#maud margaret
merriclo · 4 months
i love BSD’s portrayal of Americans because it really is just the human embodiment of capitalism, guy with a gun, old fisherman, gay guy and his raccoon, eldritch horror, a farmer, freakishly religious guy and his mean southern lady best friend, a deranged orphan, and a shy woman. truly a perfect representation of America
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oceanlifeenthusiast · 7 months
Can you imaginr what would happen if Lovecraft became president.
Louisa: Sir there's... there's an issue
Francis: Hm? Is this 'issue' going bankrupt?
Louisa: ...No...
Francis: Then it can't be that bad.
Louisa: Howard has become President.
Francis: I take back my words. WHAT.
Louisa: I don't know, either! H-He was just- somehow elected? I think Twain got him to run for president as a joke but-
Francis: And people genuinely voted for him?
Louisa: Apparently so...
Francis: ...Good GOD.
Nathaniel: Did you hear the news?
Margaret: Hm? What about?
Nathaniel: Lovecraft has been... elected for president.
Margaret: ...I beg your pardon?
Nathaniel: I am just as confused as anyone else.
Margaret: I reckon we're all done for by now.
Nathaniel: Only the Lord knows...
Lucy: What? What happened?
Mark: You know that idea I had that you said was pure insanity and wouldn't work?
Lucy: ...Which one?
Mark: The one regarding Lovecraft...
Lucy: Yeah, that really narrows it down, Twain.
Mark: Hey! But anyway- er, you know how I jokingly made Lovecraft run for president...?
Lucy: ...Don't tell me.
Mark: Yeah.
Lucy: Sigh.
Atsushi: Dazai, why is the being you fought now president of Yokohama?
Kunikuda: He's WHAT
Dazai: Oh, man.
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r0semaryt3a · 1 month
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I did a guild lineup (or one page of it) as a test to try and get me out of “If it’s not perfect first try I should just quit it.” And I think it went pretty well
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twainbooble · 3 months
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guild fumosss (no melville tho,,,,)
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sixaus-meaa · 2 months
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Six The Musical as Tweets pt40
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chuuyaszn · 2 months
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what lol
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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All day, every day, therapist, mother, maid Nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant Just an appendage, live to attend him So that he never lifts a finger 24∕7, baby machine So he can live out his picket fence dreams It's not an act of love if you make her You make me do too much labour
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thevexinator · 2 months
Since Asagiri won't give you Guild content, I will. Headcanons, but they're based on irl facts I found within 5 minutes of googling. [These are just my hcs you can add your own if you wanna]
Louisa May Alcott 💌
- Louisa and Nathaniel are family friends. Irl, Louisa's father was one of Hawthorne's pallbearers [pallbearer - someone helping to escort of carry a coffin]. In the setting of BSD, their families were in close relations due to operating at the same church. Even though Louisa doesn't remember, Nathaniel often looked after her since the older girls [Louisa's older sister Anna and Nathaniel's older sister Elizabeth] were often helping around with the adults.
- She really likes pulp fiction.
- She's knowledgeable about the medical field. The real Louisa was a nurse during World War 1.
- Speaking of war, Louisa is a major history nerd.
Margaret Mitchell ☂️
- While BSD Margaret dresses like what if Mary Poppins was a British aristocrat, the real Margaret Mitchell actually preferred dressing in men's clothes. Thus, whenever she's not on duty in the Guild, she's chilling in something she stole from Nathaniel.
- She's afraid of fire. Why? When Margaret was a child, her clothing ended up catching fire on accident. She's never been the same since.
- She also has driving anxiety. When she was 12, her dad hit a deer on the road. She's never been the same since.
Nathaniel Hawthorne ⚔️
- Generally avoids discourse about the Salem Witch Trials. An ancestor of his played a big part during it, two others were married to women who were accused of being witches. Thus, he added the 'w' to his last name.
- He's surprisingly good with glasswork. When the real Nathaniel and his wife moved into their home, the etched poems into the glass of the windows.
- For a large part of his life, he lived in a commune.
- Occasionally, he sees ghosts. The real Nathaniel once said he saw the ghost of his friend reading his own obituary.
Edgar Allan Poe 🦝
- He's an orphan. He doesn't tell people that.
- He likes being alone. Until he gets the feeling that someone is somewhere in the room with him.
- Insanely intelligent. He knows exactly what he's doing.
- Very weak constitution. One time, when the Guild were all drinking and whatever else they were doing, Poe blacked out after one drink of wine. Everyone genuinely thought someone tried to kill him until they found out he couldn't handle alcohol.
- Unphased. He's seen it all. Death? Child's play. Heartbeat under the floorboards? Normal Tuesday. Corpse falling off the roof? Crazy. Someone walking into the party dressed in red? Standard party etiquette.
Lucy Maud Montgomery 🪆
- Also an orphan. Doesn't tell people about it.
- Very charming. She can flirt. She just chooses not to. She knows she's too powerful.
- Cripplingly depressed. Self-explanatory.
- Has girl nights with Louisa and Margaret, basically a few hours of them doing girl activities. They tried to summon Bloody Mary at least seven times to no returns.
H. P. Lovecraft 🦑
- Lovecraft has monochromacy, a condition where someone can only see in grayscale. This is derived from irl Lovecraft's "The Color Out of Space," essentially Lovecraft's low education being the reason why he didn't know about the electromagnetic color spectrum.
- He's afraid of crowds. He hates it here so much.
- Has epilepsy. The only thing that can stop this eldrich monstrosity in a human trench coat is the average disco party.
- Loves cats. He is so normal about them. Cats run to him like crazy.
- He glows in the dark. Why shouldn't he? He's earned it. He's also deficient in vitamins science hasn't discovered yet. His ankles popping sound like rogue gunshots.
- AroAce. Intimacy is a concept he doesn't understand and doesn't want to.
John Steinbeck 🌳
- He's very much a dog person. His family keeps dogs. His favorite breed is the Australian Sheep dog.
- He was very sick as a child.
- Really into marine biology. [Steincraft fans stay winning.]
- Before the Guild, he worked as a construction worker, newspaper reporter,and caretaker.
- Ironically enough, he has a pollen allergy. It's not severe, just watering eyes and sniffles. He hates it.
Mark Twain 🔫
- So normal about the ocean. He takes Lovecraft and John with him when he goes boating.
- Into geology. He's the guy who collects rocks whenever he's outside.
- Guild game night isn't game night is Mark isn't beating everyone in every board game to ever exist.
- So normal about cats. The real Mark Twain has 19 cats, all with titles like Apollinaris, Beelzebub, Blatherskite, Buffalo Bill, Satan, Sin, Sour Mash, Tammany, Zoroaster, Soapy Sal and Pestilence to name a few. BSD Mark has one ginger cat he adopted off the streets of Yokohama he names Sal, occasionally calling her Sin whenever she's around Nathaniel.
- He almost drowned twice. One would think that would kill his passion for boating, but he baller'd his way out of it.
Francis S. K. Fitzgerald 🪙
- Dyslexic and in denial. Louisa tried to gently bring it up to him that half of his work email was spelled incorrectly, but he was in denial and chalked it up to it being 3 in the morning when he wrote that work email.
- He worked as a screenwriter before the Guild. Coincidentally, he met his wife there!
- He strikes me as a guy who owns a copy of "A Pickle For the Knowing Ones". If you don't know what that is, please look it up. I promise it's worth it.
- Makes too many dad jokes. John and Nathaniel officially want him dead.
- He forgets to sleep. He just forgets. Even though he looks like he died and got resurrected without prior notice and everyone in the Guild is asking him if he had a breakdown, he forgets to sleep.
Hermine Melville 🐋
- At some point in his life, he lived in the Pacific Islands.
- Hiking enthusiast. He likes the mountain terrain a lot.
- His office smells like smoke. No one knows why. It just does.
- Not much about him to be honest. I wish there was more screentime for him. <//3
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duchesssoflennox · 3 months
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"The Monarchs of Queen Victoria’s Legacy"
Wilhelm II was the first of Queen Victoria's grandchildren to ascend to a throne, becoming German Emperor in 1888. His reign initiated the lineage of monarchs descended from Victoria. The last to be crowned was Marie of Romania in 1914, marking the end of an era for Victoria's royal progeny.
Queen Maud of Norway holds the distinction of having the longest tenure as Queen Consort among Queen Victoria's grandchildren, with a reign that spanned 33 years. Her time on the throne was characterized by a harmonious blend of British heritage and Norwegian culture, leaving a legacy of benevolence and cultural patronage. Conversely, Queen Sophia's role as Queen Consort of the Hellenes was the briefest, lasting just about 4 years due to the political upheavals of World War I and Greece's National Schism, which led to her husband's abdication. Despite the short span, her resilience and dedication to her royal duties remained unwavering.
The execution of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was a deeply tragic event, reflecting the brutal reality of the Russian Revolution. On the night of 16-17 July 1918, she and her family were executed by Bolshevik revolutionaries in Yekaterinburg. Alexandra witnessed the murder of her husband, Tsar Nicholas II, before she herself was killed with a gunshot to the head. The violence of that night brought an abrupt and grim end to the Romanov dynasty, extinguishing the lives of the last imperial family of Russia in a stark and merciless manner. Her death marked the first among Queen Victoria’s crowned grandchildren. In contrast, Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain lived through the upheavals of the 20th century, witnessing the restoration of the Spanish monarchy. She passed away in 1969, the last of Victoria’s crowned grandchildren, her life reflecting the dramatic changes of her time.
George V’s United Kingdom, a realm where tradition blends with modernity, continues to stand firm. The monarchy, a symbol of continuity, has weathered the storms of change, its crown passed down through generations, still reigning with a sense of duty and connection to the people.
Maud of Norway’s legacy endures in the serene beauty of Norway, where the monarchy remains a cherished institution. Her reign, characterized by a quiet strength and a nurturing presence, is remembered fondly, and the royal house she helped establish continues to flourish.
Margaret of Connaught’s Swedish monarchy, into which she married, stands resilient. Though she never became queen, her descendants uphold the traditions and values she embodied, maintaining the monarchy as a pillar of Swedish national identity.
Victoria Eugenie of Spain saw the Spanish monarchy navigate the tumultuous waters of the 20th century, enduring a republic and a dictatorship before being restored. Today, it stands as a testament to resilience, with her bloodline still on the throne, embodying the spirit of reconciliation and progress.
In stark contrast, the fates of other monarchies were marked by tragedy:
Wilhelm II witnessed the fall of his German Empire in the aftermath of World War I. His abdication marked the end of an era, and he spent his remaining years in exile, a once-mighty emperor without a throne, reflecting on the lost glory of his realm.
Sophia of Hellenes experienced the disintegration of the Kingdom of Greece amidst political upheaval. The monarchy, once a symbol of national unity, was abolished, leaving her and her family to face the harsh reality of a world that had moved beyond the age of empires.
Alexandra Feodorovna’s Russian Empire crumbled during the Bolshevik Revolution. The tragic end of the Romanov dynasty saw her and her family executed, their fates sealed by the tides of revolution that swept away centuries of monarchical rule.
Marie of Romania’s kingdom, once a beacon of hope in the aftermath of World War I, eventually succumbed to the forces of history. The monarchy was abolished after World War II, and the royal family faced the stark reality of a republic.
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rampo-obsession · 11 months
Why is poe never in the guild official art...
Like I know he betrayed them and all but...
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He's not even in their group photo😭
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merriclo · 3 months
rating how much i think the members of The Guild would enjoy the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid
Francis Scott Fitzgerald — 2/10
the pyramid cumulatively cost around $300 million, if my memory serves me, so he’d probably appreciate it a little bit. other than that, he would literally never go because his darling Zelda wouldn’t enjoy it.
Louisa May Alcott — 2/10
get this sweet girl out of this strange ass pyramid Right Fucking Now. she’s said to be terrified of heights, so she’d hate the balcony and the elevator. she might enjoy some of the candy they sell there (and maybe the wax melts) but other than that, she’d just patiently wait to go home.
Herman Melville — 10/10
this is an old man whose life’s greatest passion is fishing. he’d fucking adore that place.
Edgar Allan Poe — 7.3/10
this might be controversial but listen guys. listen to me. this man owns a pet raccoon. he’s a professional sniper. he’s going to have a healthy amount of respect for the damn pyramid. plus, due to it being so damn large, there wouldn’t be many chittering crowds to annoy him. and i know it was said that he has a fear of heights, but considering that he spent that time off the Moby Dick scheming and releasing classified documents and the fact that he’s a sniper (requiring being positioned in high-up locations) i’m pretty sure his ass was lying. he still wouldn’t go up the elevator and onto the balcony though because those are crowded and loud places. also some guy claimed that the pyramid was a front for a cult (false) and that there was a crystal skull placed at the top at some point (true) and i think he’d really fuck with that kind of lore.
H.P. Lovecraft — 0/10
would be a 10/10 if the staff let him take a power nap at the bottom of the alligator enclosure. but alas
John Steinbeck — 10/10
this is a man of the country. get his ass in the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid this instant. besides i think he’d enjoy taking all his siblings there and letting them look around and have fun. family bonding
Lucy Maud Montgomery — 3/10
i really don’t think she’d enjoy it all that much tbh. though i do believe she walks outta there with a stuffed moose 100%
Mark Twain — 12/10
he is HOME. he’s looking at all the gun accessories and products available, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn floating around him and giving their own commentary. also you cannot convince me that he didn’t work at his local Bass Pro Shop when he was a teenager. he was employee of the month always.
Margaret Mitchell — 7.8/10
if you’re from the south, you enjoy the pyramid. enough said.
Nathaniel Hawthorne — 4/10
tbh he’d probably be very indifferent. the only reason it’s not lower is because Margaret had a good time
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judasgot-it · 2 years
BSD Girls ranked on how angry they would be if you told them you ate their leftovers
No one writes for women so I did a lil something for them lol.
Higuchi - She would forgive you, probably make an excuse for you and say that you had a hard day. She's a sweetheart, she deserves the world, make her a full three-course meal in return because she clearly deserves it. She would take such good care of you so do it back.
Louisa - She wouldn't even mention it, but that's partly because she doesn't like confrontation unless necessary. She is very strong-willed but she picks and chooses her battles. There is a real possibility she will bring this up later though if you do not right this wrong.
Yosano - She will definitely call you out on it. She will decide your own punishment later, although it would be something cute like taking her out somewhere. or maybe not, it really depends on how hungry she was. She might try to stab you if she was absolutely starving.
Lucy - She will definitely mention it every single time she was hungry. Non-stop. Your only way of righting this wrong is by taking her out to eat somewhere that she has been secretly eyeing for the last week or so. Then she will talk about that.
Gin - If she was really hungry - a knife to the throat might be adequate. If she was only decently hungry - a very cold shoulder. Food is NOT something to be played with in her eyes, so she will be very upset if she has that messed with. You will have to repay her with some good homemade food for sure, but even then she will not be over it so quickly.
Margaret - As someone born rich and someone who is very independent, she has a secret brat when it comes to these things. She tries to hide it but it does come out when it comes to things she really wanted - like leftovers. Sure, she can try to mentally justify it, but she can also justify starting an argument so you know for sure to never cross her again. She's a bit petty.
Koyo - She likes you but she also believes in strong boundaries. Sharing is not caring, not if she didn't initiate. She loves to share but only if she wanted to. It's a toxic trait that she's working on, but she really wanted those leftovers, so for now good luck getting on her good side again.
I would add Agatha and Teruko but we don't know enough about her yet and Teruko is I think 32 but her age thing is odd? Also, this is very badly written my most sincere apologies.
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nirhia · 9 months
Guild dancing for Christmas
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emomarktwain · 7 months
What I think guild members Instagram accounts would look like
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sixaus-meaa · 3 months
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Six The Musical as Messages pt10
(special edition: the Ladies In Waiting)
María / Maggie / Joan / Bessie / Rocky / Maud
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breadsoup00 · 2 years
This joke applies to everyone in BSD, actually! (Guild version, long post)
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(ADA version) (PM Version) (RITHOD, DOA, Shibusawa, hunting dogs version)
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