#mark renton x y/n
stardancerluv · 4 years
Past and Present the Bookends of Life
Part 7
Summary: Things ago awry when trying to plan for the rest.
You were glad that you and Veronika had hit it off. The two of you were having a small chat about shopping when you two thought why not! The boys were consumed with what to do for their next step. The two of you didn’t want to just stay in the pub.
“Where are you parked?”
“Simon has me park it out back.”
“I left my purse in the car.” Veronika gave you a playful look. “What? Mark, spoils me.” You giggled. “I’ll be right back.”
Mark was leaning against the bar slowly sipping at his beer when you came over. The voices hushed as you neared but a smile spread across his face.
“Yes, baby.”
“Can I have the keys? I need to grab my purse.”
He smirked, “They’re in my pocket. Come ‘ere and get them.” Drawing closer you reached in his back pocket and grabbed the keys.
He put his hand over yours in his pocket. “Tell him, I’m grabbing your drinks.”
You smiled. “Oh, he knows. I am grabbing my purse because Veronika and I are gonna go shopping.”
Simon, chuckled. “Let her grab her purse, going with Veronika and they might buy an entire store. Why do you think I am trying to build a spa?”
You saw Veronika playfully push him.
“Hey lass, its true.” Veronika, rose an eyebrow. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He chuckled, then looked over at Mark. “Alright, half a store.”
Mark smiled broader. “Have fun baby. If you buy something nice.” He gave you a playful smile. “You will have to model it for me later.”
You giggled and flushed. “I will keep that in mind.” You looked at Veronika. “I’ll be right back.”
“Great, I will go warm the car.”
You pulled the keys from his back pocket. Mark, turned to you rubbed your arm. “Be safe. Don’t talk to any strange men alright. We don’t know where he is.”
You looked up at him and gave him a brave smile. “I promise. And I will buy something nice.” You whispered the last part.
He chuckled. “Good, you deserve it.” Leaning, in close, he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Can’t wait for the show.” He whispered.
You smiled, sighing. “Alright, I’ll be right back with the keys.”
You swished away. Distantly, you could hear as Simon clapped Mark on the back. “I’ll say it again, Rentboy, you got a good lass there.”
“I certainly do.” You heard Mark reply and couldn’t resist looking back and smiling. You both shared a smile since he looked after you.
The door, clanked behind you as you made your way over to the car. You were about to beep it, when someone came out of the shadows and pushed you up against the car. Before you could scream or call out. A rough hand closed over your mouth and squeezed.
“Don’t fuuuucking scream or you’ll pay. I need information and you’re gonna give it to me.” The voice rasped, as fear like a cold blanket wrapped around you, making you shake. “Nod, if you understand.”
You nodded.
The owner of the voice, whipped you around.
“What’s your name doll?”
“Y/N.” You continued to shake. You immediately cast your eyes down.
“Y/N, well that’s lovely.” He leaned in close, you could hear as he inhaled. “Don’t you smell pretty.” He smelled sale, rancid. It made your stomach which was already churning to only churn harder, making you ill.
“What...what do you want?”
He grabbed you by the mouth again and squeezed. “I’m the asking the questions doll. Alright?”
You nodded, tears from fear slid down your cheeks.
“And, how do you know Mr. Renton?” His hand moved down your throat. Your phone buzzed to life. “Get that.” He rasped but didn’t loosen his hand on you.
Reaching, blindly you grabbed your phone. You held it up.
A bitter chuckle came from him.
“See....he’s...he’s my...my boyfriend.”
“Tell, him you are still looking for something in the car.” He demanded.
With your hand shaking you did as he told you. “Always, the lady man.” He remarked as he looked you over.
“Ok, put that away.” His squeezed your throat. “Tell me, had he poked you yet?”
Your eyes flared indignantly, despite being terrified.
“Answer me.”
A crooked smile broke his face. “Good. Deserves to get laid before I kill him.” He smirked. “Now, tell me how long is he gonna be here?”
“I...I don’t know.”
He squeezed hard, making you gasp. “Don’t you lie to me.”
You tried to plead with your eyes. “I, I really don’t know.”
“Alright. Well you tell him, I am ready to kill him.” He paused and tilted his head to one side. “You tell him, if he runs,” He drew closer, you could feel his breath. It smelled strongly of gin. “Believe, me I know how much he likes to run, he ran before. I will follow him to Amsterdam, and I will end this.”
“Ok.” You whimpered.
He patted your cheek. “That’s a good girl.”
Just as fast as he appeared, he disappeared into the shadows and you saw nothing.
Shaking, you wrapped your arms around yourselves and shook. You slid down the side of the car and just whimpered. You could not move.
Mark, looked up as Veronika walked up.
Veronkia, put an arm around Simon’s shoulders. “Mark’s where are you keeping your girl?”
Confusion, filled him. “I figured in the excitement the two of you ran off and got to shopping.”
She shook her head. “No, I was out back warming the car up.”
“Oh no!”
Mark immediately, clamored out of his chair which fell backwards.
“Y/N, are you out here?” He called once he tore open the door. He ran over to the car. His heart dropped as he saw you crumpled by the car. “Oh, my sweet lass.”
He went over and kneeling beside you, he put a reassuring hand on you. He watched as you practically jumped out of your skin and screamed.
Your tear streaked face turned to him and you leapt at him. He wavered but managed to hold you steady. You shook hard and cried.
All he could do was hold you and rub your back. “I am so sorry. I am so sorry.” He said softly. He felt as you moved, held onto him tighter.
“Mark? Y/N, are you two out here?” Simon called out.
He turned his head. “Over here, Simon.”
His footsteps grew close, before he stopped nearby. “Oh, fuck is she alright.”
You looked up and nodded. You laid your head back onto “It was Begbie.” You whispered.
“Fuck.” Mark exhaled. He looked at Simon, “Give us a moment, we’ll come back in.”
“Alright. Y/N, I promise it will be ok.” He turned and headed back into the pub.
You lifted your head and looked at Mark. “He is so scary.”
Mark nodded. “I am so sorry.”
“It’s ok. You didn’t know.” You shook your head. “Mark, he wants to kill you. You, we have to do something.”
“Oh my beautiful lass, I feel so horrible.” He pulled back at you. Your tear stain cheeks, the little trembles he could still feel, killed him.
“Don’t its not your fault, he is psychotic.”
“No, buts.” You kissed him. Your lips still shook but were so wonderfully warm and soft.
“I can’t let this happen again.” He finally said. “We’ll get some things from your flat tonight. You are staying in the hotel with me. I don’t want to take any chances.”
“Ok.” You nodded.
He gave you the smile, that had made you fall so hard for him. “Let’s get you back on there, warm you up with a pint. Alright?”
“Yes, but just hold me a little longer.”
“Of course, my sweet girl.”
Hold you, he did. He would make this up to you. He could not believe that Begbie would scare a simple girl, all just to get to him. Anger burned in his stomach.
@rentskenobi @mac-n-cheesie @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @king-trash-goblin @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover
21 notes · View notes
stardancerluv · 4 years
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Past and Present the Bookends of Life
Part 6b
Summary: Passions ignite and you have to convice the scared past to help the unsure future.
Warning: some intimacy, some teasing
“Damn.” He cursed as he pulled back from your kiss reluctantly.
You drew him in and kissed him again. “Don’t forget,” you whispered against his lips. “I’m your girl.”
You drew your lips along his cheek till you reached his ear. “Maybe later before we go and grab your friend Spud, I’ll let you take me.”
You don’t know what had made you, feel so playfully naughty. Maybe it was seeing Mark from the angle of being young, you were not really sure but every part of you wanted him on top of you. You pulled back, and smiled at him. “What do you think?” You asked, looking at him coyly.
“Let’s eat.” He licked his lips. “And maybe I will take you up on that offer.”
You smiled. “I hope so.” You slid from his lap and pulled back on your cardigan
The savory scent of food and its taste was so good. You dipped in some bread that was just perfect for the stew. “Oh, not only does this smell good, but it always tastes amazing, Mr. Renton.” You said sweetly.
“Please, I feel much older then I am when you call me that. Call me Charles. Mark will tell you, I was never formal.”
You looked over and Mark grimaced and nodded.
“So...” His dad looked from you to Mark and back again. “Are you two going to tell you how you met? Or where you’ve been?” He scooped up a spoonful of the stew.
Mark cleared his throat, he slid you a glance. “I went to Amsterdam.” He shrugged. “I own a night club there.”
“Oh, wow. Good for you son. Let’s drink to that.” He held up his cup. A smirk then played under his mustache. “Oh, is that how you met?”
“Oh, um.” You struggled to find right words.
Mark, spoke up then. “My lass here, is a teacher but filling in some time at a coffee shop.”
His dad made a proud like sound. “Well, your a smart girl then.” He smiled. “My son was always fond of his books.”
Mark nodded, shrugging. “She is.” He smiled at you. “She is far too beautiful and smart for me.” He took a sip of his tea. “Somehow,” He continued. “Somehow, I caught her eye and she makes me very happy.”
His dad, clapped him on the back. “You’re a good lad.” He smiled at the two of you. “Sure, he’s had your moments. But I raised a good one, Y/N.”
You nodded. “I think so.” You agreed. “Very charming and sweet, I’m very happy to be his girl.” You smiled at Mark.
“Don’t be a stranger Mark.” His dad hugged him tight.
You and his dad shared a look and then you hug. “I’ll drag him around.” You promised.
“That’s a good lass.” His dad smiled.
You slid, behind the wheel and made a quick haste for your flat. Outside your door, Mark slowly began dragging down your cardigan. “Mark!” You squealed, you felt his warm lips on your bare shoulder. “I’m trying to get my keys out.”
His eyes twinkled. “I am not stopping you.” A rich deep chuckle came from him, that only caused the butterflies in your stomach to flap their wings harder.
With your hands shaking, you opened your purse and reaching in you took out your keys. “Finally.” You said, exasperated as you opened your door.
Once inside, you let your purse fall to floor as Mark pressed you passionately against the door kissing you. Easily you wrapped your arms around his throat as your lips moved and echoed the passion you were feeling.
You pulled him over you, as you shifted and moved further up onto your bed. Your clothes and his were in a small heap beside your bed.
“Mark,” You breathed.
You called out as he came over and settled between your legs.
A moan came from him and mingled with yours, as he finally entered you. You feel so good.” He murmured.
Once he was fully inside of you, he stopped and he looked down at you. “I had no idea you, could be such a tease.”
You blushed hard. “You didn’t like it?” You asked playfully.
“Oh, I liked it. I just...” He kissed you moving only slightly, to tease you.
“Mark, please.”
“You deserve this. I had not expected to get so hard in my old bedroom.”
You closed your eyes, a soft moan of pleasure and frustration. “Oh, did I do that?”
“You know what you were doing?”
He pulled you closer to him. “If we would have been alone...”
“Show me.” You said breathlessly.
He smirked. “I suppose I could.”
He did then, pleasure ripped through you as he began moving in and out of you. Arching, your moans filled your bedroom.
As you laid on your tummy, still gathering your breath, he came over and kissed your shoulder.
“Will you be staying with me to get Spud while I talk further with Simon?”
“If you want me to. I have the night off again but then I work all tomorrow night.”
“Then, you are coming with me. I want you with me.”
You smiled at him over your shoulder. “It will work out, Mark. That guy can’t get his way.”
“Exactly. I didn’t start a new life only for him to destroy it.”
You sighed, looking off. A frown brought your lips down.
He was going to say it, since he felt it was finally the right time to say it. “I want you as in my life. You’re part of me now.”
You flushed and smiled at him. “Really?”
He nodded. He cupped your cheek. “Yeah, I do.” He kissed you then.
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“Spud, it’s safe. Come with me and Y/N.”
Spud looked anxiously up at them. “But..but...” Begbie scares me.
“We’re heading back to Simon’s to see what we should do.” Mark scratched his neck. “You can tell him all about seeing him.”
“So you’re not leaving back to Amsterdam, yet?”
“No.” Mark shook his head. “Not yet. You have me a little longer.” He smiled.
“Good.” He then smiled broadly. “I enlisted at a gym. I’m running now. ”
“I’m proud of you Spud.”
@rentskenobi @mac-n-cheesie @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @king-trash-goblin @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Past and Present the Bookends of Life
Part 6a
Summary: Visiting the past to prepare for the present.
Arthur’s note: After seeing older Renton in his room...I always wanted to make out with him in it...so...yeah..had to let reader to do it!
“So Spud saw him?” Simon’s brow wrinkled.
Renton, nodded. “Yeah.” He rubbed his eyebrow. “He texted me shortly after spotting him apparently at some bar.”
Simon, sighed and rolled his eyes. “What should we do?”
“No fucking idea. I’ve gotten used to hard types in Amsterdam, but none of them are Begbie level crazy.”
“Maybe, you should head back.”
“Yeah, but what if he follows? What if he gets wind of her?” He tilted his head in the direction of you. As he did, he glanced your way. Just then you looked over as well and shared a smile. Looking, back at Simon he grimaced. “I still need to stop by and see my dad.”
“You haven’t done that yet?”
“I just got into town, and well got distracted.” He smirked rubbing his chin as he thought of you.
“Somethings, don’t change” Simon, rolled his eyes. “Take her over, catch up with your dad and well, perhaps see if there’s anything you can use to defend yourself against Begbie, then tomorrow night come back around six, maybe seven and we can plan.”
“That doesn’t sound half bad. I’ll bring Spud when we come here.”
Simon, raised an eyebrow then smiled. “Sure do that.”
He held you hand and squeezed. “My dad will surely love you. My mum would have too, but she died while I was gone.” He told you as the two of you walked up.
As the two of you walked up his dad, looked over and stood up from where he sat. “Why is that an old sight for my weary eyes? And you have a beauty at your side? Always the lady killer.”
He watched as you flushed and gave a small wave.
“Hello dad!” Mark waves. “He’s a tad on the old fashioned side.” He warned you quietly, giving you a smile. He knew would have you melting at the charm.
His dad gave you a good once over. “Beauty.” Mark came over and chided his dad. “Let’s not have her swooning over you and forgetting me me.” He chuckled.
“I don’t know.” His dad chuckled. “I’m tempted.” He brushed a quick but as chaste as a kiss could be on your hand. “Now, since your both here I’ll put the kettle,” he looked over you. “Do you like a spot of tea?”
You nodded, smiling and tucking some hair behind your ear. “I’d love some.”
“Grand.” His broad smile peaked out from under bushy beard. “I’ll start up the dinner. Don’t you two get lost in his room like he used to be. I want to hear about your adventures son.”
“Alright dad.”
“No much has changed.” His dad remarked as Mark led you upstairs. “Your mum kept it like you last had it.”
He held your hand as he led you up stairs. His dad had been wonderfully charming. You knew now where he got it from.
His room, was very simple you noticed though the wallpaper of the trains. You gestured the wallpaper. “Umm?” You smiled.
He shrugged. “Mum, chose it.” He leaned against the wall.
You went up to him, smiling. “Can I look around?”
He smirked down at you. “That is exactly why I’m leaning here.”
“Great.” Kissed his cheek. “I like the idea of seeing your old room.”
Soon, you were walking around the small room. When you looked back him leaning against the wall, you felt butterflies. There was just something about him, the way he stood. You pressed your lips together and kept looking. You made a soft sound when you found a pile of photos.
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“Mark!” You practically squealed. “Look at you! Oh my god...and Simon!”
He came up behind you. “Oh, yeah look at all of us.”
Tilting, your head back to placed a kiss on his jaw. “You were really cute.” You whispered.
He smirked down at you. “You think so?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I would have had a crush on you.”
He threw his head back and chuckled. “That’s good.”
You pointed at the girl. “Was that one of your girls?”
“One of?” He chuckled.
“Well, I bet you had quite a few.”
He shook his head. “Just her.” He shrugged.
You nodded, the slipping away from him you went to look at collage of sorts. “I always knew had good taste.” As you looked at the musicians and other icons from his day. You smiled at him over your shoulder. You saw him looking through his records.
“Thank you.” He said slightly caught up in the memory of them.
You felt playful. You posed as provocatively as a girl he seemed to single out. You leaned against the wall in the same pose. “How do look?”
“Hmm, mm?” He made some questioning sounds, as he slipped on a record. You remained in the stance till, he noticed.
“Oh, why look at you.” He came over then, he slipped your cardigan off your shoulders. “There we go, now you look even better.” He looked down at you.
You don’t know what possessed you. But you reached up and drew him into a kiss. His hands, roamed over your hips as he pulled you close kissing you. Moving back he went and sat on his small bed with you in his lap kissing you. You wrapped your arms around him.
“I would have enjoyed making out with you here.” You broke the kiss to get some air, he had made you breathless.
“Damn, little I would have loved that.” He replied and kissed you again, deeper.
“Mark! Y/N, dinner is ready.” Mark’s dad’s voice reached them from where he called up to them.
You both giggled against each others lips as your eyes met.
@rentskenobi @mac-n-cheesie @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @king-trash-goblin @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Past and Present, the Book Ends of Life
Part 4
Summary: Party time with Renton
Warning: drinking
Aye - Yes, Bonnie - Pretty
Song lyrics to Paradise City by Guns N Roses in Italics
With adrenaline pumping in his veins Simon and him ran to the car. Simon, tore open the door. He clamored into the back seat out of breath.
“Just fucking drive.” Simon said once he closed the door.
Laughs and jokes ensued. It had gone flawlessly, and cash was over flowing. But as he hung over the seats between Simon and Veronika, his thoughts lingered on you. His smile dropped, so taking out his phone he texted you.
Renton to My CoffeeCake: Having a stellar night with an old friend and his girl. Want to join me?
“Who are you texting Rents?” Simon asked him, looking at him in the rearview mirror.
“Someone...” He stopped when his phone beeped with your response. His breath caught. Would you say yes? He looked down.
My CoffeeCake to Him: I can be downstairs in fifteen.
Renton to My CoffeeCake: Perfect. We’ll be there soon.
“Veronika, do you know where Emerald Hallow is?” Leaning, back between the two of them.
Her brow furrowed. “Yeah, why?”
“Head over, we’re grabbing someone before getting back to Simon’s.”
A wide, smirk spread across Simon’s face. “Rentboy, what you are in town maybe...maybe seventy-two hours and you found someone?
He shrugged. “I did. She is sweet, you be nice Simon.”
Simon held up his hands. “What do you mean by that?”
Almost immediately he and Veronika, looked over at Simon.
“Alright, alright...ok ok...I promise.”
“Good.” He said, before a smile spread across his face as Veronika pulled into the apartment complex you lived in. He pointed. He spotted your silhouette. “There she is.”
She pulled, Simon got out and he practically leapt out of the car. He went over to you with a huge smile, “Hi my pretty girl.” He held out his arms and happily swung you around.
You sighed and as he felt your nestle close. “Hi Mark.” He saw you look over at the car.
“You, have nothing to worry about.” His lips twitched. “Though, Simon, is a bit rough, but Veronika his girl of sorts is a sweetheart.”
You smiled then. “Good to know, I’m sure it will be fine.”
“Exactly.” He wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you walked back to the car. “It will be. I had not wanted to spend the rest of the evening without you.”
He climbed into the car behind you. “Veronika, Simon this is Y/N.”
“Hello.” They said at once, the two shared a brief look while Veronika began driving again.
“Hi.” You replied softly.
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Veronika lounged on the sofa, while you curled up on over stuffed chair. He bent down, to give you a kiss before taking the beer bottle from your hands. “May I?” He asked with a cheeky smile. You nodded, he took a pull from it and gave it back to you.
“ ‘Got to see, this greatest footballer of all time.’ My dad said.”
He sat on the armrest of the chair you were sitting. He spoke to you and Veronika while Simon, cut himself some likes of cocaine. It made him roll his eyes. He’d have a lot to explain to you later. But for now he continued the talk, the rant of football him and Simon had started.
“So it was a big game, it was a big game, it was a big crowd, and a big guy in front of me. I couldn’t see a thing. Not a single thing. Not for ninety minutes. But I got the program, so I mean, I’ve always got that, you know?” You nodded.
You and Veronika, shared some looks and giggled. She had come to lean towards you.
“You two don’t understand. We were all thin back then. No calorie counting, none of that bullshit.” He went one.
“Oh! You gurls,” Simon’s words began to slur. “You need to hear this filthy piece of music.” He turned on a tune, he had not heard in ages.
“Yes!” He called out. The music filled the small flat.
He went over to you on the chair, offered you his hand. For a moment l, he wiggled and held you close, doing something that could be considered dancing to the music.
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
“Having a good time?” He whispered against your ear.
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
You nodded. “You guys are rocket.”
Take me home (oh won't you please take me home)
Take me down to the paradise city
He pulled back and smiled at you. “Good.” He chuckled. “You’re mah, bonnie lass.” He pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“You two come on!” Simon called from the other side of the living room.
You two parted.
“We need shots!” Simon, held up a bottle.
“Yes!” You agreed excitedly, it made him smile.
Moments, later Veronika took the bottle from Simon. “Hey!”
“You’ll spill it.”
She lined up the four little glasses. She poured out the drinks, and all of four of you rocked them back. He thought about it with a smirk.
He held up a finger. “One more.”
“Yay!” Simon hooted.
He poured the second round of shots. Soon, you all knocked back those shots. With a strangled sigh, he met your eyes and he leaned and kissed you, bending you back a little with the force of it. “Agh, I needed that.” He said, very happy with himself the alcohol was certainly making itself known in his system.
You giggled. “I did too.” You both shared a smile.
Simon, tugged on his arm. “Rentboy, you still owe me a rematch.”
He turned his attention back to Simon. “Ooo, you still have it?”
Simon smiled, nodding his head. “Well, then you are fucking on. Wish me luck.” He winked at you.
It was the same exact table. “Simon. Damn.” Was all he could say. Hours of matches had been played out on that table. The stories it could tell.
He glanced your way and was happy to see that you and Veronika were chatting away.
Simon, slipped in a goal with a cheer. “Hey!” He called out but threw his head back and laughed. “That’ll be the only goal, you’re gonna make.”
He inhaled a strangled breath as sun, finally had danced hard enough on his eye lids to make him wake up. Smiling, as he felt your weight on top of him. Rubbing, an eye he found you half on, half off him as you both laid on the sofa. He kissed the top of your head as he gently rubbed your back.
Turning, your head you smiled at him. “You certainly know how to party.”
He shrugged, finally taking in the room in its current state. It certainly reflected them tearing it up last night. The coffee table was covered with with empty beer and liquor bottles. There was an empty pizza box and crumpled napkins. He barely remembered sharing some pieces with you.
“I, we have our moments.” You looked pleased, but he couldn’t be sure if that meant you ended up having a good time.
You kissed him then. He looked at you, surprised and you kissed him again but this time he kissed you back. His hands settling on you and pulling you even closer to him.
You, sighed and made the most delicious sound. “Mark.” You whispered, against your lips. “Let’s go to my place.”
You carefully, climbed off him. He stretched, and got up. He shed the football shirt, he left it on the sofa. Searching, he found his jacket. He slipped into it and then the two of you crept out of Simon’s flat.
He held you close to his side, as the two of you waited for the cab. The wind whipped around the two of you had a bite to it. Luckily, the wait was not terribly long.
You gave the driver your address, the grabbed your jacket you pulled him close. Your mouths, hungry for each other. A split moment, his mind reminded him of the only other time he was in the back of a cab, kissing.
He was happier. He was healthier. Life was much better despite being old and now divorced. It was all better with you. Despite, the partying, you smelled so sweet. You were so damn soft. He was growing to care for you. He pulled you close, deepening the kiss.
@rentskenobi @mac-n-cheesie @king-trash-goblin @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Past and Present, the Book Ends of Life
Part 1
Summary: Renton is back, the past is bitter bit his present is sweet
Renton, felt completely out of sorts being back where he grew up. If the heart attack had not made him feel old, seeing his friends and how much Edinburgh changed made him truly feel his age.
He was so tired, bone tired. When he had enough of the tossing and turning, he tore the blanket away. Sleep continued to elude him.
Pulling, back on a white t-shirt, looking around, spotting his jeans he slipped them on and pulled on his shoes.
Getting downstairs, he lingered looking into the lobby bar. The clinking glasses, the laughter and the types that were just not the sort that he wanted to rub elbows with.
Shaking his head, he went out. The cool evening air was refreshing. Leaving the hotel behind him, he walked way.
A bell, rang clear and sharp, making him stop. Looking, he saw the welcoming exterior of a coffee shop. Perfect, he mused.
Walking up, he eyed the menu.
“I’ll be right with you.” Said a soft kind voice.
“Thank you.” Glancing down, he saw no one the voice belong to. Leaning against the counter, he spotted the owner. He smiled at what he saw.
The girl then popped up, you tucked some hair behind your ear and gave him a smile. “What would you like ?”
The smiled stopped his thoughts. “Um, black coffee, please.”
“Ok!” You turned, and he watched the swish of her ponytail.
Just then, one of the machines began to beep repeatedly. The blender in one corner began to shake oddly. You turned, looking flustered.
“Give me a moment.” Holding up a finger.
“Sure.” He nodded.
Something, else began to steam. He watched you sigh and tried to give you a sympathetic look.
Looking like it might take a bit, he went to go and sit by one of the large windows. He watched how even at this late hour cars still drove past.
A sweet scent of perfume tickled his nose. He saw in the window your reflection. Turning, he gave a you a warm smile. “Everything ok back there?” He tilted his head towards the counter.
You smiled, and gave a sigh of relief. “Finally, it was a little crazy for a moment.” You paused, giving him a moment to take you in. From how your hair which was up in that messy ponytail, the curve of your cheek and a pair of eyes that twinkled, he was wonderfully distracted. “You said black coffee, right?” You asked finally.
He nodded. “Yes, please.”
You smiled. “Here you go. And...” You then smiled even wider, was that a hint a mischief, he read in your eyes, he wondered. “well, here you go. Thanks, for being such a sweetheart back there.” You placed a plate with some coffee cake on it.
He smiled. “You didn’t have to.” The piece looked divine.
You shrugged. “I wanted to. You were nice. Well, enjoy.” You shared a look before you bounced back to the counter.
Happily, he nibbled on it. It was quite good especially combined with the black coffee. Occasionally, he’d glance your way. Once or twice you’d share a quick smile.
When sleep finally began clawing at him, he decided to head back to the hotel. He opened the door, the small ringing above him. He stopped and lingered in the doorway.
Looking, over her saw your lips pressed together and downward into a frown. “Hey, um have a good night.”
You looked up and smiled. “You too!”
He stripped down and laid in bed. Laying, there he kept seeing your smile. Eventually, a yawn lazily came him. Eyes growing heavy, he rolled over and finally fell asleep.
@rentskenobi @king-trash-goblin @mac-n-cheesie @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching
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