#mark palansky
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haveyouseenthisromcom · 8 months
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fabioemme78 · 2 years
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moodscreencaps · 2 years
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penelope (2006) dir. mark palansky
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onscreenkisses · 5 years
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PENELOPE, dir. Mark Palansky (2006)
requested by anon
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pipocacomcafe · 4 years
Penelope (2006)
Direção: Mark Palansky; 
Roteiro: Leslie Caveny; 
Gênero: Comédia; Fantasia; Romance; 
País: Reino Unido e EUA. 
Há muitos anos, uma maldição foi sentenciada por uma bruxa sobre uma nobre família inglesa: a primeira herdeira legítima nascida no gênero feminino, viria ao mundo com feições de porco. A maldição somente seria quebrada quando a garota fosse aceita e amada, apesar das aparências. Muitos anos depois, é sobre Penelope (Christina Ricci) que a maldição recai. E sua mãe, preocupada em manter as aparências da família, esconde a filha do convívio social, forjando publicamente sua morte. Quando a menina completa dezesseis anos, sua mãe (Catherine O’Hara)  sai à procura de um noivo pertencente à nobreza que poderia quebrar a maldição. O que ela ignora é que o antídoto encontra-se mais próximo do que se supõe. 
O filme constitui-se como uma típica comediazinha-romântica fantasiosa, uma espécie de conto de fadas moderno sobre autoaceitação, que aquece o espírito numa tarde fria de domingo. Em termos técnicos, não tem nada de espetacular: a narrativa contém, inclusive, inúmeras descontinuidades; os trabalhos de figurino e maquiagem, apesar de competentes, não trazem nada de novo; Christina Ricci e James McAvoy, o casal protagonista, não estão nos melhores de seus papéis. Mesmo assim, é um filme fofo. Quem rouba a cena é Peter Dinklage, que funciona como o principal alívio cômico da película. Mesmo assim é um filme fofo; tão somente fofo. 
⭐ 3.3 / 5.0
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directorsnarrative · 4 years
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Penelope • Director Mark Palansky
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aliceyokinen · 5 years
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Penelope (2006)  Mark Palansky
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
Penelope (2006)
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Trailers for Penelope may lead you to believe that it’s simply a contemporary fairy tale where the ugly people are Hollywood "ugly" and the plot follows traditional rom-com tropes. That's not the case.
Generations ago, the Wilhern family was cursed by a witch. Their next daughter will be born with her ancestor’s piggish demeanor clearly visible to all. No girls are born into the family until present day. Penelope (Christina Ricci) is normal-looking, except for a pig’s snout and ears. There’s hope: the curse can be broken if someone of her social class falls in love with her. After spoiled brat Edward Humphrey Vanderman III (Simon Woods) is publicly ridiculed for claiming to have been attacked by the "hideous" pig/woman hybrid, he hires down-on-his-luck gambler Max (James McAvoy), to get close to Penelope and snap a picture of her.
You can see it now; Max will initially befriend Penelope just for the money but eventually fall in love with her - and she with him - only for them to break up when the charade is revealed. You're partially correct. This is a romantic comedy, but a smart one. That inevitable reveal? Takes places about 20 minutes in. Penelope isn't about an ugly girl falling in love with a man in order to break the curse set upon her, it’s about someone learning to accept and love herself. The film realizes that even with the pig snout, Ricci's still attractive and that no one in their right mind would call her a monster. Her character decides she doesn’t want to be a recluse, bitterly hiding in her castle like The Beast. She wants to explore the world. Give the film time and you’ll see how she accepts the curse may never be broken, but that there’s more to life than finding love.
That’s not to say there isn’t romance present. Max and Penelope have believable chemistry and their interactions make them grow into better people. They break-up because they aren't right for each other right then. They’re both messes when they meet, but give it time.
Overall, the film integrates its fairy tale elements well into modern-day. Sure, people seem to ignore the fact that Penelope’s condition proves that MAGIC IS REAL, but that’s something you only think about once the movie is over. Penelope’s pig snout is more like a really geeky obsession, or a big, unusual-looking birthmark on someone’s face, or chronic pain that will never go away. It’s an unattractive feature but the kind people can get past. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life, but until it does, it’s hard to imagine you’ll find your happy ending. Other attractive features include a terrific cast that play off of each other very well, including Reese Witherspoon, Catherine O’Hara as Penelope’s mom, Peter Dinklage as a surprisingly nuanced villain.
I found Penelope to be a pleasant surprise. It’s witty, intelligently written and self-aware, but grounded in reality despite the fantasy premise. It’ll have particular appeal to young girls and teens. The adults watching will have to leave cynicism behind. Once they do, they’ll be able to enjoy in the same way that you do The Little Mermaid, Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast (not so much Beastly, which is everything this movie is not). I know you probably still have doubts, but believe me; Penelope is funny, heartwarming and charming throughout. Give it a chance and you will be glad that you did. (On DVD, July 19, 2014)
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iamjrank · 5 years
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Movie #2469 - Rememory (2017)
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ruleof3bobby · 5 years
REMEMORY (2017) Grade: C-
Not very exciting. Good plot idea, but it'a like a dumb down version of what it could've been. 
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nofatclips · 5 years
The Obverse Box, promo video for the album 1979 by Deru - Director: Mark Palansky
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firstclassmovies · 6 years
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REMEMORY (2017). Mark Palansky directs Peter Dinklage in a sci-fi drama about memory.
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moodscreencaps · 2 years
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penelope (2006) dir. mark palansky
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capsgrantrogers · 7 years
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Penelope  2006
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