#maybe because theres just a lot of it now which makes it harder to find stuff im even interested in
bunabi · 9 months
unrelated but I feel my interest in fanfiction slipping away a little and idk how to feel about it
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chososdiscordkitten · 7 months
Ex-Husband Gojo
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artist: yunonoai on twt
Synopsis: Gojo as ur ex-husband trying to win you back („• ᴗ •„)
Pairing: Gojo x Fem!Reader Content: no use of y/n nor mentions of readers appearance, THERES PLOT IN THIS ONE!! Mentions of pregnancy and getting back together again, seducing(?), fingering, spanking ONCE, reader gets folded like a chair, multiple orgasms, cream pie, aftercare(?)
(a.n) underlined text is a link incase u need a picture of the position :>
You could never hate Gojo, even if you had been divorced for a year- pretending to barely tolerate him when you saw him. 
But you knew in your marrow- you could never hate him. The only man in your life for the past 7 years, father of your child, and provider of anything you could ask for.
The divorce didn’t even affect Gojo- even as he was signing the papers, he still looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars.
“Give my wife whatever she wants.” he directed his divorce lawyer, earning an exasperated sigh from your lips. 
Everything your own lawyer asked for, he shrugged. 
The house? “Take it.” he scoffed, looking at you with all the love in the world. 
Child support? He didn’t even blink. Satoru offered to give you money every month. As long as you didn’t work and stayed at home to care for his son.
Forget the cars or the cabin in the mountains you would go to in the winter to ski. None of that bothered Satoru. He would give you whatever you requested as long as it made you happy. 
It only made your head pulse- the way the divorce lawyers were looking at you like you were some kind of horrible villain. Divorcing a seemingly loving husband who would give you anything and everything you asked for. 
That was until you asked for sole custody of your child, knowing he barely had time when you were married; how would he find the time as a single father?
“No,” he said sternly, in a deeper tone—now taking this seriously. “50-50, or nothing.” he threatened, a dark aura looming over his figure as you caved. 
You asked for a divorce, not because he never gave you enough— that was never the problem. Gojo loved giving and had more than enough to offer, especially to his wife and child. 
The issue was, two years into marriage, he knocked you up. It wasn’t a problem though. Married, old enough, and stable enough to welcome a child into the world.
Satoru was present a lot more for those 9 months you were growing his child. Ignoring the responsibilities of his demanding job. 
Nine months of pure bliss. Moving into a house, painting your child’s nursery together. Shopping for clothes, going through Satoru’s unbelievably long list of baby names- 90% of which you said ‘no’ to. 
The two years before you were pregnant, you were aware of how demanding Gojo’s job really was. You knew he would be gone more often than he was present. 
And it didn't bother you. If it made Satoru happy and he still returned to you at the end of the day- you didn't mind. 
But during those nine months of growing his child, you thought the rest of your lives together would be the same. You thought he would be present more often than not.
And when you were pushing his big-headed child into the world, it was almost like a switch flipped in Satoru’s mind. As though he looked down to the child that was undeniably his, lily white hair—the same shade as his, and bright blue eyes, just like his father's. Gojo saw the future in the boy he held in his hands. 
Gojo never told you, but that day, he realized he had to work harder, to give you and his son the best lives you could have. 
He distanced himself, making sure to leave as much space between you and his work as he could. This led to you wondering if he just didn’t find you attractive anymore, or if the domestic cookie-cutter life wasn’t enough for him. 
Had he told you the truth- maybe the divorce would have been avoidable. But Satoru saw this divorce settlement as you throwing a fit. 
Deep down, it hurt him. It pained his heart even thinking that you would consider leaving him, but he allowed you to sign those papers. 
It only meant he would have to make you fall in love with him all over again. 
You scoffed at his demand of 50-50 custody, knowing you saw him two nights a week when you were married. Not even being able to fathom how he could handle having your son 50% of the time. 
But Satoru surprised you in that area. Always being on time to pick up his kid from your doorstep, giving you a big hug every time he would see you. Even kissing your forehead when he would leave. 
You didn’t think anything of it- he invested so much of himself in your marriage; it was instinct by now.
But when you’d be at the park with them, watching him hold the little hand of the mini Gojo that looked identical to him. Smiling with a soft warmth, Satoru may have always run out of time- constantly. But it was undeniable that he was a fantastic father. 
When he ran into an acquaintance from work, he still introduced you as his lovely wife. So often that you stopped correcting him, knowing he would only start complaining if you did.
Even if the law saw you as a single mom. Technically, divorced and with a 5-year-old toddler on your hip. 
Satoru still looked at you and saw his wife. Mother of his child, homemaker, and the only person that helped him heal- the person who gave him the privilege of being a father. 
In his eyes, you were still his. Didn’t matter if you were divorced or not; the marriage dynamic was still present between you two.
Of the two of you, Satoru was the one who was least embarrassed about the little slip-ups. Late nights after you put your toddler down to sleep, wine glasses in hand as you recalled memories from married life. 
9 out of 10 times, it always ended with Satoru’s lips crashing into yours, greedily slotting his tongue past your lips as his hands pulled you to straddle his thighs. 
Nights ending with being cuddled up together, undressed and on the bed you didn’t replace when he moved out. And mornings being awakened by the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. 
Walking down the stairs with puffy eyes, “Your mama always sleep in this late?” you heard Satoru speak from the kitchen, followed by a little laugh your son chimed.
Nodding your head disapprovingly with a smile, watching your child pull Satoru’s ear to his lips, letting out a small ‘tsk’ at what his child whispered into his ear. 
The sight was always heartwarming, knowing things could’ve been like this all the time if things were different.
And every afternoon, when Satoru would practically be forced out of the house- came the talk of “This can’t happen again. It’s confusing for him-” Only for Satoru to kiss your cheek.
“Won’t happen again.” he would smile, knowing that declaration was a mere tool to end conversations like these. Knowing as long as you allowed it- mornings like these would keep happening. 
There was still a lot- almost too much love, between you and Satoru. You knew this couldn’t continue, branching out and thinking of ways to not be so involved. Being all too aware of the fact that, for the past 7 years, your life has only been your husband and your son. 
That only proved your point- Satoru slowly started embedding the idea of calling him your husband again, that even in your own mind you still referred to him as such.
You knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. To continue entertaining the potential of getting together again. You considered it at first, if he was such a changed man and all he needed was to be reminded of what he lost to change his ways, would it be so bad to get back together?
But the slip-ups and nights shared together in each other's arms were too good to be true. 
You feared that the same thing would happen if you allowed him fully into your life again. He would show you the best parts of him at first, then go back to neglecting his responsibilities to you and his child. 
So when you asked Gojo to babysit for one evening. Instead of asking you why, he asked his 5-year-old son. Who came running up to him, pulling Satoru's hair to whisper another secret into his ear- barely legible and full of amused giggles: “Mommy has a date.” 
Satoru must’ve heard wrong- it almost sounded like his son said you- his wife, had a date with someone other than him. 
He tried getting more information out of his son, playfully asking who, where, and why. But the little man only scoffed, saying that you only said you had a date, and that’s why Dad had to watch him that evening. 
And on the day of, Satoru showed up at your doorstep looking offensively good. Fresh haircut and his hair half dry, a white t-shirt that was entirely too tight, and gray sweats- with nothing under them (slut). And to top it all off, your favorite cologne spritzed onto his chest. 
You opened your front door- you furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief, eyeing the man before you. You hated when he would purposefully show up on your doorstep looking fucking scrumptious. It was too tempting. 
And as he always does- he pulls you into a rib-crushing hug, ensuring you get a face full of his scent. Kissing the top of your head as you loosely wrapped your arms around his waist. “You look gorgeous,” he murmured against your scalp, pulling away from him and scoffing. 
Walking back into the entryway of your house, hearing him step behind you and close the door- “I thought I told you to come at 7.” you muttered, trying to shake off the invading thoughts of the apparent print in his sweats. 
“I wanted to see you before you left.” Satoru mumbled behind you, following you up the stairs of his house and listening to the TV playing your child’s favorite cartoon. 
You only hummed in response to the excuse as to why he was here a whole 2 hours before you were to leave. 
While you were showering, Gojo sat on the couch supervising his son, who was asking any question that popped into the little man’s mind. Questions the child would ask you, but refuse to think you were telling the truth. So he would ask his Dad, and believe him instead.
You found it frustrating that your child believed Satoru more than he believed you- but endearing that he would always run things by his father.
All the while, answering the little questions his toddler asked- Satoru wondered if you still had that bad habit of leaving the bathroom door unlocked while you showered. 
But Satoru knew he had to take a more subtle approach to the delicate situation at hand. 
As he heard the sound of the shower halting- thanking the noisy plumbing the house had. It always let him know you were stepping out of the shower from wherever he was in the house.
He rose from the couch and grabbed his child from the floor. “Let’s go see what mommy’s doing.” Gojo smiled as he hooked his hands beneath his child's arms, hearing happy laughter from the little human in his hands as he ran up the stairs.
Satoru always liked watching you get dressed, even if it was to go see another man. He enjoyed watching the care you put into your appearance. 
He walked into the humid restroom, his eyes catching the half-way-done zipper of your dress. “Zip me,” you murmured, looking into the mirror as you applied your makeup. 
Satoru placed his child on the ground and walked up behind you, his eyes catching the clasp of your lace undergarment. He furrowed his eyebrows, realizing it was one he hadn't seen before. 
He lightly placed his hand on your hip, his face too close to your shoulder, as his fingers slowly worked up the zipper. Gojo’s thumb caressed your clothed hip, giving you a light squeeze before letting go of the zipper. 
Pressing your thighs together slightly and trying to ignore the warmth of his hand. 
So as he sat on the edge of the bathtub, his child bouncing on his lap, watching you with an adoring gaze, enjoying the angle he had of you slightly bent over the sink. “Where’d you say you were going again?” squinting his eyes as you swiped away any misplaced makeup on your cheek. 
“Out.” you scoffed, knowing if you told him the truth he would only start whining at you. 
So he flashed his eyes to his son, “Do you know?” he whispered, watching his son hold back a laugh as you rolled your eyes. 
As much as you disliked being the bad cop in most parenting scenarios, your child always took his side- always told him the truth when he’d ask.
“Mommy has a date.” he giggled, only for you to look to your side and squint your eyes, “Traitor.” you murmured, watching Satoru’s jaw fall in feigned shock. 
“A date?” he pursed his lips, looking at you sadly. “You asked me to watch my child to go on a date?” his tone was full of sarcasm, watching you nod your head ‘no’ as you looked back into the mirror. 
“It’s just dinner-” you muttered, trying to avoid his harsh gaze on your profile. “Besides, I’m sure you have your fair share of them.” 
Satoru gasped your name, placing his hands on either side of his child’s head and covering his ears.
“You accuse me of cheating in front of our child? I only have room for one woman in my heart.” he scoffed, placing a hand onto his chest- almost as though he found offense in knowing you could- but he never would.
“It’s not cheating, we aren’t married anymore.” 
He pulled his hands from his child’s ears, eye twitching at your declaration. “Who is he?” he asked, tone more severe as his child played with his hands. You sighed, “I have a right to know-” he started- earning for you to look at him with an irritated expression. 
“Just a parent from his school.”
Satoru squinted his eyes. He knew he couldn’t ask you to homeschool his child- ‘socialization’ and all that. But now, Satoru had to worry about you being pawed at while dropping off his son at kindergarten. 
In some attempts to not show he was starting to get pissed off, “If you were into single dads- you have one right here~” Gojo grinned, watching the grimace on your face churn from his attempt at flirting. 
“That’s not it, but thank you for that.” you scoffed, curling your eyelashes and feeling his eyes pierce your skin. 
“So what is it?” he hummed, wanting to know what this man had that he didn’t. 
With a sigh you rolled your eyes, hearing your child slide off his lap and patter out of the bathroom. “I don't wanna talk about this anymore.” you muttered, sensing Satoru rise from the tub's edge and shift behind you, placing his hands around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“I wanna know who you’re replacin’ me with,” he whined in your ear, causing you to scoff and look down to the sink. 
You were used to Satoru clinging to you- showing his affection to you even if you weren’t together anymore. 
Satoru pressed his hips onto your slightly bent bottom, his lips barely grazing your ear, “If this is about your needs- I’m here for that too, y’know.” he whispered into your ear. Making sure you could feel his print against your bottom as he pressed himself closer to you. 
Your breathing increased slightly, parting your lips as his hands around your waist squeezed you tighter. “You don’t have to look for anyone else-” he whispered, lips pressing onto the shell of your ear as you closed your eyes. 
“I’m here whenever you need me,”
Mentally battling the temptation with every whisper into your ear, his breathing grazing your skin, causing goosebumps to rise to the surface. 
Satoru was about to murmur another temptation into your ear. Until your child's crying voice echoed through the bathroom walls. Rushing out of the bathroom and finding your son on the ground of your bedroom- Tiny droplets of blood oozed from his little knee, with fat tears leaving his blue eyes. 
Satoru wasted no time scooping up the crying child from the ground, hushing him with small assurances that it was okay. 
Though it was only a scrape- it was enough for Satoru to convince you to call up this, ‘Fellow parent from school’ and tell him you had to cancel. Setting no reschedule day as Gojo purposefully called out to you- “Honey, where are the band-aid’s?~” 
And with that, Satoru got what he wanted. Your date was canceled, and the man backed off. 
After too many treats and much-needed coddling from his father, your son dozed off in Gojo’s arms as he walked up the stairs, exhausted from the sobbing. Placing him onto the little race car bed he built- recalling the day Satoru helped you paint the bedroom. 
You settled onto the living room couches and thanked him for being here. “M’sorry if you had any plans.” You sighed, looking at the well-favored man before you. 
Gojo scoffed, “No plans are more important than you.” with a slight smile on his lips. 
“And your son.” you clarified with a warm grin.
Satoru looked down at your hands. “And my son.” He repeated your words, reaching for your hands and holding them in his. Scooching the tiniest bit closer to you, “Thank you,” he muttered, caressing the backs of your hands with his thumbs. 
“For what?” looking at him adoringly. 
Gojo blinked his eyes as he engulfed the sight of your expression. Looking back at him with the same look you had when you were still married. “For bein’ a good mom,” he whispered, slowly inching closer to you. 
“-nd a good wife,” he whispered, watching your eyebrows furrow at the proclamation, cheeks tingling from hearing him call you that. Parting his lips as you leaned in closer to him. 
The corner of his lips curled up ever so slightly, “Why did we ever get divorced, hmm?” he whispered, darting his gaze from your eyes down to your lips. Trying to recall the last time he tasted you- finding it offensive that he couldn’t even remember. 
You gulped slightly, watching his eyes go half-lidded as he leaned closer to you. You blinked your eyes closed- feeling the last of your reservations dissolve in your mind as you pressed your lips against his. 
Satoru’s eyes half-lidded as he watched your eyebrows pinch up- letting go of your hands as he traced his fingertips up your arms. Lightly swiping his tongue against your bottom lip, parting your mouth to grant him entry. 
Your hands making their way to his torso- feeling the thin fabric of his shirt beneath your fingers. Sighing as his tongue pressed against yours, his hands trailing to your back. 
Pulling you closer to him as his fingers reached the zipper of your dress. Soft hums of appeasement rumbling onto his tongue. Tugging down the zipper slowly as your hands found the bottom of his shirt, tracing your hands beneath the fabric.
Your fingers grasping against his carved torso desperately, your thumb lightly caressing his happy trail. His hands slipped past the opening of your dress- sprawling against your back. 
You pulled away- looking into his eyes. His cheeks flushed and lips puffy. “We can’t-” you breathed, hoping he would have the strength to put a halt to this. You swallowed- mouthing another ‘we can't.’ before pressing your lips onto his again. 
Letting a soft moan slip your lips as he pulled the top of your dress down- feeling the light grazes of his fingers against your skin. Placing his hand on your side, sliding up your torso and cupping the underside of your laced breast. 
Feeling a twinge of anger once he felt it was a bralette- only a thin layer of lace separating his hand from your soft skin. Even more when he remembered why you would be wearing this. 
Tracing his thumb over the little peak beneath the lace, giving it a soft swipe. Earning a light hum to leave your lips onto his. 
And to check- just to be sure he wasn’t getting mad over nothing; Satoru pulled his lips from yours. Placing damp kisses onto your cheek. Peppering them down your neck, soft sighs and moans leaving your lips were heard as hymns to Satoru’s ears.
Making sure to pay extra attention to your collarbone, taking a few seconds to suck harshly on the skin. Even if you didn’t wear your wedding ring anymore- this was his way of showing any other men that you were claimed- that you were his. 
His hands shifted your hips to sit correctly on the couch, slumped with your dress bunched on your thighs. Satoru trailed wet kisses to the swell of your breast, lightly pressing his tongue onto your laced nipple and swirling against the fabric, coaxing a light moan to fall from your lips. 
Though your eyes were closed, Satoru's grip on your waist told you that he was furious. Had you opened them, you would have seen his jealous eyes looking back at you. 
Satoru hoped he was wrong- hoped you wouldn’t do this to him. All but praying he wouldn’t have to do what he had to if he was right. 
His hands hooked onto the bunched-up fabric of your dress, shifting it down your thighs and pulling it from your body entirely before he pulled his lips from your tummy. 
Looking down at the matching lace panties- soaked as they were, he had never seen them. Gojo’s eye twitched as he looked back up to you, unwilling to come to the fact that you bought- and wore this for another man. 
Satoru liked thinking he was a patient person, calm and collected when he had to be. But the way he rose himself from the ground, manhandling you to flip over and bend your knees on the couch, made him realize he held no more patience for you nor your attempts to make him jealous.
Your hands held onto the back of the couch firmly, keeping yourself up as Satoru’s hands landed on your hips. Groping the malleable skin as you whimpered, pressing your bottom back to the growing erection in his sweats. 
“You wore this for him?” he mumbled behind you, slipping his thumb beneath the thin band of lace. Exhaling, feeling yourself soak your panties even further. 
You bit your lip, looking down at your hands in shame- knowing whatever you said now would only make him more bitter. 
Murmuring something- quiet enough for Satoru not to comprehend. He huffed a smile, “What was that?” he teased, pressing his bulge against your bent bottom, pushing you further against the wall. 
“Tell the truth.” 
You looked back slightly, peering at the crazed man behind you. Biting your lip and facing the wall, “I did.” 
As a reward for your honesty, Satoru gave you a firm spank against your bottom. Causing you to jolt forward with a soft whimper. 
“You’re that needy?” Gojo teased, caressing the warm skin of your bottom, soothing the sting. “That you have to cheat on me?” you exhaled- not wanting to admit how attractive it was that he was scolding you for something he shouldn’t be. 
Taking his hands from your hips and hooking them onto the sides of your panties, slipping them down your hips to be greeted with your soaked cunt. Glistening with the taste he craved from the minute he moved out. 
But even if his mouth watered looking down to your core, he couldn’t bring himself to kneel before you- knowing if he let things go your way, this little farce of divorce would stay in your mind.
No, he had to teach you a lesson, even if he had to pound it into your foolish brain that you were his. 
So as the tips of his fingers grazed your soaked lips- avoiding the bundle of nerves that he was sure was throbbing from how wet you were. 
Circling the tips of his ring and middle finger on your entrance as you let out breathless whines. “I just missed you,” whimpering as you reached a hand back to the one that held your hip in place. 
The words enticed Gojo to dip the very tips of his fingers into your cunt- “Didn’t wanna tell you.” you moaned, admitting the truth he had been wanting to hear for far too long. 
Closing your eyes as he slowly inched his fingers into you. Satoru smiled, feeling your walls welcome him in, too tight to have been recently fucked. So he knew you must be telling the truth. 
Grasping onto his hand, the tips of his fingers prodding into the spot he quickly found every time. 
Your hand that held you up trembling as he lightly curled his fingers. Letting out breathy moans, earning Satoru to smile to himself, “Who knows how to please you like me, hm?” he let out the thoughts from his lips without permission. 
You whined as he pumped his fingers into you with a slow ease. Whimpering softly as he watched with dim eyes. “Who else but me?” he pressed, feeling your grip against his hand tighten. 
“Need you inside ‘toru-” you whined, the hand holding you up gripping the edge of the couch violently. 
Gojo remembered the last time you called him that- biting his lip from the nickname you used to call him when you were still married. And you must’ve known how his mind reels whenever you called him that- or else why would you say it in that tone? 
All but begging for his cock with every light spasm your cunt did around his fingers. 
Satoru was pleased with how pliant you were in his hands, satisfied enough to pull his fingers from your cunt. Quickly removing his shirt before placing his messied hand over his sweats, softly palming himself as he looked at your core- 
Gojo was so sure at that moment- that there was no god- the closest thing to it was what lied between your legs. Pulsing- begging for him to bully his pained cock into it. 
He pulled his hand from his bulge, shoving down the loose band of his sweats and freeing his cock. And as you suspected- no briefs. 
Placing a hand onto his base and lightly tapping his leaky tip onto your ass, causing you to whine. 
Gojo started thinking about how he wanted you- now that you were compliant and needy before him. 
He backed away in the slightest. Kicking off his sweats before moving you to lie back onto the couch. Settling his hips between your thighs. Soaking up the desperate expression you wore as small whimpers left your lips. 
The tip of his cock sliding up and down your cunt- refusing to give you what you ached for. 
His forearms held his torso up as your hands latched behind his neck- legs spread and waiting for him to plunge himself into you. Only Satoru looked into your bleary eyes with a smile, “You wan’me inside?” he huffed- watching your bottom lip quiver, lowering himself close enough for your lips to brush against his.
“Tell me 'nd I will.” he grinned against you- watching your eyes close, trying not to cave to his demands. Biting your lip as he pressed his tip against your entrance- teasing you in the slightest. 
You breathed a light whimper, blinking your eyes open and staring into his power-crazed ones. “Please-” you whined, “Put it inside ‘toru.” the tone you took only made Gojo’s ego boost- smiling with parted lips as he slowly pressed past your entrance. 
A light whimper rumbled from his flushed lips as your hands pulled his neck closer, pressing your lips onto his. Breathing in every whimper, he exhaled onto your tongue as he eased himself into you. 
Being able to feel that you hadn’t fucked anyone recently- That you were faithful to him. And this was all just an attempt to rile him up, which only made him even more eager to burrow himself into you further, ‘You’ve been good. That’s what you deserve,’ he thought as his tongue danced with yours. 
The light sting from the stretch makes you huff out a pained whimper- inching himself deeper till his hips were flush to your thighs. His tip easily found the sweet spot he seemingly had exact coordinates to. 
Satoru placed his hands on your hips, slowly raising himself with your legs locked on his waist. Holding onto your back as you lightly ground your hips flush against his. 
A lazy, sloppy version of a lotus position, pulling away from his lips as you trailed a hand to his hair. Looking into his hazy eyes as his hand assisted your hips. 
Small moans leaving your throat as your lips brushed against his. Not even attempting to kiss him, knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep a pattern from how deep he was hitting inside of you. 
A light sheen of sweat coating your forehead as Gojo relished the look in your eyes- just fucked out enough to let the mask slip. Looking at him with love-filled eyes, your bottom lip quivering as your head threatened to tip back. 
Your nose scrunched lightly, neck curving back with a low groan. Not wanting to leave space between you- Satoru placed his lips onto your exposed neck, humming muffled whimpers against your skin as your bottom lip trembled. 
Words forming on the tip of your tongue as you ground your cunt against him. The position so full of intimacy, it made you forget you were doing this with your ex-husband. 
Puffing out a light breath, smile forming at the corner of your lips- sinking into the mouthwatering pleasure you incited with every small thrust. 
“Fuck, I love you.” you moaned mindlessly. But the words rang through Satoru’s ears like church bells, words he hadn’t heard in far too long- even in the past slip-ups. You always held your tongue, making sure to not plant that seed in his mind. 
Gojo almost came when he heard your proclamation, inching you back with his lips attached to your neck. Easing your back onto the arm of the couch, planting a foot onto the ground as your hands kept a tight grip on his neck. Satoru dragged his hips from yours with a loud schlop coming from between your legs. 
Pulling his lips from your neck, he looked at your expression—pinched eyebrows and eyes shut tight- showing him you were close. So close, he could hear it in your sighs of content. 
Satoru leaned down to your ear, huffing a warm breath against your cartilage. Shoving his cock back into you- bottoming out too quickly, earning a whine from your lips. Wasting no time before repeating the movement. Setting a speedy pace with a low whimper.
Sliding your hands up his forearms, landing on his biceps as he quickened the pace- riding himself up an orgasm. 
“Lemme make you a mama again-” he huffed into your ear, his tip nudging your sensitive spot with every thrust- you moaned his name in response, so close your brain would have short-circuited had you tried answering. 
Satoru grunted with a smile, thinking of the words he was about to say. “Marry-” he groaned, feeling your cunt suck him in with every pull he did, “me again.” he whimpered, his thrusts pushing you up further.
Taking a long lick at your ear- urging you to answer him. Pulling away from your neck, placing his hand on your jaw lightly. “Huh?” Satoru grinned.  “Marry me again baby.” Watching your eyes crack open- bearing your teeth softly as you felt the warmth in your tummy over fill. 
Pressing his parted lips to yours sloppily- pulling away, and watching your eyes threaten to roll back. You started nodding your head ‘yes’ in his hand frantically- your walls flexing around his speedy cock as he felt you come undone. 
Your nodding agreement was all Satoru needed to lose the rhythm of his thrusts. Sloppily pushing into your clenching cunt, his whining muffled by his bottom lip being tucked between his teeth. 
Your lips started babbling soundless pleads- ‘please, please,’ and to Satoru’s ears- you were begging for him to fill you. Fill you till he didn’t have anymore to give. 
And as a loving and obedient husband- that’s what he did. 
With one loud grunt- he spilled himself into you- his thrusts slowing, not as long strides, but he made sure to push his seed deeper into you. Keeping that declaration of making you a mom again. 
A low whine left your lips, feeling his warm spend coat your walls with every twitch his cock made inside of you. 
So full, you were sure his proclamation would come true. And he came a lot- as though he was saving it up just for you. 
Heavily breathing as he slowed his thrusts, pressing his forehead to your temple. Trying to catch his breath as he came down, feeling your heartbeat against his own chest- racing and pounding against his sternum. 
Soft kisses planted on your face, your hands easing their grip on his sides. Satoru's hands slid down to your hips, raising himself to his knees and looking down to where you were still connected. 
A low gulp bobbing in his throat, knowing he would have to pull out eventually; And dreading it. Thinking of a million ways to keep you filled and plugged with his future offspring. 
And as you finally could steady your breathing, Gojo yanked you down from the arm of the couch. Back landing flush against the cushions with a soft grunt. Looking at him, all but asking what he was doing. 
Till Satoru pulled himself out of you, hoisting your hips up from the couch with two strong hands. “Sator-” you tried saying, only for his arms to hug the crease of your thighs, bending you in half with your legs flailing in the air. 
All the pressure was placed onto your shoulders as Satoru latched his mouth onto your messied clit. Keeping his eyes parted and watching your expression churn. Placing a hand onto his forearm- bracing as he greedily lapped at your neglected clit. 
Mentally- this was to give his seed a better chance of taking. Hips in the air- all of the cum he had just pumped into you had nowhere else to go but deeper inside of you. And to also get a taste of you- even if remnants of his cum mixed with it. Satoru didn’t care, as long as he got to taste you. 
Huffing out all the air you could, puffs laced with moans. Your hands gripping harshly onto Gojo's forearm, leaving minor crescent-shaped marks on his skin from your nails. 
Basically folded in half, your hips started writhing in his grasp- overstimulation creeping up your spine from his vigorous tongue. 
Spasming in his hands- trying to warm you were close, but it only came out as more ragged whimpers. Clenching your teeth with your eyes shut tight- unable to see the starved expression looking at you as Gojo unraveled you. 
And once Gojo felt your clit tremble between his lips- he knew it was too soon to let you back down; he needed to keep your hips aimed up as long as he could. 
Satoru watched your bottom lip tremble as he continued the movement with his tongue. Your hips trying to shimmy from his grasp- but he held you up with two strong arms that had a mission. 
Abusing your overwhelmed clit as your eyes screwed together tighter- white spots infiltrating your closed vision with desperate moans. The top of your head bumped into the arm of the couch as he pushed you into a firmer bend. 
Your entrance squelched against his chin as he pulled another orgasm from you- more ragged whimpers littered with his name falling from your lips. 
You huffed- feeling his mouth go unbothered from the third orgasm he had given you. “Please ‘toru-” you whimpered, cracking your eyes open and looking at the crazed man holding your hips. Satoru pulled his lips from your cunt- looking at you with a smile. 
Half his face soiled with your arousal and a glimmer of his seed on his chin. “Just one more-” he egged on, looking at you with dazed eyes. “Jus’onemor-” he cut himself off by placing his lips back onto your clit. 
You only sighed a whimper, allowing him to get his fill. 
Satoru lapped at your puffy clit, his eyebrows pinching together as his cock sent signals to his mind- the same signals that he was close to an orgasm. Untouched and so close just from pleasing you- from hearing your pretty sounds. 
Gojo started to whimper lightly- whimpers that vibrated against your cunt and caused your moans to slur into higher-pitched puffs of air- trying to pull through another orgasm. Taking your lip between your teeth with harshly pinched eyebrows, puffing through your nose with muffled whines. 
He closed his eyes- feeling the knot formed in his tummy snap as your knuckles turned a lighter shade, just from how hard you clawed at his forearm. Feeling a warm spurt onto your bent spine as you tried to focus on cumming. 
It took very little time for Satoru to gift you a fourth orgasm, a small tear falling from your closed eye as you aimlessly shifted in his grasp. 
Satoru sloppily licked at your cunt- cleaning up the mess on your clit with a softer tongue, parting his eyes and looking at your expression. Slowly easing his grasp on your hips as he unfolded you, placing one last kiss onto your cunt, earning a spasm from your hips. 
He eased your hips back down onto the couch, watching your fucked out expression breathe in as much air as you could- trying to catch your breath. 
Uncaring if the mess he spurt onto your back messied the couch- you always complained about how ugly it was anyway. 
He lazily laid himself atop you- placing the side of his face on your collarbone as your hands rested on his shoulders, rubbing small circles on his skin. Grunting softly from how easily he laid his entire body weight on yours. 
You parted your eyes, trying to blink away the post-orgasm haze. Even if you had showered a few hours ago- Satoru’s bath offer sounded like heaven. 
It seemed to take no longer than a few slow blinks. Easing into the clawfoot bathtub Satoru chose specifically for times like these when he bought the house. 
Sighing softly as his arms held you close, his palm gently sprawled against your lower belly and your back pressed to his chest. Avoiding the conversation that needed to be spoken about.
Knowing it would never be spoken if you shoved it off, jettisoned aside to be talked about later. 
“Satoru?” you hummed, placing the back of your head onto his chest. 
He sighed, closing his eyes and nodding his head 'no'. “I don’t wanna talk about that right now.” he huffed, feeling your hand clasp his beneath the water. Interlocking your fingers with his and closing your eyes. 
“If we don’t talk about it now, we never will.” 
Satoru smiled. “Then let’s never talk about it~” he scoffed. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to make sense of the meaningless words he babbled into your ear earlier. “You really wanna marry me again?” you asked- unsure if they were just words he mindlessly spouted at the moment- or if they had any meaning. 
He scoffed, “What kind of question is that?” 
Inhaling as though you were about to speak- “Course I wanna marry you again,” he hummed. Rubbing your belly softly, “nd make you a mom again.” 
Pulling his hand from your tummy with a scoff, causing small ripples in the water. “Be serious.”
“You have no idea how serious I’m being right now.”
Your lips pulled to the side, mulling over his proclamation. 
“You still love me?” he asked, looking down at the side of your face. 
Turning your neck slightly, you peered your eyes up at him with sincerity filling them. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tried not to admit it, but-  “Of course I still love you, ‘toru.” You mumbled. Heartfelt words that rang true in your heart. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.”
“Then marry me.” he whirred, watching your hand pull his left one up from the water. Your eyes admiring the wedding band he hadn’t taken off. 
You stayed silent, holding his ringed hand in yours. Satoru would be lying if he said seeing your ring finger empty didn't hurt. 
Your silence gave Gojo his answer, “Why not?” he whispered, hearing a ragged sigh from your lips. “I still love you- you. You still love me-”
“M’scared.” you mumbled. Feeling your shoulders tense against his chest with a small ripple in the water. 
Satoru let out a half-laugh from his chest. “Of what? I’ve been good, haven’t I?” he grinned, his playful tone invading your ears. 
“You were good when I was pregnant too.” you quipped, dropping his hand into the water and recalling the days he started slipping through your grasp. 
You sniffled lightly, “nd look what happened.”
Satoru bit his tongue. Knowing if he started defending his baseless actions, this would end up being a fight. 
“I spent so long wondering if it was me- if I was the problem.” you scoffed. “I don’t want to let you back in just for the same thing to happen.” 
Satoru pulled you closer with a sigh, “It won’t happen again.” he whispered into your ear, “I promise.” 
You huffed air from your nose, making Satoru think you didn’t believe him. “I’ll even write it into my vows this time.”
A small laugh left your lips, “You won’t miss single life too much?” you played, feeling his head rest against yours. 
“Not once have I felt single since you signed those papers.” he grinned. 
You pondered his offer, pretending to actually consider the option before you. 
Satoru softly kissed your ear, “C’mon- I’ll be such a good husband~” he whispered. 
It wasn’t as though you ever really felt single either- That one year spent apart was still full of love and a marital dynamic. 
The rest of the night was spent in the same bed Satoru built after you moved into the house, cuddled up just the way you had longed for since he moved out. 
The following day, Satoru couldn’t wait for his son to fully wake up- he walked into the hazy child's bedroom and asked if he wanted a little brother or sister. 
All smiles and beaming eyes in the kitchen- telling his son that his plan worked. He made you fall in love with him, and he was finally your husband again.
And as you watched your husband and your son giggle with each other in the kitchen, you smiled. Warm cheeks from the thought that Satoru actually thought you stopped loving him at some point.
But then again, you never really fell out of love, did you?
I loved writing this sm.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Maybe, reader is super funny and have a super funny laugh? like, they can laugh from literally everything, and their laughter is like the whistling of a kettle. I hope you understand me
TADC cast x reader w/ a funny laugh!
You guys know how I said that I was gonna go to sleep ab 5 ish hours ago because I had to work on a bunch of stuff the next day
Its uh
Now 4am, could not sleep at all. This always happens when I know I have busy days coming up. I hate it so much, melatonin hasnt worked. Meditating hadnt worked. Everything dodnt work
Anyways! New mission is to keep myself awake between working on stuff to try not to get tempted to nap today
So uh... more requests will be answered today
Hope you guys enjoy this !! I was admittedly a little lost on ideas for this request 😭 not sure if it's this specific request or because I've been writing so so much <\3
The writers block be hittin
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Honestly caine seems like a comedy sort of guy, you know? He looks like he enjoys telling and hearing a good joke every now and then. So I can easily see you two just rattling off jokes to each other until your digital lungs cant handle the sheer amount you guys are laughing!
I think he would lightly tease you for your laugh, but it's all in good fun!
I think she would be able to find some humor in your jokes, even through her desperation to escape the circus. I think that there would be some occasions where she would tell you to cut it out with the jokes, mostly if shes trying to look around for any clues of an exit
As for the laugh, I think it REALLY catches her off guard, especially in the beginning. Probably just stands there awkwardly
Honestly I personally see ragatha not being able to tell good jokes, be it because they dont make sense or because the punchline just isnt that funny.... perhaps both. Point is only the dullest of people will laugh at her attempts. With that being said I think she would love hearing you chatter! Really helps take the stress out of a hard day
I think your laugh would make her laugh harder. Then make you laugh harder, which makes her laugh-
Okay you get the point. It's like a whole loop
Now this man can be a real jokester. Sure a lot of his jokes revolve around some level of meanness and teasing, so theres a chance your senses of humor may clash against one another. Afterall, humor that relies on making fun of people isnt for everyone and it can only go so far until it steps into bullying territory. Similar to caine, you two have a "joke off"
I think he would either find your laugh really goofy, or annoying. No in between though it may vary by the day. Probably gives you a nickname based on what your laugh sounds like
He gives dad vibes so by law he has to enjoy dad jokes, that's his humor. Bad cheesy jokes are his go to. I don't think he himself makes many jokes, given his current state,but I think he does appreciate it when you go off and tell him a bunch of jokes
I think if you had a really distinct or intense laugh it would catch him off guard, but ultimately he grows used to it
Doesnt really understand how you can laugh at literally anything. Well, unless its jax getting karma for his antics.. then maybe they would laugh along with you. As funny as they think you are, I dont think they would be able to listen to jokes and funny stories every day for an extended period of time. Zooble had a short social battery imo and they do like their alone time. Nothing against you, this is just how they are!
Very similar to jax in regards to your laugh, just without the nickname portion. I think they would feel just a touch bad if your laugh happens to irritate them, they at least understand you cant really. Change your laugh
Ohohohoh when she had her comedy mask, you guys are bouncing off one another like in Caines piece! However when her comedy mask is broken and shes shedding tears, your jokes can still make her lighten up just a bit.. so hey at least its helping someone..!
Honestly she kind of finds your laugh endearing. It's just so genuine and open, you dont try to hide your laugh or suppress it or try to change it. I dunno, maybe I'm putting too much thought into gangle having a mask that literally effects her mood and demeanor, but I think she would wish she could be as open as you
.. or maybe she just thinks you're cute
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coconuttiee · 5 months
MY EAH RAREPAIR (cerise x cupid) HEAR ME OUT
so i was talking to my girlfriend about this rarepair ive had in the back of my head that i feel like the eah yuri nation should consider
pink and red color coded sapphics
shy standoffish girl x peppy but tender girl
when cerise is having her lesbian awakening (theres no way that girl likes men cmon now) she goes to cupid for her help. and cupid tries to help thinking she wants to find a boy but doesnt know what, but the more time she spends with cerise she realizes that she aint looking for a boy. shes looking for a girl and she doesnt even know it
cerise will be spending time with cupid a lot, meaning that she will start to love her loving personality how she puts everyone else first how trustworthy and understanding she is 5- at some point cupid finds out about cerises secret but decides not to say anything. its not her place to say, if cerise feels comfortable shell tell her. when cerise finally does tell her cupid will be like really accepting which will throw off cerise. like “wait, this isnt weird to you?” “cerise, ive known this whole time” “wha- wait why didnt you say anything why didnt you expose my secret why.. why????” “because that sort of secret doesnt belong to me, its your story to tell.” which makes cerise fall even harder
symbolism!!!! the sweet and innocent with the aggresive and antisocial… just like red riding hood and the big bad wolf
my girlfriend actually brought this up: what if cerise was the first person she told about monster high? since they would be dating and if cupid tells cerise about monster high, maybe cerise will feel less alone being half werewolf
ive dubbed it curise but im open to any ship noun suggestions
gimmie some of your ideas!!!!
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spooky-circuits · 7 months
can we get the rock trolls reaction to a bunch of kids randomly appeared ?
Princess Barb is on the outskirts of Rock territory throwing rocks at trees to blow off steam after her dad made another comment about maybe trying to make more friends. She already has tons of friends just because they don’t hang out a lot doesn’t mean anything their schedules just don’t line up very well most days! She throws another rock even harder and misses the tree she was aiming for and groans before hearing an “Ow! What the hell Creek!” And “Oh what slight are you accusing me of this time Branch?” Well that’s unexpected. What would other trolls be doing out here when there’s a concert coming up soon. She leans to the side to try and see who she accidentally hit with the rock. Theres the sounds of two trolls grappling on the ground (It happens sometimes when a show gets too rowdy) and she feels like that’s probably her fault. “Hey sorry about that bro! I didn’t realize anyone was out here!”
Creek is in the middle of his yoga routine when Branch suddenly cries out in pain and starts yelling at him like he had something to do with it. “Look Branch I don’t think it’s reasonable to try and hold me responsible every time you stub your toe.” Branch still looking ticked off if about to retort when they both hear a voice from the tree line say “Sorry about that Bro! I didn’t realize anyone was out here!” And they both look at each other confused before Branch realizes what had actually happened. He mumbles a quiet sorry before responding to the voice and shouting in his ear in the process. “Uh thats alright?” They both start walking towards to voice so they can see who they’re yelling at.
Barb is still staring at the forest when a grey troll around her age enters her line of sight shortly followed by a purple troll with a glittery face? What the hell? “Is that a pop troll man? You know they give you ear worms don’t you?” (It’s a rock troll saying for getting a song stuck in your head)
Creek immediately gives an offended gasp while Branch is confused because this girl seems to be grey but not really because her hair is bright red and seems to have mistaken him for whatever genre she seems to be. He should probably explain the situation but theres a good opportunity to get a jab in at Creek here so he just responds. “Don’t worry his songs aren’t quite good enough for that.” Which just prompts an offended “Rude!” From Creek which is a win for him. “Anyway I’m Branch and this is Creek who are you.”
Barb is even more confused now how doesn’t this kid know who she is? The pop troll she could see but a rock troll should know who she is. “Are you serious bro? I’m Barb you know? Princess Barb?” The other trolls look at each other in surprise she guesses that maybe this kid isn’t a rock troll? Weird but her dad did once tell her stories about trolls who got so sad they lost their colours. She never thought she’d see something like that in person though. Especially not from a pop troll who knew they could even get sad? Weird. She snaps back to the conversation when she hears them start talking to each other. She catches bits of what they’re saying mainly things like “Poppy is definitely going to want to meet her.” “She seems nice enough might as well introduce them.” “We barely know her!” “Stop being paranoid Branch you know Poppy will find out soon enough anyway she’ll be back soon and notice we aren’t at camp.” Literally what the hell are these guys talking about? “Hey could you not talk about me like I’m not here man? It’s not cool!”
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nyaagolor · 1 year
First up- I LOVE your analysis and lore and everything, and as the number one Geeta lover you are literally one of the only people who I would see write "Geeta team edit" and actually keep reading. Most of these are done in such bad faith, so thank you for just not. I DO however have a few thoughts.
I think Espathra as a lead is actually really good. The opportunist ability stops players from boosting at the start of the battle, lumina crash is an absolute menace, and espathra's association with being beautiful and viscous I think really fits the overall theme of Geeta and her team. I would love to see espathra running stored power, but that's a nitpick.
Armarouge/ceruledge are absolutely amazing picks and definitely should have been on the team, 100% agree. I think ceruledge would again fit her overall look and theme better.
Gholdengo...like I fully get what your saying about it being rare to find and a good choice in that sense, but I really think champion teams should show off their personality first and foremost. And gholdengo is so gotdamn silly, I just can't see it working with her team/vibe.
I actually really like gogoat tbh. Ik it's not a Paldean Mon but idk the rest of the team around it just really pulls it in thematically. Theres not a lot of reasoning here I just like it lmao. Same with veluza tbh, although again I think this one fits her theme really well. Also I despise rabsca. Personal opinion on that one lmao
10000000% agree about putting glimmora with Geeta in the same way as Nemona and pawmot, absolutely! And also making glimmora way harder to find in game, yes! I admit I did like finding out about the connection between Geeta and area zero after the fact, purely because it keeps Geeta relevant in the post game lmao. It's just nice to have her continue to be mentioned even while off screen and in theory done story-wise. I will say that glimmora can hit like a special truck, and I personally love using it as an ace/sweeper, but again thats my preference. I find it's actually kinda wasted potential using it for just set up. The ability is honestly more of a nice bonus than something to hinge the whole strat on.
That's all! Again, love your analysis sososo much! I just read it and got thoughts and wanted to share because I am constantly rotating Geeta and her team in my mind. And also like. The aesthetic and the theme are sooooo important
hiii thank u!! Talking about Geeta in any capacity is a goddamn nightmare bc there's like a 50% chance that if you don't have a giant blocklist someone is gonna come into ur notifs like "well um Actually" about something. We in the trenches out here. Anyway
Espathra: So a few people have pointed out that Espathra fits her really well either as an lead or just for the vibes and after thinking about it I'm inclined to agree. I didn't include it at first because it's Tulip's Paldea ace and I hate repeats but tbh? Tulip can find another psychic type. Geeta gets the bird now. Maybe that's why Tulip hates her so much
Celruedge: So I uh. Actually made a slight mistake in my original post. I meant to update it so she always has a Celruedge bc Mela has an Amarogue and then forgot to update the post before it posted so. Oops! Anyway yeah agreed Celruedge is cooler for this
Gholdengo: Imma be real with you I hate this thing. I included it on her team because no one else uses it and it would be a fun surprise but also I hate it. It doesn't fit her vibes whatsoever and I just wanna know Why it looks like that. A debateably necessary evil
The only reason Gogoat isn't in this team is bc I made a rule that they had to be exclusively Paldean pokemon. I am her Gogoat's number one fan I am ride or die for that thing. Giving him a little kiss on the forehead. I'm a Geeta's Gogoat apologist
I don't know anything about comp but I have friends that do and they mentioned Glimmora being her ace would require a lot of teambuilding around it which I don't know how to do nor do I want to. Lead or ace or whatever-- it's her little guy
Thanks for the ask!!
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kirk-says-wah · 6 months
May I have a one-shot request, pretty please?
James and Jason. James is planning to propose to Jason. In a special place with meaning for both of them. He uses the help of Lars, Kirk, Cliff, and Rob to help him. Something Fluffy.
Thank you so much for the request!
𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
Pairing: James/Jason
You can also read it here
“Was the blindfold necessary?” Jason asks, feeling the car thrum under him.
As soon as he’d gotten in the car, Lars had quickly tied a blindfold around his face, blocking his vision, which just makes him more confused. Maybe it’s an early birthday present? It would be a surprise because he’s not all that sure they even remember when his birthday is, but it’s the only thing he can think of.
“Just trust us,” comes Kirk’s voice from the drivers seat.
Fuck, Jason knows that if anyone was going to get him into trouble it would be these two. He just hopes whatever it is they have planned isn’t so bad.
The car shuts off and the sound of doors opening gets his attention. He turns his head as the door next to him opens.
“Cmon, get out,” Lars says, before there’s a hand on his arm. Getting out of a car when you can’t see is a lot harder than what Jason was expecting, so he’s glad for the support around his wrist to keep his balance.
Within moments, he’s being flanked, a hand on either arm as he’s ushered forwards, desperately trying not to trip as he makes his way towards whatever the end goal is.
He really hopes this isn’t a set up, he’s really not in the mood for one of their pranks.
They walk for a good five minutes before he’s eventually stopped, and he can tell they’re inside because the road is muffled and there’s quiet music playing lowly in the background.
��I’m gonna take the blindfold off now,” Kirk says, before finally, the material is lifted and Jason finds himself… in a bar?
It takes him a moment to finally realise just exactly where they are. It’s the bar where they told him he was in Metallica. This was the place where his whole life changed forever.
He looks around to see Rob and Cliff sat at one of the tables, before finally his eyes land on James.
He’s wearing a shirt, something that he never does, and has even brushed his hair. He’s got a high blush along his cheekbones and he almost looks nervous.
Jason frowns, stepping forwards.
“What’s going on?”
He watches as James swallows before stepping towards him.
“I never knew how much my life was gonna change when you joined the band,” he says, eyes darting, searching Jason’s. “My whole life I thought I was missing something, and I didn’t realise that what I was missing, was you.”
Jason can’t quite believe what he’s hearing, eyes wet, and James smiles.
“You’re all I ever wanted and more. You’re my whole life.”
And then James gets down on one knee, and Jason’s world halts, everything coming down to this moment.
He watches as James pulls out a box from his pocket, before opening it. There a silver band inside, and it’s beautiful. Jason can’t stop the tears now, even as he tries to suppress them. But it’s okay because when he looks at James, his eyes are wet too.
“Jason,” James says softly, nervously. “Will you marry me?”
“Fuck yeah,” Jason says, pulling James up to kiss him. He cups his jaw, feeling James grin into the kiss, hands finding themselves around his waist.
Theres an applause from around them and some whoops, and Jason laughs, pulling away.
James smiles, pulling Jason’s hand up to place the ring on his finger.
“I love you, Jason.”
Jason smiles, reaching up to kiss James again.
“I love you too, James.”
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jess-oh · 6 months
day 3
hi journal.
im going to write today's entry as a letter to sophie. im a maid of honor for her wedding but after talking to jeanne today, i do really feel a lot more at peace having a straight convo with her. below is what i currently plan to say as it's been getting harder and harder to keep this "secret covered."
dear sophie,
hey girl! so, i want to preface this by saying youre allowed to react or decide to demote me or anything you want to do. that's your perogative.
um, i feel that we haven't been as close lately and a bit like we've been outgrowing each other for some time. i still value you a lot as a friend and enjoy talking about all our shared interests but ive been realizing that that isnt enough to fulfill me anymore. i think a part of me had always hoped or believed that if we just spend enough time together or being friends, our friendship would naturally deepen and we'd be able to get to a point where we're more freely vulnerable with one another and while we've had moments, that overall just never really happened. which is okay and i respect your boundaries and everything. im just realizing it's something that i really crave. and because of that, i dont feel as inclined to invest as much into our friendship anymore. im still totally cool hanging out and playing games every so often when possible but i think i need to find and cultivate a friendship that can fulfill me in this way.
i feel like thats a pretty good point to end on and allow her to respond. and if she responds asking why she cant just play that role for me and tries to point out how she already has, then i'd say:
i started thinking more seriously about this over the past month. i think the idea has been lingering in the back of my mind for a while but i never knew what words to put to my thoughts until more recently. but i feel that our hangouts were more mutual at one point but for a long time now, it feels as though i've been initiating our hangouts a lot more than you do. in general, i feel as though i reach out to you to check in and ask how youre doing and offer support and dont feel that reciprocated as much. i just feel like a back-up friend in your life and not actually very prioritized. like, if theres a last minute event, im a good person to ask to join. but to actually just hangout with, it doesnt really feel like a time is being allotted to spend with me. im the eternal +1 but not the actual invited 1.
im okay hanging out at your place and i started initiating for that a lot because youre such a homebody and i just chalked it up to if i want to hangout with sophie, it has to be at her home bc she wont have the energy to trek it over to me. but honestly, it does actually bother me that we rarely ever hangout at my place. it feels like im constantly making the trek to you but the effort isnt reciprocated. and i get some weeks are harder than others and you just really dont have the energy to travel and i get it. but we really only ever go to my place for our friendiversaries and thats kind of it.
i dont want our friendship to just depend on me.
in general, ive noticed a pattern over time and i just dont feel supported in the way i need by you many times. im okay volunteering information about my life sometimes but not all the time. the burden then always weighs on me. i just wanted to be asked how im doing. which you do do at times and i appreciate it every time. but, idk. it always feels a little... awkward? tense? weird? like even when i share honestly and vulnerably whats going on in my head at the given time, it doesnt feel like you actually really care. theres such minimal follow up in both in the moment and after the fact. no questions asking for more details or how to help me feel supported or check-ins on updates on the situation weeks later. it feels like you grabbed onto my sister's frustration over her trash bf and thats it.
and ive come to terms with the fact that maybe this is just your personality and thats fine. if you arent really the type to ask follow up questions or check in over time, thats perfectly okay! it's just, i think i need that in my life with someone i dedicate so much time and energy to.
again, im more than happy to continue to be your friend but maybe not "best friends"? we just arent that close anymore and i dont really see that changing anytime soon. im happy to still be a part of your wedding, if youll have me, but i also understand if this changes things.
i hope youre able to receive my intentions well.
thank you for listening and im sorry for everything.
jess oh
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falsebooles123 · 9 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genre-phobic: The Beginning
Hey Whores, So are you ready for one of my many Sexy New Years Resolutions
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I don't understand what the youth are listening these days and overall I find myself listening to the same old music over and over again. Granted my definetion of listening to the same 5 songs over and over again tends to be a bit more varied. Spotify says I only listened to 1,635 unique songs this year so clearly I need to pop my pussy harder.
Ultimately what that means is that I'm gonna start listening to albums again. Its something that I started in aug 2019 and corencidentally I have a list of albums from that exact year that I wrote down in my first bullet journal. And by a few I do mean exactly 175. I had consumed a few albums that year and so over the last couple weeks instead of properlly finishing my 2024 bullet journal I have copyied over the list onto one of my designated 'collections' pages which is what the BulJor community, (if they were famalier with its founder Ryder Carroll original ideas), call personified spreads like habit trackers and similar.
The first 104 albums have been written down, (so that I can randomly generate a album to listen to) which leaves 35 spaces for recommendations. you probably wonder what happened to the 71 other albums well half of those I listened to in augest of 2019 and the other half I listened to this month. Yeah over three weeks in december. I was kinda sad and maybe I listened to 3 or 4 albums a day sometimes because I could. and I am insane. we already knew this.
I'm gonna list out the albums I listened to this month in a moment but suffice to say that most were pretty basic. Some standouts would of course be Biggie Smalls, Barnes BLVD, The Hoosiers, Cake, and Jack Comte but I was already pretty big fans of them to begin with so its not a surprise that I found there albums exceptional. Overall it was a snapshot of what type of music I was listening to and was also coincedental taken line by line from my liked songs playlist on spotify at the time.
List of Albums Listened to in December
Halloway | Tessa Violet 3/5
The MatchBreak (OMPS) | V.A 1/5
PDX Pop Now! 2014 Compelation | V.A 2/5
Bobs Burger Musical Album | V.A 3/5
Prism | Katy Perry 3/5
Kiss | Carly Rae Jepsen 3/5
Shorts Fired x Thirst Trap (LP) | Cakes de Killa 3/5
Waking Ups | OneRepublic 4/5
Be Not Nobody | Venessa Carlton 3/5
Trolls (OMPS) | V.A 3/5
Ready to Die: The Remaster | Notorious B.I.G 3.5/5
Last Summer | Barnes BLVD 5/5
Vaudeville Show | The Bad Things 3/5
Mail on Sunday | Flo Rida/T-Pain 3/5
Couleè-D | Shea Couleè 3.5/5
Metallic Butterfly | Princess Nokia 3/5
The Trick to Life | The Hoosiers 4/5
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Vol 1 | Rachel Bloom 3/5
Mighty Seed | That Way to the Egress 3/5
Bouquet | Caravan of Thieves 3/5
Net Split | MC Frontalot 2/5
Ancient World | Abney Park 3/5
Zero Day | MC Frontalot 3/5\
Fashion Nugget | CAKE 3/5
Beacon | Two Door Cinema Club 3/5
Coup De Grace | Miles Kane 3.5/5
Stars of CCTV | Hard-FI 3/5
VS4 | Jack Comte 5/5
The Moorings | Andrew Duhon 3/5
More Adventious | Rile Kiley 4/5
Looking over the list I have come to two conclusions. 1. I listened to a lot of twee ass music in 2019. Like I still Dark Cabernet and Amanda Palmer but like I had two MC Frontalot albums. I like a novelty song from time to time but theres a wide margin between the kind of silly folk stylings of the double-clicks and the deep ernestness of Nerd Rap. The energy and emphasis and making silly little jokes becomes tiring either that or I just am not a big Frontalot fan as I thought I was.
The Other is that my rating system sucks like why is so many of these albums rated 3/5 is every album I listen to that mid or do I just not have a strong sense of what makes a album exceptional or particular mediocre? Questions to be asked moving forward.
Anyway whores for now please enjoy my ramblings. sighing off.
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nicegaai · 9 months
sorry i want to ramble about fan fiction and i dont want to bothr people in dms
ok chapter 8 is getting its third googledoc draft because part of me does want to do as much of this as possible before the end of the year, especially while i still have so much free time.
thank you to past me for writing up the scene by scene breakdown. that DOES make this much easier to continue on. HOWEVER. why did i leave so much open ended. thats making this much harder. like
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everything was left like this. and then when i add dialogue it changes the course of the scene pretty dramatically. ive spent like an hour today trying to iron out one scene i thought i had THE MOST polished up already. like. Carsex Scene was supposed to be my ease-in easy bit. HOW DO WRITERS DO THIS? im NOT cut out for this kind of work.
well this past year has given me a lot of respect for people who can write. ahhhhh
oh yeah also i cant find the whole first scene for this chapter. i wrote it a while ago and i have NO idea what happened to it. fml i guess
i think if i started rambling on about the plot it might get me into Real Writing Mode but im struggling to do this. thats what im trying to accomplish here with this textpost but it isnt workign yet HELP
ok no i can do this.
first scene i have dennor being cute togehter. unfortunately i havent figured out the whole second half of the scene. my notes are like "they talk about their relationship" and like ok i know this is necessary and ive been putting off them doing this for like 4 chapters but i dont know what to do with that. they should have a talk about the state of their relationship but i have discarded drafts of like mads confessing his love to sig which is no longer canon. i had a version where there was a subplot about them breaking up. now i just want them to have the polyamory talk, bcz someone has to and im not making sufin do it. but tbh i could leave it implied. and just put that off until the fic is over bc i dont care I JUST DONT CARE i dont feel like it
next was more sufin moments i think given some time i could make this bit really good. i love sufin. i love them being together this part is fine actually i just need to start it and the inspiration will come
next umm lets see. OH ACTUALLY this one is funny. im really into this scene even though i can sense it getting really really long. whenever i get into fleshing this scene out im goign to enjoy it. its denice and dennor having awkward boyfriend-sharing interactions. and nor is like sooo how are those wet dreams going lol and ice is like . well youre definitely not in them lol uhhhhhhh. jk he doesnt say this but he thinks it. his life is so hard u guize
the next bit .................. im trying to shoehorn in some norfin. im trying to set up that they should be besties and hang out more. because its true and right. unfortunately this "scene" is 2 lines long bc i wasnt sure what to do with it. could i drop it? yes. but for plot reasons I DONT WANT TOOOO. but what is the scene about? nothing, but i gotta fit in 2 important plot points and so i shall. maybe they will even do a sex. WHO KNOWS! NOT ME
next bit is another one that could get real long if i let it. i love the densu nation and i need their crumbs. i need them to hang out. IS IT PLOT IMPORTANT? maybe not. but TO ME i think it is CHARACTER IMPORTANT. theres some foreshadowing. actually maybe 2 layers of foreshadowing that begin here. and also they are playing videos game and being children about it and i love them
next bittttttttt emil feels like a fifth wheel and gets in his emotions about it :( this scene im feeling ok about even though its vague so far. its a good starting point. i can do something with this
next bit UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH AUUUUUUUUGHHHHH i dotn want to write this one. hm. actually i didnt realize i felt that strongly about this scene. i dont know if its because it sucks narratively, or its just not fun enough... writing emil at school with his friends is just not fun for me in general. i love hk and liech but this is just not my thinggg. it doesnt help that i ended the scene with saying "ughh something happens and plans fall through and i dont know how lol" like what am i supposed to do with that. but i think this scene will end up being important. a whole sideplot rides on this. if i deleted it, it might get confusing at the end. maybe i can just simplify it? eventually. maybe ill cut it out in the end anyway.
oh and then the last scene is the carsex scene. epicballs, i skipped ahead and im working on this first.
ew actually now that ive typed this all up, it sounds like a hell of a lot of work. what am i doingggg. im such a slow writer T_T what AM i doing
step 1 i need to stop editing as i go and just slam down some vibes in the goog doc. i got good at this for a while but ive lost that mojo. i need to revive her *looks at time* maybe tomorrow or something. or for a couple hours >_> if im very good at time management tonight
if anyone is reading this hi
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chrysanthemumpink · 1 year
Idk, I just feel like he's not moving forward. And when we used to argue, id wonder if we could just get through it with love or whatever. But now, I don't know if there's even enough to get through. It feels like I'm slowly out growing him. Which is way worse than falling out of love with him.
Like we had this conversation about a "million dollar home." And maybe he thought we were just joking and maybe we were. But after some superficial google researchers, if we both made 6 figures, it would be possible. Nothing too crazy. I make 100,000k and he does too, we can have/own this thing. Between the two of us, there's literally 7 professional degrees. It's hard, really hard, but not impossible.
But he's barely done anything. To be perfectly honest, he hasn't grown much since the first day we met. That was 6 years ago. And I'm not saying, I've done a lot. But I'm not at square one anymore. Ever since that conversation, I've been working towards a relatively stable future.
And he's not lazy. He's really not. He doesn't do anything that makes him unhappy or uncomfortable. He prioritizes what makes him happy in the moment, never long term. And it's almost like he's incapable of invisioning something and actually working towards it.
I don't bring it up because that's the exact thing he's very very self conscious about. Like he says he hates Instagram because it makes him very jealous and resentful. He feels like he hasn't accomplished anything. He's 35.
And I think he does genuinely want more for himself. But won't do anything that will make him grow bc he keeps landing in things that keep him comfortable in one place. I've watched him turn down jobs and not seek opportunities because he doesn't like them. But he doesn't even try. He might like it if he did
Off topic, but there were times, maybe a year ago when there'd just be messages and pictures from girls. But these girls were like 21-25. Just reflecting on things, I guess, but I know 35 year old women his age would never give him the time of day. Heck, I'm 27. And I'm getting to my wits end.
And I have tried. I have tried to make him interrogate why he's willing to even entertain girls that young. Like the fact that you can have conversations with these people in their early 20s is a huge problem.
Then theres other times when he says he keeps me around because it's getting harder and harder to find a woman with no kids.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore. But he took this job overseas, without telling anyone. And yes, it's an amazing opportunity and yes it's fun to travel. But it's not an excuse to do yet another thing that absolves him from any responsibility. And it sure doesn't pay any kind of salary
There is no nice way to say this. But I wish he'd get a job. And actually do the things that wouldn't leave him jealous of his friends Instagram posts. Money isn't everything. It really isn't. And this isn't about money at all. It's just that he's living life as if he were a college student. We met as grad students so I lived the same way too. But when Im with him, its like we're still college kids.
And I don't want to be a college student anymore. I want a grown up. And I want a grown up partner.
There's just genuinely no way to bring that up nicely or while avoiding the insecurities that already exist. But if we break up and he dates another 23 year old, I can't say I didn't warn him
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spade-club · 1 year
Okay. Feeling really fucky over this. Hoping someone has insight for me.
My best friend is, yk, like me. Very inconsistent on how they feel about a lot of things to a strange degree. Has a lot of conflicting ideas and opinions. Anyway so as it turns out they ultimately dont see what we are to eachother the same way I do. I feel a bit... used? And lead on by the idea that after all we have been through and all we have been for eachother that we are just friends and theres nothing else we could call it.
Going into this I had known they didnt need to be in a relationship right now, I was aware of that. I just figured after 2 months of us continuing to get closer and become what is in many ways partners that maybe it had changed. Its not like we talked about it before really, so I felt safe assuming things may have changed. I still consider them ultimately to be my friend but there are many parts of them I see differently and I feel kinda pushed back and restricted by the idea that what I have with those personalities couldnt be considered anything serious despite it very much so being something, and that something being very significant to me.
I'm struggling to find a way to encourage them to allow some of their personalities to express themselves and feel how they want towards me individually and also understanding that if I were to be officially dating those personalities that things would still be complicated for them as a whole. We both are also very avoidant when talking of our disordered behavior which makes it... a lot harder to convey what I mean. I'm hardly sure a word of this makes sense right now to you guys.
I'm just nervous because after them telling me that ALL of this is just a friendship to them, I'm supposed to act like thats all fine and continue on like nothing's different. They'll probably decide to come over again tomorrow, and I wont want to make anything awkward by trying to say anything so I'll keep it all in and ugh. I just wish that conversation had any closure but I'm too fucked up by circumstance and everything else going on around me and now I'm just stuck in the middle of this. Not knowing where its going to end. I figured this would be an easy conversation because I thought they would think like... "yeah its cool to call this a relationship if thats what it is half the time even if the other half we are friends. I am okay with it being both things and thats what it is so might as well call it that" but thats just really not at all how it went. Now I'm just kinda lost here and I dont want to say anything that'll ruin anything. But I also feel very discontent at where things have left off.
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actualbird · 3 years
okay i could have sworn i saw it on your blog (or maybe it was a wishful fever dream?) but i really thought you said that in your pool of fic ideas you had a ;; marius fic where he has like a competence thing?? or maybe feels incompetent compared to the other nxx members?? and whether thats in your idea pool or not;; i would . love to see either idea . BUT ALSO take care of yourself you write so much so consistently;; which is Wow (positive)
hello!!! okay so i must preface this with the fact i am SO FORGETFUL omg. when i read this i was like ".....i have no memory of this idea" so i dug thru my blog and found 2 things i THINK you might be pertaining to?
theres this short answer i wrote from a few days ago talking about how marius finds competence on the other nxx team members INCREDIBLY HOT. and then theres my analysis on marius von hagen being scared that he'll always be in his older brother's (giann) shadow (which isnt Really competence/incompetence but it's Very Related, imo)
THAT BEING SAID, THANK U FOR THIS ASK (and also ur kind words, yes i will take care of myself, hehe) BC I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO TALK MORE ABOUT----
character analysis: marius von hagen's inferiority complex + youngest child syndrome = dude...r u ok...
wc: 1.4k
SPOILERS AHEAD for Marius SSR Fabulous Feast!!!! and general warning for other marius related spoilers but i cant remember if i got that from global server content or cn server, sorry skdjfbsk. obligatory disclaimer that these r just my own thoughts and interpretations
an inferiority complex is, at its simplest, the prolonged/constant state of feeling inadequate in comparison to other people. i posit that marius has got one hell of an inferiority complex because of him being the youngest von hagen kid.
being the youngest child in a family has the tendency or possibility to create an attention-seeker. attention-seeking behavior happens because a youngest child is not alone, their sibling/s came first. the older ones got the love and praise and time before they could get any of it. now that the youngest is here, thats another kid the family has to pay attention to, and the youngest will do a lot of things to get that attention (because theyre "secondary", the family already had other kids, so theyre used to the song and dance of raising kids, yeah? youngest has gotta work more to make themself stand out). theyll play the agreeable charmer to get positive attention from the family. (keyword: positive. because negative attention...i'll get to that later)
but why is the youngest working so hard to get attention? surely, they must know that attention will come to them naturally, yes? well, when youre a "secondary" member, when you come to see yourself as a footnote to another person, attention from others seems harder to just get naturally. the youngest is not alone, there are others now, and where there are others, there will always, always be somebody "better"
(sidenote: it's pretty obvious that marius is an attention-seeker, yea? i dont have to prove that, right? because uh. just go thru any card story of his kJBKSJDF. //whiny marius voice. JIEJIIEEEEEE🥺🥺🥺)
anyway, the seeds of inferiority are present already, theyre getting sown into the ground of the mind as early as childhood. the notions of second best and stuck in another person's shadow can already begin to take root (and heres a previous analysis about marius being in giann's shadow. wait i already linked it up there. BUT I ALREADY LINKED IT HERE im too lazy to undo it, have it again)
the von hagen family is pretty small tho, when marius is brought into the world. mom von hagen died very quickly after marius was born which only left dad austin and older brother giann. i dont think austin or giann did anything outright to make marius feel inferior, the family seems to be a kind one to each other and marius has mentioned he loves his family a LOT but like, even if u dont mean to make somebody feel inferior, it might just happen for a lot of reasons anyway.
one huge thing that hammers the inferiority complex further into marius' mind is how people OUTSIDE the von hagen family see him, especially when marius takes on the mantle as CEO of PAX. marius is saddled with a whole lot of responsibility and duties and work and that in itself is hard enough but then oopsie daisy, the attention-seeking personality is now hit with its worst nightmare.
aka he gets attention but in the Most Negative Ways. hello negative attention!!
marius doesnt even have to lift a finger to get bombarded by people thinking hes doing a shitass job at running the company. people think him a brat who doesnt know what hes doing. in some instances, marius is compared to his father or older brother. marius is pit against them and hes the loser, the weakest link in the von hagen family, the kid whos out of his depth.
in SSR Fabulous Feast, we get to see Mr. Darby act as a microcosm of people who are against marius for this reason. mc witnesses Darby shittalk marius behind his back (and mc was SO CLOSE to marching over there and throwing her cards at him, god bless her heart).
it's marius though who explains Darby's behavior to mc. Darby was apparently an okay dude back when giann was in charge, but when marius came in, thats when Darby changed. marius then says:
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granted, after mc is like UR NOT INFERIOR, dont compare urself to others!! (again, bless her heart, i lov her sm). marius then goes on to say "no no. i AM inferior to giann but also thats okay because i have my own special way to solve problems" and then for the rest of the story he goes on to solve the problem just like he said thru an unconventional yet incredibly effective way
(sidenote: it's fascinating to me that marius' way to solve the problem in Fabulous Feast (and other problems, like that journalist in main story 5.3) is to use Performance and Spectacle as a method, then as threat, then as a cage. in main story 5.3, marius gets the information from that journalist by first acting dumb (performance as method) and then once the jig is up marius goes on to say how this will be a bad scandal for journalist (spectacle as threat) and THEN goes on to trap journalist into folding bc of prev points (performance and spectacle as cage). same in Fabulous Feast, Darby is brought into marius' performance, the spectacle of his "donation" is used as a threat, and then the performance and spectacle traps Darby into doing what marius wants. this is....a WHOLE OTHER ANALYSIS ACTUALLY ABOUT how marius has lived his life with performance and spectacle as his own shackles and thus knows how to weaponize it. BUT IM GETTING OFF TOPIC. LEMME GO BACK)
RECAP: marius is the youngest -> being the youngest lays the bedrock of inferiority -> the inferiority is further cemented by outsiders -> ....now what?
well im going to loop back to ur actual ask, HAHA.
u said "[marius] maybe feels incompetent compared to the other nxx members..." and personally i think this is VERY POSSIBLE YES. because hes in another group. and as he slowly grows to trust them all, i see the nxx team turning into a found family, thus another family where he is STILL THE YOUNGEST.
yeah he works his ass off just as much as everybody else in the team, but the fear is hard to shake, yknow? marius will hide it behind smirks and jokes and slightly asshole-y vibes, but deep down hes scared he isnt good enough for them, like how he isnt good enough for so many people in the ENTIRE WORLD. when the team start giving him positive attention (something he thinks he has to earn by being the charmer and whatever the hell else they want him to be) a new fear can surface:
...when will they see hes nothing but a whiny brat trying too hard for scraps of love?
......when will they stop giving him positive attention because of this?
marius feels incompetent not because he actually is incompetent in reality. he plays an important part in the team, just like everybody else. marius feels incompetent within the team because the patterns and experiences of his life has calibrated him to think himself inferior.
if i were to write a fic exploring all of this (and i use the word "if" because my gdrive folder for tot fic wips is...IT'S A LOT....) i would write a fic where the team is kinda just like..."hey is marius okay because lately the media has been particularly ruthless towards him, unprovoked"
and marius waves away whoever asks him and hes like "im fine, but awwww, youre worried about me, thats so sweet!!! you like me more than you let on, eh ;)" and then after luke or vyn or artem or mc rolls their eyes at his antics hes like "[internally] good theyll NEVER KNOW that im actually getting hugely worn down by the current media shitstorm and that their worry means so much to me but if i let them help theyll see me as the incompetent brat i am and they can NEVER SEE ME LIKE THAT OR ELSE I WILL WITHER AND DIE"
and like the team obviously see hes upset and they try to help. every instance of help hammering more and more fear into marius. the more help he needs, the more "useless" marius becomes
and it's a whole mess but eventually the team and marius come together and like, FRIGGING TALK HONESTLY ABOUT FEELINGS and then nxx fluff time of emotional healing
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu! Characters With A Shy Manager
Inarizaki Players With a Shy Manager
Read Part Two Here
- Suna is the type to not really care about what’s going on unless it’s fun , funny, or simply involves him .
-A lot of people say he just doesn’t care and is a smoker ? or is just lazy but I believe that he’s just uninterested in things that he doesn’t want to be put in or has no business in. He’s very chill and just goes with the flow.
-he’d accidentally make you laugh
It’d been 3 weeks since you became the teams manager and you had yet to laugh or actually hold a conversation with anyone.
It wasn’t that you weren’t trying you just didn’t know how to keep a conversation going and no one was very funny on the team
well , except for Atsumu and Osuma when they did their sibling things
You sat on the bench as you watched a fight break out “ Osuma why aren’t yer trying “
“ I am “
“ are not “
“ am too “
“ are not “
“ look we all just can’t jump in head first and dive straight into volleyball like you ‘tsumu “
“ well that doesn’t mean don’t try “
“ agh i’m sick of you — shutup“
“ you don’t tell me to shut up “
“ yes I do — now shut yer trap”
you moved to stand as you watched the two boys fight you’d grown use to it and knew not to step in you wouldn’t know how to stop them anyways.
You watched as Kita moved to break them up Aran watching the fight closely trying to determine the winner while Suna moved quickly taking photos at all angles
Everyone calming down while Kita took the two boys away to talk to them leaving you in charge as everyone turned to you
“ what do we do now y/n-san “
“ oh um — “ your eyebrows furrowed in confusion you didn’t know what to tell them to do and the way they were all staring at you some even hovering near you standing over you like your houses fence had you ready to bolt and cry into kitas arms
You felt as your mouth tightened you biting your lip looking for a way to calm yourself down feeling someone stand next to you.
Your body having a chill run through it looking up at the black haired male who stood next to you not making eye contact and looking straight ahead at the men in front of him
He knew not to make eye contact with you knowing he may intimidate you since he was taller than you and simply a lot bigger he knew girls like you — that were shy tended to be afraid of things like that.
They seemed to get in their head and make themselves anxious which is why he was confused when Kita said he found a manager that was perfect to watch over the boys and keep them in line
he just figured Kita used you as a way to make sure no boys would try to flirt with you though that never stopped Atsumu
Even if he knew you were scared he would continue to bug you until you gave an awkward laugh at the situation and ran to Kita leaving the boy to sulk alone
Your eyes came together in confusion as you saw him thrust his phone out in front of you showing a video that he pressed play to
The fight between the two males playing with sound as the camera slowly zoomed in on your face a small smile playing at it as the video ended “ got you “
you looked over to see him smiling down at you happily “ w-wha—huh “
“ i’ve made it my duty ever since you’ve joined the team to figure out when you would smile and I found it — I finally caught it—i’m quite proud of me if I do say so myself “
you felt as a weight had been lifted off your chest your straight line mouth quirking up into a smile before it broke and turned into a small laugh which only grew when you thought about how dumb his actions were
Sunas mouth opening and eyes widning when he saw the bright smile on your face that would show whenever you stopped laughing to breathe
his heart clenching as he moved through his phone trying to find another funny thing to show you
He didn’t want this to end
He really thought you looked beautiful and in this moment he knew he had a crush on his teams quiet manager
-kita is a leader he has a schedule and only makes time for things that are on it
-he doesn’t mean to make you laugh but his schedule just makes for comedic material
You were standing by the door watching the whole time as the teams captain sat in the volleyball closet finally breaking down
Tears pouring down his face as he set the ball on the ground he had just finished shining. Body shaking as he took a breath
“ k-kita-san are you ok “ your voice hit him fast before he could wipe his tears
“ I-I just — theres “ he took a deep breath as he stared at you
“ A balls missing y/n “ he screeched “ A ball is missing and I can’t figure out if I let someone take it home or if I lost it on accident “
his eyes teared up again “ H-How — I do this every day I don’t know how I lost the ball— how I messed up the count just “ he was pleading with you
“ just please — don’t tell the team we’re missing one — they’ll demote me from captain because I can’t follow a simple schedule “
you didn’t want to but you felt your face break as a laugh ripped through your body that had been bubbling at the surface since the beginning of his speech
“ what — y/n this is not funny I may lose my position“
you laughed harder “ pfft kita-san if you lose your position over a ball I have in my hand right now I will talk to the team myself — no matter if they scare me or not “
his eyes lit up “ y-you have it “
“ yes I do — “
you passed it to him walking over to squat by him as he smiled happily starting to shine the ball “ oh thank god — my schedule may continue — now all I have to do is clean the showers and i’m good to go start practice “
he smiled at you “ y/n where did you find this —- I have to thank you “
you laughed harder “ kita — please there no need“ you smiled at him as you decided to finally sit down next to him turning your bright smile towards him
“ I stayed late last night and helped Aran with his serves so , we used the ball I just brought you —I forgot to bring it back and Aran locked the gym up too fast after we left and I was anxious and scared to ask him to unlock it so I just took it home with me “
you pouted at your words “ i’m actually sorry I didn’t know I was hurting you — I should have sucked it up and asked him “
“ y/n it’s ok I admit my schedule is a bit — but — I thank you for helping me calm down “
he nudged your sad body “ maybe with your help I can stop relying on my schedule all together yeah ? “
you smiled brightly again laughing when you saw his surprised face at your action his face that grew even more confused but interested when you laughed
“ of course i’d love to help you kita — senpai “
he felt as his body went hot and his face grew warm hands shaking at your actions.
He wasn’t sure when it started maybe it began when you initially started helping the team by offering late night volleyball practice to those who need help without all the attention
or maybe it was when you offered your number for those who were too scared to ask questions so, they could text them to you and you would ask for them — even though you’d feel scared yourself and had your hands sweating while you asked
He wasn’t sure but he knew that by the smile on your face that he would always want to see it whenever he looked at you
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leviiattacks · 3 years
hi hi hi i really really really loved your jealous headcanon of levi and your teacher levi!!! i was wondering if i could maybe request something where you kinda mix the two(?) so like theres this event going on in school and the reader is very occupied and busy because shes paying attention to her students and then maybe she talks to some teachers about the event and then levi is just there secretly sulking cause he wants her attention too?? or idk you do you because your works are always soooooooo good thank you<3333
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author note :: i did not stick to the prompt which was honestly an accident?/£/):7 but there is jealous levi and reader so i hope it workssss, it’s not that great and isn’t edited...but i hope you enjoy it :-( also thank you for the request you were very kind <3
for this to make more sense you’ll probably have to read my first ever teacher levi post which you can find here !!!!!
requests are always open :-)
word count :: 4.3k ???? longer than i expected ???? 
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levi groans at the mention of sports day before turning to look at you dead in the eyes
he knows this is your doing, you’ve always been big on getting the children into sport and other extracurriculars
now see, he has no actual issue with sports day?? he’s pretty fit if he says so himself!!!
it’s just that he frankly does not have the effort to participate.
another part of him also feels frustrated seeing mike flock around you like an annoying bee
he’s asking all sorts of questions
“are we doing the three legged race again this year?”
“how about javelin?”
levi takes one look at you and knows you’re trying to let him down softly, it is his favourite event after all.
“since last year’s fiasco and the way you nearly hit one of the sixth graders i think not.” you awkwardly chuckle patting his shoulder as if it’s any consolation
mike loves sports day, he’s competitive in all of the teacher only events and last year he even tripped you and levi up ON PURPOSE might you add
either way he still lost the teacher’s three legged race last year and ever since he’s been out to gain his title back.
levi remembers, he’s unsure if you do but he remembers vividly having to carry you on his back because you had sprained your ankle pretty badly after your collision with mike.
back then you and levi were still in the middle of your little math vs english debate meaning the whole walk to the infirmary was filled with bickering.
and when levi had placed you onto one of the beds you insisted you could treat yourself when you really couldn’t
the way that scenario ended had been with levi forcing you to place your foot onto his knee as he iced and tended to it
this year levi is not having any repeats of that. yes, he quite liked having some alone time with you, in fact it was one of the first times he stopped to wonder if he liked you.
BUT!!!! having you limp around the corridors wasn’t the best either and you were highly irritable until you were fully healed
“why don’t you actually try this year?” hange stifles a laugh, they’re stood to levi’s left and upon hearing their voice his shoulders sag. he knows he’s in for one hell of an earful
“i do try–”
“yeah whatever. anyway, you want a cupcake?” hange’s gesturing to the haphazardly iced buns in the four plastic containers in their hands
“these are for the bake sale!!” they add in enthusiastically.
levi’s about to shake his head, he’s already donated to the bake sale’s charity fund without paying for any of the baked goods. yes it is purely because he doesn’t trust hange to feed him anything edible
“they’re y/n’s batch :-)” hange’s wickedly grinning knowing they’ve hit their colleagues weakness
without another thought levi’s right hand dives into one of his pockets, fishing his wallet out. he places a few spare coins into hange’s palm
“wOAH, you’re pretty eager aren’t ya??”
their remark flies over levi’s head as he tries to pick out two of the most presentable cupcakes
“you’re so fond of y/n, why not try a little harder like i said?” hange’s thrown the bait in the river and levi completely falls for it. he turns ninety degrees completely forgetting about the cupcakes.
“i’m talking about sport’s day if it isn’t obvious.”
he faces hange directly. he scowls twisted in fake disgust and confusion all at once
“and why would i care about that?” he shoots back
“after walking in on the both of you touching each other up in the janitor’s closet i’m really surprised you’re — mMMPH—” levi’s shoved one of the cupcakes into hange’s mouth
“you’re gonna have to pay for that–”
levi smacks some more money into their palm to appease the issue
“when did you see that and have you told anyone else?” he’s seething right now, there’s no way he or you were unable to notice someone as loud as hange prance into the storage cupboard accidentally
“i haven’t told anyone but it has only been three days since i saw so who knowsss...”
“i’ll do anything for you to keep your mouth shut.” levi’s practically begging at this point
“i think you should buy a whole box of cupcakes as compensation. my eyes will never be the same again.”
levi hands over more than enough money, he’s probably handed over enough for two boxes just for extra measure
it’s not that he’s embarrassed of you or anything no, no, not at all. he just, this sounds so stupid but he isn’t sure what the two of you are????
you’ve kissed, A LOT but the only problem is that there’s never actually been confirmation of... something more? than that?
he’s simply horrible at asking, and seeing the way you’re talking to mike it’s almost getting to the stage of borderline flirting
he’s currently flexing one of his muscles and levi’s unsure if you’re actually gawking at them or feigning interest so mike can get bored and leave sooner
his bets are on you pretending for the sake of mike leaving until you reach out to squeeze his arm appreciatively
what is this feeling??
insecurity?? a low self esteem??? levi isn’t entirely sure what the emotion that surges through him at that moment is
but hange sure does, grinning at the scene playing out they shove moblit with their elbow
well, well, well levi getting jealous is certainly something new.
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when levi knocks on the door of your classroom you assume he’s come to bother you and ask for the spreadsheet with grade averages and all that technical stuff
english and math grades need to be compared side by side and even though it’s your job to help with the data analysis you’re pretty bad at it so levi’s the one who USUALLY picks up the pieces and does it for the two of you
occasionally mike steps in and helps when levi’s got other stuff in the way
“oh levi!! mike told me he’d be doing this month’s spreadsheet?” you’ve poked your head out of the door to talk to him
levi’s eyes narrow at that because he hasn’t asked mike for help at all.
“i didn’t come here for the spreadsheet but i haven’t even told mike to assist me this month... i wonder why he’s so passionate.” he mumbles the last part under his breath
opening the door up you wave for him to come inside “what you here for then?” you ask, oOoh maybe he’s finished reading an inspector calls?? finally you can talk to someone about the twist at the end
“i’m taking part in sports day properly.” the statement is unexpected and ?? levi ?? take anything other than math seriously ??
“woah... i’m proud of you?? i’m glad you’re seeing it’s important to show the children physical activity is fun.” your smile brightens up the entire room and he begins to feel a little more confident
peering up at him your curiosity doesn’t go unnoticed and he clears his throat, he knows you’re expecting him to say something else
ok, ok, ok. he thinks he’s built enough courage up to ask you
“i’ve never got the chance to ask but would you like to go on a date?” on reflex levi screws his eyes shut, suddenly he’s convinced you’ll say no and reject him. why would you accept??
his eyes flutter open and he feels you grip at the sleeve of his shirt.
well? that went better than he expected?
“where do you want to go?” you ask
“doesn’t matter, but let’s go somewhere after sports day finishes up.”
“are you barely going to try like last year?” you’re munching away at a granola bar - it’s rather bland and makes your throat feel kinda scratchy
you’re midway through drinking some water to deal with the dryness but you nearly spit it out when levi responds
“no. i plan on winning every single teacher event.”
HE WANTS TO??? beat???? everyone???
“you’re planning on beating mike too?” you tilt your head to the side incredulously
levi purses his lips at the mention of his name
“why does that sound so absurd to you?”
“he’s um, very good at sport that’s all.”
“i am too.” levi’s adamant to prove his point to you
“fine, here’s a deal. win at least one teacher event and i’ll try and solve one of your funny math problems or whatever.”
“what kind of deal is that??”
“you’ll be able to see me struggle with numbers, for free!!”
“no. i have something better in mind.” levi bites his smile back, he can’t let you know the idea makes him feel
“and that would be?”
he takes a step forward decreasing the space between the two of you.
“how about you kiss me in front of everyone?”
your mouth falls open because oh wow....? you have no actual problem with the task you’re simply surprised that levi is willing to put the both of you out there like that. the spectacle is bound to raise some eyebrows
“deal?” he holds his hand out for you to shake
you nod your head. “it’s a pleasure doing business with you.”
and so your deal is sealed with a firm handshake.
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the big day has ARRIVED!!!
all of the students are flooding in through the gates. some carry footballs, other basketballs. you’ve been here for less than ten minutes and had to save a ball from crashing right into an expensive window.
everyone’s wearing active gear, udo walks in with a ski mask on?? which is peculiar but it’s humorous so you don’t tell him off for it
you’ve chosen a comfortable olive green tracksuit, you don’t think you’re in the mood for ski masks like udo is
coincidentally levi happens to show up in the EXACT same type of tracksuit?? everything’s the same to the colour. you both stare at each other for a moment trying to figure out how exactly you managed that but give up, you guess you have similar tastes
the accidental coordinated outfits have a few of your students pointing and chuckling together
gabi and falco are laughing heartily and whispering god knows what about the two of you
“three legged race partner?” levi asks as he fills up some water bottles for the water stand
“oh? mike asked me to be his partner.”
levi doesn’t make it obvious that he’s jealous about it because what adult would be jealous over a three legged race??
but even if you can’t tell levi is pissed mike sure can
he’s walking past the two of you, hands shoved into his pockets when he spots you a few meters away. his eyes sparkle when he sees you. it’s at that moment he senses the dark piercing glare coming from your right.
you’ve yet to notice mike but levi’s seen him approaching from a mile away and he isn’t particularly happy about it.
the good thing about mike is that he knows not to mess with levi.
the two have known each other for years and by now mike knows messing with levi is a death wish in itself.
so when the poor physical ed teacher notices the way levi glowers at him he calls out your name to get your attention - he’s much too afraid to get anywhere near you
whipping your head around you wave at your race partner, why does it look like he’s seen a ghost?? you shove that thought to the back of your mind, he’s probably just tired
“petra doesn’t have a partner and uhh... i think levi’s free. could you work with him instead?”
levi turns away to smile to himself. ah how the tables have turned!!!
“but i want to work with you? it’s always y/n and levi do this. y/n and levi do that!! i wanna try with someone else.”
what you’ve said is a lie. honestly you’d just like to see levi get worked up again
but levi doesn’t get the memo at all. it flies over his head and he huffs thinking if that’s what you want he doesn’t mind. he’ll just show you how he feels.
“it’s okay. i’ll go with petra.” levi nonchalantly salutes at both you and mike as he walks backwards before turning around to locate the ginger in question
with your mouth open wide mike looks at you once and puts the pieces together
“guessing you wanted him to stick around?” you suddenly hear and god, you feel kinda bad
“oh no!!! i would love to be your partner.” looping your arm with his you smile up at him
whether or not mike believes you isn’t clear but he does return your smile.
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there’s a few minutes till the three legged race starts, everyone’s running around. erwin’s knelt down to tie yours and mike’s legs together
as he’s doing so you can’t help but hear a high pitched windshieldy giggle leave petra and you visibly seem annoyed. that’s if your arms crossed over your chest and clenched jaw are anything to go by
levi hasn’t even said anything notably funny ???? what is she laughing at ????
he’s quite literally just standing there making awkward small talk with her
it goes something like this
“have you marked your exams yet?”
levi doesn’t realise she’s said anything till she taps his shoulder and he asks for her to repeat her question
“oh.” he thinks for a while. “no not yet. i’ve got better shit to do. i don’t see them till next week either way.”
and then she just starts laughing so hard that she has to hold her knees and when that isn’t enough she holds onto a nearby pole for support
you see where this is going
when her breathing gets even more uneven she reaches out to grab levi’s upper arm
YUP. you knew it. you can’t be mad at her really. no one knows you and levi are sort of a thing.
a thing? is that the term? well, whatever late night calls discussing books and a few heated kisses in private mean that’s what you are
levi stares at the hold she has on his arm and you expect him to shrug her off. instead he sees you look, smirks a little and waves all the while letting her hand stay there
and the icing on the cake is petra waving at you too and her eyes are much more expressive than she thinks they are
she’s internally laughing at you for sure.
ok, not a big deal, NOT a big deal!!!
this is just him getting back at you for before.
flipping your head back your sad expression probably catches mike’s attention because he seems to cave in
“want to make him jealous back?”
his suggestion is interesting but you catch yourself second guessing
“he’s doing that because he’s jealous.” you mumble shaking your leg to test the strength of erwin’s knot
“and? don’t let him win.” he glances at his shoulder gesturing for you to make the next move
nodding your head vigorously you throw your arm over mike’s shoulder but find he’s too tall to make that work so instead you settle on holding him by the side
it takes you a little to adjust to the close proximity but in the time it takes you to do that mike informs you of levi glaring at the two of you
“mind if i hold onto you here? we can coordinate our moves faster!!!” petra doesn’t even wait for levi to agree to what she says. she just flings one of her arms around his torso
again, he lets her just as last time.
this game of cat and mouse is getting tiring, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut when mike approached you.
your senses snap back to where you are. your grip on mike’s torso firms and he turns to nod at you.
you nod back.
you’ll win this.
okay, SO.
something in your game plan must have gone wrong but mike’s strength is something you’ve clearly underestimated. his first step is so powerful you don’t even have the time to start moving
you assume that’s how you collapse to the ground behind him and scrape your hands onto the cement of the track
so much for winning. all you’re doing is bleeding and hissing trying to cope with the stinging sensation
“mike?!?? not again??” hange groans and jogs over to the two of you untying the ropes at your legs.
“do we have to ban you from another event??? you’re too reckless sometimes.” hange smacks his chest and then hurriedly whispers “levi’s coming this way if you value your life you better bolt and use the first aid kit as an excuse.”
mike doesn’t even debate with himself, that’s his best bet at staying alive and so he dashes away as if he’s left the shower on at home for five hours unattended
some students are murmuring under their breaths and luckily for you the forever reliable gabi and falco have come to your rescue with bandages
“show me your hands.” levi’s hard voice interrupts all discussion. petra’s stood peering over his shoulder and you swear you catch her muffling a laugh
levi frowns. “you good?” he asks. you assume this answer will be the deciding factor regarding whether or not he makes this an issue with mike
“i’m great – trust me!! just a few scrapes.”
levi doesn’t look convinced but he let’s it go.
he helps you get up and takes the bandages from gabi thanking her.
“i’ll patch y/n up.” he tells hange pointedly and they agree. moblit at that moment happens to run over with a megaphone in hand.
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“i’ll make him lose the one hundred meter sprint so badly he won’t know what hit him.” levi’s been grumbling the entire time he’s sat down to bandage your hands.
now that you’re both sat close to each other again murmurs of “matching tracksuits??” are back
“you don’t have to it was a mistake levi.”
levi shrugs eyes scanning his handiwork. “i want to. i’ve got to earn my kiss in front of a crowd anyway.”
gently letting go of your hand he looks out onto the track waiting to be called.
you’ve never seen levi give his full effort into sports day but even then you’re unsure if he’ll ever be able to beat mike.
honestly mike sure is fast and you recall one of the children referring to him with the nickname lightening bolt
and speak of the devil. a group of children walk past and are talking about the teacher’s race
“mr bolt’s gonna win for sure. you seen him run?? he could be an olympian!!!!” zofia’s gushing about him, she happens to be a big fan
the only nickname you’ve ever heard for levi is ursula – “ursula sure is evil for giving us that much work >:(” you had heard udo say once during class but after the earful he got from gabi he never used the name again, neither did anyone else
a few more minutes pass in a comfortable silence and levi’s called over to his lane. you’ve accepted the fact that there’s no changing his mind and he’s bound to compete now
“wait for me by the finish line.” he instructs and so you do. you go your separate paths. he to his lane (he’s in the lane two) and you to the finish line
petra’s already standing there waiting. her elbows are propped onto the railing peering out towards the contestants.
making your way to stand with her you see her sigh dreamily at levi in the distance
“hey, i know you don’t like levi a whole lot. you know your fued and all but do you think he’d say yes if i asked him out?”
that sure is unexpected.
you fight the urge to scoff because you know you and levi are starting to drop more hints. is this her way of finding out the truth?
“me and levi don’t hate each other actually.”
“oh, well dislike.”
“we don’t dislike each other.”
“tolerate?” she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth trying to control her frustration
“petra. i like levi.” your confession knocks the wind out of her. you both silently exchange looks. she’s very clearly in disbelief.
the next time she speaks the previous playful lilt in her voice is long gone
“as soon as you noticed i liked him you just had to decide you liked him too. people like you make my skin crawl.”
why is she so bitter?.)/&£:
you can’t help liking levi and he likes you too,, so what now??
“he likes me back petra. can we be civil about this? i don’t like workplace drama. i had no idea you were into him.” you’re hoping that this will happen to shut her up but NO!!! it doesn’t she’s only more mouthy now
“prove it.” she points one of her manicured fingers into your chest and demands evidence she doesn’t even deserve to see
“if he likes you back so much he should be able to show it.”
you know, if it were any day, any other time or any other person asking you this you would have out right refused, but given the circumstances and levi already waiting on you to kiss him in front of the entirety of the school you see no issue with having the last laugh in this argument
“fair enough.” you mutter and lean over to see hange announce the countdown
“AND GO!!!”
you swear you blink because GOD what on EARTH????? you don’t understand why previous to this levi balked at the thought of participating because he’s made it look so easy.
he’s not bolted he may as well have TELEPORTED to the finish line. mike is breaking out in a sweat far behind him and the boyish grin on levi’s face is enough to tell how he feels
gasps and applause can be heard from the children. zofia and udo are passionately arguing about some bet they’ve made - you make a mental note to tell them that making deals is fun as long as they don’t bet large amounts of money
levi’s jogging up to you completely ignoring petra’s presence
“told you i’d do it. i avenged you didn’t i?” you don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile so confidently in public 
you acknowledge what he’s said with a cartoon like thumbs up and then you’re staring at him unable to locate your courage
oh fuck it
you lean in hurriedly and steal a peck from him. he blinks and then scowls much to petra’s amusement. she has to think he’s about to curse you out but unbeknownst to her she’s read the situation wrong
“is that your idea of a kiss??”
and then he takes matters into his own hands – no literally into his own hands. he cups your face in his palms and captures your lips with his own. as you reciprocate petra can be heard choking on her saliva.
“OH well who would’ve guessed the english and math department had an alliance????? not me???” next is hange, they’re feigning shock even though they’ve known what the two of you have been up to this entire time
the whispers have now become full on shouts
“i KNEW it they were dating?!?!”
gabi and falco are audibly cheering, you’re quite sure they realised what was up long ago
“DON’T BE UPSET BUT I THINK THIS IS WAYYY BETTER THAN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!!!” falco’s comment makes your heart rise in your chest
and you know what? you think so too.
as levi’s hand travels to the back of your neck pressing you further into him you come to the conclusion that maybe just maybe this is far better than pride and prejudice ever will be :-)
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nsfsprince · 3 years
An a/b/o idea thats taken over the brain that I wish to write:
Intruxietlogical A/B/O au that's set in a manor or smth?
Theres Alpha!Logan(cismale), head of the manor and a very rich yet young and respectable individual of the city. Hes like 6'4 and handsome as hell, and secretly knows it(due to Remus's persistent courting) but sees no point in personally flaunting it, letting Remus take the lead in that.
Then theres his eccentric Omega spouse, Remus(nonbinary leaning with he/him pronouns), the (in)famous artist of the city. Hes unusually tall for an Omega at 5'10, crude and unworried about fitting the 'normal' societal omega expectation despite also being born to a rich family. He courted Logan, persistantly, as he loved the fact that Logan treated him with the same respect as he would anyone else and never judged Remus for who he was, and the more Logan accepted the courting the more they fell in love before marrying and bonding at like. 23-25?
Well, Virgil is a 5'1 omega(transman with he/him pronouns), age 24. Hes a feisty little thing thats been surviving the streets for too long, he's parentless and, his high anxiety keeps him safer than most omegas on their own but no ones perfect- he ends up almost getting abducted by a sketchy Alpha when a Beta named Patton storms in and saves him.
That's how Patton, Logan's brother, takes him in to treat the sprained wrist he got from the encounter, and for Remus to set eyes on Virgil and immediately decide he wants to keep and court him, too.
I could ramble alot about the months it takes for remus to flirt and fluster and break Virgil out of his shy terrified shell(because hes gone from interacting with fellow street raccoons to very weathy and very Pretty nobility and its. A Lot.
I could ramble about the way both Remus and Logan coax Virgil into staying in their home for more and more ludicrously simple reasons, just to keep courting him, and how Virgil catches on, and flusteredly does nothing to stop it bc he's slowly falling in love too
But what I Really wanna ramble about, is their bedroom dynamics.
Content warning for under the cut: a/b/o dynamics, talk/descriptions of knotting, polyamourus relationships, kinks. Lots of kinks: oralfixation, dom/sub/switch dynamics, praise kink, overstim(lots of overstim), talk of double penatration, p in v sex, ect. Let me know if i missed anything!
MINORS DNI or you will be fully blocked from this blog and my main one.
Logan is a soft but firm dom, always in control and ready to take control. He has a bit of an oral fixation and loves sucking off his loves as often as he can, happy to sate his loves while getting them to soak themselves in fresh slick. He's easily comanding when needed but also enjoys that Remus is more than willing to take control on occasion(see: regularly). He just really really likes taking care of his loves however he can, and aftercare is super important especially after some of their more intense scenes
Remus is a bossy switch, who Loves riding Logan's cock till hes stuck on his knot, or getting fucked up against a wall till his mind turns to jelly. Really likes a bit of primal play, loves riling Logan up with praising how good Logan could breed him(even tho theyre all on birth control so it really is just for the scenes) if he just pins him down and takes. On the flip side, Re also loves pinning Virgil down and driving him crazy, too.
Virgil is a near complete submissive, he's eagar to give and take as ordered and melts at any praise given. Starting out he'd been touch straved beyond belief(which has since been remedied thoroughly) and thus ended up developing a habit of dropping into subspace the moment Logan and/or Remus cradle his neck with both hands. Hes a very affectionate sub who puts so much of his trust and control into Logan and Remus's hands, and both cherish it as Virgil literally never lets his guard down around anyone else.
So, my favorite thing about their dynamic is that Remus still has a decent sized cock despite being an omega, like is actually rather big for Virgil to take, the draw back is just that Remus cant, at least naturally, Knot Virgil like Logan can. (However, its like one of Remus's biggest fantasies to Knot Virgil, and Virgil is totally in the same boat and would be Very on board with it)
This lack of natural knot doesnt stop Remus of course, infact its encouraging because he has a nearly non-existant refractory period so, literally imagine:
Virgil on his back, Virgil's head and shoulders are cradled lovingly in Logan's lap as the alpha occassionally trades kisses with both of his gorgeous omegas. Virgil's legs spread and cunt gently held nice and open by Logan's gentle but firm hands as Remus repeatedly sinks his cock nice and deep into Virgil. Slick soaks Virge and Remus's thighs, his cunt, and Remus's cock.
Every thrust has Virgil whimpering and his legs twitching with the relentless feeling of the head of Remus's cock just barley rutting against his cervix on every other pass. Just the hot way Remus has Virgil pinned into a mating press and obviously working hard to make that position live up to its name, babbling at how good Virgil feels taking his cock like a good little omega, at how easy it is to breed Virgil over and over and over again.
Then Logan enacts this little idea hes been holding onto the moment Remus starts to get close(hes trained Remus well, having helped him train to stall his orgasms for longer and longer because Remus LOVES overstimmulation). He has Remus slow down for just a moment, causing both omegas to whine, before coating two fingers in plenty of slick and slowly pressing them in alongside Remus's cock.
Virgil is slowly losing his mind(as they find out in later sessions that he absolutely has a size kink, and would happily take both their cocks at once any time hes given the chance) at the width, his eyes rolling. Then Remus is told to start thrusting again until he comes, and to ignore Logan's two fingers outside of being careful.
Virgil and Remus are so keyed up that it only takes another minute or so for Remus to start cumming, following Logan's order of pressing all the way inside as deep as he can get, at which point is Logan's cue to start curling his fingers firmly deep inside of Virgils walls.
Immediately, Virgil starts whimpering loudly as he cums, his body reacting the way it would if he were being knotted by an alpha, cunt clenching tight and sucking Remus's cock deeper as his eyes squeeze closed and his jaw fall lax, overwhelmed as his body draws out his orgasm for as long as hes knotted.
Remus is put in a mind-melting world of pleasurable overstimmulation as hes just climaxed and Virgils cunt is milking it for all hes got and he cant even move or pull out now because hes 'locked' inside. His hips and legs are trembling and he's moaning loudly because it's so hot that hes basically getting to Knot Virgil and it feels so good.
Virgil's cunt won't let him go and wont stop pulsing around the head his oversensitive cock and he really cant be faulted for the way he loses control and just keeps orgasming, his lack of refractory period as a keyed up omega just letting him squirt more and more cum and slick deep into the omega under him.
Logan's gentle and soothing, cooing reassurances to his two loves as he helps them lose their minds & fulfil their fantasies. He even uses his free hand to stroke Virgils little cock slowly, drawing out shaking whines from both of them as it makes Virgil clench harder in intervals. Remus ends up hunched over Virgil, his face tucked into his fellow omega's neck to muffle his overstimulated whimpers.
Logan draws it out for a minute or two, just until pleasured and overwhelmed tears picks at their eyes and their soft begging whimpers and mewls fill the room before slowly releasing the hold, letting the string of tension snap and watching them unravel and relax, finishing their peaks.
Remus cant help the way he struggles to pull out, so oversensitive that his hips keep hitching back in place with the way Virgils body tries to keep him there, needing Logan to pull their hips apart to fully end the scene.
Logan strokes and comforts both exhausted omegas, now fully in his element, cooing soft reassurances to both, getting up to start a bath and carefully guiding them both in and cleaning them up. The sheets are changed and both are put in soft clothing and given juice and cuddles.
Remus would probably make a comment on asking drowsily just how Logan deals with being knotted to him for in upwards of 30 minutes if it feels like /That/ the whole time. Logan would probably just smile sweetly and press a sweet kiss to his lips and say "with experience of course, perhaps we can work on that too, if the both of you would be so inclined?"
Virgil shutters and whines, too tired to get worked up again, Remus in a similar boat but nodding drowsily anyway. Remus probably wakes up sore and gets worked up all over again at the memory of why his cock of all things is sore and sensetive.
Perhaps they do work on it, perhaps Remus is trained to a take it little longer each time, no where near half an hour for the longest time, but he gets pretty close and much better at holding from losing his mind.
Maybe then they explore what it feels like for Remus to be stuck on Logan's knot, while Virgil is stuck on Remus's 'knot' with the help of a toy. Maybe then they also explore working Virgil up to take both of their cocks, and see what happens what Logan's fingers curl just right to trigger that knotted feeling to have Virgil lose his goddamn mind impaled on both their cocks as they slowly thrust in and out despite his body thinking he's already been knotted and reacting as such.
Maybe they even explore working Virgil's other hole open, just enough to take Logan's knot, and give Remus free reign to fuck Virgil's soaking trembling cunt until they can coax Virgil's cunt into taking Remus's 'knot' as well
Idk man. Just. This whole dynamic has so many hot possibilities. 💕💕💕
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