iceinwhb · 7 months
Welcome, take and see what you want.
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● This blog has diverse content, which is divided into sections, depending on the theme, and the publications.
● It is recommended that you do not review certain topics. The recommended age to be on my blog, is +18.
● The only important thing is your enjoyment. I'm just a Icegloo passing by, and write as much as I can before I melt.
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Leviathan (Bath) & Mammon (Butt) 。⁠.゚ ⟵ Available (October 1st)
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● There will be censorship for: Necrophilia, sadomasochism, sadism, physical abuse, sexual abuse, autozoophilia, autopedophilia, necrophilia, sacrificial paraphilia.
● Anything else is permissible, as long as it comes from “What in ‘hell’ is bad?”
● Everything is permissible.
The more details your request has, the easier my work will be, and the faster it will be to bring it to you, so, don't forget to correctly express the idea.]
[Ordering options:
Written work: Can range from 500-5000 words. It will be my choice if you do not describe the length of the text. The more words you choose to order, the longer it will take to be published.
Drawn work: It absolutely depends on the details, which must be clear and descriptive. The more details given, the better. I am not a professional draftsman, so, I will tell you in advance that it may not be what you expect. The minimum time is 3-4 weeks, because of my lack of learning in drawing, but don't doubt that I will do my best to put all my effort into it.
Requests are ABSOLUTELY FREE.]
[Explicit content, nsfw.]
● Babytrap.
● Exotic pet
● Stalker
● Minhyeok visited PL.
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● For a moment.
● Happy trap.
Silly moments:
● Among us.
● A random moment.
● Foras.
● If... Satan selfie.
● Little cleaning.
● Mammon's perfection.
● Pyong flew to infinity and beyond.
● February 14th.
● 500 seals.
● Paradise Lost is like:
● Levi's ass.
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[Explicit content, Foul language.]
● Invisible necessity.
[Explicit content, Foul language.]
● New tattoo.
[Sensitive content, Explicit content.]
● Delicate position.
[Explicit content, Foul language.]
● Fair.
[Sensitive content, Dark and explicit content, Violence]
● Pitiful whimper.
Dark headcannon:
● Kings
● Leviathan
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● Promotional art.
● Selfie.
● Bath.
● Butt
● Bloodshed
● Attack of kings.
● Promotional art.
● Selfie.
● Left.
● Bloodshed.
● Bath.
● Attack of kings.
● Promotional art.
● Promotional art II.
● Selfie
● Ruler's trophy
[Coming soon]
● Promotional art.
● Selfie.
● Left.
● Butt.
● Bath.
● Promotional art.
● Selfie.
● Left.
● Bath.
Promotional art:
● Levi and Beel attack of king.
● Mammon and Satan attack of king.
● Two stars
● Lucifer selfie
● Let's give a lot of love
● Old video
● Levi school uniform
● Levi bath and Mammon butt rerun
Starting screen
● Event
{4/4} 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵ Beel's birthday
{4/24} 。⁠.゚ ⟵ Leraye (Nostalgia)
• Cards
{4/10} 。⁠.゚ ⟵ Lucifer (Selfie)
{4/1} 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵ April Fool's Day
{5/4} 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵ Leviathan (School Uniform)
{6/9} 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵ Mammon's birthday
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● Chapter 5 - MH Sub story
● Iceberg
Profane board:
● Beel butt
● Am I dreaming?
● [Unknown]
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● Abolition of censorship
[Content warning]
● Poor king of lust.
● [Unknow]
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● Who knows?
● Why Ra-on is.
39 notes · View notes
dreamwithlost · 2 months
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⊹ 2ª história no universo "I wish U walk with me".
↳ Não há uma ordem para seguir
Taeyong x Reader
Gênero: Angst, angst, e um leve fluff
W.C: 1.7K
ᏪNotas: Mais uma história no universo desse meu projeto, eu particularmente gostei muito de escrever essa, pois essa vibe meio triste estava combinando comigo (?) KKKKKK Enfim! Espero que gostem, e gostem da mensagem que tentei passar
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O pai de Taeyong faleceu no final de janeiro, e à medida que março se aproximava, a ausência de lágrimas nos olhos dele tornava-se cada vez mais inquietante. Era como se ele estivesse preso em um inverno interminável, onde a dor permanecia congelada sob uma superfície calma e imperturbável. Desde o funeral, quase um mês havia se passado, e ainda não havia visto Taeyong expressar qualquer emoção verdadeira. Sua fachada de tranquilidade era um castelo de cartas prestes a desmoronar. Embora alguns pudessem considerar isso normal, você conhecia Taeyong o suficiente para saber que algo estava terrivelmente errado. A dor que deveria estar à flor da pele parecia trancada em algum lugar profundo, inacessível.
Taeyong e seu pai tinham uma relação complexa, marcada por discordâncias e desencontros. O ex-chefe de polícia, um homem de princípios rígidos e normas inflexíveis, nunca compreendeu os sonhos do filho, um cantor de coração aberto, sempre buscando alegria nas pequenas coisas. Desde que você e Taeyong passaram a morar juntos, tornou-se evidente que as ligações para o pai eram menos frequentes do que as para a mãe. Contudo, havia algo de inquebrantável no vínculo deles, algo que se manifestava nas mensagens esporádicas do pai, celebrando vitórias do time de futebol que ambos amavam, e em conselhos do mais novo que sempre começavam com "Meu pai me disse uma vez...". Algumas relações são assim, uma montanha-russa, mas ainda são amor, o tipo de amor que resiste ao tempo e à distância, como o de pai e filho. Quando somos jovens, nem sempre percebemos que as pessoas que mais se importam conosco são aquelas que sabem nos desafiar, que sabem dizer "não" quando necessário. E nossa! O pai de Taeyong já o havia resgatado de muitas encrencas na adolescência, mesmo que às vezes errasse também.
Era essa a razão pela qual ver Taeyong, tentando esconder sua dor atrás de uma máscara de indiferença era tão inquietante. Você conversou com algumas pessoas do círculo de amigos de vocês — como Doyoung, e a, novamente, namorada de Jaehyun, ambos amigo de infância de Taeyong — sobre essa situação, mas nem mesmo eles conseguiram penetrar na armadura que ele havia erguido ao seu redor.
— Meu Deus, parem de agir como se eu fosse um pobre coitado — Taeyong explodiu certa tarde, enquanto cortava tomates, a faca indo e vindo em movimentos precisos. Ele nem ao menos olhou nos seus olhos. — Sim, é triste, mas está tudo bem. Estou lidando bem com isso.
O sorriso que Taeyong lhe lançou era gentil, mas oscilante, como uma chama prestes a se apagar.
— Estou bem.
Você sabia que a mãe e a irmã de Taeyong — especialmente a irmã, que era extremamente apegada ao pai — estavam desoladas. E a cada sorriso forçado, a cada brincadeira que caía no vazio, você entendia melhor o que estava impedindo Taeyong de realmente enfrentar seu luto: a sombra de seu próprio pai. Taeyong se sentia, de alguma forma, obrigado a ser o que seu pai sempre dizia que ele deveria ser: o homem da família, o mais forte!
Como poderia ele se permitir ser vulnerável, quando tantos dependiam de sua força agora?
A tensão era sufocante. Taeyong não queria falar sobre o assunto, nem sobre qualquer outro assunto. Ele não conseguia mais se sentar para maratonar a série favorita de vocês, sempre alegando estar cansado demais, apesar de não ser tão tarde, nunca passando das dez. Seus olhos, que antes brilhavam com alegria e entusiasmo, agora estavam opacos, como se uma parte vital de sua alma estivesse ausente.
Então, naquela tarde de domingo, você decidiu agir. Taeyong estava preso em uma prisão que ele mesmo havia construído, e você precisava encontrar uma maneira de libertá-lo.
— Que ótimo — Você respondeu à mentira dele. — Então, vá trocar de roupa, porque vamos sair — Anunciou, saindo da cozinha em busca de sua bolsa, sem dar a Taeyong tempo para protestar.
A viagem de carro foi silenciosa, e você não se preocupou em responder às perguntas dele sobre para onde estavam indo com tanta pressa. Continuou dirigindo em direção ao litoral, já que moravam próximo do mesmo, na esperança de que a proximidade do mar, algo que sempre havia trazido conforto ao amor da sua vida, pudesse ajudá-lo agora. Detestava vê-lo assim, tão distante, tão calado.
Você se lembrava vividamente do dia em que o conheceu. Taeyong, com suas madeixas — na época — castanhas encharcadas, saía da piscina do ginásio com um sorriso vitorioso, apesar de ter perdido a competição de natação. Você, por outro lado, havia vencido, e a admiração dele logo o levou a iniciar uma conversa. Lembrava-se daquela tarde de diálogos espontâneas, da maneira como ele continuava competindo com alegria, mesmo sem nunca ganhar. Ele havia confessado que não era tão bom no esporte, mas disse: “Eu nado porque a água é como o aconchego de uma mãe que sempre vai te entender, mesmo sem você dizer uma só palavra, e só isso me basta”. Um tempo depois, vocês se encontraram novamente na praia, e dessa vez você já o entendia. Tinha aprendido com sua humildade — algo raro para você, que costumava ser uma jovem esnobe, e que hoje julga também como tola. Tornou-se professora de natação voluntária nos fins de semana após aquela mudança, o que deixou Taeyong muito contente. E daquele dia em diante, vocês não se separaram mais.
A água que os uniu agora parecia a chave para apaziguar seus sentimentos mais uma vez.
Quando finalmente chegaram ao destino, Taeyong olhou em volta, surpreso.
— Ué — Murmurou o loiro, enquanto você saía do carro e seguia pela trilha conhecida, que levava a um penhasco discreto e não tão profundo. Um lugar popular entre surfistas, nadadores e adolescentes imprudentes. Vocês adoravam aquela região.
Você não o chamou, apenas continuou caminhando até a beira do penhasco. Sabia que Taeyong seguiria. Ele sempre seguia, no final.
— Mergulha comigo? — Você pediu, olhando para ele, que parecia tentar decidir se havia algo errado com você.
— A gente nem trouxe roupa de banho.
— E isso importa? — Você respondeu, tirando a camiseta oversized e a jogando de lado. — Só… deixa o mar falar com você.
E, sem mais hesitação, você saltou. Ouviu a exclamação surpresa de Taeyong enquanto mergulhava. A sensação de ser envolvida pela água era como voltar para casa, um abraço silencioso que apagava o mundo exterior. Submersa, todos os sons se tornaram abafados, e por um momento, você encontrou a paz. Mas logo a ansiedade cresceu dentro de você ao retornar à superfície. E se Taeyong não viesse? Se ele achasse tudo isso uma ideia estúpida, pegasse o carro e fosse embora? Afinal, você não estava em perigo, nem perdida.
O alívio só veio quando você viu Taeyong à distância, tirando a camisa e, como você, saltando sem hesitação.
Quando ele nadou até você, pronto para perguntar o que estava acontecendo, você encheu os pulmões e mergulhou novamente, soltando o maior grito que pode, que emergiu em bolhas e se dissipou na superfície.
— Ok, salgado, mas muito prazeroso — Comentou quando voltou à tona, cuspindo o gosto salgado da água.
— Você tá doida? — Taeyong perguntou, ainda sem entender. — O que tá fazendo?
— Gritando — Você respondeu, como se fosse a coisa mais óbvia do mundo. — Gritando! — Repetiu, com toda a força que encontrou dentro de si, uma explosão de tudo que estava preso.
Taeyong ainda estava confuso.
— Eu te trouxe aqui para isso, para você poder gritar, socar o vento, xingar quem quiser — Explicou, nadando um pouco para longe do Lee. — Ninguém vai te julgar ou reclamar aqui, meu amor. Apenas… vai ser abraçado pela água.
E mais uma vez gritou, esvaziando os pulmões de todo o ar e enchendo o mar de sua dor.
— Vamos! Tenta! — Você pediu.
Taeyong hesitou por um momento, mas então, encheu os pulmões e soltou um grito que parecia rasgar a própria essência do silêncio. Era um som primitivo, cru, carregado de todas as emoções reprimidas. Ele mergulhou, afundando seus sentimentos, deixando que o mar levasse suas preocupações.
Você havia entendido que Taeyong não conseguiria conversar com você sobre aquele sentimento, não agora. Algumas coisas eram difíceis demais para serem ditas; algumas nunca conseguiriam ser verdadeiramente ditas. Mas isso não significava que você não pudesse ajudá-lo. Apenas precisava estar ao seu lado e permitir que ele sentisse toda a fragilidade de que precisava. Taeyong estava em dor, uma daquelas dores que trava a garganta e parece machucar mais a cada mera interação que se tenta fazer. Ele não precisava conversar, precisava gritar, espernear, mostrar o quanto doía. E nisso, você só poderia estar ao seu lado, sendo testemunha de seus atos, mostrando que via sua luta.
Quando Taeyong emergiu do mar, seus olhos estavam avermelhados, e era difícil distinguir quanto daquilo era culpa da água salgada e quanto eram lágrimas. Todavia, o primeiro sorriso sincero após muito tempo surgiu em seus lábios, e você se sentiu aliviada. Sabia que não poderia tirar sua dor tão facilmente, mas ao menos, enquanto nadava em sua direção e o abraçava dentro do oceano, soube que poderia lhe dar o suporte de que precisasse.
— Nossa última conversa foi uma briga — Ele confessou pela primeira vez. Você não respondeu, apenas apertou o abraço, deixando que ele sentisse sua presença sólida e constante.
Sabia que Taeyong não gostaria de ouvir um discurso enorme sobre como aquilo não mudaria nada, sobre como ele continuava sendo um filho amado. Ele estava furioso e magoado, e mesmo sabendo disso tudo que diria, nada mudaria.
— Quem ganhou a briga? — Você perguntou depois de algum tempo, sua voz suave como a brisa.
— Ele. Eu só estava sendo idiota.
— Então, sem dúvidas, você já está perdoado. Foi uma saída triunfal, seu pai gostava disso — Sussurrou junto às ondas do mar, e sentiu a risada anasalada dele sobre seu pescoço. Aquilo lhe tranquilizou. Tinha medo de que a brincadeira não o acalmasse.
Naquele abraço, envoltos pela imensidão do oceano, vocês permaneceram juntos, silenciosos, enquanto o sol começava a se pôr no horizonte. As águas ao redor refletiam tons dourados e alaranjados, como se o próprio mundo estivesse lhes envolvendo em um casulo de tranquilidade.
Vocês mergulharam juntos novamente, lado a lado, afogando todas as mágoas que poderiam sequer imaginar, e foi ali, em meio à vastidão azul, que você e Taeyong finalmente perceberam que o amor não era apenas sobre suportar tudo sozinho. Era também sobre deixar que os outros compartilhassem seu fardo, que o amparassem quando suas próprias forças não fossem suficientes.
Nas águas salgadas do mar, Taeyong encontrou seu primeiro passo de volta à luz, que mesmo com a ausência do pai, não precisava ser esquecida. Podia voltar até ela, e não como o homem forte que sentia que precisava ser, mas como o homem que ele realmente era: vulnerável, real, e, acima de tudo, amado.
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banqanas · 8 months
i made a sheet to document the translations/posts i made related to exile tribe (bc tumblr's tagging system isnt the best and i definitely did not tag them all properly)
and its nice to see how much i've accomplished the past year :))
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hencheri · 2 months
☆ marterlist | minors & ageless blogs dni !
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/!\ please be aware that most of the works below contain dark & explicit sexual content. head the warnings before pursuing.
🥀 — dark content
wayv ⋆˙⟡
qian kun;
idol!kun x foreigner!reader (ft. idol!ten) 🥀
ten lee;
stalker!ten 🥀
wong kunhang;
liu yangyang;
multiple members;
mean!xiaojun x reader x mean!hendery | part 2 🥀
maknae line x reader 🥀
wayv toxic traits 🥀
nct 127 ⋆˙⟡
nakamoto yuta;
guilty pleasure 🥀
jeong jaehyun;
jaehyun & his sweet gf
dealer!jaehyun 🥀
mark lee;
riding bf!mark
mark & cock warming
nct dream ⋆˙⟡
huang renjun;
toxic bf!renjun 🥀
na jaemin;
jaemin & choking kink
zhong chenle;
mean!chenle 🥀
riize ⋆˙⟡
park wonbin;
toxic mean!bf wonbin 🥀
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hazbinrarepairs · 6 months
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This is a blog dedicated to reblog any rarepair content that I found in the catacombs of Tumblr. As you can expect from the title, I generally won't reblog content of popular ships, unless it is shipped alongside a rarepair or it is included on a polycule (Ej: I would make post of Chaggie if it is shipped alongside a rare ship or they are included on a rare poly ship, like Charlie x Vagiie x Emily, and even tag it as Charlie x Vaggie, but I won't post Chaggie individually).
List of ships that I consider popular (I won't post about them individually):
Ships I kind of doubt if they are rarepairs or not (I will avoid them for now, but you are free to debate if these are rarepairs or not, + most of these are either new ships that are growing or ships that were popular in the past but are kinda rare now):
I also won't post incest ships, Canon x OC and OC x OC ships nor crossover ships except for the Hazbin/Helluva ones (probably bc I liked the Adam x Mammon one so much lol)
Besides these, I will post almost everything! No offense, I like most popular ships, they are popular for a reason (generally), but This blog is exclusively dedicated to rarepairs, I just want most ships to receive the same amount of support, I also hope this may be useful for people who want to search new ships.
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Update 5/12/24
Characters Marterlist
Ships Materlist
Ships Masterlist Part 2
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pascaloverx · 9 months
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© credits for the owners of the pictures used. they don't belong to me. credit is not mine for the pictures.
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
final part
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Pairings: Daisy Jones x reader, Eddie Roundtree x reader
Warnings of the chapter: spoilers of the series and the book, bad grammar, no beta we die like men
Dreams' Marterlist
"On October 4, 1977, Daisy Jones & the Six performed to a sold-out crowd at Soldier Field in Chicago Illinois. They were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, fresh off their award-winning multiplatinum-selling album "aurora". It would be their last performance. In the 20 years since members of the band and their inner circle have refused to speak on the record about what happened... until now"
"Thanks for accepting this interview, it means a lot to me" Julia said as she entered Y/N´s living room. The space was dark and cozy, only lit up by the fireplace that was on the opposite end of the door. "You deserve to be heard and seen, and I need to know what happened, everyone needs to really"
Julia could sense y/n anxiousness, it was clear to see too, y/n was fidgeting with her hands, touching her hair, and making excuses to not sit down on the sofa and start the interview. Even tho y/n was 43, she was acting like a teenager procrastinating on doing her homework. Julia could perfectly understand her, y/n hadn´t had an interview since the Scandal that came up after the infamous Rolling Stone article that almost ended her career.
"To be honest, I don´t know if it's something I deserve, I´ve been hurt by a lot of people, yes, especially your dad. A big part of the guilt It´s also mine, I was the one that caused myself the most grief... But It is something I need, to finally close that chapter and clear the air " y/n confesses while serving them a cup of tea, her hands finally getting steady.
y/n had that graciousness that comes with being sure of your skin and accepting yourself, something she cannot say when she was younger.
"Do you wanna start somewhere? It´s there something you want me to speak about specifically? Do they even want me here speaking to you? I don´t care about painting a bad image of your dad, but I do care about the rest" y/n finally said, accepting the reality of the impending interview. She sipped her tea like she was preparing for a war to come, holding the cup for dear life.
"They all agreed to tell everything, so don´t inhibit yourself, start from the beginning" Julia said while finished putting up the camera and equipment
y/n inhaled and exhaled
Julia signaled her to start
Y/N Y/LN (sound engineer and producer of The Six, co-owner of Pheonix records): Is this on? Can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? (she laughs) That one never gets old, oh, you needed a sound bite, right? (she smiles quietly to herself) You need to understand, It wasn´t easy at the time, being any type of different, it was alienating, othering, you were considered a second-class citizen everywhere, and being surrounded by lucky, privileged people, only made you.... angrier.... because what was our difference really? It wasn't the talent, I was far more talented than the entirety of the six combined, and they can testify to that. It was my sexuality? my skin? my clothes? my size? my gender? my face? my personality? I don´t know, choose your pick, I only knew that instead of helping me, like a family would AND should, daisy jones and the six only brought me down.
203 notes · View notes
thisismeracing · 1 year
SNEAK PEEK - Rosy cheeks, salty hair, warm bodies | MS47
A/n: I lied down to take a 30min nap and it ended up being a 3-hour nap so I wasn't able to finish the piece yet ugh but I'm working on it and since a lot of ppl answered they would read (and even asked for the sp) I'm posting it hehe
Warnings: nsfw under the cut! +18. mentions of food and kinda-public sex (boat). also my mick-with-a-praising-kink really shows in here, so just warning y’all!
my marterlist & my taglist
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“I love you,” Yn whispered giving Mick one more bite of the watermelon they were sharing. His pink lips curled up in a smile, the juice from the fruit escaping and sliding to his chin. Yn admired the image before dipping her face to his and licking the spot clean.
“I love you so much,” Mick echoed holding her jaw and directing her lips to his mouth. His lips parted and their tongues found each other in a hungry kiss, the sweet taste of watermelon sugar still present along with hints of the alcohol they shared earlier. “I appreciate you,” he confided, hands holding her body closer and changing positions so now Yn was directly under him, his torso between her parted legs. “I’m crazy about you,” Mick kept going, warm lips trailing down to her jaw and neck. Yn tangled her fingers between his golden strands in a silent cry for him to not distance his lips from her, for him to keep going forever. 
Mick was the perfect lover and as the sun started to change positions in the sky, bathing their wet bodies in its sunlight, illuminating the scene as if it was being watched by the big star, Yn couldn’t help but to feel the luckiest woman alive. 
“You’re so perfect,” his elbow left the ground making his body lower on top of hers, and his now free hand went to squeeze her ass. “Everything about you is perfect,” Mick stated before kissing her hard nipples against the top of the white bikini. She swore she could feel his warm mouth suck it, yet Mick did not move the clothing, just directed his face closer to her again and captured her lips in another kiss. 
And as much as Yn expected her boyfriend to lose control and make love to her on top of his boat she knew he wouldn’t do so, not today at least, she suspected the make-out session was very much intentional to make her horny and somehow work as a payback for all the teasing she did throughout the day.
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The piece has 4k rn, and if I should take I guess I would say we're going to 5k soon. If I'm able to finish it tonight I will most likely post as soon as I'm done <3
feedback is always appreciated.
I'm excited for you guys to read it, I hope I don't f this up and it's readable lol *mwah*
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hotchfiles · 3 months
First of all hope you’re having an amazing day love this whole account but would you consider posting a whole must read fic recommendation like put the ones you can re read over and over
I don't usually go out of my way to re-read stuff but I can definetely work on a must read marterlist yeah! dunno when but i have more free time now
also i'm so happy you enjoy my little hotch corner here 💙
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tnofr · 10 months
W E L C O M E ⫻ B I E N V E N I D O
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about Nat ⫻ Rules
nctmarterlist . enhypenmarterlist . &teammarterlist . boystorymarterlist . ocmarterlist (soon).
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capapers · 1 year
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Hey! I wanted to let you that on the marterlist for young dad!Harry, if you press “curious gazes” it leads to “the newlywed game” instead... Xx
thanks for letting me know!
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yomallin · 2 years
Posts antigos:
_ dom, sub ou flex: here!
_ Medicine: here!
_ See you soon: here!
☆ Hard hours: _ here!
_ Sassy girl: here!
✉ Amores Quebradiços: here!
_ Hollow: here!
`~ time stamp: _ 23:49 here!
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Holidays Masterlist
Hi y’all! I put together a choice list from my Dean/Sam/Destiel/Case fics for the holidays.
Fluff, comfort, fun, or longer reads for those who have more time to kill.
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I’d Rather Be Home For Christmas - any!reader - 600w - fluff/bit of comfort - Family time is fun, but you’re spent and done. Dean notices.
A Bit of Normal - female!reader or male!reader or non-binary!reader - 1.5k - fluff/comfort - [Y/N] finds hunting life weighs on her/him/them and needs a break. (friends to lovers implied/no mention of sex)
Back Home - any!reader - 860w - fluff/comfort/domestic - You’re half asleep in your bath when Dean comes back home a bit earlier from a hunt. (nope. no smut. no sex. that’s not what this fic is.)
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Bridge Over Troubled Water - any!reader - comfort/fluff - 5k - You might not be aware of it, but Sam&Dean&Cas noticed you’re not yourself and try their best to make you feel better. (TW - depression/but written for comfort)
A Day at the Cabin - any!reader - fluff/intercourse mentioned but not described - 1.5k - You and Sam go to your cabin to spend some alone time. - rainy fall aesthetic
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Honey - 656w - so fluffy - Dean realizes he’s in love with Cas.
Bunker Maintenance - 966w - fluff - Cas helps Dean repair some pipes. But he’s almost more distracting than helping.
I Licked It So It’s Mine - 400w - fluff/crack/domestic - Dean made a nice meal to welcome Cas and Jack back after a hunt.
The Wrecking Reindeer - 1.4k -  domestic tooth-rotting Christmas-themed fluff -  Dean and (human)Cas bought their first house, in the country side, and Dean hung Christmas lights to make their house pretty.
Christmas Stockings for Dean and Cas - 530w - domestic fluff and light crack - Dean and Castiel fill Christmas stockings for each other.
Pineapple and Pizza - 1.3k - fluff meet cute - office AU - Castiel falls for the new I.T. guy at the office happy hour the moment he walks into the pub. Then they TRY to get their relationship to the next (sexy) step. They TRY. - (Stands alone but became a series! 8 chapters total / 8.6k) 
Comfort and Love - 500w - domestic mature fluff/comfort -  Dean takes care of his working nurse boyfriend while in quarantine for COVID-19.
Their First Time - 1.4k - mild smut -  Dean waited until Castiel was ready and now Castiel wants to explore more of his love for Dean.
Insomnia - 365w - fluff - Dean can’t sleep he needs Cas by his side.
Quarantine Roomies - 2k - domestic fluff - college AU - Dean moves in with his friend Cas for to wait out the pandemic. (stands alone, but see fic for where is part 1)
SPECIAL MENTION A CAS FIC! (a pretty canon Cas, too) Human Emotions - 7.1k - fluff/comfort - Castiel x male!OC - Aaron escapes his woes by moving to Lebanon and slowly falls for the blue-eyed man that keeps coming around his job late at night.
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Feline Fine - Dean is a panther / full case fic / vampires, witches and demons, oh my! Dean x female!reader - Smut optional (it’s under a cut/not furry) - 17k -  male!reader - Fluff only - 16k  
A Slim Case and Snowy Mountains - Dean x female!reader - Dean x female!OC (Maelie) - fluff (intercourse mentioned not described) - 21k - A missing persons case up in Canada may or may not be monster-related.
Everything’s on Ao3   And over here for the full masterlist
Happy holidays, fam! Be safe! HUGS XXX
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hollo-cyptric · 4 years
it's so fun to open my blog and see my masterlist I feel fancy
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hsgucci94 · 2 years
The ride (AU)
Summary: The one where Harry and Bella like each other. The issue? She's his boss's daughter.
Content warnings: smut, fluff, hoteness.
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: I usually post all this stuff on my instagram acc: @hsgucci94, feel free to come say hi over there! hope you like this one! x 
"You make me want things I can't have," Harry groaned, his hands going up and down my body, his green eyes locked to mine. His words made me bit my lip, while my fingers played with his chocolate curls. My legs were on both sides of his hips, hovering over him. I had him sat at the edge of my bed, and I was ready to take advantages of it.
"We don't have to tell my father...," I replied, lowering my hands until they reached his upper thighs. I felt him tense under my touch.
"Bella...," he closed his eyes. He knew what I was doing, and I knew that he would be willing to keep going if only I wasn't his boss' daughter. In fact, I was sure he would have undressed me by now if I did't happen to be the reason why he could lose his job.
"C'mon, Styles. It's obvious we both want this... Why resist?," I smirked, and he chuckled. Before he could say anything else, I proceeded to unbutton his shirt, his cross pendant hanging from his neck, "I bet you look even better with your clothes off."
The moment I saw his tattooed skin, I gasped. I was not expecting that, and my reaction made him smirk. The knot in my stomach only grew stronger. Meanwhile, he didn't move one muscle, and his indecisiveness was slowly killing me.
I didn't want to be or look desperate, but I was. I started tracing the birds he had on his chest, my eyes fixed on him while doing so; then the butterfly tattoo, and this time it made him gulp hard, knowing that the leaves on his lower stomach were next. But before I could reach them, he grabbed my wrist, stopping me midway. He looked me in the eyes, before licking his lips with his tongue.
"Fuck it," he cursed under his breath, pressing his mouth against mine right after, moaning halfway through the kiss when I bit his lower lip.
I knew what I was doing to him, and I was definitely enjoying it. In no time we were both naked, him on top of me, his strong arms supporting himself on the mattress.
"Your father can't know about this or I'll be in trouble, Bella," he spoke in a raspy voice.
"He'll never know, I promise...," I anxiously replied, pulling him closer to me. He chuckled, before gluing his lips to my collarbone and penetrating me.
His first thrust had me throwing my head back onto the pillow, a moan immediately escaping from our lips. We were doing it. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, pulling him to me. He was finally inside me and it felt so good.
My hands quickly travelled to the back of his hair, taking a bunch of his now messy curls on my fist, pulling at them every time he got deeper into me. Sweat was starting to cover our bodies, but the rhythm of our hips never decreased, quite the opposite. Soon the only thing that could be heard was the noise of the bed hitting the wall with every thrust, alongside our moans.
"Fuck, Bella-," Harry groaned, pushing harder into me, "You feel amazing."
I grabbed him by his pendant and kissed his lips, my tongue sliding into his mouth and furiously playing with his. The knot on my stomach only grew bigger, but his movements were hitting the right spot.
Harry's body shivered, and I knew he was close the moment he grabbed my waist with one of his hands, the other still on the mattress, holding his bodyweight. He buried his fingers on my skin, but didn't hurt me. One thrust later, his rosy lips parted and a deep moan escaped from them. He finished, but kept going until my thighs could not longer take it and the knot in my stomach eventually exploded. My entire body was trembling the moment he came out of me.
He laid next to me on the bed, both of our chest going up and down as we tried to catch our breaths. He then turned to me, passing his hand through his hair, brushing it a bit.
"That felt dirty," he admitted.
"Because it was," I laughed, "You've no idea how much I wanted it, though."
He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to him, our sweaty bodies sticking together once again. He carefully removed my hair from my face, putting it behind my ear. His nose touched mine just right before he kissed me. He had a smirk on his face the moment it ended.
"The only thing more beautiful than seeing you orgasm is seeing you smile."
I suffocated a laugh, "Oh, boy. Shakespeare is not match for you."
A few minutes later he was already getting dressed. The clock on my nightstand marked the time: 23:40. It was late and we both had to be at the office at 6:30 the following morning. I watched him put his clothes back on, while I was still laying in bed, my bedsheets covering my naked body.
I would have never imagined myself thinking this way..., but I was so lucky my car broke that night, or else he wouldn't have been in my bedroom in that moment.
I had got out of the office later than usual. I had stayed longer to finish a few Excels spreadsheets that had to be sent before midnight. When I got into my car and turned the engine on, it made very unusual noises and wouldn't start. Luckily, Harry was still outside, in a corner, talking to someone on the phone, and saw me struggling in the parking lot. We spent thirty minutes trying to fix it, but didn't success. The tow truck would have taken another half and hour to get there, so we eventually gave up. My car had instantly become a problem for my future self, my present one was too tired to wait outside in the cold until it could be fixed.
He offered to take me home.
One thing led to another and... Well, we had just slept together.
"Harry," I called him, the moment he was finishing buttoning up his shirt. He turned around, raising his eyebrows before murmuring a quiet hmm?, "Thanks for the ride... The car ride." I proudly smiled after that one.
He shook his head, chuckling.
"Anytime. Call me if you ever need another one," he winked at me.
He took his jacket, toss it over his shoulder and left.
* * *
Dad was the problem. Not only was I his only daughter, hence his protectiveness whenever the word men was brought up, but also the apple of his eye. A terrible combination, I thought, looking at him work at the other side of his desk. I was sat in one of his chairs in front of him, the other one still empty.
The way he saw it, there was no man good enough for me or, at least, one that wouldn't turn into a distraction from my job at the enterprise. Proof of it were the men that had been in my life before.
At 26, I was a daddy's girl that grew up to be his protegé and now was fighting to be treated like an equal when not only talking about business, but relationship stuff as well.
It was 6:58 in the morning and I was glad makeup existed. The only way I was going to survive that day was through incalculable amounts of caffeine that I was ready to start drinking as soon as the meeting was over.
Seven o'clock and Mr. Styles knocked on the door, entering my dad's office right after. He looked impeccable; as if he hadn't been covered in sweat less than eight hours ago.
"Good morning, Mr. Byron." My dad got up from his seat and they shook hands.
"Harry," I greeted him, stretching ours seconds later. I had to quickly put away the thought that came to my mind the moment his skin came in contact with mine.
"Isabella," he replied, giving me a nod.
Even though we'd been greeting each other like that for over three months, now it felt... strange. As if we both shared a sin no one could know about. I liked that, but I was scared of my dad finding out. I knew he would not think twice before firing him if our encounter reached his ears. In fact, that was the main reason why Harry hadn't dared to touch me until the night before. However, such events were the result of months of self-control that only increased the desire for one another.
My dad had a strong no relationships policy at his work place. He said that feelings can't interfere when taking a big decision, and big decisions are taken everyday here. If he learned two of his employees were physical or emotionally linked, he'd suggest one of them to find another job somewhere else before firing them both.
I was his daughter. Blood is blood, so the one dealing with the consequences would be him, unfortunately.
"By the way," my dad said, looking at Harry, "I am sure Bella has already thanked you personally, but I wanted to express my gratitude for dropping her home last night. It is nice to know that I work with people I can trust."
I wanted to gulp hard, so instead I just pretended to type something on my phone before putting it away.
"It was no problem at all," he assured him, his face expressionless.
Not very far away from my dad's office there was a small room that functioned both as coffee and gossip break. It was amazing the amount of rumours and assumptions everyone in there knew and made, and one could hear most of them just by casually passing by. When I was little my dad's employee would call me "Isaerial"; I used to hide behind the vending machines and listen to all their gossip before running to my dad's office and spill it all out to him. I was a very nosy child. Not my proudest attribute.
Harry and I were both in that room, in front of the coffee machine. He was waiting for my coffee to be served before putting his mug under it and get his. He had been eyeing me for a few minutes now, so I got the feeling there was something he wanted to say to me.
From the corner of my eye I could see him opening his mouth to speak, but I quickly stopped him.
"Not here. My office," I took my coffee and walked to my desk. When Harry had his in hand, he did the same, closing the door behind him. No one would know if we were talking about finances or our wild night.
"I see you can walk properly?," he rose an eyebrow, smirking. He put his coffee mug on my table, in the opposite side where mine was to not get them mistaken, something that had definitely happened before. He then took a seat in front of me, unbuttoning his jacket before doing so, so that it would not get wrinkled. I tried to hide a smile. I found it very sexy when men did that.
"Looks like you didn't do your job well."
"Yeah, looks like it," his smirk got bigger.
I took a sip of my coffee, looking at him over the cup, raising my eyebrows. He got the message and cleared his throat before saying what he was about to when I stopped him a couple of minutes ago.
"I'm extremely okay with what happened last night, which made me realise that I want you. I know your dad's a problem, but keeping it all a secret would make it even more fun," he chuckled a bit, "We could date in private," he added. I stood silence, his gaze on me the whole time, expectant, "Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same."
I looked down at the papers on my desk, pretending to read through them. His features changed.
"Aren't we going to leave this as a one-night stand?"
"No," he firmly stated, clenching his jaw, "And I know what you're doing, Bella. Look at me. You're avoiding giving me an answer."
I swallowed, lifting my face, "Being frank, I like you enough to not want you to lose your job, Harry." A sigh involuntarily escaped from my lips.
His serious countenance relaxed.
"That's good to know," he nodded, "because I like you enough to put my job at risk."
His eyes told me he meant it. The corner of his mouth lifted enough to show the beginning of a smile.
"With that being said...," he got up from his chair, buttoning his suit jacket, "I'll get back to work. Morning's looking hectic."
He grabbed his mug, dimples now on full display on his face, and walked towards the door. Just a couple of steps later, he stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, frowning. "Did the tow truck come to pick up your car already?" I nodded. "I'll give you a ride then."
"You're going to take me home?"
"Not yours, but mine. We'll stop at your place first so you can pick up your stuff. I'm not sleeping alone tonight." He smirked, and closed the door behind him.
I had to bit the inside of my cheek to erase the smile on my face, or I wouldn't be concentrating that day. I was already counting the hours till I could leave the office, with him.
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