ericanderson · 3 months
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Name: Eric Anderson.
Faceclaim: Skeet Ulrich.
Gender & Pronouns: Cis male & he/him.
Age: Fifty-one.
Occupation: Gym teacher & football coach.
Every good game needs a good playbook, right? 
GOAL: All Eric has ever wanted was to feel worthy. 
OBSTACLE:  Maybe it was his father’s disapproving groans. Maybe it was the fact that he was the last kid in his class to learn how to read. Maybe it was his failure to pass the sixth grade the first time. Maybe it was the shoulder-slumping, eyes-widening, pity-filled sighs in his hometown of Lancaster, South Carolina. Or maybe the only thing that was ever in the way of him and a sturdy foundation was him.
PLAN OF ACTION:  Eric Anderson just doesn’t know how to quit. If he had to work twice as hard as his classmates, so be it. If he had to spend longer in the locker room to get himself back together after failure, so be it. Sweat could not be a game-stopper. Fear could not be a roadblock. So here was the plan: Go to a community college. Major in nutrition and health. Transfer to a school with a high acceptance rate, like Coker University, for instance. Aim for a football scholarship for good measure. Get a job. Find a wife. Raise his kids to never feel as worthless as he did. Build a secure atmosphere for the world around him, something sturdy enough to fence everyone in. Work his ass to the bone to make that happen.
TURN-OUT: Now, Eric Anderson is fifty-one. He doesn’t run the way he used to. He doesn’t sweat the way he used to. He can’t catch up with the team. He’s been with the local high school in Marshall Island for twenty-six years now, and over time, hamstrings have been pulled. His morale has been questioned. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about throwing in the towel before, but Eric Anderson just doesn’t know how to quit.
NEW GOAL:  Find out how long he can do what he’s doing without going back to the kid he used to be.
NEW PLAN OF ACTION: Take a moment to catch his breath. Look around at the life he’s breathed into his surroundings. Observe. Accept.
NEW OBSTACLE:  The tight-lipped, wide-eyed nervous smile he sees on the kid in the old family photos, desperate to prove his worth.
He gives great talks. If you need some advice, he’s your guy. It doesn’t matter whether you grew up in Marshall Island or not. You need him to talk some sense into you, he’s there.
He unironically loves what most people would call “2000s butt rock”. Nickelback, Daughtry, Puddle of Mudd, etc. He doesn’t consider it a guilty pleasure, either. He doesn’t quite know it’s taboo. He’ll just show up with it blasting in his car. 
He’s aware of his zodiac sign. He knows he’s an Aries. He just has no clue what it means.
During his summers off, he’ll spend some of his time fishing. If you catch a 6’0 guy in a backwards snapback, tank top, and cargo shorts with a fishing rod in his hand, that’s him.
His favorite show is Yellowstone for some reason. 
His favorite color is red. It’s also his favorite color to wear.
He’s been teaching in this town since 1998, and it was the first district to hire him.
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charliejackson · 3 months
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❝ I was drawn to all the wrong things. ❞
Name: Charlie Jackson
Age: 37
Face Claim: Casey Deidrick
Occupation: Professional fisherman & owner of Drunken Seagull
Relationship Status: Single
Gender & Preferred Pronouns: Cis male & he/him
As the first born Jackson, just himself and his younger sister, life in Mount Pleasant had been nothing to complain about for Charlie. His parents were laid back. They worked hard but taught their children the importance of enjoying life. It wasn’t meant to be slaved away with mundane just to get by. Education was important and a foundation, and his parents always projected that if he and his sister did well in school then they would have the freedom to grow and experience what they wanted on their own. Of course their parents would always be there if needed but they understood that growing up meant learning through experience and finding what boundaries worked for them. Charlie has no complaints about his childhood. As an average B student he enjoyed time with his friends and adventuring whenever and wherever he could.
It was his father that taught him how to fish and from that young age it had become a life long passion. A pleasure and a sport that would take him through life. Especially the older he got, more competitive he became, and as his skills grew Charlie was able to travel around the world and be apart of fishing expeditions and competitions he never would’ve thought possible. As a professional Charlie won tournaments everywhere and became ranked worldwide. No fish was too big or too dangerous. With being a sports fisherman came a great responsibility to do so humanely and respectfully. Early on in his career Charlie joined foundations that worked on cleaning up, protecting, and saving the oceans. Saving the whales. Conservation became almost as much of a career as did fishing. Balance was what he learned most.
In his early twenties Charlie had moved to Marshall Island and used some of his earnings and notoriety to set up a local bar, Drunken Seagull. To him in made sense, even if it was a little tongue-in-cheek, but it was mostly him being proactive and looking ahead to the future. The older he got the harder it would be to maintain a lifestyle of traveling around for sport. Especially since he’s always held dreams of one day having a family. He’d considered opening a restaurant, a seafood restaurant, but then he had to be honest that he really knew nothing of what that would entail. There was also consideration of enjoyment. Drinking came with the territory of fishing, especially if you were just out with friends or enjoying the solitude on your own, a beer was usually a companion and apart of the mix. Hanging out and chopping it up with others was something he enjoyed, so again, Charlie made something of it. 
A couple of times Charlie got close to settling down. To those dreams of having a wife and a family. But for whatever reason they never truly came to fruition. Either he couldn’t slow down enough to be as present as the woman in his life wanted or there was simply too much drama and a lack of trust. His values are simple and perhaps a little too old fashioned and after finding himself wrapped up in girlfriends that wanted to play too many games, he decided to keep to himself and not date until someone came along and truly changed his mind. Though, now he’s beginning to think he’d turned his emotions and romantic feelings off a little too far and now there’s just no turning back. He’s perhaps even convinced himself that he’s not really actually missing anything.
When his father and best friend passed away, Charlie got on his boat and didn’t return to Marshall Island for a year. The loss and grief he felt turned him even further inward. He traveled all the way to New Zealand and stayed for quite awhile. Mostly he explored and tried to let nature heal him, then he found himself helping others fix their boats and taught people how to fish and it was through those interactions that he started to feel more like himself once again. It wasn’t so much that he was ready to come back when he did, Charlie had just received the news that his mother wasn’t well so he came home and moved her into his house. He takes care of her and takes care of his business. And that’s the life he’s content with these days.
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ferahdemirci · 3 months
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❝ her heart is a suspended lute; which resonates as soon as touched. ❞
Name: Ferah Demirci
Age: 32
Face Claim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
Occupation: Architect
Relationship Status: Single
Gender & Preferred Pronouns: Cis female & she/her
The youngest Demirci’s journey began in Turkey where she’d been born and raised until the age of 13. Family drama and a big scandal sent her to New York with her aunt and uncle when they immigrated over in a way to avoid the downfall and collateral damage. Ferah’s mother was a television personality and had a level of notability due to that. Her father was involved in politics and foreign policies. Criminal charges were brought down on her father but in that media circus her mother’s affair had come to light as well. Sending their children, Ferah and her older siblings, to New York meant they escaped the shame and got to grow up without the media circus in their lives. 
It was during high school that Ferah discovered her passion and hopeful life path. She’d aimed small at first, thinking she would work in interior design, but a teacher had seen something more in her and encouraged Ferah to look into architecture. Naturally she’d loved design and structure, always found herself in awe of the things people could build and considered most buildings around the city to be art. Because of that influence Ferah enrolled into Cornell and worked her way to a degree in architecture. Following her graduation Ferah began working at a large firm in the city to earn experience and to gain exposure in the industry. She went from being the junior on many big accounts to eventually landing her own. The preference had always been residential for her but she enjoyed whatever challenge came her way. 
In university she met the man she would marry her first year. In fact they married before she graduated and they had part of their honeymoon in Marshall Island. Most of her marriage was a lie. Not because Ferah didn’t care about him but because she wasn’t living completely honest. She was secretly in love with her best friend and since she’d never been all that comfortable with her sexuality and had a difficult time coming out Ferah didn’t exactly pursue the life she wanted. Instead she settled for someone she thought was good and that she could make a decent life with. Of course, and in some ways she blames herself for this, it all fell apart when she discovered her husband and best friend were having an affair. 
Post divorce Ferah moved to Marshall Island and started her own architecture firm. Heartbreak and betrayal forced her into a position of being honest with herself and what she wanted out of life. In the end she was grateful for her life falling apart because it produced positive changes. Just like when she was a child and moved away from her parents. A different life had opened up for her. One she wasn’t entirely sure she would’ve ever lived had it not been for doors closing and others opening. For the first time in her life, after starting over in Marshall Island, Ferah began dating women. While she found it to be freeing, she also discovered it was much messier. 
Once business began looking good and she found herself living wealthier than she ever had before that was when her family came sniffing around for bailouts. First it was her mother needing to payoff a blackmailer, then it was her father looking to payoff some debts. Getting involved meant learning more about how her parents had strayed off the straight and narrow. Some part of her believed that perhaps it was in her DNA to be drawn to turmoil and drama — at least as far as relationships went. Ferah was good about her business. She never messed with that. But now she finds herself in an endless loop of her family needing something from her. Usually always money. 
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skipperlandvik · 4 months
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Name: Rowan "Skipper" Landvik.
Age: Thirty-Three.
Gender: cis Female, She/Her.
Orientation: Bisexual, Biromantic, definitely probably still closeted.
Occupation: Park Ranger.
Birthday: July 22nd, 1982.
Zodiac Sign: Leo.
Location: Marshall Island, South Carolina.
Birthplace: Japan.
Vehicle: 1969 Boxwood Green Ford Bronco with Whiskey Interior.
Eye Color: Blue.
Natural Hair Color: Blonde.
Height: 5′ 6″.
Body Type: Athletic.
Allergies: Raspberries.
Dominant Hand: Right.
Scars: Likely tons of miscellaneous scars from her time in basic training.
Tattoos: Surprisingly none.
Piercings: Basic earlobe piercings and maybe an old belly button piercing because she was once a dumb rebellious teenager.
tw: military, death.
Following her dad was something she was born to do — or so many people thought. She followed him growing up, from base to base, from home to home, and state to state. When he was deployed, somehow, Rowan still felt like she was following him, tracing the footsteps he left behind with a careful eye, determined to be someone who would live up to the expectations he left trailing behind him. She never felt like she could climb high enough for his standards, ever growing from the moment her parents brought her home to the military base in Japan. Despite the dick she grew to learn her dad was, Rowan still managed to fall right into the path he'd carved out for her. Army brat. Army grunt. Army for life. She'd signed up for the military as soon as she turned eighteen. No questions asked. It was all she knew in life and that didn't stop just because society declared her a legal adult and worthy of choosing her own path in life. Basic training came and went and with it came the nickname Skipper, something that was so wildly a thing that her dad hated that she found herself sticking to it. The more she sank into her life in the army, the more she grew to resent her dad, until inevitably she barely spoke a few words to him when she'd go home to visit for holidays. She was determined to be better than him, to do better than. Once her first four year deployment was up, Rowan found herself in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, trying her best to integrate into a society that she was never really a part of in the first place. She finally had the chance to work toward a degree, find friends, date, and be better and more successful at life than her dad ever was. But something about seeing what she'd seen, living through the moments she had in the last four years, being thrown from a lifetime of strict routine to the lackadaisical manners of a college student took it's toll on her and after two years, she dropped out of school, reenlisted, and left town without a word (or, at least, nothing more than a letter) to those she left behind. Two years into her second deployment brought about the death of her dad. While on leave for his service, Rowan found the nearest club to drink all of the trauma she refused to acknowledge away and ended up going home with a man who, she's learn, is essentially the complete opposite of her. It was a one night stand, nothing she was a stranger too, and the morning after she went about her way, trading numbers even though she had no intention of calling and returning to service once her leave was up. Then, at twenty-six years old, mid-service overseas, after what was supposed to be a clear cut one night stand she was able to bury her trauma in and leave it there, she discovered that she was pregnant. And in true like-father-like-daughter fashion, she knew the military was her priority. Deep down, she likely made the decision because she didn't want to be like her father, but regardless, when she eventually gave birth to her son, August, she handed him over to his father and returned to the only life she'd ever known a few weeks later. At first, they tried video calls, but eventually Rowan's life got too busy for them, missing them more often than not until they both realized that August was just a baby and didn't even care about them anyway. Outside of when she finally left the Army for good and her mom convinced the man who was supposed to have been a one and done for her to bring her son, then four, to tap her out, she had very little interaction with him. After almost a year of fumbling and trying to get her footing in civlian life once more, Rowan finds herself in Marshall Island, attempting to be a part of her son's life in some way and doing the absolute worst job at it.
tldr: Following her dad was something she was born to do or so many people thought. She followed him growing up, from base to base, from home to home, and state to state. When he was deployed, somehow, Rowan still felt like she was following him. She’s ex-military and ex-army brat herself, her dad was a dick but expected her to follow in his footsteps and she did. He died when she was mid-service, she got leave for his funeral, got messy because trauma, banged a dude who was polar opposite of her (probably artsy, sensitive, chill dude), got pregnant. gave him the baby and returned to her service asap. They did video calls with the baby but that faded off. He basically had full custody because her priority was the military. Though her mom did convince the dad and baby (probably a toddler by that point) to come tap her out which she probably had big emotions about. So now she’s post-military, trying to get her footing as a civilian, attempting to be a part of her son’s life in someway?? But probably doing a bad job at it. Also trying to beat generational trauma
Her name is Skipper bc in basic training they teased her for being Barbie's little sister and she said 'as long as I can be Skipper' and it caught on. she started to go by it and now just solely goes by it except when people ask why she always gives a different reason (among some of them; she just loves peanut butter that much, she has a habit of skipping out on one night stands, etc etc). Also, her dad hated the name and she hated him so.
She only ever wears slip on boots because lacing up boots causes her a ton of panic and anxiety and dumb memories from her time in active duty.
Most of the time she will make stupid extravagant breakfast because it's not dry oatmeal or freeze-dried eggs and it centers her back to the reality she's currently in and not the one that exists in her memories.
She always kept a small polaroid, probably the only picture, of her and her son after she gave birth to him in the pocket of her uniform while deployed. Now that she's stateside again, she keeps the photo tucked in the visor of her driver's seat.
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christiankim · 3 months
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full name: christian kim gender / pronouns: cis man, he/him age: 34 occupation: newspaper journalist
stats. pinterest. connections.
Christian was born in Charlotte, North Carolina the only child to Korean immigrant parents Nari and Sujin Kim. They moved to Marshall Island when Christian was eight because his mother was offered a better teaching position at the elementary school there. His father, a long time landscaper with a different company, started his own when he left. They were very loving parents and even though money was often tight, Christian never felt like his needs weren’t met.
Early on, Christian was very outgoing but when they moved he had trouble adapting to the new area and friends. However, it didn’t affect his schooling or academics. He’d always done fairly well in school. This is when he discovered his love for writing while keeping a journal and making up stories. Eventually, he joined the swim team and started to become more social through that and other school activities. Once he got to high school he opened up again, got involved with the school paper and had a solid group of friends that he did things with.
After graduation, he went on to college at Columbia where he studied communication and english. He had his sights on becoming a journalist but his true aspirations had and would always lay in writing. It wasn’t like he planned to write the next American novel but he knew he wanted to write something but also needed to make sure he was getting paid in the meantime. That was why he chose journalism because it would give him the opportunity to write and get paid for it. On top of that, it opened the possibility of travel and to get inspiration from the articles he wrote, people he interviewed, and things he got to study. Things he could potentially use in his personal stories, poems, and the novels he hoped to write on the side.
Despite these ambitions, Christian still had a wild side. He liked to go out and have fun, take risks, and experience life at its fullest. That means when he wasn't studying or ( later ) working, he was out on the town either with friends or on his own looking to throw himself into the mix of things. He liked to experience life at its fullest, not inhibit himself too much. However, this came with consequences. Mostly just hangovers, a debilitating bank account, and a few late days to work. It also resulted in a lot of casual hookups versus any kind of substantial love life. One of those hookups ended up changing his life forever. Skipper Landvick was just coming home for a short time, he knew it wasn’t going to be anything more than one night of fun. Several months later, she was back in his life and they had their son soon after that.
When August was born, it forced Christian to grow up in a lot of ways he hadn’t yet. Especially since Skipper deployed not long after she had him. His mom and dad had retired to Florida at that point and though his mom came back to help him in the beginning, he was on his own after that. What he discovered quickly is he loved being a dad. August and him did everything together. Watching him grow up, learn things, and teaching him about life, all of it was the greatest thing he’d ever experienced. At first Skipper would show up for video calls but eventually she basically disappeared besides to help with monetary and medical support. He was disappointed to say the least, but he also knew that not everyone was cut out to be a parent. If she didn’t want to be a part of their son’s life, he wasn’t going to push her for it. Still, he would make sure to mail her pictures and status updates whenever he got an idea of where she was. His social life didn’t die, but it certainly changed. Now he can often be found with other parents at activities and school events. He traded clubs and beach parties for parks, museums, and family orientated places. Overall, he’s trying his best and he loves his son. With Skipper around again, he’s nervous about what effect it will have on Auggie and he’s a little bitter she waited all this time to show up again. He’s trying to convince himself it’s better late than never ( and he could definitely use the help ), but he can’t help but wonder if she’ll actually stick around or if this will just be the prelude to another disappearing act. If it is, how is he going to explain it to their son?
coming soon
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daphcarey · 3 months
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DAPHNE  LOU  CAREY  MILLER.   always  an  angel,  never  a  god.
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Full Name:  Daphne Lou Miller, née Carey.
Nickname(s):  Daph. Her father called her Lou.
Age:  36 years old.
Birth Date:  September 16th, 1988.
Zodiac Sign:  Virgo.
Gender:  Cis woman.
Marital Status:  Married.
Occupation:  High school teacher (10th and 11th grade English Lit).
Fluent Languages:  English, conversational Spanish.
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I'll type out her full biography soon. For now, the still-too-long tldr is: She was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. She has a big family — four brothers, two sisters, an army of cousins. Being born right in the middle, and in such a huge crowd of kids, it was easy for Daphne to be forgotten. She was never shy, and never a wallflower outside of her family... but within it,  her parents tended to forget she existed. Seemingly. They'd probably deny it, but it felt that way. She did good in school. She was cute, but never stunningly beautiful (she needed braces and had a few years where she didn't know how to do her makeup). She got her first boyfriend the summer between her freshmen and sophomore years of high school, and as far as she was concerned, he would be her only boyfriend. He was her first everything, and she fully intended to spend the rest of her life with him. They ended up going to different colleges and having to do long distance, but Daphne was more than willing to make it work. She bloomed in college — got braces, learned to style herself, started working out, got out of the shadow of her massive family. She thought her life couldn't get better. And then, three weeks before completing her bachelor's, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her; and had been, since their first semester apart. Years. Saying she was gutted would be an understatement. She went on to get her master's, she kept her life together, but she stopped dating. No strings, no heartbreak. One of her siblings had already moved to Marshall Island, so she followed them. That was nearly ten years ago; she's worked at the local high school for nine. No strings went great, until it didn't. She found someone patient enough to deal with her refusal to even consider dating again, and now she's happily married. Her parents passed a year ago, in a car crash. It hollowed her out, in a way. She'd spent her whole life chasing their attention, and never quite got it, and then the chance was torn from her fingers. She still gets in a melancholy mood about it from time to time.
Typical virgo, she's a perfectionist. Typical middle child, she's always been in a competition with herself to be and do better. Good enough has never been good enough.
She's neat, but not necessarily Pinterest perfect. She likes a little color and a little texture to things.
Unless you live with her, you've never seen her without her hair and her makeup done, a manicure and a pedicure. Thanks to sweat-proof primer, she doesn't even work out without at least a litle bit of makeup on.
She carries a Kindle and an iced coffee around like a lifeline. She's always, always reading at least one book, but usually two or three.
She's impatient and prone to fiddling with things. 
Daphne has a dry, wry sense of humor. She's typically easy to get along with, as long as you don't mind her being stubborn. Because you might as well be arguing with the wall, if you're disagreeing with her.
Friends, enemies, frenemies, etc
Maybe a neighbor or two?
Coworkers within the school district, or parents of her students.
Running buddies! She goes on a run every morning.
Someone to do tandem reads with.
College friends? She didn't go to college in Savannah or Marshall Island, I'm flexible about where.
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ajaguirre · 3 months
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&& the basics
full name: alejandra julieta aguirre
age: thirty-two
gender: cisfemale
birth date: march 27th, 1992
hometown: detroit, michigan
occupation: ranch hand/ former pit crew mechanic
sexuality: homosexual
&& the breakdown
AJ grew up in Detroit with a big family of five siblings. They were pretty much always scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything, but her parents did their best to provide for the kids.
The kids were, however, just a bunch of ruffians most of the time that roamed the trailer park getting themselves into trouble, AJ usually the one behind most of that.
Growing up there, she had a best friend that lived next door that she was around more often than not while her parents were working. The family fed her and let her hang around. The dad was a mechanic and she spent a lot of time in his garage learning to fix cars.
It was the only thing she ever ended up being any good at, so when she graduated she went to a trade school to become a mechanic all while her best friend pursued a career in professional racing.
When her best friend made it big, she was brought along as his lead mechanic and part of his pit crew and she traveled the world with him to races all across the globe.
The best friend was a massive hothead and got involved in an illegal street race with Alejandra in the car. There was a crash that spun them out and when AJ was pulling her best friend out from the car, a second car came flying through and hit them. The car erupted into flames that she was caught in and her hip was completely shattered.
After the accident, her best friend up and left her behind because he couldn't handle the guilt that she was hurt because of his dumb decision. AJ went back to Detroit to be with family at first, but did not adjust well at all.
She had spent every summer growing up on Marshall Island, where her best friend's aunt and uncle live. They reached out to invite her to stay with them during her recovery, hoping the change of scenery will do her some good.
AJ is now newish to town and staying with the best friend's aunt and uncle that took her in. They own the biggest horse ranch and stables on the island and she's "working" there as a ranch hand doing whatever they need her to do. Mostly. Sometimes. Mostly she's moping around being pissed off about everything.
&& the wanted connections
Click through to AJ's wanted connections page here.
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koemi-okano · 4 months
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Name: Koemi Eileen Okano.
Age: Thirty-Two.
Gender: cis Female, She/Her.
Orientation: Pansexual.
Occupation: Spooky Realtor.
Birthday: September 13th, 1983.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Location: Marshall Island, South Carolina.
Birthplace: Charleston, South Carolina.
Vehicle: 2022 Black Chevrolet Tahoe.
Eye Color: Brown.
Natural Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 5′ 6″.
Allergies: Farmhouse Chic and white paint.
Dominant Hand: Left.
Scars: Here and there bc she's clumsy.
Tattoos: Season of the Witch tattoo on the back of her upperarm.
Piercings: A few ear piercings.
Born into one of the most haunted cities in America, expecting Koemi not to fall in love with the weird and supernatural and the smell of rotting wooden beams of the centuries old houses filled to the brim with history and spirits would have been like expecting candy to shower from the skies whenever someone was craving something a little sweet. It was next to impossible — but it doesn't mean that her parents didn't try. Growing up, there was always the expectation that Koemi thrived at school. Academically, she was expected to keep on top of her homework, join an amount of clubs that would look good on her future college applications, and balance a sport or musical instrument on top of that. For the most part, she succeeded in academics and making her parents happy, but the only reprieve she found was on the soccer field. Sports games were one thing her parents didn't show up to and she could simply be with the other girls on her team. Having an older sister who seemed so perfect did nothing to help her seem like she was excelling to the level their parents held them to. While her sister had things like the academic decathlon and proficiency in things like the piano, advanced biology, and almost every spelling bee from elementary school under belt, Koemi couldn't exactly put founder and president of the high school paranormal society on her Princeton application, could she? She imagined that would fit nicely right under daydreams in class and likes to kiss girls beneath the bleachers of the soccer field. Eventually, none of it really mattered because, while she agreed to eventually work for her dad's accounting company after graduating college, her stipulation was saying no to any college in any kind of league. Instead, she chose to accept the offer she received from Clemson University, staying close to the old-style cities she loved in South Carolina. Her years in college turned into a job as an accountant and the beginning of a married life with her husband. She was settled. Except, she didn't really feel settled at all. It took a few years of punching numbers at a desk in a cubicle and a friend in Charleston that was looking to sell their home for Koemi to realize she wasn't happy with what she was doing with her life and, at the risk of disappointing her parents and not living up to all her older sister had become, she handed in her resignation with her father's company and found her calling as a realtor instead. With her husband accepting and supporting her career change, she found herself following him to Marshall Island after his own job description changed and they quickly settled into life on the island.
It seemed like fate that the night Koemi and her husband moved into the house on Marshall Island, a black kitten started hanging around their yard, trying to dart inside at any given chance as they were unloading boxes. With a near empty house and nothing unpacked, they accepted the kitten into their home.
Despite being married for years and expected to be well on her way to starting a family, that hasn't happened for some reason. Whether it's because she's been avoiding it or they've been trying and haven't been successful, this would inevitably be up to plotting with the future husband's player.
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