#married sheith
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ravenaohridska · 7 months ago
My fisrt Sheith edit 🥹
Gifs by @beaulesbian & @eaion
Song Wait For You by Myles Smith
Edit on TikTok
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holysheithyall · 9 months ago
i dont wanna watch v*ltron againnn i dont wannaa its gona be my 6th fucking time watching it s1 to s8 im gonna lose it but i wanna compile every sheith moment for personal use hngnfnnfnsd
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artemisisdiana · 1 month ago
vld moments that haunt me:
1. lance dying and being brought back to life in like 5 minutes and nobody caring after that episode
2. lance blaming himself for not realizing shiro was a clone and the whole staying silent. not even "not your fault we also didn't notice" like at least HE felt something was off????
3. lance saying keith represents a hopeful and peaceful future because he's half-galra so he should be spared during the space game show, and keith saying that lance is too damn annoying so he'd rather never see him again
4. keith fucking off for like 3 seasons and coming back with off-screen character development
5. the audience being shown and told that lance doesn't feel like he fits in and he's lonely and the show doing nothing with this????
6. the show destroying all 4 of their most popular ships. himym levels of "fuck the relationship development"
7. setting lance up as being a great marksman only to give him a sword
8. the fact that screenshots of the end were leaked weeks before the season came out and everyone thought they were fake because no way they would do that (they did do that)
9. quintessence
10. seasons 7 and 8 were a soft pilot for a spin-off that never happened
11. the rumour that (allegedly) shiro wasn't supposed to come back but he was too popular and that's why they tried to kill him off like 3 times (allegedly)
12. the show really peaked on season 2 huh. maybe season 3 if we're generous
13. the rotten tomatoes audience score per season graph
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joce0506 · 1 year ago
Need the storyline behind this fr
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Art by atie1225 (A – B – C – D)
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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missaturn1 · 1 year ago
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Now, some 2022 Sheith do be hitting different. I feel like I got a bit better with my painting at least ;) Anyway, they're married
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komohine · 7 months ago
How are sheith shippers fetishizing gay men. Are you delusional? Misinformed? Lacking IQ?
Keith is not Asian btw, While we're at it, please prove to me all the damage sheith has done to the gay Asian male community.
Ok considering i have sheith shippers/defenders dni in my intro post and I really dont feel like wasting my time today ill try to keep it short and wont be responding to shit like this down the line. Next time save your breath though. Because idk if you knew this but dni stands for Do Not Interact. You are interacting. Stop that.
1) they’re brothers. Sure it’s revealed much later in the seasons, but the point is they have an incredibly strong familial relationship. If you started off shipping sheith when they weren’t explicitly defined as brothers, fine. But after their familial relationship is revealed the choice to continue shipping those two specifically comes off as strange as hell. Even stranger when you consider the multiple other available male characters that are not only more age appropriate but also dont have a familial relationship with them lmao. Also Shiro canonically gets married to a man. So the choice to continue shipping sheith has to go beyond just wanting to guys to kiss. The next common denominator? They’re both asian, so I must conclude that the need to ship them comes from that. The next next common denominator is that they’re related and some of you just have a thing for incest. But i still have faith in humanity so i wont accuse you of that even though i occasionally feel the urge to. I refuse to take “but but they have the most in show relationship development” as a reason because that just means you’re too fucking lazy to think of your own scenarios. Which is not true, because the amount of devious ass sheith shit I unfortunately stumble across means your collective neurons are actively firing away. Just for the wrong thing. You guys really saw the only real developed relationship (i use this word generally and not strictly romantically) between two guys in the show and decided that it must have romantic undertones. Beyond how its harmful to irl men and deters them from emotional maturity out of fear that any non toxic relationship between two men is automatically seen as romantic by some people, it’s just fundamentally mid yaoi because you guys cant fathom that 1) romance isn’t a core part of the show beyond allurance 2) that two guys can talk to eachother while smiling without wanting to fuck. Yall are in the same league as those guys who are addicted to step sister p0rn.
1.5) bcs i know someones gonna ask “why do you think sheith is incest”, its because shiro fulfills the kinship role of “sibling” for keith, or even “parent”. From here-on out simplified as “guardian”. Within anthropology there are numerous kinship systems which determine which family member is called what. Ex. In the hawaiian system, every male family member is called “father” and every female “mother”. No matter if they birthed you or not. In the linear (also known as esk/mo but that’s a word with heavy history) system, your parents are “mom/dad”, siblings are defined as “brother/sister”, and everyone else is “aunt/uncle” or “cousin”. This is the system commonly used in the west. Kinship systems define a lot of things, from inheritance to respect hierarchies. Another key thing they determine is incest taboo. The range of which this taboo applies differs depending on culture, which is why you’ll hear of two people, for example, cousins getting married. In the west that’s considered taboo, but it may not be in another culture. Kinship and its taboos also apply to non blood related relationships. Hence adoptive siblings, etc. And keith quite explicitly refers to shiro as his brother. Given the context of those scenes, it can be deduced that it’s not said in a way that is 1) casual, as the lingo would more likely be “sup bro” or the tone of voice would be significantly more casual, 2) indicative of anything other than a familial relationship, for if keith considered him a brother in arms he would’ve said something more along the lines up “on your feet, brother”. Keith saying “you’re like my brother” AND THEN DOUBLING DOWN TO “You’re my brother,” said in such a sincere tone of voice leaves little to be debated.
Tldr: Shiro fulfills a guardian kinship role for Keith and thus the incest taboo applies to him.
1.6) also like? It’d be weird either way. Going by their canon age diff (season 1, 25-18 = SEVEN YEARS), and considering shiro met keith in middle school, and going by the oldest middle school age (15) bcs im feeling generous, shiro wouldve still been 22. If they just met once and never again till seasom 1, fine. Ship sheith however you want. But the fact is they met and then they formed a bond when shiro was significantly older and in a position of power over keith. Shiro was a mentor and guardian to keith whether you like it or not, and he stayed that way from when keith was young and impressionable until he was an adult. Yk what thats called? Raising a child. Imagine shipping that. Crazy. Imagine a 9 year old being raised by a 17 year old babysitter bcs of his absent parents. Suddenly when the 9 year old turns 18 he starts dating his babysitter. Thats freaky as hell, and i only increased the age gap by 2 years. Literally nothing else changed.
2) now why would they include a non aapi character in the mash up? Also, his source character from the og voltron is named “Keith Akira Kogane”. What non asian person is named that?
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3) also the fact you need me to show you damage.. same vibe as “wdym he’s stalking you he’s just being friendly!! Show me how his so called stalking has put your life in danger”. Like imagine needing actual damage before even considering something bad.
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avidbeader · 4 months ago
Hello! I was looking for a very specific sheith twt thread fic and I wasn't sure who else to ask about it. It's set post s8, with Shiro married to what's-his-face. Shiro has major ptsd and not dealing with it well, so Keith comes out to help him from time to time and husband is super jealous about it. I believe it's told from the husband's pov? The only actual lines I mostly remember are one Keith says after husband explodes at him in a jealous fit, where Keith says "this is not about (me?)", at which point Keith then starts to take Shiro out to help him with his post war baggage, and another one where Keith says "I'm not going in (your house). You made it clear I'm not welcome" when husband verbally apologizes for screaming at him and tries to make amends. I know that's not much to go off of, but if you happen to know who wrote it and could let me know, I would greatly appreciate it! (but also if you don't, no worries either lol. Without any other context, I feel like this is a needle in a haystack situation so I will not be offended if you do not want to help hahaha) thanks for reading through this at the very least! :)
Those lines do ring a bell. I want to say that it was written by Andy (pejaposarambi on Twitter), who is the one who tends to do the most detailed and nuanced stories involving the "husband". But you can also send an ask to @naarna, who is currently downloading and saving hundreds of Sheith twitter fics in order to send them to the authors in a format that will be easy to upload to AO3. If anyone's come across this recently, it'll be her.
Good luck and let me know if you find it - I'd love to read it again myself!
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victimsofyaoipoll · 2 years ago
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Mary Morstan
a controversial one i know, but it’s tumblr. how could i not? anyway shoutout to the writers for CANONICALLY killing her off for the non-canon ship. she was so cool honestly poor girl
Oh god where do I start? Constantly being turned abusive? Killed off (in canon!)? Constantly being removed from fic? I cannot stand the way she's treated, but it's 100% impossible to find Johnlock fic without the "umsympathetic Mary Morstan" angle. It's infuriating!
The fandom insulted Mary at every conceivable turn, refused to acknowledge her narrative importance or impact on the other characters, called for her death repeatedly, and even SENT DEATH THREATS TO HER ACTRESS because she had the AUDACITY to be a morally gray female character who was married to John (they did not care about the moral grayness of the male characters, but she was irredeemable, apparently-presumably because she was a "threat" to the main fandom ship). And though she was definitely sacrificed on a SPECIFIC mlm ship altar, she was still tangentially victimized by OTHER mlm ships too! For example, this fandom was willing to make up a character WHO LITERALLY DID NOT ACTUALLY EXIST to ship with different male character (who was morally...way worse than she ever was), as well as create swathes of content about two men who had maybe one canon interaction in the whole show, before even thinking about the possibility of making content for this character or even just talking about her in a way that wasn't overtly misogynistic and degrading. When Mary died in-story (in what, in my opinion, was an unnecessary, bullshit way), her death was, to this fanbase, not actually about her and was just seen as "proof" that the two male leads would now get together (they didn't). And this STILL continues to this day. People reduce her to "selfish bitch," completely ignoring any of her complexity by claiming that she's incapable of caring about anyone (despite helping to save lives on more than one occasion, as well as dying in an act of sacrifice) and insisting that any of her positive qualities MUST be completely fabricated. I've seen a lot of female characters get mistreated by fandom for a mlm ship's sake, but I don't think I've EVER encountered an example as bad as this one.
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lasersheith · 9 months ago
Aaahhhh I'm getting married in 3 months 😭😭 it keeps sneaking up on me!! I can't believe it 🥺 we're having like the tiniest wedding literally in my cousin's backyard (she has a small farm) and it's not going to be overly formal or showy or anything but I'm still just 🥺🥺🥺 can't believe I started talking to him on AO3 because he wrote a sheith au of my favorite book series and then we became Tumblr mutuals and my friends dragged him into our discord server and now we've been living together for almost 3 years and we're getting married 😭😭😭 that's some fanfic bullshit yet somehow it's my actual life
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saftthefalsenerd · 4 months ago
So, I just finished Voltron, and...I really, don't ship anybody with anybody, heck, I'm a sucker for gay rep. BUT I EVEN SHIP SHIRO WITH ADAM OR THAT GUY HE MARRIED and I definitely don't see the chemistry in and ship Allurance, it looks so forced -but kinda natural to me, idk WHY at the same time-, y'know, why did they just randomly date at almost the end of the show. But...I am a fan of platonic ships, like sibling relationships .
Like Platonic Sheith, big bro Shiro and grumpy little bro Keith
Or Platonic Shidge, big bro Shiro and genius gremlin lil sib Pidge/Katie (I headcannon Shiro calls Pidge, Katie. This is separate for my ftm Pidge fancannon)
Or Platonic Shiro/Keith/Pidge, dad bro Shiro, grumpy bro Keith, gremlin genius lil sis Pidge.
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holysheithyall · 7 months ago
i wanna get the sims so bad
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ravenaohridska · 6 months ago
Sheith fandom I need help to find a fanfic!!!
Adam and Shiro are married.
Keith moves to the apartment next door. He doesn't know Shiro is married and starts to flirt with him.
Shiro ends up cheating on Adam with Keith.
Keith finds out he and freaks out but Shiro chooses Keith.
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merrysithmas · 1 year ago
lol still cant believe they made Shiro marry some RANDO at the end of Voltron 😂😂 like if the corp was so pressed about Sheith why didnt they just make him marry Adam??? his literal canon love interest??? bring him back to life or just dont kill him?? at least that wouldve made a semblance of sense and wouldnt have been soooooo utterly obvious it was some weird boardroom interference
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amidalogicdive · 2 years ago
So, I am sure I still have some Sheith people that follow me, and this fic popped into my head. Does anyone remember it, or am I crazy?
Pretty sure it was Keith who had moved away had a kid, but the mom was out of the picture so moves back to live with Kolivan and work at his garage?? I think at one point his truck won’t start, so Shiro invites them for breakfast and get them pancakes at the local diner? I think at one point the mom comes back and she's married and causes some drama... Ugh, I hate when I fic pops into my head and I can’t remember what it was...
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v-tired-queer · 6 months ago
A bit of a Barbie: Princess and the Pauper Sheith AU (and by that I mean loosely based on all because I was rocking out to Free from the soundtrack) where Shiro is a princess getting married to man who she doesn't even know all for the sake of her kingdom and Keith is an indentured servant to a high-end seamstress and the two fall in love when Keith is working on her wedding dress but oh no! Princess Shiro gets kidnapped! And now Keith has to team up with strangers who all are close to Shiro from working in the palace to find out where she is and rescue her all while the royal family is trying to save face with King Adam, Shiro's betrothed, but then Adam falls in love with Sir Curtis, Shiro's royal adviser, instead. Queen Allura and her own royal advisor, Lord Coran, are simply visiting to snack on popcorn and watch the drama
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aquaburst3 · 1 year ago
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Happy 5 year anniversary to one of the worst series finales that I ever had the misfortune of watching outside of GOT! 🥳
But seriously, it's weird thinking that it's been 5 years, especially since this series ate up my early 20s. Some things have changed drastically since then, including going through a pandemic and moving to a different part of the country. Others not so much. I'm over all a similar person as before. Just someone who's more mature and wiser. I'm still into similar shit, albeit in some different fandoms like getting into Twisted Wonderland. Knowing me, I'll still engage in fandoms until I die.
Looking back, the show is incredibly flawed and tanks after s2. The warning signs that the series would end on such a bad note were there like the terrible pacing, Lotor seeming like two characters shoved into the same body and Allura's bizarre reverse fantasy racism arc. I'm still mad about the choices the show made in regards to how certain character arcs ended like Lance becoming the Latino Farmer Trope who mourns his girlfriend of one week forever and Shiro marrying a background character. Which is ashamed, since the series has so much potential.
This fandom was also a shitshow like no other. I have some horror stories about the heyday of this fandom, including more personal ones like being put on a list for shipping sheith and just the time I was a mod on the Kallura Server.
Despite all that, I made some solid mutuals and friends in that fandom, and for that I'm grateful to be a part of it.
Here's to more years of being into fandom and gaining some new friends and mutuals in that shithole of a fandom! 🥂
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