#maybe 1 day i'll make a more eloquent version of this
kittyandco · 11 months
i won't get into it too much because i don't feel like tagging triggering stuff atm and i'm don't want to put my deepest darkest feelings on here, but in short i am extremely unhappy with my life right now, i'm having a really hard time day in and day out with nothing to really look forward to in the short or long term, no positive changes or differences that i can foresee, with every day feeling bland and the same, without meaning or fulfillment. i just plunge myself deeper into boredom and self-hate.
... despite that, i'm so glad that my enduring love for self shipping continues on, because it's one of the few stable sources of comfort and happiness that's been an outlet for me since i was a young kid. seeing myself be loved at my worst, especially. i feel myself slipping away from this stable comfort and happiness because my outlook is bleak, but i'm holding on because i want to, and i have to. sometimes i think about this but i've never really posted about it, so shout out to those of you who feel the same. and in general, don't lose sight of what you have that brings joy into your life. even something as small or "insignificant" as this. it is so important
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Back to hell in Jeddah
Well, hi!
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Second race weekend take the cake? I'm not an optimist taking into account Sharl is starting the weekend off with a penalty. Way to go, yay!
I'm gonna keep the same structure as last weekend, I like the organization better. Just gonna add up some color to the subheadings, seeing all the text in white and trying to find the thicker font is giving me a headache. I'm late watching and writing it all since as usual I was entertained by other things. I might even start the chaos of watching everything quite late as last summer since I might be starting work on Formentera almost a month earlier. We'll see how I manage this this time around.
Press conference - Thursday
Honestly, the only interesting comments from the first press round were coming from Yuki. I'm biased, he was the only interesting driver for me on there, but you know. I have to say though, seeing Lando talking about how they need to improve the car and all is so funny to me. Suck it up, Buttercup.
I like how Yuki talks, so eloquently, more analytically maybe, or at least he seems super focus. I'm more used to seeing him they way he's always shown, shouting in the car or joking around with Pierre, but this calmer version of him is also good to see. I really find him super endearing, honestly.
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The second press round looks much better, at least 4 of the drivers are worth listening to.
Poor Estie Bestie talking about the hundred different penalties he got during the race 2 weeks ago. I hope he gets a better race this weekend, at least.
I wanna hug Lance, seriously. It's still a wonder how he's there after breaking his wrists, having surgery, coming back right away and all. Braver than the US marines, my boy.
We don't care about Checo unless he's fighting with his teammate, so moving on. Last but certainly never least, Lewis glowing all around, he's so calm, he's so chill.
Free Practice 1 - Friday
Sunny FP session this afternoon to start the weekend. That must be a hell of a hot day.
Honestly, not much has been going on apart from the stupid rumblings of the Spanish commentators, to which I no longer pay attention at this point. It's a good thing that this is a quiet session since this track is Hell.
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There have been a couple of close calls with a Haas and another car that I can't remember now, but it could've been scary material if you know what I mean. And a few off track trips on Turn 22 maybe? But other than that, not much else. So, that's why I've been making the most out of the session since I barely had to look at the screen to begin with. Nice (?)
The one really fantastic update that's worth mentioning above else honestly is the helmet cam on Lewis. Now, that's a view I enjoy.
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Just a few problems for Checo I see and that's about it and it's right at the end of the session anyway so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Free Practice 2 - Friday
I may be speaking way too quickly but the second session of the day is looking quite like the first one, calm and quiet.
And indeed it was. I haven't paid that much attention due to the lack of interesting stuff going on. A few problems with the traffic, but not much else. I mean, yeah we already know RBR are leading, Aston Martin are pretty much crushing it and blah blah blah.
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The most interesting was seeing Sid the Sloth almost going up against the wall a few times, but we can never get that lucky as to seeing him scratch the car enough as in 2021 during Quali. Ah, good times.
Anyway, more tomorrow and hopefully Quali's a kicker.
Free Practice 3 - Saturday
Sooooooo, here we go again with another session of nothing and a little bit more of nothing. Same as yesterday, I'm afraid.
I hope we get a little more excitement in Australia during Free Practice since it's not this hellhole, at least the chances of half the drivers killing each other accidentally will be a tad lower.
Yeah, definitely a truly quiet breakfast experience watching this at 2pm. There's nothing to comment on about this session, honestly. So I'll just leave it here.
Quali better be something else, for the love of all things... interesting? However that phrase goes 🤣
Peace out!
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worldwidebt7 · 3 years
I Read Billboard's BTS Article...
(...so you don't have to.)
So, I tried-- I really, really tried to ignore it, but after stewing on it for two days I don't think I'll have piece of mind until I vent.
So, as I'm sure you all are aware, Billboard featured BTS on the cover of their magazine (but not just one version— no, there’s EIGHT which they’re selling as a bundle). And, as I’m sure you’re also aware, ARMY has a few complaints.
To put it bluntly: F*ck that article.
So strap in because do I have an essay to write about this monstrosity.
I feel like this is me being nit-picky, but I think that maybe there are other ways to make celebrities seem relatable that doesn’t involve talking about them having hangovers. I find nothing wrong with them drinking— they’re grown ass men who I have enjoyed watching get buzzed on a live or Festa on more than one occasion. But to lead your professional article with that? Not to mention using language to suggest that they were dressed poorly.
This was my first clue that this article was going to be everything I hoped it wouldn’t be.
Let’s get into the blatantly obvious. The thing that really set ARMY’s rage alight: the inaccurate and backless accusations against ARMY and HYBE/BTS about chart manipulation, which they wasted TEN (10) paragraphs of a so-called 'interview' piece on.
A new word to properly describe the idiocy of the allegations that Billboard proposed needs to be created for my own sanity because I’ve run out of civilized vocabulary. How Billboard could have the absolute AUDACITY to ask BTS and HYBE about the manipulation of THEIR charts using the rules that THEY put in place is beyond me— and thanks, thank you for reopening the 2014-2015 sajaegi accusation wounds that had finally begun healing. For interviewing a band that has broken so many of their records, Billboard really doesn’t seem happy about it.
In fact, they seem as bitter as the tweets they used from accounts of other artists’ fans (without permission, I might add). I really wish I had known Twitter was a citable source while I was in college because my life would have been so much easier. It’s not a secret that other fandoms accuse BTS and ARMY of all sorts of ridiculous things— they have since BTS debuted in 2013. Thankfully, Namjoon has the eloquence and patience of a saint;
“…if there is a conversation inside Billboard about what being No. 1 should represent, then it’s up to them to change the rules and make streaming weigh more on the ranking. Slamming us or our fans for getting to No. 1 with physical sales and downloads, I don’t know if that’s right ... It just feels like we’re easy targets because we’re a boy band, a K-pop act, and we have this high fan loyalty.” —KNJ
I’d like to say that that’s where the article stopped with the accusations, but my mother told me it was wrong to lie. They then flipped the question and asked HYBE if they organized the fans to mass-buy albums and singles to inflate numbers that would assist in charting better. Because for some reason it’s hard to believe that the millions of fans could have organized themselves to combat the inequality we’ve experienced in music charts, not only in the US but in BTS’ home country as well.
Even after HYBE’s refusal of orchestrating ARMY’s movements, the article moved on with a maddening sentence:
“Still, HYBE appears to be doing its best to keep the BTS fandom close.”
The insinuation that Billboard plans not to listen to what HYBE and BTS tell them on the matter is obvious, which undermines the entire point of having an interview. The then continue on to talk about Weverse and it’s possible connection to inflated album sales.
We can assume that in the near future, Billboard will be taking another look at their rule book to make the changes necessary to put a halt to BTS and ARMY’s success. After all, the biases within the western music scene are geared towards specific artists and companies who are clearly unhappy that BTS has been dominating their charts. If you find this sounds familiar to what BTS and BigHit experienced in the South Korean music scene, you get a cookie!
Beyond that obviously ridiculous attack, the entire article was riddled with underhanded aggressive language. From using "it" to describe the group of boys multiple times, to adding in unnecessary content such as this gem:
"That status pushed it (BTS) to the front of the line for C*VID-19 vaccinations — a real privilege in a country that has struggled with shortages."
This lovely little tidbit was taken out of the paragraph talking about BTS becoming Presidential Envoys and being invited back to the UNGA for a third time, which could have been a significant part of the article since it was SUPPOSED to be about the business side of BTS's career. However, instead of the multitude of questions they could have asked about this particular subject, they write about how the group will be getting vaccinations while highlighting that the country is struggling with a shortage.
More or less, this one statement is saying "Look at the plush and privileged lifestyles these people are living while the rest of their country suffers."
BTS never asked for that privilege, but of course they would have to get vaccinated since they'll be participating in international travel and will have prolonged exposure in a room full of dozens of people during a pandemic-- in the USA no less, where we are doing such a stand-up job controlling it's C-19 cases (read: sarcasm).
The article starts off with describing them to have "humble charisma" and descends into villanization of the group, the company, and their fans.
I can forgive certain things— such as discussing their military enlistments— since this was supposed to be a piece on the business side of their careers. However, prudent questions that could/should have been asked were instead replaced by speculation, rumors, and Twitter gossip. It was more an opinion piece than an interview, which is truly disappointing-- can you imagine the content that was purposefully left out to make room for baseless accusations? The whole article is littered with subtle aggressive language-- it's clear that whomever wrote the article did not want to, or had a particular vendetta against BTS/kpop. I’m about to take a red pen to that article…
I’m gonna go ahead and stop here before I have an aneurysm trying to further analyze this ridiculous nonsense.
To end on a happy note, here are the boys looking fine as hell:
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Stream Butter Thee Remix
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composerofshibuya · 3 years
Alright, long post about TWEWY The Animation Episode 1 Underneath!
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MY BOY. THERE. IN THE ANIMATED FLESH. I love the style. I love how distinctive everyone is, and how true-to-the-game it looks. I think they translated still images into animation beautifully. And, if in the end it remains shallow, at least it's pretty. I can't to see Joshua.
Alright. So, overall, it was good to okay. I had goosebumps when Twister started playing. The music truly ties my emotions to this game in a delightful way. I hope they'll incorporate more into the show. Let's dig into the good stuff first!
1) The animation. It's crisp, it's fun, it's the game to a t. I think they really hit it out of the park with it.
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Look at that classic Shiki pose! I love how they incorporated so many elements of the game into the show.
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Sprinkled throughout the episode you can see the different names and symbols of the brands. I thought this was a very clever way to tease them and make them present for fans of the game, without being overwhelming to anyone new. Additionally, I doubt that they'll be important at all in the animation - I don't see them playing dress up haha.
2) The music - this is actually both a pro and con. I love the elements of the Game in the Animation. Overall, I think they blended it very well. However, I hate the version of Twister they picked for the opening, and I really hope they change it up episode-to-episode. It's probably one of my least favourite versions of Twister and it's just... not a pump up version of it. Ultimately, I'd rather the original.
3) Introduction of characters - I have some complaints about this, which I'll get into later, but overall I was happy with how many they introduced and how they introduced them. They defined their personalities (Beat, my fave himbo, Kariya and Uzuki them lazy mischievous Reapers, etc, Neku being a Lonely Boi). I thought the established them well, if not fumbling things in other places.
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4) Design of noise: Fuck, they're beautiful and dangerous. I love how they've taken these flat 2D characters and turned them into something a little more dynamic. The colours are great and bright, and I didn't think I'd love them. I'd serious get art of these guys!
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Also the "static" as they appear/disappear I thought was nicely done.
5) I like how playful the show is despite the dark themes. It let's itself be fun:
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Okay, now... some negatives. As much as I enjoyed episode one, boy howdy do I have some criticisms, and as far as these go they're pretty common for adaptations. I recognize my bias as someone who loves the game and has poured a lot of time into it, but I still am kind of worried.
1) Pacing + Character Development: WOW THREE DAYS IN AN EPISODE. That's a rush!!! That's so much crammed into one episode. The characters never get to breath and be defined beyond that initial introduction in a way. As I said earlier, it never let's the horror of the situation set in. I understand there's a huge difference between games and animation as mediums, and I also get that adaptions will always lose something that another form really embraces, but the big thing to me about this game is loss and time. There are periods of silence where characters stand and sit with their thoughts. The Animation gives them no time to deal with that and I think a lot of weight and beauty is lost through this. I'm coming at this as a person who knows the future - I've played the game - but the game was never subtle with foreshadowing, and frankly this episode had none. Shiki never checks her phone. She's never reserved. She's 100% genki girl. And that's a little tragic if you know her story. Neku doesn't ponder his lost memories - he isn't given time to! - and we don't get to see how much this bothers him. Beyond the first few Noise deaths, it doesn't feel like the, put bluntly, fucked-upness of the Reaper's Game ever gets a chance to settle in.
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2) I didn't have high expectations for pin utilization or brands. I love how they've blended the pin symbols and the use of them onto the screen as Neku activates his psychs (occasionally).
However, my big complaint is there's really no explanation of what they are or how they're activated or even the fact that Shiki couldn't use them (although I do love how the animation shows her fighting with Mr. Mew <3). This isn't a problem per se, especially as it's a major game mechanic thing, but I would have loved to see some time dedicated to it. It's just such a big part of the game. Looking at the pin 777 gives Shiki he says it'll become useful/valuable depending on the future. So, maybe we'll see further development. Please please please have some Tin Pin Slam!!
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3) As a direct result of 1 - this scene just didn't feel as !!! shocking to me. That being said, I still thought they did a great job with the visuals here. It was... okay. But again, I'm willing to admit that playing this scenario vs watching it is probably a huge factor.
4) I don't know how to say this, or at least put it eloquently, but I think the Animation really fell flat in the first episode. My Rule Of Anime is if it doesn't catch me in four episodes, consider dropping it. As an outsider, I don't know how I'd react to episode one, but as an insider while I loved seeing something I love and am passionate about brought to life it just didn't hit right in so many ways. The characters were flat, the pace felt rushed, and while I care about the characters, I worry what I would think of them if I didn't have prior knowledge. Like Shiki looking at her phone. When that moment hit - when the game explained WHY - every time she was caught looking at her phone just hit me. Then, in future play throughs, I noticed it so much more. So, I worry a little bit.
Overall, I am a little diappointed - my hopes were waaaaaay too high - but I'm excited to see what comes next. As I've said, I'm hoping they're pushing through this to go more in depth later. If they don't develop the relationship between Shiki and Neku I just don't see the [Major Event] that happens in the future hitting hard emotionally. It feels like the story beats of the game are getting skipped over and I think it's the future detriment of the series. But! I'm getting ahead of myself. This is episode one! Lots to come.
I loved how the episode ended, sprinkling in bits of lore. I am excited.
Also, Minamimoto and Hanekoma are FINE AND DAMN, THEY LOOK AMAZING (tho Minamimoto looks... much younger than in game, he's still A++ he can SOHCAHTOA me anytime whew).
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And done! Thanks for sticking around <3 Let's all cry about this and the new Neo trailer together!!
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loulougoingsolo · 5 years
To kill or not to kill
I actually wrote a thorough essay on today's GMM a couple of hours ago, only to find out just now that it never posted. Instead, my philosophical conversation about ethical conundrums got sent to the hyperspace. Maybe I should take the hint? Nah, I'll just rewrite the whole thing - only I promise this is the shortened version.
Rhett and Link are joined today by Rainn Wilson, to try to figure out how the Mythical Beasts would act in an ethically conflicted situation. Although these dilemmas are lnly hypothetical, making the wrong choice can lead to a very real punishment in form of a nasty milkshake.
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1. You are forced to learn either how and when you die, or how and when your loved one dies. You can't share the information with anyone. Which would you choose?
For me, the answer is, I'd rather know the time of death of a loved one, and here's why: If I found out exactly when/how I was going to die, I would get extremely depressed, and probably life the rest of my days in isolation, feeling sorry for myself. If instead, I knew when a loved one was to die, I could instead be there for them, and spend my time with them as much as possible. I also handle surprises very poorly, so instead of a complete crash at the time of an unexpected death, I could slowly learn to accept the inevitable, and maybe have the strength to live after the event. So, I get the salty shake in this round, with Link, who for reasons unknown, agrees with me.
2. If you could press a button to cure the human race of all illnesses and diseases, but at the same time, you'd stop all future technical advancements from happening. Would you press the button?
There are 7 billion people on this planet, and it's getting pretty crowded. Diseases are one of the few ways nature can limit the exponential population growth. If we were to suddenly be cured of every disease there is, it would have disastrous effects. Without the ability to save the limited resources on our planet through technological advancements, we'd run out of food, out of energy, and out of space. Technology does so much more than just provide us fancy new phones. It finds new, more efficient ways to produce food, to build sustainable housing, to harness solar energy. So yeah, I would not press the button, and I'll join Link in drinking the spicy shake.
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3. The third dilemma is if I'd rather save the cure for cancer, or my friend, from sinking in quicksand.
I honestly can't decide which way to go. I still think that there are far too many people on this planet, and I also have very few friends, so I'd probably save my friend. Also, cancer rarely kills anyone instantly, and saving my friend doesn't, in this case, mean new cures could never be found. Besides, just the fact that there is s cure, doesn't mean it is ever going to be available everywhere, and people will probably still die of cancer despite the cure. I mean, there are numerous diseases that could be cured if only goverments and pharmaceutical companies had the will to do it regardless of how poor the sick people are. It isn't as simple as it sounds.
4. If I had the chance to go back in time to kill baby Hitler, would I do it?
The thing is, I believe that no one is born evil. A baby is a baby, and only circumstances, upbringing and other environmental factors turn a child into an adult monster. Hitler was, undoubtedly, a monster who was responsible for genocide. However, the thought of going after an innocent child for possible future crimes is against my moral compass. Instead of killing, I'd rather try to fix the things that made him a monster. I want to believe killing is never the answer.
And since I know the gut reaction of many people is to say I'm wrong in writing what I just did, here's another reason for why I believe killing baby Hitler probably wouldn't solve anything: It's now been 70 years of when Hitler was alive and chose to use his power to kill innocent people. We should know better by now, than to let history repeat itself, and yet, we still have prejudice, hate and fear in our world, and with the way the humankind is, sadly, I'd say Hitler wasn't an isolated case. Instead of saying we'd chance the past if we could, how about making sure similar things won't happen in the future?
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Okay, this post is actually half the length of the original post, and also a lot less eloquent. Instead of commenting much about GMMore, I recommend you go watch a video about spitting llamas, and also, whoever was the person who made the amazing voicemail, you are brilliant, and just for actually impressing Rhett with your call, you earn a place in the hall of fame. That is going to be so tough to beat, I am in awe.
And now, remember:
Do no harm.
It'll get us a long way.
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Junior & Nancy
Gay nerds
Junior: Nance, how on earth are you tackling this art project? To say I'm discombobulated is an understatement that isn't getting me an A any time soon! Nancy: 😕 sums it up in a way. Obviously I can fall back on the twin thing but is that too safe? 😩 But we couldn't be more different Junior: 😖 Like, I love how vague and open to our own interpretation it is...but also I fucking hate how vague and open to our own interpretation it is! 😢😂 No one would blame you; least of all me, 'cos I was tempted- being the sore thumb I am when counting our ten- and I've not even got the twin angle everyone is so about in all areas of art tbh Junior: If nothing else, Buster is a willing participant in a photo op always? Junior: Ooh, you could get something matchy match from your childhood photos (I know they exist) and splice it with portraits of you now...Think that elevates it Nancy: You've put your finger on it. Nancy: But I don't think you're so right about the lack of blame 🤔 even with the boy/girl straight/gay redhead/brunette angle it still feels ??? Nancy: Basic 😒 Junior: I get you Junior: Meant to become the next Magritte in just 4 weeks, like !!! Junior: Well, I've heard at least 4 girls from class saying they're going to do a heavily made-up portrait next to a #nofilter #naturalbeauty one so Junior: We'll do better than that by default but I'd like to come up with something vaguely original still Junior: Miss' sanity relies on us lowkey, no pressure 😷😜 Nancy: I had that passing thought let it go though 😜 Nancy: You could text her Nancy: 😕 yes pressure Nancy: What to do? Junior: I like to keep it in professional hours Junior: for her sake, she gets a bit amorous when she's had a glass o vino after work Nancy: 😮 she does? Nancy: can I bribe my way to top of the class by raiding the cellar Junior: That was my second suggestion 😏 Junior: Take one for the team please 🙏 Nancy: but she's straight STRAIGHT Nancy: couldn't be enough Nancy: back to the mindmap Junior: Damn straights 😒 Junior: if all else fails, we can put this grade next to our last Junior: break the fourth wall, v meta Nancy: our school gets the one bohemian who is Nancy: put her next to the sterotypical art teacher Junior: did you mean my mother? 🤔 Junior: her, the engineer, hilarious 😂 Junior: Mum'd be up for it, you may borrow her Nancy: I might yet Nancy: when's this due again? Junior: we've still got 3 weeks, don't worry Junior: just trying to get it over and done with here Nancy: I should Nancy: The Tempest essay is due soon Junior: Don't remind me, even the gayness can't make it enjoyable, like many a teen show 🤷 Junior: Could combine? Somehow? Umm Junior: The supernatural characters and the humans...why yes, I am clutching at straws Junior: This term is killing me Nancy: If I'd get away with handing in some shots instead of an essay I would Nancy: not happening Nancy: 😩 Nancy: What ideas have you had? For the juxtaposition...forget the tempest Nancy: burn that Junior: If only, 1000 words=1 photograph, no contest really Junior: again, if only Will had 💀 Junior: The idea I can't get out of my head, even though it has been done to death so is BEYOND basic, is mashing up a classical art piece with something modern and pop culture...to say something about me (eww!) Junior: Tbf, they usually use Renaissance or very very famous art pieces so I could win points by using some relevant surrealism/ going beyond calling Mona Lisa #flawless Junior: Its all I've got Nancy: I think it's good Nancy: Let's both run with overused concepts and make them not basic in our way Nancy: act like we planned it Nancy: nobody has to know we had no other ideas Junior: Absolutely 😎 Junior: Total confidence is key, comes so natural to the both of us, like Junior: I think worrying about being 'original' is the true hack thing to do here anyway 💅 Nancy joined the chat 13 hours ago Nancy: 😖 yes Nancy: stealing that all Nancy: now if you could keep it going and give me some thoughts on shakespeare to plagiarize 😜 Junior: If I could, I would but even SparkNotes isn't helping me Junior: shall we peruse the best film/stage adaptations? maybe tomorrow night if you're free Nancy: I've seen the 2010 version a few times for obvious reasons Nancy: but yeah the others not so much Nancy: we need to do something that isn't me asking my mum for help Junior: Oh, babe 😂 that's the real tragedy here, you doing that to yourself Junior: maybe I'll borrow her and she can do mine for me Junior: still down for a movie night obviously Nancy: 🙉 Nancy: Lead female character Nancy: Shakespeare should've Nancy: Please do take her Nancy: mum swap 😂 Junior: As much as Bill LOVED any excuse for a drag show darling... stick with the evil queens and witches 😘 Junior: Let's do this, full family swap! Let them drive you insane for a bit whilst I live the life 😬 Nancy: Switch that around both my parents are so type A Nancy: Plus you've got all the brothers and sisters to dodge behind Nancy: Buster takes more heat off than most but he's still just one boy Junior: well, mine would refuse to be bound to a type, just as annoying I promise Junior: Its true I can mostly fade into obscurity with all their shenanigans, yet it still somehow isn't the case, just 12 nosy people in your business instead of the usual 2, with a disinterested brother flexing off in the background Nancy: 🙈 Nancy: I'm not having kids Nancy: Don't care if the future wife is frantic Junior: It is an issue that divides all of us tbh Junior: I don't think I'd mind one, to put all my efforts into Junior: but unlikely Junior: unless I co-parent from the sidelines with your wife Nancy: weirder scenarios have come about Nancy: I'd prefer a kitten Junior: steal one when you come over Junior: Ma'd probably notice but really, do we need so many? Nancy: Gran's such a dog person can I get through the door Junior: True, true Junior: Always living on such extremes this fam Junior: I don't know 😏 Nancy: look at me and my brother ultimate homo and hetero Nancy: embarrassing Junior: 😂 Junior: I'd love to suggest he doth protest too much but lbr Nancy: dad's never been prouder 😂 no teen pregnancies for his little girl Nancy: shakespeare would write that Junior: Who are we putting our money on to go first Nancy: that's harder than it sounds Junior: Rio is obvious choice but I sometimes think Grace might go insane and come along and take the claim Junior: *Shudders* Nancy: change the subject I beg you Nancy: I'd rather hear about your attempts to avoid your secret admirer who's a girl and hopelessly 💘 Junior: well, I would rather pretend that was not a thing 😬 Junior: as your brother once eloquently put it, when he was very pissed, 'i could clean up and get untold amounts of pussy' Junior: and that's that on that Junior: considering getting a face transplant 'cos my off-putting demeanour is not doing enough 😒 what problems to have, eh? the privilege of it all! 😂 Nancy: maybe we should go under together Nancy: moral support and potential discount Nancy: if I get told I don't look gay one more time I'm returning my badge Junior: well, where is your crewcut and tank top, like? 🤔 Junior: out here confusing the masses like that, idk Nancy: 🙉 Nancy: Not an identical twin playing tricks either how dare I Junior: why can't you just get in your box and like it, god damn it Nance! Nancy: unrelated except about boxes but should I get some new kit for this project or am I just stalling Nancy: a memoir Junior: any excuse 😜 Junior: but yes, do it Junior: i'm using it as excuse to go 'round all the best art galleries in town again so Nancy: Can I tag along Nancy: they're so quiet it's everything Junior: Naturally Junior: We're art students, we've gotta act like it, I'll keep the pretentious commentary to a minimum if you keep the equally as pretentious 'grams down too 😘 Nancy: I'll try Nancy: The feed wants what it wants though Junior: Can't argue, just leave the real money outta the shot Junior: Gotta leave my fangirls wanting more, like 😂 Nancy: That I will promise Nancy: Not trying to be mobbed by straight girls Junior: You mean you resist the lesbian stereotype of LOVING that too?! Nancy: Somehow it's managed Junior: no mean feat, one of the few gays in the village Nancy: Don't clap it's too loud 😂 Junior: *Finger clicks like this a slam poetry night* Nancy: Thank you Nancy: [sends a selection of childhood pictures] how early years can I go before everyone's rolling their eyes Nancy: Thank you too mum for these. Why did you do this to us? 🙈 Junior: Awww what 👼 Junior: This is how I like to remember Buster, before it all went wrong... 😉 Nancy: 👶🥕 Nancy: The glory days Junior: Weren't they just? Junior: At least you didn't have an extra older sister to dress you up, that's worse...the photos I could bring out, good lord 🙄 Nancy: 😜 And I wasn't that sister. You've welcome Buster Nancy: 🍀 Junior: *Whispers* Can we agree he needs SOMEONE to give him a makeover tho Nancy: I volunteer you as tribute Nancy: I've tried Junior: Maybe next family gathering Junior: if he shows Nancy: Bide your time Nancy: birthday present failsafe idea Junior: the amount of birthday celebrations in this fam is unholy Junior: We have a better social life than I would ever wish for, ugh Nancy: don't make me think about it Nancy: I'm sharing and it's made no difference Junior: wouldn't want you to miss out on all that good good attention we all crave 😂 Nancy: 🙈 Junior: Speaking of attention, have you heard the latest gossip that has piqued our peers? Nancy: You tell me Nancy: I can't think of anything off the top of my head Junior: Mark Colm Junior: a massive gay? Junior: I can't make up my mind if they're just hysterical and he's just a bit camp Junior: or there's something in it Nancy: He's one of us Nancy: Definitely crushing on the headboy I've seen him looking Junior: Isn't everyone? Junior: Even the teachers, complete popularity contest got him that position Junior: Interesting, though... Nancy: Besides me in my minority of one Nancy: And Sian would never Junior: Sian Gaffney? She's never gay! Thought you didn't do straight girls, you're reaching there Nancy: 🙉 not her she's dating the oldest Keenan lad Jake? Blake? idk Nancy: She'd love to ride half our class anyway Junior: Ohh you mean Mrs Kelly, duh Junior: yeah she's one of the only decent teachers about, doesn't seem like she goes in for all that popularity politics Nancy: No she doesn't Junior: Seems like a good place to while away a lunchtime Nancy: don't tell everyone how fun it is there'll all wanna join me Nancy: not ready to say goodbye to my happy place Junior: I think your secret is safe from the masses, even if I suddenly got uncharacteristically chatty Junior: Even the ones that don't take the piss and are relatively decent human beings Junior: still rather go get a nandos or whatever it is they do Nancy: Yeah I'm an open book if anyone asks 😂 Nancy: I'll stick with the one stereotype I'm okay with embracing, my eager vegetarianism Nancy: No offence lads Junior: Its all kale and charitable acts with this one Junior: No ulterior motives at all 😏 Nancy: just a rich girl with more wealth than she can give away 😜 Nancy: nothing else to see here Junior: mhmm okay 👌 Junior: we'll pretend I don't know you better than that Nancy: Hey you don't know everything Junior: True Junior: are you in the mood for telling? Junior: 🤔 Nancy: Sometimes Nancy: Can't put it all in my art Junior: not if you don't want Miss to think you're trying to tell her something Junior: flattered but straight, like Nancy: She's not the one Nancy: She'll be flattered to hear Junior: Indeed Nancy: When there is someone it'd be nice to talk about it Nancy: Sometimes like I said Junior: Well, you know where I am Junior: When there is someone Nancy: But I wouldn't know where to start Nancy: I can't put words to it ?? Not the right ones Junior: That's not just you Junior: If I'm to understand all the songs and poetry professing they too have no words Junior: Can but try 🙂 Nancy: Helpful Nancy: What about you? Headboys to one side. Any crushes? Junior: No, no Junior: No point, is there Nancy: Doesn't mean there's a way to stop yourself Nancy: Wish I could just No at myself Junior: I don't know, I don't find it too hard Junior: but you're out so its different Junior: I wouldn't want to go out with anyone...even if Mark is a gay Junior: what would he want with me Nancy: You're a catch Nancy: Out or not he'd be punching above his weight to have you Junior: I don't think there's any point being with someone if you can't be open with it Junior: Being a dirty little secret isn't going to feel good for either party Nancy: For some people it feels worth it Nancy: Just to be with, or around them Junior: Perhaps Junior: Safe to say I don't feel that deeply for any lad here so yeah Junior: keeping on my shelf for now, like Nancy: There's a junxtaposition, us on our respective ledges Nancy: I can't remember what being happily single is like Nancy: Another lesbian stereotype for the list Junior: Don't, how depressing 😂 Junior: I am not about that angsty teen art life Junior: How do we get you a lady? Junior: Do we have to hit the clubs? Nancy: 🙈 Nancy: No no no Nancy: Give that up for a bad job and worse idea Nancy: I'm too picky Junior: You're speaking to me Junior: vowed a celibate here Junior: we can do this for you Nancy: We can't Nancy: Leave me in my rut Junior: Fine fine 😋 Nancy: I'll be in my dark room angsting 😂 Junior: Noted Junior: I'll drag you out for museums and Tempest film marathon tomorrow, yeah? Junior: 'Til then madame Nancy: Looking forward to it Nancy: Stay inspired 💚 Junior: Stay golden 💛
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