#even tho i got a wip that i am... haha not working on rn
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year ago
see, THIS is why I am so patiently impatient because the way you understand Sanji is the exact way I do too!! I can't help but notice the way he's just so full of love and care and I love that in characters, when they face horrible situations but still treat others with love and kindness – bonus if they don't expect it back. Like cmere my baby boy, I will shower you with all the love YOU DESERVEEE TT.TT
I'm super super excited for this fic, so don't even apologize! I know it will be worth the wait, so take your time and trust me to come scream in your askbox when you do finally put it out <3
also, I'm curious if you're also writing the Zoro and Ace prompts I gave? no pressure tho, I know you said you might not do every prompt and I'm already over the moon that you're doing the Sanji one, I'm just curious about everything like how many wips you have going on rn 😂
uni is great!! I have exams coming up in October so this is rush period to finish the syllabus and start prepping >< how's things over there for you? anything interesting going on that you would be okay sharing? <3
- 🍥
(p.s. if my long asks are overwhelming, just let me know, I'll try to cut back haha~)
HII~! I'm sorry for the delayed response. I just got my laptop charger last night. My dog is a terrorist and likes to eat my chargers when I don't pay attention to her.
That being said, I haven't been writing cause I've been mobile. ;~; I know a lot of people write their fics on their phone but for some reason my brain likes a bigger screen so I can see where I'm going with the story. I go back to read a lot because i have bad memory, and want my prose to read fluidly. *babbling forever* But I have the weekend! So i'll be working on it bit by bit.
I have not started on the prompts you sent me yet but I do want to do that Ace one because I think it would be a quick little short exercise to flex my writing muscles! So I'll be doing that one this weekend while working on the Sanji slow burn.
I love the Zoro one you sent me....because it seems like so much fun LMAO And I love messing with Zoro but that one is going to be LENGTHY. Because...I am obsessed with putting Zoro in difficult situations. So that one will take time too.
I do have a Soulmate AU request for Zoro someone sent that's cuuuute. I may do a lil short thing for that too. So I have many WIPs. I should make a list and put in my pinned post? Idk whoever is interested lol.
I do not miss exams ;~; I've been doing better! My health is touch and go, and we had that Hurricane scare (I live in Florida) but so far the coast is clear? Good luck with studying and your exams <3 although I have a feeling you're doing to do great.
(no they don't overwhelm me lmaooo i am a long winded person this matches my energy)
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liadotpdf · 1 year ago
God I need to write about this somewhere so tumblr it’s is. As an artist it may be my reality or it may be just a consequence of my procrastination, or it may be both in this case. I was met with a very big project for me (I’m a 21 yo graphic design & animation student on the second year of my studies with just some minor experience in the ✨real✨field.) it was my second or third project this big and in case of importance and exposure it was the biggest.
Anyway the deal was to make an animation that will be the part of the stenography in an amateur play in a really fancy theatre in tricyty so.. even tho it’s amateur….it’s big. My group made a plan we had only a month to do it the first premiere will be on this Friday. We got some ups and downs as a group a lot of things didn’t go as planned, I took a lead and one part of animation-the garden. I came across so many errors struggles and in general suffering haha jk. But it was tough recent week for me was sleepless and kinda falling behind with all the other projects I had for my studies. But today, I made it! I got it! Finished my part the animating process is done. I’m kinda relieved now I will only stress about being a coordinator on the plays, but it’s nice to know that I no more have to make the animation on every possible circumstance I have.
That made me thinkink about my state of mind. I haven’t even started to recover as I said I just exported the file, but I have to think about the work and my thoughts while struggling with this project.
The thing that kept hounding my tired brain was the fact that all of this was me not really keeping up and struggling with the work assigned to me, I was thinking how useless I am how my work is worthless that if my animation isn’t perfect then I disappointed everybody on my team. How I’m not suitable for the work.
It’s just crazy how easily those disturbing thoughts kept coming. Just because I was tired and Burnt out.
Right now as I’m done with my work and I gained some perspective and just took a breath I think I need to say this so someone will read this and it will affect them and probably so the future me will find it and I will remind myself about this.
1. Being 21yo is just being an adult baby, it’s okay that you struggle- you are learning. Everything you do rn is learning, gaining experience. Don’t compare yourself it’s never too late to improve and be succesful. And for you it’s not even close to being late. You are on a perfect point of your journey as you are right now.
2.the feelings that you have in this slump ate irrational. I know you Hape yourself rn but don’t make bad decisions just because you are feeling worthless at that particular moment.
3.every experience like this is a gem! Looking back at all my projects sketches works in progress there was so much changes and each one was better than the previous one.
4. It’s going to be okay. Some things won’t match your expectations, they can be even bad and just not go well at all but it’s still a learning process as long as you did your job and you gave everything you got- it is enough. And making not so great project isn’t the end of the world more so it’s better than not doing anything! Making mistakes and failing is a ok!!! The universe is too big to be worried about things like that.
Okay I think that’s all hah here is one more wip that won’t even make it to the stage at the end
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mustardprecum · 6 years ago
Hi! If you’re taking harringrove prompts: fake dating. One of my fav tropes lol
This is a minor au where Billy and Max showed up from Cali, but there were no monsters and no confrontation at the Byers house. 
Billy had been completely silent since Steve started talking, his eyes were half lidded and sleepy looking, which Steve didn’t know how to read, so basically he just kept talking and talking in the hopes that there would be some positive sign.
“-so yeah, I have no fuckin’ clue why my mom thinks I’m gay, but she’s really excited. And it’s weird, and it’s worse because my dad is really excited? Which is weirder? I don’t know what’s happening. But I got a D on my last math test, and I panicked, and I don’t know why announcing that I had a boyfriend made it suddenly okay, but it did, and now my parents want to meet my boyfriend, but I don’t have a boyfriend. And now it’s going to be Friday, tonight you know? And I’m not going to have a boyfriend to bring to dinner, and they’re going to get mad at me and, and, and,” Steve choked on his own spit and started coughing.
Billy was in much the same position he’d been in when Steve approached him in the school parking lot. Leaning against his car, unlit cigarette lazily hanging between his lips.
The silence was deafening; Steve was deafened. Then, Billy smiled, it was way worse than the blank stare. How could someone look so incredibly, gleefully, mean with such a pretty smile?
“So you want me to be your boyfriend.���
“Yes!” Steve paused. “I mean, for tonight. For pretend.”
“Uh huh,” Billy finally lit his cigarette and saunted toward Steve. “What’s in it for me?”
“I mean, the fact that I have money is one of my few redeeming qualities,” Steve said. Dustin had said it once as a joke, it had hurt, but he thought Billy might appreciate the joke.
Billy snickered; Steve was a genius.
“So money, $200,” Billy ticked off his fingers ignoring Steve’s splutter. “What else?”
“What else, what the fuck, $200 isn’t enough?” Steve raked his hands through his hair. “What else could you want?”
“You drive my shitty stepsister to and from school.”
“Fine.” Steve didn’t point out the fact that after joining the gaggle of middle schoolers who followed him around, Max ended up getting rides from him most of the time anyway.
“If I ever use you for an excuse, you go with it no matter what.”
Steve raised his eyebrows, brain concocting several worst case scenarios that could happen. Begrudgingly, he nodded.
“Great,” Billy did that thing with his tongue that Steve didn’t know how to react to. He held his ground as Billy stepped up to him and offered his free hand. “You got a boyfriend.”
“Oh thank god,” Steve shook Billy’s hand. “Thanks man, you’re saving me.”
Billy hummed and dropped his cigarette. Then he yanked Steve closer and purred, “so what should we practice?”
“Practice?” Steve squeaked.
“Every movie I ever seen says they’re going to make us kiss at some point,” Billy’s eyes practically glittered.
“I’m pretty sure my parents aren’t that weird.” Steve tried to pull his hand back but Billy held fast. “Oh god, you’re going to be really weird about this, aren’t you.”
Billy threw his head back and laughed. Steve edged back a couple steps until Billy stopped and looked at him mirthfully. “Yes. I’ll be at your place in an hour.”
An hour later, Steve was listening to his parents in the kitchen. He was completely baffled by them. The moment Steve was assumed ‘gay’ all the fighting suddenly stopped. Suddenly his dad wanted to help in the kitchen. Suddenly his mom was following the directions on her pill bottles. SUDDENLY STEVE WAS ALLOWED TO GET A D ON A TEST.
He was reeling, with his face pressed to the window, listening for Billy’s loud ass car. Asking Billy had been a mistake, Steve knew that now. All he’d been thinking was that he was desperate and Billy was from California, and people were supposed to be cooler in California or something, right? Hence why Steve’s grandpa refused to vacation in San Francisco.
Steve yelped when he heard Billy’s camaro, and he heard his mom comment that he sounded ‘excited’.
Stupid Billy had taken off so fast, Steve hadn’t gotten to coach him on what to say, how to act, or how to dress. He hurried out the door as Billy got out of his car. He looked...nice, actually, in his red shirt that was buttoned up like a human, and jeans that were fitted but not nearly as tight as Steve knew Billy’s jeans could get.
Billy swagged up to him with a lazy smile. “Hey Princess.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve wrinkled his nose. He never thought he’d miss the derisive ‘King Steve’.
“Boyfriends have pet names,” Billy leaned in and Steve let him out of sheer curiously until Billy kissed his cheek.
Steve’s cheek burned where Billy’s lips touched but he managed to keep his composure. “Boyfriends don’t use pet names that the other boyfriend hates,” he said in a bratty voice. Christ, Billy smelled nice, why did he always reek of cigarettes and hairspray if he could smell like this?
“This one does,” Billy brushed past Steve and smacked his butt. “Introduce me to your parents,” he said over Steve’s squawk.
Billy was going to ruin everything.
Billy was incredible with parents. It was unnerving, bringing him inside and introducing him, only for Billy to dial up the charm to 11. Pretty smiles, respectful behavior, appropriately bashful as he took Steve’s hand.
Before that night, Steve would have never expected his dad to get along with someone like Billy. But there they were, sitting at the patio table, chatting about baseball while Steve’s mom asked for his help bringing in the food.
“He’s gorgeous,” she whispered happily, pinching Steve’s cheek. “I always knew you inherited my taste.”
There was a joke about her taste in marrying his dad on the tip of Steve’s tongue. Instead he smiled and settled on, “I never thought I’d bring him over.”
“I’m glad it’s all out in the open,” she sighed dreamily. “Your father and I love you. You know that?”
“I love you too, mom,” Steve followed her back outside with a big summer salad. It was a nice day out.
Billy had come up with a story all his own about how they started dating. It was better than Steve’s so he went along with it. He kept his leg pressed against Steve’s while he spun lies around Steve’s parents.
“Do you parents know?” his dad asked.
“No,” Billy’s voice dropped. Steve looked at him, his face was solemn. “And they can’t. My father is...not open minded that way.”
Steve’s parents made the appropriate sympathetic noises, and Steve rested his hand over Billy’s. He’d heard some horror stories about Neil being an asshole from Max, it wasn’t until just then that he considered how Neil might have reacted to Billy being with a boy.
Billy took Steve’s hand and swiped his thumb over Steve’s knuckles. When he smiled, it was soft and sweet like cotton candy. “I was really happy when Steve said how supportive you both were.”
If there was any doubt before that, it was completely gone. Even his dad looked teary eyed.
At the end of the night, after so much fawning that it made Steve sick, he walked Billy back out to his car. “So,” he drawled proudly, “you were wrong.”
Billy raised an eyebrow.
“My parents aren’t creeps who made us kiss in front of them,” Steve clarified. Billy kept his eyebrow raised, which was annoying because it made Steve less victorious. “Anyway, so, see you at school?”
“Yep.” Billy pushed Steve up against his car and crowded against him. His eyes shifted all over Steve’s face, and his hand moved slowly as he grabbed Steve’s chin.
Were his parents watching and Steve hadn’t noticed? Was Billy just messing with him? Steve was very unprepared for Billy’s behavior the whole night. Most of their interaction was Billy heckling him at basketball practice and at parties.
Steve stayed relaxed, expecting a short little peck.
Billy kissed the way Steve expected, forcing Steve’s mouth open and practically kissing the life out of him. Steve was overwhelmed, he’d never had so much tongue and teeth in a first kiss but by the time Billy pulled away Steve was panting, blushing, his knees were shaking, and he felt like a swooning heroine.
“Christ,” he whispered as Billy pushed him harder against the camaro. They kissed again, this time with more participation from Steve.
He’d been single for a long time, hadn’t realized quite how much he missed making out with someone. Billy was really fucking good at it. His body felt so different from Nancy, so much broader than Steve’s, hard and so stronger that the camaro actually rocked when Billy ground against him.
“Stop fucking with my hair,” Billy muttered against his mouth. Steve may have had both hands tangled in the blond curls. He tugged for good measure and Billy bit his cheek.
Then Billy stepped back so suddenly that Steve almost dropped. He pushed his hair back, casual as though he wasn’t very visibly hard. Steve had his eyes on it as he adjusted himself.
That was confusing; Steve was confused.
“See you Monday, Princess,” Billy reached around Steve to open the drivers side door.
Pushing away any thoughts that were hard to process was something Steve could do. “Have a good weekend, uh, pookie?” He winced at Billy’s dumbfounded look.
Then Billy laughed, “abso-fuckin-lutely not.”
Billy left and Steve went back inside, unsure he actually had a boyfriend or not.
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ectolemonades · 3 years ago
Fic Writer Review
@floralflowerpower tagged me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only Danny Phantom on ao3 at least, I will not reveal what past fandoms I have written fic for back in my deviantart days
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Okay considering I only have four fics I'm just gonna put them in order of kudos jwndflke
Local Barista Danny Fenton
Let's Make a Deal
What A Stupid Child
The singular prompt I managed to do for Going Angst Week
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for?
Uhh tbh maybe Let's Make a Deal or the Going Angst Week prompt I did? LMaD was the first phic I ever wrote based on louroalka's demon au and honestly only want it to get more attention because that au is INCREDIBLE, the Going Angst Week one I'm just proud of how I wrote it even though it's really short haha
I'm really grateful for any attention my fics get tho! I know none of my fics are huge deals or anything, but I can't put into words how happy it makes me that so many people enjoyed my fic based on my Barista Danny AU!
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always try to! I have a couple sitting in my inbox rn just because I'm super forgetful, but I want people to know that I'm acknowledging them and the fact that they decided to read/interact w my work means a lot to me
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Local Barista Danny Fenton because they were out of oat milk 😔✊🏼
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! Back in the day The Bestie tumblr user Kateh @kirinda-ondo and I wrote some BONKERS and absolutely hilarious crossovers of stuff we were into, and we haven't really written anything lately (we kinda started plotting a rly interesting crossover tho) we have v silly conversations and crossover our favs
Not a fic tho but I did cross He-Man and DP in a doodle for Kateh's birthday yesterday because Orko and Danny would absolutely be besties and u can't change my mind
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not yet and pls be nice to me I am sensitive
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind?
I don't
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't but anyone is more than welcome to!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely back in the day w Kateh
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Me x Actually Allowing People To Read My Writing
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I started writing a lightly angsty ghost hunger fic at one point, I got writer's block right around when I was trying to wrap it up and edit it and tbh just haven't gotten back to it and idk if I will
I got bold w it and threw in Clockwork and Jazz and I think I gave myself anxiety on writing them in-character lmao
Love reading ghost hunger au just maybe not writing it idk
15. What are your writing strengths?
Active voice and I've been told I'm pretty good with "show, don't tell" and capturing emotions
Definitely active voice though, as a journalist that shit is drilled into my head and when I see passive voice an alarm sounds in my head even though I do not personally give that much of a shit
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tenses, and the actually sharing it with people part gives me so much anxiety
In my creative writing class when I had to share my fiction piece (which I posted to my main blog if anyone wants to read!), I was messaging Kateh throughout my entire class/critique because I was so nervous I was on the verge of tears lmao
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's fantastic when it adds to the character or is important in some way! I feel there should definitely be some sort of research done to be sure things are being used correctly as well
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I didn't realize this question was coming up I guess I'll reveal now it was Sonic the Hedgehog back in my dA days
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Local Barista Danny Fenton, I love telling funny work stories and it seems to have made people who read it happy!
20. What fic are you most proud of?
I really can't pick a fav because I'm really really proud of all my fics!
Tagging @amabsis and @omegasmileyface but y'all don't have to do it if you don't want to!!
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cheolbooluvr · 4 years ago
Hi Chris!
first of, CONGRATS for reaching the 50! 🎉
I'm so excited to see your blog growing bigger by the time even tho I've been here since just a few days as well :D
It makes me so happy that my feedback made you happy and motivates you to continue writing - srsly there is nothing what could make a reader happier than a positive reaction to their feedback (except for an update on their fav story) - at least in my opinion ^-^
Writers blocks are the worst and I'm sorry you have to experience it right now, but I hope you'll get rid of it soon :(
And if not, you could maybe try to write something completely different, unrelated to the story or something you haven't tried before. A few weeks ago I participated in a workshop and we got a sentence to begin with and then we could continue however we wanted. After that I got motivated to write again so maybe that could be of help :)
May I ask if there are any songs you would reccommend from SF9 or WG? I haven't listened to them before but I'm curious to explore :D
And maybe IU I only know a few songs from her.
And do you have a favourite kdrama/romcom? 👀
I recently finished Minho's latest drama "Lovestruck in the City" and I don't really know what to watch next D;
Sorry for the long ask, I hope you're okay and take good care of yourself <3
OMG 🌙 anon HI💗
Thank you so much!! I am so happy to have someone who will be here with me basically since the beginning so thank you you joining me on this ride T^T And thank you for that advice omg maybe I should just do some writing exercises. I have 2 WIPs I'm working on rn for the blog and 1 that's just for me haha but I'm stuck on all of them like agsjdlflgkl so maybe you're right and I should revisit them later.
And boy oh boy do I have song recs for you!!
SF9: RPM (the whole mini bangs!!), Now or Never, Easy Love, all of the 9loryUS album
WG: the queens of iconic 2nd gen TTs!! Irony, Tell Me, So Hot, and Nobody are classics, and Reboot, Why So Lonely, and Wonder World albums are full of incredible B-sides
IU: Her latest album is so good, I love Coin, Lilac, Flu, and Ah Puh!! Others I love are Palette and Modern Times albums!
I have so many recs but I think those are good places to start if you want ☺
I could also go on for DAYS about fav kdramas and romcoms so maybe I'll make a separate post for that!! But currently I'm watching Vincenzo which is great and patiently waiting for Hospital Playlist szn 2 to come out :D
Thank you for this ask hehe don't worry abt it being long it was so fun to answer! I hope you're doing well, staying safe and hydrated, too!!🥰
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mieohmy · 4 years ago
jae!! i don't even stan the boyz, let alone read their fics but since you wrote it, i read it haha. also i always found sunwoo cute bc my friend likes the boyz and she biases him, but anyways, i'm telling you, i'm so glad i read this!! i've actually been meaning to read this for a while now too, just more of your fics in general but exams *cries*, but i need a break, so here i am since i ran out of jaemin fics to read. also!! when are you going to write a full fic for jaemin ahhh, i'm just gonna read for the other groups since i read through the nct masterlist already haha. also it’s been a while since I’ve been so engrossed in a fic omg... it’s so good jae!! i love how sunwoo mentioned to pay for the food and the reader was sold. also i noticed a theme, and i see you have a thing for melon and banana popsicles (me too tho) hehe. and omg when sunwoo offers to take the reader home instead of being on the ‘date’ with the girl he likes ahhhh *screams* the foreshadowing!! i loved how you can feel the feelings slowly develop from both parties (but they just don't quite realize it yet) and then the reader meets his mom aww, he really is so soft. and then when he realizes on the date, that you were the one he couldn't stop thinking about, i canttt, this was so good. i kinda resent the girl too for leading him on but ughhh what can i do... also! the pace at this story progressed was perfect and you write so elegantly!! the way you write is just my taste for fics in a way (fluffy but you feel the heartache at times; minimal angst that gets resolved at the end) ahh, but seriously i loved it so much!! i actually stayed up late to read this bc i had to know what happened in the end so i was too tired to leave a review then but i'm leaving it now hehe. i loved it a lot ahh, i don't even read any fics besides nct but since you're the author, i'm finding myself reading svt and the boyz fics haha. also i'm still curious... you had me thinking the reader's ex dated sunwoo's sister lol. i need to know, so you better respond to this, i need to know to sleep tonight grrr!! but anyways it's been a day and i'm still thinking about sunwoo haha (also about ceo wonwoo, if we're being honest here haha) until then, i'll be waiting for a jaemin full fic from you, this is a disgrace. (jk, ily, i just want more jaemin fics lol) <3 also i love how clever your ask box name is "ask mie" haha
oh my god lisa you don’t understand how much this means to me.
the fact that you don’t even stab tbz and still read one of my works for them just makes me wanna cry 😩 😖😖
i wrote the story not expecting people to care or pick up on all the small details i randomly added in but everything you noticed and said just makes me alsjksndksksmss aaaaa -im so sorry im just a jumble rn trying to process all the kind and amazing things you said-
and yes hehe you even noticed the sneaky interaction with sunwoo’s sister >< jendjdjd it’s really stupid but i answered it here (which is more in depth but not really) n e ways basically,,, sunwoo’s sister secretly dances and goes to the same dance place as the reader !
YA OH OEJDJDJ IK i don’t even have an actual fic for my ult 🤧🤧 i am a disgrace but i swear i just get too distracted with trying to get other works out first while also balancing the amount of fics i release for all the different groups i chose to write for EXCEPT *cough cough* i‘ve been writing a love triangle fic for a while and got sidetracked bc of school- but now i have time to finish it and release it super soon! ^^
(yes its jaemin x reader x **** and i got stopped right near the end at like 8k kendkdndn)
i also have a bunch more wips for nana trust me but im slowly getting the time to get to all do them (i promise there’s a lot and ill release them soon hopefully >:) )
just know i will be thinking about this message and how kind you are for a longass time (thats a longass ride~)
i just can’t express how grateful i am for you and for writing this to me i just- 🥺🥺
thank you so much and i love you ❤️
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starlighthan · 3 years ago
tagged by: @noramoons (thanks a lot for tagging me! :DDD)
rules: recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little bit about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favorites! then tag five other writers!
tagging: @seung-scrittore @starseungs @plutominho @seo--changbin @starzzns (you guys are free to do this or not! not forcing any of you pls)
heavy word dump ahead! i really had lots of things to say lmao </3 check my recommendations below the cut!
painting faith: this is just a fic that i posted, and i gotta say it’s one of my faves right away. the plot isn’t something i’d write usually (even the romance part ig, as someone who mostly writes fluff). this is currently my longest fic too, so you’d totally see that i really worked on this a lot! just scroll at my last few posts, and you’d see that my target wc is from 3-4k... look what happened :’D HELP! i love how i experienced writing this one — my chest felt heavy from writing the unusual angst, the character death, and basically the whole concept of forbidden lovers. the fic is based from a book that i recently got obsessed with too haha so i hope anybody who read that book will love this fic the same way i did! <33 
unexpected visits: now, this one is based from my favorite series of all time!!! basically a fic that’s the same as the first episode of the umbrella academy, just with slight changes! it has been almost a year since i posted this baby, this is my first work here in tumblr!! i enjoyed planning the powers, traits, and abilities of skz for this fic, it was my first time making a fic after all. unexpected visits doesn’t have any reader insert since i focused on the events around them only (similar to how the umbrella academy was done). BUT! i did make a side story of chan’s character here with a reader insert. i’ve been thinking for a long time now to make this a series, and maybe i will. i’m not sure when yet since i have a lot of wips and plans soon but it’ll def be a part of my targets soon! plz let’s talk about this or the umbrella academy together jk
pauwi sa iyo: ahhh.... one of my first fics that went big!!! (yes 100+ notes is very big for me lol) for those who were with me during my early days of writing, we all know this one’s a classic! this is the first time i got a lot of sweet comments and new friends (esp. filo friends!!!) <3 i really love how i included elements of my culture and city here! one of the most obvious in the fic is the jeepney :DDD def a fluff fic that i’ll always be proud of!!! and i’m not ashamed of mentioning how happy i am that i got to write a fic in filipino style lol i’d love to write more of these in the future (spoiler alert: i have a wip rn that’s based on a classic filipino romance movie heh wait for it ig)
a rose beside the tall bushes: THIS FIC .... is actually pretty cute. felix here is the sweetest transferee you’ll ever meet <33 i love how i wrote this right after i got traumatized from my first enlistment as a college student lol (dw tho, i literally had another one a few days ago and it went very well yay) so i imagined that this whole fic happened in my university just to comfort myself </3 but you can imagine the setting in any way you want heh! the moment where felix offers to enlist your classes will be a dream of mine, enlistment is so stressful istg i need arbttb!felix to help me plz
23:52: this one’s an underrated drabble, don’t argue me with this! this is really the most underrated fic of mine EVER. i’ll do anything to get 23:52 appreciated by many! this is so short, but i really love to see killjoy!jisung :DDD the fact that the danger days/killjoys universe by my chemical romance is such a cool concept for me, i had to write one based on that universe! jisung being a romantic in the middle of the desert will always get me <3 i recently scrapped my killjoy!jisung fic but i’ve been thinking if i should write a sequel or prequel of this one after my prioritized wips lol
fleeing: of course, a harry potter au. i have two harry potter aus in my masterlist but this one’s my FAVE! hufflepuff felix is all we wanted and i had to write it!!! plz i don’t want to talk about it further i might break down /hj felix here is also so sweet im gonna cry i love this one sm bc he’s such a tease in this fic <//3 being felix’s favorite (or should i say hufflepuff’s favorite gryffindor) is so <33
21:05 — always safe: this is just one of my regular fluff fics lol but i will include this bc this became my most popular fic? this one has the most number of notes (which is still surprising me bc why jk) so if you’re also a sucker for simple and cute fluff fics like pauwi sa iyo (always safe and pauwi sa iyo have similar vibes im telling you), this would be a great start to my fics! it’s the casual romance here that gets me yk? hanging out together in the library, having an intimate time in the taxi, and planning to eat dinner together... freaking cute i might cry it’s very soft!!
in conclusion, i love fluff fics and taking inspiration from so many things lmao 😭 i think that’s a strength of mine since tv shows, movies, or books really do boost up my creative juices and push me to write. as of now, my fics are short and simple (a lot of them are in short word counts), so they’re pretty easy to read. lately, i got fics that are more comprehensive so i might progress to longer fics (based on what you’ve seen with painting faith yk) AND i literally have an 11k wc wip here on my drafts LMAOOO and it’s not yet done!! 
i believe there isn’t much to see with my fics rn, but i’ll def be posting more enjoyable and entertaining fics :DD so i really hope that many of you guys will still stick along and join the ride! it’s been almost a year since i started writing here and i would love to stay here for a few more years to see myself write better heh thanks for reading my works! i appreciate every feedback or reblog here (even if it gets me questioning my abilities or returning to my insecurities sometimes lol plz reblog)
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theboykingofhell · 8 years ago
would you by any chance be up to just answer all of them rn
sjdnflskjdsnfdgsdfg this is gonna kill me and i’m so excited
READ MORE FOR ONCE to spare yalls dashboards
and i took out the ones i answered already tbh OK LET’S GO
1 : What age-group do you write?
YA!!!! i have always always wanted to write for teens. since i’ve gotten older, i do also wanna write for young adults but definitely like anything between 13-25 is the people i rly dedicate my stories to
2 : What genre do you write?
again, the closest thing i’d subscribe to genre-wise is YA... i get bored only doing the same thing over and over, but atm i have the most scifis (the most being two) so i guess that! i do fucking LOVE horror and realistic fiction tho
3 : Do you outline according to big ideas or small details?
how small are we talking... i do rly obsessively outline tho, i get the main big plot points down and then i like to know what those lil details in between are.. so...
5 : Do you write better with or without deadlines?
like, sure, i’ll DO it, but will i LIKE IT.. NAH... PROBABLY NOT... i did nanowrimo once, it was a great experience but was the final product good? nah... so... nnnnnah
6 : What would be the biggest compliment you could hope to receive on your current WIP?
GOSH I DONT KNOW.... JUST... ASKING FOR MORE, I GUESS??????? actually the biggest compliment is people building on my ideas or asking me questions about it tbh, anything that shows how engaged they rly got is NICE... i also do rly like when people compliment my prose tho kfgsdfgs
7 : How long is your current WIP?
tsg is 9449 words as of rn! i am far too lazy to open up the other documents and check but they are FAR shorter! 
10 : Do you brain-storm story ideas alone or with others?
bothhhhh... i do have way more fun with other people though, and i think other people help more cuz they can make connections and ask questions i wouldn’t think of. most importantly, if there are plot holes, maybe they’ll find them for me.. or maybe even solve them!!! eee the best
11 : Do you base your characters off of real people?
y e s yes yes i do i have so many... like, there’s a cara in every story, there’s a maeve and britt in every story, if i know you for long enough, you’ll def appear SOMEwhere.
12 : Is your writing space clean or cluttered?
what is this ‘clean’ you speak of
13 : Do you write character-driven or plot-driven stories?
def characters, man, i wouldn’t even write a plot if you’d let me... i literally have so many stories where the plot IS just the characters kind of just. living. yes. so good
14 : Do you have a favorite writing-related quote?
if i DID i forgot it
15 : If you transport your original characters into another author’s world, which world would you choose?
imma be honest, if i had to pick any author in the world it would be britt @mmementommori‘s verse. i absolutely fucking ADORE everything that went into that story, the verse is fascinating and perfect and my characters would fit in so well and also would be tortured for all of eternity. what could be better???
19 : Would you rather live in your characters’ world, or have your characters come live in our world?
i wanna live in tsg cuz then vampires would be real and i could finally be one, y es
20 : What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen?
i’ve been watching a lot of... rly... gay... amazing movies... like, beautifully made and SO grand and larger than life and so CAREFULLY LOVINGLY made... like the handmaiden or moonlight.. and because of that, i would LOVE to see tsg as a movie. i think it’d fit right in and the idea of a lgbt horror movie hitting the scren is... g o d
21 : Do you finish most of the stories you start?
yyyees and nnnoooo....more no than yes... the furthest i get usually is the first draft and onto revising and then i get bored and move on but i’m getting better
22 : Has your own writing ever made you cry?
what is this ‘cry’ you speak of
actually once i did this rp scene with @mvgitek and... imma be real... there might’ve been a tear or two
23 : Are you proud or anxious to show off your writing?
anxious the first couple of seconds, proud the rest of the time. i don’t doubt that my writing is good but also... WILL THEY THINK MY WRITING IS GOOD???
24 : When did you start considering yourself a writer?
in the 3rd grade when i started making lil paperback books for all the kids in my class. maybe even a lil bit before that
28 : On a scale of 1-10, how much do you stress about choosing character names?
def a 1 omg. name is usually one of the first things that pop up for me. if it doesn’t pop up immediately when my baby is a lil shyer, i give them a placeholder. no big. it’ll come eventually
29 : Do you tend to underwrite or overwrite in a first draft?
overwrite... in that... i write the first draft like its the only draft, cuz it pretty much will be i hate revising so much jfkgsg
30 : Does writing calm you down or stress you out?
calm, i suppose... i can and have zoned out and just written for hours, like, ten hours straight, more than that... that’s a nice feeling yes
31 : What trope do you actually like?
what’s with the phrasing of this question... as if i’m only pretending to like most tropes...also i can never remember tropes off the top of my head and i still have 20 questions to go sO..SKIPPING...
32 : Do you give your side-characters extensive backstories?
Y E P.... is it really a side-character if you don’t obsess about them more than the mains at times because they’re so complex and you love them so much
33 : Do you flesh-out characters before you write, or let their personalities develop over time?
nah those fuckers jump outta the brain womb fully formed, pretty much. their personalities do develop more as i write but i have a rly good grasp of them before i even start the story
34 : Describe your old writing in one word.
35 : Is it more fun to write villains or heroes? 
VILLAINS... duh....
36 : Do you write with a black and white sense of morality?
nah... largely cuz my own morality is skewed, also because most of the point of the stories is exploring morality and what it means and seeing how it gets corrupted in the protags
37 : What’s one piece of advice you would give to new writers?
you will be so much happier if you stop writing like anyone else and stop writing what people want you to write and just write for you and you only, everything else falls into place after you accept this!! AND PRACTICE
38 : What’s one piece of writing advice you try--but fail--to follow?
i hate almost all writing advice so there isn’t anything i’m attempting that i’m not doing tbh cuz i don’t wanna do any of it i’m a brat haha
39 : How important is positive reinforcement to you as a writer?
it’s important as in i’m narcissistic so anything negative puts me into a blind rage which is a damper on my mood omsfjgsfgs. also it keeps me vibing and keeps me hyped to channel out more work faster
40 : What would you ask your favorite author if given one question?
‘how the fuck’
41 : Do you find it distracting to read while you’re writing a first draft?
NAH i feel it to be absolutely necessary tbh. when i don’t read, i don’t write nearly as often and sometimes not even as well. i find other books to be rly healthy friendly competition, and when i read, immediately after i think ‘why isn’t my stuff published? why isn’t my book on the shelves with this one? i should get to work holy fuck’
42 : Do critiques motivate or discourage you?
depends! again, narcissistic, but i’ve gotten better and i do want to learn more. as long as it’s constructive and, by constructive, i mean that it still compliments me a lot and gives me the good AND the not-so-good then it’s fine, i get motivated. i never get discouraged, i’m either hype or i’m livid, which gives me evil hype and i write more outta spite haha
44 : How do you decide what story idea to work on?
i just get... the vibe... where suddenly i wanna work on a story so i do. sometimes i can tell a story isn’t ready so even if i feel like working on it, i won’t, but otherwise, i just wait for the vibe...
46 : What Hogwarts house would your protagonist(s) be in?
slytherin: red, bert, nora, amara, nathaniel, mal, katherine, tyler, eve and avery
gryffindor: black, nisha, rachel, caleb (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cupid, aurora, frank, nicky, tasha, sinclair
ravenclaw: aaron, andrey, astra, antionette, blair, lucia
hufflepuff: jackie (unless i’m mean and make him a slytherin), cassandra, danny, ezra, emily, skylar, anna, null
47 : Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years?
book or two published, working on another three or so but who knows omfhsjgs
48 : Would you ever co-write?
i wanna co-write something so BAD......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49 : Are you a fast and rushed writer or a slow and deliberate writer?
fast and rushed omfg i can’t write slow for shit.. wish i could.. i’m getting better
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