a-dumbass-jester · 6 months
Kurau kurau kurau kandō ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ
Kurau kurau kurau kandō ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ
Kurau kurau kurau kandō ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ
Bi no aji-bi no aji
Koi no bimi (〜^∇^)〜
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amygdalae · 17 days
He keeps interrupting, hes so fevered, he's panicking, and it's really funny to see him huff, but it's aggravating to watch like, this is our politics? Children quarreling. Ive seen discussion about how when biddn was in office he could bully him because Biden had years of experience in his career for Trump to nitpick and tease about, but Harris is completely alien to him he has nothing to harass her about besides stuff he's wrong about and doesn't have the brain power to come up with material to bully Harris over so he just fumes like a racist uncle getting spoken over at thanksgiving
It's so nuts man.
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anon098004 · 11 months
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(I just copied some random Jason clothes cus I was lazy..)
@sea-lanterns uh, uh, uh, killer woman puppy eyes yes.
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wawataka · 9 months
my roman empire in mp100 was that one fan made comic where shimazaki verbally announces teleporting behind teru, saying “i’ll krump with you sweetie pie,” before punching him in the gut and the last thing teru thinks before blacking out is “why did he say ‘teleports behind you’ out loud…” i constantly think about it. and the broccoli tree arc
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thesoundofmadness · 2 years
when you know an absolute banger of a song but you can't send it to your s/o bc you don't want to trigger them
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helizawa · 2 years
what’s the url so i can block
if this refers to the post in which i complained about a proshipper's fanart, the user is cadriox skxksjdjdjsjjdjenmss
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babybutchianthe · 5 months
do i think there is a legitimate conversation to be had around the fact gideon's conception involved john being sexually assaulted by augustine and mercymorn? yes there is and i would love to have it! do i think we should debate whether wake—whose apparent 'motherhood' is based on the fact she impregnated herself with john's genetic materual out of pure desperation, not even expecting it to work based on the age of the sample, because the eggs mercymorn gave her didn't work, in a bid to produce a baby genetically similar enough to him that killing it would allow her to unlock the tomb—was a good mother? absolutely not and i think that it is completely irrelevant because even if you decide to go ahead and consider her a mother, which she did not consider herself to be, by virtue of her conceiving a child then you're judging her parenting skills based on her fleeting interactions with a foetus that she nicknamed bomb, which is very much not going to give you an accurate assessment of whether she is a good mother.
also i must ask you why you think we need to debate whether she was a good mother or not, what purpose does that serve, why is that the most interesting aspect of her to you, what relevance does it have to her character as a whole
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artzykrowz · 2 months
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“ Go on, eat. ”
Heavily based off the song Binomi by materu :3
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fortheloveofarchons · 6 months
Been playing Love and Deepspace for the past few days and here's my take on this.....
Content warning though, it's gonna be a long post! And this is just coming from someone who only played the game a few days ago so this is just my first impression!
Let me just say this, algorithm...
It's your fault for making me download the game.
You knew I like hot attractive fictional men. You knew I like bratty boyfailures. You knew I like older, stoic yet kind men. You knew I like mysterious softboys.
So you bombarded me with L&DS content on my socials, my home, my walls, and even my grass!!! I won't forgive you for dragging me into another gacha hole, especially when you knew that I promise myself to never spend a dime on any of these games!!! (I'm an f2p player)
Anyways-- Here's my take on this game as a newbie.
The VAs and character designs?
Amazing. I love the boys (including Caleb) and the MC customisation is really detailed. Though, I wish we could have short hair MC permanently but I'm glad we get to experience it on photoshoots. I do wish we get to explore more of the boys on the main plot cause it feels a bit underwhelming. Then again I just finished chapter 3 so we'll see!
I love the dates and the playtime mode since it gives us time to get closer to the boys and understand more about their past and their characteristics. (I'm convinced the claw machine gacha is so random cause one day Xavier won a lot and the next it was Zayne)
I will say tho for now I feel like Rafayel is more developed and interesting compared to the other two. I like Zayne in terms of how much he really cares about his patients and how he was closer to MC back then, but I wish we get more of him soon. For Xavier he's such a mystique as well and I really like him too! Overall, I wish we get more events dedicated to Zayne and Xavier.
The fluidity of the animation and graphics?
Really good considering that I'm playing it on mobile, I set it to medium and its runs pretty smoothly without any low pixelated quality. I love how detailed the backgrounds and designs are, and I really love some of the cinematic shots the developers added during the date scenes. I can't wait to pull for more dates for the characters!
Combat wise?
It's fine for now ,and I really appreciate the proceed 10x button when farming for materuals considering that I'm more of a casual player rather than a combat one.
Though I'm still frustrated that one of the requirements of getting 3 stars for extra diamonds would be to win the combat within 90 secs and I'm like-- boy if that dragon didn't have that short animation I would've gotten it faster!!! If it had been 120 secs I would have gotten it easier... I know that the whole combat system will get a bit complicated the more you ascend your hunter level so I'll just farm for materials just to prepare the inevitable.
Also I wish there were more ways to gain more exps for your hunter level instead of doing the daily tasks. Imagine you are about to head to the next chapter get some main content and yet you can't bc your hunter level is just two level away so you have to wait for the next day...
The plot?
I would say its okay for now since I'm about to head to chapter 4 and even though I finished chapter 3 it still feels like the beginning. The worldbuilding is really interesting but I'm still a bit confused on some aspects of the story. Overall, I can't wait to finally see Caleb on screen (I already saw him on Youtube and I wish he's playable he's so pretty sksksksks)
Edit: I just finished chapter 4.... what in the sweet metaflux world... CALEEEBBBBBB!!!!!
So yeah this is my impression on the game as someone who only joined after a few days! I hope to see more contents for the boys and I can't wait for more chapters (I spoiled myself at chapter 4 and my god... I want Caleb to be playable plzzzzz)
I'm aware that as a newbie my opinions are probably flawed considering that it's barely even a week since I joined, I would love to hear some advices from you guys just so I can prepare myself in terms of combat and to understand more about the characters if I missed anything about them!
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keltherealone · 2 months
あいしていたのに - MATERU
Gonna be talking about the video now
I feel like this is actually trash but also I spent so long on this I'm not gonna NOT upload it
Yes he's beating up val, I just didn't wanna draw her (sorry val) that's why the hearts r yellow and the medical heart is there at the end
heres ur tag @pama-saga
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wildflowercryptid · 9 months
tealmaskshipping has infected my brain so severely so here are some very specific things ( like themes & imagery ) i accociate with mjverse!kieflo :
kieran-specific — hydrangeas & hinoki cypress, glitches, folkflore, nightsky, angel / bird wings, yellow + red-violet + green, the porygon line, darling by materu ( jayzeroey ver. linked bc i really love it ) & figure you out by djo
florian-specific — lily of the valley & yellow roses, mythology & fables, mornings, butterfly / moth wings, scarlet & vermillion, the rotom line, fireflies never came by harumaki gohan & dandelion by iyowa
hedgehog's dilemma
destiny knot / red string of fate ( with it tangling around kieran's neck & florian's legs )
mutual obsession & idolization
cupid & psyche
and suddenly everything is different. they have looked at each other.
sacrifice of the self ( sacrificing one's identity vs. sacrificing one's safety )
leaning on each other ( for support or as a display of affection )
unyielding devotion
deep admiration
daybreak / sunrises
anemone & bellflowers
shades of magenta
the applin line ( and apples in general )
songs — goodbye, my danish sweetheart by mitski, friends with you by the scary jokes, fireworks in the summer end by jin
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itslouisan · 3 months
Well, short post on Urahara as a vocaloid fan
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Okay so, I said how I believe Urahara is a vocaloid fan in my last post, so I thought why can't I elaborate? Hell maybe expand it to what I think other characters would listen to
• He'd like Miku, Vflower, Fukase, Len and Kaito songs.
• His first ever vocaloid song would be strobe light, world is mine, triple baka or rosary pale; (even though I'm sure there's others songs he'd like and I'll talk about it in a second)
• He'd love the idea of virtual singers, probably nerding out to ANYONE about how he thought it was a great technology for musicians who didn't want to expose themselves, were beginners or just wanted to experiment something new, and how he thought this source could be the future of the music industry or even idol industry, having so much potential to evolve and change (which he was correct)
• He would probably try his best to go to a magic mirai show, would get the light sticks, everything.
• About producers, I think he'd be into Kikuo, Materu, Wowoka, Kanaria, Aira, Pinocchio, Akka and Deco 27 (perhaps Ichika too), but there's millions of producers, and since I'm not fluent in japanese, I can more easily list songs than the producers unfortunately since searching about the producers takes time and has a language barrier, specially considering vocaloid is all over the place and in theory everyone who makes music using vocaloid, even covers and small stuff, could be a producer, so ehhhh-
• Collects figures. I think he would be more into the complex figures and looks rather than the prize ones that are simpler
Some examples of figures I think Kisuke would like:
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Songs I think Kisuke would relate/like more than others:
1- Strobe Light
An underrated song, in my interpretation of strobe light, it talks about breaking the routine, a girl who's so stuck in it she craves for something new but doesn't have the courage of trying. At the same time could talk about the line between life blurring and becoming gray, boring, with nothing interesting easily, it talks about how everyone around you seems to move on while you're stuck in a point of your life trying to change and try, still people move on, die, give up, and you can't do anything about it, yourself wanting to give up and feeling lost.
My take is that Kisuke would like it since he'd find it in his early months of exile, feeling lost, that everyone moved on, that he'd have to fight to adapt and survive in this new life, together with guilt of his friends being stuck with him now and losing their lives due to his own mistakes. He'd be stuck in a lifeless hopeless situation and routine, trying hard to break free but unable to, after all the situation wouldn't allow him to. He'd crave for freedom, for giving everyone comfort and rest, yet he couldn't rest, stop, live comfortably for a long time, everything blurring out, I think he'd listen to it a lot in his first MP3 player.
2- Cinderella
Okay urayoru moment, in my view, Cinderella is about 2 people leaving everything behind, their lives, their expectations, just wanting to be with each other and trusting that despite the odds of their situation they can be together and happy having each other's company even in dark times with a great love and trust to change their lifes
WHICH IS SO KISUKE AND YORUICHI??? Yoruichi giving away her status, her expectations as a member of the Shihōin clan, her old life, everything to save her friends BUT SPECIALLY Kisuke, trusting that he could pull it off and make a better life for them.
3- love trial
A song about someone who had such a terrible experience in love and relationships, that lost the trust completely in others, judging a partner who had previously liked and had affection for, and in the first place trying not to warm up to them and liking them again.
Another urayoru take, because we all agree Kisuke has trust issues, but I say maybe he always liked Yoruichi, but, because of his issues, when Yoruichi WAS ready to show and give him affection, he wasn't ready in the first couple of weeks or months because of previous events in his love life and life in general (which I hc Kisuke never got the handle of emotional romantic relationships and his first time doing sex with someone was terrible so yup, poor thing) but eventually melting this resolve and accepting he wanted to be happy with her.
4- Plus boy
OKAY HEAR ME OUT, he IS a pervert, no matter what you think, SO A SONG LIKE THAT FROM LEN? Hell he eats it up, plus, plus boy is about a teen boy (or teens in general) and the first signs of sexual attraction and leaving the childhood innocence of stuff, I hc Kisuke became more perverted around 14 years old, so it matches. Plus it's fire.
5- Copy cat
So, Kisuke definitely can't get the handle of social interactions and social cues, I view him as the nerd cast out kid, so, I imagine due to my hc of him having autism, he learned with time to mask all his "undesirable" and "unlikeable" traits that pushed people off, taking this facade for so long he copied the behaviors of other kids, teens, colleagues, liked people, viewing himself as someone with no essence or real personality, that is, he said "fuck it" at some point stopping the masking traits but still having personas, which is progress I guess when we're talking about Kisuke and the fact Shinigami are ageless so this could take centuries of evolution :v
Honorable mention:
In one of the asks kon made, we can see the door of Kisuke's room in the shōten, which translated to "Kisuke's castle", FIGHT ME BUT THIS DOOR DEFINITELY BLASTED WORLD IS MINE INSIDE THERE SOME POINT AND HAD LED LIGHTS CHANGING COLORS TO IT, WEARING A PRETTY DRESS AND CROW.
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dailyterumob · 2 years
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hi welcome to daily terumob where i draw them at least once a day everyday until i get tired
-call me shark! he/they. my main art blog is over at @melonsharks.
-umm i try to post daily, but sometimes ill take a sporadic break. im not gonna be super strict about this, im doing it for fun!
-requests are always open, but i take requests more as suggestions than anything else. feel free to send one in :D
-dont be weird in my asks please.
-DNI if you ship re*mob, mobr*t, sh*materu or ANY proshippy stuff like this. i am so serious.
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sotogalmo · 2 months
Sad fun fact: Flor and Rosca actually have been together for ~4 years (I have experience). The anniversary of Sai & Vera's fight is the same one for Flor and Rosca's relationship (I don't know the day).
They are so Even Though I Loved You by Materu.... (cover by P1nkgu1n)
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moonlightspread · 3 months
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Japanese sounds:
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English meaning:
If I could wait for the starry sky of Tanabata while feeling your body heat and your voice, I wouldn't even be afraid of tomorrow.
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lexgox · 1 year
Why does Magical Doctor by Materu not only fit Q!Forever's arc rn but also the fact that the Federation has done experiments on living beings?
(volume warning for the song if you listen to it for the first time)
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