#marcus manilius
izvletchenie · 10 months
“[…] nature lies deeply in concealment and shuns our mortal gaze and heart […].”
Marcus Manilius, Astronomica
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phoebosacerales · 2 years
Andromeda: Manilius' epyllion
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"There follows the constellation of Andromeda, whose golden light appears in the rightward sky when the Fishes have risen to twelve degrees. Once on a time the sin of cruel parents caused her to be given up for sacrifice, when a hostile sea in all its strength burst upon every shore, the land was shipwrecked in the flood, and what had been a king’s domain was now an ocean. From those ills but one price of redemption was proposed, surrender of Andromeda to the raging main for a monster to devour her tender limbs. This was her bridal; relieving the people’s hurt by submitting to her own, she is amid her tears adorned as victim for the beast and dons attire prepared for no such troth as this; and the corpseless funeral of the living maiden is hurried on its way. Then as soon as the procession reaches the shore of the tumultuous sea, her soft arms are stretched out on the hard rocks; they bound her feet to crags and cast chains upon her; and there to die on her virgin cross the maiden hung. Even in the hour of sacrifice she yet preserves a modest mien: her very sufferings become her, for, gently inclining her snow-white neck, she seemed in full possession of her liberty. The folds of her robe slipped from her shoulders and fell from her arms, and her streaming locks covered her body. You, princess, halcyons in circling flight lamented and with plaintive song bewailed your fate, shading you by linking their spans of wing. To look at you the ocean checked its waves and ceased to break, as was its wont, upon the cliffs, whilst the Nereids raised their countenance above the surface of the sea and, weeping for your plight, moistened the very waves. Even the breeze, refreshing with gentle breath your pinioned limbs, resounded tearfully about the cliff-tops.
"At length a happy day brought to those shores Perseus returning from his triumph over the monstrous Gorgon . On seeing the girl fastened to the rock, he, whom his foe had failed to petrify with her aspect, froze in his tracks and scarcely kept his grasp of the spoil: the vanquisher of Medusa was vanquished at the sight of Andromeda. Now he envies the very rocks and calls the chains happy to clasp such limbs. On learning from the maiden’s lips the cause of her punishment, he resolves to go through war against the sea to win her hand, undaunted though a second Gorgon come against him. He quickly cuts a path through the air and by his promise to save their daughter’s life awakens hope in the tearful parents; with the pledge of a bride he hastens back to the shore. Now had a heavy surge begun to rise and long lines of breakers were fleeing before the thrust of the massive monster. As it cleaves the waves, its head emerges and disgorges sea, the waters breaking loudly about its teeth and the swirling sea afloat in its very jaws; behind rise its huge coils like rings of an enormous neckchain, and its back covers the whole sea. Ocean clamors in every quarter, and the very mountains and crags quake at the creature’s onset. What terror then, unhappy maiden, was expressed on your countenance, defended though you were by such a champion! How all your breath fled into the air! How all the blood ebbed from your limbs, when from the cleft in the rocks you beheld with your own eyes your fate, the avenging monster swimming towards you and driving the waves before it, how helpless you a victim for the sea! Hereupon with a flutter of winged sandals Perseus flies upwards and from the skies hurls himself at the foe, driving home the weapon stained with the Gorgon’s blood. The beast rises to meet him, rears its head, twisting it out of the water, leaps aloft upon its support of winding coils, and towers high in the air with all its bulk. But as much as it rises hurtling up from the deep, always so much does Perseus fly higher and mock the sea-beast through the yielding air, and strike its head as it attacks. Yet not submitting to the hero the monster bites furiously at the breezes, though its teeth snap vainly and inflict no wounds; it spouts forth sea towards heaven, drenches its winged assailant with a blood-stained deluge, and sends in spray the ocean to the stars. The princess watches the duel of which she is the prize and, no longer mindful of herself, sighs with fear for her gallant champion: her feelings more than her body hang in suspense. At last, its frame riddled with stabs, through which the sea fills its body, the beast sinks, returns once more to the surface, and covers the mighty ocean with its massive corpse, still a fearful sight, and not for a maiden’s eyes to look on. Having bathed his body in pure water, Perseus, a greater warrior now, flies from the sea to the lofty crags and releases from the chains which bind her to the rock the girl whose betrothal was sealed by his readiness to fight and who could now become a bride thanks to the bridegroom’s dowry of her life. Thus did Perseus win place in heaven for Andromeda and hallow in a constellation the prize of that glorious battle, wherein a monster no less terrible than the Gorgon herself perished and in perishing relieved the sea of a curse”.
Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century A.D., Book 5, p.344-351.
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talonabraxas · 9 months
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Sun: Astrology, Deities, Correspondences & Magick
Solar Deities
To the Greeks, the Sun represented the God Helios. To the ancient Romans, the God Sol. In ancient Egypt, Ra. In Japan it is the Goddess Amaterasu and the Norse Goddess is Sunna or Sol.
The Aztec Sun God is Tonatiuh. Many other deities have been closely associated with the Sun.
Other Associated Deities
Aditi, Ah Kinchil, Apollo, Aten, Brighid, Dhatara, Frey, Itzamna, Lucifer, Mithra, Mystere, Nitten, Paiva, Savitar
Sun & Astrology
Astrologically the sun represents the Self or the ego and rules the life force. It is symbolized by the unbroken circle that is the soul with a dot in the center to represent the spark of life.
The sun also involves creative enterprises that are a projection of the person, from art and business to having children and parenthood (especially fatherhood).
In female charts the sun is often thought to represent the men in their lives, particularly husbands. It also rules the fun side of life from sport and recreation to holidays and social events. The poet Marcus Manilius in his epic, 8000-verse poem, Astronomica, described the Sun, or Sol, as benign and favorable.
The sun is the ruler of the 5th house and the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Leo.
The Sun is associated with Sunday. Dante Alighieri associated the Sun with the liberal art of geometry.
According to ancient cosmology, the Sun (and other planets) traveled around the Earth. The portion of the sky (or arc) that the sun travels in every year, rising and setting in a slightly different place each day, is therefore, in reality, a reflection of the Earth’s own orbit around the Sun.
This arc is larger the further north or south from the equator the latitude is, giving a more extreme difference in day and night and in the seasons during the year. The sun travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac on its annual journey, spending about a month in each.
The Sun’s position on a person’s birthday, therefore, determines what is usually called his or her “star” sign, this makes sense because the sun itself is a star.
In Chinese astrology, the Sun represents Yang, the active, assertive masculine life principle. In Indian astrology, the Sun is called Surya and represents the soul, kingship, highly placed persons, father.
Sun Talon Abraxas
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honourablejester · 11 months
Okay. Wow. Okay. So. Max Miller has a new video out revisiting garum, the ancient roman fish sauce/condiment, because he finally had the time and space (especially space) to properly ferment some garum himself in the roman style. And it's all very cool, and go watch it. But. I have to mention this, because it's fantastic and I nearly threw up, and I want other people to suffer with me. He has a lovely little quote from the 1st century roman poet Marcus Manilius describing the process of making garum (which is, again, fermented fish juice made in salt), and it's fantastically horrid:
“Their inward parts melt and issue forth as a stream of decomposition … Here a precious exudate flows out, which vomits up the flower of the gore, and mixed with salt, balances taste in the mouth.”
Astronomica, Marcus Manilius
Now. I don't know who translated that to English, and how much they were embellishing in their turn, but whatever combination of original poet and later translator put that sequence of words together in that order, that is horrendous, no notes, absolutely excellent job. I nearly threw up. Good god.
I just want people to suffer with me. What a spectacular sequence of utterly horrifying words.
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officiallordvetinari · 7 months
Here are 10 featured Wikipedia articles. Summaries and links are below the cut.
The Astronomica (Classical Latin: [astrɔˈnɔmɪka]), also known as the Astronomicon, is a Latin didactic poem about celestial phenomena, written in hexameters and divided into five books. The Astronomica was written c. AD 30–40 by a Roman poet whose name was likely Marcus Manilius; little is known of Manilius, and although there is evidence that the Astronomica was probably read by many other Roman writers, no surviving works explicitly quote him.
The Apollo 15 postal covers incident, a 1972 NASA scandal, involved the astronauts of Apollo 15, who carried about 400 unauthorized postal covers into space and to the Moon's surface on the Lunar Module Falcon. Some of the envelopes were sold at high prices by West German stamp dealer Hermann Sieger, and are known as "Sieger covers".
The Battle of Hayes Pond, also known as the Battle of Maxton Field or the Maxton Riot, was an armed confrontation between members of a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) organization and Lumbee people at a Klan rally near Maxton, North Carolina, on the night of January 18, 1958. The clash resulted in the disruption of the rally and a significant amount of media coverage praising the Lumbees and condemning the Klansmen.
Canadian heraldry is the cultural tradition and style of coats of arms and other heraldic achievements in both modern and historic Canada. It includes national, provincial, and civic arms, noble and personal arms, ecclesiastical heraldry, heraldic displays as corporate logos, and Canadian blazonry.
General Gregor MacGregor (24 December 1786 – 4 December 1845) was a Scottish soldier, adventurer, and confidence trickster who attempted from 1821 to 1837 to draw British and French investors and settlers to "Poyais", a fictional Central American territory that he claimed to rule as "Cazique". Hundreds invested their savings in supposed Poyaisian government bonds and land certificates, while about 250 emigrated to MacGregor's invented country in 1822–23 to find only an untouched jungle; more than half of them died. Seen as a contributory factor to the "Panic of 1825", MacGregor's Poyais scheme has been called one of the most brazen confidence tricks in history.
Aluminium (or aluminum) metal is very rare in native form, and the process to refine it from ores is complex, so for most of human history it was unknown. However, the compound alum has been known since the 5th century BCE and was used extensively by the ancients for dyeing.
The Hitler Diaries (German: Hitler-Tagebücher) were a series of sixty volumes of journals purportedly written by Adolf Hitler, but forged by Konrad Kujau between 1981 and 1983. The diaries were purchased in 1983 for 9.3 million Deutsche Marks (£2.3 million or $3.7 million) by the West German news magazine Stern, which sold serialisation rights to several news organisations.
The Keldholme Priory election dispute occurred in Yorkshire, England, in 1308. After a series of resignations by its prioresses, the establishment was in a state of turmoil, and the Archbishop of York, William Greenfield, appointed one of the nuns to lead the house. His candidate, Emma de Ebor' (Emma of York), was deemed unacceptable by many nuns, who undermined her from the start to the extent that she resigned three months later.
Sir Osbert Lancaster CBE (4 August 1908 – 27 July 1986) was an English cartoonist, architectural historian, stage designer and author. He was known for his cartoons in the British press, and for his lifelong work to inform the general public about good buildings and architectural heritage.
Thomas Edward Neil Driberg, Baron Bradwell (22 May 1905 – 12 August 1976) was a British journalist, politician, High Anglican churchman and possible Soviet spy, who served as a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1942 to 1955, and again from 1959 to 1974. A member of the Communist Party of Great Britain for more than twenty years, he was first elected to parliament as an Independent and joined the Labour Party in 1945. He never held any ministerial office, but rose to senior positions within the Labour Party and was a popular and influential figure in left-wing politics for many years.
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astrognossienne · 2 years
Now constellations, Muse and signs rehearse; In order let them sparkle in thy verse; First Aries, glorious in his golden wool, Looks back, and wonders at the mighty Bull, Whose hind parts first appear, he bending, lies, With threatening head, and calls the Twins to rise; They clasp for fear, and mutually embrace, And next the Twins with an unsteady pace Bright Cancer tolls; then Leo shakes his mane And following Virgo calms his rage again. Then day and night are weighed in Libra's scales, Equal awhile, at Last the night prevails; And Longer grown the heavier scale inclines , And draws bright Scorpio from the winter signs. Him Centaur follows with an aiming eye, His bow full drawn and ready to Let fly; Next narrow horns, the wisted Caper shows, And from Aquarius' urn a flood o'erflows. Near their lov'd waves cold Pisces take their seat, With Aries join, and make the round complete.
-Marcus Manilius (Roman poet)
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aurevoirmonty · 7 months
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Pourquoi s'étonner que les hommes puissent comprendre le ciel, quand le ciel existe dans leur propre être et que chacun est, en une plus petite ressemblance, l'image de Dieu lui-même ?
Marcus Manilius, Astronomica 4.893-896
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pieandhotdogs · 2 years
You might have explained this elsewhere but where did you find which of the Theoi rules each Zodiac sign, and how does that relate to the modern calendar months?
I take my associations from the 1st century Roman poet Marcus Manilius, who assigned each of the Zodiac signs to an Olympian god in his work Astronomica. He designates those rulers as such:
Aries - Athena
Taurus - Aphrodite
Gemini - Apollo
Cancer - Hermes
Leo - Zeus and Rhea-Cybele
Virgo - Demeter
Libra - Hephaestus
Scorpio - Ares
Sagittarius - Artemis
Capricorn - Hestia
Aquarius - Hera
Pisces - Poseidon
Thus we see six pairs of deities formed by the Zodiacal oppositions: Zeus and Hera, Demeter and Poseidon, Hephaestus and Athena, Ares and Aphrodite, Artemis and Apollo, Hestia and Hermes.
The monthly rulers are simply derived from where each sign falls in the year. December is covered by Sagittarius because its Tropical dates are from November 22–December 21 while its Sidereal dates are from December 16–January 15. Between the two Zodiacs, the Sun is always in Sagittarius throughout December, thus Artemis is the monthly ruler.
Thank you for the ask.
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The Celestial Map - Northern Hemisphere
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Dürer's two maps, this one and another of the Southern Hemisphere, derive from an Arabic type that depicted each hemisphere separately. His direct source was two richly decorated charts of the stars made in Nuremberg in 1503. Dürer's own additions to that design include the portraits of early astronomers in each corner: Aratus Cilix, Ptolemeus Aegyptius (Ptolemy), M. Mamlius Romanus (Marcus Manilius), and Azophi Arabus (Al-Sufi)
The Celestial Globe - Southern Hemisphere
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This woodcut of the southern sky is based on maps of the stars drawn by an anonymous artist living in Nuremberg in 1503. Recalculated to reflect the stellar positions of 1515, Dürer's celestial maps were the first ever published and attest to the role that Nuremberg played as a center for printing, as well as for the manufacture of scientific instruments.
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meinradsocien · 14 days
There is no passion contagious as that of fear ~ Michel De Montaigne
In an essay titled Of the Uncertainty of Our Judgement, that’s where Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592) wrote, “there being no passion so contagious as that of fear, that is so easily believed, or that so suddenly diffuses itself.” The understanding here is fear is a force to solidify the argument De Montaigne invited text from Marcus Manilius, “Indeed there is greater power which directs and rules…
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phoebosacerales · 2 years
Manilius on the trigons
"But should you also wish to learn which related signs exchange affection and are subject to a destiny of friendship, connect the offspring of the Ram with all his trigon. Yet the Ram is a simple creature and shows more respect for the children of the Lion and the Centaur’s progeny than they for him. His is by nature a gentle sign, exposed to the harm that falls on gentleness; he is devoid of deceit, and his heart is as soft as his fleecy body. His fellow signs are marked by ferocity and a lust for spoil, and their covetous spirit oft impels them to break faith for their own ends; and their gratitude for a kindness is short-lived. However, in the double sign that has mixture of man we must reckon greater strength than is possessed by yours of single form, Nemean. Nevertheless, when the Ram’s offspring by each are harassed and smart under the aggressive violence and knavery of the pair, then he loses patience with the trigon; even so, few are the wars he wages and only when occasion demands, and for the outbreak of these the fierceness of the others is rather to blame. And so, whilst the trigon enjoys peace, it is a peace wherewith is mingled wrangling. Next, the sign of the Bull is joined to Capricorn, but their temperaments do not blend in fellowship any better; those begotten of the Bull are eager to embrace the Virgin’s children too, but often they quarrel. The issue of the Twins, the Scales, and the Waterman are of one heart and share a bond of loyalty which naught can sunder; and they will achieve conspicuous success in winning many friends. The Scorpion and the Crab endow their sons with the name of brother, and the progeny of the Fishes is also united with them. But there are frequently sly dealings as well. The Scorpion sows trouble in the guise of friend. And those whom the Fishes father at birth never keep in their hearts for long a constant affection; ever and anon they change their sympathies and now forswear their ties and now renew them, and beneath a mask of blandness unseen hatreds come and go."
Manilius, Astronomica. 1st century AD p. 131 - 133
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ebouks · 2 years
Manilius- Astronomica
Manilius – Astronomica Manilius, G. P. Goold Marcus Manilius, who lived in the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius, is the author of the earliest treatise on astrology we possess. His Astronomica, a Latin didactic poem in five books, begins with an account of celestial phenomena, and then proceeds to treat of the signs of the zodiac and the twelve temples; there follow instructions for calculating…
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contremineur · 3 years
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Johannes Hevelius (1611-87), Serpens and Serpentarius
"But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other's hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on level terms with equal powers" – Marcus Manilius, Astronomica l.333ff
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astrowithkaro · 3 years
𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞 𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖕𝖙.3 - 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝒻♡𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈 ❣️
Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karolina
This post is intended for those who want to learn the basics/keywords of:
Star sign dates 2021
Star signs and their corresponding body parts
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❥ 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴
Air: Gemini-Libra-Aquarius. Rule the houses of relationships 3-7-11. Thought, communication.
Earth: Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn. Rule the houses of substance 2-6-10. Stability, practicality.
Fire: Aries-Leo-Sagittarius. Rule the houses of life 1-5-9. Action, adventure.
Water: Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces. Rule the houses of emotion 4-8-12. Compassion, insight.
❥ 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 2021
Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate
Aries: March 20 - April 20 Taurus: April 21 - May 21 Gemini: May 22 - June 22 Cancer: June 23 - July 22 Leo: July 23 - Aug 22 Virgo: Aug 23 - Sept 22 Libra: Sept 23 - Oct 22 Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21 Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 22 Capricorn: Dec 23 - Jan 21 Aquarius: Jan 22 - Feb 20 Pisces: Feb 21 - March 19
❥ 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴
Theory from Marcus Manilius' Astronomica
Aries: head Taurus: neck and throat Gemini: lungs, arms and shoulders Cancer: chest, breasts and stomach Leo: heart and upper back Virgo: abdomen and digestive system Libra: kidneys and lumbar region Scorpio: genitals Sagittarius: hips and thighs Capricorn: knees and bones Aquarius: calves, shins and ankles Pisces: feet
❥ 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘴
Shortly you could describe decans to be a triplicity of each sign of the zodiac in order, as you may know that each element of the zodiacs have 3 signs in each. Each zodiac sign has 30 degrees (360º/12=30º) and you can divide them in thirds of 10º. Every sign will have three Decans and each Decan has a planetary ruler which becomes the co-ruler of that particular sign. For example first decan of Aries (0º-9º) is a pure form of Aries ruled by Mars. While the second decan (10º- 19º) is a "mix" between Aries-Leo and is Mars co-ruled by the Sun. The third decan is Aries-Sag (19º-29º) and is Mars co-ruled by Jupiter etc.
Aries: Fire, Ruled by Mars
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Mars
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Sun
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Jupiter
Taurus: Earth, Ruled by Venus
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Venus
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Saturn
Gemini: Air, Ruled by Mercury
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Venus
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Uranus
Cancer: Water, Ruled by Moon
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Moon
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Pluto
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Neptune
Leo: Fire, Ruled by Sun
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Sun
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Jupiter
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Mars
Virgo: Earth, Ruled by Mercury
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Saturn
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Venus
Libra: Air, Ruled by Venus
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Venus
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Uranus
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Scorpio: Water, Ruled by Pluto
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Pluto
Second Decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Neptune
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Moon
Sagittarius: Fire, Ruled by Jupiter
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Jupiter
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Mars
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Sun
Capricorn: Earth, Ruled by Saturn
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Saturn
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Venus
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Aquarius: Air, Ruled by Uranus
First Decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Uranus
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Mercury
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Venus
Pisces: Water, Ruled by Neptune
First decan: 0-10 degrees, ruled by Neptune
Second decan: 10-20 degrees, ruled by Moon
Third decan: 20-30 degrees, ruled by Pluto
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𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖎𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖓𝖔𝖜 ❣️
𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊
(External sources one two three four)
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
The role of ancient people in astrology: what was achieved?
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The function of historical humans in astrology: what has been achieved? Astrology may be traced back to the historical Babylonians. They have been the first to attach myths to constellations and outline the zodiac symptoms and symptoms. This machine became delicate with the aid of the Egyptians, after which with the aid of the Greeks. Astrology became additionally practised in different historical cultures. In Greek, the word “Astro” means “star.” Astronomy and astrological understanding have grown collectively in numerous components of the world.
Babylonian and Mesopotamian astrology Babylonian astrology dates from the second century BCE. Mesopotamia recognized five stars similar to the Sun and Moon. They used a technique of prediction referred to as the Enuma Anu Enlil. Earlier kinds of astrology relied heavily on omens. The Babylonian wide variety machine gave an upward push to the minutes and seconds used to degree the zodiac. The historical Babylonians were those who divided the heavens into twelve symptoms and twelve symptoms, or constellations. These twelve divisions have been later named the zodiac with the aid of using the Greeks. The Babylonians used astrology to make vast predictions for the whole nation, which we now call mundane astrology.
Greek Astrology The Greeks made large contributions to astronomy and astrology. The hyperlinks to the Greek gods keep advantaging astrology. When Alexander the Great’s conquests unfolded in Asia, it was widely believed that the Greeks had uncovered the understanding of astrology that existed within the regions that they conquered, including Babylon, Syria, and Persia. They modified the astrology script into Greek.
Hipparchus, a Greek astronomer, developed trigonometry and the equinox precession. Ptolemy, a Greek mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer, wrote the Tetrabiblios. He went into outstanding elements approximately the planets, houses, symptoms, and factors, in addition to their functions. His definitions are nevertheless relevant to trendy Western astrology exercises. Ptolemy additionally defined how the zodiac corresponded to and aligned with the solstices and equinoxes. He additionally explained why planets seem to slow, speed up, and retrograde from Earth’s perspective.
The Roman Empire The Romans made no adjustments to the exercise of astrology. However, their data and documentation have fared better. We have Marcus Manilius’ Astronomica, a poem that covers many aspects of astrology. In Dorotheus of Sidon’s poem on astrology, the idea of triplicities is described.
Egyptian Astrology Astrology was practised extensively in Hellenistic Egypt. We can see depictions of the Zodiac’s twelve symptoms and symptoms in historical Egyptian bas-reliefs. The Egyptians valued the heavenly bodies and believed they had an effect on all humans. They used calendars that displayed beneficial and unfavorable days, much like horoscopes. The pyramids were no longer the most effective of the Pharaohs’ very last resting places, but in addition, they had astronomical significance. Their sloping corridors have been extensively utilized as astronomical sighting tubes.
Mayan Astronomy and Astrology The historical Mayans of Mexico additionally practised astrology. A historical staircase ends in home windows on the Caracol Observatory. Each of those home windows corresponds to the planets’ positions at distinct instances of the year.
Arabian Astrology Many of the Greek ideas of astrology have been followed with the aid of using the Islamic world. There became additionally numerous understanding trade among the Arabs and India. Between the 8th and 10th centuries, there were numerous studies conducted in those fields in Baghdad. Many works have been translated from Greek, Sanskrit, and Pahlavi into Arabic with the aid of their scholars. They then used all of this understanding to fully understand the needs of their religion, Islam, which required them to decide the time and route of Mecca for prayer. As a result, they created calendar gear and techniques in response.
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aurevoirmonty · 10 months
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"Pourquoi s'étonner que les hommes puissent comprendre le ciel, quand le ciel existe en leur être même et que chacun est, à une moindre échelle, l'image de Dieu lui-même?"
Marcus Manilius, Astronomica 4.893-896
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