#maui development
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Disaster capitalism has taken many forms in different contexts. In New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, there was an immediate move to replace public schools with charter schools, and to bulldoze public housing projects to make way for gentrifying townhouses. In Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria in 2017, the public schools were once again under siege, and there was a push to privatize the electricity grid before the storm had made landfall. In Thailand and Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, valuable beachfront land, previously stewarded by small-scale fishers and farmers, was seized by real estate developers while their rightful occupants were stuck in evacuation camps.
It’s always a little different, which is why some Native Hawaiians have taken to calling their unique version by a slightly different term: plantation disaster capitalism. It’s a name that speaks to contemporary forms of neocolonialism and climate profiteering, like the real estate agents who have been cold-calling Lahaina residents who have lost everything to the fire and prodding them to sell their ancestral lands rather than wait for compensation. But it also places these moves inside the long and ongoing history of settler colonial resource theft and trickery, making clear that while disaster capitalism might have some modern disguises, it’s a very old tactic. A tactic that Native Hawaiians have a great deal of experience resisting.
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codingcorgi · 9 months
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Day 3 of coding for a year. I'm a bit late posting this, because I passed out 😅
Last night I worked on the backend of getting the tasks implemented and my husband was getting notifications to work correctly. We had some snags with notifications since we've never done that before (I'm thankful for friends and videos online)
Today I'll be hooking up the tasks with front end work using xaml and testing.
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joy-is-what-it-means · 5 months
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Today’s achievement: successfully centred a text!!
Watching: Avatar The Last Airbender.
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Maui Sharks
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jbfly46 · 1 year
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dotnetnews · 3 days
.NET 7 for ASP.NET Developers: Top Features You Need 
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ASP.NET developers have a lot to look forward to in .NET 7, with enhancements designed to improve web development workflows. In this article, we cover the key updates that ASP.NET developers should be aware of, from minimal APIs to new cloud-native features. Understanding these changes will help you optimize your web applications for performance and scalability. Sign up for dotNetNews today, and stay updated on the latest ASP.NET, .NET 7, C#, and Azure developments.
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saigon-technology · 13 days
This article offers real-world solutions for addressing these issues when building an enterprise application using .NET MAUI. Whether you're developing a new business application or tackling the evolving problems of existing ones, this content will be invaluable for you.
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step2gen · 14 days
In the world of software development, one of the key goals is to make our code run faster and more efficiently. This process involves understanding how different parts of our code perform and finding ways to optimize them. One of the tools we use for this is called benchmarking. Let's delve into the fascinating world of performance optimization in .NET, guided by data-driven benchmarking comparisons. Read more
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concettolabs · 4 months
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codingcorgi · 5 months
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Days 110 to 118 of coding everyday for a year and I've gotten so much done!
I finish both of my finals the C++ and the C#. The C++ final is an adventure game and it wasn't too challenging to make honestly I had fun with it. The C# project was also fun because I got to play with microcharts when creating the statistics page to display collected data! I plan to make the C++ game more fun honestly because I can't just let it die from here. I am going to make the Android and iOS build better on the C# project. I'm really proud of myself today :)
My next adventures will be brushing up on JavaScript since I'm severely out of practice and using what I know to make my portfolio website using Blazor!
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joy-is-what-it-means · 5 months
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Study, work, and watching avatar with friends.
Not the most aesthetically appealing picture but it perfectly captures a productive day for me!
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hybridappbuilder · 8 months
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Accelerate Your Mobile App Development with .NET MAUI: Unleash Speed, Performance, and Next-Gen Capabilities!
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amelia84 · 9 months
Empowering Businesses with Cross-Platform Apps: A Look at .NET MAUI's Impact
In the dynamic field of mobile app development, companies must overcome the formidable obstacle of serving a heterogeneous clientele dispersed over multiple channels. Conventional app development approaches frequently call for different codebases for iOS and Android, which adds to the costs and development time and makes it more difficult to maintain consistency between the platforms. But the advent of.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) is turning the tide by enabling companies to improve their market reach and expedite the app development process.
The Landscape of Mobile App Development
Creating and updating separate apps for iOS and Android can be a resource-intensive task for organizations. Further levels of complexity and expense are added by the requirement for separate codebases, platform-specific development teams, and continuous platform changes. This fragmentation sometimes leads to issues in guaranteeing a uniform user experience and timely delivery of updates, hampering a business's ability to adapt promptly to market needs.
Through delivering a uniform framework for creating cross-platform applications,.NET MAUI solves these issues. It enables developers to write code once and deploy it on numerous platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. Businesses are able to manage resources more effectively thanks to this streamlined method, which also drastically cuts costs and development time.
Key Benefits for Businesses
Cost Efficiency:
Businesses can reduce costs by combining development efforts with.NET MAUI. A single development team can work on a shared codebase in place of keeping separate teams for each platform, saving a significant amount of money without sacrificing the application's quality.
The accelerated development process facilitated by .NET MAUI allows businesses to bring their apps to market faster. The reduced time-to-market is crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape, enabling businesses to stay ahead of competitors and capitalize on emerging trends.
Unified User Experience
Consistency in user experience is crucial for developing brand identification and keeping user engagement. .NET MAUI guarantees a consistent and easy-to-use experience on various devices, regardless of the underlying platform. This strengthens brand recognition and trust while also improving user pleasure.
Overcoming Development Challenges
Common development concerns, such as platform fragmentation, version control complexity, and ongoing maintenance issues, are addressed by.NET MAUI. Businesses may guarantee a more seamless development process and easier maintenance by offering a uniform framework, freeing up resources for innovation and feature improvements.
Future Outlook
Cross-platform app development appears to have a bright future as long as.NET MAUI is developed further. The framework is committed to addressing new difficulties and introducing new features that are in line with organizations' increasing demands, as evidenced by its active community, continuous upgrades, and collaborative nature.
To sum up,.NET MAUI is an effective tool for companies trying to strengthen their mobile app development plans. Through cost reduction, faster time-to-market, and unified user experience, hire .NET developer  thatstand out in the competitive cross-platform app development space with sustained expansion. 
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dotnetnews · 25 days
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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses striving to deliver innovative Software Development solutions. Microsoft, a pioneer in the software industry, has unveiled its latest project, .NET Aspire, ushering in a new era for cloud-native application development.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key features and benefits of .NET and explore how it can revolutionize your development projects.
Click here to Read more about this Blog !!
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step2gen · 2 months
The latest version of .NET introduces the concept of "keyed services" support in the dependency injection container. Similar to popular DI containers like Structuremap and Autofac, this addition enhances the native .NET 8 DI container, offering developers greater flexibility and control over service dependencies. Read more...
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