#marten toonder
tomoleary · 8 months
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Marten Toonder (1912-2005) “Tom Poes Weekblad”
I read Tom Poes Weekblad and thought Tom Poes Weekbladder then saw an anthropomorphized cat sitting on the can. Weekblad is Dutch for Weekly. My mistake.
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seetherabbit · 5 months
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Reupload of a Tom Puss fanart from 2022.
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schaeder · 2 months
Anden i flaskan
Tom Puss-episoden ”Anden i flaskan”, som gick i Vårt hem, var en holländsk serie av Marten Toonder och de anställda på Toonder Studios.
Tom Puss-episoden ”Anden i flaskan” (Tom Poes en de geest in de fles) var en holländsk serie av Marten Toonder och de anställda på Toonder Studios. Serien blev publicerad på svenska i veckotidningen Vårt Hem nr 23-36/1948, som dock avbröts av Herr Bumbles vad. Men efter ett uppehåll fortsatte ”Anden i flaskan” i nr 49/1948 – nr 3/1949. Ett urval källor Första avsnittet med Tom Puss och ’Anden i…
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iklees · 5 months
Tom Poes en de nieuwe ijstijd / Marten Toonder
Tom Poes #27
De vakantie van heer Bommel en Tom Poes wordt ruw onderbroken als het late zomerweer opeens omslaat in diepe winter. Op zoek naar de oorzaak van dit vreemde verschijnsel, leidt het spoor al snel naar de snode Professor Sickbock.
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'Dit is in orde, zo ge ziet,' vervolgde de grote geleerde. 'Ik heb de sukkelaars zolang voor u opgeslagen -- er kan hun niets gebeuren. En nu vraag twee: waarom de aarde van stand te doen veranderen? Welnu, het antwoord is eenvoudig: de bewoonde wereld wordt onbewoonbaar, de onbewoonde wereld wordt bewoonbaar. Dat is alles.' 'Je bent een schurk!' riep Tom Poes woedend. 'Begrijp je dan niet dat je het leven op aarde onmogelijk maakt?' 'Integendeel,' antwoordde de professor kalm. 'Ik ga de aardgasbellen, olielagen en andere grondstoffen onder de polen toegankelijk maken. En bovendien ben ik erin geslaagd om dwars door de aardbol heen een koker aan te leggen -- van de Noordpool naar de Zuidpool, vat ge?'
Oorspronkelijk verschenen als feuilleton tussen 10 juli en 29 november 1947. 1947... dus we schieten nog niet erg op met onze zorg voor de planeet.
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vreugd-madelon · 2 years
Tom Poes en de Waarzegger Review
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Tom Poes en de Waarzegger by Marten Toonder is an audiobook of 1.5 hours in Dutch.
It's a good thing others can't read our minds. For example, we can receive a disappointing birthday present with enthusiasm, provide an excuse if we have forgotten an appointment, in short, maintain the good atmosphere. What happens when this silent agreement is broken, and our true thoughts are undisguised? We see that in this story. A volatile creature pops up from Lord Bommel's pipe and mercilessly shouts what Lord Bommel and his interlocutors really think. It won't make Lord Bommel popular in the Little Club.
I rate this book 3/5 Stars.
I thought it was a very fun read and I listened to it on 1.5 speed as I needed something quick when I was finished with my main story, yet didn’t bring anything else on my way home. The story was cute with a moral at the end: that a little white lie isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Wil I read other’s of this ‘series’, probably not unless I have an audiobook service that offers it and I’m in desperate need to listen to something since they’re all the same length.
Do you have any questions? Or maybe some recommendations? Send me an ask here on Tumblr or tweet me.  If you wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Or even buy my debut fantasy novel, The Mending Road.
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toosvanholstein · 2 years
Kunststad Middelburg en Pakhuis Holstein bruisen weer
Kunst, cultuur en Middelburg, een combinatie die 11x per jaar terugkomt in de unieke Kunst & Cultuurroute Middelburg. En 4/5 februari gaat 't weer los! Toos van Holstein, ook deelnemer, brengt je op de hoogte in haar TOOS&ART. #kunst #art #expo
voorkant brochure 2023 Gratis reclame, wie wil dat niet! Dit wordt dus geen zogenaamde advertorial, geen gesponsorde advertentie.  Maar wel helemaal gratis en voor niks reclame voor mijn prachtige oude stad Middelburg. Á titre personel, op persoonlijke titel. Want laten we wel wezen, wie voor ‘t eerst in Middelburg rondloopt staat altijd verbaasd over de eeuwenoude grandeur. En welke stad in…
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bilibliophl · 7 months
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Marten Toonder - Tom Poes (Tom Puss) the complete 1st series from publisher De Muinck & Co, 1948.
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geritsel · 2 years
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Marten Toonder - Illustrations for Tom Poes en de Laarzenreuzen
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Rules: in a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
I got tagged by @philosophicalparadox
Ho boy, lessee...
The lord of the rings
2. The neverending story
3. The city of dreaming books (Walter Moers)
4. Hugo, a child at age (original title: Hugo, das Kind in den besten Jahren) (Christine Nöstlinger)
5. All of Toon Tellegen's animal fables (The squirrel and the ant)
6. De robber Hopsika (Paul Biegel)
7. De gardens of Dorr (Paul Biegel)
8. The entire O. B. Bumble series by Marten Toonder
9. A letter to the king (Tonke Dragt)
10. Pippi Longstocking (tbf the series rather than the book, but without the book the series would not exist now would it)
I tag... @lindalupos @nismorack @hms-siren @entitycreation and whoever wants to!
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atevegter · 2 years
2853 (filosofie voor) het dagelijks leven II
na het leven is vurrukkulluk ben ik begonnen in een heer vertelt, eerste en laatste gesprekken van robin lutz met marten toonder, geïnspireerd door ons familiebezoekje aan het museum of comic art (moca) in noordwijk, een prachtig boek met heel mooie filosofische gesprekken over het leven en de dood en het scheppen van werelden en verhalen. maar hoe mooi het boek ook is, het is te groot om in bed…
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avetruth · 2 years
Mijn eigen eenzame weg : Toonder, Marten, 1912-2005
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Mijn eigen eenzame weg : Toonder, Marten, 1912-2005 https://www.avetruthbooks.com/2022/04/mijn-eigen-eenzame-weg-toonder-marten-1912-2005.html?feed_id=13603
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mudwerks · 3 years
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Marten Toonder, de zwerftocht van Pels Pluis en Pier Pegel, 1940ies,cover
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weirdlandtv · 6 years
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Like many Dutch children, I grew up with Dutch comic strip, TOM POES (“Tom Puss”), by Marten Toonder (1912-2005). It chronicled the adventures of clever and resourceful Tom Poes, and his friend, Lord Olivier B. Bommel.
The original text comic, which ran from the 40s to the 80s, is still very highly rated, and regarded as literature rather than as “merely” a comic. Apart from featuring a large roster of colorful characters, it coined many neologisms, which are still used today in the Dutch language.
One of my first memories is the creepy story about the living figurehead. At one point, in the middle of the night, it leaves its place at the prow of the ship and attacks the heroes, a scene I found incredibly frightening. With its gargoyle face and black cloak, the villain was pure horror to me.
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Another chilling villain was Black Wing. He’d always appear during thunderstorms, throwing open the windows of Lord Bommel’s castle, threatening the heroes like a malevolent spirit from a Victorian ghost story.
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The settings were dark and forlorn: foggy swamps, rain and winds, full moons, flashes of lightning, and mysterious dark figures doing their evil deeds. The heroes would often sit in front of the fireplace until adventure called—it was as if the town never knew daylight, or summer.
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I’ve always found the names were very ingenuous. Tom Poes is short, direct, light on his feet like a cat. Olivier B. Bommel, on the other hand, is long-winded, official, pompous, with the double, bassy B sounding like the thudding footsteps of a big brown bear. The sound of their names reveal their characters.
Tom Poes and Olivier B. Bommel featured in one full-length animated film, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (Eng: “The Dragon That Wasn’t (Or Was He?)”), 1983. It used to be a Christmas staple, but I haven’t seen it in a long time; and I think it’s safe to say the comic is on its way to being forgotten by younger generations. The characters are slowly fading into the mist that always surrounded their castle.
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schaeder · 3 months
Tom Puss i Vårt hem
Tom Puss (Tom Poes), av Marten Toonder och Toonder Studios, var en tecknad serie i veckotidningen Vårt Hem (1948-50) från Åhlén & Åkerlund. Det var en serie med pratbubblor, till skillnad mot dagsstrippversionen som hade all text under bilderna, som en bildberättelse. Jag hade inte sett den här tecknade serien, förrän jag nyligen fick mig tillsänd bildfiler från min vän Magnus Magnusson*. Ett…
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Marten Toonder - Tom Puss and the Flying Caliph Van Leer, 1953. Oblong, stapled. Copy in good condition. Final blank page traces of pencil drawing by toddler. A present for children flying KLM. An English, a German and a Dutch version exist. This is the English edition.
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snowy-weather · 6 years
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This is a variation on the 'art vs artist' meme I've seen around lately. Thought it would be fun to do this version of the meme too.   Basically, this is an artwork of me surrounded by the art of my 'heroes.' My heroes in art are: Juanjo Guarnido - Walt Disney - Tim Burton Rien Poortvliet - (in this slot is an artwork of myself randomly picked out) - Fred Marcellino Piet Wijn - Hayao Miyazaki - Marten Toonder I'd say my taste in artist heroes is pretty diverse. ^^ All art belongs to their respective artists. Only the middle artwork is mine.
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