#max thunderman is hot
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yn-honeybun · 9 months ago
Sleepover at the Thundermans😴
You, Phoebe, and Max have an arrangement for sleepovers. You spend Saturday with Max and Sunday with Phoebe. This morning is no exception, except Max wants to make it one.
Max Thunderman x girl!reader
Word Count: 791
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The sun was shining, birds were chirping on this beautiful Sunday morning. You had spent the day and night over at the Thunderman’s house. During the day you spent it with your boyfriend, Max, who always made it his job to keep your energy high when you were there. Now it was time for you to say goodbye to Max and spend the next day with Phoebe, however there was one thing, or rather one person, getting in the way of that.
“Good morning Max,” you yawned, stretching your arms out.
“Good morning gorgeous,” your boyfriend let out watching you, almost as if he was studying your actions.
You took a deep breath through your nose and out your mouth, ready to start the day.
“Alright time to get ready to hang out with Phoebe!” you exclaimed, taking the covers off of you.
“Wait, no,” Max whined, grabbing the hand closest to him, “please don’t leave me especially for, ugh her” he said, making a barfing noise.
“Oh come on Max, I have to go. Phoebe is going to get mad if I’m not up there in the next 15 minutes,”
“Oh yeah, how do you know?”
“Because she won’t stop texting me,” you said grabbing your phone from the bed-side table, “Good morning bestie. Can’t wait for you to come over. I know you’re awake. You have 15 minutes to be up here before I come down there. I know you’re reading this I can hear you,” you read the text messages out loud for Max to hear, urgency in your tone.
“But I don’t want you to leave” Max pouted, shaking and kicking his legs in dismay.
You got up and out of the bed and grabbed your overnight bag, making your way to the bathroom to freshen up. Soon after you walked out in a new outfit, comfortable and practical for whatever Phoebe had planned for today.
“I have to go Max, this was the deal. I spend Saturday with you and then I spend Sunday with Phoebe. That’s how this works,” you noted.
“Yeah but it’s not fair,” he grumbled getting out of the bed to come over to where you were standing, “You’re my girlfriend,” he said emphasizing the *my* part of his statement.
“And I’m her best friend,” you said mimicking the way he emphasized my, with *her*, “I have to spend my time with you guys fairly. If I spend all my time with you, Phoebe gets jealous. And if I spend all my time with Phoebe, you get jealous,”
“Yeah but-”
“But nothing,” another voice interrupted, “you had your fun with your girlfriend, now it’s time for me to have fun with my friend,” Phoebe instructed with a stern voice.
You turned to face the brunette girl. “I’ll be right there in a minute, just let me say bye to Max,” you waved at her and gave her a small smile.
“Oh yeah no problem,” she said, giving you the thumbs up, while still standing her place on the stairs.
“She means you need to leave,” Max snapped, shooing her off with his hands.
Phoebe rolled her eyes and looked at you, “I’m setting a timer for 2 minutes,” she explained tapping rapidly on her phone, “after that I’m coming back down here and y/n will come upstairs with me no matter what,” she declared looking Max in the eyes with a serious look. The other twin made her way back up the stairs to wait for you, once you heard the door shut, the both of you exhaled.
“She sounds serious, I better go now before she comes back” you said, grabbing your bag and making your way to follow Phoebe to the living room.
“Okay, okay,” Max gave in, “just one last kiss,” he said, putting his hands on your waist to pull you close.
“Fine, just one last kiss,”
Max dipped his head in to kiss you, putting his lips on your much softer ones. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss. You took in every second of this moment almost as if it would be your last chance to make out ever again. The two of you embraced each other tightly. Only pulling away when you heard frantic knocking on the other side of the door.
“That’s my cue to leave,” you let out sighing, turning the handle of the door to greet a very angry yet excited Phoebe. You gave her a quick hug, “I’m all yours for the next 24 hours” you smiled, turning back to wave your boyfriend goodbye.
Knowing Max, he will most likely come upstairs to disturb your time with his twin sister, but for now Phoebe has you all to herself.
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generalkenobee · 1 year ago
Ya wanna know who's so hot that's nobody writes for? MAX THUNDERMAN LIKE?!?
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arrrrrggggghhhh · 2 years ago
Me if the thundermans had more of weather based powers:
like can you imagine it, like what if hank had storm powers (and general weather) to go with the general Theme of "ThunderMan" and to match barb's lighting powers like If He could control ThunderClouds that would be so Cool
I would have loved it if Thunderman And Electricess were the Weather Based Superhero's of Metroburg and Hiddenville (LITERALLY A MISSED OPPORTUNITY, and am I only saying that because their name is Thunderman, ABSOLUTELY BABY)
And would if the kids got similar weather
powers to go with their current ones like Phoebe and Max literally both Heat and Freeze breathe
(which is the closest i thing I'll get to happiness )
•Phoebe and Max: what if they inherited
another set of powers that's (mostly) Precipitation based, that’s not full on weather Manipulation just the Thermal and Water Manipulation aspect of it
and if they worked together it could create a giant storm
•Billy: would love it so much if Billy could just
make Tornadoes or maybe Hurricanes, like the Formula is there people, and also just winds in general, yes he does that swoosh* motion but come on be sick if he could do more if they all could do more (and something similarly already showed in s4 e17) [i wrote this before getting to that episode 💀]
•Nora: Not only can she shoot lazers my generate the heat of the sun, like Nora becomes a walking oven, which she can control like how hot and how she transmits it or how she "radiates"
•Chloe- couldn’t think of of any for her (whoops)
That’s it, this whole thing is just me being silly for a children show that already ended,,, years ago :/
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Share a Lair 01 || Share a Lair
Henry was extremely excited to finally be paired up with a super roommate for his superhero advancement tests. From the way that he understood it, his only possible roommate options would be either another sidekick, seeking advancement, or someone who had worked in a group, seeking other leadership options. 
Most of the reasons were the same - being in the lair or home of a superior hero made it hard for them to advance, but not having a superhero’s salary made it difficult for them to remove themselves from the situation. So, a collective of sidekicks, vigilantes and disgraced heroes moved into a lair together, helped each other rebuild themselves and their names, and out of the fruition of that, they started an agency that helped others to do the same: Share-A-Lair.
Share-A-Lair was still pretty new, but everyone who went into the program SWORE by it. Getting some space from your hero to become a hero in your own right was priceless, even if you continued to work with or beneath that hero. Henry wasn’t interested in leaving the Man Cave. In fact, he was to inherit it someday… But, his boss, Ray was pretty overbearing and honestly only seemed to want him to have responsibility in the form of hard work, not in authoritative situations. Henry’s goal for this move was to advance to superhero status and become Captain Man’s PARTNER, instead of his sidekick.
He arrived at his new place in one of three vehicles, accompanied by his two best friends. Charlotte had gotten there first, luckily, because whenever he jumped out of the van, she held her hands up to stop him. “There are booby traps all over this property, Henry,” she said, observing a scanner that she had brought along. He furrowed his eyebrows and she said, “Either your roommate isn’t expecting you, or they’re testing you to see that you’re actually a hero.”
“But… Being a hero wouldn’t make me resistant to booby traps!” Henry fussed. He searched his contacts for Share-A-Lair Roommate and whenever the man on the other end cheerily answered, he scoffed. “Hey, yeah. It’s your new roommate. This place is booby trapped. Any way that you can help me inside? I’ve got an overgrown child and a woman with me.”
The roommate sighed and said, “Wow. I am underwhelmed before even meeting you. You can go through the tower entrance without a problem. I’m not deactivating my alarms for unauthorized visitors.”
“I live here, now!”
“Your overgrown boy and hot lady friend don’t.”
Henry looked around and wondered, “Are… Are you WATCHING us and refusing to let me in???”
“I’m in,” Charlotte said, working on her tablet. “Go! I have to deactivate some of these upon impact. You’ve gotta move towards the door.” Henry listened and Max raised an eyebrow, watching her work. He pressed a few buttons and booted her out of his system. “Dang it!” She fussed. They were both working on coding to gain the upperhand of the system’s security, but by the time Henry made it through the front door, Max simply smiled at let her in.
He glanced up at Henry from a spot on a hammock in the common room and said, “Welcome,” as though nothing had just happened!
“Sure doesn’t feel like a welcome!” Henry complained, catching his breath.
“Don’t… You have super speed or super reflexes or something? Or am I thinking of some other kid?” Max asked, not getting up.
“I used to have hypermotility, but I’ve been without it for a while.”
“Hmmm… Then you really need to work on being the epitome of physical perfection.”
Charlotte and Jasper came inside and now, he sat up and reminded them, “I never approved additional company!”
“They are here to help me move in!” Henry fussed.
“I know you,” Charlotte said, pointing at Max.
“Yeah, I’m a pretty big deal,” he said and smiled.
“You got swung off of the Man Copter for being a snitch,” she said. “Max Thunderman.”
He frowned. He was definitely WAY MORE than that one run in that he’d had with them years ago. She… looked different. They were older, now. Adults. The dudes seemed to just barely be, but she had been a little more mature, even back then. “Yeah, well. That’s not a company approval. Per lair rules, no unauthorized guests in the common areas.” He stood up, “Meaning this common room, the kitchen, dining room and all passageways. Long story short, keep your friends in your tower.”
“I get the tower?” Henry wondered, excitedly. “Come on, Guys. Let’s get to the tower.”
“Wait. Why do you have to be in the tower?” Charlotte wondered.
“Because the underground is taken,” Max told her.
“Was it assigned or did you just TAKE it?” She asked.
“Char… Jeesh… Let’s just unpack…” Henry said.
“No. The tower is the least safest place here and you’re a less experienced hero, with zero superpowers, to his literal lifetime of superness and what 3 superpowers? 4, if you count that twin thing.”
“You’ve researched me?” Max asked.
“I’m not just letting Henry bunk with anybody,” she said.
“Lucky Henry, to have a girlfriend doing his adult work for him.”
“I’m/She’s not my/his girlfriend,” the entire trio insisted, Charlotte most vigorously. Max’s eyes widened.
“Whatever you are, you’re right. I am a better hero.”
“She said more experienced,” Henry inserted, but max hadn’t stopped.
“I’m a better fighter.”
“She said has superpowers…”
“And, I can defend myself and my home safer than he possibly could, and therefore reasonably, should probably be in the tower. But, I’m not gonna do it, because I want the underground. If he has any incident that compromises his safety in the tower, that’ll be good learning experience for him.”
“Unless he dies!” Charlotte fussed.
“Obviously. You can add “unless he dies” to any sentence and turn it into a negative.” Max gathered his laptop and pointed at Charlotte and Jasper, “Contact Share-A-Lair to register as guests, but know that my background checks are more extensive than theirs. Anyway, Welcome to your new home, Henry. To the tower with them.”
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years ago
League of Extraordinary Geniuses || Chapter 8
@verified-dumbass @just-a-j-reallly @kiddangers @poppyville
I hope that everybody has been doing well. This chapter isn’t as long as the previous, but that’s mostly because these have been running together, and I’ve been trying to find stopping points for them. I wanted to fully get through this emotional journey that Charlotte is taking the guys on while she figures some things out and after I have the chance to do that, we’ll get back to the action and premise. This was a little bit of a fun break from some of that, even though it is very much so a Max stress chapter, Max is a person that doesn’t wear his upset on his sleeve.Let me know what you’re thinking. I’ve still got notes, but I’m running out of them. Lol. 
The Way I Danced with You
This was possibly the best tea that Chase had ever tasted in his life. Max didn’t order tea. He ordered a smoothie and added in a bunch of things that like… why didn’t he just get dessert? All of the sugar content couldn’t be good for him, plus… He mentioned planning on drinking later. How was he able to keep that physique and excel in hero duties with all of the sweets and alcohol he partook in? Chase didn’t do stuff like that. He made sure that his body was as immaculate as humanly possible. But tea would often be one of his guilty pleasures… Not that tea wasn’t healthy, but he ordered for taste and aroma, not so much the medical or spiritual purposes that Charlotte usually adhered to. He wondered how she was doing with “her guys.” He wondered if their presence at the cottage had made the difference that Max once hoped for with those guys. He wondered what it would be like whenever they reunited…
“Okay, so, we gotta go shopping. Gotta get some Dystopia clothes to wear and some supplies for the robot research. Then, it’s to the library, because there’s an entry way into Charlotte’s lab there and that’s the closest and easiest one to access. I’ve gotta look over the potential genius pool results for minions and get them started on one of my side projects, while I have the down time. Gonna swing through Maxtropolis and check in with Marx and Dougie - you can stay in the car if you need to…”
“I’ll be fine,” Chase said, but even thinking about it made him tense. 
Max brushed it off and continued, “Probably will be around lunchtime. So, gonna do that at The Bionic Brothel…”
“Brothel???” Chase repeated, clearly horrified.
“Relax! It’s a soup saloon.” His eyes grew misty as he stared into the distance, “There’s nothing else in the world like their soup selection.” Chase glanced towards where Max was staring off into the distance and this brought him back to the conversation, “And, they’ve got cool soup selections and other stuff too, so even though it’s hot outside, you could still enjoy something. One of the biokids Char plucked from your dad’s island opened it up about a year ago. It’s a bionic owned business with a bionic staff, with the exception of a few regular servers. Hostess is an android… Or was. I don’t know the status of the ones that were living life before this hellstorm…” 
Now, it was on both their minds again, but Max found his voice to say, “And after that, check in with Charlotte to see if she needs anything, and if not, head back to the Super Stay to wash up and get ready to go to Dance Off Revolution.”
“What… what is Dance Off Revolution?” 
“You really have got to get to Dystopia more often!”
“Something that 16 year old me never could have imagined anyone would ever say…”
“Dance Off Revolution is an underground club where dance crews have battles and soloists try out for crews.”
“Are you suggesting that we try to join a dance crew?” Chase asked, a little bit more excited than he intended to sound, but Max froze and looked at him with equal excitement.
“I wasn’t, but the tone in your question tells me that I was wrong! Hell yeah, we’ll try out for a dance crew!”
Chase smiled, cheerfully, then collected his thoughts, “Wait a minute, we can’t try out for a dance crew. We don’t have time to join a dance crew! We’re only here for a few days or so.”
“You don’t do things JUST TO SAY that you did it?” Max asked incredulously.
“I mean…” Chase smiled brightly again and gushed, “YES!”
“Oh man, I am gonna destroy you on that dance floor!”
Chase furrowed his eyebrows. For some reason, in his mind, they were about to do a thing together, not face off. But at merely the suggestion that Max could defeat him didn’t sour his mood. It made him competitive, “In your dreams Super Kid.”
Max’s eyes grew wide, “It is SO on!” He started mumbling something about, “Thinks he can defeat me in a dance battle? This boy don’t even know Beyonce’s catalog and thinks he can beat me in a…”
“What does Beyonce have to do with dancing?” Chase asked. 
Max almost crashed the car, then came to a screeching halt. People were honking their horns as he collected himself. “Tell me… that you just did NOT…”
“We are in the middle of the street…” Chase said, nervously, and mouthed apologies to angrily passing vehicles. 
“That’s like asking what Usher has to do with dancing!” Chase narrowed his eyes, not wanting to ask it out loud, but Max read his face, clenched both of his fists and yelled, “YOU’RE WONDERING WHAT USHER HAS TO DO WITH DANCING, AREN’T YOU???” Max shook his head and started driving again, making a very illegal U turn. “Plans are cancelled until further notice. You have to be schooled in the Church of Usher.”
“Is that another Dystopia landmark that the tourists don’t usually hear about.”
Through his teeth, Max chimed, “It is a lifestyle choice.” He turned on an Usher playlist and headed for his friend’s house.
Simone was giggling about Max Thunderman being in her dance studio, in front of the mirrored walls, showing Chase Davenport Usher choreography. It was extremely unexpected and cute. She loved this so much. AND they gave her permission to put any of the clips she recorded on her stories for the Kickbutt Dance Studios Company page. By the time they finished, Chase knew every Usher song with the choreography and was in the best mood that Max had ever seen the guy in. He took a call from Mr. Davenport while Simone and Max talked.
“So… This your new romance prospect?” She wondered.
Max furrowed his eyebrows, “What? Are you joking?”
Simone looked confused, “You asked me to open my studio for you to share Usher with him and danced for hours. You put together a routine for Dance Off Revolution! …If that isn’t a date, then I don’t know what is. Anyways, you like teacup people with bright eyes.”
“SHUT UP! I do not!” He did, but. He already had a teacup person with bright eyes. Charlotte.
Simone laughed and shrugged her shoulders, “I guess…” She looked towards Chase, then said in a lower voice to Max, “Just, be careful around the bionics. I don’t know. He seems nice and all, but they’re… they’ve brought a lot of controversy and contempt into our world.”
Max didn’t expect to defend Chase, but it flowed out naturally. It wasn’t even because he felt connected to him or that they had bonded over dance. He just knew that the things that people thought about Chase were probably misconstrued, after having spent some time with him.  “I know that, but he isn’t like that.”
“Kaz seemed to think so,” she said.
“Do you ALL know each other???” Chase asked, coming back over.
“Pretty much,” they both said. 
Chase fussed, “And why is Kaz ALWAYS talking to someone about me? Jeesh.”
Simone wasn’t EVEN going to get on that subject. “Look… I know you did a lot for the supers whenever the war started, and as someone who could’ve potentially been slaughtered, that definitely means a lot. I just still take issue with the fact that bionics are comfortable with taking the credit for supers’ successes.”
“The supers have told us that they don’t want your world uncovered,” Chase said. “I guess your buddy Kaz leaves that part out when he’s keeping a personal journal about my life.”
“That was years ago, my dude. People know that we’re here now, and yet bionics are still seen as heroes while we’re seen as freaks. The difference being because you guys are just nonsupes with technology and we were born this way. You can’t remove our abilities and that makes nonsupes dehumanize and demonize us. As someone who knows and works with us and even fought alongside of us, I would think you’d be more vocal about exposing the truth. No other bionic person has the platform that you do.” She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Just something to think about. Personally, I never really wanted to be a hero. I love being stationed in Dystopia. The Defenders do most of the work and I was able to open my own dance studio! So, I’m not insulted on behalf of heroes. I just watched my mom bust her buns to be a hero and never get to let the world know, and now that the world is evolving and slowly making room for supers, I think it’s important that our importance in history and in today’s formation is esteemed, as well.” She shrugged her shoulders. 
Chase nodded his head, until Max tried to answer for him. “Well, it’s not really his platform, so he can’t just start making statements about supers.”
“Who’s platform is it?”
“His dad’s.”
“I don’t know his dad.”
“His dad’s in charge. He’s just the poster boy.”
“Wait a minute!” Chase interrupted.
“Say no more. I know how that is. I was the Super President’s daughter coming up. No platform of my own to be found.”
“I have a platform!” Chase insisted.
Max smirked, “Yeah, that Daddy controls. Excuse me, Mr. Davenport…”
“I can put whatever I choose on my platform!” Chase fussed.
“Okay,” Max said, rolling his eyes, then laughed when Chase pouted about things.  A few more minutes, and they were finally off to do the things that Max intended to do before. Chase remained pouting. Max drowned out his sighs and groans with more Usher. Chase tried to resist moving along to the music. He couldn’t, but he definitely was able to hold his glare.
By the time they were shopping, he lightened up, but the implication that he couldn’t speak for himself because he represented Davenport Industries would continue to bother him. He picked up the tab, because he knew he had more money than Max did and he did feel like he owed him for being pretty generous with stuff like cooking breakfast and offering beverages and stuff. They would be working together and he had to get used to treating him like a person that he was considerate of. Super Stay was a hotel that supers tended to stay in, though there was other clientele. 
They were in the Maximus Suite, and the place had a bionic chamber. Chase was impressed with it. It wasn’t like the one that Charlotte kept for him, but it was pretty good for a hotel. Dystopia was extremely accommodating, now that he was visiting. He didn’t want to tell Max that he had quarters in the city, because Max was pretty comfortable with this arrangement of them being in the same suite and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful or rude. 
Once they were cleaned up and changed, they met in the common area of the suite and Max announced, “Sure you’re gonna be alright seeing Marx?”
“I’m not a baby, Max.”
“Okay. Well… it’s closer than the library now, so there first, maybe get soup with Dougie and then the library. He’ll probably wanna look over Char’s robot stuff anyways,” Max said.
As they headed out, Chase wondered, “Are you two like… really close?” 
Max thought for a moment, then said, “Well… I think so. Something that my family never really realized about my villainous days was that I was missing something.  I thought that there was no way that I could ever be as good a hero as my sister and I had a pet villain to motivate me in other directions. My parents never supported me unless I did something they approved of and well… I felt like I found what I was looking for in Dr. Colosso… and I mean, I ultimately made the right decision but I was so close to the darkness. Douglas went into the darkness and when he came out, he'd lost his family. Sure, he was able to get back in, but he still missed out on so much and can't fix what he's done. I empathize. I didn't go as far as he did, and if I had, who knows? My family might not trust me. It could have gone so much worse. Dougie helps me to remember to be grateful and I help him to have a connection with a son like figure that he can relate to. There's mutual understanding and appreciation that we haven't exactly been able to get from our loved ones that have never did the dance in the darkness that we've done."
Chase didn't want to talk about why he didn't trust Douglas fully or the tension and resentment he still felt, after years of work and trying, but, one thing was still true, "I'm glad he's got someone like that."
“He would trade me for one of his own in a heartbeat,” Max said, with a shrug, though the thought of Douglas ever turning on him shook him deeply. He was around when Colosso died… And honestly… he was the only person who was at all helpful. He… wanted to reanimate him as an android bunny, which no… I didn’t want to do, but I sure appreciated his desire to help me cope.”
“Bunny?” Chase repeated.
“I’ll explain later. Anyway, yeah… Dougie and I are close. He’s basically me, if I was old and lonely.”
“Lonely? With you, Charlotte, and Charlotte’s weird little friend?” Chase asked.
“Wow. You’re just gonna disrespect Schwoz that way? Yes. Even with a few friends, Douglas is still lonely. He doesn’t even get to be fun uncle to Naomi.”
“More and more, it’s sounding like you just hang out with him because you feel bad for him. Scared that you’ll turn out that way?” Chase joked. Now, it was Max’s turn to frown.
“Maybe,” he muttered. Probably, he couldn’t get himself to admit out loud.
“So, you ready to help me to create a whole new Dystopia?”
“I’m ready to watch your back while YOU create a whole new Dystopia.” 
“That works!” 
Thunderstrike smiled at Charlotte, his mask hiding half of his face, but not the eyes - old school style, as was the case with the heroes of his bloodline. That and a cape. He was ready to be the hero that she needed to do whatever it was she had to do. 
Charlotte was it for Max. He’d made that up in his mind before he ever met her. Sure, he’d done this before (with Cheyanne), but with Charlotte, it was different. First off - he apparently was drawn to her, because he admired her in each form she had, not even knowing she was the same person. And then, they became friends, and then he relocated to Dystopia during the height of its crime and then… he felt validation. 
She finally was starting to see him for who he was and he’d hoped, for who he could be to her. At that time, she’d been away for over a year and doing a lot. He could tell that she wasn’t as connected to her former partners as before. He could tell that she cared for him, maybe not as much, but enough for it to matter to her… enough for him to matter, for THEM to MATTER! 
The Super Stay wasn’t around yet, so he had a cabin on the campsite of the shelter he used to bring supplies for (Henry and Jasper’s shelter), and it was cozy and had every amenity needed, but sometimes, he wanted a bath. It was hard to get used to not soaking before he showered, and Charlotte was staying in the fancy place that Mr. Davenport provided, so whenever he’d mentioned this particular inconvenience, she suggested that he could do that at her place. Most of the time, she was either at work or at Henry and Jasper’s (which she was still calling “home” at the time), so she gave him the extra key and told him to make himself comfortable. 
He wasn’t going to impose. He just wanted to soak and think before he showered. Nothing else. Only, whenever he came over to do so, Charlotte was always there, despite having claimed that she was never really there. “Guess I just have bad timing,” he joked.
“Or good timing,” she said, with a bright smile and went to retrieve a pair of pants. She was just wearing panties and a crop top sweatshirt, with her locs tied up in a scarf. She didn’t seem uncomfortable with him seeing her that way, or maybe she presumed that he’d turn his head when he realized that she wasn’t decent… Or maybe, and he didn’t want to presume, but couldn’t help it, maybe she’d wanted him to see her like this. She pulled on the tight fighting, snug leisure pants and headed into her bathroom… where HE was about to go. “So, this is where the towels are,” she told him and he followed her voice, gasped when he saw how wondrous the bathroom looked, before even making it to the walk in linen closet, which was full, not only with towels, but soaps, skin products, dental hygiene supplies, etc, and had a little computer on the side. “This is Madame. If you’ve ever seen the episode of Fly Homes with the Dom, that computer system that he calls Eddy, this is like that, but for here and she isn’t obnoxious. She’ll help you with anything you need to set the tone. Oatmeal, honey, milk, tea, whatever you wanna add to the bath. The pressure of the rinse… All the details. You can program your preferences under your name.” She started showing him how.
It was dope. He stayed for a while, laying in the tub, not realizing how much he’d needed this and also hating the fact that he didn’t have such a fancy set up in his house. He’d have to change that at some point… But, that night, he simply rested and soaked, then showered and whenever he came out, ready to go home, Charlotte was closing her laptop, having just finished all of her assignments, and she smiled at him. “Nightcap?” She wondered. 
Of course he wasn’t going to leave. He didn’t plan on staying all night, but as it turned out, back then, it took less liquor to make her worry about him driving. So, after a few drinks and long conversations about their current projects and stuff, she let him sleep on the couch and she went to bed. 
They had so many nights like that, the first time that he showed up and she in fact wasn’t there, he was sorely disappointed. He went into the bath, put on an eye mask and soaked, steam coming off of everything. 
It was a while before he felt like he heard something and sensed someone there. He pulled off the mask and Charlotte was standing in the doorway, trying to quietly back out. She laughed at herself and shook her head, “Sorry. I didn’t realize that you were in here. I was gonna try to leave unnoticed.”
“No, no… This is your bathroom. Do what ya gotta do.” He put the mask back on and rested against the bath pillow. She bit her lip, but came into the room and sat on the toilet. She turned on some music because, maybe it’d be better if he couldn’t hear her peeing. She noticed his hand tapping the side of the tub to the beat of the music and was relieved when he didn’t react to her extremely loud piss. Like… she was only aware right now how loud it was. Was it ALWAYS that loud? She hugged herself, sighed and let out some gas. She groaned and quickly said, “I am so sorry.” She said it almost under her breath, because finding her voice in the midst of that shame was difficult.
“For being a human with bodily functions?” He asked, from beneath the mask, and then added, “In your own house?”
Usually she’d remind him that this isn’t her house and that whenever her stay here was over the Dom was gonna use it for something else, but that night, she just laughed at herself, cleaned off with the bidet and left the bathroom. 
The next time that they were both there, she was now more comfortable with stepping in on him, since she knew that he didn’t care, and she really wanted to do what she needed to do and get out of there. They bumbled around each other for a while, trying to be polite, but also to hurry. Max had an early morning and had to get to sleep. Charlotte had a date for the first time “in ages” with Henry and Jasper. It was controlled chaos and they laughed their way through it, and moved along.
Only… Charlotte spent the majority of her date thinking about Max and what was happening with them. How comfortable she was getting with someone who wasn’t Henry or Jasper… how… attached she was feeling. Max spent the entire night awake in bed, willing her to be somewhere thinking of him too. That wasn’t to say he believed that could happen, but the possibility of him being the only one who’s night was overtaken by emotions and thoughts just didn’t sit well with him. 
After that… they were solid. Neither of them mentioned it for a time, but Charlotte began to stay home more (calling her Davenport property home, by this time) and he began to stay over a lot. 
Jasper was upset. He didn’t feel like it was appropriate. “This friendship of yours is going too far,” he’d complained. Only to be overruled by Charlotte’s iconic, “You think that’s the farthest that I, of all people, can go?” and Henry quickly smoothed things over with, “I think it’d be cute. One of these days one of us was bound to like somebody else and want to explore. It’s Charlotte, so the most sensible of us and the one with the most moral fiber. That’s a good start for a relationship soft open.”
Soft open. She didn’t know if she liked that description, but further conversation led them to a conversation about opening up their relationship, but only with open communication about it. 
At 21, she didn’t have all of the answers. Even people who lived poly lifestyles and people in open relationships all had their own ways of doing it and she didn’t know which way was right. She was still learning herself at that time and to learn yet ANOTHER man seemed excessive, but it was Max. She knew that things were mutual. She knew that she could do this and she believed that she would enjoy it.
Whenever she next came in to find him in the bath, listening to something vibey - Jhene or Sza or something - eyes shut and head leaned back, she removed what she had on and joined. He stirred, but didn’t visibly panic whenever her toes touched the water. His eyes opened and seeing her settle in, her stared, but didn’t want to ruin whatever was happening, so he didn’t question her and he didn’t say anything. She sorta wished he did, even though she had no explanation for her bold actions. All she did was shift around through the bubbles and find her way to his chest. She laid on him and felt his arms move to wrap her up. He kissed her forehead and they didn’t say anything about it.
When they got out of the bath and he started the shower, she began her skin and hair routine. He got out, teeth were brushed, bodies moisturized, etc. Finally, the silence was broken, when he pointed his thumb and wondered, “Should I go to the couch?” She shook her head, took his hand, and guided him into the bedroom. That was the FIRST night that he slept in her bed.
“I don’t think you’ll end up that way,” Chase broke into his thoughts. “You’re someone who cares about others at this point in your life… I don’t know that I can say Douglas was that way at your age. You turned things around sooner, and made a good difference earlier in life. You’ve got similar feelings about your adolescent stages, but everything else, save maybe poor taste in fashion, is all different. You won’t end up like Douglas. You even have people who love you,” Chase said. He slapped a hand awkwardly on Max’s shoulder, and patted him stiffly. 
“Are you trying to open up to me about your true feelings, Bionic Boy?” 
Chase scoffed and removed his hand, “As if! I wasn’t even entirely genuine! You’re a lot like Douglas and both of you have terrible wardrobe. And feelings? For you? Gross!” Chase’s flustered stammering made Max laugh. But also, Chase was right. The first time. He wouldn’t end up with work friends and a few flings. He’d be happy someday with somebody who loved him and wanted him. Unfortunately, for Max… Charlotte was it.
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bitchmilsky · 5 years ago
hot take: max thunderman isnt evil hes just an edgelord
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lesterlatte · 6 years ago
Cafè Crushes (Hensper)
Here I am with something completely new and unrelated to literally all my wips but I couldn't resist the temptation to write this. As I said this was just going to be a one shot but oh man am I going to continue with this as it was too fun to write!
I'm gonna tag a few people who may be interested but dont feel obligated to read this! Also if you want to / dont want to be tagged next time just let me know! @up-the-tube @sunbeameyes @bijerbear @youngbloodthekilljoy @ciara-knightly @max-thunderman
Jasper pulled the ends of his jumper over his hands in an attempt to keep himself warm as he made his way to meet his friend Charlotte at their local cafe. It had just turned October and Jaspers poor choice of clothing seemed to be biting him in the ass.
Slowly the small cafè came into view at the end of the street. Not only it's amazing drinks but also it's homely interior drew most of Swellview to visit it on a regular basis. Charlotte had been the one to find the place a few years back and ever since it had been their favourite spot to hang out other than Charlotte's house.
The Mancave, as the cafè is called, was run by a man by the name of Ray Manchester. This man, who most of the time acted more like a child for his age, was loved by everyone for his superior ability to make drinks. It was almost as if he had been making coffee and hot chocolate since birth and all of the drinks available were his own recipes or passed down from his family.
It was a fact that Ray often worked alone but sometimes you'd see one or two other employees helping to clean tables and so on but he had never trusted anyone else to work behind the counter.
Jasper pulled the door open, the sound of the small bell attached to the door gently ringing to announce his entrance to the small establishment. It only took him a moment to spot Charlotte sitting at a table at the back of the cafe and he made his way over.
"Look who finally decided to turn up" Charlotte teased as Japser put his bag down on one of the chairs at the table.
"You know I'm never on time Char do you honestly expect anything less from me?" This caused both of them to burst into laughter.
"Okay okay you're right. Go get yourself a drink I can tell you need it" Jasper chuckled lightly before turning to go back to the counter. As he set his eyes on the counter he noticed something. Someone else was behind the counter instead of Ray. Jasper instantly span back around to face Charlotte and whispered in her ear.
"Who is that behind the counter? I thought Ray didn't trust anyone else to work there?"
"Yeah I don't know who he is either but I'm gonna be honest here he's pretty damn good at his job. That's probably why Ray let him work there." Charlotte took a sip out of her Coffee and looked back to Jasper, who was now staring at the boy who was occupied serving someone a drink.
"Well go order something you idiot" he felt Charlotte push him forwards and saw her roll her eyes as he walked away. This boy must be as good as Charlotte had suggested otherwise there would be no way that he would be allowed to be doing what he is.
As he approached the counter he could finally get a good look at the boy. His face was drawn in concentration as he prepared a drink. His dirty blond hair was mostly pushed back but a few strands had fallen forward into his face which he continuously tried to huff out of the way to no avail. Jasper didn't notice that the boy had finished the last order and was looking at him, eyebrows knit with concern. 
"Sir.. are you alright?" The boy asked gently, pulling Jasper out of his reverie.
"Oh, yes! Sorry I just got lost in thought for a moment" he could feel the heat of a blush forming on his face as he tried to avoid eye contact.
"Phew okay I was worried for a moment you really seemed focused on whatever you were thinking about" Jasper looked back at him, slightly in shock. Did he not notice that he was staring right at him? Luck was definitely on his side if that was the case.
"Yeah…" Jasper said quietly.
"Okay so what can I get you?" The boy finally asked.
"Oh a hot chocolate would be nice, thanks" The boy instantly moved to start on the drink. He took this time to get another look at the boy but tried to make sure he didn't stare for too long. He finally got a glimpse of the boys name tag. So his name is Henry, huh? Jasper thought. To him that name definitely suited the boy.
Henry turned back to Japser, a cup of hot chocolate cupped in his hands. The drink was placed on the counter as Jasper passed the boy the money owed for the drink. He took the drink and gave a small thank you before quickly going back over to Charlotte.
"So…" Charlotte started, curiosity lacing her voice. Jasper shot his gaze up to her.
"What?" Charlotte just chuckled at her friend.
"That boy, huh?" Jasper felt the blush creeping back onto his features.
"W-what about him?"
"He's cute, isn't he?" This made Jasper nearly choke on his drink.
"I mean.. I guess he is a bit cute…" Charlotte shook her head gently before patting her friend on the shoulder.
"You're so smitten its unreal"
"What? No I'm not where would you get that idea from?... I don't even know him"
"But your face and the fact you were staring at him says otherwise. Also you can always try to get to know him? He seems nice enough"
"No. No way am I going to start a conversation with him. I'll just start talking nonsense"
"Fine but think about it, alright?" Jasper chuckled and reluctantly agreed.
"Anyways let's finish up and go to that shop down the street you've been dying to visit" they both smiled as they went back to finishing their drinks.
The next day Jasper decided to go back to the cafè to see if Henry was working again. Charlotte was busy and he knew he would just stay in bed if he didnt at least try get out the house and seeing Henry again could be considered a bonus.
The small bell chimed as he walked up to the counter. He saw Henry wiping down one of the small surfaces behind said counter as their eyes made contact. Henry offered him a bright smile as he came over to where Jasper was standing. How on earth could someone's smile be this infectious?
"Hi, you're the guy from yesterday, right?" Henry asked. Jasper froze because Henry remembered him? Oh my god?
"Um, yeah" Jasper stuttered before awkwardly laughing.
"What was your name? I don't think I caught it last time"
"Oh my names Jasper" Henry offered a small nod at his reply.
"Well, Jasper, what can I get you today?" Henry smiled gently at him, leaning on the counter as he waited for a response.
"Another hot chocolate, please" Jasper finally responded. With a bigger smile Henry turned away to prepare his order and Jasper silently cursed at himself. He was truly embarrassing himself at this point. 
Within minutes, Henry turned back to him with his drink and offered it to Jasper who took it with slightly shaking hands. The two boys made eye contact which turned into what could only be interpreted as a staring contest. Henry broke the moment with an awkward cough before quickly going back to cleaning the surface. Jasper just managed to catch the light blush that had appeared on the boys cheeks and he smiled. Maybe Jasper should make an effort to talk to this boy if he ever gained the confidence to do so.
Jasper continued to come back every day either tried to occupy himself until he felt his eyes wander to watch Henry work. Over the days Jasper had managed to learn a little bit about the boy but they had still been unable to hold a proper conversation.
As Jasper was finishing his drink for the day he got up and started to wonder to the door before he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned only to be greeted with Henry who was shyly smiling at him. Quickly Henry grabbed his hand and placed a small piece of paper in it before moving back behind the counter. Jasper looked at Henry then down to the small piece of paper before opening it. Written was a sequence of numbers. He looked back up at Henry who was now busy with making a drink. He smiled before turning to leave the cafè. 
As he stepped outside it finally hit him. Henry had just given him his number. Jasper freaked out for a moment before looking down at the number. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket before quickly typing the number into his phone and saving it as a contact. He opened it and started at the keyboard. He opted to send a simple message.
Jasper: Hi its Jasper from the Cafè
It was stupidly straightforward but he was sure he'd mess things up if he said anything else.
It only took a couple of minutes before he got a response.
Henry: Hi! Sorry I rushed off after giving you my number, I could feel Ray glaring at me from the back haha
Jasper chucked at that response and looked back at the cafe. He could vaguely see Henry put his phone down and continue to work, a smile visible even from that distance.
Yep. Luck was definitely on his side.
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just-a-j-reallly · 6 years ago
LGBTQ+ Headcanons, Ep. 4: Phoebe Thunderman
Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3
Tagging @max-thunderman for the ‘The Thundermans’ content. I hope you don’t mind!
Canonically, I see Phoebe as a big ally, but ultimately straight. However, I still have a few headcanons for her. Such as...
I headcanon Phoebe to be polysexual/polyromantic.
Like yeah, boys are cute, but then again, so are girls and non-binary folks.
One time, she and Max were tasked with stopping a robbery, and there were a few terrified customers she had to usher to safety.
As she scanned the room, looking for any stragglers, one particular androgynous person snagged her attention.
They were absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Phoebe almost didn’t believe they were real. They literally made her weak in the knees. She couldn’t help but stammer as she directed them to safety.
And the smile they gave her? Damn. Phoebe would never forget it.
Of course, none of this escaped Max’s attention.
“Ssssso,” he says with an amused lilt to his voice as the cops drag the robbers away and he and Phoebe turn to head home. “Good work, today, huh? I see the passerby's are all okay.” 
He waits for a second to see if she’s caught on. When all she does is nod, Max presses further. “I saw you helping them earlier. Seems like you enjoyed it -- well. One person in particular.”
He throws her one of his signature (demented) winks as her head whips ’round. 
Phoebe feels as though all the heat and adrenaline from the day’s save is rushing to her face. She pointedly faces the front, away from her twin, hoping he’ll ignore the blush crawling across her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replies haughtily.
Max grins, knowing he’s got her. “Yeah, you do. Can’t say I blame you, though. They were pretty hot.”
If Phoebe was blushing before, she was positively burning now. She hated how easily flustered she was, and she continued to ignore and deny Max’s teasing. He showed no signs of stopping, though, and soon Phoebe had had enough.
“Alright, fine.” she snaps. She rolls her eyes and huffs before finally managing to mumble, “They were pretty cute.”
“Ha! I knew it,” Max is beaming now, and practically skipping along the sidewalk. “But come on, admit it. They were more than that.”
“Okay, okay. They were really attractive,” Phoebe admits, biting down on her lip to keep herself from smiling.
“There we go. That wasn’t too hard, was it?” Max grins again as he dodges an exasperated punch from his twin.  “They must be new around town, I’ve never seen them before,” Phoebe muses. “I wonder when they moved here.”
“You should look out for them. Hey, maybe you’ll see each other at Splatburger,” Max snickers. “You two could share a romantic dinner of limp salad, rat burgers and the dessert Wong probably found in the dumpster.”
“Ugh, Max,” Phoebe groans. But she’s not really annoyed.
She’s grateful, in fact. More than anything, she’s relieved her brother doesn’t seem to care who she’s attracted to. Annoying as it may be, she’s glad that all he cares about is poking fun at her.
Because it means that nothing’s changed between them. And that’s all anyone asks for, really.
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You’re Cute When You’re Jealous |The Thundermans|
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Requested by Anon: Great! I’d love a Max imagine! You know Flunky? Max’s bodyguard played by Jace Norman when Max was elected Class President instead of Phoebe? You know how Flunky kept flirting with Phoebe? Well, imagine if Max and the reader are dating and when Flunky flirts with you, Max gets jealous and you’re teasing him for it. Love you xxxxxx
Pairing: Max Thunderman x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1.7K
A/N: To the anon who requested this, sorry for the wait. I suck at writing and this literally took multiple tries but I think I finally got it! I hope you like it, and I hoped it fit the request nicely. Also I suck at flirting so you got this hot mess...
You weren’t surprised when you heard Principle Bradford announced Max as the new class president. Part of you was actually proud and happy for him and the other felt bad for all the candidates who worked hard. Max gave a short acceptance speech and promise to make due on all his promises. After that he walked down into the crowd, everyone cheering him on as he made his way to you.
“Congrats Max, that was…totally unexpected,” You congratulated as you pulled him into a hug.
“What can I say, I know what the people want,” He said proudly.
“Well then Mr. President, what’s your first order of business?” You asked.
“Getting the lunch lady a razor,” The two of you shuddered at the thought.
The two of you didn’t get much time together after that since he was taken away to start his duties as class president. I guess it was for the best, you still had classes to attend, although you didn’t really get to see Max again until the next day. He walked up to your locker the next day, a boastful aura surrounding him more than usual.
“Morning babe,” He greeted.
“Good morning Mr. President,” You replied, turning around to see that he was really taking being class president seriously. “Wow, you’re really enjoying this aren’t you?”
“You know it,” He gave you a wink. “Oh watch this. Flunky!”
You saw a blonde haired boy run out of nowhere and come to Max’s side in seconds. “This is my personal body guard Flunky.” He explained.
“Hey there sweetness, what’s your name?” Flunky asked, obviously flirting with you.
“Anyway, how about I walk you to class?” Max asked.
“Sure,” You agreed.
Max gave you one of his charming smiles and moved out for you to lead the way. You gave him a smile in return and started walking, but you were stopped by Flunky. “As Max’s body guard, I have to make sure you aren’t trying to hurt him. Walk with me sweetness.”
You gave him a look and then looked at Max who seemed irritated with Flunky. He must’ve been getting annoyed with Flunky’s flirting, which was kind of cute. “She’s fine Flunky, now go away.”
Max moved Flunky out of the way and took a hold of your hand, giving Flunky the message to back off. And if that didn’t help, quickly walking away should’ve definitely done it.
When you got to your class, Max pulled you off to the side and gave you a sweet peck on the lips. “Wow, for someone who wants to take over the world, you’re always so sweet.” You said before giving him another kiss.
“I’ll always be sweet for you, plus I need someone to help me rule the world,” He replied.
“That you will,” You smiled sweetly and gave him one more kiss. “Alright, I have to go now. Be a good president!”
“I’ll try but not really,” He gave you a wink before walking.
You shook your head at your ridiculous boyfriend and walked into class. You wouldn’t really get to see Max until fourth period which always seemed to make everything much more boring. But it was always nice to see Max waiting for you outside, and it was a bonus that you both had lunch together.
“Ready to go babe?” Max asked when you got outside.
“Yup!” You answered, lacing your hand with his. “So what have you done so far Mr. President?”
“Oh you know, this and that,” He shrugged.
“You have no idea what you’re going to do as president, do you,” You stated.
“I do too, besides I still have plenty of time before I need to give Bradford my ideas,” He told you.
“Run some of them by me, maybe I can help,” You suggested.
“Well, let’s see. I was thinking that we could do this and that,” He said, stalling because he really didn’t have anything.
“Wow those are wonderful ideas, you’re totally going to change the school,” You remarked sarcastically.
“Ha ha. Just you watch my ideas are going to be fantastic,” He retorted.
“Mmm, of course babe,” You said.
As the two of your talked, you got your lunches and decided to sit outside. As you sat down, Flunky popped up out of nowhere, sitting between you and Max. “Hey sweetness, how about you and I share a pizza.” He then proceeded to pull out a pizza box and open it to reveal a heart shaped pizza.
“Wow Flunky, that’s so…cute,” You said.
“Anything for you sweetness,” He gave you a cheeky grin and cuddled closer to you.
“Flunky, get out of here!” Max yelled, pushing him away from you.
It was Max’s turn to cuddle closer to him, glaring at Flunky before turning his attention to you. He found you giggling silently behind your hand, you were starting to find it quite adorable how jealous Max seemed to get. And you also found it adorable how Flunky seemed to have a little crush on you.
“Max, you’re not jealous are you?” You asked, mocking innocence.
“No, of course not, why would I be,” He scoffed.
“Well you did just kick Flunky out of our table,” You stated.
“That’s because he was getting in the way of you and me time,” He said. “Anyway, let’s not waste this pizza.”
You laughed and shook your head before digging into the pizza that Flunky had gotten for you and him. Throughout the day, whenever Flunky was around you Max made sure Flunky knew you were his girlfriend. That didn’t really stop him from flirting with which just made Max more jealous. And you never missed a second to tease him for it but he kept denying his jealousy. When school ended, Max couldn’t wait to leave and finally spend some time with you without Flunky interrupting every few seconds.
“Max, don’t you have to go to student council?” You asked as Max tried to leave. “And don’t you have to give Bradford your ideas?”
“I have plenty of time, Cherry scheduled him for Wednesday at 3,” He told you.
“And your gonna trust Cherry just like that?” You gave him a look that said it all.
“Yeah you’re probably right,” He sighed.
“I know I am Maxy, now let’s go make sure you don’t ruin our school…more than it already is,” You said before you dragged him to the student council room.
You heard him groan but he followed you anyway, when you got there his mood lightened up when he saw that his foosball table had arrived. He left your side and went to play a round, kicking the guy who was already playing out the way. The guy gave him a look before walking away to do something else. You saw Phoebe come in a couple minutes after you guys did, immediately going over to Max. The two started bickering and you took it as a chance to try the foosball table for yourself.
“Flunky!” You heard Max yell out.
In a matter of second, Flunky was at his side. “This is my personal body guard Flunky.” Max explained to Phoebe. They went back to bickering shortly after and that allowed Flunky to start flirting with you once again.
“Hey there sweetness. How about we play a game of foosball, winner gets me,” He said.
You laughed lightly before agreeing, it was cute how hard he was trying to get your attention. It reminded you of Max before the two of you started going out. He worked so hard to get you to notice him until you finally agreed to go on a date with him. As you played with Flunky, it was obvious that he was letting you win. He was serious about winner getting him and he was going to make sure the winner would be you. And in the end you ended up winning just like expected.
“Looks like you won sweetness, and like I said, winner gets me,” Flunky said, walking over to your side, arms open like he was about to give you a hug.
You chuckled at his cute attempt to get close to you and decided to humor him by returning the hug. But before Flunky could wrap his arms around you, you were pulled away. And you instantly knew who it was when they wrapped their own arms around you. “Flunky, stop flirting with my girlfriend!” Max yelled before dragging you away from Flunky.
“Wow Max, that’s quite the grip you got there. Can you let go now?” You commented, looking up at him.
“No,” He said gruffly.
“Why not? Cause your jealous?” You asked teasingly.
“I’m not jealous, I’m just spending time with my girlfriend,” He replied.
“Really? That’s so adorable, you know what else is adorable? Flunky,” You said.
“No he’s not!” He whined, the arms that were still around you held you tighter.
“No, you’re right, he’s a total cutie,” You continued teasing.
“I’m a total cutie, he’s a total…Flunky,” Max grumbled.
You laughed at how cute and jealous he was being. “Max, you’re so cute. It’s just a little harmless flirting, besides it doesn’t mean anything to me.”
“It doesn’t?” He asked sincerely.
You wiggled around in his grasp until you were facing him. “Of course not Max, I’m your girlfriend not his.”
Max smiled widely. “Yup, MY girlfriend. But why flirt back?”
“Because you’re so cute when you’re jealous,” You told.
He rolled his eyes and pouted, making a wide smile appear on your face before you leaned up and kissed him. That instantly cheered him on and he leaned down to kiss you once more.
“All better?” You asked.
“Yup,” He said.
“Good, now can you let go off me? Also I think Bradford’s here to hear your ideas,” You told him, pointing to the doorway.
He looked over and then looked straight ahead of him. “Cherry, you’re fired.”
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sunsetcurve · 6 years ago
this is your heart (can you feel it?) - Pt. 2
(Part 1) (Read it on AO3)
Summary: The Thundermans deal with the aftermath of Mastermind’s attack, and Max gets some closure with his father.
Relationships: Max Thunderman & Hank Thunderman, Max Thunderman & Phoebe Thunderman, Family Dynamic
Word Count: 2,268
A/N: hey everyone! i finally finished part 2 of this fic! this chapter is less action and fighting and more of the hurt/comfort and family stuff. it kind of turned into a bit of a fix-it towards the end, with some much-needed bonding between Max and Hank. thanks for reading, and i hope you like it! leave a comment or a reblog if you do!
MONDAY 11/15. 19:36 EST
When he wakes up, Max is in a hospital.
It takes a minute for his vision to adjust to the bright lights. He's lying on white linen sheets, surrounded by blank walls and the smell of antiseptic, and the beeping of a heart rate monitor fills his ears.
Suddenly, panic rushes through him and he jolts upright, only to have pain sear through his chest. A small cry escapes his lips--Hospital, he can't be in a hospital--
And then there are gentle hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down even as he struggles against them. "Max, Max! It's okay!"
He blinks, the figure in front of him slowly coming into focus. "Phoebe?" he rasps, and his voice is slightly slurred and sounds like tires over gravel. "Why're we 'n a hospital?"
"We're at the superhero hospital," she explains, her hands still on his shoulders. "In Metroburg. How do you feel?"
Blearily, Max lifts a hand to rub his head and finds himself surprised at the sight of his wrist wrapped in a black cast. "Like I got...ugh, hit by a truck," he groans, trying to ignore the pounding in his skull. "What-what happened?"
She hesitates for a moment and tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. "What do you remember?"
He tries to think back to everything that happened before he'd blacked out. Lightning in the room, his dad's hand around his neck--no, not his dad, he thinks, and then it all comes rushing back. "Where's Dad?" he says abruptly, voice rising and sliced with harsh coughs as he starts to sit up. "Is he still--"
"He's fine," Phoebe cuts him off immediately. "They found Mastermind and put him back in prison, along with the other escapees. They're in the waiting room, I should--"
"Mom? Billy? Nora? Chloe?"
She gives a small laugh, without any real humor behind it, and pats his hand gently. "Everyone's fine, Max. We were all just worried about you."
He pauses for a moment, letting that sink in. He lifts his uninjured hand to touch the bandage on his head, the stitches on his cheek, the bruises along his jaw. His ribs twinge at even that small movement, and he winces. "How long...was I out?" he asks slowly.
"Almost three days." Her brow is creased slightly, the way it gets when she's worried, and he notices for the first time that her eyes are red and wet. "You scared the hell out of us Max, I thought--I thought--"
"M'okay, Pheebs."
"You almost weren't, though," she says shakily. "A few more seconds and he would've--" her voice breaks slightly, "and I would've just been stuck under that stupid couch, where I couldn't even move."
"It's not your fault," Max says quickly, recognizing the guilt and shame in her tone. It's characteristic of his twin, and he knows that nothing he says will make her blame herself any less, but that doesn't mean he won't try.
Phoebe shakes her head and shuts her eyes, then reaches for his unbroken hand. Her fingers tighten around his. "I'm just...I'm really glad you're okay," she breathes softly.
He squeezes her hand gently and shoots her a grin. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."
She gives a small laugh and sniffs, blinking the water from her eyes. "You're right. You're way to stubborn for that." She reaches for something leaning against the table--crutches, he realizes abruptly--and pushes herself up out of her chair. Max notices the cast around her leg for the first time.
"Are you okay?"
Phoebe looks down at her foot and then back up at him, shaking her head slightly. "Yeah, this--this is nothing. The couch kind of crushed my leg but, it should be back to normal in a few weeks." Max nods, and she says, "I'm gonna go tell the others you're awake, okay?"
"Yeah," he says, watching as she limps out of the room and leaves him alone in the silence.
His ears ring uncomfortably, and he settles a little deeper into the hospital bed. Absently, he plays back the memory of the fight; the books and vases hurtling around the room, Nora pounding on the door of the closet, Phoebe struggling underneath the couch and his dad, his...not his dad, the hand around his neck, slowly squeezing, cutting off his air supply and--
He snaps out of the memory as a tiny pair of arms latches around his body, knocking the wind out of him. But he can't bring himself to care about the pain that shoots up his chest, not when Chloe is hugging him like he's the world. "Hey, kiddo," he says with a soft laugh, wrapping his arms around her.
Billy comes speeding into the room then, joining Chloe in crushing Max's already-mangled ribs. "You're alive!" he exclaims.
"Yeah," Max wheezes, "but I'm not sure how long I'll stay that way."
"What do you--oh," Billy scrambles off of him quickly, giving him a sheepish smile as Chloe does the same.
As they do, his parents and Nora come rushing into the room, Phoebe hopping close behind them, and Max tries--tries, and fails, not to flinch at the sight of his father. His mom cups his face in her hands, eyes wide with concern as she kisses his forehead. "Ouch--Mom," he protests, although he doesn't actually mind it all that much, and finds himself a little pleased when she pulls back but doesn't move her hands from his cheeks.
"You scared us all to death, Maximus Octavius Thunderman!" she scolds him, her voice hoarse and her eyes red. Had everyone been crying?
He gives a small laugh that quickly dissolves into a cough and lets the corner of his mouth quirk upwards. "I'm fine, Mom. Really."
Gently, she smooths back his hair and smiles warmly at him, and then he hears a soft sniffle. Nora looks up at him, tear tracks glistening on her cheeks, and he notices abruptly that she's taken her bow off, fiddling with it in her hands. "Nora, hey," he says softly. "I'm okay." She shakes her head, hastily swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. "You were--you were--I was stuck in that closet, and I came out and you were just lying there, you looked like--you looked like you were dead--"
"I'm not," he says, his voice strained, and he really hopes she's not adopting Phoebe's trait of putting the world's weight on her shoulders because Nora is far too young for that. "Nora, it's okay. I'm okay."
She just sort of collapses into him, burying her head into his shoulder, and he pats her back with his unbroken hand and finds himself wondering suddenly if they've all always cared this much or if it just took him until now to notice.
The shaking of her body against his eases a little, and there's tension heavy in the silence so he says, "Almost get strangled to death and suddenly you're everyone's favorite Thunderman, huh?" and Nora gives a watery sort of laugh, but maybe it's not the best thing to say because Phoebe's hand squeezes his fingers just a little tighter and he thinks he sees his dad flinch.
He still hasn't said anything.
There's this--this look on his face, though; guilt and worry and just...anguish, and he's never felt this much concern come from his father before. Towards Phoebe, maybe, but--never towards him. He won't really meet Max's eyes, focusing instead on the IV bag or the heart monitor, the soft blue paisley-patterned curtains.
And then Max feels a sudden flash of irrational anger, because it should be him that's avoiding his dad's eyes, not the other way around, because it's him that looks at those eyes and can feel the kicks landing on his chest, can feel the blood, hot and sticky, running down his face, can feel the hand around his neck slowly tightening--
His breath hitches and then his mom's hand is on his shoulder. "Max?" she's saying, and his ears are ringing again. "Max, are you okay? You're shaking."
"Fine, I'm--" he shakes his head and sinks back into the pillows. "Fine. Just tired."
"Maybe we should leave you to rest." She puts a cool hand against his forehead. "The doctor said he'd be in to check up on you in a little bit."
Max nods slowly, and his mom starts to usher Billy and Chloe out of the room, but his dad pauses beside the bed. "Actually, er, Max, can we talk?" he says slowly.
And maybe Phoebe catches his shoulders tense, because she stops by the door to give him a look that very plainly asks if she should stay. Max gives the tiniest shake of his head. He's not entirely keen on being alone with his dad right now, but the rational part of his brain reminds him that it's not like he has anything to be afraid of. It's not like it was really his dad that put him in this hospital bed.
That doesn't stop the dread from pooling in his stomach when Phoebe limps out of the room, though.
His dad's eyes train on him. There's a few beats of silence, and then, "Max," he says, at the same time that Max says, "Dad--"
"You first," they both say together, and then his dad shakes his head. "Max, I'm so sorry."
"It wasn't your fault. That--that was Mastermind, right? That wasn't you." And he hates the way he sounds so unsure, hates that he feels unsure, because he knows his dad would never, but the things his mind-controlled voice had said have wormed their way into his mind, have dragged his insecurities up to the surface and left him feeling both vulnerable and very, very afraid.
"It wasn't me," his dad agrees, and winces. "But I was watching him do it. I felt him using my powers, using me, to--to hurt you."
Max isn't sure what to say to that, so he just looks away from his father, one hand fiddling with the cast around his wrist, his fingers curling in the sheets. Finally, he asks, "Was he lying?" His dad blinks at him, silently urging an explanation. Max swallows tightly. "He said--he said I was your biggest failure." His voice is hollow. "He said y-you--that you wanted to get rid of me."
His dad doesn't say anything, just stares at him open-mouthed, and something in Max's chest plummets. He feels like he can't breathe, sure he's being strangled again--but there's no hand this time, just his father's eyes and the beeping of the heart monitor beside him and his worst fears confirmed. "I didn't--I never--" and then his voice breaks, and the tears come so suddenly he doesn't get the chance to hold them back. "I'm sorry I wasn't perfect like Phoebe," he says, half-shouts, even as the pain in his chest and his bruised throat flares. "I'm sorry I was never good enough, no matter what I did...and I know I wanted to be a villain but I never--I never wanted you to hate me--"
"Max...Max," He's not sure when his dad started calling his name, just that there are hands on his shoulders and he wants to flinch away, but they're careful, and gentle, and when Max looks up, the eyes he meets are glassy with tears. "I could never hate you," his dad says softly. "I never wanted to get rid of you...everything he said, everything he did to you...that wasn't me."
Max takes a shuddering breath, hating the way his shoulders shake as the words catch in his throat. "He said...he said you'd thank him for it," he breathes quietly.
And then his dad pulls him against his chest, arms tight but secure and safe and warm, and this time, Max doesn't wince or pull away. He lets himself be held like that, lets the tears flow and he can't remember the last time he's cried like this, because villains don't cry and heroes are too strong for that, but right now, he can't bring himself to care.
"I'm sorry, Max. I'm so sorry." His dad's hands run through his hair and Max clings to him a little tighter, sixteen years of missing his father's affection besting the one day of fear.
His dad is still holding him when his sobs fade, when the shaking of his shoulders starts to ease a little and the tears begin to slow. "If I ever--" he begins, and then swallows tightly. "Max, if I ever made you feel like you didn't matter to me...like you were worth anything less--I-I'm sorry."
Max nods wordlessly against his chest.
"And I...when you were going to join Dark Mayhem, I told you that you wouldn't be my son anymore."
His whole body tenses. "Yeah," he breathes quietly. "I remember."
"I never should have said that to you." Max pulls away for a moment to look up at his dad, whose eyes are filled with guilt, voice hard but shaky. "I was betrayed and angry and...I never should have said that. Max, you will always be my son. No matter what happens between us...you'll always be my son. I'll always love you."
Max feels his heart skip over a beat at those words, feels himself suck in a sharp breath as his eyes widen. Slowly, he lets a smile pass over his face and tucks himself close to his dad. "I love you too, Dad."
And just maybe, Max thinks, he's gonna be okay.
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incorrect-thunderquotes · 8 years ago
Thunder in Paradise Special (Part 2)
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Max: And after all the crap we’ve been through, we’re finally a happy family! Right Phoebe?
Phoebe: Max Thunderman, I gonna destroy you and become a villainess!
Max: Unexpected plot twist.
Hank: So Phoebe is evil now? Ah, come on how bad can that possibly be?
Nora: You haven’t seen her dad! She completely lost her mind...-
Hank: Wait, why is Max lying on the couch?
Max: I’m preparing to die.
Phoebe destroying the city, people screaming, the rest of the Thundermans hiding behind a car preparing to attack her
Hank: Let’s do this. Any last words?
Max: Yeah.
Hank: Well, talk son.
Max: Admit it.
Hank: What?
Max: That you all liked me being evil way more than her being evil!
Barb: Max, that’s not the topic at the…
Billy, Nora, Hank: True.
Max: Thank you.
Max: Wait , I just got a text...
Billy: And?
Max: It’s Henry.
Billy: Owwww
Max: Shut up. Wait now he is calling me...
Max: Yes?
Henry: Max! You won’t believe it! That girl...that girl that was with us fighting on that train! She is totally evil man! Can you...-
Max: Henry.
Henry: Yeah?
Max: That’s my sister!
Henry: No wayyy. That’s Phoebe!? For real?
Max: Yes.
Henry: You kinda have a complicated family, man.
Henry: A hot family though.
Henry: ...Hello?...
Evil Phoebe: Nora! Your bows aren’t that cute anymore!
Nora: ohhh she didn’t!!!
Evil Phoebe: Billy, you annoy me to no end!
Billy: ouch.
Evil Phoebe: And Max, you didn’t even buy me something for my birthday!
Evil Phoebe: And who will stop me!?
Max: ME!
Evil Phoebe*laughing*: Really? You know that your wearing a hula skirt?
Max: That’s not the first time. And certainly not the last!
Barb: Oh Hank, that’s bad! What else can we do? I don’t think Phoebe has any control of herself!
Max: So...you’ll ask her to...make a deal?
Barb: What!? No, she wants to rule the world now! We can’t just...
Max: PHOEBE!!!
Evil Phoebe: I’m the evil queen!
Max: Sorry...evil queen Dweeby, if you set me free, can I be evil with you??
Hank: Max, that’s a trap right? Clever!
Max: A trap? Yes totally.
Phoebe: I could need a servant.
Max: And what about a king??
Hank: Max!
Colosso: Let’s go baby.
After Phoebe turned back to normal:
Phoebe: Come on Max, everyone forgave me! But you.
Max: Excuse me, who’s shoulder is dislocated?
Max: Yes.
Phoebe: Oh my gosh, Max! I’m so so sorry!
Max: Me too.
Phoebe: Tell me...can I do anything to...
Max: Phoebe, I need to tell you something important.
Phoebe: Yes?
Max: I...really want a Hoverboard!
Phoebe: Ah..Max! You know how much that...,-
Max: Do you know how much my shoulder hurts!?
Phoebe: Fine. FINE.
Half an hour later:
Phoebe: I’m back.
Nora: Wait...you seriosuly bought Max a Hoverboard?!
Phoebe: Yes, I felt so guilty about hurting his shoulder that  I...-
Nora: Wait. That happened before we went chasing you. He fell of his surf board and...
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sunsetcurve · 5 years ago
i’m gonna list what i can completely off the top of my head, and this is going to say a lot about how obsessed i am with max this show
10) in “report card” when we got to see that he’s completely capable of doing just as well as—or better than phoebe—in school. not only that, but he threw the bet on purpose even though he knew the answer to make her happy
11) the scene in “paging dr. thunderman” when he’s comforting billy in the supply closet
12) in “cheer and present danger” the whole time when he’s trying to prove his innocence to his family, and then the end when he gives wong the pen with exploding ink and goes “didn’t cheat, still a supervillain” i loved that
13) the end of “winter thunderland” because he made snow for nora 🥺🥺🥺
14) i can’t remember what episode it is but the one where nora grows a beard and she has a boy coming over and she’s really nervous and max goes on this whole spiel about how she’s an amazing girl and any guy would be lucky to have her
15) the entirety of “the haunted thundermans” but especially one, the part where he makes them think he’s joining the green ghoul and then double crosses him and says “before you go, you should know one thing—i’d never turn against you!” and two, the ending where he lies to save taylor and scott’s relationship and then taylor is like “maybe you’re not such a bad guy” and he’s like “keep that to yourself, i have a reputation to uphold” that whole ep is such a good arc for him okay
16) the gaming episode where nora and billy are getting humiliated by this game and max throws away the chance to get his own video game in order to help them
17) honestly everything with him and allison but especially when he and her have their first real talk in “date expecations” and when he’s trying to win for her in “he got game night”
18) the fact that they give him really good motivation for what he does in certain episodes, like in “stealing home” when they show that he only pulled that huge stunt because he felt left out when phoebe and hank were spending so much time together, and in “aunt misbehavin’” when he helps aunt mandy because he’s upset that phoebe missed out on his concert, and in “looperheroes” when he creates a time loop because he’s nervous about the z-force results
19) i forget which episode they mentioned this in but at one point they said that max lets chloe paint his nails and 🥺🥺
20) in “back to school” when he beats a robot in like 30 seconds using absolutely nothing but a mop, an alarm clock, and some other random supplies
21) in the same vein, in “secret revealed” when he reprograms the orb with the speaker from a teddy bear, and in “thunder in paradise” when he rebuilds it with a hot dog maker
22) all of “thunder in paradise” to be honest.
23) in “banished!” when he risks losing his powers because hiddenville’s in danger and he needs to go back to help
24) in “orange is the new max” when he pretends to be evil again in order to fool the kids, and then in the end all of them admire him and think he’s so cool and want to be good because of him. it said so much about his character.
25) OH this is back in season three and i forget the episode title but in the talent show one where he ditches his friends to join a group of bad girls but then turns on them and is all “you’ll have to get through me first” to protect his friends
i really just quoted things directly and cited episode names without any external sources, huh. this says so much about me and i’m not totally sure if it’s good. in any case! those are some of my favorite moments, and there are probably more that i’ll catch if i rewatch it sometime. thanks for the tag!
favourite max thunderman moments
1. in the episode weekend guest where he does experiments on the venus fly trap that Phoebe brings home from school to look after for a couple of days the experiment goes wrong and the plant keeps growing and growing. he and billy have to distract the plant disguised as flowers so that nora and phoebe can give the plant the antidote was hilarious because they looked absolutely ridiculous.
i love when the show highlights how smart he is such as creating a successful antidote to get trevor the venus fly trap back to his original size.
all the cool gadgets that he has scattered across his lair.
2.  any time when max’s smarts are shown.
3. he may not always act like it be you can tell that he really loves his siblings.
4 how he loves and cares for dr colosso even though he’s suppose to be a ‘supervillian’ which we know is just a cover up for how he feels about being overshadowed by Phoebe and feels a need to prove himself.
5. even though he felt overshadowed by his twin sister he wouldn’t take her powers away even though dark mayhem asked him to and it cost him the chance to join the villain league. 
6. whenever his family is in danger from the villain’s league he will do anything to help his loved ones.
7.how he refers collosso as his best friend and they get into all kinds of mischief together.
8. when max accidentally froze mrs wrong at their birthday party and him and phoebe end up having to rescue her from a dojo class.
feel free to add some of your own favourite moments
tagging some people that i follow that love max thunderman as much as i do. there are so many favourite moments of mine that i can not remeber them all as it’s been awhile since i have re-watched the thundermans.
@mychenrymadness       @sunbeameyes   @kiddangers
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RULES: Repost, answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by: Jimesch
I'm Tagging: I'm much too shy to tag any one of my followers. I don't dare presume if any of you actually want to do this. So I'm tagging whoever wants to do this.
NICKNAMES: I don't really have one. My first name is Tanya and that's not really an easy name to come up with a nickname for. I made a promise to myself that any children I have will have names that nicknames can be applied to. I was robbed of that experience but my children won't be.
HEIGHT: 5'8"
ORIENTATION: Straight. Followers, please don't hate me for being the way I am. I tried to not be straight. But it seems just like the LGBT+ community, I can't change the way I am. I wanted to be special but sadly that was not written in my fate so I'm just boring.
FAVORITE SEASON: I dislike like all of them because they all include rain at some point. So, I don't know. Is there a season that precipitates the least here in Virginia?
FAVORITE FLOWER: Tulip, I guess? I'm not really a plant person so tulips were the first flower that came to mind.
FAVORITE COLOR: Any shade of blue
FAVORITE ANIMAL: I can't choose. I love all of them. Cats,dogs, horses, snakes, etc. They were all put on this Earth and they all deserve to live. Except for roaches. They can hurry up and die out. If there's any accuracy to the belief that an all-powerful being created life, why, pray tell, were roaches created? What purpose do they actually serve?
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-8. If you do any less than this, STOP. This is a PSA. You're shortening your life.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Castiel, Sam Winchester, Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak, Gohan, Max Thunderman, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Piper Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, Joxer, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Ce'Nedra, Arwen, Aragorn, Eowyn, Dru Blackthorn, Livvy Blackthorn, Felicity Smoak, Caroline Forbes, Death The Kid...and we'll leave it at that. There's a ton more but this was getting a little too long.
RANDOM FACT: When I was one-year-old, I fell out of a two story window. I should have died. I should have hit the area with the pipes sticking out of the ground but instead I landed nowhere near it and in the soft grass. I'm not religious in the slightest but I do believe something out there saved me. Just think, you all may never have gotten the chance to listen to my ramblings. I could not have existed in this time.
0 notes
Share a Lair 07 || Share a Char
Henry shook his head slowly, his arms folded and hair pulled into a small little curly tail. Jasper licked his lips, nodded in appreciation, and took a sip of water. Charlotte approached them and asked, “What are you two doing?”
Henry said, “Training,” but Jasper said, “Looking at Max,” which Charlotte now saw was the more honest answer, and she looked and understood why. He had on a VR helmet and was apparently either training or playing a very intense fighting game. Either way, the drool about to drop from Jasper’s mouth - relatable. Charlotte blinked out of it though. “Umm, are you going to train today?”
“Just got finished running around the track,” Henry said. “Waiting on Max to finish up here.”
“I thought you two had very different training schedules as to not overlap,” she said.
“Char. Shh! What if you distract him?” Jasper said. “We want him to be able to get all of the training he needs to keep the world safe!” Then, after a little while, more to himself, he said softly, “Look at that… bulge…”
“GROSS!” Char practically squealed. Max turned in that direction at the sound of her voice and lifted his helmet. He checked his watch and realized that he had run over his time. He deactivated the training helmet, summoned his bag, water and towel to himself and began to walk in their direction.
“You’re lucky,” Jasper said to her.
“For what?” She asked.
Henry laughed, “That bulge!”
She cringed and shook her head and hands, “I have nothing to do with that!” She accidentally glanced at it, though, thanks to Jasper mentioning it in the first place! “Stop pointing it out!” Her voice was high pitched and anxious.
Max practically vacuumed a jug of water into his mouth, but paused to say, “Didn’t mean to go over. There’s a button on the post for when that happens, or you can just get Charlotte to yelp. That worked too.” Jasper looked at the post in front of him and pressed the button.
“Alert. You have succeeded your training time. Please be courteous and vacate the training field.” Max narrowed his eyes at him.
“I wanted to see how it worked,” Jasper explained.
Max wiped his face and hung the towel around his neck, “Hello, Miss Page.” He was twinkling with perspiration and breathing kind of hard, but was… still everything and that smile always tripped her up.
“Are we… doing last names, now, Mr. Thunderman? No. I hate it. That didn’t feel right.” They started walking away while Jasper watched and Henry went onto the training field.
“Jasper! Come on, Dude. He’s not THAT good looking.”
“First off, he definitely IS. Second off, where is Charlotte going? I thought she was helping with training.”
“I’m coming back!” she called over her shoulder and shook her head. “Nosy..” Max smiled. Charlotte huffed and said, “Okay, SO - I am here, as, I guess a liaison.”
“What’s Henry’s problem now?” He asked.
“He’s really feeling like you treat him like an outsider, in what is supposed to feel like his own home. He’s ready to file a request for a new placement.” Charlotte said. Max furrowed his eyebrows, scoffed, and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, yeah. I know. You don’t like Henry. You don’t care about him.”
“It’s not even that. I don’t dislike him and, well, yeah, I don’t care about him. Honestly, I feel like I don’t do anything to make Henry uncomfortable.”
“The snide comments? The nasty looks? The house rules reminders?”
Max rolled his eyes, “He should man up.”
“Maybe. Or maybe you could give him a little break?” She rubbed his arm and for that reason, he began to consider it. He didn’t feel like he gave Henry a hard time, but maybe he could put just a little more effort into it. Charlotte was tracing his muscles and got a little bit lost in the definition of them. He watched her eyes follow the tracks her fingers made and stopped walking. She stopped too and looked at him. He was… amused. She realized that she was being kind of touchy.
“Should I flex them for you?” He teased.
“Don’t be silly,” she said, laughing and folded her arms, then thought for a moment and said, “I mean, go ahead, if you want, but that’s not important.What’s important is…”
He smiled and flexed his arms, “I’m getting more solid!” he practically cheered. She rubbed on his arm, squeezed the bicep, nodded in agreement. He was slightly bigger than he had been when they moved in, but only someone who was paying extremely close attention might notice that. She pulled her hand back and snapped out of it, “Focus, Charlotte!”
“It is perfectly fine if you focus on these. This is my DREAM, having a really hot girl openly fawn over my muscles. It’s what I deserve.”
Back on task, and ignoring all of what he said, she resumed her concerns, with her hands clasped together to keep from touching him again, “If he files for a new placement, it’ll be paperwork, interviews, and all of that, and a bunch of bull… and if they grant it to him, who knows where we’ll wind up next…”
“We,” he said, dropping his flexed arms to his sides and slumping his shoulders, like he had just realized that Charlotte would definitely be part of an exit made by Henry. She was one third of the Henry Hart package. “Ugh. Fine. What do you want me to do?”
“Well, I was thinking that we could start with a little morale booster. He wanted to do the video game tournament, but I told him that you’ve already got the living room for that… What if you let our friends come too, and hang out with your friends for a night?”
Max looked very not pleased with that idea. She thought out loud, “Of course, I’ll have less than a week to Ray and Schwoz proof the house, but I’ve done more in less time, before.”
“If either of them gets out of line, I will freeze the entire room, I swear to God.”
She smiled and threw her arms around his neck, “Thank you! Henry’s gonna feel a lot better knowing that you’re gonna do this for him.”
His hands held her waist and he looked down at her, “Not doing it for him.” They stared at each other for a while. Charlotte felt… like she was in some type of trance. She was tempted to kiss him again, and that was what broke it!
She smiled and removed his hands and said, “Well, thank you anyway, I mean. Thank you… Just thank you, please. Not please. JUST thank you. Okay, bye.” She wrung her hands and practically ran back to the training field.
Ray and Schwoz arrived earlier than any of Max’s friends. Charlotte told them to come through the tower entrance, but Ray decided that to establish dominance, he needed to barge in through the front door. So, he tried it and got zapped. Max first heard “Alert, Dumbest Hero Alive and his unfortunate science slave approaching,” from his monitor watch. His parents had a big one in their home. He had a small one in his chambers and he connected a system to the front entrance, but instead of a monitor, he simply programmed it to his watch. He was about to disarm the alarms when he heard the zapping noise and Ray scream. He laughed and disarmed them before the poor little science guy got hurt.
Max opened the door and Schwoz looked absolutely terrified, but also intrigued. What might happen next? Max said, “So, you guys must be Henry’s friends. Charlotte said you’d be coming in through the tower, and also, you’re like 2 hours early. This is how you wound up electrocuted.”
“What type of security system is this?’ Schwoz asked curiously.
“Kidding me? So that you can hack into it? No. You’ll have to work hard like Charlotte did,” Max said, with a smile as he texted her to let her know that they were here, in case she didn’t already. He resumed setting up the living room to accommodate everyone.
“Is… is that a pit couch?” Ray asked.
“Yeah. Had it transported it from my T Force office for tonight. Trying to organize our sectionals around it. There’s gonna be quite a few people here tonight. Exceeding my 9 person maximum for comfort, but… morale.”
“This is something that Charlotte forced on you, isn’t it?” Ray asked.
“Charlotte asked me to allow Henry’s friends to partake tonight.”
“She’s the worst,” Ray said, shaking his head. Max paused and looked at him with the most disdainful expression that he could muster. Ray stared back at him, confused, then glanced at Schwoz to see if he saw it too. Schwoz was inspecting different things in the room, though. Trying to determine what was simply furniture and what served as one of Max’s things.
“You realize that she’s the only reason that you’re here tonight, right?” Max asked.
Ray scoffed, “I was comin’ whether or not you wanted me to. I’m indestructible. Nothing scares me. Least of all some kid… with… hair that I have to admit is very nice.”
Max smiled, “Nothing scares you. Cool. Tonight’s not about fear. It’s about respecting others. Umm… Everybody is gonna respect Charlotte tonight. That’s a house rule. Non-negotiable.”
“You have a house rule that everyone has to respect everyone on the night of a video game tournament?” Schwoz asked, from near Max’s hammock.
“I have an everybody respect Charlotte house rule on every night.”
Ray laughed, “What is she like… your girlfriend or something?”
“Just. Heed the rule. Thanks,” Max said. He didn’t add for your own benefit. He wasn’t going to explain himself to this man, especially after saying something mean about his… friend… less than 10 minutes of being here.
She came into the living room and shook her head, “Sorry. Max. Hope they haven’t been bothering you.” Then, to the two of them, “Umm, why aren’t you in the tower? We’re pregaming up there. Come on. Max has a lot to do here.”
“He’s just rearranging furniture!” Ray pouted and she took him by the elbow and waved Schwoz along too.
Schwoz cheered to Max, “See you soon!” Then, whenever he followed Charlotte, he said, “Good job, Charlotte. He’s very skilled with technology.”
“What do you mean, ‘good job’?” she asked. Max smirked. He knew what he meant. He always knew what they meant. Every single friend that she had now had tried to let her in on the facts. She was still in denial obviously, and he wouldn’t make it difficult for her. But… That was his lady. He knew it. They knew it. She was the only person who didn’t know it yet. He’d had a similar sort of ignorance whenever he first fell into feelings with his first serious girlfriend. Technically, no… they weren’t “together.” Nobody had officially made any declaration or asked the other for a title or anything like that, but… he knew how he felt and he was pretty sure she was somewhere along the same lines. It was nice to not have to really acknowledge it, though. It made it easy to avoid the deeper topics and to bond through interests and stuff while she figured out her emotions on her own. No pressure. As for him… He was taken and he knew that, and he wasn’t necessarily patient, but smart enough to know that rushing someone as reserved as she was would be a terrible route to winning her over.
Max had Oyster, Gideon, Wolfgang, someone named Angus, who Charlotte hadn’t met before, Billy and Nora (who she had only sort of met), and he was unsure if girlfriends were going to be stopping by sporadically. Henry had his usual - Jasper, Ray, Schwoz, and Char, but said that Piper might stop by. Max got in front of everyone and said, “Okay, listen up! This tournament goes on for the entire weekend. You all know those deets, I’m sure. What you will have to understand about this gaming site - Henry and I live here, but our chambers are off limits, unless permission is given. I will be giving none, so bathrooms this weekend are,” he pointed, “The one in the laundry room, or if Henry lets you into the tower.” Henry scoffed. But… his guests were welcome to go to his bathroom, though.
“Charlotte has been gracious and kind enough to make sure that there are little hygiene favors for everyone and set us up a nacho bar.”
“Charlotte’s the best!” Oyster roared in excitement.
“Awww,” she said with her hand over her heart. Ray rolled his eyes and laughed a little. Max heard it and turned very suddenly to glare at him.
“I cannot stress this enough - Charlotte gets respect in this house. I expect everyone to respect her, whether or not I’m there to see it.”
“What kind of a MONSTER would disrespect Charlotte?” Gideon wondered. She crossed both hands over her chest and let out a little squeal.
Ray asked, “Is this one of your pranks that I hear tell of?”
“I… don’t play about that. Charlotte is a valued member of this house’s wellbeing. She works hard and takes care of a lot. We respect her here, and you will too. Invitations will be rescinded if I catch on to any disrespect.”
She stood up and walked over to him, with her finger raised, “If I might… Say something?”
“Of course.”
“Okay… He’s not talking about if we’re playing against each other. That’s understandable trash talk and I dish it out, too. He’s talking… rolling your eyes and laughing if someone pays me a compliment when you can just shut your old head ass up.”
“WAIT! Does SHE get to talk to us like that?” Ray asked.
Max said, “I think she was just giving an example,” very innocently, pretending not to realize that was directed, rightfully at Ray.
Ray pouted and said, “Can we get on with the games?”
“Last few rules and concerns,” Max said, then saw two bunnies walking to the couch and made a gesture at them to Charlotte, then mouthed Thank You when she went to collect Colosso and Balfour. “Um, last few things - My 19 year old brother and 17 year old sister are here. Neither of them can have alcohol, because this is mixed company. If you have given them alcohol in the past. Don’t try that this weekend. Oyster… no matter WHAT Nora says, give her zero alcohol.” Oyster nodded his head. “You know what… if Nora asks you for anything, check with me, to see if it’s okay.”
“COME ON!” Nora cried out.
Henry noticed that Charlotte had vanished, but as Max was wrapping up, she came out of his restricted area. Oh. So he WAS allowing access, just to her. She came to sit in between Jasper and Schwoz and Henry asked, “Hey, where did you go?”
“The rabbits were loose,” she said.
“What… rabbits?” He asked. There were rabbits in this house??? Max was done talking, so his friends rushed to the nacho bar while Nora and Billy made sure they staked their claim on the pit couch and Charlotte got up to talk to Max. Henry let out a frustrated groan and threw his head back. “She acts like I don’t even exist anymore,” he said, shaking his head.
“Hey. So… Balfour really wanted to watch the game tournament. He was like crying. So, I told him that I’d ask you about some way that could possibly happen?”
Max folded his arms and said, “I guess we could link a signal into Penelope and let her put it on her projector in real time? They can’t come up here, though. They’ll start trouble.”
“I really wanted Penelope here with me tonight. What if ONLY Balfour comes up and…”
“No. He’s the worse one.” Max said, chuckling. “Char, these are supervillains. They aren’t innocent bystanders who became bunnies.”
“He loved video games and he can’t play anymore. He just wants to watch. I believe him,” she said, playing with his pocket. Henry watched them.
Max sighed and pointed at her nose, “Anything that goes wrong as a result of him being up here will be on you.”
“I accept,” she said and bit at his finger, “Get that out of my face!” She laughed. He moved it around her face until she swatted it away and took hold of his hand, playing with his fingers. “I’ll go get him.” Max watched her disappear through his chamber door again and Henry narrowed his eyes at the entire thing. Whenever Charlotte returned carrying a white bunny with glasses, he was confused. She sat him next to Penelope as she took her seat again.
Charlotte began the night cozied with her friends, but wound up by Max, with the bunnies and Billy… closer to where Max’s friends were. Billy and Max were the only ones currently awake. Oyster was in a nacho eating food coma. Angus and Gideon were resting until their next matches, and Gideon had already been eliminated. Ray and Nora had somehow began a rivalry and were trash talking as they played against each other. Henry and Jasper were watching in entertainment that this was the second teenaged girl that he couldn’t beat in a video game. Henry was going to point this out to Char, but whenever he looked over, she was talking to Max again. Their faces were close together and he was looking all soft at her like he often did. She looked exhausted. “Hey, Char!” Henry called. She jumped. Max frowned as she pulled her face away from him to turn to Henry. “This girl’s giving your old records quite a run!”
“I never even played this game,” Charlotte said, shaking her head.
“FINISH HIM!” Jasper yelled and then moments later Nora jumped up and got into Ray’s face, “That’s what I’m talking about, MAGGOTCHESTER!” A few of the sleeping ones stirred, but remained sleeping. They either had ear muffs or plugs, for such scenarios.
Charlotte began talking to Max while Nora was screaming, so that whenever she stopped everyone heard her say, “So, I’m just gonna be in your bed…” Her eyes grew wide and she looked around the room. Billy, Nora, Henry, Jasper and Ray all turned and looked right back at her. “Not like that!” She said and shook her head.
“Where’s Balfour?” Max wondered. She gasped and began to frantically look around.
“Where’s Schwoz?” Ray wondered. Schwoz came from the bathroom, holding Balfour.
“Schwoz! What were you doing with him?” Charlotte asked and took the bunny off of his hands.
“He needed to go to the bathroom and you hadn’t brought any of his papers out,” Schwoz explained.
Max collected him and told Charlotte, “I’ve got him. Go on and get some rest. I’ll bring him whenever I come down.”
“Okay. Thanks.” She wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, but the others were already watching them kinda closely. He didn’t care about that obviously, because he gave her one and told her goodnight. She was all fluttery inside as she headed for his chambers.
She was asleep when he did retire for the evening. Billy and Nora came down to wash up and took their sleeping bags to the landing mat. Max climbed into bed and figured he could stay on one side with Charlotte on the other. She definitely woke up wrapped completely around him from behind.
Charlotte gasped and sat up. Of course, he needed to sleep in his own bed tonight. He had two siblings staying over and friends sprawled all over the couch. She went into the bathroom to wash up and get ready for today, then crept out to get started on at least ordering breakfast to be delivered.
Jasper and Henry had retired to the tower, while Ray and Schwoz camped out in the van. Angus was the only person awake whenever Char surfaced. “Hi… Angus, right?”
“Right,” he said, with a smile. He was doing some stretches.
“I’m gonna order a bunch of breakfast stuff. I’m more familiar with Max and my friends’ stuff, but do you know about those guys?” She pointed to the sleeping men on the couch.
“Haven’t been around them a huge amount recently, but I’m almost certain that Oyster still will eat just about anything,” he laughed.
“Bless him. He’s such a sweetheart.” She began to make an online order and also to start on fruit prep, for juice and/or smoothies.
Henry came, groggily through the double doors, being pushed from behind by Jasper and yawning. Charlotte hoped that they had brushed their teeth. “I’ve got breakfast on the way and at least one of you needs a smoothie, doesn’t he?” She smiled at Henry.
“Is she speaking to me? Does Charlotte Page see Henry Hart standing here?” He asked, sarcastically. She looked confused as she threw in the ingredients for a wake up smoothie into the blender for him. “Oh, right… Max isn’t around. So, I’m visible. Cool!” She turned off the blender, rolled her eyes and poured his smoothie. “Wonder how much time I have before my nemesis appears and my best friend loses knowledge of my existence.”
Angus asked Jasper, “Is… this awkward for you, as well?”
“It is,” Jasper said.
“Wanna go for a walk with me?”
“No, but I surely don’t wanna stay here for this,” Jasper said and they both headed out of the front door.
“Got it out of your system?” Charlotte asked, handing Henry the smoothie.
“He’s not even that good looking,” he said and nodded once, “Now, it’s out of my system.”
“Okay. Now that it is, let me say this… Whenever you don’t want to have to hang out with me, you think Max is the perfect candidate to take up my time. Whenever you don’t want to listen to me, I have to talk to Max. Whenever you can’t help me out with something, Max does. But, the moment that you have a want or a need and I’m occupied with Max, then you feel a way. Henry, I don’t know how else to tell you this, but Max and I get each other. I know you and me have been friends a long time, but those parts that didn’t make sense, they never started to. That doesn’t mean that we aren’t friends anymore, or that I don’t care about you, hence the reason you are drinking a smoothie from my heart. Thank you for giving me the push that I needed to find another friend. Max was a great choice. You did this, and you did well. Now, appreciate and respect that.”
“It’s not just Max, Dude. I mean, he’s your… cool half or whatever…”
“But, like… You’re not even hardly chilling with us at this thing. You’re hanging out with his friends and his siblings. You slept in his bed? And.. that didn’t sound like the first time.”
“Probably like the 4th time these past couple of weeks. Usually, he sleeps elsewhere, but his siblings took that, so my options were out here on this super couch with those strangers or in a bed that I’m welcome and comfortable in.”
“You are comfortable in my bed? Me, you and Jasp used to do this all the time.”
“Henry!” She said it snappier than she intended. “You started this year out wanting a little bit less of me, and that’s what you’ve gotten. I would’ve thought you’d be relieved to be able to escape me.” She didn’t want to bring up NYE, because it still hurt, but she had been less engaging with him since then, with both he and Jasper, quite frankly.
“Nobody wanted to escape you, Charlotte. One night, was all it was and I’m sorry we handled it the way that we did. But, we got karma, remember? We got deserted.”
“And I rescued you. Henry, maybe the reason that it’s hard for you to share your friend is because your friend has always been a major resource to you. And maybe the reason it hasn’t been as hard for me to branch out is because my friend hasn’t always been a major resource.”
“You think I… don’t deserve your friendship?”
“I didn’t say that. I think that our friendship has positively impacted your day to day a little more vigorously than mine.”
“So, really it’s you escaping me.”
She frowned and sighed. “This is me getting comfortable with another friend, Henry. I’m still here for you. You only feel like I’m not because I was giving you WAY too much energy before now. I’ve been really happy,” she said, with a guilty look in her eyes, “And I thought that you had been too. This… event is supposed to bring us together. That’s why I was talking to other friends. You can try it too. You and Max should be trying it, because you live together. You share this space, and your both my friend. I’m not… picking. I don’t have to, because I know that I enrich both your lives, so I don’t believe either of you are cutting me off.”
Max came into the room, strutting, shirtless, carrying a shirt in his hands and preparing to put it on. Charlotte was relieved to see him. She thought she’d be awkward after how she woke up, but this talk with Henry had just rocked her and fortunately, as unpredictable as he was, Max was a calming presence for her. “Morning, Max,” she said, with a smile. He threw the shirt on, noticed her eyes, looked at a moping Henry and moved closer to Charlotte to give her a hug.
“Good morning. You okay?” he asked softly. She nodded, with her head against his chest. “What about you, Henry? You alright?” Max asked. Henry shrugged his shoulders. He hated seeing them… like that. She keeps insisting that they’re friends, but they keep doing… this kind of stuff. The doorbell rang and Charlotte went to go answer it. Probably the breakfast. “How are your friends enjoying the tournament?”
“Pretty good. I think you and me are up against each other tonight.”
“That should be fun for me… embarrassing for you.”
“You can’t beat me in everything,” Henry declared.
Max laughed. “That’s absolutely false. Of course I can.”
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years ago
Share a Party
Share-a-Lair 5
So, okay. I’m sick right now. Starting the year out great! With illness and war, apparently. Ugh. Gross. Anyways, I had a couple of options for where I was gonna go and one option was angst and we all know that I can play that really well, and the other option was this. Hopefully, I didn’t make a mistake by not goin’ full angst. That’s the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.
@adorkable-blackgirl​ @chenoahchantel​ @kiddangers​ @henryhearts​
Share a Party
Charlotte was a little bit uncomfortable and for most of the drive, she was worried about saying too much, saying too little, saying stuff that made her seem like a pretentious egomaniac, saying stuff that made her seem like a dumbed down conformist… and in her thinking so much about what to say and what not to say, she decided at least on one thing, “I’m sorry that Henry and Jasper did this to you.”
He frowned. “Nothing to be sorry about. You don’t want to be stuck with those nerds, anyway.”
“Nerds.” She said it with no context and no tone. He didn’t know if she was making a declaration, questioning his choice of words or what. “I’m one of these nerds that you speak of,” she added after a long pause.
“Hardly. I mean, you totally are, but one of those people went through a bucket phase and the other is Henry, and I feel like I shouldn’t even have to expound on that, because you’re a smart lady.” She laughed. She was typically very defensive of Henry. She stuck her neck out for him and had his back a lot. Something about him not even just telling her that he didn’t want to hang out with her tonight made laughing at his expense acceptable in the moment.
“Yeah. They’re nerds. But, they’re supposed to be MY nerds. Over the last few years, they just get closer and closer, but damn - I guess I didn’t think that they’d ever just shut me out completely.” She didn’t want to bum him out. He was about to link up with his friends and she probably should have just went back home when she realized that she wasn’t included in plans.
“Don’t think of it as them shutting you out. Think of it as them finally letting you breathe! Maybe you’re so uptight because somebody had to make sure that the two of them didn’t accidentally stupid themselves to death.” She laughed again, a little harder than before, then gasped, suddenly stricken with fear! “They’re NOT gonna stupid themselves to death, Charlotte,” he said. “You deserve a night off. You’re not a single mom and they aren’t children, just idiots, but most people are, especially compared to people like us.”
Sadly, she whimpered, “They’re supposed to be my idiots.”
“I’ll introduce you to new idiots! And my idiots are nice and loyal.” He smiled. She could have Oyster for free… But… He’d likely keep a barrier between her and Gideon. She didn’t deserve that. 
He got out of the car and telekinetically opened her door for her as he met her on the other side, then said, “Oh, and that was my last one of the night. They’re not supposed to know about my powers continuing.”
“Relax, Char. We haven’t even had our first date yet. You don’t need to know everything about me right now.”
“Our FIRST date? YET?” She repeated, incredulously. 
“Oh look, she knows how to mimic.” He smiled, so she’d know he was just giving her a hard time, but then he took her hand and led her to this house that looked very much like a movie scene, with people all over the place, outside and in, but nothing extravagant and unbelievable happened right as they approached or right as they entered, so she knew it was real life. Whenever they got in, an old Asian man handed her a bottle of champagne and she tried to give it back, but he was very excitedly greeting Max and cheering about the party, the New Year and his grandson.  After a while, Max said, “This is Charlotte.”
“Max Thunderman, you always find the prettiest girls!” the old man said. 
Max pulled her closer and warned the old man playfully, “Don’t get fresh.” Her face was warm and the heat was flushing through her entire body. They parted ways with the old man, but Max didn’t let go of her. She rationalized, because the room is kinda crowded and we’ve gotta stick together… He introduced her to people just like, “This is Charlotte,” which her brain began to toss around after the 3rd or 4th time - is he saying it like that to avoid telling anybody anything more about me, or have they already heard my name before? Does he just not have a cover for why we would know each other? Or… has he told his friends that I exist? But, she shook her head, why would he tell his friends you exist, Girl? This man wasn’t thinking about you. He just got swindled into distracting you and the hero in him ids trying to do right by that obligation… But, wait… Nobody makes Max do anything that he doesn’t want to… and his hand has pretty much made a little groove in my waist now…
He was right, though. His friends WERE super nice, and… kind of idiots. But, she was relaxing more and more as time went on and eventually, when she seemed comfortable enough, Max let go of her. They were chatting and laughing with his friends and several times the two of them exchanged amused looks, KNOWING that they were the only two people there who noticed something or caught something hilariously ignorant that was said. They weren’t being malicious, just… clearly the smartest people in the bunch. It was kind of like whenever she was with the Man Cave and nobody else caught something but her, but this time, somebody else was there to give a look of acknowledgment. 
At some point, Oyster suggested, “Since all of us are here tonight, we should do a one night only band reunion!” 
Max laughed and shook his head. Charlotte gasped and said, “That would be SO cool!” 
Max stopped laughing and immediately said, “Of course it will! Let’s umm… Let’s do this,” he said to Oyster, who was VERY excited. The boys gathered and started trying to quickly make a plan and Phoebe spotted Charlotte, sitting by herself, not too far away from them. 
“Charlotte!” She called and waved. Charlotte smiled and waved back. Phoebe came over and introduced her best friend, Cherry, and wondered, “What are these goobers doing?” 
“A one night only band reunion,” Charlotte said, giggling. 
“Oyster’s plan?” Phoebe and Cherry both asked. Charlotte nodded. “I’m surprised that he got Max to agree to it,” Phoebe said. “Unlesssss… Charlotte… Did you get Max to agree to this?”
Charlotte shook her head, “All I said is it would be cool…”
“She’s got him,” Cherry and Phoebe said at the same time. 
“Please stop doing that,” Charlotte said, laughing a little uncomfortably. “And also, what do you mean by that?”
“Max has the hots for you!” Cherry said, with an expression on her face like it was obvious. But. Charlotte had literally JUST met this woman. Cherry and Phoebe sat on either side of her to ask her questions and gauge to see if she both liked Max back and if she was even right for him… 
Max looked over, noticed them hounding her and gasped. He grabbed Charlotte's hands and asked, "Hey, would you like to play a song with the guys?" 
"Not reall-" he gave her a push towards the band and she furrowed her eyebrows. 
He turned to Cherry and Phoebe and whispered loudly to them, "Back off! Whatever you're doing, just back off!"
"We're helping you!" Cherry loud whispered back.
"No!" He turned and Charlotte had a guitar. "Hi! Okay. Ummm.. I'll take that." 
"Okay?" She said, handing it to him. "Are you okay, Max?" 
"Haven't played in a while and we weren't great the first time…"
"Yeah, the only good songs were from when he stole Phoebe's diary and turned her pain into lyrics." Max's eyes narrowed at her and Phoebe's eyes widened. 
"That's horrible!" Charlotte said, looking at Max with disdain. "You really WERE a villain."
"Right! He hasn't done anything that foul in a long time. Good Guy Max, now," Phoebe said. Max sighed. They were obviously persistent to make it worse. 
“I was a kid, you know? Surely, there have been times when you’ve done something not that great to somebody you cared about when you were younger?”
Charlotte recalled distracting Jasper so that Piper could pore moth pheromones on him, against his will. Terrible thing to do to someone… So, she nodded and let it go. Max said to Phoebe, “By the way, we only had one hit and that was about Link’s toe, so that’s what we’re going with.”
“Wait…” She said, but the band was taking it to the makeshift stage. Charlotte didn’t know if she was simply the only person not drunk or if this was a Hiddenville staple or something, but this song was downright terrible. She laughed about it and hoped it came across as a laugh of support. But, the guys were good at instruments and Max’s singing voice did things to her. Whenever they were done, he rushed off and she was confused. 
Where the heck did he go? “Max’s Girlfriend! Max’s Girlfriend!” She heard somebody calling and looked around to see who this person who was supposed to be his girlfriend, or if maybe there was a different Max or something. But, when she turned around, Oyster handed her the guitar and wondered, “What songs do you know?”
She accepted the instrument and said, “I’m not Max’s girlfriend. We’re just…” She couldn’t realistically say friends, because she had only known him for a few months and it didn’t even seem that long, to be honest, as they didn’t spend much time around each other. She couldn’t say that they were on a date, because they technically weren’t. But, to say that she drove with a stranger to another town to party on one of the hottest party nights sounded off too, because that didn’t seem like her and she wondered how she had come to make such a decision. “We’re just hanging out tonight,” she said.
“So… You’re available?” Gideon asked, excitedly.
“No,” she said. Technically, she wasn’t. She had school, work, Henry to take care of. She wasn’t as upset as earlier and knew that she wasn’t fed up enough not to.
“That’s gonna make Max sad,” Gideon said, with a frown on his face. She was going to ask more, but Max showed back up, looking refreshed and just… delightfully handsome. He smelled really good too. She figured he must’ve went for a touch up and she appreciated that. 
“So, what songs do you know?” Oyster asked Charlotte again.
She knew a ton of them, but wasn’t exactly in the mood to play, because now she was all confused. Did… Max like her? Like, like her like her? Max noticed her discomfort and told everyone that she wasn’t here to serve as a musician, but to have a good time. That settled it.
“So, Charlotte - how did you and Max meet?” Oyster asked. Even though she said she wasn’t his girlfriend and Oyster hadn’t spent a lot of time around Max lately, he knew that look when he saw it. He and Max used to double date all the time.
“Well, I work with his roommate,” she said. And that settled whether or not he’d mentioned her before. 
“Sorry to hear that. That guy sounds like a tool,” Oyster commented. Max snickered. But, he’d obviously had the time to mention HENRY. 
“He’s my best friend, so, I don’t think so,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. Max remained quiet and the German guy, Wolfgang, was talking. He didn’t seem like he knew English very well, but they could at least understand him. She was having a bit of trouble, but used context clues. Basically, something about how they should all hang out after the party. Max looked at her for an answer. Of course, he wanted to spend more time with his friends. She knew his schedule, sort of. He was always on a mission somewhere. “Um, sure. I can always get a car service if it gets too late.”
“And have them take you all the way to Swellview?” He wondered. “That’d be crazy expensive.”
“Well, my car is actually at your place.”
“Still too much to pay for a car. We don’t have to go,” he said. 
“No, no. Of course we will. It’s fine. Henry won’t be working tomorrow. I don’t have to get to bed at any certain time.” She said it, but it was the complete opposite. More than likely, with Henry partying tonight, she would be his backup for everything tomorrow. And she wasn’t much of a partier anyways. But, it was extremely nice of Max to take her out tonight and she didn’t want to ruin his time or be the reason that he had to cut it short from hanging out with his nice friends (probably for the first time in a while). 
“Hey! It’s almost countdown!” Cherry rushed over, cheering. “Grab your dates!” She and Oyster took each other’s hands lovingly and Charlotte had just realized that she and Max were the only people who weren’t paired up! Well, in this group at least. 
He called, “We gotta go outside for my fireworks presentation!” And grabbed Charlotte by the hand, waving his friends out with the other. She furrowed her eyebrows, but moved quickly so they wouldn’t run her down. He moved them aside, let the others out, then pointed two fingers to start the presentation. “Okay, THAT was the last time,” he said. He wrapped an arm around her waist and directed her to the terrace that his friends were all on. The fireworks began, glowing up number designs among them as everyone counted, “10! 9! 8! 7!...” Charlotte was excited. She’d seen fireworks before and she had rang in the New Year before, but never with a group of people that seemed to genuinely like her, or at least be nice to her all night, and never with a hot guy… Who… well, she wasn’t WITH him, but.. She glanced at him as the other’s around them reached one, screamed Happy New Year! And began their first kisses of the year. Max looked bashfully at the ground and said, “You should look at the fireworks. Worked hard on them.”
She turned back to the exhibit, which had his friends’ names and a little character or icon to represent them, and then, “And Charlotte!” She gasped and looked at him. 
“Had to work quickly once I realized you’d be coming out tonight…” He smiled and she knew that she still had time. She leaned up as far as she could, but he was about a foot taller than her, only slightly less with her boots on, so he leaned down to meet her. He thought that was going to land on his cheek, but it didn’t. She kissed him. On the lips! 
It took him but a brief moment to realize that she had, and once he did, he pulled her closer and kissed her a little harder. Not for long, because the moment that he nibbled on her lip, she seemingly came to her senses and pulled back, with a bashful laugh. “Sor- sorry!” She said, warm in the face. “Guess the spirit of the night jumped into me.”
“I like that. I was hoping that you’d loosen up before the night was over and what’s this? *Gasps!* Casual kisses???” He teased, a glint of joy in his eyes. 
She covered her face with both hands and said, “I don’t normally do stuff like that!”
“Hey.” He pulled her hands away gently and held them, “You don’t have to feel like you’ve gotta explain yourself to me, Charlotte. I’m a great guesser, and I’ve got a feeling that I pretty much know what kind of a person that you are.”
“What kind of person is that?” She asked, with a twist of attitude in her voice.
He just laughed lightly, “The kind that just needs to give herself a break and not have to worry about things so much. Just a few hours and you’ve managed to start your year out carefree.”
She actually had SEVERAL cares right now!
…But, looking at Max, she couldn’t remember what any of them were. She shivered. Jeesh! Why hadn’t she programmed a jacket into this dang outfit? Max noticed and asked, “Can I try something?”
“It won’t hurt,” he said, with a smile. She nodded slowly. Max wrapped himself around her from behind and breathed warmth onto the back of her neck. She shivered again, but in a different way and then, she was warm. She leaned back against him and stayed there for a moment. “Okay, I should just stop saying that it’s my last time using my powers, at this point.”
“You really should!” She laughed. 
“Max! We’re heading to Maddie’s!” Someone called. 
“Right behind you!” He said and let go of Charlotte. “It doesn’t have to be weird, you know? I’d prefer if it isn’t.”
“It isn’t. It wasn’t. It was nice.”
“Good. Still wanna hang out some more?”
“Cool.” He took her hand and they went to meet up with his friends at another party.
High Energy! That was what she felt, on only a few hours of sleep. This new year was already great and she was glad to have let it all out last night and just be for a moment. Whenever she got to the lair, she came in through the tower entrance, but couldn’t find Henry or Jasper. Then again, it was pretty early, so they were probably asleep. She began to make everyone green matcha tea smoothies, get the control panel up and running and get started on some assignments in the lab, for the new year. She peeked into Henry’s bedroom. He wasn’t there. She called his phone. No answer. No worries. He probably just spent the night at Jasper’s and they’re asleep… But… Why spend the night at Jasper’s? This place was MUCH better and closer to their party last night. 
Not that she was worried, but she figured that she might just go check out the party site. Hopefully, nobody got arrested… or worse. She drove out there and saw the party boat out in the middle of the water. What was it still doing there?  She looked at the lake, And when did it get cold enough for the lake to freeze? She wondered. She tried to call Jasper and some girl answered his phone, “Hello?”
“Hi! This is Jasper’s friend. The person who this phone is for. Is he around?”
“Oh… No. He’s probably either still on the boat or they had to send out for help.”
“Party boat got hit with a HUGE prank. I took the phone and after telling somebody where the dude is, I drop it off at the Pear store.”
“A prank?” Charlotte repeated, recalling Max’s friends talking about the elaborate pranks he pulled in school. 
“Hilarious. These two dudes got left behind and somebody froze the water.” She laughed. “Well, Happy New Year. I’m going to the Pear store, Bye!”
Charlotte couldn’t help but to laugh too. But, the water was still frozen. They couldn’t move the boat. She called Max.
“It is before 9,” was how he answered the phone.
“It is. But, I’m looking at this abandoned boat on a frozen lake and have the sneaky suspicion that my friends are trapped on it and also that you can untrap them.”
“Ugh. Call Phoebe. I’m off today and she cares about rescuing idiots,” he grunted. 
“Char…” He mocked. “Seriously. I’m not getting out of bed. They aren’t gonna die.”
She sighed, “This is very, very unprofessional and not heroic.”
“Maybe. But, don’t lie and say you didn’t find it funny.”
“When did you even find the time to do this???” She wondered.
“Who says I did this?” She could hear a sly smile in his voice. He wasn’t going to reveal his secrets. “Hope it works out for them.”
“You don’t care, do you?”
“No, not really.” He laughed and hung up. She laughed too. Might as well call Ray and Schwoz to get these dudes off the boat with the Man Copter.
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All Alone - Chapter 2 Part II
Beginning - Previous
He watched mutely, as the pallbearers began carrying each and every member of his family. It was a closed-casket kind of thing so none of the (nosy) mourners got to see the state that each Thunderman was in. He heard some displeased whispers before the ceremony even began but he was just so damn exhausted that he ignored them. 
Those sorts of people were the absolute worst and he already feels bad enough without causing a public scene for the tabloids to have a field day about. He knew there were some photographers and journalists in the (quite huge) crowd (it was one of the reasons why he wanted to have a small, private, funeral but his family was practically celebrities around here so he really had no choice in the matter-) and there was absolutely no need for him to feed them headlines for their next big scoop.
He marched behind the pallbearers dead-eyed and watched them carefully weave through the twists and turns of the streets. He had wanted to participate in bearing the caskets but considering that five people had died, he felt that it wouldn't have been fair of him to help carry one of the caskets and not all.
When they reached the cemetery, it felt like time itself started slowing down. Things began to get clearer and it was as though reality came crashing down on him because (suddenly-) the grief became that much more palpable and holding back tears started to feel more and more difficult.
Max's chest ached with loss and grief as he watched the people lower down the five caskets 6 feet into the ground. It felt like the universe was hammering in the fact that his family was not coming back. He blinked rapidly as tears streaked their way down his pale cheeks and took a shaky breath. He wanted to look away, he really did, but he felt like he owed it to his family that he sees this through to the end. 
He wouldn't be a coward now. Not when it truly counts.
People giving you their condolences after the burial of a loved one (or multiple loved ones in this case) felt… awkward.
At this point, he wanted nothing more than to disappear off the face of Earth. He didn't want anything to do with those people (especially since so many have come-) and it showed in the way he stared at every single one of them through hollow eyes. It felt painfully awkward for all those involved but, soon enough, it was over. 
Many people rushed out of the cemetery as the sky darkened ominously and the clouds started packing together. The day had been sunny so far, and the weather forecast declared it a perfectly sunny day, so no one had the foresight to bring along an umbrella and they'd all rather not get wet.
Max didn't care much about that. He simply stood, rooted to his spot, in front of the five graves and stared at them with the intensity of someone who wanted nothing more for them than to disappear. He felt something spark in his chest, but he wasn't sure what it was (nor did he want to know).
Thunder blared loudly, its sound bouncing off the graves in the cemetery. At this point, there was almost no one in the vicinity to hear nature's warning. Only the dead and the boy who was as good as dead.
Eventually, some point after the rain started pouring, Max heard the footsteps of someone approaching. They were light (so obviously; not Blobbin-) and measured in a way that made him know that whoever was approaching him wanted him to know that they were coming. 
Eventually, the footsteps slowed to a stop (next to him). Max felt his curiosity rise (unbidden) from the depths of his body but didn't make a single move to satisfy it. 
"Hello, Max." The mystery person spoke.
Max's eyes widened slightly. That voice…
"President Kickbutt." He stated quietly; sneaking a glance at her from the corner of his eyes. 
The woman simply inclined her head in his direction, not taking her eyes off of the graves.
Max blinked emotionlessly (not really, but he was too damn tired to even think about it-) and turned his gaze towards his family's final resting place, "What brings you here?" He asked quietly.
The woman gave a mirthless puff of laughter, not paying any mind to the rain drenching her, "I never left." She drawled out; enunciating every syllable.
Max felt his brows furrow in confusion, "You didn't…? Why?" He asked, perplexed.
He didn't see the action, but he was about 70% sure that Kickbutt shrugged her shoulders.
"I wanted to talk to you," The President of the Hero League replied easily.
Max pursed his lips as a stab of irrational irritation traveled through his body. He shoved his soaking hands into his equally wet pockets and fully faced her. 
The Superheroine was dressed in a simple black skirt and a formal suit jacket. Her coat, which stopped at her knees just a few inches below her skirt, was also black. And thick. Way too thick for July.
She, for all intents and purposes, looked like she was going to attend a business meeting rather than go to a funeral. He mentally shrugged his shoulders and decided that it didn't matter.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Max snapped in disbelief; a sneer curling on his lip.
"Yes," The woman replied evenly, "I wanted to talk to you." She turned her gaze to him.
Max barked out a humorless laugh and covered his eyes, "Okay…" He bit his lip slightly and nodded to himself, "Okay," He smirked, though his eyes were devoid of joy, and tilted his head, "Let me do you a better one." His smile dropped and he took a step closer to the unflinching woman.
"Why here?" He hissed angrily, "Why now?" He felt his hands, which he had ripped out of his pockets a while ago, curl into fists. He wasn't even sure why he was this irritated. This… angry.
President Kickbutt tilted her head lightly to the side, as she regarded him with something akin to wariness, "This is the only place that you and I can visit at the same time," She replied calmly, "Also, I only have an hour of free time remaining today before I have to go back to my duties and, even then, I probably won't catch a break in a very long time."
Max clenched his jaw and tried his best to calm down. He knew he was being irrational, he knew he shouldn't direct his anger at her, he knew. That didn't stop him from being angry though. 
"Fine," He finally gritted out, "Let us talk. What did you want to say?" He took a few steps back and promptly focused his gaze on the set of five graves that lay in front of him.
President Kickbutt remained silent, and Max felt his irritation spike again. She wanted to talk, didn't she? Why wasn't she talking then?
"I wanted to discuss your options for the future," The woman finally spoke; carefully dragging out her syllables, "And inform you of… a few things about the incident."
Max clenched his eyes briefly as his nostrils flared. Five minutes. Can't he go for five minutes without someone reminding him that he was basically both alone and homeless? That he had no one left for him? That he had nothing?
President Kickbutt, taking his lack of response for what it was, continued, "Blobbin offered you a space with him, didn't he?"
Max frowned despondently, "Yes." He mumbled, his voice barely heard above the rain.
"And did you reply?" Kickbutt asked curiously.
Max pursed his lips, "No. Not yet." He muttered, scuffing his shoe lightly on the muddy ground. 
Kickbutt hummed, "Okay. Are you going to accept?" 
Max shrugged non-committedly, "Maybe, maybe not." 
Kickbutt remained silent.
For a moment, the only sound in the cemetery was the sound of rain hitting the ground and the graves rhythmically. For a moment, Max closed his eyes and imagined a scenario where none of this happened. For a moment, everything was okay. Even if it wasn't.
"...You do realize that you don't have many options beyond that, right?" Kickbutt breathed out, her voice barely reaching Max.
Jarred out of the tantalizing fantasy his mind composed, Max sighed heavily, "Yes. I know."
Kickbutt went silent again.
Max felt a small smile creep on his face as he remembered Dr. Colosso's nickname for the President ('Villains don't respect heroes Maxie!') but, just as quickly as the smile appeared, it fell off his face. Dr. Colosso...
"Hey…" Max gasped out, panic clawing viciously on his guts, and whipped his head towards the (surprised) superheroine, "Dr. Colosso! What happened to him?"
President Kickbutt pursed her lips and turned away from him and that alone was answer enough.
Max felt a fresh wave of grief and loss move through his body and tried to brace himself against the onslaught. Even Colosso hadn't been safe from the attack. Colosso… Colosso was a villain. 
Max clenched his eyes shut as his emotions warred in his chest. The grief that had dulled somewhat in the last few minutes (President Kickbutt unknowingly served as a distraction) returned with a vicious vengeance. His best friend… How did he not think to ask about his one and only friend? 
Colosso- Colosso was the one person who had been there for him through thick and thin. When he was being bullied by the other supe-kids (as his dad had dubbed them.) in school, Colosso was the one to give him advice about dealing with them. When he declared his desire to become a supervillain, Colosso was the only one to not laugh at him. When he first started out as an inventor, Colosso was the first to congratulate him on his inventions (and even gave Max pointers on how to improve them!).
The 15-year-old pressed a shaking hand to his mouth. He had not asked after his (only) friend- he had not searched for his (only) friend- he forgot about his only friend.
Hot tears contrasted heavily with the cold rain as they mixed together on Max's face. Guilt, sadness, grief, horror, loss all swirled around in his being. How could he- how could he-
"Max," He felt someone lay a hand on his shoulder. Max opened his eyes, but did not move his gaze from the ground, nor did he move his hand.
"I wanted to inform you earlier about… the 'doctor's' status," The lady grumbled; her tone turning a bit strange as she pronounced the word 'doctor', "I'm sorry you had to know now, but there was no helping it. Not with the league's condition."
Max nodded slightly and attempted to swallow around the sudden lump that formed in his throat.
"We buried him in the villain cemetery, in case you wanted to know." She said awkwardly.
Max nodded once more as a pang went through his chest. He didn't even attend Colosso's funeral. His best friend must be rolling in his grave by now.
Max carefully removed his hand from his mouth and took a deep, shaky, breath, "Is there… is there anything else that I- That I need to- to know?" He stuttered slightly; his voice cracking in multiple places.
Unfortunately, Kickbutt nodded. The woman was starting to look more and more uncomfortable and it was obvious that whatever news she had left wouldn't be good, "We have evidence that suggests that Dark Mayhem was involved."
Max felt his eyes widen. His grief forgotten for a moment, he turned towards the superheroine, "W-what?" 
The lady looked at him with pity, but Max was too shocked to even feel angry about it, "He- They left a letter. We found it in your room in the basement."
Max felt all blood drain from his face as a violent sense of vertigo threatened to make him keel over. He did stumble, but Kickbutt wasn't a superheroine for nothing. 
"A- A letter?" Max mumbled numbly, "They left a letter?" He rasped in disbelief.
President Kickbutt looked at him with concern, but nodded nonetheless, "Yes. We already read it to make sure it didn't have any… dangerous content, and," The woman paused for a moment and took a deep breath, "It strongly suggested that Dark Mayhem was the one to command the attack on your house."
It was truly a testament to Max's strength that he didn't keel over right then and there. As it is, his head was spinning and it was only Kickbutt's hand gripping his arm that kept him from kissing the muddy ground.
As it is, the 15-year-old blinked heavily and attempted to fight off the dizziness that threatened to steal his senses, "Can I," He began hesitantly as Kickbutt slowly released his arm, "Can I have that letter?" He asked, voice wavering slightly.
The woman considered for a moment... before she nodded, "I don't see why not," She replied honestly, "I'll see to it."
Max nodded slowly, "Thanks." He said with relative sincerity even though his voice sounded as hollow as he felt.
President Kickbutt patted his shoulder. 
No other words were exchanged between them after that.
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