#matchmaker fics
inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
Hey!! May I have some cute fluffy or cracks fics where either Mrs. Hudson or Molly or Lestrade tries playing Johnlock matchmaker, leading to some initial chaos but finally managing to get the two idiots together?
Been a long time since I last visited your inbox. Do let me know how you're doing, Steph. Thank you for doing Lord's work. Take care<33
Hey Nonny! *HUGS*
Awww, I'm glad to see you here!!
I'm NOT going to be a big help here at all, Nonny, I'm really sorry!! Here are my Matchmaker-adjacent fics:
Irene the Matchmaker
Mrs Hudson Finds Out
Papa Lestrade Fics
Molly Plays a Role
Mycroft Plays a Role in This Fic
Mycroft Plays a Role Pt. 2
Mycroft Plays a Role Pt. 3
Matchmaker Mycroft
Mycroft Flirts With John
If ANYONE can help me out with more specific fics for Nonny, it would be appreciated!!!
Hope you enjoy what I have anyway, Nonny! <3
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destieltaggedfic · 2 months
Shippers/Matchmakers - Part 7
One – NovaNara   Ao3
Set S4.  Very early on in the apocalypse to be, Gabriel realises that he may be able to prevent his brothers killing each other if he can just give their vessels different choices.  Luckily his little brother’s obvious crush on Dean may be the answer to that if he can get Castiel to act on it.
Word Count: 11k                              Non-Graphic Sex
You Can’t Spell Heller Without Hell – everydayistuesday   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Having to deal with Dean and Cas may be annoying for Sam and Charlie in real life, but at least in fanfiction there is usually “resolved’ sexual tension.  Which is what gives Sam the idea of using fanfic tropes to actually get the idiots together.
Word Count: 9k                                 No Sex
Talk Some Sense To Me (Kenopsia) – ImYourHoneyBee
Set 15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Dean wasn’t expecting a gift from Death, and he definitely didn’t expect it to be Cas given back to him.  Despite telling Cas nothing between them was going to happen because the angel deserved better, Cas is not letting Dean go that easily and joins in on the Winchester’s latest project, to open the long-defunct MoL bases for hunter use and yes he will continue flirting with Dean.
Word Count: 244k                            Graphic Sexual Acts
What's a little dying between friends? – carnationqueen   Ao3
Set S12 AU.  What Crowley knows is that breaking the lance of Michael will cure Cas.  But he also knows that dying will take a long time and that having an ever shrinking amount of time left between them might actually kick Dean and Cas into admitting their feelings for each other.
Word Count: 27k                              No Sex
Absconditum - orphan_account   Ao3
AU.  When he accompanies his sister Claire to a convention for the tv show Not Natural Cas Novak doesn’t expect to accidentally become friends with Gabriel - one of the cast, he doesn’t expect to have a connection with the star Dean, and he doesn’t expect to get an acting job on the show especially as Dean’s love interest.  So now they have to balance their attraction on-screen and off while Dean is still hiding his sexuality.  This fic is basically I can’t believe its not Cockles.
Word Count: 78k                              Non-Graphic Sex
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elliethefroggy · 2 months
Buck doesn’t let his jealousy get the better of him, doesn’t body check Eddie at the basket ball match, Tommy doesn’t go over to his apartment, there is no kiss, Tommy does not ask Buck out on a date.
What happens instead is this:
Tommy becomes an honorary 118 member, starts hanging out more and more with everyone from 118. By extension, Tommy starts spending more and more time around Buck. Tommy finds it very inconvenient when he starts crushing on a supposedly straight Buck (Tommy tries to resist but that resistance crumbles every time Buck smiles at him).
Queue Tommy secretly pining over Buck, and sighing longingly whenever he catches a glimpse of Buck.
Now in my mind, Tommy and Chimney remained pretty close after Tommy left, close enough for Tommy to drop everything the moment Chim calls to steal a helicopter. Chim also undoubtebly knows about Tommy’s sexuality.
This means that Chim is witness to Tommy’s pathetic pining. This also means that Chim is there to catch Tommy spending far too much time looking longingly at Buck’s various assets.
“Buck’s going to remain straight no matter how long you stare at his ass,” Chim reminds Tommy. This is not the first time Chim has had to remind Tommy of this.
Tommy sighs despondently, “I know. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire the view.”
“This wouldn’t be nearly as difficult if Evan didn’t have both gorgeous looks and gorgeous personality,” Tommy says one night at a bar. Being a good friend, Chim has started taking Tommy out whenever Buck’s straightness becomes too much for Tommy to bear.
“He’s just so adorable,” Tommy continues.
“I know, buddy,” Chim says, patting Tommy on the back (Chim has also had to pat Tommy on the back a lot as of late).
“Are we sure Evan’s straight?” Tommy asks after the first beer.
Chim, with absolute certainty, says “Yes, now get over yourself, you sad, sad man.” And then Chim buys Tommy another beer because he’s a good friend.
And because Chim is such an amazing friend, Chim can’t help but pay attention whenever Buck and Tommy interact, mostly to make sure Tommy doesn’t make too much of a fool of himself.
Which means he’s also watching Buck, and he’s watching Buck watch Tommy.
And that’s when the doubt creeps in.
Chim’s known Buck for a few years now, has seen what Buck is like around women he’s attracted to, knows what Buck’s pining face looks like.
And he’s seeing that face now whenever Buck looks over at Tommy.
At first Chim doesn’t believe his eyes, figuring that listening to Tommy compliment every single aspect of Buck from his eyelashes to his laugh has corrupted Chim’s brain, making Chim see things that aren’t there.
Because Buck’s straight.
The more Chim watches, the less he’s sure. Because there’s Buck being somehow both endearingly awkward and seamlessly smooth around Tommy. There’s Buck spending way to long gazing into Tommy’s eyes, and staring at Tommy whenever Tommy’s not looking. There’s Buck zeroing in on Tommy every time Tommy enters the room; There’s Buck holding onto every word coming out Tommy’s mouth. There’s Buck laughing at every one of Tommy’s jokes (and, sure, Tommy’s a funny guy with a real dry sense of humour, but he’s not that funny).
If Chimney didn’t know any better, he would say that Tommy’s not the only one who’s got a crush.
All signs are pointing to Buck wanting to hold Tommy’s hand, go on romantic walks along the beach with Tommy, as well as do more than PG13 things to Tommy.
Does Tommy actually stand a chance?
Chim doesn’t want to get Tommy’s hopes up straight away. He needs to make sure that his hunch is correct. He needs to gather more data.
So Chim starts inviting Buck and Tommy everywhere he can think of, and then pretends to take a really long time in the bathroom so that Buck and Tommy can have some alone time while Chim is hiding behind a bush or a potted plant depending on the location, spying on them.
Tommy, because he’s a very observant person, notices Chim in the bush with binoculars pointed at where Tommy and Buck are seated, and confronts Chimney after Buck has gone home.
And Chim can’t keep a secret for shit, so of course he tells Tommy about his doubtS even though he really doesn't want to disappoint Tommy if it turns out that his hunch is wrong.
“I’ll keep investigating,” Chimney says, once again patting Tommy on the back, watching hope bloom on Tommy’s face.
Chim continues inviting Tommy and Buck to hang out, sometimes inviting others as well to avoid suspicion (Buck isn’t suspicious at all, but Hen has start narrowing her eyes at Chimney).
Tommy calls it torture, Chim call it science. Oblivious Buck is just concerned about the amount of time Chim spends in the bathroom. He asks Chimney if Chim’s having any any bowel problems. Chimney insists he doesn’t, but Buck figures Chim’s either putting on a brave face or is too embarrassed. Buck doesn’t bring it up again, but he does leaves some pamplets regarding bowel problems and their causes in Chim’s locker as well as sends Chim links to various medical websites.
Chim is mortified. Tommy finds it hilarious. Chim decides to attempt a different approach.
To try and throw Hen off the sent and to further advance his research, he gets Karen to drag them all to a gay bar to see how Buck reacts around other queer men (Karen is very amiable once Chim tells her of his suspicions; she always enjoys gossip).
Chim and Karen sit opposite Tommy and Buck, the better to observe them. Eddie, poor confused Eddie had to be discretely elbowed aside when he tried to sit next to Buck, and has been dragged next to Karen, supposedly so that Karen can arrange a play-date between Christoper, Denny and Mara. Though Karen is paying much more attention to Buck’s every micro-expressions than any word coming out of Eddie’s mouth.
Unfortunately, the gay club is a bust because Buck’s too busy learning about monster trucks from Tommy to pay attention to any other attractive man at in the bar. It’s hard to tell if Buck’s attention is due to an attraction to Tommy or if he’s just really interested in soaking up new information in that spongy brain of his.
Chim starts leaving queer memoirs scattered around the fire station (Karen gives excellent book recommendations).
Chim starts commenting on attractive men they see on the tele when it’s a particularly slow day at the station. He does this to such an extent that some of the members of B shift are wondering if Chim’s the one with a case of latent bisexuality. That thought is strengthened in their minds when Chimney starts bringing some those magazines with the romance quizzes in them: ‘Best guy for you’; ‘Your ideal guy’; ‘What your celebrity crushes say about your love life’; ‘Take this quiz to reveal your partner’s star sign’; etc.
Then Chim very loudly goes on about how gay and single Tommy is whenever Buck is in earshot (and now some of B shift think Chim’s planning on leaving Maddie for Tommy).
The first time Chim brings up how gay and single Tommy is, Tommy takes him aside to ask him what the hell that was about.
Chim says in response, “Listen, if Buck isn’t 100% straight, he needs to be aware that you’re on the market so that he doesn’t go check out all the other male fish in the sea.”
Buck doesn’t make a big deal out of Tommy being gay, acts his usual self. Though he does manage to slip into conversation that he’s an ally. And when Buck does that, Tommy feel his hope to one day hold Buck’s hand during a romantic sunset walk along the beach shrivels up a little inside him. Chim gives Tommy yet another commiserating pat on the back, and takes Tommy to a bar later that night so that Tommy can drink his problems away.
Meanwhile, Buck knows that Tommy being gay isn’t a big deal, but for some reason Buck can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s not like he’s ever had a problem with anyone’s sexuality before, so what is it about Tommy?
And representation really does matter. Here Buck is, being confronted with a Man, a big, muscular man like himself, who enjoys going to the gym like himself, who’s in a similar profession to him. And this man is gay.
And that’s going to cause something in his mind to shift. Maybe he doesn’t notice that shift at first, maybe it’s only subconsciously.
Maybe he’s going to start picking up a few of those memoirs that Chim’s been leaving around; Buck’s always been fond of non-fiction after all.
Maybe he’s going to ask Hen and Karen about their experiences figuring out their sexuality, their coming out stories (during this conversation, Karen will be staring intently at Buck, looking for any signs of the queer thoughts Buck may or may not be having).
(Chim is very happy with this because pointedly asking Hen and Karen about their queer experience was next on his game plan.)
Buck doesn’t ask Tommy about his sexuality though, not yet at least. Buck can’t seem to bring himself to ask Tommy. Though he doesn’t know why.
Then Buck does as Buck does best and goes on a research binge about all the different sexualities, but more specifically bisexuality (I imagine there is at least one sexuality quiz during that research binge).
And, at the end of that research binge, the results are conclusive. Buck is bisexual. Maybe he says that out loud in his empty apartment “I am bisexual” and it feels right and it feels so very exciting.
Once he realises that he’s bisexual, a lot of things start making sense. Including Tommy’s ass. Tommy’s very fine ass that Buck can’t help but stare at. And Tommy’s eyes. And Tommy’s hands as well. And Tommy’s laugh; And definitely Tommy’s smile. Basically all of Tommy.
Buck keeps his newly discovered sexuality to himself for a bit, wanting some time to himself to live in this new reality of his, basking in this new part of himself.
Also so that he can spend a few days staring at attractive guys without any knowing looks from his loved ones.
Turns out he spends most of those few days staring at Tommy which, again, makes sense.
Because he is such an open book, it doesn’t take Buck long to come out.
He decides to tell everyone at the next get-together. They’re all outside, having another barbecue at Bobby’s and Athena’s. Tommy is also present for this.
Everyone is of course supportive and happy for Buck. Chim is forcing himself to stay still, even though he really wants to jump up and down, high-five Karen, high-five Tommy, and then shove Tommy in Buck’s lap.
Meanwhile, Tommy is in his chair, having a deer-in-the headlights moment, staring up at Buck, wide-eyed, slightly pale, a forkful of potato salad halfway to his mouth. Tommy is so frozen that Chim has to nudge him so that his fork continues its journey to his mouth.
Tommy chews on the potatoes mechanically, no longer paying attention to the delicious taste that he’d been previously enjoying, too busy trying to act normal and trying to rein in his growing hope. By Chim’s side-eyes, Tommy isn’t doing a great job.
As the night goes on, Tommy forces himself to not approach Buck no matter how much he wants to, mostly because has forgotten how to act like a normal human being.
But then Buck is right there, in front of him.
“Hey,” Buck says.
“Hi,” Tommy replies. So far so good.
Buck is looking at him, and Tommy is trying to remember what he’s meant to do with his hands.
“Congratulations,” Tommy forces out because congratulations are definitely in order, “How are you feeling?” He asks, genuinely curious.
“Good,” Buck says in that sincere way that comes so naturally to him.
“Yeah, great. I feel, I don’t know, lighter I guess. I mean, I’m still me, but now I know why I spend so much time staring at men’s asses.”
Tommy snorts, “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
There’s a pause. Buck’s staring at Tommy, and Tommy’s staring at Buck, and neither want to look away.
“Hey,” Buck finally says, “tell me if I’m completely off base, but there’s this little Italian restaurant I’ve been meaning to try, and I was wondering if you’d want to come with me.” Buck stops, swallows. Tommy watches his adam’s apple move. Buck continues “Like, as a date.”
Tommy forces his eyes back up away from Buck’s neck.
“A date?” Tommy repeats, the hope inside him soaring.
“Okay,” Tommy says, smiling, not sure if he can believe what he’s hearing.
“Okay,” Buck says, smiling back. It’s a smile so soft that Tommy wants to trace it with his fingers, but they’re definitely not there yet and Tommy’s trying to act normal.
“Okay,” Buck repeats a little breathlessly, that soft smile still in place.
(During this whole interaction, Chimney is hiding in a bush, binoculars in hand. Karen is at his side, asking him what they’re saying.
“I can’t read lips!” Chim says, though he tries anyway with mixed results.
But then, Hen comes along and puts a stop to it, dragging Chim and Karen out of the bush and confiscating Chim’s binoculars.)
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smeddiemunson · 2 years
Gareth notices first and as soon as Gareth has a thought he has to share it.
They’re at Hellfire (now hosted in Mike Wheeler’s armpit of a basement) having just finished a long combat when Eddie declares it time for a break and without any further preamble dashes up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and calling dibs on the main bathroom. 
The others are taking a bit longer to get to their break. They all stand like they’re in some kind of synchronised swimming competition and all reach up in unison to crack the various bones that need to, heaving out groans and mumbles about shitty chairs. 
“So,” Gareth says as he rubs his fingers in his eyes. “Eddie has a crush.” 
Jeff collapses back in his chair to burry his face in folded arms with a groan. “I can’t do this again, Gare-Bear.”
Gareth wrinkles his nose at the nickname, and mentally curses his mom for using it around his friends. They’ve never been able to let it go. 
“Wait, what?” Dustin asks. His head is bouncing between Gareth, Jeff, and Grant, eyes tracking over their faces to see if they’re just trying to fuck with him. As if Eddie’s love life wasn’t already tragic enough without the added fun of trying to bother some kids with it.
Grant nodded sagely. “Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here.” 
Mike, who had been half way towards the stairs, now joins in. “What gets worse? He’s being normal Eddie, or like, as normal as Eddie can get.” 
Gareth shares a long look with his bandmates, all seemingly coming to the same conclusion. These kids were here to stay, that much had become clear after the Spring Break/Eddie in a coma Saga, so they could be let in on a few Eddie secrets, not the big one, never the big one until Eddie told them. These were more secrets about Eddie that Eddie was completely unknowledgeable about. 
“You remember the bartender at The Three Brothers we spoke to to find out about the curse?” Gareth says, somehow becoming the voice for the older members of Hellfire. “Did you notice the way Eddie described him?”
“He talked a lot about his hair?” Will offered quietly. He was new to Hellfire so Gareth didn’t really know him, but just from the way Will played his cleric, he could tell that he was a damn sight more observant than his friends. 
“Exactly!” Gareth pointed. “That is Clue 1 in the ‘Eddie Munson Has a Crush’ textbook. He gets so hung up on that one thing that he likes the most about who he’s crushing on, get ready to hear a lot about the NPC’s hair. Clue 2 is that when he comes thundering down those stairs in a minute and realises we haven’t actually done anything with our break, he won’t be shitty about us taking extra time. He just gets nice outta nowehere.”
“Eddie always hates when he has to wait for us though!” 
Jeff finally pulled his head up from his arms. “Just watch, and it’s the one good thing that’s going to come from this crush, so make the most of it.” 
The four boys all gave each other looks that seemed to be conveying a whole conversation. They seemed to come to the same conclusion just as Eddie, as Jeff predicted, thundered down the stairs, skipping the last one so he could jump to the floor and theatrically clap his hands. 
“Who’s ready to get fucked up by what I have planned next?” He asked, not even noticing the way the rest of the boys hadn’t moved from their places stretching next to the table. 
“Sorry man. I still gotta go to the bathroom,” Lucas quickly said before Dustin could start grilling Eddie about his crush. 
Eddie shrugged with a smile. “No worries, Sinclair. You gotta go when you gotta go, right?” 
This was particularly offensive to Mike, who when he first joined Hellfire had been forced to squirm in his seat for over an hour while Eddie threatened to kill his PC off if Mike left the table to use the bathroom. He turned his gobsmacked expression to Gareth who could only raise his eyebrows in a kind of ‘told you so’ gesture. 
Lucas, to his credit, didn’t let on that he was also gobsmacked and rushed up the stairs. Will and Mike followed him quickly, stumbling out an excuse about getting more drinks. Eddie being amenable was seemingly still too new to let them make the most of it, the Corroded Coffin boys had at least been through this three notable times before.
“Get me a coke while you’re up there, please?” Eddie called out after them. He kicked up his feet to rest on the edge of the table, crossed at the ankles and rocked back onto the back two legs of his chair. He turned to the Corroded Coffin boys. “I’ve been thinking about arranging this song, not our usual style but I think it could sound totally metal if I did it right.” 
“What song?” Jeff asked carefully. 
Grant caught Dustin’s eye and mouthed ‘Clue 3′. Dustin nodded as if he were mentally taking notes, which if Gareth knew anything about the kid, he probably was. He took to the puzzles Eddie laid out for them with more gusto than anyone else. 
Eddie closed his eyes and brought his hands up in front of him as if he were tenderly cradling his warlock. His fingers worked over imaginary frets. “Dancing in the Dark. Springsteen.” 
“That’s Steve’s favourite song,” Dustin blurted out, clamping his hand over his mouth when Eddie’s fingers paused in the air. 
A slow smile spread over his face. “Is it?”
Gareth turned to his best friends to see the expression he wore mirrored two times over. 
Holy shit. 
Eddie was crushing on Steve Harrington. 
(part 2)
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orchidniins · 2 months
Cupid Clarkey | Chris Dixon
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Summary: George Clarke plays matchmaker for his best friend and his flatmate. Pairing: ChrisMD x f!Reader, Best Friend!George Clarke Warning: Fluff Word count: 9.3k+ A/N: Thanks anon for this request! The timeline in the fic sorta jumps forward quickly (just don't think about it too much😗 ). This is my longest fic ever and I would really appreciate feedback on it! Hope you enjoy it!
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
“Can you get off my Hinge already, Y/N?” George's annoyed voice cut through the blaring music of the pub as he tried (and failed) to snatch his phone out of your hand.
“I'm trying to find you a girlfriend, Georgie,” you retorted, laughing as you dodged his attempts.
You were currently squished into a booth in the pub, sitting next to George, both of you a few drinks in (though you were definitely more drunk than him), swiping away on his Hinge profile and bickering like you two used to back in uni.
Having just moved to London a few weeks ago, tonight was a reunion of sorts. You were meeting up with George and a bunch of other friends from your uni days.
You and him had met in the first week of school, initially sitting next to each other in class, which turned into late-night study sessions and eventually blossomed into a close friendship.
George rolled his eyes. “Oh please, like you’re any better at this than I am.”
“Better at what? Being single or being hopeless at dating?” you shot back, smirking.
“How long has it been since your last relationship?” George challenged, raising an eyebrow at you.
You scoffed and looked back at him. “And how long has it been since you’ve been laid?” you teased, swiping left on yet another profile.
“Oh, trust me, Y/N, I get action,” George shot back, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Oh please, the only action you’ve seen is from your right hand,” you said, laughing at him.
“Well, that’s a lot coming from you,” George countered. “You haven’t dated since that prick from uni.”
“I actually enjoy being single,” you said, shrugging. “All you do is cry about it. You always say you want a girlfriend, but you turn down every girl that approaches you.”
George snorted. “Say that to the pint of ice cream you finished last week in under an hour while watching that chick movie and bawling your eyes out about wanting a boyfriend.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, turning back to his phone. “Oh, you got a match! I’m gonna message her.”
“Absolutely not!” George exclaimed, finally managing to pry his phone out of your hands. “Maybe if you were a little less picky, you wouldn’t be single.”
You looked at him in shock and surprise. “Really? You’re gonna talk to me about being picky?”
“You say that, but you’re the one with the mile-long checklist, not everyone can be as perfect as me, Y/N.” George retorted, shaking his head.
“If you’re so perfect, then maybe we should just date, Georgie,” you said jokingly, nudging him with your shoulder.
The both of you went silent for a moment, staring blankly at each other. Then, simultaneously, you shuddered at the thought. “No!” you both said in unison, laughing.
“God, that’d be like dating my sister,” George said, acting outwardly disgusted at your joke.
You stuck your tongue out at him, making a face.
You two continue your bickering, the atmosphere in the pub buzzing with laughter and chatter from your group of friends. After a while, your friends scatter around the pub, leaving just you and George in the booth. Just as you're deep in banter, an unfamiliar voice interrupts you two.
“Hey man,” a voice said, and you looked up to see a man with blonde curly hair approaching your booth. George got up to greet him, and from where you’re sitting, it’s very obvious that he was quite drunk himself.
"Chris, mate, how drunk are you already?" George asked, as if he had read your mind, with a chuckle, clapping Chris on the back.
Chris laughed, his grin widening. "Chip's pub golf videos always destroy me," he replied, his words slightly slurred as he swayed a little.
Chris glanced over at you, his eyes momentarily focusing as he took in your presence. "Hope I’m not interrupting," he said teasingly, turning back to George, flashing a mischievous grin.
George chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, mate, you're good. Go get yourself a drink and join us." Chris headed off to the bar, and George sat back down.
Chris returned with his drink and slid into the booth, his easy smile and sparkling eyes catching your attention.
“So, who’s your friend?” Chris asked, nodding towards you with a playful grin.
“Y/N, this is Chris, the flatmate,” George introduced, gesturing between the two of you. “Chris, this is Y/N, the best friend.”
“Hey, nice to meet you,” you greeted Chris warmly.
Chris grinned back at you. “George is wrong, you know. I’m the best friend.”
“No, you’re wrong. I've known him longer, so I am his only best friend,” you say, as you laugh at him.
“Don’t need to fight, guys,” George interjects, “There’s enough of me to go around.”
“That’s just not right,” Chris replies, ignoring George. “I live with him. Do you know how much shit I put up with? Surely that makes me his best friend.”
You chuckle, “Okay…but have you had him shotgun a can an hour before a final, puke all over your bed, and then have to clean it up and make sure he gets to campus in time?”
Chris grins, “Alright, but have you had to deal with his shit love life? Or lack thereof? And like have had to listen to him complain all the time.”
You exasperatedly add, “Yeah! Actually, I have,” you say, nodding at Chris.
You turn to George. “Honestly, George mate, you're a mess. I don’t even want to be your best friend anymore.”
Chris nods in agreement. “Yeah, man, you’re kind of a pain in the ass.”
George looks between the two of you, bewildered. “What the fuck is happening?”
You and Chris exchange a look. “Maybe we should become best friends and ditch George,” Chris suggests, winking at you.
“Guys, can we go back to both of you fighting over me?” George says, and you and Chris burst out laughing at him.
You find yourself feeling instantly drawn to Chris's charm. After a bit of small talk, you learn that Chris had been out for a shoot and decided to drop by the pub where George was once he finished. You had heard George talk about Chris before and all the antics they’d gotten up to, but you hadn’t paid much heed to it until now.
And as the night went on and you got increasingly drunker, you found yourself sitting closer to Chris. George already knew this about you; you always got increasingly flirty and bolder when you were drunk—a stark contrast to your sober self. 
Usually, George was always one of your victims, jokingly hitting on him to piss him off, and he also always had to keep you away from creepy men when you were drunk. But now, with Chris in the mix, George honestly did not know what to say at the scene in front of him.
(A/N: I have no game whatsoever. Even if I did pull in the past, I was so drunk that I genuinely don’t remember. I did my best I promise)
“You’re pretty cute for someone who’s friends with George,” you say to Chris, a playful smile on your lips as you take another sip of your cocktail.
Chris grins and leans in closer. “And you’re pretty hot for someone who hangs out with him.”
You laugh, inching closer to him and playfully touching his bicep. "I know, I'm just naturally irresistible," you tease, giving him a sly look that hints at something more.
Chris chuckles, his eyes twinkling. “Well, I believe it. If you weren’t George’s friend, I’d have made a move on you the second I walked in.”
You raise an eyebrow, leaning in so your lips are just inches from his ear. “Who says you can’t make a move now?” you whisper, your breath warm against his skin. “Who knows, tonight might be your night.”
Chris’s breath hitches, his gaze darkening. “Is that so?” 
George groans. “You two are disgusting. Chris, stop hitting on her. Y/N get away from him!”
You brush off George, leaning even closer into Chris’s touch. “Ignore him, he’s no fun.” 
Chris says, "He's just jealous that I’ve got the attention of someone this beautiful," he murmurs back, his lips brushing lightly against your earlobe, his voice low and you hear George scoff in the back.
George rolls his eyes dramatically. “I can’t take any more of this. You two are unbearable.” He stands up, shaking his head. “I’m going to go close out our tab. You better be five feet apart when I get back.”
As George walks away, you and Chris are left alone, practically glued together at this point. “Looks like it’s just us now,” Chris murmurs, his hand migrating to your thigh, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
You smile coyly, leaning closer to him. “And what do you plan to do now that it’s just us?” you tease, your voice laced with playful anticipation.
Chris chuckles softly, his breath warm against your ear. “When George told me about you, he didn’t mention how incredibly sexy you are. If I had to be around someone as gorgeous as you, I wouldn’t be able to control myself.”
Your heart flutters at his words, and you feel a rush of desire. “Well, it looks like you’re doing a pretty good job of controlling yourself so far,” you reply, your fingers playing with the collar of his shirt.
Chris’s eyes darken with desire. “Who says I’m trying to control myself?” he murmurs, his lips hovering just above yours, lips so close that they are almost touching.
Before things could escalate further between you and Chris, George returned, breaking the intense moment. "Okay, I think it's time to get you two home," he announced.
Despite your protests, he manages to pull you off of Chris. As you stood up, the effects of the alcohol hit you, causing you to stumble. George quickly steadied you, his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you from falling over.
Realizing it was late and knowing you were in no state to go home alone, George insisted you crash at his place, which was closer than yours and the three of you hailed a cab back to the boy’s flat. 
Once there, George quickly dumps Chris in his room, before he sets you up in his own bed. He offers you some of his clothes to change out of your outfit and he opts to sleep on the couch for the night.
As you drifted towards sleep, the alcohol slowly wearing off, you couldn't help but rethink the events of the night. All your actions start to blur now, though a wave of embarrassment washes over you. You knew there would be consequences to face in the morning, but for now your body needed sleep.
The next morning, you wake up with a pounding headache, the hazy memories of the previous night lingering in your mind. As the realization of your interaction with Chris sets in, all you wanted to do was bury yourself six feet under.
You stumble out of George’s bed, groaning softly as your head throbs. Dressed in George's oversized clothes, you made your way to the kitchen, clutching your head, desperately in need of coffee.
As you enter, you freeze at the sight of Chris, who’s already there, shuffling around in the kitchen.
He’s dressed in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, his hair tousled and the hangover evident on his face. You catch a glimpse of his abs when he reaches up to a cupboard, and despite your headache, you can’t help but stare for a moment, your brain going to dangerous places.
Chris turns around and spots you, offering a weak smile. You look away slightly embarrassed, fearing that you were caught staring. “Morning,” he says, his voice hoarse as he clears his throat.
“Morning,” you reply, trying to muster a smile despite the awkward tension that has settled into the air.
There’s a long, uncomfortable silence as you both avoid each other’s eyes, the memory of your flirtatious behavior lingering between you. Chris pours himself a glass of water, and you take the opportunity to grab a mug for coffee, hoping the caffeine will help clear your head. “Do you want a cup as well?” you ask, trying to break the silence.
“Huh? No, thanks,” he responds, clearly drawing himself out of wherever he had zoned out to for a minute.
“So, uh,” Chris begins hesitantly, stopping for a moment when you both hear George stirring on the couch. Chris gestures toward the balcony, and you grab your coffee and follow him outside. Once you two are there, you lean against the railing, both of you awkward, neither knowing what to say.
Chris is the first to break the silence, rubbing the back of his neck. “…last night…was something...I guess we were pretty drunk.”
“Yeah,” you agree quickly, trying to downplay your embarrassment. “Pretty drunk.”
He chuckles nervously. “I don’t usually… you know, act like that.”
“Me neither,” you admit, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. “It was just the alcohol, I guess.”
“Definitely,” he nods, relief evident in his expression. “We can just, uh, forget about it, right?”
“Absolutely,” you say a bit too quickly. But, you feel your heart drop a little, though you don’t know why. Him wanting to not acknowledge what happened yesterday (though it was nothing) makes you slightly upset, but you don’t let it show on your face. You bury your face in your coffee, avoiding his gaze.
It was insane how comfortable you two were around each other last night, and now the air was replaced with this heavy awkwardness that neither of you knew how to break. And the worst part is you couldn’t even remember all that you did yesterday (But you're sure George won't let you forget).
“So, um, any plans for today?” Chris asks, trying to make small talk and pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Um, what? No, nothing. Just gonna get back to my place and crash,” you say, shaking your head. “You?” you ask him.
“Same,” he says. You nod in response, but neither of you knows how to continue. You both stand there, sipping your drinks and stealing glances at each other, the awkwardness palpable.
“So I should go,” you say, trying to get out of that situation as quickly as possible. Chris just nods, and you step back into the apartment, making a beeline for George’s room, just wanting to get out of there and back to your own space as quickly as possible.
All you can think is, what the hell is wrong with you? You weren’t usually like this with people…what is happening?
After that day, George teased you endlessly about what happened with Chris. Each time, you brushed him off, ignoring his jabs, saying you didn’t want to talk about it or that you didn’t remember what happened, unwilling to revisit the embarrassing memories of that night.
You’d run into Chris a few times when you were over at the flat with George, but those interactions weren’t any better. Your interactions with Chris went from awkward to him just plain ignoring your presence now, and you didn’t know what you did wrong. Combined with how embarrassed you still felt about your actions, you decided it was better to just ignore him as well.
George would drop you knowing looks whenever that happened, but when he saw that you really didn’t want to talk about it, he eventually dropped the topic.
Until today, that was.
“I’m not feeling up to it,” you tell George, speaking with him over the phone.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. Just a movie night with some friends,” George tries to persuade you.
“I don’t know, George. I’m just not in the mood,” you reply, feeling a mix of anxiety and reluctance.
George sighs, knowing exactly why you’re hesitant. “Look, I get that things are awkward between you and Chris. But avoiding each other isn’t going to make it any better. We’re all friends here. Just come over, watch a movie, and relax. You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to.”
You hesitate, biting your lip. “I just... I feel so embarrassed about everything. I don’t want to make things weird.”
“See, I don’t know exactly what’s going on with the both of you, but I can tell you’re overthinking it. Things are only as awkward as you make them. We’ll have a good time, I promise. And if it gets too much, you can always leave. Just give it a chance, yeah?”
You sigh, feeling the weight of his words. “You’re right. I’m just overthinking. It’s not a big deal. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Great! I’ll see you soon,” George says, the excitement evident in his voice.
And that is how you found yourself sitting on the floor in George’s flat, leaning up against the couch with "The Hangover" playing on the TV.
You were bundled up in a blanket, surrounded by scattered cushions, with the smell of popcorn in the air. George was sitting on the couch just behind you, lazily flicking popcorn at your head, which you returned by swatting him on the knee.
“Seriously, George, you’re worse than a child,” you scolded, turning around to look at him as another popcorn kernel hit you on the forehead.
“Can’t help it,” he replied with a grin. You whacked him on the thigh this time, but he still threw another piece your way.
It was just George and the Arthurs for now. Despite your cold conversations with Chris, you couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit disappointed when George mentioned that Chris would be running late. Even with the weird energy between you two, you were kind of maybe hoping to see him today.
You were enjoying yourself, though. You’d met Arthur Hill a few times before and got along really well, and this was your first time meeting Mr. Television (as George liked to call him), and you were having a great time with the boys.
You pull your focus away from George and instead decide to just watch the movie when you hear the door open, and your eyes dart to the entrance. Chris walks in, dressed in dark cargos and a black sweatshirt, his curls messy from the day and it made him look a little rugged, and all you could think about was how good you thought he looked.
He swings his backpack onto the floor and starts taking off his coat, before he greeted everyone.
Your heart skips a beat at how effortlessly attractive he looked. Despite the cold vibes he had been giving you this whole time, you couldn’t deny your attraction towards him.
Outwardly, you were trying to be cool about it, but inwardly, you were itching to know why he was acting like this. You give him a tight-lipped smile as you make brief eye contact, but he quickly looks away, heading to his room.
George noticed the exchange and shook his head slightly. You shot him a look that said ‘stop it’, but you knew he’d bring this up later.
After a few minutes, Chris joins you all, settling on the floor next to you while the others remain on the couch. Other than the occasional instances where you pass him the popcorn, he avoids eye contact, but you can sometimes feel his gaze on you, especially when you and George bicker in loud whispers.
You reach for the coffee table, grabbing a can of seltzer, about to take a sip, only for George to snatch it out of your hand. “George!” you exclaim, swatting him on the arm before you wipe away the few drops of the drink that he managed to spill on your shirt.
You think you hear a chuckle from Chris, but when you turn to look in the direction of the sound, his eyes are glued to the TV.
After a bit, Chris gets up and heads to the kitchen. When he returns, he silently hands you a drink. You take it with a small, surprised smile, touched by the sweet gesture even if things between you two are still a little awkward. "Thanks," you murmur.
He nods in response, his genuine smile making your heart flutter before his eyes flick away from yours, and you feel yourself melt.
As the credits roll on the third film, George nudges you and suddenly pulls you into his room.
“What the fuck is going on with you and Chris?” George asks bluntly, shutting the door behind him.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Honestly, I have no idea. After that day at the pub, it’s been so weird. I don’t even know the guy, and I feel like he hates me or something. Is he like this with everyone he just meets?”
George frowns, looking apologetic. “Not really… Normally, you can’t get him to shut up.”
“I get such cold vibes from him,” you admit, frustration seeping into your voice. “What did I do wrong?… Whatever, I don’t care, but its annoying.” You pause, then add with a small, reluctant smile, “It doesn’t help that every time I look at him, I drool.”
George responds, slightly shocked, “I—I’m sorry, what?”
You roll your eyes and say, “I’ve been single for so long that I’m even attracted to your shitty friend.”
George laughs, shaking his head. “He can get on your nerves, but he’s not that bad. But, he can be a little socially challenged around people he—”
George stops mid-sentence, seeming to have a moment of realization, his expression shifting. “Huh.”
“What? What’s wrong?” you ask, confused.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” he says quickly, disappearing out of the room before you can press further.
You stand there confused for a second before you return to the living room, where Arthur Hill and Arthur TV was tidying up. You decide to join them, looking around, wondering where George and Chris had suddenly disappeared to.
You help them gather the empty bottles and snack wrappers, making small talk. Just as you're finishing up, George and Chris reappear, both looking shady as hell, whispering to each other. 
You look at George, giving him a pointed look. "What was that about?" you whisper, nodding toward Chris, who was leaning against the kitchen counter with the Arthurs, laughing about something.
George shrugs, trying to play it cool. "Nothing, just guy talk."
You give him a look. "Tell me."
"Really, it was nothing," he insists.
You roll your eyes, annoyed. "Fine, whatever, don’t tell me. I need to get home anyway, it’s getting late."
George quickly checks the time on his phone. "It’s almost midnight. Why don’t you just sleep here?"
"I just wanna be back in my own bed. At midnight is not that late, and I barely live like a 15 min walk away," you explain to him.
"You can just as easily walk home in the morning," he says.
Before you can protest, he continues, "You know what, fine. But I don’t want you going home alone." He turns toward the kitchen and shouts, "Chris! Do you mind driving Y/N back home? I would do it myself…but can’t drive mate."
Chris whips around, looking between the two of you, clearly flustered at George’s request. "Uh, sure, no problem."
You quickly interject, "It's okay, I can get home on my own. I don’t want to trouble you."
Chris clears his throat. "It's no trouble," he assures you, grabbing his keys. "Let's go."
You grab your stuff and walk out the door with him. The ride down in the elevator is silent. You play with your nails, trying to avoid his gaze, while he shifts uncomfortably beside you. When you reach the car, Chris opens the door for you, and you thank him. "Thanks, Chris."
"Don’t thank me yet," he jokes as you both buckle up. "I’ve only had my UK license for a month now, so we’ll see how this goes."
You look at him, slightly alarmed. "Seriously? Get me out of the car."
He laughs, and you join in. "I know how to drive, I just haven’t driven much since I moved to London."
Some of the tension eases, and you both relax a bit. He hands you his phone. "Can you enter your address into the GPS?"
You do, and as he starts driving Chris glances at you, "So, why did you move to London?"
You smile, happy to have a conversation starter. "Work, mostly. And also ‘cause I have friends here.”
He nods. “So, you liking London so far?”
You nod, looking at him as you speak. “Yeah, I like it. But the city gets overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes I just wanna run back home.”
Chris nods in agreement. “Same, especially when I miss my family. And I get it, sometimes you need to get away from George.”
You chuckle, wanting to keep the conversation going. “Be honest with me… how have you not killed him yet?”
He laughs, responding, “I won’t lie, I’ve plotted his murder many a times.”
You both laugh, and the conversation continues, light-hearted and easy. For the first time in like a month, the conversation between you two feels natural. And before you know it, you’d reached your apartment.
"Thanks for the ride, Chris," you say, unbuckling your seatbelt.
"No problem," he replies, his smile genuine. The air goes silent as you both stare at each other.
"Umm... goodnight," you say, quickly getting out of the car, feeling a tad bit awkward.
"Goodnight," he responds, and you gently close the door.
He waits until you're inside the building before driving off, and for the first time, you feel a warm, hopeful sensation in your chest and you can’t seem to wipe away the smile on your face the whole way up to your flat.
The next day, you and George meet for dinner after you’re done with work. “I can’t believe he’s engaged”, you say as you move your food around on your plate, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Why do you care?” George asks between bites of his burger. “You hated him by the end of your relationship.”
“I know, but why does someone like him get to be happy?” you sighed. “I’m just tired of being single. Why is it so hard to find someone half decent?”
“Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places,” George says, trying to sound all philosophical.
You raise an eyebrow. “What are you on about?”
He shrugs, laughing as he says, “Maybe you should date Chris.”
You almost choke on your drink. “Chris? Really? Chris? We can barely hold a conversation!”
George smirks. “Didn’t you say you guys got along fine last night? And don’t get me started on drinks last month. And don’t lie to me…you think he’s hot,” he says, making a fake gag face.
“What? No, I don’t,” you protest. “I might be desperate, George, but not desperate enough to date your friends.”
“What’s wrong with dating one of my friends?” George mocks hurt.
“I was kinda hoping that once I got a boyfriend, I just wouldn’t have to see you anymore,” you joke.
George clutches his chest dramatically. “Ouch!”
The drive with him the other day was fine, more than fine and he was kind of sweet actually. You laugh, but the thought of dating Chris stays on your mind, an idea that you might not be all that opposed to. -------⋆✧⋆-------
A week had passed since your conversation with George, and despite trying not to let it affect you too much, you couldn't deny still feeling on cloud nine after that drive with Chris (even if it was barely 10 minutes long).
You and Chris were now following each other on social media. You'd occasionally chat or reply to each other's stories, gradually warming up to each other. You found yourself craving more time alone with him, curious about what it would be like to get to know him better.
But right now, you were looking forward to a quiet weekend in, finally getting to that book you had been putting off for weeks now. With a cozy blanket wrapped around you and a hot cup of tea, you settle onto your couch, eager to dive into your book.
Just as you start to get lost in the pages, a notification pops up on your screen. You peek over at your phone and see a text message from George.
George: Hello best friend Y/N: What do you want? George: Wow. Warm welcome Y/N: Fine. Hiii Georgieeee….What do you want? George: So you know how you are the smartest, strongest person I know 🥺 Y/N: Just spit it out 🙄 George: Can you please come over and help me build that dresser I ordered for my room? Y/N: And there it is... George: So..?  Y/N: No, don’t want to. George: Pleaseeeeee….I’ll buy you food Y/N: No George: Come on, please 😩 Y/N: No….you’re gonna make me do all the work George: I won’t...and I’ll throw in dessert  Y/N: You’re impossible  George: 👀 Y/N: Fine….See you in 10  George: 🫡🙇
With a sigh, you set your book aside and started getting ready to head over to George's place. Not bothering to change out of your comfy sweats, you threw on a jacket and made your way out.
When you arrived at George's flat, you knocked on the door and waited. To your surprise, Chris answered, looking equally surprised to see you. "Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?"
“George asked me to come over, said he needed help building his dresser”, you explain, and Chris steps aside, letting you step inside.
Chris says, “Hmm, he asked me to help as well, after complaining for a straight 5 mins about not wanting to do it on his own.”
"That little bitch," you huffed, pulling out your phone from your pocket.
Y/N: Where the fuck are you!!??? George: Sorry emergency Y/N: What?  George: Please help a guy out Y/n: Why!? It’s your dresser! George: Chris will help Y/N: Wait George: Bye
You breathed out in frustration, realizing all too well what George was trying to do. Deep down, though, you were somewhat glad to have some time alone with Chris. Fingers crossed you'd be able to hold a conversation today.
You huffed and shoved your phone in your pocket, then turned to face Chris. "Yep, he's ditched us, the bastard," you said, looking back up at Chris who was watching you with an amused expression.
Chris chuckled, and you felt a bit self-conscious. "What?"
"The Powerpuff Girls?" he asked, a small smile curling up on his lips.
"What? I'm here to build furniture, not walk a red carpet," you replied, glancing down at your pajamas, trying to appear nonchalant but secretly cursing yourself for not dressing better. Chris just laughed, shaking his head.
“Great…it’s just the two of us." you said, catching Chris's attention as he looked at the unpacked table pieces that George had left for you.
Chris raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips. "You act like it's a bad thing."
You chuckled, picking up a screwdriver. "Let's just survive this project together first."
"Survive? Geez…It's just an Ikea dresser," Chris teased, walking towards the scattered pieces.
"Yeah, but have you ever tried assembling furniture with George? He pulls everything out of the box, doesn’t organize anything by the way, then he just gives up and leaves you to figure stuff out," you vented, holding up a loose screw you found on the floor a good distance from the table for emphasis.
Chris laughed, shaking his head. "Can't say that I have. Lucky for me you’re here to pick up the pieces," he joked lamely, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes, letting out a small laugh at his attempt.
"Let’s just build this stupid thing," you said, walking towards the mess.
Chris chuckled. "Yes, ma'am," he replied, looking around for the instruction manual.
Chris sighed in frustration, looking through the jumbled pieces. "Damn, where did George put those instructions?"
"Knowing George, he probably already threw out the instructions with the outer box," you said, half-jokingly. You fear you might be right, shuffling through everything and not finding the booklet.
You sit on the ground and try to organize the pieces, placing everything into neat piles. Chris picked up a piece and moved to place it in what he thought was the right pile.
"No, not that one," you said, pointing to a different pile. "Put that there."
Chris chuckled. "You're a little type A, aren't you?"
You grinned. "That's not the insult you think it is." You laughed lightly, enjoying the banter.
The two of you get on with trying to put the piece of furniture together.
Chris was completely engrossed in screwing in the legs, his brow furrowed in concentration. You couldn’t help but notice how his features hardened with determination, and you find him extremely attractive in this moment.
"You're really into this," you teased lightly, nudging him with your elbow as you passed him the next piece.
Chris glanced up, a playful glint in his eye. "Of course. Gotta impress you with my handyman skills."
You chuckled, kneeling down to align a set of screws. "Impress me, huh? Well, if you can get through this without instructions, color me impressed."
“Prepare to be amazed, Y/N,” Chris replied with a grin, returning to his task.
Your eyes involuntarily lingered on his arms, noticing how his t-shirt hugged his muscles snugly. You found yourself imagining running your hands across his arms and over his chest, remembering how you felt that night when inhibitions were lower.
Chris's voice snapped you out of your daze. "Sorry, what was that?" you asked, needing him to repeat his words.
"No, I was just…" Chris paused for a moment, sitting on the floor, pausing the task at hand. He hesitated as he looked up at you.
"Go on, what is it?" you encouraged him, curious about his question.
He started cautiously, "I've always wondered, why did you and George never date?"
You laughed softly, surprised by the question. “George? I don’t know, it’s just something that never happened. I don't even think either of us ever even considered our relationship to go that way”
Chris gives you a skeptical look, "Really? Not even once?"
"Not even once," you confirmed, shaking your head. "George and I have always been more like siblings."
Chris nodded softly, as if processing your answer. "Good to know."
Though slightly taken aback by his reaction, you chose not to dwell on it for too long.
“How did your shoot go this week?” you ask him.
Chris perks up a little, clearly pleased by your interest. "Oh, it was great! But it did go a lot longer than usual. I'll blame that on Arthur and his terrible football skills. But the audience will never find out. I should probably pay my editors more for making him look somewhat competent at football."
You both laugh, and Chris continues to talk about YouTube and some of his ideas. You can't help but smile at how passionate and happy he sounds when he talks about his work.
After a while, you two pull yourselves out of the conversation and get back to finishing the dresser. 
"So, if you had to rate my IKEA furniture-building skills, what would you give me?" Chris asks, a playful grin on his face as the two of you now sit on the couch.
"Hmm," you ponder, pretending to be deep in thought. "Solid seven."
"Seven!?" Chris asks, feigning outrage, leaning in a little closer. "I thought I did pretty good."
"It would be higher, but you get distracted easily," you tell him, the space between you and Chris now barely a breath.
"Well, you were the one distracting me," Chris says, and you're taken aback by his comment. Your mouth falls slightly open, suddenly very aware of the proximity between you two.
Before you can respond, the door swings open, and George walks in, looking between the two of you with a mischievous grin. "Well, you two seem to be getting along well." You quickly get up from your place next to Chris.
You stare back blankly at George, arms crossed over your chest. "How was your... emergency?"
George's grin widens. "All sorted," he replies nonchalantly, before turning around to enter his room. "So which one of you is gonna help me move the dresser into my room?"
You and Chris exchange annoyed looks, then smile at each other, his smile exceedingly tugging at your heart, before you both scream, "Do it yourself!"
Over the next few weeks, you and Chris had become friends, finding yourself spending time with him more often. You still couldn’t believe that just a few months ago you two couldn’t even look each other in the eye. 
However, it seemed like every time you made plans with George or any of his friends, Chris was always there, and you two would magically end up alone together. You didn't think much of it, knowing that as much as you loved George, you hated him meddling in your love life, and he knew that as well. So, there’s no way he was involved, right? (Or maybe, deep down, you hoped that all the time you’ve been able to spend with Chris was somewhat of a sign and not your nosy best friend getting involved.)
You were at George’s place yet again (where else could you be? You only had like two friends) and helping him clean out his closet, stuffing his old clothes into donation boxes.
Slyly, you asked, “Where are the rest of your flatmates?”
George replied, “You know…they’re around,” without making eye contact, his back turned to you.
“And Chris?” you asked, slightly hopeful.
George looked up at you, almost as if he was wishing that you hadn’t asked that question.
You caught his expression, furrowing your eyebrows in worry. “What’s wrong?”
George placed the T-shirt he was folding gently into the box before turning to look at you. “Okay, so don’t get upset.”
“Why would I get upset?” you asked, a little concerned.
“Before I tell you, know that I told him not to do it,” George started.
“George... speak,” you demanded, poking him in the chest.
“Chris is out on a date,” he finally said.
You feel your heart plummet to the pit of your stomach, “Oh, good for him.”
George looked at you, clearly noticing your attempt to hide your disappointment. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be okay?” you said, trying to brush it off and distract yourself by placing more clothes into the box.
“Y/N, come on. You really don’t think I know you better than you know yourself?” he looked at you matter-of-factly and you were struggling to maintain eye contact with him.
“I’m fine, George,” you tell him, trying to get him to drop the topic, but he only looks at you like he doesn't believe you.
“Y/N. I know you like Chris”, he states and you feel your whole body freeze.
“What? No, I don’t,” you retorted, and honestly, even you couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth.
“I see the way you look at him, Y/N, and when he speaks, you hang on his every word,” he interrupts you.
“George, no... Chris and I, we’re just barely friends,” you try to explain to him.
“I know you two had a rocky start, well, a drunk and touchy start,” he teased, dodging the T-shirt you threw at him, “but you’ve grown closer over the past few months and I think you’re just in denial about your feelings. Plus you look like you wanna jump him every time you look at him.”
You sat there on the edge of the bed for a minute, thinking about what George had said. Yes, things were a little iffy at the start, but you had grown to like his company. He was funny, quite sweet, and in recent times, easy to talk to. Not to mention, every time you looked at the man, it was like your brain short-circuited at how hot he looked.
George carefully considered his words before continuing. “You’ve always been like this, Y/N…cautious.”
As his words sank in, it dawned on you.
“Holy fuck, George! I like Chris,” you exclaimed, falling back onto the bed. “How did this happen? I feel like I’ve gone insane. When did I become so blind to my own feelings?”
George watched you in amusement, a small smile playing on his lips. “Took you long enough to admit it.”
“But–-,” you sat up, turning to George who was now sitting on the opposite corner of the bed, “there’s no way he likes me back.”
“Eh?” George responded, confused. “Why would you think that?”
“Because the guy is literally on a date right now,” you say, exasperated.
“What do you mean, “So”? If he liked me even a little bit, he wouldn’t be going on dates,” you say, throwing your hands up in frustration.
“Probably because he doesn’t know you like him. Just tell the guy,” he suggests, his face soft, laced with concern.
“I can’t do that,” you look at him, your voice coming out almost broken.
“Why?” George comes to sit next to you, placing a comforting hand on your back.
You take a deep breath before you continue, “Because things just got somewhat good with him. We’re finally past that awkward phase and are friends now. I don’t want to go back to that cold phase when he ultimately rejects me.”
“He’s not gonna reject you, Y/N,” he says, throwing his arm around, pulling you into his side.
“How do you know?” you look up at him.
“For Christ’s sake, Y/N, just tell the guy how you feel.” he says, as he pulls away from you so that you’re both now facing each other.
“No, I can’t do that,” you said, getting up off his bed and heading out of his bedroom.
“What, Y/N! Where are you going?” he asked, following you.
“Home,” you said, making a beeline for the door.
“So that I can go to bed and wake up and forget about all of this,” you said looking back at him, hand now on the door knob.
“Bye, George,” you said, before opening the main door and closing it behind you, confusion and uncertainty swirling in your head.
“Here,” Arthur Hill handed you a drink, and you threw him a quick thanks, quickly gulping down the liquid. Arthur looked at you, concerned. The party was lively around you, the usual chaos of a house party at George’s place.
George had convinced you to come to the party, saying it’d be a good distraction, to get your mind off of things—things being Chris. 
George had promised you that Chris was busy tonight and wouldn’t be here, so you reluctantly agreed (though George had to beg a lot more than he was hoping he’d have to).
You had only arrived a few minutes ago, and you already wanted to leave. You just wanted the peace and quiet of your room to contemplate about your doomed love life and drown your sorrows in a pint of ice cream.
“You okay?” Arthur asked, pulling you out of your daze. “You look distracted.”
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied with a half-hearted smile and you were grateful that Arthur didn’t push any further.
"I'm gonna get myself another drink," you said, and Arthur nodded in response before you navigated through the crowd toward the kitchen.
You made yourself a drink, pouring whatever bottle of alcohol was closest to your reach into your cup, wanting something strong. If you couldn’t drown yourself in ice cream, alcohol would have to do. (Not your smartest idea, but oh well.)
You took a sip of your concoction, the liquid burning as it flowed down your throat. You turned around but just as you were about to head back to find Arthur, when you spotted him. Chris.
He was the last person you wanted to see right now, but you couldn’t take your eyes off him. How did he manage to get even hotter than the last time you’d seen him? (Honestly, it was torture.)
But there he was, talking to some girl you’d never seen before. The sight felt like a punch in the stomach, knocking the air out of your lungs. All you wanted to do was leave. You placed your drink on the counter and set your sights straight at the door. In your haste, you didn’t pay much attention to your surroundings and bumped into someone. Looking up, you saw it was George.
"Whoa, where's the fire?" George asked, blocking your path.
"George, I need to leave," you said, trying to sidestep him.
“Why? What happened?” he asked, but before you could answer, he glanced over your shoulder and saw Chris. “Oh, I see.”
“Just talk to him, Y/N,” he tried to persuade you. “Whatever the outcome, it’ll make you feel better.”
“George, are you crazy? I can’t” You looked up at him, and the vulnerable look in your eyes made his heart break.
“Fine, but please don’t leave. Just take a breather for a minute. You should at least stay and enjoy the party,” he insisted. You opened your mouth to protest, but he cuts you off, “Just stay in my room for a bit. You can come back out after a while.”
You agreed, knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and turned towards his room. “Good,” he said, pushing you gently by the shoulders.
Once you were in his room, you turned to look at him. “Now stay put, I’ll be right back.” You nodded, and he headed back out of the room.
You took a seat on his bed, and before you knew it, you heard the door open. Expecting to see George, you froze when you found Chris instead.
“George, what are you doing?” Chris protested as George pushed him into the room. “Stop, bro!”
You got up and shout, “George! What the hell?”
“You two talk,” George said, pointing at both of you before quickly shutting the door. You heard the lock click.
You rushed to the door, trying to turn the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. “Bastard locked us in,” you said to Chris.
“George! Let me out!” you protested, banging on the door.
“Not until you two talk to each other,” George yelled back.
You turned to find Chris looking just as surprised as you. “Well, this is awkward,” Chris said, rocking back and forth on his feet with his hands shoved into his pockets. “I might be wrong...but I think George wants us to talk.”
You sighed, leaning against the door. “Yeah, he’s a lot of things… but subtle, he is not.”
Chris chuckled. “What gave it away?”
Your suspicions were right. That motherfucker had been playing you this whole time, getting Chris to drive you home, finding ways to get the two of you to spend time alone, locking you in his room. And you’d walked right into it. Idiot.
“That slimy little shithole,” you muttered to yourself.
You laughed out loud. “So George seems to think we would make a good match.”
“What?” Chris said, looking nervous.
“Did you not realize?” You looked at Chris, and he was staring at you with an unrecognizable look on his face.
“Well…” he started sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “I kind of knew.”
“What do you mean you knew, Chris?” you asked, confused.
“I mean, I knew George was trying to set us up, he sort of told me he would, that day that you were over at our place for movie night.” he admitted.
“I’m sorry…?” you ask him again, arms crossed.
You raised an eyebrow. “And you were okay with it? Why didn’t you say anything?”
Chris sighed. “I promise, I told him not to! And I just didn’t know how to bring it up..... But honestly, I didn’t mind. I liked spending time with you.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. “What? You liked spending time with me?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’ve kind of liked you since the day we first met in the pub.”
“But that was months ago,” you said, incredulous. “Why didn't you say anything till now?”
He sighed, looking down for a moment before meeting your eyes. “I don’t know. All I know is that every time I look at you, it’s like the words leave my mouth. Of course, I wanted to talk to you after that night, but I didn’t know what came over me every time. You’re literally the most gorgeous woman I’d ever laid my eyes on, and each time I wanted to ask you out, I’d choke up.” “But what about that date?” you asked, trying to process everything. “If you liked me so much, then why did you go on a date?”
Chris looked a little guilty. “George told you about that?” You nodded before he continued, “You can’t blame a guy for trying to move on, especially when a girl like you couldn’t possibly like me back,” he said softly.
You shook your head. “Chris, I… I’ve liked you too. I think I’ve liked you the whole time. But I didn’t think you did, especially after how everything was after we got drunk that night.”
Chris stepped closer, hope in his eyes. “You like me too?” he asked again, making sure he wasn’t wrong about what he heard.
“Yes, Chris, I like you too,” you responded.
“So we’re both hopeless in the love department?” he asked.
“Yep, looks like it,” you said, laughing. “So hopeless that we needed Cupid Clarkey to get us to finally admit our feelings.”
You both stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.
Chris stopped to look at you, stepping even closer. “God, I love your laugh,” he said softly, and you looked at him shyly.
“And you have the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen,” you stepped closer as well and he flashes that gorgeous smile of his, the kind that gets your stomach in knots.
He said, “You know, I regret nothing from that night.”
You replied teasingly, “Really?”
He nodded, “Well, there’s only one thing I regret.”
You asked, “And what’s that?”
He said, “That I didn’t get to kiss you,” as he tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, his eyes go dark and intense, piercing into your soul.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” you whispered, and with that, Chris crashed his lips onto yours.
The kiss was everything you’d dreamed of and more. His arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer, while your arms made their way around his neck and your hand tangling into those perfect curls of his, tugging slightly, earning a groan from him.
The kiss was filled with so much emotion, both of you pouring everything into it—all the pent-up feelings from the past months. It was intense, and full of passion and tenderness, leaving you breathless. You could feel his heart pounding in sync with yours, the heat between you two electrifying. It was as if the world had melted away, and there was nothing but this moment.
Chris pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he whispered.
You smiled, feeling the warmth of his breath against your lips. “Me too.”
Before either of you could say anything else, you heard a slight thud outside the door. Chris gave you a knowing look, and you raised your voice intentionally louder. “Well, George’s bed looks nice doesn’t it? I think he just put new sheets on.”
Chris chimes up, “Maybe we should use it. We’re locked in here anyways. Might as well make the most of our time.”
Immediately, you heard George unlocking the door, bursting into the room. “Okay, get out, both of you. I don’t want you two fucking on my bed.”
You and Chris burst into laughter. Chris scooped you up playfully and ran off to his bedroom, shutting the door behind you two.
Once you were in his room, he slowly placed you on the ground, then pulled you onto his lap as he sat at the edge of the bed.
“So... I think I should ask you properly,” he said, looking up at you.
Chris leaned in, his forehead resting against yours. “Now that you know how I feel about you, what do you say we give this a shot? Will you go out with me?”
You nodded, heart pounding in your chest. “I’d like that, Chris.” and he flashed you a smile.
“We really should be thanking George,” he said.
“Yeah, normally I hate him meddling, but this time I don’t mind. But please don't tell him that, or I'll never here the end of it,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Chris grinned. Forget about it then, I just want to kiss you again.”
You laughed, and with that, you closed the distance again, letting yourself melt into his touch. The feeling of his soft lips sent a shiver down your spine.
This moment felt perfect, like you fit together in a way that was always meant to be. His arms wrapped around you securely, pulling you closer, and you could feel the steady beat of his heart against yours. You hated to admit it, but George playing cupid had turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to you and Chris.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Bonus Fun Facts (cannon to this AU):
- George did find your drunk closeness to Chris disgusting, but he didn't really care if you snogged his friend or not. He pulled you off of Chris more out of fear of what you would do to him if he let you make any drunken mistakes while he was around. - During your conversation after movie night, George realized that Chris had a crush on you. - He and Chris disappeared off onto the balcony and he managed to get Chris to fess up that he was in fact into you. - George said he'd gladly meddle. Chris told him not to meddle. George meddled. - He knew you two hopeless idiots would not give each other a chance without a gentle push in the right direction. - George did in fact tell Chris not to go on the date, bringing up his crush on you. - Chris said that he was sure that there was no way you liked him and that you had not shown any interest in him. He did not want to make you uncomfortable by making a move on you so he decided to try and forget about his crush. - Could George just have told you that Chris liked you...yes? But did he instead choose to play cupid for his own amusement, of course he did. - Plus you hadn't explicitly told him that you liked Chris and he didn't want to dump that news on you. But then he realized that you were too thick when it came to your own feelings..so he did just dump it on you. - George realized he had to kick his matchmaking skills up to a 100 (and yes his best idea was locking you to in a room). - Of course he eavesdropped, and the next morning he did in fact not let you hear the end of it.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I'm trying to get through all my pending requests now that I'm back. Also tell me if you liked the bonus facts in the end. I realized that there were things I wanted to include that I didn't want to put into the main fic, so I just threw them in at the end. I personally like it, so I think I'm going to start throwing them into my fics from now on.
Check out my other fics and oneshots here. Not working on any new requests currently but feel free to drop into my asks for a chat! 😊
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yallthemwitches · 1 month
The Sound of Silence
Minerva always had a soft spot for Potter. Maybe that's why when it was time to choose a Head Boy alongside Lily Evans, he was was clearly the only option--- A series of vignettes of James and Lily's seventh year through McGonagall's POV.
AN: Posting this one a day early because I won't have time tomorrow (sorry) Written for Jily Week 2024, Day 5: Matchmaker (hosted by @kay-elle-cee and @sunshinemarauder)...Fully dedicate this one to the many teacher meetings I've sat through where we all devolve into gossiping about students. AO3 Link Here
They sat around a circular table which always reminded Minerva of a story she heard as a child. Her colleagues had shuffled in slowly, still rosy with summer and the ever rejuvenating feeling of silence after a school years worth of endless noise. 
Filius sat next to her, pulling out a pipe and stoking it with a flame emitted from his short stubby finger. He sighed and a puff of smoke wafted into the middle of the table. 
“Here we are again—” he said to no one in particular. Minerva just clasped her hands on the table and waited for the final stragglers to trickle in.
Albus sat on the other side of the sphere and regarded his staff with half-amusement. Many of them had been long friends—giving centuries of their lives to the school. How many powerful witches and wizards had they watched slip out of these doors with their collective spirit within them? If the thought wasn’t so saccharine, Minerva would have perhaps felt a little proud. 
Albus cleared his throat and the staff settled. At this point they needed no commencement speech on why they all were called from their little parts of the castle to assemble, nor did they want one. The golden rule was short meetings were the best ones.
Horace spoke first. He always did. 
“Obviously I think there’s no arguing that Lily Evans should be the first pick.”
There was a rumble of agreement. Even Filius made a reluctant nod. He never willingly wanted to agree with Horace on much of anything.
“That’s a fine choice Horace, but are you not worried about the matter of her blood status? I’m sure you are not ignorant of the current news and I can imagine your house is quite…vocal about these happenings.”
McGonagall heard a snort from Filius which was hard to miss seeing as it bounced his whole body slightly off his chair. 
“Oh, Albus, must we always make these things so political,” Horace whined, “Evans is a brilliant witch…the best of her year—I’m sure we can—we can—” He teetered off, not knowing how to finish. It wasn’t a secret that despite his affinity for the muggleborn, his house was not so keen to accept her. They all would be idiots to disregard the dangers of putting someone of her status in charge in the current climate. 
But Albus didn’t press further. It was never his nature. “Then it’s settled. Lily Evans is Head Girl.” There was another mumbled agreement. Horace’s face was pink and slightly sweaty, but he nodded all the same.
“So onwards to—” 
There was a shuffle of teachers. Sybill spoke first:
“Oh, Oh! I choose the Delile boy. His tea leaves have always shown potential.” A couple seats down, Pomona snorted. 
“Colin Delile? That boy tried to eat a handful of nightshade thinking it was mint last year—”
“Well, I vote for Ambroise Cunningham: smart, good quidditch player (“mediocre quidditch player,” Minerva thought) and has a good head on his shoulders!” Interjected Rolanda.
There were some nods in agreement but Filius started to tut. 
“Are you all forgetting that Cunningham and Evans dated two years ago? They’ll kill each other!”
“Oh, I would hardly call that dating,” Horace scoffed.
“They certainly looked like they were dating when I found them in the charms broom closet that October!” Filius shot back. 
He had a point. She wouldn’t call Filius her friend per se but she had a fond appreciation for him being insightful when it came to the students’ lives. He was very discreet, perhaps with the help of his size, but he always was up to date on each of their lives. 
Minerva mulled a thought around for a minute while drowning out the verbal quidditch that was occurring for the rest of the staff. It was a gamble, certainly. But she had never been the one to shy away from a challenge. 
Raising her voice above the riffraff she called out, “I say James Potter should be Head Boy.”
The room went silent. Around the table, every set of eyes peered at her with mixtures of shock.
Chaos erupted. 
“Potter can’t keep himself out of detention to save his life,” screamed Aurora.
“That and his little group were growing muggle drugs in the west greenhouses!” Pomona chimed in. 
Albus didn’t even try to get order. He just continued to stare at her with an expression that twinkled beyond the room.
Minerva huffed. “Well, can any of you deny that he is brilliant?” Everyone paused. A wave of indecision rushed through the group. 
“And we know he’s a good leader. The Gryffindor team has won every year since he became captain.” Horace grumbled something under his breath but she ignored it. 
“---And, we are going to need someone who is willing to help, Hecate forbid, if there is an attack of some sort due to all this Dark Lord bunk. He might be scrappy and a fool sometimes, but he’d be able to hold his ground for the others.”
There was a hesitant noise of agreement around the table. People shifted in their seats, not able to find fault in her logic but also not enjoying its outcome. 
“And what about Evans then?” Horace had his arms crossed against his chest. “Potter has been tormenting the poor girl for years. They would be rubbish, absolute rubbish—”
“Ah, shut it Horace,” Filius scoffed, “We all know those two have been clouding up this school with sexual tension for a better half of a year now.” More nods all around. 
Minerva had hoped that no one would make the romance argument, but it couldn’t be helped. Potter and Evans had been making all of their lives unbearable, with their oblivious pining and rowing. It was like watching an ouroboros eat itself the way the two provoked each other. There was a small part of her that even hoped that matching the two together would end their purgatory. 
“Ah, the ancient magic of young love,” Albus mused to himself, stroking his beard. “I won’t deny that I like the idea. Are there…any others who seriously denounce the decision to make Potter Head Boy?”
Horace made a few grumbles, but ultimately kept quiet. He knew once Albus made a decision, he wasn’t easy to sway. 
“Then it’s settled, Lily Evans and James Potter.”
“Hecate help us,” Pomona mumbled under her breath. 
She watched as they shifted next to each other uncomfortably. Both of them dawned golden badges with encrusted initials on them that looked too heavy to be pinned to their robes. She had honestly expected more hiccups on the first day back, but something had already seemed to have shifted between them. Evans actually smiled when Potter offered her some dessert, took it from him and blushed when their hands grazed. She said something and James let out a laugh that made her smile as well. 
“Now, that’s interesting.” Filius whistled, sitting next to her at the great banquet. “Maybe your little matchmaking stunt was unneeded.” He side-eyed her and she didn’t entertain his amusement.
She looked back at the young couple. Potter had begun to explain something with extreme animation. He waved his hands around and Lily actually laughed at his antics. When he finally finished whatever he was saying, his hand rested on the bench between them and Minerva swore she saw Evans place hers on top of his.
“Oh Merlin, what have I done.”
“I think we have Miss Evans to thank for his rehabilitation. That girl can do anything,” Horace chortled at lunch a week later. 
“What are you talking about? He blew up the Slytherin bathroom just yesterday.”
“Well—he would have done it six more times already if it wasn’t for her influence!”
No one could argue that there was a great change between the two Heads. Horace wasn’t wrong, Potter was being better behaved this year and in turn Evans had started to cozy up to him more and more. Even at that moment, they entered the great hall together. Potter had both of their bags slung over his shoulder and his eyes were glued to her. As they sat, Evans pulled his glasses off in a fuss, cast a cleaning charm on them, then put them back on his face. Her hand lingered to push some of his unruly hair away and he made a dopey swooning smile. 
“It's like watching a dead body be reanimated,” Filius nodded towards the two. 
“You’re being dramatic.” 
“Don’t act like you aren’t seeing this. At this rate they’ll be married by graduation.”
She looked over again. They were sitting so close that their shoulders were touching. Black was engaging them in conversation with a lively reenactment of some muggle movie they had watched, but the couple seemed to be hardly listening. Slowly, like attempting to touch fire, Evans leaned her head onto James shoulder—slightly hovering it in indecision for a moment before putting her weight fully on his. Potter perked up, then dared to place an arm around her waist.
Filius let out a low whistle. Horace moaned.
“I was really hoping she would get with one of the Black boys..” Horace mumbled, “ blood purity aside, I do think they would be better suited…”
But he got cut off by Pomona who came half sprinting down the table. 
“Are you seeing this?? Potter! Evans!” 
Christmas break was already upon them, which meant all of the professors were stretched too thin to think. Heads of house always had the worst of it. On one hand that meant she didn’t have to see Horace chortling around the castle half as much, but on the other she now had the Gryffindor house and the two Head students to preside over. As she walked, she mumbled to herself about how she would never offer up a Gryffindor into the Head position again. 
She mounted the stone steps towards the Heads’ office, trying to balance all the rolled parchments in her arms. Entering the small elaborate passage, she could see the light of the office was on. 
As she approached the image of them became more clear. Potter was elongated over the couch with his feet dangling lazily over the edge of the armrest. Evans laid between his splayed legs and over his torso. Using her forearms, she propped up on his chest and seemed to be drawing small circles into his shirt. Potter fiddled with her hair, twisting it through his fingers as though it was a snitch evading being caught. 
They spoke in low tones so she could hardly make out what they were saying. Potter said something to make her laugh tinkle into the cavernous room before tugging lightly on her to become eye level. Minerva watched with a sinking feeling as her two Head students locked lips, and proceeded to not break away from each other for a long time. 
She stood there in the passage, feeling a bit sorry for herself for being in this position: busy, overworked, trying to teach a class while helping Albus get a counterforce together...and now apparently being too sheepish to tell her Head Students to stop snogging long enough to take some of the work off her hands. 
With a little shriek from Evans, Potter flipped them over so he was now hovering over her while a hand disappeared somewhere Minerva did not want to guess. Admitting a sort of defeat, she spun on her heel and left the way she came. 
The morning of the last day of school started like all of the other 200 times she’d done it. She woke up, made herself some tea, shifted into her cat form and curled around her bedroom window. 
A knock rattled the door. She lifted her head and hoped that whoever was bothering her would take the hint. Another set of knocks, and distinctly not Albus’ typical rap. She did a cat’s equivalent of a sigh and changed herself human again. 
She opened the door to find Potter looking out of breath and somewhat sheepish. Not a good start. 
“Good morning Minnie,” he beamed at her. 
“Mr. Potter, can I help you? It’s 6am…”
Potter ran a hand through his hair. On a glance over he looked suspiciously put together for the time of day. 
“Er, yes actually. I’m hoping I banked enough goodwill with you to ask for a favor?” Even he sounded unsure of himself. She didn’t know what it was about him, but he always knew how to hit her soft spot. 
“I don’t know about this goodwill, but I’m listening.”
He let out a relieved huff then suddenly became very animated. “Brilliant—ok. I can’t really tell you right now, because it's kind of a secret, but I would really really love it— and be forever grateful to you— if you kept students away from the lake this afternoon.”
Minerva blinked at him. There was no bone in his body that was not being sincere, she could see that, but how often had he looked the same when he wanted to do one of his little stunts. 
Seeing her pursed lips, he continued. “I swear. I solemnly swear it's not a prank. Just please.”
“Wait, what?” he blinked at her like she had grown two heads.
“Don't make me regret this decision Potter.”
“I won’t— would never. Ah, Thank you Minnie! You’re a doll!” He turned and bounded down the stairs.
It turned out to be quite difficult to keep students away from the lake, but she managed. The clock was ringing 3pm and she was starting to wonder how long she was supposed to keep things up when she spotted them. Potter and Evans were walking hand in hand. They both hadn’t changed into their regular clothes yet and Evans was talking softly. Potter looked like he wasn’t hearing a word of it. Honestly, he looked wrecked. Whatever was on his mind was clearly eating him alive—not at all the same collected boy that had knocked on her door that morning. 
The lakeside was cleared as promised and they walked beside it before stopping and looking out at the mountains far away. It struck Minerva this would be the last time she would see these two in this setting. The next time they would meet they would be equals, fighting what now felt like an impossible war. She savored the moment of seeing two people in love, unaffected for perhaps the final time by death and sadness. 
Potter turned to Evans looking like he was about to combust. Evans must have noticed because her brow furrowed and she placed a hand on his chest, which he immediately grabbed and held in both hands. Very shaky, he lowered himself onto one knee. 
She waited for noise. For some sort of big show that Potter and his mates set up for the occasion, for students to come bursting at the seams of the castle to ruin the moment, for even just the sound of a yes.
Instead, there was silence. A blissful, pure silence. She must have blinked and missed it because Potter’s arms were wrapped around her now, lifting her off the ground. Tears poured from both of their eyes as they in turn tried to wipe the other's face—opting finally for kissing each tear off each other’s cheeks. There was no noise—just sweet relief. 
For a split second, the two reverted back into their eleventh year selves. Small, unsure, and holding onto each other tightly against the weight of a world still unknown to them. It was the first time in a long time she wanted to cradle something in her arms. To tell them it was going to be alright; to keep them whole.
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Hey! Im trying to find a fic where Derek is single father to Eli and starts dating stiles. Eli hates stiles and tries to get rid of him but it doesn’t work. Eventually Derek breaks up with stiles for Eli but is like so depressed and sad and Eli can’t stand it so he gets them back together. If anyone can find this fic, I know you can!!
Hi @bouncy-dog-funeral! Anon and @istalsworld says it's this one.
Tumblr media
5 times Eli tried to get rid of Stiles and 1 time he asked him to stay by TalesoftheEnchantedForest
(1/1 I 6,844 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek loves his son, Eli, but he also loves this new guy Stiles, and Eli knows. Only one of them can stay.
Aka, Eli doesn't approve of his father's new relationship, and somehow, he still ends up being the one to stitch everything back together.
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lavendertom · 11 months
The Neighbor Across the Street pt. 4
Mike Schmidt x Babysitter!f!Reader
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5, part 6
wc: 3.1k
warnings: very brief mention of garret’s kidnapping, fluff, some sad moments (mike deserves happiness 😞) (as always, lmk if there’s anything i’ve missed)
summary: the neighbor across the street needs a babysitter, so you take the job, not knowing what’s in store for you as you grow closer to the siblings. AU where nothing bad ever happens at the pizzeria.
surprise! part 4 is here early for 100 followers, so in turn there may be a few more errors than usual 🥹🫶 appreciate all of you so much, and very happy reading!
Monday came faster than you’d expected as you walked over to Abby and Mike’s house, preparing yourself for another night shift of babysitting. You were surprised Abby was able to make it a day without seeing you or finding a way to somehow be in your vicinity. She’d become quite clingy, in the best way possible. More often than not, she just wanted you to be there with her, even if that meant finishing up assignments while she drew.
You opened the door to hear the sound of muffled arguing between the siblings. As you placed your backpack down by the dining table, you caught the slightest glimpse of Mike walking down the hall to Abby’s room. Abby was strung across his shoulder, the young girl pulling on his shirt as she wore Mike’s security vest.
“Mike! Let me come with you! Please!” Abby whined as she tried to latch onto the door frame. Before you could attempt to see what was happening, the door slammed shut and Mike walked out with his vest in hand.
“Everything okay?” you asked, trying to read the situation. He stopped for a moment, not knowing how long you’d been there and how much of the situation you saw or heard.
“Everything’s fine. She’s all yours.” he huffed as he walked past you.
“You sure?”
“Don’t worry about it, Y/n.” he was grabbing his bag and keys, still visibly upset about whatever had happened. “See you tonight.”
The door shut quickly as he left the house, not giving you a chance to say anything else back. You stood for a moment, still confused about what you had just walked into, until the sounds of muffled crying broke the silence. You quietly made your way to Abby’s room. As you got closer, the sounds grew louder. You gently knocked on the door.
“Hey Abs. It’s Y/n/n. Can I come in please?” you said in a gentle voice.
You heard the patter of small footsteps as she made her way to the door. It slowly opened and Abby scurried back to the blanket fort in the corner of the room. The room was full of drawings tapped over ever surface, including many the two of you had done together over the past 2 months. It had everything a girl Abby’s age could ever want, down to the smallest details.
“You okay Abs?” you stepped in slowly, giving her space.
“Mike hates me Y/n.” she said.
“Why do you think Mike hates you?”
“He’s always at work. He never wants to draw with me anymore. He is never at home anymore Y/n.” she started sniffling again.
You grabbed a golden teddy bear from her bed, looking down at it as you approached the blanket fort. It had a bow and top hat, you instantly knew where it was from and who got it for Abby.
“Mike would never hate you Abs. You know how much you love Mike? He loves you a million more times than that.” you could see her shuffling in the fort, turning away from the opening. You sat down in front of the opening to get down to her level.
“If he loved me he would let me come to work with him.” she mumbled.
“I know you love your brother Abby, but he is just really busy right now. That doesn’t mean he hates you or he doesn’t want to play with you anymore. He just has a lot of work to do right now.” you set down the golden teddy bear in the entrance of the fort and lightly tapped Abby’s shoulder. “I think Fredbear wants a hug.”
She slowly turned around and looked down at the bear that sat in front of her. She looked down at the bear, then up at you who sat crisscross on the floor smiling softly at her.
“Who got you this bear Abs?”
“Mike.” she said as quiet as a mouse.
“And what about everything else in your room?”
“Mike.” she said quietly again.
“He cares about you so much more than you think Abs. He works a lot so he can get you all of these awesome toys and art supplies. He loves you more than anything in the world.” you were patting the top of the hat on the bear.
Abby grabbed the bear swiftly and held it in her arms. After a moment she snuck her way out of the fort and practically jumped on you, giving you a hug now too.
“Promise me you’ll give your brother a hug just like this when he’s home again?” you said as the young girl wouldn’t let go of you.
“I promise Y/n.” you could tell she was smiling in the way her voice sounded. “I love you, Y/n.”
She had never said that to you before. After just under two months of babysitting, after building such a strong bond with the girl in such little time, it came both as a shock and comfort. You could feel tears start welling in your eyes, smiling bigger than ever before. You knew how hard it was for the girl to trust people and build relationships with people her age. You were pleasantly surprised at how quickly she warmed up to you after Mike warned you it might take a while. You didn’t want Abby to ever feel this way again, you wanted to make sure she knew she was loved and cared for. Just like she loves and cares for Mike, and now you.
“I love you too Abs.” you responded, trying your best to hold it together. She finally pulled away from you, still holding the bear in her hands.
“Can we play now?” she said, already gathering a pile of plush animals and dolls from her blanket fort. You could not help but chuckle at this, it was right on character for her to be back to her happy and energetic self.
“Of course Abs.” you said with a smile.
“Here is your food Mr. Panda.” Abby said giggling, handing over a paper plate stolen from the kitchen with pieces of paper colored to be pieces of food on top of it.
“Thank you Mr. Chef, this is quite the delicious meal.” you said, attempting to sound like a posh British business man, making Abby laugh even more. “Wait, why is there a toad in my meal?!”
“I pranked you!” she shouted laughing even harder.
“Ew! I am leaving this establishment!” you said, keeping up your accent, throwing the plate back at her as you took your panda bear, pretending to make it walk away.
“Let’s do it again!” this was probably the 100th time she’d said this. While it was the best feeling seeing her laugh and have fun, the same pranks over and over again get boring after about 5 times.
“I don’t know Abs, it’s getting kind of late.” it was almost 10pm and you knew she was technically supposed to be asleep by 9:30 per Mike’s rules.
“Please Y/n!” you thought for a moment before speaking.
“How about this, you go get ready for bed and we can hang out in your little fort until you get sleepy.”
“Like a sleepover?” she said, almost jumping from joy.
“Just like a sleepover.” you said smiling.
“Okay!” she ran to grab her pajamas and brush her teeth. Once she returned she pulled your arm right into the fort. She pulled a blanket over her legs as she sat down and gave you the spare one that was left.
“Let’s tell each other our biggest secrets.” Abby said immediately after you sat down, a mischievous grin on her face. Wow, this girl really doesn’t take a break. “You go first Y/n.”
“Wow, thanks Abby.” you said hesitantly, not knowing what kind of information the girl was trying to get out of you. “Hmm… okay. My biggest secret is I actually really hate cake.”
“Y/n, that’s a lame secret. And I know you’re lying.” she said, extremely unamused.
“How do you know I’m lying!” you said, pretending to be annoyed, softly smiling at her. “Okay fine then, what’s your biggest secret?”
“Mike has a crush on you.”
“What?” you said, your smiling dropping, jaw hanging open.
“Yeah, he has a hugeee crush on you Y/n.”
“Th- that’s really funny Abs.” you nervously laughed, trying to save yourself from the extremely shocked and obvious reaction you had at first.
“I’m not lying Y/n.” she was dead serious.
You sat there for a moment, still nervously laughing until you realized she was being so serious. You could feel your face starting to burn up out of both embarrassment and shock of the confession she had just made. Memories of her saying you’d be a great princess for Mike flashed into your mind. She definitely told him about the situation the next day, and somehow, like she always does, got the information out of him. You weren’t sure what to do next until she made the decision for you.
“Do you have a crush on Mike?” she was clearly picking up on your reaction.
“Um, well, I mean-“
“Just say it Y/n.”
“Okay fine, maybe I do have a crush on Mike.”
“I knew it! Are you going to get married to Mike?”
“Abs slow down!” you said covering your face with your hands.
“I am so happy you have a crush on Mike!”
“You aren’t at all grossed out by this? Shouldn’t you be saying something about us having cooties?” you knew at her age you did not feel this way about crushes, she was way too excited about this.
“No, I think you guys would be perfect for each other.” she was smiling and giggling to herself.
“Well,” there’s no point holding any of this in anymore, she already knows too much. “Maybe I feel the same way about it.”
“I know. I can’t wait for you to be boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Abs, you know you can’t tell Mike about this, right? This is my biggest secret.” you said, now realizing you had to warn the girl based off her inability to keep other people’s secrets.
“You said hating cake was your secret.”
“Abby.” you laughed and playfully pushed her shoulder.
“Okay I promise I won’t tell Mike if you promise to tell him you have a crush on him.” she began grinning mischievously again.
“Abby you are something else.” you were laughing and shaking your head. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed now.”
“Fine.” she groaned, “Only because you told me about your crush on Mike.”
You attempted to get up, but she stopped you.
“Can we sleep in here?” you noticed she didn’t say I but she said we.
“You know what, why not.” you smiled.
You stepped out to shut off the lights, noticing the fort had a glow to it from christmas lights strung all around it. You grabbed a pillow from Abby’s bed for her to use and went back to the fort. She already had her posse of stuffed animals gathered around her, pulling her blanket up until only her head was poking out of it. You pulled the extra blanket and laid next to her. The fort was small for someone your age to be laying down in, but you made do for her.
“I never want you to leave our house again Y/n.” Abby said softly as she laid her head on your shoulder. “I wish we could have a sleepover every night.”
“I do too, Abs.” you said as you looked up to the shapes on the blankets above your head. You didn’t realize she quickly fell asleep after her last comment, and you fell asleep quickly after. You were content hoping you made an impact on her tonight and also content knowing there was a chance Mike felt the same way you did. There was a chance you could be there for Abby forever, the chance that one day you’d never have to leave them again in the morning.
The front door opened quietly in the early hours of the morning as Mike returned home from another grueling night shift. This shift was especially difficult. It was a long night, he didn’t get as much sleep as he wanted to, and the dread of coming home to confront both Y/n and Abby over the earlier situation was in his mind constantly. He didn’t want to mess up for either of them and it sure felt like he had. He didn’t want to disappoint his girls.
“Hey Y/n.” he said quietly as he set down his things, rubbing his eyes tiredly. When he didn’t hear a response back he expected you to be asleep, but when he went to look for you in your usual spot on the couch, you weren’t there. He panicked for a moment, flashbacks of Garrett going missing played in his mind. He quickly made his way to Abby’s room, trying his best not to let the floorboards creek on his way there. When he opened the door and caught a glimpse of the two of you fast asleep in the blanket fort, he felt relief wash over him.
He stepped into the room quietly, not wanting to wake up either of you. When he approached the opening of the fort, he saw the way Abby’s head leaned on your shoulder, and the way yours leaned against her head. The smallest of smiles formed on his face.
He felt forever indebted to you for giving Abby the childhood memories she deserved. He knew Abby loved him, but he never felt like he was able to do enough. He was never able to be anything more than a brother to Abby. You knew which activities she liked, how to play with her, and exactly how she liked her spaghetti cooked. He knew deep down inside that Abby deserved you in her life, but he didn’t feel like he deserved you at all. You didn’t deserve to be pulled into a situation like this, yet you gave it your all. He paid you only when he could, and you never complained. Not once. No matter how stressful school was, you never called off. You pushed through for Abby. But Mike didn’t realize you pushed through it for him as well.
He poked his head through the entrance of the fort just enough to place a light kiss on Abby’s forehead. Before he could stop himself, he leaned over Abby and placed the lightest, most gentle kiss on the top of your head. He slowly took his head out of the fort, and sat for a minute on the floor.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered so quietly. Only the sound of the girls quiet breaths filled the room, then he got up quietly, and went to bed. He didn’t get anymore sleep that night.
7am came slower than ever as Mike sat in his bed. He had nothing to look at above him as he removed his “Nebraska” poster a few days after starting the new night job, bringing it to work instead. He brought it there to distract him instead. He got out of bed, and went over to Abby’s room to find the two of you still asleep. He felt bad having to wake you guys up, but he had to do it.
“Hey Abs, it’s time to get ready for school.” he gently shook her shoulder. “Come on, get up.”
She slowly woke up, groaning, asking for 5 more minutes. She got up, immediately giving Mike a biggest hug. She wasn’t going to forget her promise she made the night before. Mike was surprised by the gesture after yesterdays altercation, but he didn’t think much of it.
From all the stirring, you also slowly woke up, not entirely remembering what happened last night and how you ended up in Abby’s fort. When you finally fully woke up, the memories came flooding back. “Mike has a crush on you.” Suddenly it felt awkward for you.
“Morning Y/n.” he said as he held part of the opening open for Abby to get out and start getting ready.
“Sorry for staying longer than usual.” you rubbed your face trying to wake yourself up and hide the redness in your face.
“Y/n. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.” he quickly looked over his shoulder towards the door, listening for any indication Abby was nearby. “Listen, Y/n, do you think you can come over an hour early tonight?” he said in a whisper.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you said, a confused look on your face.
“I don’t want Abby to know. Just wanted to talk to you for a bit.” he was avoiding your eyes, still holding the blanket open from the fort. “Nothing bad. I just don’t want Abby knowing you’ll be here early, kind of hard to talk to anyone when she’s around.”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.” you said, getting out of the fort, now standing in front of him.
“I’ll distract her before you get here.”
“Okay, sounds good.” you said with a tight lipped smile.
“Thanks, Y/n.”
You both stood there for another second, making eye contact again, until you looked away quickly.
“I’m gonna go now, have a few classes today.”
“Right. Sorry for keeping you long.”
“You told me not to apologize, now it’s my turn to tell you not to.” you said with an airy chuckle.
“See you later Y/n.”
You made your way towards Abby’s door to leave, bumping into her on the way out. She gave you an extremely knowing glare after noticing you had been talking to Mike, alone, in her room just moments before.
“See you guys tonight.” you waved, exiting the room. Mike followed you out. When you reached the front door, he opened it for you, and waited there as you left. He waited there, like he always does, making sure you cross the street safely. This time he waited until you opened the door to your own house, and for the first time, you both noticed the other.
Had he not stayed until you opened your own door, he wouldn’t have known you turn around every time you go home, hoping you’d see him one last time. Had he not stayed, you wouldn’t have known how he waits every single time, no matter how tired he is, just to make sure you get home safely. And so he doesn’t have to keep you out of his sight for any longer than he has to.
jules jewels (tag list! lmk if u want to be added or removed 🤗)
@balesita @universi8 @browneyedgirly93 @marsmallow433 @prongsprincessworld @ajlareads @k3nnlolz @louweasleymalfoy @chompwoman @wasabidottie @queenie-official @emmaishere432 @curasimp @mxrvelouss
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madebydun · 8 days
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The Eruri matchmaking fic "Embedded" that I had the pleasure to illustrate has 3/5 chapters up already (and soon will be finished! :D). If you like angst with a dash of melancholy and Levi struggling with grief it's for you ^^
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engie-ivy · 8 months
@wolfstarmicrofic 5th: Cupid💘
817 words
When Remus let James Potter set him up on a date with his best friend, Lily had hoped that at least he would find out dating really isn't that terrible, and finally start allowing Lily to set him up on dates as well.
Not Sorry
Lily stumbles a little as she walks over to Remus, because damn those bloody heels.
Remus turns towards her from where he's standing at the bar and arches an eyebrow. “Lils, you might want to go easy on the wine.”
Which is ridiculous. Lily has only had three glasses. And some champagne before that. And maybe a cocktail at some point.
“Don't change the topic!” Lily says, even though they hadn't actually been talking yet. She jabs her finger at Remus’ chest. “I'm still mad at you!”
“Oh, come on, Lils," Remus chuckles. “You're going to have to get over it at some point.”
“We had a deal, Lupin!”
“I know, Lily, but-”
“A deal! All I ever wanted was to get you this fun and exciting dating life,” Lily sighs wistfully. “So you could have handsome men take you out and boost your ego like you deserve, and we could share dating stories and laugh about weird guys together. But did you allow me to set you up on a date ever?”
“I did not,” Remus admits.
“You did not!” Lily exclaims, as if Remus didn't already just admit to that. “It was all ‘No, Lily, I'm just the sort of person who's better off by himself’, ‘No, Lily, I'm not looking for anything’, ‘No, Lily, I'm too independent and need my alone time’, and yadda yadda.” She rolls her eyes. “But then what happened? You allowed your new coworker to set you up on a date with his best friend!”
“It's just very hard to say no to James,” Remus defends himself.
Lily scoffs. Although, while she has only met James Potter a few times, if she's honest she can kind of imagine. When Potter is looking at you with those puppy eyes of his, giving you that hopeful smile, all bright and eager and- Lily shakes her head. She's getting off track. “But we came to a very clear agreement,” she continues, placing her hands on her hips. “If you would learn that going on a date is actually not such a dreadful experience as you seemed to think, you would finally start letting me set you up on dates as well. And was the date dreadful?”
“No, it wasn't,” Remus sighs.
“And did you let me set you up on any dates afterwards, as you promised?”
“No, I didn't,” Remus sighs.
“No, you didn't!” Lily mimics. “Not one date, nothing!” She lets out a dramatic sigh. “And I had so many ideas… That cute redhead from the coffeeshop, that fit bloke from my yoga class, the hot guy from accounting… It would've been so fun, so exciting, maybe we even could've gone on double dates at some point!”
“Sorry to interrupt,” Sirius appears at Remus’ side, sliding an arm around his waist. “But as much as I enjoy bonding with your family– our family–,” he corrects with a smile. “Your Aunt Joy has been telling me about her bad knee for half an hour now. The sooner you get that woman some wine, the better.”
“And you!” Lily says, turning her attention to Sirius. “You're to blame as well, you know!”
Sirius blinks at her. “Alright, Evans?”
Lily jabs her finger at Sirius’ chest now. “You just had to snatch him off the market right away, didn't you?”
Sirius blinks again, and then barks a laugh. “Well, can you blame me, Lils? I couldn't risk letting this one get away, now could I?” He presses a kiss to Remus’ cheek. “I had to lock it down as soon as possible.”
Lily purses her lips, because, well, no, maybe she actually can't blame him for that.
“I'll be right there, babe,” Remus says, squeezing Sirius’ hand.
Sirius nods and walks off to deal with Remus’ aunt.
Remus looks at Lily and shrugs. “What can I say, Lils? James just struck gold the first time. If you want me to apologize, I'm going to have to disappoint you.” He looks over at the other side of the room while touching the brand new golden ring around his finger, to where Sirius is chatting to his aunts. Sirius catches his gaze, and the forced smile on his face turns into a soft, genuine one. Remus smiles as well. “I'm really not sorry at all.”
Lily watches Remus and Sirius make their way through the room to chat with all their guests.
They do look awfully good together, she thinks sourly.
Then she turns on her heels, having decided to go look for James Potter and give him a piece of her mind. Stupid Potter, thinking he can play Cupid and set their best friends up for their happy-ever-after! Like, who does he think he is? Making Remus so bloody happy, making her bloody cry with that stupid best man speech of his, and looking so bloody handsome in his stupid suit!
Yes, she'll tell him alright.
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
what do you think is funnier: Selûne rifling through her list of clerics to set her daughter up with someone Appropriate bc she knows Aylin is a huge lesbian and will go helm over greaves as soon as she likes a girl (and setting up a meet cute once she picks Isobel) or Aylin coming home to the astral sea like MOTHER I HAVE LIT UPON A MATE MOST GLORIOUS and Selûne's realization she has been privy to some incredibly private prayers recently that have indeed been about her daughter
This ask is hilarious and I love it. I am adding "helm over greaves" to my repertoire immediately.
Now I'm imagining a secret third option where Selûne is getting a bit frustrated and sad that her daughter is sort of stuck in a rut, being entirely too serious and duty-focused to the exclusion of allowing herself actual good things and worldly/mortal experiences, stubbornly erring on the side of the divine and such. Maybe this is her twentieth recent moon-blessed meet-cute setup attempt and they just keep not clicking, and Selûne would never push things because free will and all that, you know? But alas, an awful track record for the goddess whose portfolio once used to include love and marriage! Then going all divine proclamation "AYLIN MY BELOVED DAUGHTER MY MOST LOYAL KNIGHT I HAVE A LOFTY DUTY OF GREAT IMPORT FOR YOU" and she sends her to yes, sure, watch over this entire super-devoted region and long family line, but have you seen that sweet and very talented cleric who seems lonely, too? (Sune eating holy popcorn in the background.)
Man, all this just makes me realise I crave some fluffy shenanigans with these two. Yes, their storylines are super steeped in tragedy and bittersweet and doomed mortal/immortal stuff but there's also so much hilarity potential there. Starting with, but not limited to, "the god I am a cleric of is my mother-in-law". And then maybe throw in some courtly love knight/lady trappings in there. Delicious.
You've reminded me of swear i was born right in the doorway which is a really funny fic that has a bit of Selûne going "Isobel you're very nice but please stop praying about my daughter to me". Also gonna drop a quick shoutout to Five easy steps to successfully kidnapping your very own peasant wife! (um, actually, she’s an angel?) which is a newly posted one that seems to be deliberately going in those romcom-y tropey directions and I dig it. I hear there's only going to be one bed at the inn! Hard to beat that.
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destieltaggedfic · 8 months
Shippers/Matchmakers - Part 6
So.... Sorry about not posting on Friday. It was a public holiday here in Australia and I kind of fell into a project I'm doing and didn't stop until late. Whoops.
Well, SOMEONE Had to Say It! – GythaOgg   Ao3
Set S13.  Jack doesn’t understand why Dean and Cas say they’re not together, its obvious that they love each other.
Word Count: 5k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
Shared Space – operationgenesis   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Called out by Claire about letting his vessel age so he can grow older with Dean, she also encourages Cas to make a move.
Word Count: 1k                                 No Sex
FWB - fanfic814   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Since Jimmy moved on and Cas has been alone in the vessel he’s started having to do certain things.  Luckily Dean has been there to teach him how to do it all.  Now Cas is trying to deal with the hormones that are going into overdrive
Word Count: 28k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
It's Destiny – MittenWraith   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  Sam had a spell thrown at him and now he can hear the thoughts of Dean and Cas, much to everyone’s discomfort.  When it gets too much he begs them to talk to each other.
Word Count: 7k                                 No Sex
Stranger Things and Eldritch Bunkers – Dogsled   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  The bunker is sick of the pining so traps Dean and Cas in Cas’ room until they sort themselves out.
Word Count: 5k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
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thebunnednun · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT GURL! A story where Reader has a crush on Ace and Sabo tries to help her with getting his attention BUT Sabo is the one who's in love with reader! So like Sabo--> Reader--> Ace. (Of course we want friends to lovers so she stay Sabo? You choose, Babe! salute from Brazil)
If you only knew how much I love you Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace
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Sabo is becoming quiet popular with my readers!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the art in any way, shape, or form.
Thank you for the request babe! I hope you enjoy this!
To be posted on my Tumblr account soon.
I also have a poll out right now where all readers can vote for what they want to see next. At this time, 5/18/2024, you lovelies have 4 days left to vote! Feel free to comment what you specifically want as well!
Hopefully now I can get to the rest of my requests.
Now lets get on to this sexy man!~
The salty breeze of the sea carried whispers of adventure and longing as you stood on the bustling docks of Loguetown. Your eyes scanned the horizon, searching for a familiar figure among the bustling crowd. And there he was, Ace, the enigmatic pirate with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.
(And Abs that would melt the ice caps.)
Your heart fluttered as Ace approached, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. You had harbored a secret crush on him for what felt like an eternity, your admiration for him growing with each passing day. But despite your best efforts to hide your feelings, you couldn't help but blush whenever he was near.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ace greeted you with a grin, his voice as warm as the sun-kissed sea. 
"What's up?"
"Hey, Fire britches," you replied, trying to steady your racing heart. "Just enjoying the sights and sounds of the harbor."
As they walked along the docks, you stole glances at Ace whenever you thought he wasn't looking. You admired his confidence, his easy charm, and the way he effortlessly captivated everyone around him. But deep down, you knew you could never be more than just a friend to him.
Meanwhile, Sabo watched from a distance, his heart heavy with longing. He had been friends with our lovely Reader for as long as he could remember, always by her side through thick and thin. But lately, he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. 
"Sabo, are you okay?" Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, snapping him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Sabo replied with a forced smile. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
Luffy studied him for a moment, a knowing look in his eyes. "You know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," he said, his voice filled with concern.
Sabo's heart swelled with gratitude for his brother's kindness. "Thanks, Luffy," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, You found yourself spending more and more time with Ace, your feelings for him growing stronger with each passing moment. You cherished the moments together, the laughter and camaraderie you shared, but you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was missing.
One evening, as the sun was setting below the shoreline, you found yourself sitting alone on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, just lost in thought. You couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your heart, a sense of longing that refused to be ignored.
"Sabo," you whispered into the night, voice barely above a whisper. 
"What am I supposed to do?"
Unbeknownst to you, Sabo had been standing in the shadows, watching you with a heavy heart. He longed to tell you how he felt, to confess the depths of his love for you, but he couldn't bear the thought of ruining your friendship.
"[Name]," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I wish I could show you how much you mean to me."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of you, his feelings burning brighter with each passing moment. It was almost like he was addicted. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get her to see him in a different light. 
"Sabo," Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, pulling him back to reality once again. 
"I have an idea!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. 
"What kind of idea?"
Luffy grinned mischievously. "I think it's time we help [Name] with their crush on Ace," he said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "And who better to help them than their two best friends?"
Sabo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of your crush on Ace. "You really think that'll work?" he asked, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Of course it will! We'll be their wingmen, their partners in crime," he declared, a grin spreading across his face. "And who knows? Maybe along the way, they’ll realize that the one they’ve been searching for has been right in front of them all along."
With a newfound sense of determination, Sabo and Luffy set their plan into motion. 
They orchestrated chance encounters between [Name] and Ace, subtly arranging situations where they could spend more time together. And as they watched from the sidelines, Sabo couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever Ace flashed that charming smile of his at you.
But despite their best efforts, [Name] remained oblivious to Sabo's feelings for them. They were too focused on Ace to notice anything else, their heart set on a love that would never be.
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself growing more and more frustrated. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get [Name] to notice him in the way he wanted them to. And with each passing day, his feelings for her only grew stronger.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sabo found himself alone on the deck railing of the Thousand Sunny, lost in thought. You and Ace had seemingly gotten closer and he couldn't shake the feeling of despair that gnawed at his heart, a sense of hopelessness that refused to be ignored.
He’d fallen hard for you and was now going to lose you to the man he called Brother. The fire he commanded was now threatening to consume his very soul if he didn't get this under control.
"Dear God," he whispered into the night, his voice barely audible. "What am I supposed to do?” 
But before he could dwell on his thoughts any longer, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he found himself face to face with [Name], your eyes filled with concern.
"Sabo, are you okay?" you asked, your voice was soft yet filled with genuine concern. "You seem lost in thought."
Sabo forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil raging within him. "I'm fine, [Name]," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
You studied him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his true feelings. "Ya know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," you said, your voice filled with warmth and understanding. 
Sabo's heart swelled. The pale moonlight illuminated your features with a soft ethereal glow. The swell of your pouty lips and the concern that painted your eyes were stabbing him inside of his heart. A cold sweat broke out onto his skin with fear crawling its way with gratitude for your kindness. "Thanks, [Name]," he said, his voice thick with emotion. 
"I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of [Name], his feelings for them burning brighter with each passing moment. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get them to see him in a different light.
One fateful night, as the crew of the Thousand Sunny gathered on deck to watch the stars, Sabo found himself unable to keep his feelings hidden any longer. With his heart pounding in his chest, he turned to [Name], his voice trembling with emotion.
"[Name]," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."
You turned to him with a soft smile. “I have something to tell you too. But you go first!” You tried to keep your heart from skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. However, as Ace passed by he made no attempt of communication. "What is it, Sabo?" you asked, voice barely a whisper.
The vulnerability in Sabo's eyes took you by surprise and his voice lacked its usual conviction.
‘I have to do this, I have to do this!’
Sabo took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.
He looked into your eyes, seeing nothing but genuine concern and care. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take the plunge. "It's just... hard. Helping you with Ace, I mean."
You blinked in surprise. "Why?"
"Because..." Sabo's voice cracked slightly, and he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. "Because I have feelings for you."
The room fell into a stunned silence. Your heart raced as you processed his confession. "Sabo... I..."
He shook his head, forcing a smile. "It's okay. I know you like Ace. I just needed to tell you."
You reached out, gently turning his face back to yours. "Sabo, I had no idea. If I had known..."
He placed his hand over yours, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's not your fault. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
"I... I love you, [Name]," he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can't keep it hidden any longer."
Your heart soared at his confession, your own feelings for Sabo bubbling to the surface. "Sabo," you whispered, voice filled with emotion. "I love you too."
You squeezed your fingers tightly in front of your chest. “I.. I just realized that while I liked Ace and spending time with him I didn't actually love him romantically.” You softly reached for Sabo's hand and he came closer to join your fingers together. 
“I realized I was in love with my best friend instead.”
With tears of joy streaming down their faces, You and Sabo embraced, your hearts finally finding the love you had been searching for all along. 
And as they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would burn bright for all eternity.
Unbeknownst to you both, Luffy and Ace were on the top deck high fiving each other. 
“HA, and he’s supposed to be the smart one!”
“Can you not say that without picking your nose?”
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have a Sexy Mihawk x Maid! Reader posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
A very confusing day in the Merpepito AU
Richarlyson is being weird.
...Okay, so Richarlyson is usually weird, but now he's being super weird! Maybe he's dying. He has a worm in his brain eating it or something. Oh! Or there is a sea cucumber growing between his ears!
Pepito isn't a doctor, but he thinks that Richarlyson might actually be dying. Because there's no other reason why Richarlyson would be hanging out with Apa Roier so much.
It's been a week since the Sky fell, and maybe Richarlyson got hit by a piece of the Sky and his brain started bleeding, because he's decided that he's Apa Roier's new best friend. (Which is crazy because Apa Roier doesn't have friends! He always says so.)
Every morning, Richarlyson sits next to Apa Roier at breakfast. He helps Apa Roier with his chores. He brings Apa Roier cups of water when it starts getting hot out. He eats lunch next to Apa Roier. He tells Apa Roier that he'll take care of his afternoon chores so Apa Roier can take a siesta. He eats dinner next to Apa Roier. He calls Apa Roier cool, he says that Apa Roier is the strongest Pepito he's ever seen, he says that he hopes that Apa Roier stays forever on the ship.
It's weird! Richarlyson has to be dying.
...But maybe Apa Roier is dying, too, because he's been talking to Richarlyson a lot over the past week. He saves Richarlyson a seat at the table between himself and Captain Celbi, but he's never saved Pepito a seat. He says that he's going to teach Richarlyson how to fight, but he won't teach Pepito how to fight.
But it's fine! Pepito isn't upset at all! Pepito is happy that Apa Roier is making friends... even if his new friend is the person who hates Pepito the most.
Pepito doesn't interfere. Pepito keeps doing Pepito's chores: helping Richarlyson and Pomme mop the deck, helping Mister Pac sort through foods in the kitchen, helping Mister Felps tie knots. Miss Mouse says that she's gonna teach Pepito how to do magic soon, and Miss Baghera wants to teach Pepito how to draw and read maps.
Pepito likes being a pirate. It's super fun! Pepito likes the ocean, and Pepito likes the stars- and his best friend, the Moon. Pepito likes helping around the ship. Pepito likes watching Captain Celbi at the wheel. (He's so cool!)
...Pepito just misses Ama Rivers and Apa Carre and Apa Mariana and Apa Quackity and Awuelo Foolish and Leo and Empi and Sunny a lot. And Pepito thinks that Apa Roier misses them, too.
He has to.
But Apa Roier has been smiling a lot, recently. He smiles when he's near Captain Celbi, and he smiles when he's with Richarlyson. Sometimes he smiles when he's with Pepito, but not always.
He doesn't smile when he's talking to Captain Celbi about Pepito's brother. Bobby always makes people sad, though, so Pepito doesn't think about that too much.
Pepito thinks about Pirate Things instead, because Pepito is going to be the Best Pirate Ever!
Apparently, Pepito is a really Good Pirate because Captain Celbi wants to talk to Pepito alone in his office!
Pepito is sooooooo getting promoted! He won't just be the ship's Pepito, he'll be the ship's Pirate Pepito. He'll get a fancy pirate hat and everything; Richarlyson doesn't have a fancy pirate hat, so Apa Roier is going to look at Pepito and pick him up and tell him that he's such a Good Pepito that he's going to sit with Pepito at dinner and teach Pepito how to fight!
"Now, Pepito, I called you in here for a very good reason," Captain Celbi says as soon as Pepito is sitting (evilly!!) in the chair in front of his desk.
Pepito nods, serious.
Captain Celbi takes that as a sign to continue: "I understand that you're Roier's son?"
Pepito nods. Pepito is Apa Roier's Pepito!
Captain Celbi sighs, relieved. "Okay, good."
And then Captain Celbi's face falls. He almost looks ready to cry- his face is all red and his eyes are all wide and he looks really super freaked out.
"What does your dad like?" Captain Celbi asks, face all scrunched up like he's in pain. He sticks his hands up under his hat and pulls at his hair so hard that his knuckles knock the hat off of his head. The pointy things on the top of his head lay flat, unable to be seen through his hair.
Pepito blinks. Apa Roier likes Bobby? But, no, Bobby just makes Apa Roier cry. Hmm...
Captain Celbi groans and slumps back in his chair, his wrists and arms covering his face.
"He's impossible," he moans. "Every time I've tried subtly asking him, he's just shrugged!"
That sounds like Apa Roier. He's never liked talking about himself. Pepito didn't even know his name until all of the other Ocean Pepitos yelled at and made Apa Roier take Pepito home.
"He's always just-" (Captain Celbi's Pointy Things twitch, and he pitches his voice up in an impression.) "-'Hey, man! I don't know, man! I like lots of things, man! I like fish!' Like!" (He drops his impression and his hands, sitting up in frustration.) "What fish!? We're on the ocean! There are lots of fish in the ocean!"
Pepito nods sagely. There are lots of fish in the ocean. Captain Celbi is very smart, that's why he's the captain!
Captain Celbi rubs his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger.
"He deserves something nice," he sighs, much quieter and much calmer. "Better than fish. He deserves... gold. Silver. Diamonds. Rubies. He deserves good things."
Apa Roier has never been one for shiny things. That's always been Apa Quackity, even though he can't ever afford anything shiny because of how many times the Sea Witch has blown up his house with Sea Witch Magic, and Awuelo Foolish, who is basically the King of the Reef.
Apa Roier likes fish. He likes Bobby. He hates pirates. He likes crabs. He likes blue and red coral. He likes Miss Niki's candy. He likes-
Captain Celbi looks at Pepito seriously. "I need your help, Pepito. I want to get your father a really nice gift. It has to be perfect."
Pepito looks at the notepad on Captain Celbi's desk.
Following Pepito's gaze, Captain Celbi slides the paper over along with a pen.
Pepito hums, and he thinks. What does Apa Roier like most?
Pepito draws exactly what Apa Roier would like! Once he's done, he flips the notepad around to show Captain Celbi with a triumphant grin.
"Pepito," says Captain Celbi, smiling only a little, "that's a picture of me."
Pepito nods. Captain Celbi makes Apa Roier really happy! The perfect gift!
Captain Celbi sighs, and he leans across the desk to ruffle Pepito's hair.
"That's a good thought," he says, "but let's try and think of something I can buy him."
Ooooooh! Okay!
Pepito turns the page and starts to think again. Something you can buy...
Oh! Pepito knows!
So, Awuelo Foolish has this friend named Mister Vegetta, and Awuelo Foolish wanted to give Mister Vegetta the BEST gift ever. So Awuelo Foolish found the most perfect shell at the Bottom of the Ocean, and he put it on a string of kelp, and he gave it to Mister Vegetta, and now they're Best Friends! They have sleepovers every night and they kiss a lot, which Pepito thinks that Married Pepitos do, but Awuelo Foolish and Mister Vegetta aren't Married Pepitos yet, they're just Best Friends who make each other super happy.
So Pepito draws the shell, and he draws the string, and he even draws Captain Celbi giving Apa Roier the necklace.
He holds the picture up to Captain Celbi, and Captain Celbi grins.
"That's perfect, Pepito," he says. "The next time we're near a beach, you and I are going to find your dad the perfect seashell."
YES!! Another secret mission with Captain Celbi!
Take that, Richarlyson! You might be friends with Apa Roier now, but are you going on secret missions with the captain? Nuh-uh!
Pepito is the best pirate ever!!!
To Be Continued...
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 months
For @steddie-week July 3: mutual pining
Robin was going crazy, she was going certifiably insane, and she needed her best friend to kindly pull his head out of the proverbial sand and get it the heck together already. She'd been watching over the weeks and months since Eddie's recovery. She had witnessed the drug induced flirting from one high out of his gourd Eddie Munson and the subsequent flustered blush on her platonic soulmate's face who insisted he was just like that with everyone. She'd wanted to bang her head against the sterile white walls during that conversation, because firstly, no the fuck he wasn't. Eddie teased, of course, but to look at Steve Harrington and his drug added mind to supply “Guardian angel, ethereal beauty, my heartbeat, the sun in my sky, moon and stars envy your beauty, love, baby, sweetheart” no, these words were those of a love-struck man. She noticed how Eddie almost shrunk into himself when he saw them again, no longer high, but a fear set in his eyes as though he remembered the sugar sweet words he'd spoken to Steve. She noticed how Steve approached slowly, talking as though nothing happened just telling Eddie how happy he was he was still here. Still alive, still breathing.
She watched as Steve made himself available to always be there, helping Eddie to and from appointments, helping him with home exercises, being in his space and making sure he never went without.
She watched as they both fell ever deeper everyday together, further and further while believing the other couldn't possibly feel the same.
She was here now witnessing just one more instance of this absolutely convoluted mutual pining. Robin sighed and stood up. Both men looking up at her with surprise, she bit her lip for a moment, sighed again, gestured between them, and simply raised an eyebrow.
When neither seemed to respond, she huffed a breath and then started, “Alright. Enough of this. We all know I'm queer, okay? Everyone knows now and accepts me, you both cheerlead me constantly. Eddie,” she turned her eyes to him, “we know there had been rumors, I won't put you or assume anything, but my heart tells me you like Steve, maybe even love him. And Dingus,” she turned back to him, “I know the different expressions you have. There's something you're thinking or feeling for Eddie and I need you, for the love of God, to please tell him already.” She finished and looked back and forth between them again, nodded her head once and walked out the front door of the new Munson residence.
By nightfall her phone was ringing, she picked it up after a moment to hear Stevie on the other end, “Bobbin, thank you. I don't know how to tell you how thankful I am, we talked for hours and, Robbie-bird, he's my boyfriend now!”
“I'm happy for you Dingus. I love you, and I needed to see you both happy. I'm glad I was right, now get some rest and the three of us can go grab lunch tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay Bobby, love you too, goodnight.” He whispered back a smile evident in his voice.
Robin could dance. She was so happy for her friends, now to conquer her own pining heart and speak to Vicky.
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boyfhee · 7 months
chapter one ⋆ dogs day out
note : i forgot to add but the first six are riki's pov and last 3 are reader's
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LINOTES ⋆ i wish i had a dog ( jay )
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