#matters of the hart
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stymshots · 5 months ago
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They’re landing right behind me, aren’t they?
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therealgchu · 1 year ago
Snippet Sunday - Sneak Preview for To The Shore
thanks @fangbangerghoul for the reminder! it's snippet sunday, everyone! for all other fic writers, post up your snippets! my chores are done for the day, so i want to read <3
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for today, as your snippet, you're going to get a peek ahead to a new chapter cos i'm still stuck on the current one. this takes place during the Matters of the Hart quest.
if you want to read my fic from the beginning, here's the ao3 link.
sneak peek INCOMING!
“That was way too easy. And, how convenient that the slate with the coordinates survived the explosion,” Hwa said from the captain’s chair. “And, did you take note of the name of the ship?
Sam looked at Hwa, getting the gist of what she was saying, as he was feeling it himself. “It was a setup, wasn’t it?” he asked. Hwa nodded. He could see anger beginning to percolate beneath her surface. She stood up and left the cockpit, and watched the emotionless mask fall again. Remind me never to play poker with her, he thought.
Hwa confronted Lillian in the galley. “This is a trap, Lillian. Cora could have seen through the plan. They want to take you out, and make the Rangers look bad, and you fell for it,” Hwa said. “The ship was named the Dumas. As in the Count of Monte Cristo. As in the book you’re reading with Cora. Is any of this getting through to you?”
“That means there’s a mole in the Rangers,” Sam added.
Hwa nodded, then turned back to Lillian. “Going forward, this is my op. You follow my commands to the letter, are we clear?” Every word she said was clearly enunciated, but with no emotion.
Lillian was bristling and already had her hackles up, “You don’t get to tell me…” she started. 
Hwa cut her off, “I do get to tell you. You are on my ship. You are putting Cora into danger. You are forcing my hand by playing into this trap that a child could have seen. You could have sent a small wet-works team to take Valerie out instead of this nonsense.”
Sam coughed, “That’s not really how it’s done in law enforcement, Hwa, but, oh nevermind…” he said half under his breath.
“Now, you listen here,” Lillian shouted, sputtering into Hwa’s face.
Hwa looked implacably back, showing little emotion, unlike Lillian who was getting angrier and redder in the face. “No. I’m done. You want my help, you play by my book.” She turned to Sam, “And, no wet-works team,” she said, “though it would have saved a lot of trouble,” she mumbled under her breath, betraying her frustration for the first time.
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zackmartin · 1 month ago
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HENRY DANGER: THE MOVIE (2025) ● dir. joe menendez
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heartandterror · 3 months ago
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Edited from this lolll
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milksetters · 9 months ago
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still on my wizard yuri stuff hi guys
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puretopia · 1 year ago
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managed to get them into their new apartment for the holidays
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shortnotsweet · 7 months ago
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[ Henry’s face is unreadable. In the background, desert mountains and vegetation rush past. Smoke rises in the distance, backlighting ambiguous red shapes that could be plant life, flaming crosses, or even ominous figures. The camera cuts to the back of the car with the invalid license plate reading “HERO”, speeding towards a red horizon. Ray twists back in his seat with a smile, reflected in the lens of Henry’s sunglasses. In the review mirror, Henry’s expression is contemplative. The shot pans to a bird’s eye view of the car eating up highway miles. ]
Charli XCX’s “Apple” from BRAT (2024): “I guess the apple could turn yellow or green. I know there's lots of different nuances to you and to me—I wanna grow the apple, keep all the seeds, but I can't help but get so angry you don't listen to me. To the airport—the airport.”
The smoke is an implication of wildfires in the surrounding area, which Henry and Ray simply drive past because there’s nothing else to do. Maybe those days are behind them. Maybe they’re just not adept in the art of firefighting, and the bigness of a wildfire is too rural or too raw for them to even adress. I think there’s a sort of irony to it, and it’s either heroes ignoring a disaster past their prime or simple not caring; they’re speeding off into an undefined future and therefore no longer grappling with apathy, but sliding into it. Thus, the road is interpreted as a junction between natural conflict running its course and urban obligation.
This was vaguely inspired, albeit not lifted directly, from my millionth or so reread of “Cuticle Tear” by atbash on AO3. Granted, it takes place in a broken-down truck and is not needlessly melodramatic, but AO3 user atbash does more with obligatory dialogue and omitted assumptions than I could do in 20 panels or so.
Specifically, the lyric “‘cause I’ve been looking at you so long now I only see me. I wanna throw the apple into the sky, feels like you never understand me, so I just wanna drive…” struck me as somewhat in line with the feeling—and example—I got from the fic.
Of course, neither yellow or green are used in the actual color palette, but the song carries themes of intertwined identity and generational effects passed down. I think Ray has imparted a lot of the best and worst things about himself to Henry, through the means of their friendship, professional, and mentor relationship. He’s not his dad. It’s worse, almost, that he’s not, because then it would at least be hereditary.
“Apple” is my favorite BRAT (2024) song right now, so of course it’s stuck in my head; I think there’s a flippant, escapist quality to it and can imagine two friends listening to it on the highway, checking out, but also—there’s not quite a realization, more like an unspoken feeling that what you are is a product. And it’s someone else’s fault. And when you look at each other, you’re seeing something else, or maybe you’re trying to. There’s something distantly escapist and obviously upbeat about the song, but there’s a disdain there, too.
It’s hardly visible, but the license plate on the car reads “HERO” singular, which is invalid but implies they have either a fake plate or Swellview is just so strange that their town itself has exceptions as to how they’re issued, again violating the laws and conventional physics of surrounding territory. They’re a weird exception, as always, and they’re getting away with it.
Their identities are so intertwined at this point that theyre conflated, so there’s an obligatory ego flattening going on as well as an erasure of both or one of them—most likely Henry’s—to accommodate. You might call it being a teammate, although how Henry feels about it after all this time is unsure.
Ray did this to him, the good and the bad doesn’t matter; it’s the fact that he did it.
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mariesbee · 1 month ago
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something something idk how to draw them yet
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msharkness · 3 months ago
Imagine being so lucky to have Kathryn force you into taking a selfie with her
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3416 · 1 year ago
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the way auston's head turns as soon as mitch points is so funny to me
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
I just finished listening to Elliot Page's book and I have to say it was an interesting piece of literature. I highly highly recommend it.
I have never read a book that is so closely aligned with myself as a trans man and my upbringing. I never thought I would read book that defines what it means to be a trans man in the public eye. I do not want to be as famous as him but I would like to make a change to the world as he has.
I am comfortable in who I am and who I love and how I choose to express my gender. Things really can and often do get better with time. And I hope that any person that sees this knows that they are not trapped in the shoes that society has put them in and they can actively choose a different pair.
I would love to read Pageboy soon; these memoirs and other art and literature are our history, part of our lifeblood as a community, and it's vital that we read each other's lives and understand that we truly are here in this world💛
It's great to read such a glowing review from you, and I'm so happy that his words lit your soul like it has
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ineedalotofaffection · 5 months ago
It’s the wearing your boyfriend’s jersey for me
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I can see why Stephen would use Valerie's death as a reason to tell everyone about the anomalys but to be honest I think no matter what she would have died. Not in a 'doomed by the narrative' way, I just think she's so stupid that she would've found a way to get herself killed no matter what.
People know about the anomalys: "oooh you're not going to look after him right, I'm the only one who knows what he likes, your going to do experiments on him to figure out more about the anomalys"
Just a regular tiger,not even a prehistoric animal: "he must've escaped from a zoo that was mistreating him, he loves me If he wanted to go back he would never have escaped in the first place."
Not even a big cat, just a very aggressive dog: "it's not his fault and I can't give him up to the authorities, they'd kill him" (because most animals that have killed at least three people get put down)
Anyway my point is Valerie would find a stupid way to justify her nonsense in every universe.
The main difference between Abby and Valerie isn't that rex is a lot safer than the sabertooth, it's that Abby knows what she's fucking doing.
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mistytpednaem · 9 months ago
man. yes my face scrunched up the first time I laid eyes on the name "eddie fender" after years of "ray shields" (which is a pretty damn good name imho) but I can't help but feel for the localisation team, being pelted with tomatoes and rotten fruit for doing more or less what they've always done
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discocandles · 1 year ago
Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper hcs:
-Jasper gives the best cuddles in swellview, it's unreal. Piper has agreed, and she can barely stand physical contact with other people outside of a firm handshake or the contact needed to maim someone; a fist bump if you're lucky. it's also most common that Jasper is the first to ask about cuddles, especially if he notices Henry or Charlotte might want that.
It's not uncommon to see Charlotte doing homework in junk n' stuff laying against Jasper while he scrolls on his phone. Honestly, it's bad for her productivity(not as bad as the man cave but still). She wants to get her shit done, but that requires grabbing her backpack, and it's comfy where she's at right there. After like a minute of mentally being at war with herself she'll be like "Is it ok if I go to the man cave to grab my backpack? I'll be right back." and Jasper's like "yeah, no problem." and Charlotte's like "ok thanks".
-They have a 1 spotify account between the 3 of them. How they manage to share a singular account is beyond me, and the laws of reason, but they do it. It's technically Henry's account, given he pays for the premium subscription, but it wasn't just his for more than like a week. Their spotify wrapped playlist is disjointed to a comedic degree. Don't even try to get through their liked songs.
They have separate personal playlists for their personal favorites. but the playlist names are indecipherable if you are not them. and they will judge each other's music tastes in the playlist description.
-This might be canon, but Charlote can read Henry like a book. Henry's eyebrows move a centimeter, and Charlotte is getting a burrito bc she sees that he's craving one. She knows the degree of "Is Ray shitting me?" that Henry is feeling the second he comes out the tube, the mask affects nothing. Everyone kinda writes it off like "It's a bit creepy, but it's also Charlotte" & "that's a normal smart person thing to do." which no, it isn't.
Charlotte is most accurate with Henry, but Henry can read Jasper better than Charlotte can, and Jasper can read Charlotte better than Henry. It moves in a triangle of sorts. They also read each other's emotions in different ways. Charlotte goes off of facial expressions, Henry by the tone of their voice, and Jasper by general body language.
-Henry is probably the best cook out of the 3 of them. None of them are particularly bad at cooking per say, but Henry is the best at it. He tries to play it off at times and suggest that they get take-out on his nights to make dinner, but that's almost always a no from Charlotte and Jasper unless he's exhausted. Also the take-out in dystopia is terrible, even by shitty take-out standards. Like you do not get take-out in dystopia unless you *have* to.
Henry's weak link? Grilling/Barbeque. The guy won't turn hamburgers into hockey pucks, but he hates working a grill, and the grill hates him back. But that's fine, as Charlotte was taught by the Lord of Barbeque, her uncle Rosco. And in terms of baking, Henry and Charlotte love Jasper's baking too much to try and replicate it. It works out well for them in the kitchen.
-Henry and Charlotte were in competition for best driver sophomore year. It started as a joke of who would chauffer and who would pay for gas. But then they were in the same car for driver's ed and shit got intense. They would point out if the other was one mile over the speed limit, roasting the other's parking, grilling each other on the exact meaning of signs.
They got their driver's test scores and it turns out Jasper is the best/safest driver. Henry and Charlotte tied at the decent score of 79, but Jasper got a 96. He jokes its his way of recovering after experiencing Piper drive in the graveyard, which she scoffed at. So Jasper is the chauffer while Henry and Charlotte pay for his gas.
-honestly it's a good rule of thumb that if two of them are competing, the other person will win. Jasper and Henry racing to the swellview pool in the summer? Charlotte's already there. Jasper and Charlotte at each other's throats over who gets the last slice of pie? They turn around and Henry's watching them while eating the piece in question. Henry and Charlotte are spending all day trying to beat a high score in a video game? Jasper takes a turn and his score is undefeated for a week.
When schwoz first pointed it out, it was kind of a point of contention. the 2 competing would glare at the 3rd person before snapping back to glaring at the other. But after the driver's license competition, it just became funny. Charlotte and Henry saw Jasper asking Piper and Ray their scores, laughing his ass off as grumbled about just barely passing his drivers test. And joined in laughing as Piper growled at him, but not quite ruing the fact the dmv fucked up about her license.
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evileyekabuki · 19 days ago
✝️🖤🪦 OEDO TAI 🪦🖤✝️
“It's just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth
Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilized
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied
It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth”
~ Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode
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