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babybutchianthe · 4 hours ago
They need more funds now and it's rather urgent
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babybutchianthe · 5 hours ago
Please help my friends Marah and Mahmoud and their lovely family!
Hi all, i'm going to keep this very quick. As you may know, the bombing in gaza resumed yesterday, and many people have been martyred. Marah and her family narrowly avoided one of these bombings, according to her brother, who I am in regular contact with.
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They are still very hungry on top of this. Please share and help if you can! Thank you!!
I am hosting this campaign btw!! ^0^
@mahrahpalestine @palestinian95 this campaign is vetted, please check marah's blog(s) out!
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babybutchianthe · 11 hours ago
Rabah has asked me to post his words, in the hope that some hope may be found:
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My friend, before my heart breaks from our suffering, I write to you as if my words are the last thing we have left. The enemy bombed a house near us, and there, amidst the rubble of our homes, we witnessed unforgettable scenes: innocent children losing their lives, innocent children covered in blood, and adults dying while dreaming of a better day.
In every corner of Gaza, and on every street corner, tears of pain and grief echo alongside the relentless sound of the relentless bombing. We have lived through dark days filled with fear and destruction, and now we search among the rubble for a glimmer of hope to protect us from this nightmare.
I appeal to you, my dear friends, to extend a helping hand to us in these critical moments. We need to raise money to save ourselves and escape the Gaza war to live in peace outside it. Not only that, but our father, who now needs a cancerous tumor removal operation, is waiting for a chance to escape this hell in search of the treatment that could save his life.
Please help us restore hope and save our lives. Every donation and every word of support is a light that illuminates our path to survival in this darkness. Let us stand together against the destruction and build a future of peace and dignity.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and let us turn our suffering into a story of hope from which life can be restored.
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babybutchianthe · 1 day ago
I am so thankful that most of my Palestinian family members have survived, but the fact that some of them didn't (one of whom was a child only fifteen when he died) will weigh on my soul forever. And even through that suffering I know I am fortunate, for many more people have lost their families entirely, and even more have been killed. There isn't anything I can say that hasn't been already said, but please keep Palestinians in your heart in the coming days, and in the years after. Don't forget what has happened.
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babybutchianthe · 1 day ago
Our Lives Have Become Hell.
We live in extreme poverty, with little food, endless hunger, daily oppression, and constant fear. Children are dying in silence, and large numbers of them are lost in a single day. We have lost hope in life, and darkness surrounds us from all sides.
Your donation can ease this immense pain. 🍁
(Don’t forget, this is the reality—we are not in a dream)
Don’t forget us—do something, anything! Share, donate, like—help us survive.
vetted by :@/90-ghost @/bilal-salah0 This campaign #152 on Butterfly Effect Project vetted list!
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babybutchianthe · 1 day ago
Dear my family
With deep gratitude and excitement, I’m thrilled to share that we have reached our first goal in our fundraising campaign! This wouldn’t have been possible without your generosity and trust. Your contributions have made a real difference, and we are truly grateful to each and every one of you who donated, shared, or supported us in any way.
But our journey isn’t over yet! Our next goal is to reach $5,000, and with your continued support, I know we can make it happen. You can keep the momentum going by donating here or by sharing this update with your friends and family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Together, we make a difference.
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babybutchianthe · 2 days ago
Hey, this fundraiser is only £1,575 away from the goal! Please donate and share so Mohammad Abdullah can pay for the accommodation, living, and travel expenses for his family who are temporarily staying in Kampala, Uganda.
Who is Mohammad? He is a Sudanese refugee as well as a full-time student in the UK. He has not seen his mom, sister, and 2 brothers since 2018 and he is in the process of reuniting them. You can learn more about it here.
You can match me! I've given £5, but you're more than welcome to give more!
The fundraiser has been shared by sudan.updates on IG!
Tagging for reach. Please leave a reply if you wish to be removed. Thank you.
@eternal-moss @writerqueenofjewels @paradoxpenrose
@blockcat17 @decadentdandelion311 @rudeworm0 @eldritchdyke
@ronniemity @mads-byttyrs-viande @silver--magpie @veri-berri
@issues-oclock @meltymoths @wolstinien @fienfuryypolarbear
@wamly-the-crab-god @stealthjet @chronicowboy @italofobia
@swimzreblogs @nb-marceline @cicadaland @2blushie
@antiauteur @acnologia-is-best-dragon @bitchmael @penelopiaad
@laughtracklesbian @b0nkcreat @uwu-pinata @syntheticspades
@haruspexism @bloodandgutsyippee @nekomacbeth @ashirpa
@relelvance @drag-on-dragoon @postanagramgenerator
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babybutchianthe · 2 days ago
Happy Ramadan to us and to you ❤️🫂
I would like to thank you for your previous help in reaching 90% of my campaign goal for My Children and My Family and I am grateful to you for what you have provided us.
I would like to renew my hope that you will continue to help me and my family to get through these blessed days.
I would like to recover and return to my work in importing to help rebuild the Gaza Strip and help citizens obtain goods from me at prices that are suitable for them.
I hope you stand by me and help me. I am very grateful and thankful to all of you. Never forget us.
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I hope to get everyone's support from you.
@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish-stinks @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @vampriina @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhater98 @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @yekkes @hotvampireadjacent @tododeku @marxism-transgenderism @el-shab-hussein @valtsv @90-ghost @paper-mario-wiki @heritageposts
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babybutchianthe · 2 days ago
I just discovered two of the people on the campaign I created were murdered. One of them was a child.
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I feel like an absolute ghoul posting these conversations online but I need people to understand what is happening. I've been talking to Abdul and his friends almost every day since last year. I know them.
Every time the messages stop I know I may never even find out what happened to them. When and if they start again, I find out who is left.
Five people still need immediate transport from an area scheduled for bombing.
2/7 people evacuated
Vetted #47
For anyone who has donated or shared so far: you can and are helping. Please, please don't stop supporting these campaigns in any way you are able.
@ana-bananya @raccoon-in-a-hoodie @mintidotxml @infinitemacaroni @livindeddreamz-rbs-and-nonsense @weirdmarioenemies @amvs @lun4rc0w @purpleweredragon @aetharis-starcaller @bobanchikn-reblogs @twstchatterbox @weirdmarioenemies @ugisfeelings @cosmicgamerboy @justmagicalgirl @slowbrobutch @andnowanowl @plum-soup @nyanfaer @prececosmica @majesticcupcakequeen90 @wouriqueen @coffeelich @bubonicherald @beargif @laurajameskinney @bulletbilltime @liphia @cyber2000 @zingay @binglam @somedudeoutthere @rooksongbird @frogbrainedfool @the-ending-of-dramamine @mossdeep @redsavesquare @uninvited-eon @glenbot @ultimateumbreon33 @disastersim @airsigh @cowboy-queer @lapastelr0sa @northgazaupdates2 @riotbard @boobieteriat @gazavetters @gaza-evacuation-funds @tamamita @thatdiabolicalfeminist @vague-humanoid @gorps @gothhabiba @commander--salamander @smitethestate @thegleampt2fromtheglowpt22001 @redstarovermoundcity @commiekinkshamer @tamarrud @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @bixlasagna @eduaurdothewendigo @hopeconstruction @femmefitz @nevert-the-guy @colombogramme @stalinistqueens @houseofpurplestars @necronatron @wearywoes @heydreamchild @autisticthassarian @rickybabyboy
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babybutchianthe · 3 days ago
What Strength Really Means 💪
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537} ✅️
Hey everyone, my name is Abdelmajed. I don’t usually talk much about myself, but today, I want to share a little piece of my story.
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I was born and raised in Gaza, a place that has always been my home 🏡. I grew up surrounded by my family, my friends, and the streets that I knew like the back of my hand. Life wasn’t always easy, but we had love, laughter, and dreams. I used to think that no matter what happened, home would always be here. But life has a way of changing things in ways we never expect.
Over the past months, everything I once knew has disappeared. The streets that were once filled with children playing are now silent. The houses that held so many memories are now just rubble. And the people I loved—some of them are gone forever. 💔
✅️ Vetted by @gazavetters {537} ✅️
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babybutchianthe · 3 days ago
My friend is surrounded by the army
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The IOF has given my friend Abed @mohmad5 and his wife @safa-abed seven hours to leave before bombing starts.
They are crouched in the rubble of their former home waiting to die.
The road costs $1000 per person. I have no hope of getting him this without help. Please do what you can for him.
Vetted #47 (his wife is also vetted)
tagging for visibility. (sorry if you get a lot of these and this is annoying, i just need to try circulate this as quickly as possible)
@northgazaupdates2 @riotbard @boobieteriat @gazavetters @gaza-evacuation-funds @tamamita @thatdiabolicalfeminist @vague-humanoid @gorps @gothhabiba @commander--salamander @smitethestate @thegleampt2fromtheglowpt22001 @redstarovermoundcity @commiekinkshamer @tamarrud @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @bixlasagna @eduaurdothewendigo @hopeconstruction @femmefitz @nevert-the-guy @colombogramme @stalinistqueens @houseofpurplestars @necronatron @wearywoes @heydreamchild @autisticthassarian
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babybutchianthe · 3 days ago
Please help me Loauy😢
My son has been paralyzed and needs your support through your donations, as they give him hope for a new life and treatment abroad. He is living in difficult, tragic circumstances due to the lack of treatment, food, and essential daily supplies.
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Since October 7th our lives have been completely destroyed.. Our house and everything we own have been bombed.. And now Gaza is a very dangerous place to live.. We want to get out of it but we need your support through your small donations.. It makes a big difference in our lives and gives us hope.
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I thank you very much and I hope you help me with treatment and getting out with my son Louay....😢🇵🇸
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babybutchianthe · 3 days ago
Desperate Plea: A Call For Relife‼️ 🥀
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Hello, It's Momen Al Madhoun, writing from the most miserable area in the whole world, I am deeply thankful to all of you. Your support means the world to my family
🍉🍉🍉 I urgently plead you to keep sharing our campaign with your friends, family, and acquaintances
15 months have passed as if it were 15 years, and suffering increasing day after day 😔 Our health is decaying, we have NO IMMUNITY to fight diseases. No healthy food to feed our worn cells. Finding a quiet, clean place for us to get some rest is IMPOSSIBLE! I'm in urgent need of serious financial support so that I can take action and save my family! Our faces speak the misery we're going through! my children can't bear the ruthlessness of war life… pain and cold does not allow either of them to sleep 💔
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I found in drawing a way to relieve stress and describe what we are experiencing, but even this i was deprived of, due to the difficulty of obtaining good internet and electricity for a sufficient time If you are interested in art, you can check I my blog I and find my artworks, i hope you will share them and support me to continue fighting and trying Every share and donation brings us one step closer to saving my family's lives. Your support, no matter how small, holds the power to rescue my loved ones from grave danger There are no words can describe how many times we have been displaced The situation we're living now is really hard to imagine Where do we Go?
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Imagine the vastness of this universe, we cannot escape to a safe place far from the war
🍉🍉🍉 We rely on your donations to have a shelter and provide basic daily necesseties. We need your contributions and support with us, no matter how small it may be for you, but it makes a difference for my family 🙏🏻 Please, Support us with 10$, 25$, or any donation you can make and it will be really appreciated 🙏🏻
🌟 Our campaign is vetted by 🇵🇸 @/gazavetters List at #291
Donation link 🙏🏻
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babybutchianthe · 3 days ago
Thank you so much for vetting Ibrahim's (#446) fundraiser. I've been trying very hard to get verified somewhere, so I'm so glad you stepped in. It's brought him many more donations, and he is very happy. I was wondering if you could add his instagram and tumblr information into the masterlist.
He is on tumblr @ebrahimtarek2002 and his instagram is @/ibrahimtareqj.
His cousin, Ahmed al-Najjar, is also on tumblr (@ahmedalnajjer) and instagram (@/ahmenshawkyalnajjar). He has his own fundraiser, and I'm not sure if you can verify him, but I asked Ibrahim about it, and he said it is legitimate (they follow each other on Instagram too).
Thank you so much again.
Thank you for contacting me about this. I have checked his social media accounts and everything checks out.
His fundraiser is now #456 on our vetted list.
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babybutchianthe · 4 days ago
please consider donating to shaima's fundraiser (verified #55)
[ @familgazaamal1 ]
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babybutchianthe · 4 days ago
I am so thankful that most of my Palestinian family members have survived, but the fact that some of them didn't (one of whom was a child only fifteen when he died) will weigh on my soul forever. And even through that suffering I know I am fortunate, for many more people have lost their families entirely, and even more have been killed. There isn't anything I can say that hasn't been already said, but please keep Palestinians in your heart in the coming days, and in the years after. Don't forget what has happened.
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babybutchianthe · 4 days ago
Desperate Plea: A Call For Relife‼️ 🥀
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Hello, It's Momen Al Madhoun, writing from the most miserable area in the whole world, I am deeply thankful to all of you. Your support means the world to my family
🍉🍉🍉 I urgently plead you to keep sharing our campaign with your friends, family, and acquaintances
15 months have passed as if it were 15 years, and suffering increasing day after day 😔 Our health is decaying, we have NO IMMUNITY to fight diseases. No healthy food to feed our worn cells. Finding a quiet, clean place for us to get some rest is IMPOSSIBLE! I'm in urgent need of serious financial support so that I can take action and save my family! Our faces speak the misery we're going through! my children can't bear the ruthlessness of war life… pain and cold does not allow either of them to sleep 💔
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I found in drawing a way to relieve stress and describe what we are experiencing, but even this i was deprived of, due to the difficulty of obtaining good internet and electricity for a sufficient time If you are interested in art, you can check I my blog I and find my artworks, i hope you will share them and support me to continue fighting and trying Every share and donation brings us one step closer to saving my family's lives. Your support, no matter how small, holds the power to rescue my loved ones from grave danger There are no words can describe how many times we have been displaced The situation we're living now is really hard to imagine Where do we Go?
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Imagine the vastness of this universe, we cannot escape to a safe place far from the war
🍉🍉🍉 We rely on your donations to have a shelter and provide basic daily necesseties. We need your contributions and support with us, no matter how small it may be for you, but it makes a difference for my family 🙏🏻 Please, Support us with 10$, 25$, or any donation you can make and it will be really appreciated 🙏🏻
🌟 Our campaign is vetted by 🇵🇸 @/gazavetters List at #291
Donation link 🙏🏻
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