#marianne terosi
saneijeijei · 1 year
Boy and Dragon
William looked out of the carriage window with displeasure, watching as the city streets were replaced by fields and trees. He didn't want to go to another hunting competition, even though it was the opening of the season. All his friends stayed in the capital with their mothers and he was forced to travel with his family to a remote part of the empire.
"Why couldn't I stay at home?" William whined. "Count Grey promised Jacob to go to their summer residence so that they could ride horses together in the valley of eternal flowers. Rick's father promised to buy a continuation of the famous recordings of the knight of the white swords! What about me? I can't even participate in the hunt, because I'm still too young! What should I do there?" "Will, we've talked about this many times," Marianne sighed. "Your father is the emperor's assistant. He must follow him. And we, as members of the Porter family, follow our head. Anyway, when was the last time you attended an event?" "Well, uh… A year ago? All the recent holidays have been for adults only.." "That's exactly why the whole family attends the opening of the hunt." "Hey, father will let you hunt rabbits this year," William's older brother said, nudging him in the side with his elbow. "You can't spend your whole life reading boring books among the same bookworms. You also necessary to see something alive in your life". "Daniel!" "I'm sorry, Mother. I just wanted to cheer him up." "What, are you afraid that you won't catch a deer this time?" Vililam snorted. "What did you say?!" Daniel yelled. "Both of you! If you don't stop immediately, both of you will stay with me at tea parties all the time and won't even stick your nose out into the grounds!"
William Porter was the youngest child of Marianne and Cedric Porter. His mother was the only child of Count Terosi. And his father was the only boy in the family of Count Porter. They met at the birthday celebration of the Crown Prince - the current emperor. As the Countess once told, everything happened because his father was in such a hurry that he accidentally bumped into her and almost knocked her down. Because of the awkward situation, a dialogue began between them and soon they danced together at the ball.
And year later, they got married, despite all those terrible events that shook the tranquility of the capital.
His father married much earlier than his master, which, of course, was bad form and the cause of unflattering rumors about him. But the emperor only jokingly reminded him of this in the presence of Porter's family. William remembered that attentive look of tired red eyes that carefully examined him and his brothers and sisters. The emperor himself never married, rejecting any offers of his vassals to find a bride.
"Why doesn't the Emperor want to get married?" Will one day asked and his father. "Everyone gets married. Is there anything wrong with that?" "Willie, His Majesty has his own reasons for refusing all of them. Once upon a time, he was in love with Duke Eckhart's daughter." "The one that Leila pretended to be in order to take over the empire?" "Yeah. But the duke had another daughter. Not own." "Oh?" boy listened to his father with interest, as if he had learned someone's very terrible and dark secret. "Emperor was madly in love with her and the lady also loved him. But Leila brainwashed His Majesty… And she was gone. When he broke free of the spell and defeated Layla, he searched for the lady day and night, hoping that she was hiding somewhere and waiting for him to come for her. But days, months, years passed. But the lady didn't come back." "Is that why we attended the duke's daughter's wake?" "To my great regret, I am afraid that she is no longer among the living."
"It's probably sad. Hope that the person you love is alive, but realize that he will no longer be around?" William sighed. "If something happened to Mom, you have us. And the emperor has no one. He's very lonely." "Yes." Cedric ruffled his son's hair. "But let's not think about the bad, okay? Your mom will always be there. I'm doing my best to keep you all safe and sound."
The boy nodded, and then thought about it.
"But His Majesty's character is heavy. I wouldn't be able to make friends with him either."
Porter Sr. laughed.
"Why is that?" "He has stupid jokes." "Be lenient with him, okay?" "Like you? You always put up with his unfunny jokes, which he thinks are funny and laughs at them himself." "Hey, I laugh when you tell me jokes that I heard when I was your age? Show a sense of tact to His Majesty."
Since then, Porter's family has become a frequent guest of many state events. A year later, his father got him into an elite academy sponsored by the emperor. The entire elite of the aristocracy studied there.
Mom hoped that William would become a clerical worker or a minister. But Willie dreamed of becoming a knight and serving in the palace, although his parents and older brothers did not share his dream, saying that this was an extremely dangerous and harsh job. But he hoped that he would succeed and…
"We're almost there!" the sister shouted, seeing the residence in the distance.
The Porter family arrived in a small town a week before the hunt. As well as many other close houses to the crown, including the Duchy of Eckhart, the Marquis of Verdandi and many others. Thanks to the efforts of the imperial servants and aristocratic houses, the hunting grounds were to be ready by next Monday.
Brothers, having barely received permission, dragged William with them to train. They put leather armor on him so as not to accidentally harm him and gave out a small simple wooden bow. Daniel and Oliver, taking swords, began to fight among themselves, practicing blows. William, under the careful supervision of a teacher, trained to hold a bow and direct an arrow, which was very difficult and quite unusual.
The training lasted until lunch, until they were interrupted by a sister who called everyone for lunch.
"My mom and I took a walk around the city. And do you know what I heard in the boutique?" "My God, what could our chatty gossip girl have found out besides rumors?" asked the older brother. "Hmm! How rude! By the way, this is not just some kind of rumor, but a real urban legend!" the girl was indignant. "So what's the legend? A ghost? A tragic love story?" William interrupted the exchange. "I heard that a real dragon lives in the mountains. The last living dragon. And sometimes, he cries from loneliness that his howl can be heard from here!" inspired by an interested listener, young Porter enthusiastically told what she heard. "Can you imagine? A real dragon!" "Another urban fairytale to attract tourists, and you fell for it. Dragons haven't existed for a hundred years. Stop talking nonsense." Daniel snorted. "It's true! Ask mom, she'll tell you the same thing as me!"
William thought about it. A real dragon? He read a lot of books telling about the old days, when the whole earth was inhabited by mythical creatures. Including dragons. One of them was the founder of the house Regulus - the golden dragon. But the history of the extinction of this species has sunk into oblivion. Historians have each adhered to their own theory of why dragons did not survive to the present day. And the chance to see a real dragon gave rise to a burning curiosity in Willie.
"Dani, if catch a real dragon at a hunting competition, will it cost like a brown bear or more?" "What? What nonsense is this? Do you think there really is a dragon living in the mountains? Will, it's just city gossip. There are no dragons there, forget it. Besides, father told you that you can try to hunt rabbits. You're not allowed to leave the small beast zone, remember?"
William looked away in frustration. "What if I catch a whole dragon? Still?"
Daniel rolled his eyes.
All week, William has been training hard. He wanted to prove to everyone that he could catch something bigger than a rabbit and maybe it would be a dragon. And so. The long-awaited opening of hunting competitions. All the guests, ambassadors and diplomats gathered together to listen to the speech. The Emperor, as always, says parting words and wishes everyone a successful hunt. William grabs his bow and arrows and goes to the lands of small animals, overtaking his brothers. The teacher swears and asks not to hurry, because without him, he can't go there, but William jumps on the spot, asking to get ready as soon as possible.
Teacher just grumbles and slowly gathers. Seeing the younger brother's excitement, Daniel and Oliver offer that they will look after him while the teacher is getting ready. To which the man agrees and William, along with his brothers, goes into the forest.
But because of the banter and unsuccessful hits, William takes offense and deliberately shoots an arrow far, far into the forest. The brothers say to go and pick her up, which the boy took advantage of.
After finding the arrow, he did not return, but decided to go deeper into the forest to look for a bigger target. For example, a fox. After walking a few tens of meters, and hearing the screams of the brothers, William went deeper and, not noticing the root, stumbled.
Suddenly, a strange sound followed, low and very loud.
"Richard, I hope you didn't hit the Baron!" "Not he's on our right." “What? Then what was that sound?" "Maybe it's a white tiger that was brought by the ambassador from that small kingdom in the south?"
William fell silent in the bushes until he heard footsteps receding.
Trying to get up, his foot caught on something. “what? Scales?" Willie picked up strange pieces of golden scales from the floor and it was clearly smeared with something. "Where did the scales come from?"
After looking around, William decided to go a little further forward, when suddenly a noise was heard behind him. He barely had time to turn around when something heavy pushed him back to the ground and covered him with hot breath.
It was a dragon.
The idea came to my mind after re-reading several Kuro fanfics(@kuroneko1815). I decided to reread all the finished fanfiction and it just so happened that it was Kuro's fanfiction that went in order. And when I wanted to go to bed, the idea came to me: "What if?". Well, here you see the result of this "if".
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jeding-png · 2 years
Merry Christmas everyone! ☃️✨️🎁Friends, I have a small question for you, namely about Marianne Terosi (sorry if the name is spelled incorrectly). That is, how do you imagine her appearance? Note: Marianne is Penelope's friend from the extra novel and also (SPOILER) Cedric's future wife ^^
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boredmariedelline · 2 years
The Iokan Court: Empress Penelope's Ladies-in-Waiting
I'm starting a new series on Iokan Court life which combines my two loves: VADD and history. These are probably one of the longest series of posts I'm ever making.
Ladies-in-Waiting are the noblewomen and aristocrats who act as personal attendants, companions and private secretaries (sometimes spies) to a Queen/Empress. Most of them a usually married to high ranking aristocratic men. The Empress can select any noblewoman as her lady-in-waiting, including members of her family, widows and infamous individuals. They also have a very high personal salary. Ladies-in-Waiting can also gain political and social powers while serving under their mistress. Most, if not all ladies, are powerful players in the game of politics, due to their imperial connections. All ladies report gossip, rumors, marriages, and possible alliances to their mistress.
Lady Marianne Terosi Porter, Countess Porter - She is currently a professor of archaeology at the Imperial Academy and wife of Count Cedrick Porter (Callisto made him a count for his services). She is the only part-time lady-in-waiting who accompanies Penny during her archaeological exploits and was the second one appointed to her. She also has three kids with Cedric. She is the only daughter of Count Terosi, who opposed her archeological pursuits.
Lady Emily Meyer Reuss - She was granted a noble last name (Reuss) and a ladyship rank by Callisto so that she could become Penny's lady-in-waiting. At this point, she and Reynold were still an dating in secret. Since becoming a lady, she's been able to provide for her family and pay off some debts. Also, she managed to save a lot of money and finally indulge in things for herself, like nicer clothes, reading, and better shoes. She is the main lady-in-waiting for Penny while she's in the Palace. She does the companionship thing the most but also reports rumors in the palace.
Lady Thalia Verdandi - She's @bluebutterflyrose and @eloise175 's character. She was recommended as a lady-in-waiting by her cousin, Vinter. She basically looks like a female version of Vinter. She is a very optimistic yet secretive lady, who is two years older than Penny. The Imperial Children love her because she also helps Vinter out with the magic and sorcery stuff. She also helps Penny with magic issues when he's gone. She is in charge of wardrobe and dressing. Her job is mostly picking out Penny's outfits and jewelry every single day. Which is a very stressful job since imperial clothing can be used to convey underlying messages.
Lady Valerie "Val" Amerling, Marquise Amerling - A personal creation of mine. She is the baroness's (Callisto's nanny) daughter who is the same age as Callisto. She has mid-length silver grey hair and dark blue eyes. Generally, looks menacing and judgmental but she just has a resting b*tch face and is really nice and supportive. She is married to Marquis Amerling, a General in the army but he's away at the borderlands, most of the time. She also has 4 kids with him. Her job is to help with Penny with her daily schedule and is her head lady-in-waiting because of her experience.
Lady Selene Hanover, Marquise Hanover - @bluebutterflyrose helped me out with her. She has long moss green hair and hazel brown eyes. Usually appears quiet and formal but looks out for Penny and the rest of the ladies like little sisters. She's the second-oldest lady after Val. She’s a year or 2 older than Penny and is married to one of Callisto's commanders in his army, with whom she has two sons with. Her job mostly involves managing Penny's massive wardrobe, buying clothes, and working with Thalia.
Lady Edelheide "Edie" Pyrmont - @seirclys helped me out with her. She is the orphaned daughter of a noble under Vinter's domain. Shortly after her parents died, she became his ward until she's turned 18. Although her status at birth is uncertain (It was speculated that her mother had a lover), she is still considered a member of nobility. Her reputation amongst the nobility is neutral, with an air of mystery surrounding her. Because of her so-so reputation, she is Penny's unofficial personal informant, rumor master, and spy. She does the most socializing out of all the ladies because of her job. She also has no intention of ever marrying because she's already content in life.
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