#mathonwy oc
pigeonwhumps · 8 days
Bug and Company masterlist
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @whumpinggrounds @den-of-whump
@painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump @alphabetofwhump
Alphabet of Whump: H is for Home
A recently discarded, desperate pet approaches a house he hopes might hold kind people.
(or, Charlie finds a home)
CWs: BBU, pet whump, zip ties, restrained, mention of possible amputation (non-medical), starvation, implied non-con, self-dehumanisation, crawling
The pet crouches in the mouth of the alleyway, watching the house opposite.
Not– not directly opposite. But nearly. Shiny bronze numbers on a polished wooden door. Neat brickwork. Big front garden filled with native plants. Polished swirly fence and gate. Sparkling tiled path.
The pet has been watching this house for a while now, and he has learned three things.
1) He has never heard shouting. Not at anyone, not even the woman who works there. The man sometimes speaks sternly into his phone but nobody ever shouts or screams or yells.
2) Everything is neat. But he doesn't think it's a show house where only perfect people live (he's nowhere near a perfect pet (a perfect pet wouldn't think) (a perfect pet wouldn't be thrown away)).
3) The man has a dog. A puppy. He walks it, and the woman walks it, and sometimes the pet can see around the side to watch the puppy being played with. He got close, once, and the puppy sensed him but didn't attack. It doesn't have any scars that he can see. Maybe, if they're kind to that puppy, they'll be kind to this one too.
The pet's stomach cramps, hard enough to force him to double over, feeling nauseous. Even if they're not kind, it'll be better than starving.
He's good at begging.
It'll be better than being found here. Then he'll be hurt, and hurt again, and sent back to the people who took his name and threw him away. And then they'll chop his forearm off to get rid of the barcode and leave him to bleed out.
He doesn't want to die yet. He wants to be loved useful again first.
(Pets don't have wants. Bad mutt.)
He stands. The puppy will be let out into the garden at some point, and that's his best option for getting in. Pleading his case.
He hopes he's made a good choice. He's not known for it.
(He shouldn't be making decisions at all.)
It still feels profoundly wrong to walk instead of crawl, something in his body twitches and burns and aches with punishment, but he's learned that he has to, especially when crossing the road. People look at him with disgust if he doesn't.
His knees threaten to give out, but he keeps walking. It's the longest he's walked without stopping. Maybe not ever, though. He still has longings for a hike with the good kind of ache.
(Pets shouldn't long for anything that isn't their owners.)
(Bad mutt.)
The pet pushes the latch of the side gate up with his bound hands and shuts it again once he's on the other side. It's very fiddly.
There. There's the garden, in all its green glory. He settles in the bushes to wait for the puppy to emerge, half lying down, leaning on his elbows.
It's not long before the back door opens. Or maybe it is, maybe he's retreated again like he's prone to when he's not required to be an active participant in being used.
(He's not supposed to do that. Bad mutt.)
The dog comes charging into the garden. It's round, with stubby legs and a too-long tail that it hits itself in the face with. The pet loves it.
(Pets don't have likes. Bad mutt.)
He shakes himself out of his head and starts pushing himself towards the open back door, towards where he needs to wait until whoever let the dog out returns. He doesn't want to miss his chance.
He's walked too much today. It's tricky to crawl with his hands tied in front of him, but he manages it, pulling himself along. He settles into a kneeling position just behind the door.
Footsteps approach. A woman sticks her head out of the door and calls, "Mathonwy! Here, boy!"
The pet pushes himself the last few inches he needs to go to make it to within her sight. She looks... friendly, he hopes. Not too polished.
(He's allowed to hope.)
She sees him and freezes.
"Well, you're not Mathonwy."
The pet looks up at her with his best puppy dog eyes, hands resting on his legs. He yips pathetically.
Most people don't like dogs that talk.
"No, you don't have to– you can talk. Can– can you talk?"
"Yes, miss," he whispers hoarsely. It's been a while, and his mouth is so dry.
She smiles, though it looks a little forced. The pet hears thundering behind him and Mathonwy barrels into his side. He falls and the puppy starts licking his face.
"Oh, for– Mathonwy, come!" Mathonwy lets him go reluctantly and returns to the woman for ear scratches. "Sorry about that. Young staffie cross, and we're still training him. This is Mathonwy, and I'm Mandy. Are you okay?"
The pet nods and sits back up. He's always okay, although no-one's ever asked him before. "Right. Well. I assume you wouldn't be here if you had anywhere else to go, so come inside. No– you can walk, you don't need to– I mean, whatever makes you feel comfortable I guess. What do I call you?"
The pet heaves himself up against the doorframe. His name was Fido, but that was taken when he was thrown away. He's not their dog anymore either, not if he's not there. He can still be a puppy, he was sometimes that for clients and nobody's said he can't be, but he doesn't even have the ears for it. And it might get confusing. He's not a mutt, he's not being bad, he's sure he's not. Is he? That's not a status he can give himself, only a person can decide that. All he can remember otherwise is his designation.
"I– this puppy is– I– my designation is 726E, miss."
Maybe he is a mutt. That was a mess, and not even a cute one, which clients sometimes excuse because puppies make messes.
"Okay, well, that isn't much of a name. No offence."
How could the pet take any offence? He's not supposed to feel anything.
And yet, he knows that isn't true.
(Just another reason to add to the list of why he's so unwanted.)
Miss pulls a chair out from the table and swivels it around, patting the dark wood. "Sit down here, hun. We'll cut those zip ties and your collar too, and then I think you could do with a bath and some food. What do you think?"
Baths are icy with soap that stings, and he hasn't been able to keep any food down for a while (it's part of the reason he was thrown away and what if she discovers and does it too?). Not having a collar means he's unwanted or about to be used so heavily, so violently, that it might be damaged or stained. But there's only one possible answer.
"Yes, miss."
Miss brings over a pair of scissors as he manoeuvres himself into the chair, crouching down (which is wrong, wrong, wrong) and taking his hands. With a couple of cuts, none of which break his skin, the cable ties are on the floor.
Cutting the collar is much less pleasant. It's thick, heavy leather, and stuck to his skin in places. He can't stop himself from crying out, especially when she starts dabbing at the edges with a wet sponge to loosen it.
"I'm sorry, hun. Nearly done now."
Miss' touch is quick and efficient, no lingering or stroking that's always a prelude to something awful that he was trained to do, and he finds himself leaning into it. He has no ears to scratch behind but this is almost as good.
"Oh, hun." She sets the scissors down and drops the sections of collar onto the floor (his neck feels so much lighter, and so wrong), gathering him into her arms. He stiffens, startled, and then realises this is just gentle. It's not sexual or painful part of his function, it just is, and he leans his head on her shoulder, giving up on stopping the tears escaping.
Dogs don't cry, they can't, but nobody's ever managed to train it out of him.
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patchdotexe · 2 months
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forgot to post these, oops. here's the drawings i showed off of everybody on stream this week! im especially fond of Matt's because i have no idea what that expression is supposed to be. you wouldn't hit this catboy with a forklift, would you? you would? uh oh.
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autisticlalna · 3 months
silly oc brainthoughts:
the LORE Association* occasionally works alongside the X Society**, mainly providing info on Entity MP84 "VikingPilot" and related anomalies like Entity MT101 "Rubyco". while the X Society aims to observe, contain, and potentially terminate anomalies if they present a threat, the LORE Association instead is observation and speculation.. most of which sounds like complete nonsense.
Dr. Mathonwys*** (or Object DV32, because of being an X Society anomaly himself. he finds this very funny.) is the lead LORE Association researcher, but usually just comes off as deranged. most known for writing very long theses on potential outcomes, making a 48-page powerpoint, and writing up 200+ pages of transcript over the course of two months while in a manic episode. doesnt actually have a doctorate in anything but he thinks it makes him sound more professional
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^ the face of a guy who has lost control of his life
anyway this is mostly because the idea of utah having to call up another organization for documentation help and getting this disaster of a mask is. something. receiving information but At What Cost (having to listen to leontids talk for 5 paragraphs about eye colors)
* (either Largely Overthinking Roleplay Events or Long and Obnoxiously Running Escapade, depending on who you ask) ** (utah's organization, working to document and contain anomalies) *** (that is not leontids's last name usually but im known as mathonwys in most relevant places so this one gets to be a mathonwys)
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corgi-nub · 2 years
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Drew this of my OC Math (as in Mathonwy, not mathematics) using a pose posted by @adorkastock this month
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getallemeralds · 4 years
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warmup doodle!
one of the things im known for when doing palanauts streams is yelling “HEY” very, very loudly at my cat whenever she does something she shouldn’t be, because even though i love her she can be a bit of a bastard
also i need to draw sol more so hes prolly gonna be my warmup doodles for a bit
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caught-drawing · 4 years
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First batch of Artfight drawings! I don’t know if I’ll keep up this complexity, but I sure am having fun! 
These characters belong to, in order: @mathonwys Toastermatic Fairen229 and @jaydegal1002!
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v4shthestampede · 4 years
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my oc devil, who is a relgere, a closed species that belongs to my friend @mathonwys!!!
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magsinthe · 4 years
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so @mathonwys got us on the HLVRAI train and now... i cannot stop.
this is my oc now. i love him. i would die for him. 
imma start reblogging hlvrai shit soon. be warned.
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gwagedd · 4 years
Tomen y Mur
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Mae Tomen y Mur neu Mur y Castell yn safle caer Rufeinig a chastell o'r cyfnod Normanaidd yng Ngwynedd; cyfeiriad grid SH709384.
Saif Tomen y Mur ym mhen draw lôn fechan sy'n arwain i'r dwyrain oddi ar y briffordd A470 rhyw chwarter milltir i'r de o'r gyffordd gyda'r A487, i'r de-ddwyrain o bentref Gellilydan ac i'r gogledd o Drawsfynydd.
Credir i'r gaer Rufeinig gael ei hadeiladu o gwmpas 77 neu 78 OC. yn ystod ymgyrchoedd Agricola yn y cylch. Yn wreiddiol roedd muriau pridd yn amgylchynu sgwar o tua 1.7 ha.. Yng nghyfnod yr ymerawdwr Hadrian, tua 120 OC., ail-adeiladwyd y gaer mewn carreg. Cafwyd hyd i ddeg maen gyda arysgrifau yn cofnodi gwneud y gwaith yma gan wahanol "ganrifoedd" o filwyr; mae un o'r meni hyn yn awr yn nhafarn y Grapes, Maentwrog. Credir fod y gaer wedi ei gadael erbyn canol yr 2g. Gellir gweld nifer o olion Rhufeinig diddorol yno, gan gynnwys amffitheatr fechan, baddondy a mansio, gwesty ar gyfer teithwyr. Roedd y gaer ar ffordd Rufeinig Sarn Helen, a gellir gweld olion y ffordd yn y cyffiniau hefyd, gan gynnwys olion y bont lle roedd yn croesi Nant Tyddyn-yr-ynn, ychydig islaw Llyn yr Oerfel, oedd yn cyflenwi dŵr i'r gaer. Rhedai ffordd Rufeinig arall drosodd i Bennant-Lliw ac i gaer Rufeinig Caer Gai ger Llyn Tegid.
Mwnt y castell: Mae cyfeiriad at Domen y Mur, dan yr enw "Mur y Castell" yn y bedwaredd gainc o'r Mabinogi, chwedl Math fab Mathonwy. Mae Lleu Llaw Gyffes a Blodeuwedd yn byw yno, wedi i Flodeuwedd gael ei chreu gan y dewin Gwydion fel gwraig i Lleu.
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ohkraken-a · 4 years
oc muse list breakdown :
the witchers :
arianrhod vch beli mawr, the kraken of kovir
math fab mathonwy, the leviathan of lan exeter; uncle to arianrhod
peredur; not a witcher, but he’s sort of a package deal when it comes to arianrhod; survivor of the great cleansing
the royals : 
lunete vch mathen, former princess of cidaris, queen of ashka; younger sister to king ethain of cidaris
eigyr annfwn wledig berwald, former princess of verden, queen of brugge; older sister to king ervyll of verden
the magic users : 
nüwa, druidess to the crown prince sildred of a vassal state of kovir
ragnheiðr, accessibility-minded druidess to a circle on skellige; later flaminika
the lawbreakers : 
za’shala, elven courier of the scoia’tael
shohreh, grifter, con-artist extraordinaire; always on the run
the secret-keepers : 
achilde ysmaine cunégonde terzieff-sauvageot, higher vampire, owner of the  terzieff-sauvageot vineyard in toussaint
huli, doppler with a unique mutation; serves alongside vilgefortz
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patchdotexe · 10 months
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in tribute to my favorite pokeficdaily post
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elilian-elkins · 4 years
Art Fight - 2020
[fr] Voici les attaques que j’ai dessiné pour l’Art Fight de cette année, dans l’ordre chronologique.
[eng] Here’s the attacks I drew for this year Art Fight, in chronological order.
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Simon belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/xdarksolesx.
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Sol Mathonwy belongs to @getallemeralds​
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Valor belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/sparxshine
Youtube link to the animated attack (too big to post) : https://youtu.be/vvyoDFcZlow
Spice, Sathe Saizwell, Melo, Soethci Volkr, Jacinthe Legrande, Mercutio and Mayor Wesse belongs to https://spekkalart.deviantart.com/
Sugar belongs to https://drecanic.deviantart.com/
Sherbert belongs to @electrisa​
Gan belongs to https://lohcy.deviantart.com/
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Vulred belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/sparxshine
Setan belongs to me
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Thunder belongs to @wytchwoods
Nye belongs to https://toyhou.se/nye
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Kaba and Soot belongs to https://instagram.com/Simply._.Phil/
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Sen-Yen and Allan Kiertz belongs to https://bird-blood.deviantart.com/
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Ex belongs to https://spekkalart.deviantart.com/
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Tess belongs to https://drecanic.deviantart.com/
The two animals aren’t OCs, just drew them for this one.
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Zeula belongs to @losttidelover​
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Artist, Anti-Artist and Occulus belongs to @sandcastle-art​
The Mega Doodler belongs to @kamirain-fr​
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Kodi/Kody belongs to https://wishpelttt.deviantart.com/
[fr] J’ai hâte de participer au prochain Art Fight ! Je dois bien travailler sur des références en attendant. ~
[eng] Can’t wait the next Art Fight! In the meantime, I have to work with references. ~
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interstellar-borb · 5 years
Im callin some bitches out
Eh ive been seeing stuff bout calling out your friends at the end of the decade so why the F not.  @mathonwys Bro you are litterally my brother from another mother and your ocs/art is the cutest shit ive ever seen, when i fanboyed about you joining into my dam life it was litterally the best day of my life. i dunno whats going on in your life atm but fuck i’d love to talk to ya again i always miss those days @professional-shitpost when you got introduced to my life via asks on askblogs it possibly was one of the best things ever. you all have so many ideas and stories as well as quirks of your own that made my day, especially with the humor we both could generate if left in a room alone. i dunno whats happening in your life by now but FUCK do i miss ya like i miss leo. you legit became one of my greatest friends @nn4nn4stuff bitch not only are you my borderlands and horror go to kinda chick i always loved your content. anthro or not it was some of the best things ive seen all of my life, i may forget to talk to you from time to time but god dam i still see you as one of my good friends
@mother-of-thots-returns girl your possibly another one of the best story tellers/roleplayers out there that i never get to talk to but think of you as a bro none the less, the motening was one of the best things that ever happened in those times when it was still good. rock on girlfriend i will always be around to say “mot mot mot mot mot mot” another day.
@jackie-from-the-seafloor you seabound lil binch your askblog is legit one of my favorite things out there and its plot is one of few things that’ll keep me awake for a whole 24 hours if given the chance to just read it. your art style is a litteral aesthetic to me much like another artist friend i 100% will call out for being so fucking awesome even tho i haven’t truely talked to em as a friend in almost a year now.
@arttu-nh NOW HERE WE HAVE A BEING THAT HAS AN ADORABLE ART STYLE AND A SPACE THEMED ASKBLOG I LOVE TO DEATH, you are still one of the best people ive ever met on tumblr and in the just shapes and beats fandom like everyone else on this list! i can’t wait to see/hear more from you
fuck i can’t tag some people but i know two discord owner friends that were also appart of my friend group that ive never forgotten you both are the best and im thankful as hell you brought me into another fun place with alot of cool people. i may feel dead there or feel like i don’t really belong but you both are awesome none the fucking less.
i’d tag more people but i dunno if they still use tumblr or even want to hear from me since the jsap incident. im still devastated over that incident but fuck do i miss you all and want to do more then just call you out on all of your awesome perks!!! i hope all of you that still watch me since then have an awesome new years and move on into the new decade with a positive note.
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riftclaw · 4 years
mathonwys replied to your post “@mathonwys it happened ~80 years ago but yeah curie absolutely got...”
(i know a bit abt curies backstory dhakdbhavsba)
god you know it’s really funny because i’d never thought about it before but curie’s situation actually is kind of similar to penders’ knuckles
(experimentation, implied child abuse, suicide mention under cut)
curie’s father was a paranoid asshole and the discovery of radiation and its effects happened a lot faster in amalgam’s version of earth-- humanity started weaponising it much much earlier-- and curie’s father was a mobian transplant who’d gotten trapped on the earth side of the barrier in some european country or another
he joined up with the russian state and became part of their science team studying it, and the idea of the world becoming “infected” with radiation was a big scary one to him, so he started experimenting on making people who could survive in a totally irradiated environment. when it became clear what he was trying to do was failing on every human test subject he tried, he turned to the only mobians he had access to who couldn’t argue- his five young children.
the process was basically just growing this arcane collection of not-organs in a vat, then doing a transplant after removing the natural organs to make room for them, adding some radioactive fuel, then relying on the mobian body’s inherent adaptability to bridge the gap and make it work. it failed on all of curie’s siblings, but curie survived
some time after curie was stabilised, dude was found dead in his office, seemingly having committed suicide
nobody else had any idea how to deal with curie, so they locked him up in a lead-lined box until V came in something like 80 years later. curie was basically a feral child at that point, incapable of communication and frightened of everything, but V managed to coax him out and get him to safety, where his life actually began
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getallemeralds · 4 years
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today’s warm-up doodles: sketches of my fursona, Sol! who i dont draw nearly as often as i should.
i usually draw myself as Leonaut nowadays bc i guess that’s turning into my ~online image~ bc of Palanauts, but Sol is still dear to my heart!
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caught-drawing · 6 years
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A BOY. More specifically @mathonwys mun/jsab oc! I can’t do lineless to save my life but Lord I’ll try
EDIT I fixed the transparency!
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