#marketing challenges
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Marketing can be complicated. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the game for years, the reality is that marketing strategies come and go and continually change. In a time when businesses are trying to utilize every single channel available to acquire new customers — from social media to paid ads to content marketing — it can be hard to know how to fit it all into your daily work and still maintain a quality level of service for your current customers. Big marketing challenges are what all businesses face at one point or another. But with the right tools and strategies, you can turn a problem into an opportunity. In this article, we’ll cover some of the top marketing challenges business owners face today and how you can successfully overcome them.
According to a survey by Inbound, the main challenge for modern marketers is generating traffic and leads. The increasing competition exacerbates this situation even more. It’s worth considering the huge variety of platforms for promoting goods and services, which can make it really difficult to choose the right direction and concentrate efforts on it.
What should you do?
Create high-quality and in-demand content for your target audience. Surveys show that more than 40% of consumers crave video content, while only 20% prefer to read blogs. Do all marketers know what kind of content their customers want? Do they create truly engaging content? If you’re able to create content that sparks user interest, it’s important to promote it effectively so that users notice it. Nowadays, due to the abundance of content on the internet, it’s not easy to compete for consumers’ attention, but if you keep up with trends and experiment with formats, you’ll succeed as a marketer.
Marketing ROI or return-on-marketing-investment (ROMI) is a sub-metric of ROI that measures the efficiency of a marketing campaign for the purpose of assisting better decision-making for future investments.
The issue of the cost-effectiveness of marketing and promotional expenses has become increasingly important in recent years, as evidenced by survey data. Tracking and ensuring ROMI can be an even more challenging task if there is a lack of in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of each channel and each marketing activity, as well as a lack of information sharing between different departments within a company.
After all, achieving ROMI largely depends on directing resources towards the most conversion-focused channels, which is impossible without analyzing data and metrics.
What should be done?
Firstly, it is important to improve the interaction between the marketing and sales departments. Implementing software such as CRM systems to increase sales and analyze data can help identify weaknesses and strengths in business processes and find areas for growth. Tracking traffic sources and lead conversions into sales provides a clear understanding of whether your marketing is working or not, and whether budgets are being spent correctly.
According to surveys of marketers, the most effective strategy is inbound marketing in combination with SLA (Service Level Agreement) (the company’s approach to organizing IT processes).
Recall that inbound marketing includes SEO, social media branding, blogging and various internet platforms, podcasts, videos, and other types of content marketing. The inbound marketing strategy is based on the need to generate interest among consumers.
Another challenge is justifying the expense on marketing promotion, which marketers are forced to defend. This is especially relevant for small companies.
How to solve it?
Measure ROMI. Analyze the effectiveness of advertising channels. The key to ensuring sufficient expenditure on promotion is measuring ROMI. Marketers surveyed cite measuring ROMI as the key to ensuring sufficient expenditure on promotion. On average, specialists who work with measuring the effectiveness of marketing investments have a budget that is 180% higher.
IM4U Marketing Agency was approached by a client who, with a fairly large marketing budget, had almost no results. We began by reviewing the client’s business goals and current marketing budget. Then we identified areas where the client could optimize their budget by reallocating funds or using more cost-effective marketing channels. Finally, IM4U Marketing Agency created a customized plan that maximized the client’s budget to achieve their desired outcomes while minimizing costs. We were continuously monitoring the campaign’s performance and adjusted the plan as needed to ensure the client gets the most out of their marketing budget.
Another problem is creating a truly effective website that not only attracts visitors, but also converts them into customers and achieves financial goals. The problems that marketers solve in this process can be quite diverse, such as how to create and optimize content or how to develop an emotionally engaging design.
What is the solution?
It is important to optimize the site’s loading speed and ensure its adaptability to mobile platforms. If your problems are due to a lack of necessary specialists and finances, know that there are many marketers like you. This problem is particularly common in small firms. Hire a freelancer or consult a small, responsible agency. Marketing channel integration platforms can also help simplify a range of website improvement tasks.
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Reviews, case studies, and reports can help marketers choose suitable software and platforms to implement their daily tasks. However, these reviews are often conflicting, which can make the choice more difficult.
What can be done?
Seek advice from friends, colleagues, and professionals, and closely examine all video reviews and case studies on working with various tools. The trial period for many services allows for a deeper understanding of the product and how it can solve your specific problems – do not overlook this opportunity.
Marketing automation using online platforms is designed to simplify your work. The survey showed that about 40% of marketers are already using more than 2 services and will continue to do so in the future.
A crucial aspect of marketing is precise targeting. Marketers know that by relying on detailed buyer personas, they can conduct successful advertising campaigns with high conversion rates. Study your target audience as well to achieve success in your marketing campaigns.
More information in our article “How to improve your PPC Ads – 8 advice you didn’t know”.
Certainly, the development of AI represents a significant challenge for marketers today. On the one hand, AI tools, such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Jasper can offer great benefits, such as increased efficiency, more accurate data analysis, and faster decision-making. On the other hand, integrating AI into existing marketing processes and workflows can be a complex task that requires significant planning and preparation.
How to overcome?
To overcome this challenge, marketers need to invest in training and education to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to use AI effectively. Additionally, marketers need to work closely with IT and data teams to develop new systems and processes that can integrate AI tools into existing workflows. Finally, marketers need to be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI in their work and ensure that they are using these tools in ways that are transparent, ethical, and respectful of customer privacy. With the right approach, however, AI can be a powerful tool that helps marketers to achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively.
Demand for technically advanced and creative marketers in the job market today exceeds supply like never before. Talented specialists are needed by everyone, and searching for the right fit for your company can take months, while the work needs to be done now.
How to solve?
Create attractive conditions, taking into account that maintaining a balance between professional and personal lives is important for 69% of job seekers, while 41% are focused on career progress.
Also, growing specialists within your own company can help you solve this problem. Training and mentoring by experienced professionals can promote the development of diverse skills in key employees, to apply them in your work. This takes time and resources, so choose and train the most capable and eager ones.
Companies like Allstate Insurance and Avis Car Rental have set themselves on the path to inevitable failure by using enticing slogans and appeals. Meanwhile, their services never lived up to their grand promises. While Allstate promises “You’re in good hands with Allstate”, their customers are far from convinced. On the ConsumerAffairs website (which publishes consumer ratings for various companies), this insurance company has a rating of 3.7 out of 5. Avis’ slogan “We try harder” is also far from the truth, with a rating of 3.2 out of 5.
How to solve?
Perhaps a clever slogan can serve as a means of attracting new customers to your store or website, but it’s important to remember that customers need concrete actions, not pretty words. If a visitor can’t find what you promised them, all your efforts will go to waste. So let’s only make promises that we can keep in order to effectively manage consumer expectations and loyalty.
In conclusion, marketing is a constantly evolving field, and the challenges faced by marketers are diverse and complex. However, with the right strategies and techniques, these challenges can be overcome. Brands need to focus on building a strong online presence, creating meaningful and authentic connections with customers, leveraging data and technology to gain insights and drive decision-making, and nurturing talent within their organization. By keeping up with industry trends and being adaptable, marketers can succeed in navigating the ever-changing marketing landscape and achieving their business goals.
Unlock Your Business’s Digital Potential with IM4U Marketing Agency! Our agency is ready to help you. For more information, book a consultation, and we’ll help you build a successful marketing strategy.
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madhukumarc · 2 years
What is one of the biggest challenges for the modern marketer?
One of the biggest challenges for the modern marketer is understanding the needs and wants of consumers and how to effectively reach them.
With so many different marketing channels and platforms available, it can be difficult to know which ones are best suited for reaching the target audience.
Additionally, with constant changes and updates, it can be hard to stay current on the best ways to reach these target audiences.
“In fact, Harvard Business Review reported that 73% of customers use multiple channels on their journey to make a purchase” - litmus’s personalization lessons report
P.S: Visit Digital Marketing Forum for more such insights and specific answers to most [unanswered] questions.
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cymetrixsoftware · 7 months
How does Salesforce marketing cloud resolve some primary marketing challenges?
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Are you grappling with the complexities of modern marketing? Discover how Salesforce Marketing Cloud emerges as a formidable solution, tackling key marketing challenges head-on. From enhancing customer engagement to streamlining campaign management, the platform's robust features empower businesses to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing with finesse. Find out exactly what Salesforce Marketing Cloud brings to the table, revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their audience. Read now to learn more about how the salesforce marketing cloud can help you resolve marketing challenges.
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marqeting · 9 months
Will Influencer Marketing Sway or be a Nay? Know Top future Challenges
Brands used to stick to the classics like TV and radio, but now, they’ve totally relied on a new approach- influencer marketing. Instead of relying on big networks, they’re teaming up with these social media rockstars – influencers, you know? These are the people who have authentic connection with their followers. And today, it’s not just about flashy ads rather real talk and authenticity.
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The shift is substantiated by a report from Influencer Marketing Hub revealing that businesses earn an average of $5.20 for every dollar spent on influencer marketing. The personal touch and genuine engagement facilitated by influencers enable brands to amplify their brand in a strategic way rather than just shouting from billboards.
Reports further claim that the potential brands would spend around 3.5 times faster in influencer marketing than on social ads. Let’s delve into some key points as how marketers can benefit their start-up businesses by leveraging the influencer marketing approach in the GenZ age.
Expanding brand awareness First off, let’s talk about reach and targeting precision. Influencers have this incredible ability to reach specific demographics with precision. Through carefully curated content, they attract followers who align with the brand’s target audience. This means a brand can avoid the ambiguous approach of traditional advertising and instead hit the bullseye, engaging with people who are genuinely interested in what they offer.
Then there’s the authenticity factor. Influencers are masters at building authentic connections with their audience. When they endorse a product or service, it doesn’t feel like a cold pitch, it’s more like a recommendation from a friend. This authenticity builds trust, an essential factor in consumer behavior.
Expanding brand awareness is like turning on the spotlight for your brand in a crowded market, and influencer advertising emerges as a rescue approach in achieving this. When influencers showcase a brand, it’s not just a product on display; it becomes part of their lifestyle. This content then becomes a goldmine for brand exposure, as it also becomes a part of the daily lives of the influencer’s audience.
Influencer advertising campaigns drive high ROI results Now, onto metrics. Influencer marketing allows for granular tracking of performance. Brands can measure engagement rates, click-throughs, and conversion rates with a level of detail that traditional advertising struggles to match. This data-driven approach enables brands to fine-tune their strategies, optimizing for what works and refining their campaigns in real-time.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of influencer marketing ensures adaptability. Influencers are agile content creators, able to adjust their messaging to align with current trends or respond swiftly to market changes. This flexibility is a stark contrast to the rigid, long-lead generation times associated with traditional advertising channels.
Finally, let’s not forget the global village effect. Thanks to the interconnected nature of social media, influencer campaigns have the potential to go viral, transcending geographical boundaries. This global reach can be extremely effective for brands looking to expand their presence on an international level.
So influencers and marketers after going through these benefits of influencer marketing, you wouldn’t want to miss our influencer marketing website for more information- https://www.marqeting.in/
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tonysamia · 1 year
"chicken or egg first" a common challenge for digital platforms
The "chicken or egg first" problem in marketing a two-sided digital platform, where you have different user types like vendors and regular users, can be challenging. You need to decide whether to focus on acquiring vendors first or users. Here are strategies you can follow to address this challenge:
Market Research and Segmentation:
Begin with thorough market research to understand your target audience, their needs, and preferences.
Segment your target audience to identify which user group is more critical for the initial success of your platform.
Focus on One Side First:
Start by concentrating your marketing efforts on one user group initially, based on your research.
Consider which side will provide the most value to the other side once it joins the platform. For example, if vendors are scarce, users may not find value, but if there are enough vendors, users may be attracted.
Offer Incentives:
Provide incentives to attract the initial users or vendors. These incentives could be in the form of discounts, free trials, or special promotions.
Consider offering early adopters exclusive benefits to encourage them to join and engage with the platform.
Seed Content or Inventory:
If your platform relies on content or products (e.g., a marketplace), ensure there is some initial content or inventory available to attract users.
Work closely with a small group of vendors to populate your platform with relevant listings or content before marketing to users.
Partnerships and Alliances:
Collaborate with complementary businesses or influencers who can help promote your platform to both user groups simultaneously.
Partnerships can help create a buzz and attract both vendors and users.
Build a Community:
Create a sense of community around your platform to attract and engage users. User-generated content, forums, or social features can help build this community.
Encourage early users to invite others and share their experiences.
Iterate and Optimize:
Continuously gather feedback from early users and vendors to improve your platform's user experience.
Use data analytics to track user behavior, conversion rates, and other key metrics to refine your marketing strategy.
Phased Rollout:
Consider a phased rollout approach where you gradually onboard both users and vendors over time.
Initially, focus on a specific niche or location to build critical mass before expanding to a broader audience.
User Education:
Educate both users and vendors about the benefits of your platform. Highlight how it solves their pain points and makes their lives easier or more profitable.
Monitor and Adjust:
Continuously monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns and user acquisition efforts.
Be ready to adjust your strategy based on the results and changing market conditions.
Remember that addressing the "chicken or egg" challenge is an ongoing process, and it may require flexibility and adaptation as your platform grows. The key is to provide value to both user groups while strategically prioritizing your marketing efforts based on the initial needs and dynamics of your specific platform.
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getitallnoww · 1 year
google marketing consultant | Digital marketing expert
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
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cable-salamder · 2 months
Everyone yesterday: Ugh, October?? I mean, it’s nice to know, but we don’t wanna wait three months— most of us are busy with school or life by then :////
Peacock: So guess what
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whosaysyourmom · 7 months
I appreciate Dallas Liu for being a simp for Ian Ousley and being obsessed with Zukka… at least some things are starting to feel like home <3
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 8 months
So I’ve seen people making the argument that Percy canonicaly isn’t dumb + Sally taught him the myths, so it makes sense he’d recognize the monsters, and I’d like to put my two cents in.
Yes, Percy isn’t dumb, he’s an unreliable narrator who downplays himself because he’s not book smart like Annabeth. However, his smarts are more of the quick thinking on his feet and street-smart kind, which come out when he’s fighting and figuring out a way to defeat his foe. And yet. And yet we don’t get to see that in the show much at all, at least not Percy alone being the one to think up a strategy. And it takes away from his character.
“But Sally taught him the myths, of course he’d recognize the monsters-“ let me stop you right here. Because yes, it’s great Sally taught him, but she didn’t-couldn’t teach him how the monsters adapted to the modern world. Because that’s all the books are - myths brought into the modern world, myths adapted to the modern world, so that the demigods would have to display just as much skill needed to defeat the monsters as their ancient predecessors.
If you’re still not convinced, let me direct your attention towards this quote from The Chalice of the Gods, because there’s one more aspect a lot of people seem to disregard completely, and that is the Mist:
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Even demigods need to concentrate to see whatever supernatural beings the Mist is hiding in plain sight. Even demigods can be easily fooled into thinking a monster is just a normal person.
We can also see that in the book Medusa scene, where it’s pretty heavily implied some sort of magic that affects both Percy and Annabeth is at play. They don’t immedietally connect the dots, which allows the reader to think for themselves who could this new character be and what their deal is. And the demigods are not any less smart for not immediately recognizing whatever foe stands before them, because the monsters have adapted and no longer are the complete same as they are in the myths, which is something neither the camp nor their mortal parents would be able to teach them. The camp cannot prepare them for how different the monsters and their tactics are.
I do think this could have been fairly easily portrayed in the show. You could have the show Annabeth and Percy be suddenly drowsy/sleepy when meeting Medusa, you could have Percy recognize Crusty after he’s already trapped Annabeth and Grover - he could suddenly remember Sally telling him the story, which would allow the audience to hear what the deal is here, and then have Percy manipulate + kill him.
So yeah. I hope this makes sense. Because I’m so tired of hearing “well it makes sense they recognized the monsters instantly” when no, it does not.
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connabeth · 8 months
i knew making percy and annabeth have brief heart to hearts while grover was asleep in episode 3 was going to backfire miserably because it completely ruins the magic of the zoo truck scene…this is jumping the gun, but you’re telling me, ten years down the line when they make the mark of athena adaptation, it won’t include the infamous STABLES scene??what even is the point then. perhaps it’ll be somewhere else on the ship but that defeats the entire purpose of nostalgia and looking back and reminiscing about where they came from…rip my queue tag “i’ll be fighting next to queue”
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madhukumarc · 1 year
What are the challenges marketing managers face on an ongoing basis?
Marketing managers are responsible for overseeing the creation, execution, and monitoring of marketing campaigns. 
While each marketing manager's job may differ depending on the industry or company they work for, they all face similar challenges on an ongoing basis.
Top 5 Challenges Marketing Managers Face [on an ongoing basis]:
1. Technology and Trends: One of the biggest challenges that marketing managers face is keeping up with ever-evolving technology and trends.
The digital landscape is constantly changing, and it's essential for marketers to stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and platforms to effectively reach their target audience. This means being highly adaptable and willing to learn new skills and strategies.
“Manual data integration was the #2 most selected challenge by marketers for evaluating marketing performance, behind only employee resources and skill sets” – Marketing Intelligence Playbook by Salesforce [2022]
2. ROI from Campaigns: Another challenge that marketing managers face is proving the ROI (return on investment) of their campaigns. 
It's not enough to simply create and execute a campaign; they must also be able to measure its effectiveness and demonstrate how it contributes to the company's overall growth.
This requires a deep understanding of data analytics and the ability to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions.
“Marketers cite measuring marketing ROI/attribution as their #2 challenge, meaning there’s still work to be done when it comes to simplifying the reporting process” – Salesforce Research [State of Marketing, 8th Edition, 2022]
3. Competition: In addition to these challenges, marketing managers must also navigate a highly competitive landscape. 
They need to keep a close eye on their competitors' marketing strategies and find ways to differentiate themselves in order to stand out in a crowded market.
“The digital landscape is evolving fast, so it is crucial to use technology to improve your business performance and stay ahead of the competition. Personalization and data-driven marketing are essentials for modern email marketing” – MarketingProfs
4. Marketing Budget: Managing budgets is another ongoing challenge for marketing managers. 
They need to make sure they are allocating resources effectively and efficiently, while also ensuring that they are getting the best possible return on investment.
“3 small business marketing trends to create lasting impact next year [2023] – Automation and Outsourcing, Tighter Scrutiny on Marketing Budgets, and The Rise of Cookie-less Measurement” - Meta via Marketing Dive Newsletter
5. Managing Teams: Lastly, marketing managers must also manage their teams effectively. This means hiring and training team members, setting clear goals and expectations, providing feedback and support, and fostering a positive work environment.
“Getting your sales and service teams aligned within a single platform — where all customer interactions are visible to both teams — will give your service agents the knowhow they need to personalize the experience for your customers” – Executive Guide to Customer Engagement [Salesforce]
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Image Source - Salesforce
In summary, marketing managers face a range of ongoing challenges that require adaptability, data analysis skills, competitive awareness, budget management skills, and effective team management skills.
By staying on top of these challenges, they can successfully create and execute effective marketing campaigns that drive growth for their company.
Here's related information that you may find helpful – How To Stay Up-To-Date With Latest Marketing Trends And Technologies [Top 5 strategies you need to be aware of]
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 months
I didn’t want to hijack the person’s post bc I don’t care what they think but I am a defensive bitch so we’re talking about this
Logan and Oscar met when they were 13/14. The next year they were on the same karting team together but didn’t race each other directly. This would be the last time they don’t race each other until 2019 when Logan moved up to F3 and Oscar was still in Formula Renault. They had a championship battle in F4 and F3, they were teammates in 2020, they haven’t raced each other since then which has been the biggest gap since they’ve known each other.
That still doesn’t mean they’re friends though. You know what does? Them literally saying they are.
Oscar saying “I’m quite close with Logan Sargeant” on that podcast. The Miami GP 2023 post. Them playing paddle together. Logan in that interview where they asked about “Loscar.” Now the podcast episode.
They aren’t forced to be around each other, if anything they’re so busy they don’t have time to hang out, yet they still seek each other out when they have the opportunity. Obviously we don’t know anything about their personal lives but at the very least we know they’re friends?? Not brocedes level of friends, maybe lestappen level of friends cause I don’t think they’re actual friends either, definitely not galex level of friends but that can also be attributed to the fact they don’t talk about themselves a lot, compared to Alex or George who post everything about their lives.
Like, have you ever seen them interact? They’re chilling they’re casual but they are friends. Whatever you think about their dynamic they are at least that.
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not-so-rosyyy · 5 months
Her number one fan 😭😭😭
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a feed post and a story for her first major lead role in a movie?????? he said YOU'RE GONNA WATCH MY GIRL SERVE THIS WEEKEND WHETHER U LIKE IT OR NOT AND IF U DON'T THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF U BREATHING!
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xia0ming56 · 6 months
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Hadta make at least 1 dr strange print for ddam so huzzah!
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spinjitsuburst · 8 months
holy shit i've spent the past four real life days trying to beat a minigame in stardew valley and i couldn't beat it until today i was doing it and i zoned out while thinking really hard about the logistics of vengestone production and distribution prior to the events of crystalized and i beat it moral of the story zone out and think about a very specific aspect of ninjago you can accomplish anything
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