#maurice shea
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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God and the Soldier all men adore, In time of trouble and no more, For when war is over And all thing righted, God is neglected, And the Old Soldier slighted.
Jan Morris, Pax Britannica: Climax of an Empire  
The last surviving Waterloo veteran from Wellington's army was Maurice Shea who died in 1892 in Canada. But the last veteran from any nation was August Friedrich Schmidt, a Prussian, born in 1795. He died in 12 September 1899.
Photo: Maurice Shea (left) and August Friedrich Schmidt (right).
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expend4blesfilmulromana4k · 2 years ago
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) ONLINE SUBTITRAT IN {ROMANA}
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) Online Subtitrat – filme noi subtitrate cu claritate hd și fără întreruperi, De asemenea, acestea au subtitrare si o calitate exceptionala.
Daca esti pasionat de filme Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online hd si nu stii exact cum poti sa le accesezi fara sa fii abonat la un serviciu de streaming online, te poti inspira din lista noastra cu recomandari de site-uri de filme si seriale gratuite.
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) Film Online Subtitrat Full HD 1080p in Româna
➤ Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online în română : https://reurl.cc/8NG8Rd
Expend4bles (2023) Eliberată : Sep 15, 2023 Durata de rulare: 103 min. Gen: Acțiune, Aventuri, Thriller Stele: Jason Statham, 50 Cent, Megan Fox, Dolph Lundgren Director: Tim Maurice-Jones
Synopsis du film: Eroii de sacrificiu se așează, din nou, în formație de luptă. De data asta au de înfruntat un traficant de arme care are sub comandă o uriașă armată privată….
Un film bazat pe Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu a intrat în dezvoltare în 2023, dar munca nu a început serios până în decembrie 2023, când a fost angajat Callaham. Cretton s-a alăturat în martie 2023, iar titlul filmului și distribuția principală au fost anunțate în iulie. Acest lucru a dezvăluit legătura filmului cu organizația Ten Rings, care a apărut anterior în MCU, și liderul său Wenwu, care a fost adaptat după personajele problematice de benzi desenate Fu Manchu și Mandarin . Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu și Legenda celor zece inele este primul film de la Marvel Studios cu un regizor asiatic și o distribuție predominant asiatică. Filmările au început la Sydney în februarie 2023, dar au fost suspendate în martie din cauza pandemiei de COVID-19. Producția a reluat în august și s-a încheiat în octombrie, cu filmări suplimentare în San Francisco. Brad Allan și alți membri ai echipei de cascadorii Jackie Chan au coordonat secvențele de luptă.
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu și Legenda celor zece inele a avut premiera la Los Angeles pe 16 august 2023 și a fost lansat în Statele Unite pe 3 septembrie, ca parte a fazei a patra a MCU. A încasat peste 432 de milioane de dolari în întreaga lume, devenind al nouălea film cu cele mai mari încasări din 2023 . A stabilit mai multe recorduri de box office și a primit recenzii pozitive din partea criticilor, dintre care mulți au lăudat explorarea și reprezentarea culturii asiatice care a diferențiat filmul de restul MCU, precum și secvențele de acțiune și performanța lui Leung. Filmul a primit diverse premii, inclusiv o nominalizare pentru cele mai bune efecte vizuale la cea de-a 94-a ediție a Premiilor Academiei . O continuare este în dezvoltare.
Who are all the actors from from Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu? Tom Cruise. Hayley Atwell. Ving Rhames. Simon Pegg. Rebecca Ferguson. Vanessa Kirby. Henry Czerny. Shea Whigham.
Is Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu Marvel or DC? Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu is a production of DC Studios and The Safran Company. It will be released theatrically on August 18th from Warner Bros.
Will Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu be good? According to the first reviews of Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu, it’s got a lot of heart, great Latino representation, and a star-making performance by its lead. However, while many reviews say it’s a good sign for DC movies to come, others do call it just more of the same.
Is Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu a good movie? Director Ángel Manuel Soto has crafted a highly entertaining film that lovingly spotlights the Reyes family and their Mexican American culture and allows Maridueña to shine as a hero that everyone can cheer for. August 16, 2023 | Rating: 4/5 |
What is the plot of Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu? Storyline. An alien scarab chooses college graduate Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the teenager with a suit of armor that’s capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu. He’s a superhero, whether he likes it or not.
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Cum să urmărești Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online subtitrat in Română. Cauți unde să vezi filmul Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online subtitrat in Română de înaltă definiție? Urmărește Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu HD online subtitrat in Română pe site-ul ro.4dxstream.com
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Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) film grozav de vizionat gratuit și legal!
Cinematografele internaționale vor rămâne în urmă din cauza coronavirusului, dar asta nu înseamnă că au filmul pentru cinematografele de weekend. Vizionați filmul acasă și alegeți dintre ofertele gratuite de la cei mai mari furnizori de streaming.
Unul dintre cele mai așteptate filmul ale anului, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu noiembrie 2023 în cinematografe la distribuit de ro.4dxstream.com.
Bucurați-vă de timpul liber cu familia, prietenii și partenerii. Vă puteți petrece timpul liber aici vizitând pagina noastră oficială de film, pe care o puteți accesa oricând și oriunde. Pe paginile de filme făcute pentru tine, filme Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu de vizionat. De asemenea, puteți accesa gratuit filme în italiană.
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Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu este disponibil pe HBO Max?
HBO Max este un serviciu de streaming relativ nou care oferă lui Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu de vizionat. Puteți viziona Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu pe HBO Max dacă sunteți deja membru. Dacă nu sunteți încă membru, puteți să vă înscrieți pentru o lună de încercare gratuită și apoi să anulați înainte de sfârșitul lunii dacă nu doriți să rămâneți abonat.
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu disponibil pe Netflix?
Din liant, „Este Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu disponibil pe Netflix?” Nu. Nici nu va fi curând! Este greu de crezut că au trecut 20 de ani de când Wes Craven a lansat capodopera horror Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu în lume.
Un film de referință din multe puncte de vedere, a devenit un clasic instantaneu care a inspirat nenumărați regizori și a dat naștere a patru continuare în câțiva ani. Acestea fiind spuse, ne putem aștepta să apară o mulțime de trivia-uri legate de Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu în mass-media în lunile următoare, dar deocamdată, să ne concentrăm pe o întrebare foarte simplă.
Is Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiuilable On Disney Plus? Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu is a movie that may be streamed on Disney Plus. You can watch Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu on Disney Plus if you’re already a member. If you don’t want to subscribe Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu trying out the service for a month, you can cancel before the month ends. On other streaming services, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu may be rented or purchased.
La un an de la ocupație, Jake conduce o campanie de gherilă împotriva RDA. În timpul unei misiuni de contrainsurgență, Quaritch și subalternii săi ii capturează pe copiii lui Jake. Jake și Neytiri sosesc și îi eliberează, ucigând câțiva dintre soldații lui Quaritch, dar Spider rămâne capturat de Quaritch, care îl recunoaște ca fiind fiul său. După ce RDA nu reușește să obțină informații de la Spider, Quaritch decide să petreacă timp cu fiul său pentru a-l atrage de partea lui. La rândul său, Spider îl învață pe Quaritch despre cultura și limba Na'vi. Conștienți de pericolul reprezentat de faptul că Spider cunoaște unde se află, Jake și familia lui se exilează din Omatikaya și se retrag pe litoralul de est al Pandorei, unde clanul Metkayina le oferă refugiu. Acolo, familia învață căile oamenilor de recif, Kiri dezvoltă o legătură spirituală cu marea, iar Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Tsireya, fiica șefului Tonowari și a soției sale, Ronal.
După ce l-a apărat pe Kiri împotriva lui Aonung, fiul lui Jake, Lo'ak își cere scuze la insistențele sale. Aonung și prietenii săi îl atrag apoi pe Lo'ak să facă o excursie pe teritoriul unui prădător de mare și îl lasă blocat. După ce a fost salvat de o fiară uriașă de mare, Lo'ak se împrietenește cu Payakan, un Tulkun - o specie inteligentă și pacifistă asemănătoare unei balene pe care Metkayina o consideră frații lor spirituali. La întoarcere, Lo'ak câștigă prietenia lui Aonung luând vina pentru călătorie, dar i se spune că Payakan este un proscris printre Tulkun. Mai târziu, Kiri se leagă de Arborele Spirit subacvatic al Metkayinei și „întâlnește” spiritual mama ei biologică, Grace, a cărei conștiință trăiește în Pandora. În timpul transei induse de legătură, Kiri suferă o criză și cade inconștient, aproape înecându-se.
Jake îi cheamă pe Norm Spellman și Max Patel pentru ajutor în folosirea echipamentului lor medical, unde o diagnostichează pe Kiri cu epilepsie și o avertizează că nu se poate conecta din nou la Arborele Spiritelor, deoarece acest lucru o poate ucide. Deși Ronal o salvează pe Kiri, Quaritch urmărește aeronavele lui Norm și Max până în arhipelagul unde locuiesc Metkayina. Aducând pe Spider cu el, Quaritch își unește forțele cu operațiunile maritime ale RDA, conduse de căpitanul Mick Scoresby, și comandă o navă de vânătoare de balene care vânează Tulkuns pentru a extrage un ser anti-îmbătrânire numit amrita. Echipa lui Quaritch face raiduri în arhipelagul, interogând triburile despre locația lui Jake fără niciun rezultat. Quaritch le ordonă apoi vânătorilor de balene să omoare tulkuni din apropierea satelor pentru a-l atrage pe Jake afară. Lo'ak se leagă mental de Payakan și află că a fost dat afară pentru că a fost împotriva modalităților pacifiste ale speciei sale și a atacat vânătorii de balene care i-au ucis mama, provocând multe morți.
Când Metkayina află despre crimele lui Tulkun, Lo'ak îl avertizează pe Payakan, urmat de frații și prietenii săi. Ei îl găsesc pe Payakan vânat, iar Quaritch îi capturează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Tuk. Jake, Neytiri și Metkayina au pornit să se confrunte cu oamenii și să-i salveze pe copii. Quaritch îl forțează pe Jake să se predea, dar Payakan atacă vânătorii de balene, declanșând o luptă care ucide mai mulți membri ai echipajului, schilodește nava și îi taie brațul lui Scoresby. Neteyam îi salvează pe Lo'ak, Tsireya și Spider, dar este împușcat mortal de Quaritch. Devastați, ambii părinți se întorc pentru a-și salva copiii rămași care au fost recapturați; când se confruntă cu echipa lui Quaritch, Neytiri zboară într-o furie îndurerată și îi ucide cu brutalitate pe mulți dintre ei, rupând accidental arcul tatălui ei în acest proces. Jake se confruntă cu Quaritch, care îl folosește pe Kiri ca ostatic, iar când Neytiri face același lucru cu Spider, Quaritch la început neagă relația lor, dar renunță odată ce Neytiri încearcă să-l omoare pe Spider.
Jake, Quaritch, Neytiri și Tuk sunt prinși în vasul care se scufundă. După o încăierare tensionată, Jake îl sugrumă pe Quaritch inconștient și este salvat de Lo'ak și Payakan, în timp ce Kiri îi salvează pe Neytiri și Tuk. Păianjenul îl salvează pe Quaritch, dar refuză să meargă cu el și se alătură familiei lui Jake, moment în care este primit ca un fiu adevărat. După înmormântarea lui Neteyam, Jake îl informează pe Tonowari despre decizia sa de a părăsi Metkayina. Totuși, șeful îl identifică cu respect pe Jake ca parte a clanului și îi urează bun venit lui și familiei sale să rămână. Înainte de a jura să-și reia campania împotriva RDA, Jake și familia lui își acceptă și își trăiesc noua viață pe mare.
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu ( 2023) este un Comedie film regizat de Matei Dima și jucat de Nicole Cherry, Rareș Mariș. Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) 𝐒ubtitrat in romana, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) 𝐒ubtitrat in romana online, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) în româna, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) la cinema, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) online 𝐒ubtitrat, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) personaje, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) sun plaza, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) trailer, filme online Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023), Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) 𝐒ubtitrat, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) online, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) dublat în româna, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) baneasa, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) cinema, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) cinema city, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) dublat in romana tot filmul, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) dublat in romana online, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) dublat in romana trilulilu, Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) dublat in limba romana Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu 𝐒ubtitrat in romana Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu 𝐒ubtitrat in romana online Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu în româna Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu la cinema Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online 𝐒ubtitrat Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu personaje Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu sun plaza Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu trailer filme online Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu 𝐒ubtitrat Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu dublat în româna Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu baneasa Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu cinema Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu cinema city Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu dublat in romana tot filmul Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu dublat in romana online Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu dublat in romana trilulilu Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu dublat in limba romana
Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu (2023) film online subtitrat – Taking control – Tipul liber: Preluarea controlului. O pelicula unica de actiune, aventura si comedie regizat de Shawn Levy dintr-un scenariu gandit de Matt Lieberman si Zak Penncu cu urmatorii actori principali: Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Taika Waititi. Povestea suna asa: Un tip care lucreaza la banca realizeaza ca este de fapt un NPC intr-un joc video violent, insa in lumea reala. Acesta stie ca tot ce poate sa faca este sa incerce sa termine jocul pentru a se putea salva, inainte ca, contructorii jocului sa il poata incerca. Pentru a face asta el trebuie sa devina un semizeu in joc si are un timp limitat. Vezi aventura acestuia si daca va reusi sa se salveze urmarind Expendables 4: Eroi de sacrificiu online subtitrat in limba romana neinrerupt – Filme noi 2023 gratis.
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mbtiblogfun · 4 years ago
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MBTI INFP romantic pairings and couples:
Daniel Sousa and Peggy Carter (Agent Carter)
Maurice Hall and Clive Durham (Maurice)
Reggie Kray and Frances Shea (Legend)
INFPs: Daniel, Frances, and Maurice
ENTJs: Reggie, Clive, and Peggy
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years ago
July 11, 1946
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Directed by Edward N. Buzzell 
Produced by Jack Cummings for Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
Written by Dorothy Kingsley, based on the screenplay Libeled Lady by George Oppenheimer, Maurine Dallas Watkins (as Maurice Watkins), and Howard Emmett Rogers.  Uncredited contributions by Buster Keaton. 
Synopsis ~ When a newspaper runs a scandalous story about debutante Connie Allenbury, her powerful broker father threatens the newspaper's editor, Warren Haggerty, with a massive lawsuit. Faced with a libel suit from the socialite Allenbury, Haggerty cooks up a plan to beat her at her own game. To do this, he must rely upon the romantic chicanery of ex-employee Bill Stevens Chandler, with Haggerty's fiancée Gladys Benton (Lucille Ball) caught in the middle. Warren believes that, if he can prove Connie truly is a home-wrecker, as the article claims, he can file a countersuit against her. Warren then enlists his own fiancée, Gladys and reporter Bill Chandler to take part in a complex plan to turn the tables on the Allenburys.
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Lucille Ball (Gladys Benton) is appearing in her 63rd film since coming to Hollywood in 1933.  Lucy plays the role originated by her friend Jean Harlowe in the 1936 version Libeled Lady. 
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Van Johnson (Bill Stevens Chandler) co-starred in Too Many Girls (1940), the film that introduced Lucille Ball to Desi Arnaz. He was also seen with Lucy in the film Yours, Mine and Ours (1968).  He played himself on one of the most popular episodes of “I Love Lucy,” “The Dancing Star” (ILL S4;E27) and 1968′s “Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50?” (HL S1;E11). He died in 2008 at age 92. 
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Esther Williams (Connie Allenbury) also appeared with Lucille Ball in Ziegfeld Follies (1945).  
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Keenan Wynn (Warren Haggerty) also appeared with Lucy and Williams in Ziegfeld Follies (1945) and with Ball in Without Love (1945) and The Long, Long Trailer (1953). 
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Ben Blue (Spike Dolan) previously appeared with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943). Like Lucy, he had a cameo role in the 1967 film A Guide for the Married Man.  They also acted together in “Jack Benny’s Carnival Nights” on March 20, 1968.
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Cecil Kellaway (J.B. Allenbury) had previously appeared with Ball in Annabel Takes A Tour (1938). 
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Ethel Smith (Herself) was an organist playing herself.
Carlos Ramirez (Himself) was a Columbian-born singer appearing as himself. 
June Lockhart (Babs Norvell) became one of TV’s most famous moms on “Lassie” and “Lost in Space”.  
Paul Harvey (Farwood) did six other films with Lucille Ball: The Affairs of Cellini (1934), Kid Millions (1934), Broadway Bill (1934), The Whole Town’s Talking (1935), I’ll Love You Always (1935), and The Marines Fly High (1940).  Fans probably remember him best as the art critic who visits the Ricardo apartment to assess Lucy’s talent in “Lucy the Sculptress” (ILL S2;E15).
James Flavin (Joe) previously appeared with Lucille in The Affairs of Cellini (1934), Without Love (1945), as the Pizzeria Owner in “The Visitor from Italy” (ILL S6;E5), and in 1963 Critic’s Choice and two episodes of “The Lucy Show.”
Celia Travers (Farwood's Secretary) had also appeared with Lucille Ball in Meet the People (1944). 
Grant Mitchell (Homer Henshaw) makes his only screen appearance with Lucille Ball.
Sybil Merritt (Receptionist) makes her only appearance with Lucille Ball. 
Sondra Rodgers (Attendant) makes her only appearance with Lucille Ball. 
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Guy Bates Post (Allenbury’s Butler)
John Valentine, Charles Knight (Butlers)
Jean Porter (Frances)
Nina Bara (Rumba Dancer)
Josephine Whittell (Mrs. Burns Norvell)
Dick Winslow (Orchestra Leader)
Walter Soderling (Mr. H.O. Dibson, Justice of the Peace)
Joel Friedkin (Second Justice of the Peace)
Sarah Edwards (Mrs. Dibson)
Charles Sullivan (Bouncer in Newspaper Office)
Mitzie Uehlein, Patricia Denise, Kanza Omar, Phyllis Graffeo (Girls at Pool)
Fidel Castro (Boy at Pool) 
Jack Shea (Lifeguard)
Tom Dugan, Alex Pollard, Fred Fisher (Waiters)
George Calliga (Headwaiter)
Karin Booth (Clerk)
Milt Kibbee (Private Detective)
Robert E. O'Connor (Taxi Driver)
Frank S. Hagney (Truck Driver)
Jonathan Hale (Hector Boswell)
Virginia Rees (Lucille Ball’s Singing Voice)
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A remake of one of the great comedies of the 1930s, Libeled Lady,  with Jean Harlow, William Powell, Myrna Loy, and Spencer Tracy.
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Van Johnson worked with Lucille Ball again several more times. He guest-starred as himself on "I Love Lucy" and he co-starred with her in the 1968 film Yours, Mine and Ours.
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Van Johnson's biography, MGM's Golden Boy, states that Lucille Ball's performance as Gladys "reveals the embryo of her Lucy Ricardo role in the later ‘I Love Lucy’ television series."
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Chandler's overdue hotel bill of $763.40 would equate to nearly $10,380 in 2021. The film was a big hit at the box office, earning MGM a profit of $1,779,000 according to studio records.
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The duck hunting sequence with Johnson was written and directed by Buster Keaton and Edward Sedgwick, both of who proved close personal friends with Lucille Ball. 
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Radio’s “Screen Guild Theater” broadcast a 30-minute adaptation of the movie in February 1948 with Van Johnson and Esther Williams reprising their film roles. Two years later, "Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60-minute radio adaptation of the movie with Van Johnson reprising his film role.
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Lucille Ball borrows one of Samuel Goldwyn's malapropisms when she says, "Include me out!" Keenan Wynn tries to convince her of having a sham wedding with Van Johnson.
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This film was first telecast in Los Angeles on September 26, 1957; in Philadelphia on October 25, 1957' in New York City January 23, 1958; and in San Francisco on Saturday January 25, 1958. At this time, color broadcasting was in its infancy, limited to only a small number of high rated programs, primarily on NBC and NBC affiliated stations, so these film showings were all still in B&W. Viewers were not offered the opportunity to see these films in their original Technicolor until several years later.
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Early in this film, on the lower left of the screen, Fidel Castro (without the beard) is seen as a poolside spectator with a drink in front of him. Young Fidel did extra work for MGM, while a student at UCLA, before becoming fully active in politics. It’s interesting that Castro and Lucille should be in the same film, seeing that her husband was born in Cuba and driven out by revolutionaries. 
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years ago
Noticias de series de la semana
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Comedy Central ha renovado South Park hasta su trigésima temporada. Además, Paramount+ ha encargado catorce películas.
Apple TV+ ha renovado Physical por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers por una segunda temporada
Showtime ha renovado The Chi por una quinta temporada
Adult Swim ha renovado Tuca & Bertie por una segunda temporada
Roku podría producir una película de Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist y quizás más temporadas
Sky Comedy ha renovado Bloods por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado Star Wars: The Bad Batch por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha cancelado Little Voice tras su primera temporada
Amazon ha cancelado Panic tras su primera temporada
HBO Max ha descartado Overlook. Se venderá a otra plataforma.
Noticias cortas
Britt Robertson (Cheyenne) y Michelle Forbes (Margaret) no estarán en la segunda temporada de Big Sky.
Matthew Willig (André the Giant) será regular en la segunda temporada de Young Rock.
Wyatt McClure (Billy) será regular en la quinta temporada de Young Sheldon.
Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, A Series of Unfortunate Events) protagonizará y producirá Uncoupled, en la que Michael pensaba que su vida era perfecta hasta que su marido se marcha tras diecisiete años.
Cobie Smulders (How I Met Your Mother, Stumptown) sustituye a Betty Gilpin en el papel de Ann Coulter en Impeachment: American Crime Story.
Ellen Burstyn (The Exorcist, Requiem for a Dream) volverá a interpretar a Bernie Stabler, la madre de Elliot (Chris Meloni), en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime.
Sam Waterston (Grace and Frankie, The Newsroom), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show, Resurrection), Anne Archer (Falcon Crest, Ghost Whisperer), Dylan Minnette (13 Reasons Why, Awake), Bashir Salahuddin (GLOW, Looking), Alan Ruck (Succession, The Exorcist), Mary Lynn Rajskub (24, The Girlfriend Experience), Hart Bochner (Too Old to Die Young, Die Hard), James Hiroyuki Liao (Unforgettable, Prison Break), Nicky Endres (One Day at a Time), Camryn Mi-Young Kim y Andrew Leeds (Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, A Million Little Things) se unen a The Dropout. Interpretarán a George Schultz, secretario de Estado; David Boies, abogado representante de Elizabeth (Amanda Seyfried); Charlotte Schultz, esposa de George; Tyler Shultz, biólogo que trabaja en Theranos; Brendan Morris, ingeniero eléctrico de Theranos; Jay Rosan, miembro del equipo de innovación de la sede de Walgreens en Chicago; Lorraine Fuisz, esposa de Richard Fuisz (William H. Macy); Larry Ellison, millonario interesado en Theranos; Edmond Ku, jefe de ingeniería de Theranos; Ana Arriola, diseñadora de Apple reclutada por Elizabeth; Erika Cheung, graduada en Berkeley que empieza a trabajar en Theranos; y Roland, sabelotodo lameculos del CFO de Walgreen.
Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us, Luke Cage) y Vinnie Jones (Galavant, Snatch) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime como Leon Kilbride, un congresista que sabe jugar sus cartas; y Albi Briscu, un gangster europeo.
Leslie Jones (Saturday Night Live, Ghostbusters) y Nat Faxon (Friends From College, Ben and Kate) se unen como recurrentes a Our Flag Means Death.
Sam Elliott (The Ranch, A Star Is Born) y los cantantes Tim McGraw (The Shack) y Faith Hill protagonizarán Y: 1883, la precuela de Yellowstone. Serán Shea Brennan, cowboy con un inmenso pesar que tiene la tarea de guiar a un grupo de Texas a Montana; y James y Margaret Dutton, patriarca y matriarca de la familia Dutton.
Luis Guzmán (Black Code, Oz) será Gomez, el padre de Wednesday (Jenna Ortega), en Wednesday.
Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights, Titans), Dominic Fike y Demetrius "Lil Meech" Flenory Jr. (Black Mafia Family) se unen a la segunda temporada de Euphoria. Se desconocen detalles.
Michelle Forbes (The Killing, True Blood) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de New Amsterdam como Veronica Fuentes, una fixer que tiene la tarea arreglar las cifras del hospital.
Kerry Bishé (Halt and Catch Fire, Narcos) será Austin Geidt, empleada número cuatro de Uber, en Super Pumped.
Ian Anthony Dale (Hawaii Five-0, Murder in the First) y Laurie Fortier (Hemlock Grove, Unsolved) se unen a la undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead. Serán Tomi, miembro del grupo recientemente descubierto; y Agatha.
Keir Gilchrist (Atypical, United States of Tara), Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, House of Cards) y Tom Pelphrey (Ozark, Iron Fist) se unen como regulares a Love and Death. Interpretarán al pastor Ron Adams, la pastora Jackie Ponder y Don Crowder.
Raza Jaffrey (Code Black, Smash) y Sennia Nanua serán Francois Guise y Rahima en The Serpent Queen.
Ella Rumpf (Grave, Freud) participará como invitada en la tercera temporada de Succession. Se desconocen detalles.
Julie Halston (Bitsy) estará en And Just Like That..., el revival de Sex and the City. Christopher Jackson (Hamilton, Bull) y LeRoy McClain (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Respect) serán Herbert Wexley, exitoso banquero de Manhattan y esposo de Lisa Todd Wexley (Nicole Ari Parker); y Andre Rashad Wallace, exitoso músico y marido de Nya Wallace (Karen Pittman).
Poppy Liu (Hacks, Sunnyside) se une como regular a Dead Ringers. Será Greta, encargada del servicio en casa de Elliot y Beverly (Rachel Weisz).
Eiza González (From Dusk Till Dawn, I Care a Lot) está en negociaciones para unirse al reparto de The Three Body Problem.
Beth Lacke (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series), Stephen Louis Grush (Longmire) y Cass Buggé (Disjointed) se unen como recurrentes a Lightyears. Serán Chandra, antigua alumna de Irene (Sissy Spacek) insatisfecha con su trabajo en una residencia de ancianos y con la vida en general; Nick, un solitario sin habilidades sociales que lleva un negocio familiar de cortinas y tiene una inesperada conexión con Stella (Julieta Zylberberg); y Jeanine, esposa de Byron (Adam Bartley) recién llegada a Farnsworth y vecina de Irene y Franklin (J.K. Simmons).
Byron Bowers (The Chi) será Herman, un director de Hollywood que se encuentra en París promocionando su película, en Irma Vep. Tom Sturridge (Sweetbitter, The Hollow Crown) sustituye a Jerrod Carmichael en el papel de Eamonn, exnovio de Mira (Alicia Vikander).
Daniel Augustin (David Makes Man), Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (Homeland, Cruel Summer), Amandla Jahava y Jaboukie Young-White (Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens) serán recurrentes en Rap Sh*t como Maurice, amigo y colega de Shawna (Aida Osman); Fatima, compañera de clase y amiga de Cliff (Devon Terrell); Jill, amiga de la universidad de Shawna que trabaja en Spotify en Nueva York; y Francois Boom, antiguo compañero de clase de Shawna y productor.
Richard Roundtree (Family Reunion, Being Mary Jane) y Terri J. Vaughn (Insecure, Greenleaf) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de Cherish the Day. Serán Mandeville "MV" St. James, exjuez y padre viudo de Sunday (Joy Bryant); y Anastasia, futura exmujer de Ellis (Henry Simmons).
Justice Leak (Raising Dion, Powers) será recurrente en The Staircase como Tom Maher, compañero de David Rudolf (Michael Stuhlbarg).
Martin Bobb-Semple (Pandora, Free Rein), Karim Diané (StartUp), Sara Thompson (The 100, Burden of Truth), George Ferrier (Dirty Laundry), Miles J. Harvey (American Vandal) y Zenia Marshall (Date My Dad) serán recurrentes en One of Us Is Lying como Evan Nieman, novio de Bronwyn (Marianly Tejada); Kris Greene, nuevo estudiante con lazos con Cooper (Chibuikem Uche) y Nate (Cooper van Grootel); Vanessa Clark, mejor amiga de Addy (Annalisa Cochrane); TJ Forrester, novio de Vanessa; Lucas Clay, hermano pequeño de Cooper; y Keely Moore, novia de Cooper.
Melissa Saint-Amaud (Ozark) será Claire Brockman en Long Slow Exhale.
Alfie Fuller (Little America) participará en la cuarta temporada de The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Se desconocen detalles.
Christie Clark (Carrie), Austin Peck (Austin), Thaao Penghlis (André), Leann Hunley (Anna), Greg Rikaart (Leo), Chandler Massey (Will), Zachary Atticus Tinker (Sonny) y Eileen Davidson, que ha interpretado a varios personajes; también estarán en Days of Our Lives: Beyond Salem.
       Nuevas series
Hulu ha encargado Tell Me Lies, basada en la novela de Carola Lovering (2018), que sigue una relación agitada y tóxica durante ocho años. Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten; Nine Perfect Strangers, Maniac) y Stephen DeMarco se conocen en la universidad, donde decisiones aparentemente mundanas tienen consecuencias irrevocables. Escrita y producida por Meaghan Oppenheimer (Queen America). Produce Emma Roberts (First Kill).
Hulu encarga la comedia This Fool, antes conocida como Punk Ass Bitch, en la que un macarra de Los Ángeles (Chris Estrada) vive aún en casa de sus padres, trabaja en una organización sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a la rehabilitación de pandilleros y se esfuerza para ayudar a cualquiera menos a él mismo. Con Michelle Ortiz (Mr. Mom) y Frankie Quinones (The Dress Up Gang). Escrita y producida por Estrada junto a Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson y Pat Bishop, creadores de Corporate. Producen Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Forever) y Jonathan Groff (How I Met Your Mother, Black-ish).
Syfy encarga Reginald the Vampire, dramedia en la que el mundo está habitado por vampiros bellos, en forma y vanidosos. Reginald Baskin (Jacob Batalon; Spider-Man: Homecoming, 50 States of Fright) es un héroe improbable que tiene que lidiar con todo tipo de obstáculos: no puede estar con la chica que le gusta, tiene un jefe bully en el trabajo y el jefe de los vampiros lo quiere muerto. Adaptación de los libros 'Fat Vampire' de Johnny B. Truant. Escrita por Harley Peyton (Twin Peaks, Channel Zero).
Amazon encarga The Lake, su primera serie original canadiense. Es una comedia en la que Justin (Jordan Gavaris; Orphan Black, Take Two) vuelve a casa tras romper con su pareja, con quien vivió en el extranjero durante muchos años, con la esperanza de reconectar con su hija biológica (Madison Shamoun), a la que dio en adopción en la adolescencia, pero descubre que su padre dejó la idílica casa del lago en la que él pasó su niñez a su hermanastra Maisy-May (Julia Stiles; Riviera, Dexter). Completan el reparto Jon Dore (How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)), Carolyn Scott, Natalie Lisinska (Orphan Black, Mary Kills People), Travis Nelson, Declan Whaley (Criminal Minds) y Terry Chen (The Expanse, Jessica Jones). Escrita y producida por Julian Doucet (Killjoys, Bomb Girls).
eOne adaptará The Turnout, la próxima novela de Megan Abbott (2021). Las hermanas Durant, dueñas de una escuela de ballet y con una historia familiar problemática, contratan a Derek, un contratista, para reformar el estudio. Una de ellas comienza una aventura con él que amenaza sus lazos familiares y expone secretos de la familia.
Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation, Legion) y Ramón Rodríguez (Gang Related, Iron Fist) protagonizarán el piloto de Olga Dies Dreaming, adaptación de la novela de Xóchitl Gonzalez (2021), en Hulu. Trata sobre dos hermanos nuyorriqueños con una madre ausente y políticamente radical y una vida entre la élite de Nueva York tras el paso del huracán María. Olga (Plaza) es una wedding planner cuya fachada oculta un interior oscuro, su búsqueda de la perfección se ha convertido en un compulsivo mecanismo de supervivencia, cree que nadie la ve como una igual y que su éxito es una ilusión y trata de escapar de su pasado todo lo que pueda. Prieto (Rodríguez) es un congresista orgulloso de su origen puertorriqueño que creció con el papel de patriarca y mantiene esta fachada ante sus votantes y sus oponentes. Escrita por Gonzalez y dirigida por Alfonso Gómez-Rejón (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, American Horror Story).
HBO Max desarrolla Sag Harbor, adaptación de la novela de Colson Whitehead (2009) en la que Benji Cooper, uno de los pocos estudiantes negros de una escuela de secundaria de élite de Manhattan en 1985, escapa de los Hamptons cada verano para ir a Sag Harbor, donde una pequeña comunidad de profesionales afroamericanos han construido su propio mundo. Escrita por Daniel "Koa" Beaty. Producen Beaty, Whitehead y Laurence Fishburne (Black-ish).
Deceit se estrena en Channel 4 el 13 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Ladhood se estrena en BBC Three el 15 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Code 404 se estrena en Sky Comedy el 1 de septiembre
La sexta temporada de Queen Sugar se estrena en OWN el 7 de septiembre
Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. se estrena en Disney+ el 8 de septiembre
The Lost Symbol se estrena en Peacock el 16 de septiembre
La cuarta y última temporada de Dear White People llega a Netflix el 22 de septiembre
Dopesick se estrena en Hulu el 13 de octubre
La segunda temporada de The Great se estrena en Hulu el 19 de noviembre
The Lord of the Rings se estrena en Prime Video el 2 de septiembre de 2022
Otras imágenes
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Tráilers y promos
La casa de papel - Temporada 5
Impeachment: American Crime Story
Stranger Things - Temporada 4
Dear White People - Temporada 4 y última
The Great - Temporada 2
Y: The Last Man
Truth Be Told - Temporada 2
Queen Sugar - Temporada 6
Cobra Kai - Temporada 4
Diary of a Future President - Temporada 2
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who are some of your favorite artists?
ooh omg 😳💗 by no means is this a comprehensive list but some of my favorites are!
hayv kahraman
berthe morisot
john singer sargent
johannes vermeer
amrita sher-gil
holly warburton @/holly-warbs
alphonse mucha
wayne thiebaud
vanessa gillings @/vanessagillings
jenny holzer
shanti shea an
fairfield porter
gülsün karamustafa
em niwa @/em-niwa
helen frankenthaler
vincent van gogh
hilma af klimt
salman toor
yoshitaka amano
pascal campion
edward hopper
yoshitomo nara
faith ringgold
maria medem @/mariamedem
ernst klimt
henri matisse
magi puig
juliette brocal @/cy-lindric
beatrix potter
maurice denis
kiki smith
stephanie @/mohtz
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boykeats · 6 years ago
sorry if anyone has already asked you this before, but it's pride month and this year, i want to immerse myself in lgbt culture. got any lgbt media recs? they could be anything - books, shows, songs, poetry, art, etc etc
james baldwin’s giovanni’s room
pat barker’s regeneration
austin chant’s peter darling
emily m. danforth’s the miseducation of cameron post
leslie feinberg’s stone butch blues
e. m. forster’s maurice
mackenzie lee’s the gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue
malinda lo’s ash
s. t. lynn’s cinder ella
anna-marie mclemore’s when the moon was ours
mary renault’s the charioteer
benjamin alire sáenz’s aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe
virginia woolf’s orlando
tv shows
cw’s black lightning
fx’s pose
itv’s in the flesh
netflix’s special
angels in america - tony kushner
breaking the code - hugh whitemore
fun home - alison bechdel
indecent - paula vogel
not about heroes - stephen macdonald
against me! - the ocean
big thief - shark smile
grizzly bear - two weeks
the irrepressibles - two men in love
left at london - revolution lover
leo mateus - dear liberty
lucy dacus - dream state
rostam - bike dream
shea diamond - i am her
wrabel - the village
c. p. cavafy
eduardo c. corral
natalie diaz
emily dickinson
andrea gibson
eileen myles
frank o'hara
federico garcia lorca
audre lorde
mary oliver
sam sax
danez smith
chrysanthemum tran
ocean vuong
meg allen
heather cassils
thomas eakins
frida kahlo
annie leibovitz
catherine opie
john singer sargent
david wojnarowicz
grant wood
soraya zaman
671 notes · View notes
bangtan-translations · 6 years ago
¿Cómo BTS logró llegar donde otros grupos no pudieron?
Escrito por T.K. Park y Youngdae Kim
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Después de que todas las entradas de la gira mundial de BTS, Love Yourself, se hayan agotado en todo el mundo, no era extraño ver a los medios estadounidenses comparando su gira con la llegada de los Beatles a los Estados Unidos y la invasión británica de 1960, ya que BTS ha dejado un largo registro de estadios repletos de fans gritando. La comparación se produjo cuando BTS se presentó en dos grandes estadios- Citi Field en Nueva York y el O2 Arena en Londres-invocando la imagen del histórico concierto de la banda inglesa en el Shea Stadium.
Ser la banda de chicos mas grande del mundo no es un logro pequeño. Hace apenas unos años, era difícil de imaginarse que un grupo de K-pop heredaría el trono que anteriormente les pertenecían a artistas como New Kids on the Block, N’SYNC, y One Direction- todos provenientes de países anglo fónicos (habla inglesa), y casi todos de tez blanca. Pero al dar una mirada más cercana a la música y mensaje de BTS, nos daremos cuenta de que incluso llamar a BTS una “boy band” puede ser una subestimación.  
El término "boy band" es producto de la historia de la música pop anglo fónica, y trae consigo un cierto conjunto de suposiciones. Comenzando con Jackson 5 y Osmonds y culminando con New Kids on the Block, el término se empleó para llamar a un grupo de chicos pop conformado por jóvenes guapos, interpretando música creada por un productor. Su público objetivo eran las adolescentes, hacia quienes se dedicaba la música y los mensajes de la banda. Las letras solían ser dulces, y las canciones trataban de relaciones romántica con una chica. Comúnmente, la música de las “boy bands” rara vez era aventurera, consistiendo en melodías pop fáciles y predecibles.
En cierto sentido, no es incorrecto llamar a BTS una "boy band". El sistema de producción de ídols de K-pop se puede le puede atribuir directamente a la producción de las bandas de chicos en los EE. UU y en el Reino Unido. Los grupos de chicos ingles hablantes también disfrutaron de una gran popularidad en Corea del Sur, tanto que cuando New Kids on the Block celebró un concierto en Seúl en 1992, la gran estampida de espectadores mató a un fan y hospitalizó a otros 50. Los productores de Corea buscaron igualar el sistema que creó a Jackson 5 y New Kids on the Block. Esto eventualmente resultó en el infame "sistema de aprendices" de K-pop, que también creó a BTS bajo la dirección de BigHit Entertainment. Al igual que otras bandas de chicos y grupos de idols de K-pop, BTS es un grupo formado por jóvenes guapos que interpretan música que se apoya fuertemente en la estética visual.
Pero es ahí donde terminan las similitudes, ya que muchas de las suposiciones históricas sobre los grupos de chicos no son aplicables a BTS. Por debajo de las similitudes superficiales, BTS tiene una característica diferente que les permite alcanzar un rango más amplio de audiencia que las otras boy bands.
En este punto, las bandas idols de K-pop están ubicados musicalmente en un lugar diferente. Si bien hay grupos de K-pop que utilizan mayormente el pop pegadizo, los principales grupos de K-pop a menudo introducen sonidos audaces e innovadores. En su canción "Rum Pum", de f(x) superó los límites al hacer bailes electrónicos inusualmente estructurados y "The 7th Sense" de NCT funcionó porque se basa en un sonido minimalista e hipnótico. Estas canciones son aventureras hasta el punto de que ni siquiera tienen mucho en común con otras canciones de K-pop.
Las bandas de chicos occidentales de los años 90 también experimentaron con sonidos y géneros distintos a la música pop, pero las bandas de idols de K-pop lo han llevado un paso más allá. En este sentido, son herederos musicales de Michael Jackson, cuya música dejó una huella indeleble en la historia musical del pop coreano de los años noventa. (Seo Taiji y Boys, los iniciadores del K-pop moderno, estaban obsesionados con la música de Jackson). Vale la pena recordar que Michael Jackson también comenzó su carrera musical en Jackson 5, una banda tipo idol que surgió antes del término "boy band ". Sin embargo, Michael Jackson llevó su música a un nivel sin precedentes al hipnotizar visual y auditivamente a los fans. Es así como, siguiendo el ejemplo de Jackson, las bandas de ídols K-pop buscaron constantemente presentar un “paquete completo” de grandes habilidades vocales, excelente coreografía y presencia carismática en el escenario. Este aspecto del K-pop ha sido crucial para revivir el género de "boy band" que se ha estado perdiendo en los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido. BTS ha tenido éxito porque fueron los mejores en presentar este paquete completo. Ellos son un grupo multifacético compuesto por tres raperos y cuatro vocalistas, a diferencia de las bandas de chicos de EE. UU. / Reino Unido, en donde suelen ser todos vocalistas con uno o dos que tienen el papel principal.
Para las “boy bands” de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, el productor es inseparable de la banda. Es difícil de imaginar a New Kids on the Block sin Maurice Starr, Backstreet Boys sin Lou Pearlman o One Direction sin Simon Cowell. El mismo sistema se importó al K-pop, en donde la mayoría de las bandas de idols están estrechamente asociadas con sus compañías, generalmente SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment o YG Entertainment, todas con las iniciales de sus respectivos fundadores. Pero no lo es tanto en el caso de BigHit Entertainment y su fundador Bang Si-hyuk, quien enfatizó la libertad de los artistas sobre un estilo de compañía especifica. Con la ayuda de un pequeño grupo de productores internos, los miembros de BTS participaron desde el principio en el proceso de creación musical, componiendo sus propias canciones y escribiendo sus propias letras.
Aunque la influencia de Bang Si-hyuk y los productores de BigHit está claramente presente en la música de BTS, pero dicha influencia es menos evidente en comparación con, por ejemplo, las huellas de Starr en New Kids on the Block o la marca evidente de Max Martin en Backstreet Boys y N 'SYNC. La música de BTS se presenta como orgánica porque es extraída naturalmente de las propias mentes de los miembros del grupo. No es una coincidencia que BTS comenzara su viaje musical con el hip-hop, el género que quizás tenga el nivel más alto de autenticidad. Al principio, BTS estaba más cerca de ser un grupo de hip-hop en formato boy band, en lugar de una boy band que intentaba hacer hip-hop.
La autenticidad artística de BTS brilla aún más en sus letras y mensajes. A pesar de que BTS también canta sobre el amor y las citas, es más a menudo sobre la autorreflexión y las observaciones sobre las personas y el mundo que los rodea. Se enfocan en el interior, en lugar de cantar superficialmente a alguien más. BTS es honesto acerca de sus luchas; y son críticos y desafiantes sobre los desafíos impuestos por sus adversarios y la sociedad en general. Su mensaje, que en última instancia se trata en amarte a ti mismo, es positivo y optimista, ya que surge naturalmente de su energía juvenil. Esta frase esperanzadora, que hace eco al mensaje de “Heal the World” de Michael Jackson, coloca a BTS en lugares a los que rara vez llegan otras estrellas del pop, como la campaña contra la violencia en colaboración con UNICEF y un discurso pronunciado durante la Asamblea General de la ONU.
Lo que distingue a BTS de las demás bandas de chicos más grandes del mundo es también lo que permite a BTS llegar a una mayor variedad de fans que sus predecesores. Los fans de BTS son más diversos cultural, étnica y generativamente que los de cualquier otra banda de chicos que vinieron antes que ellos. Su fandom, ARMY, es verdaderamente una fuerza global, con cientos de millones de seguidores en Asia, Oriente Medio y África. En particular, su gira mundial Love Yourself atrajo a un gran número de fans de mediana edad. Para la mayoría de las bandas de chicos, una multitud de fans de mediana edad vendría solo para la gira de reencuentro, pero en cualquier concierto BTS realizado, no era raro ver a tres generaciones de ARMY, o una pareja de madre e hija en la que la madre era la fan de BTS mientras la hija actuaba como la acompañante.
Los medios de comunicación de habla inglesa todavía están tratando de procesar el aumento de popularidad repentina de BTS. Debido a que BTS pareció surgir completamente de la nada, ha habido una lucha para encontrar un marco de referencia, que es como hemos llegado a "boy band". La descripción no es incorrecta, pero tampoco es completamente cierta. Si bien la llegada de BTS a los EE. UU. se ha comparado con los Beatles y la invasión británica, es posible que estemos viendo a los herederos de Michael Jackson del siglo XXI.
 Traducido por: Monie🌸
Créditos: Vulture
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anisanews · 4 years ago
NHL awards tracker 2021: Full list of finalists, winners for Hart, Vezina, Norris and more
Like in 2020, there won’t be a glitzy Las Vegas awards show. And, like in 2020, that won’t stop the NHL’s best and brightest from getting their hardware.
The NHL started handing out its 2021 awards on June 14, although we knew a few winners beforehand.
Maple Leafs forward Auston Matthews won the Maurice “Rocket” Richard Trophy with 41 goals during the regular season. Edmonton’s Connor McDavid won the Art Ross Trophy with an NHL-best 105 points. He scored 21 more points than the No. 2 guy on the list, teammate Leon Draisaitl. Matthews and McDavid are also up for the Hart Trophy. The Golden Knights goalie tandem of Marc-Andre Fleury and Robin Lehner snagged the 2021 William M. Jennings Trophy for the fewest goals against (124). It marked the first time Fleury won the award; Lehner won it in 2019 with Thomas Greiss for the Islanders.
Sporting News has all the award winners below.
(Getty Images) https://ift.tt/2S3m5Tw
King Clancy Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player who shows “leadership on and off the ice and who has made a noteworthy humanitarian contribution to his community.” The trophy winner is selected by a committee of senior NHL executives that includes commissioner Gary Bettman and deputy commissioner Bill Daly.
Finalists: Kurtis Gabriel (San Jose Sharks), Pekka Rinne (Nashville Predators), P.K. Subban (New Jersey Devils)
Winner: Pekka Rinne
The long-time Predators netminder, who is an unrestricted free agent this offseason, has become entrenched in Nashville’s community. In 2012-13 he started, with then-captain Shea Weber, the 365 Pediatric Cancer Fund that has raised more than $3 million for the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital in Vanderbilt, Tenn. With his Trophy, the NHL will also donate $25,000 — which is being matched by the Preds Foundation to the fund. Rinne also works with organizations like Best Buddies, Make-A-Wish and the Peterson Foundation for Parkinson’s and spearheaded other initiatives throughout the pandemic including providing free coffee and meals to front-line workers.
“After spending 15 years with the same organization and in the same city, and with the opportunities I’ve had through local charities in my community – this is very special to me,” Rinne said in Nashville’s release. “At the same time, I was to congratulate P.K. and Kurtis on their nomination and for everything they do for their communities. I want to thank the Predators and the Predators Foundation for letting us players get involved and help in our community. I also want to recognize Shea Weber, who helped start the 365 Fund with me. This award means a lot to me and my family, and it’s a huge honor.”
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(Getty Images) https://ift.tt/3gyWkE9
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to hockey as voted on by the Professional Hockey Writers Association.
Finalists: Matt Dumba (Minnesota Wild), Oskar Lindblom (Philadelphia Flyers), Patrick Marleau (San Jose Sharks)
Winner: Oskar Lindblom
A finalist last season, Lindblom was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma in December 2019 and missed the majority of the 2019-20 regular season before returning in September for the Flyers in the bubble. This season, he played in 50 games and recorded eight goals and six assists. In March, he was again declared cancer-free following another scan.
“I feel very, very honored and proud to win this award and to compete with these types of players like Matt Dumba and Patrick Marleau that are great players and great people on and off the ice. It’s very special for me,” Lindblom said per the team’s release. “Just to be able to get back on the ice again was so, so good and I can’t say more than that. It was an awesome feeling to be back on the ice again.”
A $2,500 grant from the PHWA will be awarded to the Bill Masterton Scholarship Fund in the name of Lindblom.
Willie O’Ree Community Hero Award
Named after the first Black player to play in the NHL, this award goes to an individual who has made a positive impact on their community, culture or society to make people better through hockey. Now in its third year, the winner will be selected via votes by fans, the NHL and MassMutual. The winner is awarded $25,000 with the two finalists receiving $5,000 each.
Finalists: Renee Hess (Black Girl Hockey Club), Kevin Hodgson (HEROS), Howard Smith (Pittsburgh I.C.E.)
Winner: Will be announced on Wed., June 16
Jack Adams Award
Awarded to the NHL’s best head coach by the NHL’s Broadcasters’ Association.
Finalists: Rod Brind’Amour (Carolina Hurricanes), Dean Evason (Minnesota Wild), Joel Quenneville (Florida Panthers)
Winner:  Will be announced on Thurs., June 17
Frank J. Selke Trophy
Voted on by the PHWA, this trophy is awarded to the NHL’s best defensive forward.
Finalists: Aleksander Barkov (Florida Panthers),   Patrice Bergeron (Boston Bruins), Mark Stone (Vegas Golden Knights)
Winner: Will be announced on Fri., June 18
Lady Byng Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player who combines sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct with a high level of play, as voted on by the PHWA.
Finalists: Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs), Jaccob Slavin (Carolina Hurricanes), Jared Spurgeon (Minnesota Wild)
Winner: Will be announced on Sat., June 19
Jim Gregory General Manager of the Year Award
Awarded to the NHL’s best GM since the 2009-10 season by a panel of general managers, NHL executives and members of the media.
Finalists:  Will be announced on June 17
Winner:  Will be announced on Sun., June 20
Mark Messier NHL Leadership Award
Awarded to the player “who exemplifies great leadership qualities to his team, on and off the ice during the regular season.” A Hall of Famer and six-time Stanley Cup champion, Messier makes the final decision on who wins this award.
Winner: Will be announced on Mon., June 21
Calder Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the NHL’s best rookie. The PHWA votes on this award.
Finalists: Kirill Kaprizov (Minnesota Wild), Alex Nedeljkovic (Carolina Hurricanes), Jason Robertson (Dallas Stars)
Winner:  Will be announced during Stanley Cup Final
Hart Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the player deemed most valuable to their team, as voted on by the PHWA.
Finalists:  Nathan MacKinnon (Colorado Avalanche), Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs), Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers)
Winner:  Will be announced during Stanley Cup Final
James Norris Memorial Trophy
Voted on by the PHWA, this trophy goes to the NHL’s top defenseman.
Finalists: Adam Fox (New York Rangers), Victor Hedman (Tampa Bay Lightning), Cale Makar (Colorado Avalanche)
Winner:  Will be announced during Stanley Cup Final
Ted Lindsay Award
Previously known as the Lester B. Pearson Award, this award is given to the player deemed most valuable to their team, as voted on by members of the NHL Players’ Association.
Finalists: Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins), Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs), Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers)
Winner: Will be announced during Stanley Cup Final
Vezina Trophy
Finalists: Marc-Andre Fleury (Vegas Golden Knights), Philipp Grubauer (Colorado Avalanche), Andrei Vasilevskiy (Tampa Bay Lightning)
Winner: Will be announced during Stanley Cup Final
NHL All-Rookie Team
Voted on by the PHWA.
NHL First All-Star Team
Voted on by the PHWA.
NHL Second All-Star Team
Voted on by the PHWA.
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years ago
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Fox news Top undrafted rookie free agents following the 2020 NFL Draft - NFL.com
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There had been 255 gamers selected in the 2020 NFL Draft who now contain a living to call dwelling. Nonetheless for folk that did no longer hear their title known as over the three days, it would not imply hope of making an NFL roster is misplaced. Right here is my living-by-living list of the most straightforward undrafted rookie free brokers available (by irascible).
Word all of the picks for the 2020 NFL Draft right here.
1. Steven Montez, QB, Colorado (UPDATE: Signing with Washington Redskins, per team) 2. Anthony Gordon, QB, WSU (UPDATE: Signing with Seattle Seahawks, per Pelissero) 3. Brian Lewerke, Michigan Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle England Patriots, per his agent) 4. Shea Patterson, Michigan (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per Pelissero) 5. Bryce Perkins, Virginia (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per Pelissero) 6. Kelly Bryant, Missouri 7. Kevin Davidson, Princeton (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 8. Khalil Tate, Arizona (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 9. Riley Neal, Vanderbilt (UPDATE: Signing with Denver Broncos, per Pelissero) 10. Jacob Knipp, Northern Colorado 11. Mason Ravishing, North Texas 12. Kai Locksley, UTEP 13. Reid Sinnett, San Diego (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per Pelissero) 14. Crop Tiano, Chattanooga(UPDATE: Signing with Houston Texans, per Pelissero) 15. Jalen Morton, Prairie Look (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 16. Tyler Huntley, Utah (UPDATE: Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per team) 17. Case Cookus, Northern Arizona (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per Pelissero) 18. Blake Barnett, South Florida 19. Tom Flacco, Towson Inform
Working backs
1. James Robinson, Illinois Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Jacksonville Jaguars) 2. Salvon Ahmed, Washington (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers) 3. Kennedy McKoy, West Virginia 4. Rico Dowdle, South Carolina (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 5. Michael Warren, Cincinnati (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 6. Sewo Olonilua, TCU (UPDATE: Signing with Dallas Cowboys) 7. Jamycal Fleet, Baylor (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 8. LeVante Bellamy, Western Michigan (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 9. Rodney Smith, Minnesota 10. Scottie Phillips, Mississippi (UPDATE: Signing with Houston Texans) 11. J.J. Taylor, Arizona 12. Javon Leake, Maryland (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 13. Brian Herrien, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 14. Darius "Jet" Anderson, TCU (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 15. Patrick Taylor, Memphis (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 16. Reggie Corbin, Illinois 17. Tony Jones, Notre Dame (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle Orleans Saints) 18. Xavier Jones, SMU (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per team) 19. Benny LeMay, Charlotte (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 20. Tyson Williams, BYU 21. Jaqwis Dancy, La Tech 22. Gerold Vivid, Utah Inform 23. Cameron Scarlett, Stanford (UPDATE: Signing with Tennessee Titans) 24. Darius Bradwell, Tulane (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 25. Moe Neal, Syracuse 26. Tabyus Taylor, Virginia Union 27. Tra Minter, South Alabama 28. Artavis Pierce, Oregon Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Chicago Bears) 29. Jordan Cronkrite, South Florida 30. Mon Denson, South Carolina 31. A.J. Hines, Duquesne 32. Antonio Williams, North Carolina (UPDATE: Signing with Buffalo Bills) 33. Trevor Allen, Northern Iowa 34. Walter Fletcher, Ball Inform
Huge receivers
1. Kalija Lipscomb, WR, Vanderbilt (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 2. Quartney Davis, Texas A&M (UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team) 3. Lawrence Cager, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Jets) 4. Trishton Jackson, Syracuse (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per team) 5. Omar Bayless, Arkansas Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Carolina Panthers, per NFL Community's Rhett Lewis) 6. Binjimen Victor, Ohio Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 7. Aaron Fuller, Washington (UPDATE: Signing with Seattle Seahawks) 8. Austin Mack, Ohio Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 9. Kendrick Rogers, Texas A&M (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 10. Josh Pearson, Jacksonville Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per team) 11. Marquez Callaway, Tennessee (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle Orleans Saints) 12. Juwan Johnson, Oregon (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle Orleans Saints) 13. Kendall Hinton, Wake Wooded space (UPDATE: Signing with Denver Broncos, per team) 14. Cody White, Michigan Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 15. Stephen Guidry, Mississippi Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 16. Jeff Thomas, Miami (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle England Patriots, per Pelissero) 17. Kirk Merritt, Arkansas Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Miami Dolphins) 18. Chris Finke, Notre Dame (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 19. Lee Morris, Oklahoma 20. Hasise Dubois, Virginia 21. Dejon Brissett, Virginia 22. Tony Brown, Colorado (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 23. Isaiah Wright, Temple (UPDATE: Signing with Washington Redskins, per team) 24. Josh Hammond, Florida (UPDATE: Signing with Jacksonville Jaguars) 25. Jeff Cotton, Idaho (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 26. Matthew Sexton, Jap Michigan 27. Andre Baccellia, Washington (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 28. Will Hastings, Auburn (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle England Patriots) 29. Aleva Hifo, BYU (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 30. Johnathan Johnson, Missouri (UPDATE: Signing with Washington Redskins, per team) 31. Isaiah Zuber, Mississippi Inform 32. Dan Chisena, Penn Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 33. Maurice French, Pittsburgh (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 34. Kevin Kassis, Montana Inform 35. Chris Rowland, Tennessee Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Atlanta Falcons, per NFL Community's Steve Wyche) 36. Tyler Simmons, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Houston Texans) 37. Micah Simon, BYU 38. Matt Cole, McKendree (UPDATE: Signing with Miami Dolphins)
Tight ends
1. Hunter Bryant, TE, Washington (UPDATE: Signing with Detroit Lions, per team) 2. Thaddeus Moss, LSU (UPDATE: Signing with Washington Redskins, per team) 3. Jared Pinkney, Vanderbilt (UPDATE: Signing with Atlanta Falcons) 4. Charlie Taumoepeau, Portland Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 5. Jacob Breeland, Oregon (UPDATE: Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per Pelissero) 6. Sean McKeon, Michigan (UPDATE: Signing with Dallas Cowboys) 7. Nigel Kilby, Southern Illinois 8. Giovanni Ricci, Western Michigan (UPDATE: Signing with Carolina Panthers) 9. Race Harrell, Arkansas (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 10. Luke Farrell, Ohio Inform 11. Dominick Wood-Anderson, Tennessee (UPDATE:  Signing with Seattle Seahawks, per team)
12. Ahmad Wagner, Kentucky (UPDATE: Signing with Chicago Bears) 13. Ben Ellefson, North Dakota Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Jacksonville Jaguars) 14. Cheyenne O'Grady, Arkansas 15. Joey Magnifico, Memphis 16. Noah Togiai, Oregon Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per Pelissero) 17. Jared Rice, Fresno Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 18. Tyler Mabry, Maryland (UPDATE:  Signing with Seattle Seahawks, per team)
19. Farrod Inexperienced, Mississippi Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Indianapolis Colts, per team) 20. Mitchell Wilcox, South Florida (UPDATE: Signing with Cincinnati Bengals, per team) 21. Jay Jay Wilson, Auburn 22. Nate Wieting, Iowa (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 23. Woody Brandom, Sam Houston St. 24. Blaise Gammon, Kansas Inform 25. Tyrone Wheatley Jr., Morgan Inform 26. Matthew Wilkerson, Edward Waters College
Offensive tackles
1. Yasir Durant, Missouri (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 2. Trey Adams, Washington(UPDATE: Signing with Buffalo Bills, per Pelissero) 3. Terence Steele, Texas Tech (UPDATE: Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per NFL Community's Jane Slater) 4. Darrin Paulo, Utah (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle Orleans Saints) 5. Jared Hilbers, Washington (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Jets) 6. Branden Bowen, Ohio Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Carolina Panthers) 7. Crop Kaltmayer, Kansas Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Miami Dolphins) 8. Evin Ksiezarczyk, Buffalo 9. Steve Nielsen, Jap Michigan 10. Victor Johnson, Appalachian Inform 11. Matt Womack, Alabama 12. Carter O'Donnell, Alberta (Canada) 13. Kamaal Seymour, Rutgers 14. Josh Knipfel, Iowa Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Cincinnati Bengals, per team) 15. Evan Greeneway, South Dakota Inform 16. Mason Wolfe, Kentucky 17. Brandon Walton, Florida Atlantic 18. Josh Brown, Idaho 19. Jake Fruhmorgen, Baylor 20. Jared Southers, Georgia Tech 21. Scott Hattok, Air Pressure 22. Chris Ferguson, Cincinnati 23. Javon Mosley, Gentle Mexico 24. Zack Johnson, North Dakota Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 25. Cole Habib, Northern Arizona 26. Jake Benzinger, Wake Wooded space (UPDATE:  Signing with Arizona Cardinals, per team) 27. David Moorman, Wisconsin 28. Jordan Steckler, Northern Illinois 29. Mitch Brott, Montana Inform 30. Patrick Krall, Monmouth (Ill.) 31. Tommy Champion, Mississippi Inform 32. David Bolisomi, TCU 33. Miles Pate, Western Kentucky 34. Chris Schlichting, Jap Washington 35. Ryan Roberts, Florida Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 36. Hunter Atkinson, Georgia Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Atlanta Falcons, per team) 37. Clayton Bradley, USC 38. Drake Dorbeck, Southern Miss (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 39. Ketel Asse, Laval 40. Marcus Norman, South Florida 41. Gewhite Stallworth, Louisiana Tech
Internal offensive linemen
1. Cordel Iwuagwu, TCU 2. Darryl Williams, Mississippi Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per Pelissero) 3. Cohl Cabral, Arizona Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per team) 4. Zach Shackelford, Texas 5. Jordan Johnson, Central Florida 6. Kyle Murphy, Rhode Island (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 7. Trystan Colon-Castillo, Missouri (UPDATE: Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per team) 8. Luke Juriga, Western Michigan (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 9. Donell Stanley, South Carolina 10. Dallas Warmack, Oregon 11. Brady Aiello, Oregon (UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team) 12. Steven Gonzalez, Penn Inform 13. Gabe Megginson, Illinois Inform 14. Evan Adams, Syracuse (UPDATE: Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per team) 15. Frederick Mauigoa, Washington Inform 16. Sean Pollard, Clemson (UPDATE: Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per team) 17. Tim Lynott, Colorado 18. Colton Prater, Texas A&M 19. Jake Lacina, Augustana (S.D.) (UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team) 20. Cody Creason, Arizona 21. Christian Montano, Tulane (UPDATE: Signing with Pittsburgh Steelers, per team)
Edge rushers
1. Crop Coe, Auburn 2. Qaadir Sheppard, Mississippi 3. Bryce Huff, Memphis 4. Chauncey Rivers, Mississippi Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Baltimore Ravens, per team) 5. LaDarius Hamilton, North Texas (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per Cowboys) 6. Bryce Sterk, Montana Inform 7. Trevon Hill, Miami 8. Ron'Dell Carter, James Madison (UPDATE: Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per Slater) 9. Azur Kamara, Kansas (UPDATE: Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per Pelissero) 10. Oluwole Betiku, Illinois (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 11. Joe Gaziano, Northwestern (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 12. Christian Rector, USC 13. Kendall Coleman, Syracuse 14. Tipa Galeai, Utah Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 15. Jonah Williams, Weber Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per team) 16. Jalen Bates, Colorado Inform 17. Austin Edwards, Ferris Inform 18. Michael Divinity, LSU (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per team)
Internal defensive linemen
1. Benito Jones, Mississippi 2. Raequan Williams, Michigan Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 3. Josiah Coatney, Mississippi (UPDATE: Signing with Pittsburgh Steelers, per team) 4. Malcolm Roach, Texas (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle Orleans Saints, per Pelissero) 5. Trevon McSwain, Duke (UPDATE: Signing with Chicago Bears, per team) 6. Darrion Daniels, Nebraska (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 7. Garrett Marino, Alabama-Birmingham (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 8. Doug Costin, Miami (Ohio) 9. Mason Bennett, North Dakota 10. Tyler Clark, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Cincinnati Bengals, per team) 11. Calvin Taylor, Kentucky (UPDATE: Signing with Pittsburgh Steelers, per team) 12. Brendon Hayes, Central Florida 13. David Moa, Boise Inform(UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team)
14. Mike Panasiuk, Michigan Inform 15. Teair Tart, Florida Global 16. Breiden Fehoko, LSU (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 17. Auzoyah Alufohai, Western Georgia 18. LaCale London, Western Illinois (UPDATE: Signing with Chicago Bears, per team) 19. Chris Williams, Wagner 20. Kobe Smith, South Carolina (UPDATE: Signing with Tennessee Titans, per Pelissero) 21. Ray Lima, Iowa Inform 22. Brady Reiff, Iowa 23. Cedrick Lattimore, Iowa (UPDATE:  Signing with Seattle Seahawks, per team)
24. Sterling Johnson, Coastal Carolina
1. Joe Bachie, LB, Michigan St. 2. Dante Olson, LB, Montana (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 3. Jordan Mack, Virginia 4. De'Jon Harris, Arkansas 5. Cale Garrett, Missouri 6. David Woodward, Utah Inform 7. Michael Pinckney, Miami 8. Kyahva Tezino, San Diego Inform 9. Jan Johnson, Penn Inform 10. Francis Bernard, Utah (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 11. Chris Orr, Wisconsin 12. Daniel Bituli, Tennessee 13. Cam Gill, Wagner (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per team) 14. Isaiah Davis, Maryland 15. Dontavious Jackson, Florida Inform 16. John Houston, USC (UPDATE: Signing with Pittsburgh Steelers, per team) 17. Keisean Lucier-South, UCLA 18. Javin White, UNLV 19. Bryan London II, Texas Inform 20. Keandre Jones, Maryland (UPDATE: Signing with Chicago Bears, per team) 21. Asmar Bilal, Notre Dame (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Chargers, per team) 22. Erroll Thompson, Mississippi Inform 23. Leo Lewis, Mississippi Inform 24. La'mar Winston, Oregon 25. Omari Cobb, Marshall (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team)
1. J.R. Reed, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Jacksonville Jaguars, per Pelissero) 2. Myles Dorn, North Carolina(UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team) 3. Chris Miller, Baylor (UPDATE:  Signing with Seattle Seahawks, per team)
4. Jared Mayden, Alabama (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 5. Shyheim Carter, Alabama 6. Jalen Elliott, Notre Dame (UPDATE: Signing with Detroit Lions, per team) 7. Kam Curl, Arkansas 8. Jeremiah Dinson, Auburn (UPDATE: Signing with Detroit Lions, per team) 9. Rodney Clemons, SMU (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team) 10. Reggie Floyd, Virginia Tech (UPDATE:  Signing with Arizona Cardinals, per team) 11. Evan Foster, Syracuse 12. Nigel Warrior, Tennessee 13. David Dowell, Michigan Inform 14. Jovante Moffatt, Heart Tennessee (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 15. Jarius Morehead, N.C. Inform 16. Luther Kirk, Illinois Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Dallas Cowboys, per team) 17. Marc-Antoine Dequoy, Montreal (Canada) (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 18. CJ Ibezim, American Global 19. Josh Sandry, Montana 20. Brayden Konkol, Montana Inform 21. James Hendricks, North Dakota Inform 22. Javon Hagan, Ohio (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per team) 23. Kekoa Nawahine, Boise Inform 24. Benny Walls, Temple 25. Douglas Coleman III, Texas Tech (UPDATE: Signing with Denver Broncos, per team) 26. Alize Ward, Stephen F. Austin 27. Jaquarius Landrews, Mississippi Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Giants, per team) 28. Marlon Bridges, Jacksonville (Ala.) Inform 29. Christian Campbell, Georgia Tech
1. Javaris Davis, Auburn (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per Pelissero) 2. Parnell Motley, Oklahoma (UPDATE: Signing with Tampa Bay Buccaneers, per team) 3. Grayland Arnold, Baylor (UPDATE: Signing with Philadelphia Eagles, per team) 4. A.J. Inexperienced, Oklahoma Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Cleveland Browns, per team) 5. DeMarkus Acy, Missouri (UPDATE: Signing with San Francisco 49ers, per team) 6. Lamar Jackson, Nebraska (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Jets, per Pelissero) 7. Javelin Guidry, Utah (UPDATE: Signing with Gentle York Jets, per Pelissero) 8. Madre Harper, Southern Illinois 9. Stanford Samuels, Florida Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 10. Zane Lewis, Air Pressure (UPDATE: Signing with Arizona Cardinals, per Pelissero) 11. Lavert Hill, Michigan 12. Jace Witttaker, Arizona 13. Delrick Abrams Jr., Colorado 14. Trajan Bandy, Miami (UPDATE: Signing with Pittsburgh Steelers, per Pelissero) 15. Essang Bassey, Wake Wooded space (UPDATE: Signing with Denver Broncos, per team) 16. Nevelle Clarke, Central Florida(UPDATE: Signing with Minnesota Vikings, per team) 17. Amari Henderson, Wake Wooded space 18. Will Sunderland, Troy (UPDATE: Signing with Inexperienced Bay Packers, per team) 19. Levonta Taylor, Florida Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Los Angeles Rams, per team) 20. James Pierre, Florida Atlantic 21. Jaron Bryant, Fresno Inform 22. Tyler Corridor, Wyoming 23. Alvin Davis, Akron 24. Raymond Buford, Gentle Mexico Inform 25. Manny Patterson, Maine 26. Debione Renfro, Texas A&M 27. Charles Oliver, Texas A&M 28. Prince Robinson, Tarleton 29. Kobe Williams, Arizona Inform (UPDATE:  Signing with Jacksonville Jaguars, per team) 30. Isiah Swann, Dartmouth (UPDATE: Signing with Cincinnati Bengals, per team)
1. Joseph Charlton, South Carolina 2. Michael Turk, Arizona Inform 3. Alex Pechin, Bucknell 4. Tommy Townsend, Florida (UPDATE: Signing with Kansas City Chiefs, per team)
1. Rodrigo Blankenship, Georgia (UPDATE: Signing with Indianapolis Colts, per Pelissero) 2. JJ Molson, UCLA 3. Cooper Rothe, Wyoming 4. Dominik Eberle, Utah Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Las Vegas Raiders)
1. Steve Wirtel, Iowa Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Detroit Lions, per team) 2. Richard McNitzky, Stanford 3. Liam McCullough, Ohio Inform (UPDATE: Signing with Las Vegas Raiders)
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kleptoxx · 8 years ago
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💜💗first haul on here ✨ got things I wanted/needed 💗💜
🌸Tops🌸 •Pink Boyfriend Bling Jersey $49.95 •VS Night Set $52 •Charlotte Russe sweater $35 •Charlotte Russe top $27 •Kohls redskins top $22.99
🌸Bras🌸 •Kohls strapless bra $42 •Forever 21 braletts $12.90 x3
🌸Bottoms/Socks🌸 •Kohls shorts $15.97 •Old Navy Socks $10 x2
🌸Purses🌸 •Target purse $42
🌸Hair🌸 •Shea moisture shampoo $9 •Shea moisture spray $10 •Shea moisture co wash $10 •Maurice’s headbands $10.99 x2
🌸Body🌸 •VS Golden bloom spray $18 •VS Midnight Ivy spray $18 •VS Velvet petals spray $18 •CeraVa foaming cleanser $15 •Murad pore rescue $32 •Nair face cream $6 •Miss spa charcoal mask $8
🌸Make-up🌸 •Too Faced peach palette $49 •Modern Renaissance $42 •Tarte dream big $30 •Aurora ABH $40 •Smashbox blush &a highlight $35 •Too Faced born this way $39 •Urban Decay all nighter $32 •Urban Decay optical Illusion $34 •Tarte shape tape $25 •ABH Brow gel $22 •ABH Brow wiz $21 •Tarte lip paint $20 •Buxom lil polish $20 x2 •Smashbox foundation/contour $42 •Better than sex $23 •Urban Decay vice $18 •Urban Decay naked lipgloss $20 •IT soft sculpting $34 •IT conceal brush $22 •IT smudge brush $18 •Nyx flat brush $9 •ABH eyebrow brush $18 •Real techniques pack $11
💗💜✨ Total: 1,095.74 ✨💜💗
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Las Vegas–Today the Vegas Golden Knights conclude their 6 game road trip with a stop at Centre Bell (Bell Centre) to take on the Montréal Canadiéns for the first time in franchise history.
The Canadiéns, are arguably the best original six franchise in the National Hockey League since it’s founding 100 years ago. This NHL flagship franchise over the years has won a league-high 24 Stanley Cup Championships with their most recent win in the 1992-1993 season against Wayne Gretzky‘s Los Angeles Kings.
Over the years the Canadiéns have retired hockey’s elite players in their history with 17 players who have donned the Habs sweater during the course of their NHL careers.
( Photo By Howard Berger)
( Photo By Howard Berger)
Jacques Plante, Doug Harvey, Butch Bouchard, Jean Beliveau, Bernie Geoffrion, Guy Lapointe, Howie Morenz, Maurice Richard, Guy Lafleur, Yvan Cournoyer, Dicki Moore, Henri Richard, Elmar Lach, Serge Savard, Larry Robinson, Bob Gainey, Ken Dryden, and Patrick Roy.
Montréal finished the recent campaign with 103 points with a 47-26-9  (31-19-8 under Michel Therrien and 16-7-1 under Claude Julien)
This season, the Canadiéns are 6-8-1 with 13 points are near the bottom of the Eastern Conference in standings in 13th place and holds the 6th spot in the Atlantic Division.
They are currently on a 2-game winning streak with a 5-4 overtime win over the Jets, and a 2-0 victory this past weekend against the Chicago Blackhawks.
Brendan Gallagher leads the Canadiéns in goals this season with 6. Max Pacioretty is right behind Gallagher in the goal-scoring department with 5.
Veteran defenseman Shea Weber along with newcomer forward Jonathan Drouin are tied with 8 assists.
In overall points, they have three-way Gallagher, Weber, and Drouin with 11 on the season.
Pacioretty has six points (three goals, three assists) in his past five games.
For the Canadiéns, backup goaltender Charlie Lindgren is scheduled to make his second start between the pipes for Montréal. Lindgren recorded his 1st ever NHL shutout win over the Blackhawks on Sunday in a 38 save percentage performance.
Last night the Vegas Golden Knights participated in their first ever shootout in franchise history where the Toronto Maple Leafs bested them in the skills competition with a lone goal that came from Mitch Marner that resulted in a 4-3 loss.
What was a positive in the 4-3 loss to the Maple Leafs, was that the Golden Knights kept them off the scoresheet in the 3rd period. On this Eastern Conference road swing, they have been outscored in that period 10-3.
(Photo by TSN’s SportsCentre)
Heading into their matchup against the Habs, the Golden Knights recorded on this road trip, are 1-3-1 and have an overall season record of 9-4-1.
They currently hold the 3rd place spot in the Western Conference with the Winnipeg Jets who they will play later this week and are still in 2nd place in the Pacific Division behind the Los Angeles Kings.
The Golden Knights team leader in goals is forward James Neal who currently has 7 on the season. He also holds the lead in points with 12 on the year.
Forwards Reilly Smith and David Perron are sharing the 2nd place spot with the Golden Knights in points with 10.
Defensemen’s Brad Hunt, Nate Schmidt, and Colin Miller, along with forward Perron are the co-leaders with the Golden Knights in assists with 7 so far in this campaign.
In his last ten games, forward William Karlsson has 10 points (4 goals and 6 assists).
Goaltender Maxime Lagace since taking over for Dansk on the road trip has only one win to his credit and that was against the Ottawa Senators. Lagace is the projected starter between the pipes for the Golden Knights.
The Injury Report
VGK: Marc-Andre Fleury (upper body), Malcolm Subban (lower body), Oscar Dansk (lower body), Clayton Stoner (lower body).
MON: Carey Price (lower body), Charles Hudon (upper body), Nikita Scherbak (knee), David Schlemko (hand), Ales Hemsky (concussion-like symptoms)
Will the Golden Knights cap off their road trip with a win against the Montréal Canadiéns, tune in tonight and find out?
Official Broadcast Schedule
Tonight’s puck drop is at 4:30 pm PT. Las Vegas / 7:30 pm ET. Montréal
Television: The matchup will on AT&T SportsNet. This is DIRECTV channel 684, U-verse channels 757 (SD) and 1757 (HD), Cox Cable channels 313 (SD) and 1313 (HD), and CenturyLink channels 760 (SD) and 1760 (HD).
Radio: The radio broadcast is on FOX Sports Radio 98.9 FM/1340 AM.
Game Day: Vegas Golden Knights Cap Off 6-Game Road Trip With A Stop Over At Centre Bell To Take On The Montréal Canadiéns Las Vegas--Today the Vegas Golden Knights conclude their 6 game road trip with a stop at Centre Bell (Bell Centre) to take on the Montréal Canadiéns for the first time in franchise history.
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ninja-muse · 8 years ago
Read in 2017 Masterpost
Italics = 7-8 out of 10; Bold = 9-10 out of 10; Struck = unreviewed
Magic for Nothing - Seanan McGuire A Conjuring of Light - V.E. Schwab The Forgotten Tale - J.M. Frey Borderline - Mishell Baker The Immortals - Jordanna Max Brodsky Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day - Seanan McGuire The Oversight - Charlie Fletcher Indexing: Reflections - Seanan McGuire The Hanging Tree - Ben Aaronovitch Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge - Paul Krueger Shadowed Souls - Jim Butcher and Kerrie L. Hughes, ed. Prudence - Gail Carriger Heroine Complex - Sarah Kuhn Winter of the Gods - Jordanna Max Brodsky The Bedlam Stacks - Natasha Pulley Dead Men’s Boots - Mike Carey The Masked City - Genevieve Cogman The Brightest Fell - Seanan McGuire An Unkindness of Magicians - Kat Howard An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors - Curtis Craddock The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty Magicians Impossible - Brad Abraham The Last Hero - Terry Pratchett A Green and Ancient Light - Frederic S. Durbin
Reread: Carpe Jugulum, The Fifth Elephant, The Last Continent, The Science of Discworld, The Truth, Thief of Time (all from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett), Smoke and Mirrors, Smoke and Shadows (from the Smoke trilogy by Tanya Huff) Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Finished: a reread of Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire
In progress: Smoke and Ashes by Tanya Huff, An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett (all rereads)
DNF Finn Fancy Necromancy - Randy Henderson DNF Witches Be Crazy - Logan J. Hunder
Science Fiction
All Our Wrong Todays - Elan Mastai Take Us To Your Chief and Other Stories - Drew Hayden Taylor Abaddon’s Gate - James S.A. Corey The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. - Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland The Clockwork Dynasty - Daniel H. Wilson Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant A Lot Like Christmas - Connie Willis Pride and Prometheus - John Kessel Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen - Lois McMaster Bujold
Reread: Miles in Love, Diplomatic Immunity, Cryoburn, Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance (all from the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold)
Finished: a reread of The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
In progress: Cibola Burn by James S.A. Corey, A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
DNF Off Rock - Kieran Shea DNF Has the World Ended Yet? - Peter Darbyshire
Ripped From the Pages - Kate Carlisle Siege Winter - Ariana Franklin Royal Flush - Rhys Bowen Break No Bones - Kathy Reichs Behind Chocolate Bars - Kathy Aarons Teetotalled - Maia Chance
Graphic Novels
The Unwritten, Vol. 6 - Mike Carey Sex Criminals, Vol. 1 - Matt Fraction Rivers of London, Vol. 2 - Ben Aaronovitch Saga, Vol. 7 - Brian K. Vaughan Sandman, Vol. 3 - Neil Gaiman Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat!, Vol. 1 - Kate Leth The Hunt - Colin Lorimer Rivers of London, Vol. 3 - Ben Aaronovitch New Romancer, Vol. 1 - Peter Milligan
Young Adult
Strange the Dreamer - Laini Taylor Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst Down Among the Sticks and Bones - Seanan McGuire The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee Radio Silence - Alice Oseman Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee That Inevitable Victorian Thing - E.K. Johnston Unearthed - Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner Noteworthy - Riley Redgate
Other Fiction
Bellweather Rhapsody - Kate Racculia Son of a Trickster - Eden Robinson The Last Neanderthal - Claire Cameron If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio A Hundred Thousand Worlds - Bob Proehl Moonglow - Michael Chabon The Essex Serpent - Sarah Perry Voyager - Diana Gabaldon The Cottingley Secret - Hazel Gaynor Eagle and Empire - Alan Smale
Adventures in Unhistory - Avram Davidson Where Am I Now? - Mara Wilson Chronicle of the Narváez Expedition - Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca At Home - Bill Bryson The Silk Roads - Peter Frankopan The 37th Parallel - Ben Mezrich Between the Woods and the Water - Patrick Leigh Fermor A History of Ancient Egypt: Volume 2 - John Romer The Chemical Choir - P.G. Maxwell-Stuart From Here to Eternity - Caitlin Doughty
In progress: Bad Days in History by Michael Farquhar
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thomwade · 7 years ago
Blurred Lines (Den of Thieves, 2018)
Blurred Lines (Den of Thieves, 2018)
Ray Merriman is ex-military and leads a skilled team of criminals that specialize in hard to pull off heists. They run afoul of the corrupt cop “Big Nick” O’Brien and his crack team officers who try and take them down.
Big Nick and his crew force help from Merriman’s driver Donnie.  Donnie then has to try and play both sides the best he can to survive.
The film switches between their current…
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joaocnsousa · 5 years ago
whipped lavendar shea butter promo 1 from Maurice Ka on Vimeo.
0 notes
trekfm · 6 years ago
282: Playing Pranks
The Lost Episodes, Part 8.   There are many scripts, script outlines, and episode and movie concepts that never made it onto the screen on The Next Generation. These lost episodes can provide a fascinating window into what might have been, what characters and concepts ended up being modified and used later, and into the behind-the-scenes writing process.
In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Amy Nelson, Justin Oser, and Joe Keegan discuss the never-produced season 1 episode "Genius Is Pain" by Tracy Tormé and a never-produced version of Generations by Maurice Hurley. The Lost Episodes is a continuing series that will cover many unfilmed episodes and movie concepts over the course of the seven seasons and four movies of The Next Generation.
Chapters Intro (00:01:12)  Babel Conference Feedback (00:03:08)  "Genius Is Pain" (00:10:52)  Generations: Take One (00:45:04)  Closing (01:00:08) Runtime: 1 hour 8 minutes 42 seconds   Hosts Joe Keegan, Justin Oser, Amy Nelson   Production Amy Nelson (Editor and Producer) Justin Oser (Producer) Tony Robinson (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Michael E Hueter (Associate Producer) Thomas Appel (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate Producer) Chris Tribuzio (Associate Producer) Joe Keegan (Associate Producer) Jim McMahon (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Tony Robinson (Show Art) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)
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