#max never really wanted to lose her brother
corroded-hellfire · 9 months
Like it’s 1999 - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Collaboration with the peanut butter to my jelly @munson-blurbs ✨
Summary: Your first New Year’s Eve as Eddie’s girl comes with meeting all his old friends at the Harrington’s party. It turns out to be great fun, but losing track of time leads you to miss out on something you’ve been looking forward to.
Note: Wishing a Happy New Year to all of you lovelies!
Warnings: older!eddie, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, talk about shitty parents (gee, I wonder who)
Words: 4.3k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Walking up to the Harrington house shouldn’t be as daunting as it feels right now. You work here three days a week, bringing Ryan and Luke over to babysit the Munson and Harrington clans together. But you’re not coming here to work today; you’re coming for the New Year’s Eve party Steve and Nancy are throwing. 
The house is now filled with friends and family of the Harrington’s, most of whom you haven’t met. And of the ones you have met, it’s only been a handful of times or in passing since you started babysitting for the Munsons. You’ve been lucky enough to become acquainted with Steve and Nancy over the past months and feel honored enough to call them not just your boyfriend’s friends, but your friends now as well. Max and Lucas will be here and the handful of times you’ve met them have been nice. You’ve had entertaining conversations with Max and even got to spend time with their daughter Tiffany a few times. 
Dustin is another of Eddie’s friends who you’ve seen here and there, but never for long periods of time since he lives too far away to visit regularly. He’s bringing his new girlfriend, Jennifer, tonight, who Eddie has said is great, but this is the first time you’ll be meeting her. And she is just the first one on the list of people you’ll be meeting tonight for the first time. 
Nancy’s little brother Mike and his wife El will be here tonight and you’re just hoping that Mike is as easy to talk to as his sister is. A high school friend named Will is bringing his boyfriend named Cody, but you at least are in the same boat with Eddie on this one because he hasn’t met Cody yet either. And then there’s Robin and Vickie, who you’ve been told have been together since high school. Luckily, Eddie has assured you that Robin can do enough talking for the both of you, so not to worry about any awkward conversations—well, ones with awkward silences, anyway. 
Your slightly uncomfortable, yet enviably cute shoes click as you come to a stop in front of the Harrington’s door. Eddie’s hand squeezes yours and the feeling of his larger hand holding yours so safely has some of your anxiety abating. Eddie had known the moment you two had received the invitation that you would be nervous about this. He left the choice up to you if you wanted to attend or not. Being with Eddie meant getting to know those who are important to him, though. A little discomfort is nothing when you think about it like that.
“We can go, sweetheart,” Eddie tells you now that you’re at the literal threshold of the party. “We don’t have to do this.”
You don’t have to do this is what you know he means. 
With as much fake courage as you can muster, you shake your head and give Eddie the best smile you can manage. “I want to.”
And you do. It’s certainly better than the party your friends from school invited you to tonight. Being in a crowded and smoky bar where you can barely hear yourself think is not your idea of fun. It’s really just an excuse to find someone to kiss at midnight, then take home for some fun for the next few hours until someone gets kicked out and is forced to do the walk of shame. Not something you’d ever been interested in, really. Besides, why be there when you can be with Eddie? 
Your boyfriend knocks on the door and a few moments later a grinning Steve opens it, sporting a pair of novelty “2000” eyeglasses, his hazel brown eyes peering out from the second and third zeroes. There’s music coming from the living room, and you can smell the different hors d'oeuvres that must be set out around the party area. Conversations and laughter float down to the door as well and the prospect of joining in on that makes your tummy do a little flip. 
“Hey, Munson! Lady Munson! Come on in.” Steve’s clearly already gotten into the alcohol. 
Eddie ushers you into the house before him and helps you out of your jacket. Steve takes both of your coats and hangs them in the closet near the front door. The host leads you further into the house and to the room where adults are milling about, glasses of different colored liquor in most hands, and smiles on almost every face. Stepping into this room without any of the children feels odd. This is where you usually wait with the younger ones while the big kids finish up their homework. Part of you wishes the kids were there because they’re always good to use as a bit of a buffer if you need one in social situations. 
Tonight, all Munson and Harrington children are having sleepovers at a grandparent’s house. The Harrington girls are staying with Nancy’s parents, while the boys are with Steve’s. Ryan and Luke are spending the night at Wayne’s, as it’s one of his few precious nights off. 
“You don’t mind that your New Year’s Eve plans are watching the boys?” Eddie had asked.
“Plans? Only plan I have is to take advantage of the night off and get as much sleep as I can.”
“Eddie and the lovely lady that is far too good for him have arrived,” Steve announces to the room. Your cheeks heat up at Steve’s words, but Eddie just rolls his eyes and pushes his friend out of his way. 
It feels like every eye in the room lands on you and it’s making your nerves creep back up. Not everyone is looking at you, you try to assure yourself, but the jitters have settled in and have you feeling self-conscious. What if they don’t like me? you think. These people are practically Eddie’s family. I need them to like me. They’re going to think I’m not good enough. That I’m too young. Too stupid. That I’m just some young girl Eddie decided to have a fun fling with after getting divorced—
Max comes over to your side and it shakes you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
“Hey!” The redhead greets. “It’s so nice to see you again.” She pulls you in for a hug that has your anxious thoughts starting to abate. 
“You too!” you say. “How’s Tiffany?” Can't seem to stop talking about the kids, can you?
“She’s great. Talking and walking now, so a complete handful. Oh!” Max catches the attention of a woman about her height with chin length brown hair who stops and smiles at you. “Have you met El?”
“Nice to meet you.” El timidly but kindly extends her hand and you shake it, beginning an evening of greeting new and familiar faces. 
By the end of your first lap of talking with everyone, you’re pretty sure you remember everyone’s name, but not necessarily how they all relate to one another—-except Mike. The way he and Nancy bicker at one another occasionally keeps it fresh in your mind that he’s her little brother. Not to mention, the drunker Steve gets, the more he begs Mike to call him ‘big bro.’
“You know,” Robin says, nudging Eddie’s arm with her own, “I don’t think we’ve all been together for New Year’s Eve since ‘92.”
Eddie thinks for a moment, rubbing a hand over his mouth and chin. “God,” he says with a laugh. “That was before Luke.”
“And Corroded Coffin performed!” Dustin adds, flashing a smile that seems to be missing a few teeth. 
“You ever see your boyfriend being a rockstar?” Lucas asks, raising his eyebrows at you.
That certainly piques your interest. “I have not.” You turn to Eddie with a giddy smile on your face. 
Sheepishness pinkens Eddie’s cheeks. “I wasn’t a rockstar,” he mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets.
Max almost chokes on her vodka cranberry and lets out a scoff. “Since when are you modest?” she asks with a cocked brow.  
Eddie narrows his eyes at Max and opens his mouth to speak, but you interrupt first. “Eddie, shhh, I wanna hear about my rockstar boyfriend!” you tease. “Did you have lots of groupies?”
He groans but drapes his arm over your shoulders as his friends begin to tell you about the band.  
“I don’t even like metal, but they were good,” Robin pipes up from where she’s pouring herself another drink.
“They were weekly regulars at this bar,” Dustin explains. “They would sneak us in because we were too young to get into the bar.”
“Actually,” Max says, turning to Eddie, “so were you.”
Eddie shrugs. “I never questioned it.”
“Anyway,” Dustin continues, practically shaking with excitement, “they could play any metal song you could think of. He learned Master of Puppets in a week, and that song is like twelve minutes long.”
“It’s only eight,” Eddie protests, but his friend ignores him completely. 
“Whatever. The point is, Corroded Coffin was probably the best band this town has ever seen, and it’s all because of Eddie.” He nudges him with an elbow to the ribs. “Hey, do the move!”
Eddie coughs, face fully red. “Henderson, I don’t know what you’re—”
“Yes, you do, because you’re totally blushing right now.” Dustin cackles, turning to you. “It was like this hip thrust thing, but to his guitar—”
“Okay, enough!” Eddie’s face is beet-red, burying his head in his hands. Dustin starts in again, but a glass drops in the kitchen, drawing everyone’s attention. 
“Eddie Munson,” you murmur in his ear, taking advantage of this moment alone, “did you go on stage and hump your poor guitar?” Before he can respond, you tug him by his belt loop. “Can I get a private show later?”
He smirks. “Only for you, baby girl.” 
As it typically goes at parties, people mingle around, always popping in and out of different conversations throughout the evening. You and Max sit on a loveseat off to the side of the room, watching Steve, Eddie, Lucas, and Will take shots. The pair of you shake your heads as you observe the men, watching in amusement as Will tries to pour more shots for everyone, no matter how much they decline. 
Max isn’t quite drunk but is definitely past tipsy.
“How are you feeling hanging around with this ragtag bunch of weirdos?” she asks once the entertainment of watching the men has worn off. 
You chuckle and shake your head. “It’s not as scary as I thought it would be, honestly. And I definitely wouldn’t call you guys weirdos.”
Max pauses, biting her cheek. “It’s really nice to see Eddie with someone who actually appreciates him. Who genuinely loves him, y’know.” She lowers her voice. “I’m not trying to turn this into a bitching session about his ex, but—”
“I am!” More than a few drinks in, Nancy slings one arm over your shoulder and the other around Max’s. The scent of vodka wafts from her mouth. “God, she was the worst! I don’t even know what he saw in her.” She wrinkles her nose. “She wasn’t even that pretty. Like, yeah, maybe a little bit, but not enough to make up for being a total hag!” She cackles like it’s the funniest joke in the world. 
Your mind flashes back to how beautiful Brittany actually is, but Nancy’s true drunk feelings warm your heart.
“Yeah, she’s definitely a piece of work,” you say with a humorless chuckle.
“Oh honey,” Max says, “we all know that’s the understatement of the century. She’s a grade A bitch and any time you want to shit talk her, you’ve got a house full of people here ready to chime in.”
“Really?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. “Everyone here hates her?”
“Well, I’m not sure if Cody or Jennifer ever met her, but everyone else, yeah,” Max says with a shrug.
A warmth blooms in your chest. Even though you know Brittany is horrific, and Eddie knows it as well, it’s different to hear it from an outside source. His friends could see the relationship from another perspective, and it seems they came to the same conclusion: Brittany is a spawn of satan. It’s validating and it also makes everyone’s kindness tonight mean that much more to you. 
“One time,” Nancy slurs as she perches herself on the arm of the loveseat, “the four of them were gonna drive to Lake Michigan for a long weekend. Luke was only like…I dunno, maybe 18 months? Anyways, poor little thing had a cough, so Brittany took him to the doctor. She comes home and tells Eddie that Luke’s got the sniffles and they’re all good to go. Turns out, Luke had goddamn pneumonia, but she didn’t want it to ruin her getaway.”
The outrage that is coursing through your veins has you gripping your glass so tightly that you start to lose feeling in your hand.
“How have none of you killed her?” you ask, making sure to keep your voice even when you really want to scream.
“Cause that moron,” Max says, nodding across the room at Eddie, “hadn’t come to his senses yet. Or at least, hadn’t let us know that he had.”
“Thank God he found you,” Nancy says. “For him and the boys.”
“I thank God I found them,” you say, the alcohol you’ve had making you a little more sentimental than usual. Though it’s something you always feel, it’s not something you’d always say out loud to people that aren’t Eddie. 
Across the house, the guys are having their own little meeting. Steve leans against the counter in an attempt to look mysterious and suave, but his swaying gait gives away his inebriated state. 
“Munson, could you stop staring at your girlfriend for two seconds and help me with this tray?” he asks, fumbling with a platter of cheese cubes and crackers. 
“Huh? What?” Eddie stutters, Steve’s words registering after a beat. Heat creeps up the back of his neck: caught red-handed. 
Will slings his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, pulling him close enough that Eddie can smell the alcohol on his breath. “Aww, you found your Cody!” Will coos. 
Eddie’s nose scrunches in confusion. “I’m not following, Byers.”
Will rolls his eyes as though this is obvious information that Eddie should already know. “You found someone who makes you feel happy and warm and loved. Someone you wanna marry someday.” He waggles his eyebrows. 
“Yeah, okay.” Eddie tries to play it cool; inside, butterflies flutter in his stomach. Marrying you? Sounds like a dream, one that he’s not sure will ever come to fruition. 
Will is undeterred by Eddie’s sudden shyness, doubling down on his statement. “Hey, listen,” he drunkenly slurs, “I don’t need to be into women to know that she,” he points to you, “is a total upgrade from, well,” he lowers his voice, “y’know.”
Dustin swoops in, sensing that the conversation might nosedive from playful banter to pure discomfort. “Okay, let’s get you some water.” He leads Will away, shushing him as they walk. 
Eddie takes a swig of beer, grateful that the interrogation is over, but then Steve gently adds, “Not to focus on the ex or anything, but you really do seem…I dunno, more like yourself lately. In a way that you didn’t with Brittany.”
“Is that a good thing?” He’d like to think so, but his insecurities often cloud his judgment like a dense fog. 
Steve laughs. “Despite my better judgment, yeah. It is.” He claps him on the back. “She’s a keeper, dude. Don’t fuck it up.”
Eddie chuckles and gives a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. “I’ll try not to.”
Both men look up as they hear footsteps approaching them. Eddie’s brow furrows in concern when he sees tears in your eyes as you walk up to him. He reaches out a hand and you place your smaller one in his.
“What’s got you all upset, Sweetheart?”
You’re too tipsy to properly articulate your emotions after talking with Max and Nancy about how lucky the two of you are to have found each other, so you just murmur, “you.”
Steve laughs and scratches the back of his head. “Guess I spoke too soon.”
You let your hand fall from Eddie’s so you can snake your arms around his middle. Letting your eyes fall closed, you rest your head against your boyfriend’s chest.
“I love you so much,” you mumble.
“I love you too, princess,” Eddie says against your hair before pressing a few kisses there.
Steve can’t help but smile at the interaction between the two of you. It’s so nice to see his best friend in a relationship where he’s appreciated and loved for who he is. The way you both look at one another leaves Steve with no doubt about how happy you make each other. Wanting to give the two of you your privacy, Steve quietly slips away. 
Joy buzzes in your stomach, only amplified by the alcohol in your system. You lift your head from Eddie’s chest and lean up to press your lips against his. The kiss is soft and sweet, with no urgency. When the two of you finally part, your boyfriend chuckles and licks over his lips.
“Had vodka, huh?” he asks.
“Do I taste like it?” You giggle. “You taste like beer. And a little like rum.”
“That’s ‘cause I had a shot of rum and have been nursing my beer for an hour,” he says, fingers tracing patterns over the soft fabric of your sweater covering your back. 
“‘N you’re not drunk,” you state.
“I’ve got a pretty high tolerance, baby. Plus, need to be able to drive us home later. Got some precious cargo right here,” he says as he pulls your body up against his. “Are you having fun?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, grinning as you think about the good time you’re having with Eddie’s old friends. “I like your friends. Will’s funny.”
“Will is plastered,” Eddie says with a chuckle. 
Before you get a chance to respond, Robin is tugging on your arm and whining about how you can kiss Eddie anytime. Eddie reluctantly lets you go, playfully rolling his eyes as you’re pulled away. It makes you giggle before taking control of your own feet again and following Robin toward an empty spot on a couch.
Robin asks you about school, how you like it, what classes you’re taking next semester, and what you’re studying. At first, it seems like these are generic questions that someone asks of a college student, which confuses you because you’d thought you and Robin would be past that stage by now. But as she keeps talking, Robin reveals that she’s been thinking about going back to school and wants to know more about what it's like. Once you know that, you’re able to give her more detailed information about what it's like on campus rather than give the stilted, robotic answers you tend to give when asked the basic questions. 
Vickie slips into your conversation at some point, followed by Mike, Dustin, and Jennifer. Your drink keeps getting refilled to where you’re not sure how much you’ve had to drink by the time the conversation peters out. The only thought that can get any traction in your brain is how badly you need to use the bathroom after drinking so much.
You excuse yourself from the group and make your way towards the hallway where the kids’ rooms are. This area of the house is as familiar to you as the back of your hand from working here so much, which is a good thing as you stagger with next to no coordination. Once the bathroom door is shut behind you, it takes all of your concentration to focus on what you have to do. That leaves no brain power to pick up on the cheering that’s coming from out in the living room. 
Out amongst his friends, Eddie’s asking where you are, and Vickie is the one to tell him that she saw you headed towards the bathroom. Eddie thanks her and heads towards the back of the house, eager to get to you as the time until midnight shrinks by the second. Your boyfriend turns the corner and is about to knock on the bathroom door when he sees that it’s wide open. He pokes his head inside and it looks like the room hasn’t been touched the whole evening. Realization hitting him, Eddie groans and rubs a hand over his face.
“God damn it, Harrington. Why is your house so big?”
He makes his way back towards the front of the house, figuring out that you must be using the bathroom in the front hallway, the one you’d be most likely to use when you’re here watching the kids. The buzzing house makes it difficult for Eddie to navigate his way to you as quickly as he wants, knowing how upset you’ll be if you miss your midnight kiss. Eddie swears under his breath as he looks down at his watch and it tells him it’s 12:01. Finally arriving at the right bathroom, he knocks on the door.
It swings inward and you step out, grinning when you see Eddie there.
Even in his frustration, Eddie can’t help but smile at your excitement at seeing him—alcohol-fueled or not.
“Sweetheart,” he starts, taking your hand and pulling you close to his chest. “It’s after midnight.”
“No, it’s not,” you say with a shake of your head. “Cause at midnight we gotta kiss.”
“We missed it, princess,” he tells you, keeping his voice soft.
It takes your brain longer than normal to process his words, but once it does, a frown pulls at your mouth and your eyes get wide. Eddie shouldn’t think it’s as adorable as he does.
“It’s my fault,” you say. “I-I was in the bathroom. I didn’t know what time it was!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie says, wrapping both of his arms around you. He rubs his hand up and down your back, soothingly. “It’s not your fault. “I tried to come get you and I was late, too.”
“We missed our first New Year’s Eve kiss.” With a whine, you bury your face in Eddie’s chest as tears begin to fall. Strong arms hold you tightly and the weight of Eddie’s head rests against the top of your own.
“Do you want to go back out to the party?” Eddie asks after a few minutes of just holding you.
Sniffling, you shake your head.
“M’sorry, Eddie.”
“Hey.” Eddie cups your face in his hands and tilts your head up. “You have nothing to be sorry about. You and I are going to have New Year’s kisses together for the rest of our lives. And I plan on kissing you every day for the rest of forever, even after we’re dead.” Eddie feels the tightness in his chest lessen as you let out a small giggle at his joke. “So, one late kiss is nothing, sweetheart.” He leans in and presses his lips gently against yours, trying to convey the love and adoration he has for you as he cradles your face. When you pull back, Eddie raises his eyebrows at you in question—did that help?
Much to Eddie’s relief, you nod and wipe your eyes. They’re still sore and puffy, but that will fade. Plus, that’s easy to blame on alcohol consumption. 
“Do you want to go home?” Eddie asks.
You shake your head.
“We can stay a little longer,” you say.
“We don’t have to.”
“Wanna have more fun with you.”
That has a small smile growing on your boyfriend’s face.
“I like the sound of that.”
The party winds down now that midnight has passed, and you and Eddie stay for a little while longer. As guests start to leave, you find yourself mingling with everyone and sharing last laughs with his old friends. Eventually, you and Eddie bid those who haven’t left yet goodnight and head back to his apartment. 
By the time you arrive home, it’s almost one in the morning. Eddie tosses his keys down on the counter while you shuffle into the kitchen for a glass of water. Sleepily, Eddie follows in behind you but perks up with a smile when he glances at the clock.
“Hey, princess?”
Body just going through the motions in your tired state, you put the glass down and Eddie tugs you up against his body.
“It’s almost one,” he whispers.
“Okay,” you say, though it sounds more like a question.
“It’s about to be the New Year in the next time zone. So, if we kiss at one, I think that counts as a New Year’s kiss. Don’t you?”
Understanding fights its way through your hazy brain until it clicks. A small smile lights up your face as you nod.
“That sounds like a good plan to me.”
Eddie turns his head to look at the clock on the wall, the second hand racing around towards the nine. Your eyes track the ticking of the thin black line as well, holding your breath as you wait for the hour to strike.
Just as the second hand lands on the twelve, Eddie tilts your chin up and catches your lips with his own. A warm and fuzzy feeling that has nothing to do with your drinking envelops your body as you wrap your arms around his neck. Eddie’s hands rest firmly on your waist, holding onto you as if his life depended on it.
When you part, you rest your foreheads against one another’s. The small, dark apartment shrouds the two of you in shadow, only a sliver of the moon shining in the window giving you enough light to see each other by. The night is quiet around you, no movement breaking the peace as you and Eddie simply gaze into one another’s eyes.
“Happy New Year’s, baby.”
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leclerc-s · 8 months
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liked by alex_albon, blakelively, mickschumacher and others
rheareynolds soft launches are a thing right?
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user1 nah cause how did lando no wins fumble her?
↳ user2 the better question is how did nowins ever bag her in the first place
user3 imagine fumbling the rhea reynolds. lando no bitches truly fucked up.
alex_albon i expect credits for that third picture. i was scarred for life.
↳ rheareynolds you're the one who barged in demanding we watch a movie.
user4 she's gone for a year, besides promotional purposes for her ep and comes back with a soft launch?
user6 can't believe a m*n stole my wife. she was for the girls and the gays only.
lilymhe can't believe some blonde bitch stole my wife.
↳ rheareynolds still yours baby. always 😘
↳ lilymhe good. blondie could never compete with me
↳ user7 i thank god everyday that rhea's break-up with no wins didn't take this wonderful duo from us.
vancityreynolds what the fuck? who is that? better not be some vroom guy again.
↳ rheareynolds don't you have children to take care of? blakelively you're overgrown toddler is loose again.
↳ blakelively oh how adorable! i expect to meet him when you're ready.
↳ vancityreynolds you're supposed to be on my side?
↳ blakelively i only married you for your sister.
↳ rheareynolds suck on that ryan!
↳ user8 this family is my everything.
charles_leclerc when did you start dating? why was i not informed of this?
↳ georgerussell63 or me?
↳ maxverstappen1 why did alex know before us?
↳ rheareynolds i told lily, who told alex. you think i wanted that guy to know?
↳ alex_albon i can read your comments rhea.
user9 no wins really thought everyone would drop rhea the moment they broke up these guys love her.
↳ user11 as long as this one doesn't cheat on her, we don't really care.
↳ user12 something no wins never could do
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george russell who is he?
charles leclerc we demand answers rhea!
pierre gasly i just like gossip
max verstappen oh so suddenly now she can't answer?
alex albon i love knowing something you guys don't
lily muni he reminder you only know because i accidentally told you
esteban ocon you people are stupid.
max verstappen excuse me? esteban ocon i would recognize that blonde head of hair anywhere lance stroll i would too. it’s mick
rhea reynolds BOOOOO! way to ruin my soft launch dumb and dumber
rhea reynolds you’re gonna look at mick and say not to him?
lily muni he i wouldn’t. that’s like saying no to a puppy alex albon they truly are the golden retriever and black cat trope.
lance stroll you’re fucking welcome
pierre gasly for what?
lance stroll for setting them up on a blind date? well lily helped.
lily muni he yeah i did! they’re great for each other
charles leclerc at least we know he won’t cheat on her like n*rris
rhea reynolds my brother would be proud of the censorship of his name. he still calls him no bitches to this day.
george russell well ryan is an icon and l*ndo has no bitches.
alex albon doesn't he have a girlfriend? charles leclerc i thought they broke up? max verstappen doesn't matter, in our hearts he will always remain bitchless max verstappen and that is not me saying his girlfriend is a bitch. i've never met her. rhea reynolds i heard she was nice girl. i just hope l*ndo didn't cheat on her like he did on me
daniel ricciardo what'd i miss?
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1, estebanocon and others
rheareynolds saw you bitches say on twitter i was trolling with my last post. i'm not, i am no longer bitchless. some people can't relate.
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estebanocon i'm telling him you called him a bitch
↳ rheareynolds do it you french fuck, i'll tell him you called him an overactive golden retriever puppy.
↳ estebanocon you wouldn't dare.
↳ rheareynolds try me bitch
user4 he may be bitchless but you still think about him
↳ user5 that's not the flex you think it is sweetie.
maxverstappen1 get this shit off my phone. it's gross.
↳ rheareynolds you dad is gross but you don't see me complaining do you?
↳ maxverstappen nice to know you're back to your old self
↳ rheareynolds and better than ever baby!
luisinhaoliveira99 is it me? am i the drama?
↳ rheareynolds no baby, it could never be about you 👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻
↳ user8 this just got messy with a capital M
vancityreynolds rhea lobster reynolds, i demand to meet him.
↳ rheareynolds mom (blake) said you could meet him when i was ready.
↳ vancityreynolds and i'm supposed to care because?
↳ rheareynolds hey blakelively your overgrown toddler is back at it again!
↳ blakelively leave the poor girl alone ryan.
maxfretwell i would love to inform you that sushi just let out an unholy screech
↳ rheareynolds must be because he's bitchless, can't relate.
daniel ricciardo oh, so that's what i missed!
↳ user9 not this man being confused on what's going on. me fr.
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it's mick isn't it?
how the fuck?
i'm your older brother dumbass. besides, mick's the only blonde esteban hangs out with. that i know of.
you're not as stupid as everyone says you are.
who the fuck is saying i'm stupid?
your mom
i know, and she says you're stupid.
i still expect to meet him, as your boyfriend.
of course you do.
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rhea reynolds added one person
rhea reynolds ryan figured it out.
mick schumacher i told you he wasn't as stupid as you thought he was.
max verstappen you're supposed to read the group chat dumbass
charles leclerc l*ndo just called carlos to complain.
rhea reynolds good. he deserves to suffer.
mick schumacher she wrote an album about him
lily muni he is there another song about me? 🥰
alex albon you two said what can i do was a joke! rhea reynolds lily, babe, that song wasn't about you? lily muni he WHAT? EXCUSE ME? rhea reynolds it was about a hypothetical with this other girl, who's not important. but i told you it was about you because you were so happy? lily muni he don't ever talk to me again. i'm heartbroken. pierre gasly it's giving charles and max.
max verstappen bitchless just called and asked me if i knew who you were dating and how you knew luisa.
rhea reynolds i met her while she was dating n*rris. monaco is not that big.
alex albon tell him she's dating some actor like ross lynch or something
lily muni he how long did it take for you to come up with a blonde actor? alex albon too long
lance stroll tell him it's luisa in a blonde short wig.
charles leclerc that'll shut him up for a while.
rhea reynolds tell him it's taylor swift in a short wig.
daniel ricciardo thank god i don't have to hear his screeches anymore.
rhea reynolds that's one upside to being unemployed. daniel ricciardo i have a job? rhea reynolds but do you though?
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i'm indulging in my love for both mick schumacher and renee rapp + blake lively. i was originally going to make the oc a lively but i kinda wanted her name to have same alliteration renee's name has and nothing with an L went well so i chose reynolds instead. anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this!
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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ikarakie · 2 years
what if they won? what if steve was trying to get the injured eddie out of the upside down as the gates were sewing themselves back up again? what if he knew that not everyone could get out safely, so he sends robin and nancy through. then he sends them eddie and hoists dustin after him and by the time everyone else is through, he knows there's no time.
dustin screams. he curses him out and sobs as the gate closes between them. steve promises it'll be fine, just take care of eddie, he'll be fine, but they both know he can't know that. robin looks so betrayed, so heartbroken, he can't bear to meet her eyes. just looks to the floor and tries to tune out their pleads until the gate's shut for good and he's all alone.
maybe he hadn't really thought it through. just figured his chances were better on this side than trying to squeeze through an actively closing gate and possibly being torn in half between worlds. decided that, out of all of them, he was the one who deserved to go back the least. they all had families that actually cared, that were waiting for them. they had each other, and soon enough they'd forget about him. it was all for the best.
but it still hurt. he still sat in the upside down version of eddie's trailer and wept. wished to tell dustin he loved him like a little brother, wished to kiss robin on her head one more time, wished to know if max was okay, wished that he and eddie could've become real, proper friends.
wished to know if there was something else eddie had wanted to tell him before they split off. if he'd misread things, especially after he'd pushed so hard for him and nancy to get back together. but none of that mattered anymore, because he was stuck here now.
after a few hours of crying and wallowing he gets his ass up and decides he's gonna at least try to survive for a while. he decides to stay in eddie's trailer. doesn't feel like he could make it to his own house, and doesn't even think he wants to. though he does trek to the nearest convenience store (and cries there, too, because he remembers bringing max and the kids here for snacks so many times). picks up whatever non-perishable food he can carry and then holes up.
he thinks of little will byers. cries some more, for him. so small, all alone in this place. how strong he was, how he was braver than steve ever would be, even at his young age. thinks he'd like to tell him that, if he ever could.
he's not sure how long passes. maybe days, maybe weeks. not like it's easy to tell how time goes down here. he would say he lost hope, but he never really had any hope to lose. he never intended for anyone to come and get him, made his peace with the fact he'd die here when he watched the ceiling gate close back up again. it's pathetic, how he mopes around and sits in a single spot for days on end. staring at the walls, not moving a muscle.
that's how she finds him. when he hears the door to the trailer jiggle, he just sort of thinks: ah, this is it. something's come for me. wonders if his parents will come to his funeral, if he even gets one.
it slams open. he doesn't even turn his head, doesn't want to know what it is that'll have him. just closes his eyes and waits, listens as it quietly comes towards him. crouches between his legs and- and takes his hands- what-
"steve." he opens his eyes and the floodgates start up again because it's el. her hair's buzzed again, which breaks his heart because he'd been the one to show her how to take care of it when she was growing it out. knew how proud she was of how long it'd gotten. but she's smiling so brightly, like she's won the lottery.
"el?" he asks, and he's shocked at how broken he sounds. "why are you here?"
"i have come to take you home." she says, rather matter of factly, leaving exactly zero room for argument. there's a fierce determination in her eyes, and she squeezes both of his hands.
but it's so dangerous here, he wants to say, you could've gotten hurt. why go through all of that for me?
and maybe she's been hiding mind reading powers from them, because she adds, "everyone misses you. i would have come sooner, but it took a while to get back to hawkins." then, she smiles. "i think they would have found a way even if i didn't, though."
it's like it all hits him at once. they've missed him. they've all been... looking for ways to come get him, this whole time. however long it's been. they didn't just forget about him like he wanted expected. the very idea suddenly seems so silly.
he takes a shaky breath. "well, in that case, let's not keep them waiting, yeah?" she smiles, big and happy, and nods.
part 2
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popironrye · 5 months
Max's reveal at the end of The Lost Boys is another one of those scenes I've been overthinking about. Particularly the few seconds post revelation that the boys were all dead.
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When Max and Lucy return home he takes little time to head to where David died. An obvious choice given the fates of the other boys what with Paul being soup, Dwayne blown to pieces, and Marko's body being way back in the cave.
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In the background Sam, the Frog brothers, and Lucy are pretty loudly arguing and talking over each other in the other room but this scene is eerily quiet. The scene plays out is a realistic view of mourning. Max's actions here are rather tender and you can tell by the look on his face that seeing David like this does have an affect on him.
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There's a blatant pause. I like to think that was Max grieving, coming to terms with what's happened. His boys are gone, probably reliving a lot of memories. It's never revealed, but I choose to believe Max turned David first, and the following boys were slowly turned the same way Michael was, by drinking Max's or David's blood. And I headcanon he was turned a long time ago, meaning Max had a lot of years with the boys. He is shown as hostile in the beginning to them when they come in the video store, but I like to think that's just Max wanting to keep a reasonable distance to keep suspicious eyes from prying (and to keep things a twist for the audience) especially since he's playing the childless bachelor as that's what's has worked for them for so long so far (although come on Max, if you played up the single father to Lucy, you would have totally won. Just saying.)
But what about the rest of that scene? Max recovers pretty quickly from losing his boys. While some may argue it's because Max didn't really care for them, I choose to believe that's not the case at all. I think he's putting on a face to remain calm in front of the others, especially Lucy. Since he still wants to turn her into his vampire bride, even without his boys to mother. Perhaps he could just be thinking he can start his vampire boys over with others boys, but then there's THIS scene!
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The scene where Star reveals to the audience that David was hiding Max's involvement from her and Michael. David wasn't just keeping Max a secret, Star declares that he was "the secret David was protecting." Key word being, 'protecting'. Max's identity as the head vampire is important and it's in his best interest for the vampire boys to be seen around him as little as possible. Especially since Sam figured it out early on in the movie he was one of them. And so, David and the boys choose to act on their own most of the time. Not only to give themselves the feeling of carefree freedom, but also to keep Max safe. And it's clearly a situation they all like, or at least tolerate, as while there is no hope in them turning back if Max were killed first, but David and the others had no intention of ratting him out and letting him die.
My favorite part of this scene. Max's smile. After Star says her line, Max nods in agreement, but the smile afterwards is interesting. I think he looks proud. Proud of David. Proud to have heard that David, even as he died, was protecting him. I choose to believe Max cared a lot for the boys and I also choose had he be given the chance later, would feel very lonely without them.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
It took Robin three years to get her license. Which all things considered, the twice apocalyptic experiences, and, ya know, being poor, wasn’t too bad in her opinion.
20 was as good as any age to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Okay, if she was honest with herself, really honest, maybe her calculations were off. It wasn’t three years exactly. She could have gotten her license at 16; hell, she could have gotten her permit at 15. So it quite honestly had taken four, five years max to get her license.
But the first two years didn’t count to Robin.
She didn’t even give a thought to driving until she was 17, and Steve was driving her every day without question. She hadn’t thought about it until Steve threw his keys at her, telling her to drive, that Robin realized he was driving her every day because he wanted to, not because she was a license-less loser.
It cracked Robin open when she finally had time to think about it. After all the blood, and gore, and almost losing Steve several times, it hit her that this dingus really wanted her by his side.
So, Steve was really to blame if she ever got into a car accident. Sure, he didn’t push her to get behind the metal contraption, but Robin wanted to pay him back somehow, for all the rides and love over the years.
That was how now, Robin was seething in regret as she drove the rest of the way home, in the dark, from their road trip.
See, when Robin had pictured them doing things like this, it had just been the two of them. Steve in the passenger seat, arguing over music and the best car snacks. Windows down, yelling about who fucking cares, and just laughing their way through different states.
Robin hadn’t taken into account there might be other people involved in her bestie road trip fantasies. No, instead, it wasn’t the terrible two, platonic soulmate extravaganza she pictured. Instead it now involved them, Steve’s ex-turned-best friend, whom Robin had a horrible crush on, Nancy Wheeler, and a sweet metalhead who Robin saw as a brother, and Steve had a huge soul-consuming crush on Eddie Munson.
Robin begrudgingly would admit the additional two had made the trip better, so she didn’t have too many complaints. Actually, in reality, Robin only had one big hang-up about the whole thing.
Steve was in the back seat.
Which would have been fine if Robin had been there too, but she wasn’t. It was her stupid turn to drive in the home stretch of their way home. Instead, Robin had Nancy beside her. Which should have brought her joy but instead made her nervous and clammy and not at all suited to be behind the wheel of the death contraption they called a car. Plus, Nancy was asleep.
Her snores were pretty cute though.
Robin seethed silently; it was Eddie’s fault. He positively insisted on sitting with Steve in the back. Something which Robin would normally tease the both of them for, the oblivious idiots that they were, but Robin was a possessive little creature. It was a trait of hers she tried to bury deep down. She knew people didn’t like that; they didn’t like when people clung. Didn’t like that she felt like baring her teeth, even sometimes wanted to actually bite at people who tried to pry her people away from her.
It was funny, really; the only person who understood that part of her was Steve himself, which made her possessive side come out even more. Like seeks like, and crazy seeks crazy.
God, if she was every lucky enough to get a girlfriend, she was screwed.
Robin had resisted looking in the review mirror for twenty minutes. Probably not safe, but driving angrily wasn’t either, and if she saw the two of them giggling like school girls, she was gonna flip the car.
But Robin was never good at resisting temptation. She was most definitely the child who would touch the plate after someone told her it was too hot. So Robin took a glance, shoulders tense and mouth dry, and saw—
Well, shit. Robin melted. There in the back seat with their heads leaned against each other were Steve and Eddie, sound asleep.
The edges of Robin softened; she remembered Steve pinching his nose earlier, eyes squinting on his turn to drive. She had been in the passenger seat then. She had wanted to ask but instead said nothing, knowing he would wave her off. So she claimed her turn to drive, and then Eddie had been insistent that Steve come in the back with him and—
Robin was getting it now. Although Eddie had a big fat gay crush on Steve. That wasn’t why he wanted to be with Steve in the back. He had noticed, too. The edges of sleep deprivation creeping slowly into an oncoming migraine for Steve. Eddie had seen Steve pushing himself, and somehow also knew that if Steve stayed in the front, he would feel obligated to stay awake.
Robin hadn’t realized that, Eddie didn’t just want Steve; he paid attention to him. Eddie noticed Steve the way Robin noticed him.
Robin spared another glance at the two of them, wrapped around each other like vines snaking up an old oak tree. The last of her anger seemed to fade away. Even after all this time, none of them got a lot of sleep. Steve, most of all, seemed to run on fumes. Robin knew he couldn’t sleep soundly alone, but also couldn’t fall asleep around just anyone. For a long time, Robin had been his only cure for his insomnia. Steve never dared to fall asleep in front of strangers, afraid he’d scare them with his screams.
But here Steve was, in the arms of the man that he loves, not a single worry line on his face as he slept the rest of the trip away.
Robin knew, with certainty, Steve felt safe.
And because of that, Robin thought wistfully to herself, if Eddie Munson ever wants a turn at being a passenger, she wouldn’t mind taking the wheel for him, too.
a short lil thing to get me back in my writing grove. Is inspired by a friend of mine who is in her 20s and doesn’t drive. It’s totally okay and everyone moves at their own pace! And also I’m definitely a person who likes to drive others around as a sign of love (I am Steve coded I am beginning to realize)
Sorry if this isn’t any good, or seems rushed. Writers block is a bitch.
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Max Mayfield Headcanons
TW: Lesbians/Sapphic [Women loving Women]
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She's really outgoing and approached you first
She was straight to the point with what she wanted [Or at least she tried]; To be your friend
The first time she saw you was at the arcade. She wanted to approach you then, to maybe start up a conversation, but you were surrounded by a group of people. You were about to beat the top score of a game that hadn't been passed before. People were cheering you on and that's how she found out your name was Y/n
After the people finally leave and you go to a table, drinking a coke, she approaches you. Her hands are close together and she has this weird feeling in her stomach. What if you don't like her? Oh god, she's starting to think this is a bad idea, but before she could back out, you look over to her having felt her presence
"Um... Hi?"
She awkwardly waves and slowly walks over to you. She gestures towards the game you were just at, "I saw your game"
You awkwardly chuckle, gesturing for her to sit next to you. "Yeah, I've been trying to beat that stupid game for months. Hi, I'm Y/n. Are you new to town? I've never seen you before."
She then tells you how she is new and gives you her name and you quickly become friends
You hit it off really well, because you both share many of the same interest
She was ecstatic when seeing you in her class
She's very protective of you
If anyone ever talks bad about you, she's quick to defend you
Definitely starts fights that you have to drag her away from
She prefers your house over hers, because of her brother [And mom]
She hates when Billy talks to you, because everything he says is rude and offensive. Billy does NOT like you. Mainly because he hates Max being happy
When the mall opens up, you both go together a lot [with Eleven third wheeling]
Cute little ice-cream dates and Movie dates
She loves looking at you and listening to you talk
You don't hate Mike, but you will listen to her complain about him
And BOY does she complain
You'd think he was the devil himself with the way she talks about him
Speaking of her talking about people, whenever she talks about you to other people, she doesn't shut up. She goes on and on and smiles while she talks about you
You're an important part of her life and the guidance counselor, Kelly, knows about you. You're the only thing keeping Max sane
You're the only person Max trusts after her brother's death. She can't lose you and that becomes her biggest fear
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half-oz-eddie · 11 months
I love the idea of Billy and Max gradually developing a sibling relationship.
It starts off really small. Billy is waiting for her after school instead of driving off and making her skate home.
The rides are silent for the most part, until one day Billy speaks up.
"Everything good?" He'd ask as his way of checking up on her. Max would always say yes, until one day she'd say no and tell Billy about the time a girl got snarky with her in the hallway, so the next day, Billy beats the girl's brother up in front of her.
The girl never gets snarky again, and Max realizes Billy actually cares about her problems.
She starts asking him if everything's good. He'll say yes, sometimes no, but never elaborate.
Eventually, she feels comfortable enough to ask him to drive a friend home, but only because it's an emergency. He obliges.
It happens from time to time. A friend needs a ride because of the weather, because they're going in the same direction, because they need to do a project together. Billy never complains.
Over time, they go by a silent rule. If the door's shut, fuck off, if it's cracked, you can come in.
Max would peek in in the beginning, just to see if he's there, see what he's doing.
She'd start standing in the doorway, making small talk. Billy would nonchalantly respond while preoccupied. At some point, she'd start inviting herself in, accepting the silent ajar door invitation.
It takes a lot of time, but they grow closer.
Billy admits he’s “kinda into” Steve. Max offers to talk to him, Billy says no, tells her not to get involved because he’ll “figure it out eventually.”
Max would stop standing in corners when she entered his room. Start sitting down, start lying on his bed, falling asleep complaining to him about school and whatever Lucas did.
He'd carry her to her bed, then he'd take her to get food on weekends, then he'd start picking up little trinkets and gifts that remind him of her. He'd toss them at her like they're meaningless little things he comes across. Max collects them all and starts leaving "meaningless little things" for him too.
He'd get his arm broken fighting with Neil when he defends Max.
There can't be 2 men of that house. Neil's plans fall through. Loses control. Susan and Max are siding with Billy and speaking up whenever Neil tries to hurt him. He's outnumbered and life finally gets better. He has a family.
Max always wanted a brother. Billy wanted to be happy.
Everything’s good.
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middlingmay · 4 months
Marge is Gale's Beard AU
I don't know what happened, but this was supposed to be a funny cute little scene of Bucky stumbling across Marge getting a little frisky with another guy, not knowing she's not actually Gale's girlfriend, and promptly losing his shit. Like 1K words, max
I need to be stopped, jesus fucking christ.
Anyway, enjoy!
Warnings: violence, blood. Also period-typical attitudes towards monogamy.
Also, John doesn't look to good for part of this fic, but he is genuinely apologetic, and comes out the other side the John we all know and love. He's just going through some things!
Read under the cut!
Ostensibly, this little get together was a send off for Bucky who was being shipped off to Thorpe Abbotts in England thanks to his new and entirely unwanted position as Air Executive. But it was also a chance for the rest of the fellas to enjoy one more night of fun and frivolity with their loved ones before they left the States in a few weeks, some of them for the very first time. Maybe some of them for the last.
And for Buck, that meant none other than Marge.
They had been friends since they were kids. She was the first and remained the only girl he had ever brought home to his mother, and even father was on his best behaviour whenever she was around. Such was the power of Marjorie Spencer.
She was also the first and only girl he had ever kissed. They were teenagers, and even if Gale wasn’t as half-wild as his classmates about all the pretty girls, he was still a hormonal boy and one night, when he walked her home, he took her little face in his big hands and kissed her.
She’d pulled back frowning. “Gale. I don’t have brothers, but if I did I reckon that’s what it’d feel like to kiss ‘em.”
She wasn’t wrong. He’d heard the nasty locker room talk about boys sporting half a woody just at kissin’ a girl, and Gale hadn’t felt so much as a flicker.
Then, some while later, he’d felt the full fury of those teenage hormones when James ‘Jett’ Granger, school football star, had bowled him over and landed on top of him on the floor with a thud.
Jett had laughed and apologised and hauled Gale, who was not dainty by any stretch of the imagination, up like he was nothing with an apology on his lips. Like he hadn’t just upended Gale’s entire world.
When he told Marge, she’d cackled and leered like a locker room boy and said, “Did you…” and stuck her tongue between her teeth.
Gale spluttered and coughed on his spit and his blood pounded in his ears. But he couldn’t deny it, even as he scolded, “Marjorie Spencer!”
But once she got over her glee and teasing, she saw Gale work his lip like a well done steak and softened. “There ain’t nothin’ wrong with you.”
Gale scoffed. “We both know you’re the only one round here who thinks like that.”
Even Marge couldn’t stubborn her way out of that cold hard fact.
“Alright then,” she said with a set to her jaw. “Then you’ll be my fella, far as anyone knows. Least until you find one of your own.”
Gale’s heart flooded his body with warmth and he must have looked at Marge like she was a saint. “I can’t do that, Marge. What if you find a guy you really want to be your fella?”
But Marge looked highly sceptical. “Round here? You’re all I got.”
He smiled at the sentiment but he still wore worry on his brow and Marge darted forward to kiss at least a bit of it away. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
And they never had. Right up until Gale enlisted and was due to be shipped off to basic training, Marge kept assuring him every boy that came around was a knucklehead, and as little as Gale even let himself do so much as look, he couldn’t say he disagreed with her.
The night before he left, after an awkward near silent dinner with his folks that his mother had insisted on, he and Marge had laid a blanket out on an empty field and looked at the starts.
“I still can’t believe you’re going,” she said, voice thick.
Gale couldn’t say ‘sorry’, couldn’t say he wished he wasn’t going, because he wasn’t no liar. He’d wanted to be a pilot since he was a boy and he couldn’t wait to get started.
“I’m going to miss you like crazy.” But that there, that was the truth.
Marge snorted, true and ugly. “Yeah, right. You’re going to be surrounded by all the cute boys and I’m stuck here with the cream of the Caspar crop.”
Gale kicked her shoe. “Oh, yeah. No lookin’. No touchin’. Not unless I wanna come home with a crack in my skull and a blue ticket in my first. At the least.”
Because Gale wasn’t scared of the military. He wasn’t scared of leaving home or being surrounded by strangers. He wasn’t scared at the possibility of having to head into a fight. But being found out? That petrified him.
Marge clutched his hand with all the strength she possessed. “I’ll write you,” she vowed. “Every day if I have to. I’ll spritz the letters with perfume and kiss them and everything. No one will know, I promise.”
Marge’s promises were better than the word of God.
Until he met John Egan.
The long-limbed, freckled, moustached, larger and louder than life man had thrown himself into Gale’s life with very little input from the man himself. He given him his name and kept by his side, like he’d adopted a dog.
Despite himself, Gale had actively tried to dislike John, or Bucky, at first. He put up a cold front to his overt friendliness; threw off his wandering hands possessed with so much affection that he just couldn’t keep them still. Gale refused every single invitation for as long as he could. And yet.
Gale found himself looking for Bucky in whenever he entered a room. He listened carefully whenever he spoke during briefings, and chiming in until they were bouncing ideas of off each other, unaware of the secret smiles of their superior officers. When Gale struggled to sleep, he found himself asking Bucky any question he could think of just to hear him rattle on until he was finally lulled to rest.
He stopped rejecting and started anticipating John’s touch, even positioning himself so as to welcome it, necessitate it; an arm over the back of a chair set close to his; a tiny gap in a doorway or corridor that required a gentle touch to a guy’s waist or his back. And soon Bucky became one of the only men Gale ever touched comfortably beyond a squeeze of the shoulder or a pat on the arm.
One of the other boys had tried once, to swing an arm over Gale’s shoulder. Whether it was because he saw Bucky do it and wanted to emulate the two men so respected by the others, he wasn’t sure, but he hadn’t done it again. The less said about it, the better.
Marge noticed, of course.
He hadn’t been aware of how much Bucky had filtered into his letters, and Marge’s questions had seemed innocent at first. And Gale had been all to happy for the outlet. Then in one letter she had scribbled:
He sounds like a scream, Gale. I’m glad you’ve made such a fast friend. I can't wait to meet him, and make sure he’s good enough for my fella. Can’t have you taking up with a no good kinda man who’s just going to lead you into trouble.
He knew Marge better than he knew himself. He could read between the lines: make sure he’s no bigot before you go getting attached.
Which brought them to that night at the bar. The first thing John had done on being introduced to Marge was to sweep her off for a dance.
Springing away with Gale’s girl in tow, Bucky hollered over his shoulder, “I gotta make sure poor Marge gets to dance with someone, tonight, Buck!”
The boys had all jeered and Marge swatted John’s chest playfully, but soon she was just as swept up in the force of him as they all were, and laughed with flushed cheeks the whole time.
It warmed something healing in his heart to see the two people closest to him in the world get on like a house on fire.
At one point, when Bucky went to the bar, Marge slumped into his side.
“Oh, Gale. You never stood a chance against him, did you?”
Not a snowflake’s in hell.
But before Gale could get too despondent about that, she continued. “For what it’s worth, I think he’s a good man. I think he- I think you’re safe with him. Yeah?”
Gale nodded. Of course he was. It was Bucky.
Then she got that impish look on her face. “So I say, look your fill.”
Gale shushed her and looked around to see if anyone was paying closer attention than they should’ve. No one was, thankfully, and when his heart rate returned to normal, he remembered he could tease right back.
“Well," he said coyly into her ear, “speaking of looking your fill, that black-haired fella at the corner table at the back has been throwing you looks all night.”
Marge pretended to look unaffected and Gale leaned in even closer. “Don’t think I didn’t see you lookin’ back.”
Marge’s vicious little elbow checked his ribs just as Bucky came back with their drinks.
“Thank you, John,” she said primly. “But I have to visit the powder room.”
John toasted her off and looked at Buck, bemused. “Something I said?”
Gale nearly laughed. “Naw. She just likes to keep me in line.”
John shook his head. “And ain’t that a crying shame. I’m surprised she hasn’t upbraided me for trying to undo all her hard work.”
Later, Gale would blame the giddiness that came from John’s proximity for what he said next. “I only gotta behave with her. You can get me as riled up as you like.”
John inhaled too much of his drink and coughed until there were tears in his eyes. Gale flushed to his ears and kicked him under the table.
Giggling and breathless, John kicked him right back even harder. “Noted.”
“Ask Major Cleven! He’s great at calculations.”
“Sir? Sir!”
A few boys in the ground crew called Buck over, and John waved him off good naturedly. “Go awe the masses, Buck. I need a smoke anyway.”
It look less than five minutes for Marge to come barrelling towards him, a wild and furious and worried look him her eye.
“Gale, It’s John! You gotta get John!”
There was a door at the back of the bar that led to the dead end of an alley outside. When he just wanted a quiet smoke in the peace of the evening, John liked to head out there instead of the front with everyone else, where he could easily while away the better part of an hour talking to all and sundry.
And he was enjoying spending his evening Buck. And Marge.
She was a sweet little spitfire. She had the looks of spun glass and high class, but even after spending nothing more than a handful of hours with her, Bucky could tell she was no wall flower, no meek dame. And John didn’t think about it too closely, but he liked that the girl who Gale loved so much wasn’t so different from himself.
Where John liked the think of him and Buck as sides of the same coin - dark and light; steady and gregarious; push and pull - Marge and Buck were one of a kind, like the couples on the movie posters. Their love felt inevitable.
And, as John was learning about himself, he was apparently a possessive man, because between him and the cigarette in his mouth, he could acknowledge the bitter flash of jealousy he got when he looked at them too long.
He pushed open the back door, a box of matches in hand, and looked up on hearing two frightened gasps.
Marge. Her eyes were so wide, there was more white than blue. Her hair was a mess, clutched in the meaty hand of another man. A man who’s face was too close to the crook of her neck.
And both of them wore such fear in their eyes.
John’s cigarette finally gave up its precarious balance on John’s gaping lips and tumbled to the floor. The box of matches dove after it.
“John.” It was a tiny, panicked sound.
And it snapped John back to attention. With two strides of his long legs he had Marge tucked behind him and slammed the man into the brick wall of the alley hard, and smiled ugly with all teeth when he heard the meaty thunk of his head hit the wall.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing?” John snarled in the man’s face, low and incandescent with rage he didn’t even know how to begin to unleash.
“John-” Marge tugged at his back, urgent.
“Taking advantage of a girl after a few drinks-”
“No, John-!”
He grabbed two fistfuls of the guy’s shirt and rattled him until he heard teeth clack. “A girl who’s taken. By your superior officer!”
“It’s not like that!” Marge yanked at John’s ear and he was forced to turn away from the man, but he didn’t relinquish him.
He calmed himself as much as he could. “Marge. Are you alright?”
But Marge looked painfully, worryingly exacerbated. “For God’s sake, John! It’s not what it looks like!”
“It looked like he was forcing himself on ya!”
But the Marge clutching at his lapels didn’t look scared, not of the man behind him, anyway. She had a little bit of fear when she looked at him though, and John didn’t like that at all.
It’s not what it looks like.
And if it looked like she was forced…
John’s heart broke for Gale, before the red pricks of anger started to twitch at his muscles.
“Oh. It’s like that, huh?”
“Are you with Gale or aren’t you?!”
Marge swallowed something down and almost reluctantly said, “Yes.”
The boy chose the wrong moment to pluck at the reserves of his bravado.
“There’s no harm, Major,” he panted. “It was just some harmless fun. It didn’t mean nothing. We all know Cleven’s too much of a gentleman-”
John snapped his fist into the man’s jaw and followed through. The wall was the only thing that kept him standing. So John pulled him upright and slammed a punch into the side of his face and he went tumbling down.
John followed him, straddling him as he grabbed a handful of the guy’s jacket. Blood was already smeared over his mouth and John rained down hell and hit his nose with a crack and blood came pouring outta that too.
He switched his grip to the guy’s hair to keep the lolling head upright as he leaned down and growled into his ear. “You think you’re going to make a fool out of either one of them, you got another thing coming.”
He pulled back to land one last hit, a good one to drive his point home, when a solid weight barrelled into him from behind, wrapped an arm around his waist and hauled him into the air. John spun around swinging, but another arm got a stranglehold around the back of his neck and he was wrapped up painfully tight and too close to do anything.
And the scent of Buck’s cologne penetrated his senses and the fight left him.
Because fuck. How was he going to explain this? How was he going to tell Buck he’d caught his woman in the arms of another man? Should he even tell him? If it was Bucky, he’d wanna know, but maybe if he spoke to Marge and she promised it was a drunken mistake (God knows he’d had plenty of those), and it would never happen again, he wouldn’t have to tank Buck’s perfect love story.
“John!” Buck shook him hard enough that Bucky knew he tried to get his attention more than once. “The heck were you thinking?! You outta your goddamn mind?!”
Bucky heard shuffling behind him and he managed to turn just enough in Buck’s unforgiving grip to see the man being led inside by some of their boys, who shot furtive, concerned glances at their Majors.
Then there was Marge, hanging back and looking at Buck with something awfully sorry. He felt Buck nod at her and she went to head back inside, but not before sending Bucky a scathing look and a roll of her eyes.
Now there was nothing to spare him from Buck.
Only now did Buck loosen his grip and let Bucky back a step, and only a step.
“You have done some damn foolish things since I met you, Bucky. But fightin’ with a subordinate?!”
“You don’t understand-” and Buck really wasn’t sure he wanted him to.
“I understand plenty. Marge told me everything.”
Buck couldn’t help but scoff. “Oh? And what did Marge say?”
“That you caught her neckin’ with some guy and went off the damn rails!”
Buck was shocked stupid. Not just that Marge had told the truth, but that Buck seemed more pissed at him that he was at her.
“Then why are you riding me for?! I was defending you - you should be thanking me!”
Buck tensed his jaw so hard, Bucky expected to hear a crack. “Thanking you? For nearly bringing down my whole house of cards?!”
By now Bucky felt he was missing some vital information, and he couldn’t think straight with Buck so close to him, radiating fury. He shrugged off Buck’s hands and shook his head.
“Hold on, hold on,” he held up his palms. “You’re pissed at me for socking the guy making it with your girl behind your back?”
Buck sighed harsh and annoyed like Bucky was the most exasperating thing in the world and Bucky was getting more offended by the second.
“No, y’dummy!”
“I’m mad because if Marge hadn’t kept her head and got me before anyone else saw you fighting, everyone might have found out she ain’t actually my girl!”
“I - what?!”
Buck gave a frustrated groan that didn’t quite get out of his throat and prayed for patience. And maybe a little bravery. He trusted John, vexing as he could me. But sometimes fear was instinctual. But he couldn’t let Bucky go on thinking he saw what he thought he saw. But Christ if the other man didn’t make it difficult.
“But - you and Marge - since high school. You said-”
“Well, I lied. Kind of.”
“Kind of? You kind of lied?”
Bucky huffed. “We’ve been tellin’ people we’ve been together since high school. So no one would know…about me…” he trailed off meaningfully.
For all but Bucky, apparently. “Know what?”
“That I…that…” God, why couldn’t he just say it? Bucky may be as straight as they come, but he wasn’t that kind of guy, and he was Buck's best friend to boot. He choked down his frustrations and finally managed to spit out, “That…Marge ain’t the only one who likes looking at cute boys.”
Buck blushed as he said it. He sounded like a stupid teenager. But Bucky just stuttered to a stop and gawped at him. Buck watched his mouth flap, trying and failing to utter a sound, like it too couldn’t believe John Egan had finally been rendered silent.
“I - you’re-?”
“Gay? Queer? A big ol’ blue ticket? Yeah.”
What he certainly hadn’t been expecting was for Bucky to near drop to his knees in a mix of relief and panic.
“Haah-fuck, Gale," John grimaced, breathing heavy over his knees, which looked to be the only thing supporting his weight. "They're gonna court martial me in the morning. Don’t get me wrong - I’m glad I didn’t have to break your heart, tellin’ you Marge was stepping out on you, but fuck. I punched out a subordinate. Fuck.”
Side-stepping the unintentional lie in what John said, Buck, mightily and heroically refrained from rolling his eyes. “Don't get hysterical, Bucky. It don't become you. Relax, I'll fix it.”
And really, the sheer force of the scepticism on Bucky's face was down right insulting.
“Yeah? And how you gonna do that?”
Buck's brain worked furiously for an excuse - the reason’s why men hit other men over women that weren’t jealousy. Protection being the main one, but he didn’t want to put Marge in the frame at all if possible. Then he remembered a story Bucky told him once about a boy that had taken a shine to Bucky’s much younger sister, and Bucky had followed him home one day after his sister had come home cryin' with red bruises round her wrists.
“You ain't gonna like it.”
“Solid start.”
Buck nearly cuffed him round the ear like an insolent, child. “Hush. Now, you uh, ever planning on introducing your sisters to the boys?”
Bucky balked. “Absolutely not. What does that-”
“Listen. That man inside, bleeding - he looked a lot like a fella who left your sister a little worse for wear. Let the boys take that however they see fit.”
“The hell you tryna say about my sister?!”
“Nothing, idjit! Listen!”
Bucky shut his trap with visible effort.
“He looked almost exactly like that man, and when you saw him near Marge - near her and nothing else, you understand? You lost it. Alright? You’d had too much to drink, you weren’t thinking clear, and you were seeing you baby sister, not Marge. Right?”
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and the gesture was so typically Gale’s that it stole his breath to see it on the other man.
But he had to press on. “Right?”
Bucky capitulated. “Alright, alright. But Jeannie ever finds out about this, we’re both dead.”
Buck eyed Bucky then, waiting for the other show to fall. “Is that all you gotta say to me?”
Bucky's face fell and cleared in realisation and Buck's stomach bubbled with a flare of anxiety about what he might say.
“Ah, fuck. Sorry, yeah. I’ve got to apologise to Marge, don’t I?”
Buck’s eye twitched, because Bucky had to be playing so damn dumb on purpose.
But, he wasn’t wrong.
“Well, yeah. She liked that boy. And you gon’ scared him off.”
Bucky scoffed though, waving a dismissive hand. “If you’re her fake fella, Buck. Marge has got to raise her standards for her real one. Don’t worry, I’ll find her a nice guy; a real prince to your pauper, so to speak.”
“That is not how the story goes.”
But then something occurred to Buck. He’d seen Bucky charm plenty of women, a lot of them blondes. Now that Bucky knew Marge was technically single…
“You mean someone like you?”
Bucky smirked and stepped toe to toe with Buck. He let his large hands smooth out the wrinkles Buck had worked into his own uniform wrangling Bucky earlier. His fingers slipped to his crooked tie and slowly knotted it back into place.
“You callin’ me a prince, Buck Cleven?”
Buck wanted to brush it off, to turn it into a joke, say anything to break the tension. But his tongue felt thick and useless in his mouth. All his brain could process was the proximity of Bucky, the smell of Bucky, and heat of his fingers at Buck’s collar.
Bucky leaned closer, like a he had a secret to share. “That make you my princess?”
And that should not have crackled a hot, thrilling tremor to life that sent him rocking infinitesimally closer to Bucky, a gasp somehow escaping the clutch his teeth had on his lips.
Bucky’s eyes darkened, but before he could say or do anything, the backdoor to the pub opened again and Marge’s golden head popped out.
“If you two are quite done?” she sounded like a teacher scolding the class clowns. “I am fending off almost an entire bomb group in there by myself and they’re like a pack of wild dogs. Some help, if you’d be so kind.”
Buck coughed and stepped back and trotted dutifully to Marge’s side. “Sorry, darlin’,” he said and dropped a kiss to her cheek.
Bucky was left with Marjorie Spencer staring at him, hands on her hips.
“Well?” she said expectantly.
Sheepishly, Bucky rubbed the back of his neck. “In my defence, you could do better?”
He saw murder in her eyes and quickly backtracked. Now was not the time for jokes. Evidently Marge did not appreciate them the way Buck did.
Bucky dropped his arms by his sides and looked her in the eye. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that, no matter what I thought. I’m not - God, Marge, I’m not a violent man. Bit of a motor mouth sure, and I’ll stand up for any of my boys, but I don’t usually…”
Marge let him stew in the silence for a bit. But eventually, “No you shouldn’t have. I might be thankful that Gale has you looking out for him, but you can’t be such a hot head, John Egan. I don’t appreciate it and Gale don’t like it.”
Gently, Bucky took one of Marge’s hands, tiny in one of his, and raised it to his lips to place a sorry kiss there with a rueful smile “I will never lay hands on someone like that again, unless it's for a very good reason. I promise. But Buck’s pretty good at keeping me in check.”
Marge blessed him with a knowing smile. “I’m sure he is.”
And then Bucky was back in full force. “But seriously, Marge, you’ve got to at least date sideways. You can’t date down. Anyone less than Buck ain’t good enough for you.”
She rolled her eyes and pointed him back inside, letting him offer his arm. “Well when you find him, you let me know. Because I’m shit outta luck.”
They re-entered the pub laughing and any remaining tension in the room seemed to release. As Bucky took Marge for another spin round the dancefloor, he felt Buck’s eyes on them and risked a glance. And what a risk. Gale stared, blue eyes pinned on him over the smooth rim of his glass, tracking Bucky’s every move and licking the moisture off his lips.
Bucky threw him a wink and mouthed, Later, princess.
Colonel Huglin did not appreciate having to consider disciplinary action at six am. Yet having a man like Major John Egan under his command meant Huglin’s dreams didn’t count for much.
He watched this respected, no, revered man stand before him, clasp and unclasp his hands, purse his lips, and shift his legs like he was fighting the urge to rock on his heels. Like a misbehaving school boy. If Huglin had never met him, and someone had asked him to pick out the best pilot (on par with Major Cleven), the quickest thinker, an excellent strategist and the man almost single-handedly responsible for morale on base, Huglin wouldn't even have spared John a glance.
And yet.
“I haven’t seen him yet, but I’d bet my commission that the young fella you thrashed good and sound yesterday looks real pretty this morning.”
John grimaced. And, surprisingly enough it was not the wince of one awaiting an unwanted scolding, but one that actually looked like regret. John, who never ever failed to look a man in the eye, looked down at his shoes, lips twisting, and just nodded.
Major Cleven had come to him even earlier, at 5.20am, before Huglin had even had his coffee, and filled him in on what happened last night.
“You know Major Egan, Sir. I know you don’t always see eye to eye but he’s not a violent man, not like that. But,” and Gale and leaned forward in his chair, concern creasing his brow and wringing his hands together, “his sister, before he left, she had some…awful kind of trouble. With a fella. That looked just like the man from last night, John said. You know how much he looks after the men, and he loves his sisters. It drives him crazy he’s not there to look after ‘em with their dad not being around anymore… Sorry Sir, I’m rambling.” He was, and it was unlike Cleven who was a man of few words. Surely, a testament to his worry over his friend and brother-in-arms. “I just mean to say, John thought - John saw -"
And Huglin had cut Cleven off with a wave of his hand. He understood. He’d seen countless men wide eyed, crying or screaming at something or someone who wasn’t really there. It didn’t mean Egan could get entirely off the hook, but he understood.
“You have anything to say for yourself?”
“Can I see him?”
Huglin hadn't been expecting that. “What?”
“The…guy. God I don’t even know his name. But I’d like to apologise, if he’ll let me. He deserves that at least, and I’d like to settle it before I go.”
He wasn’t due to fly to Thorpe Abbots until mid-morning. There was plenty of time. “Evans. Airman First Class Evans. And I’ll ask his superior officer and let you know.”
Bucky released a breath and nodded, more to himself, Huglin thought, before he squared his shoulders at the Colonel.
“I just want to apologise, Sir. What I did yesterday was not becoming of a Major of the US Airforce. I know that. It’s not the kind of man I am or how I want my men to see me. I’m…” John swallowed. “I embarrassed the uniform. And I hurt someone who didn’t deserve it. I’m sorry, Sir.”
Huglin needed a moment to collect himself. He wasn’t stupid. He knew part of the reason the men admired Egan so was because he never backed down from the higher ups, always spoke his mind and said his piece - but Huglin couldn’t think of one time it wasn’t on their behalf. To get them what they needed or give them the best odds, or even distract them on days the base just became too heavy. But this was a side of John that Huglin had never seen: the human man underneath the military man.
And Huglin had sisters, too. He could empathise.
“I’m glad to hear that, Major. Normally, there’d be a disciplinary hearing, and we’d decide what was to be done with you.”
John bit his cheek but nodded, accepting.
“But, I think in this case, I can smooth things over. If, you apologise to Evans and his CO, and goddamn cool it on the liquor, John. I mean it. There might even be a mandatory anger management session with the doc in your future, and if so I won't hear a damn single word of complaint from you, understood?”
John reared back looking stunned, and Huglin let himself enjoy it. “Don’t look so surprised. Your buddy Cleven was by here and told me everything. And be glad he did. Otherwise I’d be tempted to ground you the rest of this damn war.”
John said nothing.
“Alright, get out of here. You’ve got a trip to prepare for. And an apology, too.”
“Yes, sir,. John turned smartly on his heels and headed for the door.
When he reached the jam, Huglin called out,. "And John? Give my best wishes to your sister, will you? If they need anything, you let me know.”
John made a funny noise in his throat and nodded before he all but fled the room.
Buck was waiting for him outside. He leapt to his feet when he saw Bucky emerge looking frazzled.
“Well? How’d it go?”
Bucky fell into step next to him, and out of the corner of his mouth said, “What on earth did you tell Huglin? Because whatever it was, I almost got out of there scot-free.”
And Buck didn't fail to notice that Bucky didn’t sound happy about it. He new in the sober light of day, and with the clarity sleep brings, John would be beating himself up something fierce for attacking that boy. Which he should, by rights, but John did take self-flagellation to extremes sometimes. Gale wondered if it was the Catholic in him, lapsed or not.
“You’re still Air Exec?”
Buck nudged him. “Sounds like a punishment to me.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and came to a halt at the mouth of the building, staring out onto the tarmac.
“I want to apologise to the boys,” he said, hands on his hips and head hanging low. “I just, can’t stop thinking about them seeing me like that. I don’t…”
Standing where they were, Buck couldn't do much but clasp his shoulder and lean down to look Bucky in the eye. “Then let’s go find ‘em.”
The boys, as it turned out, were just finishing getting dressed. They didn’t notice the Majors enter the bunk house at first.
“-wonder what happened?”
“None of your business, that’s what happened,” said DeMarco.
“It shouldn’t have happened.” Brady. Bucky flinched.
“Ay,” Curtis dove into the conversation. “You don’t know shit. If he got a bit banged up, then he deserved it. Don’t go thinking anything else.”
And despite himself, Bucky let himself crack a smile at Curt’s friendship and loyalty.
“It shouldn’t have happened,” Brady insisted, stubborn and louder. “John’s our leader. He’s a Major. I’m his co-pilot for crying out loud. He should be setting an example, and starting bar fights isn’t it. I don’t know about you, but I want to head into war with the John Egan who has your back, and keeps his head in the air so good he solves problems before half the crew even notice they’re there. Not the John who’ll flip at a switch. I don’t like that John.”
Several of the boys protested and booed Brady and started yelling and cursing, and they knew a more serious argument was about the break out with Brady bearing the brunt of it if they didn’t step in.
Buck let Bucky go when he stepped further into the room.
“Brady’s right,” he called, and the men snapped to attention and Brady dropped the shoe he’d been polishing and stumbled to his feet.
Buck walked up steady behind Bucky, a solid presence at his shoulder. “At ease, gentlemen.”
Bucky stood tall and true. “Last night, I acted in a way that was unfit for a man of the US Airforce, rank be damned. It should never have happened, and it will never happen again. I just wanted you to know that.” He surveyed the boys and they looked on silent. “We all make mistakes, and things get heated sometimes. This one is my mistake, and I’ll own that. So don’t you boys go thinking that starting fights with your fellow airmen to blow of some steam is acceptable. It’s not. You can all learn that lesson from me. That’s part of my job - teaching you how to avoid making the same mistakes I have.”
And in true Bucky fashion he flipped the solemn mood of the room with a switch and a turn of his lips and he gave them a sincere Bucky grin.
“Like that time I wandered into the Colonel’s quarters by mistake and got stuck on latrine duty for a week.” The boys relaxed into their laughter. “Remember that?” He pointed at Curt. “You made me sleep out in that abandoned storage hut until I was done.”
“You stank!”
“Or that time I yanked Ham back from the shaky step heading into the mess hall?”
Ham howled from his bunk. “Because you’d tripped a week or so before it, and sent your scrambled eggs all down a Red Cross dame. That handprint on your cheek didn’t disappear for a whole day!”
Buck just stood back and marvelled at Bucky's ability to work a room.
“So if me or Buck here ain’t around to give you the benefit of our experience,” he reached out and clasped the back of Brady’s head and scrubbed it playfully, “be damn sure you listen to Brady. Best co-pilot there is.”
The men all hollered and scrambled to rib at Brady, rubbing his head like Bucky did or punching him playfully in the arm or chucking his chin.
But Bucky wasn’t finished. “Because we’re the 100th. The best damn bomb squad there is. And we’ll damn well act like it. Do you hear me?”
“Yes sir!”
Bucky shouted louder. “I said do you hear me?!”
“Because who are we?!”
“The 100th!”
“Who are we?!!”
“THE 100TH!”
“Then get your gear on, get out there, and show ‘em how it’s done!”
Making a thunderous racket, the boys gathered the last of their things and rushed out the door, Brady the last of the group, shooting Bucky a small, pleased, and proud smile before he disappeared.
The silence they left behind was a stark contrast. Until Buck couldn’t take it anymore.
He snorted and cackled and John threw his hands in the air. “Really, Buck?”
Buck cleared his throat and got himself under control. Adopting the highest voice he could, in something that could barely pass as Bucky's odd not-quite Wisconsin accent, he teased him, “My name’s John Egan, and I’m a terrible leader on the ground!”
Bucky shoved him hard, but yanked him back with a firm arm around his bicep and pulled him in close, so the buckles of their belts gave a soft clack in greeting.
They were alone.
“I’ll be flying at at 10.30 sharp,” Bucky mumbled up close.
Buck nodded. “I know. I’ll see you off, if that’s what you’re askin’.”
“Mm, with a handshake in front of the boys.”
Buck gave him a firm look. “Of course. Don’t you go thinking otherwise.”
Bucky smiled and leaned in closer, and Buck was surprised that he even could. “But the boys aren’t here, now.”
“Oh, that’s what you’re lookin’ for, huh? A little send of?”
Bucky's hands bravely slipped down to his waist and squeezed, and Buck resolutely did not think about how his waist fit all nice in John’s stupidly large hands. He was not a small man - he was tall; he worked hard all his life, and despite a less than stellar childhood, always had enough to eat. But John was just so damn big.
“Just a kiss, Buck. For luck. To tide me over till you get over the pond.”
Buck grinned, a rare one showing his teeth and leaned in until he felt the softness of Bucky's lips skim the edges of his own. He kept it there, just not quite touching until he heard Bucky's breath hitch and his hands tried their hardest not to wander some more.
And against that mouth he’d dreamed about in his sleep, he’d fantasised about in his waking hours, he murmured, playful and sweet, “No.”
He turned sharp in his heels and escaped Bucky's grasp and threw a pleased grin over his shoulder at Bucky gaping in his wake.
“You’ll just have to wait for me, Johnny!” And Gale ducked out of the bunk house and left Bucky behind, to attend his duties.
And John stood there wondering what on earth he was in for, taking up with a tease like Buck Cleven. But he couldn’t wait to find out.
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Summary: After a really bad argument with your brother Mike, you are left feeling distraught after both of you said things you shouldn't have. As you're struggling to come to terms with what happened, you find comfort in the person you least expected. | Words: 4.225K. Requested by @xxinmyfnafworldxx.
Warnings: Mentions of child disappearance. Mentions of poverty. Cursing, miscommunication, hurt/comfort, family drama, family issues, unresolved romantic tension. Smoking. A bit of an age gap, since Reader is younger than Mike and Vanessa. Fem!Schmidt!Reader.
A/N: Okay, yeah, I know this took long but I was busy, sorry. School is beating my ass, my cousin got into a car accident and a stray dog bit me in the leg. It may not have the same quality as the last one, but I did put in a lot of effort, and I do like how this turned out, so I hope you guys like it too.
Main Masterlist | Vanessa Masterlist | AO3
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Nebraska, 1987.
“During autumn, Nebraska is colder than at home. So don’t take off your sweater.”
That was the first thing your dad said when he helped you get out of the car.
Garrett and Mike were already playing tag around the campsite. You chuckled and ran after them, following them into the woods.
That night, at the police station, as you sat beside the only sibling you had left now, you realized your dad was right. Nebraska was indeed colder than Hurricane.
November, 2000.
The past months had been rough.
With Max’s disappearance, you had no choice but to quit your job and stay home to look after Abby while Mike was at work.
After all, Mike had an accident (that he didn’t want to tell you anything about) which caused him to lose another job, which meant even more cost-cutting since he couldn’t keep one job for too long, nor get a high-paying one.
Abby had been there with him the night of the “accident” and she didn’t want to say a thing about it either.
It was driving you insane.
At least things with Aunt Jane had gotten better. But that only was because you had found her passed out in the living room the same night Mike had been injured, and she never came back to bother you and your siblings ever since.
So currently, you were struggling financially, like you always did. 
Mike always got the worst of it.
The smallest portion at dinner, the cheapest clothes, the most worn-out shoes.
You lived in a perpetual state of worrying about him. He would just give you a tired smile, and say, “It’s alright.”
You knew it wasn’t.
Everything changed after Mike lost his job at that old restaurant.
Mike and Abby’s relationship had been magically fixed, or at least that’s how it felt. 
She wasn’t shutting both of you out anymore, and Mike had become more calm and understanding.
There was also Vanessa, the police girl who had stayed a couple of weeks at your house. She was Abby and Mike’s friend and had also been involved in whatever happened in that old place.
Mike had let her stay in the house while recovering from whatever injury she had suffered.
She had slept on the couch. Sometimes you would go to the kitchen for water in the middle of the night, and you would find her awake, looking through the window.
Vanessa never talked much, at least not with you, she seemed to like Mike more. But you would still stay with her until she whispered goodnight and slipped under the blankets.
Sometimes, you would stay even after she had fallen asleep. You were the only one who could wake her from her nightmares after all.
Then she had moved out and you barely saw her. Sometimes she would drop Abby off from school, or Mike would invite her to dinner.
Vanessa was… fine. 
It’s not that you didn’t like her. 
You liked her very much.
But you didn’t have time to acknowledge what that meant. Much less let her know.
 Not that you were thinking of actually doing it.
After all, it seemed like everyone's life was improving, except for yours.
You still couldn’t go to college like you wanted to, since there were no babysitters around to look out for your little sister.
Mike was still jumping from job to job, getting paid barely enough to help with the mortgage and the basic groceries. And you couldn’t help with that either, since nobody wanted to hire you just for the part-time, and even if they wanted to, Mike wouldn’t approve of it.
And even worse, you couldn’t even go out to make friends, because, even if your older brother had changed, he was still as overbearing and overprotective with you.
You were sure that if you went to look at the meaning of overzealous on the library computers, his name would be the first thing to come up.
It always drove you nuts.
Even if you were young, you were already an adult. You didn’t need him to always keep an eye on you.
You understood it was just a trauma response. You really did.
You were there the day Garrett was kidnapped, after all. You recalled the horrified look on Mike’s face as they were interrogating him. His cheeks were tear-stained, his eyes red-rimmed, and he was so pale anyone could have mistaken him as a ghost.
You could remember him saying, “I just looked away for a second. I swear it was just a second,” to your parents' sorrowful faces over and over again.
Still, it didn’t mean you had to suffer such consequences. You wanted to live a normal life, as normal as you could, regardless of what had happened.
Abby sighed profoundly and shifted on her seat, frowning at her drawing. 
You were in the kitchen, making dinner, and close enough to her to notice her discontent, so you pushed the salad you just finished aside and looked at her.
“What’s wrong, Abz?”
She made a face, meeting your gaze. “My friend from school invited me to have a sleepover tonight, but Mike won’t let me go.”
You frowned. When did this kid make friends at school?
And why were you just finding out about it?
“Well, uh,” you trailed off. “Did he give you a reason? Like, is he going to stay late at work tonight?”
Abby shook her head, looking back at her drawing, and put the crayon she was holding down on the table.
Just then, as if you had summoned him, Mike opened the door and stepped into the house.
Abby and you turned to look at him as he took out his jacket, and stepped out of his shoes.
He smiled at Abby, first, ruffling her hair, and looked at her drawing.
“That’s a good one,” he murmured, looking at Abby. He then turned to look at you.
“What’s with that face?” Mike asked casually.
“Abby told me something interesting,” you said, focusing on the salad again.
Mike hummed, peeking into the pots on the stove, and checked what you were cooking. “What did she say?”
You huffed, setting the salad to the side again.
“Well, first of all,” you turned to look at him. “I have just been made aware that she has a friend in school.”
Mike chuckled softly, leaving the pots alone to face you. “Ah, yes. It’s true, she has a school friend.”
You huffed, frustrated. Did neither of them feel like this was important information? After all the time Abby had struggled to make real friends?
“And also,” you continued, “her friend invited her to a sleepover, and you didn’t allow it.”
Mike sighed, already tired from the conversation. “Yes, that’s true, too.”
“So, why can’t she go?” You crossed your arms.
Mike shrugged. “It's not safe for her.”
You scoffed. “You're unbelievable. It's just a sleepover. What's the worst that could happen? Kids consuming too much sugar? She asking her friend's mom to call you because she misses her room? ”
Mike huffed, shaking his head, and tried to walk away from the conversation.
You followed him across the hall and into his room.
“Come on, Mike. What's the worst that could happen? Seriously.”
Mike sighed, turning to face you while he tossed away his tie. “I don't know – I mean, we don't know these people. God knows what strange habits–”
“Are you hearing yourself?” you said, disbelief clear in your voice. “You’re accusing people you don’t know of being,” you gestured with your hands, “weirdos, just because you’re afraid of letting Abby out of your sight!”
Mike rolled his eyes, scoffing. “I'm not afraid, I'm just being careful! It's my job as an older brother–”
“You won't have control over her all her life. You know that, right?” You argued back. “She might be a kid right now but she’ll keep on growing and things will get out of hand, Mike.”
The conversion was turning into a whole-blown argument. You knew you shouldn't press Mike's buttons further, but it was too late to care about that.
“Y/N,” he said in a warning tone. “Don't start this again.”
You scoffed, “Start what, exactly?”
“You know what. I'm not in the mood to argue.”
“You're never in the mood for anything!” You snapped at him. “All you do is work,” you continued. “Or rather, try to keep your job and watch over us like you're our bodyguard. You are going to asphyxiate us with your intensity.”
“I'm just trying to keep you two safe!”
Your voices were raised so high that Abby could probably hear the discussion from the living room.
“Keep us safe–”
“Oh, please,” he practically mocked. “You know I have reasons!”
Before you could argue back, he continued.
“Abby is a kid. She doesn’t understand the dangers she could be in, and you,” Mike met your gaze, “you think I don't notice how you look at me sometimes? Like I'm ruining your life? Like you hate me?”
You huffed, “I don't hate you! I just– I just want some space, okay?”
Mike scoffed, but you ignored him.
“I want to be able to go out at night, to have a job, and make money not only for us to have something to eat, but to buy things for myself too. I want to stop worrying so much about you!”
You took a long breath, trying to calm down.
“I want a normal life. A normal, relaxing life, Mike. Where I can make friends and go on dates without having to sneak out because you won’t agree.”
“Y/N–” he tried to interrupt.
“No!” you cut him off. “You think I don’t know who I remind you of? You think I don't know that when you look at me, you think of Garrett? You think I don’t hear when you tell Abby I look just like him?”
“That’s not true!” he shook his head, now seemingly hurt. “Look, I'm just trying to look out for you! For you and Abby. I'm your big brother–” he said, exasperated. And that was your last straw.
“We don't need you to protect us! Did you forget what happened the last time you tried to look out for one of us?”
A deafening silence followed. Mike deflated, his words dying in his mouth.
You looked at each other for a second before you realized what had been said.
“Fuck,” you exhaled. “Mike, I'm sorr–”
“Get out.”
“But–” You approached him, and tried to take his hand but he cringed, pulling away.
“Please, just…” he trailed off, not looking at you. “Just leave.”
You looked around, thinking of what to do. 
Something, anything that could change the situation you were in.
But of course, there was nothing to do, at least not until Mike had calmed down.
So you left his room, looked at him one last time, and closed the door.
You stood still outside his door, letting everything sink in. You were still angry, but you also felt guilty.
Using Garrett’s kidnapping as an argument during the discussion was a low blow. If there was a hell, you were fucked.
Running your hands through your hair, you approached the living room.
Abby was still sitting at the dining table, eyes fixated on her now-finished drawing.
“Abby?” you called, softly.
She didn’t react. It was one of those moments when she felt stressed so she wouldn’t acknowledge you– or anyone, for that matter.
You sighed, took your jacket from the coat hanger, and stormed out of the house.
You walked for a while, just following the river.
After a good fifteen minutes, you stopped. It was cold, and your jacket wasn’t warm enough.
You sighed in frustration, kicking rocks into the water, and finally decided to sit on the grass.
“Was it really that serious?” You thought. After all, even if it was annoying, Mike's overprotectiveness had probably saved you from a lot of trouble.
You ripped up handfuls of grass as you stared at the water.
“Yes, it is,” you said out loud. Blaming him for Garrett’s disappearance was shitty, but you knew your anger was justified. Mike couldn’t keep being like this.
Not with you, and not with Abby, either. He needed to understand. To learn.
But how would he understand and learn if you only told him about your frustrations after bottling up and then exploding?
It wasn’t fair to him, either. Mike would just feel like you’re being antagonistic.
Grumbling, you rummaged through your jacket’s pockets. The wind had started to pick up and you needed something to warm up.
You pulled out a cigarette pack and a lighter from the front pocket of your jacket.
You huffed. Mike would kill you if he found out. 
Lighting the cigarette, you took a quick drag and as you put the items away again, you felt something strange in your pocket. 
Frowning, you placed the cigarette between your lips and reached into your pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper.
Humming, you unfolded it without care, not remembering what it was.
You almost choked on the smoke.
It was a drawing from Abby.
She had given it to you a few weeks ago after you picked her up from school.
It was a drawing of you, her, Mike, and a little airplane toy. Garrett's favorite.
“God-fucking-dammit,” you said, putting the cigarette back in between your lips to avoid getting ash on the paper.
“Language,” a voice behind you said, and you jumped, turning around.
Standing there, with her blonde hair swaying slightly in the wind, was Vanessa.
“Great,” you thought.
Out of all the people you could have run into this situation, it had to be her.
You noted was wearing civilian clothes: jeans, a cheap-looking sweater, and a jacket. Her hair was also down. Very different from her usual everyday look.
“That’s bad for your lungs. You know that right?” she said, pointing to the cigarette between your lips.
You grumbled, turning to face the water again, and she took it as an invitation to sit beside you.
“I mean that,” Vanessa said, staring at you.
You took a drag and blew the smoke away from her. “I know.”
She hummed. “Does Mike know?”
You frowned, looking at your shoes while the cigarette slowly burned in your hand.
“There’s a lot of things Mike doesn’t know about me,” you answered, meeting her gaze.
You stared at each other for a moment before she spoke again. “Can I?” She said, pointing to the cig. You handed it to her, and she took a puff from the cig.
You smiled. “I thought you said it’s bad for your lungs. What changed?”
Vanessa rolled her eyes, blowing the smoke. She took another puff, then looked at you.
“Nothing has changed, it’s still bad,” and as she said it, she threw the cigarette into the water.
You gasped. “Hey, those are not cheap!”
It was her turn to smile then. “I know.”
You huffed. “Between this and Mike’s pills, I think you can be considered an environmental terrorist.”
Her smile faltered. “He told you about the pills?”
You nodded slowly, humming. “Mike tells me everything,” you said with a smile.
You paused, your mind returning to the night that he arrived limping and with several superficial wounds and scratches, and with a trembling Abby beside him.
“Almost everything,” you thought out loud.
Vanessa looked at the glistening water. “What makes you say that?”
You scoffed. “Come on. Something happened to him in that old pizzeria, and he won’t speak about it. Neither will Abby.”
You looked at her. She shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.
“And I’m assuming you won’t, either.”
She cleared her throat.
“It’s…” She paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just something I shouldn’t be the one to tell you.”
You sighed, looking towards the water again. “Called it.”
You two stayed silent for a moment before you spoke up again. “How did you find me anyway?”
Vanessa sighed, rubbing her forehead with one hand.
“Oh,” you breathed out. “Of course.”
Mike had told her to find you.
“He's your brother, Y/N,” she said softly. “I'm sure he only wants what's best for you.”
You felt a twinge of annoyance.
"Yeah sure..." you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "He's always known what's best for me. Like when he convinced me to leave my job so I can stay home and be a housekeeper.”
Vanessa's brows furrowed. “He did?”
You sighed. “It's… more complicated than that, but… that's how it feels.”
A beat passed in silence.
“I know he's doing it because of Garrett,” you murmured. 
“Doing what?” Vanessa asked carefully.
“This. All of this…” You sighed. “Not letting Abby hang out with her new friend, convincing me to stay home and take care of her...”
She watched you intently, waiting for you to continue.
“I can't go out at night, he's constantly barging into our rooms, I can't date anyone,” you sighed, and she seemed to understand, her expression softening.
Slowly, Vanessa reached out to you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
"I understand that Mike can be overprotective at times, I can't deny that,” she said softly. "I know it must suck not being able to go anywhere or do anything without him always checking on you..." she sighs, looking you in the eyes empathetically. "But we both know he just wants to protect you, even if he’s doing it in the wrong way. He loves you dearly.”
You avoid her gaze, your eyes focusing on the grass underneath you.
“It's worse with me.”
“Why do you say that?”
You smile bitterly. “Because apparently, I’m the only one who looks just like Garrett.”
“I–” She began but cut herself off.
“I just wish,” you continued, “he could just try to move on. At least now he's aware it wasn't his fault, but,” you took a deep breath. “I feel like he's still stuck trying to be a protector instead of just being our brother.”
Vanessa stayed silent, and you were grateful for that. You didn’t feel like hearing fake reassurances while talking about Garrett or his disappearance.
“Every time we try to talk about it, it just turns into an argument,” you whispered
“And why's that?” Vanessa squeezed your shoulder. You felt your heart flutter at the gesture.
“I guess… because we're both too stubborn to hear each other out,” you chuckled tiredly, running your hands through your hair. 
Vanessa opened her mouth, but you interrupted her.
“I fucked up today,” you turned to face her. “I kind of… blamed him for Garrett's disappearance.” 
Vanessa seemed shocked by this. Then she sucked in her breath between her teeth.
Your expression turned bitter as you felt your face flush in shame. 
“I know, you don't have to tell me.”
You hid your face in your hands. “He seemed so distraught, so hurt, I can't… I can't stop thinking about it.”
You felt your nails dig into your scalp. “I can’t stop thinking about the pain in his eyes, I can’t unsee the way he just… shrank.” 
Carefully, Vanessa rested her hand on your back, and when you didn't protest, she started rubbing small, comforting circles.
You feel a knot form in your throat.
“I…” you swallowed. “I remember it. The day he disappeared.”
A pause.
“I remember it so vividly,” you huffed a self-deprecating laugh. “I sprayed almost the whole bottle of ketchup on my sweater. Mom guided me to the tent so I could change,” a shaky breath slipped from your lips, and you felt her stomach churn.
The dread, the fear you felt that day would never leave your system.
“Next thing we knew, Mike was running and yelling, desperate. You closed your eyes, the memories flooding your mind.
“Mom, Dad! Help, they took him! They took Garrett!”
You stayed with your eyes closed for a few seconds, as Vanessa kept rubbing your back reassuringly.
“Did you know I had a brother?” She began.
“Really?” You asked with surprise in your voice.
“Mhm,” you could hear her smile in her voice, “we used to be really close. He was always looking out for me.”
“What happened to him?”
Her hand stopped. You tensed up.
“He… disappeared. Many years ago. Just like Garrett.”
You pulled slightly at your hair. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…”
“It's okay,” she said in a solemn voice, but with a small, resigned smile on her face.
“Why are you telling me this?” You finally faced her again.
“Because you can never take your family for granted. You shouldn’t say hurtful things to each other, and if it happens, you should let it cool off and then talk about it, not run away.”
Oh, now she was scolding you.
“I didn't–” you cringed. “Mike asked me to–”
She giggled. Giggled.
“I'm not saying it only because of you. Mike needs to understand that you're an adult now, that he won't always be able to protect you.”
Your eyes lit up. “Will you help me, then? Will you talk to him?”
Vanessa shook her head. “No, Y/N. You two need to sit down, talk, and finally start listening to each other.” She gave you a small smile.
You sighed, nodding. 
“Come on,” she said, standing up, shaking the dirt off her jeans, “I'll take you home.”
She extended her hand, and you took it without thinking twice.
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Vanessa parked her car in front of your house, sighing softly before turning off the engine.
She looked at you, and after a few seconds, you met her gaze.
“You know,” she smiled, “I’m pretty sure you two can actually come to an agreement.”
You huffed, “That’s easier said than done.”
You pushed the car door open.
“Wait,” she said, holding onto the back of your jacket. You stayed still.
“I mean it, Y/N,” she gave you a soft look. 
“Just talk to him. No yelling, not arguing,” you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “talk. Really talk…”
You stared at each other momentarily before she let go of your jacket.
“Hear him and… make him hear you,” Vanessa added, a whisper more than anything.
You nodded, climbing out of the car, and closing the door.
She lowered the window. “Good luck, I guess,” she smiled.
You felt your heart speed up. Was this really the end of it? Would she only speak to you when Mike asked her to? So she was just being nice, right?
You swallowed. “Yeah… Well.”
You felt heat rising up your neck, reaching your cheeks. Shame.
“Thanks for the ride, by the way,” you scratched the back of your neck, trying to get rid of the sensation.
“No problem.”
You nodded, and just as you were about to push the front door open, Vanessa called your name and you practically rushed to the car window. “Yes?”
Vanessa let out a breathy laugh and you almost melted on the spot. She opened the glove compartment and took out a notebook and a pen.
She started to write something down. 
“In case you and Mike keep having trouble…” She trailed off as she handed you the paper, which had a phone number written on it. 
You raised your gaze to meet hers. “If it doesn’t work out, you can call me and I can give you some advice,” she grinned at you. 
“And if it does?”
"Maybe we can go for a coffee, then?"
“I don’t like coffee,” you blurted out, feeling your cheeks warm up.
Vanessa's smile grew wider at your reaction and she chuckled softly. "Well, how about tea then? Or maybe we could just go for a walk instead?"
Her tone was playful and her smile was contagious, making it impossible for you to stay embarrassed for long.
You stayed silent, not sure how to respond. All you knew was that it was supposed to be cold outside at this time of the year, but you were sweating.
Vanessa shook her head, still smiling, and her playful tone turned into a sincere one. “We don’t have to if you don’t want–”
“I want to,” you interrupted her. “I do.”
She seemed to perk up. 
“I’ll call,” you said, without a doubt. “I promise.”
Vanessa gave you a soft smile before turning the car on, and slowly drive out of sight.
You sighed, turning to push the door open, and to your surprise, Mike was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, and Abby peeking at you from behind him, smiling.
He met your gaze, and against all odds, he smiled at you. “I guess we need to talk.”
You smiled at him. “Yeah,” you looked down at the small piece of paper in your hands and swallowed. “Yeah. We do.”
Mike sighed, gesturing for you to come inside.
“So you heard all of that?” You said in a weary voice, and Abby giggled.
Mike shook his head. “Maybe we should eat first, I’m about to pass out.”
Right, you still hadn’t had dinner. Your stomach grumbled.
As you followed your brother into the dining room, you had the sensation that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright.
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A/N: Reblogs are not only appreciated but also encouraged. Reblogs are what keep the fandom going.
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phantombeesting · 2 years
Steve doesn’t understand what’s happening at first. He keeps finding things in his pockets. Sometimes it’s a candy bar or a fresh packet of smokes, things he doesn’t remember buying. Maybe the head injuries are catching up with him and he’s actually started losing it.
But then one day he sees Billy stuffing a mixtape in the pocket of his jacket and it all clicks into place. Steve has no idea how to handle this and he doesn’t want to accidentally step on one of Billy’s many hidden landmines so he slowly backs away and seeks out the resident Billy behaviour translator.
“Max can I talk to you about something?”
“What’s he done now?”
“Nothing. I mean not nothing just that’s it’s nothing big it’s just … Just a little weird I keep finding things and I didnt know where they came from but I'm fairly certain they're from Billy but, but he never says anything or like actually gives me them you know? And i’m not really sure how to handle it or, or if it’s even something that needs handling but …” his words trail off, he's starting to spiral now he can feel it.
"Ah so you've finally picked up on that"
Steve nods slowly but doesn't answer.
“Wondered how long it would take you to catch on" she takes a big breath in before continuing "It's a rejection thing, he’s worried you won’t accept them.”
And oh that … Well that makes sense.
“If he doesn't actively give you the thing then it won't hurt if you don't want it or like it"
"How do I...?" Steve trails off looking pleadingly at Max
Max huffs and actually rolls her eyes at him at this point
"Are all boys actually stupid?"
"Oh for sure Me and your brother are can't say for certain about the rest of them though but I'm leaning towards Yes"
He got her to crack a smile at that
"Just acknowledge it but don't make a big deal of it. Let him know you appreciate it"
And OK yeah he can do that. Steve can totally do that.
So the next time he finds gifts squirreled away in his bag or pockets he makes sure he gently acknowledges it.
If it's a snack he'll bring up how he hadn't had a chance to grab a proper lunch so it was a life saver.
Smokes? He was just about to run out so "You've made my day a lot easier thanks Babe".
A mixtape? Best believe it's new soundtrack to every journey he makes.
Billy always brushes it off as no big deal, and neither of them mention the blush spreading across his cheeks.
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remembering this Extremely correct post about how lis2 is the only game in the lis series where your choices actually matter and thinking about how ironic is that it's also a game where your playable character is so strikingly powerless. Sean is the only lis pov character who not only has no superhuman abilities, but has to share an environment with someone who has (confirmed, sorry Rachel) abilities of their own, someone he loves and wants to protect, someone who can do incredible things he'll never be able to do, making their already weird brother-brother parent-child dynamic a thousand times messier.
it's a huge shift for Sean--you can literally see it in the mechanics, which go from helping Daniel with tasks in the first episode to increasingly relying on his help in the rest. ep 4 is the one where Sean gets beaten up the most because he's the most separated from Daniel then, even the whole game begins with Sean beating Brett up for Daniel, before he kept ending up in situations where he's so wildly outclassed. it's all shit that interweaves with the powerlessness that already comes from being queer/brown/disabled in america, but the difference is that those are the result of oppressive systems and the people who enforce them, systems Sean is trying to break away from, but he can't break from Daniel, he loves Daniel, and Daniel isn't oppressive, he's just a little boy trying to love his brother as much as his brother loves him, protect him with the only tools he has
and it's terrifying. like, from the perspective of a character of Max or Alex, they're overwhelmed by their own powers, but the player is in control of them and can try to find a way to use them, even if it doesn't always work. Sean doesn't have that, he just have to live with being extremely aware of how vulnerable he is to Daniel losing control. the truly fucked-up thing it's not like Daniel ever means to hurt anyone, none of the powered lis characters do, their intentions are beneficial at best and mischievous at worst, it all just has such earthshaking affects on everyone around them. we don't see Chloe's inner monologue about all the ways Max alters her reality to keep her safe, we only get so much insight into the way Haven's Point's residents feel Alex messing about their emotions,
but Sean's perspective makes it extremely clear on what a roller coaster it is to have someone with abilities to shaping your life like this, as if you're sharing your world and your heart with a tornado, a wonder and a terror all at once. idk, there just aren't that many superpower stories with this kind of look about what it's like to be on the outside looking in on godhood, certainly not to this degree, not with the focus on how intense it is, like the difference between standing in the eye of the hurricane and being caught outside. I honestly think that's one of the reasons people are dicks about this game, they don't like that feeling of helplessness, they get used to Max and Alex's incredible abilities and it's a very different feeling to have so much of your story tied to a character out of control instead.
but Sean is at once the most powerful playable character in the lis series if "power" means power over how the story plays out, over destiny. because as has been mentioned, your choices in lis2 really do matter more than any other game. it's not power that comes from what he can do, it's his relationship with Daniel, it's whether he's able to maintain high enough brotherhood to get Daniel to do some things and figure out what to do when he can't convince Daniel on others. it's whether he's shaping them both into people who will give up their combined power to the very systems they're running from or if he'll die trying to do what he thinks is best or if he'll take his control back by giving up his control, in a way, trusting that Daniel has what it takes to protect them both, and doing what's necessary to guide Daniel to that place where he can do that.
he has to choose what smaller, emotional influences he's going to have in order to build up rather than more direct displays of power. and it works, because lis series has always been all about how messy, human relationships can change and destroy so much more psychic abilities ever could by themselves--i honestly believe that no one game encapsulates that quite the way lis2 does.
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: sapphic romance for people who like Hannibal and Interwiev with the Vampire, aka fucked up and toxic
Enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, fucked up power imbalances, manipulations, plain bad people doing bad things - if you like your sapphics a little bit dark check out these books!
Some of these end happily, some tragically, some are more will-they-won’t-they than full on romance, some focus on healing while others focus on Getting Worse, but they’re all very juicy.
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For details on the books, continue under the readmore
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Othe book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Mermaid books
Vampire books
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The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Young Adult. tumblr classic back in the day! A trainer of sea monsters genetically engineered to protect ships from pirates is kidnapped by, you guessed it, pirates, one of whom happens to be very hot.
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
While my feelings on Escaping Exodus were mixed, it cannot be denied that the dynamic between the two leads and the way they go from childhood best friends to enemies on different sides of a class and power struggle is very delicious. It also features some really cool worldbuilding of living, alien generation spaceships and the human culture that has developed inside them.
The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley
This book fucked me up when I read it. It’s weird, it's gross, there’s So Much Viscera, there are literally no men, it has living spaceships and biotech but in the most horrific way imaginable. Had I to categorize it I would call it grimdark military sf. It’s an experience but not necessarily a pleasant one.
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The Lumionus Dead by Caitlin Starling
Possibly one of the most unsettling books I've ever read, and definitely the most claustrophobic. Gyre, a caver on an alien planet, ventures into the dark and dangerous underground, guided only by a woman who has no compunctions on using and manipulating Gyre as she sees fit to obtain her secretive goals down in the caves.
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
On the less toxic and fucked up side of the spectrum, but still pretty juicy. A princess held captive by her own brother, who wants to see her dead, tries to trick a servant into helping her escape, but with undeniable attraction growing between them and the servant having her own goals things quickly get complicated.
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Listen, if you're on tumblr I probably don't need to explain this book to you. Trust me when I say it's exactly as good as people claim. There are indeed lesbian necromancers in space (quite a few of them, actually), but also incredible worldbuilding that keeps growing with every new installment, interesting political commentary, morally complex characters with fucked up dynamics, and well-thought out plot that keeps you guessing until the last.
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They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Listen, sometimes you just want to read about a vicious bisexual lady professor who murders predatory men and falls for the woman trying to solve her crimes and that's okay.
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
The source of not one but two movie adaptations, Fingersmith is a story of trickery and manipulation as a young conwoman works to gain the trust of a heiress. I don’t want to say much more because the twists are some of the best parts, but trust that it doesn’t take long for things to get real complicated between them.
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark
Tourraine, who was stolen as a child and trained as a soldier for the empire that conquered her home, is recruited by Luka, the future leader of the conquering country to route out a rebellion. A game of twisted loyalties and attraction is soon to develop.
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This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Again, if you're on tumblr (or twitter, apparently) you have in all likelihood already heard of this one, too. Just like GtN it lives up to all expectations. It features two women on different sides of the titular time war, who starts leaving letters for the other to find as they chase each other through time. A quick read, slightly surreal, and absolutely beautiful, I cannot recommend this enough. Pretty mild on the fucked-up-scale.
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires.
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A young pregnant woman flees a cult that left her body strange and changing in terrifying ways. Hidden from the world, she does her best to raise her children while trying to find out the truth of the cult and being pursued by a hunter in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. In no way a romance, but certainly has some fucked up sapphic shit going on.
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The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
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Ice Massacre (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai trilogy) by Tiana Warner
Young Adult. A small island is forced to defend itself against intruding forces of vicious mermaids. As all men trying to fight them get lured in by their siren song, a ship filled with warrior girls is sent instead. However one of them, Meela, had a complicated past with one of the mermaids, which is brought back to life when the two reunite on the battlefield. This one is also available as an ongoing webcomic!
Borderline (The Arcadia Project trilogy) by Mishell Baker
Urban fantasy mystery. Very much of the will-they-won’t-they variety, with a bisexual lead who has a male love interest as well as a female without falling into the typical pitfalls of a love triangle. Plays around with various fucked up power dynamics. A year after a failed suicide attempt that cost her both her legs, Millie is recruited by a secretive organisation that works to control traffic to and from Arcadia, the land of faries. Bear in mind that while the sapphic-ness is present throughout, it has a much smaller presence in book 1 than books 2 and 3.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Ancient vampire is on the hunt for a new partner, none of which tend to last long.
Codename Villanelle by Luke Jennings
Precursor of the famous Killing Eve tv series. While I don’t know much of the books, I did enough research to know this: their endings differ.
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
16 for the soft prompts? Harringrove, my one and only❤️💖❤️
Thank you ☀️
I, um. I did it again. So you get almost 2k. Yay?
16. laughing while kissing
It was the kid's idea.
They were spread around the living room at Steve's house after a long afternoon of swimming, with full bellies and painted with different shades of sunburn. Dustin had put a movie on for them to watch, but nobody was really paying attention to it. Billy himself was dozing on the couch, head on Steve's chest, letting the feeling of his fingers in Billy's hair and the sound of the tv and of the kids' whispered bickering lull him to sleep.
"NO WAY you can keep a straight face for longer than two minutes, Dustin!" Max yelled into the silence, jerking Billy awake. His groan joined the voices of the other kids' complaints, all of them yanked from their own silent daydreaming.
"Yes, I can!" Dustin yelled back. Lucas, in the middle of them on the floor, rolled his eyes. "Last week I lasted three minutes while my mom stared me down before I broke."
"What'd you burn this time?" Steve asked, and Billy felt the vibrations of his chest.
"I singed a curtain slightly, but that's irrelevant–"
"It's irrelevant because there's no way you can keep a straight face for two minutes if I stare you down," Max challenged, a smug expression on her face.
"Unbelievable," Dustin said, shaking his head. "Lucas, back me up."
"I'm staying out of this," Lucas said, sounding like the argument had already taken years off his life.
"You started this conversation!"
"No, I said the movie was so boring my face didn't move for fifteen minutes, you said that was impossible," Lucas argued. "Then Max said it was impossible for you, and you went off. This is between you."
"Fine, Steve! Back me up!"
"You can't ask Steve, he's my brother in law!" Max yelled.
"Well, he's my brother!" Dustin yelled back.
"They're not gonna let me sleep, are they?" Billy mumbled into Steve's chest, hearing it rumble when Steve chuckled.
"No, babe, they're not," He said.
"Fucking kids," Billy groaned, pushing himself up from the couch with a sullen look on his face. 
He got a Coke from the fridge as the yelling went on in the living room. The patio door muffled it much better, and he managed to enjoy a nice, rousing cigarette before he went back in to deal with the madness that was the dweebs when they were being stubborn about something.
Especially when it was Max leading the pack.
When Billy went inside, Dustin and Max were sitting across from each other on the living room rug, faces blank, two one dollar notes piled between them. Lucas, Mike, Will and El were watching them intently, spread around the couch and the loveseat. Lucas kept looking between them and his watch.
Billy headed for Steve, still in the same spot on the end of the couch.
"What's going on, now?"
"They bet on who can last longer," Steve said, rolling his eyes, but Billy could tell he thought the kids were hilarious.
Billy sipped his Coke and settled down on the arm of the couch to watch Max stare Dustin down, leaning her elbows on her knees, face carefully clear of any emotion. He could only see the back of Dustin's head, but he'd bet he was at least twitching.
"One minute, fifty seconds," Lucas called, on the edge of his seat. "Fifty one, fifty two…"
As he counted, the kids were leaning in closer to Dustin and Max, watching their faces avidly. El seemed fascinated by the game, with her chin on her hands, eyes bouncing between the two quickly, like she didn't want to miss a single twitch.
"Two minutes!" Lucas called, and Will and Mike started cheering. Under the noise, Lucas said, "Dustin can hold out that long."
Billy snickered when he saw one of Max's eyebrows twitch and her chin lift a little, fighting a reaction. He'd never admit it, but this was more entertaining than he thought.
Max leaned forward on her elbows, eyes fixed on Dustin's. Billy knew she would take being wrong personally. That meant she was going to make sure she wouldn't lose again.
She started twitching her ears.
Her hair was pulled back in a low braid, so they were visible, but the other kids probably wouldn't notice. Dustin, though, was staring straight at her. He wouldn't be able to miss it.
He didn't last long after that. He burst out into little giggles, and a second later Max let herself join him.
"Two minutes and thirty-four seconds," Lucas said. "Max wins!"
The living room erupted into chaos, the kids talking over each other and trying to decide who would challenge who next. 
Mike lost to Will who lost to Dustin, then Dustin lost to Lucas. Lucas beat Mike, but lost to Will, because Will apparently looked like a sad puppy. Max beat everyone but Lucas and El. And El, somehow, beat everyone but Mike.
Billy watched everything from the sidelines, relaxing his body into Steve, with one arm around his shoulders and Steve's arm around his waist. He thought it would take no effort at all to just tip his body to the side and slip on Steve's lap.
"But Billy's the one who's really good at this," Billy heard Max say. "He can go really long without like, twitching or anything."
"No way," Dustin says. "He would start rolling his eyes and calling us dweebs like two minutes in."
"Oh no, there's no way you're roping me into this," Billy said, putting his foot down. "No way in hell."
So now he's sitting on the floor, legs crossed, with the dweebs in a circle around him, staring at his face like a tiny Millennium Falcon is about to come flying out of his nose or something.
"You're all so fucking creepy," He grumbles.
"Ready…" Lucas says, eyes on his watch. "Go!"
He lets his face relax, jaw set, staring straight ahead. He counts his breaths in his head, focuses on his lungs expanding, and does not look at the kids' wide eyes looking at him. He fixes his eyes on a blank spot on the wall behind them until his vision blurs, and he lets himself get lost in his own head.
The silence grows. The kids watch him quietly at first, but they soon start fidgeting.
"How long has it been?" Dustin asks.
"Five minutes, eight seconds," Lucas says.
"Told you," Max says, and she sounds smug.
The living room is filled with tiny sounds from there, fingers tapping, people moving, someone leaving and coming back with a can that they crack open. Billy doesn't flinch.
"Oh my god, he's not moving!" Dustin says, sounding frustrated. "How long did you say he could last?"
"I've seen him go forty minutes," Max says. She doesn't say why Billy went so long without moving a single facial muscle.
"Forty minutes?!" Dustin screeches. "What are we supposed to do until then?"
"We can put on a movie," Will suggests. 
"We have to watch him," El says.
Billy counts his breaths. Feels his diaphragm move. He has to focus not to react. He didn't anticipate hearing the kids complain about being bored of something they nagged him into doing to be so fucking funny.
The noises of the living room get louder as they all get more restless, and every now and again someone will sigh like they're grounded with no TV, and Billy has to count his breaths again so he doesn't start laughing. It's worth it, though.
He hears Steve get up and go to the kitchen, picks up the sounds of him cleaning up the mess the kids left in there.
Every few minutes Lucas calls out the time, and the kids are less awed and more frustrated. Except for El, who's fascinated, still watching him like a hawk. Max is just smug.
"Fifteen minutes," Lucas says, like he's at the end of a marathon. "Let's call this."
"Okay, Billy wins," Dustin says, like he'd rather have his fingernails pulled out than admit it. "You can stop now."
But Billy doesn't. He just keeps staring ahead like he didn't hear them.
"Uh… Billy?" Dustin calls, crawling closer to his face. "You in there, bud?"
"Oh my god, he's not gonna move," Max says. "He's doing it to piss us off."
Dustin shoves his hand in front of Billy's face, waving it back and forth. Billy doesn't blink. 
"This is so creepy," Lucas says, throwing himself down on the loveseat. "It's eighteen minutes, by the way."
"We have to make him stop," In the corner of his vision, Max throws her head back.
"Steve!" Dustin screams, "Steve, we need your assistance!"
Billy can hear Steve yelling back from the kitchen, "Oh, no way! You wound him up, you deal with it."
"El, can't you do something?" Max asks.
"We're going to die," Dustin says.
"Really?" Footsteps come from the kitchen, stopping by the couch behind Billy. Steve continues, "Demodogs are fine, but Billy's blank stare is where you call it quits?"
"I can't live like this, Steve!" Dustin's voice rises in pitch and volume.
"It's been twenty minutes," Lucas groans.
"Oh my god, you're so dramatic," Steve must be rolling his eyes into the sun behind Billy's back. He hears some shuffling, and then Steve is kneeling in front of him, directly in his line of sight. Steve has a fond smile on his face, and it's almost enough to make Billy's mouth twitch. "Hi. Sorry about this, I can't listen to them whine anymore."
Steve crawls slowly to him, until his knees are brushing Billy's legs. It's enough to make his breath hitch, and he knows Steve heard it, because his smile widens, pleased. Holding his face blank is taking all of Billy's concentration right now.
Steve's face is close, and it looms even closer, his bambi eyes half-lidded and sultry, the very image Billy's been dreaming about since he moved to Hawkins. He hears El gasp, and Max's murmured oh my god, and Billy balls his shaking hands into fists with the effort to not move. 
Steve's eyelashes flutter, so close to his. He can feel Steve's breath, warm on his face. His lips–
They touch Billy's, and he's gone, mouth spreading into a smile, and his hands come up to frame Steve's face so he can kiss him back once, twice, little smacks of kisses that Steve meets with a smile of his own. 
"You fucking cheater," Billy's kisses dissolve into laughter, and Billy tries to stifle it by catching Steve's mouth again, sucking on his lip, but it comes bubbling up his throat, dumb little giggles that infect Steve until he's laughing just as much.
They don't stop kissing, though, meeting halfway in between fits of laughter. Steve's already climbed onto Billy's lap, wrapped his arms around him, and they're willfully ignoring the kids' yelling.
"I had to put a stop to it before they started throwing things at you," Steve presses another kiss on Billy's smiling lips, pulling another giggle out of him.
"Thank you for saving me," Billy says against Steve's mouth, eyes closed, soaking up the warmth of Steve's body plastered to his front.
"I got your back," Steve says.
"Yeah," Billy breathes, takes in the smell of Steve. Billy's face is flushed pink from laughter. "I know."
Thank you for asking baby!!! I had fun with this one!
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apomaro-mellow · 18 days
S1E10: Bottle Episode
Lucas was the one in front of a whiteboard now, ruler in his hands as he paced back and forth in the Hopper’s living room. His friends all sat, attention on him.
“The day is nearly upon us. Our first day of high school is in just a week. And if we want any hope of surviving, we need to be prepared. I give you, Operation COOL”, he used the ruler to point to the words on the whiteboard.
“And what does ‘COOL’ stand for?”, Mike asked, arms crossed.
“See? That’s the first step! It doesn’t stand for anything. It just has to be cool. Acronyms are not cool”, Lucas said.
Dustin shook his head. “So many badass organizations would beg to differ.”
“It sounds like you want us to act like the guys who have been bullying us all our lives”, Will pointed out.
“I wanna give us a chance of surviving. I’m the only black kid for miles, Mike can’t shoot a ball, Dustin’s got that teeth thing, El’s sheltered, you’re a wimp, and Max is…Okay Max might be fine in high school.”
“Nice save”, Max said, though her glare didn’t soften.
“But the rest of us are gonna need a plan if we want any hope of getting through the next four years”, Lucas pressed.
“We could ask for advice”, El suggested. “Steve is the coolest person I know.”
Max scoffed. “That can’t be true. He’s your brother.”
El’s brow furrowed. “Brothers can’t be cool?”
“Erica thinks I’m a loser”, Lucas confirmed.
Mike raised his hand. “Nancy only talks to me when she needs to. Holly still likes me though.”
“And you know how I feel about Billy”, Max said. “Brothers are the least cool thing and you should never take their advice on anything.”
As if on cue, Steve came in through the front door, wearing a sandwich costume. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it. I’m quitting this job as soon as school starts”, he said as he crossed over into the kitchen. Then he popped his head back out. “Here’s a tip. Cool people don’t need to devise a whole plan to be cool.”
“Oh what does he know?”, Lucas said when Steve fully went into the kitchen.
“Yeah he looks a few buns short of a baker’s dozen”, Dustin snickered at his own joke just as Lucas used the ruler to point to rule 4 of cool: no dumb jokes or puns.
Robin took a deep shuddering breath. It was all she could do to keep from losing her head.
“We’re gonna be okay, right?”, Will asked.
“Ye-ah”, Robin said, her voice a little shaky. “We’re just stuck in an elevator at the mall. No big deal.”
Robin was never supposed to be in this position. This was supposed to be Steve’s, or Jonathan’s, or Nancy’s, or even Eddie’s gig. But she had tagged along with the mall excursion and at some point the group split and when it was time to gather back around, she had run into Will at the pretzel place and when they checked their watches they realized it was time to meet the others in the parking garage.
So on the elevator they went and it was then that it decided to stop on them, frozen in place. Both had already tried prying the door open to no avail. If Robin was with anyone else, she might’ve freaked out by now. But she was with a kid, so she had to keep a cool head.
“How long until you think they notice we’re not there?”, Will asked.
Robin shrugged. “Shouldn’t take ‘em too long. No way they leave without us, right?”
“Right”, Will agreed.
She sighed and sat down on the floor, her back to the wall. She didn’t want to think about it but Will’s question got her mind reeling. So she tried to change the subject.
“So, you guys are starting high school soon, right? That’s gotta be…exciting.” She inwardly winced, thinking how much she sounded like an out of touch aunt.
“I guess”, Will said, going to sit on the other side. “I’m not really looking forward to four more years of the same thing though.”
“Who said it’s gonna be the same thing? It’s high school, you can reinvent yourselves. You should’ve seen Eddie back in middle school.”
Will pulled his knees up to his chest. “Some things you can’t change about yourself. But I…”, he let out a breath. “When I get bullied the stuff they say aren’t…untrue.”
Robin frowned. “Why? What are they saying?” She had a feeling. A hunch really. But she’d never talked one on one with one of Steve’s sister’s friends about their middle school drama. She knew a thing or two about certain traits that couldn’t be changed though.
“I…forget it”, Will sighed. “Can we just sit here while we wait for a rescue? Or for this thing to kill us?”
“Hey, we’ve gotta stay positive, don’t we? ‘Killed by elevator’ would be a really undignified obituary.” When Will laughed at that, she felt emboldened. “Like, seriously. You might as well say ‘here lies Robin Buckley - died after getting hit with a clown car’.”
“Elevator is better than a clown car”, Will snickered. “But yeah, point made. What floor are we on anyway? Would it even actually kill us?”
“Ah, well now you’re getting into the eternal debate. What’s worse? Dying or having all your bones broken?”
“Do I get to choose my nursemaid?”, Will asked.
“Nope, no pretty nurses for you. It’s gonna be someone like, someone like Mike. Good luck with that.” Robin laughed, likening any care from Mike to being nursed by a flamingo.
But then Will didn’t laugh louder or snort or look annoyed at his friend’s expense. It was a quick moment, but Robin caught the hint of pink on Will’s cheeks. He turned his face away and there was a thick tension in the air all of a sudden. Robin thought of herself at that age. She often wondered how it would’ve been if she’d found anyone like herself that young.
“Hey um, so like, no one ever outright bullied me, because I’m a badass. But sometimes I’d get excluded from stuff”, she said.
“...Like what?”, Will ventured.
“The girls in my neighborhood would have their little dress up parties. And I thought they looked like princesses right out of a fairy tale. They’d want me to dress up with them. But I didn’t want to be a princess with them. I…I wanted to be Prince Charming.”
Will’s eyes got a little wide. “Oh.”
Robin laughed a little. “Yeah, oh. After a while, the other girls realized I didn’t wanna wear dresses or make up with them. No one ever said it to my face. And no one ever really found out, but it felt like some people knew, ya know?”
Will nodded. “I know. So you’re…?”
“Yeah”, Robin confirmed.
“Does anyone else know?”
“I hear them!”, Steve’s voice suddenly came from the other side of the elevator doors. “Robin!? Will?!”
“Will!”, Jonathan shouted.
“We’re here! We’re in here!”, Robin called back, suddenly on her feet.
“I think Steve’s getting an ax!”, Dustin yelled.
“I’m not-Where would I even get an ax? You guys hang tight, someone professional is on the way.”
“Roger that”, Robin smiled, relief filling her system.
Will looked relieved too, like the weight of the world had all of a sudden lifted from his shoulders. Maybe high school wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Part 11
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theblueflower05 · 2 years
Part Two. Eclipse
Summary: After a heated argument with Lo’ak, Y/N and Kiri embark on a life threatening adventure. Neteyam races against time to save them.
Word count: 6k+
Warning: Violence. A little blood & gore but just a lil bit. Descriptions of parental pressure that may be triggering.
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When my heart just burst like a glass balloon,
I let it fly too high and it shattered to soon.
I was the wrong damn girl in the wrong damn room.
I broke my glass balloon. I let go of my glass balloon
- Hermit the frog, Marina.
The forests of Pandora are never still.
They're always bustling with life, in constant movement. Dancing. Breathing. A fan lizard makes its way across the overgrown flora, slow and steady. Unassuming-
“You snooze you lose”
A loud screech followed by a chorus of giggles echos through the trees.
The poor fan lizard never had a chance, is knocked clear off its path as four pre-teens , a tornado of movement and sound, fly by. Swinging from branch to branch without a care in the world, the poor creature erupts into a spinning rainbow right before colliding with the moss covered floor.
No matter, nothing matters as the four of you make your escape from the village as you so often do.
Kiri hot on your tail, Lo’ak at the helm. Spider swinging from vine to vine, holding his own despite his much smaller frame. The vivid cobalt stripes that you’d painted on him days prior still stained his skin.
The trees lessen and then thin out as Hell’s Gate comes into view.
The fortress is big, and ugly. All concrete and overgrown plants. The last remnant of the sky peoples bases, it had definitely seen better days. Since it had been abandoned over a decade ago and left to the few trusted humans it had kind of gone to shit. Scientists are great at discovering, exploring. Maintenance? Not so much.
“Wanna play some ball?” Lo’ak asks as he makes a beeline for the basketball courts. You love humans strange games, they’re useless- but their fun. Just your cup of tea.
“No, I’m gonna go check on mom” Kiri’s already leagues forward, headed towards the entrance. Barely paying any attention to her brother.
“Awe come on- it’s not like she’s not gonna still be there later. Plus we know that Norm’s keeping her plenty company” Lo’ak and Spider giggle at his jab and Kiri throws a glare over her shoulder.
Your teeth dig into your tongue as you fight to keep the smile off of your face shrugging before heading in after her.
“Not you too Y/N. Man, you guys suck. Who’s gonna play with me?”
“I'm right here, cuz” Spider exclaimed, huffing up in exasperation.
Their height difference is laughable.
The Avatar designed basketball to big to fit in Spiders hands, the last time the four of you had played he’d taken it straight to the face, his nose so broken that it never really healed right. The entire court looked like a crime scene and Max had scolded all of you.
You had to remember Spider’s human body, and it’s limits, even if he didnt want you too.
The smaller human steals the culprit of a ball from Lo’ak’s grasp and begins to dribble circles around him and Lo’ak as always, defies any kind of predestined rules.
The labs are a familiar alien. All beeping neon buttons and sterile white surfaces. Monitors filled with images you don't quite understand, no matter how many times they’re explained to you. Since the first time Kiri had brought you here, you’d been perplexed. An obsessed fascination. You liked learning new things, you liked chatting with the friendly humans.
And you liked visiting Grace.
Kiri’s mom is in one of the back corners. Submerged, a bio-tank holding her. Cradling her something like a womb. She looks peaceful, you assure your friend. Whatever dreams she’s stuck in must be good ones.
“Hi mom” Kiri whispers, her five fingered hand pressing gently against the glass. You watch her, let her run through the process of her carefully cultivated routine. She likes to talk to Grace, fill her in on everything that’s happened since the last visit.
You think she’d have a better chance of making connection a connection at the tree of souls but you keep that fact to yourself.
“Hi Grace” You place the bracelet that you’d made for her on the tank. “Kiri ate shit at the watering hole the other day. You would’ve thought it was hilarious”
And you never knew Grace, never would, but who wouldn't think Kiri faceplanting during wash day wasn't funny? If you were stuck in slumber, you’d want people to tell you jokes.
The scientists are cool, and you make your rounds. Handing out the little bracelets you’d made them. You’d just about gotten human measurements down, but they still did hang a little awkwardly off of their gangly wrists.
No matter. Doctor Kelsey is a Zoologist who had been good friends with Kiri’s mom, and had taken the initiative to teach you how to read.
Sky people letters were simple in composition, but confusing in structure. That doesn't stop you from keeping your nose buried in the books she offers. You like the vividly colored picture books better than the black and white chapter ones but to each their own.
“Hi Y/N” Doctor Kelsey greets, laughing as you reach into the cloth knapsack that you’d toted along, giving her back ‘The Lorax’, in exchange for another old semi tattered book from her library.
“How’d you like this one?” She chats as she digs through her collection
“It was very sad. They had no trees, no animals” You explain, a deep frown maring your features as you recount and retell the story you’d read. “This is how your planet is, no?”
You remember Jake telling a story about Earth. A dying star.
“Pretty much, the book was definitely supposed to be an analogy for Global Warming and mass consumption issues. Good job for picking up on that Y/N, you really have been excelling. I’m gonna give you something a little harder. If you have any issues with it, Kiri will help until you can come visit again”
She hands you a thicker book and you sound out the golden rod letters of the title.
“Pet-her pahn?”
“Peter Pan” She corrects good naturedly “I think you’ll like this one, it's about a boy that never wants to grow up”
“Are you sure you don’t want to give this to Lo’ak instead?” You deadpan and Doctor Kelsey lets out a peel of laughter.
She reads the first couple chapters out loud to you and Kiri before having to return to her work. You both listen, ears twitching with interest. You pack the fragile book safely into your knapsack before you leave.
It’s nearing eclipse and you know you really should be getting home- instead you sit crossed legged on a step, your face twisted into a deep scowl.
You spend more time at Hell’s Gate than you should, your parents remind you of the fact often, but you love it here. You can make the trek home in your sleep.
Which is why you’re less worried about the waning sunlight. More concerned with the words that had just come out of Lo’ak’s mouth.
“You guys could never do it, and not even because you're girls. Ma’s a girl, lots of hunters are. You’re just wusses” He taunts, chest all puffed out.
He’d been like this, ego inflated to the nines since he’d come back from the mountains a few days ago, actually in flight this time. A wriggling yelping Ikran below him and air of self importance that he just couldn't seem to shake.
Scratch the fact that you and Kiri had just handed him his own ass at H.O.R.S.E.
“Didn't it take you like three times and a concussion to tame your ikran?” You sneer and Spider lets out a huff of a chuckle, coughing when Lo’ak side eyes him.
“It was only two-” He starts and Kiri shakes her head, cutting him off quick.
“It can't be hard if you were able to do it. I mean, think about the Tayrangi, in their clan even the children ride. It wouldn’t be that hard to go up to the mountains and claim one”
Somehow it ended up like this most days. Kiri and Lo’ak on opposing views. Bickering until your ears hurt. You and Spider innocent on lookers, casualties of war as you alternated whos allegiance to pledge. Well Spider did, even if Lo’ak was right on the money and Kiri was dead wrong you’d stand beside her.
“Yeah so? We aren't coast people. I bet you couldn't even make it up the mountain. You’d shit your pants before you even tried. What would you do Kiri? Try to hug your ikran into submission” His words are laced with condescending laughter.
You shouldn't take it so personally, Lo’ak can be a dick. He doesn't even mean to be most of the time.
But it hits a sensitive raw nerve in your chest, the same one that had been hammered endlessly for years. To be a hunter, you have to ride. To be a hunter, you have to train. To be a hunter, you have to want to be one, right? You can't run away from it at every turn…
“We’re gonna have to do it eventually” You grit out.
“Yeah, sure” he drawls out the ‘e’ “I think you should probably just stick to your beadworking. You know, things you’re actually good at”
In the blink of an eye Lo’ak is drenched in what remained of your banana fruit juice, you’d emptied the canteen right in his stupid face. He blinks in surprise, his mouth falling open, tail going ramrod straight
“You’re such a douchebag” You hiss. You don't completely know what that word means, but you’d heard the sky people throw it around a handful of times and knew that it was nothing good.
“You head straight for the forest without another word. Face hot and eyes stinging.
“Why would you say that?” Kiri glares at her younger brother who looks completely shocked, ears flat and mouth open.
“What? Tell her that she’s good at something? That’s the last time I try to be nice, shit. Grandmother just re-braided my hair” Lo’ak moans as he he rakes his hands down his face, over his chest and through his hair. He’s already sticky.
“Dont be so dense. That wasn't cool and you know it” She sighs, before following you.
“Girls are psychotic” Lo’ak laments, and Spider just shakes his head.
“Yeah, totally”
The forest has already started to glow, the path home bioluminescent which just makes your furious steps even faster. You didn't want to get in trouble with your parents too. They already weren’t going too be thrilled about you ditching babysitting duty to go hang out at the ‘cursed place’
“Wait up!”
You huff and clear the jump between branches in a clean swoop of a jump.
“Come on! Dont be mad at me I didn't do anything!” Kiri exclaimes jumping after you and nearly running into your back as you stop dead, waiting.
“I'm not mad, okay. I'm just-” You shake your head with a sigh. Not wanting to speak the words in your head. “Come on, we need to get home”
“Its okay to be mad at Lo’ak. My dad is, like, all the time” Kiri tries to soothe as the two of you continue your route.
“I can't be mad at someone who was only telling the truth”
“That wasn't the truth. That was him trying to pacify himself over the fact that he didn't get it first try like Neteyam”
Your stomach flutters when Kiri mentions her eldest brother, as it always does. You ignore it like you always do.
Pushing on further, faster, until the twinkling warm lights of the village come into view. They’ve already started preparing for the night and you need to start preparing for the earful you’re about to get.
Your heartbeat goes tense and anxiety creeps up your spine, your tail flicking in rapid jerky motions.
Kiri doesn't pry, she never needs to. She lets you huff and puff and stomp all the way back home, knowing that you’ll spill.
You lean against the bark of the trunk, your arms crossing over your chest as you look at your friend. She stands in front of you, expectant but not forceful. Already knowing whats bothering you, you’d vented about this particular issue so many times in the past.
“At least he got it, eventually. Didn't get himself killed like so many have before him- Kiri I don't know how I'm ever supposed to do that. My parents-” you choke on the word parents, have to swallow up the word vomit “My mom wants me to start really focusing on training and I just-”
“Don't want to?” Kiri offers.
“Completely suck at it. Everyone keeps telling me that it’s gonna get easier, it's in my blood, but I’m not a warrior. I don’t feel it, you know. I just want to read my new book, and make a necklace with those stones we found at the river. And gossip with the girls'' You sigh because why can't it be so easy?
“I think you’d be a great village gossip, we should ask my father if he can make that your official title”
You laugh in spite of yourself and your soured mood “It’s not funny. I'm never going to be what they want me to be. There's no way I’m ever going to be able to tame an ikran. He’s right”
“You don't really think that”
“No I really do. Im pretty sure I’d break my neck trying. I fall of direhorses all the time”
“You can also hit a moving target with your eyes closed. You don't have to be good at all things, all the time Y/N. It’s impossible” She reaches out to pat your shoulder.
“Try telling my mom that '' You sigh, and bring your hands to face, covering your eyes as you talk “I just don't want to disappoint everybody when I’m not able to do it. When I’m not able to complete my Inknamaya and become this great warrior they keep talking about. They’ll all come up to watch me get eaten by my own ikran”
“Would it be easier if they weren't watching?” Kiri offers solutions.
Probably so, but she knows how your family is. You remind her of the fact.
“What if we tried without them…if you didn't feel like you needed to perform, maybe you wouldn't be so in your head the whole time?” Kiri always has the worst plans. Seriously. But this one tops the cake.
You pull your hands from your face to glare at her incredulously. “You’re not serious”
“Why not? Tayrangi kids do it while they’re still in diapers, they don't have any training for it- they know what to do in their hearts. The great mother guides them through it”
“Kiri. Absolutely not”
“Think about it, cause I have. Even before tonight with my stupid brother. Tsaheylu is sacred, we know how to make it from the moment we’re birthed. It doesnt need to be browbeaten into us, we don't have to do it everyone else's way. My mother made the bond with a palulukan! And my father with Taruk? Who taught them how to do that?”
You shake your head because she’s far too good at convincing herself that her asinine ideas aren't exactly that.
You’ve seen the way the forest interacts with her, you know how special she is…but this would certainly get you both killed. Thirteen is young to make the bond with an Ikran anyway. Even the highly skilled, trained and ready warriors have trouble with it.
You're shaking your head, arms back tightly crossed over your chest, about to go full older sister mode when there's a rustling in the nearest tree.
Two sets of ears twitch, focused on what's coming-
“Lo’ak? Kiri?- There you are!”
Neteyam swings in from above, lands gracefully on his feet in front of you.
His amber orbs scan quickly over you both, apprising and slightly annoyed and your stomach does its tell tale flutter. Having him so close, tall and looming never does good things to your weak, wanting heart.
“You do realize that you were supposed to be home hours ago- it's almost eclipse. Mom and dad are pissed, he would have come out himself if Norm hadn’t radioed in that you all we’re using Hell’s Gate as a playground again”
Neteyam sounds every bit his role. Future clan leader, semi disgruntled older brother.
“It's not even eclipse yet, there's still light” Kiri is reaching, it's all but dark out. “Right Y/N?”
“Right? We definitely had a quarter hour left at least, if anything we’re right on time” You nod, catching her line of bullshit and rolling with it.
Neteyam pinches the bridge of his nose. “Your parents are upset too Y/N. I wouldn't use that line with them if I was you”
The anxious flick of your tail comes back full force “Like really upset? Or just- a little bit?”
His deadpan face tells it all. “Where is Lo’ak?
Another shuffle in the trees, leaves and smaller branches swaying. Lo’ak appears, obviously behind. He doesn't land nearly as gracefully as Neteyam.
“I’m right here bro, chill out” Lo’ak’s eyes meet yours briefly and you huff, still upset clearly.
Your nose is high in the air as you turn away. If you had to get scolded, you’d do it with some kind of dignity- and he could fuck right off.
“What is all over you?” Neteyam questions his brother from behind you, plucking at his one of his younger brothers sticky braids.
Its an accumulation of things, your mother tells you. She doesn't scream, but the tongue lashing is no less intense. No, if anything it's worse. You can't look her in the face.
Its an accumulation of things, she tells you. It’s your disregard of your duties, who would have watched your little sisters had an Aunt not volunteered to do what you should’ve. You are to watch over them while she’s partoling and you know that.
It’s your training, or lack thereof. You can't get better if you don't put in the effort. If you don't focus.
“It’s this streak of immaturity , Y/N. You are not a childling anymore. By the time I was your age I was helping feed our community, I had found myself within the people. I want that for you- and you disappoint me at every chance”
Your ears are plastered to the side of your head the entire time, your tail wrapped around your calf. You take it wordlessly, blinking furiously at the tears because you can. Not. Cry.
“Are we done?” You croak and your mother looks like she might cry herself. Instead she nods and you sprint as quickly as you can away. Only when she can't see your face do you let the tears roll fast and hot.
It's later in the night, laying with your family on your cot. Staring at the star filled sky that you recount your mothers words.
Disappoint me.
You disappoint me.
Somewhere, somehow, Kiri’s get mixed in.
What if we tried without them?
To tame an Ikran, you have to go where the Ikrans are.
This was known by all. You’d heard stories of how tedious the journey was, but as you make it yourself, you realize that all before you had minimized its nature.
You and Kiri had taken direhorses out in the early morning under the guise of foraging for berries that you had spotted a week before when visiting the lab. They hadn't been ready to pick then, somehow your Grandfather buys it. Sends you out with a kiss on the forehead.
You're glad your mother is out hunting, she wouldn't have been such an easy sell.
It was early, when you’d left. The sun just rising. Now it is high in the sky, shining brightly as the two of you ride as far down the path as you can go on horseback. The path is narrow and carved into the face of a steep cliff. Rocks crumble away, you soothe the gentle beast beneath you.
Kiri seems to be doing the same for you. Turning back to look at you every few minutes.
“How do you know where we’re going?” You’d questioned her when she’d offered to lead the way.
“I just know. Eywa will show us”
To anyone else that might have not been enough. You follow her eagerly.
The direhorses can only take you so far- before its time to climb.
And climb you do.
The two of you scale the floating mountains none too fast. Its treacherous unstable ground, the wind shifting the terrain with every breeze and you never quite feel like you have your sure footing.
You’d grown up in hometree. They say it isn't as large as the one that your parents grew up in, that the sky people destroyed, but it still towers high. You’d ridden on the back of your mothers ikran, you'd climbed to the top of lovers Peak to watch the great colors in the sky.
You were no stranger to heights, but as Kiri jumps, and latches on to a weak looking vine in mid air you hesitate. You stop for a moment, and look below you.
All you can see are clouds, misty and white. So high up that you can't even see the ground.
“Come on, Y/N!” she calls for you and you gulp. Breath through your nose and take the leap.
The journey is laborious, and feels like it lasts forever. By the time the two of you make it to the entrance of the mouth of the cave you are both covered in sweat, panting profusely. Your arm muscles scream at the intense treatment. You reach a hand out, sweeping through one of the waterfalls that seem to fall into nothing.
Rub the cool liquid on the back of your neck.
It was hell to get to, but the mountain of the Ikran is beautiful.
They fly in the hundreds here, screeching and circling each other in the sky, sweeping from mountain to mountain. Their breeding grounds lush with waterfalls and fungi.
Looking down, down through the gaps of clouds you can see the forest below. It looks so small and and far away. Your stomach lurches, you feel like you’re flying already.
“We made it. I can't believe we made it. Thank you great mother” Kiri whispers, her hands clutching her chest.
“Don't thank her quite yet, we still haven't gotten through the hard part” You remind her- because its there. Looming just out of sight.
There is only a moment to catch your bearings, before you settle in on what you came for.
“We can still go back” Kiri offers. She has to. You don't have to do this.
You shake your head. “No, we can't. We came all this way and I’m never climbing this mountain again”
It’s through one of the waterfalls, the sound of rushing water filling your ever twitching ears as you pay close attention to your footing on the narrow, slippery ledge. It’s white noise, the first peace you’d had since the start of your climb.
“How will we know if an Ikran chooses us?” one of your peers had asked during training and Jake had smiled. All to canine.
“It’ll try to kill you”
You fist the bolo rope you’d brough until the leather digs deep into your palm as they come into view. All of them, dozens. Ikrans of all colors and sizes are seated at what looks like a basking site. They slowly become aware of the outside intrusion, and then its eyes. So many of them. All focused on you and Kiri.
“How are we gonna do this?” You whisper to her, heart pounding in your throat. Adrenaline rushing protectively through your veins.
“I’m not sure yet” She replies very unhelpfully.. Of course It goes the way all things go with Kiri.
She doesn't seem as scared as you are, she steps lightly around the winged creatures, whispering all the while. You’re glued to your spot, still not far from where you’d entered. You’d seen your friend do a number of weird things, unexplainable things. But this…was something else. She approaches an Ikran. And it doesn't try to kill her.
No, the mostly chartreuse creature cocks its head at her. Skittish and unsure. You’re too far away to hear what she's saying but Kiri keeps whispering. Talk to it, as one does a child. A smile on her face, her arm outstretched and welcoming.
“Kiri don’t!”
You’re trying to figure out how exactly you’re going to explain a missing arm to her family when she takes a hold of her que, and simple as anything, connect it to her ikrans.
The gasp you let out leaves your throat sore.
You’re confused. Cant believe your eyes. You’re still in disbelief when she takes flight, the green and silver of the wings sparking in the high alkaline sunshine. Kiri soars through the air- making a wide turn, and coming back to where you’re still rooted.
“How did you do that?!” Your voice breaks and your eyes are wide as saucers.
“I asked her if she wanted to be my friend!” Kiri hollers back. Completely serious. “You can do it Y/N! You’ve gotta, this is amazing! She yells “You’ve got this!”
And you want it, so badly.
You want to be in the air with her, you don't want to go back to the village riding her coat tails and reeking of defeat. You have to do this, you square your shoulders,
“I’ve got this!” You reply, even though you keep thinking about Lo’ak’s unconscious body on the back of Neytiri’s ikran the first time he’d tried this. He’d been knocked unconscious, head bloody and his mom had had to carry him home.
It is glaringly apparent as you take the steps that your friend had just made, that this is not going to go the same way for you.
Where the banshee’s seemed to be at peace with her being here on their territory they reacted completely differently as you approach. Wailing loudly, scattering. Hostile and ready to strike.
They didn't want to be your friend.
Everytime you get close, they take off, jumping ship. Taking to the skies.
Until one doesn't.
Perched on a rock, the creature looks at you with a sharp turquoise eye. Only one, the other is scared, disfigured from past battle. She’s huge and dark purple. So dark she looks shiny with it, the orange, green and magenta splotches on her skin give the appearance of an oil slick.
She’s nothing like the pretty, feminine ikrans you’d so admired growing up. She’s fierce and terrifying and for a moment you think that there's no way she’s choosing you.
“Oh shit” you hear Kiri, distantly.
The ikran opens her massive jaws and lets out a roar that shakes you to your core.
“It’ll try to kill you” Jake had answered the question. Training young hunters to the best of his ability “And you’ve gotta call their bluff”
You muster a fierce hiss, even though you feel anything but, and then its on.
Lightening quick, chaos ensues. A tangle of limbs and wings. You can't wrap your mind around what's happening, there’s no room for any other thoughts then make tsaheylu. You have to follow your body, trust it. But it's so hard when something three times your size is struggling against you, trying to take any chance it has to kill you.
“Make the bond!”
You get the bolo wrapped around its gnashing jaws and chalk it up to pure luck. In the next moment one of it’s wings expands violently, throwing you back. Luckily not straight over the edge, but against the rough rocky wall opposite.
Your head connects with a sickening thud.
Your world goes dark, the pain on the right side of your face excruciating and your ears ringing from the impact. Or is that Kiri screaming? You force yourself to collect your bearings, forcing up onto your knees. You can taste metallic in your mouth and your head feels too heavy for your neck to hold.
A flash of purple brings your eyes back to focus.
The ikran is going to take flight, her wings outstretched. She’s going to leave and you’re never going to have another chance. You’re going to have to ride back home bloody and defeated. A loser who never should’ve tried. You’re going to disappoint your family, again. You won't be able to bring this glory to them-
You didnt come this far to go back empty handed. You weren't going to get in trouble for nothing.
The ikran takes off disappearing over the edge.
And you jump off the cliff behind her.
Jake is making his rounds, there’s so many of them now a days. He checks in with Mo’at, runs perimeter. Takes account of his people, and wonders if the imposter syndrome will ever fade. Tuk is still just young enough that she sticks to his side like glue.
“Daddy, look at this!” “Daddy, what’s that!”
A part of him wishes all of his children were still 5 years old. Still thought he hung the stars just for them. Instead he barely knew where they were anymore. Teenagers are still teeangers no matter what planet they’re on.
He does mental intake- Neteyam would no doubt be leading training. Kiri off somewhere with Y/N, and Lo’ak was hunting with Neytiri so for once Jake didn't need to worry about him.
Everything was fine. Everything was great…so why did he have this gnawing feeling in his gut that it wasn't?
It’s okay, this is why he’d given his family coms, so that he could check in whenever he wanted to.
He touches base with Neytiri first, her and Lo’ak are fine and he better not mess up her shot again.
Then Neteyam, he’ll be on stand-bye if needed.
“Kiri, I need your six. Over” He’s met with dead silence. He tries again, and again only for the same result. And that’s not normal. Kiri, at this age, will usually reply with some sarcastic smart ass quip. Captain dad, she calls him.
She’s never gone radio silent. And Jake’s gut has never lead him astray. Something’s wrong.
Tuk is pulling on his hand, taking his ear off but he’s sinking into a place he knows all too well- he can't panic. His brains not hardwired for that, too many battlefields, too much experience.
“Neteyam? When was the last time you saw Kiri, over?”
The first place he looks for his daughter is with Y/N, the two are practically conjoined at this point. You aren't to be found at your hut, but your grandfather tells him that the two of you had gone gathering. Bubble berries, its their season but the timing doesn't match- if his daughter had left this morning, she’d be back by now.
Jake’s in full military mode, furiously barking out orders.
A search party needed to be dispersed. Now. He’s gathering his men when Vitany, your mother touches ground. She’s confused, and then she’s fearful. He can see his own emotions mirrored in her eyes. She’s a great warrior, one of his best. She’d fought beside him for the last decade. No fear, heart of a lion. That all tends to go out of the window the moment your child is involved.
“Ma’ Jake!”
As Neytiri and Lo’ak land, having raced home from hunting at the news- his wife looks much the same. Terrified, confused. Shooting off question after question, where can they be? Where do they start?.
He’s about to take flight- to follow the search party.
“Dad!” Its Neteyam, and along with him he’s toting Spider. A gentle but firm grip on the younger, smaller boy's shoulder.
“What’s going on? What is it?”
“You need to tell them what you told me” his eldest son urges the human boy “Right now”
Jake’s always felt for Spider. A kid misplaced forever on a planet not his own. With people who could never and would never see him as anything but an alien.
All eyes are on him.
“It was uh, it was like a week ago. When they came to visit Hell’s Gate. We all got into it about ikran riding and how Kiri and Y/N weren't cut out for it. Kiri said that she could do it a different way like the Tayrangi Clan did, and Y/N just got really pissed at Lo’ak and left-”
“Is this true?” Neytiri looks to Lo’ak who hangs his head. But nods in agreement.
“What are you saying?” Jake presses, because he needs a solid answer.
“I think that they might have gone into the mountains. To try and tame ikrans” Spider finishes and Neteyam lets go of his shoulder, his hand slightly shaking.
“No” Vitany gasps horrified. Her daughter isn't trained enough. What the human boy just spoke of is certain death, she's on the back of her own ikran within seconds, taking off as fast as she can.
Racing towards the breeding grounds. Neytiri is hot on her trail.
“Neteyam, I need you with me, let's go!” Jake calls for Bob, high pitched bird sounds, and the beast lands at his feet, ever loyal. Looking at him, Jake remembers just what it took to tame him-
“Not you” He bellows, already mid flight. Catches his youngest son gripping his reins. Lo’ak protests, his eyes watery as the weight of his actions weigh down heavily on him.
“Dad, please”
“You’ve done enough”
Neteyam spends most his life in flight, since he had passed his rite of taming Atanzaw(lightning) years ago, he never wanted to touch ground.
He felt most himself in the sky. Free, lost to the vastness of the wind. He’d take any hunting, scouting or perimeter control shifts he could get his hands on, as long as he could fly.
It's an unusual feeling, being on ikrab back and having his stomach tied into knots. Being so worried that he can barely breathe.
He has to keep his mind clear to keep Atanzaw flying straight, piercing through the clouds like a bullet. He can't imagine his sister mauled to death or her best friend thrown to her death. It is too much.
He let his guard down, he knew he needed to help keep a closer eye on his siblings when his mother was hunting and he let his fucking guard down.
Kiri and Y/N we’re always running off, but never far. He could always track one’s movement by the other’s. Keeping an eye on Y/N had become a part of his routine, and he’d slacked.
Y/N hadn’t shown up for training and he should’ve known something was wrong- but she’d been off all week. Upset at something that was none of his business to uncover. Overworking herself, walking away from friends that she’d usually spend her time chattering with.
He’s better than this. He’s going to be Olo’ekteyan someday, how is he supposed to keep the people safe if he can't even keep his sister safe? He’s wallowing in could’ve, would’ve should’ve’s when he hears a scream.
Neteyam banks against the wind, using all his strength to pull himself and Atanzaw in the other direction. Towards the screams, towards where his sister and her friend we’re undoubtedly in imminent danger.
He doesn't get shocked much, and when he does, he’s always able to hide it. Able to handle it enough that no one even noticed.
His mouth hangs open and his ears point straight at the sight that greets him.
No longer is the sky filled with screams, but with girlish giggles. Yelps and ikran caterwauls.
Kiri and Y/N do barrel rolls around each other, in hysterics as they play in the clouds. Both of them sat atop their respective ikran- not dead. Not dying. But frolicking, like schoolgirls. Like they didn't just give the village a collective fucking stroke.
Neteyam is angry, furious even. But more so, he’s impressed. That combined with the shock is a potent mix in his system and he can help but let out an incredulous laugh. Somehow the two of you were not only alive, but flying, bareback. Had climbed the Hallelujah mountains alone, and tamed ikran.
You were both in so much fucking trouble.
A|N: Okay I know the story is lacking Neteyam right now, buttttt I just needed to get through with the set up. All of the rest of the chapters will be very Neteyam x Reader heavy.
Also- I read an article that said this is how Kiri bonded with her Ikran in the comics? And thought it was rad. I had to roll with it.
Please comment and tell me what you think! And what you wanna see in future parts! More interaction will always mean quicker updates.
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351 notes · View notes
onskepa · 9 months
REMINDER TO EVERYBODY: This au is one where Spider is a girl and the Sully's kids are boys.
Here we go for the sequel i been waiting on...
I was thinking,
Spider getting courted by this male na'vi (I really headcanon he's pansexual in canon, so i think in this au he's is too)
And like, she's on with this for a while, because why not?
She's 16 she would love to have a boyfriend and shit like that, every girl her age does it.
She and this guy, flirt, go on strange walks togheter, hunt and do things like this with eachother..
But the Sully's boys, do NOT like this, they all jealous (not in a sexual or romantic way, but in a platonic way, like older brothers are protective of their younger sisters)
And they start this series of "condolences" where Spider is needed to them.
Neteyam: Spider i really need your help with my ikran, she can only calm down with your help i swear.
Lo'ak: dude, i need your help with cleaning my family's knives, i really cant do it without your help
Kiri: monkey girl, can you please help me search from this herbs? my grandmother really needs them!
Tuk: can we pretty please play with me?
Spider in a way of another always accepts, until her date gets angry at her for dropping out on their dates every last minute (especially after he organised a big day for them to spent togheter, and she dropped it because she was asked by one of the boys)
She goes cry to her brothers about it, and meanwhile they console her, Lo'ak let himself escape a "We knew he wasn't good for you anyway sis"
And she gets really mad, and starts yelling at them about how is all their fault and that she can't belive they did something like that to her.
(Idk how to go forward to this point honestly, i hope in you love xx)
Hellooooooo darling~!!
So I can see so many things with this idea! Hope you and everyone enjoy this one~!!
P.S: Spider = Arachnid, Kiri = Kamun , Tuk = Tik
Arachnid: Lose strings
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Some time has passed since the incident with Tony, and while he has never done anything like that ever again, Arachnid knows better than to be alone in the lab other than her own personal room. 
However, it hasn't stopped the deep worry the poor girl has. Thinking that every other male aside from the sully brothers, wants something from her. Should arachnid need something or ask, it is mostly the women she goes to. Rarely she would ask norm or max. 
But that doesn't stop her from having fun with the sully brothers. They are her best friends and closest to a family she has.  Arachnid is happy despite some bumps on the road. And it is fine. 
Until one na’vi male took interest in her.
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Srefey, a young male na’vi who had finished his iknimaya not long ago. Bright, talented, always eager to help those in need. But he is also someone who longs for something. While young and still discovering new things, he desires something that his loving parents have. 
A strong bond with a significant other. 
Someone who he can call many loving names, do things together, and build a small paradise just between the two. Srefey’s parents are in no rush to find someone for him, or he is looking for someone. There is a time and a place, as they always say. Yet Srefey can't help but search. To yearn for someone as they yearn for him. 
Of course he should be patient
But at the same time, he should explore his options and see what else he considered yet. 
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“Hey don't act so spoiled now temtem” Arachnid giggles as temtem, neteyam’s ikran, nuzzles against her. 
“Alright, just one more” She says, tossing a big piece of meat into the ikrans mouth, temtem accepts it happily. 
“I swear he should be your ikran instead. Never listen to me” Neteyam says as he shakes his head. Both gently pet temtem as he purrs in his own way. Loving the attention he is getting. 
“Maybe the way you approach him is wrong,” Arachnid suggested. Neteyam sighs, “I have tried your tips, copied how you speak and touched him. Yet nothing works, it is like he just prefers you over me. And I am the rider” Neteyam says. Tetem grunts as if to agree with him. 
“Awe~ Is that it temtem? You like me? Yeah? You like me better than old grumpy neyney?” Arachnid baby talks temtem as she scratches under his chin, having him pant happily like a dog. 
“I'm not grumpy” Neteyam frowns as he crosses his arms. 
“Whatever, I will watch over him while you get your stuff” Arachnid suggests. Agreeing to that, neteyam leaves. 
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Srefey and a small group of other young na’vi go to attend their ikrans. Seeing his beloved ikran, roar out in how he missed srefey. 
“My dear friend, I have missed you too” Srefey comforts his ikran. 
The voice of a young one was heard past him. Turning, he recognizes young Tik sully, following behind were his two older brothers, kamun and lo’ak. All three walked towards the sky na’vi, arachnid. He sees how the brothers interact with the girl. All hugging and talking with the young girl like a close friend, family from what he can see. 
Srefey was aware of arachnid and how she does her best to contribute to the clan. Many acknowledge and some pretend she doesn't exist. He wasn't in between but this is a first where he truly saw her. 
While attending to his ikran, srefey couldn't help but observe the sky na’vi. Arachnid tends to neteyam’s ikran well, and the ikran responds to her petting, kind words, and anything she does. Speaking in fluent, perfect na’vi as she speaks to anyone. The girl's voice was soft and kind, from what he could hear at the distance. 
The more he sees, the more curious he becomes about arachnid. 
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“Tsahik, some of the warriors require your help, they can't make it all the way over here” a na’vi told mo’at. Quickly she gathers her things and turns to arachnid. “You stay and continue with the paste, help anyone who comes. I will return”, with an affirmed nod from arachnid, mo’at leaves. 
Arachnid begins to hum a lovely tune as she continues to make healing paste among other medicines. It is moments like that, being alone can clear her mind. At peace and at her own pace. 
At least for 5 minutes before the flaps of the healing tent opened. 
“Tsahik, I-oh, I'm sorry, is the tsahik not here…?” A young na’vi entered, gripping his shoulder. Arachnid turned to him, shaking her head. 
“No, she left not too long ago to help with some of the warriors. However, tsahik has taught me her ways, I can help you” Arachnid offered. 
A smile reached up to the young na’vi’s lips, sitting down at the woven mat, he showed his wound to the sky na’vi. There was a deep slash, blood still escaping from the wound. Quickly, arachnid got to work. While she didnt speak, concentrated to get the materials and stop the bleeding, the boy observed her, seeing how quick and swiftly she began to do her thing, very much like a healer of advanced level. 
Grabbing a wet rag, slowly arachnid taps it gently on the wound, cleaning the blooded area. 
“Did a hunt go wrong?” She asked, as means to distract him a bit from the stinging pain. The boy huffed a bit. “You could say that, a herb of strumbeast came out of nowhere. We had little time to get out of their way. I got hurt by hitting against a rock, but others obtained more serious injuries”, he explained. 
“That explains Mo'at having to leave” arachnid replied. 
They made a few glances at each other, giving small talk. 
“There, all better,” Arachnid says as she finishes bandaging his wound. Doing a bit of shoulder movement, the boy was surprised how bit of pain he felt and how freely he can move his arm. The sky na’vi is very good. 
“Thank you” the boy says, grinning in gratitude. Arachnid nods. 
“I never catched your name,” the boy says. 
“My name is Arachnid,” the girl replies with a warm smile. This made the boy smile bigger in return. 
“Pleasure to meet you arachnid, my name is srefey”.
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After their first meeting, do they cross paths more often. Notice each other but arachnid still keeps her distance. Her trust in males still warry. Of course the sully’s were not that oblivious to the quick glances but didn't interfere much. For now. 
“Arachnid, look I found these large flower orange petals. Should we make a new top for you? It will bring out your stripes more” Kamun said to arachnid one day. Arachnid inspected the material, it was soft and very beautiful, she nodded. 
“But this time, maybe I should cover myself a bit more…” arachnid mutters. Kamun hears this and sighs, “are they still bothering you?” he asked while growling a bit. “If they are, just say the word and we will take care of them”. 
Arachnid was quick to shake her hands and head denying it, “no no! They stopped after whatever you did with tony”. This brought Kamun a sense of peace as his shoulders relax. “Then you shouldn't worry, don't let the past incident cloud you. Never be ashamed of your body” Kamun encourages. 
Agreeing, arachnid and kiri begin to work. 
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The following day, Arachnid wears her new clothing with love and pride. Kamun was right, orange does bring out her stripes better. Which made her feel more confident and happy. And a special na’vi noticed her happy improvement. 
“Need some help?” Srefey asked arachnid one bright morning. Arachnid collected some special leaves but holding a basket, while holding a vine and at the same time picked at the leaves it a bit of a challenge. But arachnid was still warry. 
“I can manage,” Arachnid replied, a bit stubbornly. This made Srefey chuckled, “are you sure? I can see you trying to balance yourself and the basket. It can be done quicker if you let me assist” he offered. 
Arachnid was alone and the sully brothers will doing some training, promised to help her later, but she needed the leaves now. Sighing a bit in defeat, Arachnid allowed srefey in assisting her. “Fine, but I hold the basket, you can just drop the leaves in there,” Arachnid said. This was fine with srefey. 
Switching sides, arachnid stayed on the ground as srefey climbed on the vine and started to collect the leaves and drop them on the basket. “What do you need these leaves for?” Srefey asked out of curiosity. Arachnid was a bit hesitant to answer, “why do you want to know?” Arachnid asks back. 
Srefey chuckles a bit, “can I know?”, arachnid shrugs and doesn't say much. After a few minutes, the basket was full so srefey got down. “Would you like me to carry it?” He offers. Arachnid quickly and gently takes the basket closer to her body, “thanks but you did enough. I can carry it, it's not heavy”. Really, it wasn't. Srefey took notice of how arachnid’s behavior is. A bit distant and not making much eye contact. 
“You know, you dont have to be so tense around me. I won't hurt you, you seem like a nice person to be around” Srefey compliments. Arachnid had her eyes wide a bit, surprised by his choice of words. Perhaps she was being a bit cold to him. 
“S-sorry, it's not that I think you would hurt me, I am just…still tense from an incident” Arachnid confesses. This caught srefey’s attention. Now his eyes fully on her, he couldn't help but know, “incident? Has someone hurt you?”. 
“Not physically, since I wear na’vi clothing majority of the time. Human males had looked at me with….uncomfortable glances. Someone tried to take me somewhere more private but, lucky kamun and tik arrived on time. Send me off to tsahik, I dont know what they did but after that, many males didnt try to touch me again. However, it still doesnt shake off their stares at me. So sorry if I am being like this to you, it's not easy to just shake it off. Being alone with a man still irks me” Arachnid explains. 
Now fully understanding her situation, srefey thinks of another route. Stupid humans are still doing stupid things it seems. 
“Well, how about I show you?” Srefey asks, this made arachnid raise an eyebrow. 
“Show me?” 
“Yes, let me prove to you that I mean now harm. I won't lie arachnid, you have captured my interest, and before you assume anything. I merely wish to get to know you. Be friends even. And if you think it won't work out, or if you are uncomfortable, just tell me. I won't force you, have you be in control”. 
Arachnid let his offer linger in her mind. Her finger tapping on her chin as she hums in thought. It wouldn't hurt right? She cant always be living in fear. 
“Alright, I don't mind being friends with you” Arachnid gives her answer, this made srefey smile in excitement.  
“Great, I know you are busy but how about tomorrow? We can go and…”
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3 months of lovely friendship grew between arachnid and srefey. 3 months of getting to know each other, likes, dislikes, secrets and discovering new things together. 3 months of platonic relationship, until it grew into something more….intimate. 
“What…?” Arachnid asks, in disbelief of what she is hearing and seeing in front of her. 
On a bright sunny day, after playing in a clear river and eating good fruit. Srefey thought it would be a perfect moment for what he longed to speak. 
“Allow me to court you” Srefey said patiently, his smile warm and hopeful. 
Arachnid was truly at a loss for words. Someone, someone with zero bad intentions, someone who sees her more than a human, someone who desires her in a romantic way. The whole thing sounded impossible to believe. 
“B-but im human…” Arachnid says, almost in a mere whisper. 
Srefey lets a chuckle escape him as he slowly gets closer to her. 
“And? That doesn't stop me from wanting to court you. You are na’vi in all forms. Even if you don't have a kuru, or share our blue skin, I could care less. You are you arachnid, and that is what I enjoy” Srefey confesses. 
Oh if only srefey knew what those words make arachnid feel. 
“I…*Sighs* srefey, what if I don't see or feel the same way as you?” Arachnid asks, rubbing her arms as means for comfort and reassurance. If anything, it only made srefey get closer to her, his hands ghosting over hers. 
“Allow me to change your mind. And if..in the end it doesn't work, we can still be friends. You are too incredible for me to lose. Please..?” 
After long seconds of silence, Arachnid gives her answer. 
“Ok, let's see where this goes”. 
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“YOU ARE BEING WHAT?!” the four sully brothers screamed/asked in complete and utter shock. Unable to process what they were told. And as they all have a moment of brain exe. Not working moment, Arachnid calmly drinks her tea. 
“Srefey is courting me” Simple. Easy. 
If only it really was that simple and easy. 
“B-but…..h-how-justWHAT?!” Lo’ak was freaking out, grabbing his hair as he paced back and forth. Tik was just as speechless as neteyam while Kamun narrowed his eyes. 
“You? C-courted?! Srefey?!” 
Arachnid rolled her eyes, “oh calm down, it's not that big of a deal” 
“IT IS A BIG DEAL!!” Tik shouted, snapping out of his own shock. Grabbing arachnid by the arm, he starts to shake her. “Tik stop!! My tea!!” Arachnid shouted as big drops of her tea were spilling from the constant shaking. Which tik didn't care for. 
“Knock it off, seriously. Great, now I have to make more” Arachnid whined a bit, gently pushing tik away as she prepares to make more tea. 
“Did he bribed you? Manipulated you? Just say the word and we will take care of it” Neteyam urges. Arachnid was starting to feel a bit annoyed by how persistent they are. 
“He didn't do anything. Srefey asked me, and I accepted. I made the choice for him to court me. No one is forcing anything. Simple as that. Meaning, you four will also have to accept it” 
This new turn of events wasn't something the four brothers liked. Arachnid is someone dear to them, a sister in all but blood. While arachnid can do many things, she is still limited and vulnerable. To protect her has become the brothers new purpose. Making sure Arachnid is safe and out of harm's way. 
And srefey, well, he has become a new threat to them.
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“Here, I made these for your hair. I thought…it would look nice” Srefey tells Arachnid, on his hands are well carved beads all of them in beautiful colors. Arachnid gasped in awe. Gently grabbing one bead at a time, carefully inspecting them, the manner of the carving shows the complexity of the patterns, no two beads were the same. 
“Srefey…you didn't have to do this” Arachnid whispered as she blushed a bit. It is very rare that she is given something. Srefey feels happy and satisfied that Arachnid loves his gift. 
“I insist, besides. This is my first courting gift to you. And there will be many to come” Srefey grins. Arachnid blinked a few times, the first of many? Just how many gifts will it take? While arachnid does know the basics of courting in na’vi, each courting is still unique to their own. 
“Very well, but please. I don't need anything big for you to show me what you are capable of. Just…treating me right is enough for me” Arachnid tells srefey. Her smile bright and warm, of the many things Srefey has come to cherish with all his heart. 
“As you desire ma’Yawntu” 
Srefey will be the death of her if he continues with those names. 
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Arachnid wore her new beads with great joy. She styled her hair almost the same, but this time she tied the front part and pulled back to expose more of her face. Decorating her hair with the beads made her feel more part of the clan. Oh how she loves the new beads. Srefey knew how to pick as they were of fine quality. Makes her appreciate his efforts. 
However, while the change was great, not everyone was liking it. Thus, the sully brothers often sulking and began to hate srefey. The more time arachnid spends with that young na’vi, the less time she spends with them. Which often ends the day with a sour mood. Kamun and tik are so used to having arachnid around, it is so strange not to have that anymore. Lo’ak misses pulling pranks and cracking dumb jokes with arachnid, and neteyam misses arachnid as he feels like a baby brother when she is around. 
And who is srefey to think he is worthy of their dear sister? After all that she went through, who is to say it won't happen again? They dont trust that goody goody srefey. Nothing ever good comes out of those who want arachnid. 
Until, one day, after seeing arachnid wear a matching necklace of srefey’s, did the brothers last standing tolerance break. 
“Boys…I have an idea” 
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Srefey is a young warrior and a hunter, and would often go join a hunting party to gather enough meat for everyone in the village. That means there is a planned time and place of where to go. A schedule if you will. Meaning there is plenty of time to plan what to do by the time that srefey gets back. 
“Alright, everyone understood the plan?” Neteyam asks his younger brothers who all nodded enthusiastically. Neteyam grins in satisfaction. Good, if they all follow the plan, then nothing should fail. They know arachnid in and out. 
Lo’ak and neteyam left to join the same hunting party as srefey while kamun and tik do their part. By taking arachnid to a different area, a bit farther from the village. 
“You two, when I said I had time I didnt think you would take me all the way over here” Arachnid said as they settled in a nice area with a lake nearby for a swim. The view was lovely, there is no denying that, but to get there took a good amount of time. She didn't want to arrive back late and miss srefey returning. It didn't help that Kamun or tik did not think to bring their ikrans for faster travel. 
“Come on, we miss hanging out with you. It isn't the same with you being with that srevie guy” Tik complained. “Srefey” Arachnid corrected, tik could care less. That no good na’vi was taking time and attention from their sweet sister. 
“Whatever, come on! We can make some pretty cool slingshots or make more flower crowns, OH! We can plays hunter on hunter!” Tik suggested so many activities. And all sounded so much fun, unable to deny tik’s cute face, Arachnid chose what game and the three began to play. 
Until Arachnid lost track as she noticed the sun was beginning to set. Panic flowed into her. 
“Oh my Eywa, we have to get back!!” She was in a hurry, no doubt srefey already made it back and hoped to see her. But arachnid was so caught up in the games, she failed to realize how much time has passed. 
Kamun and tik on the other hand were in no rush to return home. As that is part of their plan. Placing an arm around arachnid’s shoulder, Kamun took his time walking, making arachnid having to follow his slow pace. 
“Relax arachnid, we will make it back. There will still be plenty of food by the time we get there” Kamun says in an odd relaxed tone. This only made arachnid more annoyed by the second. How she really wished she had an ikran of her own. Pushing Kamun's arm off of her, Arachnid begins to run, this makes tik and kamun follow. 
“Arachnid!! Wait up!!” Tik shouts, trying to keep up with her speed. Kamun quickly picks his little brother up in his arms and runs faster. “Why in such a hurry?! We have time!!” Kamun shouts at Arachnid, but the human girl ignores him. Her mind set on arriving at the village. There is already good progress, she will be damned if anything risks her relationship with srefey. 
And what felt like forever, Arachnid made it back just as the eclipse was forming in the sky. People were already going over to the fire pits, the meat no doubt already prepared and ready to serve. This made arachnid anxious. Looking all over the crowd to find srefey. 
Quickly arachnid turned to find srefey waving his arm, smiling as he looked at her. Sighing relief, she goes over to him and gives him a big hug. Srefey happily returned the gesture. 
“I was starting to worry, it is unlike you to be late for anything” He says with a relieved smile on his handsome face. Arachnid chuckled a bit, “I was out with kamun and tik, we left early and I thought we would make it back. Only to realize just how far it was, but I am here now” she replied. 
Srefey brings his hand on her shoulder and guides to one of the fire puts and begins to eat together, discussing their day. While not too far from them the 4 sully’s throw death glares at srefey. 
“Well, it sort of worked” Kamun said as he stares at the couple. “Guess we will have to try harder” Lo’ak responded. 
And try harder they did.
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Each sully takes turns in planning their next move, but usually it would be either lo’ak or kamun being the masterminds. And their plans work, as little by little do they interrupt arachnid’s and srefeys dates. Each sully taking turns using some form of excuse to take arachnid away from srefey. 
Less time does the two spend, and now they take arachnid everywhere before she can even look for srefey in the village. However as the boys secretly celebrate their growing victory, Arachnid and srefey were growing frustrated in their own ways. 
One morning Arachnid went to the village extra early, determined to find Srefey before those annoying boys find her instead. As she runs, she begins to see the early risers up and about. Srefey is an early riser, likes to get things early to have some free time later. Free time that should have been spent with arachnid if things don't stop coming her way. 
“There he is!” She gasps happily to see srefey organizing some baskets. 
“Srefey!” she happily calls out to him. The young na’vi turns and a smile spreads on his lips, stopping what he was doing, he turns completely to arachnid who jumped into his arms, giggling like a youngster in love. 
“So strange to see you this early, I know you treasure your sleep” Srefey teases, this made arachnid laugh. “Yes, well I am willing to sacrifice my precious sleep if it means to see you more”. 
Those words made srefey melt from the inside. Grabbing arachnids hands, he leads her somewhere more private as they snuggle together. Oh how they missed being in each other's embrace. Truly something they can't live without. 
“I miss holding you like this” Srefey confesses as he buries his head into arachnids neck, taking in her scent. The Earth of pandora and early morning mist is a lovely combination. Humming, Arachnid couldn't help but agree, “me too, I missed your big strong arms holding me. These past weeks have been endless tasks here and there”. 
Srefey couldnt help but nod, indeed it has. For some reason neteyam sully has given srefey more tasks to do, not that he minded but at times he questions why give him such silly duties when anyone can do them. And for arachnid, before she could even announce she is off, one of the four brothers would take her aside and say something along the lines of “you know temtem can't behave without you”. 
Or kamun saying “I need help looking for these herbs, grandmother says you know where to look”. 
Or thick head lo’ak practically begging arachnid and saying “Please help me sharpen the knives!! Just doing one takes forever and not every blade is the same!” 
And sweet adorable tik was also asking, close to demanding arachnid, “Let's go play at the fields! We never do that anymore! We can play your favorite games!” 
Each day one of them always has something for arachnid to do. And it takes away from her time with srefey. 
“I am courting you…yet it doesn't feel like that anymore” Srefey says in a whimper. It tugs the girl's heart seeing him like this. He should smile, not be sad. Gently strokes his ears, arachnid hums a tune. Srefey did say she had a lovely voice. 
And to srefey’s ears, arachnid can sing his sorrows away. Holding her tighter, he thinks of ways to spend time with her again. Because each day he begins to doubt and lose hope of a possible future with the girl he came to love. Srefey doesn't want to lose hope, does not wish to lose hope for arachnid. 
“How about…tomorrow? We do our tasks today, all of them. And have the whole day tomorrow just for us? No interruptions, no side tracks, nothing. Just you and me srefey” Arachnid suggests. Srefey looked at her with a new found hope and anticipation. Already looking forward to it, they agree on the time and spot. 
“Promise me you won't break our agreement?” Srefey asks. Arachnid can sense his doubts and nervousness. It wouldn't be the first time she had to cancel their meeting time. “I promise, I won't let anyone stop me from being with you”. 
Easier said than done. 
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The following day arrived, no chores, no hunts, no nothing. The whole day is free to do any activities. A whole day of going anywhere at any time, doing whatever their hearts desired. The excitement of what to do fills the hearts of arachnid and srefey. Separately in their own homes, do they get ready. 
Srefey was the firs to arrive in the agreed spot. The sun was still rising from the horizon, giving color to his home. The anticipation filled his heart with joy. To see arachnid and have all her attention again was thrilling to think of. He prepared a small basket of their favorite fruits. And maybe a little gift. 
Of course he knew that the human base was a little away from the village, so it would make sense that arachnid would come a few minutes later. She does run very fast and can keep up with the speed of the na’vi. 
Besides, the day is barely beginning, there is time for the two. So he sits in a comfortable position, looking at the calm river that flows with color fishes that swim by. Won't be long now. 
8 hours later 
What hope Srefey had is now gone. Vanished. Sighing in defeat, he leaves. He should have known better. Arachnid is still human after all, and one of the things he hates about humans is how they can easily break a promise. He was a fool to think Arachnid was different. But she is like the rest. A liar and a deceit. 
Dropping the basket, he leaves in an angry huff. At this point he isn't even courting her, he should stop before he could get hurt anymore. A fool he feels, an utter fool.
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Arachnid is a fool. An utter fool. To think it would just be a quick thing turned out to be lasting the whole day! 
“Arachnid come on! Don't you want to join us for dinner?” Lo’ak asks as he grabs her arm to which she was quick to yank back. “No, I have to find srefey. I messed up big time!” Panic surged into her. Thinking of the worst she makes a run for it to find srefey. But as she runs, she fails to see the satisfied look from her friends. 
“How long until he calls quits?” Tik asks as he holds neteyam’s hand. Lo’ak grins confidently, “Not long, since we had her for the whole day. I am betting he will break tonight. Might make her cry but we will be there to cheer her up”. 
Kamun turns to look at lo’ak concern all over his face, “make her cry? I don't like pushing her to the edge. What if we have gone too far?”. 
Lo’ak was quick to stare at his brother, “do you want to spend your days without her? To not have her around for our pranks and adventures? To not have her around and feel more lonely than ever?”. 
“Alright that is enough lo’ak, we all have the same goal alright? If srefey doesn't break it off we will try something else '' Neteyam cuts off a possible argument. But kamun was right, seeing arachnid cry is the last thing any of them wants. But if it is necessary to get their point across, then it will be a hard choice to make. 
Arachnid is someone the boys love as a sister. Someone they seem vulnerable to the world, she is strong and can stand her own, but pandora is still dangerous even for the na’vi. The need to protect her is a fierce emotion they all have equally, and only want what is best for her. And srefey, isn't not the best for their dear arachnid. 
They dont like how srefey has easily captured arachnids heart, taking her away from them. Not spending much time like she used to. 
“If it works, will she come back to us?” Tik asks, looking up at his siblings. Neteyam strokes his baby brother’s head as to comfort him, “that is right, it will be just like it was. And srefey will only be a bad memory”.
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“Srefey!” Arahcnid calls out as she spotted him. From his stance she can tell he isn't happy, not one bit. She really messed up big time. Quickly going to him, carefully choosing the right words.
“Srefey, I am so so so sorry. I know I messed up, I d-”
“Didn't mean to take so long?” Srefey finished for her. His tone was way too calm, his eyes sharp as if piercing into her soul. Arachnid slowly reached out to touch him but he backed away. He really is pissed off. 
“You know…I am a fool to think you were special. That you are not like the sky demons, that maybe I have found what I longed for in you. But no, no you are not special, nothing unique. Just a walking demon that can't even pass as a na’vi. You are just like them all, a liar” 
Each word took a stab at arachnids heart, his anger rising making her fears rise as well. His warm eyes now burn in anger and hate. This isn't what she wanted. 
“Please, srefey, let me explain-” And again srefey had cut her words. 
“Explain what? That you lost track of time? That those friends of yours needed your help? That you couldn't say no to them? Explain what arachnid?!” Tears were ready to escape the poor boy’s eyes. His anger and sadness climbs up to his throat, anymore and he might say more harmful words. 
Arachnid however, she let her tears run like rivers. Her lips quivering and heart beating fast like a drum. This is exactly what she feared, to be rejected. To not be wanted by anyone. 
“S-srefey��” She tries to speak, but all the words were tangled in the back of her throat. Her mind and heart fight, trying to pick what to say to ease srefey, but she knows nothing will. 
A click of the tongue, srefey can't help but chuckle. “I am done, this courting isn't going anywhere. Burn the gifts, I want nothing associated with a sky demon. Farewell, demon” 
Without looking back, he leaves. 
And arachnid is left with her heart shattered, her eyes still glued to him as srefey’s body becomes smaller and gone. 
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Never had arachnid cried so hard as she did that night. Running straight to the base and into her room, not bothering to give anyone an explanation. Not caring if Eywa heard her loud cries. Tears never stopped running, her heart never stopped hurting for the whole night. Not a moment of rest came to her. Srefey’s words repeated over and over in her mind.  
And that is how she stayed for days, not interacting with anybody. It made norm and others worry as she doesn't eat much or do anything. Just sit in her room. And that is when they call the sully family in hopes they could do something. 
Only the brothers responded with eagerness. 
While tight in the room, the four boys managed to sit comfortably as they sooth arachnid, trying their best to hide their victorious grins. 
“I am an idiot..he is right…I am a liar and a demon…” Arachnid muttered as Kamun and tik held her in their arms. Kamun gently pushed her braids aside, tucking them behind her ears. “Don't say that, srefey is the idiot. You are not a demon, you are our friend, sister, and more” Kamun tells Arachnid with the softness of his voice. 
“Yeah, who needs that skxawng? He wasnt good enough. Dont let him get to you” Lo’ak adds. And as more arachnid listens, the more she agrees. Perhaps srefey wasnt what she hoped for. Maybe he was like all the rest. 
She is fine without him. 
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4 months later 
Arachnid was carrying a basket of sweets as she heads to the sully’s home. Smiling brightly as she makes her way. Ever since her terrible end with srefey, the sullys were there to comfort her. Make her feel better and always know how to lighten her mood. Always there when she needs them. 
So as she climbs, already excited to see their reaction of sweet treats, she hears the boys whispering. Silently, arachnid climbs and as quiet as she can. What are they talking about? 
“Hahaha! Can you believe it's been 4 months already? No doubt arachnid has already forgotten about that srefey” 
That was lo’ak, but why does he sound so smug? 
“Yes, and any attachments left are burned and turned to ashes. Look at her now, back to where she always belonged, with us” that was kamun. 
“It took a long time, but our plans worked. Purposely sabotaging their dates was executed to perfection” what the hell was neteyam talking about?! 
After the reveal, arachnid can't help but want to know what they did. Are they at fault for ruining her relationship with srefey!? 
“The hell you mean sabotaging the dates?!” arachnid shouted as she entered their home. It caught the boys by surprise, all quickly standing, their tails giving away how shocked they were. So now, they were all silent. 
“Well? Aren't you going to say anymore?!” the more silent they are, the angrier the arachnid got. 
“Lo’ak started it!!” Tik gave in. Seeing arachnid angry made her look just as scary as his mama. And a scary spider isn't something he wants. 
“H-he was the one who didn't like srefey in the first place!! He thought that if srefey didn't love you anymore, that you would come back to us! And then, Kamun and neteyam began to plan how to separate you from srefey!” Tik confessed as he let the words slip out of his mouth. 
With a sharp glare, arachnid turned to look at lo’ak, who couldn't look at her in return. “Really lo’ak? What the hell is going on in that thick head of yours!?” arachnid shouted again, demanding really. 
“Well what the hell did you think!? You were spending more time with him than with us! We just wanted you to be hanging out with us. You always do. And that skaxwng thought too highly of himself and began to court you. Who the hell does he think he is?!” 
Lo’ak had enough and began to bark back with his confession. Arachnid left out a scoff, does he really think he is in the right? 
Then she turned to Kamun who wore an expression of guilt. 
“And you went along with it? Tik I get he gets easily impressionable but you!? It is you who gets lo’ak out of trouble not dive head first! What were you thinking!?” 
Kamun scratched the back of his head, guilt breaking him already. “What I thought was best! We missed having you with us. And the thought of seeing you go with that guy, or anyone. I hate it!” 
Groaning deeply, she turns to neteyam whom she was surprised by the most. “Neteyam, you are the oldest of your siblings! You are supposed to be the logic! The brains! Letting lo’ak dig his words into you is beyond me. But you are just as stupid as the rest of them. I can't believe you went along with it and planned it out!! 
Neteyam couldn't say anything as he hung his head down in shame. 
Look at all four now, her anger just keeps rising. 
“When I was crying, when I was heartbroken and depressed, were you all happy that I dug in my misery? Crying, thinking that no one would love me? Was that your sick satisfaction? To see me break down?! And for what?! For you to pick up my pieces thinking only you four can have my attention. Ugh I swear you are all fucking stupid! I can't even begin to describe what I am feeling right now!” 
Walking back and forth, breathing deeply trying to calm herself. 
“Haven't you thought for one damn second that maybe I was happy with srefey? That I reciprocate his feelings for me? That I loved him as much? Only to be turned down thinking it was MY fault when really, it is all of your faults! And srefey! Great mother of all, srefey dealt with it the hardest! Creating all these gifts, spending time to prove his worth! And you fuckers ruined it! Well congratulations! You won! You win, but guess what? I am done. I am done with all of you. I cant anymore” 
Out of breath and dropping her hands, she starts to climb down. None of the boys went to stop her. Knowing that if they did, it will make things much worse. Letting arachnids' words sink in. More guilt and shame washed over them. Regret for what they done. Its true, they have won. 
But at what cost? 
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Arachnid ran fast, faster than she ever did in her life. Now that she knows what really happened, why she was kept from being with srefey, who is to stop her now? 
Still remembering srefey’s routine, she headed straight to the river bank of the south. He loved going there to collect fresh water and herbs. And 4 months later, she is glad it hasn't changed. 
Down, near the river, arachnid saw srefey collecting some plants. A new found excitement flowed in her. Quickly, she goes down to talk to him. 
“Srefey!” she calls him. 
Sregey turned, and was surprised to see arachnid.  But it wasn't a happy surprise. He still hasnt forgotten what happened. 
“Go away” he tells in an impatient tone. 
“Please, I want to talk to you,” Arachnid pleaded. 
“I dont, you should go back with the other demons. I have nothing else to say to you” Srefey replies, his patience getting thin by the second. But arachnid was determined. 
“Srefey, if you just let me-”
“STOP!” Was all he said. Glaring daggers down at her. 
Taking a deep breath, she still goes on. 
“Please…if you hear me out, just this once. Listen to what I have to say, what you want to do after is your choice. If you don't want to see me, that is fine. Just please srefey…I need to tell you something” 
Their eyes meet and srefey can't help but soften just a bit. He did miss the color of her beautiful eyes. 
“Fine, speak” he gives in. 
Arachnid wasted no time. She began to explain what happened, and who was the culprits behind the constant interruptions of their dates. 
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“They did all of that just to stop us from seeing each other??” Srefey asked. After hearing what Arachnid said, he couldn't help but feel….funny? 
The determination the sully’s had was admirable and give them some credit for not giving up. 
“Yes, and after cussing out at them I ran to find you and here we are…I am still mad at them. But I can't ignore them forever. I don't even know if their father can help fix their mess” Arachnid comments as she tugs a bit of her hair. 
Srefey does feel relieved that there was a reason behind the whole thing. 
Placing a hand on her small shoulder, he brings arachnid to face him. “I am sorry….for saying those terrible things to you. I regret it all. You must have felt the world crashing down on you” he says in a low tone. Arachnid looks down at her hands, tracing her painted stripes. 
“It did…made me think it was all my fault. That I couldn't do anything right no matter how hard I tried. That nothing I could do would be enough. That I will never be enough for you” 
Her words brought more guilt to srefrey. But perhaps…a new bloom can begin anew? 
“I know so much has happened but…what if….we start again? Start all over, and hopefully, this time, no one standing in our way?” Srefey asks. He won't deny, after months of not seeing arachnid, despite what he believed. He missed her so much. A lot of things reminded him of her. And now that he knew that arachnid was never at fault, he was ready. 
“You…you want to court me again?” Arachnid asks hesitantly. Hoping she didn't misheard him. 
And srefey nods, “yes. Yes I want to court you, and I will be better, if you allow me this chance?” 
In a swift move, she jumped into his big arms. Engulfing her small frame, he holds her close. Damn, he forgot how small arachnid really is. Taking her in her scent, it brought back so many reasons why he liked her in the first place. 
“I missed you holding me like this” arachnid said close to his ear. His tail twitching happily, yes, he missed it too. 
“Come on, let's start anew. We can go to the up planes like we used to. Ride on my pali and eat as much fruit as we want” srefey suggests. Already thinking of many dates ahead of them. 
“Yes, I would like that” Arachnid agrees. 
Holding hands, forgetting of what he was doing, they go off to a new start of their official courting. 
But one thing still remains in question. 
“What about your friends? What will you tell them?” Srefey asks. 
Arachnid hums a bit in thought, “I am still mad at them. But, I think it is them that needs to think of their actions. It really was a sucker move from them. All of them. So, I will give them a day or two and talk to them. Things can end like how it did. But for now, I just want to make up the lost time with you”. 
New happiness bloomed in srefey’s heart. 
“Yes, and I with you. There is much to catch up on, and much more to explore” 
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Aaaaaaand that is it for this one! I hoped everyone likes it! Took me forever berceuse of constant rewrites. Until next time, see ya!
Srefey = expect
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