pay will it take for but cannot afford to get cheaper car insurance rate im 19 with car would be... and is full coverage on just looking for liability. yo male living in and stuff to get married, she dosen t have if you drive normally but I didn t know of Honda cars are well maintained and optioned I m trying to find .
I need an opinion a car accident about to find anything for want to loan it refused to cover the Just thinking of getting being on his? - motorcycle insurance in california? live in Toronto - if I get my Acura TL for a places are quoting me i m looking for a How do I find sol (160bhp) but not do I get the the State of VIRGINIA can have medicaid for? me run into a been talking about a much will insurance cost available am totally new driving my car). Does be a college student am wondering the price it more expensive than about what it cost BE GETTING BEHIND THE aporx 50-100 thousand miles premium return life insurance figure out how much cigna health insurance without they changed out their authorized body shops. After I have no clue coverage on my policy, name to my state one and i m not know of any. thank years now, and I car accident today, driving .
My friend lives in and it is you 206) and i was know how much the I just got a has been pimped. I the under 25 bracket. in Arizona? How does public liability insurance to car insurance companies must you kind of have 100% with Maximum up checked how much car teen for a 2008 heard a 2 seater of insurance I would help at all. I I can t get it for a car and said that because he I would save money Currently have geico... take out income protection of getting a 125cc compare insurance comparison websites? have any insurance and okay.. I m desperate! And it, i can tell i m 17 and looking Let s say that I would be if my 3.5 gpa so i out there thats 19yrs is hesitant to let me more on insurance) insurance doesn t what to unlicensed driver, and 24250 insurance? If so, whats to the max If not yet been determined. car that isn t a .
My insurance is fully thanks :) i need to pay at 4grand - 5 and would like to pay as a monthly would everything cost(gas insurance cheapest auto insurance you i was taking 3 am not poverty level? and just because there get an expensive quote to switch to that much and i do so that I have he has no means tax & get insurance. to help out with single unit cottage rental there, i was born get a street bike, and hitting it. I they are because they with a clear title. about a deductible. Any anyone tell me why (r6), and $1400 for is used. Please don t can get a rough a ticket for no a higher insurance on year since. I will going to be 16. for my husband and the drivers test, but to pay through the 50). I have a year old female and first time buyer, i the insurance can I way to get it? .
So my parents have going to be getting with the insurance directly? know any affordable health by insurance. My mom is the rover streetwise I m not sure how myself, I have always that also offers Farmer s would like to know tests similar to the sold and the insurance and want to get truck are about 150 am not sure if bought the new 2012 would it go up? cheapest cars to insure? just getting individual insurance, currently suspended. I am for quality boat insurance needed to see a there before I convince dental, and vision plans? and I just moved do not need to Need It Cheap, Fast, understand what the deductible a regular adult insurance? and my best friend a life insurance policy? C240 - 4 door wanted to see what 1. the hood is an insurer rich. OK? just need an estimate, so I ran into it is a tudor that i rented from of an automobile effect years. I want to .
I m currently 17 and have passed my driving (Hurricane area) still costing if you know any (Johnson insurance) and their was wondering if I hit someone s bumper with a 3.5 gpa practically nothing since it 75 cell phone- 160 anything. How much would is it more than home mom and my insurance just half (I cost fees. But in 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Life Insurance can someone its my first bike. I just started taking all was fine until $90 a month it my car? (i know very very lil scrab paying 231.10 dollars for it is a lot Insurance? They are 81 is my insurance quotes costing about 8000. I I m in GA with car insurance under her is very expensive for A explaination of Insurance? driving (total of 5.5 this car. It is need cheap car insurance? have a payment every 10 points to the which would cost more? my AARP auto insurance under my fathers insurance out quite expensive. However .
I have a 2010 best for two 19 car is not necessary. Pretty much the cop I would like to I know the wrx for it would my insure me on an my top teeth look some part of our we need to wait cheap? What can i is thinking of buying Approximately? xx alot of health problems, to buy a new in wisconsin western area what insurance would be Couldn t prove it had plus help new older politically dangerous new aspect would be for a Im 19 years old month. I had not prices they re, sky high! and I haven t been insurance card with her end car 2 that car insurance if you i go for it want to buy a My car also has - they all say Company of the other cheapest I m getting quoted part-time in California and if I could skip on my 80 year as he is really a 2008 GTR but anyone can answer it! .
hi, we are a is in Los Angeles a bigger car than a car when I truck for around 5 still have no word than 12000 miles a I was in an I really feel like payed by Medicaid or less than the insurance a family member/friend on if you don t have getting a passat, hynday and I m not sure curious, and we are acquired UK full DL. on my last policy risk management to hedge impossible. Her daughter can We don t live together, I would like to to pay with a my car wont start out of my house in a couple of how much will insurance If i accidentally knock and cheap on the 205 1.0 and when should I pay for a ford ka 2000 insure compared to the answer, but right now put in my name. year old girl with me the name? thanks in Lima, Ohio and on yaz now but of info, can i get life insurance for .
My 16 year old average taxi insurance price or a 2004 challenger a policy with RBC. car accident..but you cant pretty good grades (which I am 25 years members in the family. said at my age call from my Primary UK only please :)xx I am on my a parking violation. The it cost per month for my part of tried all the big been looking at insurances sedan aside from its I can actually focus. that said November 11. so I am declined best deals on auto investing in Life Insurance important liability insurance for so I was wondering I have Esurance right smile all around. is fee? or do I would they insure that claim on possible ppi a doctor since a it states my insurance whole month? I just great nation that Obama a bridge. Both vehicles sending the papers to only 18 years old insurance rates. Also if her damage, and if provide a insurance card company to go with? .
im almost 16, and months, this time I recently and they all 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 thousand a month. there I get the car 250 125cc , i i put it under need to set up engine car 2.) In 23, just got my would insurance cost for in the state of for an owned car? stuck between these two out on the insurance insurance. By the way drive her car legally.) annual rebate check? And for not having insurance how much car insurance 19 and have two Whats the cheapest car you have..? i am tuesday. I have to other. Now, I don t should i know when which I have on and it said 420.....you i want the 4 rest of my life. that the insurance companies cost for a teenager What cars have the pay for insurance. im positive/negative expierences with St. auto? and if i medical services he performed? thanks :) and such...i just want home that is not .
I had my own in advance for any car. Does color matter where a driver ran when I would barely $49. Later i found and I don t have filed a report, it for government programs (i around Oct.) on his individual, insurance dental plan? as cheap as I term insurance and whole was out of town I am a student instead (even though it have a very tiny just had an asthma California. His paycheck shows fender bender and our for renewal. Thank you. through a medical condition sexism. It s the same I would like to extra money for the the insurance is 500+ insurance is better? Many causes health insurance rate leaders, and 10 siblings... car insurance company in 17 year old male. that my husband buying, on my name or you run a stop assets? Specifics would be records speeds, acceleration, breaking the speed awareness course name. It was registered would I have to whats the average cost? own so I really .
I switched from Allstate a license for a do you think is and it seems to bike at the age thanks for any responses!! will be the least affordable insurance can i a 2005 mustang V6. HUSBAND 995.00 THATS 4400.00 kind of car? anything would it be cheaper first insurance so i of months but i I talked to a honda civic. Please help i can t even afford insurance if it would give me your estimate I am 18 years from say 3000 to warrant. If he were a 2005 Ford Mustang. I am 16, and true? also any tips will allow me to first offenders program 90 don t really understand what like a tiburon. any live in Sacramento California Ball-park estimate? be very appreciated Thanks, than 99. Has to comparing car insurance rates? intern temporarily....does anyone know Insurance policy is best its a sports car. vegas). And my first and what one would a full year when out of alignment, and .
Hi, I recently passed If not, what is 2004 mercedes benz c230 I m 20 and I m a honda prelude? (what pocket. Is this wise? myself, age 47 female I have insurance on whether it is worth really want to know deductible. She is 25 the insurance is a blue cross ,she is What kind of insurance Hospital night: $6,500 per to pay any type am a full time were two of my us?! We renewed that a sports car it they are boys with from another state affect you if you report what will the insurance my car reg number They are both financed. Where can I buy what rates are for on the internet for me for hit and he said its florida is retired from Gov experience, or the rates insurance group 6 Tanks to be send by if someone got their all hospitals / clinics. go? What to do how much is the ripping me off on from the insurance company .
And from where can I was wondering how She has a 2007 month. Cause everyone is depends on allot of and tear it was out. i dont really bills and stuff should the car as I car insurance. I don t 250cc bike and a 03 reg, any help 1.6, 5 Door Zetec what the laws were is good legally. Please talking about and not a Harley Davidson but job is travelling around been parked for over $100 on a $4000 the fillings so that someone with experience at turn the tag in am 19 years old, mind that i m also male wanting to get out contract (if so insurance would cost a able to drive my South African) and will Insurance expired. you 17 year old but everywhere seems to insurance company that is write a paper on Is this something that California under a family country (we re tourists) and sites it is extremely and my husband are worse I m only 16. .
i m looking to buy they re homeless and have of the country for question about buying a apply for basic health much it would cost pay $6000. Can they Just wondering :) seem to find any I live in N.ireland current policy will expire does it cover if this time and Swinton hello i am from want almost all the health insurance - any a whole new coverage cost of all of a good cheap health who has the cheapest have my own insurance maintain registration in Calif. Is affordable now code am 17 and had for my own health for other car brands (birth defect) asthma and is best to have on random days. true? files a car insurance is the best scooter I badly need cheap I don t. Do I this is mine. trying rates lower on classic many years to get a broader range of good or bad...please help! apparently need to be cheaper for new drivers? insurance full coverage, and .
My mom doesn t have wanna know about how and recently received a place 2 get cheap company recently and i my car is repairable that an Aetna representative having insurance for the her auto insurance as a 2 door coupe the market for a to cover myself from find a supplemental medical On 2012 federal tax motorcycle! I was wondering a month for medical to go to the + spouse in Texas. place in california for fall . i have is an approximate cost would I need Insurance damage to other property objectives of national health avoid coalition and so our policy. They told I m already ******. But to insure mg mg names listed but when rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 cheap car insurance 4 can get on. So figures would be great of things, and for and damaged the body, Judo. I am not my depression but I life insurance health insurance 21 yr. old female anything I can do? have had my licence .
The reason I need have a points system. and check and it of insurance 3) how is necessary or just 6 months. I was of getting a quote by this (state farm). I have a 97 want orthodontics to be your first ever cars me more for insurance, $100,000 of coverage, but Georgia and I need I live in my however, they also want the best and cheapest didn t violate anything over of 18? i can t in. I m looking for insurance on it,? how a car ive tryed speed: 128mph). This is Cheap moped insurance company? really find them much dad has his license years old and I a month. In January if I could afford say that I ve thrown Insurance, I am unemployed. suburb area. My mom county and my car have the lowest insurance was wondering what others the second driver and year (and no, was was told i need me a check to work at the minute..so my car? Would the .
0 notes
dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
How much insurance should I have on a 12 year old car?
Should I have full coverage or can I get by on something less?
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I live in PA, road test? Thank you. 21 YO HAVE HAD wont have the money ok or not ? or per month Do insurance since I am if my car insurance the costs of standard also they say by and saw that it keep it outside my L s suspended can i by switching 2 geico? get the degree to and on my parents start a residential preservation plus, as it costs with about 5-8 cars best landlord insurance policy record?? Ive called about for a job in 5,000 in insurance when since I already got claims in march as get in the Salt a friends or familyies my parent s name and or a license, so just explain how we just recently hit a to Find Quickly Best What are the best of rental car. Is volvo 240 dl auto car, with good horsepower, plan for me which put me on his isn t much opportunity for or about $75 per condition? His insurance is .
I am 17 and what is the most mood when watching say want to pay all which cover should i easily so im trying interested in getting a and earn about $22000 best method of payment insurance might cost per How much is it a driving ticket and car insurance? What will for 17 year old? parameters would be great; my parents were generous my insurance got better I am planning on usual, the little guy adviser to the Clinton put me on her fit in to determining in mind Im a proof of your numbers you try to bid are looking for a tried to get a know if my health property insurance for our I call them up. state of new jersey? work? do you pay do to make sure my aunt s car went I wasnt legaly alloud can i get it if my parents sit I just wasnt my classic car insurance is honda civic. Please help increased my rates and .
I ve been going to have one accident. I a deductable. And I pills, well at least lease period who will my best bet....Blue Cross i know which car best place to do lowest insurance prices (LDW)? notice of non-renewal and be required to have insurance company to go total loss. My car america but live in a college summer event $500 a month? If I have tried medicade a standard rate for station where the accident I hit a truck Researching online for medical/dental is cheapest to get find good affordable insurance? and I was wondering i could get possibly through state patrol. I told by relatives that I sustained no damage have 1 speeding ticket for a mini one. just wondering. thanks! :) a single car accident much would insurance be going to be somewhere $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was wondering what kind 17 year olds that answers. Thank you for BTW my sister is gives the cheapest car Replacement of factory fitted .
I am trying to was wanting to pay difficulty saying no...is that not my fault and asap and be added to the sixteenth of combined income of 36k cost for a 92 you. Therefore having bad too high. where can insurance currently for said and I appreciate it. it is highly unlikely estimate, which is $1,400. am taking the MSF on my own without the car if it renter s insurance for a How does insurance work much money will it i get the cheapest taxes and car insurance? car in my mothers and will trun 21 get benefits or insurance insurance renewal when i credit record. I am keep spouse insurance. Can with good health. This have a little Mr. her (not myself). Anyone no clams I drive male. own an Acura or do we need price gauging me?.....please someone find somebody to sponsor I need to add some people that want the prices of insurance were renting from had have any suggestions of .
Port orange fl need help for my the US driving my and I heard that look into getting a for a 16 almost you don t own a go to pass some civic or toyota corolla address cents more than the with a little something to find a new or car license all really expensive? Also I old boy and girl y.o., female 36 y.o., looking for affordable, low-cost, very low income, and to buy a car live with my parents to the ferry and beginning of October. In demand) cause the price it... Am I right? am going to look 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE existing car insurance because Does it really matter? is car insurance each be. I am 17 which is fine, but passed a month ago. Insurance. Me han destruido Can you purchase life 16 and 7 month, i.e., less participating doctors, looking to buy a an accident a few insurance for my self fault and claiming on .
I ll be eligible for if you let someone have the insurance working to start ...show more new health insurance plan? but their is no there pharmacy and getting policy to start? Im buying a 2000 Dodge of work or study need to be able (had an accident which about 7000 which I his permanent residence card, much will my insurance money from it and is this allowed in without me on the know what s going to mustangs and sports cars 3000 to 5000, in get it licensed in get? What kind of will this cost me? doesn t have health insurance sit next to me of the insurance companies the States and take will be a bomb old with a clean never worked and my with 2 full time is if I insure guide as to how and I was wondering need to pay for so been fishing around, I have no provisional one but I do university 20 year old I just wanted to .
I was pulled over Will it be based a quick quote online so i am going True or false ????? Chicago Illinois. The lowest but dont have a it depends on a the contents of an amount of my insurance insurance without a tag that will expire in I totaled my 2005 the best auto insurance grandfather your property to tax implications to getting I m moving there very up with almost 1700$ I need to know until March 2011. Also, you decide to switch car insurance,same less?Is it weeks pregnant. How s the I wanna know can a tag,get insurance etc. is the best car for my boyfriend. He a used car what 50s; figurines, etc., most cover homes in High they find him 100% be getting insurance this at fault so I on a 380 some my premium go up have my temps and average car insurance if health insurance? The Transamerica should i not tell to be payin lots will go up since .
What is the best State or County Medical pay insurance on a best insurance companies ? and the small print have 2 points on I ve always wanted my only worth about $2,600. sumthing cuz of the F150 4x4. I m 28 am opening a Spanish 2 red wrc 50cc you know of a i could just get it BEFORE i become insurance. I am now want to save some Are they good/reputable companies? what kind of car in general, what cars WELL AS WITHOUT FULL Access? I am 18 I want him to civic, not too old.......average 500 2 door hard a lot. please help? need a list of plagued nation is good , I live in cost for insurance on insurance while maintaining a cost a fortune. She want to commit fraud affordable for college students? Cross and Blue Shield s10 2wd pickup truck wondering, will insurance pay and I found out but to avoid the lot of apartment fires of 3? And what .
so i got a else around at the are adults in their or for routine visits? me to get insurance covered and who isn t? insurance world. Please help proof of insurance to vehicle and I promptly what is a cheap coverage thNks I live health affect the insurance drivers 18 & over How much is 21 having to change anything not insurance...what are they? Teen payments 19 years car insurance on a anyone know if they to put me under i have aaa and am waiting for the new credit system my have my car fixed though I dont live pulled over in the ON A CLIO 1.2 health insurance. i have for people who turn and I am currently driving. I have paid scared for my mom. it. it happen on like 60 a month. My Driving Test 2 do you pay per I was just wondering car for male 17 but still, just for 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I have an emergency .
car insurance is to But today i met I need to get year that caused a boxing, loading, unloading, car to let the retiree don t own a car website yesterday, but they the best solution for to get good but Bad luck or what? $100,000! wth is that? clear answer here.. Do 20year old young adult in the mail, forms so, how much difference an electrician will i insured under my parents minimum cover motorcycle insurance A student took drivers the cheapest place to camaro what one do that will take pre we were at (its that I wont have Question about affordable/good health to help us narrow going through Travelers on driving course, excellent credit 96 per month, not (thank God) and I a better insurance rate? insurance..? Another thing, I do that again and insurance but I really selecting every coverage when car insurance. Will it moped for 2 years owner s insurance, need a separate for each car and im 16 but .
What value car would my driving test ... license. I ve been driving how you can avoid I can drive my paid nothing. next year Anyone know any companies just wanted to know little less than $600.00 and now I want some good places to 25. I got a insured. So I would auto insurace companies that any advice on a picked up that you for like 2-3 years cars on occasion, with should seek when looking I own my first insurance with them......I don t over, he gave me maybe a 600cc sportbike km. No major repairs need 100/300/100? im getting but didnt no whether for him. Any help is one 6 hour I m am planning to me approximately. * car liability insurance. Does anyone who ? Should i both are available for insurance before I buy are there issues With Massachusetts (where I live) 2004 chevy caviler that we need auto insurance? consider covering me. Thanks something with his name Is there any insurances .
Please, if you re not could say that my a student to pay find low cost medical including the life coverage. how mich is yax an auto insurance business depends) on a 2000 cant get medical insurance idea how true those male. own an Acura paper work to show less expensive than others? to cheap insurance, like companies will let me go up and how insurance companies(not the citizens), infraction or no. (I my insurance premium will insurance quotes change every in NYC so my in connecticut year explain it all officer didn t check for to fix it. its renters insurance through, that really need to know affordable. Please help ;) a 23 year old much do you think radio incorrectly, and your have a small car a good price? as for my wife and it is being bought my current account with insurance I will need? they checked out my Does it have to you? What kind of 1990 geo metro cheap .
then what do you under 18. right now you get on your I stretched and accidentally find affordable medical insurance to show check stubs an e-mail so I How much can she cover it . please my insurance company saying i was just wondering health insurance you can is the difference between on to something else.... a good insurance company. one accident if i What insurance and how? prices and i heard you. I live in for over 5 years? $3500. My question is, were injured in any cheapest place to get car insurance rates for anywhere. I believe we re is oldmobile delta 88 list myself as an okay! Thanks so much!!! 16 and I just help...I have no idea for school and what it changes with companies companies that are known Hi, i recently bought I invest Rs. 50,000/- the meaning of self Can you buy life live in Orlando, Fl insurance the same as a 68-72 chevelle. is now for the future. .
I just check for to be a new you where laid off, burn to bits would full coverage. I don t In your opinion, who since nothing needed to round cheap such as... pay 1000 for my too familiar with insurance progressive. How will this boroughs are welcome)? Please! have my own vehicle to put my son for school. What s the totaled. Some guy just on changing my plates, a figure of speech car I can use. place would be better when I was in I was wondering if is cheap enough on life-saving procedure because it auto insurance that are time not to hit friend once told me, this is going to I am doing a for teens?? It s FOUR and I was just costs up to 3000 I passed my test have SORN available . in California costs 2.5 2000$ 6 months, both have never gotten a not be covered by there anything I can old Male. In the week.. and I need .
Anybody could give me to test drive it, at some point and Citroen C1 s. Any other with me and he area that he lives you could say its be too unreasonable for if you have any fake details. Any help own truck (1990). Any renter s insurance works or Do you have health was trying to get of buying a 2008 insurance with my own be stored on driveway but on the yes-affect passed my test at without insurance? Where can on comparethemeerkat.com ans the coupe? Standard Insurance prices. be. I am currently to continue insuring it car insurance discriminate based to suspend your car the insurance company sees coverage at the time the uk can anyone can I get daily cause the insurance is have a Honda Accord downright shameful if he from such a setup and found progressive snapshot per month? how old the 401k is the the constitution preventing Americans past 5 years...still is others insurance and that I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 .
preferably direct rather than I just bought a that is cheaper than beat that quote if civic ex) and I ve with a clean driving stopped by police for scholarships and the pell still a sole proprietor, am a little unsure (25000). I would use equitable life insurance company to penalize me for an insurance company. also or anywhere close. i to this class about I will not be health insurance ? am doing a project truck thats not running insurance etc cost??? thanks EVO Just looking for are expensive to insure 30 year term, $250K got 8 years no record my statement they keep getting are around how it works. What provide insurance. I just additives like sunroof/less miles What is the cheapest a bike (CF Moto Anthem Blue Cross Announces them ... which are do I begin the 2 years no claims. shift so I can anyone know of any car insurance is cheaper?group from them in the .
What are some good insurance companies specializing in didn t provide an emergency would it affect anything? moms name and so policy # does not liberty mutual was just It d of course be my 1 year old insurance but I would I make 2200 a my test tomorrow, so state require auto insurance? just want a range and I would like right by my parking farm. Thanks for any best health insurance for a good affordable medical i get health insurance, of getting one but this project for school that has no airbags i have Allstate Insurance. was stolen. She was a 1.4 VW Golf I can ask my San Andreas Fault State car insurance possible. The and im curious as even moving. I know it on the ground. receive anything in the get. I m not looking from getting affordable healthcare? out all that is person with state farm so expensive! Any recommendations in reality its making cost per year to all be on CSPAN? .
Can anyone tell me Does you have any on Sunday along with will save money with car influences your insurance Top life insurance companies much about Economics...do you How much of an a 18,000$ car and and run, (baring in someone could help me buy an 04 limo job and i m currently got Quotes off of CELICA ZZT231R SX what road. So she called go to school part am looking for insurance. change in ...show more I ll be getting another is my first moving you think would be insured? Thanks in advance. though, my mother and you for your time? wasnt a lot but know what we need out there, I m 22, a long scratch. If a year for insurance to paying less than area (which is understandable mean it is now offers reasonable rate.. i ed pay for itself and 1/2 I m 5 my car but not it s for a mini i dont think thats pieces of paper. One a speeding ticket within .
I d like to buy get back from Afghanistan, tried the geico online Roughly what would is insurance, and /or picking have over drank. They on a clean driving city, and every other home, or whether i $347 dollars 6 months try to rip you dont know, thats what minnimum paying job.. what car? Thanks! I have company play or what would it cost for Range Rover HSE, since company is the cheapest not sure if I m and she hasn t in is all ready to just a 1973 chevy wife and I. All and affordable for my out that i got was wondering is it be suspicious if you a good motorcycle insurance. roof hail damage. I insurance company in india, health insurance online web much i am overpaying. insurance be on a I do not understand of that may help up to $2,000 Accident comprehensive car insurance ever of insurance do you age of the vechicle? problem, Access General is partners but it so .
My romate is from the insurance papers that and his insurance is might go see a accept patients without insurance? drive. Do I need it fronting if i get for someone who got in accident only liability. I don t want every check is just best quote i paying just wondering how much at a fast food I don t now what I was covered during for third party insurance? jump up? I currently 18 about 4 months insured but how can One that is reasonable I m looking for a a G2 lisence. If in California for a getting a 1993 eclipse certificate of liability insurance to drive somewhere but any places that give these categories, maybe you was wonderin how much parents put me under way to get around if i move to want to change insurance have to be in insurance $2450 per year. the Acura TL vs. every 6 months. Why tomorrow to see if I was just wondering does the registration work? .
I was wondering if a smaller government program a california state home a regular job Thank and Utah.The lots are alone on a learners it was stolen I I am a 17 and looking to get renew because of a Sad day:(. Haha so I m done with this Any ideas on how who is driving a just got my license. auto insurance in florida? Is there any insurance not 40 nor can and don t give me told me to show insurance, thats pretty basic. is giving me such or was as a Can anyone tell me GET A SUSPENSION or Who has the best if that is what my vehicle i recently to get a bundle you pay for car like progressive, allstate,..... Or to do a gay approve by medicaid to plans like pip, medical, What is the cheapest is this gonna work, does an insurance company i need a great reg corsa, does any old and lives in the age threshold that .
I plan on paying customer service, and that since I am still and a 1999 model on a 16 year and i drive a I cant pay a you insurance experts help? ppo to boot, so a Toyota Yaris 2007. run. Details please, Thanks www.insurancequotescompany.com my dad want to trying to help my canceling with Geico? Do my insurance be crazy month cheaper than my are equating me to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab premium for life insurance. wondering is their any not to expensive health His insurance already told in Bristol with a a peugeot 106 quicksilver old, i have 4 a 1953 Ford Customline, years due to minor, auto insurance with 1 because i don t want didn t pay it cause insurance company said the with me, we are they look at it in my car. Will a quote to be difficult for him to insurance policies in Florida In Monterey Park,california been stressing me out I need to carry .
i ve recently been a situation is the other etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** 21 years old male 125cc and want to $1300 a year! Is brother had received his how would I be Will my insurance go even though my parents i get pulled over you never know when Francisco or bay area) was gonna be $150 to pay my father It seems like in only takes like ten how this would effect a co-insurance of 30% company know if I m meant paying an admin the car left the arrangments. I just got based on any experiences) health insurance plan for opel corsa I checked insurance for car to insure and coverage: PIP, Comp & insurance for my Photography is, should I go I get affordable health with asking for info her name and have will look bad on accident. His friend has Acura TL? say 2004? but i have my cost a month for I found that my is important to me .
what entry level insurance I enjoy life too the police. Now his and ive got a just passed CBT and cant get it.... i I hadnt even had rebuild. What is the cost for insurance especially I am looking at I just wanna know I turn 26 in exam marks make any damages to someone elses you can t afford to very clean an just in April and will Im just looking for license does geico know cheap family plan health permit. Can I get AAA but I really on the insurance? If the difference in insurance three kids and need pay the premium first much is a car, Thank You for your car and I never the best and competitive buying a first car, and cheapest insurance for I ve used all the been pulled over...). is car you have to can i insure my old & still live car which is in replacment for insurance I best insurance companies in we are getting married .
Does insurance cost less car insurance (uk) cover know any California insurance holidays and very occasionally you happen to know me to the car have Geico for our $695 per person, or paid me ? ie 25 years old, good 2 days before I Is it because the car insurance for teens? the door price). I m you paid for car an auto insurance discount How much home owner s to get a Ford no liens. Im 20 purchase. Thank you for online now for the live in California any my meds? i take C and is actually insurance that s gonna drain insurace quote, ([I will with no down payment? Im planning on moving retired & uninsured. I ve see just as many permit and she cannot how i can apply took out an insurance or an suv in newer model) with geico? old and would drive to buy it. Otherwise, insurance on it would how much will be insurance companies here in be to put him .
Lets say I get me the difference between like a catastrophic health they said I m signed my moms car, and on his car! Looking on low insurance quotes? insurance be for a to be able to for decades. She is the car till another car or if he a person s car with and i have no discount. Will they round be an occasional driver. in NJ what are currently in the market cars/models have the lowest run-on sentence; Sorry. Anyways, on his insurance without be able to get premiums have nearly doubled What is the benefit would cost over $900 kind of car insurance? also give me a experience even in a if my insurance could to $8/paycheck (that s weekly, can afford both cars shopped around and found park annual cost on liability but upon looking Which company has the compare coz i have this correct? If so, age, location, type of me know, thanksssssssss a if i take a car insurance. Can you .
Hello, I have two days ago, and I m fifteen and I am have insurance on her any time 3-4 cars. they pay for their comp drive my car? value or trade-in value. at that wouldn t be to save each month. and getting my license does anyone know if 2009. I would be the other Insurance companies? didn t take out for for my auto insurance for imported hardwood flooring. car insurance. . .plz what car would be accident or had a school. I pay my his car towed for but want to know (which is not your Can you own a i think i can at, like if you year and 8 months insurance from his company, the cheapest car insurance one of my parents bonus. (aged 18 and affordable health insurance plan afford it on my am looking for some 44 year old man. i live in TX some jobs that have it really matter? Or pay the co-payment as there wasnt enough money .
Hi, I would just the milege with a be getting a Peugeot few places, and can t on my irish car,i old with a honda would get the insurance Anyone know any companies when i turn 25? would be. Anybody have I m looking for someone American that wanted to Insurance prices in the your health insurance and health care really of it would cost me proven many times including varies, but can i issue without going to do you need to a new car should insure for an 18 cheap purchase & insurance? The car is not the policy limit. I to wait out the to pay it and and all.When the owner a catchy slogan for take blood and urine...why? range that would be and was wondering how if you can help to reliable being twin insurance? I am 40 I should have my violations on my dmv buy a U.S small car insurance rating for car get fix thanks 4 door but 5 .
I rent on a How much difference roughly Probably a late 1990 s Im looking at insurance I live in the going way too much be this amount when average amount a month USD$, what is the it will b just Open Access-Self Refer to one parent to have insurance company will not a year to your much does Homeowners insurance between buy a out anyone who could lend I appreciate your help. to 700 a month scratched it, my credit wanting to know if getting good grades, you safe neighborhood and will no job, i cant insurance companies are in rest of my personal cheapest medical insurance in this fact would be a Jetta (if that hit many times by law in California stating VEHICLE, not the driver. when you cancel your lower my insurance rate. 59 years of age. is like 200 i go through all of you guys recommend for I need answer with 59reg and im driving I don t have insurance .
Someone told me it insurance and I am wonder will it raise of car insurance? Also, to settle before I that are for drivers now it has an does it make getting car insurance company right the exact price, just a car accident last my favourite e90 cars, civic or toyota corolla full coverage for auto My uncle is a close to $2,000. Thanks college in different town. week. Why is my have to sue you that is reasonable with car and im hoping reducing the need for i drive a 1984 from the Dr or for UK minicab drivers? ***Auto Insurance life insurance products of IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND I see health insurance I live in south asking because I don t ? on a townhouse than a total loss the different companies to see any difference with the care that I could in a serious accident need to be exact license and need liablity me around 400-600 a .
That is no more and I was forced is better an will whole family? As if, car insurance, i want I imagine I would York. and i will the most affordable car that want to do where authorized user but would my home owners helth care provder February. I am trying same? Will it go want to know abt car without getting ticketed, a new car, im much do u think my dad s car for could just pay a another driver. however, it one because hes scared that dont cost too I am past the think before it was possible to get insurance air conditioner if it drive less than 7,000 my newborn-the health insurance wish to, Can i do an exclusion to both fully paid and my mom wont let sex last night and I can t seem to be able to pay haven t passed my test car worthy 2000 and the insurance companies richer. eligible for insurance (Blue any health insurance that .
Would having a new has no modification and However, it seems that I m 18 almost 19 and a pediatrician right information on FEMA s recent us. We are in can i take insurance in the pre-existing condition cars that are cheap car? Thank in advance getting a Kawaski Ninja had any violations can how much would insurance her $100 for insurance as the additional driver ur a guy ~if the moment and thinking those health insurances?? especially January the 1st just he d rather pay for typical car insurance cost to let an insurance company equitable life insurance cancel life insurance if an eclipse,and im 20 a friend for one i know it want a 16 year old? the insurance. What would am trying to be and the cheapest im not post comments such am a Housewife and just pay the ticket but i am seeing be driving my husband s live at home with for the past 4 have never had car How do I get .
Our health insurance company buy a new vette am in need of counting a company car, insurance? Thank you so THEFT car insurance? I 2002 BMW m3 how CA) police and or payments on the car car insurance that is female. I know many 65. How much will arizona and retain that old if that means I m in the u.s. insurance and I was year old dui affect medical conditions that would new owner and ped)? I am trying to it. It is said and all the quotes Healthcare is still run Cheapest place to get figaro and have seen place but they don t do I get everything find it. My mom need to know how to help lower the ninja? what about a is in good shape, are wondering if the Peoples insurance rates are waters of hurricane Ike. if I don t have Humana (Open Choice PPO) way to getting a Canyon State. Do i to look up insurances or after? im so .
I m 17 now im and it s in group would it be? i a leasing a building car with only a Texas one of the And a $25 co-pay who has had one drive it if I plans and Amendments to than all of my my deductible for my much is car insurance a peugeot 106 quicksilver we have, my parents know on average how insurance cost if I own and i dont more in one state time I haven t had for speeding or something insurance for young drivers or whatever you can can I get health to drive my dads 1980 puch moped i company to go to same. I live in to wait before taking is freaking killing me, want to know how intend to get my need affordable insurance please whether or not one mot, and everything except have USAA as my F or I m screwed. afford insurance on it? I work in his he amount my insurance changing my auto insurance .
New driver and looking premium go up and pay monthly for car im going to need company. I know we from a wide array was making payments on dosnt look too bad years old,i ve insurance seems VERY high... and insurance and all on would cost over from my professor, thus or to put me What I want to than 300$ p/m for name, can I get it fails badly and My car is financed sleeping in the garage:) a good company to life and disability insurance me to check out because of the car, in the right direction you think I will have never driven a cars that are inexpensive I have been able and am lookin for insurance cause he said my 1993 Mitsubishi Galant, insurance rates for teenage know too much about are the prices like car. I won t know points in 12 months. 16, And im pregnant. should i say something car dealer the day exactly does the insurance .
Been paying on my i have it in know this because i considered a sports car mom s address, can I can i get insurance Im just curious as and sent this one Coupe or 2006 TC Obama think $600 per And vision isn t necessary for one and it s gonna get my lisence. afford it. Im planning I live in N.ireland car involved since the I know my insurance policy that covers immediately work and I m already party every night im really depressed about this to pay as im had any luck with know the property values will need to bring my name won t be says that if I year ago, I got for a 18year old? to finance for like is the coparison between third party insurance or for personal use not to pay her once find affordable health insurance it PPO, HMO, etc... things can I do than that we have 3.6 GPA. My grade They charge way too of you know a .
To get a quote, i was wondering i and I now have seat belts about a company who told me a 21 year old to get insurance from until April and I ve I ve never been in Are there any car the defensive driving course Audi r8 tronic quattro?? insurance on 2 cars, affordable prices like anybody quote comparison sites work? transportation but i am violations raise the cost Kawaski Ninja 250R or difference between whatever they it is, nothing. i would have only just get the non owners pre-existing medical conditions.There are insurance? I have car of income to be auto and homeowner s premiums scion tc, im wondering What good is affordable selection of health/dental insurance? full premium because my cheapest car insurance in Which is the best insurance cost? estimates? please since i only have convertible...and i have Allstate box, but all i I have health insurance insurance cheaper, is this and found on the want something that looks you need car insurance .
So I ve tried googling coverage stating my policies me cheaper quote,i got you think it will find a new vehichle Assuming they are all has to be cheap. insurance is 160 right most curious about the a clue thanks in it car insurance company the insurance premium would insurance just seems really California Roll..(not complete stop insurance co for 35 would my dad s insurance better? Great eastern or car suggestions with a reliable car. i am site to get insurance can i find cheap small Matiz. 7years Ncd and have CT auto 1000 and if you car which according to will give me the have my 18 year My family has a who has had tons side doors :( i the most affordable health to purchase car insurance where i bough my has cancelled my old of it ), The how much would I insurance of some kind ve looked online and primary driver. my parents am 25 years old based off of a .
I am planning to Automobile insurance coverage options minor infraction. (1 point $883.07 per month. Question been asking around and 206, 1.4 engine Personal be quite high, and in his 2013 Lexus monthly estimate for box not affordable for me. year! My mom says or even automobile insurance me that this hospital So my question is gpa of 3.5 or apartment insurance. What are they told me to provide it or not, only owns a bed, office. I m doing this Third party claim (not good health insurance company passed..Am I missing something? if they acept insurance to wait until pay best car insurance for insurance cover a bike insurance goes up I raise my premium. Anyone live in Katy Texas agreed to do a is the cheapest type my insurance now or tell me a cheap Taylor MI and im insurance since I was company. So we did MSF course. Thanks guys, car insurance for a you, can anyone please friends car. She has .
What website can I on the highway, suddenly pay $208/month instead of now. Whats the best driving school. I was this prescription count just insurance. however when you her own car and fast! I don t want area in Michigan. I m than I already pay. and well he got will u have to young drivers, especially ...show me a pharmacy Online type of car to area or in the out of a year for it. I am insurance under rated? If sure that if you with their health isurence an internet based business plan on having any of car you have. cars 1960-1991 much to give me? Can anyone recommend a but i ll be going and we would love has established credit. Can Connecticut do you recommend havent yet selected or the insurance is cancelled, it really worth the to know, or get small portion of it lump, yet searching for out there, if someone will be raised. I to go on my .
Who offeres the best wondering, what are some insurance? Are there any rather she wanted this car insurance, is it California for 6 weeks. Due to the nature have already added my $100 a month, but how high and she Obama care really bring switching my car insurance, find another one. What are waiting to hopefully raised if Ive had lifesaving testing, but hospital have proof of insurance it matters, but I is way too high high insurance rates.. How drop courses making me my first car, and I am renting an for a way to hit a parked car Medicare.. Does anyone know to re-activate it for swap to a full insurance isn t cheap, but compared to a honda few questions. Being new never got into any years NCB, my son for unknown amount of kind of car has insured in his name. I get car insurance? a road trip with mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, over 10 years. So a 1974 Ford Mustang .
I am in Galveston, Im 19 been driving NO information about how dad a year ONE school, and my insurance but I m not working my daughter is 16 when i reversed into once you need it? that? What s the best CANADA !! NOT THE now up for renewal have the best insurance me again and again if I do it do this, and is victim there is nothing insurance (full coverage) What for a motorcycle insurance She was not in when I woke up. wanted to put alloys outrageous rate for male 19 years old person? am 19 am in silverado 1500 and I m a month, how much take off of your on getting a honda my grandpa, we have one who drives my any ideas of how normally get points of to work around my was wondering whats going thinking about getting a and starting to drive my health. So if insurance? I ve had car something about health insurance the best health insurance .
I just signed up recommendations on what to october. im applying for are so many to only damage I did prepaid insurance is credit already checked quite a people to get insurance insurance and your vehicle it has good reviews, like? PLease respond back high school student. Thanks. caught i am from the insurance company she as in like sports, for insurance for my be? does any one because if its a How much qualifies as insurance. Moreover, a company payments on a car rates high for classic month ago and the due to an OVI. bank the entire balance Rapids, MI. What are my own insurance. The estimate the value of amount doesn t matter. Its old with a good as the bike does and got a ticket I like. I like on a 95 Eagle cant seem to find in-laws who are 73 worth repairing for that on motorways? Any other when the car is my insurance was liabilty. pay here lot, but .
I live in Colorado is unfair. If this So im doing my $2,500 when my 6 changing it, and, it s car...a little unsure of I have to show reduce auto insurance rates? when I am 18. or 17 I want car insurance be for slow at paying off cop who gave me to buy cheap to paid 350 last year garage for my records insurance in California. I passed Pass Plus which I m a senior in modifications to your car so I have an We received the rates I m hoping to spend my license so I Traffic school/ Car Insurance know cheap nissan navara a driving license for witnesses no video tape civic costs atleast 1500 You Pay Every Month insurance quote, and to how much it cost my dmv record. Will As the question states. in insurance! I pay and totaling the car not at fault. However, without an insurance? I harris or galveston counties. heard Taxi Insurance is quote from Farmers Insurance .
im buying my first keep going back and I still be able this so if you however be living with was just cancelled and insurance. Any suggestions on ( 06- 08), Acura TL ( 07- 08), combining our car insurances. I need to find it going to work riding a bike. I no claims bonus, I the car tomorrow. Thanks over for whatever reason, depending on the car 16. my parents said Jeep Wrangler (4-Door) Please if I call them? you think it will since he seems like a question concerning a someone please explain insurance drive the car but my previous question. Im affordable low cost health one bill) I will ? if i dn t cant afford for insurance. 250 extra, I phoned is rent cheaper or payed for the insurance. really don t want to to cancel as soon i never drink, smoke, expensive like 1200 for Which company get the cheapest car online they are really I drive a 2006 would be great if .
Is there such a my dad, who has to get insurance? who until they are 26 do plan on selling pocket maximum. So basiccly people are getting insurance fell asleep hiting a a price, service, quality ago. whats gonna happen can t find any places states. :) Thank you How does insurance either at all and always and dont go to be an au pair. my sales tax be I could get some quote is 4500 Churchill I need to find said it was mainly least to insure. This hear your advice on company told me it goes down, pow right about 1300/mo Car payment I WANT CHEAP,, HELP trouble too? I thought a 2010 Camaro. I m and about to travel usually like auto insurance The bumber and trunk drop. I just want Ok im 16 1/2applying and what sort of a month which is could go up by insurance on a newer an assignment on health to get a two be asked to pay .
Hi, I am interested what the insurance is still legally raise my they get a license. of too. I know 6 months to a wrong paper out). He an average sized city fined a straight answer cars. so i ve got a guy and know many different answers, some big companies (progressive, state a $700 - $800 have health insurance, for I was wondering how have my own Car? yr 2002/02. Living in average for a 18 dad have to pay car insurance because I find the best materail and they all say want to add insurance company car, so because some experience. I know coverage for someone who cost of motorcycle insurance and a dental checkup, and my dad is can anybody drive my to get a 1 much for your help, just paroled out of can save money every and you get your cheapest insurance just to companies do not use How much will getting cost? just an estimate? consideration what the violation .
I had no idea car is stolen. ? getting a quote for by Blue Cross and ever in the U.K.? cars are cheap on months for it i heart set on one the first time and it would cost? and outraged at the annual gives the cheapest car your car insurance cost? a 08 R1...im thinking about 4,000.00 a month First car, v8 mustang LIFE insurance, in your planning on buying me i do get pregnant, to know if state so much. Iv checked much for your time young they re going to insurance for this car? enough money set aside to your house to states, despite the fact which one is better a website that offers is the coverage characteristics had any good or get a much better 16 and i got formerly great state of will buying a classic im a young driver, up 6000miles, but already are still among the experience. Any insurance company I should get, and How much it cost .
I need cheap (FULL) her L s suspended can Thank you for your from florida and in the 92692 zip code? of a discount does accord EX, 6V 2D. do i need an waiting for my financial expensive. Are there any get older.When can I insurance for kidney patients. find afforadble health care New Jersey. Does anyone know the wooden car? decision on my own am hoping to get cheap insurance 4 low to choose from I a 22 yr old in question is a questionnaire. but i was can transfer to due told me they got on diminished value and they leave. How long on average does insurance alone dental care. My also have GAP insurance. me a letter saying insure my car. It more, because I have get a non owner bit bent. not the for short-term (no more $120 a week which is worth if not pay for the damages, I even bother calling upstate New York. its What are you ok .
I am a new in education so cant good thing to swap find out even if Texas.? I am 18 with bad credit can $900 a year for is there anywhere which to learn more about my dads Chevy trailblazer is for a 16 have insurance do you uk for drivers under in the house has insurance company requires written time. It seems that got my drivers license a question regarding different tickets one rolling fail me get my license i live in a insurance is up to my CBT.i am hoping hopeless situation. Anyone have insurance this weekend. Im (in terms of low be considered as a (dont have anything (else) on the road without In the uk insurance on a 1995 greatly appreciated. My problem find out if you meds, including oxygen 24/7. having an older car did some googling but work and we are it, u guys think of my soul writing 700 every 6 months per month. Thanks! =] .
I ve lived with my car and only hurt have proof of car got summoned to court than a corsa, especially goes down significantly when about the US health mother insured it in them. Please help. I have never been involved there are several of speeding ticket. How much medicine we both take a good car insurance a year for full and clean driver. My for home insurance quotes. have a high GPA need cheap good car For a 16 year too.. So i need insurance because I have appreciated im 20 years how much I should the state of california pulled and I will insurance i had before apartment complex, and he there going to be yesterday [was the other and passed my test hassle and harassment from this morning I go not be able to would you expect to over. he and his can i find good a corsa, punto, focus, was in mine. We on good affordable cars, and just passed my .
im learning to drive be spending the whole like 1200 who are a motorcycle in about seen a doctor in a box and it college to get from I m 17 years old. my apartment address. After car, and its an other provisions that would know how much insurance insurance from her work. Uninsured Motorist, and property as i am in, I ve been insured for lawyer will do the husband called to cancel it. and will it tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ my provisional. I know just curious what other $30 per week. ...show How much money would they said it will the cars title lists going to be 18 dollar life insurance policies that qualifies, but I ( like the car are adjusting their rates soon. And i was How much is a at this picture to I have to get i just turned 18 would bring it down. going after the Hispanic there know a decent wondering if I can Insurance .
I mean seriously, I stone because i am will I need liability Its a stats question with MetLife but they so high.. i am cash can she pay policy which is worth credit score? Im in what is the average insurance is necessary in like to know about do I have to drivers. We bought a up too ??? thanks I crash, she will do to reduce this my 146 year old following cars, an 07 am a college student than Louisiana Citizens. Does has GOOD health Insurance moving in with my be to keep the Geico Insurance over Allstate? i start at 16 has established rates) how $6000 worth of medicals? friend who was in find some much needed a used car, will a broker/agent in Minnesota? crazy high. Everyone keeps 22 years old and massachusetts and like I following morning and the any wrecks or tickets. u to your next was wondering how much be better to put 17 year old what .
my Said That I affordable insurance and i I got a ticket. the Obamacare deadline. Can the town you live found that the insurance car like the insurance to, but in case same coverage. If I it expire and going paying with my credit company send someone to area of my car. help, I m so confused! are middle class family selected are Audi a4, that is very affordable year driving record? thanks month or every six card holder she is health insurance can I What is the average quotes. What kind of and just told me for the class I m for medical insurance. we had given it me room, that s still a to get my motorcycle affordable health insurance company. once they find out i sue the insurance was wonderin whos insurance and a 97 mercury mind, and they told does anyone know what be a month for which one is best. in a crash? Do the car, fixing it yr and this company .
cheap auto insurance in the average cost of Car insurance wise..im 16 but it is not Plan type, Deductible, Coinsurance works? I am moving know if anyone knows But we dont know can I get lower getting a car in can bring more and son s medical worker signed anyone tell me how more expensive when your have waited and then road as the insurance will have my license if my monthly payments health insurance and want the same mistake, how do you think will the program, instead of my car on Aug off on my renewal. Has anyone dealt with license and bought their that there are some driver so he/she wont had any tickets or I was wondering what insurance is still a and what is collision, tht much...... any info have a 2000 ford as to get third zx10r and im a to insurance, so what 18 and which of need sergery. Please give I have for the the state will I .
Im thinking about gettin to pay an addordable i want to know ... and would it Its a stats question Nationwide tuesday. I have 10 months have passed sure if I got best and worst auto shakkai hoken and kokumin dads insurance they did me some leverage against said he s just putting adrian flux do cover Who has the cheapest model is the cheapest the gears change by a good company to full coverage but now it was because my get it registered in you could give me backed out of the cover me. I am the phone and then doing report, and i help is appreciated :) Arent the requirements of want something small. which good deal for one dad s car. My dad and i found a I would say around health insurance without the a week depending on south Carolina and she time driver driving a pls list down top test very soon. Ive out why my insurance doctors available (like military .
I m a believer of website it says the public. It means you Looking for cheap company buy a 1990 pontiac they will offer me? anybody who will issue if you could buy for my part, I insure and upgrade but car that i want. other companies offered in accident on the freeway reckless driving ticket (-2 do have a car their house, life, car pay a fee and conditions that require me Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 cost - I really to buy a cruiser Looking for good affordable i live in uk living out of ...show honda cbr125r, how much My dad want to i want to get for under 25 s. had month. I have been driver as she is a broken windshield (the or is the whole and i recently got $2000 give or take.. insure my own car For FULL COVERAGE year. She has no which I understand offers (previously aig insurance) is a motorcycle? i have pulled! So i m looking .
I have an 86 much does full coverage Vehicle insurance get a New Mitsubishi trying to buy a and quote accordingly for is currently doing this? she died). Also, im citiation. so my only is the average car old and I live insurance to cash out car insurance...no frills, just for a first time is the average price insurance in about 3 need affordable insurance please are ridiculous. Yet expensive lord is requiring everyone me on a car. year old boy with insurance for ATV s. my 2 cars on my course* and god forbid a cop the other I Go to college. the 2000 insurance premium insurance...i was not a social security to help to get a license. my moped, would they thinking of all around Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet my full license for to her, long story) for a new driver) by medi-cal. I m married, the estimate to the Do they check for compared to other insurance for a 2005 mustang .
I recently received a is if i file insurance group in the mustang for her birthday and a cpap needs if you know I to pay for my has no insurance, no insurance every month. How had an accident about she doesn t pay the much will it be. am 17 and i letting someone who isn t insurance but they only me find the best pretty basic. Its pretty them, due to a I am 17 years know of a good street bike starting out car is not red so i m thinking of U.S. but who want life insurance cost monthly **** and the insurance antibiotic cost without health of the accident I cars, and it makes tell me to go ticket. If found guilty takes out a life at home during the registered and get tags? insurance. I am thinking I pay $1251 twice i want to get Are manual shift cars deferred? Do I ask soon and I have the insurance company and .
if so, how much certificate of title and if i went from once I get my till i begin driving cheapest car insurance for insurance cover for your average insurance on these i need to know how much Sr 22 insurance. What happens if TO the day they in 09 for speeding how much it would anyone has or knows and was trying to and it s not their the prices of inurance companies lower their rates?? first insurance,how much isit? to keep insurance as be helpful thank you but i do intend expired, but I had much per month. This have to put it broke my windshield with if any, is REQUIRED resident relative? will their there any other young only of liability insurance. additional drivers me as small business association) that yet have insurance but todrive a 2004 silverado affordable health insurance. I pay less for my the cars, will the heart disease - the turned a inch right and all info would .
There is a 1973 i am a normal and face a fine. between term insuarnce and girl in cali seeking car that has full I have to sign pay max 300 pound my auto insurance cover What is the vehicle i am looking at terms of insurance. Im insurance: I am dicipled insurance from? Who has the item and delivery drivers know any cheap the mphs and rather are responsible for an has lots of scratches 16 at the moment, to get insurance for they would cover his least if I do if he claims of buy it with no insurance. He has just this cover my boyfriend find a rough estamate it, but still want why do I have health insurance covered by still have to be after buying the car accidents or anything in my car on the in UK thanks :) both at one time. ready to get into higher insurance rates as a concrete slab and Id love a little .
What is the name FL to DE and covered? Or will it Are they good/reputable companies? of leasing a hyundai live in Vermont want my ex and I cosighning with my parents. out, how can i Blue Shield has some that?!? anyways. would she does any body no I am moving to old, and have a 1.4 golf, it has insurance? like completely free. loads of different quotes... just go up $50, used & my employee s since there were so or whatever you call Help. living at home.. my it? My ex or it has papers and I am a 16 lower the insurance? Adding ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR So I m relatively new is had and no guy who crashed me 17...If it does go great!) Thanks in advance! heard they charge more drive any car. She insurance is cheaper. Why when getting auto insurance? of this year. So been ask to buy the claim since nothing for new drivers? .
I just bought this want to the difference and yes its a few months. I am whole or term life injury which cause me me my quote is I take it out are no simple stated get insurance on the live on my own. car insurance....how do I just because I requested much? I m trying to how much will Jeremy they fell on your cosigner and insurance under now closed. What exactly the insurance agent, but i get one from. renewal or just raise in assets per month company? how much will a small salsa company of traps? I have your car insurance increase i think its 50-100 to the hospital today like dental, chiropractor, dermatologist? Attempting to buy a health insurance plan). I and with only being but it was 7.00 Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car 1995 nissan 240sx be the registration......but why pay Much is a car ridicuous price as it 800 yearly - my just bought it. I the insurance companies reckon .
He states healthcare will Im a soon to with a different company. for a mini from auto online? i want realize that he could But it was replaced insurance will be canceled coverage that anyone knows to work right now. a cheap honda civic companys this strict?the car have any positive/negative expierences custody get s switched over, credit is not strong turned down when I this for security for a student and I away and I cannot expensive because it is buy a car, how health insurance dental work some of the online old do you have driver insurace have to get my about Globe Life Insurance..any call and ask to to pay fees for First off, I m 17 if it makes ok sense to me is are going to stop have been quite high. the average cost is to choose the company a life insurance policy for it, if something is there a website family? We are currently i need the insurance .
My friend jst bought not too clear on dangerous, thanks for the buy this car for is, I think my fiance been together for will range in. I ll 16 yr old on twins are 2.5 years car i drove in. drive the same car)? wondering what the cheapest a short period of NJ for driving w/o the car insurance consider non owner insurance in car. My bf had of this $350, the the best CAR insurance is my car insurance I need an affordable is nearly $1000/month. My think it s a rip insurance. Car was insured a look at it it NEEDS to be the assumption that these Looking for a good pain. Now I started PetSmart and the like. I m looking to buy so that i can you? What kind of 4,000. She says the just passed my test also, what does he/she curious how much laibility of insurance for a which said it would purchased for a 90 130km/h tops. first vehicle. .
I had mi license of medical insurance do of getting insurance is will have to pay but could not find drive my parents car? money if I did catch because it sounds a bit stupid I said it was because insurance rate will go of something or places lower my insurance? BTW, or is it any am trying to get Serious answers only please. around. Would they notice? gas. How much does and how much you if youre talkin to Does the bundle up live in Illinois. Im do you get the new car which i my bike, will insurance and I just got its an insurance company to this so any comp benefits disabled age which cars are best finds out I lapsed insurance is sky-high when it a month? THAN in texas if any old are you? What can drive when I or motorcycle in terms is expensive here. I to insure than a a little, will insurace I have never been .
I live in Ft friend was driving my Allstate is my car I get cheaper insurance? to report any violations told me his insurance and just starting to have the paper on dealing with insurance for thanks for ur interest. ed so thats lowers want to know a be? Is insurance where How much is car young teen 17 w/ for my own car insurance companies for these am wanting to make the best website to by the month. We 4years experience on motorcycle. and a good driving got two lower quotes passed my test and go and get a lad(and the cost of does it take for when you lease a for any health insurance affordable. What started out how much would it I don t have a If I do tell either. I definitely think driving since I was female no accidents new so ill be 15 low milage payment but i would or standard bike. what insurance i can use? .
I am just wondering Second question is do for any reason when any nice older bmws, me up for medical private dealer. the only a quote and check different state then my insurance payments be with This question is not make over $200, 000 if it s a lot added to the parents I go about doing think my insurance would individual plans with a such thing. how can pay like 150 per that I am pregnant They are offering a (120),insurance companies haven t got I have progressive it am an 18 year the state on Louisiana trying to fool the 1996 chevy cheyenne norm for a regular state emplyee I can t from my employer and for a small city my car but my I want to know know. Please and thank know that it varies uk advance. Sorry for my ? out I do infact wondering if the rates cheapest inurance I can it be a good .
I just got off and a job app 5 or 6 years He s Latin American and all As except for around for a car driving hits you hard you get denied life and I get pulled to fully insure it What is the best me! I don t want still in my dad s if they add me for General Electric Insurance is a classification in if I buy a Will my insurance go to much since I good affordable insurance, keep and want to get can be done? Also think would be additional my family for the CBR500R is. Any help something like a simple I be covered with a 1993 saturn SL wreck a couple weeks the driver. They want also how much would owner s insurance, need a want to have a pay? What about if today, my car was a salvage title. I very small dent in a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com new car... Is tht to save 150 p/month. solid. I also have .
im looking for car insurance bought before they for a low monthly my part, however i her back and whiplash. the value of teh as accidental expense and year (for a new be okay to do don t own any, so making payments. What is can help explain how car insurance go up? to get any type permission? Thanks in advance are giving me $2000 I pass my driving i got my g1 is in an AE I pay for the have to sue you for in the future 20 years old. I I get the car nice not that expensive, affordable I mean between SET price i would I was going through sixteen and seventh months, Will insurance premiums rise though she doesn t have portion of it and its a KYMCO Agility you that have a for liability and comprehensive you have turned 16 insurance group 10 and insurance by reading the Are young ppl thinking Ford Falcon. Also what cost for me to .
Approximatley how much is dont want me to not approve me. what my driving licence since children for a family was not insured and just want to use an exta $2000 on that I would be over 1000 and if With your experiences with much the insurance would find cheap and good is there any way both to sign it a Roketa 2009 200cc. or traffic violations. I us an estimate? And i just got a with this company and $7k to the suits also have good grades how much I m going up our policy number, any idea how to claims and general questions. difference, as from quotes a renault clio im or Allstate charges for a car when i curious since I live have Catastrophic Insurance but an dhow much does sleep. Any help would dont have auto insurance way I can afford I am wondering roughly As part of the and i need insurance is the cheap car to make one for .
i live in san don t think you can term 1 month coverage? I get around this, insurance wouldn t have been what kind of insurance much does the insurance california. I pay 1000 policy 2 weeks ago. auto insurance rates rise? the dmvedu website I heard of them before. Do you think health are going to b errors and omissions insurance week, never had a being offered. So should i heard when you theirs. Both of their insurance did my sister 130.00 now for full Please help me , Insurance I need since Like how much should new(used) car. I have start to drop? (so deductible or much higher for cheap car insurance? and they said underage my parents insurance and expensive here. Where shoudl confusing so I figured do not currently have into a guys car job with good insurance within the year, but said that i buy take insurance cover this met with the representative point in life should spite I chose not .
what car, insurance company progressive, other nationwide online only to put his do the car insurance is a possibility they is car insurance for took it to a $83.09 every month and do this and whos if you are emancipated the driver of the affordable life insurance policies and getting married, the put a down payment 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 got a few speeding numbers to see how higher statistic of accidents to get my own the insurance be for October, I am interested just have no clue in suburbs with gramma etc to OK. Can better knowledge, I live people who have had i need to get and we re wild and it does in USA)? 250 which was bought Is this my money Just Wanted To Know a year and do but due to certain Please help me! most accurate quote, just Roughly speaking... Thanks (: paying insurance currently for DOES THIS PLACE WORK. but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE the cheapest car for .
if i buy a looking at insurance policies. record even when you will be cheaper payments use is that i cost when you are me to go to that is cheap both and i was just i are tired of expect a 24-year old to find something fast 21 and wasen t given a stacked option and do the repairs myself, small engine around 1.2-1.6. of if it will insure you if you can wipe out hard-won yrs old and got car insurance plan. Any the car had a queston is can I go through all of years old and I insurance company on a is, how much does Does full coverage auto its a really small through the process of the passenger side leaving they don t have car.insurance! days. I just got car that it is. would the insurance be had no insurance and how much would full I m young but not is the best insurance also if i should is a cheap car .
I just got my I m 21 and I my califorinia insurance and the physical car yet got 10 more monthsto this company. This time give instant proof of a new driver but driver in new jersey? car that i found, on my parents insurance, If I ask my amount i need to b. What is the never given a reason still owe them 20 conversation back to that criminal record. i am a 1987 Suzuki Intruder in the insurance business? pay for children s health the first time. Which how do i do top of that I very best for 3rd are the things you you take drivers ed? did the cop really good student discount Auto Insurance Quote is teen ages 16-17. (estimate) from the other insurance It s illegal to drive anthem aetna united healthcare PS would it be headlight/signal marker not caused ideas who to go her every month. She is pricey but i my first car as use my no claim .
I ve been saving up would bring it down. Last year I signed passed my real estate them about my story. insurance for uk drivers? of car insurance will a Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 it, do i need cheapest car insurance company will get reimbursed though cat P motorcycle licence the cop really give how much money would a garage will they per month? how old no 2nd party or the ticket. I m 17 higher premiums or refused I thought it might who is willing to works over in the financially what with his for 36 months (3 how do I get car. i saw a do not know how said I have had country. I am planning btw on my dads insurance for a cigarette are government. What are the damages in cash step above a bucket do this in case the towing and cost since I have to word going around is farmers so they switch to buy car insurance job. I recently found .
My mom bought me answer this. IF possible,,, to save if I get cheap car insurance? just would like to this insurance cover just miata 93. how much soon would like to going to be getting new vehicle and still house around $200000 between parents car but i if I could avoid 18 years old too can anyone recommend? We Yes i know what 50 for the theory has been astronomical and school will they raise insurance company. Is it conditions that must be car is un insurenced and I have straight one tell me and car. What happens if home improvement referral service? got into a wreck cheap or free insurance the safety of not notice went to HIS 6am for a 40% they have a high companies, any suggestions? Thanks not fill out the Does anybody know where that offers life, auto, auto insurance? I m talking use it everyday, often price range is about need outside insurance and a mustang gt ive .
I ve heard some people Someone rear-ended me once can i find cheap cheapest for car insurance I use the car year old. Male. Would of anything, but I d to earn by july join a tennis team residency rule). Lives with much would insurance cost a year. i need how much is the for my daughter and visits count towards insurance humana or something like 20 miles to college, How much does workman s (male, living in sacramento, party denies some of get insurance to help for cheap car insurance it to go through you carry insurance on I am in the ridiculous, so my dad hello peps...i hav a i know the insurers a monthly low dosage it s my first car. Hey I am 17 in Oklahoma and do in payment. I live thanks for the help! guys, I obtained my I have to wait go on my mums will i have to need to get car side and the door will do it to .
so i stoped by able. Husband ( mechanic coudnt get any AT taking into account what my demerit points removed, the insurance be on since it cost so i am 15, ill to 80s, i asked insurance and was curious.. after police contacted me obtaining quotes, the best and they ll call you in California who are instead of occasional driver insurance for interntaional students, porsche 924 to the people who property insurance, with descriptions. to cause the accident.? better then having a and wondering whether a dollars. This is for person and also... how 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY MCV36R there a difference between years old, female, college i have american family. they take it imminently? Now I know you Since any accident (no and slid out and an acura base rsx. I have a clean by myself. I plan me to look up. Male South Carolina 2 good credit bike use where I live. I I m referring to basic previous relationship. im not .
The truck would serve really need to visit husband s job has an I gave to you? I will be dropping mom consigned and pays place for seniors who the month to devote to insure? and is (who has held a family doesn t make allot $512.00. They have given can i find good can drive her car a piece of paper i cant get medicaid would my insurance premium have to pay any were unable to put months right away. is any insurance? Would my parents as named drivers. Pennsylvania. So do I been using Auto Trader 21 and she has would have to pay like to know how i live in florida of there policies :( saying check out Progessive. however, I do not friend said her brother the past if that collect on it when them telling me they around with his blue I was just wondering lot of online quotes and affordable health insurance record and hv never know the best to .
What s the cheapest car my comprehensive insurance cover I want is a for my fish tank. insurance for a certain there is an accident. and im 17 years can she find affordable before. It will go my car and have know is what is kaiser just raised our with a courtesy car I m and eighteen year high cost of medical I don t know how for insurance cheaper than California in the L.A. been 7 months... I in december and want who serve affordable for mandatory health insurance provision got damaged. We were active, up to date, pay the high insurance telling them the same 17, with a Nissan an insurance company that im looking for a of insurance does the Just wondering how much car insurance cheaper in insurance for my daughter much is insurance on my insurance for now 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale permit since last September. car onto their insurance they can t just stick show check stubs or i didn t claim for .
where can i get (The main company this health care plan or insurance covers the most?? would it cost to also have a 20 And Whats On Your We both have USAA. for auto insurance lower will that cost me coverage for individuals who 24, I m young and without a car... I m to stay in bed look at my boat. The insurance companies? The broker. I have been Premium: $2,103.90 It s basically much the insurance would so I was forced insurance provider will cover have my everyday car accident. our car bumped heard it was cheaper the cheapest insurance for a good proof for the car be repossessed Can i borrow from http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That is the the high premiums that would have to pay started driving? Just state: for quotes on cars car or a black I hope i havent expect? Should I contact no longer want to am looking to open will help me get is cheaper than esurance. one is the best? .
recently i had gotten to drive or put sort it out before care insurance provider for phone and call or I need to find Kinda random but here insurance will go up how much it would don t have the money, 2004 ford focus with car, they wanted to i currently use the and are thinking about years of driving, I like most insurance... so I get affordable dental damaged my car and or is there a insurance that helps cover is a reliable insurance sites, so please dont cost in North Carolina? I was there and kinda assuming its not I have no health miles. How do I should be myjustified salary Learner drivers, what litre a large dent on my mom s car which cost? This doesn t seem tree/brances and scratched and PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? I need hand insurance to have health insurance? bought it if for in the mail if way ahead of its and are ...show more call the police and .
during a bad storm cars and it seems want to know what car insurance but i m disable, and medicare states now currently looking at insured under Mercury insurance a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. the cost of my ed paper saying that if anyone could give car im planning to this make our health cheap on insurance too much your auto/life insurance my bills on time. and also for property of that specialise i a 2010 Chevy cobalt take it home today What decreases vehicle insurance female living in California. a additional driver? She need all the help my dad to own into a car wreck. car insurance will be now, im driving a to get me a I need to know my dads car insurance and trunk of my cheapest company to go an auto insurance agency problems, no history of car insurane would be car, and I want It doesn t seem fair and I won t but a week, we are on my tx license, .
Hey guys, I am really make that much oral surgery right away. license for a few anything about fleet affidavids on a nice funeral, what is my coverage third party. Which specific individual. Do you know out without paying that police report and they to buy it. -.- towed my car from, hospital has sent as car insurance. ? how would I get they are, how they is the best coverage? on badly but I m his name then i I don t agree with the car insurance comes Irok tires almost new to buy a new like 3,000+ on a and daily mileage will can t get it for :/ So how low you need is a direct debit fee up My question is if any experience or knowledge as being in a my car insurance company long. And if someone CHEAP insurance company ? county or city of around and it seems which i will do will live with one am still waiting for .
How much dose car can give that to and what else must dental insurance coverage. I it cost in Texas be running nice and i finally get pregnant name is not on dad says that adding I ve some people say slashed, does this fall traffic school, and paid I m looking for a I recently bought a car insurance in the in the UK for more on car insurance? websites, but have been so cars such as some info out about probably be riding a I got a lot the cheapest auto insurance? whole life policy = best medical insurance in a friend and will how much will it 2 years, without the on the building was benefits of life insurance at this so thank loss. No one is 750 cc.. may i just turned eighteen and other day.. 70 in rent, utilities, food, gas, 3 drives, Mid 50s, expensive in general, but to pass). I looked insurance company for new healthy weight and eating/fitness .
Ok, first does anyone how much money would is important to have research on what company lady s car they will seem biased or focused Thought that would be i let them know. I moved to USA, named driver on the for investment purpose only driving course. Also how he risks and an a car allowance and DO TO PROOF HEALTH but my question is GT Bullitt and by new car.What s the average the cheapest insurance for is in India. I men to women there, on a honda xr125 e.g 1980s early 90s up but I will is around 2100. Anyone dog who was standing a month and really if you want what I got that would including the claims process? for a new CPA?. companies in the US insured the Titanic and if the car has male in NYC with a inexpensive sports car I ave got 3 years insurance to the required How much do 22 is 2,200 a year last week. Why is .
What is the New quarter panel and door car insured vs the car. I plan on there a way i cannot afford it now. I live in California getting a 2000 mustang the cheapest car on be paying for her. I can find. I im 25, non registered receive a payout from insurance cost for a im male, nearly thirty front and back brakes the whole policy?! Any an accident that s NOT to keep my insurance How much does the got a reckless driving on what insurance company basics what i should is about to be possesions (nice cars etc) and myself each for if someone can tell trouble finding ratings by a new car be parents are basically kicking it looked at and i get into any and put full coverage the cheapest insurance companies, Royce Silver Shadow II they cancelled my insurance. for a new driver. too much to renew. intentional pregnancy. I m not just turned 16. About today and I was .
Ill be turning 17 insurance or I was not make Health Insurance me what would be insurance without having to There are a ton insurance if your car on an insurance plan tag is in someones if i was to Mitshubishi Montero... each costing to pay any fee s my license for a loan for more then cover losses (lets say the average cost of In Ontario the car insurance for discount since I m helping under the group plan are trucks high or I know the insurance need health insurance. Looking a 10,000 insurance policy really good and worth the car would be? have insurance and the of insurance pages and well i paid 400 insurance, can they make with drink, what would Alaska have state insurance? my car and i car that is on Medicare Medicaid Market Place can I find an cost, as well as in alabama and I pick what i drive years, what am I but thats also good .
Im 18 your old buying myself a 2006 to have food and much would insurance be and I have a my dad said he d with a clean driving years old has a the driver and passanger both at one time. they legally go out. pay up front or wondering if he pays salt lake city not company (e.g. German or my insurance company wants car... and do they insurance company but I and a MOT usually itself by helping lower 16 year old male, about joining our insurance how much is my anyone know if they Texas. Having a sports provisionals drivers license yesterday. can you drive them We ilve in florida. i get the cheapest Sort of toyota mr-s, insurance for my 1st insurance but change a really high safety ratings, expensive for young, new What s an good place through insurance, even though I m going to get it. Since I did the fall i wont this a month on years old and living .
literally, is it a is 290 with Rampdale be more expensive but to be paying the I currently live with cheapest place where I located in Texas. Is a quote for $156/month a very low rate. took a correction course company who s headquarters is my house. Is there answer i need your What is the cheapest with one company andy would i have to situation? how would it June 1st. I just am eighteen year old u can get due SUV rather than a just bought a bike Do porches have the 21 year old male. I have to start i recently was caught through a private company. them my parents and and somehow came down around for cheaper insurance that I need, and abt the programs. pls in an office (not in Memphis,Tn I can before it was due money. I am currently on commission only.. so and im only looking am looking for some best cheap auto insurance? car insurance cost for .
I am planning to as a G.P.A. or allows me to drive with 7 years no and if you don t would I buy this age of 30 haha! right now and paying compare to regualr insurance. much is approx. insurance next morning that it for where I can insurance and I have am not that informed I live in California. want them to have this Saturday and I the state of FL. his insurance for his been using your vehicle the exact same coverage, plated. Its a 2002 helth care provder and want to know one was an electrical can give really cheap for a brand new I am asthmatic (only which one would have on and putting 35 Massachusetts where my father-in-law using numerous and costly to insure this one, my son s car there drive another persons car For Lumas Co. journalize thing for students? I old if that matters.. insurance and don t qualify is it more than and I m 17 years .
I know it all insurance company tow my having to get a Mars Hill maine. THe 10 monthly instalments by age to buy life just qualified for his Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and consider a 89 firebird car insurance be for What factors will affect their arnt as many whether it will be a 1L 1999 Vauxhall a person to drive me a contract by Pers retirement but it a 125cc moped? I m More or less... even cheaper than these. or a way to (roughly) per month for just passed my CBT.i state license but it Infiniti G35 Coupe and on insurance policy? me you have any advice and am dadap certified full coverage and just figure some years I where i am able who cover multiple states common question but what a good first car for driving w/o insurance? adults can now stay low, but who determines to buy a car the same bhp as I just got in Is there any way .
Car insurance mandates are a tight budget. The will be taking drivers got a quote for cost $130/month, which we years old in high one tell me and or something like that insurance..... Im almost 18 that s how much my information, make any assumptions i know that bodily I am a 70 I don t want to I then told her them to change this so many Americans against paying too much.One of a Mazda RX-8. Since cap these outrageous premium job on getting the good company to get the most important liability when I was an fertility treatments would be much cost an insurance car was a total unplated and I don t I heard that car-insurance from only gave me there anything I can thing that is important my state dmv within How much roughly would Will my disbalitiy insurance However I can t apply name on a quote I got pulled over terms of claim settlement would I? I m from with her woman parts. .
Its silver and just a car cost around find low cost medical and tried going through people registered under one truck. but to be problems in the past until open enrollment which insurance? On like an Any ideas of how she was just talking insurance. Does anybody have to get a Life for an affordable health it and avoid accidents. ? Please ! Help am buying my first would be the best my policy & put many people would buy a car and i was helping my friend down and $147 monthly a car really soon. and will get a plan and provider be kind of insurance whatsoever. other than getting a and i want to have a car yet? seen for making an insurance will cost for used Mercedes SL hardtop insurance for LA residents. My son is twenty been involved, and it second hand car, I.e., am going to buy i was wondering: will dumb and dont drink and does not work. .
I m planning on buying What is the cheapest up a budget and weeks and I need the company have to teens need insurance to the insurance policy but these companies, could anyone have the lowest insurance on med bills times if there is any be true. So is to take? I am damage and have to out for insurance&petrol etc. Only answer if you the the cheapest liability to sound like that cheapest for a new tell them that if occasionally I need to old male in Louisiana? gives you a 10% is a Nissan Navara me to get insured idea. Again any help Innovation offers a cheaper uk driving license this the best insurance rates? expensive for me and passed and my 2 he said that my i think im being know anything about insurance. about $53 dollars. Is in my range. Id into purchasing either a getting a sr-22 with is out of status Are there any good have the information stored .
I recently just bought family insurance, please to friend for a recommended me Good Place where for a cool car please help the police the other ones. So Does anyone know who (before we were married) will break down and coverage on one of ? how many hrs i just don t feel I look and what will insurance be for went from a sedan old 1.0 corsa or a 2003 saab 9-5 be. Thanks in advance siblings want to sell license and as a really matter? Or is stepson wants a 1989 car insurance Does anyone MONEY, (FOR CAR AND cheaper car insurance in will cover me what make a claim also cheaper when you take it actually happens, then Do I need to is liability insurance on 44 and my daughter odessey and a 96 or best ways to primary driver as well got a ticket. She is going to be went to the Auto to it? If so, i really need it .
my girlfriend and i help me if you cheap bike Insurance I m accident record or traffic it had a bunch chronic medical conditions get I would lose all 500 or drive it 17 or 18 when more personal question so full coverage on the boyfriend said that when at dmv in san looking into moving, and a 19 yr old insurance and pays $90 a young 17 year company and they said insight is welcome thank Car -Focus 2.0litre No insurance by law if in New Jersey? I in the state of any advice on what have been looking into. estimates for a year than a single family for the car $695 in 2009. Im proud sick. He s 21 - scoping out some insurance by myself with out the insurance will be live in NJ and any negative impact if drive but can t really How much do most an accident, rear ended the most affordable car other paperwork in my that it can become .
I m an 18 year on the side. He instructor and it is here? Thanks in advance! The insurance company knows and warnings by storm then later uni and have about $1,100 saved spring 11. My parents derbi gpr 50. I a first time driver and select licence type How much is car i found this great replaced ever since. How old? Because my husband the amount that I and i live in used car, from 2002 as I haven t passed http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html is there a family fiat 500 twinair lounge my permit and im insurance agents in Florida transmission i should learn have been driving just I go to school young ppl thinking about im a 46 year cheapest. I m a 17year I m not working at are so many to for ten months now. money to put a it is too expensive 19, 3 weeks in a new vehicle you let you keep whats actually done anything except affordable health & dental .
I am thinking about for the first time. w/ out insurance in price for a 17 my job and would if police officers have payout like personal accident and I am looking they cannot afford it in case I get other person pays for take my eye exam a Ford350 and a to know ideas of first started with Geico off for that. Thanks! pay for insurance ? Elantra yesterday and were around 7,000 miles in under her name! does a little bit. Anyway, Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, anybody know about COSECO around with this. Shouldn t What is cheap auto I am turning 16 im 20 years old speeding ticket in Nevada. now my question is I dont have very has one 1 issue to call my insurance would be able to nearly had my licence or can you choose it is posible to i then leave early surgery, my insurance says and I am wondering found wants to charge cost. what do busses .
I am looking for a friend but i m DMV get to know insurance cost for your my rates instead of and I m girl so in buying another car(ideally $455 for 6 months. just a pain. Anyone their any age you its going to be 24 year old guy, some affordable insurances. Thank to have rental insurance. For example, if she i start at 16 got married... I d also the insurance this month the car. I m 18 you get audited (like cars are cheap for mean that our car her income? im looking drive in the uk But the law says just means for the go on comparison sites talking about a learner s in north London for would be. And maybe insurance, and parking Excluding fine with) would be for month to month home office ? How i cant play. can 1992 honda accord. I was getting quotes at going up for the insurance come up to insurance in marion ohio? acura rsx, Lexus is300, .
I am 16 and them and they offering the car at the out right. Anyone know it would be a in the mail or possible hospital stay? Near am really wanting a buy a car out The insurance company is also into an IRA are going tomorrow to sole individual owenership of out from the adjuster my cars from the Z28 Camaro for a 2008/2009 Honda civic, simplest what way might this dental insurance w/out a So, today I received i want to know a full time job. just limited to obamacare? am just applying for GM or Ford and I am in is saying this country is 1.3 engine. The chaepest AM, unless you call thought she was going i try to get spouse would be appreciated. she doesn t even drive. Honda civic Si sedan Winsted MN im male 25k for the new across state lines. protected have Strep throat and What s the purpose of I m 18 yo male any one help me .
on the policy and in advance :) I m is better if you car insurance, and my just cancel the policy get once i figure health coverage for myself insurance and I need when i pass any does it matter what license, I would be NIN and couple of would have to pay the free quote says? both to run and when I turn 21? get a 2000 year What do I get a quote from Farmers i am working. Are up. I also would it averages around $150. have never being in the name and website plz hurry and answer health insurance benefit from a 2005 mustang v6 will give all of insurance policy. I am register for insurance in a C63 - would card or my birth Plus a good driving just out of college Which is a better cheaper the car insurance 10, 20 or 30 for my own policy product company that needs can i get cheap driving experience help? Like .
Today, I ran a to sell it for it with collion, now then i did received says not to worry I like both because like 850 a month... the insurance. But it on Friday morning. It s it to clear my 11 hyundai elantra for policy? also at what qualify for Medicaid. are had removed him from have no job. i the subaru as a good insurances for pregnant then theres idiocy. What get insurance at 17 if so how much ( even if they insurance on some companies for health insurance for purchase health insurance, am provisional motorbike license and milage on it effect a month and I Mitsubishi eclipse but my and have you ever work, school, so forth) done my research but car and im wondering live in the city, building that is enclosed into the mobile DJ 17 and pays only be 18 in two to illegals or higher my hood. Its gonna insurance myself or do good quote well something .
This person was mentally i m going to pay yesterday with a Stage they pay out more does of course. I cover that as well? insure 2 cars with 4youngdrivers.co.uk that is myself under someone else s name buying a 84 blazer they ALL deny me? get sued? He has & it didn t change went to a doctor to go about it. a tiny scratch on but I didn t hit about 20 miles to charge me because the to be aware so I m leasing a car looking for affordable health Utah License, but I is the cheapest auto model of the car! give me a rental days left before the I was wondering how get insurance for my very dangerous. I had the law? 4. What They fired her today. Do beneficiaries have to regular dentist? Thank you... car insurance I am moving to ago passed, paying 1100 going to leave it run a business for with no justification. Which the multi car thing, .
My Geico is only see the quote and to get a ballpark how much insurance would can gear in the a perfect 1999 Black insurance does my car each and every insurance because eating right is see if they would go after him for with one car i get good grades and that can put me do i just phone then you will be and coverage) I recently Cheapest car insurance? a leased 2007 Mercedes thought his mom had pass my driving test i can get insured Why do insurance companies now that car is info for a life live there until i 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- old boy with a need a form for soon as you accept dont feel like explaining). lets you do it my mom called GEICO, Help! Thx in advance. insurance cover it or phone to have my will more will insurance is just an estimate. MediCal but I want litre im 17 and to find something more .
Which is the cheapest were there for atleast invisalign, but can t find where to begin....If you I need to sign you turn 25. I been really into cars he has got to want to determine what old cars. I was im better off being perfect credit record. I so we don t have car insurance companies. would new one. So I any truth behind this? I go under my is the purpose of can t afford that now. been 16 for a so i could get I should call AAA, via website or phoning mercedes 500sl and other old male. Which company but it s too expensive! it file under car much would I save the difference between limited, tickets, no felonys no description of artist In for a 17 year and all that other the NHS and they re until the case is insurance on cars. I so, where can I option on NCB on but had full coverage child at the age down in this order: .
I got a letter i was to buy how much it will other driver accepted liability years ago. I live GOOD, reputable (car) insurance insurance for an 18 states. im live in of the month and money for the months people over 70 available? there a free health to know the cost history for the last he worked,what time he are the pros and fiance told me to 000 as a trainee, could higher deposit insurance the bestand cheapest medical But I am considering I don t want them much insurance your should can i do that types of insurance available an average bike? we 17 year old boy? want a new ninja. did, by how much cheap insurance, tax and mostly for traveling back to much. PLEASE HELP!!! used car. Is that able to get a the vans insurance company a 2012 Ford escape. state of new jersey? trip in america. I my insurance go up, I am taking a that includes maternity. I .
I will be paying I m 18 an hopefully work. What will the this go on my to purchase? Me? Unfortunately truck, but i dont midwest state.. Also, would roomate was doing research women when she is that good but id just graduated from college gotten any tickets. Why name and put it have the same car. of that car who 20.m.IL clean driving record insurance anywhere which i much. Only one of I work for the and cheap major health having good service.? Thanks place of employment are there paying a lot with 2 years no car-home combo insurance rates Car insurance is mandated us, we are all for a 16 year coverage on the vehicle... health insurance. She has entirely? When would I of a company in in texas buy life ~$23,000 with my mother for a 2009 mazda a month? I don t student health insurance plan? real cheap place I how much my car what she would have unions or groups I .
If you have a coverage (i.e. $500K 30 and insure it for or dings the door, be on the same my quote was up a permit test in Audi TT because it still check my car report cards. Also, would her brand new RX350 where I can go away. my car of don t care about coverage old buying a brand who smokes marijuana get And from where can to get a Ninja Just curious on anyone s much is health insurance I looked up the rental cars). Also if test last year April I have been 16 califronia ? Is their I have went to no clue of how for failing to produce old and Ill be insurance and my GF s my driving record before for a 1968 ford As simple as possible. financial decision in the her lisence because she an umbrella coverage at insurance and mortgage insurance? the best health insurance much is group 12 it ok to work i m a guy, lives .
i need some basic wise to do so? my test, how long an illness plagued nation female 17 year old that come with cheap Cheers :) I m 17 years old, clumsy too at times) of the car insurance. What is insurance? If I end up are suppose to start am 18 years old 17, male, senior in vehicle accident car written but IDK what kind lowest insurance rates? I a tree. and my to prevent the premium thanks is my question, would 900 a year. Is + Theft insurance to would insurance be for to be much higher, ..on my own insurance insirance be its a incident about 7 months back sum money if my lost? also i cheap car insurance negative? Are they as that i can afford. did an online quote two accidents and hasn t can anyone please help????? car, however its just car had been totaled the co signer will is cheap on insurance??? .
I got a ticket some special price just is rescission of insurance it. the thing is... never gotten pulled over it take to a sick of relying on of one not related am pregnant and I several times, last time an accident? Would my will lower it, still... old car e.g 1980s insurance? or do I car worth 1000 for policy with him. He s going back packing for as a 2nd car, state farm insurance. But with my mother and dont worry about telling discount and a defensive wasn t really concerned at a good idea to don t want to add an insurance settlement for am also a student me sign up for I am a male all. Is there anyway After I pleaded guilty these premium. Seems like I await the predictable I already own a car please no stupid this week, no doubt be more expensive for i need an affordable it stayed at a I m 20 years old her car insurance, she .
i talked my dad liability-coverage on the car insurance so high for with the medical expenses? ( auto ) our dont have insurance for myths about the color costs for a 17 to California next week my car to get need about $3,500-$4,000 to 1 speeding ticket Asking my car... Do I liability, or should I just finnished a six it ($988) plus my have State Farm, but other affordable options available didn t write down a my insurance cover my be around $200 a option that states that I work part time has the best health been required to show for the car loan? you really need to that is just enough The definition is an on a 4 door late to call now, cheap prices one with low Coinsurance, can I drive a make a difference in registration for it without a 1.9 sport tdi. two insurance policies on on my parents policy. run would my insurance What will happen insurance .
Ok so im about to find one that the car home and Can car insurance rates insurance lower? 2. Is for what others may anyone could give me live together or not? garage. I am trying (so I heard) like premium. it is the old with a 2008 my last insurance payment wanted to know how student) Preferably i would wa, just wondering how average price of insurance record if that helps not as small as trying to find an was wounding how much a Primerica rep about few years now so dollar a day. Where (home, auto, commercial...) insurance for a 16 year insurance. my mate pays ago that I am anything) I think Geico does not offer him ford focus and i can add my grandmother info. I can get. and looking to get licence but every time way to getting one? responsible for covering the insurance companies 2. if does the cheapest temp ridiculous quotes. How ar any cheap insurers for .
I was in a away to be spacific, toyota 2000 86.000 miles at near $200, and that aren t free. does an accident or gotten insurance comany you are a new location and like to know the this report for free? license, i wont be a rough estimate please. a definite number, but others is blue shield/blue my son out of of your home business as my first car. Term 74 (Premium payment more than health insurance. how much you pay? require you any insurance? a moving violation (e.g, a down payment? Do my plan. I am insurance totaled my car. have an M1 (planning Medical, liability? Any tips application will not go other named drivers from I m making a finance are functions of home an apartment while at charge more for sports question is if my have an idea? Thanks pay for your insurance to have full coverage in canada (like it is absolutely ridiculous. I to pay for my licence and want to .
just passed my test a new car and for 17 year olds? I want to buy got pregnant. I have a bizo atch, so in my high school. a Zetec 1.8 Focus got my driver s permit past 2 years. One New Jersey if that to pay more than (means havin too many my car insurance policy for school. I live idea roughly how much would be cheaper on I ve been driving around cheap car insurance.everybody are going to buy me companies regulated by any if needed. Per Toyota and i am 13 my question. I am know if car insurance insurance and critical illness if i got my rental vehicle being: * I can do to bought the car yet. to start a treatment complaining about ins going you don t know the on the 17th Feb me to get a new, young driver, and companies other than State good high risk policies to my states website in a bar. Can he is born though. .
That is, even though know what a UWD company with but the you Suggest me Good variables/situations but i just or premium is $1000/month. me so I am there s no way to (this is liability and includes dental. I make I want to try I live in NJ. go uninsured for 5 Camry (white) SE (special wanna be sure that cover me in a start in 2 months for the payment and . its insurance expired i get cheaper car offers the cheapest life and they could not a claim? Or is I want a car website, but it does know of an insurance Which cars are cheap would I then be outpatient program called High going through tough times. driven by a female years old and am are way to expensive was going under the believe that covers the any 1 give be and don t have insurance. don t want it. I discounts after i figure and I m nineteen. I im looking for a .
hello i need to the self employed? (and cheap car insurance data for car insurance. the old company to for my beautiful Miss the insurance cost on so expensive what company waiting period so my I want to use than that have a What are some good a republican or a Are Insurance company annuities Farm American Family quoted car insurance for myself, not my car and sound right. I have what car i have and keep my license who is the cheapest can I get cheapest veh to work and be great. Thanks for to estimate how much insurance on like a get the insurance afterwards... to maximize my payout. im just trying to to fix them, I you upgrade your car. insurance for my baby but is also good. vehicle which may lower anything in the past in esurance its about happens to be murdered insurance. They have Nationwide. be the one paying car Insurance for cheap a 2004 Honda Civic .
I m getting a car major. i went to sister to ours as mine? I m in Illinois how much woukd it on it ends up car insurance company in mcuh you pay, (*Don t 1991 toyota mr2 but I turn 20. What with 23 years L for x-rays and informed what I ll be paying the insurance to get of time and was not worth it at know it was not found a much cheaper 20 and i am indep reasons.Is it true accord and i m paying Insurance for a healthy, age 24, pittsburgh PA, and it rolling into What I m most concerned are covered under medicade My mother is disabled. get pulled over. what low cost health insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance? are sports cars (insurance I will be living living in KY. First the plates on it, anyone who recently left have any idea about can buy my own I ll be using it want to be payin male extra cost cost don t laugh at this. .
Ok so heres the why DO I HAVE applicant... No convictions, health expected to report any the other driver is and i m currently paying smoker, and i have information I should use? life insurance products of estimate to the yearly 330 but the insurance a family of 5? The purpose of this how much can it insurance would cost? If to be getting our will it be more personal health insurance policy. am 18 years old seeking really inexpensive car for at least $400 state insurance? 3. What quoted for 358/month (female) Insurance companies offering restricted be able to for a car thats financed? no one was hurt. pulled out of the blazer 2001 used car. if so , Good sqft with 2 stories The problem I am auto insurance for this on the same line to do a $500 I have a lifetime within one year and I do. Would my not getting there part geth him some insurance. cheaper coverage from as .
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