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fangsandsoftgrass · 3 months ago
For the ask game 23, 9, 30 I know how it feels to be vibrating out of your skin wanting to infodump 🥺💖
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
Cirwedh is very reliable, often to the point of neglecting her own needs. If she's called on to help, she will be there. Period. At first, it's hard for her to be reliable because she spent everything but the first seven years of her childhood growing up in the wilds of Valenwood with nobody but herself to depend on besides Mother Bear, and at that point the only ones relying on her were the animals and the Green. After she failed to prevent her family's collective death she develops a bit of a complex about it. If she can put off her own issues and instead be there for someone who needs her help she will be, even if it's waking up at 2am to help fix a wheel.
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves?
This one is tricky. While shes not unhygienic per se, she isn't the absolute best at keeping clean. She simply doesn't have time to worry about it like most would I guess? She takes care of her body, she's very adamant on giving it what it needs to function (i.e food and water. she loves eating because it fuels her body also she just likes eating) if she's not on some quest or actively fighting a war she bathes fairly regularly, like every other day or so. But she also believes in a healthy layer of dirt on the skin and walks around barefoot so the bottoms of her feet are almost always very dirty. She's very much a wild thing at heart, so she could look and smell like a dirty animal but as long as she's alive she is fine with that LOL. When most of your life is a fight you stop worrying about being clean for other people. She doesn't get sick, since Bosmer already have a natural resistance to disease, and her lycanthropy pumps that resistance up to 100, but she still takes precautions anyway. Overall she's fairly good about her own physical health, mental however is another thing LOL.
30) My OC and your OC are friends. This isn't a question. I'm not asking. (How do they respond?)
Cirwedh has very few real friends. Most she calls friend in the sense of like, she's helped them somehow or they are just a nice person to her, it's like saying "sir" or "ma'am". So she's pretty awkward about making friends, given her outwardly intense (and sometimes unapproachable) appearance, and when making new friends she doesn't really know how to show her appreciation for their company in normal ways, so Alex could expect a lot of small gifts left around randomly, and food. She is a really soft person deep down underneath all that she's had to become throughout her journey, and it really shows when she's with someone she trusts and loves. She'd also probably want to show Alex around the wilds and if he'd be down, telling him about her people and flexing her Spinner muscles with a good ole story. She still has a good memory when it comes to all the histories she learned as a child and loves to share them with people who are genuinely interested. She even learned how to put people in the stories similar to Spinner Maruin! She could also sit and listen for hours about Alex's life so she can memorize that too. Deep down she is still a spinner at heart, and wants to know her friends stories so she can tell them too. I think overall she would very much like to be friends with Alex 💚
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schoje · 6 months ago
Fapesc lançou três editais destinados para pesquisa e inovação (Fotos: Roberto Zacarias/Secom) Uma das ações do Governo do Estado para encontrar alternativas para enfrentar os desafios da saúde da população catarinense é o estímulo à pesquisa e à inovação. Nesta quarta-feira, 3, o Estado anunciou R$ 12 milhões em recursos para o desenvolvimento de estudos envolvendo os mosquitos maruim e Aedes aegypti. Os três editais de fomento foram lançados pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fapesc), e são destinados para pesquisadores vinculados a Instituições de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (ICTs) públicas e privadas sem fins lucrativos, e empresas sediadas no estado. O presidente da Fapesc, Fábio Wagner Pinto, explica que a demanda direta dos municípios e da comunidade fez com que a Fapesc pensasse na elaboração dos editais referentes aos mosquitos maruim e Aedes Aegypti. “Temos um problema muito evidente do crescimento do Aedes aegypti e das doenças que ele transmite. Isso já vinha recebendo atenção das nossas Instituições de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação e agora nós juntamos a demanda da comunidade, à capacidade dos nossos cientistas com fomento do Governo do Estado na promoção desse edital de pesquisa”. Sobre os editais de pesquisa e inovação para o controle da superpopulação do mosquito maruim, o presidente da Fapesc reforça que o inseto tem causado problemas para a saúde da população que carecem de estudo. “Temos uma grande capacidade técnica e científica no nosso estado, nas áreas médica e de agronomia, por exemplo, que podem ser utilizadas para o combate ao inseto. Temos que diminuir a população do mosquito, entender a doença e tratar”, afirma o presidente da Fapesc. O secretário de Estado da Saúde, Diogo Demarchi Silva, reforça que trabalhar com pesquisa e inovação é fundamental para a saúde dos catarinenses. “Recebemos uma determinação do governador Jorginho Mello para atuarmos de maneira inovadora no combate ao Aedes aegypti e, mais recentemente, ao maruim, especialmente na cidade de Luiz Alves. Esse aporte de R$12 milhões, com a parceria da Fapesc e a prefeitura de Luiz Alves, deixa claro que o combate é constante, com inovação, pesquisa, e a participação de toda a sociedade”, reforça o secretário. Segundo o prefeito do município de Luiz Alves, Marcos Pedro Veber, o município recebe com entusiasmo os editais voltados ao controle da superpopulação do mosquito maruim. “A forma como a Fapesc acolheu essa situação, junto com a Secretaria de Saúde, é muito importante. O município de Luiz Alves e toda a região que sofre com a infestação do maruim está passando por um momento muito delicado. Com esses investimentos em pesquisa e inovação, temos a certeza de que proposta e política pública podem trabalhar de forma conjunta para controlar a circulação desse inseto, devolvendo a qualidade de vida para nossa população”. Mosquito maruim Em março de 2024, o município de Luiz Alves, no Vale do Itajaí, decretou situação de emergência por conta da infestação de maruins. O mosquito é responsável pela Febre do Oropouche, conhecida como “doença do maruim”, que causa nas pessoas infectadas, sintomas parecidos com a dengue e a Chikungunya, como dores de cabeça, muscular e nas articulações, além de náusea e diarreia. A presença do maruim está sendo detectada também em outros municípios catarinenses, o que levou a Fapesc a desenvolver duas chamadas públicas: um para pesquisa científica e outra para desenvolvimento de produtos, serviços e processos inovadores. O edital 36/2024, voltado para pesquisadores, apoia projetos de investigação dos aspectos biológicos e ecológicos do mosquito, controle e monitoramento da superpopulação do maruim e tem um aporte de recursos da Fapesc da ordem de R$ 3 milhões. Os projetos enviados à Fapesc podem ser em uma ou mais linhas de pesquisa: desequilíbrio ecológico e ambiental; controle e manejo e saúde única. Serão selecionados seis projetos, sendo dois em cada linha de pesquisa, para receber até R$ 500 mil cada.
A chamada pública prevê a contratação de bolsistas com perfis que vão de estudantes de graduação até doutores. Os valores das bolsas vão de R$ 900 a R$ 5.850,00. Outro edital sobre o mosquito maruim, é o 35/2024, que vai apoiar uma proposta de até R$ 3 milhões, submetida por uma empresa com sede em Santa Catarina, para o desenvolvimento de produtos, serviços ou processos inovadores com o objetivo de promover o controle sustentável da superpopulação do inseto. Edital 36/2024 – Pesquisadores – Maruim Submissão de projetos até 18 horas do dia 5 de agosto no Sistema SIGFapesc. Edital 35/2024 – Empresas – Maruim Submissão de propostas até 18 horas do dia 12 de agosto no Sistema SIGFapesc. Aedes aegypti Segundo dados do Informe Epidemiológico nº 20/2024, levantamento mais recente divulgado pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, com dados até 17 de junho de 2024, o número de casos prováveis de dengue em Santa Catarina está 151,18% mais alto em comparação com o mesmo período do ano passado. Mais de 44,2 mil focos do mosquito Aedes aegypti já foram localizados em 254 municípios catarinenses. Dos 295 municípios catarinenses, 169 são considerados infestados pelo vetor. Nesse contexto, a Fapesc lançou o edital 37/2024, que vai apoiar com R$ 6 milhões a realização de estudos científicos, tecnológicos ou de inovação voltados ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de controle ao Aedes aegypti, além da prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças veiculadas ao vetor, incluindo medidas de educação continuada em saúde. Os projetos enviados podem ser em uma ou mais linhas de pesquisa: controle, saúde única e educação. Serão selecionadas propostas de pesquisa de até R$ 1 milhão cada. O edital prevê a contratação de bolsistas com perfis que vão de estudantes de graduação até doutores. Os valores variam entre R$ 900 e R$ 5.850,00. Edital 37/2024 – Pesquisadores – Aedes aegypti Submissão de propostas até 18 horas do dia 5 de agosto no Sistema SIGFapesc. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fapesc) Milena Nandi / [email protected] Telefone: (49) 98878-7828 Fonte: Governo SC
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bevanne46 · 9 months ago
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Machine Quilting with Decorative Threads Book (Sequel to Machine Quilting Made Easy) by Maruine Noble and Elizabeth Hendricks for That Patchwork Place Used Book in Excellent Condition
Create dazzling, eye-catching quilts with the wonderful colors and textures of decorative threads.
*11 Easy-to-Follow Exercises that teach you how to work with decorative threads - and how to make them work for you *Techniques for quilting both through the needle and from the bobbin of your sewing macine *Convenient Charts to help you determine which threads and needles will work best for your projects. *Tips on making adjustments to your sewing machine for optimum results. *Templates Include
89 Page Paperback
1997 Martingale & Company Bothell, WA USA
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seeksstaronmewni · 7 years ago
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On this very day, during 11 PM, Samurai Jack got himself back to the past on @adultswim.
My deepest thanks extend to Genndy Tartakovsky & Joel Valentine, plus Chris Reccardi, Phil LaMarr, Greg Baldwin, Tyler Bates, Sabre Media Studios/Hacienda Post and Tim & Alex Borquez, @stephendestefano @rdaskas Scott Wills and Tom Kenny for their amazing work.
What we need is a lot more Samurai Jack merch. I mean, A WHOLE LOT. A few products and memorabilia were made, but we NEED more. I was not able to record any episode of season 5 with my DVD recorder as it aired and the wi-fi Sling required had a few bumps, but I was there for it--all of it. I even recorded my reaction to the series finale! (not sure about posting it yet)
In the first year that passed:
[adult swim] released a digital soundtrack of Tyler Bates’ score of Season 5, which isn’t as complete as the cover says, but still definitely worth it.
A limited-edition (100 only) Aku jacket was sold.
Samurai Jack EPISODES I-III (”The Premiere Movie”) in HD was released in theaters.
5th Sun made Samurai Jack t-shirts based on Season 5.
Samurai Jack Season 5 was released on DVD (I got it as soon as it came out!), and The Complete Series on Blu-Ray--well, complete so far, until we get at least one season to explore, say, the comics, the rise of Scaramouche and other characters).
Genndy Tartakovsky pushed the bar of CGI animation for Hotel Transylvannia 3: Summer Vacation.
Next thing you know--it may be that Tartakovsky’s “Maruined” will revive production, even if it ended up on, like, Disney XD. Hopefully, Sony Pictures Animation’s “Popeye” will continue production, too.
Tweet version here
2 years since the end of Samurai Jack Season 5 here.
3 years since the end of Samurai Jack Season 5 here.
4 years since the end of Samurai Jack Season 5 here.
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maruin · 2 years ago
yknow. cause of the visuals in that video?
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starlightmango · 3 years ago
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Edelyn Maruine, an appealing speaker who commands mental powers!
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rpgkroywen · 2 years ago
Face-Claim Master List w/BlogURLS
Abigail Cowen - Daphne Blackwell ()
Alexa Demie - Ira Magdalene  (https://iramagdalene.tumblr.com)
Alycia Debnam-Carey - Feyre Archeron  ()
Annalisa Cochrane - Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort  (https://fischltheprincess.tumblr.com/)
Anya Taylor Joy - Isabella Krul Constantin  ()
Astrid Berges Frisbey - Maruine Lynx  ()
Benedetta Porcaroli - Yisie Tudor  (https://yisietudor.tumblr.com/)
Casimere Jollette - Tsaritsa  (https://frostbitef.tumblr.com/)
Cheng Xiao - Hu Tao  ()
Daisy Ridley - Rey Organa Skywalker  (https://reyorgnaskywlkr.tumblr.com/)
Danielle Rose Russell - Brannagh  ()
Eiza Gonzalez - Helena Heydrich  (https://queenofthedmnd.tumblr.com/)
Elizabeth Olsen - Waleraine Carmilla Bloodbringer  (https://thoushaltnotsufferawitchtolive.tumblr.com/)
Elle Fanning - Ilyanna Ivanov  ()
Ennik Somi Douma - Sandorone  (https://sandronethemarionette.tumblr.com)
Fernanda Ly - ZeroTwoB  ()
Jang Ye-eun - Kujou Sara  (https://kujoufsara.tumblr.com/)
Jennie Kim - Geto Suguru  ()
Jessica Alexander - Felicia Sarah Hardy  ()
Josephine Langford - Evaluna Jora Black  (https://evalunablack.tumblr.com/)
Katherine McNamara - Minerva Freya Johnson  ()
Katheryn Newton - Celenia  ()
Katheryn Winnick - Athena Yaxley  ()
Kennedy McMann - Charlotte Loise Faraday  (https://charlotteeloisefaraday.tumblr.com)
Kim Do-yeon - Nivrele Clair de Luna  (https://nivrele.tumblr.com/)
Liz Gillies - Andrew Raven Tepes  ()
Madelyn Cline - Lumine  (https://luminetheviatrix.tumblr.com/)
Mae Van Der Weide - Elvira Maeve Rosier  (https://elviramaeverosier.tumblr.com/)
Margot Robbie - Eve Mary Jordan  ()
Meg Donnelly - Anastasia Saint-Petersburg  (https://anastasiarstpetersburg.tumblr.com/)
Momo Hirai - Raiden Ei  ()
Natalie Alyn Lind - Kara Kent  (https://reddaughterofrao.tumblr.com/)
Natalie Dormer - Lilith  ()
Ning Yi Zhuo - Ganyu Latifi  ()
Olivia Holt - Yoimiya Naganohara  (https://yoimiyaqnaganohara.tumblr.com/)
Phoebe Dynevor - Proserpina Aidoneus  (https://paidoneus.tumblr.com)
Roseanne Park - Ayaka Kamisato  ()
Sadie Sink - Corvina Selwyn  ()
Sadie Soverall - Mary Jane Walsdorf  ()
Samantha Cormier - America Kennedy Singer  ()
Samara Weaving - Anthea Lucille Shephard  ()
Samara Weaving - Gabriel  ()
Sana Minatozaki - Yae Miko  (https://guujivioleteverbloom.tumblr.com/)
Sasha Kichigina - Heather Juliette Gashler  (https://heatherjulietteg.tumblr.com/)
Sasha Luss - Manon Blackheart  ()
Soo-young Park - Columbina aka Damselette  ()
Summer Fontana - Vrethera Blackwell  ()
Tiffany Young - Ningguang  ()
Victoria Pedretti - Nesta Archeron  (https://nestarcheronc.tumblr.com/)
Wonyoung Jong - Mona Megistus  () M
Aaron Taylor Johnson – Peter Sigmund Saintville  ()
Adam Huber - Satan  ()
Alex Fitzalan - Asmodeus  ()
Alex Saxon – Connor Cloudstrider  ()
Andrew Garfield - Benjamin P. Rolf  ()
Ben Affleck - Capitano  ()
Charlie Cox - Leonel Demarcus  ()
Charlie Hunnam - Kieran Knight  ()
Christian Yu – Geto Suguru  ()
Cody Fern - Lucifer Morningstar  ()
Danny Griffin - Fred Jones  ()
Drew Starkey – Childe/Tartaglia   ()
Dylan O’Brien - Aidan Blackwell  ()
Evan Peters - Dorian  ()
Evan Roderick - Waldemar Desmond Cloudstrider  ()
Evans Nikopoulos - Rhysand Darkbloom  ()
Freddie Thorp – Harry Osborn  ()
Freddy Fox - Draco Malfoy  ()
Henry Cavill - Pierro  ()
Hwang Min-hyun - Scaramouche  ()
Jacob Elordi – Cassian Faladel  ()
John Bubniak - Peter De Luc  ()
Leo Howard – Kazuha Kaedehara  ()
Logan Lerman - Percy Thaert  ()
Lorenzo Zurzolo - Henry Silverhood  ()
Lucas Bravo - Sebastian De Medici  ()
Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen – Mikaela Morningstar  ()
Luo Yunxi - Pantalone  () 
Matthew Daddario - Leonard Blackwell  ()
Maxence Danet-Fauvel - Dominic Crouch  ()
Michael Provost - Maxon Schreave  ()
Michael Rosenbaum - Lex Luthor  ()
Oh Se-Hun - Kamisato Ayato  ()
Regé-Jean Page – Mansel Rudyard  ()
Rudy Pankow – Aether Viatrix  ()
Sam Claffin- Vernes Thaert  ()
Sam Corlett – Tamlin Glittersteam  ()
Song Jiyang - Xiao Latifi  ()
Theo James - Aurelian Edouard  ()
Timothee Chamalet - Yuichiro Amane  ()
Toby Regbo - Theseus De Medici  ()
Tom Hiddleston - Adam Shephard  ()
Tom Holland - Fenris Rolf  ()
Zane Holtz – Victor Sage  ()
Christian Bale - Hybern Kralı  
Thomas Doherty - Dagdan
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porknbenzo · 3 years ago
I can’t help it pero naririnig ko yung lalaki sa likod ko sa plane. May kausap sa phone. Basically ang sinasabi eh (translated to tagalog na) “ayaw kong maruin ang friendship natin at kailangan kong tanggapin yun panghabang buhay!”
Pare mukhang parehas tayo ng pinagdadaanan ah. Di ka din ba pinili? Hahahaha. Don’t tell me lumipad ka din para maka get over hahahaha. Apir. Mga hindi pinili.
Chismoso ko puta hahahaha. Yun lang. Ge. Baba nako erflen.
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cultantumcampaign · 4 years ago
Cities of Burganworth
Creston is the northern most city in Burganworth. It is well known for its massive lighthouse. Creston is the center of all trade in Burganworth because of its easy access to Cultantum and its ports having direct trade roots to other continents besides Andnya. Its population is mostly human but due to how close it is to Cultantum you can fine a small amount of friendly monster races. Creston also has a very large druid community that are devoted to the ocean and the forests in the area.
The walled city of Sulamia is home to the dwarves. It is the most technologically advanced of any city in Burganworth with tech on the level of Cultantum's. Besides dwarves a massive amount of warforged are produced here. Sulamia is also one of the larger cities with a population of about 3 million.
Baston has a large halfling population. Its one of the smaller cities in Burganworth. Due to its heavy halfling population Baston is know for being comfy, quiet, and home to some of the best food you will ever eat.
Maruin was originally settled for its mines and to this day those mines still give some of the best ore in Burganworth. The mines often run into trouble with digging too deep and hitting the underdark. On rare occasions even god tears have been found in the mines. Maruin is also known for having excellent blacksmiths.
Church Gate
A small traditional city with a large elf population. Church Gate has many rich and bountiful farms. The city also has a famous college that many wizards and bards learn at.
The capital of Burganworth. Rainwell is famous for its beautiful architecture, rich history, and its climate of being a very rainy city. The white palace is the center of the city and towers over the rest of the buildings.
Bellows is homes to the gnomes and well known for trade and for its piracy. The waters of Bellows can be rather dangerous. Bellows has a large amount of orchards near it that make amazing cider. Apple and citrus fruits are common in most dishes.
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muttonchopsalley · 8 years ago
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My favorite expressions from Gennedy’s underrated 2012 short, Marunied
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rebeccajotatorquato · 8 years ago
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#Bomdia Gente preciso do #apóio de vocês por favor #compartilhem. Este #foco de dengue fica em campo grande, varios #vizinhos na rua tentou #contato com o #proprietário até mesmo pessoalmente. O mesmo não tomou nenhuma #providência, ja foi feito #denuncia e nada. Gente é #dengue #maruin #maruí #rato #pontodedrogas #atalhoparaassalto através desta casa #marginais entram nas casas ao lado para #roubar #pixar #porfavor #compartilhe pessoas estão adoecendo e correndo risco de vida na vizinhança e as autoridades nem o propietario não se importam porque na casa deles eles não tem vizinhos #irresponsavel. #diariodepernambuco #jconline #g1 #g1noticia Desde já #agradeço muito (em Campo Grande Recife)
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queeraak · 6 years ago
playing the dawnguard questline with my ldb maruin and of course the moment gelebor calls out i immediately fall in love with him again.
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joyofcrime-elinorhigh · 6 years ago
Samurai Jack Season 5 REVIEW:
  Thirteen years have passed, but the series does not age. It was a modern classic. Yet, the film's setbacks continued...Hope was lost. Got to get back, back to the past. Samurai Jack. Jack Jack...Jack Jack Jack.......Watcha?  Well that was literally the worst intro conceivably possible and I've just lost all of my credibility. Let's do this!
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    Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt and it's finally time for me to finally talk about the show that everybody in the animation community was talking about...about a month or so ago. (Dang self imposed hiatus.) From the director of "Adam Sandler get's into wacky situations as a vampire for ninety minutes 1 and 2" come the long awaited fifth season of Samurai Jack!  Now before we start this, I feel that it's important for me to talk about my feelings on the first four seasons of the show. the first thing to get out of the way is that I did not watch Samurai Jack much when I was a kid. I started watching the series about a year ago, after I heard that a fifth season was announced. So basically, I have no "nostalgia." for this series. Also I haven't seen every episode of the old series, but I have seen a good handful and from what I've seen, it was pretty awesome. The show has one of the most creative premises for an animated series I've ever seen, and takes full advantage of all the possibilities that it's world presents. The show has a level of artistry that I have not seen from any other animated series except for maybe "Over the Garden Wall." And it has a very memorable cast of characters. (Even if said cast of characters is only about three guys.) The show was sometime truly unique, and there really isn't anything else like it. Except for Genndy's "Star Wars: Clone Wars" series, which is more or less Samurai Jack with a "Star Wars" mod skin over it. The show isn't perfect though, at least in my opinion. Sometimes the pacing can be a bit too slow, and a lot of times episodes are really just one long action scene. This wouldn't be a problem except most of the time it's Jack fighting some generic bounty hunter or monster who was just introduced in the episode, so it's hard to find them that interesting. Unless it's Aku, or a few other stand out villains, most of the foe's that Jack face tend to have really cool powers and designs, but not much personality. But those are small problems in an otherwise great show. .  But how does this sequel season hold up. (And yes, it's a sequel season not a reboot. It's set in the same continuity as the old show so it isn't a reboot, dang it!) A lot of times in the past when a series comes back after being cancelled for a long time, it tends to come back not as good (*COUGH COUGH! FUTURAMA! COUGH! COUGH!*) does Samurai Jack fall into this trap or is it a rare exception to this rule. Let's dive in and find out. Oh, and the first part of this review will be mostly spoiler free, and then I'll have a warning before I get into spoilers. And when I say spoilers, I mean anything major that wasn't revealed in the first official trailer. Just for a heads up.  Samurai Jack season five opens up fifty years after the first four seasons. It's basically the same old story, as Jack travels around helping people from the clutches of Aku and his minions. Only this time it's a more grizzled Jack, who has a beard, wears all black, uses really big guns, and has a motorcycle-HEY, COME BACK! I PROMISE IT'S NOT AS DUMB AS IT SOUNDS! Jack has become tired of all of this. Aku has destroyed all of the time portals, so he has no way to get back to the past. And to make matters worse Jack has lost his sword years ago, which is the only thing that can kill Aku. So Jack has been basically trapped in this limbo for fifty years, with no hope of every truly defeating Aku. (He doesn't age anymore due to a side effect of the time portal.)  Meanwhile, we get introduced to the Cult of Aku. A cult who worships Aku as a God and is for some reason only made up of woman. I guess Aku likes his cult EXTRA THICC! (*Obligatory "Extra Thicc" joke...check!*) The High Priestesses of this cult gives birth the seven daughters, and we see that they are all raised from birth to become the perfect killing machines. And so this team of assassin's known as the "Daughters of Aku" lead by one of the daughter named Ashi (You know she's the leader cause she's the only one who has a name.) head out to find Samurai Jack and destroy him once and for all.  So in case you couldn't tell, this season is MUCH darker than the past seasons of this show. But it manages to be dark without coming off as needlessly edgy, which is a really impressive feat. In fact Samurai Jack may be one of few "darker and grittier" continuations of ANY franchise actually works to the series advantage. It's not infallible, as there are a lot of scenes that do feel like there just being needlessly bloody and violent just because they can now, but for the most part the darker tone works to the series advantage. Serious issues are tackled, and they treat them seriously. Jack is driven by guilt over not being able to save people from Aku, and this guilt haunts him, both in the form of visions from his "past self" who is very reminiscent of Mad Jack from the old series, but also in the form of a ghostly horseman who wants to claim Jack and make him fall into despair.
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 The series tackles themes of depression, PTSD, child abuse, suicide, and weather or not it's okay to kill in self defense, and it doesn't sugar coat it either. So many adult shows just use raunchy humor and violence for a quick joke. And there's nothing necessarily, I like a lot of adult cartoons, but it is great to see an adult cartoon actually tackle adult issues with this level or respect and seriousness. So many adult cartoons just have characters kill people just cause' but this series actually poses questions about weather it's right or wrong, and makes it clear there's not always an easy answer. I have a lot of respect for this season for tackling these issues, and for doing it in a way that feels natural. This series really plays up all the implications that the first for series posed when it comes to the world that Jack lives in. Innocent people do die, and Aku and his bounty hunters do kill people. And the fact that Jack's been seeing this destruction and carnage for fifty years, and is powerless to truly stop it, it makes sense that he's beginning to lose sight between right and wrong. It makes sense that's he's getting PTSD visions in the middle of fights. And it makes sense that he's contemplating suicide. He can't die of old age, and no robot or bounty hunter is able to kill him. He feels like he's going to be wandering this world forever, and you quickly see why he wouldn't want that. It's really well done, and I give the series a lot of props for tackling these issues. In fact this type of stuff is probably my favorite element of this season.  The show also still looks amazing. The designs and creativity are still very much there, and in some respects are even better than the old show. There are some scenes like the temple battle in episode two that honestly feel down right cinematic. The show still has it's quite, atmospheric moments, but the show also has a much brisker pace, due to actually having a continuous narrative. I like the brisker pace of the season...for the most part, but I'll get to that later. The action is still amazingly well done, and it's great to see an action show that is actually successful both critically and in terms of popularity. It's been so long since we had that. It's also neat to see an american action show that is target strictly for adults. We so rarely see that, and I'm glad that this was successful, and hopefully this seasons success could lead to more action adult animation in the future.  Honestly, this is how a sequel series or a reboot should be done in my opinion. It captures the essence of the original, but does add enough new elements to make it unique. It would of been so easy to not make the series any darker, and just make it a bunch of standalone episodes, and then maybe do a two part finale wrapping everything up. But I like how it took a risk, and it clearly worked out for them.  But yeah, onto the flaws, I...  HEY! You're not allowed to have criticisms of this! This is Genndy Tartakovsky we're talking about! He can't do any wrong you casual plebe!  Well, I believe that no one is perfect, and that everything has some pros and some cons, okay? I respect Genndy a lot, but even he has his duds. Have you seen his Cartoonsitute pilot "Maruined?" Of course you haven't, because it's awful! And before you say that Samurai Jack is flawless, I present you this scene where the animators forgot to give Jack a beard...
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0 out of 10! Needs more beard!!!1!  One thing, I don't really like what this season did with Aku. I kinda get what they were trying to do. They wanted to show the similarities between Jack and Aku, and give them a sort of symbiotic "Batman/Joker" style situation. Both are immortal, but neither of them can be happy until they kill the other and neither can. That is actually a really cool idea, and in theory I think it could really work. But the execution is where it falls a bit flat for me. He's just to silly. And I know he was silly in the old show, but he was also scary and a real threat. He doesn't feel that threatening in this season. The world he created is threatening, but the problem lies in the fact that, while everything else in this season is given a darker tone, it's surprisingly the villain who stays the same. I think this Aku could work for Cartoon Network, but not adult swim. Characters like the High Priestess come across as more intimidating then the God they worship. Aku also seems kinda like a wimp, afraid to fight Jack if Jack has his sword, even though he fought Jack in the old show a ton of times while Jack still had his sword. Because, even with the sword, Aku was still a shape shifting demon God who could kill you with heat vision. But here they all just act like once Jack has the sword he can just walk up to Aku and just kill him. Episode seven and a bit of episode nine are really the only episode where Aku feels like old Aku. I know they want to make him silly because everything else is so heavy, but if Gravity Falls can make a villain be as terrifying and comedic as Bill, then they could of balanced it with Aku.
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Oh, check it out. Aku twerking. Interesting how NOBODY CARED WHEN SAMURAI JACK DID IT!  Also, there are point in the season that are incredibly rushed! I know earlier I like the pacing, and I do in terms of actually events in particular scenes and episodes, but when looking at the season as a whole, it's impossible for me to not notice the pacing problems. Event's weren't necessarily rushed, but arcs where. I can't go into the specific problems until I get to spoilers but the pacing is probably my biggest problem with the season. If there is one thing you can say about Samurai Jack is that it NEVER felt rushed. It always took it's time when it came to presenting a scene. That's why so many episodes would start with Jack just slowly walking across a landscape. I can't really go into specific examples without going into spoilers though so...let's get into spoilers. THIS IS THE SPOILER SECTION!  So let's talk about Ashi. I really like the concept of her. An assassin trained from birth worshiping Aku who ends up becoming Jack's sort of sidekick. Ashi and Jack do have a good dynamic going on once Ashi begins her redemption arc. I like how it's not just a student/master relationship, as they both teach each other things. Jack teaches Ashi to let go of her hate, and Ashi teaches Jack to let go of his regret. This stuff I really like, and I think it works really well. The problem I have is that Ashi's whole character arc feels incredibly rushed!  the issue stems from just how devoted Ashi was to her cause at the start of the season. She literally spends all of episode four trying to kill Jack while inside the sand worms stomach, and makes it very clear that she is willing to kill herself as well as long as she makes sure the samurai dies with her. She is completely unphased about her sisters being killed, because her life and the concept of life in general hold such little value to her. But then she just see's Jack not kill a ladybug and suddenly, Bam. She no longer wants to kill him. MIRACULOUS! And yeah, I know Jack tells her that everything she knows is wrong, and she wants to know why, but if she's this brainwashed then why does it work so quickly. She's known Jack for like a day, and has spent at least eighteen years being told to never trust him. I know she see's him sparing the ladybug, but she also saw Jack sparing her life countless times, and that didn't effect her. It was only when he saved the ladybug when she decided to not kill him.  And speaking of rushed, oh boy oh boy, let's talk about episode eight. Let me get this out of the way, I can see a scenario where "Jashi" as others have called it COULD work. The two have very good dynamic together. Yes, it is a little weird cause Jack is literally old enough to be her grandfather, and he is also the only man she's ever had any form of serious interaction with, and it could be seen as a bit of taking advantage of her, but I can let that go on the grounds of it just being a cartoon. I'm not totally closing the door on the possibility of a relationship. The issue is that nothing in the previous episodes seems to imply that there relationship was like that. And then in episode eight were just suppose to buy it. And I don't. This relationship needed more then just one episode to establish itself. Still though, Jack being hilariously awkward almost made up for it.
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Jack: So Ashi, did either of our parents explain to us how sex works? Ashi: Nope. Jack: Damn it.  And there are even more examples of times where the pacing seems to be a bit rushed, but those are the two main ones. Honestly, I don't know why the pacing is like this. Part of me feels like maybe the series could of been better if it had a few more episodes to flesh out all of the ideas, like maybe thirteen instead of ten, but even then I'm not so sure. Cause there are a lot of moments in this season that, while usually cool, aren't exactly needed for the plot. Like Scaramouche's whole subplot in episode six. All that is needed plot wise is that he reboots, sets out to go tell Aku about Jack losing his sword, and that's it. We don't need to see him come up with all those schemes to board the boat, our minds would naturally just fill in the blanks on how he got there. Then we could have more time on Jack contemplating suicide. Yes, we would of missed Tom Kenny saying the word "penis" which would obviously be a tragedy, but from a purely plot perspective, we didn't need it.  Or Ashi's whole battle with the orc army in episode seven. We don't need that. All we needed was Ashi to fight her mother. It's not like the orc army really accomplished anything. Heck, honestly did we even need Ashi to fight her mother. I mean I guess it was to give her arc a sense of closure, but she had already denounced Aku and, now knowing the ending of the series, it's not like the priestess was going to survive anyway. Then we could of had more time with Jack on his spiritual quest, instead of him just making tea with Buddha, and just laser zapping Old Jack.  And then there was that one episode in the middle of the season, where Jack and Ashi weren't even in it at all, and the whole episode followed around some old guy in a lab coat ranting about McDonald Schezwan Sauce! I have no idea what THAT was about!
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Look, I'm not saying that Genndy Tartakovsky jerks off to Ashi being shown in immense pain but...No, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm not kink shaming, I'm just sayin'.  Speaking of which, I wanna talk about something in episode six that really bugs me. I find the reason Jack loses his sword to be kinda stupid. Or at the very least, flawed within the logic of the show. In this episode, Aku turns a couple of baby goats into giant monsters and has them attack Jack. Jack, angry about the loss of the last time portal, ends up giving into his anger and kills the baby goats. This is treated as a bad thing, as the Gods make Jack lose his sword because of this. But what was Jack suppose to do?! Let the goats kill him, even though Jack is the only one who has a chance of stopping Aku? There was no way to reverse the effects of Aku's curse. And this wouldn't bother me to much, except earlier in the season we got a whole arc about how it is okay to kill in self defense. The Daughters of Aku are a lot like the goats when you think about it. They were turned against there will to kill Jack. The only difference is that the Daughter's of Aku were mind controlled from birth and the goats were mind controlled with magic. How come it's okay to kill Aku's Daughters but not the goats. If anything Aku's Daughters should have more value, not just because there human, but because Ashi proves that they could be turned good. Who's to say that Ashi is the only one who Jack could of shown the light? There really isn't much implying that all seven daughters couldn't have been reasoned with if they went through the same things that Ashi did? The show just seems like it has some conflicting messages on this subject, and for some reason acts like Ashi was the only one of the Daughters of Aku who could ever possibly be redeemed. Also we see Jack eat meat! So he clearly kills animals! But whatever. I know it's kinda a nitpick but when the whole season makes such a big deal about killing and Jack's sword it's hard not to notice the inconsistencies.    So let's talk about the finale. Outside of episode eight this seems to be the thing that fans are the most split about. Some fans think it's great, while others find it to be a bit of a disappointment after thirteen years of build up. Before I get into the finale though, I just want to say that I CALLED ASHI BEING THE LITERAL DAUGHTER OF AKU! (Kinda.) When the series first started I guessed that Ashi would be the literal daughter of Aku. But then when it seemed like they weren't heading that direction I figured, "Eh, I guess I was wrong." But I was right! Ha!
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Jack: DAMN IT, AKU! STOP MAKING ME FALL IN LOVE WITH FEMALE VERSIONS OF YOU! FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU. FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME!  Anyway, there are definitely a lot of good elements in the finale. The army of past characters coming to Jack's aid, while definitely predictable, was really cool. It really helps fit the theme of Jack's actions having an influence on the world. The fight itself was also cool, and it was great seeing The Scotsman actually reunite with Jack one last time, even if it was a bit brief.  My only main gripes with the finale are that, one.) We never really get a truly epic final battle between Jack and Aku. All we get is a quick curb stomp battle between Jack and Past Aku. We don't get any fight with Jack and future Aku, and it's a bit disappointing since this is literally the only Jake/Aku fight in the whole season, not counting the one in episode six where Aku just runs away. We don't really get a truly epic Jack/Aku on the same level that we got in the old seasons. and two.) I honestly find the ending a bit to happy. I know that sounds weird, considering the fact that it's a bit of a bittersweet ending, but it just felt a bit out of place to me that Jack actually did make it back to the past. The whole season prior really made it seem like it wasn't going to go that way. They seemed to set things up like they were saying "No, Jack can't undo all the horrible things that Aku has done in the past. But that doesn't mean he should give up. He can still defeat Aku now, and free the future from his reign of evil." I mean it kinda makes all the grief he felt in the begining of the season seem less meaningful if he just undoes it. And yes, I know he still had to experience all off that, but still. Also I don't like how it just erased all of the characters who we've come to love over the years. Or are they alive in the future, just a less evil future? I don't know, the show doesn't tell us. It feels really sudden and, again, kinda rushed. I know this ending is kinda controversial, and I don't hate it, but I do find it interesting that a series that fans waited so long for the conclusion to was so unsatisfying to so many people. Like what if other series that have continuations come back and have unsatisfying endings, even if those endings were the ones the creators intended. It'll be interesting to see.  So yeah, I didn't hate the ending by any stretch. I wouldn't even call it bad as much as I would call it off. But then again, maybe after thirteen years we all had the ending sort of worked out in are heads to the point were any ending that didn't match our head cannon would seem a bit off.  There's also some weird fridge logic things to. Like why does Ashi wait till there wedding to stop existing. Did they get married that day? Considering how quickly they feel in love I wouldn't be surprised. Also, did going back in time undoing the whole "immortality" thing or not, it wasn't very clear. What happened when the Emperor dies? Will Jack just be emperor forever. Considering all the crap Jack's been through in the future there's no way ANYTHING in the current timeline would be able to kill him...and he no longer wants to kill himself. Have we just gone full alternate history here? Will Jack live till WWII? Will Japan in this timeline join the allies, as Emperor Jack refuses Hitler's offer to join the Axis due to how much Hitler will remind him of Aku? WILL JACK FIGHT HITLER? CAN HITLER'S "SPEAR OF DESTINY" WORK AGAINST JACKS SWORD? WHO'S MAGIC WOULD BE STRONGER? CAN WE GET A SEASON SIX WERE JACK FIGHTS HITLER? PLEASE adult swim?! PLEASE!? PLEASE!?
SPOILERS ARE NOW OVER!  So those are my thoughts on Samurai Jack season five. You might get the impression from all of my complaints that I didn't like the season all that much, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I may be critical, and yes, I do have my problems with the season. But that doesn't make the good stuff in the season any less good. In general I tend to be more critical and nit picky about things I like than things I hate. This is because I expect more from them. Despite it's flaws Samurai Jack season five was still a fun ride from start to finish. The animation is just as, if not more, amazing than it was in the first four seasons. The acting was great, especially Phil Lamar does some really amazing acting as Jack. The darker story line required a lot more emotion behind some of these lines, and he was able to pull them off great, despite how stoic is performance usually is. The action was just as good as ever, and I love the darker road the series took. While I do like a lot of immature adult cartoons it was nice to see one of the only adult shows that actually felt "adult." Sure parts were rushed, the ending was a little wonky, and there are definitely plot holes but as a whole, I think I liked the episodes in this season more than the handful of episodes I've seen of the previous seasons. While that run may have had less plot holes and was less rushed in it's delivery, the stuff in this season is just so good that I can overlook some of the flaws. In the end I'm glad that this story did finally got a proper conclusion, and that the road that we have followed Jack on for last sixteen years has finally come to an end.
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So that was my review of Samurai Jack season five. I know I'm a little late to the party on this, but I wanted to make sure that I got it right. What did you think of the review, or the season or series as a whole. Leave your thoughts in the comments down bellow. I'd love to hear what you think, even if you don't agree with me one hundred percent, and start some kind of conversation. Leave a fav, follow, or comment if you liked the review and have a great day.
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(I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Samurai-Jack-Season-Five-REVIEW-687392078 DA Link
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manchester1997 · 8 years ago
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seeksstaronmewni · 4 years ago
Yesterday: now we have another Genndy Tartakovsky cartoon?! Unicorn: Warriors Eternal?! Just as we were reaching toward the end of Primal Season 1! I totally geeked out. It’s gonna be stuck on HBO Max unfortunately (like Looney Tunes Cartoons, Tiny Toons: Looniversity, Close Enough and most CN shows that should just be on @cartoonnetwork and/or @adultswim to be honest), but this’s actually for Cartoon Network and not [as]... though I expect it to be TV-PG anyway.
While this looks like the many modern fantasy cartoons trending these days, this design has some elements that feel like Genndy Tartakovsky, but it also resembled some of @stephendestefano’s styles too... and indeed Stephen DeStefano drew the characters in this poster. I still am crazy about Sym-Bionic Titan because of Ilana Lunis, all of that action/design and amazing Korean animation, a fan of Samurai Jack, and obviously into Primal, but I look forward to when this cartoon comes out.
First Dexter’s Laboratory, then Samurai Jack, then Star Wars: Clone Wars, then Maruined, then Sym-Bionic Titan, then Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, and now Unicorn: Warriors Eternal... and all for the Cartoon Network. I wonder when Genndy’s going to end up at Disney like Craig McCracken ended up... and, if this’s why Geneva Hodgson’s Trick Moon was cancelled by CN, then Warriors Eternal will be worth it.
Speaking of CN pilots, such as Trick Moon, Godfrey & Zeek, and Villainous, I’d still like the edgy Korgoth of Barbaria from Aaron Springer (Genndy did animation direction and worked with and for Springer before) to become a bigger thing for [as].
Tweet version here.
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femmascthing · 2 years ago
Special little thing.
A video started to play on a lone television in a dark, empty room.
“Hello! This is Lisa Maruine of Anria Melody, and today we’re interviewing the famed pianist, Noel Cerquetti!” The camera then panned over to Noel, who waved. “So, Noel, first of all thank you for taking the time to come here. Second, how are you finding adulthood so far?” “Oh, it’s lovely. It feels like I am distanced from my teenage years, however due to being a young adult the opposite at the same time. It is refreshing to be able to do things that teenagers cannot, such as being able to taste the finest wine imaginable.” Lisa laughed a bit before speaking. “Yep! I had my first drink on my 18th birthday. Now then, the people are wondering: Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” “No, I do not. I am interested in someone, however I will not share who it is until I feel it is time.” “What is this somebody like?” “Well, they’re very sweet, also interested in music, and beautiful.” “I see!” Lisa smiled, Noel smiling back. “Have you ever considered stepping foot into singing?” “A few times, but I am quite worried that my voice isn’t prepared… Perhaps maybe one day.” “A fan submitted question, was your family involved in the murder of Vivienne Jaubert?” “Uhm… No, absolutely not. That would never-” “Reportedly, your brother was arguing with her shortly before her brutal demise. He’s always implied violence, what if he really acted on it this time?” “Hunter would never-” “How do you really know that?” “I just do-! Please change the topic or this interview is over-” The television was smashed by a mallet, the image of Noel’s uncomfortable expression shattered with the glass of the screen. The mallet and screen were left bloodied.
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