animerhythm · 1 year
A collection of captivating photos of Izaya Orihara, the master manipulator from the Durarara!! anime series.
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
Percy manipulating and killing Crusty was not only iconic it also Laid The Foundation for dark percy like I cannot believe they let that dude live...
And not only that the show even went so far to tease what did happen in the book... which was Percy decapitating him. Such an iconic MasterManipulator!Percy moment, taken from us. discarded.
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blappel · 2 months
big fan of nora please tell me more about her
HIIIIII i am always surprised when nora has fans bc obviously the party gets a lot more attention and also. well. she sucks kinda <3 but she is also my girl so here is a rundown of nora events. sadly i can't comment publicly on much more than this as it is spoilers. But just know it gets crazier yay
nora is first introduced to the party right after they all run into each other and end up trapped in Kobold Dungeon. eventually she is forced to admit she is exploring the dungeon in order to claim part of a strange artifact which "belongs to her" and allegedly, once reassembled, will lead her to the campaign's big legendary magic sword
the legendary magic sword in question was once used by the ancient hero Astora, who conquered the continent with it & went on to found the Astoran Empire, before sealing his cool sword away and leaving behind the legend that only one of his bloodline could unlock its true power and be worthy of wielding it
at this point about half the party realizes Nora is, in fact, the missing princess of the empire, Aelinora ven Astora. the rest of the party does not because they are kinda stupid, but by the present day they have all now learned the truth.
Nora, who has up until this point been flopping miserably in the dungeon due to the fact that she seemingly has no weapons or skills or HP, asks the party to accompany her on her quest.
At this point she believes at least half the party to be aligned with an enemy state so she feels very cool and epic for convincing them to ally with her so she can use them as meat shields #mastermanipulator (they just kind of felt bad for her + had their own reasons for going after the sword)
Soon after this Anari shows up, having been hired to protect Nora by a mysterious employer (who turned out to be nora's missing cousin....but what is his deal?? still unknown. But not to me) nora begins to develop a crush on her which becomes stronger and more obvious as the campaign goes on
With some encouragement from the party (blitz giving her his dagger, anari training her in self defense) she starts to learn how to fight for herself, but is still noticeably weaker than the others...however she does do some cool shit every now and then. She killed a plant good for her!
Nora is usually very soft spoken and polite and gets along well with the party ^_^ ....but they also start growing uncomfortable with how power-hungry she seems sometimes
She's very driven (and desperate) to find The Sword, stop the war, and save her country from being conquered and destroyed. how will she do that? hahahaha dont worry about it ^_^
Eventually she becomes a little more self assured, and decides to start fighting with a sword...which she's unusually good at?! haha oops she forgot to mention she actually did study the blade and she's been fighting with suboptimal weapons this whole time. Why did she do that
oh also around this point she gets almost kidnapped, then thrown down the stairs, then literally dies from being thrown down the stairs, but they bring her back to life
eventually they also meet nora's Mysteriously Missing For Five Years cousin. he is weird as hell. nora trusts him completely. neither of them will explain what's up with them??
Finally, the party assembles all the pieces of the compass needed to find The Sword, but decides not to assemble them yet because they don't trust Whatever Is Going On. and also nora..?
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yameoto · 1 month
your ART PATRICK TASHI reunited bot made me cry so bad :< you're such a wonderful writer and i love you so much and i give you lots of air hugs and air kisses and all the love you deserve !!
in the bot, Patrick was so mean to my persona :< shifting blame and making it seem like it's my babygirl's fault they all left :((
OHHH i hope he got what was comin to him.. baby thank you for being so sweet please put patrick mastermanipulator zweig in his place for me
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Testing out a new manipulation method where im just genarally nice to hang around and cook my freinds nice food. Those fuckers will never see it coming. #mastermanipulator
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cdfreak · 2 years
made my mom buy me taco bell for dinner so i would start shitting really bad and get to sit down and take a break from packing #mastermanipulator #sigma #patrickbateman #walterwhite #redpill
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dire-straits-fn8ic · 8 months
Me trying to get my dad to just watch the first episode of Delicious in Dungeon because I know that he gets hooked on shows easily and will then have to watch it all #mastermanipulator
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hospitalterrorizer · 11 months
tuesday - wednesday
not a boring day, today.
i ate leftovers from yesterday and had leftover ramen that my gf didn't finish. i also ate candy and stuff and it's made me feel sort of sick, or at least like, sick with myself. but whatever. thursday is errand day but i don't think i'm going then. idk what i'm doing tomorrow, i'm probably going to try and record more, today i got 2 songs re-recorded basically, i think i'll like them a lot more when i slot those parts in and stuff. what else. mostly i vc'd today with a friend who was super deliriously drunk, and a friend who was not drunk our drunk friend got on this thing, of digging through his steam library for all of these dumb games he had. there was this one about a courier frog, we all were amazed and charmed by the shitty unity effort it was, and how there was this giant transformer running in circles for no reason, a crime scene, the frog held a knife, and a man on a roof. all unrelated to the game, or really even its setting, a row of 8 houses in a suburb, a shitty prefab full of invisible walls. for some reason that game made me want to play videogames more again. things are mysterious that way. seeing him get drunker, and play other games, made me want to play games less though. he was so drunk, thus out of it, while playing a puzzle game called chuzzle, he was getting really, i don't know, i don't know if he was for real frustrated or doing a joke where he was acting frustrated and crazy, by this time the vc had filled up more, the person who introduced him to the server we're in joined and i haven't vc'd w/ her in forever, a friend who is intermittently around in vc joined for a minute too, all while our drunk friend was sat there, staring at his screen, manic and silent, playing a kind of weird and cruel version of bejeweled where you torture strange creatures, made up of hair and eyes. he stayed on that game for like an hour. then he moved onto some other puzzle game that was like, you move blocks around a non-environment, it looked like lame mahjong tiles. anyways he was pretty good at that one and then hit the difficulty bump, and was still basically good but also drunk and still doing his frustrated guy bit, he did some stuff i feel bad about, i was writing it out but there's no reason to do that i think, i can't tell if it was a bit or not, or where it ends, if him feeling free to do some stuff as a bit is just him being able to actually just do certain things for real or not. he did start what i hope was a fake crying thing, where he was like, doing this intense fake ugly cry face, at least i hope it was fake, i asked our friend who knows him irl and she said he is just being a #mastermanipulator but i honestly can't tell still and feel bad basically because i was having a go at him being bad at a puzzle, not really mean i was just saying like "you're making the wrong shape." i don't know. it was funny hearing him say really slurred nonsense, and then say to us all, "can't you be quiet." or "shut your trap" and stuff like that. it was still a little stressful. i dunno. alcohol is kind of nightmarish to me, at least he had people around a while, so it wasn't totally drinking alone. or he was drunk alone but had some people beside him, to make it less soul-destroying. the people i knew who would do that were really really worrying. the vc was a lot of fun though, it's tragic how it makes me snack though, i love to eat salty trash while vcing. i am also just generally so hungry, always.
outside of that, uhhhhh, nothing really, it's a lot of just bullshitting about random stuff in those vcs, i keep thinking about watching this dogra magra movie. maybe i'll try that rn. thinking about the progress on the album, it's feeling closer and closer, i wonder how much closer i can get, if i keep re-recording stuff i'm maybe not happy with this week, that'd be good, but i wonder if i'd feel closer if i tried getting some lyrics out for these newer songs. or they do have lyrics, some at least, those ones are recorded thoughhhhhhhhhghghgh. i dunno. i think by the end of this week i should take a closer inventory of where these songs are, i should also try getting the vocals down for one of these older songs w/ lyrics. as it stands, there's a couple songs i want to still master differently, really minor guitar tone things i think. thennnn, there's one i definitely want to do some minor arranging on to get one part to be less fucked up, or maybe not arranging, just come in differently w/ vox, add an additional guitar bit. and then there's still one i for sure need to get the vocals right on, or a couple i guess.
anyway i watched like half of it i have to finish it 2morrowww, so
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wizdomtooth · 2 years
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tedeibeakawaii · 3 years
Have you ever met a person so self centered?
Have you ever met a person so self centered?
French-kissing their own asses so deeply that you'd swear they can taste last night's dinner.
They lie so often that they genuinely believe their lies and think everyone believes the flapping of their poo-poo stained lips.
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p-redux · 4 years
Food for thought...
I’ve been shown that contemplatingoutlander is once again playing the victim, vilifying me, and doing what she does best--manipulating people to believe that what she’s done can be justified or excused. And that my, and other people’s, responses to her are overreactions and unwarranted. I don’t want to belabor this. I’ll try to be as concise as possible, but I’m wordy so I can’t make any promises. :-)
I offer you this. If it were just Paul and I who were angry with how CO treated us, or the libelous things she said about us, or her verbal abuse in DMs, then I could see coming to the conclusion that perhaps there is a personal vendetta against her that is out of proportion to what she’s done. But it’s NOT just Paul and I. It’s MANY other Non-Shippers who have had similar negative experiences with her and want nothing to do with her. How bad do things have to be with her that people literally have to BLOCK her? Not simply unfollow her, but block her.  That’s not just a disagreement or a difference of opinion, that’s literally a person being so angry, fed up or actually, scared, that they want to prevent any contact from her. Please stop and think about that. It’s not just me or Paul, it is the MAJORITY on this side on Tumblr. And worse, people who were friends with her. Think about  what could have been SO bad that her friends have her blocked. Again, logic would dictate that things have happened behind the scenes that people don’t know about. And that CO doesn’t want anyone to know about. 
Shippers and shipper sympathizers are a lost cause, but for those of you on this side who can’t understand the vitriol against CO. Instead of falling for CO’s manipulations that I’m the bully or what I say about her is out of proportion to what she says about me. Isn’t it more logical that it’s not that what CO has done to the rest of us isn’t that bad, it’s that you don’t know the full story...and also, that she hasn’t done it to you. 
To take her side without knowing everything that has transpired is to basically say that the REST OF US Non-Shippers are lying. Or that you don’t care enough to want to know the truth. So, I may have to start parting ways with some people. I don’t want fake friends. She is the abusive one, she is the bully, she is the master manipulator. If you think I’m lying about that, then I don’t need you as a friend or follower. If you haven’t seen what I and MANY other Non-Shippers have seen with regard to CO, consider yourself manipulated. Simple as that.
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ramyeonupdates · 4 years
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{ #loveyourself } || source: novas_narcissistabuse_recovery
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seanlynchtheloser · 4 years
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monstermarkle · 5 years
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Dear Rachel........ 🤣🤣🤣
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kitteninspector · 5 years
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Sweet Gabby #alsoverynaughty #speckleddachshund #dachshund #dachshundsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #mastermanipulator #underthisbitchsthumb #newkittentown https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LjsrhhAod/?igshid=10l3tnbvstb8p
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poweredbyprincess · 4 years
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And yet people with these characteristics usually continue to act this way throughout life without making changes. #mastermanipulator #toxicity #toxicrelationships #selffish #intolerable #unreasonable #silenttreatment #lackcommunicationskills #mean #cheap https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMqWJulJai/?igshid=1nfnrun2qa4wr
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