phati-sari · 7 years
Dearest Sister, Thank you for your critique of my work. Indeed, I do have a preference for dark tales with aggressive heroes. We write what we wish to read. But I recognize it is not for everyone. Now five years after KHUSHI, there is much that I would change. I am (hopefully) a less-clumsy plotter and a more-seasoned writer now. But I stand by it as it launched my writing career, and introduced me to a Sisterhood whom I cherish. Sincerely, Maya PS You may enjoy MRS RAIZADA, a more recent work.
Hi @mayahmaya :)
Absolutely, just as my stories aren’t for everyone! There are many people who love and admire and enjoy everything you write … and it cannot be denied that you have flair :) I binged KHUSHI when I first found it; it is an excellent piece to have started with (remind me to talk one day about how cringe-worthy I now find Forgive Her Anything lol).
Since you have contacted me I feel it is only fair that I address my critique in that post. It was not aimed at you as an individual but at the story, but I know that the lines blur. There are things I would phrase differently, points I would flesh out more, sentences I would make less … combative … if I could go back. But as you have indicated, we all grow and learn as people and I know that I would answer the question in a more restrained manner were it to be posed today. However, it does not excuse any hurt that you may have felt, and for that, I apologize unreservedly. I endeavour to do better in the future.
I wish you well with Mrs Raizada, I read the first (three?) chapter(s) when you published it as part of the anniversary special. I’m sure it has shaped up into a wonderful tale.
For those of you who are interested, Maya has recently launched JalebiJane. Go forth and follow!!
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