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EXTC meeting Alfredo. 3/11/23 @extcband #extc #extcband #extctheband #terrychambers #stevehampton #matthughes #xtc #artpunk #newwave #postpunk @casbahsandiego #casbahsandiego #casbah #casbahpresents #concert #concertphotography #itibfya #ithinkibetterfollowyouaround (at Casbah San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpxh_IxLfsw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matthughesart · 2 years ago
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In celebration of the anniversary of Bram Stoker's birthday we are holding a #flashsale on all Dracula products! For the next 24 hours grab one of these limited edition beauties for 50% OFF using code BRAM50 (US orders only). www.evpub.info
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dailytarot · 5 years ago
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First post! Hope to grow in my interpretation skills! Send me any suggestions or tips!
Also shout out to @matthughesart for making the most amazing deck!
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loritrieslifedotcom · 5 years ago
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Ethereal Illuminated by Matt Hughes- my "goto" deck!
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herbwitchery · 2 years ago
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🔮New Baby🌙 Je lorgnais sur ce jeu depuis quelques temps déjà, pour son orientation Art Nouveau (probablement mon style préféré, son onirisme, ses inspirations végétales, cette fluidité éthérée …) et ses touches d’or sur les cartes, et depuis que je l’ai en main c’est un énorme coup de cœur. L’artiste a ajouté deux arcanes majeurs (sur la dernière slide), la Fontaine et l’Artiste, qui lui donnent un caractère très original, des messages d’une grande subtilité et une dimension particulièrement sensible. Bref, I’m in love 🖤🌿🌚 #tarot #tarotdeck #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotcollection #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #tarotreaders #majorarcana #divination #divinationdeck #divinationcards #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #tarotdelillumination #illuminatedtarot #etherealvisionstarot #etherealvisions #matthughes #artnouveau #ätherischevisionen #illuminiertetarot #tarottribe #tarotlover #tarotart #art #riderwaite #riderwaitetarot #riderwaitesmith 🔮Ätherische Visionen Illuminierte Tarot (Ethereal Vision Illuminated Tarot) by @matthughesart (@koenigsfurturania editions) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cngw2VANMuh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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studio-b-witch · 3 years ago
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秋に出るのねー😘 US GAMESからだとするとAmazonで注文できると思います😘 #タロット #オラクルカード #占星術 #リーディング #占い #雑貨 #スピリチュアル #スタジオビーウィッチ Reposted from @etherealvisionspub We are so excited to share with you the fantastic news - Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls is skipping past the Kickstarter phase and going straight to print! Slated for late 2022 release, this book deck will be one of the most ambitious projects for EVPub to date. From the mind of Marie McWilliams and the art of Matt Hughes comes Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls!  A 28-card Oracle Deck and hard-cover illustrated book that follows young Jane as she discovers the carnival isn't quite like it seems. Will she leave and return to her miserable life, which will, most likely, be cut short by a greedy, evil man, or will she find a family she so desperately longs for? Discover the answer in Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls - the book is Jane's story, and the cards are yours! What fate will be revealed? #carnivalofsouls #etherealvisions #etherealvisionstarot #dreamscape #dreamscapeoracle #matthughes #tarot #oracle #newtarot #neworacledeck #newtarotdeck #newtarotdeckscomingout #clown #horror https://www.instagram.com/p/CdrUsTpvW9Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamiesonwolf · 3 years ago
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This morning, I asked the cards “How do I practice stillness today?” I drew the 2 of Swords, the Ace of Swords and the 7 of Cups from the Ethereal Visions Luna Tarot. 🌟 Even when I’m not creating something, my mind is always trying to think of what it will create next, how it will finish the chapter, what this character will say, how I will solve this plot hole. I’ve been trying to find balance between rest, creating and play as I know a life with only creation will leave me empty. ⭐ I’m drawn to the Ace of Swords in the centre. On the left, it shows me holding on to everything, unwilling to let go of all the projects that I have going on. This is the mindset that I have to do everything, that it doesn’t matter how tired I am, I have to get it all done. On the right, there’s all the distractions, all the characters speaking at once, all the words waiting patiently to be written. In the centre is the Ace of Swords. It cuts through all of that, bringing the mental clarity that I need to move forwards. 🌟 In order to practice stillness, I need to let those Swords that I’m holing on to fall to the ground and turn away from the distractions within me. I need to embrace the clarity of the Sword, letting my mind become clear so that I can sparkle on. ⭐ #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarottribe #etherealvisions #lunatarot #MattHughes #creativedrive #stillness #quiet #distractions #clarity #mentalclarity #pathfoward #solitude #sparkleon #shinebright #likeadiamond #cardoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CYgs_edOC4O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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etherealvisionspub · 3 years ago
Kickstarter Launches Oct 18! One night, every few years, a mysterious carnival rolls into town. The age-worn tents unfurl under a blood moon and beacon people to the wonders it holds. Those who flock there find delight, wonder, terror, or death. It all depends on the ticket you possess... Roll Up! Roll Up! Come one, Come all to Mother Mort’s Carnival! See sights that will baffle the mind and stretch the imagination! Watch death-defying feats and flirt with danger! A Carnival so good, you’ll never leave. Follow young Jane as she discovers the carnival isn't quite like it seems. Will she leave and return to her miserable life, which will, most likely, be cut short by a greedy, evil man, or will she find a family she so desperately longs for? Discover the answer in Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls - the book is Jane's story, and the cards are yours! What fate will be revealed? From the mind of Marie McWilliams and the art of Matt Hughes comes Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls!
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tiendanostradamus · 4 years ago
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Os presentamos un tarot que ha sido súper ventas en Ingles, con lo que en Castellano será más que un éxito. El tarot Ethereal Visions, se ha editado en Castellano, como el tarot de las visiones etéreas. Un tarot estampado en oro, y que se basa con unas ilustraciones preciosas en la época dorada del Art Noveau. Y este tarot además tiene la particularidad de contar con 2 cartas más. #tdadetarots #tarot #tarotista #tarots #cartasdetarot #etherealtarot #matthughes #tiendanostradamus #tarotsdecolección #tarotwaite #tarotsmodernos #artnoveau https://www.instagram.com/p/CLnNvoLHj2C/?igshid=fnj3ruph1671
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EXTC live at the Casbah 3/11/23 @extcband #extc #extcband #extctheband #terrychambers #stevehampton #matthughes #xtc #artpunk #newwave #postpunk @casbahsandiego #casbahsandiego #casbah #casbahpresents #concert #concertphotography #itibfya #ithinkibetterfollowyouaround (at Casbah San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwtvalOYR_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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matthughesart · 5 years ago
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Almost done with the latest Dreamscape Oracle deck card! (Link in bio) www.dreamscapeoracle.com . #tarot #oracle #tarottribe #tarotreadersofinstagram #newtarot #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #tarotdeck #art #instagood #wicca #wiccan #wiccansofinstagram #matthughes #independentartist #indieartist #dreamscape #etherealvisionstarot #etherealtarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-FLAyHt8w/?igshid=i75ua08rzlte
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barefootinthewilds · 6 years ago
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After a rough week dealing with power issues with the house, The Sun is a conforting card to see in my morning spread. Everything is going to be okay ☀️ (Featuring my Ethereal Visions Tarot Deck by Matt Huges)
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drewmerritt · 8 years ago
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Signing my painting of the legendary @matthughes9x for @ufc and @justkidsofficial || oil on canvas 60x72in. 2017 || #matthughes #justkidsofficial #slayinggiants #slayingidols #slayingflies #theseventhletter #ufc (at Pg's Liquor)
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studio-b-witch · 3 years ago
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秋に出るのねー😘 多分US GAMESからだと思うのでAmazonで注文できるかと😘 #タロット #オラクルカード #リーディング #占星術 #占い #パワーストーン #雑貨 #素敵 #アート #スタジオビーウィッチ Reposted from @etherealvisionspub We are so excited to share with you the fantastic news - Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls is skipping past the Kickstarter phase and going straight to print! Slated for late 2022 release, this book deck will be one of the most ambitious projects for EVPub to date. From the mind of Marie McWilliams and the art of Matt Hughes comes Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls!  A 28-card Oracle Deck and hard-cover illustrated book that follows young Jane as she discovers the carnival isn't quite like it seems. Will she leave and return to her miserable life, which will, most likely, be cut short by a greedy, evil man, or will she find a family she so desperately longs for? Discover the answer in Mother Mort's Carnival of Souls - the book is Jane's story, and the cards are yours! What fate will be revealed? #carnivalofsouls #etherealvisions #etherealvisionstarot #dreamscape #dreamscapeoracle #matthughes #tarot #oracle #newtarot #neworacledeck #newtarotdeck #newtarotdeckscomingout #clown #horror https://www.instagram.com/p/CdrUaEtPOrU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apogeudoabismo · 8 years ago
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Triste notícia envolvendo o lutador do #ufc #matthughes @canalcombateoficial 🙏🙏🙏 Ex-campeão do UFC, @matthughes9x sofre acidente e fica em estado grave. . Segundo informações do presidente do Ultimate, @danawhite, ex-lutador estaria num caminhão e ajudava um amigo quando teria colidido com um trem nos EUA. . . #Combate #ProntPraLuta #NoticiaCombate #UFC #UFCnoCombate #ArtesMarciais #Athlete #Br #Esporte #Fight #Fighter #Luta #MartialArts #MMA #Sport #UFCFighter #WMMA #News #Noticias #Hughes #Champion #franzlima #apogeudoabismo #noticias #acidente #noset
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colorme-hopeful · 5 years ago
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