#matty and mouse
heyidkyay · 3 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now | The Aftermath
House or Home?
It’s been about a year or so and they're finally looking at moving in together, properly this time, but Mouse is stubborn and Matty’s… Matty. 
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“I hate it.”
Matty all but deflated at the three words, eyes sweeping over to where the estate agent was still stood in the kitchen doorway to the pretty four bedroom house they’d found in South Hampstead. 
In her defence, she still had that godawful smile plastered across her face, as though the entire statement bothered her none, but her eyes told a different story. They were screaming.
Matty couldn’t blame her, not when this was the eighth house Mouse had turned down this week alone. And it was only fucking Tuesday.
“Squeaks, babe.” Matty quietly attempted, mouth opening once more in an effort to get the woman to see sense. The house had everything they were looking for, it was more than perfect and how could it not be with an actual garden that Teddy could run rampant in and a sodding wine cellar to boot. 
But she cut him off, spinning around on her heel to shake her head at the agent in a silent apology. “Sorry. It’s just not gonna work.” It was all that was said before she took off, leaving Matty standing there awkwardly with the estate agent, hands tucked in his back pockets like a kid meeting their mum’s new boyfriend for the first time.
The woman, lovely girl named Mila, slumped slightly but kept up the act, pretending like all was fine and dandy, probably more than used to dealing with shit like this. 
“Sorry love, it’s just a big decision. You know?” Matty tried to soothe, lips pulling into a thin smile made mostly of regret. And it was exactly that– a big decision. 
It had been just over a year since that whole fallout had happened with the media and the sudden silence between them. And shit had cropped up every now and again after it; his management team had been a fucking nightmare to coerce and convincing themselves that this thing that they had was worth trying for had been daunting. But they’d put it all behind them in the end, they’d moved on.
And now here they were, buying a house. A home. Because Teds was getting bigger and bigger by the day, enough so that he now had a proper big boy bed and could ride a bike that took up a chunk of his bedroom. But also because Matty suddenly had a shit ton of crap to relocate since he’d moved out of and sold his London gaff, having slowly slunk his way into the flat he’d come to think of as home. 
All in all, Mouse’s was simply running out of room to hold them all.
Mila waved his apology off though with a single hand gesture, tucking the ipad she constantly held under her right arm. “It’s fine, I get it. Every client’s different.” She told him easily enough, but her smile was still so weary when she looked back at him, “I’ll get to looking for a couple more properties for you.”
Matty nodded, but let his eyes flit back over to the antique cabinets he could so easily picture Teds hiding in whilst they played a round of hide-and-seek, as well as the large kitchen island that they could all use for big get-togethers or family dinners. He gave a halfhearted sigh before allowing himself to take a small step back and follow Mila when she started to turn. “‘Spose this happens all the time then?” He asked her, hoping to fill the quiet walk from the kitchen to the front door.
There was a small pause, and then, “Sure.”
Wincing at that, Matty was more than a little thankful to be walking a step behind the woman, especially when they stepped out the front door onto a porch that screamed American Dream and spotted Mouse propped up against the Jeep’s passenger door. 
He tried to give Mila another polite smile when she told him that this had been the last viewing she would have for them for a little while and that she’d soon be in touch. Matty just shook her hand, thanking her again for her time, before they parted ways and he was walking back on over to the car.
He slid into his seat, hearing Squeaks follow, and didn’t say a word as he backed out of the paved driveway, admiring the stonework that lined the verdant grass and the fenced gate as they drove out of it. With one final glance at the house in the rearview mirror, he reached out to switch the radio on, the AC quickly following.
It was just as he made a left turn at the end of the quaint street that Matty heard a small intake of breath, he waited for the eventual…
“It just didn’t feel right.”
Even with the slight frustration he felt, Matty licked at his lower lip and looked right to hide the slight smile he wore. He hummed softly over the low buzz of the speakers, “You’ve said that about the last sixteen, baby.”
Mouse let go of a harsh breath and Matty felt his grin grow. “Well, then I guess the last sixteen didn’t feel right!” She retorted and threw her hands up in exasperation before crossing them over her chest, fingers moving to toy with the elbow of her sleeve. “I’ll know it when I see it, okay?”
Matty flicked an amused brow in the direction of the passenger seat and received a scornful glare for it in return, so he merely resorted to surrendering, glancing back out at the empty road ahead. “Okay.”
They stayed in a quiet little bubble the whole drive back to the flat. Matty’s mind stuck on the house they’d just viewed, on the long winding staircase, the extra bedrooms it offered, that waterfall shower. By his standards, it would’ve been perfect. It should have been.
It took a little wrangling but he did eventually manage to find a space to park on the overflowing sidestreet that their flat resided on when they finally got home, but it was at that point that Squeak’s phone rang. She moved on autopilot after answering it, unbuckling her seatbelt swiftly whilst Matty turned the car off and locked up.
She had a slight crease between her brow as they made their way up the few short steps which led to the front door and tugged a hand through her hair just as he worked the key into the worn gold lock. 
“Yeah, I can do that. Ah, just–” Matty listened to her pause in the entryway and glanced back, waiting by the radiator for her to shoot a quick glance his way so that he could ask a silent question with just a single look. She mouthed Teddy’s name before she was speaking into the phone again, only proving to puzzle Matty further. “Alright, can you hang on just a sec? Alright, thanks.”
Matty watched closely as she pressed the phone to her chest to muffle any sound the speaker might pick up and chewed on her lower lip. “What’s happened?”
Mouse raked her hand through her hair again and blew out a breath, “Teds has hit his head at school, they say he’s fine but the bumps come up quick. Need him to be picked up.”
It was immediate the way Matty’s pulse quickened at the implication of Teddy having been hurt and so he was pretty hasty as he moved to grab the keys he’d just set down on the hallway’s side, already gravitating towards the door before Mouse could even utter another word. “I can be there in ten minutes, just let them know it’ll be me coming, yeah?”
A year ago, Squeaks would’ve reeled a bit at the entire situation, what with Matty taking charge on matters where her son was concerned and on her not being the one to drop everything just to go and pick him up, but now she barely batted an eye. Instead, Matty watched on as she nodded, face full of relief as she stepped forward to press a chaste kiss to his cheek before she was speaking into the phone again, demanding to know what had gone down.
Matty slipped back out the front door with a slight rattle, his typical gait quickening as he hurried on over to the car, jumping in and starting it up once more before he could even think to worry about finding a better parking space than this when they eventually got back. Mind focused solely on getting to Teddy.
In the time Matty had known the kid, Teddy had only gotten sick twice. The first time had been this little bug, it had given him a bad belly and a bit of a cough but hadn’t affected him all that much. Still, Matty had fretted all the same, nursed him back to health and had barely left his side, even if that had meant listening to the same episode of Blue’s Clues on repeat for three days straight. The second though, that had been a lot more frightening.
Winter had rolled its way back around as it tended to do and the usual flu had taken its hold. Matty himself had picked something up off of one of their roadies during the promotional tour they’d been doing for the latest album in Europe. The tour had only lasted a couple of weeks, but he’d still been jumping back and forth between this city and that just so that he could see Teds and Squeaks as often as possible. But that in itself had also meant that Teddy had ended up catching the same bout of flu, too.
Matty had been beside himself when he’d first heard, guilty for the fact that he’d had the precious little gremlin sniffling down the phone on their next call. But Mouse had just laughed and shook her head at him, promising that Teds would be as right as rain soon enough. But not even she could have prepared for the way the kid had taken a sharp turn overnight.
Jamie had shaken Matty awake at four am, not long after they’d managed to make it to Sheffield and hunker down for the night in some swanky hotel. He’d been bleary eyed and still recovering from the relentless cough that had been wreaking havoc on his lungs for the past week when he’d rolled over to find his manager's nervous face staring down at him. 
Teddy’s fever has spiked, he’d said.
It had been a freight train of emotions after that. Jamie had somehow managed to score him a flight down from Manchester to London in less than a half an hour. But by that point Matty had already been in the back of a cab, trembling hands texting with Adi whilst the woman had updated him on every single thing that had occurred back home. 
Seemed that Teddy’s temperature had risen so quickly, having jumped from a steady 38 to 42 in less than an hour, which had prompted the most agonising hospital trip of Matty’s entire life. And that was including each time he’d fucked up and been wheeled there himself. 
It had taken him just over two hours to get down to them, so by that point Teddy had only just been properly seen and Mouse was in silent hysterics. Adi had ordered Finn to come pick him up from the airport, but back then the two of them had still been in this awkward sort of stalemate and so neither had spoken a word apart from when the other man had finally attempted to calm Matty’s anxious tapping. 
“He’ll be okay.” It was all that he had said, but Matty had found himself nodding along in quiet agreement all the same whilst he’d rattled his phone against his knee, ready to jump out of the car at a second's notice.
Driving over to collect the kid from school now, Matty felt that same agitation. The need to just be there, to see for himself that Teddy was okay. It was all that he could do to not hightail it over and fuck every traffic law he could somewhat remember just to ebb the sinking feeling that had wormed its way into his gut.
He did eventually manage to get there, making it in just under ten minutes after he’d accidentally ran a red and parked in a teacher's bay outside. 
The receptionist startled a tad at his sudden appearance, eyes probably as big as saucers and darting about the room in hopes to find Teds stood waiting there for him. But the kid was nowhere to be seen, and so Matty crossed the room to speak to her.
“Hi, here to collect Teddy? You rang, said something about him hitting his head?”
Matty had dropped Teddy to and from school more times than he could count, but collecting him from the office? That was something he’d never done before. Never even thought about, actually. And so he was fucking unsure on what the fuck kind of etiquette these people were supposed to use here. Did she need his ID, his passport? A picture of him and Teddy ice skating?
“Oh! Okay then, I’ll just fetch him for you. If you could sign him out here for me?” She pointed towards a clipboard and pen sat just off to the side and then smiled one last time before she wandered away.
Matty blinked and watched her slip out a side door. Was that it?
All he had to do was just sign the kid out? 
Matty released a heavy breath and shook his head at the thought, figuring it best to just do as was expected and have a word about it with Squeaks later on, maybe it was just something he was missing.
As it happened, he’d just finished scrawling down the last of his name when the door inside the office squeaked open causing him to jolt the y in Healy as his head snapped up.
It was as though all the tension he’d ever felt seeped out of him in that very moment. Years of stress from fucking performing, of trying to get through his own stupid exams back at school, and maybe even the trouble of having dealt with his parents and their shitty divorce. All of it just vanished when he looked over to find Teddy already grinning at him with his little book bag slung over his shoulder and a Spidey plaster stuck to the side of his eyebrow.
“Matty!” Teddy all but squealed as the kid darted away from the receptionist to barrel headfirst into his legs. Matty felt his heart give out a little at the sight of the tyke, obviously not as traumatised as he’d been expecting him to be.
“Alright, monster?” He replied softly, bending down a tad to scoop Teddy up into his arms, eyes flickering over every inch of his face just to be certain he wasn't hiding any other injuries. “Heard you had a bit of a tumble.”
Teddy nodded, almost excitedly, and Matty fought not to shake his head, utterly bewildered by the fact that the kid wasn't more phased. He almost wanted to scream, in truth. This amount of worrying wasn’t typical, alright? And he was fucking getting up there in age! All the stupid shit he’d managed to achieve during his livelier years and the life choices he’d made added up in the end, didn’t they? So it was an honest to God miracle that he hadn’t suffered a sodding aneurysm on the way over here, or something of the sort. 
“Just a little fall apparently.” Matty heard someone say and he looked up only to be reminded of the fact that the receptionist was still standing there, watching. She gifted him a sweet smile, eyes caught on the way Teddy clung to his neck and the way he appeared to cling back. “There’s an accident report in his bag for you to look at, they go home with all the little ones. The nurse said it wasn’t anything too big and that he should be fine, but it’s best to keep an eye on these things so if anything out of the ordinary does happen it’s best to take him to the local A&E.”
Matty felt his mouth go dry at the very implication and so he wet his lower lip just before he exhaled a little shakily. “Right,” He swallowed thickly, hand smoothing over a riot of curls and pausing on the small bump he felt at the top of Teddy’s head. “And the plaster?”
The woman blinked and weirdly Matty felt a little caught out, as though he was suddenly this afternoon's entertainment. He wondered briefly if she knew just who he was. 
“That’ll have been jotted down on the report too, but from what I heard it was just a little cut above the brow.” The receptionist answered him, extending an arm out to pat Teddy’s back before she stepped away again, “You really were brave today, Teddy.”
The kid puffed up at that, smiling proudly, but his eyes remained glued on Matty and so he returned the bright grin, kissing the side of Teddy’s head before he hitched him up further on his hip. “No stitches then?”
“Tiniest of scratches.” The woman assured him around a wide smile as she shook her head and waved his worries off.
Matty dipped his head in a slight nod, looking down at Teddy once more. “Anything else I need to do then, or?” He asked, letting that or drag out as he inched closer towards the door he’d previously barreled through.
“You should be good to go.” She told him, eyes still lingering. “It was nice to meet you though!”
“Yeah,” Matty replied as he struggled with the door, “you too.”
By the time the pair of them made it back outside and into the car Teddy was keeping up a constant babble, explaining (but not actually) just how he’d fallen and hit his head. From what Matty could make out it was when he was running to escape the fishmen? And so he could only guess that him and his mates had been playing a weird round of a tag at breaktime and Teddy had taken a plunge into the wrong kind of waters. 
“You’re sure you’re okay though, mate?” Matty asked him once they were about a minute or two away from the flat and Teddy’s ramblings had died out a tad. He glanced in the rear mirror to find Teds picking at the plaster above his brow.
“Uhuh.” Was the answer he received in turn and it was enough to dislodge the last of that worry that had been eating away at his chest. 
Matty figured then was as good a time as any to try and talk with him a little. The whole drive back from viewing that house, before they’d gotten the scare from the school, he’d been thinking and thinking. Enough to have concocted the beginnings of a small plan. 
“Remember how we was talking about looking for a new house, Teds?”
Matty’s thumbs tapped at the top of the steering wheel as he waited for a reply, oddly grateful for the small queue of traffic that sat up ahead. It would give them a bit more time.
“Yeah, you said a garden!” Teddy answered him and Matty figured he seemed excited enough about it all when the toe of the kid’s school shoe kicked the back of his chair. “That could mean a dog, right? Taylor has a dog!”
Matty fought back a laugh, the lad’s only just performed a stunt that’s gone tits up and landed him with a wound to the head but he’s more worried over when or if they’ll be getting a dog. Though, to be fair to him, a dog did sound nice. He could picture one now, out there on that grassy patch of land behind that particular house rolling about with Teddy. 
“That’s cool, mate. But I was just wondering what you thought about it all. A new house could mean a bigger bedroom for you, you know? Could have a couple sleepovers maybe, with a few of your friends from school.”
Matty didn’t have to glance back to know that Teddy’s eyes had shot open wide, he heard it all in that delighted little gasp he made. He chuckled.
“And remember my old house? How we used to make pancakes in the kitchen whenever you and mum would stay over?” Matty reminded him, eyes flicking up into the mirror to watch Teds nod at him, “Reckon we could do that again in the new house ‘cause it’d be a lot bigger, means we could all fit in there. Could even do your homework whilst we cooked in the evenings. How’s that sound?”
“Don’t like homework though.”
Matty laughed as the traffic started to pick up again, he moved to shift into gear. “Me neither, little man. But you’re a whole lot smarter than me so I reckon if we roped mum into helping too it’d all be done a lot quicker. And we could do that in the new house, don’t you reckon?”
“Yeah, and then I could get my Spidey walls!” Teddy exclaimed, bouncing in his carseat now, enough so that Matty was honestly a little fretful that he’d fall out of the thing. 
“You remembered that one, hey?” 
“You promised, ‘member!” Teddy shot back at him just as Matty turned onto their street, shoulders slumping in relief when he found that there was a space free a little further down.
“Yeah, I do, mate. Swear I haven’t forgotten.” He reassured and smiled to himself as he parked up and continued to listen to the dreams Teddy had for his future bedroom. And fuck anyone who thought he wouldn’t make them happen.
The two of them walked down the street hand in hand once Matty had pulled the monster free from his homemade rocking chair– and made sure that the thing was as secure as it should be. Teddy was happy to talk away, squealing when he caught sight of next door’s tabby cat and then bouncing in Matty arms when he had just about managed to scoop the kid up before Teds had gone bounding into the road to follow the skittish thing. 
By the time they’d made it in through the front door, Matty was sure he couldn’t take much more after the emotional rollercoaster he’d been on most of the day. 
“Squeaks?” He called out whilst he coaxed Teddy into kicking off his shoes and jacket, only just managing to peel the bookbag off the kid when Mouse came into view.
“Mama! Look at my Spidey sticker!” Teds called out as he tumbled on over to the woman, pointing to his head. In truth, it was a mystery how he didn’t take another tumble then and there, what with the way he was skidding about all over the floors. 
Matty let go of a weighted sigh and took to shucking off his own shit, dropping his boots onto the shoe stand before he hung up his jacket beside Teddy’s. When he stood back on his feet Teds had already hurried off into the living room, happy to be home from school again it seemed and not caring about the grape sized lump protruding from the side of his head.
Mouse quirked a brow at him when he stepped nearer, hiding her amused smile at his wary appearance, but still willing to let him wrap his arms around her waist and his head fall against her neck. “Okay, lovely?” She murmured into his hair and Matty felt himself nod slightly.
“Life of having kids, babe.” Squeaks chuckled, running a hand through his curls before resting it on the nape of his neck, “Thank you for going to get him.”
Matty pulled away to frown down at her, brow pinched. “Don’t thank me, you muppet. It’s weird.”
She simply resorted to snorting at the reply he’d given and then smiled, “I just appreciate it, is all. That alright with you?”
Rolling his eyes, Matty pinched her side before he slipped away. “Nope. But you can make it up to me by making dinner?”
He received a halfhearted scowl at the attempt but her smile was warm and soft and everything he loved, so he didn’t worry too much as he went to join Teddy on the settee.
Apparently, he hadn’t really needed to ask about dinner because it seemed as though Mouse had already had the foresight to have gotten a start on it when he’d been gone. So after he’d made sure that Teds was sweet and honed into his show, he’d peeled himself off the comfy cushions and headed into the kitchen to help out. 
Cooking together was something Matty had always loved. In the early days, he’d just been content to sit there and watch her work. But now he enjoyed helping out, even if it meant being bossed about or bumping into one another in the too small space.
It was just when they brushed against one another again, as she bent down to open the oven door that he only just narrowly missed toppling over the side of, that Matty could no longer hold his tongue on the subject.
“This place feels like it’s getting smaller and smaller by the day.” 
His words were merely met by a low hum whilst Squeaks continued to check on the food. Matty spared another halfhearted glance around the cramped kitchen, at the small wooden table and the tiny fridge tucked up under the counter. Then at the washing machine that was on its last legs and the pile of pots and pans they had no space for. 
“That house we saw was massive, kitchen was sort of like one of those you’d find in a catalogue, don’t you think?” He pressed a little further, tongue toying with the back of his front teeth as he struggled not to peer back over at her to witness her reaction. “Wouldn’t be bumping into one another all the time if we chose something like that.” He chuckled, but the sound of it was quickly cut short by the slam of the oven door.
“What, so you don’t like bumping into me anymore?” Mouse asked and Matty shifted to find her standing there by the hob, tea towel fisted in the hand she held at her hip. “‘Cause I do. I like coming home to you, to us spending time with each other, even if it’s in silence. I enjoy brushing past you in the kitchen and in the hallway, and even in the bathroom when you claim you have to brush your teeth the very second I do!”
Matty blinked.
“I love this flat, Matty. I love the fact that the rent’s cheap! That we’re chummy with the landlord and the neighbours aren’t half bad. That I can count on them to watch Teddy if something ever did happen!” Mouse exclaimed, staring back at him with those big eyes of hers, chest almost heaving.
“Teddy’s first steps were taken here!” She continued on, as though it had just slowly been building up inside her and had suddenly found its chance to blow. She paused, only to point up at the ceiling to where a splodgy patch of something hung above them, “See that stain? That’s from when Teds had his first bowl of bolognese. And that chip in the tile right there? That’s from when you dropped that planter you got me after you’d come home from tour!” 
Matty stared down at the chip now, noting that it wasn’t the only imperfection in the mosaic of tiles, but one that he could remember making as clear as day.
His silence must have lingered on too long though because Mouse then took his wrist and led him out of the kitchen, she stopped short to point at the plethora of guitars that crowded a corner of the living room. “And how about that mark on the wall? The one made when Ross and George came over for Halloween and all those guitars went toppling over as they chased after Teds.”
Teddy was watching them now, eyes having wandered away from the tele set and over to where Squeaks gripped his hand a little tighter to tug him along behind her and into the hallway. 
She paused by the door to Teddy’s room and Matty already knew what was coming.
“You told me you loved me here.” She murmured, stealing the breath right out of his lungs, before she then turned to spare a glance at the front door. “And we can’t forget that door.”
Matty breathed out a faint chuckle, his startled gaze moving to find hers in the dimly lit hall, only her eyes were glassy and darting back and forth between his own, almost pleadingly. 
“I know it’s too small. And I know we can’t stay here forever. But it’s home. It’s a place made up of all my best memories, Matty.”
He couldn’t think of anything to say to that. Because suddenly he realised that this was why she had claimed that she had hated every house that they had gone to look at. Why she had been so adamant on getting it right, on finding the right one. Why she had made up excuse after excuse to get out of viewings, to turn each one of them down.
Matty reached over to cradle her face before he pulled her in close, hands falling to hold her. He smiled softly when he caught a flash of movement just out of the corner of his eye. It was barely a gesture, let alone a nod of his head, but Teddy knew what it meant all the same and bolted over from where he’d been standing in the doorway of the living room to join them.
Matty understood then. That the flat was a part of them. But moving didn’t have to mean giving all their memories up. It could simply mean creating new ones, better ones. He only hoped that he could somehow convince Mouse of that. Because he knew that she wanted this too, deep down, she wanted a place that could be all of theirs, that they could mould and shift and shape into their own. But she was just so afraid to let go of the past, to take that next step, to leave the memories they’d made here together behind.
But he would show her it would all be fine. Somehow.
So with that thought, Matty went and did the one thing he knew would have to work.
A week passed after that emotional afternoon and things mostly settled. Matty hadn’t brought up another thing about house hunting or viewing talks with Mila, and so he could only guess that Mouse had been somewhat lulled into the sense of thinking that that had been the end of it all.
But then they were on their way back from Hann and Carly’s the next Wednesday, they’d had lunch and talked music, and Squeaks had been none the wiser when Matty had taken the Jeep down a wrong turn.
It was only when they’d pulled onto the street and the gravel beneath the tyres had levelled and softened out that Mouse had perked up a little in her seat. Her brow was pinched when she finally turned to face him, eyes darting around, “Think you missed an exit back there.”
Matty didn’t give her reply as he scanned the street for that familiar number, the weight of an unknown pair of keys sitting heavily in his right trouser pocket.
“Matty, do you even know where we are?” Mouse wondered again before she started messing about with the navigation system on the console. But Matty didn’t pay it much mind, continued to roll the car further and further down the street until they reached that fenced gate he’d exited through the last time they were here. “Matty?”
He came to a slow halt and switched the engine off, shooting her a sly smirk before he slipped out the side door.
“Matty!” Mouse called after him in a hiss, but Matty was already jogging up the few short steps to that painted white porch, a tiny set of keys already warming his palm. “Matty, what the fuck are you doing? You wanna get done for breaking and entering?”
Matty snorted softly to himself whilst he slotted the key into the lock and silently thanked the lovely Mila, reminding himself to get the girl a proper thank you gift if this all worked out the way he was hoping.
Squeaks called out to him one more time as he stepped over the threshold, a smile dawning on his face as he paused to wait for her to join him.
“Matty–” She was a tad bit out of breath but mostly exasperated by the time her fingers caught on the hem of his sleeve, but then she jolted beside him not a second later. He waited, peered over at her to watch her take in the familiar surroundings and smiled when the skin between her brows ultimately furrowed. “Why are we here, Matty? Isn’t this the last house we saw?”
Grinning, Matty linked his fingers through hers and gently lured her nearer. “Doesn’t hurt to take a second look around, does it?”
Mouse must have been more than a little perplexed by the whole ordeal because she didn’t fight him on the matter when he started to move them further inside— and in truth, he was really fucking thankful for that fact because he figured getting her inside would be the hardest task. And yet here they were.
The hallway back at the flat was about the same size as a twin bed and morphed into a narrow corridor which led onto the two bedrooms and the singular bathroom it had to offer. Here though, the entryway was wide and spacious. The current owners had a bench lined up on one wall where a pair of tall windows perched either side of the front door and the wooden floorboards that ran throughout the whole house homed a large vintage rug, which sat beneath a table in the centre of the room and held a rather bright bouquet.
Matty’s eyes stilled on the wide set of stairs though sat just behind the many flowerheads. “Couldn’t you picture Teds running about in here? Like, him storming in after school with all his mates behind him.” He wondered aloud, smiling as he took another step further inside. “And those stairs, I could see us taking Christmas photos there– like mum used to force me into doing back when I was a kid.”
He hadn't actually expected a reply and so he had to dampen his grin when she chuckled sweetly in return, “What, the three of us all decked out in matching jumpers?”
“Or pjs.” Matty countered before he led her a little further away, pointing out the large fireplace which they could use in the colder months and the downstairs loo that he could see becoming a lifesaver as Teddy grew older. “And look at this dining room, baby! We could have all the guys over at once in here, Adi and your mum too! Sunday roasts round ours, hey? Especially once the rest of the boys have littluns of their own.” 
She didn’t say much to that but her eyes were scanning, surveying even, and so Matty took that as a win and together they moved further forward into the famous kitchen. The very room she had claimed she hated the entire house in.
They paused by the entrance and Matty let himself lean against the door’s wooden beam, Squeak’s hand still holding his. Those antique cabinets looked the same as they had done a week prior, but the wash of colour seemed to illuminate under the setting sun that peered in through the old french doors.
“Could move about in here so freely.” Matty heard himself tease, voice soft though in hopes to not to break up the gentle moment. “Picture it. Making you pancakes on Mother’s day and helping Teds with his school work on the countertop there whilst we cook.”
Matty was surprised when Mouse was the one to shuffle on over towards the kitchen’s island, eyes mapping the vibrant fruit bowl and the cast-iron sink. 
He watched on as her gaze was drawn towards the back doors, to where another patio stretched far out on the other side. Slowly, he guided her closer to them, letting her get a feel for it all before he took the handle and opened them up, letting the light spring breeze flutter through. 
“Can you see it? A couple kids filling up the garden. Us standing here, or looking out that window there, to see Teddy laugh and smile while he darts about back and forth with a football or a kite.” Matty chuckled, already picturing it coming to life before his eyes, replacing the firepit in the back with a tyre swing and adding in a grill for him to man come summertime. “Could even get him a dog.”
Mouse shook her head even as they shared a smile.
“I know what you’re doing.”
Matty dragged his tongue across his teeth in hopes that it would dim the strength of his already too big grin. “And what’s that?”
“This, I get it.” Mouse replied, then she shrugged a single shoulder, “But it doesn’t change anything. The flats perfect for now, maybe soon we can look again and I might change my mind.” 
“You’re right stubborn you know that?” Matty acknowledged, because he’d hoped that by doing this, just them wandering through the empty property, that she might have been able to see what he saw. But still, he smiled down at her.
She widened her eyes mockingly in retort to that statement, forever used to hearing it. “Thought you’d’ve figured it out by now, rockstar.”
Matty simply hummed, feeling the slight breeze settle around them, rattling the metal wind chime which hung from one of the outside beams. He casted his sights out across the long patch of grass laid out before them and took a deep breath, mouth twitching ever so slightly. 
“You know, someday we’ll have to start making new memories.” He mentioned, tucking a hand into his jacket pocket.
“I know.”
It was hard not to fall apart then, especially when her eyes trailed over to meet his nervous smile. She tilted her head at him, confused. And Matty figured he just had to get it over with before his legs soon gave out. 
“So why not some place like this?” He wondered, fingers tightening around the hand he still held in his as he rocked back and settled down on one knee.
She didn’t dare move. Staring down at him and the pretty red box he now held, so still Matty wasn’t even sure that she was breathing. 
“Are you serious?”
A chuckle escaped him at the ask and it was surprising because it sounded so genuine, even with the way his hand currently shook. “I reckon we could make a couple nice memories in a place like this. So, you just gonna let me kneel here or will you marry me?”
Mouse tried to keep the smile from off her face, eyes sparkling as she stared back at him, but in the end the battle was lost and Matty ended up mimicking the strength of it.
“Is that a yes then?”
She laughed, bright and loud, then tugged him up to wrap her arms around him. When she finally pulled away her eyes were wet but he didn’t think he’d ever witnessed her happier.
“Of course it is, you idiot.” She sniffed, capturing his jaw between her palms, and she stared at him so earnestly that it made Matty feel so utterly seen. “But it really does need a new lick of paint.”
Squeaks must’ve seen the evident confusion that crossed his face right then because she chuckled and gestured her head over towards the back door. “The house. If we’re planning on living here then I want it to feel like ours.”
At the realisation Matty laughed in disbelief and dipped down to rest his forehead against her own.
“I think I can manage that.”
“You better.” She quipped, pulling him in for a slow kiss before she was giggling to herself. Her eyes were bright and alive even as she narrowed them menacingly at him and prodded at his chest with a finger, “But don’t pull anything like this ever again, you hear?”
“What, propose?” 
She rolled her eyes at the question but that smile of hers was relentless.
“Yeah alright, I hear you.”
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l0verswhilewesleep · 1 year
hot take: honestly Matty Healy could play ryan in the throam movie
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himbos-hotline · 10 months
Random facts you know?
if a shark that gives birth to live young, such as lemon sharks and manko sharks, are pregnant with more than one baby. the unborn children will fight to the death in the mothers womb and the victor will eat the looser
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secretcherimaybe · 7 months
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Bunny & Matty Debuted 1974
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I hope y’all like my profile pic and banner bc it’s literally me it’s my energy.
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shadowworldwanderers · 3 months
Mattie Maus
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Name: Mattie Maus Nickname: Tia, Tee, Maus Love Interests: Fletcher McCullough Appearance: Pale skin, copper hair, blue-green eyes. Mattie loves to wear dresses, looking small and innocent. She also quite often wears sweaters and jeans or a t-shirt and shorts when working out. Height: 5'4 History: Mattie doesn't really remember the past. She knows, of course, that Millie is her big sister, she knows her parents hurt them both and she knows Millie got her away from the family to safety. She knows, too, that she met Fletcher at some point in the last few months, even when she's not sure she remembers exactly when. She knows that Millie worries but she trusts Fletcher to take care of her.
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frailstateofkirke · 5 months
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adrivetcha · 1 year
Как ты там?
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С кем ты там?
Adriana V.K // 19 // En.Ru.Ha.Fr // S <3 M <3
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fangisms · 2 months
Hi would u be able to do a Theo not x fem reader where they are enemies and the reader is a cat animagus and he finds us somewhere in our cat form and takes us with him and is like cuddling the cat and everyone knows it’s us and finds it funny
cat and mouse
A/N: thinking about this DEEPLY giggling and kicking my feet WITH DETERMINATION. (gif creds: @thickdickgrayson)
Pairings: Theodore Nott x Fem!Animagus!Reader
Summary: Theo finds a stray cat in the library. Turns out that stray cat is his sworn enemy.
Warnings: fluff, enemies to lovers, cat animagus, cursing, banter, pet names (kitten, micina, kittycat)
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Theo whips his head around at the noise. And there he sees a cat sat poised and proper at the center of the potions aisle of the library. Why is there a cat sat at the center of the potions aisle of the library. The cat tilts its head.
“Shh... We’re in a library,” he huffs, flipping through the first few pages of a book with a deep blue cover. He turns on his heel and heads for the small desk pushed up against the wall. The cat slinks after him, leaping from the floor to the chair to the desk.
“Pest,” Theo says. “You know, if you’re choosing to sit there, you’ll have to share with my books.”
The cat sits.
“Have it your way.”
Theo tries not to pay any more mind to the stray as he studies the reactivity of unicorn blood. Luckily, the cat doesn’t move much so it’s not very hard for him to stay focused. It only sinks into itself as it settles, lying on the table. He rolls his eyes and gives in to the cat’s wicked tactics, drawing the tips of his fingers between the little thing’s ears. It begins to purr.
“You’re not so bad. In fact, I’ve had much worse study partners. I’d take you over Matty any day.”
Deciding the cat has foiled his every attempt at retaining information, Theo packs up, reshelves the book, and heads for the library doors.
“No, little pest, I can’t take you with me. I’ve already got enough vermin to take care of.”
But her big, dumb eyes twinkle up at him and suddenly he can’t refuse.
“Oh, whatever,” as he holds the door open for her to happily trot through.
She follows him coyly into the great hall, hopping up into the space he usually occupies at mealtime. He stares incredulously at the cat who responds with a jeer: meow. So that’s how it’s going to be. Give an inch and these damn things take a mile.
Pansy leans into Mattheo’s side, whispering, “Isn’t that—?”
“Yes, dear Pansy. Yes, it is,” he chuckles while bringing his cup to his lips. Theo grumbles, trying his best to shoo his new pet out of his spot before finally, begrudgingly, opting to share. What he doesn’t expect is when she curls into his lap after he sits beside her.
He sighs then, scratching its back and fixing himself a plate. He’s a little puzzled as to why the seat directly across from him is vacant, though. That’s usually where you taunt him from every meal. But lately, you’ve been absent.
“Have either of you seen—”
“Nope!” Pansy chuffs through a grin, “not since the last time you asked. Anyway, aren’t you two sworn to be mortal enemies or something?”
Mattheo clears his throat, eyes flicking from the cat in Theo’s lap to its adoring new owner. “Pansy’s right, Theo. You mention her an awful lot for someone who claims to hate her with the fire of a million suns,” he teases, suddenly turning his attention and cocking a brow, “Ohhh, I get it; you love her.”
“No,” Theo huffs petulantly, “She’s my potions partner, and I seem to be doing all the work on our group project.”
“Oh,” Matty rolls his eyes, “your potions partner. Right.”
“Shut up.”
Theo spends the rest of the night up in the dormitories. His cat friend had refused to climb the stairs, and Theo found the kindness in his heart to carry her up the stairs. He has to admit he melted a little when she started purring against his chest halfway to the door.
She finds herself a comfortable spot on his bed, settling contentedly in a ball beside his books and papers.
“Some study partner you are,” he says. He can’t help but amuse her, occasionally taking study breaks to scratch her chin and wonder how long she’d stick around for.
Except, in the morning, he’s a little confused to find a human girl in his bed. In fact, she’s the one human girl he’s known to dislike more than any other. What kind of cruel trick is this. Had Matty really put all that effort into sneaking his enemy into his bed. Matty doesn’t even show up for class half the time.
You stir and stretch your arms above your head, eyes flicking open to an unfamiliar setting. This surely isn’t the girl’s dormitory. So where are you.
“You?” a voice accuses from just above you. Theo sits up, and you startle, teetering off the edge of the bed with a thud.
“Fuck,” you huff, scrambling to your feet and straightening your robes with a frightened look on your face. “Right. I’ll see you… around!”
You’re out the door before he can call after you. Would he even call after you? You’re not sure, but you’re also not going to stick around and find out.
Theo’s heart races in his chest. He’s about to call after you, but he’s too flustered to get the words out so he hurls himself backward on the bed with a sigh.
A week trudges by without a sign of you. Honestly, he’s more worried you haven’t been attending meals. And he no longer sees you on weekend group outings. He almost misses your targetted quips. And your laugh. Even if it was at him.
He knows you’re alive, though. A packet had slipped underneath the door as he was getting ready for bed one night. The worksheet had both your names on it; it detailed the instructions to the potions assignment. In your handwriting. But it was worthless without you here to help him in person. He thinks himself crazy, catching glimpses of cat tails around corners or paws pouncing between tree branches.
But he thinks, he can’t be crazy staring at the cat perched still beneath one of the benches in the quad. So he sits and bends down to nudge your cat cheek with the pad of his finger.
“Here, kitty kitty,” he hums. Your eyes blink open, staring at him blankly before pacing out from under the bench and hopping up next to him with a determined stretch. He doesn’t believe his eyes when the docile cat he’s been hunting for the last week transforms into you.
You shrug, not daring to look in his eyes for fear of admitting defeat. “You found me.”
“I’ve missed you, micina,” he teases. Though, maybe there’s a grain of truth in his taunt. But you only roll your eyes.
“Don’t be weird, Nott.”
He scoffs. “Okay, you don’t like me, but you laid on my lap, cuddle with me, spent hours just hanging around me… It’s very confusing.”
“Yeah. So?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“Yeah. So… why?”
You sigh, “just because I think you’re obnoxious doesn’t mean… I don’t like you—”
“Oh, no?”
“Shh, I’m trying to explain!” But it’s hard when you’re both on the verge of laughing at your shared hypocrisy. “We’re… I mean I didn’t think you liked me either! What’s your excuse?”
“You’re changing the subject, kittycat.”
You groan, now turning to face him with all the determination of a militia.
“We’re meant to be rivals, you know. We’re the same blood status, the same house, we have the same damned friend group, and no matter how hard I try, you still manage to get slightly higher marks than me!”
“I know,” he teases.
“So… I wanted to see what you were doing differently.”
“So you slept in my bed?”
“I had a change of plans!” you squeak, shrugging when he chuckles under his breath.
“Which was?”
“Well…” You shake your head, realzing it sounds a little silly under his scrutiny like this. “Maybe if I distracted you, you’d do poorly on your OWLs.”
He snickers.
“But we got the same score so…” you groan, “we cuddled for nothing.” He sets his hand gently on your knee, and for once, you can’t tell if he’s messing with you or not.
“Nothing? Really?”
He leans in closer, and now you’re sure he’s trying to distract you. You press your hand to his chest and he watches your eyes widen with amusement.
“No! No, it’s your turn. I’d like you to hear your reason since you’ve already proven yourself to be better than me and any reason you give is going to be a load of bull—”
“You talk too much.” He says it with a smug expression, looking down on you while leaning back into his palms.
“That’s not”—you squint at him, just knowing he’s taking the piss—“I barely talk to you at all. In fact, I only do so when I’m forced!”
“No, you misunderstand me,” he hums, expression softening as his voice lowers, suddenly becoming a much more private conversation, “You talk too much to everyone but me.”
Your jaw goes slack, and he smiles a little, knowing the way both of your hearts race when you look in his eyes.
“Yes, oh,” he teases, nudging your arm and shifting closer, “Come on, micina mia, you didn’t really think I hated you. It’s all talk. I mean, you can be annoyingly pretty at times, and I hate it when you ignore me, but I could never hate you. Not now that I know your little secret… kitten.”
He’s surprised when you laugh, grabbing his arm to steady yourself.
“Theo, I think everyone knows my little secret but you,” you say, grinning at him in pure delight at his disbelief.
“You’re joking!”
“Those bastards,” he huffs, thinking of Matty and Pansy whispering and giggling in the great hall. You stand and brush off your robe, and he follows hurriedly, hovering next to you.
“More cuddling?” he teases, and you turn to him with a smile.
“Got a thing for cats, Nott?”
“No, no,”—He matches your grin and leans in to gently peck your cheek—“Just a thing for you.”
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heyidkyay · 10 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now | Masterlist
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Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
The Aftermath -
House or Home?
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obxsprincess · 6 months
imagining mattheo and bratty, girly kitty reader because she deserves a tiara
🎀₊˚ʚ ᗢ🐈‍⬛₊˚✧ ゚.
your the slytherin princess, all prissy meow, no claw. every single one of the slytherin boys would do really anything for you really, your dark whiskery lashes, and sweet purry voice — they always make sure your safe n sound. though they’ll always do the same for pansy, your bestfriend, they treated you like overbearing older brothers, cus your all of theirs little sweet spot. which is all nice n all until mattheo recruits all of his “brothers” (they five jokingly call eachother) to watch you like eagles if he leaves to get you one of those fruity drinks you love sipping on, dumbly unaware mattheos been giving you sheryl temples the whole party. they all just pray you keep your mean little complaints to your boyfriend, who technically told them to watch you — even they are scared of your bratty ferocious switch. (which even just convinced youve been drinking can trigger, frighteningly)
but whilst all of them protect you, its mattheos whos name you would wear on a pink collar. instead you settled with a fluttery eye roll, for the shiny gold necklace with his full name printed on the little shiny heart! — always sitting between your pushed up breasts. the curly haired brunette does keep the collar as a mental note though. future reference — and also to make you happy. he really does hate admitting but your too cute to say no too — trying not to make it too obvious its because he loves you. which you definitely does, admits it every single time you give him that candy rotting tail-swinging smile.
your his fake eyelashed kitty, and he throws it in every guys face wherever you two go — whether its grabbing your waist arrogantly while you walk ditsily down the halls, cheekily unaware of all the thirsty stares stuck on your plushy hips. or you wiggling in your seat, pussy all sticky, pouting because the throbbings so much its practically purring — doing it just so your all over him, whining and mewling, in front of whoever he pleases. he loves showing you off, but mattheo definitely could do without your bullshit excuse of fashion — or merely the lack of. cus you were not shy showing off your body. you loved making things prettier ! the ‘stylized’ slytherin skirt proudly showing half your heart shaped ass, you just loved the freedom it gave you to pounce around. most of the time, mattheo had to block the view of your frilly underwear flashing when you bend down, all oblivious to the nice pantied cunt eye full he gets. “m’flexible see matty!” huffing with a frustrated breath, “yea yea, guess so kitty — y’stay stretched like that for a good few minutes… s’good for your back or something like that” he unashamedly always takes a peak n your usually to obvious to even notice, too busy giving him your triumphant scrunch.
it’s a complete understantment to say you bounce on him like a cat to a mouse — so teary eyed and cotton panties soaked if you get a glimpse of his biceps or even just his raspy morning voice has something pretty achy n purring, your ghost whiskers twitching. (his back is always covered in your pink french nailed claw marks </3) he fucking hates but does with your whiny fits. trying to satisy his need to taste you between your sqeezing thighs and all you do is moan for his cock. only after cumming three times on mattheos greedy muscle do you shut up — not like he’ll ever complain, he’d never stop fucking into your pretty soppy heat if he had the choice. now when your being too needy, or bugging him as if he can bend you over right there in class, he has no problem sending you off what a swat to the ass n a growl to meet him on his bed, he deals with your neediness. n your always eager to oblige — all fours n pussy up. how else does he take out his anger but in you, on you?
being the girly princess you are I feel like you’d be a cheerleader too! mattheo the star seeker and you his excitedly cheering (kitty) bimbo — hes only ok with your cute tail like swinging ass showing when your squealing his name for the whole school to hear. telling you your his lucky charm, sparkly eyeshadow forever messy when he pulls you into the locker room with him. “you know it’s real hard being a seeker when I cant take my eyes off you, damn look at you baby girl — I’ve already found everything I ever need princess,” mattheos no doubt a slut for cheesy romance before rearranging your guts.
mattheos also your personal purse. except with a lot less frilly pink designs — and you also don’t wanna jump and ride a normal purse into complete bliss. but still! his hands are always full, either with your glossy lipgloss to reapply every five minutes to your puffy lips, pink coverups/sweaters that you toss of abruptly cus they get too hot, or in his perverted needs, offering to hold ‘his girls’ with a mischievous smirk — cus if only takes a little convincing to your pretty head to have you compliant to his shameless, pussy whipped, self, and sometimes they do hurt real bad. mattheos such a good boyfriend ! leaning you back mewling so he can take care them off your hands.
overall you can tell him off whenever needs be. (only you, n you only can tell the son of voldemort to knock it off n not get hurt dcbgyhyf) mattheo even sometimes tries to be extra teasing, which is mean in your glaring lashed kitty eyes — ogling when you bare your verbal fangs n hiss he gets instantly hard at the sight. mattheo still arrogantly remembers the time you beat of an overly flirty raven claw girl, his sweetheart, cat clawing a overstepping bitch — he had to stop himself from cumming right then and there. coyly letting you to kitty lick it right off <3 mattys just as much yours as your his.
. 🎀₊˚ʚ ᗢ🐈‍⬛₊˚✧ ゚.
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ericshoney · 3 months
Colouring ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You loved colouring and you loved your older brothers tattoos.
Warnings: None that I know of
You were a very bubbly and active four year old. Your older brothers thought it was adorable and funny, watching you run around, be loud and carefree. Other than causing chaos and being active, you loved colouring, your brothers, parents and Nate, all buying you various colouring books and supplies over the past year.
But you also loved your brothers tattoos.
When Nick and Matt first started getting tattoos you were amazing, not fully understanding the concept as when you tried to draw on your arm, it came off in a bath.
So when the trio returned to Boston, you would greet all of them happily, before asking Nick or Matt if they got new tattoos.
Then one day, you had an idea. You were colouring outside, Trevor laid besides you, as your triplet brothers filmed a video. You didn't want to get involved, too busy colouring a picture of Mickey Mouse. But when they had finished and Matt came outside to see you, you put your idea into play.
You rushed over to him, grabbing his hand gently and holding up your pens (which were safe on skin after your parents discovered you colouring all over yourself) and gave him your cutest smile.
"Wanna colour." You said, pointing to the tattoos.
"You wanna colour my tattoos?" He called.
"Yeah!" You exclaimed.
"What about Nick's?" He asked.
"Colour them too!" You squealed.
"Alright bub, come on inside." He agreed, making you smile.
You grabbed all your pens and rushed inside, Trevor slowly behind you, the dog being your personal shadow. You saw your other brothers in the kitchen, as Nick started making some food.
"Hey kiddo." Chris called, helping you sit at the island, seeing you struggling.
"Hi! I colour Matty's tattoos!" You exclaimed.
"Oh yeah? What colours?" He asked with a cheeky grin.
"Um....green, wait blue! Matty loves blue!" You responded, holding up a blue pen.
The middle triplet smiled as he sat next to you. You started to colour, your tongue poking out your lips slightly as you focused, both Chris and Nick taking pictures of you all.
After a while, you had coloured four of Matt's tattoos, the boy smiling as he took some photos. You giggled as he kissed your forehead gently.
"Now Nick!" You exclaimed.
"Alright sweetheart, which one first?" He asked, switching places with Matt.
"Ummm, Scooby! Then letters!" You answered, kicking your feet happily.
He smiled and nodded, knowing which ones you wanted to colour. That being his Scooby Doo one along with the C for Chris and M for Matt.
"Maybe I should get one now, just for her to colour." Chris said, watching you with a beaming smile.
"She could just draw some on you for now." Matt said, making the youngest male nod.
The guys smiled seeing you so happy, knowing they had another amazing memory with you.
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himbos-hotline · 10 months
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look at this dumb stupid silly lil guy, I am throwing him against the wall like a sopping wet plushie for his own pleasure and enjoyment
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myszie · 5 months
I think your Tutor likes being called a Good Boy
Sub!Matt x reader
Trigger warning - Smut, Dom/Sub dynamics, Throat play, major Corruption kink, maybe Dub!con, degradation.
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First time writing smut, constructive criticism please!!!
Matt fidgets with his pencil, hands roughly bundled in his lap, You’re supposed to carry over the power” he mumbles, his words terse. I look up at the boy sitting across from me in the prickling sweltering heat of the school library, “Matttt I swear you’re writing in another language at this point” I murmur exasperated, lips drawn into an exaggerated pout.
Matt shifts in his seat - red flush coating his porcelain skin, as he reaches over to correct my mistake. “It’s not hard, you’re just not doing it properly” he adds attempting to joke and look away from my face, and the way my skin shimmers in the heat….so mundane yet so provocative. “You whore, why must you attack me like that” I laugh back tugging at my thin tee so it it doesn’t stick to my body. Not hearing a reaction, and worrying I pushed too far, I lean into Matt only to see him squirming in his lap as diverts his gaze from the dip of my collarbone.
“You don’t look so good Matty….its too hot in here…wanna study in my car?” I offer cooing at the boy as I help him gather his things, perfectly disguising the ways my hands linger as I help him put stuff in his bag.
The boy shuffles behind me, his hands firmly plastered to the front of his body…the heat, your lips and the ways your words were just on the precipice of his desire. Watching Matt struggle ever so much under my gaze, the battle behind clinging to his perfect image is downright tempting. Like a white canvas begging for colour, begging to be ruined.
“Does that feel better?” I murmur, softly rubbing his thighs, to comfort him of course and not anything else. The hitch in his breath is loud and clear within the silence of the car, but I’m more than happy to indulge in this game of cat and mouse a bit longer. “The heat was really getting you huh?” I coo again, this time pressing a cold beer near his jugular. “Mhm this should help the flush” I say smirking slightly as I hover over the boy, but seeing his blush darken and eyes look wide and dazed…my temptation peels and I can’t help but dip the bottle lower…near his chest.
Matt gasps biting his lips, “Yea that feels…better” he manages to force out even though the ice did nothing to calm the raging hard on he was packing. He was too far gone at this point, he needed you to keep touching him. “I think I know what will feel really good though Matty, what hill help ……this” I whisper in his ears as I drag the cold beer bottle close to his navel. Matts eyes widens and before he can process what you’re proposing, I pull my hands back and settle in my chair acting nonchalant. “Feel better Matty?” I lilt, stressing the syllable. Matt eyes turn to mine, completely wide and his chest heaves as his brain tries to cope with the fact that he hadn’t just imagined your hands near his cock.
I stare back at him, a challenge and invitation clear in my eyes, “No…need help” he finally murmurs out his words stressed and broken. “Mhm you were quite rude you know, you should ask me nicely” I rasp as I let my hands and nails ghost over the skin of his thigh. Matt hands ball in his laps as his body shakes under my touch, “please help me…please” he finally manages and I smile my touch getting bolder as it palms the bulge in his pants. “Help you do what bunny?” I say smirking, having fun while breaking down matts composure. “Touch me please” Matt moans his hips rising up as they grind up into my hands.
Smirking I’m immediately on him, straddling his heaving frame in the small car. My red manicured hands grasp both sides of his face, as I look into his eyes….”You thought you were being subtle huh, palming your dick in the library like a slut” I rasp roughly kissing his perfectly pouty laps. Matt all but whimpers as his hips ground up to mine, moving desperately for friction. I squeeze his mouth, “Open” and spit in his mouth as he spreads open his mouth, “god such a desperate slut, now swallow” I say licking a line of sweat down the side of his neck. I’m well aware of the fact by this point he’s practically humping me, but I let him…he was too pure yet to ruin completely and besides I didn’t wanna reveal all my cards.
“You desperate boy, I thought you needed me to touch you, but here you’re more than happy humping me like a Rabid bunny in heat….fuck perfect Matt is such a little slut…doing all this when anyone can see the fucked out look on your face” I tease my hands grasping his throat as I too grind down on him. Matt tries to answer, his words muffled in moans and I laugh, “You don’t gave permission to speak doll” I say biting his lips.
Matt is all but reduced to to heap of grunts and moans, his hips chasing the rhythm of mine. Feeling himself get closer, he can’t help but moan out, “Fuck feels so good” as he cums in his pants against the heat of my centre. I ride him through his orgasm drawing out the sensitivity, until I address him with a hard glare.
“I said you’re not allowed to speak doll”
Y’all want part 2? I’m not sure?
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loveiis · 22 days
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not proofread !
warnings: cunnilingus, cursing.
you were sitting at your desk, your two light pink monitors lit up your face in the dark room, one monitor consisted of a game of fortnite that you had been playing for a while, while the other one just sat on your screensaver.
matt had bought you both of those pretty monitors, so that you could play fortnite with him at anytime, considering you didn’t have anything to play on before he ordered them.
your fingers clicked quickly against the keyboard as you started to fight someone who was seemingly better than you. you sat in your chair in a criss-cross position as your head slightly leaned into your monitor, trying to focus.
matt, however, was sitting on the edge of your bed behind you as he scrolled mindlessly through tiktok. 
“babe.” he called lowly, setting his phone down next to him. “yes, matty?” you deadpanned, the game being too good for you to turn even just an inch.
“can you come to bed now? you said three games, but you’re on your fourth.” he sighed, leaning back on his arms. 
“m’ sorry baby, i promise after this one i will.” you mumbled as felt a little bad, you weren’t supposed to be on the game after three rounds.
but you didn’t care as much since there was too much going on. 
right now, matt was regretting buying you all of that gaming shit, he should have just let you play roblox on your phone. 
matt suddenly got an idea, maybe it would make you come sleep with him quicker, because he knew you probably weren’t for a while.
matt slowly got up from his spot on the bed, and instantly crawled on the floor so you couldn’t see him in the corner of your eyes.
you weren’t going to anyways, you were too engrossed in your game to pay attention to whatever matt was doing.
he silently crawled under your desk, getting a full view of your shorts. matt licked his lips as he uncrossed your legs.
“matt? what’re you doing under there?” your heart raced as you kept your eyes on the game.
“shh, play your game.” he said in return, pulling your legs closer to his face. you decided to stay silent, trying to put your focus back on your game.
matt started to undo the tie on your shorts, then wrapped his fingers under the waistband, tugging them downwards.
“lift.” matt simply demanded, as you lifted your hips to make it easier for him to pull down your shorts.
you cleared your throat, realizing what he was about to do. but you had to win your game, there was only one person left.
matt finished pulling down your shorts as he tossed them somewhere in the room. he pulled your panties to the side as he leaned in farther to get closer to your heat.
he grasped onto your plush thighs as he lifted them and spread them enough for him to get in between.
your body tensed as he spread your legs, your brain becoming more and more fuzzy as he continued to do this while you were in the middle of a game. 
you shook your head to rid yourself of the lack of focus you had, and leaned into your monitor more. matt finally pressed his tongue to your entrance, and licked a stripe upwards and stopped at your clit.
you shuddered at his motions, trying to keep your fingers from entangling into his hair. he pursed his lips, giving your clit a light kiss before sucking on it.
“oh fuck..” you whispered. at this point in the game, you found the last person and you’re now struggling to get the win as matt continues to pleasure you. 
his movements become faster as he laps at your pussy, occasionally fucking his tongue into you.
your breathless moans are like music to his ears. “matt… fuck..” your eyes struggle to focus, and your hands start shaking on your mouse and keyboard, making it harder for you to aim.
matt hummed against you, sending vibrations through your body as you let out a whine. 
you were now so close to releasing, and just giving up on winning the game, everything was just too much for you. “you lose that game, and i won’t let you cum, m’kay?” he mumbled against your pussy, the vibrations being too much.
you now knew that you couldn’t give up now, you wanted to cum so badly.
you tried to straighten out, narrowing your eyes as you really tried to focus again.
until matt decided to slip two of his fingers inside of you as he flicked his tongue on your clit.
“ma- matt- shit.. m’ coming..” you exhaled, feeling his fingers curl inside of you, the pleasure being way too much to handle. 
you aimed one last shot at the other player, thinking it would miss.
but as your character slowed down and the victory royale popped up on your screen, you released on matt’s fingers. 
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a scrap while i work on my series :)
wc: 838 words, 4,501 characters.
divider from: @/saradika-graphics
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artificialbreezy · 1 month
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AN: sorry babies life’s been busy and brain has been broken. however please enjoy this Noah x Matty x reader thot 👀 also i’ve never written a threesome so if this sucks, so sorry
CW: MMF threesome, kinda mean!Noah, kinda mean!Matt, pet names, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it), oral (M and F receiving)
Tag list: @thefallennightmare @xxkittenkissesxx @as-above-so-below1000 @alloraiona @abiomens @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @thatchickwiththecamera @english-fucker @lma1986 @pathion @tinyfairies @poisongirl616 @meekahy @foliosgirl @sacredthefran @romanreigns-supreme @thisbicc @80ssatori
NSFW under the cut ◡̈
What started as just a little joke, a fun time to tease Matty and get him riled up really ended up much worse for you than you thought.
Matty already was annoyed with your attitude from earlier in the day, and when he saw you getting a little too cozy with Noah that annoyance just grew.
Noah was quick to pick up the cat and mouse game you both were playing. Kinda chuckling to himself over seeing Matt’s cool slowly leave him. Whatever he thought, i’ll add to it.
Noah made sure he laid out the heavy flirty, the soft touches on your arms. The final straw from Matt, was watching Noah push a strand of hair behind your ear and lean down to whisper something.
Matt quickly left the room, running up the stairs quick to send you a text message to meet him up here. Stopping in his tracks at the text from Noah.
Noah: I don’t know Matt, think she needs a little more than just one person. I’ll bring her up to my room, maybe she’ll act right with a second set of eyes.
Matt was quick to respond.
Matt: Bring her up here. Chairs ready for you.
There wasn’t even a waiting period of more than 10 minutes before Noah turned the door handle.
“Bout damn time, come here baby.” Matt’s voice was soft. Confusion filling your mind, as Noah closed the door and turned the lock.
“Matty.. What are you doing?” voice barely above a whisper.
He pushed gently against your chest, forcing you to fall against Noah’s bed. “You wanted to act like a whore, so you’re gonna show Noah how much of a whore you are. Got it?”
You nodded slowly, eyes flicking between the man above you and the man across the room.
“He’s just gonna watch honey, unless you want more or you want him to leave.” His hand rubbed soft circles on your cheek.
You swallowed a little harder than intended, “he can stay, Matty.”
Before you had much time to think, Matt’s hands were on your throat. “Don’t know what’s gotten into you today honey. Been nothing but a brat.”
There was a small chuckle from behind Matt, one that made you push your thighs together. Hoping that Matt wouldn’t catch on.
He loosened his grip and looked down, “would you look at that, seems like someone’s trying to hide that she’s turned on.” His hand worked there way down to my thighs, “Lucky for me, you decided to dress like a whore today.” He mumbled while pushing the bottom of your skirt up.
Closing your eyes, the embarrassment of Noah watching while Matt was bullying you added a level of heat to your core you didn’t know possible.
There was a soft smack against my cheek. “Nuh huh, look at Noah for me yeah? Want you to watch him while I play with your cunt real quick.”
Matt knelt down in between my legs, pressing soft kisses from my shins up to my thigh. Forcing my legs further apart. Noah’s eyes glued to my center that was on display.
Matt’s head was resting against my thigh, finger running through my slick. A small gasp leaving my throat.
“Noah, come here a minute.” Matt turned his head to his friend. “If you close your legs, I wont be so nice. Better keep em open for us.”
Noah stood next to Matt, “Wanna see how fast she gets desperate? Way better to see up close.” His finger pressing against my entrance. My hips moving ever so slightly, begging for something. He pushed inside at a slow pace, stopping when he was just barely in. Staring up at me, he spoke. “Can Noah help me honey?”
“Uh huh, please.”
Noah nodded, climbing into bed behind you. Setting his legs next to yours, moving his hands to the front of you. Pushing your straps off your shoulders. His left hand finding a home against your tit.
Whimpers falling from your mouth.
Noah’s finger and thumb pinching your nipple, Matt pumping his finger at a slow pace, curling up to hit your sweet spot.
Noah was first to hear the footsteps outside the door, his other hand covering your mouth while neither boy let up on their movements.
“Hey, you guys alright?!” Jesse yelled through the door.
Matt taking this as a moment of payback, leaned forward wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking.
Groaning against Noah’s hand. He spoke up. “Yeah! Just showing Matt and y/n this game i’ve been playing. We’ll be back down in a bit.”
That seemed to be good enough for the man outside the door.
“Guess we better hurry up, Noah. Baby, want you on your stomach, ass up. Can you show Noah how good you are with your mouth when you’re not too busy running it? Promise i’ll give you what you want too.”
Quick to listen to your boyfriend, you rolled over, immediately lifting your ass how he asked. Noah watching you, waiting for your approval. “Uh huh, Matty. Promise i’ll be good.”
Both of them standing up, pushing their shorts down just enough to take out their cocks. Matt was quick to rub his tip against my clit and down to my hole.
As Matt pushed himself into me, Noah reached down and set his thumb against my mouth. “Need you to be real quiet, don’t need anyone coming back up here alright?” He spoke down to me.
Removing his thumb from my mouth, he brought his tip and tapped it against my lips. Opening my mouth, tongue running across his slit. A soft groan fell from his mouth, “Shit, Matt. Weren’t kidding when you said her mouth felt like velvet.”
Matt’s grip on my hips tightened, “should feel her cunt next time. Soft, wet and so fucking tight.” He groaned out through gritted teeth.
Legs threatening to close over the idea of Noah buried in my cunt and Matt down my throat.
“Think she likes that idea Noah, she’s fucking squeezing me so tight.”
Noah’s hips bucked at the feeling of my moan around his shaft. “Fuck, y/n. Relax your throat, breathe through your nose. Atta girl, good job.”
Matt’s thrusts becoming a little sloppy, “Honey i’m real fucking close. Gonna let me fill up your pretty pussy yeah? Gonna let Noah cum down your throat aren’t you? Gonna be our best girl. Promise we’ll take more time for you next time.”
There wasn’t much time between Noah’s grunt and his thrust stilling while he released his load down my throat and Matt’s soft groan while he thrusted his cum slowly into me.
Noah pulled out first, reaching down to wipe the messy makeup from under my eyes.
“Gonna pull out now,” Matt spoke softly. “Did so good honey, so so good.”
Noah walked out of the room, and came back fast with a towel and handed it to Matt. “You two stay here, i’ll be right back. Gonna take care of a couple things and then we’ll take care of you, sweets.”
Matt pressed a kiss to my back, “I love you, honey.”
“I love you too, Matty.”
Brain stuck on Noah’s comment, and Matt’s mention of next time. But that’s a situation we can figure out later.
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