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huskyway · 5 years ago
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#MatterIsTheMinimum #BlackLivesMatter #KeepSayingIt #SilenceIsViolence https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHepeFDCvh/?igshid=bgiuffb05ug6
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abriaunique · 4 years ago
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Matter is the Minimum T-Shirt Shop Now: https://etsy.me/3cZK4sw #matteristheminimum #matteristheminimum✊🏾 #matteristheminimum❣ #matteristheminimumshirt #blm #blacklivesmatter #black #african #africanamerican #blackowned #humanrights #blmshirt #blacklivesmattershirt #blacklivesmattershirts #blacklivesstillmatter #matter #thematters #blackgirlmagic #blackman #blackwomen #melaninpoppin #melanin #blackfashion #africanshirt #etsyshop #etsyshirt #etsyshirts #etsyshirtstore #etsytshirt #etsysellersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7EdVvFtYU/?igshid=5qsh36njq92n
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blackbirdfly82 · 5 years ago
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Not gonna stop. Black lives matter.✊🏻 #protestforchange #matteristheminimum (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSHsBbByAg/?igshid=174n2m67utfhv
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thechashow · 5 years ago
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Black lives are beautiful. Black lives are necessary. Black lives are brilliant. Black lives are creative. Black lives are special. Black lives are strong. Black lives are meaningful. Black lives are caring. Black lives are multi-dimensional. Black lives are a part of you and your history. Black lives are irreplaceable. Black lives are important. Black lives are sweet. Black lives are interesting. Black lives are kind. Black lives are thoughtful. Black lives are global. Frankly, there isn’t a corner on this beautiful earth where you could go and not find something derived from a black life. Being black has taught me a whole lot about what it means to be human. Being black has helped me have compassion. It has given me countless moments where I desperately needed it. It taught me early on what compassion looked like. It, therefore, made it both necessary and easy to extend it to others. It’s easy to give what you see and need. It’s hard to give what you don’t see or know. Being black has taught me how to read a room and a person like a NY Times bestseller: quick and deep. Being black has taught me not to take you too personally and get my feelings hurt by your intent or lack of. I had to learn early on that it wasn’t me, it was you. Otherwise, I’d be walking around perpetually maimed and broken. Being black has taught me to see me in everyone. I had to. Otherwise I would never have seen me anywhere: the images and stories told to me never had people who looked like me. So if I were to see myself, I had to learn to see me, in you. Like every Father’s Day card I bought for my father (up until I was about 11), only had white fathers and daughters. Imagine little brown Cha buying a card with a white skinned blue eyed father with his beautiful white little girl with long golden hair. Nothing about it looked like me and my dad. My dad is very dark. With a curly Afro. My skin is medium dark. My head holding the nappiest stuff you ever did see. But, it was my beautiful black hair. My naps. My fro. It wasn’t long and golden. It was tight and right. Being black taught me how to see my beauty. No matter what. Being black made me see the world both big and small. #matteristheminimum (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFC58FUp5xi/?igshid=902qn23tugsn
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blackfolkinc · 5 years ago
Trying to get up on #tiktok rocking this @shop_at_tonys_tees #matteristheminimum tshirt and rocking out to @circa94beats song #TheProtest #blacklivesmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9HYiPJXAa/?igshid=482nddsbp8zl
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simply-shakera · 5 years ago
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🗣 THE MINIMUM!!!!!!!! . . . #BlackLivesMatter #SelfLove #Unity #MatterIsTheMinimum #SimplyShakera #Support #Healing #Community #Excellence #Reminder #Togetherness #Blessings (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfzhQ5lZd7/?igshid=1ish7b6zbkz91
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More signage from the #BlackLivesMatter march in #Boston organized by @answercoalition, @massactagainstpolicebrutality and others. I hope wherever Breonna, George, Tamir, Trayvon, Mike, Aiyanna, Ahmaud, Philando, and countless other stolen souls are, they see the uprising occurring in their name and that we won’t stop fighting for justice when the world of pre-pandemic distractions resumes. Protest Safety Notes: * remember to turn off your cell’s cellular data & switch it to Airplane Mode whenever you bring it to a protest. If you can leave your smartphone home and use a burner phone, great. *If you do take pictures, avoid capturing the faces of your fellow protesters. * During COVID19, plain black masks are ideal because they are not distinctive and black makes it harder for facial recognition software to work. It’s for these reasons that black clothes that are neither tight or baggy are advised. * Google how to remove metadata from any pictures you take. It can be surprisingly easy! Also, a phone screenshot of a picture contains no metadata. Godspeed, friends. #blm #nojusticenopeace #justiceforbreonna #blmmarch #blmprotest #blmboston #matteristheminimum #humanrights #civilrights #policebrutality #defundthepolice #protestsigns #protest #antiracist #georgefloyd #breonnataylor https://www.instagram.com/p/CBTN2KFgLzh/?igshid=sbnmowts0gr2
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michael--reyna · 5 years ago
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MATTER IS THE MINIMUM. The arrest of George Floyd’s murderers and calls to defund police are steps in the right direction, but only the tip of the iceberg in terms of righting hundreds of years of transgressions against Black people. White people, we are obligated to go above and beyond in educating ourselves on the history of systemic racism in the US and in fighting back against that racism EVERY DAY. You can swipe for a list of things I’ve watched/listened to and found educational, enlightening, and powerful. #matteristheminimum (at Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBR6oMUjlIn/?igshid=1sblpn38dpfmi
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najmdesignsphotos · 5 years ago
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#MatterIsTheMinimum EVERYONE is entitled to basic human rights. Here’s a summary of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights(signed by the US in 1948). Imagine what this country would be like if black/indigenous ppls rights were upheld & not violated regularly.
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We all have our own thoughts/ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody,whatever our differences. 
3. The Right to Life. to live in freedom & safety.  4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave.
5. No Torture. No one can torture us
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. 
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. 8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. 
9. No Unfair Detainment. 10. The Right to Trial. 
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. 12. The Right to Privacy. 
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.  14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.  
15. Right to a Nationality. 16. Marriage/Family. the right to marry & have a family if we want to. 17. The Right to Your Own Things. the right to own things or share them. 18. Freedom of Thought. 19. Freedom of Expression. 20. The Right to Public Assembly. 21. The Right to Democracy. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. 22. Social Security. We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, childcare, enough money to live on & medical help if we are ill or old. 23. Workers’ Rights. Every adult has the right to do a job,to a fair wage for their work,& to join a trade union. 24. The Right to Play. Rest from work & to relax. 25. Food & Shelter for All. 26. The Right to Education. 27. Copyright-a law that protects one’s own artistic creations & writings 28. A Fair & Free World. 29.Responsibility-We have a duty to other ppl ,we should protect their rights & freedoms 30.No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights #DoingGoodAlwaysFeels #Najmah53 (at Barclays Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIphOohIR0/?igshid=ggiwzl4g468a
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angrymangamusicland · 5 years ago
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alsana2 · 5 years ago
When assessing, diagnosing, & treating Black women with #eatingdisorders, it is vital to recognize all the ways emotions & connection are unique within the Black community. https://t.co/R3e1CpcATK#DECOLONIZEhealthcare #matteristheMINIMUM
When assessing, diagnosing, & treating Black women with #eatingdisorders, it is vital to recognize all the ways emotions & connection are unique within the Black community. https://t.co/R3e1CpcATK#DECOLONIZEhealthcare #matteristheMINIMUM
— Alsana (@alsanallc) September 3, 2020
from https://twitter.com/alsanallc/status/1301582876971077632
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alsanallc · 5 years ago
When assessing, diagnosing, & treating Black women with #eatingdisorders, it is vital to recognize all the ways emotions & connection are unique within the Black community. https://t.co/R3e1CpcATK#DECOLONIZEhealthcare #matteristheMINIMUM
— Alsana (@alsanallc) September 3, 2020
via Alsana News and Videos
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angrymangamusicland · 5 years ago
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