#may have to do a rewrite before i continue with the final movie
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konuxkii · 9 months ago
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A/N ; This is just a repost from my former account- I wanted to post something Haikyuu related since the release of the 'Dumpster Battle' movie and why not start with my favorite boy? This is also technically my first real post on this account so woohoo! Warnings : none other than Kuroo being a teasing bastard. Gender Neutral reader/y/n. Just fluff- Also this isn’t proofread because I happen to never proofread my shit so I apologize for any mistakes.
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+ If you were the type of person to get embarrassed by what Kuroo considers 'cute things you do' he's never letting that situation/what happened go. Maybe he'll stop bringing it up and you're relieved that maybe he finally forgot and let it go- wrong. He remembers a lot of things especially about you silly + He’s just laughing it off whenever you start yelling at him. telling him not to talk about it and shut up or just your reactions in general whenever he brings up the “embarrassing situation” always makes him laugh. + Seriously, he's never letting it go. It'll be at a random time, random day, you two silently enjoying each others company or when you two are hanging out (with or without people around) and he'll just : "Hey y/n remember when you-" "NO. I don't- LET IT GO ALREADY" + He’d also try to tell other people about it like- “Oh yeah did I tell you? Y/n did the most hilarious thing yesterday! So they-” and you instantly drag him away or interrupt him by bringing up a new subject. And he’s just looking down at you snickering with that smug smile of his- + Aside from the topic of him loving to tease and embarrass you. Kuroo strikes me as the guy to LOVE physical affection and words of affirmation. He's constantly touching you or saying sweet things to you no matter what. When he's with you at school? Or really just anywhere in public. He's holding your hand or his hand rests on your waist/top of your head, or he's leaning down and resting his head on top of yours. He'd give you kisses on the forehead, hand, lips, cheek, anywhere and anytime. He does not care about PDA !! To an extent- + This also includes when you two are also just casually talking, you two are conversing about something dumb you did and he'll just sigh and shake his head with a smile before poking your forehead or cheek, or maybe pulling on your cheek while making fun of you for what you did. He just likes to poke at your face a lot during conversations actually. + He doesn't try to hide the fact he has a massive crush on you. He's constantly waiting outside your class right as it ends, leaning against the doorframe and looking at you with a smirk. He's not shy about the fact that he'll shamelessly send you winks from afar. Whether it's in class or cafeteria. If you pass by him in the hallway he'll look down at you with that smug smile and in that short period of time and greet you with a "Hey pretty/handsome" and then continue walking like it was nothing. + SOMETIMES a lot of times actually. You'll fluster him though without even realizing it. This is a common occurrence when you're staring at him, he'll blink at you for a moment, taking in your appearance..the way you looked at him, the way your eyes look, the way you slowly blink at him, the way- he'd stop is thoughts there before glancing away, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks before saying something about your staring to tease you.
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Thank you for reading !!! I would’ve wrote more for the people who don't really get embarrassed (I envy you) or just more in general but tumblr kept crashing and I had to rewrite this like five times so- NO. I also ran out of ideas.. Anyways I'm accepting requests !! I write for JJK, CSM, HAIKYUU, TOKYO REV, and more !! No NSFW. Though I may be very late to requests so I apologize in advance...Have a lovely day / afternoon / night loves ♥
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Eddie's Girl
Ship(s): Eddie Munson x fem!reader, Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Steve finds himself pining over the one girl he can't have, and he has no idea how to handle it. It's a good thing you notice before Eddie does, and, by God, is Steve's timing perfect.
Word Count: 9,330 words
Warnings: suggestive content (18+), jealous!Steve, Eddie slander, reader kind of cheats (emotionally?), pining and glum Steve, Steve's a little mean-spirited, reader wears a bikini, swearing, Stancy mention, everyone is a bitch to everyone, Eddie's an asshole, therapist Steve, insecure Eddie, talk of addiction, time skip
18+ Warnings: description of moaning, whimpering, veiled allusion to sex from another room, Steve & Dustin overhear
Note: Inspired by Rick Springfield's "Jessie's Girl". Set two years post-s4. (It didn't quite go in the direction I wanted it to, so I might rewrite this at some point. Or make an alternate version at least.)
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
May 15, 1986
Steve had seen plenty of beautiful women in his life. Pretty faces, pretty bodies, pretty eyes, he'd seen it all. But the woman currently browsing his organized shelves was, without a doubt, the most beautiful he had ever seen.
He couldn't exactly pin down what it was about you—maybe the way you were standing, or the way you cocked your head to the left while you read the titles, or even the way your hair was falling—but you were the most beautiful creature he had ever set eyes on.
You had been in the store multiple times recently; this was probably your fourth appearance this week. Steve gawked at you while you chose a movie every time, and he stuttered when he checked it out for you every time, and he blushed every time you met his gaze. He knew it, but he knew it was useless to try and cover it up. He'd just become more obvious if he tried to hide how in awe of you he was.
Robin hadn't been in the store the first few times you had been here, but she glanced over at you today, seeing where Steve's gaze had fallen.
"That's the girl?" she whispered, the color draining from her face.
Steve nodded. "She's gorgeous, isn't she?"
"Steve, you do not want to go after that one, I promise," Robin hissed frantically under her breath.
He frowned. "Why?"
Before Robin could answer, there was a screech from outside of the store. Their heads whipped toward the sound, seeing Eddie's van outside, Eddie himself hopping out and strolling into the store with his hands in his front jean pockets.
"Hey, Harrington!" Eddie said. Where he would normally lean on the counter to be a nuisance, he sauntered over to where you were standing.
"Hi, Eddie," Robin said, when Steve's usual reply didn't come, his eyes instead narrowed as he watched Eddie approach you. She opened her mouth and shut it quickly, knowing there was no way to soften the fall Steve was about to take.
Eddie looped his arms around your waist. You squeaked in surprised, but you were already smiling when you turned in his arms. "Eddie!"
He grinned at you. "Hiya, princess." He bent down, kissing you softly. You indulged in the kiss for a minute before pushing him away.
"Not now, Eds, we're in public," you said, voice shy and cheeks burning with embarrassment. You glanced in Steve's direction, concern flickering over your face when you caught sight of him.
Robin quickly spun Steve around so that you couldn't see his face. She took in his slightly dropped jaw, the shock in his eyes, the tiny tremble in his lower lip. "That's why," she said softly.
Steve cleared his throat with some difficulty. "Yeah," he said, throat constricted. "I get it. That's why."
The usually lighthearted night laying on Steve's bed had turned sullen. In fact, it hadn't started lighthearted at all. When Robin finally got to Steve's house after spending the afternoon with Vickie, she found him awake yet unmoving on his bed, curled up on his side and staring at the wall.
"Steve?" she asked, setting her stuff down on the floor. "You alive over there?"
He gave a noncommittal hum of acknowledgement.
Robin sat down on the opposite side of his bed cautiously. He didn't move, and when it became clear he wasn't going to talk, she said, "Are you okay?"
Silence filled the next few seconds. Then Steve rolled onto his back. "No," he mumbled, looking the most despondent she had ever seen him. "It's not fair, Robs. How does Eddie "the Freak" Munson get a girlfriend before I do?"
Robin shrugged. "They've been together for a long time—before high school, before he became the social outcast."
Steve glared at her, but Robin knew it wasn't directed at her; Steve tended to glare at everything when he was upset about the girls he didn't successfully date. "And you know this how?"
"Because she's been my best friend for the past four years."
He pouted. "How come I've never seen her before now?"
Robin flopped down beside him. "She was in Eddie's original graduating class. She's been in college the past two years, and she didn't come back last summer—she was on an internship abroad. That's why Eddie's so clingy this summer. She's been complaining he hardly leaves her alone—"
Steve sat up. "She's complaining about him?"
A warning entered Robin's eyes. "Not like that, dingus. Don't you try anything. They're still happily in love."
Steve harrumphed. "I'm doomed, Robin."
She heaved a sympathetic sigh. "No, you're not, Steve. You're gonna find someone, it's just..."
"Just that everybody else found their someone first?" he groaned. "I just can't win, can I?"
Robin looked down at her hands, awkwardly playing with the bracelet Vickie had given her. She glanced over at Steve's glum face, feeling an echo of the pain he felt in her chest. He looked like she had when she found out Vickie was dating someone else, a year prior.
She patted Steve's shoulder. "It'll get better, I promise. Just look at me, right?"
Steve sighed. "Yeah, I guess so," he said, but Robin could tell he wasn't convinced.
Steve felt like the universe was against him. Of course the girl of his dreams was already taken, he wasn't surprised just looking at her. But by Eddie Munson? Now that made Steve want to scream into a pillow.
And it wasn't like Eddie had managed to score you with his winning charm, either. You'd been friends with him for so long, you'd dated him for so long—it was like he was the default option just because he was familiar.
Steve knew his thoughts weren't fair to either you or Eddie. He'd seen the two of you interact time and time again since the day his heart dropped to his feet, and he knew you were infatuated with Eddie. Even if Eddie was the familiar, default option in your love life, you had no problem with it. You looked at Eddie like he'd hung the moon and stars. Eddie looked at you no differently, and he was constantly holding you and touching you and Jesus Christ it made Steve sick.
Romance of all kinds was making Steve's stomach churn these days. Every time he saw Nancy and Jonathan, he felt so bitter and angry he had to put as much distance between himself and the happy couple as he could. It was just another reminder of the girl he'd lost.
Every time he saw Robin and Vickie, bittersweet tears welled up in his eyes. He was happy for Robin, of course he was, and he was incredibly proud of the fact he'd been right about Vickie all along. But, God, did it hurt to see his advice work for somebody other than himself.
The same went for Dustin and Suzie, every time Dustin got off the phone with her and came to Steve to gush about her. Steve usually loved hearing about it, but that didn't take away the sting when Dustin happily described in too-great length how Suzie had told him she loved him that day.
And when he saw you and Eddie... Oh, Steve just wanted to sob. There had been too many days when he had gone home and cried in the shower, all without meaning to and sometimes not noticing until he was unable to breathe from how fast the tears were coming.
July 10, 1988
Brutally hot July days had arrived at Hawkins, which meant Steve's pool had become a community pool for his friends. These days were Steve's favorite days—when he could have everybody near and see that they were all safe and happy and just fine, contrary to the nightmares that still plagued him.
The kids got there first—not that they were kids anymore, but Steve couldn't quite break out of that train of thought. They were four years younger than he was, after all.
Steve and Lucas helped Max into the chair Steve had installed into the pool for her, and Steve gave her his sunglasses to protect her already weak eyes.
Max shrieked as Dustin jumped in, dousing her in water. El slid into the water beside her while Will and Mike argued over which of Steve's deck chairs they wanted to sit in.
Slowly, the others began showing up—Nancy and Jonathan just seconds after the kids, evidently having been the ones to drive them, carrying fold-up chairs and a cooler. Robin and Vickie came with umbrellas and food about a half an hour later.
As time passed, the sun began to dip in the sky, but the heat was relentless. It was late in the afternoon when Dustin finally stopped splashing around long enough to ask, "Steve? Is Eddie coming?"
Steve glanced around his yard and then at his watch. "He was supposed to, after he got out of work."
Dustin made a face. "That was hours ago! Where is he?"
Steve shrugged. "I don't know, I'm your babysitter, not his."
Dustin scowled. "You are not my babysitter."
"Still feels like it," Steve muttered, rolling his eyes.
Dustin's response was to shriek and dunk Steve under without warning.
Laughter met Steve's ears when he surface, glaring at the grinning boy. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Henderson." He sent a tidal wave in Dustin's direction, relishing in the resulting fearful shriek.
"Aw, don't drown the little shrimp without me!"
"Eddie!" was a chorus that came from the kids. Steve glanced over his shoulder and found both you and Eddie walking toward the pool, Eddie already shedding his shirt to join them in the pool.
Steve's stomach dropped when he saw you, several thoughts processing simultaneously.
First, he had not technically invited you to this gathering, because he avoided speaking to you as much as possible, lest you detect his cursed crush on you.
Second, you were wearing a pretty (and skimpy) bikini with shorts and a see-through coverup over it.
Third, his formerly perfect hair was practically a wet mop on his head.
"Brought my girl along," Eddie said as he jumped into the pool. "Hope you don't mind."
Steve pushed his wet hair out of his face, shaking his head. "Nah, man, it's cool," he said, even though he could feel his skin warming even more, the pool no longer cooling down that persistent burn. You gave him a little, cheery wave, and the urge to hide in his room swept over him.
Robin greeted you with an enthusiastic hug. "I hope you like burgers! Or fruit, or salad, or chips, or fries, because we brought them all, so there's something you're gonna like—"
You laughed, the sound like music to Steve and Eddie's ears. "Of course, I do, Robs, how could you forget?"
"Must be the heat," she said, but Steve barely heard her, because you called Robin 'Robs' too!
Eddie clapped his hands together, tugging Steve's attention away from you. "Alright! Why are we drowning Henderson?"
"Because he tried to drown me!" Steve lunged at Dustin in the water. Dustin shrieked and swam away as fast as he could.
Eddie laughed. "Must've been a big wave to drown the captain of the Hawkins swim team," he teased, poking Steve in the shoulder. Steve swatted his hand away.
"He caught me off guard," Steve complained.
There was a soft splashing behind him. Both he and Eddie turned to see you sitting at the edge of the pool, your feet in the water. Eddie's face split into a wide grin and he swam over to you. Steve watched discreetly, trying to tamp down the fire in his belly, as Eddie put his hands on your knees and you leaned down to cup his face and kiss him.
"I love you, sweet girl," Eddie mumbled against your lips.
"I love you more," you whispered. "My lover boy." You smiled at him, pushing his hair out of his face.
The moment remained peaceful for a single second more, before Eddie abruptly pulled you into the pool. You shrieked, clinging to him while he laughed (Steve thought his laugh was a bit too obnoxious for your obvious panic at being yanked in).
"You are an ass," you complained, but there was no bite behind your words. You looped your arms around Eddie's neck and his grin widened, becoming sickeningly in love. Steve felt a twisting in his chest, painful as a knife. When your gaze darted over to him, he hoped his expression wasn't too revealing of his current hatred toward Eddie or his longing for you. "I'm sure Steve's never yanked any of his girlfriends into the pool without warning."
Before Steve could open his mouth, Nancy said, "No, but he has pushed me in before—while I was wearing clothes."
Steve blushed. Guilt bubbled up in his chest. "Nancy, I..."
"It's okay," she promised, "I don't hold it against you."
Your mouth had become an O. "Is that when you two were...?"
Nancy nodded, casting an awkward glance toward Steve, who refused to look anywhere near her. He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out a long breath.
"Awkward," he muttered and pulled himself out of the pool. He grabbed a towel on his way back toward his house.
Your voice sounded behind him, guilty and apologetic. "Steve, I didn't mean to—"
"No, no, it's fine," he called over his shoulder. "I'm just grabbing a drink."
Robin frowned, gesturing to the cooler full of ice and sodas. "We have drinks right here, Steve!"
"Not that kind, Robs," he said.
"Hey, grab me one, Harrington!" Eddie shouted. Steve gave him a thumbs up before shutting the sliding door behind him. He didn't let out his breath until he got into his kitchen and leaned over the kitchen sink.
"Get ahold of yourself," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut. He hated that it bothered him so much, that every time someone brought up his relationship with Nancy he practically shut down. He hadn't in a while, and he hated this time even more, because it was you who brought it up.
No wonder he hadn't had a real relationship since Nancy. Every girl knew about it, and every potential girlfriend brought it up, and it reduced him to this—unable to flirt with them, unable to talk to them, unable to forget the smell of Nancy's perfume or her hand in his or—
"Stop it," he hissed at himself, leaving the sink and yanking open the door to his fridge. He grabbed two beer cans, paused, and grabbed a third. He downed one right there, standing at his kitchen counter and glancing out the window to where you and Eddie were practically slow dancing in his pool. Eddie spun you and then his hands dipped below the water, visibly squeezing your ass. You yelped, blushing in his arms, and Eddie giggled at you.
And then his hand slipped around to your front. "Fuck," Steve said, ashamed of the whimper in his voice and glad no one was around to hear it.
The kids started to jeer, Dustin mimicking vomiting, and Eddie lifted one hand out of the water to flip them off. You, however, seemed relieved.
"Steve will kill you," Robin warned, glancing inside. Steve wondered if she saw him standing and watching from the open window. Eddie just laughed off her warning. "I'm serious, Eddie, not in his pool, not in his house."
"I'm sure the maid will clean the sheets," Eddie said, winking at you.
Shocked and bashful in the face of all these people, you pushed away from him. Steve could see your mortification, your unease with the whole situation. "Eddie, stop," you said. "Robin's right. Don't piss him off just because you're jealous of him."
Silence fell from the others. Eddie's face twisted into an ugly, angry expression. "I'm not jealous of Steve fucking Harrington."
You scoffed, climbing out of the pool the same way Steve had. "Yeah, right." You glared at him. "Then tell me why you've gotta one-up him all the time, yeah?"
"I do not—" But you were already walking away, so Eddie turned his glare on Robin. "Now look what you've done!"
"What I've done?!" Robin echoed, incredulous. "This is on you, Munson!"
You snatched up your towel from one of the lounge chairs. "You started this, Eddie," you snapped. "What did you think was going to happen? I was gonna let you—"
Nancy cleared her throat. "There are children present," she said from behind her hand. She glanced at Jonathan, who shook his head slowly, a clear don't get involved.
You shook your head at him, at a loss for words. You turned your back on him and the others and started for the house.
Eddie scoffed. "Oh, yeah, just walk away from me. Why don't you go cry to Steve, huh? Go fuck your other boyfriend!"
You flipped him off over your shoulder and slammed the door behind you. You stopped in the kitchen, leaning against the wall and pushing your hands against your eyes. Steve heard a muffled cry fall from your lips.
"Are...you okay?" he asked. You jumped, looking up at him. "Sorry, stupid question, I know. I can...leave you alone, if you want, I just...wanna make sure you're okay."
You sighed, wiping your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "I take it you heard everything?"
"Yeah, I think so," he said. "Um...I didn't know that he..."
You shrugged. "You're his biggest insecurity and I keep telling him he has no reason to be so damn jealous, but he just...always has been."
Steve raked a hand through his slowly drying hair. "Yeah, that might've been because I was a bit of a dick to him in high school?"
"Might've?" you questioned with a scoff. "Steve, you were the unkind bastard who made him the butt of every joke the moment you stepped in the high school, and Tommy was your reinforcer. It only got worse after you left."
Steve wanted to crawl into himself and disappear. "I...I know, and I'm really sorry about everything, I really wish I could just take it all back, but..."
"No," you said. "Stop apologizing, Steve. I know you're not like that anymore. Believe me, I know, Robin told me everything. It's just that Eddie... He doesn't exactly let go of things easily. So no matter how many times I tell him he's enough as he is, he sees you and his vision goes green with envy."
"I'm sorry," Steve whispered.
You shook your head. "It's not your failing." You huffed a sigh. "I would just hope that after six, nearly seven goddamn years with him, he'd finally get a grip and realize I...I want to be with him. I want to always be with him." You laughed, but there was no humor in it. "You know, when I first met him, I knew I wanted to be his best friend. And then when we finally started dating, I knew I wanted to marry him. Less than a month in and I knew that's what I wanted and now—" You stopped, your eyes growing watery. "Now I'm not so sure."
Steve winced. "Yeah, I know that feeling," he said, glancing back outside. The tension was palpable. "Are you two...gonna be okay? I don't want to be the cause of..."
"If things keep going sour between Eddie and I, it's not your fault," you promised him. "It's just Eddie not being able to grow up and move on from...from petty high school drama."
"Don't you worry, Dustin'll set him straight," Steve said. "He did for me, at least."
You dragged a hand through your wet hair, mirroring Steve's earlier action. "Yeah, but Dustin's a hell of a lot closer to you than he is to Eddie. You're...you're like Dustin's big brother. And I've seen the two of you together, I know you'd do anything for each other. Eddie, though? Not so much. He's...he's more of a mentor than family. And he doesn't take well to people telling him what to do."
You leaned on the countertop and put your head in your hands, letting out a long breath.
"Can I...get you anything?" Steve asked.
You glanced over at his fridge. "Got any wine coolers?"
"Uh...I've got sangria? My mom loves the stuff."
"That'll do."
Steve passed you a bottle. You took a long swig.
"Look at us," you muttered. "We should start a club. We just need a shorter name for 'people who have found the love of their lives and lost them.'"
Guilt tore through Steve's gut. "Hey, you'll talk him around. If you've been together seven years and made it this far, surely you can patch up a fight over little old me, right?"
"Nothing about you is little," you said. Awkward silence fell as Steve tried not to take that the wrong way. "Oh, God, I'm sorry, that sounds so wrong." You groaned. "I get mad at Eddie for being dirty, and now I'm—"
"Hey, no, there's a difference. Eddie was being dirty on purpose, you weren't. It just...came out wrong," Steve added with a laugh.
You rubbed your hand over your face and joined him at the window, looking out. Your gaze soured the moment you saw Eddie sulking with a soda in hand.
"I'm... I don't wanna go back out there," you said, voice hushed. "I don't want to have to try and pretend everything's normal when it's not. Not when I just wanna punch him and I feel like it's all ending and gonna come crashing down any second."
"You'll patch things up," Steve insisted, simultaneously proud of himself for putting you and Eddie first, and so very annoyed he couldn't be selfish just this once.
People are not something to be selfish about, he reminded himself.
"Not if I go back out there right now," you said. "I'll just make things worse if I try talking to him when we're both so angry." You bit your lip. "Will you...will you tell him I'm going home to cool down? That I'll talk to him later?"
"I'll tell him," Steve promised. "You could stay here, if you wanted, so you can talk later? I've got a guest room set up if you wanna hang out there for a little bit—"
You shook your head. "I'm pretty sure it'll just piss him off more. He'll see it as me taking comfort in you and...and...and cheating on him, probably. He's...dramatic that way."
Steve nodded. "Alright, fair point." He tried giving you a smile. "I'll see you soon, okay? Let me and Robin know how things go with him."
You nodded and wrapped the towel tighter around yourself. "I will. Thanks, Steve. For letting me talk."
He nodded. "Anytime." He watched you disappear around the corner and heard the front door open and close softly. He sighed, picking up the two beers and bringing them outside.
Eddie looked up. "Where is she?" he demanded.
"She went home," Steve said, handing him the beer to distract him. "She said she needed to cool down and that she'd talk to you when she's calm." In the face of Eddie's anger, he added, "She just doesn't want to make things worse right now, okay, man? Just let her be."
Eddie sneered at him. "Oh, she told you that, did she?"
"You can leave, too, y'know," Steve said, an edge to his voice. "She's trying to save your relationship, not make it worse. She doesn't want to lose you but God knows you don't deserve her, not when you treat her like this."
Eddie's entire body was twitching. "I don't deserve her? Who the fuck are you to tell me—"
"A concerned friend," Steve snapped. "Now get out."
The two boys glared at each other until Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Fuck this, man," he muttered, grabbing his things with far more force than necessary. He stormed out without a goodbye to the kids, who were watching on in awkward confusion.
After a few moments of silence, Dustin asked, "Steve...?"
"Yeah, Henderson?"
"What just happened?"
Steve hesitated. "They're just...fighting a little."
"Will they be okay?"
Steve glanced back toward his house, hearing Eddie's van start up on the other side. "I don't know."
Nobody heard from you or Eddie for several days.
Robin worried about you constantly, often pausing mid-action at work to wonder aloud what had happened to you. Steve was surprised it took her as long as it did to ask him what you had said to him in his kitchen, and he explained it to her as best as he could remember the conversation.
Dustin showed up randomly toward the end of one of Steve's shifts, the kind where Robin stayed to close and Steve went home as the sun set to either go on a terrible date or be bored out of his mind.
Steve sighed at the sound of his voice. "What do you want, Henderson?"
"Can I have a ride to Eddie's?"
Steve frowned. "What do you want with Munson?"
Dustin raised his brows. "Oh, he's Munson again, is he?"
Steve shrugged. "You heard how he talked to his girl. You saw how he was acting. He'll be Munson until he can prove he's not an asshole."
Dustin processed for a minute, then shrugged, accepting the explanation. "I left the papers for the campaign I'm planning his trailer, I need to go back for them."
"Really? That's what you want me to drive you for?"
Robin poked him in the side. "Hey—doesn't matter what he needs a ride for, you can go talk to Eddie. Find out what happened between those two."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Robin, he doesn't want me of all people there. I'm the reason they're fighting in the first place!"
Robin gave him a shove toward the door. "Go! It's the end of your shift anyway, you'll be fine."
Steve grumbled, but he scooped up his keys and headed for the door. "Alright, Henderson, let's go. But if I get yelled at by Munson for existing, you're backing me up, got it?"
"Thank you!" Dustin clasped his hands together, holding them over his chest in mock worship. "I'll make it up to you, I promise!"
"By backing me up," Steve insisted.
Dustin sighed. "Yeah, sure."
"Was that a sigh?" Steve asked, getting into his car.
"Oh, shut up." Dustin slammed the door of Steve's car shut. "Oh, Suzie called me this morning, too, she said she wants to come visit this summer and meet you guys."
Steve raised an eyebrow, more focused on backing out of his parking space than Dustin's words. "Oh, yeah? There's not much of summer left— Wait, she wants to meet us?"
Dustin nodded. "Well, yeah. I talk about you all the time."
"Who's us, exactly?"
"Oh, you know. Max, Lucas, Mike, El, Erica, Eddie, Robin...you," he added, suddenly shy. At Steve's side glance, he continued, "I talk about you guys all the time, you think she wouldn't want to meet you?"
"Aw, Dustin," Steve said, biting back a smile. "You sentimental dork."
"Says you!"
The rest of the car ride was spent listening to Dustin recount his latest conversation with Suzie, which he had somehow still not gotten to the end of by the time Steve pulled into the trailer park. He pulled up beside Eddie's trailer, his heart in his throat.
Your car was parked next to Eddie's van.
"Looks like they made up," Dustin said.
"Yeah, I guess so," Steve said.
Dustin glanced at him over his shoulder. "At least Eddie can't yell at you now, right?"
"I don't think them making up will stop him," Steve muttered. He cleared his throat. "Come on, let's make this quick."
Dustin practically skipped to the door and yanked it open, Steve trailing behind him, much more apprehensively. He narrowed his eyes when Dustin stopped dead, just feet inside the trailer, and turned around to face him.
"Yeah?" Steve stepped into the trailer, and Dustin no longer needed to explain his wariness. The smell of weed, sweat, and sex washed over Steve immediately. His eyes watered. "Oh, Jesus..."
They crept a little bit further down the short hallway leading to Eddie's bedroom. Seconds later, a woman's loud moan reached them, coupled with a man's loud, dirty, verbal encouragements.
Steve clapped his hands over Dustin's ears. "Oh my God."
Dustin was red, but he looked up at Steve with an exasperated expression regardless. "Like you're any better!" He looked back toward the door. "Now what?"
Steve glanced back at the door, trying not to imagine what you and Eddie were doing behind it. Your next gasp was loud and breathy, followed by Eddie's groan of, "You close, baby?"
"Yes, Eddie, oh, God—" You cut yourself off with an abrupt cry that tapered off into a whine.
Steve's ears were ringing. He felt his heart rip in his chest, like the very muscles of his heart had torn, spilling his blood with reckless abandon.
"We should go," Steve said, in answer to Dustin's question. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth.
"Too much, Eds, it's too much!" you whimpered behind the door. "Oh, God, Eddie, please—"
"I gotcha, baby, I gotcha," he crooned. Steve felt resentment bubble up inside him, almost too quick and too angry to tamp down.
"Go?" Dustin echoed.
Steve snorted. "What, you want to wait until they're done?" he demanded, trying to steer Dustin toward the door. Even without the lewdness of it all, he knew he needed to get out of the trailer as fast as possible. It was embarrassing, shameful, how quickly his disgust was overtaken by horny curiosity. He knew that, long after he left the trailer, he would still hear your moans and whimpers echoing in his ears.
He knew something was up when Dustin just stared at him, then turned back to the door.
"Dustin, no—"
Steve groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."
The trailer was awkwardly silent. Then Eddie said, in a low voice, "Did you hear that?"
"I think Dustin's in the trailer," you whispered. "Oh my God, Eddie, Dustin's in your trailer and we're—" You squeaked. "Eddie, Jesus Christ, now is not the time—" You whimpered again.
Steve knew his entire face was red. Probably his ears and neck, too. He felt like he was burning up, and he couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or shame or pure need.
"EDDIE!" Dustin shouted again.
"He doesn't give up, does he?" Eddie asked from behind the door. The two of you moaned in tandem and Steve felt his body flash with heat and cold. "Where'd my pants go?"
"On the floor where you threw them," you said. "Toss me my clothes, please."
Steve turned on his heel. "Alright, this is your problem now, I'm waiting in the car. If you're not back in...in ten minutes, I'm leaving without you!"
He left the trailer and shut the door behind him as quickly as he could. He got in his car and slammed the door shut, letting out a long breath. He slid down in his seat, practically melting into the pleather, and covered his face with his hands.
I'm never going to be able to look at her again, he realized. The sound of you falling apart for Eddie was going to be a track that played in his brain on a loop every single time you showed up to gatherings.
That is—if you or Eddie ever showed up again. It wouldn't surprise Steve if this had been the last straw for the both of you.
He wanted to curl up in on himself. He wanted to run to Robin and freak out. He wanted to know why he never wanted to hear anything like that again but also wanted to hear you for eternity.
I feel so goddamn gross.
Steve pressed his palms into his eyes with a groan.
At least the door was closed, right?
The passenger door opened. Dustin was clutching his D&D things to his chest, but he seemed more worried than relieved. "Uh, Steve—"
A hand shot through the open driver's side window. It wrapped around Steve's shirt collar and yanked him up from where he'd slunk in shame.
Steve made eye contact with a very angry Eddie.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Eddie demanded.
"Driving Dustin!"
"You were listening to me fuck my girlfriend, you perv? Yeah, my girlfriend, Harrington! Mine! You get off on this?" Eddie's gaze dipped into the car. Steve glanced down at the same time.
"Leave him alone, Eddie, he wasn't doing anything!" Dustin growled.
"What the hell, man?!" Steve snapped. "No! I only stopped by to drive Dustin to get his shit for your stupid game! You're the one fucking her nasty, even after Dustin made it obvious he was here!"
Eddie sneered. "Sure, man, say what you want. I know you just want to get your hands on her, after she came crying to you in your big, empty house. Bet you would've fucked her there in the kitchen, wouldn't you?"
"Eddie!" Dustin yelled.
The door to the trailer slammed open and you marched out, dressed and furious, your hair still a tangled mess and your skin blotchy with exertion.
"Edward fucking Munson, don't you dare touch him!" you ordered. "Sorry for my language, Dustin. Eddie! Away from the car!"
Eddie's anger had lifted, but only a little. "Baby, you can't seriously be sticking up for him, he was listening to us!"
You rolled your eyes at him. "Yeah, like your exhibitionist ass is gonna complain! Steve left, Eddie! He left us to do our thing and Dustin only stayed because he needed something from you. It's you who didn't stop when you knew they were here! And you're calling Steve the pervert?"
"Oh, you're gonna stick up for him now?" Eddie sneered.
"Damn right I am!" You glanced over at Dustin, your expression softening. Steve had never seen you so angry before. You were terrifying when you were pissed. "Dustin, get in the car and get out of here. I'll take care of this." You made eye contact with Steve, who nodded once.
As soon as Dustin was in the car, Steve peeled away from the trailer. Out of his rearview mirror, he saw you and Eddie start shouting again, before you flipped him off and went back in the trailer. When you came out again, just as Steve pulled out of Forest Hills, you had an armful of clothes and you got into your car and left.
"I'm sorry," Dustin whispered.
Steve did a double-take in his direction. "Sorry? What are you sorry for? I'm sorry! If I'd known the two of them were gonna be going at each other, I would never have let you go inside!"
"Yeah, but I made Eddie mad at you again."
"Dustin, listen to me very closely. This is not on you. Got it? This is Eddie being immature over a woman and being insecure of himself and taking it out on me." Steve raked a hand through his hair. "Listen, none of this has to...change how you view him—"
"Of course it does," Dustin interrupted. "He's my friend, sure, but you're my best friend, and he's treating you like shit for something you didn't do!" He shook his head. "I can't just...let it happen."
Steve sat in shock for a while. Maybe Robin was right; Eddie had never replaced Steve, not to Dustin. "Thanks, man," Steve said quietly. "I...I appreciate it."
Half-covered by his blankets, Steve laid on his stomach, head turned to the right, toward his nightstand. He'd cleared off most of its clutter, leaving behind only his radio, his lamp, his alarm clock, and a photo of him, Robin, Dustin, and Erica.
He reached past the photo to the dial knob of his radio. He switched through stations, listening for a few moments before turning the knob again.
"I've seen it before, it happens all the time—"
"Men of five, still alive through the raging glow—"
"Streetlights, people, living' just to find emotion—"
"Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one—"
"And if you say run, I'll run with you—"
"I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot—"
Steve groaned, shutting the radio off. He curled up in a ball under the covers. He hated that he felt as miserable as he did, unsure why he did, when he'd spent the entire car ride assuring Dustin they couldn't do anything to fix yours and Eddie's failing relationship.
"Because it's my fault," Steve muttered into his pillow. "It's my fault. If I'd never gotten to know them, then Eddie wouldn't be jealous of me." He rolled onto his back, his legs getting twisted in his blankets. "And I wouldn't have ruined her life."
Steve covered his face with his hands, groaning into them. "Fuck." He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting against tears. "How do I always screw this shit up?"
He laid in silence, staring at his ceiling, too hot with the blankets but too cold without them, so he settled for leaving them at his hips. He stared at his white, blank ceiling; at his horrible, plaid walls; at the boring wall art he left up only because his father insisted on it.
It was well-past midnight, but Steve's brain wouldn't shut off. He wished he could blame the red glow his alarm clock was casting around the room looking a little too much like the Upside Down, but it wasn't cutting it tonight. He saw right through his own excuses.
He sniffled and wiped at the tears gathering on his lashes. "Goddamnit, Harrington."
He was jolted out of his self-pity by a loud rapping at his window. He startled, whipping his head toward the window. His eyes widened at the sight of you waving at him through it.
"Hi, Steve," you said, your voice muffled by the glass.
Steve yanked his blankets up to his chest, drawing a giggle from you. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
"I need to talk to you," you said. "About earlier."
He flinched. "I'm sorry about that, I wish I'd never walked in on you guys."
"You didn't technically walk in on us," you said. "Besides, it's not like it matters anymore."
You looked away from him, clearing your throat. "Are you gonna open this window and let me in or what?"
"I—I can't!"
"Why not? It's cold and my fingers are going numb out here!"
"I'm—" Steve's body flashed with heat again, his cheeks practically burning. "I'm not wearing anything!"
You rolled your eyes. "Like that's ever stopped you before. Whatever happened to Mr. Confident? Mr. Suave? Mr. Sex?"
Steve huffed, staring back up at his ceiling. "Yeah, I haven't been like that for a long time. And after what happened with Eddie today, I don't think you seeing me naked is a good idea."
"Yeah, that doesn't really matter anymore. It's done. I broke it off."
Steve nearly cracked his neck looking back over at you. "What?"
"Open the window and I'll explain. That's why I'm here, Steve."
Steve glanced down at himself, then at the floor where his boxers and pants lay. "Close your eyes and let me get my pants on, okay?"
You nodded and shut your eyes, squeezing them tight so Steve could see. He pulled the blanket away from himself and yanked on his clothes, then pulled open the window. You yelped, momentarily losing your balance. Steve lunged, grabbing both your hands and helping you through the window without falling.
"Warn me next time you open the window, Stevie, Jesus." You clung to his forearms.
Steve walked backwards until his legs hit the bed. He sat, pulling you to sit next to him. "You broke up with Eddie? What happened?"
You sighed. "I...I'd had enough. Enough of him nitpicking you and being a dick when all he ever complained about was how you did the same thing to him and people he knew in high school. I'd had enough of the hypocrisy and the bitching and the fighting. No matter how many times I told him that he didn't need to be scared of you because I loved him to death, he just stayed angry and defensive and insecure. It...it starts to wear at your after a while, you know?"
Realization struck Steve. "This has been going on for a lot longer than we all thought, hasn't it?"
You nodded. "I...I didn't tell anyone, not even Robin. How could I? How selfish of me would it be to complain about a relationship I'd had for seven years not being enough anymore? Not when Robin can't even tell people who she loves because this town would kill her for it! Not when you were trying so damn hard to find love, and I was...ready to throw it all away. Not when most people would give anything, anything to be known and to be loved by someone the way...the way Eddie loved me."
"How long have you two been struggling?"
"About a year," you whispered. "Ever since...since he died and came back, he hasn't been the same."
"I mean, not many of us have," Steve said, but you were already shaking your head.
"It wasn't like that for Eddie. Sure, he had his nightmares and his flashbacks just like the rest of us, but... He changed. He's not the Eddie I remember. He— He got mean. Nasty. Started fights he couldn't finish, with me, with other guys at bars. He reminded me more of Billy than of himself." You looked down at your hands. "Eddie hasn't been the boy I fell in love with for a long time. He's gone and I don't know if he's ever coming back, but I can't wait around for him."
"What do you mean?"
"My sweet, gentle Eddie is gone. The Eddie that I know would come running back to me within an hour of me telling him to go fuck himself is gone. If he was still in there, he would have called me already. He would have showed up at my doorstep on his knees, begging me to come back, and—" Steve started to protest. "No, Steve, listen to me. I know he would have, because he did." You wiped at your eyes. "Back in high school, in our junior year. He, um, he fell into drugs, hard and fast. Got addicted to opioids."
"Jesus Christ," Steve whispered.
"Yeah," you said. "There was hell to pay when Wayne found out. He'd been doing Eddie's laundry, and there was— It was still in his pocket. It fell out. Wayne flipped out. I hadn't even known until Wayne sat the two of us down to yell at us about it, until he realized I was just as pissed and as clueless as he was." You brushed a tear off your cheekbone. "I broke up with him that night. He wouldn't give me any answers, he wouldn't tell me where he got the drugs, why he got into them. I... I compared him to his dad. Lowest blow I'd ever handed him. We were split for three hours before he was at my door and spilling his guts."
"How many hours has it been this time?" Steve asked, unsure if he wanted the answer.
"Six," you whispered. You choked on a sob, falling into Steve's shoulder.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry," he whispered. He wrapped his arm around you and took your hand in his almost unconsciously.
"It's over, and if he's not willing to make an effort, then I'm done," you said. "I've been done. I'd just...I'd hoped he'd pull himself together, but...he remained an asshole." You laughed bitterly. "I guess the 'I love you's kinda fall short when I stop meaning them. When I only say them in public or when he fucks me after we fight to try and make it seem like we're okay again."
You drew your legs up, curling into a ball similar to the one Steve had been in before your arrival. Steve laid his head atop yours, which seemed to put you at ease as you relaxed against him.
"You know, I stopped enjoying it. Sleeping with him, I mean. It started about a month ago. I think that's when I really knew it was over, when I started thinking I needed to find a way to break it to him gently. Obviously that didn't happen."
"Didn't seem like he gave you much of a choice," Steve said into your hair.
"He didn't," you whispered. You looked up at him, your expression knitting into nervousness. "And...this doesn't have to mean anything, but I...I feel like I owe it to you. That you deserve to know."
"Know what? About Eddie?"
You shook your head, hesitated, then nodded. "Sort of. It's just, um... Maybe he did have a reason to be scared of you."
Steve blinked. Did you mean...? "Um, you're gonna have to clarify, in case I'm having one of my moments, as Dustin calls them, and I'm interpreting this completely wrong."
"I know it...it sounds sketchy and I don't blame you if it bothers you, because I mean, Nancy kind of did the same thing with Jonathan and that was not a good start to his conversation, oh my God." You put your head in your hands.
Steve pried your hands away from your face. "No, no, no. Look at me, honey, please. Talk to me. It's okay. Take your time, it'll come out the right way eventually, right?"
You nodded slowly. "So... You remember how I said Eddie was insecure and intimidated by you because you were everything he wasn't?"
"He was always afraid I'd leave him for someone like you. Or just you, in general. He was afraid that one day I'd wake up and realize that I didn't have to date my best friend, that he wasn't my only option, that half the basketball team would sell out their families to sleep with me. There was a time when I got asked out every other day by a different boy on the team, and Eddie was so scared that one day I'd say yes. And then you... You became the basketball champion. Hawkins High adored you and you were this perfect golden child with rich parents and your choice of friends, girls, whatever you wanted.
"I'll be honest, I wanted nothing to do with you at first. The first two years I knew you, I knew you from basketball. And I didn't really know you, I knew of you. I couldn't have cared less about you then. And then I went to college for another two years, and you weren't anywhere. Those were...the golden years for me and Eddie, really. He was insecure of himself, sure, but not of our relationship.
"Then...then all that shit happened. I came back for break and Eddie was fucking accused of murder. Murdering my neighbor, no less, a girl I'd grown up with and who Eddie had an embarrassing middle school crush on. And I watched you protect him and everyone else without a care in the world for what happened to yourself. And...and maybe Eddie saw it, just a little, but he started to get worried again."
"Saw what?" Steve whispered.
"How in awe of you I was," you said. "How much I admired that you would do anything for these people because you loved them with your heart and soul. You were nothing like the Steve I remembered in high school and I liked this version better—I still like you better now than I ever did in high school. And...I guess the way you are with Dustin? It kind of reminds me of...of me and Chrissy. And I think that's where Eddie first started to realize he was in trouble in our relationship."
"He started to be afraid of me stealing you again?" Steve guessed.
You nodded. "He didn't really do anything before he died, he was...scared out of his mind. And I can't really blame him for that. But when he came back, all his fears got worse. It was like...everything heightened, I guess? And then he started acting like a dick and I fell out of love with him and—" You clapped a hand over your mouth. "Oh my God, I said it." You bit your lip. "I said it. Jesus Christ. Um. That was..."
"Take your time," Steve said. You leaned into him, sucking in a deep breath and fighting back your tears.
"I'm...I'm okay. Um. I, ah... I fell in love with someone else."
Steve's chest squeezed. "And Eddie automatically assumed it was me because he'd always been afraid of me?"
You nodded slowly. "Sort of. Add gasoline to the fire that I couldn't really fight him on it because he assumed correctly, and he knew me too well for me to hide it."
It felt like all the breath had been punched out of Steve's lungs. "He assumed correctly?"
"It was you, Steve," you whispered. "You were the one who was there for me, not Eddie. You were there when he died and I needed somebody but everyone else was dealing with their own grief. You were there, not him, not after he came back from the dead and wasn't the same as he used to be. You checked in on me, asked me how I was doing every time I saw you, when most times Eddie didn't ask and he saw me every damn day. And when you didn't see me, you were still there, checking up on me through Robin."
Steve blushed. "How'd you know it was me?"
"Robin's not exactly the best at being subtle," you said. You rubbed the back of your neck. "So...that's it. I liked you and I didn't know how to tell Eddie, so I...let it be until things exploded." You looked at your hand in Steve's resting in your lap. "And if that's weird for you, I apologize. I just...needed to tell somebody, and if I told Robin, it would get back to you anyway, so...might as well have told you on my own terms."
Steve processed for a moment. "You know what?"
"What?" you whispered, clearly scared of what he was about to say.
"I'm glad you told me."
"I...thought you would have known by now, because I'm not exactly subtle either, and Robin says I'm really bad at hiding when I have a crush on someone. But, um..." Steve brushed his thumb across your knuckles. "The first day I saw you, two years ago in Family Video... God, I knew I loved you then. You were just perfect, pretty and focused looking for movies. Almost broke my heart when I realized you were with Eddie. Robin tried to, uh, break the fall a little bit but, um..." He laughed sardonically. "Here I am, two years later, still pining."
You giggled, pushing yourself closer to him. "Gotta say I'm glad you're still pining."
"Yeah," Steve said with a little laugh.
You smiled. "Oh, I love that laugh." You bit your lip. "It's been a long time since I heard a boy laugh because of me."
Anger flickered over Steve's face. "I swear to God, every time you tell me more about how he treated you, I just wanna punch him."
"Please don't," you said. "I know every time you get in a fight, that pretty face gets punched." You reached up, brushing your fingertips over his cheek. "I couldn't stand to see that."
Steve smiled, his cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "You're so sweet," he whispered, bending to press his forehead against yours.
After a moment, you threw yourself down on the bed, tugging Steve down with you. He braced himself with his arms on either side of your head.
"Oh, hello there," he said, grinning down at you. His hair fell into his face and he flicked his head slightly to get it out of his eyes, wanting to see you clearly in this moment. He brushed some of your own hair out of your face, then let his thumb rub your temple.
You looped your arms around his neck, your fingers toying with his hair. "Hi," you said back, voice quiet and coy. You smiled up at him, ran your gaze down his body, his shirtless chest, then brought your eyes back to his.
"God, sweetheart, I just wanna..." Steve caught himself, licking his lips nervously. "Would it be weird if I kissed you after you and Eddie were, um, y'know..."
You shook your head. "I've wanted you to kiss me for a long time, Steve."
"Can I?" he asked.
You smiled up at his small, hopeful voice. "Please, Steve."
He leaned down, guided by your looped arms, until his lips touched yours. The soft, gentle kiss was quick, barely a touch, until you tugged him back down to you, sighing into his mouth. Steve moaned softly, adjusting to prop himself up on his elbows, cradling the side of our face with one of his hands.
Steve pulled back. You whined, trying to tug him back down, until he said, "Wait, wait. One sec. You okay with tongue?" You whimpered and he grinned. "I'll take that as a yes."
He bent his head down again, kissing you softly. You moaned softly into him, opening your mouth for him. As his tongue slipped into your mouth, you yanked him down to lay on your body.
"Steve," you mumbled into his mouth. "Steve."
"Yeah, baby?"
You squeezed him tightly. "Thank you. For...for everything."
Steve smiled at you. "Oh, honey. I'll be here as long as you let me."
You stared up at him, your eyes wide and round, words in them that you seemed unsure if you wanted to say.
Steve kissed you deeply. "You don't have to say it, honey, not yet. Take your time. I know."
"Oh, Steve," you breathed, your fingers fanning over his cheek. "Steve, you're perfect. You..."
He nuzzled into your neck, placing delicate kisses there. "How far are you willing to go?"
"Not too far tonight," you said, fighting your embarrassment. "Eddie wasn't exactly...gentle...earlier. I'm...kinda sore. And not sure if I'm ready to go very far just yet. I might need some time."
"I get it," Steve whispered. "It's okay. I know this is a lot happening really fast."
You nodded. "Thanks."
Steve kissed you again. "You wanna stay with me tonight, though? We don't have to do anything you're not up for."
You smiled at him. "I'll stay."
"Can I hold you all night?"
You giggled. "Steve, you keep kissing me like that and you can hold me forever."
He grinned. "Might as well get on with it then, huh?"
You squealed as Steve tickled you, pushing you into his bed with a needy, wet kiss. He threw the covers over the two of you and turned around to shut off the lamp on his nightstand. He turned on the radio, keeping it a soft, low volume—loud enough to be romantic, quiet enough to fall asleep to.
Steve gathered you up in his arms and pulled you to his chest. "I'm glad you're here."
"I'm glad you're here, too, Steve."
Bruce Springsteen crooned into the dark of Steve's room. "You can't start a fire without a spark—"
Steve held you tight and brought his lips to yours, and you exchanged short, lazy, loving kisses in the dark, the kind of kiss that said all the words it was still too early to say.
"This gun's for hire, even if we're just dancing in the dark."
☞ ❊ ☜
Songs Used/Quoted in this Fic:
Jessie's Girl (Rick Springfield)
Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen)
Let's Dance (David Bowie)
Don't Stop Believin' (Journey)
As Cold As Ice (Foreigner)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Metallica)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Cyndi Lauper)
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Stranger Things // Steve Harrington
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the S.H. taglist!} @ohatropa@nix-rose@live-the-fangirl-life
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years ago
So, the AMPTP basically said that the studios take too much risk to pay people anything for streaming shows. Here's John Rogers and David Slack responding to that.
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(link to top of thread)
[Image ID: A tweet thread from John Rogers on July 23rd, 2023 that reads in its entirety:
Last time I had a failure - which was collateral damage in an argument between the studio and the network - I had to personally fire 200 people, they all were off payroll by that afternoon, and I was also out of a job. The executives all continued to get paid. So fuck off.
Actually, that’s not true. The failure after that one happened as collateral damage in one of the mergers, so it had nothing to do with the quality of the show. And I had to wait, forbidden to work, not earning a dime, as they shopped it for six months.
Also several of my writers were cheated of their expected salaries, some losing up to 75%, for reasons too complicated to explain here. Those executives, both studio and streamer, all kept their jobs. So double fuck off.
Actually no, my last failure was a show where after delivery the network made us wait *seven months … for a PASS*. Seven months where I was in first position, and again, was forbidden from working.
Do that was one pilot fee, cut in half with a partner, for a year and a half’s work counting development. Those executives, both studio and network, kept their jobs.
So *triple* fuck off.
Luckily I had my tiny sliver of back end from TRANSFORMERS - no, wait, no, because according to the Hollywood accounting while that movie grossed something like a billion dollars all in, it unfortunately wound up $36 million in the hole.
So QUADRUPLE fuck off.
If you’re dumb enough to take that AMPTP statement at face value, responsible adults should remove all the scissors from your home. You are the reason hair dryers have the “Do not use while sleeping” warning.
/End ID]
I believe that merger one was Leverage or The Librarians. Both were doing REALLY well before they got cancelled due to network shit, I know that much. So the network/studio one could be either of those as well. Probably Leverage?
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(Link to top of thread)
[Image ID: A tweet thread from David Slack posted July 21st, 2023 that reads in its entirety:
The studios claim they shouldn’t have to share revenue for the success of the shows we make succeed because they assume all the risk.
To paraphrase a famous actor: There’s more than one type of risk, motherfucker.
While the studios and their new hedge fund besties may assume some modest financial risk, any losses just go on a balance sheet next to the C-suite’s golden parachutes.
The workers in this industry, on the other hand, risk a hell of a lot more than that.
Most working actors live with the constant uncertainty of never knowing where their next paycheck will come from or how long it will be between jobs. That’s risk.
If they work a second job, they often risk losing it every time they take time off for auditions or jobs.
Actors also generally have little control over the final product, so *every* role is a risk for them. Sure, it could be the hit that changes everything. But it could also be a flop that hurts their career for years. They become “the guy from that thing” and can’t get more work.
Under our old contract, writers put in untold hours of free work developing and rewriting pitches and scripts for features and TV. Much of this work is on spec. That’s a huge risk writers take on — yet the studios are happy to benefit from the upside without taking on any risk.
Writers, actors, crew, and directors also risk our personal relationships, spending long hours at work, frequently across the country or around the world. Our partners soldier on without us. Our kids miss us and we can only hope they’ll understand.
That’s a huge risk.
Stunt performers literally risk their lives for the shows we make. Productions and crews take every possible precaution to ensure their safety, but accidents still can and do happen.
You gonna try and tell us that’s not risk?
All of us risk our health and safety working insane hours to keep up with the schedules our bosses create. When was the last time David Zaslav or Bob Iger worked a Fraturday? Do they even know what one is?
In production, where 14, 15, and 16 hour days are common, people have died from falling asleep at the wheel driving to and from set.
And the studios have the fucking gall to say they’re taking all the risk?
We risk our finances, our families, our friendships, our futures, and sometimes our lives to make a product for you that you have no idea how to make yourselves.
All you risk is money.
And by the fucking way, we *know* you can afford to give us success-based pay — because you’ve been doing it for 83 YEARS.
Remember 1960? When both the WGA and SAG went on strike and won…
residuals for TV?
Residuals for TV *are* success-based pay. Great movies and TV shows re-ran more often, so the people who created and starred in them got more money as a reward for that success. It’s a great system that incentivized workers to bust their asses to make great shows.
And you know what happened to the entertainment industry in the 8 decades studios have been making these success-based payments?
Studios made billions in revenue selling our product all around the world.
But now, the studios say they can’t afford it. They say it’s not “fair” for actors to ask for success-based pay because they don’t take on any risk.
That’s stupid.
It’s offensive.
And it’s a lie.
It’s shameful that the AMPTP and their studio bosses are trying to deny the workers who make their product a bonus for success that is time-tested and has 83 years of precedent.
And that they’re lying about it?
That’s just… uncivilized. #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrong
/End ID]
The absolute fuckery of this statement that came from the AMPTP is that the studios thought this would gain them sympathy. They were wrong. They genuinely thought this was a good statement from them because they DO think they take all the risk because they can't see people who don't have their wealth as real people. They can't.
Wealth is a disease.
No one should make the kind of money these people make. It makes them so out of touch they think of themselves as gods among ants. They step on those ants? They don't notice. They don't care. They just keep moving forward to gain as much money as possible, even though they have no way to spend it.
Fuck the studios, a new system needs to be built around them so that they'll die.
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frogskelton · 10 months ago
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So quick version of a poster for ep 1 of all stars rewrite and because I think the theme of all stars with rehashed challenges was boring, I’ve changed it. ( Just wanted a little drawing while I talk about the episode) READ FOR REWRITE STUFF HERE:
Ghoulish Guinea pigs
(Soon) Alejandro
Clownish caterpillars:
The episode: (barebones version)
The camper enter the new sight and settle down and take notice the cabins r actually livable and and even have a tv with a bunch of movies on vhs (grated, not very good ones, but a million times better than the last cabins). They have a few hours to get ready and so on one team Zoe puts on a film called “Pony house,” curious if it actually works, while Noah stand over her shoulder grizzling (he was meant to come here with Owen but he got a broken leg and had to cancel, and Noah was contractually obligated to still go). During this the tv screen continuous flickers and a strange face appears sometimes and the characters will say strange but of dialogue that seem like they don’t belong. Noah and Zoe r thinking it’s pretty expected Chris is give them busted up stuff.
Lindsay is frustrated that she is on the same team as Heather saying to her about how she might of won last season and good for her, but she has still hurt lots of people and Lindsay doesn’t like that she’ll be sharing a room w someone who treated her very poorly and hopes the other girl (zoey) has watch season one plenty of times to see what Heather is rlly like. Heather is taken aback for a sec and attempts to brush it off.
While this happens Brick goes out after hearing a noise, similar thing with Scott on the other team. Though, the focus is on Duncan and Gwen’s relationship falling apart as Gwen questions if she is rlly willing to continue hurting Courtney like that this.
Soon Chris calls them over and tells them to come back with their missing teammates. So, cue montage of them looking for them as strange occurrences happen, primarily around technology.
Eventually Brick and Scott r found trapped in a weird shed where a bunch of old tech from the show got dumped (e.g, Chris bots, screen, old cameras, THE DRAMA MACHINE, and so on)
Scott’s team gets out w him just before Zoe is trapped in the room (alone) as all the appliances corn alive. initially she tries to fight them as Mike is all sad at the door, unable to get in as he is dragged away from the door as they Damn this season and whatever is going on. Zoe us out numbered by the amount off Chris bots n stuff. Though she hears the drama machine saying something weird, the same thing the ponies from her film were saying and decides to attempt to interact with it, distracting whatever is controlling the Chris bots and giving her a chance to break the robot, stopping the haunting and finding Alejandro stuck in there.
She, carrying Alejandro returns to where and Chris and the Campers r excited she is alright and surprised about Alejandro.
Chris does his thing of u won the challenge (this was not the intended challenge, but it’s a bit late for that.)
At the camp fire Duncan is booted, he goes in to kiss Gwen, but she regrets saying that she does want keep hurting people and while she doesn’t love Duncan, not enough to keep hurting all the people she loves.
Furthermore, Alejandro is left resting, heather sees him and feels sad that this is how everything went down and this is how he is doing, while she has been living the highlife.
So each ep/challenge is based on supernatural/horror tropes n stuff. I’ve got all the new challenges written down in chronological order and both teams set out. Let’s just say this new finale challenge is a big improvement to all stars.
EVEN BETTER, the “doomed soulmates” plot for Aleheather is written down in episode by episode plan, which may be revealed when I have a little drawing to go w it. I quite like it, I think it goes well and is very endearing.
Actually just a forgotten thing, but when I was doing the redesign for Alejandro I just kinda forgot I could give him visible injuries, so that has changed.
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legend-of-voltron-rewrite · 4 months ago
(This is just a few random questions I think abt when i find an author i like-)
What other media/hobbies do you indulge in? What's some of your biggest interests? (Other than voltron ofc) Is there another Fandom you'd write for? Favorite childhood show(s)?
Big question, favorite volron paladin? Favorite character in voltron? (No limitations- you could answer bii-bob-bi tbh. hes a fantastic choice)
BIGGER QUESTION!! What inspired you to write this rewrite and how do you motivate yourself to continue?
That's all! Hope you're having a lovely day! :)
I'm very big into anime - I started watching them when I was eleven and never stopped. I watch other animated shows (Western), which I'll list in a later segment.
I'm also into manga, though not comics, (never really knew why, just couldn't get into it). Games, too, mainly RPGs, though I have been into FPS co-op as of late.
Don't judge me: K-Pop. I only really interact/watch content for one group, (will come up later), but I used to juggle between many groups.
As for hobbies other than writing: I'm big into art. Took classes for them and everything. Though this may have been obvious from early chapters of book one.
I've tried to get into making animatics, but I ended up stopping half-way through everytime I started. I like voice acting, though I've only ever done it once for someone I'm no longer friends with haha.
I used to be big into baking, but was never good at it. I'm much better at cooking, though mainly Asian dishes, (due to heritage and such).
My biggest interests... I'll keep it limited to five, else this segment would be much longer.
One Piece, (generic but it's popular for a reason), is a favourite of mine. The writing, world building, characters, relationships, messages, themes - I love it all. Definitely a high reccomendation.
Gravity Falls, because it's just that good? Even the weakest episode would be considered top tier if it was in another series. Dipper and Mabel's relationship is everything to me, and Stan was the uncle I always wanted. Love him.
Fullmetal Alchemist, mostly MangaHood, but the 2003 anime adaptation is great too. It's honestly of the best written works I've ever interacted with, and it makes perfect sense that it's highly rated.
SHINee, the K-Pop group I mentioned before. I'd call them standards for the industry, but then nobody would be able to share the stage with them. I'm a Shawol for life baby!
Finally, Katekyou Hitman Reborn. This was the first fandom I wrote fics for, back on my WattPad days, and I still love it to this day. I wish for the fandom to be revived so I may read the trashy fanfics I once adored and now hide my face in shame to.
Other fandoms I write for: Fairy Tail, though I haven't touched the AU I started in months. My Hero Academia, though only through my Tumblr page @my-rewrite-academia. I've been working on a Persona 5 fanfiction behind the scenes for a while, though I haven't progressed past chapter three.
I have an alt AO3 account, where I've written for MHA, Kuroko No Basket, Persona 5, SuperM, and the Banana Bus Squad (Vanoss and Friends).
My old WattPad has mostly Katekyou Hitman Reborn, and a sprinkle of Fullmetal Alchemist.
Neither of the previous two shall be linked, as I honestly just want to leave behind those fixs behind, considering I wrote them when I was thirteen and nothing made sense.
My favourite childhood show(s): Spongebob, Mr. Maker (only British kids will understand), Pokemon, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Also Sonic Boom, though that was exclusive to my teen years than childhood. The How To Train Your Dragon shows were also a favourite of mine, including Riders and Defenders of Berk.
If movies count, then How To Train Your Dragon, Shrek, Megamind, and Scary Movie(s). Scary Movie(s) sound like a weird thing, and it was. I was in the room with my older siblings when they put it on and never bothered to leave.
Now the Voltron-related segment!
Favourite Paladin: Keith. I hope it's not entirely obvious in my writing, as I wish to treat every character equally, but he is my favourite. I relate to him a lot and he ticks a lot of my boxes.
Favourite character: Keith, again. Other than Keith, however, it's Coran, the Gorgeous Man. He's always so jolly despite the heartbreak he's been through, and the writers were able to balance his comedy so well.
(Apart from the Voltron Show where they were clearly running out of ideas and/or time and made him more annoying than funny.)
"What inspired me to write this rewrite–" (first half)
I actually started writing it in 2021, where I went on a three-year break due to losing motivation and my interest dwindling, at the time anyway. I was initially inspired to write it when I grew more and more frustrated with how canon handled many things.
As with many teen shows, I began to wonder if it would be handled better had it been intended for a more mature audience. It didn't help that I read the fanfics before I watched the show, so I had a certain level of expectations that weren't quite met.
I won't blame the writers, as it's usually just two or three people higher-up who make all the decisions. I was disappointed in DreamWorks, not the team behind it who have no choice but to follow orders.
But, yeah. The turning point, what really pushed me into starting and publishing the rewrite, was when I started thinking about how I'd handle each character and each arc. How I'd write different relationships, how I'd write each theme.
From there, I decided to put my money where my mouth was, so to speak.
It was a terrible start, really. When I first started writing it, I only had a vague idea of how I'd go about it. When I came back to the rewrite, the first thing I did was create a proper plan, else it'd just end up like the show - disappointing and missing so much.
I can remember, when I started, I just wanted to write a better story, which is a terrible mindset. This idea that the only thing that mattered was being better than the show is a toxic one.
My mindset is a lot better, of course. I've grown up since then, and spite-writing is something of the past. Maybe there are things I'm displeased with in canon, but I don't allow that spite to control me.
Rather, I feel more enthused, viewing it as more like adding onto what canon missed - filling in scenes rather than being better.
So, consider this a PSA to authors who spitewrite - get out of your minds. It feels much better to write if done with good intentions rather than negative. Words come easier and it doesn't feel like a chore.
"–and how do you motivate yourself to continue?"
Keeping a schedule, first and foremost. It differs from person to person, but having a set schedule of every '—day' helps a lot. It urges me to write, and the pressure helps me more than debilitates.
Of course, others may disagree. For others, having a strict schedule may feel constricting and thus hinder creativity, but it's helpful to me. This idea of, 'I have to do this', 'if not now then when?', helps me a lot.
It's also my longest fic to date, so to stop now would feel like a large disservice to both me and to the people who read each new chapter.
Then there's you! I'm not kidding, either. Comments, now more than ever, are usually so rare.
I once saw a post about an author discovering a discord server where their fic, (which had very little comments), was being heavily dicussed, and people had nothing but praise for it. When they asked why they didn't comment, they said that they didn't feel the need to, or that it would be embarrassing. That they never knew what to comment, despite the praise they had for it.
The author then decided to abandon the work upon finding this out. Because we don't get anything from posting our works. All we ask for is some form of praise or acknowledgement, and comments are just that.
Even if it's [<33] or [This is good!] or even [please update], we appreciate it all. Honestly, the only time I refuse to comment, rather than simply forgetting, is when an author holds fics hostage. The whole, 'I want x-many comments or else I won't update'. At that point, I lose any respect they had.
Comments are our lifeline, yet the idea of asking for comments feels like tabboo. As if we're less for leaving even a small note of, 'comment please', feels like it's asking for too much.
So to have a repeat commenter, to have you, is everything to me! If all else fails, if I can't find the motivation, I often think about those people who subscribed, who have my fic bookmarked, who comment on each update, and I think about how there are people who get excited with each update, who want to know what's going to happen next, who want to see this fic to its end.
It may sound corny, but my biggest motivation really is my readers, and those repeat comments give me life. It helps in ways that I never realised could.
And that is the end of the AMA/Q&A segment!! Thank you for sending this, stay tuned for the next update, have a great day, and look both ways before crossing the road!
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avaford2009 · 12 days ago
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie (Rewrite) - This Wish (Jonah's Song)
Maybe they're right, Khalil. Maybe I don’t know anything. I mean, everyone will give a second chances, not me. But why does he get the final say on everything? Even on those wishes? And I know all the people of Joppa. They won’t change their minds for me. I just… I don’t see why people shouldn’t be able to live out their dreams because we of all people��� thinks they might be bad.
It was all just too much for him to bear. As Jonah and Khalil rides on Reginald continue to wander through the town, Jonah sings.
♪If the truth’s supposed to set you free,♪
♪Why do I feel weighed down by it?♪
♪If I could show them what I've seen♪
♪Open their eyes to all the lies, then♪
♪Would their minds change like mine did?♪
♪But when I speak, they tell me, "Go Away"♪
♪Maybe I should, because I know we can’t stay!♪
♪Oh, this is where we are, but it's not where we belong♪
♪I may be young, but I know I'm not wrong♪
♪So I look up at the stars to guide me♪
♪I took caution, now I’ll throw it to the wind♪
♪If knowing what it could be is what drives me♪
♪Then I’m done being the pushover I’ve been♪
♪So I make this wish♪
♪To have something more for us than this♪
♪So I make this wish♪
♪To have something more for us than this♪
♪Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah♪
♪Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, Ah-ah♪
♪More than this, Oh-ah-ah-ah♪
As Jonah looks through the stars, he turns to Khalil.
Yeah! Who needs those people or some… fancy “royal advisor” title? I’m still the prophet! I’ll just give the wishes back myself! I just need to… I’ll go and… Oh gosh. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, Khalil.
♪I never knew I needed room to grow♪
♪Yeah, I did what I was told, stopped when they said "no"♪
♪Now I've got all of this passion in my soul♪
♪But I've still got the lid on, so it’s still under control♪
♪'Cause I've got reservations and hesitations♪
♪On where I should even begin♪
♪Too scared to dip my toes in♪
♪But now I’ve got to dive, it’s time to swim♪
♪If I could just be pointed in any given direction♪
♪On where to go and what to do♪
♪My legs are shaking, but my head's held high♪
♪The way you always taught me to♪
At this point, Jonah has wandered so far that she accidentally returned to the Wishing Tree from his childhood. He briefly sees his younger self sitting on it before he disappear. Jonah continues to sing as he runs towards it and climbs its branches.
♪So I look up at the stars to guide me♪
♪I took caution, now I’ll throw it to the wind♪
♪I'm sure there will be challenges that find me♪
♪But I’ll still take them on and I will win♪
♪So I make this wish♪
♪To have something more for us than this♪
♪So I make this wish♪
♪To have something more for us than this♪
♪Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (So I make this wish)♪
♪Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah, ah (To have something more)♪
♪More than this, oh, ah, ah, ah♪
Jonah stands on a branch directly over the cliff. He looks up at the brightest star in the sky, closes his eyes, and makes a wish.
♪So I make this wish♪
♪To have something more for us than this♪
Suddenly, the light begins to shine brighter than ever. So bright that its light covers Joppa’s entire sky. It shines through the town, washing everyone in its comforting glow. Everyone looks at the light in awe and joy.
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risingphoenix761 · 1 year ago
Hold a seminar and tell me all about The Shining
*cracks knuckles*
Let's go.
I'm going to break this down into discussion topics, though some things will overlap juuuuuuuust a leedle. First, we'll go over the plot, then the technical aspects of the movie, followed by themes and analysis, and conclude with all the unhinged raving I can put into words. I'll also try to avoid discussing the book too much because they are different animals (though not as different as some folks make them out to be), and try to keep to the film as much as possible. Continue at your discretion, as this is going to be a Very Long Post and we're going to discuss addiction, alcoholism, murder, suicide, domestic violence, and sexual abuse.
The Plot
Jack Torrance, would-be writer and recovering alcoholic, takes a job as the winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel, a resort located in the Rocky Mountains. He moves his wife, Wendy, and young son, Danny, to the isolated hotel during the off season from November to May, looking forward to peace and quiet to help finish his latest writing project. However, Danny has a psychic gift called "shining," and begins to have horrifying visions of the hotel. It doesn't take long before the isolation and the hotel itself start getting their hooks into Jack, and he becomes more and more unstable. Is he losing his mind, or is the Overlook haunted? Are Wendy and Danny trapped with a madman or ghosts? And what does "redrum" mean?
Technical Aspects
The Shining film was adapted from the Stephen King book of the same name by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson, and directed by Stanley Kubrick. And if you know anything about Kubrick, you know he remains one of Thee directors of all time. He was also a grade-A dick hole, but we'll get to that. Filming was done at Elstree Studio in England, with exterior shots done at Glacier National Park in Montana and the Timberline Lodge in Mount Hood, Oregon.
The first thing you need to know is that there was barely a functioning script the entire time they were filming. After hearing that Kubrick was interested in adapting his book, Stephen King drafted a screenplay himself--and Kubrick discarded it almost immediately. Rewrites were ongoing throughout production, with footage and photographs of Kubrick onset clacking away at his typewriter, and Jack Nicholson (cast as Jack Torrance) is on the record saying he didn't bother looking at the day's pages when they were delivered in the morning because they would be rewritten by the time they started shooting and he'd have to learn the lines again anyway.
Second, you might be tempted to think they filmed in a working hotel, but it's all one ginormous set built to scale on a sound stage. During preproduction, Kubrick sent crew members scouting out different hotels for design inspiration, so the Overlook we see in the film doesn't exist as one unit but a composite of many separate units. In addition to the aforementioned Timberline, the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park served as a starting point for interior designs. The hedge maze that features in the final act was built out of plywood walls and greenery, then covered in rock salt and crushed Styrofoam to make it look snowy. To give the effect of winter sunlight through the hotel windows, lights with a collective wattage of 750,000 to one million per window were used. No wonder part of the set caught fire toward the end of the shoot.
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Why is he laughing, you ask? Well, it might have something to do with the ending of the story. In King's book, the hotel burns down at the end. In Kubrick's script, it's still standing when the movie is over. The set burning down after shooting?
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Third, the cinematography. If I'm ever watching this and lose track of what's happening with the story, it's because I'm ogling what's happening on screen. Kubrick worked as a photographer before he got into film making, and hoo boy, it shows. The shot composition frequently uses one-point perspective and near perfect symmetry, giving us shots like these:
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Static images don't do it justice, though, because Stanley was using this newfangled contraption called a Steadycam. Previously, camera operation required dollies and tracks to stand and move, which took time to set up and didn't always flow smoothly. The Steadycam was smaller and lighter, the height could be adjusted much more easily, and could be strapped to the camera operator and allow them to move freely, with the resulting POV feeling more and more like the hotel itself is alive and stalking the occupants.
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Also, that carpet? I'm obsessed with it. It's garish and loud and it gives me joy. One of my favorite details is how often chandeliers end up just so in the frame to crown the characters beneath them. Another is the touch (and sometimes more) of red in nearly every frame. Let me also direct your attention to this bit of foreshadowing:
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We cut to this shot immediately after Danny asks head chef Dick Hallorann, who also has the shining, if there is anything bad at the hotel. See those knives hanging above him?
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We gotta talk about the sound design and the score, because this would be a Very Different movie without it. I'm going to split hairs and argue that this film does NOT have a proper score, but it does have a very effective, very nerve-wracking soundtrack. How so? Well, there are exactly two original pieces of music in the entire movie, both written by Wendy Carlos.
If that main theme sounds kinda familiar, it's based on Dies Irae, which is always cool. The rest are all various pieces by composers ranging from Béla Bartók to Krzysztof Penderecki, and are apparently unedited to fit the movie. The pieces chosen just happened to sync almost perfectly. In certain scenes, there are even multiple pieces playing at once, overlaid on top of each other, for an even more discordant, chaotic effect.
And let's not forget the number that proved to me once and for all how cozy-creepy old timey music can be, though it's far from the only old-timey number used:
You can't stress enough how important good sound design is, especially in horror, and this stuff is glorious. *chef kiss* This is a quiet movie except for when it isn't, and the overall stillness gives the noise, when there is any, greater weight. One of the more talked about examples is of Danny riding his tricycle through the hotel, going over hardwood, then carpet, then hardwood, etc. It's the only noise in the scene, and the abrupt switching of the wheels rolling loudly over wood to softly over carpet does so much for the tension. The one that gets me, though, is the sound of the wind. There's a storm outside for the second half of the movie, and if you can hear nothing else in any scene, you can hear it howling. It's lonely, it's dreadful, and it's unforgiving. That detail more than anything else drives home for me that the Torrance family is on their own, at the mercy of the elements and the Overlook.
Probably the only one having a good time on set was Danny Lloyd as Danny Torrance, in one of his only film appearances (though he would cameo years later in the sequel Doctor Sleep). Child labor laws restricted the hours he could work and a lot of effort went into making sure he was never exposed to anything inappropriate or traumatic. As a result, he never even knew he was making a horror movie. The rest of the cast didn't get off so easy, and now we get to the part about Stanley Kubrick being a grade-A dick hole. Notorious for insisting on dozens of takes, he already had a track record of putting his actors through hell while filming, and this shoot is the most infamous of them all. Scatman Crothers (Dick Hallorann), in his seventies by the time filming started, broke down in tears after having to redo a scene over one hundred times. After forty takes of a scene between Dick and Jack, Nicholson had to step in and insist Kubrick move on, as it was getting to be too much for Crothers. As for Nicholson, he was only allowed to eat cheese sandwiches for two weeks to get him in the agitated state Kubrick was aiming for. Worst of all was Shelley Duvall's treatment. By most accounts, Kubrick pushed method acting onto her until she was as stressed and exhausted on set as her portrayal of Wendy is on film. They fought constantly, with Kubrick not only telling her she wasn't convincing enough and she was wasting everyone's time but also forbidding anyone on set from showing her any kind of support or sympathy. Duvall was frequently dehydrated on set after reshooting scenes of her crying so many times she couldn't produce any more tears, and by the time filming wrapped, she was literally losing hair from stress. She gave an interview admitting to hating Kubrick during production, but otherwise respected him.
And now that we've covered the nerdy shit...
Themes and Analysis
Spoilers ahead!
This is a story about the cycles of violence and abuse. That's the basic, easy summary that anyone who watches the movie could give you (well, maybe not... Room 237 exists, after all). Jack Torrance is a man who, while able to put on a charming facade long enough to land a job, has a couple marks against him before the Torrances ever get to the Overlook. As stated above, Jack is an alcoholic* only five months sober after losing his temper in a drunken rage and dislocating Danny's shoulder.
*This is not in any way suggesting that alcoholism is the root of Jack's problems and is to blame for every bad thing that happens. This was the change from the book that King objected to the most, where book!Jack is a decent guy and a sympathetic character who fights tooth and nail to resist the Overlook's power before being overcome. It's not his fault, he has an addiction, etc. Kubrick took that and hucked it out the window. Movie!Jack has the same addiction, but it's never once used as the scapegoat to excuse his behavior. One version is an asshole because that's what the hotel turned him into after exploiting his weaknesses, the other is simply an asshole. Is the hotel manipulating him? Well, yes, because that's what it does, but you never doubt his agency throughout.
During Jack's interview with the hotel manager, we learn a previous caretaker lost his mind over the winter and killed himself and his entire family. So within the first fifteen minutes, we know exactly how this will play out: Jack, who has already abused his son once before, will go crazy and try to kill his family. It's not just that abusive people tend to keep up patterns of abuse, it's also that history generally tends to repeat itself in broad strokes. Jack has hurt Danny before, and he will do it again. A caretaker has slaughtered his family once, and a caretaker to follow will do the same.
Let's talk about this scene:
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We can take this to mean a few things. Time doesn't really matter at the Overlook, because everything moves full circle anyway. True, Jack Torrance has only been on the job for about one month at this point, but him being Jack Torrance is less significant than him being the caretaker, and the caretaker has always been the caretaker. He's talking to Delbert Grady, a member of the hotel staff back in the 1920's--NOT Charles Grady, the caretaker who murdered his family, but again, time doesn't matter. It's not about the individual in the role, but the role itself. It only matters as far as Jack's perception is concerned, and Jack thinks he's talking to his predecessor. Crucially, Kubrick breaks the 180-degree rule in this scene.
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The gist of the rule is, to avoid disorienting the viewer, the camera should only move 180° in relation to the characters. Whoever is on the left side of the frame should stay on the left, and vice versa. Jack and Grady, however, occupy both sides of the frame depending on the angle. As far as the viewer is concerned, both men effectively take up the same space. And given that neither time nor identity matter, they both occupy the same roles: each is both murderous caretaker and manipulative force inciting violence. And the cycle continues on.
Now let's cycle (see what I did there?) back to alcoholism. As I said before, Kubrick takes a different approach to it, and anyone who tries to say he cuts down its significance to the plot is clearly not paying attention. Jack is an asshole plain and simple, and Wendy's reaction to the way he berates her for interrupting his writing is indication enough that it's far from the first time he's been verbally abusive. He doesn't need to drink to be a dick. However. He does not become a physical threat until after he starts drinking. He was drunk when he hurt Danny, and it's only once he's been to the hotel bar that he decides to kill his family. That's an important distinction, if you ask me. His habits never serve as an excuse for his behavior, but they are relevant to the danger he poses to Wendy and Danny. Consider, the Overlook lures him in with his favored vice at a moment when he's already under pressure and sobriety is unappealing. He wanders into the Gold Room (in one of my favorite shots of the whole movie, btw), sits down at the bar and says "I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamn soul for just a glass of beer." Then lo and behold, the Overlook delivers and Lloyd the bartender appears. 
Except...the Overlook doesn't quite deliver the way Jack expects it to. He orders bourbon, and Lloyd gives him whiskey. In room 237, he thinks he's found a beautiful young woman who wants to jump his bones, but she's actually an old, rotting corpse. Whatever Jack thinks he's going to get for killing his family, the hotel is never going to pay up. (I guess buddy boy forgot the part where Grady committed suicide after he "corrected" his wife and daughters.) Jack buys into the game without considering he'll never be allowed to walk away from the table. Regardless of what happens to Wendy and Danny, Jack is going to die at the hotel, and the cycle will continue. It's all very Shakespearean...
And speaking of Shakespeare, we've got Hamlet's classic "are the ghosts real or is he just crazy" scenario playing out. You can argue that Danny's visions are just in his imagination, and that Jack is hallucinating all of his encounters. You could even pin Wendy's haunted house trip in the final act on the amount of stress and fear she's having to push through to save herself and her son. Everything is just ambiguous enough that it's almost believable to attribute it to cabin fever induced psychosis. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, you can't explain away how Jack escaped from a locked pantry on his own, a detail that Kubrick and Johnson got hung up on when writing the script. Kubrick wanted the haunted-or-hallucinating question left up to interpretation as much as possible, but there was no way around it for getting Jack out of a locked room so he could go on his rampage. The ghosts have to be real so Grady can let Jack out. If you're dedicated to the idea that nothing supernatural is happening, it's not hard to ignore it, though. Just ask the folks interviewed for Room 237.
Unhinged Raving
We're almost done! I promise!
Shelley/Wendy Defense Squad
Let's get this out in the open right now: I will fight to the death over Wendy Torrance and Shelley Duvall. No actor deserves to have a performance harassed out of them, no matter what vision the director has. Actually, Duvall got a shitty deal right from the get-go if you factor in that Kubrick cast her because his vision of Wendy was "mousy." Yeah, I get it, his take on Jack would have been incompatible with King's original presentation of Wendy, but really? Mousy? She's beautiful and I won't hear a word otherwise. And I know, I knowwwwww, everybody's a critic, but anyone who can watch her in this and say she's giving a bad performance is clearly not watching the same movie I am, and I'M TALKING TO YOU, STEVE. WE SAW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE IN CHARGE OF ADAPTATIONS OF YOUR OWN WORK, AND IT'S NOT GOOD. (Glad you had fun, tho, good for you, etc etc.) ANYWAY. This movie only works because of her, and I stand by that. Jack is only scary because you can see how afraid Wendy is. The scene with the bat doesn't get me because Jack is menacing. He is, don't get me wrong, but I've seen an angry man yelling at me I don't know how many times, and it's not impressive anymore. But the sheer terror in her face as she tries to back away from him, too scared to let him out of her sight and yet still unwilling to fight back until he gives her no choice? Dude. If that doesn't have me crying for her, then her screaming as Jack breaks down the bathroom door later on does.
Why Room 237 Is A Load Of Horse Shit
I've referenced Room 237 twice, so I might as well talk about it. It's a documentary made around all the various conspiracy theories about the movie. If that sounds interesting, let me save you some brain cells:
1. This movie is about the Holocaust - evidence for this one includes Jack using an Adler typewriter, which was apparently the favored model of the Nazi party, and recurring instances of the number 42, referencing the year 1942.
2. This movie is about how Stanley Kubrick helped the government fake the moon landing - evidence includes Jack ranting about how he signed a contract, the iconic carpet pattern looks like an aerial view of the shuttle launch pads, the noted room number which was changed from the book's 217, and Danny's Apollo 11 sweater.
3. This movie is about the genocide of Native Americans - evidence includes a throwaway line about the Overlook being built over a native burial ground, various iconography used in the hotel's interior, and the color palettes worn by the Torrance family in the third act.
4. This movie is a retelling of the myth of the Minotaur - evidence includes the hotel maze, which doesn't appear in the book, and a poster of a minotaur hanging in the game room.
(These next two aren't in the documentary, but are discussed enough that I'm including them.)
5. This movie is about a parent sexually abusing their child - evidence includes Jack reading a copy of Playgirl in the hotel lobby, Danny's Apollo 11 sweater, and the ghost in the bear costume.
6. This movie is about schizophrenia - evidence includes furniture moving between takes.
Those are the theories, and here is why they're wrong:
1. If Kubrick had wanted to make a movie about the Holocaust, he would have. He'd already done multiple war dramas at this point in his career, so there was nothing stopping him. Multiple typewriters are used throughout the movie, including the Adler model, and they were constantly swapped out to add to the visual disorientation. The number 42 on Danny's jersey is referencing Jackie Robinson, the baseball player. The forty-two cars in the hotel parking lot had nothing to do with Kubrick, as he wasn't even present for the location shots. I'll bet money that Wendy swinging the bat at Jack forty-two times was incidental, given how many times they filmed that scene over and over. And Wendy watching the movie Summer of 42 is likely what inspired the hunt for other 42s to back up the theory.
2. What's important about Danny's sweater is that it looks homemade, therefore it's more emotionally jarring that it gets damaged later. Space and astronauts were popular with kids, so it would make sense for him to have a space sweater. The room number was changed from 217 because the Timberline had a room of that number and, worried that its appearance in a horror movie would drive away guests, requested that it be changed--not because the supposed distance between the earth and the moon is 237,000 miles (it's further, actually, so it's even more wrong). 
3. Ever heard of The Amityville Horror? The film had come out a few years prior to this one and plausibly popularized the house-is-haunted-because-burial-ground trope. Kubrick's sense of humor is ironic enough that I have no trouble believing this nonchalant line, from a scene that's missing from Kubrick's favored cut of the movie, no less, is meant to be an ironic jab at this trope. The artwork in the hotel, the interiors of which were inspired by existing hotels in western America, is incidental because it exists in the inspo. And yes, Wendy and Danny wear earth tones while Jack wears red and blue while he's trying his best to kill them, but this is less likely a commentary around the mistreatment of Native Americans at the hands of colonizers and more likely a visual inversion of how everyone was styled at the beginning of the movie.
4. The hedge maze exists because it was easier to pull off than the topiary animals that come to life in the book. The poster that's referenced is a poster of a skier, advertising a ski resort. It could look a little less like a skier and a tiny bit more like a minotaur, I guess, if you squint.
5. Yeah. Sure. Kubrick included a recent (at the time) porno magazine that featured an article about incest on the cover because he knew viewers would one day be able to zoom in on it and identify it and know this movie was about incest. Bears are slightly associated with Danny throughout the movie and he wears a sweater with a phallic shape on it because when you get to the part with a guy in a bear costume giving a blow job, it becomes SO OBVIOUS that this means Jack is molesting his son. Get the fuck out of here. If Kubrick wanted to make a movie about the sexual abuse of a child, he would have. Oh wait, that's right, he had already adapted Lolita, and look how that turned out!
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My Favorite Shots
I'm gonna geek out about these because *chef kiss* 
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It's the sudden swing and stop as the camera follows the axe that does it for me. Fun fact #1, that's Kubrick himself behind the camera. The shot was important enough he didn't trust anyone else with it. Fun fact #2, Jack Nicholson was a former volunteer fire fighter, and therefore knew how to break down a door. After he destroyed the prop doors too easily, they had to bring in real ones for him to hack at instead.
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Look at that composition. Something about the way she cries as the axe gets closer, then screams and flails when it "hits" her gives me chills. Fun fact #3, it took three days and sixty doors to film this.
But my number one fave out of the whole movie, as I said before, is Jack's long walk down the hallway to the Gold Room. And I can't find gifs or clips of it ANYWHERE. So let me set the scene for you... On Jack's first visit, we take the journey with him. The camera retreats as he walks forward, waving his arms wildly and yelling at nothing as he passes the mirrors hanging on the walls. The camera reaches the end of the hallway and stops, turning slowly to the open door of the ballroom and landing right on the bar. Jack's second visit, the camera begins at the end of the hallway and waits motionless while Jack approaches.
Why do I love these so much? For most of the movie, the camera represents the hotel itself. It pursues Wendy and Danny, it creeps up on Jack. In another great shot, Jack is in the center of the frame with the elevator, specifically the floor dials that were fashioned to look like eyes, in the background, with the effect of the hotel watching over his shoulder. Here, though, it's active. On the first visit, it's luring him along and steering him to the bar, towards temptation. On the second, it doesn't have to lure him anymore. All it has to do is wait as he gives in to its influence.
Jack Torrance, Discomfort Character
The biggest beef I've seen people have with this version of Jack is how unlikable he is compared to the way King wrote him. To which I say, that's kinda the point. He's not supposed to be likeable. He's selfish, arrogant, rude, and temperamental. What he is, is relatable.
No, hold up, stay with me! Think about it! When we meet him, he's putting on a front during his interview. Big smile, positive attitude, and an appropriate answer to every question. If you've ever worked in customer service, you know the routine. I've seen comments about how dismissive he is of Wendy and Danny during the drive to the hotel, but I ask you, how enthusiastic are you after spending over three hours in a car, especially when moving somewhere, especially with a small child? Ever been focused on an important task only to have someone walk over and strike up a conversation? Oh! Oh! Here's a really good one as of 2020! Ever been stuck inside the same house with the same people for days, weeks, months on end?
Now imagine it without any way of communicating with anyone outside of it.
See what I mean? To a degree, you can see where Jack is coming from. He really needs this job, and he'll say what he has to to get it. He's just driven three hours over mountain roads, and now his kid wants food after having skipped breakfast. He's trying to get some work done, and his wife wants to know how the work is going. It's just him and two other people in this enormous, empty hotel, they've only been here one month, and they have to stay another five??? Damn, I think I'd want a drink, too. But as time goes on and he starts losing his grip, you start to draw back. This is going a bit too far. Hey, Jack, she didn't mean any harm, don't yell at her for interrupting you....Jack, maybe your son needs to leave the hotel, he's not doing so great....Jack, your wife is justifiably worried and you need to chill....Jack, stop threatening your wife! Where do you think you're going with that axe? King argued that Kubrick took away the descent into madness that plays out in the book, but I disagree. I think, just like that first walk to the Gold Room, we take the journey with him. It's simply that we remain observers, and it's a little more obvious when he crosses the line.
In other words, he's a good illustration of how your feelings can be valid while the way you act on them puts you very much in the wrong.
Well, that's all well and good, one might say, but why does this movie have you in such a death grip? Why does this character in particular trigger an existential crisis? Easy! I grew up with him! I was raised by an alcoholic whose first response to nearly everything was to snap and yell, who made everyone around him walk on eggshells to avoid setting him off, who only doubled down the more upset about it you became. I know this guy like I know myself, and that's the scariest part about it. You're a product of your environment, after all, and because I can see myself in the man who raised me, I can also see myself in Jack Torrance. The most compelling villains are the ones that ignite a spark of recognition, and the scariest are the ones you could bump into on the street. Jack is familiar and terrifying, and his familiarity makes him all the more frightening. He could be me, he can't be me. He's a cautionary tale, and he reminds me of home.
And if that sounds like a lot to process, just wait until I talk about Doctor Sleep!
And now, we conclude. I hope you learned something, came away with something to think about, or at the very least, I hope you were entertained. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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arunneronthird · 2 years ago
hello!! i saw your post about most consistently liking bruce wayne's characterization, and i was wondering if you had any recommendations of good places to start for someone who loves batman but is newer to reading comics?? there's so much out there that it feels a bit daunting!! (i love your art so much by the way!! 💕 hope you're having a great day)
(thank u so much! hope ur having a lovely day too)
okay let me preface this by saying that im also pretty new to batman, and im a heathen and just started reading from batman (1940) #357 cause i just cannot deal with comics from before the 80s and also i really wanted to know who the fuck jason was, also i still have A LOT to read so pls someone ask me this again in like half a year, also i will limit myself to like, straight up batman books
anyway, i DEEPLY recommend u read:
first of all, batman: year one, the story of how bruce became batman, absolutely fundamental and one of the best batman comics ever made, its a thin book but its the necessary introduction to his character
second, i really like jasons run in general, but id read batman: a death in the family, where jason dies, its not necessarily the best written but it basically changed everything batman was forever, its a plot point we are still trying to get over (if ur bored, id continue with the start of tims run where u get to see batman spiraling down and lil tim trying to save a mourning father
now, as some people may know, i am a morrison apologist, and he had a pretty long batman run which starts with batman and son, where he meets damian, bruce isnt there for some of the run, which focuses on dick and damian, but theres a book called batman: the return of bruce wayne where he comes back from being lost in time and that book is literally insane
as for my genuine favorite batman book, snyder (no relation to the fuckface that made the movies) wrote batman vol 1: the court of owls, this book i recommend with my life, one of the best comics ive read PERIOD, it dips into horror and it basically rewrites gotham and its so good i dont have the words
i also recommend batman: the knight, its a really recent book but it tackles what bruce did right before batman: year one and even though and its such a fun, intense reading with incredibly solid characters
finally, i really enjoyed the start of zdarskys run, batman vol 1: failsafe, which just ended and just makes me believe batman has some good runs in him still
note: i dont think u need to read these in order, i put them chronologically but they mostly work as standalone or are easy enough to follow or are morrisons and therefore insane, but i do recommend starting by year one
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inkedkoi · 10 months ago
Remaining Questions & Final Thoughts
Continuation of "Hold On To “What If”: Overanalyzing and Rewriting Sonic Prime" essay
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[Once Again, spoilers for Sonic Prime, all media here belong to their respective creators.]
Remaining Questions
Here are all the remaining questions I have about the show! These are more up to debate, since it's most likely it wasn't fully fleshed out in the writer's room, but I did want to add them here anyway:
Can the Shards break into smaller pieces? Is it possible to drain all the energy from the Shards? And, if so, what would happen to the Shatterspaces?
Why was there 5 Eggman “look-alikes” in a single Shatterspace?
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Mr. Doctor Eggman: “Five makes one. One makes five.”
[S1 EP1]
Did Eggman make clones of himself but at different ages? Did they exist just because it gave more motivation for the Rebellion and Nine to stand up for themselves when Boscage and No Place didn’t need it? Is this the ray of light allegory, when light shines through a prism and it scatters? Or could the Prism has been broken before cycle theory be true? Or, just like Sonic, Eggman being close to the Prism affect his "look-alikes"?
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What did this frame even mean???
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no, like seriously, was it for aesthetic reasons or what? That he's gay? (the answer is yes, yes he is. GET GAY BEAMED YOU HOT TOPIC WANNABE)
Final Thoughts
I've been watching Sonic Prime being created ever since Day 1. Of course, I haven't been able to see any leaks of it, they kinda ruin the fun of it all. But I've been hyped ever since the first trailers came out. The multiverse thing has been all the craze for movies and shows, this was no different.
As I said at the beginning of this essay, Sonic got a bit of my interest years ago but I never went further into it. That was until Prime and Frontiers caught it again. I've heard about how the Sonic fandom was toxic and such, but I know it doesn't apply to all of the fans, so I decided to give Sonic a chance. Besides, I've learned to not take things too seriously, after all it's just a speedy blue hedgehog going on adventures. You should've seen me a year ago, I binged through:
Snapcube fandubs
Fadel's (GamesCage) playthrough of Frontiers
IDW comics
sonadow (the OG red and blue couple)
every playthrough I was able to find, in 2x speed, in the background while I was doing college assignments
both Sonic movies
Sonic X
Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (I even made some art of it with Ace Attorney characters, Link)
Sonic Central and live streams
and I bought my first ever piece of Sonic merch (yes, it counts)
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Hey, I was (and still am) a Ace Attorney girlie. So, entering into the Sonic fandom, it was kind of familiar in some ways. The two starve for some content, at times being years of waiting. Just as in any fandom, people may have arguments here and there but when it counts, people come together and enjoy the moment.
When it comes to Prime, I had a fun time. It’s the type of show that you just want to sit down and just be silly. There were times that got me hyped (like the references, Prismatic Sonic 2nd form, Shadow every single time he comes up on screen), and times that I really got me audibly going "aww" (like the Rose sisters, Sonic being silly lil' goof). Then there are all the times I was SCREAMING like a fangirl (...because of the sonadow moments).
listen, i can't help it if i see my boys on screen, okay? just look at them
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You know, when I made this, I didn't expect it to be this long. After all, I planned to post my silly little theories before I went abroad for a few months. Instead, I went into maximum overdrive, explaining why Prime had so much potential and how most of it happened was because of the fans, both the viewers and the ones working within the show. There definitely unsung heroes that deserve so much recognition. I would like to personally thank Erik Wiese, one of the people who truly cared for the show. It's not just him though, so many workers on the show also happened to be Sonic fans.
💬 "The fans know how to do it better than the creators themselves..."
I think this applies to Prime. Again, I don't have anything against SEGA or anyone working in the Sonic franchise. But I think a great show in general is one where the crew is willing to give it their all for the fans. That it isn't just another show or cash-grab, but a passion project for the franchise. Something by fans, for the fans. As the song "Live & Learn" goes:
"(Live and learn!) Hanging on the edge of tomorrow; (Live and learn!) From the works of yesterday; (Live and learn!) If you beg or if you borrow; (Live and learn!) You may never find your way!"
So, TL;DR: I didn't think I would be more invested in writing a whole essay about Sonic Prime than in my college thesis but here we are! (holy shit-)
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Thank you so much for bearing with me rambling about a silly blue hedgehog and his friends! Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are always appreciated. Again, let me know if you want me to rewrite all of Prime. As always, remember to:
drink water
get some food
take your meds
get some rest/a break
Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to stare at my bedroom ceiling and think about how Shadow is giving me gender envy—
Take care, my dear fellows, and I'll see you all next time!
Previous Part || Masterpost
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author-morgan · 3 years ago
so happy to see you’re continuing abstraction 💜 do you have any hcs about Owen?
♥ Owen Grady, my beloved dino man ♥ here are some random headcanons for Owen:
It was quite the surprise to learn Owen Grady was the romantic sort. He's stern and uncompromising with the raptors and those he works with at the paddock on the island —his military training shining through, but that persona fades the moment he leaves the paddock each day. He'll surprise you with flowers when he can and is always down to pull you into a slow dance at random times (cooking dinner? perfect time to have a quick little dance while pots simmer on the cooktop), even if there's no music.
Owen has trouble sleeping sometimes. There are nights when he just can't get his mind to slow down, and more often than naught, he ends up at the Paddock with the raptors, or after the events of Jurassic World, you'll find him in the backyard or garage, fidgeting with something. On the rare occasion you can keep him in bed, he settles pretty quickly when you wrap your arms around his middle, turning him into the little spoon.
He's protective, not in a suffocating way, but Owen Grady will always have your back, and he's been known to throw his weight around when needed —especially if some drunk fool at a bar can't take the hint you're with him.
Owen is extremely easygoing. Want to go out for a fancy dinner? He won't object. There might be a complaint here or there about how his new dress shirt and tie are a little scratchy, but other than that, he's content. Lazy night's in where you order take-out and plop down on the sofa in pajamas to watch a movie or two? Even better (Owen usually won't last for more than one movie before he's slumped against you, snoring).
The first time you bring him around for a family gathering, he's extremely nervous. Sure, Owen can be cocksure sometimes, but the thought of finally meeting your parents? Terrifying. You have to give him a little pep talk before getting out of the car, assuring him you love him, and because of that, everyone else would love him too. It's enough to calm his nerves a little, but he makes sure he's on his best behavior all evening to make the best impression.
Absolutely loves it when you wear his shirts and hoodies. For one, he finds it endearing to see you wearing a too-big t-shirt while doing chores around the house, or when you slip on one of his flannels for a hike, or when he lends you his sweatshirt in the evening after seeing you shiver.
Owen loves showering together. He jokes that it's to save water and the environment, but regardless, it gives him a good excuse to get his hands on you even if it's been a busy day. And when you hit that one spot on his back near his shoulders when scrubbing away the dirt and sweat? He's a goner.
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kawowoa · 2 years ago
housewardens helping you take your braids out pt.2
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synopsis : it’s been 3 months since you’ve gotten your braids done. it’s finally the day you’ve been dreading; the day you have to take them out. luckily, your dear boyfriend is (hopefully) there to help! hopefully he’ll make the process more quick and fun!
info : black reader, gn. reader, maybe ooc for vil
characters : vil , idia , malleus , azul
a/n : okay finally here’s part 2!! (read part 1 here if you haven’t yet) sorry this took so long, i accidentally deleted the draft n had to rewrite everything zzzz
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> vil schoenheit
vil had everything you needed to take them out, stuff you hadn’t thought about using too! oil? he got it, different types of combs and brushes? check, even a damn spray bottle mixed with leave in conditioner and water
before y’all even start taking the braids out, he drags you to the pomefiore bathrooms to wash your scalp and roots. he’ll go on and on about how you need to wash your braids at least once a month to prevent the gel buildup and how it soothes an itchy scalp!
he’d be the type to section off your braids, maybe four parts. he’ll tell you it’s to make sure you don’t miss a single braid
don’t even think about unraveling a single braid without some oil on your fingers, at least not around vil. he’ll smack your hand away and dump the oil bottle in your hands
never again will you take your braids out alone. god, vil makes everything more enjoyable. he’ll massage your back and hands whenever they start to hurt, if you get hungry he has snacks (never the good kinds but it’ll do)
when it comes to knots, vil would be so gentle. he’ll spray the hair before using a detangling brush. if he tugs too hard by accident, he’ll mutter an apology before continuing
just like leona, when they’re a few braids left, he’ll start to braid down your natural hair. but my god his braids hurts, he might as well braid your thoughts while he’s at it. if you complain their food tight, he’ll just say beauty is pain
> idia shroud
when you asked for his help, he was unsure if he wanted too. a new event boss was coming out that night! he needed to prepare but boyfriend duties come first
being a total shut in, he was very uneducated on taking out braids. occasionally he’d seen the videos you posted on your magicam story involving this stuff, but 9 times out of 10 he didn’t pay that much attention to it
nonetheless, you still explained the process to him without him needed to ask. how hard could this be anyway, to him, it was like beating a level 1 boss at player level 80. or so he thought
he was so scared to touch your hair. you could tell him a million times it’s okay and he’ll still hesitate, so much for that confidence he had
eventually he was comfortable enough to help you, not without something to calm his nerves though. playing his favorite movie helped a lot!
idia’s hands are fast. once he gets into a rhythm, the normal time it takes you to finish gets cut town by an hour or three. maybe it’s from all that typing and gaming he does, who knows
being such a considerate boyfriend, he brushes your hair for you. he’ll put your hair in a low ponytail (a style he sees a lot on your magicam story too) with his blue ponytail holder. he’ll even put his in a low ponytail too so y’all can match
> malleus draconia
anything you need help with, malleus is there so of course he’ll help you take your braids out
although, he did suggest using magic to have the braids gone in an instant but you shut that idea down. no magic is ever getting near your hair
he may never did this before, but he’s old and smart so he understands what to do without you explaining anything. the one thing he didn’t understand what cutting the braid, isn’t that worst than magic? he was still a teeny bit confused when you told him it’s not real hair but whatever, he just doesn’t use the scissors
he’ll tell you he read about some of the cultural background of braids (hours after you asked him, the two of you set up a time for him to come and help) , telling you about the new information he learned. he’ll ask you if the information is correct, if it is, he’ll memorize it, if not, he’ll ask you to correct him
honestly, expect him to take longer to undo one braid. he’s being slow on purpose, the longer he takes; the longer he gets to spend time with you
if it takes up the whole night because of him, oh well, he doesn’t care and neither do you
when you eventually finish, he’ll massage your scalp, brush your hair, even play in it. maybe he laced the brush or his hands with a sleeping spell (if that’s even possible) cause goddamn you were one second away from falling asleep
> azul ashengrotto
did you really expect him to agree without him getting anything in return? just ‘cause your his lover doesn’t mean your exempt from his shady business dealer things
the two of you had to start once the lounge closed, which wasn’t too late but knowing how much hair you have plus the amount of braids (depending on what size you prefer) you knew it was going to take a while
knowing azul, he’d take this opportunity to propose a business deal; a new salon within nrc, with you as a co-founder. you thought it was a strange idea but you still agreed, just to humor him
the two of you would converse a lot, talking about anything and everything. hours would go by and you wouldn’t even realize you’re half way finished
any knots he comes across, he’ll have you tend to it. he doesn’t want to mess up or cause you any pain
azul would also be fast at unbraiding. if you’re talking too long on one braid, he’ll take over and ask you to just start on another one
he’ll definitely complain about the mess when the two of you are finished. he’ll be super dramatic about how there’s hair everywhere when there really isn’t, just a pile of hair sitting on the desk
once you both finish cleaning, he’ll remind you of payment. what is it? oh, you have to stay over for the night
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itsallyscorner · 4 years ago
For Tom x
Pairing: Tom Holland x singer!reader
Summary: You have a surprise for Tom:)
Warnings: none, just pure teeth rotting Fluff:)
A/n: Hello my loves! This is literally a rewrite because I accidentally deleted the original version of this story on Tumblr RIGHT before I was gonna post it😭 Anyway here it is, I hope you all like it! Ally x
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look at my sunshine🥺
Your giggles filled the hallway as you lead Tom into your makeshift studio. Since you were quarantining with him and his mates in their shared home in London, you were miles away from your crew and studio. Which, yes, made it difficult to record an entire album on your own—but it did give you the creative freedom to do whatever you pleased for the album.
The boys had their own creative outlets; for example putting together a puzzle or having a movie marathon. While you found those activities enjoyable, the inner singer in you couldn’t stop thinking of beats or coming up with lyrics in your head. You needed the studio—you needed to bring those beats and lyrics to life before you could forget them. So with the help of the houses’ tech lord himself, Harry made it possible for you to have your own little studio in the spare guest room of the house. There, you spent endless days writing and recording things like harmonies and building melodies. Little did you know that this would lead to the creation of your sixth album. Now a couple months later, your latest album is currently in its final stages and would soon be released to the world.
Tom adoringly watched your figure, which was drowned in one of his oversized jumpers, excitedly skip towards the guest room. As soon as you were both inside, you rushed to close the door and eagerly pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed.
“What have you been up to, lovey?” He teasingly asks you. He knew you were up to something, he just didn’t know if it were bad or good.
Your figure was bent over the desk where your laptop was located. Turning over your shoulder you tell him, “It’s nothing bad, I promise!” You’re met with an amused grin on his blush pink lips.
Gathering your laptop into your arms, you move to sit beside Tom on the bed. He curiously leans forward, trying to get a glance at what’s on your screen.
“Nuh uh, it’s a surprise, Thomas.” You playfully scold him and gently push his face away from your laptop. He responds with a pout against your palm before pressing a kiss onto your skin. You continue to click around on your laptop, looking through your documents for the specific file.
Meanwhile, Tom shuffles further up the bed, getting comfortable. He notices the new distance between you and him and decides that he’s unsatisfied with the additional inches. He choses to snake his arms around your waist and lifts you up, happily placing you on the empty and lonely space on his lap. Laying down on his back, he takes a moment to admire the way you look in his jumper. It was a few sizes bigger than you and stopped right above your knees. The jumper may have looked good on him, but it looked absolutely perfect on you.
“You look so cute in my jumper.” He hums, hands lazily rubbing up and down your thighs. Your nose scrunches up as you lightly slap his chest; your silent way of saying “shut up” whenever Tom would say something that made you blush.
You finally find the file you were looking for and place your laptop on your lap. You nervously glance at your screen, biting down on your lip out of habit.
“Ok, so I did something.” You started. Tom squints his eyes at you, “That sounds like the beginning of a really bad something.”
You huff, “I just told you it wasn’t anything bad! Do you want your surprise or not?”
Tom chuckles and grasps onto your thighs, “Yes—yes, sorry, keep going.”
“So you know how I’ve already finished my album?” You question him. Tom nods, staring up at you while you sit on his thighs.
“Well, I wrote a few more songs that were supposed to be on the album. But I don’t know, I felt a bit greedy and decided to keep them for myself.” You explain. Tom raises a brow at you, “Baby, you don’t have to feel guilty about keeping songs to yourself. If you don’t want to share them, you don’t have to.”
“No, it’s just that, they’re about you.” You pause, staring down at your fingers that fiddled together. “Like I wrote them specifically for you to listen to. I wanted to include them on the album, but it just didn’t feel right to share something that was meant only for you.”
You place your laptop on the bed and turn it so the screen is facing Tom.
“So...as a solution, I made you your own album.” You were too busy avoiding his stare, that you missed the twinkle in Tom’s coffee colored orbs. He carefully sits up, his arms around you getting tighter, as he pulls you closer into his chest. Tom ducks his head down to yours, nudging your nose with his to get you to look at him. When your eyes finally meet, the lopsided grin on his features grows wider.
“You made me my own album?”
“Yeah.” You shyly answer. Tom softly coos at you, cupping your face and pressing a chaste kiss onto both of your cheeks.
“You are the most precious thing in the world, sunshine, I swear.” He squishes your cheeks together and began to cover your face with butterfly like kisses. Sweet laughs erupt from you, the sounds making Tom’s heart swell.
You stuff your face in the space between his neck and shoulder, using it as a place to hide from his lips. Instead, Tom opts to lay his kisses along the side of your face, your neck, and your shoulder.
“Lemme kiss you!” He whines. You chuckle at him, finally moving away from his neck. His attention darts towards your lips more than once, prompting you to lean forward and connect them with his. Tom’s lips were soft against yours, like clouds or cushiony pillows. The kiss was short and sweet; though it didn’t prevent you from feeling the adoration and passion he felt for you in that moment. In fact, he felt it all the time, but right now, his love for you was coursing through his veins.
He finally pulls away, leaving the taste of him linger in your mouth. “Can I have a listen?” He motions his head towards your laptop beside him.
“Go ahead.” Tom’s arms unravel from your waist, the area they once occupied left cold and yearning for his warmth. He uses one of his elbows to hold himself up and the other to control the touchpad. His eyes scan the file.
For Tom x
someone like u
test drive
worst behavior
main thing
He glances at you, “I start with ‘someone like u’, right?” You reply with a quiet “mhm”.
Tom clicks on the link. The opening notes of ‘someone like u’ begin to play followed by your angelic voice. You hear him release a content sigh, making a small smile to form on your lips. His arms make their way around you again, this time holding you closer against him. He rests his head on your chest and sneakily presses a kiss onto your neck. You fondly run a hand through his curly hair and rest your chin on the top of his head, listening to the songs you’ve made for him.
The two of you listen through the album in one go with no stops. You found joy in Tom’s reactions towards every song. Sometimes he would make little comments or sounds of shock whenever he heard you hit a certain note. He nodded along to the beats of ‘test drive’ and ‘worst behavior’, dancing around in his seat and making you join him. This time, you didn’t miss the twinkle in his eyes when he listened closely to the lyrics. ‘Main thing’ got him the most, leaving him with a goofy-lovesick grin plastered onto his face.
When ‘main thing’ came to a close, the room became silent, leaving Tom enough time to process the four songs you wrote about him and the meanings behind them.
You were the first to speak, “So did you like it?” You scan his face looking for any signs of dislike.
Tom’s eyes widen, “Are you kidding me? That was bloody fantastic—that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard! I’m obsessed with it, oh my god!” He expressed, arms moving around as he spoke.
His face was radiating with happiness, “You are the most talented and loving woman in the world. And I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you or your love—but I just love you so fucking much.”
“I love you so fucking much too, you dork.” You laugh, pecking his lips.
“No, but seriously, thank you so much. I know you’re used to writing songs, but the fact that you actually took the time to write songs about me means a lot. They’re just a bunch of songs, but they mean the world to me and I cherish each and every one of them.” He admits, taking one of your hands and placing it onto his heart. Your palm feels the faint rhythm of his heart beating against his chest.
You tilt your head at him, mirroring the smile on his face, “I’ll always write songs about you. You somehow manage to inspire them anyway.”
Tom smirks, “Well I am Tom Holland.” You snort and roll your eyes at his humble brag.
“You’re still a dork, Tommy.” You comment.
Tom shrugs, “I’m a special dork because I’m your dork. Therefore making me superior to the other existing dorks—there’s a difference, darling.”
“And where did you come up with this hypothesis, Mr. Holland?” You question him, playing along with his antics.
“It’s Tom’s Theory.” He answers with feign seriousness. You burst out laughing, “Oh is it?”
Tom leans down to your laptop and restarts his album. “Yes, and now Tom’s Theory, believes that we should listen to the album again until I learn all the lyrics to every single song.” He proclaims.
“Babe, you don’t have to—” Tom stops you, “I’m dead serious.”
It was going to be a long night.
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bi-bard · 4 years ago
Please Say That You're Joking (Pt.1) - Chuck Shurley Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Please Say You're Joking (Pt. 1) [You can read part 2 by clicking here!]
Pairing: Chuck Shurley X Winchester!Reader
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,930 words
Warning(s): mentions of sex, threats of violence
Summary: (Season 4; Season 11) (Y/n) had a single one-night stand while coping with loss in a not healthy way... if only they had a clue about the weight of their actions.
Author's Note: I was recently going back through some of the "lighter" episodes of Supernatural because I wanted to watch something I could chuckle at. That's where this came from.
This might be the most crackheaded thing I've written in a while.
Also, the amount of things I had to bullshit my way through this is actually ridiculous.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
Sam, Dean, and I walked into the motel room. We were all confused and slightly scared.
We had gone to a comic book shop to do some work on a case. However, we were then called fans.
Fans of what?
Well, fans of a series of books about our lives.
I was the middle Winchester child. Two years younger than Dean, two years older than Sam. I was beyond confused when I saw some weird, romanticized version of me on the cover of a book.
"This is so weird," I mumbled, plopping onto one of the beds in the room.
Sam jumped onto his laptop and started researching. Dean was holding one of the books, reading through it. I didn't even want to touch it.
"I don't like how he describes (Y/n)," Dean commented. "It's weird. It's like he's in love. Listen to this..."
Dean dramatically clears his throat and starts to read in an even more dramatic voice, "'Even after a hard hunt, (Y/n) could easily be seen as the most beautiful of the siblings. They mimicked the beauty of their mother more than their brothers. There's no bruise or cut that could take the loveliness away from the natural curves of (Y/n)'s face. If only they could see how everyone else would stare-"
"Okay, ew," I muttered, walking to the table. "What'd you find?"
"Well, it seems like Carver Edlund is a pen name," Sam shrugged. "And the fans are intense."
"As in," Dean asked, closing the book and joining the two of us at the table.
"Well," Sam handed me the laptop so Dean and I could look at it, "there's fanfiction. About all of us."
"What's this, 'Sam/Dean'," I asked.
"It's... me and Dean... together."
"They just don't care that we're related," Dean asked. Sam nodded.
"God, this is so weird."
"So, how do we find this guy," I asked.
--time skip--
We managed to find the publisher of the novels and found her house.
"So, you published the 'Supernatural' books," I asked as we walked in.
"Yep," she nodded. "Yeah, gosh. These books... they never really got the attention that they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
"Could not agree with you more," I said. "We're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we can start publishing again," she replied excitedly.
"No, no, no," Dean immediately shut her down. "I mean, why... why would you want to do that? It's such a complete series with Dean going to hell and all."
"Oh my god, that was one of my favorite ones," she rambled. "Dean was so strong and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean... the best ones are when they cry... like in 'Heart' when Sam had to kill Madison; the first woman since Jessica he'd really loved. When Dean had to call John in 'Home' and ask him for help. Or when (Y/n) went back to the motel room after getting kidnapped and just had to sit in their own head and had to truly process not only the death of their mother but now their father. The mixed feelings were amazing."
"You're a really big fan," I noted. She nodded.
"Gosh, if only real men were that open about their emotions."
"Real men," Dean asked.
"I mean, no offense," she replied. "How often do you cry like that?"
"Well, right now I'm crying on the inside," he muttered.
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
"How am I supposed to know this is legit?"
"Oh, trust me," Dean mumbled. "We're legit."
"Well, I don't want some smart-ass article making fun of my boys," she snapped as she sat in her chair.
"Oh, never," I replied quickly. "We actually are big fans."
"You read the books?"
"Cover to cover," I promised.
"What's the year and model of the car?"
"1967 Chevy Impala," Dean smiled proudly.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my- uh... Sam's birthday," Sam replied.
"Sam's score on the LSAT?"
"Umm... 174," Sam said nervously.
"(Y/n)'s first hunt?"
"Vampire in Washington," I answered. "Dean was at the motel sick and (Y/n) almost chopped John's head off when he scared them."
"(Y/n)'s favorite memory that's not related to hunting?"
I smiled, "Helping Sam get ready for a date when he was a teenager because Sam didn't trust what Dean had told him."
"Dean's favorite song?"
"It's a tie," Dean replied. "Between Zep's 'Ramble On' and 'Traveling Riverside Blues.'"
She finally laughed and smiled again, "Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name," Sam asked.
"Oh, no. I can't," she shook her head.
"We just wanna talk to him," Sam continued. "You know, get the 'Supernatural' story in his own words."
"He's very private," she shrugged. "Like Salinger."
"Please," Sam tried again. "Like I said, we're um... big fans."
Sam unbuttoned his shirt enough to show his anti-possession tattoo. Dean pulled his shirt to the side to do the same. I rolled my eyes and yanked the arm of my jacket down and pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt. I don't wear as many layers as them and I had opted to put the tattoo on my upper arm because I thought it looked nicer.
"Awesome," the lady mumbled before standing up. "Y'know what?"
I looked away as she pulled her pants down.
"I got one too."
"Wow, you are a fan," I slapped Dean's arm. The lady fixed her clothing before grabbing a pen and paper.
"Okay," she said. "His name's Chuck Shurley-"
And I stopped listening after that. I knew that name... why did I know that name... oh... oh no. I'm gonna kill him. We're going to meet this man and I am going to end up killing him.
I followed Sam and Dean as they started walking out of the woman's house.
"Excuse me," she called as we reached the door. We looked back at her. "I'm sorry, but you look exactly like how I picture (Y/n) when I read the books."
I chuckled, "Thanks."
"He describes (Y/n) with so much detail," she smiled. "You could play them in a movie."
"Thank you," I waved as we walked out.
"'You could play them in a movie,'" Dean teased.
"I know who Chuck is," I said, ignoring him.
"What," he asked. I nodded. "How?"
I pointed to get into the car. I got in the back seat and Sam and Dean sat upfront. Dean started driving to the address the lady gave us before I started speaking.
"Okay, when you went to hell, Sam's not the only one who ran off," I explained. "I wasn't gone for four months... just two weeks. In those two weeks, I got involved in a single one-night stand. The name he gave me was Chuck Shurley."
"You screwed the man who wrote books about us," Dean asked, sounding angry.
"Do you think I knew he was writing books based on our lives?"
"He had to have known who you are," Sam added. "This isn't an accident. He has to get visions or something."
"Yeah, I know," I nodded. "He made money off of my name and then screwed me."
"Damn," Dean mumbled. "I missed a hell of a lot."
I rolled my eyes.
--time skip--
I knocked on the door loudly. Sam grabbed my arm, shaking his head at me. The door was opened and I smiled obnoxiously as Chuck. He was in a robe, his boxers, and an old white shirt. He looked tired and like he hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in days.
"Chuck Shurley," Dean asked.
"Chuck Shurley that wrote the Supernatural books," Sam added.
"Nice to meet you," I said. "This is Sam... Dean... and I'm (Y/n)... the ones you've written books about."
Chuck sighed and went to shut the door. I stepped in, stopping it with my foot.
"Listen, I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do and I remember you," he motioned at me, awkwardly grinning before seeming to shake the memories out of his head. I almost slapped him right then. "But please... go get a life."
"You see," Dean followed me, helping to force our way inside. Sam made sure the door shut behind us. "We have a life... and you're selling books about it."
"Okay, this isn't funny," Chuck mumbled.
"You're right," I said. "We just wanna know how you're doing it?"
"I'm just a writer, I'm not doing anything."
"Then why do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?"
"Is this some kind of 'Misery' thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a 'Misery' thing!"
"No, it's not," I shook my head. "Believe me, we're not fans."
"What do you want then," he asked.
"I'm Sam... and that's Dean and (Y/n)," Sam tried again.
"Those are fictional characters," Chuck yelled. "They aren't real!"
Dean grabbed him and pulled him outside.
"Wait, wait-"
"We aren't kidnapping you, calm down," I rolled my eyes. Dean opened the hidden compartment in the impala's trunk.
"Are those real guns?"
"Yes," I nodded. "And real rock salt, real fake IDs."
Chuck let out a laugh at it, "Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number-one fans. That... That's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some poster in the house."
"Chuck, stop," I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm as he went to walk away.
"Please don't hurt me," he begged.
"How much do you know," Sam asked. "Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
"How do you know about that?"
"Have you not been listening," I asked. "The real question is how do you?"
"Because I wrote it," he explained.
"You kept writing?"
"The books never came out because the publisher went bankrupt," he furrowed his eyebrows.
I stepped back, letting go of his arms.
"Okay, wait a minute," Chuck crossed his arms. "This is some kind of joke, right? Did Phil put you up to this?"
"Oh my god," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I grabbed his robe. "I'm sorry but I'm really tired. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n) Winchester, these are my brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. You wrote and published books about us, probably knew who I was, and then you still slept with me."
He stared at me in shock.
"What," I asked.
"The last names were never in the books," he mumbled. "I never told anyone about that. I never even wrote that down."
"Then I guess we have a lot to talk about," I let go of his robe.
The three of us followed him inside.
--time skip--
"I got a visit from Cas," Dean explained as he walked in. "I've some important information."
After talking to Chuck and getting a draft of what was supposed to happen, we were all panicking. Dean told us to wait here. Lilith was going to come for Sam and we both thought it'd be harder if there was more than one of us here at all times.
Now, Dean was coming back from seeing Chuck.
"And that important information is...," Sam trailed off.
"He's a prophet of the lord," Dean said, smirking at me.
I shut my eyes, letting my head fall forward.
"Please say you're joking," I mumbled.
"Nope," Dean replied.
Sam looked over at me. He only started chuckling after his brother broke.
Dean was laughing his head off within seconds, "You screwed a prophet!"
"Shut up," I groaned. "I'm gonna kill him!"
"Archangel will kill you."
"I'll happily pay that price," I muttered. "I slept with a prophet."
"At least that means he didn't write himself to sleep with you," Sam tried to comfort me.
"Yeah, God just decided I was supposed to sleep with the guy publishing books about my life," I replied sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better."
"Come on, it could be worst-"
"Sam, love you, but don't finish that sentence if you even kind of value your life," I muttered.
I was desperate for this conversation to just end.
--time skip--
After all was said and done, and Chuck accidentally helped us chase Lilith away for a while, we gave Chuck a lift back to his place.
I followed him up to his door, offering to look around and make sure that he's safe. He shook his head.
"I have an archangel protecting me," he reminded me. "Can't get any safer than that."
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, by the way," he said. "About us. I didn't recognize you until after... it all... and I didn't say anything because I didn't really know how to explain it. The whole event makes me feel all scummy."
"It's alright," I replied with a chuckle. "It's fine, I promise."
He offered me a nervous smile, "Y'know, in all of my visions, you're the most vivid thing."
With a grin, I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. I stepped back and headed back toward the impala. I made sure to take note of his nervous and flustered face.
"See you around, Chuck!"
"You... You too," he called after me. I got in the backseat and got comfortable.
"So... screwing the prophet wasn't that bad," Dean asked.
I just rolled my eyes, waving through the window at Chuck as Dean pulled away from the curb. Leave it to a Winchester to end up in a situation like that.
--time skip (season 11)--
Sam and I followed Dean with our guns ready. Dean was following the amulet that he had owned for a long time without even knowing it could show us where God was.
Everyone had been infected by Amara only minutes ago but now it was okay and Dean's amulet was glowing.
"Holy shit," I mumbled, seeing who was walking over to us.
He was supposed to be dead. That's why Kevin's prophet powers had been activated.
"No way," Dean said.
"Hey," Chuck... or God said. "We need to talk."
Despite our understandable hesitation, Chuck reached forward, teleporting all of us back to the bunker. I stepped away from him, slightly overwhelmed.
"(Y/n)," Chuck walked over and tried to grab my arm. I instinctually slapped him. I was nothing but confusion and anger. "I deserved that. Just, please?"
I stepped away again.
From behind Chuck stepped Kevin's ghost. My breath caught in my throat. The poor boy had been through so much shit because of us.
Kevin told us about how we looked stressed and that we should listen to Chuck.
Then, Chuck waved his hand. Kevin turned into a ball of white and blue light before ascending beyond the bunker.
"Where'd he go," I asked.
"Heaven, where he deserves," Chuck promised. I nodded.
I listened to the rant about how Chuck had abandoned us all and how awful things were. Then, the conversation turned to the plan to stop Amara. The boys talked about needing Lucifer and Chuck got incredibly upset. In a fit, he went to leave. I stepped in front of him.
"No," I said bluntly. "Even if you want to avoid the subject of your estranged son, you can't just leave."
"Sam, Dean," I looked at them. "Give us a minute?"
They both nodded, glaring at Chuck on their way out. I tried to ignore the instincts that were telling me that Chuck was just selfish.
"(Y/n)," Chuck mumbled.
"Just answer my questions," I said. "Then we can discuss what to do with Amara without you storming away recklessly. Okay?"
He nodded.
"Have you been God the whole time," I asked.
He nodded.
"You wrote all of our stories?"
Another nod.
"Did you write that I was going to sleep with you?"
I felt manipulated and angry. I was desperate for an answer. I knew that this could've made me feel like dirt, but I needed to know.
"No," Chuck said. I clenched my jaw, ready to call him a liar. "I told you. I had been pretty much hands-off for a long time. Did I know who were? Absolutely. I'm sorry I lied to you about that. But I didn't plan anything between us. We weren't some divine plan."
I nodded, looking down.
"You know how Dean and Amara are connected," he asked. I nodded, looking back at him. "We're like them."
"And that's not a divine plan-"
"I'm not doing a good job explaining this," Chuck shook his head. "It feels like we're like them. Like there's this bond that just happened as soon as we met."
"You lied to me, for years," I said. "Saying we have some bond isn't gonna fix that."
"I know."
We both fell silent. Slowly, I started laughing. Chuck furrowed his eyebrows, "My only one-night stand... and it was God."
Chuck started laughing with me while I really processed what I had done.
I slowly stopped laughing.
I didn't notice until it was too late that Chuck had slowly gotten closer to me. As soon as his lips brushed mine, I pushed him back. Not hard, but enough to get him to step away.
"No," I mumbled. "Not that, no."
Chuck nodded, "Got it."
"Now," I sighed, "we need to actually plan to stop Amara, and if we need Luci-"
"We don't," he said bluntly. "We can do something else. We don't need him. Okay?"
I nodded. In my gut, I trusted him. Maybe that was me being an idiot but I did trust him. For now at least.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
177 notes · View notes
blorbosondeck · 4 years ago
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
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ushidoux · 4 years ago
Similar - Osamu x Reader
Summary: You and Osamu go on a double date with Atsumu. (~1.2k words)
Warnings: sfw
A/N: Honestly this is a bit rushed so I might rewrite it but I hope you like it, nonnie.
Arms loaded with popcorn and other snacks to enjoy during the movie, you trudged back to join  your boyfriend where he stood, his usual mildly disinterested expression now replaced with a bit of irritation as he looked at this phone. 
“Is your brother on his way?”
Osamu looked away from his phone at the sound of your voice, reaching a hand out to help you carry the snacks while you slipped his credit card into his pocket. Now that you both had a hand free, you interlocked fingers with him, keeping an eye out on the bustling mall. 
“Did he get stuck in traffic? The movie’s about to start-” you whispered, stopping abruptly when you saw a young man who looked like every bit as much as your ‘Samu but with a large, confident, bordering on cocksure smile on his face. He was casually but well dressed, and with blonde hair unlike Osamu’s gray, and a woman who fit the part of a pretty online ‘influencer’ to a T hung on his arm, laughing loudly. 
“Hey! You realize we’ve been waitin’?” Osamu called out.
Atsumu’s eyebrows raised and he stopped where he stood shoving his hand in his pocket, then his lips spread into a smile as the two of you approached the couple. The young woman beside him did a double take between the two twins, eyes wide. 
“Oh! You’re twins!” She whispered, ignoring Osamu’s surly expression.
Osamu paused then ran a hand through his hair briefly before introducing himself politely to the woman in the group.
“Osamu,” he said with a wave, stepping aside so that you could also introduce yourself to the two, which you did so shyly. 
You noticed Atsumu look you up and down as you introduced yourself, and you worried if you looked plain in comparison to his date, but his eyes were somewhat unreadable much like Osamu’s. 
“Atsumu. Pleased to meet you,” he said, with a smile warmer than you expected. You didn’t dwell on it because Osamu was already nudging you to take you to your seats.
The movie was captivating enough but you couldn’t help but be distracted by the full on make-out session happening beside you (sloppy noises and all), and somehow by association even laying your head on Osamu’s shoulder seemed to border on licentious. Osamu shot his brother a dirty look but kept his arm steady around your shoulder and you focused on the smell of his shirt and the big screen in front of you.
About an hour and a half later, despite being mostly full of movie theater butter and candy, you found yourself at a burger and shakes joint, and you slurped quietly on a milkshake while Osamu and Atsumu tried to catch up, and Atsumu’s date, whose name you eventually registered as Hana, texted in between furtive glances at her date.
“Mom’s been worrying about ya. Call her so she stops calling me.”
Atsumu took a large bite of his meal before replying, “Tell her I’m fine.”
“It’s not the same,” Osamu said, with a sigh, but then leaned back in his chair. A silence hung in the air in which the sound of your straw sucking air seemed to become too loud and you broke the mild tension with a question. 
“So, uh… Atsumu, ‘Samu tells me you used to play volleyball together but now you play professionally?”
Atsumu leaned closer in his chair, a glint now in his eyes. At this, his date Hana seemed to perk up, looking at him carefully, then at you, wondering if she should be concerned about the way he looked at you now.
Atsumu picked a fry off your plate to both Hana and your dismay before continuing. 
“Yeah, Osamu’s good too but I’m definitely better… or at least I cared more. I always do.” 
Atsumu’s eyes didn’t leave you as he chewed and you tried very hard to both dispel the blush forming on your face (not because you were interested in him but because you were so shocked by how bold he was being of course) and deflect Hana’s glares at you. The words were intended to sink and fluster you.
The fact that Osamu said not a single word is even more surprising, and when you looked towards him, his gaze is averted and he looks out the window.
Even if Osamu acted as though he was unbothered, you could feel unrest coming from him as he tied the laces of your ice skates for you, insisting despite your pleas that you could do them yourself.
“You’ve never skated before, let me help.”
There was a very mild edge to his voice that urged you to let him be overprotective, especially when you could tell he was annoyed by Atsumu’s flirty behavior.
When you looked over, you realized Atsumu was doing the same as Osamu and Hana’s face was overjoyed by it, taking snaps to commemorate the occasion. It occurred to you for a moment that this may be their first date.
Atsumu gave you a smirk when he noticed you watching, and you looked away quickly. 
For a moment you wished for the date to end so you wouldn’t have to manage your discomfort any longer, but when Osamu took you gliding across the large ice skating rink, first carefully, then picking up speed as you acclimated to the feeling of flying together. 
You barely noticed Atsumu and Hana attempting to race past you, with Atsumu looking back to leer at you two provocatively, urging a competition.
Osamu grinned at you in warning first, then picked up the pace, and despite the icy chill that whipped past your face as you went faster than you ever had before, your hands and your heart always remained warm and secure within his. 
Once finally parted, home and snuggled together on the couch, you found yourself asking if he had pretended not to notice Atsumu brazenly flirting with you throughout that time.
Osamu gave you a single raised eyebrow, then adjusted himself so that his arms are behind his back.
“It looks like a jerk move but it’s his way to look out for me.”
You straightened up from your position laying against him and gave him a good look.
“I told him he didn’t need to this time, that you were different, but he didn’t listen. It was annoying, but it’s fine.”
With this, he pulled you just a little bit closer to him and wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead.
“Don’t get mad. It’s not that you aren't the cutest thing on Earth but honestly you’re not his type,” he said, frankly. You couldn’t shake the slightest bit of irritation at the idea that the brothers would do this slightly manipulative thing, but when you looked at your ‘Samu and you looked at Atsumu who despite his flirty behavior seemed to be somewhat smitten with his date by the end of the night, you realized, that maybe they were truly quite similar.
But that was fine. To you, your ‘Samu would always be the better twin.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
On set visits; Queen x reader x Borhap boys pt. 1
*Author's note*
Alright so this part is broken up into 2 parts so here is the 1st part of the Bohemian Rhapsody film set visit. Part 2 will be up in just a second after I get done with this author's note. So expect some crazy stuff happening, fluffiness and the Rock Angel reminiscing on her past with the boys. 
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*Sept. 2017. Filming Bohemian Rhapsody*
I almost couldn't believe it myself. I mean I knew that the boys were planning on a film about themselves and that it was taking them almost 10 years just to get it off the ground. But now after multiple rewrites of the script and better casting, the film was ready to get off the ground.
"So you're absolutely sure I can stop by whenever I feel like it? No matter how many times?" I spoke into my I-phone.
'Absolutely love, just as long as you don't spill any secrets.'
"Please Bri, when have I ever revealed anything to anyone about you guys?"
'Well there was the time—'
"That was a fluck and you know it!" I snapped.
'I'm kidding love, you've never spilled any secrets. You've gotten better at lying lately.' Brian chuckled.
"Well when you say it like that it makes me feel guilty."
'As it should love. So when can we expect you?'
"I'll try to get there before the filming starts, so I may end up going to bed now so that way I can get on the road early enough to beat traffic."
'I know Rog is looking forward to seeing you again.'
"I just did the summer tour with you guys, how could he already miss me?"
'It's a mystery to all of us, but he is your father after all.'
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay well I'll see you tomorrow Bri."
'See you then (y/n). sweet dreams and drive safe tomorrow.'
"Will do. Love you."
'Love you too poppet.' I then hung up and couldn't help but grin.
"You still going over to see them film tomorrow?" I turned and low and behold after a long day's shift there was my husband coming in from his police work.
"Well, well, well, look what the cat threw up." I teased.
"Ha-ha you're hilarious my love." He said as he undid his tie and unbuttoned his short. "So the film's finally taking off the ground?"
"Yep, and they finally found a better Freddie Mercury."
"Yeah cause I remember when you called and told me about Sacha Baron Cohen."
"I just couldn't stand the fact that he was wanting to expose the dark side of Freddie. I mean yeah he had the parties, and the drugs, the sex, but that's all what Rock and rollers did back in those days. Plus that's all he seemed to care about. The scandal that came with Freddie's name, nothing about the music. I'm only just glad Bri sided with me on it." I ranted as Jack came up after taking his shirt and undoing his pants and began to rub my shoulders.
"I know love. You're as protective of this project as Brian and Roger are. So do you know who exactly they got to play Freddie this time?"
"No, but I'll find out tomorrow."
"Okay well, my team's got a heavy lead on the case so I won't really be available tomorrow."
"I understand. Just—promise me you'll be careful my love. I haven't forgotten that one killer that shot you in the line of duty."
"I survived didn't I? Plus now we both have a bullet story to share." He leaned his forehead against mine.
"Not funny Jack." I muttered.
"I know. C'mon let's get some sleep. We both have got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I nodded and then we both got into bed and we fell asleep.
Early the next morning I was on my way over to the set driving in my own car without a driver. As I approached the set gate of course I was stopped by security.
"Badge and proof of visitation ma'am." I handed him the badge that Roger had sent in for me and some documentation that I needed to show him saying that I was not only visiting but a consultant for the movie to help the actors get to know the true Queen. "Everything checks out Mrs. Kline, here you go and have a good day."
"You too uhh—Marvin." I read his nametag before putting my VIP badge around my neck as the gate opened and I drove on inside.
After about 10 minutes I finally was able to find a parking space. I got out of the car and locked it up before walking towards the set. I was told by Brian that the actors had been prepping for the biggest scene they were going to film, the Live Aid sequence.
When I came around and actually stepped up onto the stage, I was blown away and taken back to the summer of 1985. Jesus they—the production got every single detail down to the paint chippings. The rigged lights that Queen had the day they performed, Roger's kit and the grand piano with Freddie's Pepsi cups filled with beer.
"Oh my god. Jack if only you were here to see this." I muttered to myself. It was then I saw Brian talking to someone but—wait did he? Did he seriously dye his hair back to its original dark curls? I walked up to him but waited till he was done talking to some of the producers. Once he was I tapped his shoulder and he turned around and—oh wow I just....wow.
I don't know whether this is a prank or time travel does exist but I swear I'm literally looking at Brian the day I had met him.
"Okay it's official. I think I have finally cracked." I said as I placed my hand over my forehead.
"I'm sorry ma'am do you need to sit down or can I get you a cup of water?" Oh god he even sounds like Brian.
"Ahhh seems you two have already met. And here I thought I could surprise you." I turned and there was—Brian? My Brian with the grey curls now. Wait what!? What is going on here!?
"What the f—"
"Ah, ah language young lady!" Brian scolded.
"You must be the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline, Brian and Roger have told us a lot about you. Pardon me, Gwilym Lee." He said as he extended his hand to me. I shook it and said in awe.
"Ahhhh, now I see it. Sorry Gwilym dear, never did I think I'd see two Brian's at once. I swear to god you look—exactly like Brian when I met him."
"Anita said the exact same thing. Cheeky woman was even trying to flirt with him." Brian said as he pouted towards the end..
"No she didn't." I gawked.
"I'm afraid it's true." Gwilym said with a blush. I shook my head softly laughing.
"Oh that woman I tell you what."
"Well I can tell you one thing I know a certain someone of the cast who will flip out once he sees you." said Gwilym.
"And just who might that be?" I asked him.
"The young lad whose playing Deacy, Joe Mazzello."
"Kept ranting on and on about your Live Aid performance and how you and Deacy used to interact with each other in your performances together."
"Ahh yes. Me and my dear brother mine." I sighed with a solemn smile.
"I—I'm sorry I-I-I didn't mean to......"
"No, no Gwilym it's fine. While sometimes I do wish he could still be around, I completely understand why he chose to leave the band. Hell without Brian and Rog I—I don't even want to think what I would've done after Freddie died." I soon brushed my sorrows away and said, "Now come here Gwilym I want to get a closer look at you." he came up to me and we stood face to face of each other.
I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked him up and down before cupping each side of his face gently.
"God they chose right for my Brian. I swear, it's like Gwilym is your long lost son Bri." I said as my eyes turned toward Brian.
"I'm beginning to think you might be right." Joked Brian. I stepped back from Gwilym and said to him.
"I can't wait to see the full Live Aid recreation with you all in full costume."
"I hope we do you proud Mrs. Kline."
"First of all, call me (y/n). Secondly, I'm already proud. From what I've heard from Brian and Roger, I have no doubt in my mind that we've entrusted the right group of actors with Freddie's and Queen's upbringing tale to absolute rock gods."
"You flatter us too much (y/n)." Brian gushed.
"Only because you old fossils deserve it." I teased as I stuck my tongue out at him to which Brian did his little eyebrow quirk at me. I giggled softly and continued. "Well before filming starts, I'm gonna continue to look around the set. I'm told the lower decks where all the performers were settled in are just like how they were when we were there. Ciao Brians'." I walked away from them with a wave of my hand.
After exploring more of the set design and going down memory lane it was then I came across another look-a-like. Holding the famed natural Fender precision Bass guitar and wearing that god awful tacky shirt that I secretly wished I had told him not to wear, and having the iconic mushroom fluffy hair was the actor who was playing Deacy, Joe Mazzello.
One of the hair designers was fluffing up the wig to make sure it was up to Deacy's standard. And god just like with Gwilym, Joe was practically identical to Deacy.
It was just like seeing Deacy again back when he was happy and content with where Queen was at, just before finding out about Freddie's illness (which I had found out from Spike several years ago that Deacy had actually known since the last tour Queen ever did with Freddie).
I smiled softly as I watched him get ready for the camera. His wide smile reminded me so much of Deacy's. Slowly I walked up towards him and as the hairdresser looked him over Joe asked.
"So how does it look?"
"I think you look terrific." I said.
"Wait who said—OH MY GOD!!!" he screamed as he turned around and saw me. Like all usual fanboys, he jumped back, his mouth was gaped and his eyes were wide.
"Close your mouth please Joe dear we are not a codfish." His mouth immediately closed.
"The Rock—"
"Rock Angel." We both said together slowly. "Call me (y/n)." I greeted as I extended my hand out to him and he took it hold of it and shook it.
"I just—I can't believe that I'm-I'm-I'm actually standing beside the Rock Angel." I softly giggled.
"Just know that beyond the glam and the rock star female empowerment, I'm just a normal 55 year old woman."
"But you still look good." He said. I quirked my brow at him so he quickly tried to save himself, "Not that you're old or anything. I mean I don't mean to offend you I just....."
"Joseph. Relax dear. I'm not offended at all. Freddie always said that I would end up being an eternal beauty. At first I thought it was just Freddie being Freddie but as the years have passed I think he—that he must be behind giving me this youthful glow."
"The Rock Angel called me dear," he first gushed with a shy smile. "Sorry I just...... I grew up listening to your albums along with Queen and the first time I saw one of your broadcast performances, I kinda had a little crush on you" He said gently.
"Aww I'm flattered Joe, really I am." I said as I gently cupped the side of his face and gave his cheek a stroke of my thumb. At that point he looked like he was about to melt into a puddle with how much joy he was probably filled with. "Now Joe forgive me for saying this, how long have you been acting?"
"I was a child actor actually. I've—always been in the acting business. Why do you ask?"
"Well besides seeing some of my brother's features I feel like I've—seen you in something before."
"You might recall a little film that came out in the 90's known as Jurassic Park?"
"Wait hold on—you...." I gasped. "You played little Tim Murphy!?!"
"Yes, yes I was Tim Murphy."
"Oh my god. When that film came out my twin boys were literally obsessed with that movie. Would not watch anything else for a full year. They even wore out the old VHS tape we had for it. Oh my god how could I not recognize you sooner?"
"Well I was 8 just turning 9 while we were filming it."
"You had a birthday while filming?"
"Yeah. It was during the kitchen scene with the raptor. I actually got injured on that day."
"What? What happened?" he then proceeded to tell me exactly what had happened. Of how the raptor they used was on wheels and he was running toward the fridge and he was supposed to go left while the raptor was supposed to go right, but the guy controlling the raptor lost control and went the same direction as Joe and he ended up getting hit in the face with a metal claw.
And it was at that moment the director Steven Spielberg and the rest of the crew sang Happy birthday to him.
Then of course he tried to ask Joe at that moment if they could try it again, but when Joe proved he couldn't do it, they wrapped for that day.
"Oh you poor thing."
"It's okay, I survived."
"Well I hope you never suffered an injury like that since then. And on your birthday too? That's never a good birthday present to get a concussion."
"I was cleared out with no concussion, just a little dizzy and a bit of bruising."
"Oh I'm sorry love, it's my inner mother instincts kicking in."
"She always was an overprotective mother." We both turned around and I saw Roger walking up sporting the black beanie I gave him for Christmas last year and another actor who was sporting the Roger Taylor look he had for Live Aid.
"Oh look who's talking smother father! For years since I've known you you've been the definition of helicopter parent." I gawked at him. "You still sometimes even threaten Jack with missing out on our dates cause of our jobs."
"And I've always told you that boy would be trouble one day." He teased as he came up to me.
"Wow so it is actually true, you guys do look at each other as father and daughter." Said the young actor playing Roger.
"Yes Ben, my adoptive daughter (Y/n) Kline, otherwise known as the Rock Angel." Roger introduced.
"So you're the young actor playing my main father figure eh?" I said as I looked at the young man.
"Yes. Ben Hardy, it's a real honor to meet you in person Mrs. Kline. To say I was nervous to meet Roger is nothing compared to the thought of meeting you."
"Are you saying I'm intimidating and unapproachable?" I asked offendedly.
"Wha? No! No! God no I-I-I-I didn't mean it that way I was just...." I interrupted him with a laugh and said.
"Dear, relax. I was just pulling your leg."
"And be thankful she was. Otherwise, I'd beat your arse boy for insulting my daughter." Roger protectively stated.
"See there you go you old hypocrite. Besides Rog you haven't been able to kick anyone's arse in years. Don't want you breaking a hip now do we?" I mocked him.
"You're lucky these boys are here little missy." Roger scolded me.
" Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now then Ben, you were once on EastEnders right?" I said turning my attention back toward Ben.
"Yes. I played Peter Boyle on the show. My recent film before this was the new X-Men movie that came out about a year ago. X-Men Apocalypse."
"Ahh yes, my youngest son is always obsessed with all the superhero films. Marvel or DC. Now I'd like to see you two more closely, stand together." Both Joe and Ben followed orders and I looked both of them up and down.
Circling around them before cupping each of their faces once by one. And yes Ben was a bit more muscular than Roger was and of course they didn't get his hair right for this part in time, but there was just something in Ben's eyes that just made me think back to the first day I met Roger.
That sparkle of mischief but also protectiveness that shown through those blue eyes of his.
"That is most definitely my Roger. You both have the same spirit in your eyes. I can't wait to see how you play the drums up on that stage."
"Yeah, me neither." He said with a hint of nervousness. I then went over to Joe and cupped his face too. Just—my god just like with Deacy the profile was just uncanny. Of course, Deacy's eyes were more of a hazel type while Joe's were like a brownish type color. But I couldn't deny he looked so much like my brother. "And you my dear Joseph. Gwilym isn't the only one to resemble the man he's playing."
"It was kinda scary after getting the wig on. So much so that I called my mom and asked her what she was doing in 1983?" I laughed and said as I took my hands away from his face.
"Unfortunately, I can tell you for a fact that John Deacon is not your father. The only lady he's ever loved and will love is Veronica."
"I know." I chuckled softly.
"Now then Joe if you'll come with me there's important things I need to discuss with you."
"Like what?"
"You'll see. It was wonderful to meet you Ben, I hope we can get to know each other better later after you all film the Live Aid concert."
"Yeah of course, it was wonderful to meet you Mrs. Kline."
"Please call me (y/n). Dad you better not be too hard on this one, I like him."
"Don't worry I won't break him too much." The four of us went our separate ways.
Joe and I arrived at my trailer (all thanks to Rog and Bri). We entered inside and I told Joe to take a seat. He sat down on my couch while I went over to the kitchen.
"Yes please. One sugar please."
"Just like how he liked it." I muttered to myself.
"What was that?"
"Nothing love, nothing." I prepped the tea for him and once it was done I handed him his cup and he thanked me. I watched him take a sip and he said,
"Ahh never gets old. I'm telling you after this I may just be the biggest tea fan ever."
"It is good for the soul. I myself have always found Jasmine to be the way to nirvana." I paused for a brief moment before saying, "Joe." He looked at me giving me his full attention, "As you know probably from weeks of research and maybe even from Roger and Brian themselves, Deacy chose to exempt himself from all forms of stardom. To live a quiet life with his family."
"Yeah. When I first got the part I did reach out to him on just any personal advice on certain quirks that he did. Cause even though I've played real life people before, this is the first time I'm playing someone whose still alive, and I wanted to do him justice."
"Yes, quite."
"However all I got back was just that he approved of the project and just for me to take it as any other actor would. Not that I'm saying that I'm mad at him for saying that. But I just—"
"I get it. Really I do." I took his hand and gripped onto it comfortingly. "Look. Ever since Freddie died, Deacy has been—grieving. Just like he did for me, it was Freddie who helped bring Deacy out of his shell and become more involved with the band. Not just being the bass player or the quiet guy."
"The King of the one liners, the tie breaker of Queen." Joe stated.
"Yes, although John could be loud and rowdy when he wanted to. He was definitely Queen's wildcard, but he was also their Ace. Unpredictable but incredibly brilliant. Never have I met a bass player quite like him. Nor do I think I ever will." It was quiet for what felt like forever when Joe asked me.
"Do you—do you still speak to him? I mean, cause I read that you both basically grew up close together, even for being 11 years apart from each other."
"Yes. We actually lived 20 minutes from each other back in our youth. He was and will always be my brother mine." I sighed heavily. "And to answer your question, I must remind you he's always been.....a cautious subject to me. Any remembrance of Freddie just makes him break, and as I'm sure you've seen from my concert footages I, sometimes, subconsciously find myself doing some Freddie movements on stage. Whether it's flicking my wrist like he did, strutting around the stage or waving my arms like he did. Deacy's.....he knows those things. But he's always there for me when I needed him. The last time was—on the tragedy of 9-11."
"Wait you mean....."
"Jack's cousin Jared and his wife Gen, they—they were on the plane that was overtaken by the terrorists. Took five days to finally find their bodies. Jared holding Gen in his arms. It was a risk but—I knew Jack needed more support than just his American family. So he and I went over to John and Veronica's place. We went at the early mornings of course just so that way no one would spot us driving in midday and try to track us down, then at sunrise we walked up to the door and—there he was. When Jack told him what had happened, he—actually invited us in and allowed us to stay the entire time. He ended up being the right support Jack needed."
"Your husband and John were close?"
"Oh yes. More alike than you know. Both incredibly talented bass players. That's how Jack got Deacy's approval when Jack and I started hanging out. He even gave my husband private lessons."
"Yes. They were practically inseparable the two of them for that summer. Even during their rehearsals, you would see Deacy go in the corner and practice what riffs he'd teach my Jack next. However that was the last time I ever actually saw Deacy, 16 long years ago. Haven't gotten in contact with him since. But occasionally, at least according to Brian, he asks them how I'm doing as well as Jack."
"I hope he's living a quiet and happy life with his kids and wife."
"I know they are. I still keep in contact with Ronnie whenever I can, sometimes we go out shopping, fawn over grandchildren pics, and just catching up. She was the mother I needed when I first had Kelly."
"Sounds like she was the ultimate mama."
"You have no idea." I felt Joe place his free hand on top of mine that still had his. I smiled softly at him before I got down to the real reason why I brought him here. "Joseph, now I know that when it comes to acting, Hollywood can pick whomever they deem worthy for a role, especially if it's for a real person. I'll be honest with you; hearing your American accent puts me a little on edge. Cause I have heard some pretty bad English accents on screen that just make me want to pull my ears off agonizingly slow. Now I know Deacy has probably the most unique accent from anyone in Leicester, I mean you hear my accent and I sound nothing like his dialect. So what I want to ask of you, just for the sake of you playing my brother, may I hear you speak with John's accent?"
"What-what would you like me to say?"
"Maybe say what you did for the audition. Or anything that comes to your head. It doesn't even have to be an interview Deacy did, I just want to hear your accent." He nodded before sitting back on the couch while I leaned back on the chair.
He adjusted himself before finally miming that he was driving a car before he finally spoke about when Deacy first joined the band. The one interview he did during the 'News of the World' tour with Bob Harris.
I felt like at that moment my heart had stopped. My hands slowly covered my mouth in a prayer style while the corner of my eyes watered. And sure there were certain words that he said that still sounded American but—this was my brother. I....I was actually looking at my brother right now. They got it right.
By the end of it, Joe looked at me and his eyes grew concerned as he said.
"Did I screw up?" I stood up from my chair in silence. I then walked over to him and knelt down in front of him cupping his face. A wide smile spread across my face as I immediately hugged him and softly sobbed.
"You are my Deacy! My brother mine." I then felt him embrace me back and the two of us rocked side to side. I looked up to the heavens praying that Fred was looking down knowing he would've loved Joe playing his Deacy. "If you ever need any advice or help, I'm here for you. Promise me Joe Mazzello that you will come to me with anything regarding Deacy."
"I promise (y/n)." he still spoke with Deacy's accent which filled me with both sorrow and happiness.
We stayed that way for god knows how long. After composing myself, we left my trailer when one of the volunteers came up to us and said.
"Joe, they're ready to start filming the concert."
"Shall we go on?" I asked.
"Yes, let's." God he had my brother's quick wit already. He crooked his arm out which made me grin softly. I looped my arm through his and the two of us walked on towards the Live Aid stage.
I stood alongside Roger, Peter Freestone (Freddie's former assistant and the other consultant for the film) as well as Brian's youngest daughter Emily (who in every way was so much like her father from the hair to the smile).
"I think this will be a great shoot, don't you think (y/n)?" asked Peter.
"Indeed Pheebs. And I'm sure Freddie would've loved to have seen it."
"He would indeed." He said as he wrapped an arm around me and soon Brian came and stood beside us after being backstage with the young actors who then came out just as Queen did that day back in 85. When I saw the young actor playing our Freddie, I was already impressed.
Sure he was skinnier than Freddie was, but seeing him move about just as Freddie did it was like I was seeing Freddie right before my eyes. The boys got into position and soon began to perform the entire Live Aid concert.
Besides actually being there and seeing them perform from the wings that day over 30 years ago, this was about the greatest concert performance I had ever seen.
The boys in full costume had everything down. Gwilym channeled Brian's solo on Bohemian Rhapsody, Ben was pretty impressive on the drums, Joe had Deacy's rhythmic moves down, and the young man playing Freddie he—it was beyond what I could imagine. He wasn't just moving like Freddie, it was like he knew why Freddie would move a certain way to a song.
I was in awe cause it felt like I had actually traveled back in time and was watching Queen's most historical performance once again. I stood behind Brian and wrapped my arms around his shoulders leaning up against his head smiling from ear to ear, I felt Brian take one of my hands and gently patted it every now and then.
When the Aye-Oh's happened I could help but lowered my head and holding my laughs of joy. I swear when this is over, I need to talk to this new actor playing Freddie cause unlike Sacha, this was our Freddie. Soon Hammer to Fall came on and I couldn't help but bop my head along to the song.
I felt a tap at my shoulder and I turned to see Emily holding her phone out with the notes app open. In the app it read.
'Is this how you remember it Aunt (y/n)?' I walked towards her and gestured for me to have her phone. She handed it to me and I typed out.
'Everything and more. God I wish your cousin Kelly could've been here to see this as well as your uncle Jack. They would've loved it.' I showed her my message and she came up and wrapped her arms around my shoulders as the two of us smiled happily up at the stage.
When Hammer to Fall concluded, the extras and even me and team Queen applauded. I let out a loud whistle from the sidelines as I applauded and took pictures with my own phone to show Jack and the kids later. Now I recall that it was at this time the guys ended up surprising me and the world with our duet "Set it all free" instead of the planned 'Crazy Little thing called love'.
Now I've been skeptical about having a biopic film about me, even though I knew both Queen and Elton were starting theirs at the same time, hell one of the producers Dexter Fletcher is currently directing Elton's film 'Rocketman' as we speak right now. So I didn't know if they would plan to do Crazy little thing or if they'd go the set as it was all those years ago.
I got my answer however when Ben started to play the drum intro to my song.
"You guys didn't." I muttered.
"We wanted to be historically accurate with the Live Aid set." Brian started.
"So we cooked up a little surprise for you." Roger said. It was then I heard the actor playing Freddie began chanting out along with the audience "An-gel! An-gel! An-gel!" it was then I saw a young girl come out and—by god it was like looking at my younger self from that day.
She was dressed exactly how I was with a pregnant belly suit underneath her shirt. Her hair was designed the same way as mine was, everything just took me back. Instead of a playback that the Freddie actor was using for all the singing, this young woman was actually singing and she had a pretty good voice.
I continued to watch in awe as the young woman basically became me doing each step or movement I did that day on Live Aid. I felt Brian and Roger wrap their arms around me as I couldn't even take my eyes off the young woman up on stage. I could hear the extras singing out the lyrics, even some of the crew members were bopping their heads and singing along.
She walked across the stage at the second verse right towards the Freddie actor and just like Fred and I did, they stood forehead to forehead singing the duet before she walked back out and went back to center stage. When the guitar solo came on, my eyes turned to Gwilym and he amazed me that he actually could do my hard rock solo.
After the song was over, the crowd applauded and cheered and I turned to the guys and hugged them and whispered into their ears.
"If this is you guys way of trying to get me to sign onto a biopic film......I'm highly considering it after seeing her."
"We'll introduce you later." Said Roger as we separated from the hug and we turned our attention back to the guys as We Will Rock you now began playing. I couldn't help myself by stomp my feet to the rhythm and mouth out the words.
I was just amazed by not only Gwilym's guitar playing but also the young man who moved just like how I remembered seeing Freddie move, using the mic stand as Fred always did (the cheeky man), even the facial expressions that he made were exactly like they were.
It wasn't until when 'We are the champions' came on that I could barely hold my tears in. Seeing not only Fred's actor but my actor singing the famed Queen anthem that has literally been played in every victory sport or award winning singing competition.
Seeing the two of them interact with each other, it was pure nostalgia.
By the end of the song, tears welled up in my eyes and I looked toward the heavens hoping that Freddie could see this and running through my mind I already knew what he'd say.
"Amazing jobs my darlings, not as fabulous as me but very, very close." When the extras and even some crew members cheered, Brian, Roger, Peter, Emily and myself all applauded and cheered for the boys and that's when the director called cut.
"This.....is gonna be a great movie." I said.
"I think so too. After just seeing them come together like that, I think we've finally casted the right people to play us." Said Brian.
"I agree you two, I'm liking what I've just seen so far." Roger said.
"And—I'm sure he would've liked this too." I said solemnly. I felt Roger gently rub my back and Brian said.
"I know he would."
After a few more takes of filming the Live Aid concert, the director said that it was enough for today. I walked around the set to find the producer Graham King and when I approached him I asked him.
"Graham tell me, who's the young man you got to play Freddie?"
"Oh his name is Rami Malek. His recent project was a show called Mr. Robot."
"Ahh yes I've heard of that, my Freddie is obsessed with that show. Never misses an episode."
"When we were casting Freddie I happened to come across an episode and when I saw him I—just thought I was looking at Freddie. So we brought him in, he gave us a mock interview as well as an audition that your boys saw when they first met him. And from then on it just fell into place. Do you approve of him? Is there a problem Mrs. Kline?"
"Absolutely not. Do you know where I can find Rami at right now?"
"Probably in hair and makeup getting undressed."
"Well, when he is done would you be so kind as to bring him to my trailer?"
"Of course (y/n)." I nodded in gratitude and walked off to my trailer.
I sat there once again on the chair looking through an old photo album. Each picture held a deep and personal memory for me, I thought back to the day that each picture was taken and remembered exactly what was going on at that very moment.
A knock was soon heard at my trailer. I composed myself with a deep exhale and said.
"Come in." the door opened and there without costume or the tache was Rami Malek.
"Graham said you wanted to see me Mrs. Kline?"
"Yes Rami, love please come in." he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. "Take a seat." I gestured towards the couch. He sat right where Joe had sat down earlier this morning and I said. "Would you care for a biscuit, or as Americans call them cookies?"
"Uhh yes please." I smiled and handed him a tray of biscuits I always kept around me (hey a woman's gotta have her sweet tooth fix right?) and handed him my best plate of chocolate chip cookies (all thanks to my mother in law's secret recipe). He thanked me as he took one and took a bite out of it. "Mmm. Oh my god," he cleared his throat and closed his mouth before finishing the biscuit up. "This is so good."
"Thank you, it was my mother in law's secret recipe. She passed it onto me shortly before Kelly was born." He took another bite of it and swallowed that piece before saying as he set it down on a napkin that I had also provided.
"What-what was it you needed to see me for Mrs.—"
"Before we continue, I'll ask you to call me the same way I've asked the other three of the band to call me. Call me (y/n)."
"Yes of course, (y/n). What was it you wanted to see me for? Is it to talk about what you saw out there? Did I screw it up already?"
"No, no dear relax. This is nothing in the way you're thinking." I saw him take a sigh of relief.
"Oh good. Cause I know I obviously wasn't the first choice for the job."
"In my books Rami, you should've been the first one to be called for the role."
"Oh yes, but first there's a couple of questions that I want to ask you that Brian and Roger might not have asked you, and I want you to answer them as Freddie would've."
"Okay." I smiled softly and stood up from my seat as I set the phot album aside.
"Who is Queen not without?"
"That's easy. It's you darling. There's no Queen without their beloved Rock Angel, and no Rock Angel without her four aging Queens." I felt my heart clench at hearing Rami speak with a British tone. The softness of his voice almost sounded identical to Freddie's voice. I turned towards him and walked towards the kitchen area of my trailer.
"Who is it that you trust the most?"
"Mary. Mary is the one I trust the most. For she knows me like no one else ever will." I reached the kitchen and rested my hand against the island.
"Who are you?" Rami looked at me before finally answering something that would forever stun me.
"I've been asked that all my life. By my family, student peers, professors, the entire world. I've been told who I should strive to be but I say fuck what they say. They don't define me. No, I decided who I am. I'm going to be what I was born to be. A performer who gives the people what they want." He pointed towards the ceiling as he whispered, "touch of the heavens." He dropped his hand before finally answering, "Freddie Fucking Mercury."
My lips quivered and I ducked my head as tears began falling down my face for—god knows how many times right now.
"Oh (y/n) I—I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry, I—did I say something wrong?" Rami said urgently as he stood up and stood in front of me.
"No." I choked out. I sniffled and that's when he handed me a tissue. Oh ever the kind gentleman and concerned about my wellbeing, just like Freddie was. "No you—you've prove to me that you know just who Freddie truly was."
"Didn't want to be put in a certain category or be stereotyped." He said. I nodded as I wiped my tears with the tissue he had given me.
"For as long as I have known Freddie, especially to his last, various people have chosen one of two sides. There's the one side that the press made him out to be. The one that-that—bastard Cohen wanted to portray Freddie as. The wild, crazed, homosexual drug addict. That he deserved what he had gotten because he was so reckless and stupid. That AIDS was his form of suicide. Never did I want to punch and murder so many people. Every time I got asked about whether Freddie's death was his own fault, I just wanted to rip the interviewer apart."
"I can see why. I bet a lot of true fans and the people who knew Freddie well would've done what you've felt like doing."
"But people like you Rami, who understand that Freddie wasn't just a frontman or greatest performer to ever live. That he did come from a harsh background but rose above all the trials and tribulations that came his way to define himself as he sought out to be. That's why he was my biggest idol." I grabbed the photo album and sat down on the couch and opened it up taking out a picture that was always a favorite of mine.
It was a picture that Deacy took of Freddie and I together just after my very first performance as the Rock Angel at Madison Square Garden. Fred's arms wrapped around me as he had picked me up, huge wide smiles were spread across our faces. I felt a dip on my left side I looked up to see Rami sitting close beside me. He looked down at the picture before saying.
"Was this your first performance?"
"Yes. Out of four members of Queen, it was Freddie Mercury who truly believed that I could make a name for myself in the industry. Taught me everything there was into getting the self-confidence I needed to get up on that stage. Sure we had our ups and downs, but through all the falls we had, he never gave up on me. He gave up on no one that he loved. And Rami," we looked at each other and I told him the utmost truth, "If he were alive today, he would've loved you."
He smiled as I gently touched his cheek and the two of us looked through my photo album of every picture Freddie and I took throughout the 11 years I knew him.
At the end of the day, just before the four boys left to go hang out at a pub nearby, I stepped in and offered.
"Why not have dinner over at my place boys?"
"Oh we couldn't impose." Said Joe.
"Nonsense Joe, I insist and I won't take no for answer. Plus it'll be a more homely environment. You boys can't live on catering and pub foods for the next several months to a year. No I absolutely won't have it."
"Best go along with her boys, she got her persuasion from the best there was." Roger added in.
"Well—if you think it's a good idea." Said Gwilym.
"Of course it is. Now come on, you four can fit in my car. Let's go. Meet you there Brian and Roger?"
"We'll be right behind you love." Said Brian. I gestured the boys to follow me to my car. Ben sat up in the passenger seat, Joe sat behind him, Rami was in the middle and Gwilym sat behind me. I turned the engine on and told everyone to buckle up (mama instincts what can I say?) and we pulled out of the gate and I drove us on home.
"So (y/n), what other kind of music do you listen to?" asked Joe.
"Whatever song has a good voice and a good beat, with no autotune I will love. You can look through my Spotify and see what I have." Ben took my phone out of the phone holder and turned around as Joe took over the controls and went to my Spotify.
"Wow there are a lot of songs. And I thought you would've just stuck with what you grew up on."
"Unlike most rockstars like Roger who think everything after 1979 basically became trash music with the rise of pop or as they called it 'disco'. I'm a little more open minded. But I deny all songs that use explicit language every three words, degrading women, or promotes violence."
"You even got some old Christina Aguilera songs on here?" asked Rami.
"Who do you think helped produce her?"
"Shut the front door. You produced Christina Aguilera?"
"Yeah. I even gave her rights to a song that I wanted to do. But even singing it brought back some old wounds. So since I was helping her produce her album at the time, I turned to song over to her."
"What song was it?" asked Ben.
"Shut up! That was literally my jam."
"I can attest to that. Throughout the filming of The Pacific, he would never shut that song off when getting into Eugene's character for certain episodes." Rami rose his hand.
"Yeah. I have an entire playlist of some songs I helped produce or make. You can play that playlist if you'd like. Or my typical playlist my boys best songs."
"I think in the light of our first day filming, we should go with Queen. What do you guys say?" Joe asked.
"Oh yeah."
"Aright then Joe, we'll each pick our favorite Queen song. You're up first little Tim." He grinned and scrolled through my playlist until Somebody to love came up on the speakers. "Read my mind Joseph." The piano began playing and that's when I vocalized alongside Freddie and the five of us began singing the song at the top of our lungs.
The entire car ride contained each of us picking our top favorite songs. Ben did 'White Queen' which I commended on him cause people nowadays tend to forget the old Queen songs, Gwilym picked Love of my Life, Rami chose Radio Gaga, and I, of course chose Bohemian Rhapsody.
Thanks to Wayne's world (yes I saw the movie and yes it was silly but just the opening scene alone made the movie worth watching) we basically did the same motion by motion that those boys did in the film when the operatic section came on. And of course when the headbanging rock out came on, the boys proceeded to bang their hands while I did mine not as aggressively (responsible driving kids!)
We continued to rock out to the song and it wasn't until by the end of the song that we soon arrived at my home. I pulled the car up into the garage and hit the clicker button which opened up the garage door and I pull inside just as the last line came up and Roger's gong rang off. I shut the engine and said.
"Here we are boys, welcome to casa de la Kline." We all exited out of my car and right behind us as scheduled were Brian and Roger with Bri getting out of the driver's seat. "Bout time you two got here, I was beginning to worry that I'd need to call in an ambulance."
"We're old dear, not dead." Roger sassed at me.
"But I still love you old coots. Just like I said all those years ago."
"That I do remember, the day right after you got so shitfaced after your 21st birthday. You remember that Brian?" Roger said.
"Indeed I do Rog, I even remember what we did to her to get her to apologize, think we need to do it again?"
"That might have to be arranged."
"Oh no you guys don't! We're not doing that now, now let's get inside before we all catch a cold." I guided them all inside. Once we stepped through the backdoor of the garage I could already smell something cooking, and I knew who exactly was cooking at this rate. "Baby! I'm home!" I called out from the hallway.
We turned the corner and soon came to the kitchen where a young man of 19 (going on 20 in a couple months) stood by the oven. He shut it off and turned around. He was every bit like his father when I first met him back in '83, but he had my eyes. When he saw me, he softly smiled and I came up to him.
"Sorry I didn't call in advance telling you that we would have more guests than your uncles."
"No worries mom. You know I've always cooked way more than I should." I smiled and cupped his face and we kissed each other's cheek. "Uncle Brian, uncle Roger."
"Hello Fred." Brian greeted.
"Hey lad, how's school been?"
"Oh you know, NYU's a challenge but I manage." He then directed his attention towards the young actors but when he eyes landed on Rami, he quickly grabbed my arm and whispered to me. "You didn't tell me you'd be bringing Rami Malek to our house!"
"Again slipped my mind." I teased him.
"Mom how dare you bring my celebrity crush here without telling me, look at me I'm a mess."
"Oh you're fine. Now best behavior." I wrapped an arm around my son and said. "Boys, this is my youngest son Freddie Mercury Kline. Fred, these are the boys that will be playing your uncles. This is Joe Mazzello, he'll be playing your uncle Deacy. Ben Hardy who's playing your old uncle Roger."
"Watch it lion cub." Rog warned me. I gave him a cheeky look before continuing the introductions.
"Gwilym Lee will be playing your uncle Brian, and you know Rami, he'll be playing the man you were named after."
"Uncle Freddie?"
"Yes. And—from what I've seen so far, you'll finally get to meet him through the screen."
"I don't doubt that. I'm a big fan of yours Rami, your role in Mr. Robot has been—amazing."
"I'm honored."
"Alright since we've all had a long day today, let's get some grub. Everyone grab a plate." I grabbed some extra plates from the cabinet and handed four plates out to the actors and we all assembled around the island to grab a piece of lasagna, peas, mashed potatoes with gravy and Hawaiian rolls.
Once we gathered around the table I set out the iced tea Jack had made a couple of days ago as well as some champagne or wine. "Okay guys, before we dig in I want all hands on deck." I extended my hand out.
Freddie immediately placed his hand on top of mine, Brian and Rog soon followed after and it was then Rami, Gwilym, Joe and finally Ben placed their hands on top.
"Thank you for this family, thank you for this meal. Thank you for this day. It'll be a wild ride, but I feel this movie will soar, and—that this new family will forever stay." I said ending the traditional family prayer. The young actors looked at me with warm eyes and soft smiles.
"Alright, let's dig in. You boys will never eat the same way again once you taste (y/n)'s cooking." Roger said.
"That bad?" joked Joe. I gawked at the young cheeky actor.
"On the contrary she's the best chief on this side of London. Even when she was an intern she made us this one Christmas pudding that was to die for." Brian spoke on my behalf.
"It's true. She put all the other PTA mom's to shame when it came to my school's bake sales." Freddie said as he took a bite of his lasagna.
The entire dinner was filled with talks about our lives, stories and embarrassing moments in life. Not a single person was excluded from a conversation. After dinner, Rami and Gwilym helped Freddie with the dishes while I got some other scrapbooks out and bonded a bit with Ben and Joe about my time with Rog and Deacy.
"Now this Joe was taken during my first Japan tour. At the very garden where Queen went to near the Tokyo tower, Deacy refused to let me leave without having a cherry blossom crown."
"He seems to be doing good in the picture."
"Except one twig got so tangled in my hair it literally took 15 minutes just to get it out." We both laughed before I turned the page and found a great picture of me and Roger. "Now this picture Ben, both Roger and I have this picture, this was taken after my first Hyde Park performance."
"She performed to an audience of half of what Queen did when we performed at Hyde Park." Roger spoke.
"She could've performed for more but times changed and better security measure for the public's safety prevented it from happening again." Brian added.
"One thing's for sure, I was damn well proud of her for performing at her biggest crowd at the time just barely two years into her career." Roger spoke again. I looked up and winked at him.
"You guys really do have that father-daughter bond don't you?" Joe said.
"Have ever since she gave me the real 1 and 3/7th's sugar."
"It wasn't until Brian told me the next day that Roger just says that to pull people's leg. God I felt embarrassed after that."
"Aww lovie, but it was due to that I became your favorite. And I don't regret it as I'm sure you don't."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." As Gwilym, Rami and Freddie came back in I continued going through the scrapbook sharing my photos of my days with Queen with the boys, and allowing Freddie to finally hear all the stories that he was denied cause of my grief.
As the night got darker and darker, the young actors at this moment were so full of food and exhausted from a long day's filming they actually passed out along my living room. Joe and Ben cuddled up on the couch, Rami asleep on the recliner, while Gwilym was curled up along the loveseat.
Meanwhile I was watching over them and couldn't help but think it was like seeing my boys all over again. I remember back when I was still an intern and would see the guys all passed out whether at Freddie's parties or in the studio, I always had to provide the guys comfort (which I never minded). So seeing these four young men passed out just brought me a sense of nostalgia.
"I got the spare blankets mom."
"Thank you dear. Your uncles tucked in the spare bedrooms?"
"Uncle Brian's in the room across yours and dad's and uncle Roger is in Georgie's old room."
"Good boy." I then proceeded to cover up and adjust the young actors. I wrapped both Joe and Ben in the same blanket and closed Joe's mouth gently so that he wouldn't drool in his sleep, followed by giving them each a soft kiss goodnight. Without trying to wake him up, I uncurled Gwilym from his pretzel position and covered him up.
I gingerly stroked through his hair before placing a soft kiss to his temple. He groaned and lifted his head up which allowed me to place a pillow underneath him. He hummed in content as he snuggled into it. I then went over to Rami and adjusted the seat so that he would be more comfortable. Pressing the button on our automatic recliner, his legs slowly rose up before finally stopping in full recliner mode.
I tucked him in while looking down at him. God even without the tache it was like looking at Freddie from when I first met him in person at a concert, long before I became an intern. I gently kissed his cheek before faintly stroking his cheek.
Sitting outside along the deck, Freddie and I were looking up at the stars.
"So you think this movie's gonna be a hit?"
"Critics are always hard to please, no matter if it's music or movies. From what I've read of the script yes there's misinformation but that's why it's called a biopic. There's some truth but it's the touch of Hollywood in order to make the film not a boring documentary. But those four boys, they are just how I remember your uncles being when I not only worked with them, but grew up with them hearing their music."
"I wish I had gotten the chance to meet uncle Freddie." Fred said after a brief moment of silence. I turned to him to see him looking down sadly.
"So do I love. He would've loved you as much as he did your brothers and sister. And he would've been over the moon had he found that I had named you after him." I brought my baby close and he wrapped his arms around me as we both looked up at the moon and the stars together.
The star right by the moon glowed the brightest, the very same star that shined just as bright the night after the tribute concert we did back in '92. I couldn't help as a tear slid down my face and a smile spread across my face.
I knew that it was Freddie's star, telling me that he was watching us and that he was proud.
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