#max likes when maggie can show him new things and give him an extra pull to explore
mikodrawnnarratives · 12 days
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trinket duo shenanigans tee hee
btw, im already planning on doing NAOTHER reread of the trilogy to gather up scenes that encapsulate important aspects of characters I don't focus on as much, but feel free to lmk any scenes that you remember with Max that demonstrate his character a bunch
oh yeah callum's also here say hi!
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Seasons of Love a Max Richman/Zoey Clarke Fanfiction
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Rated T+ 
Max has always been included in the Clarke family holiday celebrations. A journey through the different holidays and celebrations they have, as their lives continue to change and grow.
A/N: So I have made a playlist on Spotify for this that I will share after this is complete. Each chapter is a different holiday/month/celebration. They will all include a song, though they won't always be heart songs. This starts in January pre-Zoey's powers, since the show theoretically began in March her powers will kick in around then time frame wise.
I'm pretty excited to be writing this because I have fun plans for our favorite couple and family. So please enjoy and review telling me what you think!
Special Thanks to my Discord crew who helped me come up with the list of holidays and celebrations!
Title is taken from Rent's "Seasons of Love". As always the characters are not mine but belong to the amazing genius that is Austin Winsberg.
The song lyrics in this month are from, "This Will Be Our Year" by The Zombies (Listen to it here https://youtu.be/kI2lTwY0Jx8 ).
December 31-January 1 New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Everyone shouted!
Zoey smiled as she looked around the living room as her family rang in the new year.
Maggie helped Mitch off the sofa and they stood there swaying gently to the music in one another's arms. With Mitch humming along in Maggie's ear to the music on TV.
Zoey sighed happily and took a drink of her champagne. As she set her glass down a hand appeared in front of her.
She looked up and found Max grinning goofily at her.
“Come on let’s show your parents how the cool kids dance.”
Zoey laughed accepting his hand, “Max I don’t think anyone can ever accuse us of being cool.”
Max pulled her into a swing style dance grinning, “Shhh….nobody here has to know that.”
Zoey grinned back at him as they danced together laughing as they tried a few more daring steps and messed up.
David cleared his throat gathering everyone's attention. “Guys Emily and I have an announcement!”
They all stopped dancing and turned to look at David.
“So next New Years we might have to miss the midnight celebration,” he started.
“But it’s tradition David!” Zoey complained.
David grinned, “I know I know, but midnight is kind of late for a baby to stay up till don’t you think?”
“Baby? What ba…Oh My God!” Maggie exclaimed, running over to hug David.
“We’re having a baby!” Emily cried excitedly.
“I’m going to be an Auntie?!” Zoey exclaimed. She ran over to hug David and Emily.
“This is so exciting you guys!”
Max clapped David on the shoulder, “That’s awesome man, congrats!”
“When are you due?” Maggie said, hugging Emily.
“Mid May is what they told us,” Emily said.
Mitch pulled David in for a hug, with tears in his eyes. "I'm so happy for you guys.”
“This calls for more champagne!” Zoey said heading to the kitchen. “And of course sparkling juice for you Emily!”
Max followed Zoey into the kitchen to help.
“Can you believe it? I’m going to be Auntie Zoey!” Zoey giggled to Max as she grabbed a new bottle from the fridge.
“You are going to be an amazing Aunt,” Max grinned, opening a cupboard and grabbing the extra glasses.
“You’re an Uncle already, you’ll have to teach me all the cool things to do” she said.
“I thought you said I wasn’t cool,” he teased.
Zoey stuck her tongue out at him in response.
Max laughed, “It’s pretty easy to be the cool Aunt or Uncle. You get to buy them all sorts of fun gifts. And you basically let them do everything their parents won’t and the kid will love you.”
Zoey laughed, shaking her head at Max's advice. "Oh David will love that."
Max's eyes twinkled, "Which means that's exactly what you plan to do isn't it?"
"You know me so well," Zoey grinned as they headed back to join the rest of the family.
The party began to wind down after the excitement of David and Emily’s good news. They all decided it was best to leave while they still had the energy to get home.
Max offered to drop Zoey at her place, she tiredly nodded in agreement. He went and grabbed their coats as Zoey said goodbye to her Dad.
Maggie smiled and hugged him. "You survived another Clarke family New Years," she chuckled.
"Wouldn't miss one for the world," Max said grinning. "It really does mean a lot to me that you let me spend the holidays with you guys" he started.
Maggie waved him off, "Max you're a part of this family too."
Max swallowed the lump in his throat unable to respond.
"So we will see you next month for Valentines day right? If not before then? No arguments mister."
Maggie and Mitch always made sure to include him in their family celebrations and activities. He didn't have the best relationship with his dad anymore and as a result his relationships with the rest of his family were also strained. It was nice to feel like he was part of a family again.
Max grinned and nodded. "Of course."
"Ready to go Max?" Zoey asked, reaching for her coat.
"Hmmm? Oh yeah, sure, " Max cleared his throat.
He said goodnight to Mitch and they headed out the door.
As Max drove them to her apartment Zoey quickly drifted off to sleep and began snoring lightly. He grinned as he stole a glance at her, she was adorable.
When they arrived, he parked and gently nudged her awake. "Time to wake up Zo, you're home."
"Mmmm? I wasn't sleeping" she sleepily insisted.
"You were snoring," Max teased.
"I don't snore," she insisted, opening the car door.
Max grabbed her keys from her hand and chuckled, helping her out of the car.
"Whatever you say Zo," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"Now come on sleepy head, let's get you to bed," he grinned. Zoey sleepily nodded in agreement.
They made their way up her up the stairs to her apartment. Max unlocked her door, giving her a nudge to step inside.
"Goodnight Zo. Happy New Year," Max said, turning to leave.
Zoey yawned and gently patting him on the shoulder. "Night. Happy New Year Max," she mumbled as she closed the door.
Max chuckled and headed down the stairs back to his car.
He glanced up at Zoey's window seeing a glimpse of her silhouette against the curtains before she turned off her light.
He sighed. This was a brand new year, maybe this  would be the one where he told her.
He started the car and headed for home, listening as the radio softly played:
The warmth of your love
Is like the warmth of the sun
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come
Don't let go of my hand
Now darkness has gone
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Fastest Girls in town
This Story is based on the Song and Music video for Fastest Girl in Town by Miranda Lambert. 
Warnings: Language? Theft?  Notes: Yes I used mine and my Best friends OC’s instead of making it reader insert because it was just easier so please no hate about that. 
A Big thank you to @definitelydaytonwhite for the info on the Car...also sorry not sorry. 
  Max and Bama pulled their 67 Firebird to a slow crawl in front of the rundown bar, a bright yellow car catching their attention. Not just any car, a lamborghini gallardo superleggera, the ultimate car. Being in a small town they didn’t get many cars like this, a few mercedes some Camaros and of course the classic american muscle car this, this though was certainly a fish out of water.   Turning to face each other a knowing grin spread across both womens face, this, this car would be the ultimate job. A car like that had to have a showy man behind it looking for any chance to show off, and that’s exactly what they needed.
 Pulling away they headed for the shop, grabbing an extra set of hands knowing it would take both of them to make off with this beauty of a car. Tay let out a low whistle as she pulled up to the bar. “You sure you two wanna try this? Car like that, guys gotta have security or something with him.”
   Max shook her head as she adjusted her skirt getting out “Nah, you see how small that car is? No way he’s rolling around with a bunch of big dudes, no other fancy cars in the parking lot unless you count earls Cadillac his mawmaw left him. He’s running solo, must be passing through town.”
Bama nodded fixing her hair getting ready to climb out, “Yeah, guy like that, no way he’s gonna resist us. This job will be a piece of cake. You just be ready down yonder to follow us to the shop. Make sure the crews ready, they gotta have this baby flipped and sold in under a day or we risk everything.”
Tay nodded, pulling away as both women headed into the bar, this was a watering hole for the locals, the road was considered backwoods but occasionally served as a detour route to Talladega, that made seeing a man parked at the bar in a racing jacket make much more sense. Showtime.
  Sauntering up to the bar Bama flashed Maggie the bartender a smile, watching from the corner of her eye as Max made a Beeline for the restroom.    
   “You want your usual B?” Maggie asked a knowing smirk on her face.
 Nodding Bama, did a casual scan of the room, eyes landing on the handsome stranger in racing gear, a light blush coloring her face when he caught her looking, the sound of a drink being sat down drawing her back to the bar.
  “So?” She asked quietly taking a sip of her drink. “He’s some big fancy racer on his way through to Dega, wanted to drive his fancy new car he won’t shut up about up from Daytona. He’s just stopping through and, crap! Here he comes.”
  At that moment Bama turned around and sure enough, he was walking his way towards the bar, a million dollar smile on his face. Max catching her eye behind him giving her the nod to make her move.
  “Well hello there.” He said, his voice coming out like velvet surprising her. “I’m Dayton White” he said, holding his hand out to her.  
    “Hey there Sugar, I’m Bama, at least that’s what folks around here call me. You’re not from around here though are you?”
    “No, just passing through, although I’ll say now I’m glad I did” His eyes ran over her body, making her body heat up as he did.  
   Shaking the distraction she nodded “So that must mean that’s your pretty yellow car out there huh? I bet she gets some speed on her.”
    “You bet it does doll, that bad boy has a top speed of 204 miles per hour, she’s a real beauty when you open her up.”
    “Uh-huh, now the question is do you know how to handle her?”
“Oh, I can handle her. Don’t you worry about that, I can handle all sorts of things.”
   Shrugging she turned taking another sip of her drink. “Maybe you should prove it, I’m sure I wouldn’t be the first girl you’ve uh, taken for a ride.”
Licking his lips he nodded a smile crossing his face “No, you’re right there, but you would be by far the prettiest girl I’ve taken for a ride in my Lambo.”
 Blushing again she looked down, trying to gain her composure, looking back up she didn’t have time to say anything before she was crashing into him, knocking him over and spilling her drink all over him in the process. Turning she saw max with her hands over her mouth looking shocked.
“Oh my god, I’m So sorry, I musta drank my drink too fast or something.” She reached helping them both up. Dayton looking slightly annoyed at now being covered in Whiskey.
  “It’s fine, it’s fine, although now I smell like Jack Daniels, and this is my only set of clothes.” 
“Here, why don’t you go dry off some in the bathroom, then you can take me on that ride you were talking about? I’m sure having the windows down at A hundred miles per hour would dry you out real fast.” Biting her lip Bama smirked, hoping he would take the bait.
 He nodded smiling at her again, not noticing that Max has all but disappeared, as he walked towards the restroom. The rumble of an engine caught her ears, Bama turned, bolting to the door, the sound of the bathroom door being thrown open stopping her for half a second before she ran, making her way to the waiting Sports car.
   “RUN!” Max Screamed, the door to the car already open and waiting.
‘GO, GO, GO” Bama yelled climbing in, shutting the door. Only sitting still long enough to see a now very angry dayton running straight towards them, throwing gravel all over the lot as they pulled out onto the highway.
  Both girls laughed, feeling relieved closing in on the meet up point with Tay, until Max yelled “Shit!” “What?”   
    “That guy, Dayton, he must have grabbed Lelands mustang he’s right on my ass.”
“Really, That car is the fastest in three counties but it’s no match for this baby.”
“Yeah but these curves, I can’t shake him. I can’t open her up like I need to.”
  Passing the meet up point, Bama called Tay telling her to jump in line and follow them until they had a plan. Looking at Max she asked, “Well?”
  “I don’t fucking Know ok, SHIT!” The sound of metal on rock was deafening as the car bumped into the cliff beside them. The way out of town was through the mountains, making the roads small and winding and not exactly the best for a car chase. The sound of it hitting the guard rail on the other side, startling them both. “Watch it!”
“Oh Gee I’m sorry, would you like me to pull over and let you drive? Oh that’s right, now Can it while I think.”
Rolling her eyes Bama took in her surroundings, and idea cropping up. “Take a right up here, it’s sharp, you’re gonna have to make a U-turn almost but this car can do it as long as the psycho back there doesn’t hit us.”
“Where are we going?”
“Well, we can’t go to the shop obviously, I think we should cut our losses. Letson farms is up ahead, ain't nobody going to be at the lower section this time of year, I say we crash the car into the lake and make a run for it. I’ll get Tay to meet us out by the highway.” “Fine, Crap! Highway Patrol” Just on cue the sounds of police sirens could be heard, a State trooper making a u-turn to join the fray. Picking her phone up quickly she called Tay “Hey, see if you can lure him away then meet us on the other side of Letson farms, we’re gonna have to dump the car. I know I know, just do it. Please?”
  Just then the whole car spun as Max cut a 180 degree turn, whipping the now banged up car onto a dirt road, the lake visible up ahead. Preparing for the worst both girls unbuckled, max putting the car on cruise control. “On 3, 1...2...3! JUMP!”
   The ground below hurt, and the splash of the car crashing into the lake a quick reminder they didn’t have long. Jumping to their feet both girls ran as fast as they could to the woods, making their way towards the highway, the sound of Sirens and a speeding car drifting away in the distance. Clearing the woods they slowed down a little, roundin the old run down barn, where the old entrance to the farm was from the highway.
“Holly Shit B, I can’t believe we got away with that.”
“Right, man that guy was crazy.”
The sound of a car door shutting stopping both women in their tracks, parked on the road to the highway was Lelands Mustang, Dayton white leaning against the drivers door.
“Now ladies, it appears we have ourselves in a bit of a situation here. Seeing as the cops are nowhere to be seen, I think I would rather handle this one on my own. Now,” He said getting off the car walking towards them. “What do you think I should do first.”
Both girls turning to each other gulping audibly before turning back to the man in front of them. Shit!
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spaz8550 · 5 years
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Ch 32
The next morning Sinead woke up on the couch with the cramp in her neck with Trent standing over her.
"Have a nice sleep?" He asked with a smirk.
"No actually, I feel like something is wrong." Sinead said not being able to shake the feeling that something was missing.
"Well I brought you coffee and muffins, Sophie figured you and Danny would sort things out. Maggie called up in arms that he was at her apartment. She was hoping that Severus would have shown up and jinxed Danny." 
Sinead frowned.
"No, I-I haven't heard from Severus. I've been sending letters to Albus and he was forwarding them. Give me a few minutes and I have some great news to tell you."
Sinead stood stretching cracking her back a few times in the process. Danny was still sound asleep and Sinead flicked her wand and moved him into a laying position and put a blanket on him. Sinead and Trent went into the kitchen and she told him about the new deal with Maurice Rampling. Trent was impressed and also glad that Vincent would be brewing all the potions for the new contract.
"Trent, I am still thinking about opening a shop in Hogsmeade. Sure it's not as busy as Diagon Alley but it will be a good place to start. I really think that it can work but we're going to need more help. Maggie's doing well sorting the orders and Max will be arriving soon. I don't want to take him on as a full apprentice but maybe I can look into training him part time and offering him a job in the shop. If I do it that way maybe I can find another part time apprentice and the two of them will be responsible for the basic bases and that will free you up to make the additions and I can work on new products. It will be a promotion for you and all since you are a Potions Master now also if here is anything you want to develop then I can give you some of he rights and such, how would does the raise and a 5 percent share in the business sound? The share of course can be adjusted depending on how the company grows-"
"Yes, Sinead. That is amazing. You have been great to give me this position and then let me finish my hours under her leadership so my answer is yes." 
Sinead stuck out her hand and Trent shook it.
"I'll have the papers drawn up once and once I can chat with Max I'll start looking at locations and a second part-time apprentice." 
Trent and Sinead went down to the lab and she started listing off new ideas for the line.
"Sinead, you are so good at product ideas. I think for the time being I'll leave it up to you."
Trent went to work brewing and Sinead started working on a temporary hair dye potion that would lighten your natural hair color several shades for 24 hours. Sinead brewed a second batch after testing it on a rat and grinned at her reflection to see herself nearly blonde.
"Oh, I also need to check in with Fred and George Weasley since I'm helping oversee the potions they are developing for their shop." Sinead went to send them an owl offering a few hours of her time on 
Saturday. Danny was awake and showered.
"Did you talk to Trent or should I?"
"I asked him and he said it's fine. He's heading out in when the girls start to arrive so you can floo to their apartment with him."
"Great. I'm going to leave this bag in the guest room and just bring a change of clothes. Hey, why are you blonde?"
"Trying out a new product." She said checking to see that the color hadn't begun to fade. Sinead went to go pick up some snack food while Trent went to drop off another shipment. When Trent got back Sophia and Tonks had arrived.
"Come on let's get out of here, should I show up at my normal time tomorrow?" Trent asked with a laugh.
"How about around noon?" Sinead asked as Sophia grinned.
"You two better go before Maggie shows up and has a fit."
At Hogwarts Severus was in an extra fowl mood, he went out of his way to take points and avoided the Great Hall at meals. Minerva saw him scolding two students in the hallway and waited till the first years in tears hurried in the opposite direction.
"Severus, are you ok?" Minerva asked softly.
"I'm fine." He spat turning on his heel looking for more students to deduct points from. Minerva spotted Filius who gave her a hello.
"Does Severus seem ok to you?"
"Well I heard from one of the portraits he destroyed his quarters last night. Severus doesn't have any portraits in his room but one in the hallway heard a great deal of noise and came to get me. I went down to inspect and I heard some crashing but you know how Severus is. I didn't want to bother him."
Minerva nodded. She knew Filius was scared of Severus, she was one of the few staff members who wasn't. Minerva walked to her office and took out a piece of parchment and quickly wrote on it and then made her way to Hogsmeade. She spotted Tonks who was on patrol in the village. Minerva slipped the note into the young Auror's hand and continued over to the Three Broomsticks for a quick drink then headed back to castle. Of course Dolores questioned to as to why she left the castle but Minerva quickly explained her visit to Madam Rosmerta. Late that night she was woken up by taping on her window and she opened to it see a small owl fly in. She untied the note and gave the owl a treat and it flew out the window.
I can assure you that to my knowledge that nothing is going on with Severus. If he continues to seem out of sort please contact me again. I will see if Sinead has any ideas. Hope all is well. Albus"
Within a week Minerva was on edge, she knew something was wrong and since she had no proof there was only one thing to do. Minerva pulled on her cloak and went to Poppy.
"Do you have a list of things you need in Diagon Alley?" The medi-witch handed over a list of three items and Minerva walked to the apparition point and after making sure she was seen in Diagon Alley Minerva met up with Tonks who brought her to Sinead's house.
It was Saturday but Sinead was busy at work since she spent the good part of 2 days working with Fred and George and another looking at listings for shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Sinead heard the wards open to accept someone and rushed up the stairs hoping to see Severus but was surprised to see Tonks and Minerva.
"Hiya Sinead, I brought Professor McGonagall here. She wanted to talk to you. I better be getting back to work." Tonks walked further into the yard and disappeared.
"Hello Minerva, come on in." Sinead said opening the door wider.
"Hello Sinead, I don't have much time so I am going to be blunt. Is something going on with Severus?" 
Sinead took a deep breath and sighed.
"I really don't know. I wrote to him while I was in America meeting with the Minster for Magic and I didn't expect any replies until I got home. My friend Maggie owled Severus when I got home, I had a falling out with another friend and she thought it would be good for him to come and see me. He never owled her back or stopped by. I spoke to Albus the other day and he mentioned you were worried about him." Sinead stopped talking and froze. "Oh…. I can't believe….."
"What is the matter?" Minerva asked seeing the young witch begin to pace.
"That's it. Something is wrong…how could I be so freaking dense? The day after I got back I felt like something was different, like something was missing. Did Albus tell you anything about our relationship?" 
Minerva shook her head as she took a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. "You must not tell Severus you know this but my family has an old curse and Albus has been trying to help me break it. I won't go into details since you don't have time but Severus and I are bonded." 
Minerva gasped.
"That is so rare." She said as Sinead nodded.
"Can you get me into the castle?"
"Yes, I'll draw Dolores attention and you can disillusion yourself and slip down to the dungeons. If for some reason Severus isn't in either his office or rooms then-"
"I'll find him. Just give me two minutes." Sinead hurried up the stairs and quickly changed out of her working clothes and into something warmer.
The two women apparated into Hogsmeade. Sinead disillusioned herself and followed Minerva up to the castle.
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