#master fu wasn't that bad
akutasoda · 2 months
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title - ''contemplation' beg your pardon'
╰➜they ask you for your hand in marriage and you decide to tease them
dedicated to - jing yuan!
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, confessions, teasing, ep length - 1.7k
a/n: req by @goddessofdestructionsposts! i did accidentally delete half of this last night-
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the dozing general of the xianzhou luofu. a title that held a lot of respect, except the person who held that title loathed it sometimes. jing yuan had a lot on his plate, and he always had - as soon he became an arbiter general, so much had become expected of him. however, he wasn't dumb in any respect and knew exactly what his duties would've been before the title was handed to him, including those that came with leading the cloud knights.
although, throughout all his years in this position, the one expectation that he desperately tried to push to the back of his mind was that of his legacy. being the current general of the luofu meant that he was responsible for ensuring it's stability in the future when he ultimately retired - the divination commission and the xianzhou alliance did have their opinions on the matter, but jing yuan simply cared little for their expectations or suggestions.
jing yuan gave it little to no thought, sure he knew that eventually it would be a pain, but that was future him’s problem. there were many more pressing issues among the luofu and the dozing general would prefer to waste his little amount of energy on them. the general didn't even bother spending time looking for someone to love, it was such a tedious task and he'd prefer to waste his time taking a nap before someone awakens him for proper duties.
sometimes you truly hated this job. everyday you would drag yourself out of bed and down to the divination commission and work grueling hours for the sake of the luofu’s safety. most days, it wasn't so bad and your coworkers were always friendly and a pleasure to work alongside! it was simply that some days were extremely stressful but you didn't exactly have the right to complain when you knew exactly what job you were applying for.
you understand why qingque spent so much of her time slacking off and playing celestial jade - admittedly she had been demoted down to a ‘door guardian’, a title that she was still teetering on the edge of losing. multiple times you had caught her sneaking off but you never bothered to stop her, and multiple times she had tried to convince you to join her at least once but you weren't so keen on facing the master diviner's wrath.
but for today it was a very tempting offer. however, you wouldn't sneak away to pass your time wasting paychecks on celestial jade. you had a much safer option. general jing yuan himself. you'd known the general for a while, working alongside fu xuan meant meeting him quite often, but you'd known him as your lover for what felt like forever.
admittedly, you shouldn't be using your lover as a way to get out of work but you truly saw no harm in it today, nothing of importance was occurring and you were sure nobody would even notice. and thus, you started to make your way to find your lover.
luckily, you knew that he would be struck in his office around this time of day and so you found him with ease. the cloud knights recognised you every time and never questioned why you were visiting, they always would let you go see the general. you knocked, to be polite, on the door once, then twice and then a third time.
no response.
you sighed and you knew there was only one explanation for why he hadn't responded. pushing open the door, you walked in and promptly shut the door - purposely rather loud. loud enough so that jing yuan, who was asleep at his desk, would stir from his sleep.
he yawned as you made your way toward him, ‘there’s nicer ways to wake me you know?’
‘not as fun though, are they?’ you chided and he smiled before adding ‘and so what brings you here, you know fu xuan will give you an earful if she knew’
‘i could say the same for you’ you quickly responded
you had initially met jing yuan by working alongside fu xuan but you only truly got to know him when you ran into him the first time qingque had convinced you to drop some work and extend your break. and surprisingly, the two of you clicked. occasional passings and meetings eventually became intentional friendly meetings and short after, dates.
and it was moments like these that made jing yuans day. sure you both would definitely get an earful from fu xuan later but that was a sacrifice you both were willing to take. jing yuan would do anything to hold you in his embrace as you both dozed off, and he'd happily do anything to stay by your side forever.
having someone in his life forever never seemed possible, but with you? it seemed more than possible.
‘yanqing, have you seen the general today?’ you noticed the blonde hovering near the door to your lovers office, perhaps he was there for a reason.
‘no, nobody has’ he sighed in annoyance ‘i’ve been asked to wait for his return’ you hummed in acknowledgement before thanking the young man and making your way to look for jing yuan elsewhere.
it wasn't completely unusual for the general to disappear during the day, most of the time he was simply hiding away to lounge about, but today you hadn't even seen him since you bid farewell in the morning - and from a bit of asking around, nobody had seen him for a while either. concern became rather evident on your face as you searched the spots you knew he frequented on the luofu, he wasn't even answering your messages! an occurrence that could normally be chalked down to him being busy or living up to his title, but you knew that wasn't the case this time.
never in all your years of dating the general had he disappeared for this long or even gone this long without messaging you! and after all these years, you really thought you'd get used to his antics but clearly, this was a new one - a one that made you worry more than the rest.
there was one last place you hadn't checked. it was a little hideaway in the luofu that jing yuan had shown you on a date, a beautiful location that became a site of respite for the both of you. so if nobody had seen the general than surely he must be there? there'd be plenty of time for you to give him a talking to when you actually found his whereabouts.
and he was there. standing there and staring idly into the sky but he seemed to notice your presence behind him and turned to face you. ‘what brings you here?’
‘i could ask you the same’ you replied, he could tell a slight annoyance coated your words and so he made no effort to beat around the bush ‘i needed some time to think’
‘mind sharing what's on your mind then?’ he let out a small sigh before responding, ‘i could, but truth be told’ he let out a small laugh ‘im a little scared about it’
‘the general of the luofu scared? what thought could possibly scare you?’ you wanted to jeer that you just spent ages looking for him and were scared something happened to him, but you decided to save it, hold it over him later.
you'd never actually seen such worry be written across your lover's face, it started affecting you because now you were thinking something serious had happened.
truth be told, it wasn't anything serious, admittedly, for ages now, jing yuan couldn't help but imagine having you beside him forever and for the first time in forever, jing yuan was nervous - and somewhere along the line, his nerves had warped into a slight bit of fear.
he never imagined himself meeting someone like you. someone who constantly brightened his day, someone who stuck by him through thick and thin, someone that loved every single part of him. so he never imagined marrying you, and now that's all he ever wanted. he didn't know if you were ready or even thinking of marrying him but these thoughts plagued his mind for far too long.
so there was no time like the present right?
‘mm something i can't seem to figure out properly’ he tried pulling you into a hug and you obliged, allowing him to rest his head upon your shoulder.
‘is there something i can do to help?’ placing a hand on his head to comb through his hair, an action you found helped him relax and soon he pulled away and replied ‘yes, i think so’
‘i’ve been thinking about this over and over but’ he paused for a brief moment, lips pressing into a thin line as he took your hand in his and settled himself down on one knee.
‘will you marry me?’
the scene was picturesque. the general of the luofu kneeling in front of you with tenderness and admiration in his eyes as he held your hand, eagerly awaiting your response.
you wanted to say yes, and you were going to. this was the man that won your heart but he was also the man who put you through so many annoying times - from making you late on many occasions by simply refusing to let you leave his embrace, slumping himself over you while you try and do something demanding your attention, teasing you day in and day out, to today. a day like many others of making you worry about where he is.
was it cruel to do what you were thinking? yes. but nothing could've really stopped you from answering with a hum followed by ‘i might need to think about this one’
‘i beg your pardon?’ the expression on his face was enough to pull at your heart strings already ‘what do you mean?’
‘it means i need to think about this’ you teased and tried desperately to fight the smirk working it's way across your face.
‘my love, you can't be serious’ jing yuan tried to reason, a part of him knew that you were teasing him but he wanted to confirm. he'd rather die than learn you weren't kidding.
fortunately, you really couldn't keep your facade up for much longer and he noticed this so he sighed ‘you’re awful sometimes you know’ and before you could respond he stood up and pulled you into another hug.
‘i still need an answer’
‘you’re so demanding aren't you?’
‘yes, of course i will’
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mayasaurusss · 2 months
I want me some yandere adult lottie, with an innocent reader. Do whatever the fu<k you want with it bae
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Old ghosts. Contents: mentions of abusive relationships, mentions of violence, horror moments, Yellowjackets coded, light romance, two OCC's, reader is gender neutral but wears a dress at one point, Lottie is as delusional as ever, open ending 350k wors/ about six pages. Author's note: So uhm, I don't think I've met any requirments you had, anon. I tried to do yandere Lottie in this but it really doesn't come across as it and I'm not familiar with the genre, so everything I did prior to this sucked. So I did something more akin to a murder mistery? But since I still wanted to make this yandere coded, I left the story as raw and ugly as I could. In my personal opinion this is very Yellowjackets coded. It isn't a very romantic oneshot nor smutty one, but I hope you will still like it!
It would be an understatement to say you had messed up. You could not even predict where this relationship would lead you.
You had met Lottie months ago, or well, you had come into contact with what you now knew was her 'cult'.
The marketplace had been very busy at that hour of the morning, vendors shouting and people chatting. However, you felt as lonely as ever. After many years, you have been dumped by your boyfriend. Or, he had cheated on you and blamed you for it. It was for the better, really. You were clingy and he had taken his anger out on you on multiple occasions, so at least now you weren't going to be his next punching bag. You had been miserable: not that you really loved him, after all, after the umpteenth hit -love or not-, an animal stops loving its master. But you had never managed to learn to live alone, yet alone care for yourself.
Other than that, you were battling with the understanding that you loved women more than men during your entire life. That realization had come during your relationship with Simon, and he had understood quickly. One night, you were invited to his friend's house. His girlfriend was so beautiful you were jaw slacked and shy with her for the whole night. Simon's friend hadn't noticed, but Simon did. The morning after, you had walked in your office with bruises under your suit, a black eye and a heavy heart. He was so bitter and awful that he had slept with many women the weeks after, and among them -as far as you knew- there was the woman from that night. At least you had dodged two bullets.
So, the woman who sold honey knew perfectly what to do with you. It wasn't her fault, really. People like her see someone that went through the same, and just want to help. She introduced herself as Olivia, a woman the same age as you, and when she saw your healing bruises, she had told you about where she lived. A compound, lost in nature and away from civilization. There, according to her, people lived in harmony with nature and with each other. They learnt to face their inner demons and past trauma under the care of Charlotte Matthews. Their caretaker. Olivia talked about Charlotte like a believer might have talked about their God, with such adoration that it left you breathless. And, a bit skeptical.
You had accepted Olivia's invite. One of Simon's many gifts, other than bruises and breaking your trust, was throwing you out of the house. Besides your friend's generous hospitality, you were basically homeless, and jobless after your boss had fired you just days prior to your break up. So, living at the compound didn't seem like a bad idea. Olivia had assured you that Lottie -that's what she called her- had a special program for whoever wasn't in the right economical situation to live at the compound, but still needed care.
You had started to travel that same afternoon, having packed the last of your belongings and bid farewell to your friend and family. To go to the compound, you had traveled on old streets that unraveled through barren outskirts and lush forests. There was no one else in sight. That made you even more scared than before. How could you just accept a stranger's invite to an isolated place in the mountains? You had truly lost your mind.
But Olivia was so nice with you, so friendly and lovely. She had no problems in telling you what made her arrive at the compound in the first place. Two years ago, when she was 19, her father and mother had fought and in a fit of rage, he had pushed her down the stairs, almost breaking her skull. Ever since then, she had been taken care of by her son, who did not have time to help nor give a fuck about Olivia. So, for a year, she had been alone. That was until Lottie had found her. With the exact same tactic you had been recruited -kidnapped?- she had come to live at the compound and with it, came to peace with her trauma.
Your story wasn't as grim as Olivia's, but you still needed to be taken care of. "That is what Lottie will do" she said, brown eyes on you and a smile that could kill on her lips.
The compound was on the foot of a mountain, surrounded by vegetation and overlooking a lake. When you set foot on the ground, the first thing you heard was a strange melody, a chant in the distance. Olivia had been quick to show you away from it, inside the main building where your belongings such as your phone and wallet had been taken from you. "Well, that's because our phones chain us from nature and healing" she had answered you, after you had asked her why they needed to take your phone at all. Great, so, you are in the middle of nowhere, without your phone close to you, surrounded by strangers and without a clear path back to civilization.
Great, just great. What has gotten into you?
"Wait here, I'll go get Lottie" Olivia said, seating you on a wicker chair in the waiting hall. You had noticed that everyone here wore the same purple outfits. Oh, this is definitely a cult. "Here she is!" you heard behind you, along with the steps of two pairs of feet. Fearing that you might have looked like an insensitive asshole, you stood up, waiting for Lottie to circle to your front.
You had expected her to look like a hippie: an old woman with short white hair, sunglasses indoors, long hoop earrings and who smelled like weed. Instead, you found yourself in front of the most beautiful woman ever. Lottie was tall, quite literally towering over you, her hair was long and black, the same color as her eyes, skin dark coloured. She looked really good for her age, every wrinkle she had was perfect on her skin.
Her velvety, deep and calm voice had greeted you, "Hi, I am Charlotte Matthews. You can call me Lottie. And who might you be?" you answered back with a trembling voice. She smiled at you with such care and love you thought you could combust on the spot. "I will show you around here" she told you, as her hand came to rest on your lower back, guiding you through the place.
The first months at the compound had been... calm. You shouldn't have expected anything more than that, but it felt like a breath of fresh air. You always wore purple -heliotrope- dresses or clothes, woke up at six am and went to sleep at ten pm. Everyday the cycle continued, so much so that you didn't at first notice the... signs, as you were completely immersed in your routine.
Whenever you started to hear chants in the distance, Olivia, who was ever present in your life, would lead you away from them. If you questioned her, she would just say "It's just a special therapy. You will see one day".
Lottie was always with you. Always. At first you didn't pay too much mind to it, thinking that since you were probably a mildly troubled individual, she would feel the need to have her eyes on you more than the others. But Olivia had had it worse, far worse than you, but she wasn't as followed as you were from Lottie. And you were certain others have had it worse than Olivia.
Lottie was always following you: whether that was during the many therapy sessions, the lunch or even your personal alone time in your personal cabin -which she had so graciously given you just three weeks after you became a member- where she would knock at the last hours of the day to have small talk with you. It had become such a nag for you that at one point, you even said it to her, clearly and plainly, "Lottie, look. I understand that I might be... weak, in any way. But I'm fine, I don't always need you".
You wished you hadn't said that, because her eyes had stopped reflecting all light, a dark look in them. "Ah, I see. Very well, I will leave you alone" she went away and didn't talk with you for a few days. All the time though, you felt eyes watching your back.
Everything comes boiling back to right now.
When Lottie had talked with you again it was in the late afternoon. She has just finished one of her communal meetings in the clearing overlooking the lake. She had walked over to you, took your hand and led you where no one could hear. "I want you to meet me this evening, to do something that will build our common trust in each other" she had gestured to a man you hadn't noticed before, prompting him to give you a white flowy dress. "Tonight, after dinner, come to me, here. I want you to wear this" she talked to you, taking your shoulders in her hands.
When the sky became purple, you had gone out, waiting for Lottie. The clearing seats had been moved, now just the yellow signs of the compound's symbol left. Lottie had moved from behind, greeting you with her velvety voice "Hello dear. Are you ready for our therapy?" she said, and her hand came up your face, stroking your cheek. "Uhm... Lottie... What are you doing?". Your cheeks felt hot with blood, voice weavering. You had battled with your small crush for Lottie for a while now, and even if you did find her attachment to you a bit too much, you still liked her. So much.
Lottie just smiled, her other hand rested on your hip before she let you go, walking over the lake's shore. You followed behind her like a dog, small and frail in comparison with the towering grace she was. "Come down here, come" her hands extended to you, helping you down the wood platform to the shore's sands. She gestured towards the dark waters, prompting you to follow her. When you did, she wordlessly placed your body into the lake, the water splashing at your hips. "It's... cold" her smile was enough to fend off the shivering of your body, but what she said next made you rethink her sanity.
"I want you to lower yourself in the water. We will calm your heart as well as our trust in one another" she said, attempting to push you in the water. "No! No, no, no. What if something happens?!" your voice straining over, before she replied calmly "Nothing will happen, because I am here".
And how could you say no to Lottie? So, you started to fall back in the darkness, the cold waters nipping at your skin making your breath shallow. All the while, she held your head and hand, gently guiding you.
There you were, at her mercy. You trusted her with your life and she had to be responsible for it. In her eyes, this was the most pure form of adoration. She adored you and you adored her.
The baptism was over.
When you resurfaced, she had quickly guided you back to land and had dried you with a towel promptly left on the sand. With her hands on your cheeks, then, Lottie had kissed you. So deeply and lovingly it made your heart ache. Her tongue found yours, overpowering you, cutting your breath away.
You were so distracted that you didn't hear the sound of movement behind Lottie. When her lips fell away from yours and you could look away, a shiver went down your spine.
Masks. A group of masked people stood before you. Some depicting bears, some birds, some wolves, some humans. All lined up, looking directly at you. "L-Lottie... what is this?" you didn't know why your first thought was that Lottie must've been behind it, but something screamed at you that this was indeed the case. "My love" she said, "you need to trust me. To let me cherish you. It's what It wants".
You backed away from her, your blood freezing in your veins. Someone, a man, stopped you in your tracks. He trapped your arms into his, uncaring of your trashing. "Let yourself be one with the Wilderness" Lottie said, no light behind her eyes. As if something possessed her. She pulls a knife from behind her, and for a split moment you think that Lottie will kill you, but the blade slashes across her fingertip. She draws a symbol on your forehead with her blood, trickles of it streaming down on your eyes.
"We hear the Wilderness and the Wilderness hears us" the chants rise in the air, filling the empty dark sky. Lottie's voice is louder than everyone else, and finally the voices die down, as hers is the last one still chanting. When she is done, her body turns to yours, and she utters a single word.
You don't need to be told twice. You sprint in the forest, leaving wet trails behind you. The masked people follow you, searching, predicting where you will go, if you will hide. Lottie is the last one to join the hunt, her white dress engulfed by the forest's darkness.
It seems like the forest itself has a mind, trying to prevent you from running further away. Branches claw as your skin and dress, thorns planting in your flesh, wind blowing so you can't understand if the sounds you hear are the wind or howls.
You run, you run and run, until every bone of your body, every organ and every drop of blood screams at you to stop. And just as you were about to fall down in exhaustion, you see something in the dark. A house, one that looks like it had been left to time's mercy.
The walls are dirty and rotten, the white plaster almost unrecognizable under years of dirt. Your sixth sense tells you to get away, to search for another place, but there isn't anything else that could shelter you.
The air inside smells of old, wilted matter. It makes your stomach close and you try not to vomit, pinching your nose while you explore the rest of the house, searching for a hiding place until morning. Your plan was to hide and travel down to the nearest town, then, telling the authorities that up in the mountains, a cult was trying to sacrifice people to a made up entity. You wanted to hope that by doing so, you would help others to not follow your steps.
From the hall, you turned left towards the kitchen. It was empty, except for a table with scattered documents on it. Photos of an old soccer team, articles about the disappearance of a plane in the wilds of Canada, a symbol... The same one of the compounds. Bit by bit, you started to understand. In between the documents, some by psychologists and others by articles, you found a small diary. It was a brown leather diary, expensive from the looks of it. The pages were yellow and some started to rot away, but you could still make up the words written on them. The words were written with a tremulous hand: it seemed like whoever was the author, they must have written quickly, in fear of being found out.
'12th January, 1998. I hate it here. It's cold in the winter, and it makes me remember that place. I try to help the other patients, but the nurses forbid me from doing it. They told me to stop talking to It, and told me it isn't real. I know they are lying. It must be real, or all we did was for nothing. All the hurt was for nothing. It can't be. I know it's real. It hears me, I hear it'.
Something about this made you shiver. Could It be whatever Lottie was chanting to earlier? 1998... the plane crash happened in 1996; it couldn't be a coincidence. You take the diary and a couple of documents in your hand, before continuing to explore. Nothing seems out of the ordinary: the living room, the bathroom, the bedroom; everything is neatly placed. You spot a dark flight of stairs at the very back of the house. It doesn't look inviting at all, and you're almost ready to leave, when you hear something outside. Sounds of steps circling the house. The hair of your back rises up and every fear you had of the stairs is thrown out of the window.
As quietly as possible, you reach the second floor, listening for the sounds. The floor is far darker than the first one: so much so that you can't see anything. You wait a minute for your eyes to get used to the dark and then continue walking down the hall, towards what you assume is a bedroom. Just before you reach it, you hit a metal tube: it's a ladder, red and rusted and it leads you to the attic. You are about to get past it when you hear the front door of the house open: someone is inside.
Quickly you head up the ladder and in the dark attic. It's not all dark you realize, some lights shine in the middle of the room, circling...
An idol. An old idol made of old bones and burnt hay. The idol was planted in the wooden floor, its arms branches extending outwards, bent up as if it was deep in ecstasy. Its torso was made out with a large ribcage, so you suspected it to be of non-human origin; inside the organs were replaced with hay and fresh grass. Lifeless eyes stared back at you, antlers protruding from the back of the skull.
You feel someone's arms circle your stomach, placing their nose in the crook of your neck. "I knew you'd come here" her voice said, "It told me". Lottie holds you tight against herself, mumbling incoherently on your skin. "L-let go of me you witch!" you try to shove her away, propting Lottie to just let go of you: as such, you fall in the candle circle, spilled wax burning at your skin.
Lottie watches you with adoration and hunger. Upon your fall into the circle, her eyes lit up. She raises her arms up in the air -much like the idol itself- and towards you, in some sort of divine bliss. "Yes! Yes! It- It choose you!" she says out loud, "I'm so glad it was you!".
You trembled in both fear and anger, "How did- How did you know I was here?" you say, looking up at Lottie, shrouded by the darkness of the room. "It told me, of course" she says with an uncanny smile.
You're shocked by this new side of Lottie, and for a moment you forget what she had done to you. "You are crazy Lottie! You tried to kill me!" her eyes widen at your accusations, "Kill you? No, no, I didn't try to kill you... I just wanted to...". Your anger makes you uncaring of Lottie's emotions, so you lash out at her "Just wanted to what, Lottie?! Sacrifice me to your creepy god-thing?!".
It's like she's torn between the illusion of her god and the reality that she had scared you. "I thought- I thought you were going to kill me! I thought what we had for all these months was for nothing!", what she does next makes your skin crawl. She watches between you and the idol behind, her eyes filled with tears. "No I wan- I needed to know that It accepts you" she said, coming closer to your body.
Suddenly Lottie grabs your wrists with force, like she sees you but her ears are filled with whispers from old ghosts and gods. "And now, I know it does!" she almost looks delirious. Lottie shakes your wrists in her hands and cries; the black abyss of her eyes staring back at yours.
"Can't you understand? This is It's love, my love" you try to move from her grasp, but even in her old age, Lottie still proves to be as strong as she once was. "Y-You were hunted, weak, and you lived! You lived! And now It recognizes you as part of Itself" a connection is made in your brain.
Shivers run down your body, at the realization that either you aren't alone in this old attic, or you are alone with a roman and her ghosts. Either is terrifying. "What... what is It, Lottie?" but it's far too late to run from Lottie or the ghosts in her head. You are sure that either will haunt you anyway, if you manage to escape that is. She pauses, contemplating your words. "It..." she tries to put a name, a significance to whatever this It is, but she decides against it, instead opting to close her arms on you, one caging your body on hers and the other cradling the back of your head.
Her voice is lifeless while it whispers in your ear "It doesn't matter. You are one of us now". That last phrase confuses you, "I have... I have been here for months now. I was always one of you, no?" she shakes her head, cranes her neck to look down on you.
"No, one of us".
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strwbmei1 · 1 year
cw: dom gn!reader, reader has a cock, degradation, name calling, crying, size difference, office sex, orgasm denial, cunt slapping, creampie, overstimulation (?)
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Fu Xuan is a prideful woman. You learned that when you first met her, and you knew it when the two of you started dating.
You also knew that she was a brat. One that you loved to spoil; even if she kept on giving you snarky remarks and provoking you.
Unfortunately for Fu Xuan, you weren't in the mood for her games this time. You were having a rough week; whenever you saw that smug smirk on her face, you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off her and fuck her into submission.
So you started ignoring her. Of course, you still gave Fu Xuan some attention; you weren't a monster. Giving her a few nods and hums when she asked for your opinion on things, eating lunch with her; things like that.
But it wasn't enough. Nowhere near enough. Fu Xuan wanted- no, needed your attention. Even in bed where you two usually shared nights filled with passion, you paid no attention to her and went to sleep immediately. Your lover was starting to get impatient.
NSFW under the cut !
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And honestly— Who would've thought?
Who would've thought the Master Diviner of the Luofu could be so pathetic; her greedy cunt dirtying your thighs with her slick as she begs for you to fuck her already. In her own office, nonetheless; where she's supposed to be contributing to the safety of the Luofu— certainly not begging for your cock like a common whore.
Usually, you would've complied to Fu Xuan's pleading immediately. After all, it's not often she was so needy and desperate for you. A shame she's been such a brat. Otherwise, you're sure that by now you'd be fucking her into the mattress, or any surface really; giving her orgasm after orgasm.
Though ultimately, it was taking all of your self-restraint not to. You should be given an award from holding yourself back this long, really.
A little more than a day. That was how long you've given your lover the cold shoulder. Not much time; but enough for Fu Xuan to beg for you; to feel you stretch her tight cunt out again.
Fu Xuan hides her face in the crook of your neck as she continues rutting against your thighs like a bitch in heat; her cunt throbbing around nothing as she attempts to get you to finally fuck her.
"Please.. hng- need it so bad..!" You bounce your thigh, making her whimper. Such a sweet sound; and only you could illicit them out of her. "Need what, baby? If you want something, use your words." You whisper into her ear in a mocking, yet stern tone.
Fu Xuan pulls back. Her hair is disheveled; beads of sweat decorating her delicate features. And-
Tears pool up in the corner of her eyes, streaming down her puffy cheeks. "Need you to fill me.. please." Fu Xuan says breathlessly; eyes fluttering shut as she holds onto your arms for support.
The sight of the usually prideful woman crying combined with her words... How could you say no?
You couldn't.
A few moments later, you had Fu Xuan bent over her desk; trying her best to stay quiet as you pounded into her relentlessly. "W-wait..! 's too much!" She whines breathlessly, one hand over her mouth to muffle her moans.
"What? You thought I was going to be kind to you?" You sneer at Fu Xuan, a particularly hard thrust making her let out a shaky moan. "This was the reaction you were hoping for, wasn't it? Damn brat." Your hand tightly grips onto her waist as the other one reaches down to rub circles on her clit.
Fu Xuan lets out a choked sob at the sudden stimulation, thighs shaking lightly as she throws her head back from the pleasure. "Not there, I'm gonna-" her words are quickly cut off by a moan as you slap her clit. "Did I say you could cum? Hold it in." You lean forward and whisper into her ears.
Your thrusting gets sloppier and faster— a telltale sign you were gonna cum soon. One your lover was all too familiar with. "I can't.. mmph! Hold it in much longer, please..!" She pleads, eyes rolling back as you rail her without abandon.
"Fuck, Fu Xuan.. so tight. Such a whore for my cock. What would your dear subordinates think if they saw you like this, hm?" You taunted, completely ignoring her words. Not that Fu Xuan cared about what the others thought at the moment; she was too busy focusing on the feeling of your cock stretching her out.
"Go on. Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my cock." You lean forward, leaving bite marks all over Fu Xuan's neck, shoulders, back, and anywhere you could reach. Surely, the woman would give you an earful later; but her fair, unblemished skin was far too tempting to not mark.
With one final thrust, you bury yourself deep inside her; filling her up with your seed just like she asked you to. She moans shakily, squirming as she has the first of many orgasms to come.
"Mm.. so good. Taking all of my cum so well.." You breathe heavily, taking a moment before you start thrusting again. "Wait.. I-I can't. Please, no more.." Fu Xuan mewls, looking back at you over her shoulder as she tries to close her trembling legs. "Yes you can. Just one more. Give me one more and I'll stop." You say as you wipe her tears.
It was never just one more with you; she knew that, but she spread her legs anyway. You weren't going to let her go. At least, not any time soon.
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
It was the day after the class seats had been swapped around, Marinette having since resigned herself to being moved to the back. She wasn't happy about being alone, but everyone else was with their own seats and the last thing she wanted to do was stir up a fuss again just to have it turned against her.
Making a case would've been less of an issue had she told everyone that she was actually no longer into Adrien and had an entire boyfriend to show for it, but Alya was too unpredictable in how she might react to that and the others hadn't seen her and Luka together long enough to understand. She loathed the fact that an infatuation of less than a year was what people were basing her character on - nowadays, she looked back on it like an artist who grimaced at their week-old work - but her private life was no one's business but her own. If she had to reveal it to convince people that she wasn't an evil person going after a "perfectly innocent" girl over a crush, then—
Well, normally she would say that it was her fault, but Luka had been firm about her not blaming herself for everything under the sun and she was really trying to stick to that.
Maybe being in the back won't be so bad, she thought, attempting to calm her mind. I feel, um... taller? That's something.
It wasn't helping.
"Alright, class," Miss Bustier called out, clapping her hands to earn everyone's attention, "before we start today, we have a new student who just transferred to our school and I'd like you all to give them a warm welcome."
A new student? Marinette shut her eyes and held back a groan, thinking that the current "new student" was already more than enough. If it was another Lila or Chloe, she might have to seriously consider bribing Master Fu for the fox miraculous so she could Mirage herself into class to avoid them altogether.
Also, as she was quickly realizing, the only available seat was next to her. This was a disaster, an absolute disas—
"Luka?" Juleka blurted out, uncharacteristically loud in her shock.
At the name of her boyfriend, Marinette's head jerked towards the classroom door, seeing him standing next to Miss Bustier like he belonged there. She blinked, glancing out at the hall as if the real new student would come in, but nothing happened. Even when she looked back at Luka, he met her gaze as if to wordlessly tell her that yes, he was there.
Just to make absolutely sure, she dropped her arms to her lap and pinched her forearm until it hurt.
After giving a general introduction that Marinette processed none of, Miss Bustier turned to Luka to ask, "Would you be alright sitting in the back next to Marinette?"
He nodded, not waiting to start heading up the stairs. Eyes, either curious or puzzled, followed him as he went, but he had his own eyes on his decided-upon seat.
Marinette could only continue gaping at him, even as he sat down and made himself comfortable. He eyed her, smiling softly, then reached out and slowly closed her mouth. The cheek caress that followed was so subtle and quick that no one could've caught it even if they were looking, but it finally brought her back to life.
Leaning towards him, she whispered in a panic, "Luka! What are you doing here?! How are you here?!"
He took a single glance at Miss Bustier, who was turned towards the chalkboard, then leaned in and whispered back, "I didn't want you to have to do this alone."
"But—!" Her face scrunched, mind racing in an attempt to understand. She'd told Luka about what happened with Lila, but that was only yesterday. For him to have found a way to transfer between then and now was—was— "That's crazy!"
He shrugged, unphased.
She gripped the table, as if it would give her the mental support needed to juggle the thoughts in her head. "You didn't have to go through all this for me! It's too much!"
That finally got a reaction out of him, but not in the way she suspected. He frowned disapprovingly, leaning in further and raising a hand between them to further muffle his words to others' ears. She felt his breath against her ear as he explained, "You're my girlfriend, Marinette; my girlfriend and my best friend. It's not 'too much' if it's what I wanted to do."
He left it at that, straightening up again and putting his focus towards the front of the class. She could only pout at him, hoping no one saw the blush on her cheeks.
It felt wrong, somehow. It was Ladybug who was supposed to swoop in to save people, not the other way around. She was the one who had to make choices on the fly to help others.
She could already hear Luka's voice in her head, shooting that idea down: "Ladybug can't be the savior all the time. Someone has to look out for Marinette too."
It was almost frustrating, losing a battle of words in her own head, but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't make her feel relieved to have someone who would back her up no matter what. Whether she chose to go after Lila or not, he'd be behind her the entire way.
She couldn't help herself. Checking to confirm that there still weren't eyes on them, she leaned up towards Luka and imitated his gesture, raising her hand between their faces. He'd seen the gesture out of the corner of his eye and tipped his head to listen better, but she kissed his cheek instead.
Pulling back quickly to look normal just in case the pecking sound had been caught, she dared only a single peek at Luka to catch his reaction. He was trying and failing not to grin, probably looking as if he was just very interested in the lesson to any outside eyes. It occurred to her then that, had they been in the front or middle rows, it would've been impossible to not be seen by anyone behind them.
Letting an imaginary Marinette in her mind cheer and jump around for her due to being unable to do anything even close to that in class, her thoughts screamed, Being in the back is the best!
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Newsies Interview with Christian Bale for Seventeen Magazine, 1992
(transcript under the cut)
Cristian Bale lumbers into a conference room on a rainy Saturday morning. He plops down in a chair, yawns, and wipes sleep from his eyes. Dressed in black jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers, he apologizes for being late. "I'm just getting over the flu and I'm still jet-lagged," he explains, "so I'm moving a little slowly."
But the six-foot-two British-born actor, best known for his film debut as a young schoolboy in Steven Spielberg's epic Empire of the Sun and more recently for Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, need not apologize. For the past few weeks, he's been flying round and round from L.A. to London to Prague and back again.
"I've been doing reshoots for Newsies here, doing preproduction work on a new film, Swing Kids, in Prague, and visiting my mom, sister, and girlfriend in England. And I don't even like to fly!" he says with a slight shudder. "Before I came here, I flew on a plane that sounded like it had a window open the whole time."
When Bale heard about Newsies, a live-action musical recounting the tale of the New York newsboys' strike of 1899, he claims he had no interest in auditioning for the project. "I'd never sung or danced, and I didn't think I could do a musical," he says. "I read for the film in England, and then Disney flew me to Los Angeles for a screen test. But before I signed the contract, I meet with the director [Kenny Ortega] and told him I wasn't comfortable with the dancing and singing and I didn't want to be a bloody Artful Dodger in a remake of Oliver!, jumping down the street with a big smile on my face. But he told me it wouldn't be like that, and then he lied to me about all of these different actors who had done musicals, like Al Pacino."
After he was cast as Jack Kelly, the head Newsie, Bale joined the rest of the films actors and dancers in two months of "Newsies school." He studied singing, dancing, speaking with a Brooklyn accent (circa 1899), gymnastics, and karate. "We had a kung fu master," he recalls with a laugh. "Thirty of us would be standing in a room doing something like t'ai chi to this humming music. It's very relaxing, but when you see yourself in a mirror, it's really funny.
"Filming Newsies was a blast," he says. "By the time the cameras started rolling, we were so prepared we were ready for anything. The blend of technically great dancers and actors with great characterizations made it all work perfectly." And what about his Oliver! fear? "Sure, we're singing and dancing in the streets," he says, "but we don't always have smiles on our faces."
Immediately upon finishing Newsies, Bale flew up to Prague to begin Swing Kids, which costars Robert Sean Leonard and Frank Whaley. "It's set in 1930s Hamburg, Germany," the eighteen-year-old explains. "There was quite a big culture then among teenagers who liked to dress in zoot suits and go to swing clubs. The story is about three friends from different backgrounds who love swing music. I play the bad seed."
In between movies, Bale tries to squeeze in time with his family and girlfriend. "I've been going with the same girl for three years," he says shyly. "But she's going to a university in England and I'm relocating to Los Angeles, where my father lives. If I had nothing to do with the film industry, I'd stay in England, but Bournemouth [the city where he's lived for the past five years] isn't exactly the film capital of the world."
If he never made another movie, however, Bale says he wouldn't mind a noncelebrity life. "I love making movies," he concludes, "but I also love my privacy. If it all ended tomorrow, I'd just live by the sea and be perfectly happy."
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So you've talked a few times about how Plagg and Tikki failed on a fundamental level as mentors, and how Fu wasn't even really a mentor at all, but I don't think I've seen you bring up Su-Han as of yet, and I'm curious to know where you fall on that particular character.
I personally feel he could've been useful for expository purposes, and/or served as a catalyst for Marinette's growth into the role of guardian/team leader (you know, if the show were interested in character growth, or suggesting it's protagonist isn't omni-capable), but instead he showed up in four episodes, caused several problems, raised more questions than he ultimately answered, and honestly makes me question why he was included in the first place.
The order of the guardians is back after 170+ years and the most lasting impact this has on the story is... they teach Jagged Stone Kung Fu? Were you on the writing team, how would you make effective use of this plot point (Or was it a bad idea to begin with?)
Su-Han is an incredibly weird character. I'm honestly not totally sure why he exists, but I'll give you my best guess and then we'll talk about how he could have been used because I do think that he had potential.
It feels like they only introduced the guardian temple back in season three because they wanted to explain how the peacock and butterfly got lost - even though their explanation just raises even more questions if you know anything about archology - then they realized, "Oh shit, we probably need to address the guardian's return somehow, don't we?"
But if they let a whole mystic order descend on Paris, then we don't really need our two heroes, so instead we get one rando who walked (or I guess jumped?) from Tibet to Paris in order to be the writer's whipping boy because that's really how Su-Han is used. He's not here to help or to be a mentor. He's here to voice audience complaints so that the writers can shut those complaints down with nonsense logic.
For example, this exchange from Ephemeral is what kicks off Marinette's awkward and concerning plan to lie to her partner about an identity reveal:
Su-Han: This really takes the cake! Ladybug: Grand Master Su-Han? Su-Han: Nine! You used nine Miraculous to defeat a single villain, when Cat Noir could have just used his Cataclysm! Ladybug: I had to. Cat Noir was missing! Su-Han: What do you mean "missing"? You can't just let the holder of the one of the most powerful Miraculous go about as he pleases! What if he started making his own decisions, or act it out? Like Shadow Moth?! Ladybug: Cat Noir? Act like Shadow Moth? Wow. Are you blowing this out of proportion just a little? Su-Han: Not at all. In fact, you should find out who Cat Noir really is, so you can have better control over him. Ladybug: What?? No way! We can't know our true identities! It would be too dangerous if Shadow Moth got a hold of one of us! Su-Han: I. Don't. Care!! Deal with this problem quickly, otherwise I will take back his Miraculous as soon as he shows a whisker! And I'll choose the new Cat Noir myself! Ladybug: Okay, okay, alright. What if you knew who he was, would that work? Su-Han: I... I suppose so. But I'm warning you, if you don't succeed— Ladybug: I get it. Cat Noir will be replaced.
Does Su-Han read like an Adrien salter to you? Because he does to me! He's presenting a valid argument in the most obnoxious and inflammatory way possible by making it about controlling Chat Noir instead of having the argument focus on the issue of, "Hey, maybe more than one person should know who has this extremely powerful miraculous just in case something bad happens to that one person?" An argument that holds more weight than he could possibly know because of the whole senti issue making Chat Noir a potential perfect sleeper agent.
And at the end of the episode, we get this exchange even though none of Su-Han's concerns have actually been addressed:
Su-Han: So, do you know who Cat Noir is yet? Ladybug: No. Su-Han: What? I thought I had warned you— Ladybug: I don't want to know. I've proven to you a hundred times that I'm a good guardian, and Cat Noir and I have proven to you a hundred times that we were exceptional superheroes, and you! How many times have you told us that we were messing up, when that was totally untrue? You're judging us based on your own fears, and not on our actions! Su-Han: (groans) You're right, little Ladybug. Perhaps I'm worrying over nothing. What's for sure is that one doesn't come across a guardian like you every century. (reaches out his fist) How do you say again? Ladybug and Su-Han: Pound it.
You can tell that the writers wanted Su-Han to be the bad guy here. That his pushing for an identity reveal was at fault and you - the audience - should feel bad if you ever agreed with him, but his base argument is never actually addressed. Marinette just says he needs to trust her and so he does for some reason? Remind me, which of these two is supposed to have years of experience and which of them has been a hero for less than a year and in that time has totally failed to even try to retrieve the miraculous that she's supposed to be recovering? Writers, please stop saying that Marinette is the best guardian ever when you don't let her do anything that feels all that special. I'm not saying that she's terrible, she's doing what was asked if her, I'm just concerned that this is considered way above average quality.
On top of that nonsense, there's also the problem that Marinette's counter argument would have worked right from the start, so her rushed deception plan doesn't feel like a true act of desperation like it was clearly supposed to be. Instead, it just makes her look like a horrible person even though that obviously wasn't the writer's intent. This is what always happens when they speed run these complex what-if or backstory episodes. It never works out like they clearly want it to.
Chat Blanc did it by making Adrien look bad for hiding his identity so that he could date Ladybug. Derision did it by making multiple characters look unhinged and/or evil. Ephemeral does it with the frankly baffling lie plan which is only there so we can have a proper identity reveal moment between the leads. That's literally why the episode is written like that, btw. They wanted to let Adrien confess his identity in a big romantic moment, so they forced a scenario where that would happen even though it makes Ladybug look terrible.
Anyway, back to Su-Han.
If Miraculous was allowed to have serious plot lines that spanned multiple episodes, then Su-Han could have been a great edition to the cast. Season four is a pretty big tonal shift for the show. Things start to feel a lot more serious in this season with the Ladynoir conflict and Marinette struggling to be the guardian. It also comes right after the season where we learned that Master Fu wasn't a true guardian. All of this is the perfect setup for a true mentor character who shows up to fix things and maybe even give out some new powers!
Imagine how much better this season would have been if it was about Su-Han helping Ladynoir! If he saw the conflict and stepped in to guide them through it. You could even have him be closer to Adrien than Marinette to balance Marinette and Fu's relationship.
For example, what if the guardians didn't have the wacky staff that tracks down miracle boxes but not miraculous because then Gabriel would be defeated too easily? What if Su-Han just shows up and Marinette doesn't trust him, but Adrien does? And so Su-Han helps Adrien the most while Marinette keeps Su-Han at arms length just like she does Adrien because that's what Fu taught her to do and Fu was wrong about everything! This could still lead to the season four ending, but instead of it being a nothing burger where season five continues all of the same problems, instead season five is where Marinette embraces Su-Han and really starts to understand what it means to be a guardian and a partner? Things Fu never taught her because he kind of sucked at his job.
That's just one way to make Su-Han work. A way that keeps canon intact up to the start of season five because, while I hate season four's writing and "conflict" resolution, I can admit that there was potential in the base idea. You could also scrap all of season four and rewrite everything to keep things more light hearted while still letting Su-Han be a total upgrade.
You could even go the exact opposite direction and set Su-Han up to be the next big bad! Why have sentimonster freedom be a conflict (even though it really wasn't) when you could make everything about Kwami freedom? It's a really natural progression to go from defeating Gabriel to fighting for... institutional changes(?) in how the miraculous work. Let Kwamis pick their holders and remove their bonds so that Gabriel never happen again!
I really do mean it when I say that this show is bursting with potential. I wouldn't be so enthralled by how bad it is if it didn't have potential to be amazing.
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The Maribat deconstruction got me thinking: am I the only one who thinks Adribat is a more....plausible (??is that the word) concept than Maribat? Like, not even in a romantic sense but a familial platonic sense.
Think about it, he's :
got the tragic backstory & suffered from neglect
canonically been abused waaaaay beyond school bullies
taken for granted by adults (primarily his dad & Master Fu) and by his peers (LB)
dealing with the existential crisis of not being human if we go the sentimonster route.
Look, I get that trauma & suffering should NEVER be a competition but when you think abt it, Adrien's suffered just as much, if not more so than Mari ever did even with Chloe & Lila in the picture. You could argue that some of what she suffers in salt fics (isolation, no support system, emotional suppression, harassment) are ALSO things Adrien goes through bcz while he's a superhero like her, UNlike her, his home life sucks.
So if there's either hero the Bat Fam would empathize with more, it's him. Yes, they can hold him accountable for screw ups but if we go the Good Parent!Bruce route, he can give Adrien the physical & nuanced emotional training he needs to spot red flags & deal with them beyond passivity. The training is harsh but at least he doesn't play favourites, giving Adrien no excuse to slack off & proper motivation to mature. Plus, in the Bat Fam, everyone has clear roles & secrets aside, nobody strings anyone along, offering him a reliable structure to fall back on.
He doesn't come into the Bat Fam expecting to be in charge. Instead, the nitty-grittiness would push him to be more independent & decisive instead of impulsive.
If LB tries to call him out, he could point out how for all she claims to be the 'responsible professional hero', she REacted instead of acted & if real IDs are thrown in the mix, he can call out how she just went with the 'woe is me' route, resenting that everyone didn't jump on her call for a witch hunt when she could've communicated to them privately.
Sorry, this turned out longer & less explicitly mari salt-centric than I thought but I tried to stay objective. I hope you don't mind.
Technically everyone would have their own opinion about whether a Miraculous/Batman crossover could actually work. In my opinion however, I believe that the best bet for a good crossover would be through Adrien more than Marinette, in part because of the reasoning you gave, but also because Adrien would fit the idea of a Batfamily member more thematically than Ladybug ever could. If anything, he's like Catwoman but without the whole stealing bit.
Keep in mind that the whole Maribat AU was created with the goal of creating a salt fic (albiet with a crossover), and the OG creator even took a character that was no way romantical and turned him OOC to make their convoluted idea work, ironically in a method reminding me of the "My Immortal" Harry Potter fanfic. Regardless how it later developed, the original idea was pure salt, albiet one that took off because of everyone's hate boner for any character that wasn't Marinette, with people later trying to justify it for one reason or another. It's an idea that should have never worked in the first place outside of this context. In contrast though, Adribat would actually work because of a genuine commonality connection.
Also I don't mind talking about Adrien on this blog. In my mind, Marinette salt and Adrien sugar are the one and the same on this blog, because the salt of one character is usally sugar of the other due to how these prompts go.
Hell, my entire blog was made in opposition to the more well know Adrien Salt Blog made by another individual, which has both plenty of Adrien salt and LOTS of Marinette sugar, though I would call the latter justification for Marinette's own bad behavior as it never discusses her own issues, it just let's her go off scott free by pinning the blame all on Adrien.
In any case, I like your idea! If you or anyone else want's to share any Adribat prompts that you got, feel free to send them here!
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subliminalbo · 2 months
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Okay, elephant in the room? I was an Alpha.
Right now you're thinking "this stupid, little, blonde bimbo is soooo addicted to serving that she went out and got herself brainwashed again." But this is just research, honest! Corbin says that research is the most important part of journalism. You can't write about mindless whores without becoming one yourself!
I was basically already Corbin Arroyo's biggest fan when she joined us in the Alphas house. It was pretty crowded by that point, but I managed to get a turn on her during the conditioning. I can still taste her on my lips, still hear her whimper when my tongue glided over her clit. And I remember how powerful I felt driving my idol to such a point of pure ecstasy that she totally lost her mind—with the help of the visor over her eyes, of course. God, I still get so hot just thinking about it.
But, uh, maaaybe don't mention all that to her? I don't want her to think I'm like some crazy fan or something.
The point is that Corbin and I have been through a lot together. The kind of stuff that bonds people together for life. Like, finding a dead body in the woods. You can't talk about that to everybody.
So I'm working for her now. Or I will be, once I prove myself with a big scoop.
Corbin's been playing it cool. She says stuff like, "I'm not looking for a partner right now" and "please stop texting me." (She's so funny!) I thought tracking her number down would be enough to convince her, but she's really testing me. I needed something big.
Everyone knows River City is filthy with corruption and vice. I figured that if I hung around the motel district long enough I'd stumble upon some kind of scandal to write about, so I checked into the Gilead Hotel. It seemed as good a place as any to do my research. Don't let the fancy name fool you, it's a total dump. I got a good deal on the room though, must have been the cute girl rate.
"Say," I said to the kid with the splotchy beard at the front desk. "Where can a girl find some work around here?"
"Work?" he repeated in a low, quavering sort of voice. "Like...work work?"
"What other kind of work is there?" I giggled.
The poor kid seemed conflicted when he paid me his $250. It was probably a whole paycheck for him, but I wasn't going to discount myself for his sake. I blew him in the break room. It was a little space with wood paneling and crusty green carpet that scraped against my knees. The folding chair creaked beneath him as I rolled my tongue over the head of his cock.
I didn't have much of a taste for this kind of thing before I was an Alpha, but blowjobs were a skill that Madison considered as essential as eating pussy. I put my Alpha training to good use, teasing him with my tongue until he whimpered like Corbin, then I slurped down his shaft in slow, deep gulps, increasing my speed with each repetition. I took him the rest of the way with my hand and finished him off in my mouth, swallowing every drop of his warm cum with a dopey little smile.
"Fu-ck," his voice cracked.
I was so horny when we were finished that I would have let him fuck me, but that was another $750, and I was seriously worried that he would dip into the till. There were more johns in River City with deeper pockets anyway.
Shit, this is bad journalism, isn't it? You want to know how I got brainwashed again to begin with. To be honest, that part's a little fuzzy. I remember I was prowling campus for my big scoop when I met this stranger. Suddenly, I'm handcuffed in some dark room and the stranger's saying, "You are a mindless whore," and I'm like, "No, I'm Tabbie!" But after a few thousand times I started to agree with him.
"I am a mindless whore."
It wasn't a difficult transition for me. Sometimes I miss having a mistress like Madison, but I can hear the power in my Master's voice. I've never seen his face. He sets me up with johns over the phone. I sit around my room at the Gilead Hotel (I never left!) watching TV and waiting for him to call. When the phone rings, my mind goes all fuzzy again and all I can think about are big, fat cocks in my cute, wet pussy.
Master has a few more girls with their own rooms at the hotel and on days off we lounge around the pool and talk about being mindless whores and sucking cocks and stuff.
Research! I mean, I can't remember any of the johns' faces and my Master is so clever I'll never catch him, but I do get to wear cute outfits and be a total slut which was just me most days already. Corbin will save me eventually anyway, so I'm enjoying it while I can.
Oh my god. Maybe Master will make Corbin into a cute mindless whore too!
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loafyall · 7 months
"Who did this to you..?"
Okay well I kinda lied that I would write the part two of "I can't" in a day but it took me three days so i apologise for making everyone who read part 1 and were waiting for part two!
I had exams going on and I'm finally free!!
---------------main story..----------------
Summary : Yanqing is found the next morning of the incident, In an abandoned street of the Aurum alley, It's time for jing yuan to find out what happened to Yanqing and jing yuan's about to kill, torture that bastard and he is planning too.
Yanqing was never this late at coming home and reporting back to jing yuan, Well, Yanqing was always late at coming home, But it was different.
-he wasn't home at all.
It was only until morning that Jing yuan realised that Yanqing hasn't came home yet, Which obviously, Got jing yuan worried, Perhaps he's with dealing with mara-struck? Or already at the training grounds?.
--no, Yanqing would have never woken up before jing yuan, It's unlikely for him to do that.
It's probably around the time for Noon before jing yuan starts slightly panicking as he hasn't seen yanqing in such a while already, Eversince the patrol started last evening, He hasn't been home since. Perhaps he could ask madam Fu or the helm master about yanqing's whereabouts but he already knew their answer would surely be no.
There's loud knocking on the door, It's probably the knights.
And yes it was the knights, Just as jing yuan thought, Why were they here?, That's when the bad news comes in when one cloud knight finally speaks.
"General, There's something you need to see." That cloud knight respectfully speaks, His head bowed down. "It's about lieutenant yanqing." And that's where jing yuan eyes widened at the mention of his (son) retainer.
"Please, Go on." Jing yuan said, Trying his best at remaining calm, But he couldnt.
That's probably when the other cloud knight tells him, Yanqing was found in some dark abandoned street of the Aurum alley, And that's what Sushang had reported in earlier.
Now jing yuan was worried, Way worried about his retainer, he got up from his seat, As he put his own pen down in which he was signing his paperwork with.
"We'll need to go there immediately, Send a medical party there immediately, You may be dismissed." Jing yuan had said that in an authoritative tone, He was going to kill that bastard who did that horrendous thing to yanqing when he finds out who he is, He's in great trouble.
"Tch, Can't take the whole thing in one go and had to pass out that early?." That's cloud knight said, That bastard who tried to Do the Ungodly with Yanqing, Yanqing was practically crying and aswell as shaking as he tried to cover his half naked body.
Some bruises and scars were around his hands and back, Few on his legs, His tears soaking into the ground and his clothes, Yanqing's Vision was blurry, And with pouring rain it made it all worse.
Yanqing felt like he's a worthless child who doesn't deserve happiness, The way he's been traumatized is Ungodly, There were bodily fluids, and blood was there, Which could've made Yanqing vomit, Blood was gushing out from the bruise given by that bastard, Yanqing as going to going to pass out soon because of the pressure.
Yanqing's tears didn't come to a stop as he laid there, Motionless, He was unsure of what to do, He wanted to try and get up, But that man who did this to him had him pinned down by his foot on Yanqing's stomach, It was sure that the guy would leave a few more bruises on him before feeling satisfied .
There was a loud scream coming out of yanqing's dry throat when that bastard punched Yanqing on the stomach, Yanqing was tightly gripping on his own stomach, Trying so hard not to cry as he looked at that guy.
And that scream alerted The other cloud knights who were trying to find Yanqing by Jing yuan's order.
"shit." That bastard cursed as he ran away not to be seen by the cloud knights as he put on his knight uniform and that bastard ran away, Leaving Yanqing fully finished and traumatized.
And that's where Jing yuan found Yanqing as he followed the shout.
But Jing yuan immediately came to an abrupt stop when he saw Yanqing.
Covered in bruises, His hair messed up badly, Blood almost everywhere, Yanqing's tear-soaked face as yanqing looked at him, Jing yuan sweared to Aeons that he wouldn't vomit, And then there was a dry, Crying voice coming out of Yanqing.
"G-general?.." That was the only thing yanqing said, Before he Passed out into his exhaustion.
"Yanqing!." Jing yuan couldn't think of this, This was the last thing he wanted to imagine to happen to yanqing, He quickly rushed to the boy, He removed the hair coming on his eyes.
Thank Aeons that boy had just passed out, Or there could be worse casualties than that.
"Knights!, we found him!, Get him back to the Medical institution." Jing yuan ordered as he lifted up Yanqing in his arms.
That boy barely weighed alot, He was fit and all, Although he doesn't eat alot and jing yuan who's knows how many times he has scolded him to eat and not skip his meals.
Anger was already boiling inside Jing yuan as he watched Yanqing being operated by the Alchemy commission's healer Lady, Bailu.
The question on jing yuan's head was
'Who and why did they do this to him?.'
Jing yuan litterally would litterally kill the person and make sure they go even worse in the shackling prison, Maybe Jing yuan would but the balls of the guy and choke him with his own hands and feed the remains of the bastard to Mimi.
But for now, He just had to be there for Yanqing.
Slowly, Yanqing opens his eyes, He doesn't seem scared, But more relieved as he's out of that bastard's grasp, He doesn't even realise that Bailu's talking to him.
"heyyy!! Don't ignore me!." Bailu just pouts, As she stared at Yanqing, Yanqing looks at her.
"sorry.." Yanqing sighs.
"Are you okay?." Bailu asks
"...." Yanqing isn't sure how to respond, He doesn't want to worry Bailu, So he simply states "yea, Much better than before." Yanqing just puts on a small smile, Before staring at his hand again.
"Yanqing." there was the same familiar voice, Jing yuan, His eyes were softer, As he say down beside yanqing's bed.
yanqing has the feeling to cry as he say his (father) General, He wanted to tell what that bastard did to him.
"who.. did this to you?." Jing yuan said, As he held yanqing's other hand, Yanqing gulped and looked down, Not wanting to show his tears.
"I-im sorry General, I-i didn't know how to stop him, I know, I'm too weak." Yanqing admitted as tears feel down his eyes.
Jing yuan couldn't believe what yanqing just said to him, Yanqing was never weak, He is a child, A child with ambition to be the best, But that bastard who did this to him, Needed to be punished In the worst way possible, That guy tried to take Advantage of a Child, A FREAKING 14 YEAR OLD.
"Oh yanqing.." Jing yuan sighed, As he pulled the blonde boy into a hug, "it's not your fault and it was never your fault, you're still 14, I should also be the one to blame here to sending you with that cloud knight." Jing yuan said, As yanqing cried into his arms. "Who did this to you?." Jing yuan asked, As yanqing let out a voice. "A cloud knight named.... Xiun."(Yes I made up a name.)
Now jing yuan was clearly angry and wanted to punish that bitch called Xiun, He sweared if he sees Xiun, He will murder him alive and feed his remains to Mimi, Who would be very happy to Eat the meat.
But for now
He's happy that Yanqing's alright, He needs to recover, Mentally and physically.
I hope you enjoyed this part!! Let me know if you want an additional part of Jing yuan ruthlessly murdering that Bastard to did that to Yanqing!!
Sorry for any grammer mistakes and all, I hope you guys liked it! (Btw part 1 is in my Blog, Go read that before you read this!!!)
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Cheese's 100 follower special part 1
(Thank you all for following me and sticking around to see what contents I post!!! For hitting triple digits I'm doing special posts. This one is all about the cut and unused content ideas/plans for RPs.)
(For the people who wanted to be tagged: @ilovefukuchi @myluckymoon @caffeiiine )
Each unplanned idea will be in character order of when I first created them.
There's a lot with Levi when I first made him. At first there wasn't a proper backstory for him other than that he was a traumatized guy.
Levi was already arrested in his backstory before, so my whole goal with him was to get him arrested again and sent back to prison.
This would have triggered a rescue mission, or a prison escape (in my head I made Sayaka and Oscar go save him)
On the same topic of rescuing Levi, I have this old idea I played in my head where Levi was supposed to be kidnapped by this ability user that had the power to trap people in this video game. Bro Levi would have been in a little cage like Princess Peach.
If Levi was ever brought back to prison I would have created a little headspace segment for him (kinda like omori)
At first, Ross wasn't supposed to be a military captain. Instead, he was going to be some doctor to kidnap Levi back for experiments. This was changed to fit the backstory more.
Ross and Levi were supposed to have this big fight at one point.
And Ross was supposed to die by Levi finally killing him but in a bitter sweet goodbye.
Dr. Ikari
He was supposed to be the more cold doctor, but instead, he gave a more "I don't give a crap attitude."
He was going to help capture Levi, only to calm him down.
Nothing much about him other than a potential death.
Oh boy, there is so much for Cooper.
At first, Cooper wasn't going to be brought back entirely. All because the og Cooper was dead and it would have ruined some of Levi's character development. So instead, I made this Cooper from a different universe.
At first, I was going to have him wander around and ask multiple people, "Are you my master?" But on the first one with Shibusawa, I had him settle with him for a long time.
He was almost gay or bi, but I gave him a female love interest. (Also his "love" for Shibusawa was more so a obsession than actual love.)
Big one‼️ Cooper at one point before he killed X, was going to go back to X. Either through by getting fired or just plain manipulation.
There were going to be multiple times in which he got kidnapped but those never happened.
At one point, he was going to snap, but that never happened as well.
Richard Connell
He was going to be more of an evil, bad guy with a god complex. Now he silly.
Fiona Delgado
She was created to flirt with an older version of Shibusawa. That never happened.
She was supposed to work at a normal boring job but I changed it to be the Port Mafia.
Was going to die, never happened.
He was going to be a cool priest, but now he works for the Special Operations Division.
Dr. Paul
Was supposed to hunt down every vampire and try to kill then all.
Perhaps give him a potential love interest in which the irony of it is that the love interest is a vampire.
He was supposed to be more angry and charming, but he's just some goofy guy who yells at his rival and is actually a lot more friendly.
He was supposed to be ability-less but him having a cool sword as his ability sounded cool.
At one point, Lance (from Prime Softwares) was going to change Felix's "programming" and make him go on a murder rampage. Possibly a really intense boss fight with X.
Prime Softwares
Lance was supposed to die (he's barely alive but he's alive)
Lance and Grian were supposed to have this discussion and Lance would have threaten to deactivate Grian.
At one point, Grian would have completed a mission, but Lance would deactivate him anyways for a more new and improved model.
So Grian was almost a box of scraps for anyone to take.
The whole thing with the androids was to learn how to fuse ability user's blood into androids so androids could have said ability from the user. Basically weapons.
Because Lance wanted to take over the world with these androids.
At one point Grian was going to turn on Lance and attack Lance instead.
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theerurishipper · 10 months
When I reflect on the show from an outsider's perspective, Adrien really strikes me as a resilient person. Back when it first aired, I was just 12, and my understanding of abuse and mental health wasn't all that great. While I could see that Gabriel was a lousy father, I found myself unintentionally blaming Adrien. I thought he was too much of a pushover, not strong enough to stand up for himself when he needed to.
Due to my fortunate upbringing with supportive parents, I was initially unaware that parents could be harmful to their children. In my youth, I viewed the world through rose-tinted glasses. Reflecting on my growth, I appreciate the journey, but I find it troubling that the show seems to endorse abuse without the writers or creator addressing it, and instead, they seem to reinforce it in season 5.
As I've grown older and seen the show take a darker turn in portraying Adrien's situation, my viewpoint has shifted. With more life experience, I now truly grasp how tough Adrien has it. Some folks praise him for handling his trauma, especially compared to Chloe, who lashes out. But to me, both characters carry a weight of sadness from being taken advantage of in different ways.
The moment the show showed the printed document desire of Adrien wanting to be Marinette's girlfriend, it gave me the creeps. It became clear that he lacks a personal dream to hold onto, and I feel like there are metaphorical strings tying him to both Marinette and Gabriel. Like to me it's like he went from being controlled from his own father and now his girlfriend is doing the same.
Like he has no aspirations, no goals, all he craves for is love and security in his partnership and he can't even get that and from the beginning Master Fu favors for Marinette really does tie everything together. Secrecy hidden from his partner, Secrecy of his own birth, how out of touch he is when he doesn't even get to learn who the identities of the miraculous wearers are but the villain Hawkmoth does. How bad is it really when Ladybug treats Alya like an equal partnership but you've been fighting crime with her longer and battling akumas. I'd be mega salty I'd destroy more than the chimney too lol.
Adrien's backstory really has the groundwork for him potentially turning into a villain if this was in any other show but MLB lol . The show portrays everyone, including his parents, as complicit in a deception that has shaped his entire life. Given the circumstances, I believe I would be worse off than him if put in a similar situation. This is why I believe he is more compassionate individual than the fandom gives him credit for.
~ Like I feel sad for the poor kid
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I don't even have anything else to add, just... all of this. Just free my boy, fucking let him go. He deserves so much better.
Thank you for your ask!
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #19
[masterlist] [part one]
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There are some things, Alfred thought amused, that transcend even death. Bruce was far from the first Wayne to have a slight adoption problem, and his sons won't be the last. Though, he mused as he prepared the tea, this might just be the first time a Wayne has ever adopted a member of the living from beyond the grave. It's certainly the first time one has ever adopted the ghost king.
There was a sudden cry of, "Brucie! There you are!" Followed by a sharp yelp of, "Who the fu—udge are you!" Nice save, master Jason, Alfred thought with a smirk. He gathered everything together to the sounds of overlapping voices, and counted down in his head as he neared the room. 3, 2, 1— "Everyone, calm down! Young man, could you please explain who you are and what you're doing here?" —Right on time, as always, master Bruce. Alfred opened the door just in time to see the wide grin on master Danny's face and catch his eye with a small smile and a nod.
"Master Bruce, I know I raised you better than that, surely you recognize your little brother?" Ahhh, the simple joy of watching an entire family of world class detectives "blue screen", as master Tim would say. Each and every one of them were trying to figure out how this teenager could be Bruce's younger brother, when they all knew what had happened to the elder's parents, and all of them were drawing the wrong conclusions. Alfred hadn't had to fight this hard not to grin since his adoptive son was pulling his hair out because master Richard was swinging from the chandelier. Last week.
"Since when did you adopt a kid?!" "Aww, Alfie, are we not enough for you?" "Now I know where B gets it from..." "Father, I had not realized Pennyworth was behind your serial adoption habits. You are forgiven."
Apparently, master Danny didn't have the same fortitude as Alfred, as he began laughing shortly after the accusations started flying. Alfred let his smile grow more fond at the sound. Thomas and Martha had shared their suspicions about master Danny's home life, and while he could see some of what they meant, it was heartening to know it wasn't as bad as he'd feared.
"No, no, goodness, no, Alfred didn't adopt me! Though," master Danny said, laughing eyes catching his own, "I'm sure if he got to me, first, he would have. No, mom and dad weren't able to make it legal on this side of things, so I don't have the name, but the family ties are just as strong. I am Bruce's little brother, and I am adopted, but the adoption was a little more," here, master Danny changed forms and started floating, "spiritual than normal."
In the silence that followed that proclamation, Alfred heard the whisper of a woman's laugh and a man's chuckle drift past his ears. A soft, "That's my boy," breezed through the air between Alfred and master Danny, causing the young man to brighten and Alfred to chuckle. Oh yes, master Bruce may have been too young to remember, but Thomas and Martha both had wicked senses of humor. The two of them had probably coached master Danny on exactly what to say, what to do, and how. Now, we just have to calm them down long enough to explain everything, he thought with a wry grin. Not the hardest thing I've done, that was most certainly raising master Bruce in the first place.
TADA! I finally had a prompt to continue this storyline with! Of course, it's not the longest I've written, but I've also been dealing with a headache most of the day. Again (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) buuuuut, knowing I can pop something of this quality out in just less than an hour, while dealing with a headache, is definitely something worth knowing, don't you think? (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ yeaaaahhh, I'm trying to not make this a thing...
But! I hope this at least answered a few questions about how Alfred knew about Danny lol if I get around to part three, we'll get some more clarification, but for now, I hope this will do (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
@chaoticmistake and @ectoplasm024 both asked to be tagged if/when I wrote more, so here you go!
Have a good morning/day/night!
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baenyth · 6 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 3-20: Party Crasher
This is the weird episode where Kim gets a Miraculous and Adrien's stalker (I'm still hesitant to call Marinette a stalker, despite her potential) gets akumatized and grows a mustache. Yeah.
They're FRIENDS!? The love square is a doomed relationship. Either that or I'm too harsh on Wayhem.
Oh, is this one of those "throw party while your parents are gone" episodes?
Alright, that hologram was a devious trick. I love it. And the lore for where Hawkmoth gets his butterflies. Also is Gabriel just going to hide in his secret rooms all weekend?
Boys party! Except for Nathaniel, for some reason. Is he too busy working on his comic with his boyfriend? Is Nathaniel even part of the boys' friend group?
Or not? Why wasn't he there then?
*Ditches a tree planting which would honestly be short with their muscle, forcing the girlies to do it all by themselves*
*Bribes Adrien's real dad with rare action figures*
*Didn't tell Adrien about their plan*
Oh phew. Marinette's on investigation duty. Still odd that she wasn't honest, though.
Discount YMCA
Oh, there they are. They were just late or something.
Wait, Marinette this is exactly what I feared you were doing, ditcher. Mylene Disrespect.
*Steals the power supply from the Agreste Mansion, putting Gabriel into crisis mode*
This is getting dumb and weird. What's Luka doing here? Is he possessed or something? He Would Not Fucking Do This. Or at least his sister should scold him or something.
The Chloe makeup joke was good, though.
Master Fu as well!? Hawkmoth could be here!
Oh my god the gorilla has earplugs in
Oh. That's where the mustache comes from.
King Monkey's alright, though. His powers are cool and I like how he glitches stuff up.
This episode doesn't end in Alya and the rest of the girlsquad chewing out the boys and Marinette (except for Adrien he's innocent) while Juleka pulls Luka by the ear in the background. This is objectively worse than Chameleon.
Disrespectful. Disrespectful! DISRESPECTFUL! This episode got me to side with the guy that chased after Adrien for an entire episode the last time he had a big presence. Nino was the anti-MVP of this episode. Marinette is still bad and she gets away with it as always. F tier episode. Mylene Disrespect. Disrespect of all the girlsquad minus Marinette, which means it's Juleka Disrespect again. This show just loves to disrespect her.
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I think the only one I like out of those Secrets is Ivan singing heavy metal lullabies to his little sister.
Ya know what I have the list pulled up so I can go over them and give my opinions real quick!
1.) "When Alix was a child, she was given a rabbit as a gift... from her future self!" - Kinda cute. Hope she at least like, warned her dad somehow because dropping a pet on a child is a bad time.
2.) "Juleka's song: "Even if nothing is decided, nothing as solid as stone, everything can burn up and then we are alone... So love life, eternity."" - this is just the lyrics to what she sang as a record in Migration. On brand for her though.
3.) "Nino's headphones were given to him by his favorite DJ after a concert. That's why he always carries them with him!" - that's cute!!
4.) "Nathaniel naturally has chestnut brown hair. His hair is dyed by Alix." - Brunette!Nath is cursed so this isn't canon to me but it's a fun tidbit in theory!
5.) "Ivan sings heavy metal lullabies to his little sister. And she seems to like them a lot." - Adorable!!! I'm debating on yeeting into HC/LL because I always planned on him being an only child.
6.) "Sabrina's best friend before Chloé was Cléo." - Naur Cléo!!! No seriously whomst the FUCK-
7.) "André sells his ice cream at locations where famous French films were shot." - Fair enough. It works in the sense of always being able to find him.
8.) "Miss Bustier was once a student of Mr. Damoclès and once pinned a fish on his back as an April Fool's joke!" - This one's cute I love it! This one should come with an anecdote for the foreign audience that the French have a fish-themed April Fool's Day and this is a common prank for children. Doesn't make it less fun!
9.) This one was a 'sketch from Marinette' rather than a fact, and was an image of a dress. It's a pretty basic but cute dress.
10.) "Sass's favorite food is a tofu" - why??? Why is the Snake's tofu?? What happened to the fridge magnets with the gummy worm snack? Granted that didn't make the most sense either but the consistency.
11.) "Marinette wears her 2 pigtails in memory of a very good friend from school who is sadly no longer at her school." - In theory this is cute but I hate nearly everything about Socqueline's existence.
12.) "Adrien's full name is Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste." - the absolute fucking EGO from his parents to have two of his middle names be their names.
13.) "Since Plagg adores cheese, especially Camembert, Adrien had to convince Nathalie that he is obsessed with Camembert." - Absolute fucking hilarious.
14.) "Gabriel's real name is Gabi Grassette" - I actually hate this. I hate this so much. Like it's inconsequential in the long run and it makes sense but GOD I hate it for some reason.
15.) "Kim actually has two surnames namely "Ature" and "Lê Chiến", then after their marriage both of his fathers each kept their surname." - this would be cuter if I didn't know it was a retcon of a retcon. It was originally "Lê Chiến", then they changed it to "Ature", and then they got backlash for it. But hey two dads now if only htey'll show up on screen! (this may end up in HC/LL? Debating).
16.) "What if Lila's biggest lie so far was that her name wasn't Lila?" - so on principal I hate this whole superspy con artist plot, but this is fucking hilarious.
17.) "The real name of The Gorilla is Placide I.T." - I think I already dunked on this enough.
18.) "Alya has received various Chinese treatments from Master Fu. So, he almost chose Alya over Marinette... to be Ladybug!" - I hate this one actually. Like not that I don't like LB!Alya! But she's new to Paris but has somehow received various treatments from Fu? Yet on the other hand Fu knew her very well and could've easily mentored her, but he decided to go out and choose some rando???? the fuck???
19.) "As a child, Marinette dreamed of tailoring a hat for the Eiffel Tower to protect it from snow. And from then on, all she wanted to do was be a fashion designer!" - That's really cute I love it so much!!!
20.) "Zoé's best friend in the New York City was Jessica Keynes." - I hate this. I hate this so much. This makes Jess look like such a shitty friend.
21.) "Kagami has drawn a manga about her childhood in Japan but she hasn't dared to publish it yet." - Adorable, actually!
22.) "Rose and Prince Ali stayed in touch after they first met and have become really good friends." - We knew ofc but it's glad to have it confirmed!
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fancylala4 · 2 months
What do you think of Taylors " Sqaud" of friends.
Like, it's weird how you don't know who soem of her friends are until they make a comment of if there's a photo...like either Emma stone ( which I feel she only out their " friendship " in the headlines because emma and Joe have a film together and I'm guessing taylor wanted some fire storm around that )
Blake livly gives mean mean girl vibes ike she'll act that she's this mum who loves to bake and be a good friend but she did have a wedding at a plantation and there's other stuff that I can't remember right now.
Lena Dunham. ( I can't withbthst woman - like have you seen her insta post she tries to be like a model but it's awkward and cringe, and all the other things that I can't bare to actually write)
Keleigh teller...like talk about mean girl, and how she loves to post about her lavish life ( I feel sorry for miles sometimes) and I find it funny it wasn't until top gun 2 came out we even know that Keleigh was friends with Taylor.
The football wife ; britney like she obviously loves the attention more than her family, like I bet you she'll name her next child after taylor in some way - Robin if it's a boy and one of the many girl names taylor has sung about.
I'm hoping someone it's taylor again ..because with all the sings she's released to stop other artists, there's enough evidence to show, and even okd interviews about her relationships.
What I don't understand is how the documentary about scooter and taylors fued isn't getting talked about.
Like taylor knew about the whole thing, I believe it was all orchestrated to make her the ultimate victim.
And what annoyed me is two poscasters who a woman talked about it...but they are so " go woman" " dont talk bad about other woman" that they just said poor taylor - i think even said soemthing like she was a teenager when she signed and probably trusted the men around her ( even though woman do horrible things to and not just men and everyone deserves to be told when they've been shit)
She's going to do something that shifts people and that shift will cause people to actually look at her and see her for who she is.
I didn’t comment on her girl squad because I don’t know who’s even in the squad anymore. I know Selena was friends with her but I think something happened between them. Lena is an awful person who has no talent whatsoever and being friends with Taylor makes a lot of sense since they are similar in personality. I also get the feeling that she hated to be seen with the squad because she looks like the odd woman out. Blake is basically irrelevant and I will always side eyed her when she had her wedding on a plantation. Though her friendship with Taylor made sense since Taylor has done similar things like that. I don’t know who footballer’s wife or teller are. Isn’t Sabrina and ice spice in her squad now? She switches friends as often as she does with her clothing. It’s hard to keep track of.
I don’t really know much about that whole situation with scooter and Taylor. But I think it had to do with her masters? I think artists should own their music. However, Taylor was in a better position than others because she used her power and influence to break free. She was incredibly lucky that worked out for her. Though I could see her opening her own company and screwing over artists signed under her like scooter did.
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purplezombietumbler · 10 months
The Dupain-Cheng Sisters
Name: Bridgette Dupain-Cheng.
Aliases: Lovely-Bug (Ladybug Miraculous), Beelzabub (Bee Miraculous), Clawdia Noir (Cat Miraculous), Hissette (Snake Miraculous).
Gender: Female.
Sex: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual.
Age: 16.
Astrology Sign: Capricorn.
Race/Ethnicity: Half Chinese, half white. 
Height: 5'8".
Love Interest/Crush: Daphné Laurent.
Personality: Girly, absent-minded, slightly flirty.
Best Quality: Her reliability.
Worst Quality: Her lack of focus.
Fears: Being a bad sister.
Hobbies: Writting, gardening, candle making, photography.
Tom Dupain: Dad.
Sabine Cheng: Mom.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Younger Sister.
Marietta Dupain-Cheng: Younger Sibling.
Vivienne Dupain-Cheng: Youngest Sister.
Various Trivia:
●Is the only child with brown hair and brown eyes like her father.
●Wears the most make up but it's more of a "natural" look.
●Can speak Mandarin, English, and French.
●She the sister that's helps with the bakery the most. Although, admittedly, she isn't THAT passionate about baking.
●Has the longest hair out of all the sisters and keeps it in two french braids.
●Has a part-time job in Wang's art shop.
●Best friends with Socqueline Wang.
●Knows Marinette is Ladybug and carries around a Ladybug keychain to show support.
●Favorite colors are pink, yellow, and orange.
●She was Master Fu's first choice for the Ladybug, but decided against it because Bridgette wasn't the best strategist.
●Met Daphné in her new school.
●Daphné was a secret for most of her family until Socqueline talked Bridgette into coming out.
♤greedy By Tate McRae
♤Cool For The Summer By Demi Lovato
♤Heart of Gold By Ashley Huff
♤Lovesick By Emily Osment
♤Speed Drive By Charli XCX
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Name: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Aliases: Ladybug, Lady Noire, Multimouse, Dragon Bug, Lady Bee, Pegabug, Pennybug, Ladyfly, Bug Noire.
Gender: Female.
Sex: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual.
Age: 15.
Astrology Sign: Cancer.
Race/Ethnicity: Half Chinese, half white. 
Height: 5'4".
Love Interest/Crush: Adrian Agreste.
Personality: Clumsy, sweet and outgoing, with the occasional bout of low self-esteem.
Best Quality: Her kindness.
Worst Quality: Her obsessive personality.
Fears: Being exposed as Ladybug.
Hobbies: Fashion designing, baking.
Tom Dupain: Dad.
Sabine Cheng: Mom.
Bridgette Dupain-Cheng: Oldest Sister.
Marietta Dupain-Cheng: Younger Twin Sister (by 29 minutes).
Vivienne Dupain-Cheng: Youngest sister.
Various Trivia: N/A.
♤New Rules By Dua Lipa
♤breathin By Ariana Grande
♤Look At Her Now By Selena Gomez
♤Power By Little Mix
♤Heroes (We Could Be) By Alesso ft. Tove Lo
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(Inspired by @your-art-is-gay )
Name: Marietta Dupain-Cheng.
Aliases: Lady-Luck (Ladybug Miraculous), Mouscedes (Mouse Miraculous), Catty Noir (Cat Miraculous), Blaze (Rooster Miraculous), Maddy-Taur (Ox Miraculous).
Gender: Bigender.
Sex: Female.
Pronouns: She/Him.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Acesexual, Heteroromantic.
Age: 15.
Astrology Sign: Cancer.
Race/Ethnicity: Half Chinese, half white. 
Height: 5'4".
Love Interest/Crush: Max Kanté.
Personality: Tomboy, plays dumb because she's laid back and hates it when people think she's going to cure cancer or something.
Best Quality: Her chill attitude.
Worst Quality: She plays dumb.
Fears: Failure.
Hobbies: Skateboarding, painting, history, sports.
Tom Dupain: Dad.
Sabine Cheng: Mom.
Bridgette Dupain-Cheng: Oldest sister.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Older Twin Sister (by 29 minutes).
Vivienne Dupain-Cheng: Younger sister.
Various Trivia:
●Helps Sabine with her painting class as much as she can.
●Best friends with Alix Kubdel.
●She had a crush on Alix, but when she found out Alix was Aromatic, Marietta backed off and stayed friends.
●Knows Marinette is Ladybug.
●Fights with Vivienne the most. (Usually its play-fighting but still).
●Knows Marinette is Ladybug and has a Ladybug bracelet to show support. She also covers for Marinette most of the time.
●Has the shortest haircut out of all the sisters, styled in a disheveled mushroom.
●Favorite colors are Blue, Red, Black.
●Came out to Alix first.
●She doesn't like to show off, but she can beat Kim in an arm wrestling contest and takes pride in her athleticism.
●She perfers to be the "side character" and doesn't like attention.
●She's the only person that can keep with Max in a conversation.
♤Here's To Never Growing Up By Avril Lavigne
♤Don’t Play By Halsey
♤Harleys In Hawaii By Katy Perry
♤Paint The Town Red By Rain Paris
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Name: Vivienne Dupain-Cheng.
Aliases: Shadybug (Ladybug Miraculous), Purrsephone (Cat Miraculous), Tiger Lilly (Tiger Miraculous).
Gender: Female.
Sex: Female.
Pronouns: She/They.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Lesbian.
Age: 14.
Astrology Sign: Scorpio.
Race/Ethnicity: Half Chinese, half white. 
Height: 4'9".
Love Interest/Crush: Zoé Lee.
Personality: Had to learn quickly that "Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD!" Has a hard time keeping her temper in check, especially with people who disrespect her sisters.
Best Quality: Her loyalty.
Worst Quality: Her temper.
Fears: Thunder and lightning.
Hobbies: Music, poetry, electronic guitar.
Tom Dupain: Dad.
Sabine Cheng: Mom.
Bridgette Dupain-Cheng: Oldest sister.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Older sister.
Marietta Dupain-Cheng: Older sister.
Various Trivia:
●Emo Baby™.
●Her favorite singer is Jagged Stone.
●Has the least incommon with Marinette.
●Hates Kim. With most her being.
●Hates Chloé Bourgeois.
●She has the ability to know when someone is lying to her, and immediately doesn't like Lila Rossi.
●Favorite colors are Magenta, purple, black.
●Wears the most visible make up of all the sisters (eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick).
●When Vivienne found out what Kim did to Marinette, she pulled him aside and told him: "If you hurt my sister, purposely or otherwise, I will beat you up so bad you're going to wish that you were dead," and ever since then, Kim has been terrified of Viv and doesn't go near Marinette.
●Prized possessions are her MP3 player and her noise canceling headphones.
●Collections vinyl records.
●Gets music lessons from Luka.
●She used to get into rages and destroy things and hurt herself but now channels her energy in music.
●Has black hair like her mom and magenta highlights and styles it short choppy emo haircut.
●The closest thing to a friend she has is Luka but other than that, she has no friends.
♤All I Wanted By Paramore
♤After Dark By Mr. Kitty
♤Problem By Becky G
♤Afterglow By Taylor Swift
♤Hands Up! By 6arelyhuman & kets4eki ft. pixel hood
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