#matpat. augh
smile-files · 1 year
aaaugh matpat why must you monopolize internet theory-crafting... i bet whatever welcome home theory he comes up with (no matter its quality) will be immediately absorbed into the heads of his tons of viewers who are only seeing the story for the first time in his video and all of the nuances of everything will be drained out from the general public's perception of the arg :(
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rarefandomsowo · 9 months
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gammaliminal · 11 months
his What now
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(ive heard of it but ive never watched it and. if its as bad as i think it is im going to fistfight matpat in the walmart bike aisle/j)
so. basically. he made a video on what pyro's gender is and it's so bad besides not including trans people, not including nonbinary folks, he uses a proven to be FALSE pseudoscience (length of fingers) to determine that pyro is (specifically) a Gay Male
and besides that it's something that's been studied and proven false, tf2 also has like, a CARTOONY ARTSTYLE SO IT WOULDNT EVEN BE VALID BESIDES??? AUUHH
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pixlokita · 9 months
Have you heard the news? MatPat is retiring...
While I support him, it's heartbreaking to see him go...
Augh this is the only ask I’ll answer regarding this TTwTT but I’ll be honest and say it’s depressing to see him retire but also? Hope he’s ok going forward and focus on his mental health and enjoy time with his family :’> he’s been working hard and now he needs his well deserved break 👌💖
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argentsunshine · 6 months
hey not doubting you at all, but do you have any specific proof that points to matpat being a plagiarist?
augh i had a whole thing typed up and Tumblr ate it
short version: there's been a lot of allegations for years. the hermitcraft one seems pretty cut and dry to me. he has also just stolen theories from the source material itself - when he made a theory on a series i shan't name, his whole theory was something explicitly canon in the books, and he doesn't acknowledge that once.
now for my own personal evidence. i consider this less "proof" and more "occam's razor says plagiarism, and the other explanation is that he's incredibly dumb". under cut because it involves fma and chemistry neither of which i can shut up about
so, here's the video in question:
I'd use more screenshots to prove my point here, but apparently game theory can't afford captions, so I'll just explain the old fashioned way.
Matthew is trying to prove that the Elric's formula for a human (water 35 liters, carbon 20kg, etc) is incorrect (ie. does not have the right elements in the right proportions to make a human.)
to do this, he has to convert the several compounds (water, ammonia, lime, salt, and saltpeter) into elemental masses.
first, he divides each element by its molar mass. so for water, that's 35,000g/(18g/mol)=1,942mol. this is correct. don't get used to it.
so saying you have a "mole" of something is kind of like saying you have a "dozen" of it - you know if someone has 2 dozen eggs, then they have 2x12=24 eggs, because a dozen means 12. moles are like that, except instead of 12 it's 6.023x10²³. so the moles we just calculated is the number of molecules of water that are in 35L - 1,942mol converts to ~1.17x10²⁷ molecules.
this next bit is where matthew goofs it. he says that to get from the number of water molecules to the number of oxygen atoms, you multiply the number of molecules by the percent of the weight of the water that is oxygen, so about 89%. i hope you can see why this is incorrect. (if you can't: each water molecule has one oxygen atom in it, so the number of oxygen atoms in the water is the same as the number of molecules of water, not 89% of it.) he then uses these incorrect figures to calculate the elemental masses. these are his final masses (which, for some reason, he doesn't show clearly):
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but after a few jokes, he shows this table comparing the fma numbers to reality:
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ignoring that the top ones are in g and the bottom in kg, you can see that he only gets the same numbers if he didn't have to do any conversion. somehow, hydrogen goes from just under 700g to 4.5kg. he doesn't explain why the numbers changed or where the new ones came from.
so, i did the maths myself (here's the full spreadsheet if you want to check my work):
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(you'll note my "matpat mass" doesn't match either set. i was doing what he said he did in the video. i have no idea what else he did to get some of his numbers. i think the hydrogen one might be because he added the correct mass from ammonia to his incorrect water mass? the oxygen i have no idea because. matthew how is there less than 3kg of oxygen in 35kg of water, even ignoring the other oxygen containing compounds)
now some of my numbers are a bit off because of rounding errors, but you'll see that my numbers agree pretty well with the wikipedia-looking chart. this is because i, unlike matpat, understand how to do chemistry calculations that they teach to babies (fourteen year olds). but the change in Matthew's numbers from two points thirty seconds apart in the video raises the question of where the hell he got them from. way i see it, there are two explanations:
1. matthew did realise he'd explained everything wrong and his maths was off, but decided to publish the video without correcting his explanation or his first set of numbers anywhere;
2. matthew stole these numbers from somewhere else, where they'd been calculated by someone who understands chemistry 101, and couldn't even understand the chemistry well enough to replicate their results.
why bother saying all of this if it proves nothing? i need you to understand that i was in chemistry for babies when this video came out, and deep in the weeds of my fma hyperfix and my chem hyperfix. this has bothered me for a full third of my life. this isn't an explanation it's an exorcism
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swoodthis · 2 years
Kirby is the litmus test of redemption. Seeing Meta Knight, King Dedede, and even Magolor become better, even genuinely heroic, through their friendship with Kirby just… AUGH. I love it…
This also unfortunately indicates Matpat is quite possibly beyond redeeming.
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personadaylight · 4 months
Personally I really don't like the idea of beastial flesh men being in my furniture like bro get out of there freak augh [this is talking about vina carnis mimics]
I ate one of them once /j
I like that analog horror one! Though it would give me nightmares so I’m only able to watch the matpat theory about it
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dopaminegyro · 11 months
i think people freaking out abt matpat in the fnaf movie is the chronically online version of when marvel people see famous actor cameo in marvel movie. god imagine if markiplier was in it too....... augh
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fuckmatpat · 6 years
Blocking someone doesn't block their posts unfortunately. I've done so to like twenty popular a**holes but I still see theirs ten times a day.
Wait really? Why is tumblr like this, ill take the post down. Ugh this website can be so frustrating sometimes :/ from now on well slash out m//at//pa//ts name and only do the “anti matpat” tag. Lets see if that works (with this site it’s a flip if the dime)-mod james
EDIT- no it doesn’t block it, augh ill work on this.
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