#max pretends he hates it but that’s his pookie
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gizmotingz · 9 days ago
AU where max is Charles’ WAG
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s-rosie · 9 months ago
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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corvidae-00 · 1 year ago
Tsudere /sub touch starved Jax in heat that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊 also i feel like max would be a massive virgin due to how annoying he is...he definitely a horny bitchless rabbit-
AHHHH! MY FIRST ASK ;0; Thank you!!! And i personally LOvE Jax- like its an issue 0-0 but im so happy to write for him first! your request is amazing and i truly love it! i hope i did it justice!!! i hope you dont mind HCs! if you did want a story just hit me back up in the answer box and ill write a lil something for ya! ;)
MDNI BELOW THE CUT+ Warnings: Smutty smut themes, bottom Jax <3- Cussing, swearing, the norm
The Reader definitely brought light to the Circus, when she first appeared she was the TALK OF THE TENT, everyone was happy to finally have someone around to liven up the place- > besides jax- the little shit made it his sole duty to make sure Reader was the punchline of his jokes or somehow always "in his way" and the Reader often got the butt of the assult. > Jax being Jax when the feelings for reader started to arise- he got scared- a little worried- upset even. More at himself than you but still pretty pissy- this just made the tourment wose oh lord- > Reader found this fun, more ways to annoy and poke and proad at Jax, finding his constant target on the Reader absolutely hilarious > Reader always calling the oblivious rabbit pet names!!! *Toots, Fluff butt, Shnookums (Only because it pissed Jax off and everyone would laugh), babes, Etc Etc, > Jax STILL oblivious to the reader ;0; taking it as her teasing him and pushing him and oh no we cant have that!!!! Jax haaates it. Secretly likes it HATES IT- >Despite the tension between the two Jax would often threaten Caine or sneak the other circus members things of value to be around reader. not knowing why- HE IS MADLY IN LOOOVE he wanted to be around Reader!! SMUT >Jax in heat is something i dont think even he saw coming- like they are digital code- BUT DAMN- > Stuck in his room alone humping a pillow and pulling his ears over his face embarrassed beyond belief at his own actions > Reader was coming to annoy Jax concerned why she didnt see him at breakfast (His favorite meal of the day may i add- >Knocking on his door reader had a shit eating grin "Sleeping in pookie?" She calls through the door only a groan and a loud huff was the response she got >Thats rude. Reader thinks and just assuming he is having one of his man period days- Reader enters his room- and boy is the sight she sees amazing- Jax face down and ass up with a pillow under his hips, face flushed a deep purple and his overalls down to his waist- > Reader and Jax are just staring at eachother with wide eyes >"G-GET OUT!!" "Nah i dont think i will" >Lets just say reader helps the little bunny get the relief he was so looking for- >They dont argue as much anymore-
----------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I hope you enjoyed your request and it was too your liking! im still getting back into writing so its a slow process!! let me know what you think!!! thank you so much!!! <3333
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mustardprecum · 6 years ago
Hi! If you’re taking harringrove prompts: fake dating. One of my fav tropes lol
This is a minor au where Billy and Max showed up from Cali, but there were no monsters and no confrontation at the Byers house. 
Billy had been completely silent since Steve started talking, his eyes were half lidded and sleepy looking, which Steve didn’t know how to read, so basically he just kept talking and talking in the hopes that there would be some positive sign.
“-so yeah, I have no fuckin’ clue why my mom thinks I’m gay, but she’s really excited. And it’s weird, and it’s worse because my dad is really excited? Which is weirder? I don’t know what’s happening. But I got a D on my last math test, and I panicked, and I don’t know why announcing that I had a boyfriend made it suddenly okay, but it did, and now my parents want to meet my boyfriend, but I don’t have a boyfriend. And now it’s going to be Friday, tonight you know? And I’m not going to have a boyfriend to bring to dinner, and they’re going to get mad at me and, and, and,” Steve choked on his own spit and started coughing.
Billy was in much the same position he’d been in when Steve approached him in the school parking lot. Leaning against his car, unlit cigarette lazily hanging between his lips.
The silence was deafening; Steve was deafened. Then, Billy smiled, it was way worse than the blank stare. How could someone look so incredibly, gleefully, mean with such a pretty smile?
“So you want me to be your boyfriend.”
“Yes!” Steve paused. “I mean, for tonight. For pretend.”
“Uh huh,” Billy finally lit his cigarette and saunted toward Steve. “What’s in it for me?”
“I mean, the fact that I have money is one of my few redeeming qualities,” Steve said. Dustin had said it once as a joke, it had hurt, but he thought Billy might appreciate the joke.
Billy snickered; Steve was a genius.
“So money, $200,” Billy ticked off his fingers ignoring Steve’s splutter. “What else?”
“What else, what the fuck, $200 isn’t enough?” Steve raked his hands through his hair. “What else could you want?”
“You drive my shitty stepsister to and from school.”
“Fine.” Steve didn’t point out the fact that after joining the gaggle of middle schoolers who followed him around, Max ended up getting rides from him most of the time anyway.
“If I ever use you for an excuse, you go with it no matter what.”
Steve raised his eyebrows, brain concocting several worst case scenarios that could happen. Begrudgingly, he nodded.
“Great,” Billy did that thing with his tongue that Steve didn’t know how to react to. He held his ground as Billy stepped up to him and offered his free hand. “You got a boyfriend.”
“Oh thank god,” Steve shook Billy’s hand. “Thanks man, you’re saving me.”
Billy hummed and dropped his cigarette. Then he yanked Steve closer and purred, “so what should we practice?”
“Practice?” Steve squeaked.
“Every movie I ever seen says they’re going to make us kiss at some point,” Billy’s eyes practically glittered.
“I’m pretty sure my parents aren’t that weird.” Steve tried to pull his hand back but Billy held fast. “Oh god, you’re going to be really weird about this, aren’t you.”
Billy threw his head back and laughed. Steve edged back a couple steps until Billy stopped and looked at him mirthfully. “Yes. I’ll be at your place in an hour.”
An hour later, Steve was listening to his parents in the kitchen. He was completely baffled by them. The moment Steve was assumed ‘gay’ all the fighting suddenly stopped. Suddenly his dad wanted to help in the kitchen. Suddenly his mom was following the directions on her pill bottles. SUDDENLY STEVE WAS ALLOWED TO GET A D ON A TEST.
He was reeling, with his face pressed to the window, listening for Billy’s loud ass car. Asking Billy had been a mistake, Steve knew that now. All he’d been thinking was that he was desperate and Billy was from California, and people were supposed to be cooler in California or something, right? Hence why Steve’s grandpa refused to vacation in San Francisco.
Steve yelped when he heard Billy’s camaro, and he heard his mom comment that he sounded ‘excited’.
Stupid Billy had taken off so fast, Steve hadn’t gotten to coach him on what to say, how to act, or how to dress. He hurried out the door as Billy got out of his car. He looked...nice, actually, in his red shirt that was buttoned up like a human, and jeans that were fitted but not nearly as tight as Steve knew Billy’s jeans could get.
Billy swagged up to him with a lazy smile. “Hey Princess.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve wrinkled his nose. He never thought he’d miss the derisive ‘King Steve’.
“Boyfriends have pet names,” Billy leaned in and Steve let him out of sheer curiously until Billy kissed his cheek.
Steve’s cheek burned where Billy’s lips touched but he managed to keep his composure. “Boyfriends don’t use pet names that the other boyfriend hates,” he said in a bratty voice. Christ, Billy smelled nice, why did he always reek of cigarettes and hairspray if he could smell like this?
“This one does,” Billy brushed past Steve and smacked his butt. “Introduce me to your parents,” he said over Steve’s squawk.
Billy was going to ruin everything.
Billy was incredible with parents. It was unnerving, bringing him inside and introducing him, only for Billy to dial up the charm to 11. Pretty smiles, respectful behavior, appropriately bashful as he took Steve’s hand.
Before that night, Steve would have never expected his dad to get along with someone like Billy. But there they were, sitting at the patio table, chatting about baseball while Steve’s mom asked for his help bringing in the food.
“He’s gorgeous,” she whispered happily, pinching Steve’s cheek. “I always knew you inherited my taste.”
There was a joke about her taste in marrying his dad on the tip of Steve’s tongue. Instead he smiled and settled on, “I never thought I’d bring him over.”
“I’m glad it’s all out in the open,” she sighed dreamily. “Your father and I love you. You know that?”
“I love you too, mom,” Steve followed her back outside with a big summer salad. It was a nice day out.
Billy had come up with a story all his own about how they started dating. It was better than Steve’s so he went along with it. He kept his leg pressed against Steve’s while he spun lies around Steve’s parents.
“Do you parents know?” his dad asked.
“No,” Billy’s voice dropped. Steve looked at him, his face was solemn. “And they can’t. My father is...not open minded that way.”
Steve’s parents made the appropriate sympathetic noises, and Steve rested his hand over Billy’s. He’d heard some horror stories about Neil being an asshole from Max, it wasn’t until just then that he considered how Neil might have reacted to Billy being with a boy.
Billy took Steve’s hand and swiped his thumb over Steve’s knuckles. When he smiled, it was soft and sweet like cotton candy. “I was really happy when Steve said how supportive you both were.”
If there was any doubt before that, it was completely gone. Even his dad looked teary eyed.
At the end of the night, after so much fawning that it made Steve sick, he walked Billy back out to his car. “So,” he drawled proudly, “you were wrong.”
Billy raised an eyebrow.
“My parents aren’t creeps who made us kiss in front of them,” Steve clarified. Billy kept his eyebrow raised, which was annoying because it made Steve less victorious. “Anyway, so, see you at school?”
“Yep.” Billy pushed Steve up against his car and crowded against him. His eyes shifted all over Steve’s face, and his hand moved slowly as he grabbed Steve’s chin.
Were his parents watching and Steve hadn’t noticed? Was Billy just messing with him? Steve was very unprepared for Billy’s behavior the whole night. Most of their interaction was Billy heckling him at basketball practice and at parties.
Steve stayed relaxed, expecting a short little peck.
Billy kissed the way Steve expected, forcing Steve’s mouth open and practically kissing the life out of him. Steve was overwhelmed, he’d never had so much tongue and teeth in a first kiss but by the time Billy pulled away Steve was panting, blushing, his knees were shaking, and he felt like a swooning heroine.
“Christ,” he whispered as Billy pushed him harder against the camaro. They kissed again, this time with more participation from Steve.
He’d been single for a long time, hadn’t realized quite how much he missed making out with someone. Billy was really fucking good at it. His body felt so different from Nancy, so much broader than Steve’s, hard and so stronger that the camaro actually rocked when Billy ground against him.
“Stop fucking with my hair,” Billy muttered against his mouth. Steve may have had both hands tangled in the blond curls. He tugged for good measure and Billy bit his cheek.
Then Billy stepped back so suddenly that Steve almost dropped. He pushed his hair back, casual as though he wasn’t very visibly hard. Steve had his eyes on it as he adjusted himself.
That was confusing; Steve was confused.
“See you Monday, Princess,” Billy reached around Steve to open the drivers side door.
Pushing away any thoughts that were hard to process was something Steve could do. “Have a good weekend, uh, pookie?” He winced at Billy’s dumbfounded look.
Then Billy laughed, “abso-fuckin-lutely not.”
Billy left and Steve went back inside, unsure he actually had a boyfriend or not.
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