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cuntkinghorr · 2 years ago
In a lot of the versus asks, you mention lighting as being more damaging in Remnant. Does that have to do with Aura?
It’s not more damaging, but we’re shown multiple times that aura does absolutely nothing to protect you from the pain and the muscle spasms that electricity causes. This can effectively paralyze a fighter mid-fight, which is always bad news. 
Lightning is absolutely your best counter to a Huntsman or Huntress, unless their name is Nora Valkyrie. 
Which is an interesting layer to her character: something that everyone else finds to be a weakness, she gains her strength from. 
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pjosource · 1 year ago
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#percy truly is a new yorker <3
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(source by @maxiemumdamage)
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mu3las · 2 years ago
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my contribution for this @hxhbigbang23! it's my first ever participating, and I got to do an illustration for @maxiemumdamage 's amazing fic Coal Mine
speedpaint :]
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hydraphrenic · 8 months ago
I had the absolute pleasure to draw a piece for @maxiemumdamage ‘s fic: Medical Mystery for the @hxhbigbang24 . I adore it to bits it was so fun!
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gentrychild · 9 months ago
Hey Gentry, do you have any information/posts saved about All for One’s teleporting quirk? The one he used on Katsuki way back in Kamino? I’m trying to figure out what the limitations on the whole “have to know a person to teleport them or use them as a summoning point” are.
Hi, Maxiemumdamage! Sorry, I don't have much information on that quirk, apart from the fact AFO can bring people he knows to himself or send them to someone else he knows. However, I suspect that he uses it with Search in order to know where everyone is.
The whole "knowing" thing is probably seeing them or being vaguely acquainted to them. He used it on Gran Torino (and unless afohiko is a thing) despite him only knowing GT as "Shimura's friend".
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remchufe · 2 years ago
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HXH BIG BANG DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HERE IT COMESSS......... I love them so much, the fic was so good..... The author is @maxiemumdamage !! And you can read it here Coal Mine !! You must read it...... 1/2 @hxhbigbang23 !! Here they are being cute ñehehe
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maxiemumdamage · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight, Leorio Paladiknight & Original Character(s) Characters: Leorio Paladiknight, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Original Characters Additional Tags: outside pov, Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Pining, Misunderstandings, College/University Setting, but its still HxH so like. weird university., 2024 Hunter X Hunter Big Bang, hxhbb24 Summary:
Leorio Paladiknight is one of the most infamous students in Nellcor University’s accelerated medical degree track. Beloved, respected, reknowned…though no one is ever 100% sure what’s going on in his head. So, naturally, when it seems like Leorio is now in a relationship, everyone wants to know who the lady — or man — in question might be.
Or: While Gon and Killua and Kurapika were off on their adventures, Leorio became his school’s textbook example of how weird Hunters are compared to ordinary people, and unknowingly spawned an elaborate betting ring about his romantic life. Is his boyfriend a mafia boss or something?
My work for @hxhbigbang24 ! Much love to the artists @laranjeirinha and @hydraphrenic who worked with me!
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bemusedlybespectacled · 4 months ago
#I’ve always thought this: #Elizabeth refused Mr. Collins out of fear she’d become her father #but the first time she refused Darcy? she was afraid she’d become her mother. (via @maxiemumdamage)
how dare you leave this in the tags
If none of them married, how desperate would the Bennett girls actually have been?
Well the only dowry they have is £50 apiece from their mother’s small inheritance, per year; so that’s a total of £250 generated by Mrs. Bennet’s inherited investments per annum.
The Dashwoods (four women) are living on £500 a year when they are forced to live in Barton Cottage (with good-will making the rent presumably ridiculously low thanks to Sir John Middleton’s good nature, to say nothing of all the dinners and outings he invites the ladies to, which will help them economize on housekeeping costs for heavier meals.)
So there would be six Bennet women left to live on half as much as the Dashwoods are barely scraping by on. £250 is roughly considered enough to keep ONE gentleman at a barely-genteel level of leisure (presuming he does not keep a horse or estate or have any major expenses beyond securing his own lodgings/clothes/meals at a level becoming of a gentleman.)
None of the Bennet girls have been educated well enough for them to be governesses to support themselves, so…yes, their situation would heavily rely on mega-charity from others to just help them survive, much less maintain them in the lifestyle they’ve been accustomed to. The Dashwood women have NO social life beyond the outings provided by Sir John and the offer of Mrs. Jennings to host the older girls in London–otherwise they’d be stuck in their cottage, meeting absolutely no eligible men, creating a cycle of being poor and unmarried and too poor to meet anyone with money they could marry.
If the Bennet girls don’t at least have ONE of them marry well enough to help the rest before their father dies, they are really, truly, deeply fucked.
They may joke about beautiful Jane being the saviour of the family, but…it’s true. Mr. Bennet failed his daughters several times over in A) presuming he’d have a son, B) not saving money independently from his income to support his family after his death when it became clear he wasn’t going to have a son, C) not educating them well enough to enable them to support themselves in even in the disagreeable way of being a governess, D) not making any effort to escort his daughters to London or even local assemblies to help their matrimonial chances because he just doesn’t feel like it, E) throwing up his hands and shrugging when faced with the crises of Mr. Collins and Wickham.
Much as we are relieved on a romantic level that Mr. Bennet’s support of Elizabeth saves her from parental pressure to accept Mr. Collins, Mrs. Bennet is NOT A DICK for pushing for the match, because on a material level it very much means they get to KEEP THEIR HOUSE and gain a connection to the powerful patron Lady Catherine de Bourgh, which could be VERY advantageous for the other unmarried girls.
And the scandal of Wickham very nearly scuppers the chances of ANY of the other girls, and Wickham is a further DRAIN on the family finances, not a man who is going to substantially be able to support them. It is SUCH a disaster, and of course there’s not much Mr. Bennet can do until they are found, but he’s away in London and doing…what, exactly? Mr. Gardiner takes over and manages everything and Mr. Bennet seems happy to just let him.
Mr. Bennet does the ABSOLUTE LEAST, and actively damages his children’s futures by his inaction AND by his one action to support Lizzie’s individual needs being prioritized over the collective gain, which…I mean, Lizzie is going to be JUST as homeless and destitute as her sisters when he dies, so much good being Dad’s Favourite is going to do her. :/
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ao3feed-leopika · 8 months ago
Medical Mystery
Medical Mystery Link to fic: https://ift.tt/Rv0hD8w by MaxiemumDamage Leorio Paladiknight is one of the most infamous students in Nellcor University’s accelerated medical degree track. Beloved, respected, reknowned…though no one is ever 100% sure what’s going on in his head. So, naturally, when it seems like Leorio is now in a relationship, everyone wants to know who the lady — or man — in question might be. Or: While Gon and Killua and Kurapika were off on their adventures, Leorio became his school’s textbook example of how weird Hunters are compared to ordinary people, and unknowingly spawned an elaborate betting ring about his romantic life. Is his boyfriend a mafia boss or something? Words: 2813, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Leorio Paladiknight, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Original Characters Relationships: Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight, Leorio Paladiknight & Original Character(s) Additional Tags: outside pov, Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Pining, Misunderstandings, College/University Setting, but its still HxH so like. weird university., 2024 Hunter X Hunter Big Bang, hxhbb24 via AO3 works tagged 'Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight' https://ift.tt/PQcIOjK July 08, 2024 at 05:38AM
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queen-ofsunflowers · 10 months ago
How do you feel about fanfics based on your AUs?
I'm fine with them so long as it doesn't fuck with the canon I've established. If you're worried about that possibility, just DM me and I can clear it up.
Really, though, someone writing something based on what I've written or even drawing something based on what I've written gets me all... well, this:
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...Actually, there has been a fanfic written based on one of my AUs. It's called Osira and it's written by @maxiemumdamage. If you're a fan of my RWBY/My Hero Academia crossover, I recommend checking it out.
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zoe-oneesama · 4 years ago
You put Alix on a roller derby team and I am LIVING for it!!!! Do you have any plans for that or was it just meant to be a throwaway comment? I have so many questions...
I have at least one solid callback in the later “Intermission” episode, where you’ll see some OCs I’ve designed specifically to be Alix’s sporty Not School Friends. They’re not very fleshed out personality wise though, just visually designed. 
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Frédérique (or “Freddie”) on the left is into Decora Kei and loves accessories as gifts. She’s the one who convinced/helped Alix dye her hair.
Suhayla on the right comes across as the mature, and meek one, of the group so she throws people off guard with how loud and boisterous she can be. She’s part of Adrien’s fanclub.
I really haven’t given them enough thought or expanded on them to say for sure that I’ll include them in depth in the future. Alix has already gotten some Ascended Extra status that I’d like to extend to other classmates before giving her another episode focus. 
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ghostbear3067 · 3 months ago
I like your tags, @maxiemumdamage
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Momma bird commission for @ghostbear3067!
Commission info can be found here: https://cadhla182.tumblr.com/Commissions
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nitw · 2 years ago
Harpy birf!
ty max!!!!!! 🌟
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im-the-king-of-the-ocean · 4 years ago
HC that when Ruby found out Penny was a robot she started studying everything she could find about androids and bioengineering in case there was a repeat of the truck incident and she got scraped up. She meant well, but it got weird pretty fast. Ruby was convinced she was very stealthy but her friends all caught on within the first month. Yang brushed it off as her usual love of weapons at first, but once she saw the CCT searches about artificial skin their team had one VERY AWKWARD conversation. Months later in Atlas post-resurrection Nora realizes why Ruby was looking that up and screams “thank fucking gods” because she spent months worried Ruby was secretly a Hannibal/Frankenstein/Merlot type mad scientist
Glynda just decided to stop looking at student search histories forever. And maybe join Qrow for the occasional drink.
I’ve been holding onto this one bc I love the mental images I get with it :D
V7 Ruby nonchalantly going to help Penny with repairs (maybe the damage to Penny’s hands after the Cinder fight?) and Nora’s just sitting there, then she blinks, and is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK OOOOOOOHHH’
and Jaune and Ren have Flashbacks to when Nora dragged them along on an investigation of Ruby during their Beacon days (to find where she was stashing her “creation”), which caused JNPR to get in a lot of trouble as they kept breaking rules.
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remchufe · 2 years ago
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HXH BIG BANG DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 2/2!!!! I just.... love this piece.... Enjoy the fic, its wonderful.... also super great written......
The author is @maxiemumdamage !! And you can read it here Coal Mine !! 2/2 @hxhbigbang23 !! Being free for such a long time <3
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tumblingxelian · 7 months ago
I love these tags @maxiemumdamage hope its OK if I preserve them!
#I do think it happens to Oscar a little due to him being introduced as an Everyman #he’s a very typical hero’s journey protagonist #but he becomes so much happier when he realizes what Oz never did — he’s not the hero #he’s there for support and that’s a GOOD thing
#he doesn’t escape Salem through a heroic battle #he does it with the help of his friends and the former enemies swayed by his kindness and honesty #and that’s actually WAY more interesting
#rwby#rwby analysis #sexism #hatedom
How do some even think that RWBY has male characters “hijack the narrative?” It’s like they project what their grievances with past stories on what looks like the same but not really.
Like Jaundice in Volume 1 flies right by marathoning the season. No bigger than a single episode of TV at 20+ minutes.
So the answer to that questions ranges from what you said to several things like:
Not watching un years & misremembering what was watched, being misinformed & not having watched at all, lying and such. But, I think I hit on another major reason for this problem and its kind of hilariously twisted so please hear me out.
Every arc I've noticed that a certain strain of "Fans" get very attached to one or two male characters and start projecting the idea that they are the real MCs & then get offended when it turns out they aren't.
In V1 to 3, it was Jaune & Adam. Then in volumes 3 to 6 it was Qrow & then Ozpin, Followed by Ironwood in volumes 4 & 7.
All these guys are introduced either in a typical shounen hero or antagonist or mentor and ally role.
Then have the layers people back to show what exists beneath the archetype and what they either have to overcome to remain on the actual main characters side. IE, Jaune, Qrow & Ozpin.
Or what it is that they long since failed or will fail to overcome and grow from that makes them into villains, IE, Adam and Ironwood.
The reason this keeps happening is because that particular strain of "fan" has such a "Men as default" head-space that they cannot, genuinely cannot grasp that they are watching a story about women. Thus they keep expected ay given guy who shows up to be the "real" main character.
You may also notice Ren, Oscar & Marrow never gets on the above list. The closest they get is being someone else's cheerleader or not mentioned at all. Meanwhile the white (Or perceived as white in Qrow's case) cis and overtly straight men do get said treatment. I wonder why that could be? Such a mystery :/
But I digress, this is important because it reflects a deep subconscious bias in those "fans" & I think said bias also exists in the people making claims like this.
IE, because they treat men as the default & the protagonists in a given scene, while subconsciously placing women below them and more as accessories, their focus on any given scene is always on the men.
Kind of like those tumblr posts that are explicitly about women & have a bunch of people with piss poor reading comprehension tagging it with dudes or even going so far as to say "Just say gay men". & rather similar to that observation that a lot of fandom treats men, any man from a piece of media, as an inherently deep and complicated character with so much to analyze or so much freedom to expand on. Meanwhile dismissing women out of hand as awful & or boring.
Thus, when they see a group conversation scene, they instinctively assume that the one leading the conversation, with the most to gain from the conversation, with the most narrative weight in the conversation is a man.
Even if he barely said anything and all the lot relevant, interesting character stuff and such was being done by women.
This head-space persists consistently and inflames any given scene, story beat or exchange.
But, here's the twist, these "critics" know o a conscious level that RWBY is about women and that, that is a selling point. But then they look back over their memories, subconsciously blurring out the women and think, "Wow, the girls didn't do anything, it was all about the guys!" Even though its actually just cos they refused to pay any attention to a character that wasn't a man.
Then they get mad because "Clearly the writers are doing this wrong" and ten they get madder when these men fail, or are villains or have to learn lessons, because in their eyes, those guys are the righteous protagonists, and super complicated, "Can't these blank slate girls realize that? Can't the writers!?" But again, its just because they weren't paying attention, rather tan it being a problem in the writing.
Its very similar to that trend of, "There was no queer foreshadowing, they were both obviously straight!" & then their evidence is like, she looked at a man once, & so therefore every interaction with women she has is platonic by default and therefore does not contain foreshadowing.
Damn, could have just led with that, its male bias, rather than straight bias, but the end result is the same. They don't perceive the women on the screen, they don't see the queer signals.
Then, when the story develops around those women, when queer characters & events set up across years happens it slaps them across the face & they insist it must have come out of nowhere.
Sadly, nothing you can say is liable to change their minds, because in a way, they really are watching an entirely different show.
It'd be like if I went into Naruto thinking Rock Lee was the main character & then never adjusted from that perspective.
Not an identical situation, but one that conveys my point regarding why they claim so much nonsense with such confidence.
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