#marcus morelli
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lovelyballetandmore · 1 year ago
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Marcus Morelli | The Australian Ballet | Photo by Tristram Kenton
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badass-at-fandoming · 1 year ago
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Out for Blood - the Jericho Heights Brigade, including Salem Morelli, Adam Bane, Marcus Williams, Lacey Pendleton, Makayla Clark, Quang Tu Lam Phan, and Annis Kean
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paaelle · 4 months ago
Esse post está sendo dedicado aos 5 brasileiros na fandom de Padrinhos Mágicos : Um Novo Desejo.
Hoje eu estarei apresentando a vocês as possibilidades para dubladores, uma pesquisa que eu fiz mês passado simplesmente no fodase, mas não deixou meu cérebro em momento algum.
Vou estar dividindo por personagem com que eu tenho mais certeza que vai ser tal dublador até o que eu tenho menos certeza, sendo totalmente possibilidade. Eu fiz essa pesquisa com o método mais esquisito que eu consegui criar :
"Se a mesma pessoa que dubla tal personagem em inglês tiver o mesmo dublador nos mesmos personagens a gente fica com possibilidades."
Foi essa a explicação que eu dei pro meu amigo quando eu fiz essa pesquisa, e provavelmente a melhor que eu consigo dar.
1. Cosmo
Todos conhecemos bem a voz do Cosmo, sendo provavelmente um dos únicos personagens da serie que nunca trocou de dublador, com ele sendo nosso querido Guilherme Briggs.
É muito provável que ele volte para retomar seu papel como Cosmo, já que foi dito pelo mesmo diversas vezes como ele ama o trabalho dele e ele retornou todas as vezes para dublar o Cosmo (até naqueles live actions bizonhos)
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2. Wanda
A voz da Wanda é icônica, simplesmente feita pela querida Nair Amorin. No entanto desde do fim da série original, ela se ausentou do papel e no momento se encontra aposentada.
Após uma pesquisa nem tão rápida eu me lembrei da existência do live action/sitcom "Padrinhos Mágicos: Mais Mágicos Que Nunca" lançada em 2022. Onde a dubladora da Wanda foi substituída pela Márcia Morelli.
No podcast "Desfoque" ela fala sobre como ela adorou ter sido escolhida para dublar a Wanda. Me faz acreditar que possivelmente tragam ela novamente para o mesmo papel.
3. Peri
Link do vídeo
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Ambos Peri e Foop/Irep foram originalmente dublados pelo Eric Bauza.No entanto o Poof teve dois dubladores em português.
4. Irep
Sendo durante a 6° a 9° temp a Ana Lúcia Menezes e na 10° temp o Renan Vidal. Por mais que eu desconfie um pouco que o Renan possa fazer retorno como voz do Peri, eu acredito que seria uma opção viável, assim, uma possibilidade.
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Como dito anteriormente o dublador original do Foop/Irep foi o Eric Bauza. Mesmo assim em português ele acabou tendo um dublador novo na 10° temporada como boa parte dos personagens.
Mais como um dublador extra, eu não tenho certeza do que ocorreu já que não cheguei a assistir a 10° temp ainda.
5. Dale
Sendo assim possíveis dubladores que possam fazer retorno são Duda Espinoza e o Fred Mascanheras.
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Aqui é onde eu começo a aplicar aquele meu método esquisito, então a partir daqui é puramente possibilidades e achismo.
6. Dev
Comparando dubladores eu acabei chegando em duas possibilidades, das quais eu dúvido muito como qualquer outra que eu tenho usando esse método. São Marco Antônio Costa e Cafi Ballousier.
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A pesquisa do Dev foi deverás complicada, o dublador original dele dubla muitos personagens de anime, infelizmente eu tenho de quase nada de experiência com animes.
7. Hazel
No entanto em busca da compatibilidade, eu acabei achando um que se repetia bastante, sendo ele Marcus Pejon.
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De todos os personagens a Hazel é a que eu tenho mais incerteza de todos. A dubladora original dela Ashleigh Crystal é nova no mundo da dublagem, sendo assim não havia muitos personagens para comparar.
Vale lembrar novamente que isso são só possibilidades, há inúmeros fatores que afetam a escolha de um dublador, tal como resultados de testes, estúdio que tal dublador trabalha e seleção de vozes preferidas.
O máximo que eu achei foi a Maria Clara Rosis. No entanto em discussão com meu amigo a gente pensou em duas dubladoras que gostaríamos de ver como Hazel, Bianca Alencar e a Christiane Monteiro.
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É um assunto interessante pra mim e eu gostaria de trazer ele para vocês. Eu queria ter posto vídeos com as vozes, infelizmente minha internet tá horrível por causa de chuvas e já foi um sacrifício por os links nos nomes.
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siguelaluzazul · 5 months ago
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Marcus Morelli ABT by Simon Eeles
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organisationskoval · 2 years ago
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718) Autonomie, Liberté, Participation, Écologie, ALPE, Autonomia Libertà Partecipazione Ecologia, Autonomy Liberty Participation Ecology, Autonomia Wolność Uczestnictwo Ekologia - regionalistyczna partia polityczna działająca w Dolinie Aosty we Włoszech, której postępowa ideologia łączy elementy socjaldemokracji i zielonej polityki. Partia była członkiem Wolnego Przymierza Europejskiego. ALPE powstała w styczniu 2010 roku w wyniku połączenia pięciu grup:    
Renouveau Vald��tain (RV, socjalliberalna)   
Vallée d'Aoste Vive (VdA, socjalliberalna)    
Verdi Alternativi (VAVdA, zieloni, regionalna sekcja Zielonych)    
grupa byłych Democratici di Sinistra (DS, socjaldemokracja)    
wcześniej niezaangażowanych członków społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
Carlo Perrin, były senator, został wybrany pierwszym koordynatorem, a później przewodniczącym partii. W wyborach powszechnych we Włoszech w 2013 r. ALPE była częścią koalicji Autonomie Liberté Démocratie (ALD), a Patrizia Morelli z ALPE kandydowała do Senatu, ale obaj kandydaci ALD (drugi to Jean-Pierre Guichardaz z Partii Demokratycznej) zostali pokonani. W wyborach regionalnych w 2013 roku ALPE uzyskała 12,4% głosów i 5 mandatów w Radzie Regionalnej. W marcu 2017 ALPE wraz z Union Valdôtaine Progressiste (UVP), Stella Alpina (SA) i Pour Notre Vallée (PNV) utworzyły nowy gabinet bez Union valdôtaine (UV), pod przewodnictwem prezydenta Pierluigiego Marquisa (SA). ALPE, która po raz pierwszy weszła do rządu regionalnego, była reprezentowana przez Alberta Chatriana jako ministra budżetu i finansów, ministra ds. Działalności produkcyjnej Fabrizio Roscio oraz ministra edukacji i kultury Chantal Certan. Rząd Marquisa trwał tylko do października, kiedy to został zastąpiony przez rząd kierowany przez UVP bez ALPE. W wyborach powszechnych w 2018 roku ALPE bezskutecznie startowała w ramach sojuszu For All, razem z SA i PNV. W wyborach regionalnych w 2018 roku ALPE uzyskała 9,0% i trzy mandaty. Po wyborach Rada Regionalna wybrała Nicolettę Spelgatti z Lega Nord Valle d'Aosta (LNVdA) na przewodniczącą szerokiej lewicowo-prawicowej koalicji, w skład której wchodzą SA – PNV, ALPE, Mouv’ i jeden dezerter z szeregów UV. W nowym rządzie Certan został mianowany ministrem zdrowia i spraw społecznych. Jednak w grudniu rząd został zastąpiony przez nowy, kierowany przez Antonio Fossona (PNV), na czele koalicji złożonej z UV, UVP, ALPE, SA i PNV. Za Fossona, Certan został ministrem środowiska, zasobów naturalnych i korpusu leśnego. W kwietniu 2019 r. ALPE utworzyło wspólną grupę z UVP.
Carlo Perrin (2010–2013)
Piero Floris (2013–2016)
Alexis Vallet (2016–2018)
Roberto Cunéaz (2018–2019).   
Chantal Certan (2011–2013).
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dance-world · 2 years ago
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Marcus Morelli - The Australian Ballet - photo by Chris Rogers-Wilson
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swanlake1998 · 4 years ago
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marcus morelli and jill ogai photographed performing in tim harbour’s filigree and shadow by jeff busby
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harmonicthemes · 5 years ago
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Jessica Fyfe and Marcus Morelli in Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Lynette Willis
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galina-ulanova · 6 years ago
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Yuumi Yamada and Marcus Morelli in The Flames of Paris (The Australian Ballet)
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iwontdancenetwork · 4 years ago
Placeless | Bodytorque.Digital | The Australian Ballet 
The final work in our Bodytorque.Digital season is Timothy Coleman’s ambitious ensemble piece Placeless, produced in partnership with Orchestra Victoria. Filmed in the Joan Hammond Hall at Orchestra Victoria, with the musicians onstage becoming part of the movement, Placeless examines different facets of the question; "Who are we without a place to perform and without an audience to perform to?”
Choreography and Direction Timothy Coleman
Performed by Jasmin Durham, Montana Rubin, Drew Hedditch, Marcus Morelli, Katherine
Composer Georgia Scott, "Placeless"
Choreographer's Note: This piece began its life at the beginning of 2020 as a congregation of placeless phrases I had created as movement experiments over the last few years. I had intended the choreography to stand on its own without an underlying structure of narrative or context but as 2020 showed its hand the placelessness took on new meaning. All our performances were cancelled and we were confined to our living rooms. As performers we had become placeless ourselves. This brought to light the question of how we draw identity from the places we inhabit – who are we without a place to perform and without an audience to perform to? Each section of the film became an embodiment of different facets of that very question. - Timothy Coleman
Composer's Note: When I first sat down with Tim (over Zoom) I was immediately electrified by the idea of placelessness, which is so beautifully represented through his choreography. It was incredibly exciting for me to have the opportunity to explore how this concept might be sonically represented, both in terms of rhythm and tonality, and to be able to be able to gain inspiration from the contrast between restless energy and sweeping choreographic gestures used throughout the work. – Georgia Scott
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lovelyballetandmore · 2 years ago
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Marcus Morelli | The Australian Ballet
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tutusinprogress · 8 years ago
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Marcus John Morelli 
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antiheromag · 6 years ago
CHIP & THE CHARGEUPS Release Mind-Blowing Green Day/Poison Mashup, "Good Riddance, Fallen Angel"
CHIP & THE CHARGEUPS Release Mind-Blowing Green Day/Poison Mashup, “Good Riddance, Fallen Angel”
Pittsburgh, PA based Power-Pop band CHIP & THE CHARGEUPS has released a creative music video for their Green Day/Poison Mashup, “Good Riddance, Fallen Angel.” Directed by Marcus Morelli of Skene 19 Films, the video recreates scenes from the original songs’ videos, combining the two seemingly unrelated storylines into a unified and entertaining narrative.
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rockrevoltmagazine · 6 years ago
And Now Something Completely Different
And Now Something Completely Different
[embedplusvideo height=”253″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/2A4AanV” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/_RF5lZ5cD_4?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=_RF5lZ5cD_4&width=450&height=253&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8761″ /]
Generally, when we think mashup, we think of the digital fusion of two seemingly unrelated tracks, maybe vocals -patched over the melody of a…
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chrancecriber · 2 years ago
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 23, 2022)
23:57 MARION MEADOWS - The First Noel 23:52 BROOKE ALFORD, DAN BARASZU - Christmas Time Is Here (With Love and Strings) 23:49 SHAKATAK - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 23:46 ARIEL B - Don't Wake Me Up ('Til It's Christmas) 23:41 DANA FIELDS - O Come, O Come Emmanuel 23:37 CAROL NETHEN - Peace 23:34 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Winter Fireflies 23:29 MARK MAXWELL - O Christmas Tree 23:26 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Il Valzer Delle Candele 23:22 PETER WHITE - Silent Night 23:18 YUTAKA - This Christmas 23:13 STEVE OLIVER - Deck The Halls 23:10 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Feliz Navidad 23:06 MARCUS ANDERSON - What Child Is This 23:02 NILS - Last Christmas 23:00 JOYCE COOLING - Snow Is Falling 22:59 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 22:55 INERTIA - Get Higher (Antares Chill Mix) 22:51 FABERLIQUE, SYNTHETICSAX, K.S.PROJECT - Fantasy 22:45 THE SOUL CRUSADERS - Satelites 22:42 SAGI REI - Your Loving Arms 22:38 LEMONGRASS - Frozen Boy 22:34 ANDY MOOR, CARRIE SKIPPER - So Much More (Ambient Mix) 22:30 DUB MARS - Slow Witted 22:24 MICHAEL E - Close To You 22:19 SIR LOUNGEALOT - Silver Beach (Original Mix) 22:15 VITO FOGNINI, CARI - True To Myself (Original Mix) 22:10 ALY, FILA, TIFF LACEY - Paradise (Original Mix) 22:08 JOSH GABRIEL, WINTER KILLS - Forward Facing (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 22:03 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 21:59 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 21:52 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday night 21:48 MORGAN PAGE - In The Dark 21:44 DJ ANTOINE - This Time (Acoustic Mix) 21:40 GAELLE - Give It Back 21:35 SEBA - Painted Sky (Imagine Chill Out remix) 21:31 SYLVERING - Just An Illusion 21:26 STAN CROWN - Not Invented Love (Original Mix) 21:22 TIESTO FEAT. JES - Everything (Acoustic) 21:16 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 21:11 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 21:07 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank you 21:03 SOULAVENUE, SHAHEEN - One By One 20:59 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 20:53 SCHILLER, KATE HAVNEVIK - Don't Go 20:49 BLANK & JONES - Counting Clouds 20:45 JES - In Ohm (Lime Chill Remix) 20:41 JANE MAXIMOVA - First Grass 20:35 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - Nuvole Bianche 20:31 ROMAN MESSER, ROBIN VANE - Someday (Paul Echo Chillout Remix) 20:27 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 20:22 DJ MILEWS - Children 20:17 HONEY - A Girl Called You (Feat. Jean Honeymoon) 20:13 ANDY MOOR, SUE McLAREN - Fight The Fire (Masoud Chillout Mix) 20:10 ADELE - Chasing Pavements 20:06 AMYCANBE - Rose Is A Rose 20:02 ENIGMA, SARAH BRIGHTMAN - La Mer 19:55 KITARO - A passage of life 19:51 INNA - On & On (Chillout Remix) 19:47 PAUK SELING - Sad Eyes 19:41 DON GORDA PROJECT - Attractive Qualities 19:36 MO'JARDO - Dust 19:32 POCHILL - Constanta 78 19:27 BARCLAY & CREAM - You're Not Alone (Alexander Metzger Mix) 19:22 ORKIDEA - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 19:18 NUERA - Breathing (Chillout Mix) 19:15 JAY SEAN - Maybe (The Xtreme Chillout Remix) 19:08 MACIEJ LABUDA - Be Free 19:04 MARGA SOL - So Cruel 19:00 CONJURE ONE, LEIGH NASH - Under The Gun (Original Mix) 18:51 VINTAGE, MORELLI - Tree Of Life (Magnetik Remix) 18:47 BLISS - So Still 18:43 DASH BERLIN, SECEDE, SARAH HOWELLS - Believe In You 18:38 PIXALEND - Maritime Sadness 18:34 ADRIAN & RAZ, ELLIE LAWSON - A Hundred Ways (Original Mix) 18:29 JENS BUCHERT - Bug in Mind (Vocal Mix) 18:27 FENNA DAY - Skin & Bone (Original Mix) 18:22 ROBERT NICKSON - Russell's Teapot (Original Mix) 18:18 DIMA ZIMAKOV - Right Back (Original Mix) 18:14 ARMIN VAN BUUREN, DJ SHAH, CHRIS JONES - Going Wrong (Acoustic Mix) 18:08 GLOBAL TRAFFIC, CQ PLAM - World Hold On (Acoustic Cover) 18:04 JULIAN VINCENT, SHANNON HURLEY - Lost In Space (Lovers & Poets Remix) 18:00 EMMA HEWITT - Foolish Boy (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 17:55 DASH BERLIN - Listen To Your Heart (Acoustic Mix) 17:50 KIM WAYMAN - We Are The People (Acoustic Mix) 17:47 TENISHIA, CHRIS JONES - Memory Of A Dream (Unplugged Mix) 17:43 FRED HYAS - Meet Dawn (Rework) 17:39 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:34 ROBERT NICKSON, RELOCATE, NEEV KENNEDY - Not Made To Break (Chill Out Mix) 17:31 SIMON G - Crazy (Original Mix) 17:25 KAIMO K, GEMMA PAVLOVIC - Leap Of Faith (Sadege Chill Out Remix) 17:21 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 17:17 SUNLESS - Love A Touch (K.S. Project Remix) 17:12 KITARO - Itonami 17:07 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 17:03 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 17:00 C.CIL - Sunset 16:55 CHRIS STANDRING - Face to Face 16:51 VINCENT INGALA - It Is What It Is 16:45 KIM SCOTT - Two Become One 16:41 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - The Little Drummer Boy 16:37 ANDREY CHMUT - Those Sweet Nights (feat. Valeriy Stepanov) 16:32 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - New Horizons 16:30 GILBERTO GIACONI - Jingle Bell Rock 16:26 MADOCA - Sentimentally Yours 16:20 CHRIS GODBER - Sophisticated 16:16 MARION MEADOWS - Twice as Nice 16:12 GREGG KARUKAS - Elegant Nights 16:08 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Christmas Is Here 16:05 ROB TARDIK - Givin' Back (feat. Vincent Ingala) 16:00 BLAKE AARON - Desire 15:56 BONEY JAMES - Kicks 15:52 KIM WATERS - No Sleeep 15:48 NILS - Off to the Races 15:43 BRIAN BROMBERG - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year 15:40 EUGE GROOVE - Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight 15:36 THOM ROTELLA - Carnaval (En la Playa) 15:32 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Deck The Halls 15:28 PAUL BROWN - Right Back At Ya 15:24 RANDY SCOTT - Potion 15:20 RONALD BOO HINKSON - How Can I (Smooth Instrumental) 15:16 JAREZ - Hold On Tight 15:10 BRUCE MCKENZIE - Silent Night 15:05 JIM ADKINS - Get Over It 15:00 JOYCE COOLING - East Side 14:57 JAEE LOGAN - Portrait of Patrice 14:53 EVAN CARYDAKIS - Will I See You Again 14:50 DEAN JAMES - DJ's Groove 14:47 HERB PARTLOW - Funky Jazz 14:43 PETER WHITE - Here We Go 14:40 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Christmas Bells 14:36 MARK ETHEREDGE - Elated 14:32 BRENDAN ROTHWELL - Foundation 14:27 JUSTIN YOUNG - I'll Be Home For Christmas 14:23 MARCUS ANDERSON - No Time To Waste 14:19 NICHOLAS COLE - Snap (feat. Vincent Ingala) 14:15 RONNY SMITH - 95 Drive 14:11 VINCENT INGALA - Take Your Time 14:08 DAVE KOZ - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (feat. Kenny G) 14:04 BONA FIDE - Midnight Train 14:00 WAYMAN TISDALE - If You Want Me to Stay (feat. Kirk Whalum) 13:55 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Peace I Leave with You 13:51 CAROL ALBERT - Gemini Sun 13:47 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 13:43 DEON YATES - First Day of Summer 13:41 DIRK K - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 13:36 MARION MEADOWS - It's Alright Now 13:32 GREGG KARUKAS - Catalina Wind 13:28 ART FOUR SALE - Feliz Navidad 13:24 MEKIEL REUBEN - I Just Wanna Be With You 13:20 JEANETTE HARRIS - All I Do 13:15 BONEY JAMES - Without A Doubt 13:11 NILS - Play It 13:09 SYLVIA BENNETT - It's Christmas Time 13:04 NORMAN BROWN - Remember The Time 13:00 CAL HARRIS JR. - The Touch 12:55 JEFF KASHIWA - The Power of Midnight 12:51 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Day In Day Out 12:47 TONY SAUNDERS - My Real Love 12:44 HERB ALPERT - All I Want For Christmas 12:40 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Heading North 12:34 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Rock the Boat 12:31 MIKE MACARTHUR - This Christmas 12:27 CHAZZY GREEN - Work 2 Do 12:23 ART RUPRECHT - A Love Sublime 12:18 KIM WATERS - Wonderama 12:13 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 12:09 PETER WHITE - Silent Night 12:04 UNDER THE LAKE - Old Friends New Grooves 12:00 NAJEE - The Way She Moves 11:56 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sailing Away 11:52 VINCENT INGALA - Baby I'm Hooked (Right Into Your Love) 11:47 CHUCK LOEB - 7th Ave South 11:44 NATHAN WOODWARD - Jingle Bells 11:40 BENNETT B - Slipstream 11:36 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 11:31 JOHN FLUKER - Oh Come All Ye Faithful (Instrumental) 11:27 JESSY J - Fly Away (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 11:22 WAYMAN TISDALE - Breakfast with Tiffany 11:19 ERIC DARIUS - Healin' 11:14 JAY KING - Your Way 11:09 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Joy To The World 11:05 RICK BRAUN - Far Away Places 11:00 MARION MEADOWS - Look Inside 10:56 DAVID BENOIT - Pioneer Town 10:51 GREGG KARUKAS - Tomorrow We Sail 10:45 MARCUS ANDERSON - Mary Did You Know 10:40 BONEY JAMES - Washington Bridge 10:36 NILS - Night Flyer 10:32 SHAKATAK - Good King Wenceslas 10:27 EUGE GROOVE - Too Cool 10:21 DARIUS - Can't Get Enough of Your Love Baby (Barry White Classic re-invented) 10:16 JOY RIDE - Raise The Roof 10:12 ANDRE DELANO - Footsteps 10:09 SYLVIA BENNETT - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 10:04 STEVE OLIVER - Ba Aye 10:00 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Presence of Mind 09:55 JEFF KASHIWA - Baby, Come Over 09:52 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Colors 09:48 WILL SUMNER - Pier Groove 09:44 DARREN RAHN - Tale Of Two Cities 09:40 BROOKE ALFORD, MARCUS ANDERSON - The First Noel (In the Sun) 09:35 BLAKE AARON - Bumpin' on the Wes Side 09:31 PETER WHITE - Crazy Love 09:28 VINCENT INGALA - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 09:25 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Bouncing Back 09:21 RON OTIS - Peace 09:17 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - 4ever More 09:12 CHASE HUNA - Can't Take My Eyes Off You 09:08 NATHAN WOODWARD - Hark the Herald Angels Sing 09:04 PAUL DOZIER - 4ever Yours 09:00 CHRIS GODBER - Dreamin' 08:56 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Prim 08:52 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Who Knows 08:48 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - West Coast Jammin' 08:44 HANK BILAL - O Come All Ye Faithful 08:40 RICHARD ELLIOT - Elegant People 08:36 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 08:32 DAVE KOZ - All I Want For Christmas 08:27 KEN POWE - Black Butterfly 08:22 MARION MEADOWS - Be With You 08:18 KEN NAVARRO - Lost And Found 08:14 NATE HARASIM - Oso's Groove (feat. Frank Selman) 08:09 DREW DAVIDSEN - We 3 Stringz (feat. Chuck Loeb & Paul Jackson Jr.) 08:05 ROCCO VENTRELLA - In My Arms 08:00 NILS - Goldfinger 07:56 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Jazz Cafe 07:52 ROB TARDIK - Shakin' the House (feat. Darren Rahn) 07:49 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Fresh Feeling 07:45 DEON YATES - When We Meet Again 07:42 SHAKATAK - Winter Wonderland 07:37 SAN GABRIEL SEVEN - Moment by Moment 07:32 RICK HABANA - Ocean Breeze 07:29 RONNY SMITH - Deck the Halls 07:26 PETER HEROLD - Heartbeat 07:20 JEFFERY SMITH - Visions of the Future 07:16 CHRIS STANDRING - CS In The Sunshine 07:12 DEE BROWN - The Prize 07:09 IN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 07:04 ADAM HAWLEY - Just Dance (Feat. Dave Koz) 07:00 KEITH SLATTERY - Love Is All You Need 06:56 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Enchantment 06:52 PETER WHITE - How Does It Feel 06:48 MARK JAIMES - Midnight Rendezvous 06:43 GARY MEEK - Monterey Groove 06:40 NICK DUKAS - When Christmas Comes Around 06:38 496 WEST - Cflat 06:34 BONA FIDE - Journey 06:30 DEAN GRECH - What Do You Want This Year For Christmas 06:25 JEFF RYAN - J-Factor 06:21 2UNES - All I Need Is You 06:17 BRYAN LUBECK - Vineyard Romance 06:13 JESSY J - Soul Kisses (feat. Gregg Karukas) 06:10 JAY ROWE - Auld Lang Syne 06:05 NAJEE - Running Away 06:00 DARREN RAHN - Flashback 05:56 WILL SUMNER - First Light 05:51 FREDDIE FOX - Cool 05:45 EARL KLUGH - Nightwalk 05:41 ERIC DARIUS - All I Want For Christmas Is You 05:37 TERENCE YOUNG - Dance with Her 05:34 ANDRE DELANO - Mystic Journey 05:30 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - O Christmas Tree 05:26 DREW DAVIDSEN - InnerSpace 05:21 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Rendezvous 05:17 JEREMY HECTOR - Flow 05:12 ELAN TROTMAN - Twice as Nice (feat. Marcus Anderson) 05:09 HANK BILAL - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (feat. Althea Rene) 05:04 KOOL&KLEAN - Beautiful Surprise 05:00 BRENDAN ROTHWELL - Drifting 04:55 NELSON RANGELLl - The Way To You 04:50 RHYTHM LOGIC - From the Hip 04:46 NILS - After The Storm 04:42 ROBERT CHRISTA - Casa Romantica 04:38 MARCUS ANDERSON - What Child Is This 04:34 VINCENT INGALA - Can't Stop The Rain From Falling 04:30 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Love Is All There Is 04:27 AARON BING - Away In A Manger 04:23 TIM BOWMAN - Let It Shine 04:20 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Rejoice 04:16 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Pyramid of the Sun 04:12 LEO P. - Timeless Love 04:09 SHAKATAK - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 04:05 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 04:00 KEIKO MATSUI - Proof 03:56 GK PIANO - Soul Secrets 03:52 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 03:48 JOEL THIBAULT - Summer Vibes 03:44 JOHNNY BRITT - Can't Stop (Vocal Version) 03:41 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - This Christmas 03:37 LEBRON - Give Love a Try 03:32 CANDY DULFER - Convergency 03:28 STEVE OLIVER - White Christmas 03:24 GORDON JAMES - Empress Rule 03:19 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Among Friends 03:11 GREGORY GOODLOE - Get'n It 03:08 ARIEL B - Don't Wake Me Up ('Til It's Christmas) 03:04 KIM WATERS - Let's Make Love 03:00 AL DEGREGORIS - Mythland 02:56 NELSON RANGELL - The Gathering 02:51 JESSY J - Soul Kisses (feat. Gregg Karukas) 02:48 WILL DONATO - Will Power 02:43 DANA FIELDS - O Come, O Come Emmanuel 02:38 TERENCE YOUNG - Still Here 02:34 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Forecast 02:29 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - All I Want For Christmas Is You 02:25 MARK ETHEREDGE - We'll Make It Through 02:21 JACKIEM JOYNER - Take Me There 02:17 KIM SCOTT - Emerge (Feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 02:12 NILS - Call Of The Sirens 02:08 CAROL NETHEN - Peace 02:04 MARCUS ANDERSON - Cappuccino Strut 02:00 JEANETTE HARRIS - The One 01:56 VINCENT INGALA - Gimme Some 01:53 THREESTYLE - From the Coast 01:49 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Winter Fireflies 01:45 PAUL TAYLOR - Polaris 01:41 PAUL BROWN, EUGE GROOVE - From the Ground Up 01:36 PETER WHITE - Soul Embrace 01:33 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Norwegian Wood (2022 Remaster) 01:28 MARK MAXWELL - O Christmas Tree 01:24 WAKANA - Downtown Jam (feat. Gabriel Mark Hasselbach) 01:20 NAJEE - Face to Face 01:16 DWIGHT SIRLS - In Black & White 01:11 JONATHAN FRITZEN - The Jungle 01:08 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Il Valzer Delle Candele 01:04 GHOST JAZZ TRIO BAND - Dreams Above (feat. James Morgan) 01:00 LEBRON - Never Say Never 00:55 CHILLAXONIC - Other Side Of Jupiter 00:51 JAY ROWE - The First Noel 00:47 RONNY SMITH - I'm Beside You 00:43 KEITH ANDREW - It's A Party 00:39 BONEY JAMES - Tonic 00:34 MICHAEL ROSS - Almost Home 00:30 YUTAKA - This Christmas 00:27 VANN BURCHFIELD - Long Ago 00:23 JAREZ - Feels so Right 00:17 JOY RIDE - Trade Winds 00:13 WAYMAN TISDALE - The Turnaround 00:09 STEVE OLIVER - Deck The Halls 00:05 CHAZZY GREEN - Let's Go Home 00:00 ZOLBERT - Julia
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dance-world · 2 years ago
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Marcus Morelli - The Australian Ballet - photo by Pierre Toussaint
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