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pandemic-info · 1 year ago
Tired of masking! how to stay motivated? Tips on negotiating mask/COVID-related differences in relationships?
The above links to a thread with a lot of helpful responses.
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fuckyeahilike · 2 years ago
Right in the beginning of the pandemic, when the virus was at its deadliest, the WHO told the world that not only was there no need for anyone to be putting on any form of mask over their faces, but that it would cause the spread of the disease because it would lull people into a false sense of security; and only staying home and washing your hands could help.
They lied like this for months, as the piles of corpses piled up, and people developed neurological incurable diseases.
For some weird and strange reason the minute that masks became plentiful and available to health care professionals the WHO suddenly changed its tune... and just like that wearing masks, any kind of masks, not only were we told was absolutely necessary after all, but if you didn't wear them everywhere you went you were breaking the law. 
No more talk now about this was only lulling people into a false sense of security; no more talk then about how only washing your hands and social distance could help. As soon as masks for health care professionals were plentiful and available, people were allowed to get back to their normal lives, provided they left their masks on at all times.
Funny how that goes. So, the WHO decided that it couldn’t risk ordinary civilians hogging all their masks (masks belong to them, not to us) if there were any, so it gaslighted us into thinking we didn't need any form of mask, to make sure that all masks went to them, the health care professionals.
No one is being sued or put in jail for this. This is how you see how all-powerful the health care profession is. They literally get away with mass murder. Someone tell me again why I’m supposed to trust doctors?
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covid-safer-hotties · 7 months ago
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^Masks4All reddit page
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unveilandresist · 6 months ago
here to be a buzzkill once again
covid is real and killing people every day
long covid cases are going up like crazy every year
please wear a mask
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I know facing this is scary but wearing an kn95 or even better, an n95 will help protect you. so will air purifiers with hepa filters, and nasal sprays like xlear. get a vaccine if you haven't had one in the past 4 months. mitigations really do reduce your risk. r/masks4all will even help you find the right mask for your face shape!
if you get covid, do whatever you can to rest and not strain yourself for about 6 weeks to reduce risk of long covid.
love you all, wanting us all to be well 💗
- my chronically ill ass who has been sick from postviral illness since 2012
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cygnoir · 4 months ago
Doomscrolling and feeling powerless? Here’s something tangible we can do: Normalize wearing masks. Let’s protect our health and decrease the spread of airborne diseases. Out of masks and don’t know where to start? r/Masks4All Wiki is a great resource.
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fuckyeahilike · 2 years ago
how you move when you’re friend-shaped
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Once saw a clown say clowns & furries speak the same "silent language" and that stuck with me for some reason
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pokabrows · 1 year ago
lol finally went off the deep end of keeping myself safe from covid. Got myself a reusable elastomeric respirator.
(pictured here on a fan because it's brand new and so still smells like plastic)
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It's way cheaper in the long run than disposable masks. The mask I got, the Honeywell North 7700, was a bit under $30 and then p100 filter pucks are less than $10 and you only have to replace them when they become hard to breathe through, dirty or damaged. (Some people recommend replacing them at least every year regardless just to be safe and to be fair they're cheap enough where that's pretty reasonable.)
The silicone does way better at sealing to faces than disposable ones. And the mask comes in small, medium and large so hopefully it fits your face a little better that way too. (I got a small based on the size guide on their website and it seems to fit well.) And a better fit means better protection. Arguably the fit matters more than p100 vs N95.
The one I have is valved. This was the hardest part of the decision. Valved respirators only protect other people from you (source control) as much as a surgical mask. So it's not ideal if you could be sick. However a valve really helps in keeping the mask comfortable to wear for longer periods of time with reducing condensation build up. You can also always tape N95 mask material over the vent to help make it a better source control. Basically if you're in a situation that requires masking better than a cloth/surgical mask a valve is not appropriate or if you could be sick and want to protect others around you. It's hard because even if no one else around me is wearing a mask I do want to protect them. However because no one else is wearing a mask it's more important for me to have a comfortable mask I can wear all day. If I like this one enough to want another one for different situations I'll probably go valveless. Probably the MSA Advantage 900 because it's wayyy better for talking than most elastomeric respirators. Or one of those quarter respirators that look a little bit less than bane. But all of those are a bit more expensive so I didn't want to start with those.
But since the pandemic is continuing with no end in sight I figured it was time to invest in a bit better mask. Especially since this one was under $40 for both the mask and filter. If I like this style of mask I may get another depending on what I feel I need versus this one. After all I'm already disabled, the last thing I need is any additional disabilities to deal with.
Oh shout out to the subreddit /r/masks4all that's where I did a lot of the research.
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chilipowder9 · 10 months ago
replying to a slightly older reblog of urs about masks - has ur mom tried valve masks? you inhale filtered air but the valve allows for outer exhalation rather than a sort of build up of air within the mask which may be more breathable for her! some masks just generally have better breathability - the masks4all subreddit may be a good place to do some research if ur interested!
ohmyfuckinggod THANK YOU NO SHE HASN'T
cranky gen x woman decided masks are evil so no she didn't
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none-ofthisnonsense · 2 years ago
Hi, I saw that you couldn't afford any masks but that you wanted to wear them. I just wanted to let you know that if you're in the US, you can request free masks from Project N95. Just to go to projectn95 (dot) org/free-masks/
The reddit board r/Masks4All also has some really great resources. There are options out there!
Thanks for the info!
Unfortunately, I'm not in the USA (and I'm currently in the process of changing countries too - not to the USA - so adresses are a bit wacky at the moment.)
Thank you for all the resources, I'm checking them out :)
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liminalweirdo · 2 years ago
@shiningroyalty a shirt probably won't do much to protect you or others, but if you're in the US there are lots of places that donate N95 or similar masks to people who cannot access or afford them. Check out Project N95's program where they can donate masks to those in need. Masks4All on reddit is (or was? I'm not sure what's going on with them while reddit's a shitshow) is a pretty great resource as well.
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
Folks in the UK: There's a black trifold FFP3 avaliable here
Discout with coupon code MASKS4ALL-10-2025
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unveilandresist · 1 year ago
y'all know how the media is spouting all kinds of garbage about palestine?
jsyk they have done the same damn thing with covid. covid is not like a casual cold or the flu. covid destroys your vascular system. covid fucks up your body's immune system. if you are wondering why you get sick so easily now, that is very likely why. your chance of becoming chronically ill increases with each infection you have, and up to 60% of cases are asymptomatic. they are lying about shit because the only thing that matters in the US is keeping the wheels of capitalism going and making the rich richer. remember at the beginning when Dan Patrick said we should sacrifice grandma for the economy?
he said the quiet bit out loud. vulnerable people have to rely on others to keep us safe, because the government does not give a single fuck. thousands of people are still dying of covid and many more are becoming disabled.
I haven't gone anywhere other than doctor's appointments and the grocery store for years now, as I am too sick to work and it is too risky. high risk people now cannot see their medical providers or even go to the hospital without putting ourselves at risk because no one masks even though covid is a highly contagious airborne virus.
I'm begging y'all to wear N95 masks or better (r/masks4all and r/zerocovidcommunity are helpful resources) and protect yourselves and the people around you- especially if you are showing up to a protest, crowds are extremely risky for covid transmission.
Please show solidarity by masking. Please give a fuck about your fellow humans. The difference between masking and not can mean saving a life or preventing permanent disability.
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pandemic-info · 2 years ago
Best mask or respirator and eye protection for small face (teen) on long flight from US to Asia?: Masks4All
make sure not to just bring one mask or one type of mask. After a few hours on the plane you might suddenly realize the one you thought would be perfect actually bothers you in some way.
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howilearnedtocope · 5 years ago
Why we need masks for all
Okay, I am going to put myself out here: we need masks for all. If you live in a country that doesn’t have widespread use of masks in public, this one is for you.
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Here is a graph of coronavirus trajectories by country. All those countries in blue have widespread public use of masks, in addition to other measures.
Obviously I am not basing all of this on a few countries that have managed to slow the spread. Here is a link to a summary of 33 scientific papers that show that masks (even handmade ones, we’ll get to that) reduce spread of infection for the general population. Many of these studies are themselves meta-analyses of data. The evidence is mounting that public mask usage is an important strategy to reduce COVID-19 transmission. I want to highlight this paper in particular which modeled that public mask usage could slow or even stop the spread of an influenza pandemic.
(The CDC and WHO still maintain that healthy people should not wear masks. Preserving them for healthcare workers is important, but that is a separate question from whether they work or not. It seems likely from the evidence presented above that they do help at least somewhat)
Of course, there is a nationwide shortage of masks in most countries. Medical grade masks must be reserved for healthcare workers (if you have some, look for local ways to donate them, many hospitals are accepting donations). So where do we get the masks for the public? We follow the lead of the Czech Republic and Taiwan and make our own. Here is a great summary of how the Czech Republic went from 0 to 100% public mask usage, in less than two weeks.
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A person makes masks and a “mask tree” where neighbors could donate handmade masks to others. Note that masks (or anything really) can be effectively sterilized by heating above 70C (158F) either in the oven for paper masks or using regular cycle in your washer and dryer for cloth masks.
Studies have shown even basic household materials like t-shirts can be effective at blocking droplets that contain viruses.
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Are they as good as n95 respirators? No. But outside of certain medical procedures, the disease mainly spreads through droplets, and these homemade masks are still pretty good (though not perfect) at blocking those. This goes both ways: the masks provide a layer of protection to protect you, but ALSO contain a lot of the droplets you could be spreading. Some people with the disease don’t have any symptoms at all, so wearing masks is also important to reduce the chance of infecting others.
Masks, like social distancing, don’t have to be 100% effective in order to help flatten the curve.
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Here is a model from the Seattle area, which shows how small changes in social contacts can effect total case numbers. You can see that even reducing contacts 25% has a profound effect on case numbers after a few weeks. The same thing would be true if wearing masks reduced transmissions by just 25%.
I want to point out that as long as you don’t take risks you wouldn’t take otherwise and keep your hands off the mask, there is very little risk to doing this now as we wait for further scientific evidence. And the evidence is mounting that simple masks reduce risk and slow spread.
In the Czech republic, they went from no one wearing masks to 100% (it is now mandatory in public) in about 10 days. While the mandatory order to cover your mouth and nose is only a week old, they have seen a slower growth of cases than the rest of Europe despite lots of testing.
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Basic masks can be made with just a t-shirt and scissors, no sewing required. This video shows you how, just wear your mask higher on your face than this guy. (Video is changed from original post to one that doesn’t require Facebook login)
And a few more tutorials
DIY facemask with filter pocket from Maker’s Habitat (video)
Facemask with adjustable wire and filter pocket from Easy2Sew (video)
Craft Passion Face Mask Pattern (pattern & instructions)
A Dr Explains how to make a facemask from a HEPA filter (video)
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Simple mask that can be made with a sewing machine, from Craft Passion
If you get good at making homemade masks, especially the ones with HEPA filters, some hospitals are now accepting donations of homemade masks as well. Check to see what is going on in your local area.
If the papers cited above are correct, wearing a mask now when you need to leave the house for essential chores will reduce the time it takes to bring our cases down, and public use of masks could be invaluable in keeping cases low when people start to go back to work.
We can change our culture from stigmatizing masks to expecting people wear them. It happened in the Czech Republic in less than two weeks. We can do it too.
If you have the time, please watch this video. It was the thing that really made all of this click for me, and it has a ton of great information. Here is a shorter video from the Czech youtuber who started the movement in his country which I also recommend watching & sharing.
Please reblog & add resouces, tutorials, or mask selfies! There are three main things you can do to help spread the word and normalize mask wearing: 1) share videos & other information on the topic; 2) take a selfie of you wearing a home-made mask; 3) spread the message, with hashtag #masks4all.
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20dollarlolita · 5 years ago
Let’s talk about masks again.
I made this post a while ago and it’s getting some traction and I saw someone flip out at someone on CoF for wearing a mask, so let’s talk about how the context that advice is given in is important.
NOTE: I’m in USA, but I’ll try to provide context for people in other countries.
Context for non-USAers: At the beginning of the spread of Coronavirus in USA, the Center for Disease Control suggested to not wear a mask if you weren’t sick, since “wearing a mask offers little protection from the virus.”
The actual reason for this suggestion is that USA’s hospitals are not properly stocked with enough masks and respirators to get through even a higher-than-average flu season, and there were concerns that people would hoard disposable masks and respirators, which would divert the supply from hospitals and doctors offices and cause greater shortages than already expected.
Recently, the CDC said that wearing a homemade cloth face covering when you go out is a good idea to help prevent virus spread. This is not because new information came out that suddenly changed their minds. This is because it’s been advantageous this whole time, but there’s now a much lower risk of people being able to panic-buy hospital-grade PPE. This is a lower risk because we’re already out of it. Can’t buy what doesn’t exist.
EDIT: The CDC’s term is “nonmedical face covering,” to further clarify that medical supplies should be reserved for hospital settings and medical personnel.
So, while my old guide on kinds of PPE was based on what to wear when there’s not a massive worldwide and countrywide shortage of various protective gear, let’s talk about what to do when there IS.
Disclaimer: I’ve done a lot of research into this but I’m not an expert.
Part #1: If someone has something in front of their face, and they didn’t ask for your opinion about how it looks or works, don’t share it. All options right now are insufficient options. You don’t need to make someone feel like they’re doing it wrong just because you know slightly more about this than they do. If someone has two layers of fabric over their face, their cough particles don’t go all the fuck over everywhere if they cough. One maskmaking shop in LA found that two layers of cotton blocked 60% of particles over 3 microns. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but if your options are having someone next to you cough a full force cough or cough at 40% force, you should know which one to choose.
It might make you feel more prepared to tell someone posting a coord wearing a mask that their mask isn’t protecting them because there’s gapping around their nose. It might make you feel more prepared to spot the flaws in their PPE and point them out. But you need to be really honest with yourself about if you’re doing it to help them or if you’re doing it to make yourself feel better. In the end, did you make a comment that might encourage someone who has two pieces of fabric in front of their face to stop putting those fabrics in front of their face? It’s the wrong comment.
Part #2: Your mask is as dirty as the inside of your butt. Firmly lodge this idea into your head. The insides and the outsides of your mask are contaminated. You know about not touching your face, right? Don’t touch your mask, either.
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If you need to adjust it, grab it right on the edges by your ties/elastics. Don’t go grabbing the front of it. Clean your hands after you touch your mask, too.
Likewise, that guy next to you? His mask is as clean as his butt. Keep an eye on where he’s touching it and where that hand goes. Don’t go off on people on CoF wearing masks wrong, but worry the heck about people near you touching their masks.
It doesn’t matter how good your mask, or anyone else’s mask, is at stopping you from getting sick or spreading sickness. If you take the things that the mask is preventing from being spread, rubbing those things on your hands, and then putting your hands onto community stuff, you’ve negated any good your mask can do. 
Part #3: PREP YOURSELF THE BEST YOU CAN. Make sure that you and your family and your friend’s PPE is the best you can realistically make (without diverting the supplies of disposables from professionals). Does it fit at the sides, bottom, and top? Have them put the mask on and inhale sharply. The majority of the air should be coming in through the front of the mask. Exhale sharply. Ideally, the air should be coming out through the front of the mask. It’s likely coming out through the gap under the eyes, instead. Unless you have really good nose wires or are willing to use skin tape, you might have to live with that. The important thing is that the air should not be going out the sides or the bottom. If it goes up into your eyes, you’re spreading your respiration germs into your eyes, which isn’t great, but if your nose has coronavirus then your eyes probably also have it. If it’s going out to the sides, you’re spreading your respiration germs into other people who potentially don’t already have those germs.
Troubleshoot your mask fitting until you are confident that it’s not leaking. Make sure you can breathe with it on. Make enough that you can wash your masks and still have one to wear.
Make the mask out of two different fabrics, or write “back” on the back of them with a fabric marker. The inside of your mask catches things that should stay on the inside, and the outside of your mask blocks stuff that should stay outside. If someone coughed on the outside of your mask, the last thing you want to do is turn it around and hold their cough right up next to your nose.
Make enough masks that you can trade them out if one gets soiled. Wash your mask at least as often as you wash your underwear (and let’s not have any Big Hero 6 shenanigans about wearing them inside-out. It’s gross) and have enough that you can change masks in the middle of the day if you have to.
Part #4: Do what it takes to make you and your housemates to wear masks when going out. You know how when you have a two year old who doesn’t want to eat squash, so you pretend the spoon is a plane and make it into a game? You know when your boomer dad doesn’t want to wear a mask, so you put his favorite movie quotes on it and turn it into a game? Your mom won’t wear a mask unless you put a hole for her to drink coffee through a straw? Will putting a straw flap in it get her to not touch her face? Is it better than nothing? Yeah, sometimes “better than nothing” is all we’ve got.
You can make masks that match your clothes! You can make different models of masks and see what is the most comfortable. You can make masks with silly monster teeth on them. We haven’t had high-quality pandemic like this since 1918. We have no social rules for what is acceptable behavior. If it SPREADS the disease, or makes it harder for other people to be safe and comfortable and free of the disease, it is bad behavior. If it prevents the spread of a disease to people outside your household, makes you more comfortable, and doesn’t come at the cost of any other person’s safety or comfort, it’s fine. It can be weird and still be fine.
If you’re making masks, listen to your housemates’ comments about mask comfort. Make them comfortable masks. We don’t have a lot else to do.
Part #5: Please don’t go into the store to go fabric shopping if you can order it online for pickup or make it out of your fabric scraps. A lot of fabric stores have a medium-large customer base who are both in the age range most likely to die from COVID-19 and in the range of people who believe that the coronavirus is made up to convince people to let socialism into their homes. These are people who need to be protected and who are refusing to protect themselves. Regardless of if you care about accidentally killing someone’s Meemaw, people who are not protecting themselves from the coronavirus are a danger to you. Don’t go in there.
Fabric.com has not been updating their inventory to avoid stress on their employees, but they still have almost 35,000 different 100% cotton quilting fabrics. Support fabric stores that are successfully reducing the contact their employees must have with the public, and stores that are reducing the customer’s ability to contact each other. Remember, if you go into a store and you see people crammed closer than 3′ apart, your immediate reaction should be, “well, I’m going to leave here right now.” It’s not just about your safety. It’s about the safety of everyone else, and about wanting to support companies who believe that public safety is more important than maximum profits.
If you don’t want to go to the fabric store, because you don’t want to support a non-essential store during a Stay at Home order, you can purchase t-shirts, sheet sets, pillowcases, some kinds of toweling, and other things made of comfortable, breathable, washable fabrics at big stores like Walmart. Many non-coated drop cloths and shop towels at hardware stores will also work. You don’t have to support fabric stores’ decisions to remain open right now.
ALSO. Every fabric store is out of elastic. You can still make masks with ties. Do not panic about the elastic and ESPECIALLY DO NOT YELL AT EMPLOYEES ABOUT THE ELASTIC. You will not die without your elastic. You will survive without the elastic. Do not be an ass about the elastic.
Part #6: masks are fast to make and don’t take a lot of fabric. If you can make ten or more, there’s a site called MakeMasks2020 that helps distribute handmade masks to healthcare facilities that need them. You can also contact your local veterinarian. Many vets have given their supply of disposable masks to the hospitals, and are looking for homemade ones so that they can do emergency procedures without putting the animals into unnecessary risk. If you don’t have a pattern for making masks, MakeMasks2020 suggests the Clover Mask for sending to hospitals. I’ve made a couple of these myself and the pattern’s very clear and fast and makes a comfortable mask.
Context for non-USAers: yes our healthcare system is so bad that in the year twenty twenty we are sewing masks at home for hospitals because the hospitals don’t have enough masks. We’re going to just send our doctors and nurses into rooms with infectious patients with nothing but two pieces of calico and a coffee filter to protect them.  We already have hospitals where nurses and doctors are being given one disposable mask and told to make it last all shift (or sometimes as long as five days). If your country doesn’t need reusable masks made for its hospitals, you can still send masks to our hospitals if you want. (I don’t know if this is going on in other countries. I’m a bit wrapped up with what’s going on in mine)
So, now that we’ve had six parts of disclaimer, let’s get into why we’re really here: why did I say that wearing a bandana as a mask was useless when I made my original PPE post last year, but I’m now suggesting everyone sew bandanas into masks and wear them out in public?
Analogy time: What if I told you that my plan to prevent a fire in my house was to leave open flames and candles everywhere, and when the house caught on fire, run into the upstairs bedroom and wave out the window for the fire department to rescue me with a ladder? That sounds like a really stupid idea. A better fire safety system would be to keep burning flames in my sight, install a good fire alarm system, have two fire extinguishers on every floor, and know to leave out the front door and stand safely outside to wait for the fire department.
My house was not on fire when I made the last post. You could easily go to the hardware store and buy as many n95, p95, n100, and p100 masks as your money could get you. You could also go buy surgical masks with the same money. Both options were there, so if you’re dyeing things, which is better? A n95+ mask is better for particles like sanding, a carbon mask is better for ambient smoke, and an OV cartridge on a reusable respirator is still the best for toxic gasses. There were a lot of options. Some were better than others for different tasks. It mattered which was the best one.
My house is now on fire. We’re trapped upstairs and our options are to wave our arms out the front window so the fire department can get us with a ladder, or sit on the floor and pretend nothing is happening. Yeah, it would have been REALLY GREAT to have a fire extinguisher back when this started, but we dont’ have that option anymore. We can’t go to the hardware store and get an n95. We can go to CVS and buy surgical masks. Our options are either A) a pretty bad solution that won’t fix everything as well as a good solution that is no longer available would have or b) pretend that nothing’s wrong, go to Joann, and cough on everyone.
Our house is on fire now. Everything I said in that last post is technically true, but it was made to be relevant in a world where the house was not on fire. The house is on fire now.
The house is on fire. Please put something in front of your face when you go outside.
I will still stand by one thing I said before, though: please don’t cut your bra up to make it into a mask. Even if you can’t sew, it’s a really difficult and expensive way to make a mask that won’t work very well.
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Use the bandana hack instead of the bra hack. Work smarter.
I promise I’ll be much more into posting our regularly scheduled lolita fashion tutorials soon. I keep having to disassemble and reassemble my sewing machines because I’m helping maskmakers on twitter fix their machines, so working on any project has been going slowly.
Also if your sewing machine breaks while you’re making masks, please contact me on twitter @ aPOLLYgz with some pictures, and I’ll see if I can help. That’s been my major contribution to the maskmaking project.
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lemondeabicyclette · 3 years ago
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Les masques faciaux font plus de mal que de bien
Cette courte monographie contient 111 preuves concluantes que les masques faciaux font plus de mal que de bien, et le fait d'être forcé de les porter est une forme d'oppression conçue pour avoir des effets physiques et psychologiques négatifs sur les porteurs plutôt que d'avoir une valeur protectrice.
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« Eh bien, il semble que la campagne pour le port de masques dans le monde entier ait été soit fondée par le Forum économique mondial, qui prône une réinitialisation mondiale (The Great Reset) et dont le célèbre « expert médical » le prince Charles d'Angleterre semble être un membre de premier plan, ou par une organisation appelée masks4all.
« La promotion des masques a été soutenue par Goldman Sachs, la banque, à mon avis l'une des sociétés les plus diaboliques au monde (avec Google et Monsanto) qui a été autrefois décrite de manière mémorable par Matt Taibbi comme un calmar vampire sur le visage de l'humanité.
« La banque aurait affirmé que si tout le monde aux USA portait un masque, l'économie américaine serait stimulée.
« Je n'ai aucune idée de comment ils sont arrivés à cette conclusion ou pourquoi ils pensent que leurs conseils sont meilleurs que la recherche médicale. »
Docteur Vernon Coleman, médecin moult fois censuré
Le premier livre de Vernon Coleman sur le coronavirus, Coming Apocalypse, n’a été accepté pour publication qu’après que toutes les références spécifiques au coronavirus et au covid-19 aient été supprimées. (Une révision a permis l’usage de termes alternatifs tout aussi révélateurs.)
Le deuxième livre de Vernon Coleman sur le canular du coronavirus (une collection des transcriptions des vidéos diffusées entre avril et septembre 2020) s’intitulait Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History.
Le livre a été interdit quelques jours après sa publication.
Une deuxième version du même livre intitulé Old Man in a Chair a été interdite dans les heures suivant sa publication. Vernon Coleman en a ensuite publié une version eBook sur Smashwords qui malheureusement a aussi a été interdite.
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