#mattress stores in RI
rachelgreen071 · 1 year
Advantage Of Purchasing Furniture from Furniture Stores In RI
Making small changes to your home can have a big impact on your comfort, emotions, and even health. This is because you spend a lot of time at home, where the environment has a significant influence on your life.
Purchasing new furniture from furniture stores in RI is a certain way to update or upgrade your home if you're thinking about doing so.
Due to the expense, time, and effort required to transport new furniture into their homes and put it up, many people hesitate to do so. But compared to the many advantages that come with updating your furniture, it is a little price to pay.
High-quality furniture is made to be practical and has features that can simplify and improve your life. For instance, a high-quality desk can include integrated storage or cable management features, like the Soho Desk, to keep your workspace tidy and organized. A chaise lounge may be included with a high-quality sofa, adding to its comfort and adaptability. These characteristics and others can make your furniture work for you, ultimately saving you time and effort.
Impact on the Environment
The environmental impact of your purchase is minimized through the use of natural, sustainable materials and methods in the production of high-quality furniture. For people who are concerned about their carbon footprint and wish to make more environmentally responsible decisions, this is crucial.
High-quality furniture from furniture stores in providence is frequently made to be readily fixed or renovated, which further extends its lifespan and lowers waste. This may contribute to resource conservation and a decrease in the quantity of furniture dumped in landfills.
High-quality furniture purchases may be more expensive initially, but they are ultimately valuable due to their value and advantages. You may design a room that is not just attractive but also useful and sustainable by selecting furniture that is strong, comfy, elegant, utilitarian, and eco-friendly.
Whether you're outfitting a home, workplace, or commercial space, making a wise investment in high-quality furniture can have a number of advantages for years to come.
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larrykozin · 1 year
Expanding Nationally on a Shoestring      by Larry Kozin
How Licensing Strategies Can Help Expand Your Business Nationally without the expense and compliance of becoming a Franchisor
As a business owner, one of your main goals may be to expand your business to reach a nationwide audience. While franchising or opening company-owned locations may seem like the only options, a lesser-known strategy is licensing. By licensing your business, you can raise capital and earn profits, all while expanding your brand on a national scale. In this article, we'll explore how advanced licensing strategies can benefit your business. We will highlight the real world example of iDealFurniture, which has successfully sold over 325 locations in just 8 years, that created millions in upfront profits and backend revenue on wholesaling products to the licensees.
What is Advanced Licensing?
Licensing is a business strategy whereby you sell the right to use your company name, logo, products, or services in a specific territory or market, while providing training, resources and support, Unlike franchising, that could cost hundreds of thousands in legal, marketing and compliance fees and years to get going, a licensing offering for an existing business model can start producing revenue in the first 60-90 days at a fraction of the cost of becoming a franchisor. Instead of receiving royalties, you receive a one-time upfront fee from each licensee, based on the population and size of the protected and in some cases exclusive territory. Besides selling operator licenses, you can also sell Master Licenses, which is in essence a revenue share business model based on all sales by operators in a larger territory. This is, in essence, more of a way to raise capital and create profits from somebody who wants to be more passive, but could still help you build that territory, since they are motivated with “skin-in-the-game”. 
This approach blows away the do it all yourself, asset expansion process since it eliminates the need to finance, build, and operate company-owned locations, which can be extremely risky, expensive and time and resource consuming.
Benefits of Advanced Licensing
There are numerous other benefits and advantages in choosing licensing as a strategy to expand nationally. The first benefit is that you raise capital while simultaneously expanding your business. Your licensee pays a fee to receive the right to use your brand, and can be a substantial source of revenue. Additionally, your licensee assumes the cost, risk, and responsibility of setting up and operating their business. By using this licensing approach, you can leverage other people's expertise and financial resources to grow your business without incurring additional expense or risks.
Case Study of iDealFurniture
The success story of iDealFurniture is a perfect example of the benefits of national expansion through licensing. I originally founded iDealFurniture in 1982 in Southern California and at one time built it up to 6 stores, but, it seemed the more stores I opened, the more I worked and the less profits I made, due to increased overhead and employees that came and went. Finally, in 2006, I met a licensing expert on the golf course, Mr. John Bellave, who taught me licensing and we partnered to sell over 325 licensed locations and we pocketed millions of dollars in revenue and profits. iDealFurniture provided its licensees with a turnkey business package, including logistics, sourcing of products, marketing materials, websites and training. In exchange, entrepreneurs paid iDealFurniture a one-time fee that averaged over $25,000 per location (based on territory size) plus we earned backend revenue by creating our own private label mattress company called Perfect Dreamer and became a wholesale furniture reseller.
In conclusion, licensing is an attractive and compelling alternative to traditional business expansion strategies. This approach allows business owners to raise capital, minimize risk and earn profits while expanding their brand nationally. iDealFurniture provides a great example to existing business owners by demonstrating that licensing can work on a national scale for any successful business model.. By exploring licensing, entrepreneurs may be able to realize their dreams of growing a successful business leveraging the capital and entrepreneurial skills of others willing to pay you for your expertise and training, but NOT giving up their independence (and monthly profits) to a franchisor. 
My company, Advanced Licensing, LLC offers entrepreneurs a FREE Comprehensive Analysis on the viability and shoestring costs of taking your company national. Feel free to reach out via email at: [email protected] (att: Larry Kozin) or call me on my cellphone: 702-622-7051 
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artsyxloner · 3 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, violence, death
27: Realization of the true enemy
It's has been a while since I had locked myself up in the quarantine room. Laying down on the mattress. I tried to ignore the huge Puddle of thick blood that was on the floor.
I know I was supposed to be strong but it was completely hard. By having —well the relationship was complicated we didn't Officially Announce we were together but now we never will because Hyun-Su doesn't feel the same way back.
I knew it was all because of that one boy, getting inside Head. I mean Hyun-Su didn't even let me explain and he rather listens to a boy he Barely knows and pushes me aside from the one who has helped him through thick and thin here and it doesn't mean anything over one little thing.
It was hard for me to, and I'm glad the others understood but I thought at least Hyun-Su would have I guess I should have gotten to know him better before jumping into things. I guess I was so Transfixed on feeling bad for him and knowing he was just like me. I didn't get to see this stubborn side of him.
Maybe the reasons why he is-is because of things that happened in his past but that doesn't mean everyone witnesses like that I guess he has major trust issues. It sure seems like it. When you're alone you have a lot to think about.
Maybe I had too much to think about sitting up, I saw a brown leather cover laying on top of a table. Did it seem to be oddly familiar? Maybe this will calm down my consuming thoughts. Dragging myself over to it I carefully picked it up and opened it.
For some reason, I skipped over the first page and went on to the others. It looked like a filed Journal of monsters Someone drew. They were really good. As I continued to search through this thing something fell out on my lap. Picking it up my eyes went wide.
It was a picture. But not just any pictures it was of me and three other people. A woman, a man, and an older boy that looked to be in his early twenties. They were all smiling being happy. I didn't understand was this, my family?
If so why is it in this journal? For some reason, I flipped back to the first page. And almost dropped the book. It was a drawling of them but they were all dead. Why was that even there? Were they killed? Was it by a human or a monster?
It had no writing just gruesome drawings. This helps me know what my family looked like but this doesn't give me any Perspective of who killed them? Something told me it was me in the back of my head but I quickly pushed that aside that was nearly impossible I wouldn't ever try and hurt someone like that.
Or even if I did I would go insane but while trying to stay sane. Because I don't know if I'll be able to handle that? Sliding the picture back in the book I closed it putting it back where it belongs even though it was mine I didn't want to look at it as a reminder that my family was gone.
Yes I should take it with me but I don't remember them and how can I miss them if I don't remember? No memory of any birthdays, family dinners or just watching tv together on Saturday nights?
I had to leave it for now maybe I'll remember one day. I for sure hope so because it was all fuzzy like a screen that has gone static. Getting up I began to search for a bag and start packing things for when I leave tonight.
I won't say anything I'll go anonymously. So no one will have to worry or question why I'm leaving it was for everyone's good. They don't need me like I said I just cause trouble. Heading out of the room. I was about to go to the small convenience store that had almost everything to flashlights, ropes, and first-aid kits.
But stopped when I saw Sang-Wook with Yu-Ri on his back as they passed me. Something was wrong as I heard her wheezing terribly. She must have run out of an inhaler. She could smother to death from lack of oxygen.
( Y'all, I have Severe asthma, and let me tell you it sucks when you don't have an inhaler anyone else? )
I began to follow him, even though I was leaving that still didn't mean I didn't care them I wanted to help. " how long has she been like this and without an inhaler?!" I shouted, Sang-Wook grunted, as he heaved her up as I could tell she was about to fall.
" she just had run out and for a while here!" I nodded the closest Drugstore wasn't far from here. He hand-thrown the keys to me. As we neared the entrance I felt a hard blow that made me go flying back. There were three loud thuds. As I landed on the side of my rib cage.
I cringed, gritting my teeth I could hear Yu-ri Coughing trying her best to breathe. As she sucked in the air, I half-way walked and crawled over to her but was kicked down. I hand gripped the keys in my hand, it was no surprise who I saw looking up.
It was him.
He had stepped on my wrist, bending down he grabbed the set of keys from me. " going somewhere?" He shook the keys in his grasp laughing a bit with a smirk plastered on his face. This little bitch?!
" give them back!" I spit, trying to get up he placed his foot on my chest stepping down on it. Making it hard for me to breathe too. " what's going on?" I heard someone say. The person who walked in it was Hyun-Su I didn't expect a reaction from him.
But when he looked down his eyes widened a bit. He glanced up at his 'friend' questionably? The boy raised his hand up Jingling the keys. " They were trying to leave." Why does he even care? " so?" I pushed his foot off me with all the strength I had.
Getting up, " why does it matter to you!" I began but was Interrupted. " it doesn't matter." Hyun-Su looked at me, I frowned. " if they report us, the soldiers will come." He said Plainly, was this that was all about?
I shook my head. " oh, yeah I would go and risk reporting us?!" I fired back, poking my finger in his chest. I hated this guy. I was so close to wanting to beat the crap out of him he's causing nothing but chaos around here.
" then why are you trying to leave?"
I stopped there for a minute Hyun-Su was the one questioning me now. I balled up my fist. " because there's someone that requires medical attention." I was so angry I began to cry. The last words of my sentence broke. As I blinked a few tears away.
I saw Sang-Wook from the corner of my eye picking up Yu-Ri. I motioned over towards her. " if you cared Hyun-Su you would stop letting this guy get in your head and see who the real problem is because it's not us yes things were difficult for you but did you ever think it was hard for me too?"
I couldn't control my tears anymore they came rushing down it was true it was hard for me but he didn't acknowledge that I was going through a hard time too. I didn't care if I was showing my Vulnerable side it showed that I still had a human heart.
I still had sympathy, I couldn't tell what emotion was going through Hyun-Su's eyes it was hard to read but he snatched the keys from the boy handing them to me. I quickly took them silently thanking him which didn't mean anything.
" Let them go, it's up to her now."
I was the last thing Hyun-Su said before we three made our way to the large opening that was caused by the tank. Sang-Wook began to run along with me to his side. She had to make it. But little did I know things don't turn out the way you want them to.
There was a loud bang that shot throughout the air. I turned my head to see a bullet flying through the air hitting Yu-Ri in the back. The impact of it made her let go of Sang-Wook.
I let out an Ear-piercing scream, seeing her blood splatter out from her back. I began to ran. They both were tipping over but that was good. I pushed them out of the way where the bullets wouldn't hit them anymore. They fell to the ground, " Go! I'll cover you!!!" I yelled. Sang-Wook got up and held on to Yu-ri tightly and began to run.
I heard the sound of more bullets being fired but this time I was the one getting hit in every direction. My body Flung back and forth. It was better for me than them. I hope they were going to be okay.
But soon there was another scream, it wasn't me this time but it sounded more like a boy. The bullets stopped flying, as I fell to the ground on my knees. Everything hurt. As I saw blood seeping in throughout my clothes small holes could be seen through them and my skin.
But I knew I would be okay. Looking up I saw Hyun-Su, he was running towards that boy. I could see his face was twisted in terror as his cries were let out loud. I checked behind me to see. Sang-Wook was lay down on the ground and Yu-Ri was laying her back on the dashboard limbs falling aimlessly.
I was too late they were hit. I began to cry again, I wanted to go over and help them but Sang-Wook motioned me to go and help the others. As there were a loud crash and more screams and gunshots. I turned away running towards the action that was unfolding.
There he was standing in the middle of the room. Holding out a gun shooting people for the fun of it. I blocked there his shots so more people could get to safety. Most of them did. As more of the group came and got Byeong-II he was shot through the back of the chest.
" You never stop trying to get in my way!" I turned and saw his eyes going black. " so I'm just going to have to kill you myself since the first time didn't do the job!" He seethed, as his other arm shot out his hand gripped around my neck pulling me up in the air.
I could feel his fingers tightening Pressing down on my Windpipe. I struggled to breathe choking on my Saliva and air. I grasped his hand trying to make him loosen up but it wouldn't. My feet dangled in the air. I could feel my face turning red from the lack of oxygen.
I tasted blood, as I began to spite it up. More gunshots were fired. As I saw them hit his face but they Protruded out of his skin healing up as nothing had happened. My eye vision was going blurry again until I saw someone from the corner of my eye running towards us.
The person slammed into the boy that was trying to kill me. Both of their bodies flew to the side. As he let go of my neck I fell to the ground hard. Coughing like a fish out of water trying to catch my breath. It was Hyun-Su that tackled him they crashed into a room.
Wood, dust, glass went flying everywhere, I ducked. Hearing groaning, I stepped up about to go and help Hyun-Su but he was thrown out of the glassless window. He went sliding on the ground hitting the wall. Grunting, in pain Running over to him.
I bent down, " Hyun-Su! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He looked up and regret was filled in his dark browns. I pulled my hand up under his arm and around his back trying to help him up. I turned my face if was towards him. We were very close. Feeling his hot breath fanning mine as he breathed hard.
" Soo-Nico I'm—" but he was Interrupted by that one boy. He didn't get to finish what he was going to say. I held on to Hyun-Su tightly. " I should've known you were sulking after killing that woman!" I could see his footsteps inching close to us. He grabbed me by my face pulling me up.
" And you trying to defend him for it!!" That's when he threw me up against the wall my back colliding with the glass mirror. I could hear it shattering against my skin as the Ragged blades cut into me. " you both are the weak ones!!" He pushed me harder into the glass. I sucked in a sharp breath.
He then let go was I dropped to the ground next he went over to Hyun-Su. " do you want to know something funny? Let me tell you the truth." He grabbed Hyun-Su face now. That was mixed in with anger towards the boy who he thought he trusted. His jaw was clenched as he bared his teeth.
" you didn't kill anyone."
Hyun-Su face quickly switched into confusion, face lighting a bit in disbelief. The boy then hit him and his hand turned into a sharp spear and jabbed it through Hyun-Su's stomach pushing him up against the wall. I could hear him groaning and grunting in pain.
" because that woman was me." The boy smiled Sinisterly laughing. Like he was having a flashback of what had happened. His eyes were Shown through the broken mirror as his face repeated by it his black eyes the dominant view as he laughed crazily.
He then pulled the spear-like thing out of Hyun-Su as he fell to the ground. I was in pain as I watched the mirror fall on him. His face had so much mixed emotions I couldn't tell what will happen. His fist balled up as the boy started to talk again.
" Nobody can leave!"
He shot at the car as gas leaked out from it. Creating sparks that reached the gas as it soon caught on fire sending the place in a blaze. He had cut the swinging chandelier as his hood up he walked over towards Hyun-Su but his hand soon shot out from underneath the mirror all covered in blood, sweat and dirt.
His fingers and arm twitch and began to bending on all different types of ways as more spear-like things Poked out of his skin. Sliding up with blood covering them. I watched him in horror as he began to transform.
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katurrade · 6 years
Secrets and Sins 1
This is not your normal TRR story. This is a complete AU. A mobster AU. Hopefully you enjoy this, it’s slightly dark and twisted, but should be a fun ride. It’s also written in a reader format, not a MC format. (Y/N = Your Name) Enjoy! ...Also, I will be working on the final chapter(s) of Come Back to Me sometime this week. Hopefully. I just wanted to get this idea out there and see how everyone took it.
Description: You flee from an abusive situation and find yourself on the other side of the country, creating new friends and possibly finding new love. But will you be able to escape your past? To truly move on with your life? Or will everything come crashing down around you in the blink of an eye?
Word Count: 3,420 ish.
Pairing: Mobster!Liam x Reader.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence. Drinking. Curse words. Possible NSFW content in later chapters. Flashbacks of abusive behaviour, and moments of abuse. Possible triggering thoughts and feelings. Probably more warnings to come.
A/N: *throws canon out the damn window* YEEET.
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Y/N had arrived in New York just over a week ago, you had managed to find an apartment within a day. It wasn’t the nicest apartment in the world, the floors were damaged from previous tenants, the walls stained from cigarette smoke and the sun. The kitchen and bathroom were outdated and old, to say the least, but it was clean. Quiet. And best of all, it was all your own. It was nothing like the massive home you had left behind, the opulent furnishings and grand fixtures, but you didn’t want those things ever again. Not at the cost they came at.
You wanted small. Safe. Warm. Your own. You didn’t want to have to answer to another, have to fear being in your own home, have to pray every night that you’d make it through the next few hours, the next few days. No, this apartment to anyone else would be a hell hole, but to you it was perfect. It was your sanctuary, it would be your salvation.
You had jumped on it the second the manager showed it to you. The price was fair, and it was close to a bunch of shops, parks and clubs. Giving you many options to find work, and hopefully fast.
It was also a secure building, which was a priority for you. Security cameras, only two ways in and out. One in the front and one in the rear. The suite was located on the third floor and at the end of the hall. Giving you a full view of the hallway from the doors peep hole.
It had an elevator, which was also a huge plus. Walk ups were not your friend, especially when you finally managed to buy furniture for your place. That would have been hard to do on your own, lifting furniture up a bunch of stairs. Nuh uh. No thank you.
You hadn’t brought many things with you in your move from out of state, minus the clothes on your back, a medium sized suit case, a box with the few prize possessions, the stuff you were able to hang on to and a few random things you had picked up during your travels. Mainly just whatever you were able to take with you when you fled in the middle of the night.
Once you signed the rental agreement and received your keys, you unloaded your belongings into the suite. Setting up a makeshift bed with an air mattress, sleeping bag and a couple pillows. You had spent the remainder of the week hiding out in the apartment, waiting for the few remaining visible bruises to heal. Knowing the scars, both physical and mental, never would.
But you just needed to take the time to settle, to breathe. You had spent months of living in fear, you deserved a few days to yourself. Though the fear never truly left, you were smarter then that, but for now, you allowed yourself to forgot most of it. Just for a few days. There was no way he’d find you this quickly. If at all.
You finally decided to leave your place, it was time to get the ball rolling on finding a job and you needed to stock up on a few things. You check the peep hole, seeing the hall empty, you promptly exited the suite and locked the door. Deciding to wander around and get a lay of the land. Mainly to search for jobs, but also for future reference, should you need an escape route quickly. And quietly.
The season was just entering into fall, cold in the mornings, but warm in the afternoons. You had on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather bomber jacket with a grey hood. You pulled the hood up over your head as you exited the building. Attempting to conceal yourself just a little. You knew how far his reach could go. You’d be foolish to not keep that thought lingering in the back of your mind, at all times.
If you did let your guard down it could end badly. You could end up losing your life over it and that was not an option. You deserved better, you knew you did. It’s why you left when you did. Things had taken a dangerous turn a few months back and it took you a while to finally realize where your path in life was taking you. And that, that wasn’t where you wanted it to end up. That’s a lie, it didn’t take months to realize, it only took months to build up the courage to actually leave, to plan your escape and follow through with it.
If you were being honest with yourself, you knew from day one where this was all going to end up, you knew getting involved with a ‘man’ like him was foolish and stupid. But he seemed different in the beginning. You foolish girl, falling for a man like that, believing all the bullshit he fed you. You fell right into his trip, willingly. No, you knew full well not to get involved with him. Yet you still did.
But with that all said, you also knew that no matter how far you ran, you were never truly safe. Never truly secure. You would always have to watch over your shoulder. Always aware, waiting to be discovered. To be found. You hadn’t picked New York on a whim, no, you picked it for one very important reason. Liam Rhys. The King of New York.
You had never met him before, hadn’t even so much as seen him before, but you knew exactly who he was, you had heard all the stories. All the recounts of him and his dealings. And even though you feared him, feared him figuring out who you were. Or rather, who you used to be connected to, you knew that you’d be safer in New York. This was the one city he couldn’t follow you to. He wasn’t allowed to step foot in this state. Not without consequences. Not without blood shed.
As you came across a convenient store at the end of the block, you cleared your thoughts focusing them, once again, on the few things you needed, mainly food and a for sale sign for your car. You decided to check it out, pushing open the door with a jingle of the bells above it. You pulled the hood off your head and began wandering the aisles in search of the few things you needed.
Once you had found them all you headed up to the counter to pay. You were greeted by a sweet older man behind the till who smiled softly at you, as he began to ring your items into the till, to which you smiled back.
“You new in town?” He asked politely.
“Am I that obvious?” You responded with a chuckle.
“No, I just haven’t seen you before. I’d remember a face like yours.” he replied with a smirk. Normally, a line like that might have creeped you out, might have sent a chill down your spine, but there wasn’t anything malicious or nefarious in his tone. He meant it in a sweet, fatherly sort of way, you could tell. Which made you smile more.
Before you could respond a woman’s voice came through the store “Oh Xinghai, you’re going to scare the poor thing.” Startled you turned as she walked up behind the counter to lightly slap him on the arm. “Ignore my husband dear” she chuckled before turning her eyes to you, which widened instantly “Oh my, you are stunning,” to which she received an overly exaggerated eye roll from the gentleman beside her “I’m Lorelai Lee, and this old man,” she said with a smirk “is Xinghai Lee. We own this shop.”
You laughed at their banter “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, I’m Y/N. and to answer your earlier question, Mr. Lee, yes, I am new to town.”
“I knew it!” He glared lovingly at his wife “It’s a pleasure to meet you dear. What brings you to this neck of the woods?”
“Ah..” you paused, not really sure how to answer as the truth was not an option. That was for sure. “Just needed a change of pace, I guess.” you shrugged and smiled, though you knew it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Have you found work yet?” He asked rather excitedly.
“Mr. Lee!” Another smack to the arm from his wife “Leave to poor girl alone, i’m sure she doesn’t need you pestering her!”
You laughed again. “It’s alright Mrs. Lee. I actually haven’t, so if you have any ideas of places hiring I’m all ears. I’ve just been wandering around in search of ‘now hiring’ signs”
He smirked and glared at his wife for a moment, in a ‘I win’ sort of way, receiving an eye roll in response then he turned back to you “Well, our daughter works at The Gilded Apple, it’s a pub down the road, but they pay well and she loves working there. She was just saying the other day that they were looking to hire a new waitress, you should go down and speak to her. Her name is Hana, she is working tonight, tell her I sent you”
“That’s amazing, thank you so much Mr. Lee. I can’t tell you how much that helps!” You said sincerely “I’ll go down there right now.” You paid for your items, Mr. Lee told you the directions to the pub, you waved as you exited the store, receiving smiles and waves back from to older couple. Just as you left you saw Mrs. Lee promptly smack Mr. Lee on the arm once more, receiving a “Hey!” From him in response, which made you laugh.
You quickly made your way home, unloading your items into the fridge and cabinets before writing your info on the ‘for sale’ sign and then checked yourself over in the bathroom mirror. Deciding to stick to the outfit you were in as it was probably your best bet out of all your other clothes.
You headed out towards The Gilded Apple, stopping at your car to put the ‘for sale’ sign in the window. You needed to get rid of your car as quick as possible, he knew what you drove and it would just become a giant bullseye outside your suite. You hopped in the car and drove it down the street, away from your place.
You exited the car and headed towards the pub. It was only about 7 blocks from your place, which was perfect, it would only take you about 20 minutes to walk to work. And once you sold your car, walking would quickly become your main source of travel.
Now finding yourself standing outside the massive building, it was three floors tall and the whole building was painted black, minus the huge gold lettering informing you that you were at the right place. ‘The Gilded Apple’ curved in a half circle over a big, bright red apple. Even though it was late afternoon, the yellow and red lights outlining the apple and letters were already on. Giving an ‘open for business’ impression.
You took a deep breath before pushing open the giant mahogany door and entering the establishment. Hopefully, if all went well you’d be pushing this very door open many times in the future. As the door shut behind you, you paused to allow your eyes to readjust to the low lighting inside. Dim hanging lights illuminating each table and booth, plus a row of hanging lights over the bar on the right side wall. The walls and tables were all dark brown, with deep red leather booth seats and chairs. The bar at the side was black, with a full wall of booze behind it, on red shelves that were illuminated by red cord lighting, making all the bottles seem different shades of red and purple.
There were a few patrons sitting at various tables and booths, but the massive room was relatively empty, probably due to the time of day. You figured once the night hit, this place would probably be packed to the brim. Or at least you hoped it would be. You needed the tips.
You wandered over to the bar, finding a red head with her back to you, switching out bottles on the shelves with new ones. She turned to face you upon hearing your footsteps walking up to the bar.
She looked you over for a moment before a smirk broke out on her face “What can I get cha?” She asked with a pop of her gum that punctuated her question.
“Ah, I was just wondering if Hana was working?” You asked hesitantly.
She rolled her eyes before disappearing through a black door to the left of the bar. Emerging a few minutes later with a beautiful brunette bouncing out of the door behind her. They exchanged a few quick whispered words before the red head pointed at you, causing the brunette to stare at you for a moment before shrugging and giggling slightly. The red head looked unimpressed at best, then rolled her eyes once more before making her way back behind the bar.
The brunette wandered over to stand directly in front of you, with a giant smile on her face. Something about her demeanour though calmed your crazy nerves. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You really needed a job, your savings wouldn’t get you far, a few weeks at best.
“Hey, I’m Hana, you were asking about me?” She said sweetly.
“Yeah, I um, I’m Y/N.” you awkwardly stuck your hand out to shake hers, which she did eagerly with a giggle “This is probably kind of strange, but your father said you guys may be looking to hire a new waitress, and i’m new in town and kind of in need of a job..” you trailed off as she began to laugh, wildly. You should have known this wasn’t going to work, finding a job this quickly would have been far to easy, and if you knew anything it was that your life was anything but easy and things never worked out to benefit you. Usually the opposite, actually.
She quickly composed herself, upon seeing the downcast expression probably now obvious on your face, only chuckling a few more times before speaking “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you, my father has a thing for putting his nose in everyones lives. But he is a sweet old man” she laughed again taking a step back to size you up “We are actually looking for a new waitress, and you look the part,” she started to blush once her eyes met yours again “come with me, i’ll introduce you to Max, he manages the pub.” before you could say a word she grabbed your hand a dragged you towards the door she had just come through.
You entered a bright hallway, with three doors and a set of stairs, she promptly turned and pulled you up the stairs. She was like the damn energizer bunny, you were struggling to keep up with her pace. Praying you didn’t face plant on the stairs. You both finally reached the top where there were a few more doors, she stopped in front of one, releasing your hand and knocked quickly. You heard a muffled “Come in” then she pushed the door open a crack and peered her head in “Max, you busy?”
“Ah. No. Nope” you heard a mans shaky response as well as papers shuffling around. He cleared his throat before saying more cheerfully “Come on in!”
She opened the door all the way, and ushered you in. “Max, this is Y/N. Y/N, Max. She wandered in looking for a job” she said then turned back to you with a smirk. You directed your attention towards the man behind the desk. He looked tall and slim, with messy dark hair and sweet eyes. Something about him seemed so friendly, so inviting. You walked towards his desk and extended out your hand to shake his.
“Hi, I heard from a friend that you guys were hiring” hearing Hana burst out laughing behind you again “That friend being my father, Max” she added between chuckles.
Max’ face lit up with a bright smile, then he reached for your hand to shake it eagerly “Well if Mr. Lee approves, who am I to say no?” He laughed then looked behind you “Thank you Hana, i’ll take it from here”
You turned to see her nod then she exited the room and shut the door. Upon hearing the click you turned back around “Please, sit” he gestured to the chair behind you. You both sat down.
“Did you bring a resume?” He asked.
“Ah, no.” You scratched the back of your neck “I ah, don’t exactly have one, but I can make one up quickly if you need?” You said awkwardly and far to quickly. “I just moved to town a week ago, haven’t have a chance to make one yet”
“Oh, new to town?” He asked, you nodded. “Where did you move from?”
Your eyes widened slightly, as your mouth became a little dry. Flashes of old memories played in your mind, ones you didn’t want to remember during the day as they always haunted your nights. You refused to allow them more then that. You shook your head, as if to banish the thoughts “The west coast” you abruptly said, gaining a raised brow in response.
“Cali? Washington? Oregan?” He asked and you nodded to all. This was not going well. Why would it matter where you came from? It honestly wasn’t any of his business, you didn’t want to tell him. You couldn’t risk telling anyone.
He stared at you for a moment, his smile faltering for just a second before he fixed it and spoke “It’s okay, you don’t have to say. I was just curious.” He shrugged “Any experiences working in a pub before?”
You were thankful he dropped it and changed the subject “Yeah, actually, I worked in a pub all through my college days”
He asked you a bunch of other questions, he was super easy to talk to. You both hit it off, instantly.
“You planning to stick around for a while?”
You nodded again “Yeah, if all goes well I hope to stay here indefinitely”
“Perfect, normally we need a resume before we can hire someone, but I have a good feeling about you...” he paused and leaned back a bit, as if nervous “You aren’t a crazy mass murderer....are you?”
You clenched your lips shut in a straight line trying to contain the laugh bubbling in you but failed miserably as it broke out between your lips “No, I don’t really have a stomach for blood” you responded and Max relaxed a bit and laughed as well. Once you both calmed down he stood and you followed suit. He reached his hand out “Okay, i’m going to take a chance on you, when can you start?”
You shook his hand “Thank you! I won’t let you down, and honestly, as soon as possible”
“That’s what I like to hear, come by tomorrow at 4 and we will get you all set up!”
You smiled and nodded “I’ll be here!” And with that you left and made your way back downstairs. Hana was standing behind the bar as you came through the door. “Hey! How’d it go?!” she said as she bounced over towards you, receiving a head shake and glare from the red head.
“I start tomorrow!” You said, a little more excitedly then you wanted, clearly Hana was rubbing off on you.
A screech came from the bouncy brunette before she jumped towards you and hugged you. Catching you completely off guard, you tensed and stood there as she bounced, awkwardly patting her back. “That’s wonderful news!!” She pulled away “You’re going to love it here! Make sure to wear comfy shoes. Oh! and all black!”
“Thank you, and please thank your dad for me. I owe him one”
She dismissed you with a hand “Pffft. Not going to happen. He doesn’t need anymore of an ego boost” she giggled “See you tomorrow!”
And with that you waved and left. Promptly pulling the hood back up over your head once you left the building. With a quick check in both directions, you shoved your hands in your pockets, lowered your head and made your way down the street back to your apartment. Thankful that every thing was working out so smoothly, but also nervous that eventually the other shoe would drop. So to speak. As you’re life never worked out in your favour, there was always something that came along and blew it all up. And it was only a matter of time before that happened again.
Chapter 2 HERE.
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reddiesetandgo · 6 years
Take Me To Heaven So I Can Rest
A one-shot based entirely on @whatidoisxsecret‘s Bichie zombie au! Please check out the artwork and moodboard on their blog, it’s amazing! I was granted permission to post. :) 
Pairing: Bichie
Rating: T for language and brief mentions of blood/gore/death (no major character deaths)
Word Count: 5,674
The teeth were too close, too close to Richie’s bare skin! He was struggling to get free and Bill was struggling to get to him. There were so many of them, so many rotting bodies. How they’d been overrun was a mystery, they had left nothing to chance. At least that’s what they had thought. How had things ended up this badly?
Bill swung his bat at another biter, its head instantly falling apart from months of rot and decay. The body fell to the ground with a muted thump, but Bill wasn’t paying attention to the ones who had fallen. He was worried about the other half dozen advancing on him and Richie. He could hear Richie screaming his name from the ground where he was stuck, the duct tape secured around his jeans caught on the sharp edge of the chain-link fence. The fence that they had once thought would protect them. He was fending off one, attempting and failing to pull the machete secured at his waist, but others were closing in fast.
“A little help, please!” Richie yelled as if it was a joke, but Bill could hear his fear.
“Don’t you get b-bitten, Richie, I’m coming!”
Bill took another swing, his arms already beginning to ache. His bat made contact and two went down, clearing a path straight to Richie. Bill sprinted towards him, dodging the slow moving biters who were far too decayed to run, their arms outstretched towards his warm flesh.
“Bill!” Richie was being overtaken; he was on his back, thrashing against the dead woman atop him. Her mouth was so close to his exposed wrist, Bill could see his arms shaking from her weight. In his head he begged Richie to keep fighting, he was almost there. He had to protect him.
“Bill, I can’t-!”
“I can’t hold her!”
Bill crashed into the fence, arms already outstretched towards the rotting body over Richie. He clutched at her dress, yanking her from Richie and tossing her to the ground. He raised his boot and stomped down hard on her head. She wasn’t as decayed on the inside as she looked and the bones were harder to break, but Bill kept smashing down until her head gave way and the wet remains covered his boot. He turned to Richie, who was now pulling himself up and clutching the small army knife that had set him free. He reached for Bill’s hand and they took off running. More were arriving, and they weren’t safe yet. The runners were coming.
Bill pulled Richie onto an abandoned street, his eyes furiously scanning their surroundings for someplace to hide, someplace he could check on Richie’s wrist and ankle for bites or scratches because he could already feel the worry knotting at the center of his throat. They passed a church on their left and houses on either side whose doors and windows were boarded up to protect whoever was inside. They held no hope of finding an entrance in time, so they kept running. Richie’s hold on Bill’s hand tightened as he turned to look behind them, using Bill to keep his balance. When Richie turned back, a sideways smile on his face but fear in his eyes, Bill knew better than to ask how many. They just ran faster. A few moments later, a dilapidated home just beyond a rusted fence on the east side of the street came into view. It looked ancient, its wooden walls a dark and decrepit brown and its windows glazed over or broken. But it was close and with the cut in Richie’s side from one week before, Bill knew he needed to rest. If they kept this up, his wound could open again and their supplies were safely stored away back in their compromised home. He prayed to whatever was listening that the door was sturdier than it looked and unlocked and that no one was inside. They raced up the stairs, already hearing the heavy footfalls and screams of the runners on their tails. If this door was locked, Bill wasn’t sure they’d still have enough of a head start to outrun them. He felt Richie squeeze his hand as he took the handle and pushed. He felt a momentary wave of relief when the door flew open and he pulled Richie inside, slamming the door shut behind him. He fell back against the door, planting his feet into the floor and arms outstretched to hold it closed. He hoped he could hold it closed.
He heard them run up the stairs, and braced himself. There was no way they could know how many had actually followed them. If there were too many, this was the end. With no known way out and every last one of their supplies left at their compromised shelter, there would be no surviving if they broke down this door.
With only a few seconds of warning, they slammed into the door and Bill stumbled forward, the door opening just enough for a wild arm to reach through, screaming and clawing for Bill’s living flesh. He turned his head away, gritting his teeth as he pushed back against the door as the runner’s broken and bloodied fingers fought for its meal. Just as Bill’s hold was beginning to slip, grasping fingers just inches away, a machete sliced through the runner’s arm and it fell limply to the floor. Richie dropped the weapon and reached over Bill to slam the door shut. Bill could feel Richie’s hot breath against his skin, see the sweat dripping down the sides of his face and the red of his cheeks. He had a look in his eyes that made Bill nervous.
“Hold them off, Bill. I’ll go distract them and-“ he grunted as the runners pushed back again. “And get them away from the house.”
“Ri-Richie, don’t you dare!”
What if there were runners in the house? What if they got to Richie? The pit of Bill’s stomach fell as he thought, ‘what if they already have?’ He grabbed at Richie’s sleeve, glancing up to his wrist which had a hungry mouth and jagged teeth beside it minutes ago. No bites. “Richie, s-s-stay with me!”
Richie leaned his forehead against Bill’s and said, “I’ll come back, Bill. I promise.” And he took off towards the inside of the house. Bill lurched forward to run after him, but instead he turned towards the door and pushed with everything he had left in him. He was gonna kill him when he got back.
Richie flew towards the back of the house and found a staircase and two hallways. His chances of finding the back door quick enough were slim and he didn’t want to bring them to another doorway, so he ran up the stairs, hoping that there was no one and knowing if there was he might not make it in time to save Bill. His body was already exhausted, but knowing Bill was depending on him kept him moving. He found a room that led to the side of the house and he ran inside, immediately seeing another door, an old mattress, two windows, and no runners. The windows were towards the side of the house, farther away but close enough to get their pursuers attention. He could still hear them beating against the door as he reached for the latch on the window. It broke off into his hands and he cursed, punching the window frame in anger. A piece of wood broke off and hung precariously outside of the house. Without thinking he grabbed it and pulled, yanking half of the frame and the window panes towards him. The glass broke onto the floor, sending shards onto Richie’s boots, slicing the skin that was still bare from the fence, but Richie had no time to care. He stuck his head through the opening and saw a shed within jumping distance. He took a step back, the glass shards cracking under his weight and he kicked at what was left of the window. It smashed open but hung from a few boards over the ground. Richie let out a small sigh of relief and then, without a second thought, jumped out of the window and onto the shed. The roof creaked under his weight and he felt his heart swoop low, but it supported him as he regained his balance. He looked around quickly for an escape route, one that would take the runners away, but bring him back here. Back to Bill. He saw a wooden fence towards the backyard, one he could easily jump over and thought that if he ran really fast, he could make it back here the way they came. He carefully walked to the edge of the shed and looked over towards the ground to see what he’d be running in. It looked clear, except for a few dead plants and some glass. Just as Richie was about to jump down he saw his way back into the house. Well, it would be if it was unlocked. He had no time to come up with another plan so he jumped down and ran to the front of the house. There were four runners still beating on the door. Richie took in a few deep breaths and screamed, “come and get it!” Their heads snapped towards him and he thought, “Bill, wait for me,” as he took off running.
Bill heard Richie run up the stairs and through the second floor. “Please be safe, Rich,” he cried in his head. “Please don’t be bit.”
The runners were clawing on the other side of the door, garbled, hungry noises falling from their dead throats. He could feel their want, their hunger permeating through the only thing keeping their teeth from ripping him apart. It made him sick, but he kept pushing. He kept pushing even though he was sure his body would just give way any moment and those things would come in and end everything, leaving Richie on his own. The thought made Bill sicker than before and he clenched his teeth as he pushed harder against the door. He’d be damned if he left Rich on his own. There was no way he’d survive. He was too reckless and, Bill thought decidedly, far too important.
Bill wasn’t sure how long Richie had been gone, the touch of his forehead on his lingering just enough for him to miss it. He wasn’t sure he could keep holding the door for much longer and wondered if Richie had gotten out of the house. Bill figured that if he hadn’t, if Richie had found something he couldn’t handle on his own, Bill didn’t want to leave this house either. If Richie was already gone, Bill was thankful his end would be soon after.
He heard a muffled shout from outside and his heart shot up into his throat.
And then there was no more pushing, no more hungry noises, only quick moving footfalls that got farther and farther away the longer Bill listened. He slowly backed away from the door, tired arms up and at the ready, but still listening desperately for Richie. They had run around the back of the house. Maybe Richie was going to lure them away through the back and come back inside through the front. He looked around the room desperately and his eyes caught the light filtering through the window onto Richie’s forgotten machete, laying there covered in dark liquid next to a severed arm. He took the knife quickly, holding it within both hands as he tried to steady his breathing. He had to calm down or he’d swing at the first thing that came through that door. And he was hoping that it would be Richie.
Bill knew that he should be searching the house for supplies or a good place to rest. He knew he should be going into each room for stragglers who might sneak up on them when their guards were down. He knew he should trust that Richie would come back like he always did, but they hadn’t been prepared for this. They should have been but they weren’t and they were paying for it now. Everything about their home had seemed safe. They had water, shelter, a 10 foot tall gate surrounding them, a place for their supplies and food. But nowhere was safe. Bill knew that now. Until they found Eddie and the others, they’d never be safe. Maybe not even then.
He heard quick shuffling just outside of the door and his breath hitched.
“Please be Richie,” he thought. “Please be Richie, please be Richie.”
But then the sound got farther and farther away and a terrible panic began to coil in the pit of his belly. Should he go look for Richie? He let the knife fall to his side and he put his head in his hand. He felt weak and useless for the first time since the outbreak began. He hoped Richie was safe. And hoping was all he could do.
Richie had sprinted to the back of the house, the runners following after their meal with hungry noises that he should be used to by now. He ran across the backyard, the yellowed and dead leaves crunching under his weight with every footfall. He leaped over the fence and pushed forward, keeping his momentum up and looking for a quick escape. He had to get back to Bill fast, a million things could happen to him if Richie wasn’t there to watch his back. If Richie wasn’t there to protect him. Though Richie couldn’t deny that he’d have died long ago if not for Bill. Richie would have lost hope of finding Eddie and the others long ago without Bill. He had saved his life more times than he could count. Including today. He promised himself he’d thank Bill as soon as he got back to him. He just had to find his escape first, and fast. They were gaining on him now, one slip and Richie would have no time to run, he’d be halfway digested within the hour.
He scanned the area quickly, knowing more runners could join the ones behind him if he wasn’t fast. A house caught his eye with a low hanging awning and, Richie thought, a climbable roof. With no other ideas and his lungs and legs burning, he ran to the house and jumped for the awning. He gripped at the ledge and pulled himself up with shaking arms, righting himself on the roof just as the runners were crossing the yard. Knowing they could easily follow him, he took off running again towards the opposite side of the house, praying for a place to hide. As he reached the top, two runners already pulling themselves up after him, he saw a small bundle of bushes lined alongside the house. It was a long shot, he knew that, but Richie had to take it. He slid towards the edge of the roof and jumped, landing roughly between the house and the plants heavy with leaves. He felt a sharp pain in his side, but it was quickly forgotten as he crawled towards the corner of the house and under the sharp branches. Not a moment later the runners came over the top of the roof and leapt to the spot Richie had landed. He covered his mouth quickly, but there was no need. They hit the ground and kept running, two landing on another and stomping it into the ground. More followed and Richie watched as they kept coming, trampling the one on the ground to a mess of blood and gore as they chased towards nothing.
“Suckers,” he thought.
Richie waited until there were no more runners coming from the roof and they had disappeared into the streets of Derry before slowly inching his way out from under the bushes and towards the house, using the cover to get back to the front unseen. He saw the way back to the house, slowly raking his eyes over the area he had been too panicked to notice. It was open, little places to hide or escape unless he ran. And he wasn’t sure how much more of that he could do.
Still under the cover of the leaves, but knowing he wasn’t entirely safe, he thought of two options. He could go back the way he came, hoping he had drawn most of the runners in the area off, or he could make his way back towards the front of the house. Richie still hadn’t caught his breath and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. A strange fear that Richie had not yet felt began to creep up his spine. Something close to the fear he had when he was alone, before he found Bill or had any real hope of finding the others. Was it because he was alone again? Or was it because he knew Bill was alone too? He pushed the fear aside that he didn’t have time to place and focused on the task at hand. He had to make a decision, he had to get back to Bill.
He decided the safest bet was to go back the way he’d come. There was far less cover or places to hide, but it was the fastest way. And that fear was still crawling up his spine, unrelenting and terrible. The wooden fence was maybe 100 yards away, a lifetime of things that could go wrong, but Richie focused on the two things that had to go right. Staying alive and getting to Bill. So he took a breath, strengthened his resolve, and slowly stepped out into the open. He walked slowly at first, his eyes carefully scanning the horizon and his ears listening for the faraway, heavy footfalls of the runners or the heavy moans of the biters. He picked up speed a quarter of the way there, still scanning and listening, spurned on by that fear that was now at the base of his neck and seeping into his shoulders. His legs and lungs were screaming, and the sharp pain was needling at his side again, but the closer the house became the faster he ran. If he could make it to the fence without being seen, if he could just make it there, the rest would be a breeze. If he could make it to the trees, he could sneak in through the-
“Oh, fuck me.”
Back inside the house, Bill was desperately trying to control his thoughts. He knew what he needed to do. He knew he needed to trust in Richie and begin looking around the house. He knew it was far past noon and they would need a safe place to stay for the night. He knew they needed food and the only water they had was the half-filled canteen tied around his waist. But the gnawing fear that had coiled itself in the pit of his stomach was making it so damn difficult to think straight. He’d been worried for Richie before, they had gotten into positions like this many times since starting their search for the others, but they had always had a plan. Their teeth had never been that close to Richie’s skin. Bill felt his stomach churn at the thought. He adjusted his grip on the knife in his hands, it’s weight far different from the bat he had left behind, and did the only thing he could think of to do.
“He th-thrusts his fists against the p-p-posts and still insists he s-sees the g-go-ghosts.”
He whispered it, knowing better than to push his luck, but still repeating it over and over as his mind began to clear, but his heart stayed heavy. “He thrusts his f-fists against the p-posts...” He began to take stock of what was around him, of what they could use when Richie came back (he was coming back), and of what they could use to blockade the door for the night. The entryway was littered with trash and covered in webs and grime. A solid layer of dust covered the floor, disturbed only by the footprints they had created. At least he hoped it was only theirs. He thought maybe he saw some going towards the stairs, mirroring Richie’s but with the fading light, he couldn’t tell for sure. He filed that into something they’d look into as soon as Richie came back (he was coming back) as he walked towards the climbing staircase and veered right, down a short hallway. He noticed the discolored wallpaper where pictures once hung, some of them still leaning against the wall, shattered and forgotten where they fell. His arms began to shake from the weight of the machete again, so he lowered it slightly, easing the stress on his muscles but still at the ready as he came to an archway on his right. He noticed a dark and opened doorway farther down the hall, but the room here, with its windows and bright light, while dangerous, was far more inviting. The windows were covered with shear curtains and years of grime, but Bill could see there was no movement behind them. He slowly inched his way inside and realized it was a kitchen. A long unused and empty kitchen, but there was potential. Neither he nor Richie could cook much, but they needed to boil their drinking water and the sunken stovetop looked as good a place as any to get the job done. The half-full canteen at his side seemed much lighter suddenly as he reached a hand down to grasp for it, knowing it was there but needing to feel its smoothed edges. Bill felt the worry at the base of his neck, but they’d weathered worse things since the world started to decay. They’d get through this too. Richie had always been a great finder, and Bill had always been good at utilizing the things he’d find. Together, there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do. They’d find Eddie, they’d find the others, and they’d rebuild a home together. Until then, their homes were each other; Bill and Richie. He suddenly caught sight of something near the door. Maybe he should find a way to lock that thing.
Richie stumbled over the fence, grasping at his side with one hand, his fingers slick with blood. But not enough to make Richie worry. Bill could fix him back up in no time. He’d taken a risk when he’d set off running with week old stitches in his side, but he was glad he took it. He’d managed to buy them both time and hopefully earned them a place to stay for the night. How much sleep they’d get, if any, was in question, but Richie thought that maybe if Bill was there, safe and beside him, maybe he could get an hour or two.
“Bill.” His name felt like a sigh as it echoed in his mind, urging him forward. The dead grass and weeds crunched beneath him with every cautious step, bringing him closer to Bill. His chest ached at the unknown, the hope that Bill was still safe inside melding with the terror he was not at his core. The mixture of feelings was beginning to make him sick. He needed to make sure Bill was safe.
A few moments later, he reached the house. He pressed his back up against the boards and carefully peeked around the corner.
He saw the small window leading into the basement, the one he had seen before, and looked around again before hastily making his way there. It wasn’t made of wood like the rest of the house, it had a strange metal frame, like it had come after the original house had been built. Maybe from a time when someone wanted to repair the old thing. There were webs built around the edges and a heavy coating of dirt on the panes. He took in a deep breath and he reached out for it, his hand pausing for a brief second, willing the rest of his luck, if any, on this. Finally, he pushed at the bottom of the window. It creaked open slightly, but stopped midway. Richie cursed under his breath and pushed again. It moved another inch, but no more. It seemed to be stuck on something. Rust, maybe. He fisted his hands in frustration and took a deep breath in. He could try to sneak around the front, but that was another open area. He figured he’d pushed his luck enough for the day. He decided to try to get in from here one more time, maybe he could spare one final push of luck.
He sat back onto the dried grass, planting his hands into the graveled dirt and placed the sole of his boot at the bottom of the half opened window. “Okay, Bill, if you got any luck left, I could really use it right now.” Then he let loose a controlled kick and the window flew up, his foot disappearing into the dark and the top of the window coming down onto his thigh. It stung a bit, but it kept things quiet. He retracted his leg quickly, allowing himself no time to celebrate and instead flipped himself around to peer into the dark and musty basement. He couldn’t see much but enough to know it was empty. Only a large, circular mound of rocks and a stairwell was inside. He took one last look around him and lowered himself into the basement. He landed on the floor with only a slight thump echoing in the room and he hastily reached up to pull the window closed. It did so without much effort and he swiveled the latch shut. He quickly turned to the stairs, eager to get to Bill, but the cut on his torso stretched painfully and a hiss slipped through his gritted teeth. He reached around, placing a hand firmly on the slightly damp part of his shirt and held his side. Adrenaline was a powerful thing, he supposed; he hadn’t felt his gaping wound since he’d come to the window. Bill was gonna kill him.
Richie rounded the strange, circular “well?” he questioned to himself, and he made his way to the staircase. He craned his head just enough to look farther into the gaping maw of the thing, but quickly pulled back when all he saw was darkness. It sent a shiver up his spine and left a bad taste at the base of his throat. Once he made it to the bottom of the stairs, reaching his free hand out to steady himself on the wall, he felt his stomach churn again as anticipation flooded his veins. He began the climb, making careful steps on the old boards. They did not creak, they just bent slightly under his weight. But the doorway was open to the house in front of him and Richie could hear a faint shuffling and everything in him was pushing him forward in the hopes that it was Bill and not a rotted runner that had made a quick meal of his friend. He could feel his throat begin to dry and his heartbeat quicken with every labored step. Bill was just beyond this door, Richie could feel it underneath all the agonizing worry and fear. Somewhere deep inside his chest. Maybe his heart. But Richie didn’t have time to place the feeling because as he reached the last few steps he saw him there, leaning down towards the hinges of a door.
Bill was okay.
A wave of relief overcame him and the fear that had clawed it’s way into his insides immediately subsided. He fought the urge to run up to him, partially because he was too exhausted to run and partially because Bill was brandishing his machete. He wanted to say “Thank fuck you’re alive” and “I missed you” and “give me your fucking hand and do not let go because I’ll be damned if I ever get separated from you again.” But, instead, he put on a brave face and said, “Did you know this house has a huge fucking well in the basement?”
Bill spun around to find Richie climbing the stairs from the dark room he had avoided only minutes before and holding his side, his brow slick with sweat and his chest still heaving.
Two emotions crashed through Bill, then. The first was relief, complete and unrestrained relief at seeing Richie alive and breathing and alive. The second was a stronger and more palpable fear than the one he had felt moments ago. This one made him sick and his mouth go instantly dry. A thin line of blood was soaking through Richie’s shirt underneath his hand. Bill was frozen in horror, mouth agape and eyes wide as he locked onto the burst of red against the dirtied, white shirt of his friend. He wanted to say something or at the very least go to Richie but he couldn’t. He was so afraid of what he would find.
It took Richie only a moment to realize why Bill had turned white, a strange warmth settling in his chest. So he shook his head and let out a laugh that was meant to put Bill’s mind at ease, but it came out pained and forced.
“It’s just the cut, Bill, it opened from a fall. Think you can fix me back up?”
He used just about the last remaining energy he had to fully make his way to Bill, an exhausted but relieved smile on his face and hands itching to pull Bill close. Without much thought, he shakily reached out his free hand and flicked Bill on the forehead. “No bites, Big Bill. Have some faith in me, wouldja?”
It was then, seeing Richie safe and unbitten in front of him, and another sensation on his forehead put there by Richie, that Bill felt his chest tighten and tears began to burn at the corners of his eyes. He reached for him and pulled him to his chest, sobbing quietly into the crook of his neck. Richie melted into the embrace, clutching Bill to him as best he could and whispered, “I’m sorry, Bill. I’m so sorry.”
“You m-moron. You complete moron!” Bill clutched fistfuls of Richie’s shirt as he pulled him closer, breathing him in. “You c-can’t do that again, Rich! You can’t a-a-always b-be a hero! Wh-What if something had h-happened to you?” Bill moved one hand and placed it atop the one Richie still held firmly at his side. “S-Something worse than this?” Richie felt something fill his chest like a gust of wind and he grasped at Bill even more.
Richie felt a pang of guilt when he, very suddenly, realized how much he loved hearing Bill worried for him. It reminded him that he was still cared for, still here, not forgotten.
They stayed like that for a short while, holding each other and being thankful that they could. They could hear each other breathe and it was a welcome sound.
“I was so worried about you.” Richie swallowed down his own tears as Bill’s cries settled to nothing more than short intakes of breath. They were safe and they were together. There were so many emotions at once scrambling around in Richie’s chest, he decided to just hold on to the one he recognized the most. “I’m happy you’re okay,” he said, moving to place a kiss to Bill’s temple, but suddenly feeling like he shouldn’t. So instead he simply leaned his head onto his.
He heard Bill sniffle as he turned his head to say back, “y-you too, Rich.”
Bill pulled away just enough to look him in the eyes, his cheeks still slightly tear stained and his eyes shining with the few tears that remained. “I f-fucking missed you.”
Richie should have said he missed him too, but he didn’t. Instead he said, “Aw, gee, Billy. You big ol’ sap!” And this time, he planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Bill laughed and brought a hand up to cup Richie’s cheek, leaving a kiss of his own.
Richie was thankful that when Bill pulled away he looked to the opened wound at his side and not his flushed cheeks. Richie lifted his shirt up for Bill and winced as the dried blood pulled at his skin. Bill’s hand was gentle but cold as he looked at the wound, sighing occasionally and sending quick glances up to Richie. Finally, he pulled Richie’s shirt back down.
“Okay, Dr. Denbrough, what’s the damage?”
Bill gently reached for Richie’s hand, intertwining their fingers as he led him to a chair at the table. “Well, you m-managed to open a week old w-wound and it needs to be cleaned, but,” Bill said with a smirk, “you’ll l-live.”
Richie smiled wide as he fell into the seat, happy to be off his feet and in the care of his safe and alive friend. Bill pulled up a chair next to him and pulled the canteen from his waist and the bandana from his pocket before leaning down to the wound once more. He wasn’t sure how he’d stop the bleeding, but he’d find a way. With Richie safely at his side again, he was sure of two things. One - they cared more for each other than either one let on. He decided to consider changing that once they decided where to sleep for the night. And two - together, they could do anything.
“I knew you’d take care of me, Doc.”
Bill looked back up to Richie, matching his smile.
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justsomebucky · 7 years
Finding Closure (Part 5)
Summary: AU. Reader left behind a hometown full of misery to make a new home in Brooklyn. A death in the family forces her to briefly return to the place that has haunted her dreams and memories for three years. Will she finally be able to move on, or will a figure from the past change everything?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 3,082
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of bad home life, family issues, revisiting childhood home, excessive Bucky adorableness, drinking, dumb decisions on both sides, did I mention angst?
A/N: I just needed to post this. Part five of my entry for @tatortot2701‘s AU challenge. I legit cried writing this; it feels really personal to me. Alcoholic fathers…
Dear Bucky - Is it really over?
Part:  1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
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For the first time ever, even after all those years of wanting cable TV or your own phone or anything your friends had, you were glad that your father didn’t own much.
The biggest and most important things were already gone, like the appliances, electronics, and a bulk of the furniture. He had gotten rid of the bed he’d shared with your mother ages ago, choosing instead to sleep on the couch for easier access after he stumbled back from the bar.
All that really remained upstairs was the furniture in your bedroom and some end tables here and there.
You never meant to spend the night there; it was a completely unsettling experience. When you woke up, you became immediately confused. Then you remembered: your father was dead. You’d fallen asleep reading Bucky’s letter. That’s the only reason why you’d gone back there last night.
Poor Darcy was probably in a panic, since your phone battery had died during the night and you never really bothered to tell her where you were.
Between the letter and the events of yesterday, you kind of just cried yourself to sleep, waking up with puffy eyes and a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. To distract yourself, you immediately stripped the covers off your old bed, throwing the mattress against the side wall so that you could take the frame apart.
You were so into cleaning up the top floor of the house that you didn’t hear someone pounding on the door.  You didn’t hear that same someone enter the house (which you stupidly left unlocked), and you definitely didn’t hear them come up the stairs.
Bucky’s voice startled your otherwise peaceful progress. You shot backwards, falling onto your backside on the floor. “Ouch!”
“Sorry,” he said, trying to bite back his laughter, appearing in the doorway. He walked over to you and held out a hand, which you accepted after a slight hesitation.
Once you were hauled back on your feet, you glared at him. “Why did you feel the need to sneak up on me?”
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t answer your door,” he retorted, finally stopping to look around him. Bucky’s eyes softened almost immediately at the sight of your room being cleaned out. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”
You knew he meant the house sale, but you couldn’t help but think back to his letter.
“Yep.” Your eyes flickered back to the box that was now on the floor near the window. The box, and the photo of your parents, were the only two things you were taking back to Brooklyn. “I’m almost done.”
“I figured.”
You watched awkwardly as Bucky went over to the box, plucking out the stack of photos. Should you tell him you finally read it?
Did it matter at this point?
You did a quick analysis in your head, something you were awfully good at. What was the likelihood of regret if you didn’t bring it up now? The probability was colossal.
“Hey, Buck?”
“Hmm?” Bucky didn’t even look up at you as he shuffled through the stack of photos, stopping every so often to smile or study a picture more closely.
“Did you mean what you said? In your letter?”
That got his attention. His blue eyes snapped up to look at you, his smile fading. “Of course I did.”
Instead of replying, you nodded your head.
“So you read it?”
You nodded again.
Bucky set the photos back in the box, his eyes never leaving yours as he stood up and moved closer. He waited for you to find your voice again.
“I was dumb,” you admitted, shrugging a little. “And even now, I’m being dumb. It feels like forever ago, Bucky, until we’re together in the same room. Then it feels like no time has passed at all.”
He shook his head. “What do you mean? It feels like you’re a totally different person to me.”
“I’m just older. I’d love to say I’m wiser, but that isn’t the case.”
“No, you’re different.”
“I’m the same person, I promise.”
“No,” he insisted, the corner of his mouth lifting up. “You’re braver. You don’t…you don’t need anybody anymore.”
Your body tensed up, and you knew you had to be frowning at him. Why was this starting to feel like a proper breakup, the one you should have had with him years ago?
“Anyway,” he said, clearing his throat.  “The reason I stopped by is because Darcy apparently cannot get a hold of you and she has no clue where the house is. She asked me to, and I’m quoting her on this, ‘make sure Y/N isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere.’”
You laughed, picturing Darcy panicking. “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have left her alone last night.”
“Not alone. She left with Ian, if it makes you feel any better.”
“It kind of does. She gets bored.”
“Why did you leave?” Bucky’s eyes searched yours. “I thought we were having a nice time, being civil unlike most exes?”
“I was having a nice time,” you agreed. “But then you had to go and start singing our song, and- and holding me like that, and-“
“Whoa,” he laughed, holding his palms up. “I was just dancing for old times’ sake. I wasn’t trying provoke any feelings. I definitely wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. You just...you ran again.”
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, his explanation hurt your feelings. “I know...like I said, I panicked. I wasn’t trying to suggest you would. I- I wasn’t trying to say you’d ever want me or anything.”
His arms fell to his sides. “What?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head, gesturing for him to follow you as you walked out of the room. “The big fridge was taken for donation already, but I found a mini-fridge in the garage, so I stored the champagne Sam gave me there. Let’s go toast to the end of this shitty era.”
Without waiting for him to reply, you took off down the stairs and through the side door, grabbing the bottle. It was still nice and cold, so you popped the cork and moved the bottle away from your body so you didn’t get any champagne on you as it spilled over.
There was a slight problem – there were no more glasses in the house. You’d donated them all to the local city mission.
You shrugged to yourself, taking a swig from the bottle before holding it out to Bucky expectantly.
He just sort of standing there, staring at you as if you’d grown two heads. “What the hell is this, Y/N?”
“What is what?” If he wasn’t gonna have any, you would just take another sip. “It’s champagne.”
“You’re here facing all this shit with your father head-on like it’s nothing, but then when it comes to me you run every time.”
“What do you want me to do, Buck?” You held out the bottle again. “Swoon?”
Bucky’s eyes grew stormy and he grabbed the champagne from your hands, taking a generous swig. “No, I’d like to know what’s going on in that head of yours, though.”
What was going on?
“You shouldn’t have danced with me, Bucky,” you muttered, reaching for the champagne bottle. “You took it too far for someone who’s hell-bent on letting go.”
He pulled it out of your reach, drinking some more. “Why was it too far? D’you have somebody in New York?”
“What does that matter?”
“It matters! Who would let their significant other come to their father’s funeral alone?” He finally relented, offering you the bottle again. “That’s shitty.”
“I’m single, thank you very much. I’ve been very focused on school and then work.”
When Bucky didn’t say anything, you took that as a sign to continue.
“What, no snappy comeback? No, ‘I figured you were alone because you brought your roommate?’  You’re losing your touch, Bucky. I figured that you’d at least bring up the fact that I probably can’t find someone because I’m so hard to love.” Your voice caught on the last word and you turned from him, covering your mouth with your free hand.
“Y/N, come on,” Bucky said softly. You heard his boots shuffle closer to you, but you needed a minute. “Don’t be like this, not now.”
You stared out the dirty garage window, at the murky sunlight crawling across the floor, at anything that would help take your mind off how you were feeling.
Suddenly he was right beside you, taking the bottle from your hands and setting it down on the garage floor.
You didn’t hesitate this time as you turned and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder as you finally let yourself cry over this whole shitty situation.
“Shhh,” he murmured, stroking your hair gently. “You’re not unlovable, trust me. That asshole father of yours hadn’t been of sound mind since your mom died, Doll. He wasn’t sober enough to be. You can’t let him dictate how you feel about yourself.”
Honestly, it felt so damn good to be wrapped up in someone’s arms, to be held by someone who used to genuinely love you, even if he didn’t anymore. You hated to move and lose the warmth and comfort, but you did so anyway, letting go of him and taking a step back as you swiped at your eyes.
“I’m sorry for losing it,” you told him, trying to brush it off. “Clearly I should look into therapy.”
His gaze was even. “You can lose it whenever you want to. I’m here.”
“But you aren’t here with me, Bucky. You aren’t around, but he’s always there in my head. That’s why I can’t be in this town.”
For the first time ever, he seemed to get it, nodding thoughtfully as his blue eyes stared at yours.
The damage a parent like that can do to you, well, there’s not really much recourse besides living with it, is there?
“Your letter was beautiful.” You figured there was no time like right this second to bring it up again. After all, one more sleep and you’d be back in Brooklyn…one more night of heart-wrenching torture to go. “I never knew how much you cared, to be honest. I guess…I couldn’t see past my own problems.”
Bucky gave you a sheepish smile. “I was pretty good with words for a guy with no college education.”
“See, don’t do that then. Don’t put yourself down like you’re not good enough for anyone just because you didn’t go to college. You have a successful business, Bucky, you’re doing so well for yourself. How many people with degrees can say the same these days?”
“We both have some issues that still haunt us I guess.” He let out a hollow laugh, his smile falling from his mouth as he looked down at the cement floor.
“I didn’t go to Brooklyn to get away from you. I didn’t run, I…I’m not running.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t buy the garage to chain you here.”
“Do you think maybe if we were in the same place…?”
You couldn’t help the hopeful look you knew you were giving him right then as your voice trailed off. You wanted to know. This question had been burning a hole inside your heart for the last three years. It was time for him to either extinguish it for good or burn with you.
“Seems unlikely though, doesn’t it?”
“It’s just a hypothetical.”
Bucky held your gaze for a beat, then shook his head. “I think…hypothetical scenarios are best left to the imagination.”
Ah, there it was.
You weren’t sure what you’d been expecting; three years might have well been an entire lifetime. He was a changed man, a responsible adult. He had better things to do than worry about losing his heart to someone like you again.
You could practically feel your own heart growing colder at his words.
Instead of crying, instead of throwing the champagne bottle against the wall to watch the glass shatter into a thousand pieces like your sanity, you forced a smile to your face. “You’re probably right. I have to get back to work, but it was good seeing you again. If you could let Darcy know I’m almost finished here?”
He looked almost surprised at your reaction. “Sure. Take care of yourself, Y/N.”
“You too.”
Bucky reached up and cupped your cheek gently, his thumb running across your skin once, before he let go of you. His eyes roamed your face for a second, then the garage, before he turned and walked out the door, hands in his pockets, as if it was the most casual thing ever to break your heart all over again.
“That’s it?” Darcy eyed you carefully as you pushed your way into the hotel room, the Bucky box tucked under your arm. “That’s all you’re taking back with you?”
“Everything else is set for donation,” you confirmed, setting the box down on the armchair in the corner. “Sam has the keys, and I left instructions with him for tomorrow. He promised to have what little is left picked up for me so I could leave.”
“Sam is a cool dude, but Y/N, what about everything else?”
You whirled around. “What else is there? The funeral’s over, I took care of the legal crap, the house is as good as gone from my life forever…I can go back to Brooklyn without anything trying to hold me back in this hellhole.”
“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m going to shower and go to sleep. That way, tomorrow will get here quicker, and we can-“
“What about Bucky?” she interrupted, putting her hands on her hips. “What about the unfinished business between you two?”
“That’s just it, Darce. It is finished. He came over to the house because you called the garage – thanks for that by the way, we’re really going to have to invest in car chargers so that if my phone dies again I won’t be radio silent. Anyways, he came over and we talked, and I brought up the letter. I asked him if there was ever a chance for us and he basically shot me down.”
“Whoa, slow down champ.” Darcy pulled you to sit on the edge of the bed, turning toward you. “You can’t just do a tweet’s worth of a summary, I need more explanation than that!”
“He basically said even if we were in the same place we wouldn’t be together.”
“What do you mean by ‘basically,’ Y/N?”
“He put an end to any hope I had.”
“Just like that?”
“Well, no, but...”
“So was it more of a ‘we weren’t meant to be last time, but we can still totally bang on the kitchen floor one last time?”
You made a face at her. “No!”
“All right, I was just checking, geez.” Darcy tossed her long brown hair over her shoulder. She seemed to be mulling it over. “Maybe you misinterpreted. That doesn’t seem right to me.”
“Really? My life doesn’t seem right to you? What was your first clue?” You let out a sharp laugh. “My alcoholic father? My failed relationship? Was it me agreeing to be the roommate of someone with an ad like yours?”
“You know what I mean, smartass! This doesn’t feel like this is the end.”
“I don’t know what kind of definition you had in your head for the word ‘end,’ but that’s exactly what this is. Over, finished, complete, dunzo. In other words, the end.”
Darcy shook her head. “Something doesn’t feel right about it. It’s not the closure you needed.”
“Yeah, like…you got the closure with your dad and the house, as best you could since he couldn’t physically apologize to you for being such a piece of shit. But this other thing…”
“I did okay without Bucky, didn’t I? We talked, we reminisced, and we parted ways again. I’ll be okay.”
“You still love him, Y/N. Anyone that was in the room with the two of you could see it plain as day on your face. And Bucky looked the same way, which is why I don’t get his response to you.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. It’s probably just nostalgia at this point.”
“Nostalgia wouldn’t leave my best friend feeling like this.”
You sighed, standing up again to go toward your suitcase and grab some pajamas for after your shower. “That’s the funny thing about endings, Darce. You don’t always get the one you want.”
After a restless night’s sleep, you were up bright and early to pack and head back to the airport.  You had to reassure Darcy that you were doing just fine at least seven times already, but she still didn’t look convinced.
Either way, you were well on your way home.
Home…what a funny word that was.
Home used to mean that town, in that house with your father. Then it shifted through your high school years to mean anywhere Bucky was.
Now, it was your cramped apartment in Brooklyn that you shared with Darcy. Who knows where home would be in the coming years, but at least you were sure that wherever it was, you’d do your best to make yourself happy.
Everything you’d brought with you from your trip was tucked in a new box in the back of your closet, though you couldn’t seem to find the picture of you and Bucky on the library stairs. Your heart sank the moment you realized it was missing. You must have thrown it away in your hurry to clean out your room.
It was probably for the best.
Life slowly went back to normal. Work was the same, and your apartment was the same, and your nights alone while Darcy was traveling for her photography were the same, too. Netflix and sit alone and wait to die was more like it.
And what was closure, anyway? What kind of shitty word meant both the act of and sense of a conclusion? Closure was a total illusion like time and control. It’s a concept that’s beyond you, and you’re just kidding yourself if you think you’ve found the answers.
No, you had to put a smile on your face and move on with your life one day at a time.
That was the true meaning of closure.
Part:  1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
PERMA TAGS: (Closed) @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @alurea-actually @cassandras-musings @marvel-fanfiction @bluebrrn @simplyme8308 @cleanslates @ailynalonso15 @imnoaingeal @miss-jessi29 @kittthekat @crownie-sr @indominusregina @wonder-carolina @littlenerdgirl16 @amrita31199 @tatortot2701 @melissalovesmusicyay @kcsavege4134 @lilasiannerd @hardcorehippos @buckyswinterchildren @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt @cosmic-avenger @mirkwood---princess @neverbeforgotten @minervaem @givemethatgold @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @decemberftw @widowvinter @nolaimagines @notsoprettykitty @dracsgirl @hollycornish @feelmyroarrrr @ancchor @kithlin @heytherepartner @polkadottedpillowcase @johnmurphys-sass @aeillo @winterboobaer @kaaatniss @whyisbuckyso @super-daryl-dixon @wishingtobelost @capdanrogers @gallifreyansass @rockintensse @minaphobia @vaisabu @rchlnwtn @imamoose @ria132love @sofiadiaz04 @actual-bucky-barnes-trash @dolthiac @mytrueself @brooklyn-to-battlefields @dressedbutwellstressed @onceuponahiddleston @lady-thor-foster @netflixa @punk-rock-princess-626 @srgtjamesbarnes107 @anastasiaannaa
Story Tags: (Closed) @perrychastain @learisa @txhohood @netherqueen23 @followeroonieclassic @mxnchurixn-plums @therealme13posts @sheerio-styles @hillrich @dreamer1495 @alivingfanlady @kduran04 @shortiiqt16 @obsessedwithfandoms107 @explicitfandoms @trustmeimthehiddlestoner @lostinspace33 @nuvoleincielo
418 notes · View notes
In The Age Of Information, Specializing In Custom Bedroom Closets
In case you have bother finding objects in your closet as you are preparing, you in all probability need a closet makeover. Introducing the evolution of the customized closet. Exclusively ours, Avera's modern design delivers the constructed-in look at an unbelievable price. Options embody full-extension Drawers that open at a contact, Back Panels that full the look and elective LED lighting.
A custom stroll in closet in any bed room invitations a feeling of luxurious. Choose from a wide range of accessible features together with adjustable pull-down bars, custom Custom Closet Systems RI closet shelving programs, personalized glass cabinets, cupboards with drawers, slanted shoe shelves, tie and belt racks, jewellery drawers and extra, Bella Techniques Philly will create a customized bed room walk in closet design personalized to your type, house and finances.
We work with every house owner to create the closet organizers that can work for them. We design customized closets, garage cabinets , house office designs, customized kitchen shelving, and a lot more. Whether you need a constructed-in closet or an entire storage makeover, we may also help you get your downside areas whipped into shape.
How thrilled would you be to have a customized craft closet or a Murphy mattress for friends? You may even assist the children keep their rooms a little neater with customized storage. We all know you can be amazed at how much more space our personalized storage options will provide you with to retailer your objects.
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Dream closet group systems are available all shapes and sizes. Whether you may have a attain-in or a spacious bedroom closet, an efficient organizing system paired with a smart design will enable you to benefit from your area and wardrobe. Plus, an organized closet will enable you streamline your morning routine by making it simpler to search out what you must get out the door on time.
Use baskets for sweaters, cubbies for sneakers and purses, and drawers for storing socks and belts. The newer closet kits are adjustable so you'll be able to mix it up in your convenience. Add-ons (drawers, additional shelves, tie and belt racks, hampers, and so forth.) offer specialized storage as needed.
0 notes
messysuitcaseblog · 5 years
Why We’re in Vermont for the Summer
I thought I’d take a step back and explain why we are suddenly blogging from Vermont instead of Mexico.
Our Vermont History
Friends who knew us when we lived in Mamaroneck, NY (1998-2008) know that during that time, we bought a couple of vacation rental houses in Vermont. We wanted a rural place to escape from the hustle bustle of the NY metro area, and we loved New England, where I lived for much of my childhood.
VT House #1: The Lake House
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The first house we bought was meant to be our retirement home, and we nicknamed it “The Lake House.” It’s a six-bedroom chalet nestled on a wooded three-quarters of an acre across the street from 200-acre Lake Rescue, where we keep a dock with boats. The kids and I would escape for half of every summer to decompress in the Green Mountains, go swimming and boating, hike nearby trails, sit around a fire pit making s’mores and singing camp songs, gaze at stars and explore Vermont. We had a Zodiac boat with a motor and used to go tubing. Bob came up for vacation a couple of weeks each summer, and otherwise took Amtrak from NY every Friday for a weekend visit. During the winter, we came up on occasional weekends and some school breaks to ski nearby Okemo. I would XC ski on Lake Rescue.
As soon as the contract was signed on The Lake House, we found ourselves in the vacation rental business, because it came with winter seasonal renters, and that was our plan for paying for it.
VT House #2: The Brook House
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We bought the second house, which we call “The Brook House,” a couple of years later because the real estate market was booming, and it seemed like a good investment. The Brook House is a 120-year-old, five-bedroom former chicken coop that backs to a creek and Tiny Pond Recreation Area, 400 acres of state forest that no one seems to know exists. Echo Lake is less than a quarter-mile away. The yard is big and there’s a little country store across the street.
We dubbed it “The College Fund.” Alas, that real estate “boom” turned out to be a bubble when the market tanked. The region is only now recovering, so we still own both houses, though the Brook is on the market. One rental home is quite enough to manage from a distance!
Two Houses Filled With Love
The houses, especially the Lake House, are an integral part of our family story, especially since we moved to Colorado in the middle of the kids’ childhoods, so this region served as an anchor for their lives. We filled the houses with people we loved whenever we could. Family – grandpa and grandmas, aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins – and friends came up to the lake for summer vacations, year after year, creating so many dear memories.
Our friend Marie Laguerre brought her twins Omar and Kayla to attend Farm & Wilderness Barn Day Camp (eight miles up the road, and extraordinary) with my kids, and lived in the house for two weeks with us. I remember Omie would eat nothing but ramen noodles. Marya and Mickey Carter did the same with kids Spencer the bed at the Brook House (and I was so proud of myself for adding plastic covers to the mattresses that summer before their arrival), is now a brilliant athlete attending Harvard!
Cousin Jeanine Troisi came and learned to ski one year; another summer she ran a hilly 5K race along Echo Lake not long after giving up smoking. I was so proud of her! My brother Mike, sister-in-law Paula and their three kids visited; we rode bikes together around the lake with the smallest kids in kiddie seats. My nephew Jake and I kayaked into the middle of the lake to watch the Perseids Meteor Shower. Our friend Valerie Rasmussen, who has since passed away, came to hike and waterfall jump one summer, and to ski one winter.
My dear friends Mary and Sam Wiley brought live lobsters from Newport, RI, and we watched lawbstah races on the front deck of the Lake House before enjoying scrumptious steamed lobsters. I think of her whenever I see those lobster pots, which we still have, just waiting for her next visit. Mary came back another year and used the Brook House as a base while visiting colleges with her son Henry. Or was it Frank? I remember Lex’s stuffed lamb Buggya Guy disappeared during that visit, somewhere between going to car to leave for the Killington Adventure Zone to enjoy the alpine slide and arriving at the mountain. Forever a mystery.
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(Above - Hiking the Vista Trail at Echo Lake. Below, the view from the top!)
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My cousin Loraine Carapellucci and husband Dave Handley brought their three daughters for a week, and our kids really bonded. I remember we had a merry time on the rope swing of Discovery Island, in the middle of Lake Rescue, giving kids Olympic scores for “poses” before they dropped into the water. Alas, that swing is gone now; the tree from which it hung was brought down in the Great Flood of 2012.
We even hosted a Dominican-American girl from the Bronx named Clarissa Delgado through the Fresh Air Fund, to give her her first nature experience. I remember watching stars with Clarissa, a phenomenal sight for a girl accustomed to bright street lights and no view of the starry sky, and teaching her how to fish. In fact, it seems I spent countless summer hours putting worms on hooks and extricating fish from the same hooks over and over as I taught countless munchkins how to fish off the dock. I failed hopelessly to learn to fly fish, however, despite efforts summer after summer from my friend Eddie Eagan, who was director of the local Chamber of Commerce and taught flyfishing on the side.
I loved running around the lakes, and often woke up early to kayak on the misty lake, alone on 200 acres of calm water save for a couple of loons.
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(Misty morning on Lake Rescue)
So many thousands of wonderful memories! When we moved to Colorado in early 2009, we were saddened to realize our Vermont summers were abruptly over. We took a financial hit from the recession that took years to recover from, and couldn’t afford to fly the family across the country. So the houses became vacation rental businesses that I managed from afar, and Bob and I would go back every couple of years to make improvements and do work on them.
We sort of forgot that the Lake House was originally supposed to be our home.  
Reconnecting with Vermont
But this past November, we went up and stayed in the Brook House for five weeks after Bob retired. We took Bob’s mom and sister Beth, and it snowed a good two or three feet during our stay. Bob and I spent an hour every morning in the hot tub on the back deck sipping mimosas and enjoying the sound of the creek while snowflakes gently played with our hair and ice from 13-degree mornings formed little spikes on his beard. My brother Phil, wife Rose and son Philip came for Thanksgiving, and 2.0 (pronounced 2-point-oh, as we like to call Philip the 2nd) sat in the same highchair my kids had sat in as he dropped his pieces of stuffing on the rug. My niece Catherine and her daughter Audrey also came for a few days, and Aud built a snowman in the yard.
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And suddenly we remembered that these weren’t just vacation rentals. They were our homes! And even though we had left Colorado behind for the traveling life and sort of felt homeless, we weren’t!
Part-Time VT Residents
So we have decided that we will live in Vermont during the summers. The houses give our kids a place to come to from college that feels like home. They can get summer jobs. They can visit their favorite ice cream place (the Ludlow Coffee Company, formerly Scoops) and eat at their favorite pizza joint (Goodman’s American Pie). They can feel anchored.
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(Seward’s in nearby Rutland is another favorite ice cream joint.)
We are working hard, though. Because we are trying to sell the Brook House, Bob and I are spending long hours making improvements – painting the house and some doors, pulling up a rug and refinishing a floor, planting grass and landscaping, buying furniture, and hiring and overseeing workmen. But we’re also going for long bike rides on scenic Route 100, a refreshing opportunity after the challenge of riding in Mexico. We’re hiking the Long/Appalachian Trail, enjoying our favorite ice cream places, trying to visit every bar in the Okemo Valley. We’re running and doing yoga and lifting weights, and hanging out on the Tyson Store chatting with neighbors.
Come October, we will head back south of the border and explore Mexico for the next 9 months. But when Lex gets done with their first year at Champlain College in May, we’ll return to the Green Mountain State and move back into The Lake House for the summer. (Hopefully, the Brook House will be sold and college paid for with the proceeds!)
I relish the opportunity to enjoy the region and explore the Green Mountain State more, without the burden of juggling full-time work, as I did when my kids were young. I look forward to connecting to the community and making friends. And I urge our family and friends to come visit! Because the Lake House has in fact turned into our summer retirement home. And we want to build more memories!
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rachelgreen071 · 1 year
Top Decorating Tips That You Must Know
When you decorating an empty room, it can be challenging to create an interior design that you may enjoy for years. If you have been following some interior design magazines so you would already know a little about it. Your knowledge will surely help you transform your home into a pleasing space where you can happy and comfortable.
How do you start? You must start with a focal point, create a flow, and pay attention to proportion and scale for the best result.
Let us dig in the details further.
• Start with a focal point: When you placing your bedroom furniture in Providence, you should start your work with a focal point. Paying attention to one point will help you create a sense of balance and equilibrium. In case you do not find a natural focal point, create one with an oversized piece of art or some accent piece décor.
• Repetition calls for Rhythm: The more you add rhythm to your décor, the better it will look. To add a rhythm, you need to also repeat a few things. You can place similar patterns or colors at various intervals throughout the space.
• Getting the right proportion and scale: When you are choosing a piece of furniture for a room, make sure that it doesn’t seem out of place. Check the scale and proportion before selecting one.
Keep these tips in mind before heading to furniture stores in Pawtucket.
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jodybouchard9 · 5 years
Linen Closet Organization Ideas That’ll Change Your Life
Are you in dire need of some ideas for organizing your linen closet? That’s understandable if your closet is stuffed with a pile of puffy duvets or a tower of towels. If you cringe at the idea of making the bed in the guest room because of the sorry, wrinkled state of the sheets in your closet—assuming you can find them at all—then it’s time to end the agony and start organizing. Do it now!
Here are some closet organization tips that’ll help you organize even a small linen closet in no time.
Pull everything out (yes, everything)
You might be surprised by what’s lurking behind that mountain of towels in your closet: Photo frames! Umbrellas! Your long-forgotten bag collection! Prepare for some surprises. But today, you will reclaim your linen closet as a spot for sheets and towels alone—and maybe extra toiletries.
That’s because once you have taken everything out of shelves and baskets and created a closet organization plan, you’re less likely to use the closet as a dumping ground for random items, says Kristin MacRae, owner of Organizing in RI, in Providence, RI.
Don’t store more than you need
Let’s start with the obvious linen closet organization rule: “Don’t keep ratty, worn-out, or fraying sheets and towels,” says Christina Hidek, a professional organizer with Streamlined Living, in Cleveland.
Her idea? “Donate them to an animal shelter instead.”
But what about linens that don’t qualify as obvious pet material? Resist the urge to keep multiple sets of linens and pillows, since they’re just going to create closet clutter and foil your attempts at organization.
Hidek recommends a max of three or four linen sets per bed—maybe two sets of lighter-weight linens for warmer weather and two sets of flannel sheets for cooler nights. She advises two bath towels per person in your household (this isn’t a hotel after all), plus four or five extra sets of linens for guests.
Zone out
Photo by Organized Living Once everything is out of linen closet shelves and drawers and you know what you are keeping, organize a storage “zone” for each item: towels, sheets, blankets, and maybe bathroom/wellness supplies, depending on how many sets and how much space you have. That way, you’ll know exactly how much space you need for each item.
Zones don’t just make it easy to do that initial organization; they also help you maintain an organized linen closet.
“You’ll notice when one zone has gotten out of control, and you can quickly tackle that one shelf to reorganize,” Hidek notes.
Keep the linen closet supplies you use most often (e.g., toilet paper) on the middle shelving, and reserve the top shelf for bulky, less frequently needed items such as sleeping bags, extra pillows and bedding, and air mattresses. Try to keep small items in drawers or baskets, to declutter your linen shelves.
Buy the right organizing products
We know—it’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement of buying baskets and bins that we forget what our real job is: organizing the unruly linen closet. Still, though, the right baskets, dividers, and other closet supplies can make all the difference if you choose right ones.
Hidek prefers a two-tier Lazy Susan to a basket for organizing health and beauty supplies in the linen closet, because it uses less space while allowing easy access with a quick spin. Use shelf dividers to keep stacks of sheets or towels from toppling over and intermingling. To create additional vertical space, use shoe holders, over-the-door storage, or a hanging shelf.
Finally! The best way to fold bedsheets and towels
Photo by Sforganized Interiors Some people recommend putting one entire set of sheets inside the pillowcase for quick retrieval, but Hidek finds that is easier said than done.
“Most people shove the sheets into the case haphazardly, and instead of everything being wrapped up into a nice little package, it’s more like a big blob that’s hard to store nicely.”
Her better idea is taking a pillowcase that’s folded in half widthwise and wrapping that around the fitted and flat sheets for a neater pile that’s easier to stack in the linen closet. (Here’s a great idea for folding a fitted sheet.)
If you have different-size bedsheets, keep like sizes together in the closet and—the clincher—label linen closet shelves for grab-and-go ease—instead of having to unfold the entire sheet to figure out what size it is, MacRae recommends.
There are two schools of thought on the best way to organize towels in the linen closet. One method is to purchase all of your towels in one color and separate them by type (e.g., bath, hand, washcloth, and beach). Another idea is to choose a hue for each family member or bathroom closet, and keep entire sets together.
With countless good tips for linen closet organization, just pick the best ideas for your linen closet, and vow to stick with them. You’ll no longer dread opening the hall closet or the closet door. With a working organization plan, you can spend less time looking for matching sheets, and more time enjoying time with your company.
The post Linen Closet Organization Ideas That’ll Change Your Life appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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Fifteen Hip Facts About Life Storage
With its significance typically lessened, a storage unit is a core requirement for an organized life. A quickly industrialized world combined with astronomical technological developments suggests we should contend with significantly less space on one hand and greater availability to items on the other hand. Keeping our living and work areas neat and neatly organized amid a stack of belongings is a concern, and life storage offer a budget friendly service for this. Be it maximizing your office by keeping unused products or to provide temporary shelter after having actually relocated to a smaller sized apartment or condo or condominium, whatever the circumstance of life, a public storage will give you a short-lived chance to keep your items until you can find a better place or till you require them.
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Aside from this evident benefit of keeping unused items till they are needed, here are 5 other essential advantages of self-storage units: Facilitates ease For individuals with time-restricted dedications, self-storage units are a hassle-free method of keeping items and belongings. Universities and colleges are filled with students from far-off cities-- or a various nation entirely-- who need to return house at the end of every session due to breaks. For example, if you school in Chicago but reside in Houston, it is a good idea to make use of Chicago storage systems instead of travelling all the way to Houston with your travel luggage throughout the inter-semester breaks. Self-storage facilities are convenient alternatives for keeping products till the next academic session. You can find an economical one easily online. Organizational efficiency For services, a significant requirement for organizational success is effectiveness and optimum preparation. Amongst these is an appropriate storage facility. Excellent storage centers are required for keeping stationeries, crucial files and files which are needed for everyday business operations. However, a lot of these products may not be required for immediate usage for that reason filling up important work space. Self-storage systems can be helpful for keeping work environment products till they are required as a result making the most of the work space. Time management According to a world report, the average American invests one year of his life trying to find lost or misplaced products and the average office worker invests 1.5 hours a day (6 weeks yearly) looking for things. As individuals, we tend to keep unneeded and useful items in a cluttered way, which keeps us browsing and prodding over and over. This consumes our useful and productive time. Availing ourselves using storage areas can make us time-efficient and more efficient both in our personal and company lives. Expense effectiveness Our nation is unquestionably a very large one and moving personal belongings from one end to another could be pricey. This could be an issue for those with temporary task projects. A lot of people resort to selling off items and changing them when they get to their brand-new place which even more increases costs. Self-storage systems are feasible and cost-effective alternatives as there are a variety of self-storage services around significant United States cities. Threat reduction Storage systems work in keeping your items in a cool and orderly manner. Self-storage systems reduce the risk gotten in touch with moving goods and products frequently. Fragile items, for that reason, are exempt to the risk of being harmed and are protected from wear and tear. Likewise, possibilities are high that you would lose some products in transit if you move with ownerships frequently. This can be lessened by keeping personal belongings in storage systems till they are needed. It can be challenging to figure out precisely just how much storage space you require, particularly if this is your extremely first time renting a life storage. To prevent leasing too large or too little of a unit, we have established a visual video guide that can be viewed on our YouTube channel to assist you figure out precisely how much space you need.
Likewise, don't not forget we're here to assist you! We have actually storage experts offered at every center prepared to resolve any concerns you may have! Storage Unit Size Guide: A Short Summary Each of our storage centers provides a variety of storage unit in numerous sizes. Utilize the following information as a rough estimate of exactly just how much can fit each unit: 5x5 Unit (25 sq. ft.): Roughly the size of a house closet. Perfect for storing additional products such as boxes, twin-size bed mattress, books, records/files, and other little various products. 5x10 Unit (50 sq. ft.): Perfect for keeping the contents of a studio apartment, including a variety of boxes, kitchen area gadgets, little bed mattress set, chairs, or possibly a motorcycle. 5x15 Unit (75 sq. ft.): Great for conserving the contents of a 1-bedroom apartment. Perfect for furnishings consisting of a couch, chair and small dinning set, sporting devices, bikes, business merchandise, seasonal items, and sporting equipment. 10x10 Unit (100 sq. ft.): Perfect for storing the contents of a 2-bedroom space. Perfect for holding an entertainment center, king-size mattresses, larger devices, dining space, furnishings, and other numerous items you 'd discover in a 2-bedroom space. 10x15 Unit (150 sq. ft.): Perfect for holding the contents of a 3-bedroom space. Great for conserving cinema t.v.'s, bikes and other sporting devices, large home furnishings, complete dining-room set, or maybe music devices like a C-3 piano, drum set, or all the gadgets required for a several-month long tour. 10x20 Unit (200 sq. ft.): Now we're getting to sizes perfect for lorries, boats, and other lorries. A 10x20 unit is ideal for a small automobile with some extra space to extra or a 3 to 4-bedroom set. Fill remaining space with sports devices, little furniture set, boxes, or other little to medium individual items. 10x30 Unit (300 sq. ft.): A 10x30 unit is excellent for saving a big cars and truck, little boat, and other large items with space to spare. Crossing nation? This size unit is ideal for keeping the contents of a big home while you settle in. Car Parking Spaces: The majority of our centers provide indoor, covered, and outside parking spaces to keep your car, boat, or rv. Parking locations are offered in a series of sizes while providing some distinct functions. Visit our vehicle storage page to read more about sizes and even guidelines and techniques that will keep your lorry in the same condition as when you left it. Or give us a call and speak with a storage professional to discover precisely the space you need. Self storage is an affordable method to keep your items throughout a short amount of time or to keep products while transitioning into another area. Having the ability to keep what is necessary to you can make life a lot easier in lots of scenarios. Here are 9 self-storage benefits that might even enhance your life.
How Huge Is A 10x20 Storage Unit?
A 10x20 storage unit is the size of a basic one-car garage. It fits the contents of a multi-bedroom home, including several large products like a sofa, a refrigerator, a washer/dryer and a dining room set or several big boxes.
If you have extra equipment, office supplies, or company inventory, a self storage unit can be a great alternative for you. Having an off-site area to keep extra business-related items will help to keep your workplace arranged and looking great when customers have a look at. You require a shift after a divorce If you require to move your belongings out of the household home because of divorce, it might be a great concept to lease a storage unit. You can lease a unit on a month-by-month basis and cancel when you have a brand-new area. Although it might be tough to put your belongings in storage, there are lots of security functions that will keep them safe during this transitional stage.
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You have in fact retired Lots of people decide to offer their home in order to travel after retirement. If you plan on travelling after retirement, a self storage unit is an excellent area to keep the nostalgic products you do not want to sell. In this specific case, retiring may suggest downsizing your living circumstance. Whether you need to keep a whole home or simply a couple of boxes, there are a range of systems to satisfy your unique requirements. You need to save items for winter season If you reside in an area with extreme winter weather condition, it is an exceptional idea to protect your backyard gadgets and outdoors furnishings. Think about an indoor storage unit if you have items that are sensitive to weather modifications or damage. You take a trip often Your task might need you to travel normally or you may take a trip for leisure. If you have big items that are too inconvenient to take whenever you leave home, consider conserving them. With a self storage unit, you can leave your valuable products and understand they will be secured while you are gone. You require to clean your house If your possessions are taking over and making it hard to walk through your home conveniently, renting a self storage unit can assist. A large and orderly living space will make you feel more comfy and happier about your home. You need storage for your sports or leisure activity hobbies An enthusiasm for one or more hobbies might be an important part of your life. If you have large sports devices that is simply used throughout part of the year, a self storage unit can keep it safe. You can even save some sport automobiles in a storage center, nevertheless, ensure to verify all guidelines and laws prior to doing this.
You have chosen to scale down Prior to you transfer to a smaller sized space, you may wish to rent a self storage unit. This hassle-free space can hold your prized possessions while you choose what you need to get rid of and what will match your smaller sized home You can keep the self storage unit even after you have moved, if you do not have adequate space to hold everything you own. If you have furnishings and valuables that you do not want to offer or hand out, think of positioning them in a self storage unit. You are moving your home. University student may not have appropriate space in your house to hold what they have actually gathered while they were living at school. If you need to return in with your moms and dads, they may not have space for your all of valuables. A cheap storage unit resolves this problem by providing you space and providing your moms and dads comfort. A bulk of office workers believe that being arranged boosts efficiency. However, practically half confess to being messy, primarily due to the fact that lots of do not understand where to begin. Organizations and staff members who do not understand where to begin when decluttering their work area can begin by utilizing a self-storage unit. This can assist in saving extra stock and materials, take full advantage of workplace, and archive important files.
What Is the Size Of A 10x20 Storage Unit?
Store belongings you may have in a 2- or three-bedroom apartment or home. Can accommodate a compact car and some other mid-size cars. For business in shift in between 2 places, contact your self-storage supplier to verify if shipments throughout company hours can be accepted on your behalf. That way, your mail will be directed to a single place to ensure you get all shipments safely. Simply put, even services with varied requirements can gain from using a self-storage unit to secure their residential or commercial properties. These systems provide a protected location to shop items from delicate documents to white wine, enabling services to guarantee their belongings are secured while they concentrate on their task obligations. Have you thought about renting a storage unit however you aren't sure if it is worth the effort? A self-storage unit in your location can assist you get set up and enjoy your home more. The Advantages of Renting a Self-Storage Unit When the "things" in your home start to crowd your space, it might be time to relocate a few of it. Putting products in a safeguarded storage unit can have some unexpected advantages.
What Do You Need to Rent A Storage Unit?
You will require to provide a genuine, government-issued sort of identification (e.g., driver's license, state ID or passport). The move-out process is simple: simply empty your storage unit, and let the owners understand that you're leaving and make certain you are paid completely. You'll have the ability to prioritize much better. When you are arranging your belongings for cheap storage unit, your alternatives about what to shop and what to keep in your house will help you see your way of life more clearly. Possibly you've been hanging on to décor or gadgets that no longer match you or your home-- however you're not prepared to remove them right now. Or possibly you have some things you want to offer to buddies or member of the family in other parts of the nation however aren't sure when you'll have the ability to pass them on. Putting things like this in storage keeps them from jumbling up your space and offers you a clean slate.
You'll make your home more habitable. Cleaning out unused items like bikes, stereos, craft products, and out-of-season clothing assists open more space for living. Use your newly uncluttered space to do what makes you thrilled now-- investing more time with family, moving furnishings and devices into various locations, and more. You may discover that you have brand-new chances to renovate and enjoy your house much more! Putting Your House on the marketplace? Store Your Mess! Staging is extremely important when you're offering your home. If you are preparing to live in your home while it's on the marketplace, and you require it to be buyer-ready for watchings, rent a storage unit to keep anything you do not need to have for your daily. This will unclutter your space and allow you to tidy quickly when you get the call that a potential purchaser wishes to take a look at. Tips for Keeping Your Storage Unit Organized Make your life storage simple to check out when you require to obtain products. Here's what we recommend: Plainly label every box-- Put nicely composed or printed labels on every box. It's finest to put a minimum of two labels on each box; one on the leading and one on a side so that you can see what the contents are when bundles are stacked. Stack items neatly-- The last thing you desire is to stroll into a disordered unit when you need to find something rapidly. Put your boxes in tidy stacks (with labels in view!) and put your unboxed products where they can be easily seen and accessed. Keep a list or spreadsheet-- Do not make the mistake of believing that you'll keep in mind whatever you have actually put in your life storage! Make a breakdown or develop a spreadsheet that keeps in mind whatever you've stored, when you saved it, and where it is conserved.
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There are numerous provider that use access to self storage facilities nowadays, as this has become a popular alternative amongst those wanting to keep various items. Facilities such as these are utilized by both individuals and businesses for a series of numerous reasons. With self storage, you can gain from an affordable means of conserving both huge and little products. Why are they so popular? The series of advantages that are featured with self storage, has actually assisted to increase the appeal of self storage over current years. They are now utilized by many people and company to provide them with ease and advantage in a series of scenarios. A few of the main advantages of using self storage include: Suitable for a range of functions: Self storage centers are best for a series of functions for both people and organisation users. For people, these centers are ideal if you are moving home, you require to create additional space in your existing residential or commercial property, you are going to be away for some time, or you want to secure your valued belongings in a protected center. For organizations, they are perfect if you are having repairs carried out, you are transferred to new premises, you wish to keep devices and archives firmly, or you require to maximize space and de-clutter at your business premises. Safe and safe and protected: With the best storage centers, you get from comfort and security for your personal belongings. Relying on the center you use, you might benefit from security procedures such as CCTV and even 24/7 security staff to ensure that the facility is as safe and secure as possible. A choice of systems: Storage centers tend to offer an option of systems, which implies that you can discover a unit that is preferably sized for your requirements. This suggests that you will have the ability to guarantee you have enough space for your belongings. You will likewise get from an option of companies, that makes it much easier to find a center that is close to your house or company for more ease and convenience. An affordable choice: Self storage supplies an affordable option to anyone or any company searching for a safe place to shop products. It is perfect for those on a limited budget strategy. The expense of storage will depend upon the center, the length of time you require it for, and the y gain access to: When you put your products into a storage unit, you can gain from easy access to your individual belongings all the time. It is well worth selecting a storage facility that is close to whersize of the unit you require. Nevertheless, no matter what your needs you will discover that it is a far more economical storage method than most other choices. Ease you live or your company so that you can get to it with speed and ease when required.
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efemerografica · 7 years
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Pokézil - Brazilian Massculture pokedex. 2016/2017 by Gabriel Sena
Pokézil is a late joke on the Pokemon Fever started by Pokemon Go. I decided to make a nationaldex using chracters and mascots from the massmedia, be it tvshows, advertisement, pop culture in general. So it's kind an inside joke, very regionalistic to be sincere.
1-Barriguinha Mole ("WobblyBelly" - Acrelandia's Milk Mascot); 2- Toddyinho; 3/5 - Cisne's Salt Cellar; 4- Adelaide (From the tvshow Castelo Ratimbum. Great show!); 6- Loro José (A Co-host/Puppet from MaisVocê tvShow); 7-Melocoton (An old children's show character); 8 - MAU (Also from Castelo Ratimbum); 9- Zé Gotinha (A mascot from the vaccination campaings against Polio); 10 - Frutilly (Icecream); 11- Fofura (Fofura's Chips Mascot - really cheap); 12 - Yokitos (Also a Chip Mascot, but from Yoki); 13- Chamequinho (Mascot from a paper company); 14- Perdigão's Turkey; 15- Topo Gigio; 16 - Rato (old Folha's Newspaper mascot); 17- Xaropinho (Other Puppet that's also a co-host from a Tvshow); 18-Celeste (From Castelo Ratimbum!); 19- DDD (old characters from a phone company, and their local call services); 20- Blueman Group (from TIM - another phone company); 21- Clip; 22- Assolan (kind a ScottBrush); 23/24- Tortugitas (Accor's chocolate); 25-Fuleco (Brazil FIFA's World Cup Mascot); 26- PepsiTwist Mascot; 27-Ratinho (From Castelo Ratimbum); 28- Dolly (A soda mascot known as the worst 3d character ever created); 29/30- Tom and Jobim (Brazil Olympics Mascots); 31-Dengue (Santa Maria Prefecture mascot against Dengue fever); 32- Ultragás Mascot; 33-Tucano (PSDB - a political party- mascot); 34- Pato (mascot of 2016 protests against Dilma Roussef, made by Fiesp); 35- Mucilon (Nestlé's Baby Food mascot); 36/38- Tigor T. Tigre and Lilica Ripilica (clothes macots - same company); 37- Tony (Sucrilhos macot); 39- Priscila (from Tv Colosso); 40- KiSuco/KoolAid Mascot; 41-Bocão (Gelatine); 42-Pingu; 43-Paçoquita (a very popular sweet, kind a peanutbutter but not creamy, more like in a dust form); 44- Craquinho (a joke/fake mascot for the drug Crack); 45- UpaUpa (kid's Toy); 46- Alípio (from Cocoricó, a kids tv show); 47-Poneis Malditos (Nissan's very annoying characters); 48-Vetorzinho (also a joke mascot made by a group of designers); 49- X (from X-Tudo); 50-Sapo Boi Azul (from a web-comedy show from Irmãos Piologo); 51- Mimosa (from Cocórico); 52- Gato (Also from Castelo Ratimbum); 53- Leão da Proerd (Police anti-drugs project held in public schools); 54- Sun (From Teletubbies); 55- Solzinho (from Ri-Happy, a kid'stoy store); 56- Pintinho Amarelinho (Knows Jimmy Neutron movie and that scene where they dance realy funny? They say it came from this character's dance); 57-Pica-pau Amarelo (Name of a famous kids book setting by Monteiro Lobato); 58/59- GlubGlub (tv show characters and hosts of GlubGlubGlub); 60- Smillingüido (a evangelical mascot ); 61- Satanás (from Chavo del Otcho); 62- Castor (from Colchões Castor - something like " beaver's mattress"); 63- Sonic Obama HarryPotter 10 (just type it on google); 64- Emília (Emilia Pipoca Doce's Mascot); 65-Sulito (a mascot from a separatist movement from the south); 66/67- Lola and Zazá (from Cocoricó); 67/68 - Galinha Pintadinha; 69- "Escrotinho" (Bahia States Mascot for Anti-Prostate Cancer Campaing).
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internetbasic9 · 6 years
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here https://ift.tt/2y2i6Jt
Nathan Bomey
Published 1:01 PM EDT Oct 5, 2018
Mattress Firm plans to close up to 700 stores as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, including more than 200 within days.
The nation’s largest mattress retailer said in a court filing that it will not conduct typical liquidation sales, where customers might otherwise score a going-out-of-business deal.
Instead, it will transfer mattresses to other stores, warehouses or distribution centers, or could “decide to abandon” showroom products altogether, according to a court filing.
After a major acquisition spree in recent years, the chain has 3,230 company-owned stores and another 125 franchised locations. It has nearly 10,000 employees.
The company expects to stay in business despite significant challenges, including sales declines and competition from bed-in-a-box online sellers like Casper and Leesa.
Here’s the list of 208 Mattress Firm stores expected to close within days and be vacated entirely by the end of the month, according to court filings:
1817 Cherokee Ave SW, Cullman, AL 35055
3683 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL 36608
1754 S. Greenfield Rd. Ste. 103, Mesa, AZ 85206
2780 W Chandler Blvd #7, Chandler, AZ 85224
5545 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85711
14900 N. Pima Road, Ste. 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
9860 lower Buckeye Road, Ste F-100, Tolleson, AZ 85353
14601 North Scottsdale Rd, Ste 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
4455 S. Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ 85282
1335 S Alma School Rd, Ste 101, Mesa, AZ 85210
10340 North Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
7230 W Ray Rd, Chandler, AZ 85226
2100 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307
1414 R Street, Merced, CA 95340
109 S Las Posas Road, Ste 101, San Marcos, CA 92078
467 East Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710
9095 Central Ave, Montclair, CA 91763
25125 Madison Ave Ste 103, Murrieta, CA 92562
10460 West Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215
570 Zang St, Ste B, Broomfield, CO 80021
356 East Harmony Rd 6A, Fort Collins, CO 80525
7205 W Colfax Avenue, Ste 100, Lakewood, CO 80214
2525 Arapahoe Ave, Ste. E20, Boulder, CO 80302
990 Airport Road, Rifle, CO 81650
10398 Reed St. 200, Westminster, CO 80021
1785 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
575 Boston Post Road Route 1, Orange, CT 06477
9 Fieldstone Commons, Tolland, CT 06084
99 Farmington Avenue, Bristol, CT 06010
927 West Main Street, Branford, CT 06405
3475 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06111
1055 Silas Dean Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109
3520 N Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
5048 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32503
1814 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304
695 Towne Center Blvd, Sanford, FL 32772
1970 NW Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994
7067 Narcoosee Rd., Orlando, FL 32822
14200 SW 8th St. Suites 103 thru 106, Miami, FL 33184
919 Lakeland Park Center DR #370, Lakeland, FL 33809
7703 West Flager Street., Ste. B, Miami, FL 33144
6337 Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 1, Jacksonville, FL 32244
1290 Johnson Ferry Rd, Marietta, GA 30068
3045 North Dug Gap Road SW, Dalton, GA 30720
2907 Washington Rd. Bld 4-402, Augusta, GA 30909
7601 North Point Parkway, #A, Alpharetta, GA 30009
4696 Log Cabin Drive, Ste A, Macon, GA 31204
16375 N. Merchant Way Nampa, ID 83687
4840 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60630
9 East Golf Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
349 E Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
2365 N Farnsworth Avenue, Aurora, IL 60502
2703 W. Deyoung Street Ste. B, Marion, IL 62959
2317 S. Route 59, Plainfield, IL 60431
9935-51 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
9240 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60077
1749 S. Randall Road, Geneva, IL 60134
1330 S Torrence, Calumet City, IL 60409
4805 W Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60641
1413 W. North Ave, Melrose Park, IL 60160
310 Randall Road, South Elgin, IL 60177
2121 N. Clybourn Ave., A-4 Chicago, IL 60614
786 Randall Road, Algonquin, IL 60102
2 East Rand Road Mount Prospect, Mount Prospect, IL 60056
100B E. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173
1137 S Mannheim Rd, Westchester, IL 60154
4300 E. New York St. – Suite A, Aurora, IL 60505
4600 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60173
1569 N. State Route 50, Bourbonnais, IL 60914
2000 N. Clybourne Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
7550 Broadview Village Square, Ste 7600C, Broadview, IL 60155
2320 E. Lincoln Highway #109, New Lenox, IL 60451
1600 West 16th Street Suite T23, Oak Brook, IL 60523
2405 Lincoln Highway, New Lenox, IL 60451
1710 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
2326 Route 34, Oswego, IL 60543
4650 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
10412 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322
25 US Route 41, Schererville, IN 46375
4335 East 82nd Street, Ste 107, Indianapolis, IN 46250
6836 West Kellogg, Wichita, KS 67209
11747 East Kellog Drive, Wichita, KS 67207
438 S. Rock Road, Wichita, KS 67205
15830 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, KS 66217
4139 Fort Campbell Blvd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240
4100 General DeGaulle Dr., Ste. 1, New Orleans, LA 70131
1625 Fleet Street, Baltimore, MD 21231
1016 Beards Hill Road Suite K, Aberdeen, MD 21001
22750 Newcut Road Suite D1, Clarksburg, MD 20871
1701 Rockville Pike Suite A14, Rockville, MD 20852
7911 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 21236
6600 Baltimore National Pike, Suite P, Catonsville, MD 21228
1445 Rock Spring Road, Bel Air, MD 21014
912C Taylor Avenue, Towson, MD 21286
1170 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21703
6666 Security Blvd-STE 17- 20, Woodlawn, MD 21207
3531 Washington Blvd, Halethorpe, MD 21227
1081 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465
57 Andrew Avenue, Wayland, MA 01778
2556 1st Street South, Willmar, MN 56201
205 Huttleson Avenue Unit #50, Fairhaven, MA 02719
172 North King Street Route 5, Northampton, MA 01060
388 Patriot Place, Foxboro, MA 02035
174 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886
2049 West Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864
1142 S. Brentwood Boulevard, Richmond Heights, MO 63117
12344 US 71 Highway, Grandview, MO 64030
14169 Manchester Road, Suite C, Ballwin, MO 63011
8420 South 71st Plaza Suite 103, Papillion, NE 68046
New Hampshire
303-C South Broadway, Salem, NH 03079
New Jersey
557 Route 130 North, East Windsor, NJ 08520
745 Route 46, Parsippany, NJ 07054
92 Ferry Street, Newark, NJ 07105
3231 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Township, NJ 08648
80 South Whitehorse Pike, Hammonton, NJ 08037
243 US Highway 46 West, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
New York
945 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226
1040 Old Country Road Plainview, NY 11803
5121 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11234
1462 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10305
North Carolina
235 Harvey Street, Winston Salem, NC 27103
2504 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408
1595 Glidewell Drive Suite 101, Burlington, NC 27215
3137 Waltham Blvd, Burlington, NC 27215
4008 Brian Jordan Place, High Point, NC 27265
2501 East Franklin Blvd, Ste., Gastonia, NC 28056
610 SE Greenville Blvd, Greenville, NC 27858
252 Turnersburg Highway, Statesville, NC 28625
1011 S Main St, Kernersville, NC 27284
2510 Battleground Ave, Greensboro, NC 27408
1834 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105
14045 East Independence Blvd Suite C4, Indian Trail, NC 28079
1809 Sardis Road N, Charlotte, NC 28270
1402 West Ehringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
8204 Tryon Woods Drive, Cary, NC 27518
7248 GB Alford Highway, Holly Springs, NC 27540
9901 E. Independence Blvd, Matthews, NC 28105
8201 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28411
3274 Silas Creek Parkway Suite #33-36, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
6267 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Heights, OH 44143
4139 W. Reno, Oklahoma City, OK 73107
11600 SE Mille Plan Blvd, Suite 3D, Vancouver, OR 98684
901 East Main Street Space #20, Palmyra, PA 17078
445 West Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA 19406
3400 North 5th Street, Reading, PA 19605
1256 Millersville, Lancaster, PA 17603
1619 Grant Avenue Grant Plaza, Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA 19115
35 Willowdale Drive, Lancaster, PA 17602
472 Shrewsbury Commons Avenue, Shrewsbury, PA 17361
5110 Library Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
Rhode Island
1 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
South Carolina
131 Harbison Blvd., Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29212
5075 Sunset Blvd, Lexington, SC 29072
2391 Dave Lyle Blvd, Suite 106, Rock Hill, SC 29730
106 Percival Road, Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29206
7381 Rivers Ave., Ste 102, North Charleston, SC 29406
6208A Garners Ferry Road, Columbia, SC 29209
7412 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
1704 E Stone Rd, Ste. 102, Kingsport, TN 37660
13000 N FM 620 RD SB, Cedar Park, TX 78613
4826 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206
3200 W. Anderson Ln, Ste 101, Austin, TX 78757 – 1010
17689 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77064
15340 Dallas Parkway Suite 2150, Dallas, TX 75248
3115 West Loop S., Houston, TX 77027
11470 Broadway Street Ste 110, Pearland, TX 77584
9705 Research Blvd Suite A, Austin, TX 78759
26526 I-45 N, Spring, TX 77386
9319 Highway 6 South, Suite C, Houston, TX 77083
3937 North Central Expressway, Plano, TX 75023
710 Old San Antonion Rd, Buda, TX 78610
2645 E. Southlake Blvd., Ste. 140, Southlake, TX 76092
1725 I-35 East, Denton, TX 76205
1266 Fry Road, Houston, TX 77084
14791 IH-35, # 108, Schertz, TX 78154
115 Sundance Pkwy, Ste 520, Round Rock, TX 78681
9930 Katy Freeway, #600, Houston, TX 77055
1810 FM 685 #200, Pflugerville, TX 78660
4629 South Cooper St., Ste. 125, Arlington, TX 76017
4770 State Highway 121, Suite 130, Lewisville, TX 75056
1005 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77006
12908 Shops Pkwy Unit 100, Bee Cave, TX 78738
349 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
6429 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77057
2735 Town Center Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479
19325 Gulf Freeway, Webster, TX 77598
804 Interstate 45 N, Conroe, TX 77301
20400 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 100, Richmond, TX 77479
5710 Highway 6, Missouri City, TX 77459
537 East I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087
7592 FM1960, Houston, TX 77070
5733 State Hwy 121 Ste 200, The Colony, TX 75056
1443 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
1335 Lake Woodlands Dr. Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77382
2632 W. 3500 South, West Valley City, UT 84119
1122 S. University Ave., Provo, UT 84601
135 Crooked Run Plaza Suite #50, Front Royal, VA 22630
717 Dominion Square Shopping Center, Culpeper, VA 22701
9600 Main Street Suite B, Fairfax, VA 22031
5629 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
235 Market Street, Winchester, VA 22603
47020 Harry Byrd Highway Suite #2, Sterling, VA 20164
141 Stonebridge Plaza Ave, Richmond, VA 23225
4400 Kilgore Avenue, #J-105 Hampton, VA 23666-2060
1065 West Broad St., Falls Church, VA 22046
301 Tukwila Pkwy, Tukwila, WA 98188
5003 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Tacoma, WA 98409
West Virginia
217 Oak Lee Drive Suite 24, Ranson, WV 25438
Follow USA TODAY reporter Nathan Bomey on Twitter @NathanBomey.
Read More | https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/10/05/mattress-firm-bankruptcy-store-closure-list/1533866002/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=amp&utm_campaign=speakable | Nathan Bomey
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here, in 2018-10-05 17:45:11
0 notes
blogparadiseisland · 6 years
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here http://www.nature-business.com/business-is-your-mattress-firm-store-closing-after-chapter-11-bankruptcy-filing-see-the-list-here/
Nathan Bomey
Published 1:01 PM EDT Oct 5, 2018
Mattress Firm plans to close up to 700 stores as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, including more than 200 within days.
The nation’s largest mattress retailer said in a court filing that it will not conduct typical liquidation sales, where customers might otherwise score a going-out-of-business deal.
Instead, it will transfer mattresses to other stores, warehouses or distribution centers, or could “decide to abandon” showroom products altogether, according to a court filing.
After a major acquisition spree in recent years, the chain has 3,230 company-owned stores and another 125 franchised locations. It has nearly 10,000 employees.
The company expects to stay in business despite significant challenges, including sales declines and competition from bed-in-a-box online sellers like Casper and Leesa.
Here’s the list of 208 Mattress Firm stores expected to close within days and be vacated entirely by the end of the month, according to court filings:
1817 Cherokee Ave SW, Cullman, AL 35055
3683 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL 36608
1754 S. Greenfield Rd. Ste. 103, Mesa, AZ 85206
2780 W Chandler Blvd #7, Chandler, AZ 85224
5545 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85711
14900 N. Pima Road, Ste. 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
9860 lower Buckeye Road, Ste F-100, Tolleson, AZ 85353
14601 North Scottsdale Rd, Ste 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
4455 S. Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ 85282
1335 S Alma School Rd, Ste 101, Mesa, AZ 85210
10340 North Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
7230 W Ray Rd, Chandler, AZ 85226
2100 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307
1414 R Street, Merced, CA 95340
109 S Las Posas Road, Ste 101, San Marcos, CA 92078
467 East Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710
9095 Central Ave, Montclair, CA 91763
25125 Madison Ave Ste 103, Murrieta, CA 92562
10460 West Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215
570 Zang St, Ste B, Broomfield, CO 80021
356 East Harmony Rd 6A, Fort Collins, CO 80525
7205 W Colfax Avenue, Ste 100, Lakewood, CO 80214
2525 Arapahoe Ave, Ste. E20, Boulder, CO 80302
990 Airport Road, Rifle, CO 81650
10398 Reed St. 200, Westminster, CO 80021
1785 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
575 Boston Post Road Route 1, Orange, CT 06477
9 Fieldstone Commons, Tolland, CT 06084
99 Farmington Avenue, Bristol, CT 06010
927 West Main Street, Branford, CT 06405
3475 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06111
1055 Silas Dean Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109
3520 N Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
5048 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32503
1814 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304
695 Towne Center Blvd, Sanford, FL 32772
1970 NW Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994
7067 Narcoosee Rd., Orlando, FL 32822
14200 SW 8th St. Suites 103 thru 106, Miami, FL 33184
919 Lakeland Park Center DR #370, Lakeland, FL 33809
7703 West Flager Street., Ste. B, Miami, FL 33144
6337 Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 1, Jacksonville, FL 32244
1290 Johnson Ferry Rd, Marietta, GA 30068
3045 North Dug Gap Road SW, Dalton, GA 30720
2907 Washington Rd. Bld 4-402, Augusta, GA 30909
7601 North Point Parkway, #A, Alpharetta, GA 30009
4696 Log Cabin Drive, Ste A, Macon, GA 31204
16375 N. Merchant Way Nampa, ID 83687
4840 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60630
9 East Golf Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
349 E Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
2365 N Farnsworth Avenue, Aurora, IL 60502
2703 W. Deyoung Street Ste. B, Marion, IL 62959
2317 S. Route 59, Plainfield, IL 60431
9935-51 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
9240 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60077
1749 S. Randall Road, Geneva, IL 60134
1330 S Torrence, Calumet City, IL 60409
4805 W Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60641
1413 W. North Ave, Melrose Park, IL 60160
310 Randall Road, South Elgin, IL 60177
2121 N. Clybourn Ave., A-4 Chicago, IL 60614
786 Randall Road, Algonquin, IL 60102
2 East Rand Road Mount Prospect, Mount Prospect, IL 60056
100B E. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173
1137 S Mannheim Rd, Westchester, IL 60154
4300 E. New York St. – Suite A, Aurora, IL 60505
4600 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60173
1569 N. State Route 50, Bourbonnais, IL 60914
2000 N. Clybourne Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
7550 Broadview Village Square, Ste 7600C, Broadview, IL 60155
2320 E. Lincoln Highway #109, New Lenox, IL 60451
1600 West 16th Street Suite T23, Oak Brook, IL 60523
2405 Lincoln Highway, New Lenox, IL 60451
1710 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
2326 Route 34, Oswego, IL 60543
4650 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
10412 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322
25 US Route 41, Schererville, IN 46375
4335 East 82nd Street, Ste 107, Indianapolis, IN 46250
6836 West Kellogg, Wichita, KS 67209
11747 East Kellog Drive, Wichita, KS 67207
438 S. Rock Road, Wichita, KS 67205
15830 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, KS 66217
4139 Fort Campbell Blvd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240
4100 General DeGaulle Dr., Ste. 1, New Orleans, LA 70131
1625 Fleet Street, Baltimore, MD 21231
1016 Beards Hill Road Suite K, Aberdeen, MD 21001
22750 Newcut Road Suite D1, Clarksburg, MD 20871
1701 Rockville Pike Suite A14, Rockville, MD 20852
7911 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 21236
6600 Baltimore National Pike, Suite P, Catonsville, MD 21228
1445 Rock Spring Road, Bel Air, MD 21014
912C Taylor Avenue, Towson, MD 21286
1170 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21703
6666 Security Blvd-STE 17- 20, Woodlawn, MD 21207
3531 Washington Blvd, Halethorpe, MD 21227
1081 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465
57 Andrew Avenue, Wayland, MA 01778
2556 1st Street South, Willmar, MN 56201
205 Huttleson Avenue Unit #50, Fairhaven, MA 02719
172 North King Street Route 5, Northampton, MA 01060
388 Patriot Place, Foxboro, MA 02035
174 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886
2049 West Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864
1142 S. Brentwood Boulevard, Richmond Heights, MO 63117
12344 US 71 Highway, Grandview, MO 64030
14169 Manchester Road, Suite C, Ballwin, MO 63011
8420 South 71st Plaza Suite 103, Papillion, NE 68046
New Hampshire
303-C South Broadway, Salem, NH 03079
New Jersey
557 Route 130 North, East Windsor, NJ 08520
745 Route 46, Parsippany, NJ 07054
92 Ferry Street, Newark, NJ 07105
3231 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Township, NJ 08648
80 South Whitehorse Pike, Hammonton, NJ 08037
243 US Highway 46 West, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
New York
945 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226
1040 Old Country Road Plainview, NY 11803
5121 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11234
1462 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10305
North Carolina
235 Harvey Street, Winston Salem, NC 27103
2504 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408
1595 Glidewell Drive Suite 101, Burlington, NC 27215
3137 Waltham Blvd, Burlington, NC 27215
4008 Brian Jordan Place, High Point, NC 27265
2501 East Franklin Blvd, Ste., Gastonia, NC 28056
610 SE Greenville Blvd, Greenville, NC 27858
252 Turnersburg Highway, Statesville, NC 28625
1011 S Main St, Kernersville, NC 27284
2510 Battleground Ave, Greensboro, NC 27408
1834 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105
14045 East Independence Blvd Suite C4, Indian Trail, NC 28079
1809 Sardis Road N, Charlotte, NC 28270
1402 West Ehringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
8204 Tryon Woods Drive, Cary, NC 27518
7248 GB Alford Highway, Holly Springs, NC 27540
9901 E. Independence Blvd, Matthews, NC 28105
8201 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28411
3274 Silas Creek Parkway Suite #33-36, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
6267 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Heights, OH 44143
4139 W. Reno, Oklahoma City, OK 73107
11600 SE Mille Plan Blvd, Suite 3D, Vancouver, OR 98684
901 East Main Street Space #20, Palmyra, PA 17078
445 West Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA 19406
3400 North 5th Street, Reading, PA 19605
1256 Millersville, Lancaster, PA 17603
1619 Grant Avenue Grant Plaza, Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA 19115
35 Willowdale Drive, Lancaster, PA 17602
472 Shrewsbury Commons Avenue, Shrewsbury, PA 17361
5110 Library Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
Rhode Island
1 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
South Carolina
131 Harbison Blvd., Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29212
5075 Sunset Blvd, Lexington, SC 29072
2391 Dave Lyle Blvd, Suite 106, Rock Hill, SC 29730
106 Percival Road, Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29206
7381 Rivers Ave., Ste 102, North Charleston, SC 29406
6208A Garners Ferry Road, Columbia, SC 29209
7412 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
1704 E Stone Rd, Ste. 102, Kingsport, TN 37660
13000 N FM 620 RD SB, Cedar Park, TX 78613
4826 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206
3200 W. Anderson Ln, Ste 101, Austin, TX 78757 – 1010
17689 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77064
15340 Dallas Parkway Suite 2150, Dallas, TX 75248
3115 West Loop S., Houston, TX 77027
11470 Broadway Street Ste 110, Pearland, TX 77584
9705 Research Blvd Suite A, Austin, TX 78759
26526 I-45 N, Spring, TX 77386
9319 Highway 6 South, Suite C, Houston, TX 77083
3937 North Central Expressway, Plano, TX 75023
710 Old San Antonion Rd, Buda, TX 78610
2645 E. Southlake Blvd., Ste. 140, Southlake, TX 76092
1725 I-35 East, Denton, TX 76205
1266 Fry Road, Houston, TX 77084
14791 IH-35, # 108, Schertz, TX 78154
115 Sundance Pkwy, Ste 520, Round Rock, TX 78681
9930 Katy Freeway, #600, Houston, TX 77055
1810 FM 685 #200, Pflugerville, TX 78660
4629 South Cooper St., Ste. 125, Arlington, TX 76017
4770 State Highway 121, Suite 130, Lewisville, TX 75056
1005 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77006
12908 Shops Pkwy Unit 100, Bee Cave, TX 78738
349 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
6429 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77057
2735 Town Center Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479
19325 Gulf Freeway, Webster, TX 77598
804 Interstate 45 N, Conroe, TX 77301
20400 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 100, Richmond, TX 77479
5710 Highway 6, Missouri City, TX 77459
537 East I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087
7592 FM1960, Houston, TX 77070
5733 State Hwy 121 Ste 200, The Colony, TX 75056
1443 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
1335 Lake Woodlands Dr. Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77382
2632 W. 3500 South, West Valley City, UT 84119
1122 S. University Ave., Provo, UT 84601
135 Crooked Run Plaza Suite #50, Front Royal, VA 22630
717 Dominion Square Shopping Center, Culpeper, VA 22701
9600 Main Street Suite B, Fairfax, VA 22031
5629 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
235 Market Street, Winchester, VA 22603
47020 Harry Byrd Highway Suite #2, Sterling, VA 20164
141 Stonebridge Plaza Ave, Richmond, VA 23225
4400 Kilgore Avenue, #J-105 Hampton, VA 23666-2060
1065 West Broad St., Falls Church, VA 22046
301 Tukwila Pkwy, Tukwila, WA 98188
5003 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Tacoma, WA 98409
West Virginia
217 Oak Lee Drive Suite 24, Ranson, WV 25438
Follow USA TODAY reporter Nathan Bomey on Twitter @NathanBomey.
Read More | https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/10/05/mattress-firm-bankruptcy-store-closure-list/1533866002/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=amp&utm_campaign=speakable | Nathan Bomey
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here, in 2018-10-05 17:45:11
0 notes
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here http://www.nature-business.com/business-is-your-mattress-firm-store-closing-after-chapter-11-bankruptcy-filing-see-the-list-here/
Nathan Bomey
Published 1:01 PM EDT Oct 5, 2018
Mattress Firm plans to close up to 700 stores as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, including more than 200 within days.
The nation’s largest mattress retailer said in a court filing that it will not conduct typical liquidation sales, where customers might otherwise score a going-out-of-business deal.
Instead, it will transfer mattresses to other stores, warehouses or distribution centers, or could “decide to abandon” showroom products altogether, according to a court filing.
After a major acquisition spree in recent years, the chain has 3,230 company-owned stores and another 125 franchised locations. It has nearly 10,000 employees.
The company expects to stay in business despite significant challenges, including sales declines and competition from bed-in-a-box online sellers like Casper and Leesa.
Here’s the list of 208 Mattress Firm stores expected to close within days and be vacated entirely by the end of the month, according to court filings:
1817 Cherokee Ave SW, Cullman, AL 35055
3683 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL 36608
1754 S. Greenfield Rd. Ste. 103, Mesa, AZ 85206
2780 W Chandler Blvd #7, Chandler, AZ 85224
5545 E Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85711
14900 N. Pima Road, Ste. 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
9860 lower Buckeye Road, Ste F-100, Tolleson, AZ 85353
14601 North Scottsdale Rd, Ste 125, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
4455 S. Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ 85282
1335 S Alma School Rd, Ste 101, Mesa, AZ 85210
10340 North Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254
7230 W Ray Rd, Chandler, AZ 85226
2100 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307
1414 R Street, Merced, CA 95340
109 S Las Posas Road, Ste 101, San Marcos, CA 92078
467 East Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710
9095 Central Ave, Montclair, CA 91763
25125 Madison Ave Ste 103, Murrieta, CA 92562
10460 West Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80215
570 Zang St, Ste B, Broomfield, CO 80021
356 East Harmony Rd 6A, Fort Collins, CO 80525
7205 W Colfax Avenue, Ste 100, Lakewood, CO 80214
2525 Arapahoe Ave, Ste. E20, Boulder, CO 80302
990 Airport Road, Rifle, CO 81650
10398 Reed St. 200, Westminster, CO 80021
1785 E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
575 Boston Post Road Route 1, Orange, CT 06477
9 Fieldstone Commons, Tolland, CT 06084
99 Farmington Avenue, Bristol, CT 06010
927 West Main Street, Branford, CT 06405
3475 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06111
1055 Silas Dean Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109
3520 N Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
5048 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32503
1814 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304
695 Towne Center Blvd, Sanford, FL 32772
1970 NW Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994
7067 Narcoosee Rd., Orlando, FL 32822
14200 SW 8th St. Suites 103 thru 106, Miami, FL 33184
919 Lakeland Park Center DR #370, Lakeland, FL 33809
7703 West Flager Street., Ste. B, Miami, FL 33144
6337 Roosevelt Blvd, Ste 1, Jacksonville, FL 32244
1290 Johnson Ferry Rd, Marietta, GA 30068
3045 North Dug Gap Road SW, Dalton, GA 30720
2907 Washington Rd. Bld 4-402, Augusta, GA 30909
7601 North Point Parkway, #A, Alpharetta, GA 30009
4696 Log Cabin Drive, Ste A, Macon, GA 31204
16375 N. Merchant Way Nampa, ID 83687
4840 N Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60630
9 East Golf Road, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
349 E Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
2365 N Farnsworth Avenue, Aurora, IL 60502
2703 W. Deyoung Street Ste. B, Marion, IL 62959
2317 S. Route 59, Plainfield, IL 60431
9935-51 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415
9240 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60077
1749 S. Randall Road, Geneva, IL 60134
1330 S Torrence, Calumet City, IL 60409
4805 W Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60641
1413 W. North Ave, Melrose Park, IL 60160
310 Randall Road, South Elgin, IL 60177
2121 N. Clybourn Ave., A-4 Chicago, IL 60614
786 Randall Road, Algonquin, IL 60102
2 East Rand Road Mount Prospect, Mount Prospect, IL 60056
100B E. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173
1137 S Mannheim Rd, Westchester, IL 60154
4300 E. New York St. – Suite A, Aurora, IL 60505
4600 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60173
1569 N. State Route 50, Bourbonnais, IL 60914
2000 N. Clybourne Ave., Chicago, IL 60614
7550 Broadview Village Square, Ste 7600C, Broadview, IL 60155
2320 E. Lincoln Highway #109, New Lenox, IL 60451
1600 West 16th Street Suite T23, Oak Brook, IL 60523
2405 Lincoln Highway, New Lenox, IL 60451
1710 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201
2326 Route 34, Oswego, IL 60543
4650 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
10412 Indianapolis Blvd, Highland, IN 46322
25 US Route 41, Schererville, IN 46375
4335 East 82nd Street, Ste 107, Indianapolis, IN 46250
6836 West Kellogg, Wichita, KS 67209
11747 East Kellog Drive, Wichita, KS 67207
438 S. Rock Road, Wichita, KS 67205
15830 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, KS 66217
4139 Fort Campbell Blvd, Hopkinsville, KY 42240
4100 General DeGaulle Dr., Ste. 1, New Orleans, LA 70131
1625 Fleet Street, Baltimore, MD 21231
1016 Beards Hill Road Suite K, Aberdeen, MD 21001
22750 Newcut Road Suite D1, Clarksburg, MD 20871
1701 Rockville Pike Suite A14, Rockville, MD 20852
7911 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 21236
6600 Baltimore National Pike, Suite P, Catonsville, MD 21228
1445 Rock Spring Road, Bel Air, MD 21014
912C Taylor Avenue, Towson, MD 21286
1170 West Patrick St, Frederick, MD 21703
6666 Security Blvd-STE 17- 20, Woodlawn, MD 21207
3531 Washington Blvd, Halethorpe, MD 21227
1081 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465
57 Andrew Avenue, Wayland, MA 01778
2556 1st Street South, Willmar, MN 56201
205 Huttleson Avenue Unit #50, Fairhaven, MA 02719
172 North King Street Route 5, Northampton, MA 01060
388 Patriot Place, Foxboro, MA 02035
174 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886
2049 West Grand River Avenue, Okemos, MI 48864
1142 S. Brentwood Boulevard, Richmond Heights, MO 63117
12344 US 71 Highway, Grandview, MO 64030
14169 Manchester Road, Suite C, Ballwin, MO 63011
8420 South 71st Plaza Suite 103, Papillion, NE 68046
New Hampshire
303-C South Broadway, Salem, NH 03079
New Jersey
557 Route 130 North, East Windsor, NJ 08520
745 Route 46, Parsippany, NJ 07054
92 Ferry Street, Newark, NJ 07105
3231 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Township, NJ 08648
80 South Whitehorse Pike, Hammonton, NJ 08037
243 US Highway 46 West, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
New York
945 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226
1040 Old Country Road Plainview, NY 11803
5121 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11234
1462 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10305
North Carolina
235 Harvey Street, Winston Salem, NC 27103
2504 Battleground Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27408
1595 Glidewell Drive Suite 101, Burlington, NC 27215
3137 Waltham Blvd, Burlington, NC 27215
4008 Brian Jordan Place, High Point, NC 27265
2501 East Franklin Blvd, Ste., Gastonia, NC 28056
610 SE Greenville Blvd, Greenville, NC 27858
252 Turnersburg Highway, Statesville, NC 28625
1011 S Main St, Kernersville, NC 27284
2510 Battleground Ave, Greensboro, NC 27408
1834 Matthews Township Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105
14045 East Independence Blvd Suite C4, Indian Trail, NC 28079
1809 Sardis Road N, Charlotte, NC 28270
1402 West Ehringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
8204 Tryon Woods Drive, Cary, NC 27518
7248 GB Alford Highway, Holly Springs, NC 27540
9901 E. Independence Blvd, Matthews, NC 28105
8201 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28411
3274 Silas Creek Parkway Suite #33-36, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
6267 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Heights, OH 44143
4139 W. Reno, Oklahoma City, OK 73107
11600 SE Mille Plan Blvd, Suite 3D, Vancouver, OR 98684
901 East Main Street Space #20, Palmyra, PA 17078
445 West Dekalb Pike, King of Prussia, PA 19406
3400 North 5th Street, Reading, PA 19605
1256 Millersville, Lancaster, PA 17603
1619 Grant Avenue Grant Plaza, Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA 19115
35 Willowdale Drive, Lancaster, PA 17602
472 Shrewsbury Commons Avenue, Shrewsbury, PA 17361
5110 Library Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102
Rhode Island
1 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
South Carolina
131 Harbison Blvd., Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29212
5075 Sunset Blvd, Lexington, SC 29072
2391 Dave Lyle Blvd, Suite 106, Rock Hill, SC 29730
106 Percival Road, Ste 100, Columbia, SC 29206
7381 Rivers Ave., Ste 102, North Charleston, SC 29406
6208A Garners Ferry Road, Columbia, SC 29209
7412 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
1704 E Stone Rd, Ste. 102, Kingsport, TN 37660
13000 N FM 620 RD SB, Cedar Park, TX 78613
4826 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206
3200 W. Anderson Ln, Ste 101, Austin, TX 78757 – 1010
17689 Tomball Pkwy, Houston, TX 77064
15340 Dallas Parkway Suite 2150, Dallas, TX 75248
3115 West Loop S., Houston, TX 77027
11470 Broadway Street Ste 110, Pearland, TX 77584
9705 Research Blvd Suite A, Austin, TX 78759
26526 I-45 N, Spring, TX 77386
9319 Highway 6 South, Suite C, Houston, TX 77083
3937 North Central Expressway, Plano, TX 75023
710 Old San Antonion Rd, Buda, TX 78610
2645 E. Southlake Blvd., Ste. 140, Southlake, TX 76092
1725 I-35 East, Denton, TX 76205
1266 Fry Road, Houston, TX 77084
14791 IH-35, # 108, Schertz, TX 78154
115 Sundance Pkwy, Ste 520, Round Rock, TX 78681
9930 Katy Freeway, #600, Houston, TX 77055
1810 FM 685 #200, Pflugerville, TX 78660
4629 South Cooper St., Ste. 125, Arlington, TX 76017
4770 State Highway 121, Suite 130, Lewisville, TX 75056
1005 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77006
12908 Shops Pkwy Unit 100, Bee Cave, TX 78738
349 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
6429 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77057
2735 Town Center Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479
19325 Gulf Freeway, Webster, TX 77598
804 Interstate 45 N, Conroe, TX 77301
20400 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 100, Richmond, TX 77479
5710 Highway 6, Missouri City, TX 77459
537 East I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087
7592 FM1960, Houston, TX 77070
5733 State Hwy 121 Ste 200, The Colony, TX 75056
1443 S. Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450
1335 Lake Woodlands Dr. Suite C, The Woodlands, TX 77382
2632 W. 3500 South, West Valley City, UT 84119
1122 S. University Ave., Provo, UT 84601
135 Crooked Run Plaza Suite #50, Front Royal, VA 22630
717 Dominion Square Shopping Center, Culpeper, VA 22701
9600 Main Street Suite B, Fairfax, VA 22031
5629 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
235 Market Street, Winchester, VA 22603
47020 Harry Byrd Highway Suite #2, Sterling, VA 20164
141 Stonebridge Plaza Ave, Richmond, VA 23225
4400 Kilgore Avenue, #J-105 Hampton, VA 23666-2060
1065 West Broad St., Falls Church, VA 22046
301 Tukwila Pkwy, Tukwila, WA 98188
5003 Tacoma Mall Blvd, Tacoma, WA 98409
West Virginia
217 Oak Lee Drive Suite 24, Ranson, WV 25438
Follow USA TODAY reporter Nathan Bomey on Twitter @NathanBomey.
Read More | https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/10/05/mattress-firm-bankruptcy-store-closure-list/1533866002/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=amp&utm_campaign=speakable | Nathan Bomey
Business Is your Mattress Firm store closing after Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing? See the list here, in 2018-10-05 17:45:11
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cabbagetv · 7 years
Customatic recalls 50,000 adjustable beds
Customatic adjustable bed owners could be in for a real shock.
The company said the power outlets may be wired incorrectly that can pose an electric shock hazard. Now, the company is recalling 50,000 beds that are sold at mattress stores nationwide.
The model numbers can be found on the metal frame near the foot of the bed and are listed below.
  Model NumbersRI-AB52-A18-WWM-L-U-H-CCBH4-AC…
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