#masato murray
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jordankennedy · 1 year ago
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requests mostly. and some other guys i like
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themagnustournament · 2 years ago
Redemption Round 2 - Match 49
Book of the Dead earned only 63 votes last round, and has gotten a total of 204 votes! It's against Web Development, which left Round One with 253 votes!
MAG 070 - Book of the Dead | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof.
MAG 123 - Web Development | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Angie Santos, regarding a website developed by one Gregory Cox.
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ominoustaperecordernoises · 6 months ago
TMA Bracket - The End Being needlessly Dramatic
(29. Cheating Death) Statement of Nathaniel Thorpe regarding his own mortality (man plays a game with death, literally)
(70. Book of the Dead) Statement of Masato Murray regarding an unusual Inheritance and the effects hereafter (spooky book tells you when and where you are going to die)
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newsintheshell · 2 years ago
Con il nuovo megapost vi porto tanti nuovi video, locandine e anche qualche data. Spoiler: l'anime di Shy è programmato per quest'anno!
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Fra scosse di terremoto che mi hanno fatto perdere anni di vita e altre questioni sempre non propriamente piacevoli, che non vi sto ad elencare, vi dirò la verità, me la sono presa con più calma del solito nel raggruppare le novità di questo fine settimana.
L'ANIME RECAP era già pronto nel tardo pomeriggio, ma non avevo neanche l'ombra di un'idea di che immagine usare in apertura! Esatto, sono messo così male. 😅
Non c'è tanta roba di cui parlare a differenza dell'ultima volta, ma qualche highlight non manca, tipo il nuovo trailer del live action de I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco (che vi ho messo prontamente in pole position u_u), l'arrivo dell'anime di Shy nell'arco di quest'anno e il primo promo di Reign of the Seven Spellblades, di cui non si sapeva nulla da un bel po'. Buona lettura/visione e buon weekend!
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Novo trailer e continuo a non sapere cosa pensare del film. Di sicuro cercherò di andarlo a vedere al cinema, giusto per farmi qualche risata con del popcorn in mano! Chissà, magari poi non è brutto come potrebbe sembrare e Sean Bean potrebbe sorprenderci ancora di più, non morendo una volta tanto.
Questa prima pellicola (se va bene si parla, potenzialmente, della realizzazione di sei film in tutto), diretta da Tomasz Baginski  e sceneggiata da Kiel Murray (Raya e l'ultimo drago), Josh Campbell (10 Cloverfield Lane) e Matt Stuecken (Notorious Nick), uscirà in Giappone il 28 aprile, mentre qua in Italia il 26 giugno.
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Nuovo promo per l’anime tratto dall’action fantasy harem di Kazuha Kishimoto, che mostra qualche incertezza lato grafico di troppo rispetto al precedente, con disegni e animazioni non propriamente entusiasmanti, devo dire.
Vi ricordo che la serie è il primo progetto in solitaria di STUDIO ELLE e coinvolge principalmente uno staff di debuttanti. Il primo episodio andrà in onda il 9 aprile.
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Anche qua non navighiamo di certo nella sakuga, ma come vi ho già anticipato, con me questa serie ha un occhio di riguardo anche solo per il fatto di essere un vero e proprio thriller puro.
Fra l'altro comincerà ad andare in onda dal 2 aprile e arriverà in simulcast su Crunchyroll
L'anime si basa sul manga��ideato da Naoki Yamakawa (I’m Standing on a Million Lives) e illustrato da Masashi Asaki, pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
La regia della serie, in produzione presso TEZUKA PRODUCTIONS (Adachi and Shimamura, The Dawn of the Witch), è affidata a Takashi Kamei, che in passato ha supervisionato il capitolo “Il Sorgere della Terra” della trilogia Transformers: War for Cybertron su Netflix.
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Annunciata ormai un paio di anni fa, la serie tratta dal nuovo action fantasy scolastico firmato da Bokuto Uno (Alderamin on the Sky) si mostra in un primo trailer, rimandandoci alla premiere che si terrà a luglio.
Sarà il castello, le tuniche o le spade usate come bacchette, ma il video mi ha portato alla mente Harry Potter e spero veramente che l'ambientazione scolastica venga sfruttata in modo simile.
La regia è affidata a Masato Matsune (Chronos Ruler) e la produzione è in corso presso J.C. STAFF. 
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Lo ripeto sin dall'annuncio, ma questa serie trasuda wholesomeness da ogni frame e questo nuovo trailer non fa che rafforzare la mia idea. Sono contento che avremo modo di seguirla in simulcast su su Crunchyroll dal 9 aprile.
Tratto dal manga di Taku Kawamura, l'anime è diretto da Shigenori Kageyama (Dynamic Chord, Himawari!) presso STUDIO SIGNPOST.
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Waifu con esoscheletri, che combattono come se stesso pilotando dei mecha? I'm in.
Con il nuovo promo è stata anche svelata la locandian della serie e la data di debutto: 3 aprile.
L’adattamento televisivo ispirato al videogioco di COLOPL è diretto da Hirokazu Hanai (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, Dances with the Dragons) e prodotto dallo studio NOMAD.
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L'attesa è quasi finita! L'anime tornerà in onda a partire dal 9 aprile. Per chi non avesse seguito la serie, i primi 12 episodi sono già disponibili su Crunchyroll, sottotitolati.  
L’anime è in lavorazione presso lo studio SUNRISE (ora conosciuto come Bandai Namco Filmworks) ed è diretto da Hiroshi Kobayashi (Kiznaiver, Spriggan), assieme a Ryo Ando (Interviews with Monster Girls, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill).
🔶🔸 SHY
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L'anime basato sul particolare action hero manga firmato da Bukimi Miki (pubblicato da Panini Comics in Italia), arriverà nel 2023 a quanto pare. Non è stato svelato in quale stagione, ma presumo quella autunnale ormai.
L’adattamento è in lavorazione presso lo studio 8-BIT e a dirigerlo c'è Masaomi Ando (Astra Lost in Space, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun).
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La nuova serie animata, ispirata allo storico manga di Shigeru Mizuki, sbarcherà su Netflix in autunno.
L'anime è diretto da Fumitoshi Oizaki (A Centaur's Life, Romeo × Juliet), dietro alla supervisione di Junichi Sato (Aria, Sailor Moon), che al tempo lavorò pure all'originale prima serie del 1989.
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Fissato anche il periodo di debutto per la serie che, a partire da ottobre, porterà in tv l'action adventure di Katarina e Ryosuke Fuji (L’Attacco dei Giganti - Lost Girls), edito qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
L’adattamento arriverà in streaming su Crunchyroll ed è in lavorazione presso lo studio C2C. La regia è in mano a Toshiyuki Kubooka (Harukana Receive, Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina), assistito per l'occasione da Hiroki Ikeshita.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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corens-relisten · 4 months ago
MAG 70 Book of the Dead
Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof. Original statement given 9th December 2003.
pffff his rambling about whether this guy is his friend or not lmao-
awe him being scared of death as someone who doesnt believe in an afterlife is real (':
huh his book doesnt seem to have a title page or dust cover or anything :p
there was a quote at the first page and then a message "you have already read too much" and lmao good prank from a dead friend so he keeps reading
starts in latin and then old english and it slowly gets more modern. and then he can really read this statement about christopher and oop-
the last statement was the dead guys well, death. and then the statement givers name. and his death.
he decides to ignore it for a bit but he cant really because well thats fucking terrifying. he goes back to his page and its changed. its two years earlier and in london.
i wonder if the curse is about wasting the life you had to this death that you dread :p
so Lightner isnt causing the cursed books, just perhaps collecting them.
spoilers :3
this is the End! and super neat too (:
spoilers done!
yup. indeed. pff- but yeah they seem to be "haunted" before lightner does anything to them, if he even does anything.
oh god he went back to the tunnels (': oh huh he found a place where someone burnt a book. im guessing a lightner :p so it seems Gertrude burnt it? huh fun (:<
have a wondeful day!
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mag200 · 2 years ago
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MAG70: Book of the Dead
watercolor & ink // kofi
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itonje · 4 years ago
saw a lot of people debating on which domain we’re really in and. it REEKS of the end i mean with the bad parent angle i can see how someone might call it the web but not every statement associated with fire is the desolation either so like. the one other fear i think it most falls into is the stranger actually due to the zombies like in lorell st johns statement and the fact that it centers around people whos pretense of being good in life and the ideology around not speaking ill of the dead hid the awful people they really were
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bubonickitten · 5 years ago
Literally no one asked, but I compiled a list of all the times someone suggests or commits arson in TMA
...up to MAG 162, anyway. [Spoilers ahead, obviously.]
MAG 004 – Gerry buys Ex Altiora for £5,000, then immediately slam-dunks it in the seller’s wastepaper bin, sets it on fire, and then just leaves. With the smoldering wastepaper bin. Patently refuses to explain himself, as is his way.  
MAG 006 – Timothy Hodge sets his flat on fire because worms.
MAG 008 – Does an incorporeal Raymond Fielding leaving scorch marks on the floor count as attempted arson? Probably not, but eh. Hill Top Road and arson are sort of inseparable.
MAG 010 – Trevor Herbert sets two (2) vampires on fire.
MAG 012 – Diego Molina and Gerry have some sort of fire-based showdown at a construction site and both end up in the hospital.
MAG 014 – Lee Rentoul sets a box (once containing his own soon-to-be-severed finger) on fire in a fit of petulant rage.
MAG 016 – Carlos Vittery puts his foot through his TV screen to kill a spider and then just straight up burns his shoe afterwards for good measure.
MAG 034 – Dr. Lionel Elliott burns the note that his anatomy students left with the tooth apple. He probably should have also burned the tooth apple.
MAG 036 – Trevor and Julia burn Ivy Meadows Care Home to the ground.
MAG 037 – Jason North fucks around and finds out at a spooky ritual circle in the woods and then his whole life goes up in flames. Literally.
MAG 043 – Diego Molina sets his own house on fire for personal (Desolation-related) reasons.
MAG 055 – Jordan Kennedy sets John Amherst’s sleeve on fire (valid). Then Arthur Nolan sets both his flat and himself on fire for personal (Desolation-related) reasons.
MAG 056 – Trevor Herbert discovers that human corpses aren’t as flammable as vampires.
MAG 059 – Statement giver Ronald Sinclair, like most reasonable people, strongly supports the incineration of Hill Top Road.
MAG 060 – Rosa Meyer wanted to flood the Magnus Institute with petrol and drop a match long before it was cool.  
MAG 061 – Daisy talks about vampire cremation.  
MAG 067 – I mean… Agnes. She is kind of the incarnation of arson. Also she casually incinerates some cobwebs, just to be petty. The Web knows what it did.
MAG 068 – Joseph Russo sets garbage on fire and calls it art.
MAG 070 – Masato Murray tries to burn the evil book of the dead. It does not work, because it’s an evil book of the dead.
MAG 072 – Not intentional arson, but the abandoned takeaway does go up in flames after some candles fall on a stack of bibles.
MAG 087 – Jude Perry burns down Gwydir Forest because an evil clown asked her very nicely.
MAG 089 – Jude Perry’s treatise on arson and self-immolation as a form of self-care.
MAG 100 – Does a ghost on fire count as arson?
MAG 102 – Gerry recommended setting Benoît Maçon’s house on fire but Gertrude said no.  
MAG 107 – Does a ghost train on fire count as arson?  
MAG 110 – Alexia Crawley burns a Leitner. And: “If I ever track down the man who used to own it, I might just burn him too.” #mood, Alexia.  paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgenLeitner
MAG 111 – Gerry talks about his book burning hobby.  
MAG 117 – Jon burns Gerry’s page. Also, Martin gets really excited about the fact that he’s gonna get to do a little arson, as a treat.
MAG 127 – Albrecht von Closen has his groundskeeper burn down a tree. In the rain. For some reason. Also, not arson, but Dr. Jonathan Fanshawe does make a point to basically end his letter with, “I had this guy’s body burned after the autopsy, seeing as he was FULL OF EYES. Eyes, Jonah, what the fuck. They blinked at me!! All of them!! In unison!! Don’t like that!! P.S. Don’t write me back.”
MAG 139 – Eugene “arson has always been my thing” Vanderstock suggests burning the Magnus Institute to the ground, because Jonny Sims (presumably) wants to hit us over the head with (what I assume is) foreshadowing as often as possible. Eugene also talks about how he and the rest of the Desolation squad burned down five acres of forest to create a pyre for Agnes’ birth, because they are nothing if not dramatic. 
MAG 145 – Arthur Nolan talks about how much he loves arson, as avatars of the Desolation are wont to do.
MAG 147 – This exchange that happens as the squad leaves Hill Top Road:
Jon: Are we burning it? Melanie: The statement or the building? Daisy: Both? Basira: Don’t tempt me.
MAG 154 – Gertrude burns Eric’s page.
MAG 157 – Adelard Dekker, who has never once half-assed anything in his entire life, builds his own funeral pyre so he can go out with a bang on his own terms – but only after he sits down and writes an email to Gertrude about how he totally pulled a Cask of Amontillado on Amherst and regrets nothing.
MAG 158 – Gertrude tries to burn down the Magnus Institute. Even stops to complain about how she “used to be able to torch a building in half the time.”
MAG 160 – Martin mentions that Basira managed to convince the police not to burn the Institute to the ground. (Pretty sure TMA is actually a podcast about failed attempts to torch an evil building that will probably end with a successful attempt to torch said evil building.)
MAG 162 – Gerry says “can I burn this book” and Gertrude says “knock yourself out” and Gerry says “excellent, I need to borrow your wastepaper bin and some lighter fluid, brb.” Also, Martin suggests getting some actual use out of that spider web lighter and burning the cozy cabin to the ground, but Jon says no -- you know, like a buzzkill. 
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aflyingcontradiction · 4 years ago
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 94 - Dead Woman Walking
She’d discuss her dissections with me, I think just to watch me squirm a bit, and talk about how hungry she always got at the smell of preserved brain. - Georgie
I've heard from multiple sources that this is apparently quite common? Well, not the brain in particular but sudden hunger during dissections. I guess it makes sense on some level but I assume most people would be a bit disturbed by it happening to them.
Then those eyes settled on Alex, staring in through the door. The eyes didn’t light up, they didn’t narrow, or show any sign they’d registered her existence. They just stopped moving and looked at Alex, as though waiting for her next move. And it was at that point Alex had recognised the woman, and run.
I think I realised right then that this was a corpse Alex had dissected, before it was revealed later on - between the title of "Dead Woman Walking" and the whole Alex being a medical student and the previous conversation about dissection, it struck me as obvious by this point.
Finally, Alex admitted she’d seen the woman during classes at the Medical Building. Was she a tutor? What was her name? Alex looked me right in the eyes. “They weren’t allowed to tell us their names.”
TMA has this way of saying everything without being explicit about it and it just creates these extremely powerful lines - like this one.
“The moment that you die will feel exactly the same as this one.”
Masato Murray of statement 70 (Book of the Dead) says something very similar in his musings about death and I've seen some very interesting posts about how this reflects the way that the Entities don't have a mind of their own, they can't make things up, they can only reflect what is already there in the minds of people. On a different note, I don't find this statement all that disturbing. If the moment I die feels exactly the same as this, that means a relatively low amount of pain, not all that much stressful anticipation and afterwards, presuming there is no afterlife, I'm not around to have thoughts about it anymore, so like ... pretty ideal as far as deaths go, all things considered? Mind, if someone gave me the option of knowing the exact second I die, I'd still take it, because that's the kind of idiot I am.
The promise of a cold and lonely eternity in the grave would have been a mercy; at least it would be eternal.
Okay, I accept that there are people that think this way but WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK? YOU'D RATHER SUFFER ETERNALLY THAN FACE OBLIVION? Sorry but cannot relate. At. All. Things being eternal would make them so much worse. The fact that things eventually end in oblivion is the one consistent source of comfort that exists on this bitch of an earth, imho
There was one thing that never returned to me afterwards, though. Since that day, I’ve never been able to feel afraid. My fear’s just… gone.
I don't really understand the mechanism by which this happened, to be honest. It doesn't really make sense to me why this particular experience would have cauterized the fear straight out of Georgie, but I just kinda went "Okay, a lot of this doesn't make sense to me, I'm just going to accept it and move on."
My impression of this episode
A lot of this statement just didn't really connect with me at all - apparently Georgie/the writer and I have very different views of what makes death scary (not that anyone who has met me couldn't have predicted this). I think this is, perhaps, the most "End"-y episode about the End there has been up to this point of the podcast. All the earlier episodes were either more focused on driving the greater plot forward (Oliver's and Mary's episodes) or they were more focused on things NOT, in fact, ending - on an eternity of suffering without release (the creature in the Egyptian tomb and the other poor fuckers who challenged death and "won"). And yeah, that's fucking terrifying but it still bugs me that it's filed under 'The End' because it's ... kinda the opposite, really, not so much fear of life ending but fear of suffering without end. And then there was the 'Book of the Dead', which diluted the End part by also involving a whole lot of pain in the predicted deaths and pain is scary whether or not it leads to dying (maybe sometimes scarier if it doesn't lead to dying!). But this episode really does seem to be about the fear of life ending, of everything ending - and, as I could have predicted, it just went "Woosh" straight over my head, not because there's anything wrong with the writing but just 'cause I'm sitting here going "Nah, can't relate, sorry". It is, however, still interesting to me precisely because I can relate so very little. And because it's Georgie giving the statement so there's ploooot development (though not a huge amount of it, but still).
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magnusmysteries · 4 years ago
Part 9: Creativity Never Was Their Forte
The Magnus Archives was a horror podcast. It is now completed. Many of the show’s mysteries were never explained on the show. I intend to explain them. Spoilers for the show, but also spoilers if you wanna solve these mysteries yourself.
Quote from Masato Murray from Book of the Dead “I just kept thinking to myself: the moment I die will feel just the same as this one. It’s not a thing forever in the future; I will be in that present just as surely as I am in this one. And I will end.”
In Dead Woman walking a corpse whispers words to people that make them catatonic. The words are “The moment that you die will feel exactly the same as this one.” Quote from Georgie about hearing the words “And in an instant I understood. There’s no… difference between the present and the future, no other me that will suffer the indignity of death while I live on.”
The dead woman was using the phrase that Masato came up with, and his thoughts about it. I think the Fears have no creativity basically. That all their ideas must come from a human (or sometimes an animal). I don’t think the dead woman ever met Masato. Masato was another victim of the End, and so the End took ideas from him.
In Sculptor’s Tool Gabriel asks Deborah for help, saying he has a creative block. I think he is using ideas from Deborah to make the sculptures. Deborah is the titular sculptor’s tool.
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awellboiledicicle · 5 years ago
TMA Statements In Chronological Order
But, not by when the events happened, by the order when the Statements were entered to the Institute. Because that wasn’t on the wiki timeline. 
Below the cut because i’m not a monster. 
Format is:
Episode // Entity // Statement Giver// Statement Given // Event Date
   • #140 The Movment of The Heavens // The Dark // John Flamsteed // 1715    • #116 The Show Must Go On // The Stranger // Abraham Janssen // 2 November 1787    • #23 Schwarzwald // The Eye // Albrecht von Closen // 31st March 1816 // Winter 1815    • #127 Remains to be Seen // The Eye // Jonathan Franshawe // 21 November 1831 // April – November 1831    • #152 A Gravediggers Envy // The Buried // Hezekiah Wakely // 1837 - 1839    • #50 Foundations // The Buried // Sampson Kempthorn // 12th June 1841 // 1836    • #58 Trail Rations // The Flesh // Mrs. Carlisle // 10th November 1845 // October – November 1845    • #105 Total War // The Slaughter, The Eye // Charles Fleming // 1862    • #98 Lights Out // The Dark // Algernon Moss // 14 May 1864    • #138 The Architecture Of Fear // The Eye // Robert Smirke // 13 February 1867    • #7 The Piper // The Slaughter // Clarence Berry // 6th November 1922 // 1917-18    • #133 Dead Horse // The Hunt // Percy Fawcett // 27 June 1930    • #99 Dust to Dust // The Buried // Robert E Geiger // 20 February 1952 // April 1935    • #137 Nemesis // The Slaughter // Wallis Turner // 3 July 1955 // Winter 1942    • #29 Cheating Death // The End // Nathaniel Thorp // 4th June 1972 // 17th June 1775    • #60 Observer Effect // The Eye // Rosa Meyer // 12 July 1972 // April – July 1972    • #95 Absent Without Leave // The Slaughter // Luca Moretti // 2 November 1977    • #44 Tightrope // The Stranger // Yuri Utkin // 2nd March 1979 // November 1952    • #85 Upon the Stair // The Spiral // Unknown // 1980 – 1990    • #86 Tucked In // The Dark // Benjamin Hatendi // 2nd March 1983    • #84 Possessive // The Corruption // Adrian Weiss // 1 December 1990    • #125 Civilian Casualties // The Slaughter // Terrance Simpson // 19 July 1993    • #77 The Kind Mother // The Stranger // Lucy Cooper // 15 September 1994 //August 1994    • #93 Contaminant // The Corruption // Lester Chang // 5 March 1995    • #96 Return To Sender // The Stranger // Alfred Breekon // 15 May 1996    • #53 Crusader // The Eye // Walter Heller // 5th September 1997 // November 1941    • #2 Do Not Open // The Buried, The Stranger // Joshua Gillespie // 22nd November 1998 // 1996 -1998 (?)    • #46 Literary Heights // The Spiral, The Vast // Herbert Knox // 21st December 1998 // September 1997    • #17 Boneturners Tale // The Flesh // Sebastian Adekoya // 10th June 1999 // 1996    • #66 Held in Customs // The Buried // Vincent Yang // 22 February 2000 // January 19 2000    • #78 Distant Cousin // The Stranger, The Web // Lawrence Moore // 12 June 2001    • #21 Freefall // The Vast // Moira Kelly // 20th October 2002 // 3rd-5th or 7th June 2001    • #35 Old Passages // All // Harold Silvana // 4th June 2002 // June 2002    • #9 A Father’s Love // The Dark, The Hunt // Julia Montauk // 3rd December 2002 // 1990-95    • #155 Cost of Living // The End // Tova McHugh // 3 December 2002    • #68 Tale of a Field Hospital // The Corruption // Joesph Russo // 3rd June 2003 // 1st June 2003    • #27 A Sturdy Lock // The Spiral // Paul Mckenzie // 24th August 2003 // July 2003    • #146 Threshold // The Spiral // Marcus Mackenzie // 1 September 2003    • #88 Dig // The Buried // Enrique MacMillian // 4 November 2003    • #70 Book of the Dead // The End // Masato Murray // 9th December 2003    • #52 Exceptional Risk // The Dark // Phillip Brown // 9th April 2004 // 1st November 2002    • #24 Strange Music // The Stranger // Leanne Denikin // 17th Jan 2005 // August 2004    • #59 Recluse // The Web, The Desolation // Ronald Sinclair // 29th November 2005 // Early to Mid 1960’s    • #134 Time of Revelation // The Extinction // Adelard Dekker // 22 January 2006 // 2005, 1867    • #75 A Long Way Down // The Vast // Stephen Walker // 7 November 2006 // Early October 2006    • #139 Chosen // The Desolation // Eugene Vanderstock // 30 November 2006    • #115 Taking Stock // The Flesh // Michaele Salesa // 4 January 2007 // Autumn of 1999    • #8 Burnt Out // The Web, The Desolation, The Spiral // Ivo Lensik // 13th March 2007 // November 2006    • #67 Burning Desire // The Desolation // Jack Barnabas // 18 March 2007 // October – November 2006    • #3 Across the Street // The Stranger, The Web // Amy Patel // 1st July 2007 // 7th April 2006    • #51 High Pressure // The Vast, The Buried // Antonia Hayley // 7th January 2008 // August 2006    • #106 A Matter of Perspective // The Vast, The Eye // Jan Kilbride // 10 February 2008    • #49 The Butchers Window // The Flesh // Gregory Pryor // 11th March 2008 // June 2007    • #62 First Edition // The End, The Eye // Mary Keay // 3rd July 2008 // 1955    • #154 Bloody Mary // The Eye // Eric Delano // 21 July 2008    • #130 Meat // The Flesh // Lucia Wright // 19 December 2008    • #18 The Man Upstairs // The Flesh // Christof Rudenko // 12th December 2008 // 22nd October 2007    • #156 Reflection // The Extinction // Adelard Dekker // 4 January 2009    • #5 Thrown Away // The Flesh etc. // Kieran Woodward // 23rd February 2009 // 8th August 2008    • #97 We All Ignore The Pit // The Buried // Jackson Ellis // 3 March 2009    • #57 Personal Space // The Lonely, The Vast, The Dark // Carter Chilcott // 4 April 2009 // September 2007    • #145 Infectious Doubts // The Desolation // Arthur Nolan // 2 February 2009    • #114 Cracked Foundation // The Web Shtranger or Extinction // Anya Villette // 22 April 2009 // 23 April 2009 or 9 April 2009    • #37 Burnt Offering // The Desolation // Jason North // 6th August 2009 // August 2009    • #108 Monologue // The Lonely, The Stranger // Adonis Biros // 20 August 2009 // August 2009    • #144 Decrypted // The Extinction // Gary Boylan // 3 October 2009 // August 2009    • #126 Sculptor’s Tool // The Spiral // Deborah Madaki // 11 October 2009 // Spring 2004    • #72 Takeaway // The Flesh // Craig Goodall // 20 October 2009 // 27 September 2009    • #107 Third Degree // The Desolation // 1 February 2010 // January 2010    • #48 Lost in the Crowd // The Lonely // Andrea Nunis // 25th March 2010 // September 2009    • #10 Vampire Killer & #56 Children of the Night // The Hunt, the Web // Trevor Herburt // 10th July 2010 // 1959 (first event), Winter 2009    • #69 Thought For the Day // The Web // Darren Harlow // 18th November 2010    • #31 First Hunt // The Hunt // Lawerence Mortimer // 9th December 2010 // 30th November - 1st December 2010    • #33 Boatswain’s Call // The Lonely // Carlita Sloane // 2nd January 2011 // Late November 2010    • #45 Blood Bag // The Corruption // Thomas Neil // 9th February 2011 // Spring 2010    • #148 Extended Surveillance // The Eye // Sunil Maraj // 3 April 2011    • #14 Piece Meal // The Flesh // Lee Rentoul // 29th May 2011 // Early 2011    • #19 Confession & #20 Desecrated Host // The Spiral, The Web, The Desolation (Hilltop Road) & The Spiral, The Flesh // Edwin Burroughs // 30th May 2011 // November 2006    • #112 Thrill of the Chase // The Hunt // Lisa Carmel // 13 November 2011    • #113 Breathing Room // The End // Adelard Dekker // 2012    • #12 Page Turner // The Desolation, The Eye // Lesere Saraki // 11th February 2012 // 23rd December 2011    • #153 Love Bombing // The Corruption, The Flesh // Barbara Mullen-Jones // 2 March 2012    • #110 Creature Feature // The Web // Alexia Crawley // 14 March 2012    • #1 Anglerfish // Stranger //Nathan Watts // 22nd April 2012 // March 2010    • #38 Lost and Found // The Spiral // Andre Ramao // 6th June 2012 // March 2012    • #36 Taken Ill // The Corruption // Nicole Baxter // 19th November 2012 // August – September 2011    • #136 The Puppeteer // The Web // Alison Killala // 1 December 2012 // 2012    • #124 Left Hanging // The Vast // Julian Jennings // 11 December 2012 // 2012    • #149 Concrete Jungle // The Extinction // Judith O’neill // 13 May 2013    • #54 Still Life // The Stranger // Alexander Scaplehorn // 23 June  2013    • #4 Page Turner // The Vast, The Spiral, The End // Dominic Swain // 28th June 2013 // 10th November 2012    • #90 Body Builder // The Flesh // Ross Davenport // 7 August 2013    • #157 Rotten Core // The Extinction, The Corruption // Adelard Dekker // 14 August 2013    • #30 Killing Floor // The Flesh // David Laylow // 1st September 2013 // 12th July 2013    • #129 Submerged // The Buried // Kulbir Shakya // 4 September 2013 // July or August 2013    • #83 Drawing a Blank // The Stranger // Chloe Ashburt // 19 October 2013 // September – October 2013    • #42 Grifter’s Bone // The Slaughter // Jennifer Ling // 3rd November 2013 // Autumn 2013    • #32 Hive // The Corruption // Jane Prentiss // 23rd February 2014 // Pre-2014    • #63 The End of the Tunnel // The Dark // Erin Gallagher-Nelson // 31st March 2014 // 26th March 2014    • #102 Nesting Instinct // The Corruption // Francois Deschamps // 4 June 2014    • #103 Cruelty Free // The Flesh // Dylan Anderson // 2 July 2014    • #135 Dark Matter // The Dark // Manuela Dominguez // 14 July 2014 // 2007    • #87 The Uncanny Valley // The Stranger, The Desolation // Sebastian Skinner // 10 October 2014 // September 2014    • #15 Lost Johns’ Cave // The Buried // Laura Popham // 9th November 2014 // 14-15th June 2014    • #150 Cul-de-sac // The Lonely // Herman Gorgoli // 9 November 2014    • #6 Squirm // The Corruption // Timothy Hodge // 9th December 2014 // 20th November 2014    • #122 Zombie // The Stranger // Lorell St. John // 1 February 2015    • #11 Dreamer // The End // Antonio Blake (Oliver Banks) // 14th March 2015 // 12th March 2015    • #16 Arachnophobia // The Web, The Corruption // Carlos Vittery // 9th April 2015 // Early 2015    • #25 Growing Dark // The Dark // Mark Bilham // 19th April 2015 // January – March 2015    • #64 Burial Rites // The End // Donna Gwynne // 20th May 2015 // 2012    • #74 Fatigue // The Spiral // Lydia Halligan // 8 June 2015    • #123 Web Development // The Web // Angie Santos // 1 August 2015 // January 2015    • #13 Alone // The Lonely // Naomi Herne // 13th January 2016 //30th & 31st March 2015    • #22 Colony // The Corruption // Martin Blackwood // 12th March 2016 // March 2016    • #26 A Distortion // The Spiral, The Corruption // Sasha James // 2nd April 2016 // 1st April 2016    • #28 Skintight // The Slaughter, The Stranger // Melanie King // 17th April 2016 // January 2015    • #34 Anatomy Class // The Stranger // Lionel Elliot // 12th July 2016 // January – March 2016    • #39 Infestation // ATTACK ON THE INSTITUTE // 29th July 2016    • #40 Human Remains // Post Attack Debrief// 29th July 2016    • #41 Too Deep // Buried and Dark suspected // 2nd September 2016 // mid-august – September 2016    • #43 Section 31 // The Desolation, The End // Basira Hussain //19th September 2016 // August 2011 and 18 July 2014    • #47 The New Door // The Spiral // Helen Richardson // 2nd October 2016    • #55 Pest Control // The Corruption, The Desolation // Jordan Kennedy // 3rd November 2016 // 2011 & 2014    • #61 Hard Shoulder // The Hunt, The Stranger, The Buried // Daisy Tonner // 1st December 2016 // 24th July 2002    • #65 Binary // The Spiral, Extinction // Tessa Winters // 7th January 2017    • #71 Underground // The Buried // Karolina Gorka // 25 January 2017 // 6 January 2017    • #73 Police Lights // The Dark // Basira Hussain // 11 February 2017 // 10 February 2017    • #76 The Smell of Blood // The Slaughter // Melanie King // 13 February 2017    • #79 Hide and Seek // The Stranger, The Spiral // 16 February 2017    • #80 The Librarian // All // Jurgen Leitner // 16 February 2017 // 1994    • #81 A Guest for Mister Spider // The Web // Jonathan Sims // 18 February 2017 / 1995    • #82 The Eyewitnesses // The Eye, the Slaughter // Daisy Tonner // 18 February 2017    • #89 Twice as Bright // The Desolation // Jude Perry // 24 April 2017    • #91 The Coming Storm // The Vast, The Spiral // Michael Crew // 28 April 2017    • #92 Nothing Beside Remains // The Eye, The Lonely // Elias Bouchard, Barnabas Bennett // ? [Possibly 28 April 2017]    • #94 Dead Woman Walking // The End // Georgie Barker // 29 April 2017    • #100 I Guess You Had To Be There // The Desolation, The Dark, The Spiral, The Web, The Lonely // Lynn Hammond, John Smith, Robin Lennox, Brian Finlinson // 2 May 2017 – 26 May 2017    • #101 Another Twist // The Spiral, The Stranger // Michael // May-June 2017 // October 2009 – 2011    • #104 Sneak Preview // The Stranger // Timothy Stoker // 14 June 2017 // August 2013    • #109 Nightfall // The Dark, The Hunt // Julia Montauk and Trevor Herbert // 29 June 2017 // July 2010    • #111 Family Business // Multiple, The End // Gerry Keay // 30 June 2017 // September 2008    • #117 Testament // The Eye // Jonathan Sims, Basira Hussain, Melanie King, Martin Blackwood, Timothy Stoker, Daisy Tonner // 2 – 4 August 2017    • #118 The Masquerade // The Stranger // The Unknowing Begins // 6 August 2017    • #119 Stranger and Stranger // The Stranger // The Unknowing Ends // 7 August 2017    • #120 Eye Contact // The Eye // Elias Bouchard // 9 August 2017    • #121 Far Away // The End, The Web // Oliver Banks // 15 February 2018    • #128 Heavy Goods // The Stranger // Breekon // 3 March 2018    • #131 Flesh // The Flesh // Jared Hopworth // 20 March 2018 // 2016 – January 2018    • #132 Entombed // The Buried // Jonathan Sims and Daisy Tonner // 24 March 2018    • #141 Doomed Voyage // The Vast, The Spiral // Floyd Matharu // 11 June 2018    • #142 Scrutiny // The Eye, The Buried // Jess Terrell // 12 June 2018    • #143 Heart of Darkness // The Dark // Manuela Dominguez // 16 June 2018    • #147 Weaver // The Web // Annabelle Cane // 20 July 2018    • #151 Big Picture // The Vast, The Lonely, The Extinction // Simon Fairchild, Martin Blackwood // 14 August 2018    • #158 Panopticon // The Eye, the Extinction, The Lonely // Martin Blackwood, Peter Lukas, Basira Hussain, Jonathan Sims, Daisy Tonner, Elias Bouchard, Gertrude Robinson // 25 September 2018    • #159 The Last // The Lonely // Peter Lukas // 25 September 2018    • #160 The Eye Opens // All // Jonah Magnus, Jonathan Sims // 18 October 2018    • Vigilo, Audio, Supervenio. The World Ends    • #161 Dwelling // No // Sasha James, Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Elias Bouchard, Jonathan Sims, Jurgen Leitner // No Longer Applicable // Unknown    • #162 A Cozy Cabin // No // Gertrude Robinson, Gerry Keay, Sasha James, Timothy Stoker, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable // 2013 – 2015    • #163 In The Trenches // The Slaughter // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • # 164 The Sick Village // The Corruption // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #165 Revolutions // The Stranger // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #166 The Worms // The Buried // Jonathan Sims // No Longer Applicable    • #167 Curiosity // The Eye, The Web, Others // Jonathan on Gertrude Robinson // No Longer Applicable    • #168 Roots // The End // Oliver Banks // No Longer Applicable
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anothertwistarchive · 5 years ago
i’m bored so here are the magnus locations i have been to/ been within a few minutes of in the case of like specific streets etc
- birmingham new street/ station where Masato Murray died (MAG70)
- smeatons pier/ beach where Enrique MacMillian found the Leitner (MAG88)
- bootle/ town where Leanne Denikin lived (MAG24)
- lost johns cave/ cave where Laura Popham and Alena Sanderson were trapped (MAG15)
- aberdeen/ city where Ross Davenport lived (MAG90)
- charlestown MA/ town where Nathaniel Thorp gambled with Death (MAG29)
- portsmouth/ city where Vincent Yang was held captive by Mikaele Salesa (MAG66)
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themagnustournament · 2 years ago
Round Two Part Six - Match 49
Statement of Hazel Rutter, regarding a fire in her childhood home. Wait a minute, how did that get there? Hello voters, apologies for the deception. We actually have the Season 4 finale here, The Eye Opens! Could Jon ending the world beat out Book of the Dead, which comes with 141 votes?
MAG 160 - The Eye Opens | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Vigilo, Audio, Supervenio
MAG 070 - Book of the Dead | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof.
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magnusarchivis · 5 years ago
STATEMENT: 620027 / DATE: January 27th. / Jon, Elias & Martin.
“Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof. [ Sigh. ]
Audio recording by Jonathan Sims. Head Archivist at the Magnus Institute. London.
Statement begins.
....................I don’t know whether it’s ownership of the thing that makes it write your fate or just reading it. Either way, I will keep it as long as it will let me. Until I reach an end that may be more gruesome, but is fundamentally no different than that which awaits us all.
Statement ends. 
Mr. Murray disappeared shortly after making this statement. As far as we can determine, it was a voluntary disappearance, as the lease on his flat was cancelled shortly beforehand, and he resigned from his post as an administrator with Birmingham City Council-----. 
[ There’s a faint knock, and the door creaks open. ]
Elias: “Jon.” Jon: “Hello, Elias.” Elias: “I’m here to talk about your little excursion to the States.” Jon: “Right. Well, before you start to badger, we were investigatin--” Elias: “Martin, investigates. It’s rare if at all for you to be investigating things as Head Archivist, Jon. Don’t get me started on going as far as overseas for something so-- frivolous.”
Jon, irritably: “Right then. Well, if we’re going to play it like that. I did not use the Institute’s money, I used my own. I also DO think that a vacation was in ord--”
Elias: “Jon. As head archivist, you make statements. You discredit, or credit them, and have them investigated by Tim and Martin. This is your job. You’re behind on your work, and to make up for it, I think you should stay overtime to correct your impractical mistake.”
Jon: “I.”
Elias: “If you so please.”
[ A pause. ]
Jon, whose voice softens: “I. Right. I’ll.  I’ll stay,  for a couple more hours. Spend the weekend on it. “
Elias: “Thank you. Now. No more senseless excursions. I’ll be sure to talk to Martin as well. And need I remind you that if I get another complaint from Tim, we’ll have to talk again. “ Jon: “I haven’t been to his since--.”
Elias: “I know. The first time. Regardless, if I do hear anymore foolishness from Tim, Sasha, and Martin, we’ll have to have another entirely different conversation. “
[ Jon’s jaw clenches. ]
Elias: “Right then. I’ll see you later. I expect to hear an update soon.”
[ The door creaks closed. ]
Jon, angrily: “Right. Then.” [ The recorder ends. ] 
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k25ff · 6 years ago
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Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof.
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shabernasty · 2 years ago
I just relistened to Dead Woman Walking and I had to rewind a bit to make sure that it was the same line from Book of the Dead.
It's one of my favorite lines in the show. Because, unlike Masato Murray, I do actually find peace in the idea of the oblivion. And I guess the life long depression made it easy for me to accept that the universe and I are going to end up the same. That ultimately, my destiny and that of every single thing and person and choice any of us make us, they all end the same; with utter annihilation.
And the whole bit with Georgie embracing existentialism after a bout of depression making her immune to fear? Incredible.
MAG 70: Book of the Dead
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MAG 94: Dead Woman Walking
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MAG 70: Book of the Dead:
“I guess it just hit all of us that we were entering the period of our lives where sometimes people die. Life was no longer a given, and it wouldn’t actually be as long as all that before funerals were starting to outnumber the weddings. This was back in February, and I’d just turned 34, but it played on my mind. Mortality.
I just kept thinking to myself: the moment I die will feel just the same as this one. It’s not a thing forever in the future; I will be in that present just as surely as I am in this one. And I will end. I’ve never been a religious man, and I always say I take comfort in the idea of a peaceful oblivion but that’s a lie. I’m terrified.“
MAG 94: Dead Woman Walking:
“I saw the dead woman approaching me. Smelt the chemicals that kept her from rotting, saw her lean towards me, saw her lips begin to form words. In desperation I slammed my hands over my ears and shut my eyes, willing myself not to hear, not to understand. As far as defences go, it was basically nothing, but I still think it saved me, at least a bit. I still heard the words. ‘The moment that you die will feel exactly the same as this one.’ And in an instant I understood. There’s no… difference between the present and the future, no other me that will suffer the indignity of death while I live on. It’s all a single moment, and there’s… there’s no difference between that last moment that ushers us out into oblivion and the one we experience now. The promise of a cold and lonely eternity in the grave would have been a mercy; at least it would be eternal. But everything ends, even the universe, even time. And… that means it has always already ended.”
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