#mariano doesn't know what a lot of feelings are but that's okay
And for the most hilarious dichotomy, here's Laredo's reintroduction in the modern AU! He's the first war mage to arrive! The mentioned Andrew belongs to @brinkofdiscovery!
TWs: none!
"That can't be him." Mariano muttered, looking at the name on the to-go order. There was a tiny picture attached to the order on the app, but it was too small for him to make out many details.
The guy was big, and built. He had clear, bronzed skin, and short dark hair. He was wearing sunglasses, but his shirt was also a size too small. "That can't be Laredo."
Abby, her curly red hair pulled back into a ponytail, leaned in next to him. "Do you know him?" She asked.
Mariano squinted, as though that would bring any more clarity to the image. "Probably not." He said. "He just has the same name as an old war buddy."
"Do you want me to take it to him when he gets here?" She looked up at him. "I don't mind, and like...no one would be mean to me." She said with a shrug.
Mariano laughed, shaking his head. "No, no. And--Abby, if I thought he'd be mean to you, I'd go out there instead of you anyway. I'm the adult here. And also the manger."
The teenager laughed, rolling her eyes. "No, no, I can take it, I'd yell back." She looked him up and down, from his glittering glasses chain to the soft, patterned sweater he wore. "And I don't care if you've been to war, if I didn't hear about what you did to that guy that punched Andrew I'd think you'd cry if someone yelled at you."
"Well, if the military makes you good at anything, it's not crying when you get yelled at." Mariano's phone buzzing cut off whatever Abby was going to say next. "Ah, that's him." A mocha frappe, easy enough to make.
Once he'd added the appropriate amount of chocolate sprinkles and taped the ticket to the cup, Mariano walked out the door with Abby tossing a helpful "Don't get murdered!" after him. Rain pelted down as he grabbed the umbrella he kept by the door, freezing air rushing in before the door could swing shut behind him.
Laredo would be weird enough to order a cold coffee on a day like that.
An old, black sedan sat in their one to-go spot, idling. Mariano could hear the 80's rock muffled by the window. He knocked. It couldn't be him. The window rolled down. Gelled, short black hair and brilliant brown eyes met Mariano.
It was Laredo. He sounded delighted. He was beaming.
"Ah--Laredo? It's...it's you?" Mariano asked. He wasn't sure why he was so shocked. He knew Laredo's release date had been coming up. He'd kept track of everyone's. "When...did you move here?"
"A few weeks ago! Oh--oh my god, you have pact rings? You have a dragon, congratulations!" Laredo was excited, even as he took the drink from Mariano. He didn't sound like he wanted to kill Mariano at all.
He'd also been pretty alright with being arrested when it happened, Mariano supposed. So maybe it wasn't that shocking. "Y--yes, yes. His name is Bastian. I...welcome to the city? Do...do you have a place to stay?"
Laredo nodded, eagerly. "Yeah, I had to stay in a motel for a week or two while they got it ready for me, but there's this cute little house the reintegration program got for me. I'll have roommates, but it's all mine until then!" He chattered away, even as he reached into his glove box.
Mariano didn't know why he expected a gun. Instead, there was a little notebook that Laredo scribbled down a phone number and address in. He ripped the sheet out and handed it to Mariano. "Feel free to swing by. I'm still moving in, but I'll have the place cleaned up in a week or two."
Mariano stared down at the paper in his hand before meeting Laredo's gaze. The older man looked so hopeful. The knot in his stomach just wouldn't go away. "I...yes. I'll have to double check my schedule, but...yes. I'll have to visit."
Laredo cheered. "Awesome! I'll let you get back to work now. Don't be a stranger." And he rolled his window up. And then he drove off.
Mariano pocketed the note. He wasn't sure what he felt about that interaction. It took him a few more minutes of standing outside, listening to the rain patter against his umbrella before he could go back in.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
The thing about S6 Jess Mariano is that there is simultaneously too much of him and not enough.
I've been watching old episodes recently because of a story I've been writing on and off for a week, and I don't think people truly appreciate the amount of set-up that went into Jess's scenes in The Real Paul Anka. In this show, there are supporting cast members who almost never get scenes of their own outside of interacting with the girls and various townies. I think Paris has exactly one scene that doesn't involve Lorelai or Rory. Dean has a handful. Sookie has just one off the top of my head. I believe Logan has one as well. All of these people were on the show far, far longer than Jess was. It seems only Luke, Lane, and Jess have a lot of scenes with characters other than Lorelai and Rory...and in season 6, Jess has not been seen for two years and has not been a main cast member for three. We get an introduction to his place of work, he has interactions ALONE (!) with his friends/coworkers, we get an extended sequence where he explains to Luke how exactly his job works and where he lives, he has significant interactions with both Luke, April, and Rory, and closes out the last we see of his relationship with Luke in the OS on a good note. None of the other love interests get this, because while we spend more time with them, they are not developed as individuals outside of Rory. Dean is the good boyfriend who unexpectedly leads Rory into an affair and who we last see chafing at her desire to leave him behind, while Logan is the rich, dangerous boyfriend who entices Rory into the elitist world that Lorelai sought to escape from and who will eventually lead her astray because he is unable to escape from his father's expectations, forcing Rory to repeat the life patterns of her mother (God, I hate the AYITL ending. It blows). Jess is his own person, whose existence is not completely defined by Rory, but who eventually inspires her to seek out the path that she wants by virtue of his own example. And at the end of the story, he is the one door left open, the one person who is working with her on her goals and is still involved with her life.
(This is why I chafe when people say Jess wasn't endgame, even after all of these years. One of the last things ASP said about a follow-up is that she was going to chase Milo and Alexis down and make them do it. Her intentions were pretty obvious, even for those of us like me who don't necessarily hate Logan).
What's so great about S6 Jess is that almost all of the stuff that made him a terrible boyfriend and such a damaged, tortured character during his original run on the show has been smoothed over. He meets Rory on her terms and makes plans at her convenience: he acknowledges her discomfort: he is far more concerned with her than busting the chops of her boyfriend (although that part is clearly fun, too). He's considerate, social, a person who makes plans and follows up on them. He's confident yet self-effacing: when Rory is found to be using him, he reminds her of the boundary she's crossed yet doesn't lash out. It doesn't change his feelings overall: she isn't choosing him at the time being, but he still cares about her. Even though we leave him with a broken heart, we know he's got a life beyond her, something he didn't have when we last saw him in season 3 and season 4. He has friends, a purpose, a respected place in his community: he will be okay. It's a better place than we leave Dean and likely a better place than we leave Logan in AYITL. He will be okay.
I'm of the mind that Jess's participation in the last season of the OS has less to do with the writing team changing (although I don't think Milo was particularly keen on working with the new guys, either) and more to do with what else Milo was working on at the time. Heroes was a huge, huge deal when it first came out and networks aren't always amenable to lending out their actors to work for their competitors. I just don't think it was possible for Jess to show up no matter who was writing that season. I do occasionally wonder what the S7 writers would have done with him. It doesn't escape my scrutiny that the show skips the actual Christmas holiday because Rory was in London, because Jess almost certainly would have traveled to Stars Hollow to visit his mom and newborn sister and comfort his depressed uncle. There certainly were a lot of uses for him that had nothing to do with Rory.
AYITL Jess is of course more or less the same, only with bigger arm muscles and some of the edges smoothed out: the main difference is that we see he's been more or less accepted into the Gilmore/Danes clan and is a more active support system for Luke and his mother.
At this late stage in the game, I'm not expecting or wanting a follow-up and I think odds are very much against there ever being one. I do wish that knowing that AYITL was all there was that they had given us more time with Jess (if possible) and that there was some sort of definitive end for him and Rory instead of the door just being swung wide open and an indication of a future (and of course, Jess being a total dreamboat). However, as with all things ASP, you take what you can get and what was given to us here wasn't that bad.
Those last four words still suck, though.
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igetthedisneybox · 22 days
Future Madrigal Grandkid Designs
My concept art au (still needs a name lol) takes place roughly twenty-seven years in the future, so I figured I'd make some future redesigns for the grandkids.
I used this maker https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana, and I did the best with what I had. I photoshoped Camilo and Antonio a bit, since the maker doesn't have a ton of masc options
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Isabela, age forty-eight.
I kept her new colors of sharp blue and purple, as well as the explosive colors from her flowers.
Her apron was made by Mirabel, and it resembles their mothers'.
She's barefoot so she can feel the soil beneath her feet.
At this point in her life, she's a single mother of three (by choice) so she's matured a bit, but still has that wild aspect to her.
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Dolores, age forty-eight.
I kept her colors, obviously. Her necklace was a gift from Mariano, and her earrings are Alma's.
She takes after a lot Alma in the outfit department. She's giving matronly, but not too old.
She still likes her bows though! If you don't see her wearing a bow somewhere, it's a sad, sad day.
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Luisa, age forty-six.
Okay, I know she doesn't look anything like Luisa, the maker only had one body type, work with me here.
I imagine after her workload gets smaller, she'd allow herself to indulge a bit in more "delicate" or "pretty" things, that she couldn't while she was Being Strong 24/7.
Her dress is fancier, her hair is down, and she's wearing pearls.
She still owns a few "work" dresses, but outfits like these are for herself.
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Camilo, age forty-two.
Camilo was hard to make, okay? Not many masc options, so he kinda dresses the same as he did when he was fifteen lol.
He grew his hair out, just because, and he wears it in a bun most of the time.
He has a mustache like Félix (and his height lmao)
I think he'd keep his Ruana, like his uncle Bruno.
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Mirabel, age forty-two.
She still embroiders, and did so to her adult dress.
The butterflies and style of the dress are a tribute to Alma (who isn't dead yet, but is very very old)
She got new glasses (still broke them too lol) and grew her hair out.
Not much else to say about her?
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Antonio, age thirty-two.
He was easier to make than Camilo lol.
Has a bit of a goatee, again, like Félix, and his hairstyle is also very much like his father's.
Kept the vest/shirt thing he has going on. If it ain't broke, right?
His bag is full of animal food for his friends.
That's all I got for now.
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
No wait because hear me out on this one.
What if the reader was like Isabella Madrigal from Encanto?
I think you already know her or have atleast heard of her but I'll just explain her character for you in this one. ( the reader is still gonna be GN )
So Isabella is seen as the perfect child, perfect at everything that she does, perfect at using her power, her power by the way is summoning flowers, thorns and any type of plant, basically she's got this whole entire perfect facade to her.
And then her family ( mostly her grandmother ) made an arranged marriage for Isabella, thing is, she doesn't even like the guy, hell, she just wants to be herself and not want to be perfect all of the time, this is one of her interactions with Mirabel, her younger sister :
Isabella : I've been stuck being perfect! My whole entire life, and literally, the only thing you've ever done for me is MESS THINGS UP!
Mirabel : Nothing is messed up! You could still marry that big dumb hunk!--
Isabella : I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for THE FAMILY!
Yes.. you could see the whole entire 'perfect' facade of her breaking since nobody else was in the room other than the both of them.
Now Isabella! GN! reader that is like that that was sent to a different world and eventually having to deal with yanderes.
If they could then they will beat the ever living shit out of Mariano ( Isabella's not wanted fiance ) because how dare he try and marry their beloved?!
The Links after they find out about Reader's almost forced marriage, pitchforks and torches in hand: : )
But besides that
I think a lot of the Chain try to help Reader feel better about themselves and help Reader understand that they don't have to force themselves to be something they don't want to. They don't have to be "perfect".
I mean, I'm sure all of the Chain have had to deal with those thoughts; of striving to be completely perfect and something their not what with them being heroes of the world and all.
But they try to help relieve that pressure off of Reader's shoulders.
Wild and Wind definitely help Reader out in beginning to not be so perfect (although the Chain think's Reader's perfect in ANY way).
They're using Korok leaves to throw each other around with the wind. Mud fights? Oh, you bet. They're out there begging Reader to make huge flowers underneath them and throw them up into the air.
All in All everyone in the Chain finds Reader's power to be quite useful (Especially Time and Warriors who think about how useful Reader's power can be if Reader has to defend themselves).
I also feel like Hyrule would especially like it as he 1 probably didn't have a whole lot of vibrant flowers/plants back home and 2 just something about him being able to turn into a fairy makes me think he'd really like flowers idk.
But yeah, after finding out about Reader's past they aren't gonna be letting Reader go home. At all.
And if they do ever travel to Reader's world, well let's just say things aren't gonna be okay.
No one gets away with hurting their darling and trying to take them away from them.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 9 months
Plot bunny: noi siamo leggenda
Give me my new children
My babies! Your babies! Our babies! (You have no idea how much makes me happy someone throwing in my inbox asks about some of my italian babies, you literally have no idea)
Okay so, we have 7 babies, one born after we talked about fcs btw (never had this many for a fiction Rai or generally for one of my italian fandoms lmao)
(Also, can do a little moodboard thing with every ship vibes... if you want to... 👀 I have an idea that I could do even with different couples so... 👀)
Officially meet...
Elia Amato!
Michelangelo's older brother; Nicola Ravenna's best friend; kind of a dick until it's about his brother; no seriously, he's ready to kill a man in a second to protect him. Actually, he's very white cis man vibes but I swear he gets better! Powerless baby (lmao loser) Ship TBD
FC: Lorenzo Zurzolo
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Michelangelo Amato!
Elia's baby brother; this boy's anxiety has anxiety; hates crowded places and loud noises and loves music aka he's always wearing headphones in public; a sweetheart with everybody but also the loner of the school; just wished to know what people thinks about him so he could finally fit in... honey, you've got a big storm coming Mind reader. But he struggles a lot with it bc he can't control it, he just hears everybody (the range depends on how much he panicks basically) thoughts all together, unless he's touching somebody, then he hears just that person. That's the main reason why he's always wearing headphones later on btw. Jean Liberati ship
FC: Domenico Cuomo (But could change bc some news says that he might be in it for season 2, so... we'll see)
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Ambra Mariano!
Shares class with Greta; from a rich family; actress daughter of actors parents; loves her parents but sometimes wishes they were a "normal" family; tiny closeted lesbian btw Illusions bc she feels like her life is a big one Lin Mei Sun ship (but might evolve in a Lin x Sara ship)
FC: Ellie Bamber
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Genevieve Liberati!
Jean's older sister (always complains that everyone thinks she's the younger one); the perfect daughter aka the favourite (hates when her father picks favourites bc Jean is her favourite person in the world); too smart for her own good; somehow always finds out everyone crushes even before them; also lowkey wants to set them all and is basically Cupid lmao Already excited for when in season 2 she'll find out that her father indirectly killed her girlfriend's mother but okay Powerless baby (she's already too much powerful she doesn't need them) Lara Petrescu ship
FC: Katherine Langford
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Melissa "Meli" Perez!
Marco, Massimo and Andrea bestie; form a big colombian-italian family; total sunshine girl; just wants to make her people happy Empathy through aura reading. Bc my baby totally has witchy vibes and is already the most empathetic person on Earth. Also she technically has emotions manipulation, but like, very very light. Massimo Bianchi & Marco Nenchi ship
FC: Rachel Zegler
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Sylvie Badeau!
Jean's childhood friend aka comes from a rich french family; trauma walking baby (you'll want to murder her parents trust me); the sweetie of the group; no really with her the found family trope is so strong, they all would die for her (Jean can't die so he would kill for her lmao) Invisibility. Bc my girl needs a way to escape her shitty familiar life and that's the fastest way. Marco Nenchi ship
FC: Flavie Delangle
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Filippo Monti!
Nicola Ravenna's best friend; highkey hates the others in his group but hangs with them bc it's "or you're one of the cool guys and an asshole oer you're bullied"; technically Nicola's age but failed one year so he's in class with all the others Clairevoyance. This is actually very tbd but I just know it fits okay. You have to trust me on this Andrea Ravenna ship
FC: Francesco Centorame
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leossmoonn · 3 years
pairing - jess mariano x fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
note / request - request by anon “Hi! Can you write a Jess fic where his girlfriend meets his ex (Rory obv not Shane) and kinda gets jealous and insecure because Rory seems perfect and everything. And feels like Jess may not be over her so she wants to break up with him. You decide how it ends. Sorry if it's too detailed and it's okay if you don't write. I love your work btw you're really talented.” thank you so much for this request! i hope you liked the ending,,,, enjoy! 
summary - can you believe jess when he tells you he’s over rory? 
warnings / includes - mild and suggestive language, fighting, crying, heavy make out scenes + alluding to sex, this is like 7 years into the future (yall are like 23 lol)
*gif isn’t mine*
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she was perfect. even more perfect than jess had made her out to be. with her baby blue eyes, soft brown hair, and cute, little smile, no wonder why jess had fallen in love with her within the second he met her. hell, if you liked girls, you were sure you would do the same. but instead of falling in love with her, you were worried about jess falling in love with her again. 
“ror, this is y/n. y/n this is rory.” 
ror — that nickname that you could tell held so much meaning to him. 
“hi! oh, my gosh, it’s so nice to meet you,” she smiled. 
of course she was nice. only bad boy delinquent jess would fall in for nice girls. 
“you, too,” you gave her a tight smile. 
“he finally found someone to settle down with, hm?” she teased. “y/n’s great,” jess smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist. 
you glanced at him, chuckling at his words. you turned back to rory, nervously playing with your necklace jess had given you. 
“so, how has writing been going?” rory asked. “great. how about journalism?” he asked. 
“it’s been great. my boyfriend, logan, actually got me an internship at his dad’s office. he’s somewhere, i don’t know where,” rory chuckled, looking around the apartment.
“wow. it’s nice to have connections,” jess said. “you know, i could get you an internship, too,” rory offered. 
oh, great. and now she was trying to dazzle him by offering him a well-paying job. 
“oh, no, no. i’m happy where i am now. y/n’s job helps pay rent,” he looked at you proudly. 
“what do you do, y/n?” rory asked. “oh, um, i’m a lawyer,” you answered. 
“i bet that’s fun,” rory joked. “it can be,” you nodded. “it’s lots of reading, though.” 
“oh, i love reading,” rory smiled. “so jess has told me,” you laughed sourly. 
“tell them about your recent case, baby,” jess nudged you. 
“oh. well, i saved a kid from being sentence to twenty years in jail,” you said. 
“wow. that’s amazing!” rory exclaimed. “thank you,” you chuckled. 
“there’s more to the story. y/n just doesn't like to talk about work after hours,” jess said. 
“oh, i don’t blame you,” rory said. “how long have you been working at your boyfriend’s father’s office?” you asked. 
“a couple years now. i’m looking to move to a bigger place,” she said. 
“well, i hope you can make that happen,” you said. “if you’ll excuse me, i have to use the ladies room.” 
“no problem. it’s down the hall, to the left,” she directed. 
“thanks,” you nodded, slipping away from jess’s warmth and walking quickly to the bathroom. 
you put your glass of champagne on a random tray a waiter was carrying, storming into the bathroom and locking the door. you washed your face, looking at your reflection as you dried your skin. you wanted to punch the mirror, break all the stupid statues and pictures on the walls and shelves. and most of all, you just wanted to leave, but you couldn’t. you just got there.
you didn’t want to ruin jess’s night either just because you were feeling insecure. it was obvious that he didn’t care for rory. his eyes had been mostly on you the whole night, his arm around you, his lips pressing little pecks to your cheek every time you left a conversation to join another. but something in your brain told you that he was trying to make rory jealous and that this was all for show.
he never was this touchy with you in public, anyways. well, he was, he just never was this sincere in public. it made you worry. was this his game plan all along? dazzle rory with his independence as a writer, show you off as a trophy, and then leave you to “go to the bathroom”, only to go to rory’s room with her? it was unfair to think this way. you knew jess was a little bit of a playboy, but throughout your two years, he had been nothing been faithful to you. this was all in your head, right?
“y/n, baby? are you in here still?” jess’s voice sounded on the other side of the door.
“y-yeah. sorry, i drank a little too much,” you chuckled.
you threw the paper towel away, adjusting your dress and jewelry before you opened the door. jess stood there, looking worried sick.
“are you okay? you’ve been off ever since we got there,” he said.
you chuckled at his bluntness. “yeah, i’m okay. you know me, i don’t like these types of parties. everyone is rich and snotty and just not my crowd.”
he laughed, nodding in agreement. “i understand. i hate these types of people, too.”
you rolled your eyes. “please, you fit right in.”
“oh,” he gasped, putting his hand on his heart. “how dare you group me in with these low-lives.”
you smiled, “sorry. it had to be said.”
he smiled back, reaching his hand out and clasping yours. “do you want to leave?”
you shrugged, “we’ve only been here for an hour.”
“but it feels like three, right?”
“you know me so well,” you smiled.
“well, that’s why we’re soulmates, right?” he hummed.
your heart warmed at his words. he only ever said this to you at home while you two were in bed, usually when you two were naked and cuddling. to hear him say something like that when you two were surrounded by people with all the lights on was so special. all your doubts seemed to disappear in an instant.
“right,” you nodded. “let’s go then, shall we?” he suggested.
you nodded, letting him lead the way. you two stopped a few times to say goodbye to people, finally reaching rory and her boyfriend, who were the hosts of the party. it would be rude to leave without bidding goodbye to them.
“hey, i’m logan.” the blond shook both of your hands, flashing you a charming smile.
“nice to meet you,” you smiled back politely.
jess’s hand tightened around your waist as he gave logan a tight smile.
“so, this is the infamous jess mariano,” logan stated.
“guilty as charged,” jess laughed.
“well, you have an amazing taste in women,” logan looked to rory and then you.
rory blushed in response, nudging logan and telling him to play nice. you gave him a flattered smile, definitely not expecting him to be such a flirt, but it wasn’t surprising. rory most definitely had a type.
“what can i say. she’s beautiful,” jess gushed.
you turned to him, a little shocked he was staring at you. you didn’t know why you were so shocked, of course, he would be staring at you. it just made you even more relieved.
“oh, you guys are so cute!” rory squealed.
you turned back to her, giving her the first genuine smile you had given anyone the whole night.
“thank you. so are you two. what a good looking couple y’all are,” you returned the compliment.
“it’s all her,” logan hugged rory, looking down at her.
your smile grew wider. logan was truly in love with rory. it was heartwarming to see that, especially after a long and boring night.
“well, we’re gonna get going. thanks for inviting us, ror,” jess said.
“oh, no problem! you know, we should all have lunch together,” rory suggested.
“um, sure,” jess nodded, looking to you. your words got caught in your throat for a second. you gulped, looking back to logan and rory’s expectant faces.
“yeah, sure. that’d be great.”
“i’ll call you when we set something up,” rory said.
“looking forward to it. see you soon,” jess put his hand up and waved.
“see you guys,” you said, turning as quick as you could to walk out.
“are we really gonna have lunch with them?” you asked as you got into the car.
“why not?” jess shrugged. “you really want to have lunch with your ex?” you asked.
“i mean, it might be awkward, but we dated like, six-seven years ago. i’ve moved on, she’s moved on. no need to be worried.”
and there he went, talking straight to your insecurities. he looked at you and you could tell he had noticed your distrust from the moment you had left the house earlier that night.
he put his hand on your thigh as he started the car, not taking it off the whole car ride. as soon as you got into your apartment, jess pushed you against the wall and kissed you.
you gasped in surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. his hands wrapped around your waist, clutching your sides and dipping you down slightly, deepening the kiss.
you went to stand up straight, grabbing his tie without breaking the kiss and leasing him to the bedroom.
you two took off your clothes, only breaking the kiss when jess had to pull his shirt over his head. you sat down on the bed, putting your hands on his face, cradling his head. your fingers ran across his jawline, giving him butterflies with the tenderness of your touch. meanwhile, you kissed him roughly.
you scooted up on the bed, taking jess with you. he crawled on top of you, settling in between your legs. his hands ran across the seams of your underwear, enjoying the feel of the lace on his fingers and your soft skin.
your hands went down to his boxers, beginning to pull them down, but he stopped you. he set his forehead on yours, looking you straight in the eyes. you gave him a quizzical look, waiting in anticipation for his words.
“i know you were a little intimidated by rory, i just want you to know —”
“i wasn’t intimidated. sure, i was insecure, but —”
he cut you off with a quick kiss. he then looked back into your eyes. you smiled in embarrassment, deciding to stay quiet this time.
“i just wanted to tell you that you have nothing to worry about. i love you, i am in love with you. you are unmatched, and i never am going to leave or whatever for rory, not for anyone. you’re mine, baby.”
tears welled up in your eyes. you blinked them away, jess wiping them away as soon as they slid down the sides of your face. he pressed a gentle kiss to your nose.
“you’re all i could ever ask for, y/n,” he whispered.
“you’re so sweet,” you laughed quietly.
“only for you,” he hummed.
you sniffled, a bright smile lighting up the pitch-black room.
“kiss me,” you demanded in a whisper.
he did as you told, sweeping your lips into the best kiss of your life.
“you think this looks okay?” you asked.
“you look gorgeous,” he said.
“ugh, you’ve said that about every dress!” you groaned. you slipped the dress off, shoving it roughly down your legs. you stepped out of it, folding it up and placing it back onto your bed in the pile of rejected dresses.
“i think you should wear that,” jess pointed to your lingerie.
you looked down at the black strapless bra you had on. you looked back up at him, giving him a sexy smirk. you sauntered over to him, swaying your hips and working the matching black panties. you put your knee in-between his legs and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“you think? i don’t know, i feel like i’d be cold,” you cocked your head to the side.
“i could keep you warm,” he said. he put his hands on your waist, his thumb running along the top of your underwear. “man, you look so good. too good, really.”
“i can’t help it,” you shrugged with a smile.
“good,” he smiled back. he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you slowly.
you moaned softly in his mouth. your hands ran through his hair, messing all the hard work he did up for the lunch you two were supposed to be leaving for.
“you think they would mind if we’re late?” jess mumbled as he kissed you.
“i think so,” you nodded. you pulled away, sucking on his bottom lip and pulling it out ever-so-slightly before releasing it.
he opened his eyes, seeing that they were in a daze and clouded with lust. you smiled cheekily, stepping away and walking back to the closet.
“don’t go,” jess whined.
“sorry, lover boy. i gotta get dressed,” you said.
he got up from his spot on the bed, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you from behind. he set his chin on your shoulder, pecking your cheek.
“i could be your clothes,” he whispered.
you giggles, holding his arms close to you. “maybe after lunch.”
“is that a promise?”
“we’ll see,” you smiled. you craned your head back to kiss his lips. you pulled away, focusing on picking out an outfit.
you spotted a dark sea-green dress. its material was satin-like. it was light and breathable, but you knew it also would hug your body in all the right places.
“i think i’ll try this on,” you said, picking it out.
you handed the hanger to jess, unzipping the back and stepping into his. jess helped you zip it up and you tied the little strings into a bow that sat in the middle of the dress, right on top of your breasts. you made sure it was tight as the strings weaved up from the waist. you didn’t want your boobs to fall out.
the sleeves puffed up and went off the shoulder in an elegant, medieval-type way. the dress went just past your knees, flowing gracefully as you twirled around.
you faced jess, wanting to know his opinion on the dress. you didn’t even have to ask what he thought. it was written all over his face.
“w-wow. you look… wow,” he gasped.
you giggled bashfully, looking at him through your lashes shyly.
“”wow”, huh?” you teased.
he nodded vigorously. “wow.”
“well, thank you. it’s nothing special, though. it’s just a solid color with some ruffles on the sleeves,” you turned back to the mirror.
“no, babe. it’s wow. man, please wear this dress more. you look amazing. when did you buy this? i’ve never seen you in this,” he said.
“i bought it a couple months ago, i think. i bought it for a work party, but it got cancelled so i’ve never gotten to wear it,” you explained.
“well, i’m glad you agreed to this lunch.”
“like rory gave me any choice,” you snorted.
“you’ll have fun. you always do when there’s food involved. are you ready to go?” he asked.
“yeah, let me just get some shoes on,” you nodded.
you went back to your closet, slipping on black heels, and grabbed a black purse, swinging it over your shoulder. you met jess at the front door, using the elevator to get down to your car.
jess drove you two to the restaurant. it had only been a week since the dinner party. rory had called jess to invite you two out to lunch to a fancy-sounding place in new york. jess parked in a parking garage once you got there. you two walked down a couple of blocks to the restaurant, telling the hostess who you were with.
“they’re seated right over here,” she said.
you and jess followed the hostess to a table right next to the window.
“hey!” logan exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.
“hi,” you smiled.
logan gave you a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, shaking jess’s hand briefly before letting rory greet you two. rory gave you a side hug, pecking your other cheek lightly. you watched as she hugged jess, pulling him close and kissing his cheek, her lips lingering.
jess pulled away in a timely fashion, immediately sitting down next to you.
“i love your dress, y/n,” rory gushed.
“oh, thank you. i love yours, too.” you looked her up and down. she looked beautiful.
she was wearing a dark purple dress that came just above her knees. the sleeves sat right on her shoulders, the neckline was square and dipping down to show her flawless skin. it brought out her blue eyes, making them even brighter than you remember.
“you clean up nicely,” logan smiled at jess. “thanks. i don’t have many, uh, fancy clothes,” jess admitted.
you looked over your boyfriend, biting your lip unconsciously as you admired him. he was wearing a black shirt with a navy blue blazer and jeans. he wasn’t in a casual suit like logan was, but he didn’t need to be. jess was handsome all on his own. 
“nah, you don’t need them,” logan assured him. 
jess gave him a smile in reply, averting his gaze to the menu. 
“so, any new and interesting cases since we last spoke?” rory asked you. 
“nope. just a few simple murder trials,” you said. 
“you seem so casual about that,” logan chuckled. you shrugged, “i’ve been doing this for a year. you get used to it.”
“oh, i could never get used to that. i could cry on the stand all the time,” rory said. 
“yeah, you have to have thick skin,” you nodded. 
“do you have anything in the drafts, jess?” logan asked. “a few things,” jess said. 
“mind telling us one of your ideas?” jess sat up in his seat, trying to shake the uncomfortableness he felt while being put on the spot. “i don’t know… maybe another —” 
“no, i bet they’re amazing! i remember one of the short stories you wrote when we were together. man, i still want a copy for that if you have it,” rory raved. 
you raised your brows, looking at jess. “you’ve never showed me any of your works.” 
“oh, well, they’re a lot worse now that i’m older, weirdly enough,” jess chuckled. 
“tell us about the one you showed me, then,” rory urged. 
“yeah, jess, tell us about the one you showed her,” you taunted. 
jess looked at you, giving you a small glare. you raised your brows at him, challenging him. your patience was already growing thin.
“alright. well, it’s a love story,” jess started out. “oh, i love those!” logan smiled. 
“yeah,” jess chuckled. “it’s about this guy who is an asshole. i mean, he is the worst. but one day he meets a girl who changes him forever.”
you had to hold in a scoff. of course, this story was about rory. it was all over his face, and hers. jess stared at rory while telling the summary, earning smiles and laughs from her every time he made a joke. you looked at logan, trying to see what his reaction was, but it seemed like he wasn’t bothered at all. he had more confidence in his relationship than you did. 
you looked back at jess, your heart tearing to shreds at the way he was looking at her. he was looking at her the same way he looked at you, even more in love, if anything. his pupils were wide and filled with nostalgia. the smile on her face was one you wanted to slap off. she looked so happy, so smug to hear him inadvertently talking about their relationship. you didn’t know if you could sit here for another hour and a half. 
“anyways, it’s a silly story. it was never really going anywhere,” jess shrugged. 
“i think it’s good. it’s cute. it reminds me of first love-type relationships,” logan commented. 
first love: what rory was to jess. 
“i’m going to go and use the bathroom.” you stood up suddenly, not wasting any time. 
you went into a stall, shutting the door and collapsing to the ground. you started to break down. 
a few moments past and you heard heels clicking on the floor. 
“y/n? are you okay?” rory’s voice echoed. 
oh, great. just what you needed.
“yeah. sorry, my stomach just really hurts,” you said, trying to clam yourself down. 
“can i come in?” she asked. 
you sighed and stood up. “i guess.” you opened the door for her, reveling her shocked and remorseful face. 
without saying anything, she pulled you into a hug. your eyes widened and you hesitated in hugging her back. she didn’t seem to notice or mind, though. she pulled away after a few moments, leading you to the sink. she grabbed a few paper towels, wetting them and cleaning up your running mascara. 
you swiped the towels away from her, giving her a glare and turning around. “i can clean myself up, thanks.”
rory sighed, “i know you don’t like me that much, but i just wanted to come in and explain myself.” 
“what do you have to say? this is between jess and i,” you spat. 
“i know, but i want to make you sure that i don’t mean any harm. i just get really nostalgic when i’m with old friends. i like to reminisce and whatever you saw back there was not what you think it was. i don’t love jess, i love logan,” she explained. 
you let out a sour laugh, turning around slowly. “this is not about you.”
“it kind of is, i —” 
“no, no, you see, i know you don’t love jess. i know you’ve moved on and that you’re with logan now. it’s just that… jess is still i-in love with you,” you said, voice cracking. 
rory gasped, “what? no.”
“yes,” you nodded. “that look her gave you when he was talking about that story. you probably didn’t notice, but man, he is whipped.” 
“y/n, he doesn’t love me. he is over me,” rory tried to convince you.
“bullshit,” you muttered. “and not that i blame him, though. i mean, look at you. you’re perfect. any guy would be lucky to have you.”
rory chuckled, “i am far from perfect, y/n.” 
“stop being so modest,” you rolled your eyes. “no, i’m serious,” she looked you in the eyes. 
“i home wrecked my ex-boyfriend’s marriage, i screwed up the plans my mom and i have made for me since i was like, 5 because i wanted my own identity. i went behind my mom’s back and threw our relationship in the trash. i cheated on my first boyfriend with, um, jess, actually. i-i left my childhood best friend and never made the effort to stay in touch,” she explained. 
“thank you for giving me a list of why you’re an asshole. it really helps,” you said. 
“no, but don’t you see! i’m not perfect, no one is! but you, you are. you are perfect for jess, you are so good for him. you’re the one who changed him,” she said. 
“no,” you shook your head. “yes,” she nodded. “sure, i showed him what a real relationship entailed, but i have never seen him so committed and so happy. i mean, we all know his home-life was never good and that he is insecure, but he lights up when he’s with you.”
you sighed, sniffling as tears ran down your face. “you think so?”
“i know,” she nodded.  “thanks,” you gave her a small smile. “of course. i would never try and get in-between something as special as what you and jess have,” she smiled. 
“have you guys ordered yet?” you asked. “yeah, jess ordered for you,” she nodded. 
“okay. give me a few moments and i’ll come out,” you said. 
“take your time,” she smiled. she squeezed your hand as she left. 
you looked into the mirror, cleaning up your makeup and calming down. you walked out, wearing new confidence.
“hey, babe,” you smiled at jess.
“hey. you okay?” he asked.
“yeah, period cramps, you know,” you chuckled.
logan laughed, “glad i don’t have to deal with those.”
“oh, they’re the worse. you know, the first time i got my period my stomach hurt so bad, i had to call my mom and pick me up from school,” rory giggled.
jess’s broke into a half-smile. he looked at you with distress. you weren’t due for your period in two weeks. did the story upset you that much? he wondered.
he slipped his hand into yours, squeezing your hand lovingly. you looked at him, smiling a little and letting him know you were okay with your eyes.
you turned back to rory and logan, conversing with them like you actually wanted to be there.
it wasn’t until you were saying goodbye when you got shot down again. jess hugged rory, giving her a longing look. your heart sunk in your stomach. rory was wrong. he wasn’t over her.
“come by the apartment sometime!” logan suggested.
“we definitely will,” you nodded.
you began to walk away, not bothering to wait for jess. he eventually caught up with you, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you close as you walked to the car.
“did you have fun?” he asked.
“yeah,” you nodded, not looking at him.
“what’s wrong?” he asked.
“nothing,” you said, swiping the keys from jess and unlocking the car.
“wait,” he stopped you from getting into the car. “you only drive if you’re mad or we’re running late. i think this time you’re mad.”
“i’m not mad,” you said. “then what’s wrong?” he asked. “i know you’re not fine.”
“i’m not mad,” you repeated, then looking him in the eyes. “i’m hurt.”
his jaw dropped, brows furrowing into a confused, helpless look. “why, baby?”
“because you still love her.”
he sighed in irritation. “this again? i’ve told you —”
“the way you look at her!” you exclaimed.
“you cannot say i love her because of the way i look at her,” he argued.
“there’s something about the way you look at her. you-you miss her. you want her,” you stated.
“that is bullshit and you know this. why are you doing this? you want to rile me up or something? because if that’s what it is, then it’s working.”
“no!” you groaned, exasperated. “i am being serious. you are not over her. you want her back because you let a good thing go, and she was that good thing.”
“that doesn’t matter! i don’t care about her! why can’t you believe what i say? do you see how i look at you? god, i am so in love with you. just believe me,” he begged.
“i can’t,” you shook your head.
“stop being so difficult! please, i beg you, open your damn ears and listen to me!”
you pushed him away, tears rolling down your cheeks like a waterfall.
“ask logan and rory to take you home. maybe you can have your chance with her.” you swung the car door open, slipping in and slamming it shut.
“wait, shit. y/n! open the door, please!” jess banged on the window.
you ignored him, backing out and driving away. jess looked at the car with tears in his eyes.
“dammit,” he muttered.
“it’s not your fault, man. if she doesn’t believe you, then that’s her problem,” johnny, jess’s friend, said.
“it’s not her fault,” jess shook his head.
“you literally are telling her the truth and she’s acting like a b —”
“watch it,” jess glared.
johnny sighed, “look, if anything, she’s letting a good thing get away.”
jess shook his head, running his hands over his face in agony. “i just don’t know what to do to let her believe me.”
“just make love to her,” drew shrugged.
“this isn’t about sex, drew. it has to be special,” jess said.
“what is more special than sex?” drew asked.
“everything,” jess muttered.
“has she called you back yet?” johnny asked.
“no, but she texted me last night saying she wants to break up.”
“did you answer?”
“no,” jess sighed. “i-i don’t know what to say. i don’t want to break up. she’s the love of my life for christ’s sake! i can’t lose her because i yelled at her instead of working it out like adults.”
“jess, this is not your fault, i’m tellin’ you. she was acting all crazy, like girls do,” johnny said.
jess shook his head once more, trying to think of a way to make it up to you. it’s not like it was your fault per se, but he didn’t want to lose you because of your insecurities.
then, an idea lit up the lightbulb above his head. 
he got up from the couch, grabbing his coat and keys.
“where are you going?” johnny asked.
“win her heart back,” jess answered before fleeing johnny’s apartment.
“he’s insane,” drew muttered. “if i had the girl of my dreams, i’d do anything for her, too,” johnny sighed.
jess went to the supermarket and bought a bouquet of lilies, your favorite flower. he then went home and grabbed the mixtape he had made you. he had never shown you it as he was waiting to give it to you for your birthday, but he figured there was no better time than now to give it to you.
he drove back to your guys’ apartment. you had been staying there since the lease was in your name. he had moved out for a week and stayed at his friend’s, but tonight he was hoping he could move back in.
he unlocked the door, stumbling in and falling over his own two feet.
“hello, who is — oh, it’s you,” you frowned, standing in the doorway of your bedroom. “did you get my text? i assume you’re here to get the rest of your stuff.”
he shook his head, running over to your cassette and putting in your mixtape.
“hey! what are you doing?” you exclaimed, stomping over to him.
“just one second,” he said.
“you can’t just waltz in here acting like you own the place. you don’t…” your voice faltered as you heard the instrumental opening to louis armstrong’s what a wonderful world.
“wha-what is this?” you asked.
jess turned to you slowly, giving you a warm smile. he held out the bouquet of lilies to you. you took them in shock, putting them up to your nose and smelling them. you smiled at their sweet scent, making jess’s heart soar. it had been so long — too long — since he had seen your smile.
you looked to jess, putting the lilies down on the coffee table.
“what are you doing here?” you asked.
he didn’t say anything. he took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. he slipped his arm around the small of your back and started to sway along to the music.
“i don’t want to dance, jess.” you tried to pull away, but he just pulled you closer.
“please, let me make it up to you,” he begged.
you looked into his eyes. man, did you miss getting lose in those umber eyes. you missed all of him, honestly, so you nodded and relaxed with the music.
the next song started to play, making your heart grow ten times. it was elton john’s your song. it was the song that you and jess had your first dance to.
“i remember this moment,” you whispered, more to yourself than him.
“yeah, me too,” he nodded. “it was our second date and i had the radio on. i had just cooked the worse dinner for you, but you ate it anyways, complimenting my work as you attempted to eat burnt potatoes.”
you giggled, the taste of those burnt potatoes taking over your mouth. “yeah, they were awful.”
“and i remember feeling so awkward and so stupid. why did i agree to cook you dinner? i guess i wanted to impress you. boy, did that plan fail,” he chuckled.
“but then you made up for it by taking my hand and getting me out of my seat. ‘your song’ came on and we danced the whole four minutes and one second,” you said.
he nodded, looking deep into your eyes, making butterflies fly through your chest.
“you looked so beautiful that night,” he said in a whisper.
“i was wearing those ugly brown pants and a blue sweater. it clashed so bad,” you cringed.
“it doesn’t matter what you wear. you always look amazing. just like tonight. i love these pajamas.” he took his eyes off of yours for one second to look at the polar bear pants and tank top you had on.
“thanks. i was just getting ready for bed,” you chuckled.
“glad i came just in time, then.”
“yeah, you have great timing,” you remarked.
“you say that like it’s a bad thing.”
you shrugged, “sometimes it is.”
jess chuckled, not saying another word. unchained melody by the righteous brothers started to play right after elton’s song. you swayed to the music with jess, turning in slow circles to the beat. without really thinking about it, you put your head on jess’s shoulder, breathing in his scent and relaxing into his arms.
your hand came up to his back and you held him close. you closed your eyes, enjoying what you thought would be the last moments of your relationship with him.
“i love this song,” you hummed.
“i know,” jess said. his words vibrated through his chest, sending shivers down your spine as you felt them.
you put your head up as the saxophone sounded. you mouth fell open and you started to laugh.
“what?” jess asked. “y-you have carless whisper on this CD?” you giggled.
“well, it’s a mixtape. what’s wrong with it?” he asked.
you erupted into a fit of giggles. “i thought you hated me after that one time at the ice skating rink. remember? this song was playing with all those kids started making fun of you for falling so much.”
he shrugged with a small smile. “well, i know you like this song.”
you nodded, “that’s true. it’s weird that all these songs are from our memories.”
jess smirked knowingly. “yeah. so weird.”
you looked at him, giving him a confused look. “what? why’d you say it like that?”
he played it off. “say what like what?”
“you were like “so weird”. what am i missing here?”
“nothin’. are you tired?” he asked.
“yeah, i’m exhausted,” you sighed, laying your head back onto his chest. “i stayed up all night working. jill is so incompetent.”
“i’m sorry, baby,” jess said. he placed a sweet, long kiss onto your head.
you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling.
“yeah, it’s fine. she’s getting fired soon.”
“are you going to celebrate when she does?”
“oh, hell yeah,” you nodded.
jess chortled, “mind if i join?”
you sighed, “i don’t know.”
jess stayed quiet, biting his lip so he wouldn’t speak. he had a whole speech he had been calculating in his head the moment he started to dance with you. he wasn’t about to fuck this up.
you didn’t even realize that the song had changed until jess started humming the tune. this time i can’t help falling in love by the famous elvis presley started playing.
“this is my favorite song,” you sighed happily.
“mine, too,” jess agreed. “it’s our song,” you smiled, a little melancholy.
“it can stay our song, you know,” he stated.
you hummed, debating whether or not to say yes. you were unsure of what was happening with your relationship now. you had acted like a paranoid bitch to him the other day and you had been embarrassed about it ever since. that paranoia didn’t leave, though, it just got worse.
there was just something about jess looking at rory at lunch that you couldn’t shake. and maybe your eyes played tricks on you, but you swore you could see it. you swore you could see the look of love on his face, and him denying it made you feel crazy and stupid. you wished you could just forget about it all now, but it was etched deep inside your mind. jess would have to dazzle you to make you believe him.
“i know that you think i’m not over rory,” he started.
it was like he had read your mind.
“i am, y/n. i am over her. i understand how you might feel a little insecure. i mean, when logan was complimenting you and whatnot at the dinner party, i wanted to rip his eyes out. but i know you and trust you. i love you too much to let a man simply flirting with you break what we have.”
“i love you a lot, too,” you mumbled. “i don’t want us to break up over this stupid thing, either. it’s just, i’ve heard a lot about rory from you and your uncle. you both made her out to seem perfect, and she is. i’m scared that one day you’ll think that i’m not enough and go after her and think she is.”
he listened to every word you said, hanging on to them and processing them. this was the first time you had opened up to him on the subject. you were almost as bad as him at talking about your feelings he was thankful you decided to speak your truth tonight.
“luke adores rory. everyone in that god forsaken town does. she’s their pride and joy, so don’t listen to him, but listen to me, okay?”
you lifted your head, facing him. you nodded, waiting nervously for him to speak.
“i did love rory. the story i told today was about her and me. she was my first love, admittedly. i know you hate to hear that, but it’s true. i don’t want to just sugarcoat stuff and act like what you were saying earlier was wrong, because it wasn’t. i did love rory. i was very much in love with rory. it took me a little while to get over her. i even tried to get her back a couple of years after we broke up. but i saw that she was happy with logan, and you know what? that was all i needed to get over her,” he explained.
he was right. you didn’t like hearing about this, but you had a feeling you would like the end of his speech. so you didn’t interrupt him or anything. you listened intently.
“then, three years later i met you. and man, were you something else,” jess chuckled. “you were always two steps ahead in making moves. you were so assertive and confident, i’ll be honest, i was so intimidated. i told johnny and drew how amazing you were every night, how lucky i was that you even looked in my direction. and when you kissed me the night after the first date, i was in. i think you knew that, too.”
you smiled sheepishly, nodding in admittance. “i did.”
he smiled back, holding your hand a little tighter with these next words.
“i am so in love with you, y/n. that look you saw me give rory, that was merely just my body reacting to the fact that i do love rory, i always will, but i’m not in love with her. but let me tell you,” he licked his lips, looking you straight in the eyes. “you are enough. you are so much more than enough. you are crazy smart, witty as hell, so supportive, sexy, confident, equally as horrible at cooking as i am. and you are just a sight for sore eyes. that’s the cherry on top.”
you smiled, your heart bursting at his words.
“please believe me, baby. as whitney houston said, “i will always love you.” he sang the words horribly, but tried his best nonetheless.
you couldn’t help but laugh. you nodded furiously. “i believe you.”
“thank you. i promise i will spend every minute of every day proving you are enough.”
“you don’t have to do that,” you smiled. “you’d like it though, wouldn’t you?” he smirked.
“i would,” you admitted.
“i love you so much, y/n. i will never get tired of saying that,” he said.
“i love you, too, lover boy,” you said, leaning in and pressing your lips go his.
you two swayed to the beat of the whitney houston song, kissing each other tenderly, as though it was your first kiss.
jess’s voice started to talk on the mixtape, surprising the both of you.
“happy birthday, my love. i hope you like this mixtape i made for you of all our songs. you deserve it.”
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 1/Episode 10 ("Forgiveness and Stuff") Part 1 of 2
This one had to be split in two because Tumblr only allows you 30 pictures per post. Teehee. Wait until the Jess episodes, they'll probably be 5 parters. What happens in this episode: Christmas. Dean gets a stupid nickname from the Townies. Amy Sherman Palladino still refuses to drop this "Dean Likes To Read" utter nonsense. Lorelai doesn't bash Dean's skull in for skulking around her windows at night. Lorelai and Dean reenact Romeo and Juliet. Luke's serves hipster pizza. Richard goes to the hospital, where some sweet and emotionally touching scenes occur. Emily starts to cry and is probably confused about why her face is leaking. Lorelai buys Luke a hat and he makes her a Santa Burger.
I feel like there weren't enough Christmas-themed episodes of this show. A lot of winter-themed episodes, but not really Christmas. A Christmas day or Eve episode would have been really cute.
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Nightmare stuff.
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Adorable stuff. Doesn't anyone in Stars Hollow have jobs? What do they do all day when there's not a festival, pageant, fundraiser, or hootnanny to plan or attend?
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Wow, SO SAUCY. I heard the Dean fandom (????) call themselves "Narcos". The fuck is that name? "Rogan" is equally stupid (I renamed them RoryBurger, which is much better), it sounds like Rogaine or Joe Rogan. "JavaJunkie" for Luke and Lorelai is clunky, and like, who is anything BUT Team Luke & Lorelai anyway? Is there a Team Digger? Team Rachel?
But "Literati"? That one's absolutely perfect. Dean falls asleep with the town princess and the worst thing that happens to him is some townies call him "Narcolepsy Boy"? Again, let this happen with Jess and see how he would fare. I really need to give a name to this "Re-imagine this scenario with Jess in Dean's shoes because Jess could never get away with anything Dean does" line of thought. The Mariano-Forester Paradox? Okay, we'll go with that for now. I doubt that's the correct use of the word "Paradox" but bear with me. Rory: I haven't spoken to Dean in four days. I told him not to call. Lane: Didn't he listen? Rory: No (smiles) Lane: Good boy. Ehhhh??
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How many times must I plead for the writers of this show to finally drop this "Dean loves to read" thing! It makes no sense and I'm over it! For the love of crackers... Lane: "Just imagine that you gave Dean smething really romantic, and he gave you...a football." Okay but a football would be way more romantic than a piece of spare change on a string.
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I love this outfit/jewelry/hair on Alexis. She looks really pretty.
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Scanning for any interesting ornaments on the Gilmore tree, but only the "No Pouting" one stands out.
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Lorelai is eating a SALAD? Willingly? This is highly unusual.
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That's slightly more believable Lorelai Behavior. I guess the punch line is that she's supposed to be depressed because she couldn't get a pizza delivered, so she resorts to eating a salad, but why did she have it in the house in the first place?
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A faint knocking is heard. Lorelai looks up from her depression salad...
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She gets up to investigate... the knocking continues...
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Like something out of Romeo and Fucking Juliet.
We are about to witness one of the first and most nauseating scenes out of the Dean and Lorelai Affair (henceforth known as DALA), that thing where Dean does or says something creepy, inappropriate, hurtful, annoying or weird, and Lorelai's reaction to it is...very sus. I CANNOT be the only one who sees this...and thankfully I know I'm not, I think most people just don't want to admit it, lol. Lorelai engages Dean in gentle conversation, instead of grabbing a blunt instrument & striking him unconcious. The Mariano-Forrester Paradox is in play. Jess pulled something similar at Lane's house, but Mrs. Kim actually had the appropriate reaction, which was to grab a weapon. This even outcreeps that time Jess emerged from the bushes in Emily's driveway at night in Season 6 (to which Rory only reacted with mild surprise and didn't hop back in her car and run him over). Can the boys on this show stop being so creepy please?!
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I feel like there is some sort of cosmic justice behind the fact that Lorelai spent years touting the Virtues of Dean Forrester while panicking whenever Jess breathed around Rory, only for Jess and Rory to never actually have sex but a married Dean ends up taking her daughter's virginity. Honestly, a smile creeps onto my face when I imagine how everything eventually backfires in Lorelai's face. (Not to mention the cosmic justice of Jess eventually becoming her literal family. I hope she likes being called Auntie Lorelai).
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Nah, she's about a minute away from inviting you in for a cup of cocoa with little marshmallows in it and a snuggle on the couch.
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He's such a dickhead when he does this thing where he talks over Lorelai like he's not a fucking 17 year old kid talking to someone's mother. "You can hate me if you want." Good, no one asked. Shut up.
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Lies, lies, lies. Dean:"She'll go to Harvard, and if she doesn't, it won't be because of me."
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Yes, Mr "Oh, it's about Harvard, excuse me, I forgot!" has always been very supportive of Rory's dreams. Why is Lorelai STILL having a gentle little conversation with this creepwad through the window? Slam the window down on his fucking fingers, Lorelai! DO IT! Lorelai & Dean continue to flirt for the next several minutes.
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"I wuv you Boo Bear."
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Lorelai, I notice you still aren't listening to me. You're letting him leave without smashing the window down on his head or at least his fingers. Can we have a word? I say this as your staunch ally in Season 1, Rory: I'm gravely concerned that your mother wants to have an affair with your teenage boyfriend. Or already is. Lorelai (Gently): Dean, we have a really nice front door. You should use it sometime. Lorelai to Jess In The Same Situation: You know, we have a really nice front door. I may or may not have booby trapped it. Just curious, are you scared of pirahnas? Good luck.
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Here's a terrible joke I made up all by myself: Why is Santa Claus a better man than Jess Mariano's father? Because Jess held out hope that Santa would visit him once a year.
You're sad now. I'm sorry. I read a story once that imagined Jess was born on Christmas Eve and Liz tried to name him Jesus but forgot the U on the birth certificate. Part 2 of this review will be posted soon!
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What’s with Camilo in discover himself when he doesn’t need to, like I understand some people try to put canon and OCs and sexualities, etc on character in children’s movies but gather has nothing to do with them or the movie. This is exactly like TikTok 🤨 we can never get our representation without having white people or non Latinos change our characters to fit their own perspective of them
Well, I don't know of that's directed to me after my first work of Camilo but I wanted to make somethings clear.
1) Headcanons or OCs( as long as they respect the animation/anime/fandom) are okay. People think Mirabel is Bi because of the rainbow on her dress or Isabela lesbian because she said that she wasn't interested in men(? I'm not quite sure about that part though since it couldn't watch it on Disney+ because I'm kinda broke lol) but... I dunno as long as they aren't disrespectful, people making headcanons about their sexualities etc. is fine with me and most of the writers and people here.
I think, the reason why we think Camilo is trying to get to know himself is because since he changes into people quite a lot, there is a high chance that he got to know how different people feel, see themselves etc. and started to headcanon that he was genderfluid or questioning himself.
And Isabella, because once I saw someone say that since Alma introduced Mariano and Isabella, it was kinda how she see fit for them to be married, like an arranged marriage. But if ever Isabella were to say that she didn't want HIM, they could have found someone else etc.
I dunno if you are homophobic or not, but that shouldn't be a problem if you aren't, there is no need to argue about characters' sexualities. Like I said, as long as it doesn't affect people badly, it's fine.
2) I kinda knew when I decided on writing for Encanto that there would be some people who would say that we, white people, whitewash them or use the language and characters for our benefit.( DON'T get me wrong, about making characters' skin tone much lighter, changing the shape of nose and face etc. is disrespectful)
But like I said in my work, if there are any mistakes, about the Spanish words or culture traits, just warn me so that I can fix it. I just had a Philippino!reader request and even though I asked for some details about the culture, now I'm scared to write it. And if I wanted to just change the characters to my benefit, I wouldn't have tried to learn the culture, what they wear, what they say etc. Since I don't know Spanish very well, I don't use full sentences. Just sweet nicknames.
As for final words, many writers here who writes for Encanto are trying not to be disrespectful with Latino culture and if we make a mistake, we immediately fix it. So using Spanish words, cultural traits or making headcanons are just OKAY. While writing we also learn new things as well.
Besides, nowadays kids know about LGBTQ+ and since most of the kid animations don't rub it on everyones face like " Look at this character!! They are totally gAy!!", it's good for kids to know there are people like this and trust me, most of ttlhe kids are fine with it...
I hope I didn't come off as rude or defensive or anything but these are just my opinions. I hope you have a nice day!
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
Apparently Miranda struggled to make the songs for Encanto because he got the bare minimum of information about the story and how the characters would develop, in order to avoid spoilers being leaked. I do not know if it is true, but for me personally that made a bit of sense, because in many cases it felt like the songs just happened without satisfying transition, with the exception of "We don't talk about Bruno". But that is just my opinion.
(referring to this post)
Okay so if that's true, that would make infinite amounts of sense because like...I was just talking to my roommate earlier today about how several of the songs either feel unedited or seem to come out of nowhere and either hint at or imply things that are simply not depicted or discussed anywhere in the actual movie. "Dos Oruguitas" is basically the only song in the movie that's both integrated flawlessly into the scene and whose lyrics echo the movie's themes with the characters involved (Alma and Mirabel).
Both "The Family Madrigal" and "All of You" feel unedited and very "Lin was definitely on the strugglebus writing them." "All of You" has good lyrics but really struggles with both the beat and consistently good singing, and "The Family Madrigal" is just....well, aggressively mediocre (both lyrically and singing-wise). Neither feel like particularly good story bookend songs, either; "The Family Madrigal" sets up the family and their powers pretty well but doesn't effectively set up the movie's plot or vibe, and "All of You" recalls "The Family Madrigal" in both its lyrics and melody, but not in a way that actually effectively serves the song in isolation. Which is unspeakably weird considering how well Lin did those callbacks in both Hamilton and Moana.
Luisa's song is incredible and has so many references to having to do a lot of emotional labor for her family and not just physical ("Give it to your sister, your sister's older/Give her all the heavy things we can't shoulder/Who am I if I can't run with the ball?" and "Give it to your sister, it doesn't hurt and/See if she can handle every family burden" and "Give it to your sister and never wonder/If the same pressure would've pulled you under") but like....we never actually see Luisa playing that role for the family. It's not even hinted at, even as Luisa effectively isolates herself from the family after her powers start failing, which would have been a great opportunity to explore how the family falls apart faster without Luisa present to shoulder and deflect those burdens.
"We Don't Talk About Bruno" is an absolute bop in every possible way and I love it dearly, but it's effectively a villain song for a character who isn't a villain and is never actually portrayed as such outside of the song itself (Camilo just bashing his uncle for a full verse asdfghjkl). Thematically within the movie's story, it would have been better for the song to focus on the impact that Bruno leaving had on the family and how their refusal to talk about Bruno echoes other traumatic fractures within the family and all the other things they're not talking about with each other (like...Abuela's heavy expectations, for example). However, you're right in that it's basically the only song that feels like it was actually integrated well into the movie to provide a good transition between scenes.
Even Isabela's song and struggles seem to come somewhat out of nowhere, because we never actually get any indication that she's being forced to only make pretty flowers or marry Mariano against her own desires until she starts screaming at Mirabel about how she's been "stuck being perfect" 2 seconds before "What Else Can I Do?" picks up pretty abruptly in the middle of said screaming match.
Like, I can forgive Luisa's issues not being well-foreshadowed because her song comes so early in the movie, but we spend practically the entire movie pre-Casita destruction somewhat focused on Isabela, her flowers, her impending engagment to Mariano, and Mirabel's petty jealousy of her and there's never really any indication that she doesn't actually want to do any of those things. Even her verse in "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is framed as positive (the only positive vision in the whole song, in fact), though we do at least get the somewhat desperate-sounding "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine" line layered in there at the end with her stressed-out look. It just seems oddly disconnected, like Lin was trying to make the song Isabela's "Let it Go" but the animators and scriptwriters forgot to build it up with a "Don't them in, don't let them see/be the good girl you always have to be" line or two.
So.....this is a really long-winded way of saying "I'm not sure if what you said in your ask is true, but I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if it was."
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Okkkk!!! I know Beckett is staying in the Encanto temporary so can we a one shot of him leaving soon BUT, he gives Mira a promise ring since he's coming back in a few months!!! Pretty Please 🥺
Oh i was WAITING for this kinda prompt. Let's GO!
He felt so stupid. How could he let it get this far? An explorer wasn't too far from an entomologist, since they both had one motto- leave things how you found it. Every leaf was kept on their tree, every bug was returned after studying. And yet, he was leaving his mark here. He fell for a real stunning lass. One important to a community. It was rolling up to their first year, and he thought nothing of it.
Until he got a letter today, requesting he come back this week. His father knew nothing of Mirabel, for he kept her a secret. Not out of shame or anything, but because his father believed in love so strongly, he'd make him stay. But he couldn't. He loved this girl, but not enough to forget his duties and his passions. He just hoped she'd understand.
"Bruno, afternoon! How are the rats?"
Bruno was sitting just outside of the house, relaxing under a tree. He had grown to like this guy, even though their meeting was a little bumpy. Bruno saw him, and nodded, scooting over the bench and motioning him to sit with him.
"Fine, unlike you. Telling Mirabel the news today, huh?"
Beckett sat next to him, burying his face in his hands.
"Right. Future vision. How long have you known?"
"Had the vision last night. I wanted to tell her, but honestly, It doesn't feel like my place. Got a script ready?"
"I feckin wish..."
Bruno sighed, taking a sip of his drink, before patting his back.
"Just go easy on her. This is her first relationship. And she really, REALLY likes you. It's cute."
He ran his fingers through his hair in stress, before looking up at the older man.
"Think I can beg ya for a vision here? I'm desperate to know how this ends."
"I would, but I don't do visions on the family. Personal rule. But I think your 'gift' is more than enough."
He was about to reply, when Dolores popped her head out. She knew something was amiss, obviously, just not what, and he could tell it was killing her.
"Beckett. You should come inside, someone's waiting for you."
"Is it Mariano?"
It was a joke, but she clearly wasn't amused. She probably thought this was a break up, and was already planning how to dispose of his body. He bid Bruno farewell, and walked inside. He tried to go into the kitchen, when he suddenly had hands over his eyes, and weight on his back.
He chuckled as he held onto her hands, not quite pulling them away just yet.
"I want to kiss these hands, but not if this is Camilo again."
"Okay first of all Imma beat him up. Second, nope, all me, bugs."
He pulled her hands away, and after smooching them, he turned to see her. His face immediately lit up, he could feel it.
"You're...wearing mom's bow."
She shrugged nonchalantly, as if this wasn't just an incredibly precious gesture of her.
"It's like. A LOT. But it's cute, and I thought it'd be perfect for today. Especially since I have a surprise for you."
Oh no, he hated the fact that her excited smile disappointed him so. She practically pranced into the kitchen, and pulled out a few dishes, putting them on the table.
"Oh...miraposa, you didn't."
"I did! I know you said you missed food from your home, so after doing some research, and a LOT of trial and error in the kitchen, and I mean a LOT of error-I made these for you!"
He was wooed, obviously, by such a sweet gesture. They weren't perfect, and that was when he knew she did it herself, rather than have her mother do it.
"You made boxty?"
"Yeah! I mean, a LITTLE burnt, but I made 'em! Took me forever and now I hate potatoes, but hey! Oh, and I made colcannon! You mentioned you REALLY missed that stuff!"
The bowl was plentful, thick as paste and slathered in butter. It was stuffed to the brim with greens, and it was exactly how the dish SHOULD be served. Then she had to seal the nail in his coffin.
"Oh...Miraposa. There's no way."
"But there IS! Soda bread! I even made your favorite kind- the cranberry ones! I had to have Isa help me get the berries, for reasons, but..."
He made it a point to listen to her, but here, her words started to fade as he just. Watched her. He knew, as he sat here with this loaf of bread (that looked as if it needed another minute in the oven), that he didn't deserve her. His father would adore her, and he knew if he met such a pretty, caring, awkward girl, he'd talk him into quitting his job and staying here. He'd adore her. He'd love her so much, he'd give her the keys to the fucking place. He couldn't help himself. He stepped forward, grabbed her wrists, and leaned down to kiss her.
She was so soft. So vibrant. She was like a butterfly, fluttering in the breeze, determined to see the world and all its beauty. He held the kiss for a good moment, enough that if her father saw, he'd PROBABLY make his presence known. When he pulled away, she shook her head a bit, trying to knock herself out of the trance he just put her in.
"You...really like your bread."
She was so cute. He hated that he did this to her. He should be ashamed.
"I really like you. It's...why I'm sorry."
"For what?"
Could he do this? Could he stand to look past those glasses and be so abrupt to her? No. But it didn't matter. She NEEDED this.
"I...how do I say this...mi amor. Mi mariposa. I can't be with you anymore."
She looked confused, as if him using those words didn't make sense(he was getting better at the language, but his accent needed work. Félix called him a 'white-xican'. Whatever that meant).
He took a deep breath, and decided she should read it for herself. He helped her put the bread on the table, and handed her the letter. She read it over, and took a step away from him, as if he just said something cruel to her. He took a step towards her, slowly.
"I'm going to be going home in a week. On...the day of our anniversary. I'm sorry."
"You're...breaking up with me, then?"
He noticed Félix in the corner of his eyes, holding Agustín back. He WAS making his youngest daughter cry, he was absolutely due in his anger. But he wasn’t scared of them, he was scared of hurting her.
"That...is up to you. While I can't physically be with you, I'd like to be with you in spirit."
He dug into his bag, and got on one knee. She stared at him, completely in disbelief. He pulled out the little box, and opened it for her to see.
"It's a promise ring. We're...a little young to be married, unfortunately. But, if you think I'm good enough, I'd like to promise to be yours and yours only. I will be back, I just. Don't know when. I'll write you every day, I'll send you photos, I'll write you poetry-and I hate poetry. So...what do you say?"
She thought about it. She was uncertain. This was asking a lot of her, he understood. If she said no, he respected it. If her father kicked him out or her uncle beat him up, he'd accept it. She fumbled with the hem of her skirt, trying to coax herself into talking.
"What...do YOU want?"
"Promise it won't influence your choice?"
"I want you to say yes. At the risk of being too forward in present company...Mirabel, I fucken love ya."
She stood straight above him, face immediately becoming stern.
"Fine. On one condition."
"Put it on for me."
He nodded, stood up, and as if he'd break her, held her hand, and slipped the ring on her finger. She was kind, returning the favor. He couldn't help but kneel down a bit to pick her up in a hug. He held her, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Do you think your dad is gonna follow me home? He looks ready to kill me."
She turned to look at the corner, and gave an awkward smile.
"No no, he's fine! My dad's a softie, you know that. Félix might tell Pepa though, and THAT I'd be worried about. Excuse me. PA!"
Mirabel mumbled/yelled as she pushed them into the hallway. He looked at the spread on the table, and plucked a piece of soda bread. It was kinda bland, but he loved it.
He loved her.
"I still can't believe it. He thinks his stupid job is more important than my little sister? I should kill him."
"It's his passion, Isa. I'd be selfish to make him stay. Now where's the number..."
Mirabel was with her family, who all agreed to come with her to send Beckett off. There was a train station just past the Alma's river (that's actually what it's called on various maps), and it was as busy as you'd think it'd be. She was looking for the train number, as was the rest of her family. Today was not only their first year anniversary, but the day he had to go home for...who knows how long. Pepa pointed ahead of them.
"I see him!"
She looked to where Pepa was looking, and she'd recognize that butt a millions mile away. The group pushed back the crowd, and Félix even grabbed Beckett's bag, so NOTHING could keep her from diving in for a hug. He looked down at her in surprise, yet joy.
"Mirabel! I thought you said you weren't gonna meet me here!"
"I wasn't, but then I realized I wanted to. Then I told mamá, who told Pepa, who told Félix, who told Agustín-wait. Speaking of dads, is yours in there? Are you worried he's gonna see me?"
Beckett put her down, and shook his head.
"Oh as soon as he sits down on a train seat he's out like a light. Which is good, I don't want him to know about us, just yet."
He held onto her hands, sweet as sweet could be. His forehead rested on hers, and she stared into her eyes, one last time.
"Think he can meet me next time?"
"Absolutely. I'd be honored. Hell, both of our parents should meet."
She squeezed his fingers, desperately not wanting to let him go. She wasn't just losing a boyfriend, she was losing a friend. One she trusted and genuinely enjoyed being around.
"Remember that ring on your finger. Imma get mad if you think of other girls."
"What if it was an exact clone? Would that count?"
"Don't push it, Eejit."
"Don't take that tone with me, Culicagado."
She wanted to kiss him and his stupid face. But before she could, he pulled away, just a bit. He looked ready to apologize, when she held her hand up to stop him.
"It's fine, I get it. I'll miss you."
"However much you'll miss me, I'll miss a thousand more, lass. I'll write first thing tomorrow."
She didn't want to, but she let him go. He went into the train, and through the window, he kept looking at her. She didn't look away, not wanting to believe he was actually leaving. Then the train started to sound and steam. She was going to suggest going now, save herself the hurt, only to jump as the thing stuttered and popped. Clearly something was wrong. There were sounds of panic amongst everyone, and the conductor was about to walk outside, when suddenly the train was lifted off the tracks.
"Oh my god-LUISA!"
Luisa was lifting the train effortlessly, tears swelling up on her eyes.
The train conductor, clearly freaking out, called to the rest of the train.
Mirabel was about to try to ease Luisa into putting the damn thing down, when Beckett jumped out of the train, ran up to her, and kissed her. The force nearly sent her to the floor, had it not been for him holding onto her. She cherished it, knowing she'd need it in the middle of the night, when she was most lonely for him. He pulled away after a moment, every part of him looking absolutely flushed.
"I'm...glad she did that. You deserved that. Te amo, Miraposa."
With one more kiss to her forehead, he turned around, and jumped back into the train. Luisa, now in full on tears, set the train down, a bit roughly. She stood next to her sister as the train left, this time, without any other issues. Mirabel watched the tracks, sighing when the train left, and when it started to pour over her head. Pepa was trying not to, but she was crying, soaking the entire family. Thankfully, Félix came in clutch, umbrella at the ready.
"You gonna be okay, mija?"
"...si. I'll be okay. Imma miss him and his stupid butt."
Agustín joined her under the umbrella, hand on her shoulder.
"You want to go get some ice cream? You can get whatever you want."
"....can you carry me, Pa?"
She sniffed, trying not to cry as her dad picked her up off the floor, and helped carry her to get her treat.
Stupid boys and their stupid bugs.
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ang3l1c-b0y · 3 years
Little! Dolores Headcanons
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❤️ Her regression age varies but usually it's around 4-6 years old.
❤️ No one, aside from Camilo and her mom, knows about her regression thanks to her gift and she is very stealthy about it.
❤️ Although she is a bit older when she regresses so still has a small collection of pacifiers that she holds very dear.
❤️ She absolutely loves to play hide and seek, but only because she knows she will win most of the time.
❤️ She loves to color and paint, and will absolutely color you a picture if you ask her to.
❤️ Due to her gift she gets overwhelmed and overstimulated a lot especially when regressed so she can be a bit cranky and fussy sometimes but it's okay because her mom helps her calm down.
❤️ She doesn't regress a lot and most of the time it's involuntary because she tends to regress when she gets overstimulated or overwhelmed
❤️ She is a big cuddler and loves to be held and have her back rubbed no matter how old she is. When her and Mirabel regress together she almost always has her hand in hers.
❤️ Her regression is more impure than pure due to constantly being overstimulated or stressed.
❤️ Small quiet spaces help her calm down and make her feel safe so she likes to make pillow and blanket forts and color in them.
❤️ She is almost always whispering when she's regressed. There's no real reason to it but she's just very quiet and very soft spoken.
❤️ Her mom noticed this and tends to whisper when talking to her as well.
❤️ She loves to tell random facts to people, especially Camilo because he gets so excited about it even if they already know. "Did chu know that chameleons wrap their tails around branches?" "Oh my goodness really? That's so cool you're so smart, sis!" "Tank chu Cami :D"
❤️ Dolores hasn't told Mariano about her regression because she's afraid of what he'll think so she almost always has her mom take care of her instead. (I plan on writing a fic where she tells him but I don't know much about Mariano's personality, he seems like a giant teddy bear though)
I'll absolutely update this after Christmas Eve when I've watched Encanto so that I can get a better understanding of the characters. And I'd absolutely love to hear your agere headcanons as well so feel free to share them with me! 💚💚 I'm also really scared to post this I'm sorry if these are bad or out of character T'T
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Since you got into Encanto, what would you say would be an interesting crossover beetween Encanto and She-Ra?
OOOH okay so this gives me so many ideas, let's see
- i feel like catra and mirabel would get along. mirabel would teach her how to sew and embroider and at first catra would be pretty closed off but like mirabel's personality is so welcoming, you know? they've get to talking about how mirabel was messed up because of her lack of a gift, how catra felt abandoned and left behind too many times to count, and they'd feel a sense of understanding. 'this one gets it' they both think.
- adora and luisa would. hit. it. off. no question. they both are known for taking on wAY too much and being unable to relax and they'd be the BEST of workout buddies. i can see luisa complaining to adora about how hard it is to relax when her definition of relaxing is lifting weights and adora going like 'oh my god, same. i only relax when i'm fighting something!!!'. they would probably exchange work out techniques and discuss how things can get to heavy sometimes, and adora and luisa always walk away from each other feeling a little lighter because hey, there's someone who gets how i feel. bow and mirabel would probably conspire to get them some rest.
- bow and mirabel would also be besties!! they both have that warm, vibey feeling and bow would listen to mirabel speak, no matter what, and gives her a sense of belonging. i feel like bow and bruno would get along as well because bow's really affectionate and bruno is starved of any human contact, right? so bow takes one look at bruno and goes 'okay i'm adopting this sad man as my uncle' and they have WILD times. bruno would also make sure bow doesn't take on too much [because he can forget to take care of himself while he's taking care of everyone else] and bow would be besties with bruno's rats.
- glimmer!!! and!!! isabella!!! both are 'queens', under enormous pressure to be perfect all the time. glimmer would help isabella unwind and go crazy, and isabella would help glimmer think straight and smart. it's a good pairing and they've both got wicked sharp minds and if camilo influenced them, well... the pranks would be AWESOME. we've got glimmer's scheming mind and isabella's powers to thank for that.
- perfuma and isabella as well!! they'd have 'friendly' competitions to see who could grow the best flowers and they stumble through the troubles of growing a plant from scratch together. perfuma helps isabella understand not everything she can grow has to be perfect and isabella keeps perfuma from cracking under pressure. perfuma's there when isabella is having her crisis about liking women and isabella's the one to arrange flowers everywhere when perfuma proposes to scorpia. power couple. together with glimmer, the three of them are unstoppable.
- dolores and seamista!?!?!?!? i'm obsessed with that because dolores is constantly hearing every little thing and it probably gets overwhelming a lot and seamista is just there with an arm on her shoulder and a quiet 'let's get you some hot chocolate'. her whispered sarcastic remarks will always make dolores laugh, and sometimes they're in different room so dolores ends up laughing in the middle of a serious discussion while abuela's just like 'wtf. it becomes a game to see how loud seamista can get dolores to laugh while she's in an inappropriate environment. also: they exchange a Look while mariano and sea hawk are burning things and generally being chaotic himbos and go 'okay we're bonding now'
- pepa and entrapa!!! pepa and entrapta!!! entrapta would see pepa's clouds or rainbow and immediately flood her with questions and pepa would be so shocked that someone is genuinely interested in her powers that the cloud just goes... poof. entrapta would just interrogate pepa about her powers and pepa's just like. holy shit. meanwhile she's VERY invested in entrapta's inventions and they have fun times, seeing what they can make go 'boom' the loudest. pepa can be found poking around entrapa's robots, asking entrapta how they work. entrapta would also design some place where pepa can feel every thing without the encanto facing a hurricane or a drought and she'd just gift it to pepa without understanding what an awesome gift it is and pepa just tears up and hugs entrapa who's like 'what? oh. oh this is nice.'
- also félix + agustin + bruno + micah + george + lance. chaotic dads who have low self control and WILL aggressively embarrass and support their children. they would also gang up against hordak and take him out for picnics and swims saying 'you're too pale!!! you need sunshine!!!!' ignoring the fact that he's a. robot.
- julieta, looking at catra: that poor girl needs rest and a warm hug.
catra, looking at julieta: she... she looks like a mom
basically julieta straight up adopts catra and they have bonding sessions and julieta teaches catra to cook!! and adora is like 'hey whend you learn to cook so good' and catra's like 'i've been meaning to talk to you about that... *pulls in julieta* this is my new mom julieta'. catra also helps julieta understand she's more than what she can give to other people.
- camilo!!! and double trouble!!! both shapeshifters, sarcastic, troublemakers. camilo's been having gender crisises left and right and double trouble pops in like 'hey i can help you out' and camilo's like 'i'm not sure if i want to be a girl or a boy or neither i keep changing my mind' and double trouble sits down and explains gender and tells camilo that he can be whatever gender he wants, it's his choice and they help camilo come out to their family and lends him some dresses. and camilo goes 'you're pretty neat want to help me play pranks on my family' and double trouble's like 'you're my type of kid.'
- FROSTA AND ANTONIO. frosta got the throne when she was eleven, yall. it's a lot of pressure to put on someone that young and frosta's forgotten how to be kid. she can't afford to be a kid anymore. antonio swoops in and reminds her of her childhood and in no time at all, he's giving her rides on his cheetah and asking elephants to carry her in their trunks. it's the most fun she's had in a while and she helps him with the sudden responsibility dumped on him.
- last but not least, angella and abuela. [angella is alive in this, yall.] they both look at each other and see someone so tired, tired of having to be strong all the time, tired of carrying so much grief from losing their loved ones and not having enough time to mourn them properly because they've got a kingdom/town to take care of. they're kinda careful with each other in the beginning, with abuela silently handing angella cups of tea when she sees angella withdrawing, and angella telling abuela stories about glimmer when she sees abuela returning to her shell when everything is too much, and they remind each other that it's okay to grieve. it's okay to rest when things get too much and it's okay to let your children go wild even though you want to keep them close and make sure nothing can hurt them ever again. it's okay to not be okay. even after they part, they remain the best of friends and they're still the only ones who can make the other truly laugh, a belly shaking, eyes crinkling type laugh.
okay haha this got really long hsjfhsdsj thank you for asking me this <3 it made me really happy to be able to ramble about two of my interests together!!! :DD
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dylanlila · 3 years
Some of your tags on your Mr. Darcy post got me thinking (by way of my associating Mr. Darcy with Jess Mariano) that there are some commonalities between Jane Austen and Amy Sherman-Palladino in the way they write very layered, complex characters (who can't always be neatly sorted into "right" and "wrong" in their behavior) and seem to show a keen observation of human behavior that comes through in a certain wry, satirical humor... But I'd say that Austen's view of humanity is inherently optimistic (people can change for the better and learn from their mistakes) while Sherman-Palladino's view is inherently pessimistic (people often don't change for the better, and can remain stuck in harmful patterns). But ANYWAY, that philosophical tangent aside... I agree that with characters like Darcy and Jess, they're more complicated than just "this poor, misunderstood guy doesn't know how to talk to people." Because while that IS a big part of it, both of them really can also be genuinely rude, because (at the beginning of their development) both of them think themselves in some way "superior" to they company in which they find themselves. Darcy because of his refined upbringing and "good taste", and Jess because of his intelligence and "good taste." In addition to being introverted and not knowing how to relate to people, they also don't even really WANT to relate to them. And I think if we're honest with ourselves, a lot of us have experienced that. I think Jess especially exemplifies the experience of kids who have been rejected and deal with it by thinking, "Well, I wouldn't want to hang out with you anyway!" C.S. Lewis, in "Surprised By Joy," describes being a lonely, nerdy kid who grew to pride himself on being "better" than the jocks who bullied him (even starting an epic poem where clever Loki triumphs over the "brutish" Thor). It's an understandable human response, but snobbery and pride and hate are still morally cancerous (I still remember the moment I realized I had become what I hated, as a teenager). You can be both unfairly maligned AND still be a jerk who needs to learn how to value other people, and I love that Darcy and Jess not only portray that experience but are given the chance to learn from it.
Okay so there's a significant lot to unpack here and this might get *drum roll* ✨personal✨... but who cares, we're all tumblr given creatures, right? First off, I have to point out that "I wouldn't want to hang out with you anyway" isn't really the vibe I get from Darcy (but maybe I am projecting here) but is the exact vibe I get from Jess (*COUGHS* 💫THE CAULFIELD SYNDROME💫🤩??? No? Ok.) I for one just genuinely prefer solitude and it's not some deeply rooted psychological issue caused by a childhood trauma that made me feel that way, I just never really felt the need to socialize with anyone outside of my family when I was a kid? My arrogance problem is a lot better now and I did manage to meet people who I find bearable at least and I think that's Darcy? He has Bingley (and later Lizzie), that's all he needs! He feels comfortable enough to insult Bingley because he knows he won't abandon him and no, I don't get it, I don't get Bingley at. all. but I love him so much no matter his (nonexistent) logic (HOUSE x WILSON! HOLMES x WATSON!). They're like that strange duo that shouldn't work but does (and I'm a sucker for narrative foils thing... that >>>>>>> anything else ever I can talk about this forever but that's another post, here's my Hilson analysis anyways, I feel like it covers a lot of my psychological conditions, it's a nice little insane tag read that can be taken out of fandom context and applied to a different fandom context🎶✨). So yeah, I don't really think Darcy falls under that category of "I hate you because I want to be you." You did say Jess especially exemplifies this and YEAH I agree I just love pointing out differences between him and Darcy because they aren't that apparent at first, it's all about the little things, the smallest puzzle pieces that make one different from the other. Like... Jess is more of a Salinger character that way, he has strong opinions and he wouldn't change them for anybody else but deep down, he craves acceptance and validation from the outside. While Darcy doesn't care much about the outside factor in a textbook case, he does care a lot about the opinion those he likes have of him, more than he'd like to actually, which is where a lot of his distress comes from. And I feel like he gravitates towards people who are different from him just enough (for him, it's more about deeper understanding someone could potentially have of him and he of them, though he doesn't necessarily long for it before he encounters it) and clings to those differences and admires them (for reasons unknown to him) while Jess looks for the ways in which he overlaps with somebody else. But I think they both value deeper understanding and intellectual connections the most when it comes to relationships, though they're both kinda freaked out by those things at the same time. About rudeness vs social skills, I think I've said what I needed to say (at this moment in time at least) here, might add to it later.
Now, for ASP and Austen parallels. I absolutely adore this and yes, you're entirely correct! I just think they both put a lot of effort into making their characters human beings, it doesn't matter if they're unlikeable. And while their reasoning can be tracked down to some of their earlier behaviour or thoughts, it isn't exactly about understanding these fictional people as it is about relating to them and creating a specific, but universal human experience that can mean something outside of the written work, its initial sphere or whatever. I don't exactly know which side I'm on when it comes to the "people change or do they?" debate, but you're soooo right about the optimistic/pessimistic approach Austen and Palladino seem to take while sharing stories and both of those approaches have helped me with some of my own stuff and that's worth something, right?
Thanks for sending this, it was such a fun read and I will be thinking about this ask a lot.🌟✨ Somebody who has more knowledge of Loki should write a Jess x Loki parallels post (if there isn't one already?), my Marvel knowledge is mostly Spiderman related and I'm not much of a MCU fan, but I do love the characters! I just think that MCU sucks. (also I get that Lewis wasn't writing about MCU that's more than obvious, this is just a follow up thought, my answer makes it seem like Lewis got his timelines mixed up hdjsfjisidkskdkskd, adding this now cause I didn't notice the slip up at first!)
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
Talking about Encanto - Dolores
Dolores is a character whose reception online is weirdly ambivalent? As in, I've seen a lot of people just idealizing and adoring her to no end and defending her every deed, and obviously that's the bigger crowd because hey, she's a sweetheart (although the headcanons about her seem to be a lot vaster than what is actually canonically known - for example, we don't see her interacting with her siblings and parents much which is a shame and should be remedied), but also there's a little group of people who go out of their way to make Dolores appear as malicious or outright villainous. And basically everyone will woobify her in the process because the poor gal is blessed with the absolute suck of enhanced hearing, so obviously her life must be HELL, right?
Well. The movie doesn't really support that, either. Yeah, we see her flinching when fireworks go off and she's prone to speaking softly, but she also sings on top of her lungs a few times and dances basically every time a song comes on, so… stressed out by all the noise? Eh. She appears to love music, and seems to have it well enough together - and it's funny actually that Julieta is the one of the first generation siblings who's emotionally the most stable but her kids have massive issues, whereas Pepa is a nervous bundle but all her children are pretty well-adjusted, all things considered. Okay, they are out of focus for most of the movie, but for all I can tell, Dolores is anything but a wreck. Sure, she does have a serious case of Pining, but she's also sort of a quiet sufferer about that, pretty far from the drama queen her mom is. That's no point of criticism btw; I love Pepa for being openly and loudly emotional. Dolores rarely is, tho.
Which is why I found it super baffling to read some people's take that her flipping out during the proposal dinner was calculated because the man she's in love with was about to get engaged to her cousin before her eyes, so she tried to stop that from happening. That doesn't feel in-character. Dolores never intervened in that would-be relationship between Mariano and Isabela before because she's convinced she doesn't have a chance anyway because that's how she interpreted Bruno's vision of her. If she hadn't resigned to that long ago, she would have approached Mariano herself at some point. Also, she yells out, "she's gonna destroy the magic", picking up on Alma's trend of blaming Mirabel for shit she cannot logically influence (come on, she could just have said what Mirabel said, namely that Mirabel was in that vision and that's literally it. She kinda proves Bruno's point about leaving right there...), which would be still not ideal but also human in those circumstances. But assuming she did this judgy shit to get her will about Mariano, throwing Mirabel under the bus? That would be seriously bitchy. And not something she seems up to in the situation. She doesn't focus on Mariano at all in this scene, she's blanking out in panic.
That's not to mean she's a horrible person - panicking is a human thing, I get around to it every other week. But is there a need to deify her, either? The ruined proposal dinner was her fault, not Mirabel's, and no, she definitely didn't do it on purpose. She just fucked up.
Also, I personally really dislike the idea of Dolores as that big gossip. Ehm, she was Bruno's secret keeper for ten years (which he probably knew, all things considered; his niece had already had her gift for several years when he left). And when she's not in her soundproof room, she can listen throughout all of the town. That lady carries secrets. Not even Isabela seems to know that her engagement to Mariano would make her cousin very unhappy (seeing as she thinks "the family was happy" about that). And for all the fandom makes of Camilo and Mirabel being close because they're about the same age and spent a lot of time together, I hardly see any takes of the same assumption about Isabela and Dolores, though it is not far-fetched. They're doing the emotional support hand-holding during Antonio's ceremony, and Dolores even rags Isabela a bit about Mariano wanting five babies (I've seen even that interpreted as a mean, jealousy-fuelled barb, what the hell? That's harmless sibling-like teasing if ever I've seen some). And if we run with that assumption, that Isabela is one of her closest relatives emotionally, then Dolores must have buried her wishes regarding Mariano very deeply inside of her.
Someone (I can't seem to find the post rn, sorry about that) pointed out that Dolores might have always pretty much withheld from dating. What if she had started to like someone? The sheer possibility that someone would have been "the man of [her] dreams" would have meant she couldn't have him. That is just... so fucking bitter. And yet, she isn't bitter toward Bruno about that. Props, I guess. Although she does says she "grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling", which, have you looked at that poor mess of a man? He seems like the type to stutter or stumble throughout half his life. I guess it stressed her out that everyone around Bruno was prone to being stressed out whenever he began stuttering his prophecies.
Last but not perhaps not least, Dolores is the only one of the family getting a romance arc, on account of Isabela's arc turning out to be not romantic. Mariano, the poor sap - why didn't Julieta give him one of her arepas for his nose? Don't tell me she couldn't have. But it's not like Dolores is superficial, so whatever with the crunched nose, amirite? And you know what? For all that the movie makes him the butt of a joke, for as little as we learn about him, I think he might be a really good catch for Dolores, simply because she seems to think he's a really good catch. It's only hinted at in her part of All Of You, but it's very evident: She knows all she needs to know about this guy to have at least a huge crush on him and want to work out a relationship.
And the movie actually subtly supports this - within the limited time frame it can spend on the not-triangle, of course; we have a plot here. But Mariano wants to sing for his proposal, even if it's to the wrong girl at first, he's that huge romantic doofus who's completely amazed that Dolores would pay him so much attention to know all that stuff about him (I like to think it's because Isabela didn't really pay him much mind), he's quite a kind and attentive guy in moments like when he asked Mirabel during dinner if she was alright. Also, he fits in there so well by virtue of being a goofball. Every guy who married a woman of that family is a total goofball, including Abuelo Pedro. And yeah, jumping from proposing to Isabela to proposing to Dolores went fast which might seem suspicious. But I kind of think he was pushed toward the expectation of him and Isabela together as much as Isabela was, and as much as Dolores counted on that as the only possible outcome, and because he's a naive romantic doofus, he may have thought if Isabela is the woman who'll be with him, then she must obviously be the woman of his dreams. I don't feel he got the chance to think much about compatibility or true soulmateship or whatever.
On that note, I think Dolores will be the right person for him because she's a bit more level-headed. The matches of Julieta and Agustín or of Pepa and Félix? Yeah, I can see that for them.
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kittenwhiskers · 3 years
Okay so there's a lot of different examples of inspiration I have-
The first comes from a comment I saw under a video of a mashup; We Don't Talk About Bruno x Havana, and the commenter said it sounds like a family of villains explaining how what Bruno did to them turned them evil, and I was like ROLL WITH IT!
Then the rest of what I have comes from two tiktoks (of which I can't find anymore)
The first one was a big running joke under a video of the singing Mirabel doll, and everyone was saying she was singing in a way that made her sound so tired of the family Madrigal. And I was like 👀👀👀. In this story, Mirabel would still be the protagonist, and she's still trying to save the family miracle! But in this story, she's doing that by redeeming her family one by one, and the only person with the power to do that is Bruno, which is why she's seeking to find where he went.
The second tiktok was someone comparing Isabella's story arc to the song "This Day Aria" from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (here's the song if you haven't heard it before), specifically the villain's part of the song where she reveals she doesn't love the groom. HERE'S where the AU Isabella arc comes in. Isabella thinks she's too good for the Madrigals, and wants to leave, but knows that by leaving the family, she'll be left with nothing, and might even lose her powers. So she essentially catfishes Mariano to use his poet skills to become rich and famous once she leaves. She knows she doesn't love him, but she doesn't care, she just wants what he can offer her.
I'm thinking that for Luisa, she'll be kind of a protagonist as well, who feels she doesn't fit in with the family because she was never wronged by Bruno and isn't evil like the rest of them, but just pretends to be. But she wishes her family could go back to the way it was, and that's why she helps Mirabel find Bruno.
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Jess is the Gay Subtext Gilmores Gay Meta
Jess within the Gilmores Gay subtext is Rory’s mirror.  He has a lot in common with Rory: a negligent father who left, a mother who relies emotionally on him or isn't able to deal with her trauma and can't express love in an entirely healthy way, who are both into reading as an escape and a career path, both of there parents get remarried and have another kid and there are also legally cousins. He's also gay in the subtext(link at the bottom for my mini post on that.)
I’m gonna talk about episode 6.8. In which Rory and Jess talk and he essentially awakens something in Rory that brings back a part of herself that she lost. He also meets Logan but that for later on.
In the scene Jess and Rory talk after not seeing each other for awhile:
JESS: Yeah, and I didn't think you'd believe it if I didn't show it to you in person. (takes out a book and give it to her)
RORY: Well, colour me curious. A book. (reading the cover) "'The Subsect'...written by Jess Mariano."
JESS: It's no misprint.
RORY: You wrote a book?
JESS: A short novel.
RORY: You wrote a book?!
JESS: And through a fluke, I got it to these guys that have a small press, and they read it. I don't know if they were high or something, but they decided to publish it.
RORY: You wrote a book.
Subsect sounds a lot like subtext huh? By this time in the show he's already kind of admitted he's gay.(ill put a link at the end of this for that) So he does reflect her.
But then he goes to leave and lo and behold they run into Logan. We already know that Logan is gay given other things(link down at the bottom) So we know all the people in this scene are gay so put that into context makes this make sense. I’m gonna link the clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnTsSPKyzG0.  Logan and Jess to put it plainly are eye fucking and Rory looks very umcomfortable:
RORY: No. Hey. When did you get back?
LOGAN: Couple hours ago.
RORY: Oh, I...I thought you were getting back tomorrow.
LOGAN: I thought I'd surprise you, Ace.
RORY: Well, I'm glad you did 'cause you get to meet my old friend, Jess. This is Logan, my boyfriend. Logan, this is Jess. He's in from out of town. (uncomfortable silence) Wow. That sounded so grown-up. We're at the age now where we say things like "in from out of town" and "old friend", 'cause when you're young, all your friends are new, and you have to get old to have old friends. (uncomfortable chuckling from Rory. Logan extends his hand to Jess)
LOGAN: How you doing? (they shake)
JESS: Okay.
RORY: We were just gonna go grab a bite to eat.
LOGAN: Great. Well, how about if we all go together. Is that okay?
JESS: Okay by me.
RORY: All right. Good. We were actually at a loss for where to go, so you actually saved us.
LOGAN: Call me superman. (at Jess) Why don't you follow us.
JESS: Sure. (Logan puts his arm around Rory's shoulders and stears her to the passenger side of his car. Rory is a bit uncomfortable with the gesture)
Two things to note, Rory refers to jess as her friend, and Rory is in the script said to be uncomfortable. Which confirms my earlier theory.
They got to dinner and this shit gets gayer:
GAN: So...what do you do, Jess?
JESS: Oh, this and that.
LOGAN: Describe the "this". Describe the "that".
RORY: He writes.
LOGAN: You write? Impressive. What do you write?
JESS: Nothing important.
RORY: He wrote a book.
LOGAN: Oh, you penned the great American novel, Jess?
JESS: Wasn't quite that ambitious.
LOGAN: So, what are we talking here? Short novel? Kafka length or longer? Dos Passos, Tolstoy? Or longer? Robert Musil? Proust? I'm not throwing you with these names, am I?
JESS: You seem very obsessed with length.
LOGAN: I'm just trying to get a picture in my head, that's all.
RORY: It's a short novel.
The use of length is homoerotic. Despite Logan being classist Jess is still flirting with him.
LOGAN: (at Rory) Any good?
RORY: I haven't read it yet.
LOGAN: Yet? Well, at least you'll have one reader. That's something.
JESS: Yeah.
LOGAN: You know, I should just write down all my random thoughts and stuff that happens to me and conversations I have and just add a bunch of "he said, she said"-'s, and get it published. You got a copy on you?
LOGAN: You should send me a copy.
JESS: Sure. And where do I send it? The blond dick at Yale?
Ok so again the use of dick is very homoerotic. 
Jess is upset of course:
RORY: Jess, wait. (he stops and turns to look at her) Jess, I'm sorry.
JESS: We shouldn't have done this.
RORY: He's just in a bad way lately.
JESS: He's a jerk.
RORY: He was. In there, definitely. I'm so sorry.
JESS: I read that guy the second I saw him. I should have begged off.
RORY: Well, I didn't want you to.
So he read him, implies that Jess know Logan’s gay. He’s figured him out sexuality wise.
Theres more:
JESS: No, no. I mean with you. What's going on with you?
RORY: What do you mean?
JESS: You know what I mean. I know you better than anyone. This isn't you.
RORY: I don't know.
JESS: What are you doing? Living at your grandparents' place, being in the DAR, no Yale...why did you drop out of Yale?!
RORY: It's complicated.
JESS: It's not! It's not complicated.
RORY: You don't know.
JESS: This isn't you. This, you going out with this jerk, with the Porsche. We made fun of guys like this.
RORY: You caught him on a bad night.
JESS: This isn't about him. Okay, screw him. What's going on with you? This isn't you, Rory. You know it isn't. What's going on?
RORY: I don't know. I don't know.
So Jess being her mirror is acknowledged when he says he's knows her better than anyone.
Jess leaves and Rory and Logan fight:
LOGAN: Look, I'm sorry I came back early. I really messed things up here.
RORY: Jess wrote a book. He wrote a book, and you mocked him.
LOGAN: I did not mock him.
RORY: He's doing something.
LOGAN: Good. Fine. He's doing something. Everybody in the world's doing something. More power to him.
RORY: I'm not. I mean, what am I doing? I'm living with my grandparents.
LOGAN: That's temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: Temporary can turn into forever.
LOGAN: You're not living with the Gilmore’s forever.
RORY: I'm palling with my grandmother and being waited on by a maid. I come home, and my shoes are magically shined. My clothes are magically clean, ironed, and laid out. My bed is magically turned down. I'm in the DAR? I'm going to meetings and teas and cocktail parties?
Rory is having realization about her life because of what jess said to her. The fights not over yet:
LOGAN: Again, temporary. Have a drink.
RORY: And wasting my time partying and drinking, just hanging out doing nothing.
LOGAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. (he gets up) Don't pull me into this.
RORY: I didn't say anything about you.
LOGAN: Yes, you did. Don't make me feel guilty for your drinking and partying. That's your choice. I'm not forcing you. When I ask you out, you can say no
RORY: It's all we do.
LOGAN: It's not all we do.
RORY: It's all you do.
LOGAN: Well, it's my prerogative, you know. You're damn straight. I'm gonna party. I'm gonna do it while I have the chance because come June, my life is over.
RORY: Oh, yes, your horrible life. Let's hear about it.
LOGAN: Got a week?
RORY: You have every door open to you. You have opportunities that anyone would kill for, including me.
LOGAN: No one's stopping you from making whatever you want happen. Go into journalism. Go into politics. Be a doctor. Be a clown. Do whatever you want.
RORY: It's not as easy when it's not handed to you.
LOGAN: Really? It's all so easy for me? (getting upset) I don't want that life. It's forced on me. You talk about all these doors being open? All I see is one door, and I'm being pushed through it. I have no choice. You try living without options.
Logan is stuck within a heterosexual playboy idea of himself that isn’t him. And so he parties to cope.
RORY: How hard are you fighting it?
LOGAN: I didn't tell you to quit Yale. You did that. I gave you one month, you went beyond that month, and it had nothing to do with me. It was all you. Now, you want to change? Change it, but don't blame me. Don't you dare blame me. You know what? Why don't you go off with John, Jack, whatever his name is?
He's not claiming responsibility because he's an asshole, but also he doesn't know how to be a boyfriend because he's gay. He's uncomfortable with Rory relying on him emotionally because he's viewing it as romantic and the gay guy in him doesn't like that. Rory's comment about him fighting is the text is noting his struggle with compulsory heterosexuality. Rory leaves and as we know she does break up with him and jess comments to her bring her back to herself. 
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