redditreceipts · 9 months
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missmisandrytabletalk · 7 months
one of the myriad things that I vehemently want the 5th wave of feminism to achieve is getting pornography and prostitution/sex work banned from the face of this planet. like get every porn site wiped off from the internet. and yes that includes getting rid of the OF too. we've seen enough of the capitalisation of sex or precisely of women & young girls. I mean after a noticeably exponential increase in the cases of sex/child trafficking from the past many years, it leaves us no choice but to eradicate it once and for all.
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dykeulous · 4 months
actually, the reason why you should “raise your children gender neutrally” is not because they might turn out to be trans or non-binary. if they do, you will support & try to understand them through their journey of agonizing sex dysphoria, however, the reason you should raise them gender neutrally is because gender is a misogynistic & classist tool of waging war against female people & ultimately everyone.
so, no. don’t raise them gender neutrally because there’s a chance they could be trans. or because you want them to pick out the box that looks the most appealing to them. raise them gender neutrally to teach them that no such box should exist.
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pjharvey-moved · 3 months
it’s absurdly easy also for abusive and predatory men to be accepted and platformed within contemporary leftist spaces bc saying the right things is treated as more important than doing the right things and misogyny against women you don’t like is encouraged even by people who call themselves feminists.
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lasttarrasque · 2 months
Socialism is a women's issue too
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Go help your wife! // Soviet Union // 1980
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napoleonicanimus · 4 months
“This is a time for beasts, Jaime reflected, for lions and wolves and angry dogs, for ravens and carrion crows”
- Jaime Lannister, Jaime IV, A Feast For Crows
“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.”
- Antonio Gramsci
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dreaminghelaena · 6 months
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fatgirlsaresmarttoo · 2 years
I’m sick and tired of the men who blame women for the lack of support/ resources for men’s mental health. They act like they haven’t exploited the emotional labour of dozens of women in their lives through traumatizing them with their emotional and psychological problems. They act like every woman has an army of people they can turn to when we’re feeling sad, that we don’t get misdiagnosed and abused by the medical system, that we’re not constantly being gaslit by therapists, counsellors, nurses and doctors. I want every man to feel empowered to better their mental health and be able to express their emotions but please stop oppressing us in the process.
(Edit: Since this is getting a bit of attention, I just want to clarify that I am NOT a radfem! I am in full solidarity with my beautiful trans brothers and sisters!)
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To clarify: I was using this definition of emotional labour.
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misespinas · 2 years
“The most oppressed man finds a being to oppress, his wife: she is the proletarian of the proletarian.”
Flora Tristan, “The Emancipation of Woman, or the Testament of the Pariah” (1843)
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catfemsblog · 2 years
they’ll call radical feminism ”white feminism“, while not realizing that liberal feminism is a western concept.
most women in developing countries are radical feminists, since they experience sex based oppression every day.
the talibans are not banning "whoever identifies as a woman“ from going to school, the clergy in iran is not oppressing women because of their gender identity, girls in africa are not getting their genitals mutilated because they identify as women.
wherever you’re the oppressor or the opressed one in a patriarchal society is not assigned at birth it is observed.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
See, misogyny inherently operates under the idea that women are weak, childlike, and incompetent, and thus need protecting by men and society. It basically frames it so that the idea of women's being men's equals is seen as being dangerous for women. And a lot of this carries over to how transmascs and afab enbies are treated.
While transfemmes and amab enbies are seen as being dangerous perverted men, it's way more common for afab trans people to be seen as confused women being put in a dangerous position by nebulous outside forces.
If a trans woman is seen as something dangerous and powerful hiding as something weak, and thus she's seen as a threat, a trans man is seen as something innocent that can't fend for itself being place in the dangerous position of something powerful and competent, and thus he's seen as a victim. It's a disturbing and distorted type of sympathy. Transandrophobia hurts as much as transmisogyny, but transandrophobia is unique in that it's much more common for the transphobes doing it to see their bigotry as a form of protection and love.
(Also, sorry if transmascs and afab enbies (and transfemmes and amab enbies) are being lumped together. Transpobes deal in agab, not gender identity, so when talking about how transphobia works, we kind of have to split it that way. I say this as a transneutral enby who doesn't even tell strangers online my agab.)
So we end up in this very weird position where people treat misgendering afab trans people as something they're doing to help them. It's done by terfs of course, but it's also done by the type of person who says "women and nonbinary people" who basically treats afab trans people as women with different pronouns. There's this aura people have when talking to or about afab trans people where it feels like they'd consider not treating them like a woman to be a disservice to them. I've even seen a lot of transmascs fall into this trap themselves, especially with modern "feminism" often treating femininity as a group that must be maintained as fought for as opposed to a harmful social construct. So many young afab trans people end up being pushed into either trying to make their identity something that doesn't offend binary femininity, or feel a need to completely detach themselves from womanhood by suffering the worst of male gender expectations.
If you find yourself misgendering (and that goes deeper than just which pronouns you use) afab trans people and thinking it's to help them, take this as your sign to stop.
If your an afab trans person, please remember that you can be loved and protected without being treated like a girl. You can be cute and pretty without being a girl. You can be emotionally vulnerable and given affection without being a girl. Your achievements can be celebrated without you being a girl. You can have community without being a girl. And you don't need to be treated like a child to be protected, you don't need to be misgendered to have community. Anyone who will only be able to love you by seeing you as something you're not doesn't deserve you.
Also, if you're a woman (normal or cisgender) reading this, you also don't need to put up with being seen as weak or incompetent to be protected. Your accomplishments aren't just women's accomplishments, they're your accomplishments. You should not have to buy your safety by painting yourself as lesser.
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redditreceipts · 9 months
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missmisandrytabletalk · 7 months
I hate it that soft porn and female nudity has become a norm on every social media platform. there's not been a single time I haven't had to see that bizarre promiscuous content surrounding teenage girls having their nips and bosoms out & don't even get me started with those comment sections which is full of those porn addicts constantly thirsting over them. though the most abominable thing is seeing those young women feel empowered in their own objectification and feeding those incels with exactly what they seek from women. what they fail to understand is that the liberal feminism itself is a hoax and reeks of internalised misogyny. i mean now look where are these young girls and women really heading to? plus these female celebs in the west infuriates me even more for promoting and glorifying the use of OF. and guys.. have you seen the trending shows on netflix recently? i mean more than half of the content is about male sexual fantasies and 365 days-ish eroticas. ofc the male audience is flourishing on such platforms. so appalling and a really high time for us to actually do something about this obnoxious filth taking over the internet.
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lilithism1848 · 6 months
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marxist feminism
as much as i appreciate and agree with marxist feminism and what it has done for feminist theory and organizing, when they (Marxist feminists) start talking about how women's oppression stems from capitalism they lose me. the patriarchy predates capitalism, after the fall of capitalism patriarchy will still be here.
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dykeulous · 2 months
sometimes they can be a dangerous misogynist in disguise, wearing a red mantle. to many they are well-hidden.
given that the previous socialist countries never dismantled misogyny or misogynist practices, it is no surprise that so many marxist males today seem to have no consciousness of misogyny. they might be working-class, but that doesn’t outdate the visible and blazing male privileges they possess. some of them truly do aim to use it for the good, but the rest ignore & completely walk over the female proletariat. a lot of them even go out of their way to indicate that only the male proletariat should revolt, and that the female proletariat’s liberation lays in going home, cleaning & getting pregnant. their leftist views tend to cover their inner, and often outspoken & outward sexism.
“he’s a marxist, he cannot be misogynistic!”– can he really not be, if he refuses to talk about the numerous ways capitalism hurts women specifically, about female unpaid & underpaid labor, or about the abortion crisis? right-wing males see women as private property, whereas left-wing males see women as public property. some of them do just need guidance & education, but we aren’t on their disposal to do that for them 24/7. if they truly cared about women & oppressed groups of society, they would educate themselves, especially given that so many marxist feminist scholars’ work is available & easily reachable to them. men are not dumb. marxist men even less so. they can educate themselves if they want to. if your leftist boyfriend spews misogynistic bs, calls women slurs & watches porn– i would, please, ask you to stop calling him “one of the good ones”. he cares about oppressed classes only when he is also a part of them, while he participates in the further oppression of the marginalized groups he’s not part of. women weren’t made to explain everything to men. we shouldn’t always run after them & explain to them why calling a woman a bitch is a bad thing.
if he can educate himself on class struggle, he can also educate himself on class struggle of women. if he chooses not to, then that’s all you really need to know. the rest of us also read marxist feminist scholars. we didn’t go out of our way asking others to explain it to us. we also have to work on unlearning our own, internalized misogyny. we have always been expected to explain feminism to males in simpler, and less bitter forms. why are we expected to explain a movement full of bloodshed with a smile imprinted on our faces? how are we supposed to explain a movement that causes pain & gets you killed in “simpler” forms, especially to a highly intelligent male who just refuses to take you seriously & won’t even after you’re done explaining it to him? the burden of educating males is not on us, it is on them themselves, and if they want to, they will. i will not “debate” my basic human rights with a man who just wants to stress me out & covers it with a “oh but i just want to learn” or a “i just want to be a better ally”. i have no problem trying to explain it once, but do NOT expect me to be kind, sweet, or calm about it. we have always been taught to stop doing whatever we were doing so we can calmly, with a bright smile, explain in “simple” forms to misogynist males what misogyny & feminism are.
i can count the numerous times i have seen leftist men tell women how they can be better feminists. they are just telling us how to make our feminism more palatable to them. they want us to dumb our feminism down & make our girls feel comfortable in the asphyxiant arms of the capitalist-patriarchy. i’m so exhausted of having “feminazi” or “terf” or whatever new anti-feminist term of the day is popular shouted at me, having to tell men how no, i actually do not want to execute them all, even though they know damn well i don’t want to do that. they keep on treating feminism as an accessory. it’s like a crystal necklace to them they can wear to make themselves more appealing to women to get laid. they will pick & choose when to be allies in order to gain validation & attention of the women they want to possess, but when they are alone in a room with their male friends, they will show their true colors.
it’s beyond exhausting constantly having to watch men who claim to be our allies be violently misogynistic to right-wing women. they truly want socialism for each other & the patriarchy for us. there is no political standpoint, no worldview, no ideology that is free of misogyny. you cannot look at a leftist male who keeps a flag of the soviet union on his wall & says “proletarians of all countries, unite!” and with safety say he isn’t misogynistic. misogyny isn’t a big deal to them, although it is one of the oldest forms of oppression. we are angry for a reason. we are angry, and we are not going to sugarcoat our feminism just to “prevent them from hating feminists”. they will hate us regardless. feminism isn’t supposed to be comfortable, it isn’t supposed to make you feel good.
once again– the burden of educating males is not on us, it is on the males themselves.
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