Someone please fill the void that is the milescest/421610 tag on tumblr
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freddycarterstan · 5 years
the song of achilles ran so the illiad could walk
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sapphism · 4 years
⇏ 💌 @gutsymmetry asked ❛ nobody butters me up like you. ❜ for margot, from averyl!
be the cowboy sentence meme.
I’m not, Averyl. ( Margot smiles up at her. ) ‘Buttering up’ implies ‘insincere,’ you know. 
( She's taking off her other glove as she talks: from her pinky inward, with quick, butterfly-like pinches of her fingertips. ) And I wasn’t being--insincere. Quite the opposite. I was being really, really quite sincere. You always know--how best to help me, every time, and you’re so valiant and daring and impossibly....
 ( Margot stalls on her middle finger. Her gaze shifts from Averyl’s face to the rippling, substantial muscle of her shoulder and bicep. ) ....Strapping. ( She doesn’t look, anymore. She can’t, she’ll blush. It feels--well, not wrong, just....too close. Like she’s seen her shirtless or naked.
 She loosens her middle-finger, index and thumb, and pulls the glove off her hand at once, depositing it into her lap with the other one. ) You’re just a most indispensable....pair of hands to have around. ( .... ) You mustn't fault me for telling you so.
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tendershay · 5 years
petition to get clout from grandma's closet on spotify
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prevsapphism · 5 years
@vorcotec ; 🌌🌌👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩!!
Junebug, are you ready? ( Margot’s eyebrows quirk excitedly, and she holds out her free hand for Jane to take as they step out of the elevator. ) Are you excited? I’m so excited. I’m so excited. ( She can’t stop smiling. She really can’t. She can scarcely grip the keycards tightly enough to scan them both in. 
The doors lurch and whirr open quietly, and the observatory beyond awaits them, beckoning them inside with its soft purple lights, and star-filled sky past the glass above. Margot glances at up at Jane in anticipation. She relishes seeing her face light up, seeing the full beam of her smile warm her features like the first rays of sunrise. ) Well, here we are. ( .... ) Shall we?
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folkdances · 2 years
i kind of want to change my talk tag because i don't publically go by miles anymore does anyone have sillay suggestions margot.txt is too long
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clarysfray-a · 8 years
today me and margot rescued a hedgehog because she’s a smart little doggo
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snowystater-blog · 8 years
happy hanniversary!
it's been three years since hannibal first aired and i actually can't believe how quickly that time has passed.
i remember first getting into the show and fandom after the former was recommended to me by a close mutual on twitter (after a break up during my second year of college, no less), and i started watching it during the week that either 1x8 or 1x9 was airing. binge watching up to that point was quite fun and a welcome distraction during that difficult period of my life (not including the break up). i'd never heard of hannibal before (neither the movies nor the books -- although i rectified that in the next couple of years), so i essentially went in blind and gave the show a shot to see if i would like it or not.
as soon as will graham kicked that door in, during his reconstruction of that first particular crime scene in the mindset of francis dolarhyde, i was both drawn in immediately and fascinated by the whole concept.
from then on, it aided me in coping with my depression (no doubt giving me a reason to stay alive -- without it, i probably wouldn't be here today), helped me make numerous friends online (mainly on twitter -- some of whom i've actually managed to meet at cons), and gave me an abundance of characters to love (will graham and margot verger, just to name a couple of my favorites -- identifying mostly with the latter as we have abuse survival in common).
there are plenty of aspects of the show i adore (the characters and the way they were allowed to develop over three seasons, the cinematography, the wardrobe, to name a few) and some aspects i didn't enjoy as much (mostly parts of season two), but the show will always hold a special place in my heart regardless of the latter. i'm grateful we were given as much of it as we were, and i'll be content if the finale of season three is the last we see of it. nothing can last forever, and i'd much rather we get a few great seasons than have this beloved show drag on until i end up bitterly willing it to be canceled.
thank you so much to all who were involved, from the cast to the crew who made it possible at all, and especially to the fandom, who helped me carve a place to call my very own and gave me a chance to figure out my own identity.
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I think one of the most fascinating thing about fkmt’s writing is his characters’ backstory bc believe me or not there is usually none!
Even when characters do have some form of backstory like Gai, it’s largely inconsequential to their character (with the exception of for ex: Kazuya, Chang and Mario but thats a different can of worms). Like we have a chapter or two abt Gai’s and it explains how his philosophy works but not why he thinks that way.
A lot of his characters philosophy and logic comes from observing their surroundings. I’m pretty sure other medias have done the same but the way fkmt did it just hit the spot yk? In some way the chars are very disconnected (?) from their surroundings on a personal level.
Idk if it’s a disconnection or what not but the way fkmt shows that even decisions out of survival is not something “out of character” for someone to do. Usually other stories go to lengths to establish values their chars stick to and how survival corrupted them. But bc fkmt characters are built around observation, their decisions (while shocking) is not necessarily bc out of a drastic change but it’s simply in their character.
And it’s funny how characters with the strongest values and philosophies like Akagi and Kaiji make decisions that the audiences at first perceive to be ooc. It’s ironic, it’s genius, it’s madness—
I’m not articulated enough to communicate my ideas but I promise I’m trying to. I might misunderstand/misword a few things but someone has to start a discussion yk?
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Akakai shippers on tumblr are very big brained for shipping old Akagi with young Kaiji
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The evil henchmen archetype is usually pretty shallowly used and not explored much, and I myself don’t think too much abt characters of that type but the duality between the white suits and blacksuits is very interesting to me.
The blacksuits are driven by a need of survival almost, they don’t respect Hyodo as much as they fear him. They’re not exactly “evil henchmen” as much as they’re just “henchmen”, some of them even expresses sympathy and admiration for good hearted ppl like Kaiji. In a way it also fits the theme of Kaiji, where the characters are more relatable and down to earth.
However, the white suits are more fascinating to me in that they’re fiercely loyal to Washizu despite his abuse of them. They don’t exactly put a unique spin on the archetype, moreso exploring the psychology of an evil henchman.
Evil at its core is selfish yet these henchmen are selfless and loyal to a fault. They have completely sublimated themselves as Washizu’s dogs and are happy with it. They’re almost anti-Akagi in their loyalty, in that their individuality is virtually non-existent and they only exists as extensions of their boss.
I think what makes them stand out to me is because losing yourself is some of the most terrifying things to happen to someone personally. Even in relationships, we can only sacrifice and compromise so much yet these men consciously and consensually succumb to it and revels in it. It’s hard to wrap your head around and that’s why they continue to interests me as characters
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Promised an anon on tumblr that I’ll post it so here it is: The Akakai Google Doc™️ in all its glory
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Spreading mother teresa’s agenda
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literallytooangrytodie · 10 months
Realistically speaking ichikai only happens because Ichijou dates Kaiji to feeds his ego and makes himself feel better temporarily.
Treats Kaiji like a personal pet project and try to make Kaiji live up to his standards but it will never work. They’re likely on and off (maybe co-dependent?). Ichijou comes back because it’s better to cope with superficiality than to go to therapy. Kaiji comes back cuz muhnee.
Murakami is the only one I can think of that can actually make Ichijou feels better but he’s not pathetic like Kaiji and it hurts Ichijou’s fragile ego that he’s more competent than him in some aspects.
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literallytooangrytodie · 11 months
Silly idea I have but russian roulette x mahjong game is so fkmt.
You pull the trigger before each discard, 1 in 6 chance, the only way to survive is if someone win the round. Bonus if someone dies during the game and they either have your winning tile in their wall or their hand, like atp good luck bro 💀
By the time 2 ppl die and you’re not in tenpai yet, the urge to just lose instead of dying is going to be strong.
Perfect game for men who likes thrill and has a huge sense of pride.
There’s prob a way to balance the game out cuz mahjong is a long game, unless you’re 2-3 tiles away from winning at the start you’re prob gonna die at some point, it’s just a matter of time. But I haven’t thought that far yet.
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Gojo and Akagi: Loneliness
⚠️Disclaimer: I’m very much not caught up with all of jjk so some of these ideas might be false and assumptions, I’m open to discussions and criticisms if politely presented
Reading Gojo’s demise got me a newfound appreciation for Akagi’s character development. Both very powerful men with equally powerful relationships to loneliness.
They’re the top dogs of their respective series and this in turn distance them from others, to the point where they don’t even view themselves on the same levels as others. Gojo’s speech abt the gardener and flowers definitely hit the spot on this point.
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Both Akagi and Gojo wants to find that one person who can truly understands them, and in this aspect I think Gojo manged to be luckier than Akagi. This can be partially explained by the fact that Akagi is cold and calculating, whereas, Gojo very much has a more emotional side to him. Akagi is never satisfied with a game of mahjong and get bored easily, which takes him far enough in life, but Gojo is emotionally influenced by the events of his life whether he acknowledges it or not. Furthermore, Akagi never let his ideas of a person distract him from reality, whereas Gojo is held back by his idealized version of Suguru to some extent.
I think their dynamics to the past-future is where Akagi differs from Gojo. Akagi’s endeavors allowed him to be able to make peace with the loneliness that comes with being the best and found a way out for himself, contrasting Gojo, who was never given that chance. These quotes from Who’s Lila? definitely sums up Akagi’s revelation towards his loneliness.
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The tragedy of Gojo is that he was forced into the revelation instead lf coming to it naturally like Akagi. Rather than accepting his role and finding a way to heal he has resigned to it.
Not sure at what point did the revelation came to Akagi between the events of Akagi and Ten (Idgaf that it’s good I’m not reading Ten), but even at the end, even though both men have ppl mourning for them, Gojo went out alone, befitting his role in life, and Akagi, who while still a pariah among peers, was able to lived and died alongside his fellow humans.
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