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#FlashbackFriday: Happy “Flashback Friday”!! Curious as to why I wasn’t on social media too much this week?! I was enjoying my fall family vacation in Freeport, ME!! This vacation was certainly well needed!! This time, I got to check out some cool new (and old) places within our Maine travels including our usual stop to Land’s End Gift Shop in Bailey Island, ME, checked out Marshall’s Point Lighthouse and Museum for the first time (location for a scene in the film, “Forest Gump”!!), stopped at a public boat landing at Newagen, ME, and ate lunch at the beautiful Shaw’s Fish and Lobster Wharf in Bristol, ME, the location where the film, “Message in A Bottle”, was filmed, among many other locations!! And.. I actually welcomed in Fall in Maine and at Hogback Mountain in Vermont to view the fall foliage!! Maine is beautiful year round, even the fall!! Be sure to spend some time in “Vacationland” & check out those locations along your travels! Be sure to stay tuned to learn more about my ME adventures soon. Happy Friday! (All photos taken by Amy L. Modesti using my Apple IPhone 7, Fall 2019) #Maine, #Fall2019, #FallVacation, #LandsEndGiftShop, #BaileyIslandME, @lands_end_gift_shop, #ViewFinderOnRockCliff, #MarshallPointLighthouseAndMuseum, #ForestGumpWasFilmedHere, #PortClydeME, #NewagenME, #PublicBoatLanding, #BoothbayHarborRegion, #ShawsFishAndLobsterWharf, #BristolME, #MessageInABottleWasFilmedHere, #ForestGump, #MessageInABottle, #MaineRestaurant, @lands_end_gift_shop , #TravelPhotography, #NaturePhotography, #AppleIPhone7, #IPhone7, #IPhonePhotography, #DigitalPhotography2019, #MaineTourism, #ALMFineArtAndPhotography, @visitmaine, #AtlanticOcean, #Boats, #MarshallPointLighthouse (at Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B279P2BgwmC/?igshid=1ua394oj6iqek
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