#marvin megamind au
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Marvin’s MegaBirthday Story
Guess who made a Megamind AU with Marvin as the title character?
Here’s a quick list of characters so you won’t get confused about who’s who:
Marvin, The Malevolent Magician - Megamind
Dr. Schneeplestein, the Doctor - Minion, but human
The Brighton Shepherd - Metro Man
Jackieboy Man, the Red Marauder - Sidekick to the Shepherd, original role of sorts
Chase Brody, news reporter - Roxanne Ritchi
Anthony/Anti - Hal Stewart, without the creepy simping
CW: Police brutality, hints of starvation, strangulation and mentions of electrocution
It was a glorious day in Brighton City. Even the weather seemed aware of it as the sun shone down brightly on the silver skyscrapers and the brand new museum built into the city square.
To celebrate the city’s greatest superhero, the grand, new museum had been dedicated to the city’s greatest hero: The Brighton Shepherd. In between the two buildings was a giant curtain, hiding a 55 foot statue for the superhero.
Reporters came to the site as early as 6 am before the crowds could roll in. Among them was the up-and-coming journalist, Chase Brody, who ran the news vlog: “Just Your Average Report”. Wearing a brand new grey and white suit to honour the Shepherd’s signature colour, Chase did vocal warm-ups while his cameraman, Anthony, set up the equipment. Unlike Chase, who had dressed handsomely for the occasion, Anthony simply wore a graphic t-shirt and a fishing vest with blue jeans. Chase tried not to let that get to him. In all the fifteen months he’d known Anthony, Chase had never seen the man wear anything other than graphic tees and the fishing vest. Today obviously wasn’t much different to Anthony.
“We’re on!��� Anthony said. Chase held up his microphone in time for the camera light to turn red; he exclaimed, “Happy Brighton Shepherd Day, Brighton City! It’s a beautiful day in our beautiful downtown, where we’re here to honour a beautiful man: The Brighton Shepherd. His heart is as big as an ocean that’s inside a bigger ocean. For years, he’s been watching us with his super-vision, saving us with his super strength, and caring for us with his super heart. Now, it’s our turn to give something back! This is Chase Brody, reporting live from the dedication of the Brighton Shepherd Museum.”
Chase signaled to Anthony, who snorted as he turned the camera off.
“Damn, the stuff the producers make you read nowadays is incredibly cheesy. Have you considered writing your own stuff?”
“I have. That was one of my pieces,” Chase said with a grin. He reveled in Anthony’s look of horror.
“I mean… I can’t believe that in our modern day society, they let… actual art get onto the news,” Anthony stammered out.
“Nice save, Anthony.”
“Cool. Can we go get a coffee now?”
“Come on, it’s time to get into the Brighton Shepherd Day spirit!” Chase said, nudging his coworker.
Anthony rolled his eyes. “Please. If the Brighton Shepherd really was all that great, he’d be able to properly protect you from the Malevolent and his crazy Doctor. For someone who gets kidnapped and rescued all the time, you sure don’t have good security.”
Chase sighed. This debate again. “I mean, it’s good for my channel! I get to film bits and pieces of the Malevolent’s laboratory! Great publicity.”
“You take too many chances with that man, I swear. What happens if the Malevolent snaps and gets violent with you? The Shepherd and his sidekick won’t be there to protect you. You could die, Chase.”
“The Malevolent won’t hurt me. If he truly wanted to, he would have done so the first time he kidnapped me,” Chase snapped. “If anything, he just wants me for more publicity. I am a popular news source.”
“Yeah? Well, they don’t always strike at first sight, Lois Lane. The dude might be waiting for the perfect moment to torture you,” Anthony continued. “I mean, even if he doesn’t invent the machines, his sidekick is smart enough to make them! I swear that man has seen some stuff and wants to inflict it on the city.”
“The Malevolent and Doctor never want to torture. Their machines may look scary at first, but they’re useless. They only want to scare.”
Anthony began loading up the truck. “You’re too trusting.The Malevolent Magician has the power to mutilate and kill in ways your “friendship-is-magic” brain could never comprehend. The Doctor is no better. They’re both just waiting to strike. Once they do, the Shepherd’s presence won’t feel so reassuring, hm?”
Anthony had his back turned long enough for Chase to feel a cold presence beside him. The smell of gas flooded his senses. The reporter turned to hear a window roll down, though he didn’t see a car. Odd.
Instead a white plague doctor mask glared back at him. Chase groaned. Here he thought he might be able to avoid being kidnapped and used as leverage by the Malevolent Magician. Apparently not! The Malevolent’s sidekick, simply known as the Doctor, was here to claim his damsel in distress.
The Doctor raised a spray bottle and squirted it directly in Chase’s face. Chase barely had time to scream as a sudden drowsiness overtook him and the whole world went dark.
Step one was complete. The annoying vlogger was in the back of the van. With that accomplished, it was time to pick up the villain. Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein, known to the city as the sidekick to the Malevolent Magician, drove through the busy town square and out of the main city.
The prison where the Malevolent lay was outside of town in a secluded location, or rather, in the middle of the highway leading into the city. Despite its odd location, the security was incredible. 200 security officers patrolled the site, with at least three officers supervising a special room under intense lock and key. The Malevolent himself was usually locked in large chains that only unlocked at certain times, or if Mal had behaved himself for a certain amount of time.
Schneep arrived to see the prison in chaos. Sirens blared loud enough to burst a person’s eardrums while police ran into the grey building, yelling to each other and pulling out their guns.
Amid all the chaos stood a man with a thick white moustache, standing in front of the large electrical gates, The man held up his wrist enough for Schneep to spy a silver watch on his wrist and sighed in relief. The watch had worked.
“Well, hello, good looking. Need a ride?” Schneep said, opening the door.
“Always, my dear doctor!” the man said as he hopped in. He slammed the door closed as Schneep slammed his foot on the gas and flew off.
The man twisted the watch’s case and transformed back into Malevolent. The supervillain turned to Schneep with an evil grin. “Nice job sending me the watch, Doctor! Let’s ride!”
“As you wish, my Wickedness!” Schneep yelled.
The maltreatment Mal received from the prison was not lost on the doctor. His sharp cheekbones were grimy and more pronounced, and his wrists were almost skeletal. Dark shadows hung below his eyes, and it was not from eyeliner. Schneep held back a sad sigh. Thank goodness he left a snack for Mal when they returned to the evil lair. That part could be solved.
Back at Brighton City Square, the show was ready to begin. As city officials made their speeches, two superheroes waited behind a painted brick wall to make an entrance.
The illustrious Brighton Shepherd fixed his mask and combed his dark brown hair back. Beside him was his sidekick: the Red Marauder, clad in red, green, and blue leather. Marauder kept peeking behind the wall.
“Malevolent is safe behind bars as of right now, you can relax, Jackie,” Shepherd said, rubbing his protégé’s back.
“I can’t find Chase!” Marauder whispered back. “I’ve scanned the crowds three times and there’s no sign of his face.”
“Perhaps he’s stuck in traffic?” Shepherd said, smoothing out the creases in Marauder’s blue cape. His sidekick really needed to learn how to take care of himself.
“He would have sent me a text if that had happened,” Marauder said with a sigh.
“Went for a cup of coffee with Anthony?”
Marauder turned to the crowd. “Anthony is currently eating a donut by one of the food vendors. I think Malevolent and the Doctor kidnapped Chase again!” His eyes filled with tears.
The Shepherd sighed and put a hand on Marauder’s shoulder. “Okay, when the mayor does her speech, we’ll do a quick speedrun through town. He can’t be far. Don’t worry, we’ll get him back.”
Marauder nodded, blinking back tears. No time to cry when there’s a battle.
“Shepherd? It’s time,” an employee whispered. The Brighton Shepherd cracked his neck.
“Show time, baby.” He punched the painted brick wall concealing him, creating a perfect hole. “Alright, put your hands in the air!” he yelled to the crowd.
The lair lit up as the car entered and parked in its appointed place. Marvin threw the door open and breathed in the familiar smell of the evil, abandoned, Monster Munch snack factory. A long time ago, it smelled of moldy cheese puffs and rat manure, but now it smelled of malevolence, metal, and a whole lot of cologne.
No matter how many times he arrived, the sweet scent always relaxed the supervillain after a hard day in jail or fighting the Shepherd. “Oh Doc, there’s no place like our evil lair!”
“I’ve kept it cold and damp, just the way you like it!” Schneep said, hauling the sleeping Chase out of the car.
A swarm of tiny robots flew over to Marvin, their engines whirring with delight. The model was a small purple circle with four robotic legs that could grip and lift up to 1,000 pounds. Of course, each had cat ears attached to the sides of their heads and a cat tail at the back. The CATs, Marvin had fondly called them. Their singular glowing yellow eyes in the center of their body looked up at their darling master.
“The CATs have certainly missed you, sir!” Schneep exclaimed.
Marvin bent down to caress their smooth heads. “Did you miss your daddy? Who’s a menacing little android? You are, yes, you are!”
One CAT held up a ball of twine. Marvin grabbed it and tossed it across the lair, the CATs trailing after it.
Two older models of the CATs held up a curtain while two others held up Marvin’s new suit. Marvin gratefully ripped off the ugly bluish-grey prison rags and changed into his white button-up, black dress pants, and sparkly purple vest. A CAT draped his famous black cloak with magenta lining around his shoulders while another handed him his beautiful cat mask with the magician’s card designs drawn on. He happily donned the mask with pride and stepped out.
“How do I look, Doctor? Do I look evil?” Marvin asked, spinning.
“Horrifyingly striking, sir,” Schneep said. He opened a small gate to an elevator platform, “Shall we?”
At the top, Schneep set Chase down on a chair while Marvin checked all the monitors and buttons.
“Everything ready?”
“Of course! I would never leave anything unchecked before a big event!” Schneep said. Beside the doctor, Chase began to stir, grunting and yelling muffled by the bag.
“He’s awake! Quick everyone, places!” Marvin ordered. He jumped onto his chair and motioned a small CAT to lie down in his lap while he fixed his hair once more.
Schneep ripped the bag off of Chase’s head as Marvin twirled his chair around, menacingly stroking the CAT. “Mr. Brody, we meet again.”
“Would it kill you to wash the bag?” Chase complained, “it fucking stinks and the spray bottle is no better!”
“You can scream all you want, Brody, I’m afraid no one can hear you!” Malevolent announced. Chase remained stone-faced.
Marvin frowned. “Why isn’t he screaming?”
Schneep sighed exasperatedly and bent down next to Chase, “Mr. Brody, if you don’t mind-”
“Screaming sounds a lot like this: aaaahhhhh!” Malevolent demonstrated. “I mean, that’s a poor example but-”
The CAT sitting on his lap bit his hand. Malevolent emitted a high-pitched shriek as he tried to shake the little robot off.
“Not to sound like a sadist but it’s more fun when you do it,” Chase deadpanned.
“Very funny,” the Doctor snapped. “You’ll be singing a different tune when the Brighton Shepherd is defeated right before your eyes!”
Ignoring both of them, Chase decided to examine the observatory, the usual spot for Malevolent and Shepherd’s battles. Most of it was the usual, a long control booth circling the room, full of buttons and levers that would release death traps, lasers, and other lame inventions. Above the panel were monitors of different sizes. On one side of the elevator was a broken vending machine where Doctor grabbed his sleeping spray, while on the other side was a strange metal sphere with axes and spikes sticking out of it (Chase asked and even Malevolent had no idea what it was).
“Speaking of watching, do you have your camera set up?” Malevolent asked, finally yanking off the biting CAT.
“Yup! It’s in the pin this time! Anthony helped me set it up!” Chase puffed his chest out to show it off.
Malevolent ran a hand through his thick black hair and twirled around, letting his cape fly in the wind.
“So guys, what’s on the menu for today? Robosheep? Typhoon cheese? A big ball of aluminum that will roll around town?” Chase asked.
Behind his plague doctor mask, Schneeplestein grinned. It was his time to shine! “Actually, we created a cool ray that uses the sun to make explosive lasers, wanna see?!” He excitedly rushed over to the main control booth and began typing in the passcode to turn it on.
Marvin yelped and pulled Schneep away from the booth, “Easy there, Doc, we’ll show it in time!”
“Brody wanted to see it!” Schneep protested. “It’s not like it would hurt, would it?”
“Think, Doctor! He’s using his nosy reporter skills to find out all our secrets!” Malevolent accused, snarling at Chase.
Chase rolled his eyes, chuckling. These two could be quite entertaining. “What secrets?! You’re so predictable!”
“Oh, that’s the insult for today?! Tell me, my dear Brody, would you call this predictable?” Marvin pulled down a lever and the floor around Chase opened up.
“Your alligators, yes!” Chase nodded in greeting to the snapping reptiles. “Yeah, I was just thinking about these guys on the way over!”
Truth be told, Chase was dreaming of riding a large parrot to Disney World while in the car. But Malevolent didn’t need to know that.
Marvin turned back to the panel. How dare Chase see through his armour?! He quickly slammed a button. “What about this?”
A sharp razor painted blood red danced in Chase’s face. “That’s kind of tacky.”
Marvin punched another button and a junky invention of multiple chainsaws attached to the ceiling lowered down. The chainsaws had gotten their chains stuck to each other and could barely move. Chase pretended to contemplate it. “Mm, juvenile.”
Marvin pulled another lever. “What about this?!”
A giant fart gun shot green gas out. Chase gagged. “Gross and immature!”
“What’s this one do?!” A weak fire machine coughed out small bits of fire.
“That’s just sad,” Chase said. He looked up and nearly jumped out of his seat. A small spider floated downwards. “Is the spider new?”
Marvin turned to Schneeplestein, who merely shrugged. When this was all over, Marvin was going to give him a stern talking to about bug extermination in the lair.
“Ah yes, the spe-dair-a,” Marvin whispered as he advanced closer to Chase. “Even the smallest bite from Arachnis Deathicus will instantly paralyze-”
Chase blew the spider onto Marvin’s cheek, causing him to scream again. Schneep punched him hard enough to knock him over.
“GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!! IT BIT MEEEEE!!!” Marvin screamed as Schneep continually smacked him with a newspaper. The spider fell off of Marvin’s cheek and began advancing to the control panel.
“STOP IT BEFORE IT DISAPPEARS!” Marvin howled as he crawled away from the disgusting creature.
After five minutes of Marvin’s dramatic wails and crawling and Schneep swearing like a sailor, Chase finally put an end to the spider’s life by stomping on it when it got close enough.
Marvin crawled over to Chase and grovelled at his bound feet. “Thank you, you are a lifesaver!” He suddenly spied the pin. “Is that still on?”
Chase smiled smugly, “I’ll burn the evidence if you let me go and we’ll never speak of it again.”
Marvin stood up, scowling, “Absolutely not! We haven’t even gotten to the fun part! Let’s pay your boyfriend and godfather a visit, shall we?”
Back at the town square, the mayor had finished up her rather short speech, “It is with great pleasure that I present Brighton Shepherd to his new museum! When you’re ready!”
Shepherd’s laser eyes cut the rope and the great curtains fell, revealing the giant statue of the superhero. A brass band played loudly over the sound of a cheering crowd.
Jackie applauded happily for his mentor, but couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous. In all fairness, the Shepherd had been around longer than he had, and he was still familiarizing himself with the city.
A sudden chill running up his arms woke Jackie from his thoughts. He looked up and gasped. Dark clouds quickly enveloped the museum. People shrieked in terror as a big, black blimp hovered above the great building, rolling down two large projection screens underneath. Once positioned on each side of the magnificent statue, a small circular robot holding a camera turned the screens on, showing the face of the one to blame for the chaos: the Malevolent.
The Brighton Shepherd and the Red Marauder flew up, Shepherd holding up a microphone.
“If it isn’t the Malevolent!”
“Bravo, Brighton Shepherd! Congratulations on your new museum!” Malevolent drawled, clapping slowly.
The crowd began to boo loudly. Malevolent blew a raspberry at the crowd, “So immature!” he scoffed.
“Should have known you’d try and crash the party!” Shepherd said.
“Oh, I intend to do more than crash it! This will be a historic day you, and Brighton City, will not soon forget!”
“We all know how this ends!” Shepherd said. “With you behind bars!”
“Ooh, I tremble in my kitten-skinned cape,” Malevolent hissed, playfully wrapping himself up in his cape. The cape was actually made from cotton, but the city didn’t need to know that.
“What do you want with us, Mal?” Shepherd demanded.
“First off, don’t call me ‘Mal’,” Malevolent snapped. “Secondly, if you and your tomato sidekick don’t leave town in an hour, then this will be the last you ever hear of Chase Brody!” Malevolent punched a button and the left screen presented the kidnapped Chase tied to a chair.
“I knew it!” Jackie muttered behind his mask.
“Don’t panic Chase! We’re on our way!” Shepherd cried out, earning a cheer from the crowd.
“I’m not panicking!” Chase responded, smiling.
Malevolent pretended to gag. “Oh, please. You have to find us first before you save Chase.”
“We’re at the abandoned observatory!” Chase quickly called out.
Malevolent suddenly turned off Chase’s camera, yelping, “WAIT DON’T TO LISTEN TO HIM-”
It was too late. Shepherd and Marauder were already flying above the dark grey smoke. Shepherd quickly spotted the broken down space observatory near the dangerous part of Brighton City beach and pointed it to Marauder. The two began their flight.
Back at the lair, Schneep watched the superheroes from his monitor. “Shepherd and Marauder approaching, sir!”
Marvin turned to Chase, who shot him a smug grin. Marvin only smiled in return.
“Like we said, you’ll be singing a different tune when you see what we have planned!”
The Shepherd would almost be here. Chase closed his eyes and ducked his head for the inevitable ceiling crash.
Shepherd and Marauder flew through the opening of the observatory and landed. Or rather, Shepherd landed gracefully on his feet while Marauder tripped and fell over. Behind them, the heavy doors slid shut.
Shepherd looked around. The place was quiet and eerily empty. No sound of any cat-bots. No evil laughter from the Malevolent.
“Something’s wrong…” Shepherd muttered. He turned to the doors. Were they locked in?! He ran over to check.
Puzzled, Chase looked up. Where were they?
Malevolent reveled in Brody’s confused expression. He fiddled with the control panel, opening up one of the walls.
“You didn’t think we were in the real observatory… did you?!”
Chase could stare in horror as he spotted the real observatory. He couldn’t believe it. He had led the two superheroes right into a trap.
Malevolent laughed triumphantly. “Ready the Death Ray, Doctor!”
Doctor typed in the passcode and pulled the lever down. “Death Ray ready-ing!”
In the real abandoned observatory, Shepherd and Marauder desperately tried to get the doors open.
“I can’t believe Malevolent actually tricked us! How did he seal the doors?!” Marauder moaned.
“Don’t worry Red, we’ll find a way out,” Shepherd said, smiling.
“Over here, boys,” a voice like ice called out. The superheroes turned to see a large projection of Malevolent smiling down on them.
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve fallen right into my trap!” Malevolent boasted.
The Shepherd motioned Marauder to find an escape before turning to Malevolent. “You can’t trap justice! It’s an idea! A belief!”
“Well sometimes the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time!” Malevolent responded.
“Justice is a non-corrosive metal!”
“Then I will just melt it with the heat of revenge!”
“FYI, revenge is best served cold!” Shepherd corrected him. From the side, Marauder shook his head. As much as he respected his mentor and feared Malevolent, their “witty back-and-forth banter” was lame.
“It can easily be reheated in the microwave of evil! Don’t doubt me!” Malevolent snarled.
“Well I think your warranty is about to expire!” Shepherd declared.
“Fuck you, I have an extended warranty!” Malevolent retaliated.
“Language, my dear sir! And warranties are invalid if you don’t use the product for its intended purpose!” Shepherd roared.
“OH! Girls, girls, you’re both pretty!” Chase yelled from his seat. He turned to Malevolent, exasperated, “My whole body is sore. Can I just go home now?!”
Malevolent turned around to throw an empty can of Cola at Chase. It bonked off the side of his head.
“You’ll just have to wait, dear Brody! Your beloved superheroes first must prove if they can escape the inevitable power of the sun! Fire!”
Marauder conjured a shield for himself and Shepherd. When the Shepherd made no move to protect himself, Marauder realized nothing was coming. What happened?
Meanwhile, Marvin approached Schneep and the machine. Schneep learned against the panel, snoring softly. Marvin poked him, “Doctor, wake up!”
Schneep startled, “Oh! Sorry!” He turned to the machine, “The machine is still warming up. I expect we have a few more minutes before it fires.”
Marvin’s face turned as red as Marauder’s suit. “Warming up?! The sun is warming up?!”
Chase started laughing, “The sore arms and legs are definitely worth this riot. Just you wait, the Shepherd and Marauder will be on you in min-”
Malevolent tossed another empty can at Chase. Chase immediately shut up. “That’s better.”
“Don’t worry Chase, we’re on our way!” Marauder yelled from the monitor.
Malevolent stomped over to the camera, “Get here faster, I’m this close to throwing his stupid ass off the balcony!”
This caused Marauder to flip. “Hang in there Chase, I’m coming!” He rocketed up to fly out, only to crash into the ceiling and fall back down unceremoniously.
“Marauder, we’ve talked about this! You need to think before you do anything!” Shepherd lightly scolded. “Now, what do we have that can create a hole in the wall?”
“This whole day is a mess…” Doctor muttered from his spot at the panel.
“I’m sorry, whose side are you on?!” Malevolent demanded.
“The losing side!” Chase interjected.
“Everybody shut up,” Malevolent ordered. He sighed, rubbing his temples. “You know what? I need to take a nap. Call me when the ray is ready!”
“The ray is ready!” Doctor announced. In seconds a bright beam of yellow flew down, destroying the observatory in seconds. Fire and burning metal fell out of the demolished observatory, some of it flying directly towards the lair.
Malevolent quickly waved his hands in a circular motion, muttering. A shimmering purple bubble wrapped around Doctor and Chase. As debris rained down, Malevolent deflected them with bursts of purple fireworks. Chase watched in amazement, gaping.
“I keep forgetting he can do magic...” Chase muttered. “He uses so much technology instead.”
Doctor laughed, “Well, he’s not called the Magician for nothing.”
When the commotion calmed down and the debris stopped coming, Marvin twirled around, blowing a stray hair out his eye. The bright glow of the burning observatory behind the magician outlined his epic form. “Did your camera get that, Brody?”
Two more pieces of falling debris gracelessly smashed into Marvin. Chase happily squealed upon seeing the dusty forms of the Brighton Shepherd and the Red Marauder.
“I… should have seen that coming,” Marvin squeaked. “How did you escape so fast?”
“Laser eyes are a wonderful thing!” Marauder answered, giving Marvin a playful wink as he stood up. Marvin stuck his tongue out.
“The gig is up, Mal. We’re taking you back to jail, where you belong!” Shepherd declared. Marvin sighed and slammed his head down on the floor. Naturally, he lost. Again.
Schneep’s distressed cries snapped Marvin back to attention. He turned to his head to see Marauder on top of a struggling Schneep. Schneep’s whimpers and half-sobs were lost on Marauder, who continued tying his wrists behind him.
“Might as well send the Malevolent’s accomplice to jail as well! That way he won’t escape again!” the sidekick reasoned.
Something in Marvin snapped. “NO!” he screamed, startling the Shepherd. With his nemesis off his back, Marvin set his eyes on Brody and magically put the reporter in a choke hold.
Chase gasped raggedly as the air left his lungs.
Marvin whirled around to face Marauder, growling, “Let the doctor go!”
“Get your hands off Chase!” Marauder yelped, staring helplessly at his struggling brother.
“First, free the doctor!” Marvin shouted. He tightened his grip on Chase, lifting him out of the chair.
“Put Chase down!” Marauder roared, eyes glowing red.
Chase wheezed pathetically, black spots darting in his vision. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe. He let out a strangled sob, tears falling. In all his time with Malevolent… he had never felt so scared.
Jackie’s eyes lost their glow and he loosened his grip on the Doctor. Underneath him, the Doctor moaned in pain.
“Let him go, Red.” Jackie turned to Shepherd in shock. The usually optimistic and brightly-smiling superhero had a grim expression on his face. Jackie spluttered.
“B- but- The Doctor will just free the Malevolent again! We could stop them both once and for all-”
“You heard me. Let him go,” Shepherd ordered. Reluctantly, Jackie stood up and backed away from the Doctor. The shaking man took no time running to the stairs and quickly disappearing.
Marvin waited until Schneep’s footsteps faded away before releasing Chase, gently laying him down. Chase gulped in tearful breaths, his body trembling. Marauder rushed over to free Chase while Shepherd tied the magician’s hands behind him.
The minute his hands were free, Chase threw his arms around Jackie. Jackie gently hugged him.
“Are you okay?” Jackie whispered. Chase nodded, still gasping.
“I’ll take Malevolent to jail,” the Shepherd said. “You get Chase to a hospital!” He took off, Malevolent dangling in his arms. The magician waved goodbye as he and the Shepherd disappeared into the city.
Jackie picked up Chase bridal style and started flying as well.
He kept the flight light and steady to keep Chase from getting sick. Chase buried his head in Jackie’s shoulder for most of the trip, eyes squeezed shut. He hated heights.
As they arrived at the hospital, a medical team waited outside to take Chase in. After the first few kidnappings, a special team offered to dedicate themselves to healing Chase in case he needed it.
“Ja-Jackie?” Chase stuttered. Jackie looked down at his almost unconscious friend.
“Ma-Make sure th-this doesn’t reach An-Anthony, oh-ok?” Chase begged between gasps.
Jackie nodded, confused. “Alright… I won’t tell him.”
The cell stunk. No one here ever bothered to put an air freshener in his jail cell, despite Marvin’s numerous polite requests to have it put in. According to the security guards, the Malevolent “could use it as a weapon” or a “gas bomb”. Please.
Marvin sighed as best as he could. As if to enact revenge for strangling Chase, the security staff had clamped an even smaller chain around his neck, making it hard to breathe. Or move. Or do anything. The rest of his body wasn’t much better, with a larger chain wrapped around his waist and movement sensory chains bruising his wrists. If he tried using any magic, the chains on his wrist would shock him. After today, electrocution was the last thing Marvin needed.
Marvin looked up to check the premises. After checking to make sure the guards were gone, Marvin snapped his fingers, careful not to move his wrists too much. Immediately, the chains loosened, allowing Marvin to take a shuddering gasp. He knew the minute he heard the guards coming to check on him, he had to tighten them again, so he took advantage of the situation.
At least the Doctor was free. He wasn’t being made to sit in a stinky, small cell, wrapped in large chains that threatened to strangle him at any moment. He was free to relax after a hard day, planning for the next breakout. For now, Schneep could rest.
Marvin leaned back against his chair, closing his eyes. Schneeplestein would help him escape again. For now, the magician himself will think of another plan to get back at the Brighton Shepherd.
@graysun, @florenceisfalling, @miishae, @lonelyseiren, @goldenoceanaart, @oasisofgalaxies, @fleecal, @kofi-kiing, @myspatialspace, @jo-ann-ahh-2, @huffletrax, @indic0lite, @dumbasticart, @lunaarmada, @meteorshowersfillthesky, @uhhbeans, @the-pastel-kitsune, @ptide @climbing-starrs, @the-spawn-of-loki, @jadehowlettthewolf, @obsidiancreates, @rammypaige, @cest-mellow, @randowaffle, @green-protects, @dezi-popp, @badlypostedeverything, @crystalninjaphoenix, @milokno, @pixelpixie-pix, @why-killed-markiplier
#marvin the magnificent#jacksepticeye#writersofjack#writers of jack#jackieboy man#jse egos#writing#immabethehero#marvin megamind au#apparently i can write
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OK, so you want to have great presentation with the most dramatic cape you can find, right? But Edna Mode says no capes. But Megamind says presentation is the most important part. How to appease both?
Get a fucking bitching cloak. A big, gorgeous, fantastic, fabulous cloak that blows dramatically in any wind. You enter in that. Looking your opponent dead in the eye, you unfasten the cloak and make a point of either handing it off to someone or dropping it onto the ground.
Appeasing Edna:
Since you took off the cloak, it's not getting in the way or hurting you.
The fastener is probably very easy to undo and just secure enough that wind won't force the fastener to become undone.
If you can fly, you probably won't be going too fast in the cloak since it would greatly increase air resistance. Plus, if you have to go fast, you can just remove it beforehand or in the air, which could potentially be really fucking cool.
Appeasing Megamind:
Taking off the cloak can signify shit just got real and you're taking this seriously, which can be HELLA cool.
If you're able to perform attacks from afar without having to take off your cloak, this makes the previous point even COOLER.
Repeat of the third point for Edna.
In conclusion, we need more characters who wear badass cloaks they remove when they fight.
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Okay so current status of roles for the Megaduck au
Daffy as Megamind
Bugs as Roxanne
Lola as Hal
Foghorn Leghorn as Metroman
Marvin the Martian as Minion
And the Warner Siblings as the Brain Bots
#Megaduck au#Baffy#Daffy Duck#Bugs Bunny#Lola Bunny#Foghorn Leghorn#Marvin the Martian#Yakko Warner#Wakko Warner#Dot Warner#The Warner Siblings#Looney Tunes#Looney Tunes au#Megamind au#dreamworks au
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Pinned Post!
Hello! I'm Astral. I go by it/its pronouns. I am very deep within the Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fandoms. Alongside others. I sometimes talk about important world issues but this is mostly a blog for my art and aus. I will also write on here.
Read this post for a laugh :)
All the AUs
Ego AUs
Megamind - Antihero au, Anti is Megamind and Jackie is Roxanne.
Werewolf - Antiaverage au, Chase is a human and Anti is the alpha of his pack. Anti protects Chase and his kids from dying after targeted by an enemy pack. Stacy died to a wolf from that pack when Anti first discovered Chase and his kids. Mostly Anti's perspective.
Mer - Schneeplebro and danti au. Dark is trying to wake up a god and Henrik is trying to stop him, Chase gets caught in the middle when Stacy makes and breaks a deal with Dark. Several perspectives.
Skyrim - Dark x Anti x Henrik x Chase au. Chase runs an inn, dealing with the hijinx of what eventually is his three boyfriends (mostly Dark and Anti). Chase's perspective.
Dragon - Marvin x Anti. Dragons have been hunted by humans for decades since the accidental murder of most of the royal family. Now it follows Anti, looking for his dad Chase who had been dragges off by humans. Too trusting, humans target him and almost hurt him until Marvin saves him. Marvin agrees to help. Anti's perspective.
Avian - Several ships. Several avians deal with the world they live with and the evil humans are capable of. Several perspectives.
Crossover - Still in concept. The mers and avians having a crossover where they could meet and what not. Probably won't have a real story or plot. Sub au of the mer and avian aus.
Bird Boys - Chase x Marvin x Henrik. Follows the story of the avian au except Chase doesn't end up dating Anti and Jackie. Chase's perspective.
Gods - The Iplier and Septic egos as gods. So far, no real story except gods go brr.
Undead - Anti x Henrik and Jackie x Chase. Set in the universe of the walking dead, main four boys handle a zombie apocalypse. Starts as Chase's perspective but follows Jackie, Henrik, and Anti.
Sparklecats - I have no explanations. Just the egos as sparklecats. There are two clans even. Septicclan and Iplierclan.
Five Nights at Sam's(FNaS) - Very early conception. Basically fnaf and ego crossover with Anti as William Afton.
IRIS Pokemon - Early concept. The JSE egos(+ Caretaker Nix) in the Pokemon universe.
Attack on Titan AUs
Bertholdt Survives - OC x canon au. Inspired by the song "I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead" from The Count of Monte Cristo. Bertholdt survives the Battle of Shiganshina, switching sides. Chaos ensues when he sees the Warriors again in season 4.
Band - OC x canon. Inspired by the song "Guys Don't Like Me" by It Boys. The Warriors, minus Annie, make up a band. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Zakai make up another band. Zakai is dating Armin but meets Bertholdt in a club. She ends up cheating on Armin with Bertholdt's help.
Traitor - OC x canon. Zakai makes a different choice, siding with Paradis instead of Marley when she is reunited with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie. Her loyalty is grey until its revealed that Reiner and Bertholdt are the Armored and Colossal titans. She ends up running into Armin's arms specifically. Angst heavy.
Warring Pokemon - Early concept. AoT characters(+ ocs) in the Pokemon universe. I just want more pokemon brainrot to be shared.
My Hero Academia AUs
Hero - Where the LoV + ocs have different upbringings, resulting in many to be heroes instead. A "fix it" au of a sort. LoV and the Big Three aged down to fit into UA (with the Big Three being in 2A instead of 3A).
One Piece AUs
If You Died - An au where Lenna dies instead of Lila. Early concept.
19 Total AUs
#sparklecats au#avian au#bird boys au#crossover au#skyrim au#dragon au#megamind au#mer au#undead au#gods au#werewolf au#pinned post#introduction#fnas au#five nights at sams au#band au#bertholdt survives au#traitor au#iris pokemon au#warring pokemon au#hero au
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Hey you like evil septic egos, right? (I've read your Inverted series lol very good) Something I've been wondering for a while is what an evil version of the septics would be like. Like if most of the others were good guys but one of them was evil. You know, like how some people think Marvin is evil? I thought you'd like something like that enmwljdisl What would you think that would be like?
Uhhh how’d you know I like evil septics? *sweats nervously and glances at my AUs with evil versions of good characters* (Also thank you!)
Okay but like this idea is so intriguing. I’m gonna assume this is a world where Anti still exists, but like, one of the boys has a reversed morality and serves as a secondary villain. How would this work? How would they interact with the other boys?
I mean, the community’s already had a lot of evil!Marvin concepts. I mean like, the idea of a black magic magician who’d do anything to get what he wanted—wait that’s Inverted!Marvin abort abort abort make something different! dsjkflhdsj But in all seriousness,I think an evil Marvin could serve as one of Jackie’s enemies, a supervillain to Jackie’s hero. I wouldn’t be surprised if he went after the other boys as part of supervilliany deeds, or tried to team up with Anti. He’d be after power and dark secrets, not caring who he has to go through to get it. He’d probably also make a show of it, loving the attention he gets. And he’d have some cool magic powers. I really like the idea @beerecordings had about an evil!Marvin that can turn people into animals, which is like, really cool because can you imagine being forcibly turned into an animal or something? Especially something tiny? That would be freaky. Evil!Marvin holds people hostage by turning them into mice and putting them in a cage or something, and Jackie has to find other magicians to reverse the spell.
Or people thought JJ was evil back when his Power Hour first came out (don’t think I haven’t forgotten that *squints*). So what if he was the evil one? I’m imagining, like, he used to be a normal, nice guy but then Anti ripped him out of his time period for puppet reasons and that really messed with his idea of morality. Maybe even after Anti stops straight-up controlling him Jameson just sticks around because he doesn’t know what else to do in this new time period. Or maybe Jameson goes looking for a way to get back to his own time, and he gets so obsessed with going home that he’ll do anything to get back, including murder. Maybe he wants to get back at Anti for doing all this to him, and the other boys take him in as an ally at first before realizing just how far he’ll go in order to get rid of Anti. They try to talk him down, but instead Jameson just starts to see them as the enemy too. In all honesty JJ being a secondary villain could be really sad, because he’d be so driven by this determination to get home and kill Anti and it’s really all he’d have left :(
Or like, we can play around with the evil doctor trope with Schneep, right? What if he was a doctor who got his license revoked for doing some shady shit, but he continued to work, tricking in people who don’t have anywhere else to go for medicine and stuff. I think he’d be super confident and cocky, because he’s the smartest person in the room and he knows it, so he’s absolutely insufferable. His “patients” just have to deal with listening to him monologue and insult them like GLaDOS from Portal jdsahfdjkl He probably runs experiments, claiming it’s all for the greater good and that if he can just get this data down he could make a breakthrough, but he really knows what he’s doing and just thinks it’s fun. But once he finds out that magic and the supernatural are real, he’s intensely curious about it all. He’s interested in Marvin’s magic, in Jackie’s powers (if he has any in this universe), in if JJ was affected by the journey from the past. And he’s especially interested in Anti, but he can never seem to get a hold of him.
Or! We could take Jackie, the hero, and make him into a villain! I can imagine an evil!Jackie trying to convince people that he’s one of the good guys, and for a long time the rest of the boys have him as part of the team. But then they start to catch on to some of his more questionable acts. He stages crimes, sometimes committing them himself so he can get others to like him, see him as a hero. In doing so, he’ll put innocents in jail or even get them killed. He keeps up the good guy image but he also really likes the idea of being a villain with good presentation via Megamind so once the others catch on he makes a new costume just for them jsaflhdjsak He tries not to monologue because of the advantage it gives the others but sometimes he can’t help it. I imagine he could get the group in a lot of trouble with the police simply because he looks like them, making it a lot easier to frame them. Which he will do, once the others start to threaten to expose him. He probably really cares about fighting Anti, tho, if only for the idea that he wants to be the only villain in town.
But an evil!Chase...frick, dude, that might actually be the freakiest one. Because Chase is the “protagonist,” right? For whatever reason, he’s the one that Anti’s mainly after. Maybe after everything he’s been through, he just snaps one day. He’s done with Anti, he’s done with the others, he’s tired of being hurt so he’s going to hurt others before they get the chance to. From a story perspective, we would watch as Chase goes down this spiral into madness, and we’d watch with slowly growing dread as we realize that the sad rad dad we all know and love changes into someone completely different. The others would be shocked, even Anti might be shocked seeing what Chase is capable of. And Chase would’ve just lost it, he’s now going after Anti full force, showing a ruthless side nobody knew he had. But also, Chase could be the only one who actually has a redemption down the line. Maybe the others could get through to him, maybe Stacy and the kids could get through to him. Or maybe not. Maybe he’s been pushed too far, pushed right off the edge, and maybe he doesn’t even want to climb back up. And that...that’s a scary thought to me.
Anyway that’s what I’ve got djkasflhdsjk If you have ideas of your own anon, I’d love to hear them. Or heck, go write them! I mean, your own ideas, not mine, of course dalfhsdjkj Anyway these are all concepts that I think are really fascinating, love to talk about them ^-^
#asks answered#jacksepticeye#jacksepticegos#septic egos#marvin the magnificent#jameson jackson#dr schneeplestein#jackieboy man#chase brody#anonymous
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Can I just say that I love that Marvin birthday fic?? I am obsessed with and so curious about the dynamic between Marvin and Henrik! It’s based off of the movie, but obviously it doesn’t follow it strictly so I wonder who they are to each other and why they’re working together so closely. Marvin is also obviously holding back on his powers, but why? He could obviously defeat the superheros if he was being serious so what’s his real goal if not to win over Metrocity? I don’t know if you plan on continuing it or anything but I cannot stop thinking about it hdkshkd
AAHHH Thank you!
I do plan on writing more of the story, and I do have a plot in mind!
Marvin's lack of magic use will be be explained in the main plot. This is merely a prologue of what's to come...
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Okay so in Megamind there’s a scene between Roxanne and Megamind. Megamind had been pretending to be some guy and being genuine. Roxanne finds this out because the rain fucks with Megamind’s device. It’s a whole, heartbreaking scene of the villain not getting the girl he wants. I could go on a whole ass rant about how Megamind is severely underrated and needs more people acknowledging how powerful a movie it is BUT this isn’t what this post is about. As I’ve started thinking about Antihero a lot more: what if that scene but with Jackie and Anti. Like- Anti had been pretending to be someone else and not the villain to Jackie’s hero. Originally, maybe he did so to get closer to Jackie to rip out his heart(figuratively speaking) but then the glitch bitch fell HARD. And Jackie realizing that this guy he’d been talking with and bonding with was his enemy? Laughing in Anti’s face? But Anti still can’t bring himself to hurt Jackie so instead he just decides “fuck all of this” and, much like Megamind, becomes a bit of a recluse. Marvin just watching him be sad and miserable, unable to help him. Much like Minion did with Megamind. Is this the start of an au? Maybe. Will I be calling it the Megamind au? Most definitely. I need to draw some of this shit.
#antihero#anti x jackieboy man#antisepticeye#jackieboy man#jacksepticeye egos#septic egos#jse egos#jacksepticeye community#jse community#jacksepticeye#jse#Sin Speaks
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Hero’s Writing Masterlist!
OK, so it occurred to me that I should make my own writing masterlist in case anyone wants to read my work. So, here it is, from oldest to the newest!!!
The Time JJ Swallowed a Clock - Chase is haunted by a strange noise (my first ego story!!!)
A Little Theory - A general JSE theory I had way back when I was just getting started, that I put in story form
Shaky Hands and Flowers (Whumptober and Egotober) - Jameson finds pretty flowers....
Caught In an Explosion (Whumptober) - Marvin investigates a suspicious note
Pose (Egotober) - Chase prepares for CHASE
Wilford Saves Dark (Whumptober) - Wilford saves Dark, but at what cost?
Whump - Ransom (Whumptober) - An old enemy of Jackie’s has taken his younger brothers… will an new ally be able to save them?
Snipped Strings - You Rescue Jameson from Anti, but at what cost???
How Long Since You Slept? - Chase needs sleep after a long day of work
Jackie Defeats Anti (Old Version) - How the glitch bitch came to be
The Aftermath of Anti’s Lair - Chase explores an abandoned building
Cozy - Chase and Henrik spend a night together
Relax - Jameson recovers from a fever
Chase Laughs in His Sleep - A ghost haunts the egos with its terrifying laugh… or does it?
Jack VS Jackie - Jack and Jackie fight over the last cookie
That One Fish Girl’s Rescue - A little birthday gift for a friend, where her OC, Sei, rescues JJ and the egos from a storm
You’re Safe Now - Jameson is almost killed by a fall
Magnificent Spell - Jameson learns how to use slides for the first time!
Chase & the Treasure Hunt (Multi-chapter, on-going) - Chase receives an extra special birthday present
Static - While stuck in captivity, Jameson muses and receives an unexpected visitor
The Good Doctor Returns - Jameson comes to a revelation, and Schneep returns
Robbie - A day in the life of Robbie the Zombie, from squirrel chasing to a bubble outburst
Jackie’s Late BDay Present - A special fic written for Jackie, also a rewrite of how the Glitch Bitch came to be
And JJ Makes Three - Marvin’s birthday fic! Let’s see how Jameson escapes Anti’s wrath... and how Marvin finds him...
Schneeplestein Apparently Has a Heart - Henrik’s birthday story. Concerns how Chase joined the JSE egos.
Egotober #2 - Marvin must sing to break the stony spell on his brothers.
Marvin - A little drabble about the mysterious magician
Chase Returns! - Chase returns from a vacation. Henrik is a little too excited.
Henrik is Baymax - A new AU where Henrik is a robot. A personal healthcare companion, if you will ^u^
Hero Fever - Marvin wants to give Jackie a great birthday, but a cold and living furniture stand in his way
MegaMarvin - A glimpse of my newest au: Megamind but the JSE egos! - The Malevolent has a ghastly plan for the superheroes of Brighton City! If only the rest of the world was actually prepared for it.
Anti’s Halloween is Ruined - First story in my swap au! How Dr. Antisepticeye’s latest invention goes horribly wrong
Ink (2022)
Watch Out For That Tree - A writing prompt where Mirabel tries sledding down a hill for the first time under the eye of Bruno.
Viva La Pancita de Bruno - A lil birthday gift for some friends
Rocking Around the Christmas Bruno - Bruno Madrigal has the colours of a tree... could he be the key to saving Christmas in Casita?
The Wake of a Miracle - A stranger who threatens Bruno inadvertently awakens Mirabel’s magical rage. My Encanto Big Bang story! Complete with lovely art!!!
How Well Do You Know Alma Madrigal? - A lil Mother’s Day fluff featuring a game show and a secret present
Eliza and Angelica Kidnap Alex - Eliza goes to desperate measures just get her husband to take a break
The Little Mermaid - My own retelling of Hans Christian Andersern’s The Little Mermaid!
This will be updated of course! But here is my magnum opus for the mean time!
Here’s my Ao3! Might upload some Encanto stories here as well! - https://archiveofourown.org/users/PinkPancakeQueen/works
Here’s my Pinterest for those who read my bio: https://www.pinterest.ca/catherineleis16/_saved/
#jacksepticeye#markiplier#writersofjack#writersofmark#apparently i can write#writing#immabethehero#disney encanto#encanto#encanto fanfiction#encanto fanfic
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(12 and 14 for the fanfic asks?)
12. Favourite character to write about this year I’m biased, so obviously Jameson. But I also had lots of fun developing Marvin’s story and creating Stacy and the kids!
14. A fic you didn’t expect to write I did not expect to write a story where Schneep thinks he's found a ghost nor did I expect to write how Jameson joined and left Anti. The birthday fics were a treat and I still have a lot to post! Including a Megamind marvelsepticeye au....
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