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ursifors · 2 years ago
we don't know each other, but it's been good to see you back on the dash again. hope it means things are starting to get better for you!
that's so sweet thank you so much!!
i always feel guilty when i don't post much on here, especially when it's been a long time since i've done ah/jeremy fanart, but i'm glad to know me just talking and being dumb is enough sometimes heh.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
I started down a "more posts like this" rabbit hole from the Cabaret gifset, and then came across these options:
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Two of these things are not like the others and I find the implications fascinating
TERRY SILVER??? IN MY CABARET TAG???? it's apparently more likely than you'd think
(also this is showing me that i don't blog about one of my biggest special interests enough, clearly...... i guess because weimar republic and cabaret don't overlap in the tagging as much....)
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rosie-tyler · 5 months ago
Let's go my dudes
So, about Silver's jealousy of Daniel&Johnny
Once again, I'm not arguing with his jealousy of Kreese&Johnny's dynamic, I remember there was an amazing meta abt this that I can't find unfortunately atm but this post says a lot.
Also: all of this is inspired by TIG saying Silver wanted to be Daniel's friend (x)
Let's look at it from the start.
He was surprised to find out Daniel and Johnny teamed up. He knows "champ" Johnny, I think Kreese mentioned him terrorising him in TKK1, so I've always wondered, if he had a thought of apologising to Daniel right from the start, if he wondered "Hey, LaRusso forgave Johnny's guy who nearly killed him, it means he can forgive me too!
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And that's why he looked pretty confident in this scene.
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But nope!
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Another proof for me that he was genuine in his (garbage, obv) apology. Why would he be this pissed off. If he weren't genuine, he would just walk away smiling viciously. But he didn't. He actually thought he had a chance.
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Not only he forgave Johnny, who was also sh/tty to him in the past, but even teamed up with him! But he didn't even think to consider accepting Silver's apology.
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I believe Daniel and Kreese are the only people in Terry Silver's world, the only worth of his full attention. And they both chose Johnny over him.
As @mauvecardigans beautifully phrased it, Terry wanted Kreese to focus on him. And he did. But Johnny was the main focus of Kreese's attention.
He broke their rule for Johnny!
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He wanted Daniel to forgive him and be his friend. Daniel didn't even want to hear him out.
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Guess who received it all instead.
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The audacity.
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I just really love this little moment. He's literally seething with hatred. He has his reasons.
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thebreakfastgenie · 10 months ago
Tagged by @mauvecardigans for a wee game - picrew yourself and also share the last song you listened to!
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It was actually the Live at Wembley version but this was an easier pic to get.
Tagging a few people but please feel free to do it even if I don't tag you directly, and tag me so I can see! No pressure if I did tag you! @koboldkatalyst @wellmanneredthief @karleenscreativeworld @secondearthling @paanya
@wiklm @old-wild-child @imusthavebecomesomething @movietonight @orangefarmcat
@onekisstotakewithme @blue-ravens @youngpettyqueen
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wicked-jade · 2 months ago
Rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films and then tag ten people to do the same.
I was tagged by @shootfighting and @bubblegumflavor. Thanks, y'all!! 💗💗💗
I went with rewatchability as my main criteria. Movies that are ass magnets, the ones I'll sit down to watch no matter what I'm doing (or supposed to be doing.) Ones that I practically have memorized. So with that in mind, and presented in no particular order...
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Tagging: @desolateice, @phoomwhoosh, @mauvecardigans, @dream-beyond-the-fantasy, @inkfowl, @ohnoitsthebat, @russolaw, @usaonetwothree, @youandthemountains, @zappedbyzabka I haven't been around much the last few days, so no pressure, and apologies to anyone who has already been tagged.
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secondclassfangirl · 2 months ago
Thanks for the tag @lulamadison 💗
Rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favorite films and then tag ten people to do the same.
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Tagging: @cinnamoncountess @scaperanya @mauvecardigans @rosesradio @senseijohnny @macchio4life @purpledovefeather @russolaw @the-worst-evil-has-to-offer @ellieohno & anyone else who wants to do it 💗 (and please don’t feel pressured to do it if you don’t want to!)
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hunkydorkling · 3 months ago
@variousqueerthings tagged me in this so i'm having a go at it! it's been literal years since i've done any sort of tag challenge so let's kick this thing into high gear.
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my personal criteria for this one (excluding choices from TKKCK) is that they must be characters:
from a live action movie/show i've finished
from titles i've consumed in the last 4 years
i relate to a little heavily than i would love to admit
Tagging: @highawkseason @chwheeler @carltonlassie @gremlindyke @cookietastic @crimsonblackrose @firstaudrina @mauvecardigans and whoever wants to do it, no pressure at all!
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gjdraws · 14 days ago
Word train challenge!! Tagged by @desolateice who is kind enough to think of me as an author T_T
The word I got was FINAL
Fraser was standing against the back, refusing a paramedic - successfully apparently- because she threw up her hands and left as Fraser turned around to see Ray. // Untitled ficlet (due South)
“It is not old fashioned to want something done right - especially since your last time went so great with Victoria,” but Ray very bitterly did not say that last part, choosing to violently rinse the cherries in the sink instead. //Untitled due South A/B/O follow up
Next day, Fraser is at work like always, but that bruise on his lip is there //Untitled ficlet (due South)
Alexander called out to Amy, jogging forward just as Julie spotted him and turned, slapping Cutter full across the face. //The Art of Sweeping (Men with Brooms)
“LaRusso, that's my shirt”, and then Johnny swallowed the toothpaste instead of spitting it out - which, gross?? //Sign Language (unpublished Cobra Kai fic lol)
Tagging @mauvecardigans (finish your WIP!!), @variousqueerthings, @portlandwithyou, @hunkydorkling @ceceril @trillgutterbug @an-sceal and anyone who wants in!
Your word is LEMON.
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phoomwhoosh · 21 days ago
Got tagged by @mysticalsadgirl to do the Music Shuffle Game! Thank you! I always love these!
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same.
So, I still use Windows Media Player so I just shuffled the playlist I've been playing the most and this was the result:
1. Good Grief by Bastille
2. I Found by Amber Run
3. Sucker by Marcus King*
4. Start a Riot by BEGINNERS & Night Panda
5. Navigating by twenty one pilots
6. Sinners by Barns Courtney
7. To Ashes and Blood by Woodkid*
8. Come Play by Stray Kids, Young Miko & Tom Morello*
9. HOPE by NF
10. Love Runs Out by OneRepublic
Can you tell that I watched season 2 of Arcane? lmao *3 of the 10 are from that soundtrack.
Tagging: @macchiatosdumptruck @mauvecardigans @wicked-jade @cookietastic @crimsonblackrose @hunkydorkling @puella-peanut @cookietastic and anyone else who wants to do it!
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mauvecardigans · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel LaRusso & Johnny Lawrence Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence Additional Tags: ambiguously set between seasons 3 and 4
Summary: While cleaning up the backyard at Miyagi-do after a long day's practice, Johnny tells Daniel that they need to talk. Now, the equipment's put away and the kids are all safely on their way home. The co-senseis may be more comfortable with each other in their careful truce to defeat Kreese and Cobra Kai, but as they pretend to relax by the koi pond, Johnny's tense enough to turn coal into diamonds and Daniel's trying to pretend he's not worried, not at all.
Based on GJ's (tumblr: @gjdraws) comic for @ckreversebang2024 (#I would just like to see a thematic reverse of Do you think IM alright LaRusso??)
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beck-a-leck · 10 months ago
Got tagged by @rockingroads95 earlier for a tag game and I was actually around my computer in a timely enough manner to remember to play along so here goes!
Picrew yourself and also share the last song you listened to
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I honestly can't remember that Last last song I listened to, because it was something on the radio. But I opened up my spotify and I guess this was the song I was listening to last. So close enough.
No pressure tags! @durotoswrites @aashiyancha @mauvecardigans and anyone else who thinks this looks fun. feel free to say I tagged you
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an-sceal · 3 months ago
I didn't get tagged, I just wanted to do it. (Let's be real- if I'd been tagged, I would have forgotten to do it with the best of intentions.)
Comfort - Carbon Leaf (the source of my next tattoo)
Impossible Weight - Deep Sea Diver ft. Sharon Van Etten
Young Blood - Noah Kahan
Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
Savior - Rise Against
Night Crawler - Judas Priest
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance
Strange Days - Matthew Good Band
Dumbest Girl Alive - 100 gecs
Something Good - The Damned Things
I am tagging people with only the gentlest of nudges because it's not like I have a leg to stand on when it comes to answering stuff. If you want in, consider yourself tagged. @youandthemountains, @yallwildinrn, @coralreeferband, @childishzombiejellyfish, @wicked-jade, @usaonetwothree , @mauvecardigans
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
movie shenanigans vs show shenanigans
MASH actually has more than a couple of shenanigans that were also in the movie/book, so which did it choose and in what ways were they (maybe) different:
1. they do record frank and margaret on the show and broadcast it across the camp. on the show, I think this is one of the worst things that hawkeye does to margaret, and gives quite a neat bit of characterisation -- to hawkeye in the moment, to margaret, alas, not until a few seasons later in hindsight. hawkeye of course has the great “I was too busy going too far” line, whereas margaret’s ordeals with misogyny are explored further along in the story, although unfortunately in the episode itself she’s kind of pushed aside in favour of frank’s outrage (although she does get to be angry initially). one thing I appreciate is that at least she’s already acknowledged to be a great nurse by this time, if still an antagonist, and so potentially losing her is a blow to the unit, while in the movie she’s steadily reduced to little more than foaming-at-the-mouth ditzy
2. they do frame an army guy with a sex worker, although it’s not as graphic on the show as in the movie, in which they actually strip an unconscious man and put him in bed with a naked woman and take pictures of them as he wakes up and struggles to get out of the bed. in the movie this is actually done as an act of trying to get some actual doctoring done, on a Korean baby no-less, while an army bureaucrat is trying to hinder them. a rare moment of something related to the army more directly + actually gives a sense that they are in Korea and can do something, although it’s also another example of the limited roles that women have in this story, particularly asian women (I believe they’re on leave in tokyo at this point? so she’s presumably japanese. am suddenly unsure if we ever see a korean woman??). in the show it’s because a man is trying to stop an American soldier and a Korean woman from getting married, and they only try to convince him that they have pictures of him with sex workers after getting him blackout drunk
3. they do steal a jeep! actually this is my favourite hijink in the film, because it’s showing casual disrespect for army protocol, and happens right at the beginning, setting up the tone and two of the characters. in the show the most famous jeep-theft is when BJ arrives in korea, and hawkeye’s at his peak devil-may-care fuck-this-place-and-fuck-the-army-(and-fuck-trapper-perhaps?) so it’s less about character set-up (although it says a teensy bit about the newcomer BJ that he’s so ready to follow hawkeye at this point), and more about hawkeye where he’s at in that episode
4. they do... I think????... get an outsider in to the unit (or try to??) in order to win a sports game? if I’m remembering correctly. but I cannot remember when or how or if they succeed? in the movie, this is everyone’s bestest guy oliver! he only arrives late in the story, and unfortunately I think the football match is boring, but I do love that he and one of the other black players get to interact about how to get a white racist player thrown off the pitch. they should’ve been the main characters
5. and of course they do trick someone into being naked, while members of the camp watch and cheer, once with bj and hawkeye, and once just with bj. the framing of it is, ahem, less... virulently misogynistic and overall nasty, because they’re all friends by this point. one also perhaps gets a sense that considering the show had a bunch of “nekked women in showers” spying jokes early on, this is fair turnaround from a meta point of view/that it fits into alan alda’s agenda of taking hawkeye down a peg. also, both bj and hawkeye have pulled some pretty big and sometimes not-so-nice pranks in the show (and bj in particular continues to/both of these episodes are about pranks), so the power dynamics are overall veeery different from what the movie is doing
6. they do trick someone into getting psychiatrically evaluated for fitness of duty (the ringbanger), but it’s done differently and it’s not frank burns. it’s got a lot less of a personal vendetta ring to it, and far more of a “this guy gets people killed, we’ll stop him somehow!” vibe. it’s a fucked up thing to do to a person, but it’s got more depth and stick-it-to-the-army feeling to it. in the movie, frank is the main face the army gets, and he’s a tool, but the way the goad him into a fight by graphically describing what margaret must be like in bed, uh... doesn’t speak well for them/they seem to hate him more because he’s annoying than because he’s an army guy who abuses his power. I wonder if frank in the show almost getting a section 8 is a callback to that?
7. they do drug an opponent during a fight/match that has a heavy bet related to it. in the movie this is done during the football match. in the show this is done during the boxing fight. probably the least deep in the show of the hijinks, as this is fully just to get nurse margie cutler to stay
so that makes possibly 7 hijinks from the movie that are also in the show, at least four of which occur in the first three seasons. there may be more, I’m just forgetting. the overall difference is in the framing  -- often either specifically anti-military, although there is definite sexist bullying of margaret baked into that with the first one, and/or could be done after they were already all friends. overall there is simply more context to the show’s version of these shenanigans, whether narrative or character-building, but that’s understandable considering the time the show has to build these things (I said in my review, I like the aimless shambling of the movie, although I got nothing out of the nastiness of it). I actually think some of the meaner tricks they pull on the show are directed at charles, but I don’t think there are any there inspired by the movie
the one I was most weirded out by in the film was “tricking someone into thinking he’s committing suicide (but actually just knocking him out), so that they can “cure” him thinking he’s gay (because he’s impotent, which he thinks must be because he’s gay), by a nurse -- whom they didn’t include in this plan until she was literally in the room with him and has consistently wanted to be faithful to her husband I think -- having sex with him while he’s unconscious” -- and it works, because of porn logic, I guess. am I right, that that’s what happened? unpacking that is... a whole thing 
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rosie-tyler · 6 days ago
Thanks for tagging me @billy-royalton !💗
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Cute and pretty accurate lol
Tagging @p4nicaker @miyagi-hokarate @d-dormant @deviousdevilx @macchiatosdumptruck @amymone69 @purty-pumpkin @cookietastic @puella-peanut @bubblegumflavor @merv606 @crimmson-sight @justhereforthecupcakes @mochisquish @thecranekick @darthdisco @soupforsoup @holydongbird @mauvecardigans @coldcompanion @hunkydorkling and anyone who wants to do this!
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mjf-af · 8 months ago
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huh. is there something up with McFly July this year?
@daryfromthefuture @bg-sparrow @mythical-bookworm and @mauvecardigans 👀
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landofalwayswinter · 2 months ago
2025 firsts!
tagged by @mauvecardigans <3
I waited a few days but sadly I haven't watched any movies yet. I did watch Swan Lake though?
first movie watched game played: Dredge
first song listened to: Taste by Sabrina Carpenter
first tv show episode I watched: Arcane s01e07 or 08
first book I read in: Fuzz by Mary Roach (I started in Dec, finished in Jan)
first fanfic read: ...you don't need to know that about me.
first food I ate: egg salad sandwich
first dinner I had: fack I don't remember. I think leftover meatloaf.
first bit of arts'n'crafts I did: wrote some fanfic for [REDACTED], my first attempt at writing fic since the les mis madness days of 2012. It is Bad 👍
tags: @eleventytimesseven
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